#Uhmmm I did not sign up for this I want out now please let me out
crowatyourwindow · 5 months
The realisation of knowing nothing for my spec sac hits me so hard in my little blockhead and then I simultaneously enter stage of denial where it’s like, ‘damn I got two sacs tomorrow? So neat lalallalalalla 😋’
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6.2 Article - The Rebuttal
Paring: Bea / Ina
Warning: Smut. Fluff at the end. But basically a rough smut.
This is a SMUT-ON fic, from beginning to the end. So if you are under 18 or just uncomfortable with this, be alert to the <smut> on and </smut> off sign.
Description: Last chapter of The article series. Did Ina get a second chance?
Word count: 1194
Ina threw Bea onto the bed roughly - "Now I have you just where I wanted"
"Oh no, what are you going to do to me, Professor?" Bea said licking her lips.
Ina started to take of her clothes slowly. First the blouse, one button at their time, marking her words
" Well, (pluc), you have (pluc) been (pluc) a VERY (pluc) bad (pluc) (pluc), haven't you?"
"I.. I don't know what you are talking about" Bea hungry eyes were roaming through Ina's shirtless body. She reached for Ina's pants, but the Professor quickly darted away
"Oh, no. You don't get to touch yet"
"What? No! Please, I need you"
Ina smirked” I know, hun. Now strip, I want to see that beautiful body of yours".
Bea smiled mischievously. •oh, she want this so bad•
"You want me to bottom for you, Professor?" Ina grinned
"Hm. Let’s rephrase that, shall we? YOU want to bottom for ME, Ms. Hughes"
Bea locked her eyes into Ina's and pulled her shirt and pants out as if didn't matter.
"Strip all of it. I want you bare"
"Take it off me" Bea challenged and Ina crossed the room to be inches of the student "If I do, I will ripe it off"
"Oh" Bea kept the gaze, electricity flying all over her body. Ina reached for her panties and whispered in her ear "My pleasure" <scratch> it ripped off.
Ina shoved Bea into the bed and climbed on top of her. She took her time kissing, biting and licking her way up slowly. Bea moaned feeling every part of her body aware and craving to be touched.
"This is for your little Wade stunt" Ina said griping Bea’s left nipple hard between her finger." Aaah, uhmmm" Bea felt the sting of pain quickly suppress by Ina's tongue.
"This is for teasing me for weeks" Ina bitted and sucked just below the collarbone, leaving a small mark there. Bea was bulking, her hand gripping Ina's hair.
"And this - Ina slapped her ass - is for making me want you so freaking much"
"Ina! Please.." The professor shuted the pleading short with a deep and rough kiss
"You... are... mine" Ina said dropping open mouth kisses through the young woman neck and collarbone.
Her hand grabbed Bea's thigh while her own thigh was between her legs supporting Bea's increasing glide
"Please, Ina. Touch me"
In an instant Ina's fingers where circling her clit. Bea clasped her nails in Ina's shoulder as her pleasure doubled with the touch.
"So wet for me, Ms. Hughes" Ina said biting the other lower lip " I wonder what will I do to you".
"Take me, Professor"
"As you please" and she shoved one and right after two finger in the younger woman core. She kept a relentless rhythm as Bea moans got louder and breathless.
Aware of the 6 yo in the apartment, Ina silenced her with a kiss.
"Don't s..don't stoooOH<...>" Beas pleasure picked, as she reached her climax in a silent kiss, nails deep in her lovers back, grasping for support.
"Oh my god, Ina! That was..."
"Only the beginning, sweetheart".
" I don't think I can do it again, Ina" Bea said breathlessly
"That is the good thing about you being under me. You don't think, you obey.” Ina said levelling Bea’s chin to glare into her eyes “All fours, now"
She took her strapless dildo from her drawer. It was a two way toy. A smaller curvier G spot for one and a bigger dildo for the other.
Bea watched hungrily as Ina inserted her part in and stopped right behind her.
"Tell me to stop if you need, ok?"
"Just go slowly"
And Ina did. Inch by inch she inserted the larger dildo. As she did, Beas eyes grew wider and her mouth dropped in a soundless moan as she bulked against Ina's hip. At every motion of the toy, Ina felt in her the pressure; the plunging and the death pleasure of her dildo frictioning her Gspot.
Letting Bea’s insistent bulking guide her, Ina increased the pace until she was on edge.
"Bea, I am going to come"
"Not yet, please. Just a little more"
Ina clenched her teeth trying to keep herself at bay until the brunette came screaming her name into the pillow and she released herself
Both women laid in bed trying to bring their heart rate back.
"I liked this new toy of yours" She could barely whisper
"Yes. It surely is something" Ina said collecting herself as Bea raised to straddle her.
"Now is my game, my love" Bea said kissing her way through Ina.
</smut> <fluff>
Next morning both of them were awaken by a shy knock in the bedroom door
-" Aunty Ina, are you awake? I am hungry"
-"Just a second, snowflake! Wait for me in the kitchen" Ina said it turning to Bea with a grin “Good morning, gorgeous"
- " Good morning to you to, 'snowflake' " Bea said playfully kissing the tip of her nose.
- "What! She likes Frozen so snowflakes it is" Ina said laughing. "Why don't you freshen up as I go feed the little monster?"
- "Hmmm, why don't I teach you how to make waffles so you can learn at least one decent meal?"
- "Perfect"
As the two of then meet Charlottes gaze in the kitchen her smile opened up in the brightness way:
- "Bea!!!! You stayed! I thought you went away yesterday without saying goodbye" she fake pouted
- "Not a chance, Char-char. I wouldn't leave you to try Ina's cooking again, would I?"
- "Oh, come on! I can make eggs and toast, ok?" Ina said jokelling offended
- "Well, but do you want a boring toast or do you want... well.. WAFFLES?" Bea said tickling Charlotte’s belly until she doubled down in tears and laughter
Later that morning Charlotte was drawing as the two adults finally had a time to talk alone.
- "Ina, we should think this through. I don't know if it is smart of us to keep seeing each other like this"
- "Bea, I'm not going to let you go again". Ina said cupping the brunettes face.
- "It is not just about that and you know it. You are already in deep trouble just by giving me a hug, Ina. That.. I am not worth it" Bea said downing her eyes to the floor
"Bea, look at me. I couldn´t care less about whatever trouble I get into because I've chosen you. I love you."
"You what?" Bea startled
" yes, Bea: I, Ina Kingsley, love you, Bea Hughes. I've been in love with you for a while now"
"What are you saying, Ina" Bea said blinking rapidly
" I want you to be my girlfriend, Bea. The whole shnaningans - family parties, shared babysitting, cooking lessons, cuddling sunday morning, holidays, and everything in between. Will you have me?"
- “... Yes, Ina. I love you too”. She said crossing her arms into her girlfriends neck and giving her a kiss
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clone-bar-79s · 3 years
The day has finally arrived. Today, I begin writing. And not just writing anything, but fanfics. Didn’t ever see myself doing this and I have had my fair share of fictional crushes. You ask what broke my resolve? Damned Star Wars. Didn’t really see that coming either. 
So, whether you like it or not, I present you with the currently untitled story fic based on a Jedi (Aria Zal) and Rex. Yes, its basically a fantasy of mine... but please don’t judge me too harshly. It’s the only fun that I have access to in this world. (Until life gets better)
I do want to say that whoever takes the time out of their lives to read this... introduction... just let me know what you think. I have always wanted to write and this is a great way to practice. And any constructive feedback will be greatly appreciated. 
So without further ado, here goes nothing.
Chapter 1
Crouched behind the largest boulder outside what was once a Republic base, I closed my eyes and waited for the dust to settle. The fight had come out of nowhere, and I could tell that my squad had been hit hard. As I looked around, I tried to count how many of us had survived the bombardment.
 Captain Rick was crouched next to me, and on my other hand, knelt my padawan, Kiera. I looked at her hopefully and tried to keep the hopelessness from my voice, "Any response from the Council?"
"No, Master. I was able to speak to General Yularen but have not heard from them since."
Aria turned to Rick, "What do you see, Captain?"
"Well, General. The droids are searching the base, and they should begin search around the perimeter any minute now." He turned to Aria, "Got any ideas?"
"I don't have many, but I think we should spread out into the trees behind us. The forest should keep us out of their sight."
"But their sensors? They'd detect us as soon as they got close enough, Sir."
"We'll plan as we go." I turned towards the thicket and crouched out from behind the rock towards the opening in the trees, silently motioning the men to follow me into the forest.
The clones followed without question, as they always did. I hadn't ever dreamt I'd be able to lead soldiers into any battle. But here I was, trekking through the woods, trying to come up with a plan that would not get the rest of my men killed.
And that is when the thought hit me. I stopped dead in my tracks.
"What's the matter, General?" Rick asked, moving up beside me.
"Uhmmm…nothing. Captain, continue down this path, and Kiera, you stay beside him. I'll guard the back." Rick nodded and continued down in the same direction. I moved out of the way and forced myself to count how many of my men had survived. I had arrived at the base with twenty and was going to leave with just eight.
Twelve men had died, and I didn't know who to blame. This was war, right? I had been provided with up-to-date intel, and all I had to do was check the base. I only had twenty men in case they needed more security, and now my men were dead. And, isn't that what we all signed up for? Which brought me to a whole other mess… the clones. They didn't have a choice. And dragging them into battles only to get them killed was not something I believed I was equipped to deal with. Even if I was a kriffing Jedi.
I was squirming over my inner debate and walked into Code's back. He turned around, startled, "Are you okay... General?" I looked up at him, reeling from my thoughts. "General Zal?" He repeated.
"Sorry Code, I…. I was just… " But I didn't have to find the words because Kiera came running up to me. My eyes found the green light on her comlink, and I lifted my left hand and spoke into my communicator, "General Yularen? We require immediate evac."
"General Skywalker here. We hear you loud and clear."
Kiera turned to me and said, "Master, there is a clearing up ahead! We can move there so they can land."
I nodded, unable to believe my good luck. I took a few steps, and as the men moved out of the way, I saw the open space. I saw Kiera looking up at the sky at the approaching gunship, speaking into the comlink. "Just below you, Ahsoka."
The doors opened, and Kiera jumped in before the transport had touched the ground and enveloped Ahsoka in a hug. I was unable to contain my relief and followed the clones in. As the doors closed behind us, I turned to Skywalker, "Is this what you do all day, huh? Waiting to save people from certain death?"
Skywalker smiled his trademark smirk, "And aren't you glad I do?"
I realized then that I had only ever met Anakin at the Jedi Temple and other meetings. I had gotten to know him well, but this was the first time I had met him on a battlefield. 
"So," I said, turning to the clones clad in the white and blue armor, my eyes settling on the helmet with the Jaig eyes. "What dirt does General Skywalker have on you that you're still part of this squad?"
Ahsoka and Kiera came to stand next to us. "You're asking the wrong man, Master Zal," said Ahsoka.
"What do you mean?" I asked.
"I am pretty sure he likes it with us now. Don't you, Rex?" The clones sniggered softly. 
"Yes, General," Rex said through his helmet, turning to me, "I am honored to be able to serve with General Skywalker and Commander Tano."
"See! There's no dirt, Aria. They like me." Anakin remarked, placing his arm on Rex's shoulders.
I squinted my eyes at Rex playfully. "I'll get some dirt on you yet, Skywalker. Your Captain and I have a lot to talk about."
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chiquitinchino · 3 years
ꕥ Fluffy Puffy ꕥ
Yunho x reader  
Warning Too cute to be true    (AU)
Descr: You are making up extra credit for your art class, so you decided to take a pottery class. Based on the name that was given to you, you thought that the teacher would be an old man. Your Pottery class turned out to be private lessons with a stunning young man that was around your age. Oh what to do . . where is this lesson going?
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The professor from your art course is making you take lessons to boost your grade. Not that it was bad or anything, you just wanted an A to make your GPA look pretty. Your art teacher was a pain in the ass with her grades, “so stingy”, you would say to yourself. But pottery couldn’t be that bad. Every assignment was equally stressful as it was relaxing anyways. Best of both worlds I guess.
You chose from the list she had, “5 Ceramics/ Pottery lessons with Sir. Jeong” it was a weird last name and sounded old but you went with it. It was only 5 lessons and playing with clay how hard can it be? 
“Ugh It’s just 4:25 and it’s already so dark”, you said walking into your 4:30 class. Taking off all layers you sat comfortably on the stool. Right next to sign that said 4:30 class. No one was there. You were kinda creeped out. The lights were dim, the sun was already gone and all you heard was a person shuffling in another room. Not even a receptionist! “Oh these are private classes”, . . . “With an old maannnn. . .” You sat there wincing at yourself allowing your brain to wonder through 5 million different scenarios.
Thud! “Okay . . Class time”, you heard a voice say. It didn’t . . sound old. . Nor look 👀. A Tall handsome young man appeared in front of you. Black hair, very pink lips and soft eyes. Perplexed at what laid before you, the young man was . . Actually very very handsome.
“Sir Jeong???? He deserves the name of Mr. At least.”, you thought to yourself as the teacher walked towards you cleaning his hands from clay.
“So you’re my new student. Huh?”, he asked.
“Uhmmm, yes . . I guess”, you replied looking around.
“Haha alright let’s get started then”.
You were now so happy it was a private lesson. He was giving you a tutorial, and your eyes were just wondering his body. He face was full of concentration; body big for the little stool he was in; not lean, strong build; well rounded all around; his hands. . . Seemed strong. . You thought to yourself; his concentrated face gave him a different look than what he had when he walked in, but his cheeks squished your hearts with how soft and plushie they looked; and his black hair seemed so silky and soft; and his voice wasn’t rough or smooth or deep or high, but it was definitely sweet and full of patience and delicacy. “Like . . Honey, or maple sap”
“Eehhhh, I would say more like dough, because it’s easier to structure than honey. But whatever makes you comfortable”, wide eyed you looked at his face. Blankly he stated back.
“Everything okay? You’re looking at me like I have 3 heads”.
Panicked you responded, “ah no no nothing Mr. Jeong, please continue”.
“Please call me Yunho, it’s weird to have someone around my age to call me that”
“Oh, okay then. . Yunho, please continue”.
After 30 minutes of Yunho talking and demonstrating you how to treat, knead, and play with the clay you were finally able to do it yourself. Excited you rolled up your sleeves. Sitting at the stool, Yunho stood in front of you watching you. He seemed taller and taller the closer he got. A little shy you dived in. You started off better than you expected. With enough confidence you entered the hard part, building your desired pot. Before molding your pit of clay you stood and took a few steps back. Thinking real hard on how you wanted it to come out. Like a light bulb it clicked. You went to work. Super concentrated you were building up your creation.
Just like that went your concentration as from the blink of an eye a ring of your clay was on one hand and the other places spinning on the wheel. You heard giggling from your side. Looking over you saw Yunho giggling. “No go ahead do as I showed you”, “Ehhh. . . Ha. . . “, you liked blankly at your mold not moving. Looking back over to Yunho he wasn’t there. Thud, you heard something behind you. It was a stool that wasn’t there when you first sat down, and it was reallllllllllly close. A rush of black flooded your sight. It was just Yunho sitting behind you.
“Come. look.”, he said wetting his hands. You turned around quickly, as your face flushed red realizing what’s about to happen. His chest bumped onto your back lightly leaning you forwards, his arms stretched forward towards the mold and taking the clay in your hands. Molding it into what it used to be. Extremely flustered you watched his hands.
“See ?”, He said standing up from the stool.
“You remember now ?”
Why are you so hot, you felt like sweating. UGGGHH what was thattt?! He was so warm and delicate with me. He might have sat behind me but he didn’t even touch you much. Is he really that big or am I just small. So many thoughts rushed through your head while you tried building your vase. Every few minutes your clay would flop, break, and bend too far. After thinking for too long you just grew frustrated.
“Ughh come onnn”, you talked badly to your clay. Putting it back and adding more pressure to your art. And SNAP.
The damn clay broke off.
Tensing up you squished the clay in your hand.
“Hey, heyyy don’t take it out on the clay now”, you heard a voice behind you say softly. His big hand brushed against your clenched fist. Feeling another hand on your other shoulder, you saw Yunho’s face pop on your side view.
“Let’s try again, this time let me help you, okay?”, he said slightly smiling.
Feeling something on your hand you looked at your hand. His hand. His though brushing against your hand to ease up. Looking back, how could you not calm down. Releasing the tension, you let the frustration fall off your face.
Yunho let out a cheeky smile, “great okay, now lets go back to putting it on the mold”, his voice was so . . Patient it was so sweet. He held both of your hands to the mold. And you both wet your hands in wet clay. You can feel his chest on your back. His breathe was calm. And his skin was soft. He was very warm too. You oddly felt safe.
“Done”, In an instant your bubble popped. “Huh?” You looked at the vase before you. It wasn’t the one you wanted to make exactly but it still was pretty. Popping up once again at your side you looked over your shoulder. It was a smiling Yunho. You quickly turned around flustered of the pretty boy.
He got up and placed the stool in it’s place. “I think that should be it for our class today, I am going to heat it up so then we can paint next class”, Yunho explained to you. It seemed like everything was moving so fast. You weren’t ready to leave him. He was too dreamy please don’t let the class be over yet.
The moment you laid your eyes on him, it’s as if time stopped. But in reality it went by faster than light you complained to yourself. Sulking you picked up your stuff.
He walked you to the door and you walked out “till next class”, he said
Looking back, you wanted to take a picture of this exact moment. His cute smile and the way he stood at the door. Little did you know this exact moment, was engraved in your brain, you just had to wait more time till you realized this night would be the night you always come back to thinking about him.
“Till next class”
Authors note: I meeaannnn if y’all want more ain’t nobody complaining. Just let me know.
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moonbeambucky · 4 years
Hey Neighbor (Part 4)
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader Word Count: 2652 Warnings: none
Summary: You had a plan and then life came along with one of its own. With your future almost derailed you worked hard to get yourself back on track and finally everything seemed to be going right… that is, until your new neighbor moved in.
A/N: A huge thank you to my wonderful beta Sam @buckyofthemyscira​ Feedback is always appreciated!
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The past few days have been exactly what you wanted a month ago, peacefully silent, yet somehow it doesn’t feel right. You were able to finish your paper in record time, fully concentrating on your work but part of you missed the incessant music from next door.
There was an odd comfort knowing Bucky was home playing, and with the knowledge of his musical talent you now wanted to hear what he would come up with. Getting to know him briefly was… well, it was something. It could have gone a lot better if you didn’t stick your foot in your mouth.
Bringing up the music related noise was one thing but how you ever managed to bring up the noise of his “nighttime activities” made you wish you could have vanished into thin air, never to be seen again. You had done your best to avoid Bucky ever since, rushing out of or into your apartment as quickly as possible. You weren’t sure how you could ever face him again but you couldn’t deny that a small part wanted to.
Facing your shared wall you imagined where Bucky might be, picturing him on his couch, lounging across the cushions of the soft leather as he leisurely plucks away at the guitar strings, sounding out a melody. Or was he more focused, sitting upright and gliding his dexterous fingers across his keyboard? Was he at his computer editing his melodies? Was he thinking of you?
The silence was deafening. With your palm pressed against the wall you began to lean in with your ear, hoping you could hear anything. With a slight gasp you jumped back, there was noise but not any coming from next door. Your phone buzzed against the coffee table, with Steve’s face illuminating the screen.
“Hey Steve!”
“Guess who I saw going into Sweetgreen?” The strain in his voice clued you in to the right guess, Lillian. “Yup, and she wasn’t alone … yeah she’s still with Jason, for now,” he muttered under his breath, expecting her to cheat again.
“I’m sorry Steve. You know you deserve better than her, right? I know you know this.”
Steve sighed heavily. Even though he knew what you were saying was right, seeing his ex still hurt a lot.
“Thanks Y/N, I do know that, doesn’t mean I’m going to torture myself though and go in there so is it cool if I pick us up something else? I’m in the mood for carbs.”
Chuckling at Steve’s admission you couldn’t help but agree, salads were great and all but all this Bucky stress you’ve put on yourself definitely makes you crave heavier foods.
“Mmmm, yes tacos! Extra guac please Rogers!”
You set your table in preparation for Steve to come over with food, remembering to throw your wallet on the table to give him money. The last time he came over you had forgotten, being so caught up in reliving the terrible memory of your interaction with Bucky. Steve might have been right, if he handled talking to Bucky maybe you wouldn’t be so worried about running into him.
“Sam tells me you guys spoke,” Steve said, digging a tortilla chip into the container of guacamole.
You chewed quickly to swallow the bite you had taken. “Why do you always ask me a question mid-chew?” you joked. “But yes, we did speak and…” your voice lifted with anticipation as Steve’s eyes widened, waiting for you to continue. “He gave me the number for Elena Rodriguez. She’s head of the social work department and…”
“Oh my god Y/N please just tell me!” Steve begged.
“I set up an interview with her next week!”
Steve’s eyes crinkled with his excited smile though it faded shortly after as you nervously mused about fitting the internship into your schedule.
“One step at a time,” Steve offered with a small laugh.
He’s right. One step at a time. You didn’t even go on the interview yet, you might not even be hired for it; the thought of which worries you even more, but you remind yourself to breathe and take things as they come.
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The elevator ascends slowly, filled with your eager coworkers looking to join the rush home. As it lets off on the ground floor, everyone dashes to the heavy glass doors as you leisurely stroll to the security desk.
Mr. Lee had a big smile on his face as he seemed to be in the middle of telling Steve a story. Slowly you approached the desk, seeing Steve smiling down at something in his hands.
“That’s what I said but Howard was ahead of his time. A comic book movie…” Mr. Lee chuckled. “It didn’t work in ’47 but it sure would be a hit now.”
“Oh, what’s this?” you asked.
Steve held up a sealed copy of a comic book, Kid Colt, which you were unfamiliar with.
Leaning over the desk towards you Mr. Lee spoke, “Tony found that for me in his father’s things. That’s how Howard and I met. He wanted to make a movie outta this. Stark Pictures. He never did though, the whole thing became a big tax write off.”
“I didn’t know you knew Howard Stark.”
“Oh yeah,” Mr. Lee boasted humbly, “Since I was seventeen. He was a good man. You know he was so proud to finally be a father. He worked a lot, probably more than he should have but he had Maria and the nannies bring little Tony over to the office. Tony Stank I’d call him. Oh boy, you could smell those diapers from a mile away it was so bad.”
Hearing Mr. Lee talk about the head of your company so freely like this made you laugh. It also made Tony Stark seem a bit more human. As far as you knew he was a workaholic who may or may not be seeing Pepper Potts. You’ve caught the way she looks at him though, with an extra twinkle in her eye or how she hesitates for the smallest moment to gather herself before going into his office.
“Tony Stank, that’s amazing,” you laughed, wondering if Pepper has ever heard this story before. “Well, have a good night Mr. Lee!”
Steve came around to the front of the desk standing tall, filling out his blue uniform with his broad stature. It was unfair how he could pig out on food with you and not show any sign of it. Meanwhile, your stomach has been rumbling all day from last night’s dinner.
“I’m on the late shift today,” he frowned.
“Poor Stevie,” you joked, wiping an imaginary tear from your eye. “Not that my night will be any better, I’ve got a shit ton of laundry to do.”
“Enjoy the sweaty laundromat then.”
“Oh I will,” you said sarcastically.
The steady hum of the running washing machines drowned out the sound of the newscast coming from a small TV mounted on the wall. It’s muggier inside than out, and even with the door open you can’t escape the permeating smell of cheap soap and mildew.
The wash cycle is nearly over so you move from the metal chair you had been uncomfortably sitting on, listening to music to pass the time, and lazily stroll over to the machine that is spinning your clothes. Quarters jingle in your pocket as you walk, ready to be placed in the dryer as you wait some more. You hate laundry day.
It’s crowded too, with all the chairs taken and other people leaning against the wall. A few kids were running around screaming, not helping their tired mother who looked too exhausted to even reprimand them as she folded all their clothes.
No one looked happy to be there, not even the attendants who had to apologize to the screaming man who didn’t understand why he couldn’t use one of their reserved machines. It was a cut throat world on laundry night, with other patrons fighting to stake claim for the next free machine.
A loud buzz lets you know your clothes are done, you wheel a basket over and open the door. The shadow of the clearly impatient person waiting for your machine blocks the dull light from the fluorescents above so you hope to grab everything quickly without dropping anything on the dirty linoleum floor.
“It’s all yours– oh.” Your mouth hung open, not expecting to see Bucky standing beside you. “H-hey.”
“Hey Y/N. Didn’t want to startle you,” he sheepishly said. “Uhmmm, is this free?” Bucky gestured to the obviously open machine.
You nodded quickly. Not knowing what else to say you stared awkwardly at the basket of damp clothes and said, “I’m gonna dry these.” Smooth.
Turning around you let out a deep breath and worried over what would happen next. It would be extremely rude to ignore Bucky and continue to listen to music. He hasn’t done anything wrong to you, not this week at least, but you were too scared to risk saying something stupid, again.
It would take at least a half hour for your clothes to dry so you put on a brave face and decided to walk back towards Bucky. Dressed in casual black shorts and a white t-shirt, his smooth, toned arms were crossed over his chest as he leaned against a support column, squinting to read the poorly transcribed closed captioning on the TV.
“Hey neighbor,” you said, offering a small friendly wave as he turned his head.
Bucky smiled, standing upright as he turned to face you completely to greet you back. He looked genuinely happy to see you, which made you feel even worse for how you left things.
“I’m sorry if I made things weird the other day. I didn’t mean to,” you blurted out before your brain gave any thought to see if this was a good idea.
Bucky chewed on his bottom lip, the gaze of his ocean blue eyes staring right through you. “Don’t worry about it,” he said with a cavalier air.
“So how’s the music coming along?” You were truly curious, having not heard any sound.
“It’s not bothering you, right?” Bucky winked.
“No, not at all,” you smiled softly. “Are you still working on that one piece?”
Bucky asked which one and you hummed the tune. Closing your eyes you missed the way his own lit up in delight hearing you repeat his melody.
“I know I complained about the noise but honestly it was so beautiful,” your voice lightened and he felt the weight of emotion even through the simple way you described it. “Maybe that’s why I couldn’t focus.”
Bucky adjusted his weight, needing to ground himself after your words made him feel as light as air. His music meant so much to him, working tirelessly to bring to life the sound he envisioned in his mind, to know that the unfinished piece had such an effect already made his heart swell with pride.
He developed his music like a chef crafting a recipe. Each instrument was a different ingredient, carefully selected notes were gathered on the counter, waiting to come together in a symphonic skillet. The flavors of music combine, heating up together the piano is covered in the spice of an electric guitar, with the drumming rhythm simmering beneath the surface as the sound of strings are poured generously over the top.
In the end the dish is a delicious feast for the ears but here you were, happily devouring the unfinished ingredient in its raw form.
“Yeah…” his voice came out breathless. Catching himself Bucky cleared his throat. “It’s actually for an upcoming video game. I can’t say which, but it’s part of an emotional scene when the main character finds his family is gone.”
“I can sense the depth of it.”
“That’s not even the best part,” he explained as his face grew with a wide smile. Bucky became lost in describing the emotion of the violins that would come in. “They’re the voice of the character and when he’s lost everything I have them coming in, crying out in pain. It’s sharp and strong, and beautifully tragic.”
Listening to Bucky describe his music resonated in your soul. You saw the complete love and passion he had for it and once again you felt terrible about asking him to stop.
“I’d love to hear it, if that’s okay.”
You looked at him with hopeful eyes, and Bucky smiled, nodding before he spoke his answer. He couldn’t wait for you to hear everything together.
You passed the time by getting to know each other a little more. Bucky has a younger sibling named Rebecca who moved west to work as an avian veterinarian in a bird sanctuary.
“My parents are lost without them around,” Bucky joked. “Do you know how hard it is to try to explain how to use Skype to them over the phone?”
“Oh believe me, I know. Somehow my mom always calls at the worst time to have me explain the most basic function on her phone that she already knows because we’ve gone over it a million times but…” You threw your hands up as Bucky joined in with your laughter.
When your clothes were dry Bucky gave you some space to fold them alone which you appreciated, not wanting to showcase your intimate items in front of him. He was still a stranger, sort of, but you were glad you were getting to know him.
Checking the time you realized it was on the late side and you still needed to shower before bed. Your clothes were packed neatly into a laundry bag, well most of them were at least. One sock managed to get eaten by the dryer to your dismay, and you hoped its pair was somewhere on your floor having fallen out as you prepped the laundry.
Slinging the bag over your shoulder, you gripped the bottle of detergent with your other hand and walked towards Bucky.
“Hey,” you called out to Bucky who lifted his head from his phone. “I’ve got a few things to do tonight still so can I take a rain check on hearing your music?”
“Yeah, of course.” Bucky did his best to mask his disappointment but he understood. He noticed the slump of your shoulders, balancing the laundry bag high on one side and letting your other limb hang low with the weight of the heavy bottle.
“Do you want me to carry that back?” he asked.
“Oh, no it’s okay, I can manage.”
The apartment was only two blocks away, two long blocks but still, you didn’t want to inconvenience Bucky even though judging by the curve of his biceps it wouldn’t be a problem.
Bucky walked with you to the front of the laundromat as you smiled and said goodnight.
“Goodnight Y/N,” he whispered, watching as you walked down the sidewalk until he could no longer see you in the crowd.
The words stayed on his lips like they were always meant to be there and Bucky has a brief flash of a life he’s never thought about.
A warm bed, made even warmer by the figure curled against him. His breath syncs with theirs and he’s at peace. His heart beats to the rhythm of love and his lips purse together to plant a soft lingering kiss on their forehead. A smile secures itself on his face because he’s truly happy; surrounded by the comforting feeling knowing that when he wakes up that person, his love, will be by his side.
The machine buzzes at the end of its cycle dragging Bucky back to a reality that has him gasping for breath. He steps outside for a minute for air, needing to clear his mind of the vision that seemed so real it scared him; for better or worse he can’t quite say.
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Pretty Girl | Damian Wayne
✦ pairing — older!Damian Wayne x Plus Size Reader (she/her)
✦ word count — 3.9k
✦ request — I was wondering a Older Damien Wayne x plus size shy reader, where they were friends since young and were each other’s first and broken up. Now older they meet up at their high school reunion and maybe Damien still loves her and her being a shy, jealous person when meeting his date. And idk if you do this but if so maybe smut after the end
✦ warnings — angst, a little bit of jealousy, nsfw, smut, it’s talked about beforehand but still: unprotected sex (please don’t do this), vaginal sex, oral sex (female receiving), fluff.
You were regretting having let Jon convince you to attend a high school reunion. There wasn’t a single person you wanted to see that you hadn’t met up with prior to the event.
Jon said it would be a good opportunity to relive fun experiences. He promised he’d be with you the entire time. And he kept his promise — until Damian arrived.
Your anxiety spiked up, Jon could hear it clearly. He could also hear Damian’s heartbeat when he saw you. Swallowing harshly upon realizing the youngest member of the Wayne family had brought a date, you excused yourself.
Both Jon and Damian followed you with their eyes. Jon shook his head, aware of what was going on. He of course couldn’t burst into the bathroom and console you, Jon had done it a few times throughout high school when Damian wasn’t around for whatever reason and your nerves got the best of you but this time it would look like something else since you guys had arrived together.
Ever the shy sweet girl, you had often told him he shouldn’t worry. But Jon cared, and he could see how the predicament of physically following you was tearing Damian apart too.
Jon greeted Damian and his date curtly, only with a nod. Glaring at his best friend, he motioned for him to follow him to a more private area.
Faking a smile, Damian asked his date to wait for him.
“What do you think you are doing?!”
“Attending the reunion you told me I couldn’t skip. I assumed you would be happy.”
“You’re so full of crap.” Jon shook his head, crossing his arms against his chest. He had always been able to read Damian like a book, the same way Clark did with Bruce — his powers helped, but he didn’t need them, not when Damian was more expressive than he presumed.
Damian gave it all away by staring at the hallway, fixing his eyes on the door he had hidden behind with you multiple times.
“Aaaaand you’re a moron,” Jon added.
He would never say it out loud, but Damian knew Jon was right. Walking past his best friend, whom he genuinely adored and appreciated, Damian went back to his date. She was chatting up with people like she had known them for years.
They quieted down when he arrived, solemnly nodding their heads in attempts of greeting him respectfully. He searched the room for your best friend, forgetting that she had moved out for college and never returned to Gotham.
He acknowledged his date by name, “Would you do me a favor?”
Nodding, she listened carefully as he guided her away from the curious people.
You wondered if there was something wrong with you. Not with the way you looked or anything like that, just… just with you. Shyness had never gone away like your parents hoped when you were a child, and it had never bothered you until now.
Your chest tightened more and more at a fast pace. It felt different from anything you had experienced before. Huffing out, you leaned on your forearms against the skin and looked at your reflection in the mirror.
A blurry face was the only thing you found. Blinking rapidly, your reflection only turned blurrier. The bathroom felt hot, you would have broken into a sweat if you hadn’t been wearing a dress.
The bathroom door creaked open, startling you. You had expected to see a former classmate, giving you a tight smile and a pitiful look. You would’ve preferred that.
Damian’s date closed the door behind her. “Are you alright?” her voice was gruff, but you could tell the question had been genuine.
You nodded, avoiding her eyes. “The second stall is the best,” you murmured.
She ignored your comment and went straight to the point. “Could you please come out?”
How dare Jon send her to convince you? Hadn’t he realized the reason you couldn’t stay there was because you were miserably jealous?
The door opened again, that time you saw the ex-cheerleader captain enter. As you had predicted, she smiled at you and gave you a pitiful look — her eyes focused on the woman accompanying you for a fleeting moment, in how different the two of you were.
Feeling your throat lock up, you nodded again at Damian’s date. She opened the door for you, letting you out first.
Damian was outside the bathroom, with his hands behind his back and his attention solely on the door. His date walked past him without sparing him a glance, but you couldn’t.
You had never been able to ignore him and his magnetic aura, the hope of that changing vanished the second you saw him enter the gymnasium.
Unconsciously, you looked for Jon. It was unusual for him not to be around Damian. Feeling the familiar weight of Damian’s gaze on your face, you stood beside him.
“She’s pretty,” you told him honestly in a rasp, avoiding his eyes.
She was, everyone thought so. He felt shitty for bringing her there, not because he had lied to her or anything but because he had been right and you would react harshly. It was all he wanted, a reaction from you, a sign no matter how small that you were still interested.
“Jon’s not ugly,” he countered, fully aware that you weren’t dating his best friend.
Shrugging, you put more distance between the two of you. “Have a nice evening,” you wished him before walking away.
You couldn’t do it. Being around him hurt more than it should have. Relationships ended all the time, yours had expired because that was how life worked. There hadn’t been bad blood between you, but now you wished it had.
When you entered the bathroom to stay away from the gorgeous couple you partially had done so to make up an excuse to leave. Jon wouldn’t believe it, but he could never stay mad at you so it didn’t matter.
Still having feelings for a high school sweetheart was something out of romantic comedies. Everything about your relationship with Damian had been, to be completely honest. Childhood friends, the popular guy and the shy chubby girl, a sad break up that she didn’t get over of when he had moved on.
You had dated people after him, but every relationship had fizzled out for a reason. And the reason was green eyes and cocky smiles. You had lied to yourself and blamed it on your social skills, you weren’t outgoing enough and it was a turn-off for some — but the truth, the truth was worse, it had never been a turn-off nor a problem for anyone because you knew how to choose your partners. They simply weren’t Damian Wayne.
Waving goodbye at Jon from afar, you failed to notice you were being followed until you reached the parking lot.
“(Y/N), come on.”
You had missed the tone he used when saying your name. It hadn’t changed since you last heard it.
“I have things to—“
“You can't lie to me,” Damian cut you off.
“Uhmmm, could you just… leave me alone?”
He knew you didn’t mean it. “No.” Damian grabbed you from the wrist upon seeing the hesitance on your face. “Can we talk?”
“Not a good idea.”
He hated your short answers and the fact that you didn’t seem to trust him anymore. Fuck, he should’ve listened to Jon. To Jon from all people in his life!
“Please? There’s a new coffee shop nearby, it won’t take long.”
“I don’t want your girlfriend to think anything bad.”
Damian sighed deeply. He would sound pathetic. Fuck it. “She’s not my girlfriend.”
Oh. So he had fully moved on, then.
He saw heartbreak in your shifty eyes and couldn’t stop regret from overwhelming him. You weren’t able to speak, too surprised by the revelation to try and hide it anymore. She was everything you envisioned him with, pretty and mysterious with smooth skin and cold eyes.
God, maybe you had never been enough for his standards and now it was catching up on you. Or maybe his taste had changed. Either way, you couldn’t do anything about it.
Snatching your hand off his grip, you continued your path toward the street. Your legs felt heavy as you crossed the parking lot, like they used to after having to do a presentation in front of the entire class when you were a teenager.
The difference was that Damian had been there to steady you. He’d always tell you how well everything had gone and how proud he was — no one believed he could be that tender or attentive but you had seen it with your own eyes and felt it at every level of the word.
He hadn’t tried to run after you this time. A part of you had wished for it to happen, it would have been nice to not feel like you were drowning in your one-sided very much alive romantic feelings. Who even loves someone for that long?! You had never thought it would be possible, how could it when Damian and you had fallen out of love? Turns out only he had.
You reached your apartment complex in one piece, walking slower than you had intended and forcing yourself not to cry. The empty elevator, usually comforting, felt way too big.
As the doors slid open, you stepped outside with the intention of calling your best friend. Telling her she had been right would be everything but fun, and telling her it would have been easier if she was there would hurt.
Turning the lights on, you kicked your shoes off and walked directly to the kitchen. You needed a glass of wine — or the entire bottle, yes, that.
“Did you really forget to doublecheck for intruders like I taught you?”
You jumped, dropping the glass in your grasp. Damian was behind you in a second, apologizing for startling you.
“What are you doing here?”
Glass shards crushed under his shoes as he shifted. “I need to talk to you.”
You stood on your toes, trying not to hurt yourself as you stared down at the shattered cup to assess how to get away from the shards without touching Damian.
“Could you uh… move?”
“Will you leave me here standing like an idiot?”
It took you a moment to shake your head.
As you cleaned, he snooped around. He had never been inside your apartment. Damian had been about to drop by once, but he decided it would be for the best if he stayed away. He had only lied to himself with good intentions that hurt him more in the long term.
He still kept tabs on you. His siblings laughed, saying he was whipped after all those years. Only his father understood the way he felt, perhaps because Bruce himself had gone through that with Selina or because he was glad his son was finally comfortable with being human and the vulnerability it came with. The truth was more simple: he cared about you and there was nothing he could do to stop that.
Every time he had heard you were dating someone else it broke his heart. He had dated around too, but much less than you had — he didn’t have time for non-committing relationships, and he didn’t want a committed relationship with anyone but you.
“Did you hurt yourself?” he asked when you joined him in the living room.
“No,” you mumbled.
That should have been the moment where you offered him something to drink, but you were hoping the visit wouldn’t extend for more than five minutes.
Damian wasn’t sure how to touch upon the subject. Small talk wasn’t his thing and you had always felt uncomfortable with it so that wasn’t an option. Why couldn’t he just say it bluntly? That was his specialty, you had always giggled at how unsubtle he was.
“I still love you.”
“Is that why you’re getting married?”
“What?” Fuck, he had been such an idiot for not explaining himself with the proper words. “I am not.”
“Oh.” You made a pause, staring down at your lap where you let your hands drop. “Well, you took her as your date to something important and you said she wasn’t your girlfriend so…”
He didn’t consider a high school reunion as important, but he easily kept that to himself. “I thought you would take someone else when Jon told me you would be there,” he explained, “I didn’t want to look like an idiot in front of everybody, that’s it.”
Well, he made you look like one instead.
Damian rounded the coffee table in the middle of the living room to sit down next to you.
“Look at me?” You denied him. “(Y/N).” Still no reaction. “Beloved, please?”
Your breath hitched. His heart almost melted right there. Carefully, Damian placed his knuckles under your chin and pushed it upward. He then softly cupped your cheek, feeling the acceleration of your heart rate as your jugular jumped under the tip of his middle finger.
You finally stared into his eyes. Hundreds of times you had gotten lost in them — before your first kiss, throughout the first time he made love to you, the first time you were introduced as his girlfriend… his eyes had always grounded you while letting you drown in them.
“Tell me you still love me,” he pleaded.
“I don’t think I have to say it,” you admitted. It was painfully obvious he still knew you perfectly.
“I need to hear it.”
Not strong enough to deny him, you whispered, “I still love you.”
His mouth was on yours immediately. He kissed you fervently as his free hand rested on your thigh while one of your own flew to the back of his neck. Damian was elated with the effusiveness you were kissing him back, holding his head in place and taking control of the kiss completely.
It had been so long since he had you for the last time that he had forgotten what arousal really felt like. His senses were too alive as your tongue explored his mouth, dizzying him with every sigh that escaped you.
Your fingers trailed down his torso, slowly yet firm. He caressed your thigh, so soft and tempting. He couldn’t wait to sink his teeth on them again. In consequence, the bruising kiss came to an end — you bit down his bottom lip, pulling on it as you stared into his eyes.
Damian grunted, withdrawing his hand from your face to grip your waist. Your hands slid down in reaction, the one on his nape to his back and the one on his stomach to his crotch. His bulge twitched under the weight of your warm palm.
He sighed your name, aching for your touch. It was borderline pathetic how easily you got him going. You leaned in to kiss his jaw, not taking your hand off his crotch but not applying more pressure either — Damian moved his head so he could kiss you on the mouth, impatient to get more of you.
“You don’t know how much I want you,” he interrupted the kiss to say, wet mouth on top of yours as he spoke.
You giggled, cupping his bulge. “I think I do.”
His grunt sent chills down your spine. Damian’s grip on your waist tightened as he pushed you to lay down on the couch. His lips were immediately on yours again, sloppily kissing you while his palms dragged up your thighs. Reaching the rim of your skirt, he stopped to ask for permission to lift it.
You granted it to him, nodding as your nose brushed his. He slipped his hands under the material first, taking his time to trace your thighs.
“I missed you so much,” he said against your jaw before dragging his lips down your neck.
You angled your neck, giving him as much access as he needed. Feeling his smile on your skin, you started to unbutton his shirt, struggling to get past the middle. Damian’s fingers brushed your clothed core, making you whine loudly.
Bunching your skirt up, he pressed his knuckles against your core, using his other hand to hold the skirt so it wouldn’t fall. You pushed him off you, sitting up and eventually standing off the couch.
Assessing you would take the dress off, Damian finished the job you had started with his shirt, with urgency, throwing it to the side. He was about to start undoing his pants when he caught the sight in front of him.
There had always been something stupidly hot about seeing you in mismatched underwear. You looked down at your body, just to check what it was he was staring at. You hadn’t really paid attention to what you were wearing when you left the apartment, too unmotivated to attend the reunion to really care. It had ended up playing in your favor. Good one, (Y/N).
The sound of his pants being unzipped ignited something in the pit of your stomach. Out of reflex, you rubbed your legs against each other.
You assumed he would stand up when he kicked his shoes off and discarded his pants, but Damian instead got into his knees, placing his hands on your back. Trailing open-mouthed kisses over your thigh, from the outside to the inside, he pulled your panties down, giving you mere seconds to kick them to the side. He used to finger you first, but this time around he skipped it — probably because you were too aroused already. Pulling you toward his face as he grabbed you by the ass, his mouth latched onto your clit.
Gasping in pleasure at the sensation of his tongue licking a stripe from your clit to your entrance, you gripped his hair. Damian buried his face between your thighs, letting you pull him as closely as you needed. His nose bumped against your clit, tongue dipping into your entrance.
You moaned his name, tugging on his hair. He swiped his tongue upward, shifting his face to now suck on your clit. Your hand slid down to the base of his neck to which you held onto, closing your eyes tightly when his finger brushed your entrance from behind.
“Okay,” you breathlessly said, pulling his face from between your thighs. “I need you.”
Teasing you was far from his head. Damian jumped to his feet, meeting your mouth in a needy kiss as he guided you back to the couch. You tasted yourself in his hot tongue, parting from him only to find you weren’t satisfied and kissing him again.
Damian almost ripped his underwear off, too eager to really care. Kneeling between your thighs, he stared down at you as he asked, “Condom?”
“Pill,” you assured him, a little abashed. “Unless you’re not—“
“I’m clean.”
He snorted, brushing his tip up and down your slit as he held his shaft on his hand. “Ready?”
You nodded, bucking your hips up and pursing your lips in excitement. Damian entered you slowly, leaning over at the same pace. With his face in your cleavage, he waited for you to get used to him again.
“Fuck,” he cursed through a groan. You were warm around him, walls clenching up in reflex as your chest heaved over his face.
Placing your hands on his biceps, you whispered for him to move. He complied, huffing in pleasure on your skin. Sucking on the uncovered parts of your chest, Damian let his hands trace your sides for a moment.
It wasn’t enough for either of you. He shifted, leaving a kiss on your lips as he pulled away from your torso. Still connected with you, Damian gripped your hips and started a quicker pace.
Grabbing your thighs, he pulled you closer to have you rest your calves on his shoulders. The new angle made you squeal. He would draw blood from his bottom lip if he continued biting, but he couldn’t stop himself. His initial plan had been to take his time but it was getting harder to follow said plan.
Gripping the edge of the back of the couch, you gazed up at him. “It’s okay,” you breathed out, “go faster.”
You didn’t have to tell him twice, Damian pulled his hips back only to slam into you. You had really missed the burn only he could give you, rocking into you faster the more you tightened around him.
He ghosted your clit with his thumb, circling it lightly as he found a rhythm with his hips. Cursing as you arched your back, you bucked against his thumb and cock.
His moans were like music to your ears, eyes clenched shut and Adam’s Apple bobbing as his thrusts grew sloppy. Your head fell back with a particularly deep thrust, the strangled moan coming out of your mouth only prompting him to move his thumb faster.
He had you leaving out a string of whimpers rather quickly. Your reaction went straight to his cock, ragging his breathing as your walls clenched at every stroke of his cock against them.
Opening his eyes as he felt sweat drip down the side of his face, Damian hovered over your equally sweaty body, kissing you through your orgasm. Your hands flew to his shoulders where you sunk your nails in attempts of keeping him close, repeating his name between short kisses as he relentlessly fucked you.
“Come for me, pretty girl,” he moaned as your walls squeezed his cock.
Your mouth hung open after a long whimper, you just couldn’t take it anymore. He watched as your pretty face contorted in pleasure under him, hands sliding down his biceps as you came undone around his throbbing cock.
He called your name through a cry, resting his forehead on yours. “You wanna cum?” you whispered a question, feeling him twitch inside you.
“Shit,” he groaned, nose bumping yours, “yes.”
Cupping his face, you hummed. Damian’s muscles tightened under your touch and over your soft body as he finished inside you, warm cum coating your walls.
He stayed there for a few moments, catching his breath. Eventually, he slipped out of you slowly. You whimpered, feeling cum drip down your folds. Damian smirked in satisfaction upon noticing the semen flowing down your thigh.
“White door to your right,” you instructed him. “There are clean towels under the sink.”
Handing you a damp towel, he waited for you to take it to then withdraw his cellphone.
“Gotta go?”
He shook his head. “Letting Dick know I’m fine.”
You reached for your panties, standing up in order to slip them on. Damian pouted, dropping the mobile device onto the couch as his hands were placed on your waist.
“I love you,” he said.
You said it back, having missed telling him just because you could. “I love you more.”
He could have fought you on it, but he preferred kissing you softly, breaking into a smile in the middle of the kiss when you wrapped your arms around him. You dropped your head onto his chest as the kiss ended, leaving a peck on his sternum.
Sliding his hands toward your lower back, tracing it up, he stopped at the clasp of your bra. Damian whined, “We didn’t even take this off!”
Giggling on his skin, you slightly parted from him to gaze up. He lifted both eyebrows suggestively, making you roll your eyes. Placing your hands on the sides of his torso to put more distance between his body and yours, you told him, “I need a nap first.”
He took a hand off your back to motion for you to lead the way to your bedroom, never not in the mood for cuddling you.
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housamo-side-blog-2 · 3 years
Moritaka’s secret
Moritaka: When i was a young pup back in my homeworld in the Land of Wa, i always seem to be looked at very stranglely, 
Moritaka: I don’t know why, but, sometimes my Mother would sometimes clothe me in dresses,and most of all, my mother sees that im feminine, Though it didn’t bother me in the slightest, however, as time goes by. i started to wonder if, my mother would have wished to bore a daughter,  i wanted to ask her why, and i did, and she said: 
“My Moritaka, im sorry that it has bothered you so much,you see that truth is, when i see you in a dress, i would always see my precious baby in you,, because”..
You were my second child. 
Moritaka: I was shocked beyond belief, to know that my older sister died when she was just born, i didn’t even realized that i have an older sister, but there was another issue that i want answers to, and that is if
You only see your daughter in me, rather than seeing me. 
I asked her, and my mother said. 
I’ve always seen you and her in you, and you are my only child, so that means, i get to love you two at the same time, 
Moritaka:  I was happy and relieve with her answer,that i broke down crying in her arms, knowing the reason why she always clothed me and treats me as a feminine., I was Happy with it. .
However, i doubt the rest of my townspeople will agree. 
{Shinjuku Dormitory} 
The halls of that you waiked in, are silent, nothing but the sound of your loafers and the winds brustling the leaves of the tree in the center of the dormitory that is being shined by the afternoon Sun, You were on your way to your dorm room after a long day of Guild Battles, and being the guildmaster of a well known guild is taxing and tiring, anyone would be exhausted after that, you are no exception to that rule, 
Harumo: What a day... 
You slowly climed the concrete stairs, and waiking towards your dorm room. 
{Lil Salomon appears} 
Lil Salomon: Ta-dah !, Hello Master! and my! you look exhausted,!... 
Harumo:  Im hungry go get me some food. 
Lil Salomon:  Alright Master!, I’ll just order online and have it delivered,..and .....there,. wait,,, It says that you will get it tomorrow!, What are we gonna do. 
Harumo: *Sigh* 
Lil Salomon: Anyhow, It seems being a guildmaster is very tiring for you i must say, But you’re doing a great job at it; 
Harumo: Really?!... Thanks.... Wait, who’s that guy over there? 
You point to where the a guy is standing infront of someone’s dorm room, 
Harumo: Let’s go check it out ! 
You made your way to the guy standing infront of the said dorm room. 
Harumo:  Hello, can i help you with something? 
Mailman: I have a package here for Moritaka Shino Inusuka, 
Harumo:  Oh! you’re the mailman, I think Moritaka is out today with something, But i can recieve it for him is that okay.? 
Mailman:  Yeah, sure, just sign here please. .....Thank you, have a nice day,.
Harumo:  I wonder what Moritaka had just recieved ? 
Lil Salomon:  Do want me find out? Master, Oooohhh, im curios. 
Harumo:  I think we shouldn’t ,its Moritaka”s privacy, 
Lil Salomon: HMMMMM,,,NOPE. 
Harumo: Tha-, Lil Salomon get out of there, its really rude. to be doing that.
Lil Salomon:  Now what do we have here...oh..oh my.... Uhm , Master?,, I think you should take a look of this, 
Harumo:  Im not going to violate his privacy. 
Lil Salomon:  But Master, Its full of..
Moritaka:  HARUMO!, good to see you 
Harumo: Oh heyyyy Moritaka, I was about to go to my room when you recieved a package. 
Moritaka: I see,... and....{Gasp} 
As soon as the Grey faired therian notices he’s package have arrived. 
Harumo:  Whoah?!, Moritaka i didn’t 
Moritaka: Are you absolutely sure?! 
Harumo:  I swear i didn’t look inside. 
Moritaka: Phew, Thank you Harumo for respecting my privacy. 
Harumo: Why were you nervous about me looking inside? 
Moritaka:  Oh that... uhm
Lil Salomon:  Master, The contents of the package is nothing but a pink and blue dress. 
Harumo:  What?! 
Moritaka: What is it Harumo? 
Harumo:  Moritaka, do you wear dresses. 
Moritaka: A....Ahhhh.......ah....
Harumo:  Uhm, Moritaka?! 
Moritaka: ....HOW DID YOU KNOW?! 
Harumo:  Uh, Moritaka, the thing is- 
Moritaka: Harumo, Please do not tell of this to Shiro, Kengo,Ryota and Toji, Please
Harumo:  Im not going to blackmail you. 
Moritaka: You see the thing i- 
Kengo: Hey partner, whats up
Harumo: Moritaka... 
Kengo: Yeeesshhh, Whats up with him, 
Harumo: { I wonder about the dress ?}
{Moritaka’s dorm room} 
Alone in the bed of his dorm room sits a young gray fured therian with his ears down, as if like a dog had done something wrong, is now in his thoughts about the issue that happened just now..
Moritaka: i should be ashamed of myself, i can’t believe i acted like that, infront of my friends. 
While shaming himself, a memory of his mother flashes in his mind. 
Moritaka: I don’t know why, i still wear dresses, Even though im far away from the Land of Wa, why, ...Am i ill? or is something wrong with me? 
Thinking about his own well being a knock on his door startled him,
Moritaka: Uhhhm,,, Who is it? 
The therian composes himself and opened the door only to find you, the one who knows his secret. 
Moritaka: Harumo?!,,,What are you doing here,,,,Is there something a matter? 
Harumo:  Uhm, i wanted to check how you were doing, ever since that. 
Moritaka: Please don’t mention it to anyone! 
Ryota:  Don’t mention what Moritaka? 
Moritaka: ........Ryota?!, what are you doing here?! 
Ryota:  Our dorms are next to each other. 
Moritaka:  ...Oh.. i ...see... Make your way then. 
Ryota: Hi Harumo, whats going on? 
Harumo:  { Maybe i should not mention it now}, Uhm, i was asking Moritaka, some,,, uhm,,,,,,uhmmm,,,,,,, some fencing lessons!, yeah i was asking Moritaka some fencing lessons. 
Moritaka:  A.. AH yes! Fencing lessons, correct! hahahah!
Ryota:  O-okay.... 
He then makes his way to his dorm room, 
Moritaka: I thought i told you to not mention that im wearing attire for females! 
Ryota: ....WHAT?!
Moritaka:  Eeepp!, Ryota?!, i thought you were in your dorm room, 
Ryota: I heard you when i was about to close my door, ,,, 
Moritaka: You two!, Come in now! 
Harumo and Ryota:: O-okay... 
As soon as you close the door behind you, The secret exposed Therian, 
There you have it, the blue clothed therian prostrate himself infront of you two, in a form of plea not a prayer. 
Harumo:  Moritaka..... 
Ryota: Moritaka... Is something wrong?
Moritaka: I apologize for my immature behavior before, you see....... the thing is....
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g0ttal0ve101 · 3 years
Eddie in Wonderland (Part 2)
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Eddie then caught the sound of a woman singing from afar. Out of curiosity, he ran over towards the voice, straying off of the path. He moved some strands of grass out of the way, peering at a woman who sat on a mushroom and smoked a pipe. The smoke showed beautiful colors such as pink, blue, and purple, that came from her mouth as she sang. Eddie hopped up on a smaller mushroom beside her, looking up to see her. "You have a lovely voice."
The woman then stopped singing, turning to the little boy who had just interrupted her. With a smile, the woman spoke.
"Who are you~?"
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Eddie gulped, feeling a little intimidated. "Uhm...I'm not quite sure...I'm being awfully forgetful-!"
"Who are you?" the woman asked again, blowing smoke into his face. He coughed and attempted to swipe it away with his hand. "If you can't answer that question, you're dumber than I thought~!"
"Well, you see-!"
"I do not see~!" the woman blew more smoke at the boy.
"My memory has been a little wonky ever since I-!"
"Recite a poem~!"
Eddie furrowed his eyebrows, standing up and dusting himself off. "The white rabbit-!"
"No, that's not how it goes~!" the woman blew more smoke in his face, causing him to cough. "The white hare jumped through the snare. The elder man began to stare, only for the rabbit to glare."
Eddie clapped for her, but he wasn't very impressed.
"Now, who are you?"
"If you'd ever so kindly stop blowing smoke in my face-!"
Eddie saw the serenity leave her face as she spoke; She was angry. Furious, even. Eddie straightened his posture and gave the woman a glare. "I need to find a white rabbit who has something dear to me. But this size is quite awful-!"
"I AM THIS SIZE, DOES THIS MEAN I AM AWFUL?" the woman grew close to his face, blowing even more smoke and making him cough.
"I do apologize..." he mumurs. "I just...need to get bigger again."
The woman angrily smokes her pipe, getting quite annoyed with the young boy. "One side of the mushroom makes you smaller and one makes you taller."
"But which is which-?"
"ONE MAKES YOU SMALLER AND ONE MAKES YOU TALLER." She snapped, blowing smoke into his face once again.
"O-Okay!" Eddie cried. "Uhmmm...okay, I'll just...lick one to see!" He grabbed both sides of the mushroom and licked a piece, finding that he grew taller. The woman rolled her eyes, almost not pleased that he had found the answer. "Aha! There we go! Thank you for the hel-!"
"...Right..." Eddie mumured. "I'll be on my way then!" He then put the two mushroom slices in his pockets, making sure he had them for the future. The woman ignored him, continuing to sing the song she did before.
Eddie then followed the dirt path once more, only to be led further into a dark forest. There were many signs around him, each and every one of them having a different direction. This confused Eddie, causing him to stop and look around briefly. "Up...down...left...oh dear..." he muttered to himself. "where should I go...?"
"Twas brillg, and the slithy toves, did gyre and gimble in the wabe. All mimsy were the borogoves, and the momeraths outgrabe."
Eddie heard the singing, but chose to ignore it, seeing that he was already completely lost. "Now where in the world do you suppose that..."
"Lose something?"
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"Ah!" Eddie stammered, backing away from the man that stood in front of him. "Oh! Oh, uhhh...I-I was...no, no, I-I-I-I mean, I uhh...I was just wondering..."
"That's quite alright. Oh, one moment please...oh! Second chorus... 'Twas brilllig, and the slithy toves, did gyre and gimble in the wabe..." the man began to sing, resting himself against a tree trunk.
Eddie then notices his purple ears and tail, gasping a little and putting his fingertips on his lips. "Why...why, you're a cat!"
"A Cheshire Cat, but I'd much rather you call me Gray." The man corrected, turning away and beginning to walk. "All mimsy were the borogoves..."
"Wait! Please don't go!" Eddie whined, grabbing onto the man's arm and holding it close to his chest. For some reason, he felt safer with him. It was better than being alone, at least.
"Very well. Third chorus..."
"Thank you very much, sir." Eddie let his arm go, now knowing he had no intentions of leaving. "I wanted to ask you which way to go."
"Well, that depends on where you want to go."
"It doesn't really matter, as long as I g-!"
"Then, it does not matter which way you go." He states, looking up at the sky. "Ah-hmm... and the momeraths outgrabe...oh, by the way, if you'd really like to know, he went that way."
"Who did?" Eddie questions.
"The white rabbit."
"He did?!"
"He did what?"
"Went that way?"
"Who did?"
"The white rabbit!"
"What rabbit?"
"But didn't you just say...I mean...oh dear!" Eddie huffed, folding his arms up and pouting a bit. Gray chuckled a bit at his childish behavior.
"However, if I were looking for the white rabbit, I'd ask the Mad Hatter." He proclaims with a smile.
Eddie's eyes widen as he clenched the bottom of his suspenders. "The Mad Hatter? Uh...no, no, I don't-I don't..."
"-Or, there's the March Hare. In that direction." He added.
Eddie let out a relived sigh, letting his suspenders go, now that he was less anxious. "Oh, thank you. I-I think I'll visit him.
Gray chuckled before once again adding onto his statements. "Of course, he's mad too."
Eddie shook his head nervously. "But I don't want to go among mad people!" He cried out to the older male.
"Oh, you can't help that," Gray began to walk away. "almost everyone is mad here. Ha...hahahahaha!" Eddie felt a pit in his stomach as he laughed like that. A moment ago, he seemed very serious, so a sudden change of mood worried the boy. "You may have noticed that I'm not all there myself...hahaha..." As he said that, he slowly started to fade away into the darkness, as if he was never there in the first place. "and the momeraths outgrabe..."
Eddie tightened his blue tie as he gazed towards a wooden gate to the left of him. "Goodness. If the people here are like that, I-I must try not to upset them. How very curious!" He sang, opening the gate and stepping inside.
✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿
Part three coming soon~♡
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lavendertwilight89 · 4 years
And we alllllllll know our girl the smut queen of the kingdom so what did I do??
You have been warned!
Here is the link to AO3
Tag Wall:
@dangerouspompadour @lemonlushff @willowandfog @cstormsinukagblog @littlestuffstohide @clearwillow @ruddcatha @hnnwnchstr @smmahamazing @wolverine1092 @inuyashaloverforever @xfangheartx @umacaking @bluejay785  @murdergiraffe @superpixie42 @shnuggletea @sistasecbhere @nopenname22 @mcornilliac @sapphirestarxx @fawn-eyed-girl @liz8080 @shinidamachu @keichanz @neutronstarchild @arcprz @eternalnight8806-3 @kaze-ranna Kagome awoke to a pounding headache. It literally felt like it weighed as much as Hiraikostu. Kagome had only tried to pick it up once until she realized it weighed like a thousand pounds. Ok, that was an exaggeration. But not by too much. 
It had been a little less than a month since she had returned to the feudal era to be with Inuyasha. Yesterday was her birthday (at least from what she calculated). She had been so excited that she demanded that everyone celebrate. Everyone in her context meant Sango, Miroku, Shippo, Kaede, Rin, Kirara, and of course, Inuyasha. Not the whole village.
But the headman insisted. She was training to become the new head priestess to take over for Kaede. Because she would become such an icon in the village, the headman proclaimed that this would also serve as a welcome back party as well as an introduction to her becoming a priestess in the village since originally she was ‘traveling’.
And did they celebrate. Kagome had never really partaken in drinking before. She had gone to highschool parties with her friends but it had never really piqued her interest to become so intoxicated she wouldn’t be able to remember what she had done or had her thoughts blurred and do something she’d regret the following morning.
Her friend Yuka had been on the wrong end of some alcohol; her boyfriend and her had gone all the way on accident. Something of which Yuka regretted because not only did she not remember her first time, but they had also gotten into such a huge fight about everything, they had broken up.
However every villager wanted to share the cup with her. They were so excited she had returned and wanted the blessings her presence offered. They were also thankful for a stubborn and gruff half-demon to be present for once. They claimed he had been so distant since her departure that her appearance was amazing. 
The called her return a sign from the Gods that their village would prosper; the fact not only a strong and loyal half-demon but also a powerful priestess, both of whom battled and slayed the evil Naraku, were staying and living in the village could only mean they would have good fortune and tidings.
The villagers also coaxed Inuyasha into drinking with them--something of which she had never really seen him do aside from when they visited the poison master when Sango needed her weapon fixed.
However, she learned then as well, he had a very high tolerance. She… did not.
She was about six cups in when she noticed him lingering near her, unwilling to separate from her. Not that she complained. Oh no. She did not at all. In fact, her body craved for the touch and closeness of him.
For three years all she had was wild fantasies about her untamed hanyou. And the night she returned… well… that had been the night. They spent the whole night learning every dip, curve, swell, blemish, and nook their bodies possessed. He kissed, laved, nipped, nibbled, and bit every surface of her. She, of course, returned the favor. But his marks remained for days, the thoughts still made her shiver from joy and heat. Heat in her belly that demanded he do it all day everyday. 
He also ended up marking her to her absolute happiness; something he had originally wanted to wait to do but after multiple couplings and when he finally took her on her hands and knees, he couldn’t stop himself. She assured him that was exactly what she had wanted though.
She felt something move beneath her that brought her out of her dazed and blissful thoughts of her mate. Wait--where was she?
Groaning she started to sit up, realizing immediately that was a very poor decision. Thankfully the body she was apparently laying on pulled her back down to lay on the hard chiseled chest she had fallen asleep on.
“Rest,” he moaned.
“Yash…?” She whispered hesitantly. What was he doing there?
“Nah, I’m my fucking brother. Duh, it’s me. You think I’d let anyone in your hut to see you like this?? To let anyone lay with you like this??”
“To be honest, I don’t remember too much from last night and your voice sounds nails on a chalkboard--”
“Nails on a what?!”
“Sorry, thing in my world Just shhhhh…” she whispered snuggling into his bare chest before she felt him tense.
“Please, just--lemme sleep like you just told me to??”
“Why are you acting so anxious? I was just making sure it was you.”
“Why though? Is there someone else that you’d wanna be this way with?’
“Don’t be ridiculous, of course not!” she yelled sitting up, immediately regretting the action. “Why are you being so insecure! I told you when I came back I wanted to be with you! You were the one who wanted to hide our relationship for the time being!! You were the one who didn't want to get caught in my hut at night!"
“Yea, well, that was more for your honor than mine.”
“Why?! Did I say something last night that indicated I didn’t want this??”
“Not in so many words…”
She finally took her bearings; they were in her hut, on her futon, she was still in her miko garbs--at least her haori. Her hakama were tossed by the door of her hut along with her panties. Inuyasha was sitting up leaning against the wall behind them gazing down at her worriedly. What did she do or say that got him so rattled up?
“What happened??”
“What do you remember exactly?”
“Drinking… I remember sharing a lot of sake with people for ‘good fortune’. They should have called it for ‘good death' instead. Ugh, can people die from being hungover?”
“Keh, Miroku and Sango drank a decent amount at their wedding but were fine the next morning. Must just be weak priestesses.”
“I’d take your words more seriously if you were wearing a shirt and weren’t holding me close to your God-like body.”
“Don’t pout it’s not becoming, Inuyasha.”
“Go on. What else do you recall?” He pressed on. He was certainly touchy that morning.
“Uhmmm… after the sixth villager I remember you were starting to stick close to me.”
“Yea, because you were getting friendly.”
“Yea, giggling and laughing at those stupid men in the village who were trying to hit on you and shit.”
“Ohhhh, well what they said must’ve made me laugh because of the alcohol and knowing they’d never get their shot with me.”
“Shesh, did I not blow you last night or something? You’re extra cranky.”
“And now you think I’d take advantage of a woman like that?!”
“Jeez what is your problem!?! I told you I love you, stupid. You. As in you, Inuyasha. Y-O-U! I have never thought about another man before or anything else. We have obviously been intimate since I got back and I had no thoughts on stopping anytime soon! Why are you being so jealous and upset right now?! I was marked as yours!”
“Because when I started growling you sat me into the fucking ground and told me to behave like a fucking ‘good boy’.”
Kagome couldn’t help but laugh. Hard. It shouldn’t have been that funny. Honestly, if she was Inuyasha, she would likely be upset too but she could honestly picture the whole scene of her being ditzy, staggering around, and then him being too possessive and her reacting like she used to in the old days.
His snarl and sudden movements beneath her jostled her. Ugh, her stomach hurt. Did she mention her head hurt? He made to grab his kosode when she stopped him. 
“Wait, wait, I’m sorry. I was just picturing it. I’m sorry. You know I don’t think of you like that, Inuyasha. I want to be your mate and wife. I’ve let you take me from behind, let you lick, nip, and bite all over my body. You know I don’t have an issue with you being half inuyoukai. Hell, I even rub your ears after we’ve had sex. Did they say something??”
“More or less,” he said, averting his eyes.
“Inuyasha. You know what other people say or think doesn’t matter. What matters is that I love you. Claws, dog ears, silver silky smooth hair, amber eyes that I could get lost in for days…” Oh Gods… she had stood and pulled his face to hers and true to her words; she was lost. Her core begged for him already. Demanded his attention. The mark on her back called to him.
Obviously they hadn’t had sex or anything last night; he was offended at the idea of taking her when she was that far gone. Again, something likely a villager man said. But she couldn’t imagine she actually flirted with any of them. She obviously made it home with him. Clearly tried to do something with him as well to which he stopped.
“Fuck. Kagome--I’m trying to be mad at you,” he groaned pressing his nose into her shoulder. “Stop smellin’ like that.”
“Can’t help it,” she breathed as her finger began to dance along the sides of his body until they reached the obi of his hakama and slightly tugged testing to see how mad he actually was...
When his hands didn’t stop hers, she released the tie and fell to her knees and engulfed his already hardened length into her mouth.
His claws stroked her scalp and threaded through her hair. Gods, his moans, his groans, his growls made her so wet. But this was about calming the inner beat within him. Or, was it about counseling the human heart that felt so many doubts? Who really knew. Either way, this was about proving her love to him. Ensuring he knew who she really wanted in her life, in her body--and currently in her mouth.
She used her tongue to coat his cock with her spit to make sure it was slick and ready to be taken fast and hard. She learned quickly she lacked a gag reflex. Thank every Kami out there because Inuyasha was far from average. In regards to everything. Bobbing her head, she ate his sounds like they were her fuel; technically they were since they were the things that made her grind her own thighs together for some relief as the flame in her own sex was growing larger and larger, demanding for someone to stroke it. But this wasn’t about finding her own pleasure. No. Not yet.
That morning it was all about him. She felt his cock twitch in her mouth and so she did what she knew how to do best since they started learning about their likes and dislikes; she took her hand and fondled his balls, her other wrapped around his body and scratched his back as she moaned around the cock that was deeply buried in her mouth.
“Fuck, Kagome--I’m gonna--” he whimpered needily and desperately. His little ears were pressed so hard to his head and his eyes were squeezed shut.
She hummed her response knowing that he loved the sensations. He loved that she would drink him up without hesitation. But why wouldn't she? She’d do anything for him. If that meant swallowing his cum, she would. It wasn’t bad either. She liked how he tasted. As dumb as it sounded, it tasted like sex. And it was hot. Especially when he would throw her down after and lavish her body in return.
He came after another bob of her head while her teeth lightly grazed him on the way back down. She remained there, using only her tongue and hand to continue to lave and rub him to keep his erection going. Part of him being far from average; he could go multiple rounds without rest.
“Good?” she finally asked as she withdrew her mouth, smirking up at him.
“Dirty trick, wench,” he growled as he hoisted her up by her shoulders.
“Mmmmm, that’s why Sango and Miroku weren’t hung over. Drinking your partner helps hangovers,” she teased, lying through her teeth. Or maybe it was true. She didn’t really know for sure. But it could be slightly true? 
“Is that right?” He caught the joke and wanted to play in return.
“Probably why I wanted you last night,” she waved her arm towards her pants.
“Keh… You definitely wanted it.”
“Why didn’t you--”
“We’ll talk after I take care of you,” he smirked, pinning her to the wall and dropping to his own knees. He hoisted up her leg over his shoulder and dug in. Literally.
She had heard other girls complain about when guys would go down on them. How it wasn’t… good? How they had no idea what they were doing. Their tongues never hit the correct spot, but that was so far from the truth for Inuyasha. In fact, he knew exactly where his tongue should be but the jerk loved teasing her. Making sure he swept every part of her folds. Licking up and down her core like he was taking a leisurely stroll down memory lane as her breath hitched, her legs trembled, her coil tightened in her belly.
While she got off on the vulnerability he showed her and only her, he got off from her pleading to him to continue, demanding he finish exactly what he started. Asshole. He loved to ravish her. Make her keen, cry, wail. He also loved that he made her swear. Something so unlike her--but the way he would bring her to the brink of finishing to only backtrack made her go mad with want.
The number of orgasms he’d given her definitely outweighed all of ones she gave to him. He never once left her hanging--usually he made sure she had released twice before even thinking of letting himself go. But, that also meant he wound her so tightly once she did come, she would continually go on and on and on and onnnnnnnn. 
He would purposely stimulate her to the point she would scream and wantonly cry out for him. He loved to hear his name on her tongue. Whatta jerk. A hot, God-like jerk.
His tongue circled and laved throughout her folds while his fingers poked and prodded her opening. Shit. She was already burning and he just started. Her head hit the wall of the hut as she desperately tried to control her treacherous hips that moved in time of his crafty tongue.
“Ah ah--what is my name, Ka-Go-Me?” He reprimanded, nipping her bud. Fuck. 
“Inuyashaaaaa,” she cried out begging for him to end her misery of where she stayed in limbo of burning in a freaking inferno versus dipping into the cool pond for a bath.
She was sweating, aching, burning, damnit--she could feel her walls twitching, begging for him to actually enter her. She wanted that cock too. Oh, did she want it inside of her. 
For as large as it was--for as big and tall as he was in comparison to how short and small she was, he fit perfectly. They were made for each other.
That was something he proclaimed the first night she had returned: that he was born for her and she was born for him. The fact he felt that strongly towards her, even though she hadn’t had any doubts about returning, put her racing mind to rest.
During their first night, she had grown self-conscious slightly. She began to wonder if they were moving too fast, what if she was still just an image of what Kikyo once was--but those words put anything else she had thought in regards to her being a replacement to bed.
She was born for him. Not Kikyo. While he had loved Kikyo, there had been no trust between them; that was all that was between her and Inuyasha. Between the fights with Monumaru, Tsubaki, Naraku--they had each other.
“Pleaseeeeee,” she wailed, gripping his silver hair between her fingers, bringing his head to where she needed him most. His lips wrapped around her clit, sucking hard while his fingers teased her fluttering walls. 
“Only because you asked nicely,” the jerk smirked before finishing her off. The. Jerk. Smirked. God, she hated him sometimes. It just wasn’t fair. 
When his mouth wrapped around her nub, and his fingers danced their sinful dance right at the opening to her pussy, she screamed. Unabashedly. She slightly hoped the villagers heard her call out his name so that there would be no more of this nonsense of who she should marry. It was always Inuyasha. It would always be Inuyasha.
After he had sufficiently licked up her overflowing juices, he removed her leg from his shoulder and she sank down hard. Her legs were pure jello.
He held her close to his chest and she relished the purr (rumble, it was a rumble he told her) he admonished to her. 
“Gods,” she exhaled, nuzzling into his chest.
“You keep saying that,” he chuckled.
“Because it was that good.”
“Ready for another round?”
“God please, but this time--” she didn’t have time to finish as he ripped off her haori tossing it with her hakama-- wait why didn’t she have a bra on?!-and flipped her around to place her on her hands and knees which made her laugh with mirth. 
“Yessss,” she sighed as he entered her dripping wet sex hard and fast.
He wound his hand in her hair, not too tight though to hurt her, but more of leverage for him, but kept a hand on her hips and he thrusted repeatedly into her at his demonic inhuman speed. Oh, she was already on her way to orgasm number two of the day. 
“Yassssh,” she whimpered.
“Come for me, Kagome,” he ordered harshly through his own gritted teeth. She realized he was still wound up pretty tightly from whatever happened last night. Even taking her in this position was some type of instinctual response to needing to prove something to her--or to himself.
But who was she not to listen to what he said? Well that was a lie; they used to fight about that all time but in the privacy of her--their own hut, he was in charge most nights. And she didn’t give a shit.
She felt herself clamp down uncontrollably around him as she called out her pleasure to him.
“Kagome,” he said softly, letting her ride out her release on his still deeply inserted cock. He nuzzled her neck and kissed from behind her ear to her shoulder until he bit on the mark he gave her after their first time on the forest floor just above her shoulder blade.
He had said it would be well hidden if it was there--it also was the spot he said called to him the most. Something about inuyoukai traditions.
She didn’t argue. It just meant she was his. Permanently. Well, at least in front of their friends. The villagers were still another story.
He pulled her hair a little until she was perched on his lap, her ass slamming down on his sweat glistened thighs, her full breasts bouncing up and down with every downward motion she took to take him further inside of him, and every upward thrust he returned for her to swallow him fully.
“Inuyasha,” she bellowed as his hand slid from her hip to her clit and began to rub circles. Bastard. She was wound so tight she thought she might die. There’d never be any form of relief as he continued to slam into her and vice versa.
His other hand released her hair to grab her breast to flick, pinch, and twist at her nipples. Without that hand, she would have likely ended up face first into the ground. She felt like she was having an out of body experience. She was too excited, too aflamed, too stimulated. Damn him. 
“I’m close ‘Gome,” he finally gritted against her shoulder. She shuddered and keened as she rotated her hips seductively trying to coax him to let go. Show her his vulnerability. Release into her. Give her all of him without reservation or hesitation.
“Come on Inu--ahhhh-yasha,” she said brokenly, bringing one hand behind her to grasp his head to keep him by her mark, and the other to replace his hand that was teasing her nub.
He took the cue and replaced his hand on her hip as she took over stimulating herself, still holding him in place by some force or grace of God so that he could watch what he had turned her into.
Some sex-crazed woman. Correction, a woman who craved sex from him and only him. No man would ever be able to take his place. None. It could only ever be him. 
She finally felt him tense and groan out a long exaggerated growl as she wailed her next release as he howled his. It was like they both had levitated off the ground as his mouth took hold of her shoulder and bit down hard.
Stars. She literally saw stars. 
Coming down from their high, she turned her head to gaze upon his satisfied tired face. She smiled an exhausted smile to him and kissed him passionately. 
They exchanged caresses and heated but calming kisses until he finally lifted her from his lap fully.
“Calm now?”
“Yea… sorry. My inner demon has been going crazy since last night.”
“So, what happened after I sat you in front of the village men?”
“After they started joking around like jackasses, you dumped sake on them and yelled at them for insulting your mate.”
“Oh Gods… I’m so sorry.”
“Ah, nah, it gets better.”
“I’m sure that’s a lie.”
“Ohhhhhh… but it does. Then after you said it, you realized what you said and made it a point to try and disprove it for the rest of the night by talking to other men. Accepting their efforts and invitations to court you. I was literally losing my shit. But unfortunately, I see now, that it is actually not your fault. It’s mine.”
“Come again?” He was admitting he was wrong? Him? Inuyasha? Wrong???
She actually felt his forehead, “Are you sick??”
“Cut the shit, Kagome. It is. I made it so… impossible for you to even express that we were together. And then when you finally told everyone, the way they reacted…”
“Was it bad??”
“No. They actually seemed unsurprised. Almost happy until you started your shit trying to apologize to me and acting like it wasn’t true. It was unrequited or whatever. Then they only seemed to get a lot of jollies out of it not because you were actually back on the market, but because they could tease me.”
“Please tell me I didn’t do anything else that was that bad or stupid.”
“Nah; After the fourth guy to approach you I finally flung you over my back and brought you back home. One dude was brazen enough to try and come in here at night. He wasn’t expecting to find me.”
“Oh Gods…”
“Yea… remind me to kick Sasuke’s ass later. Jackass.”
“Did he… did he see anything?”
“Aside from you on top of me, begging to have sex? No,” he said nonchalantly. “But don’t worry, I’m gonna gouge his eyes out later. Or burn them. Whatever way I think will make him forget he saw you like that, I’ll likely do.”
“Inuyasha--as long as he didn’t see us actually do anything it’s fine.”
“Making out with you is fine??”
“Oh yea, that’s nothing,” she soothed.
“I know things are different here--but trust me when I say that’s not as bad as I thought it would be.”
“Guess you’re right, he coulda walked in while you were grinding your fucking lucious hips and ass against me.”
She blushed scarlet, “I did what?!?!”
“Oh yea, I nearly came in my pants. Especially when you did,” he smirked down at her.
“Oh Gods… is that why I wasn’t wearing pants or underwear??”
“Yea--you were all upset they were wet; you were uncomfortable and didn’t give a fuck since it was just me. I believe you said and I quote, ‘Nothing you haven’t seen or touched before’.”
“Ughhhhh. I’m so sorry, Inuyasha. I didn’t mean--”
“Hey. It’s fine. As long as we are--clear from now on about where we are.”
“Uhm… so where are we then? Just so I know.”
“Considering you went and blabbed to the whole village and I’m sure Sasuke told everyone who didn’t believe it--pretty sure our cover is blown.”
“O-oh,” she said disparagingly.
“What? Is that… not what you wanted?” he asked with hurt laced in his voice. His eyes dropped and his eyes filled with sadness.
“Inuyasha--I told you from the beginning it’s you. It’s always been you. I want you as a mate--as a husband. You wanted to hold off but I made you mate with me--”
“You made me, huh?”
“Moving alongggggg,” she flushed at the reminder that they were both pretty equally hungry for their bodies a couple weeks ago. “I told you I was ready to take the next steps when you were ready to.”
“So… if I were to take a stroll to the headman’s today and tell him I want to be wed to you--you’d honestly be okay with that? Married to a half-breed?”
“Of course. You’re my half-demon. You’re my Inuyasha. No sake needed.”
He smiled down at her and dipped his head to kiss her again. She wrapped her arms around his neck and held him close. While the sake clearly messed up their plans, she was thankful she had partaken in the forbidden nectar. Because without it, Inuyasha wouldn’t have been able to glimpse the acceptance the villagers had for their would-be union. 
Later that afternoon after breakfast, they walked to headman’s together and asked to be wed with his permission. He happily gave them their blessing with one word, “Finally.”
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jayjade · 4 years
kth | amnesia |
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Taehyung got into a accident and had an amnesia, you as his personal assistant took care of him but you have a huge crush on him since you've got the job and you took advantage of him and said that you're his fiancèe.
Pairing: Taehyung x reader
Genre: angst, fluff, f2l, smut, what’s wrong with secretary reader
Warnings: Dom!Taehyung, spanking, dirty talk, oral (f receiving) cursing
A/N: I'm not a professional writer, I just love doing what I like please no bad vibes, thank you!!! Hope we get along♡
Another A/N: I'll update later
You woke up not knowing something bad would happen, you fixes everything and got ready for work but when you are about to get in your car you heard your phone is ringing and suddenly you felt your heart beats fast not knowing why, why are you nervous to pick it up, you don't know the reason but you know it was your boss, 'sir taehyung' you answered it and
"Hello? Is this the personal assistant of Mr. Kim Taehyung??" Unknown person
"Uhmm yes? But who's this? How did you get his phone?"
"Oh we'll explain it to you later but we need you to get in here at the hospital in the emergency room he got into a accident and there's no sign of family contact members on the phone so we decided to call you"
"Ma'am please calm down, it's Yonsei Hospital"
When you heard the name of the hospital you immediately turn down the call and drive your car as fast as you can as if you was in a movie everything was so slow even though you already reached the speed limit
You didn't know you were yelling at the nurse because of fear that he would leave you and not getting any chance to tell him that you're so inlove with him, you ran as fast as you could and forced them to let you in where taehyung was
"I'm sorry ma'am but you're not allowed to go in here"
'I'm furious to see him in a hospital bed I didn't imagine he would be in there, but at the same time I felt my heart slowly beating and it's like dropping on the floor and I thought it was déjà vu when my father died because of a car accident, same scenario where it feels like the time is stuck and being slowed, same feeling where my heart beating slowly and shattered to little pieces, same man who I love the most, but a different person. I don't want the history repeat it self..' — you were looking at him while talking to yourself
You sat outside of the emergency room while waiting for everything to be fine, you couldn't help yourself not to cry for hours
"Excuse me ma'am,,,, ma'am excuse me, ma'am"
You didn't notice that the doctor was calling your attention
"Oh, y-yes? I'm sorry"
"Are you the wife? of Mr. Kim Taehyung?" The doctor asked
"Uhmm no, just a personal assistant, but uhmm, is he fine? Is he going to be okay?" I felt again my heart beating fast
"We are sorry to tell you this but his head got extremely hit and had an amnesia"
"Don't worry to much it's just a temporary episode of memory lost which is transient global amnesia but it is still frightening, if he wakes up please be reminded that during an episode of transient global amnesia, his recall of recent events simply vanishes, so he can't remember where he is or how he got there. In addition, he may not remember anything about what's happening in here and now. Consequently, he may keep repeating the same questions because he don't remember the answers you've just been given. He may also draw a blank face when asked to remember things that happened a day, a month or even a year ago."
'I cant even move to what I've heard,, how will he remember me, or even evrything, should I tell him that his parents are dead? Or that would be to harsh for him he just got into a accident I don't think it's the right time, maybe I'll just wait for him to remember some of the things that really happened years ago, what should I tell him?' — You're just standing in front of him while talking to yourself and crying
You sat next to him and waits for him to wake up, it's already 8pm and he's still not waking up, you were tired of what's happening and it stressed you out, so you accidentally fall asleep and when you woke up it's already 7am
"Hi, you are sleeping next to me but I don't know you and where am I??"
Beacuse of excitement and you got suprised that taehyung is already awake you started hugging taehyung and crying
"E-excuse me, I'm s-sorry but w-who are y-you and I c-can't breathe you hug so t-tightlyyyyy" taehyung catching his breathe
"I'm sorry I'm just so excited to see you awake and talking to me, oh uhm I'm your personal assistant do you want something? Do you want to eat?" You smiled at him while asking
"Ohhh okay, I didn't know I have a personal assistant but uhm where am I? What happened?"
You can see in his face that he's really confused on what's happening
"Uhm uhh,,, you're in the hospital because of an accident and you hit your head badly you're suffering right now to a transient global amnesia but don't worry about it I'll make you remember everything okay? For now just rest. So do you need anything? Are you hungry?"
Taehyung was all blank space as if he didn't hear anything, so you started calling him but he didn't answer and started asking you again the same questions
"Sir!! Uhmmm sir?? Taehyung!!"
"Who are you? Where am I? Why am I here??" Taehyung asks while looking around the room
You get confused but suddenly you remembered that it is natural for someone who has an transient global amnesia to repeat the same questions because of not remembering your answers and draw a blank face, you started wondering that he didn't remember what you've said earlier, that you're his personal assistant so you decided to kiss him unexpectedly, you kissed him passionately and slowly touches his body but you stop when someone knock on the door, before even the nurse open the door you immediately look under his bed prentending you lose your hair pin
"Uhmm excuse me ma'am what are you doing? Did you lost something?" The nurse asked while you were fakingly looking something under the bed
"Oh u-uh I lost my hair pin I think it's in here" you stand up and looked at the nurse
"Hahahaha ma'am I think it's in your hair, you're face are so red are you feeling well?"
"Y-yes I think because it's hot in here" you're red because you were blushing and your heart flatters due to the fact that you kissed your love of your life
"It's cold why are you getting hot?" Taehyung interrupt
You ignored taehyung's question and just talked to the nurse
"Uhh, I'll just go home and take a bath and also I'll buy taehyung something to eat, please look after him i'll be gone for only an hour or 30 mins thank you!"
You grabbed your bag and head out on taehyung's room, when you got home you prepared all of your clothes and stuffs, while you were taking a shower you're thinking of taehyung
"Ugh!! What should I do for him to remember everything" — talking to yourself while showering in the bathroom
You sat in the bathtub and think of ways how will taehyung remember everything, as you're done showering you headed outside of the bathroom but you slipped into a magazine
"aah!! Ouch!! Fck this magazine!"
You grabbed the magazine and when you were about to throw the book it suddenly catches your attention
"90 days of fiancè before 90 days?? Did I even bought this kind of magazine, no neck edd? What?" You got moved by the title of it but you still throw it anyways...
When you got into the hospital taehyung was sleeping and you woke him up to eat
"Who are you? Where are we?" Taehyung asked while you were preparing his food
"Sir you're in the hospital, I'm your pers-" you stop and look at him, you suddenly remembered what you saw on the magazine
"I mean I'm your wife, and we're in the hospital" you answered it confidently and smiled at him
a month already had past, taehyung is getting better everyday and he already considered you as his fiancee after you decided to live in with teahyung
“honeeyyy! what do you want to eat?” you asked taehyung while he was watching tv on the living room
“hmmm you?” he looked at you and smiled 
“u-uh? me?” your heart started to beats fast 
“yah, how about you? what do you wanna eat?” taehyung ask
 you sat near him at the sofa 
“o-oh uh, pizz-” 
“what? you tought I want to eat you?” he started coming closer at you while he was smiling
“you dirty minded! ofcourse not!” your face became red and you can’t look at him directly at his eyes 
he get closer to you, started kissing you passionately and grabs your boobs you moaned near at his ear 
“ugghhh, baby cum at me” 
“so this is how you wanna play?” taehyung smirk and take you to his room
Taehyung pulled down your panties and he started fingering you
"Uuuhhhhhh, babyyyy fck"
You're already undressed and taehyung started eating your pussy and inserted his dick,
"Uuhhhh fck fasterrr! Uugggghhhh"
He grabs your boobs and he fcks you even more faster
"Soft dicks won't get me satisfied" you started teasing him and he stops... he suddenly pull you out of the bed
"Don't get dress, follow me" taehyung slaps your butt
"Awww tss! W-wait?? Where are we going? Are we already done? Taehyung???!!!"
"Baby chill we ain't even starting yet" he looks at you and smirks
"Huh? Then where are we going?" you were so confused
"Ssshh wait and you'll see,,, I call this 'master's hell room' "
"Wtf, what is all this? How can I not know this room?"
He takes you to his room where full of sex toys and the room was full of red lights..
"What did you said earlier? Soft di-" taehyung stops when you kneel and started to blow job him
"Uuhhhh fck let me eat you" taehyung grabs your hair
You crawl at him and kissed him passionately while he inserts his dick on you,,,, but he grabs your waist and switch your position under him
"Oh baby let me show you how top persons do, and how it's done" taehyung kissed you passionately, and you're just enjoying how he kisses your neck and how he puts hickey on your boobs,,, he gets down until he reaches on your pussy and started eating it
"Babyyyy uugghhhh f-fck, uuhhhhh,,, uuhhhh" no other words but only moans is the only thing you can hear from the room
But suddenly taehyung stops and gets one of his sex toys, you looked at him and said
"Let me show you how this works" Taehyung said while holding a sex toy and playing with it
"Uhmmm, baby I think we should do this next time I don't really know how that works and uhmm,, i don't know if that is safe"
"Babyy just follow what I'm going to say okay? This is safe don't worry you'll enjoy this"
He gives you a white handkerchief
"Put this on your mouth, tied it tightly"
"What? No,,, baby lets just do this next time okay??" You lay down again on the bed
"Oh come on! I'm your fiancè there's nothing to worry about"
"Hmm,,, okay"
but he runs toward you and crawl on top of off you
"But I'll fck you one more time" he inserted his dick on your pussy and he starts fcking you faster
"wow didn't know you were good at this"
"huh? as if it's our first time"
"ohh, uhh- no! What I meant was you're getting hotter and better everytime"
time has passed and you're just staring at him while he's sleeping
"Hey you alright?" taehyung asked you
"oh hey, yah baby I'm alright. I'm just really happy for the both of us" you smiled and touched his hair
"Hmmm, I was kinda wondering if we ever have some pictures so I can put it in our room"
"Oh uhm I- Uh- we don't really have some pictures, because u- uh- told me you don't like taking pictures, but I do have 1 picture of us look" you grabbed your phone on the small table near the bed
"See look at you working so hard"
"I'm not even looking at that picture pffttt"
"hahaha baby like what I told you, you don't like taking pictures"
"okay well then this time let's take a lot of photos as much as we can so we can have a lot of memories" he smiled at you and starts to sleep again
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jawusa · 4 years
Goldie's Adventures on the Moon - Day 2
Chapter 2: First signs of happiness 
When I had returned to my suite last night, I thought it'd be the worst night ever and I wouldn't get any minute of sleep! Well... I guess I judged that hotel too fast? For some reason, I woke up rather peacefully. At first, I was mad at Dad and Rhett for deserting me, but actually, I was the one who kept complaining and begging for 'some time off' - and yesterday, I just had 'some time off', so why wasn't I happy? Anyway... I also received a text message from Dad, which was like: "Hey honey, I and Rhett will be at the Lunar Market around 1 pm. So, why don't you also come and join us? I'm sure you'd find something you like!" Normally, they'd always bore me and I would never want to spend some time with them, but STRANGELY, I was actually pleased to read this and I felt like a little girl who had lost her father for many years and was happy about the news of him returning? When I arrived at the Lunar Market, I couldn't find Dad or Rhett - neither of them!
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I went in every store they had there; not really wanting to buy stuff at all! I never felt so lonely; it was like I was lost in outer space and nobody could rescue me ... although they had left me just yesterday? It felt like eternity! But when I entered in the souvenir shop, my heart suddenly started to pound - it was that cute boy! He did notice me when I entered the shop and then... he winked at me...
"Hey, I recognize you... weren't you at the aquarium just yesterday?" I didn't answer, nor did I nod... or did any other gestures! "You... OK? You look like you... What happened... if I may ask?" I suddenly burst into tears... in front of him... and for some strange reason, I didn't know why? (I do have pics of me crying in that moment... and also him consoling me, but this diary should be all about fun anecdotes to remember - and to be honest, that wasn't it!)
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But apparently, they were all there, but I kept missing them when I was entering the shops whilst looking for them... that made me feel SO dump! What was I doing there AT ALL? How couldn't I notice? Was I so blind... or so stupid? Or probably both?
"Oh, I'm sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable, I didn't mean to.. it's just that..” "No, it's not you! I'm fine... actually, I enjoyed the conversations I had with you?" *blushes "Aww, how cute! Me too, although you never really spoke to me.... hey, maybe some fresh air at the garden makes you feel better... let's go there together, sweetie!"
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That garden really made me feel better... or was it because I was talking to him? I don't know... but I really enjoyed the scenery over there! It was... beautiful! "Hey, let me show me how we greet here! ... just do it like me!" 
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"Uhmmm... OK? I guess I tried to bow like you... ? Kinda..."
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"I think you're good for now, it's cute of you to try! You're doing it great, really! "Thanks... I guess?" "I like you, you seem to be such a cool sim! What's your name? Btw, my name is Qiu Wan... yeah, I know, kinda hard to pronounce, but hey, you can call me whatever you like! My friends call me just Q." "Nice to meet you, Q! I've never heard such a name before, that's unique..." "You find me unique? ;)" *doing a flirty face "You're cute... I guess... anyway, I'm Goldie Hart! I'm just... a regular nobody!"
... I was so dazed and suddenly, I completely forgot about Dad and Rhett. I saw that my phone was ringing - it was Dad... and previously, there were five other missed phone calls from Dad.. and three from Rhett! For a minute or two, I felt happiness again! I knew it felt so good to be needed! Anyway, they asked me where I were and what I was up to - they said that they had already left the Lunar Market and had been waiting for me in the local bowling alley which also had a diner.
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HOWEVER, when I arrived there... I wished I had never done that; they were just singing some weird karaoke songs and this time, I felt EMBARRASSMENT again for being with them! But luckily, Q wasn't around... which was GOOD!
We had lunch together again after such a long time! I think, that was the first time ever on the moon... when they ate, I wouldn't come.. or when I ate, they wouldn't come! But now, I started regretting it - they were talking about random stuff and I just didn't want to embarrass me any longer... so, I went outdoors!
"Hey, do you mind if I just join you? I love bowling!" "Yeah, sure! Bowling alone ain't fun.. so why not? Do you know any tricks? Show them off!"
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I really loved bowling with her and got to talk to her a lot on that day; she was very talented and also very funny!
"Btw, we were talking about all kinds of stuff, but never really got to introduce ourselves, lmao! What's your name?" "We... kinda missed that indeed! It was nice to talk to you, though, I really enjoyed bowling with you! But yeah, I'm Goldie Hart! How about you?" "LOVE THAT! I'm Hua Ling - the girl with crazy anime hair and one earring. My mom owns that clothier/jewelry shop down the street, maybe you've seen me over there already." "Actually, I've never been there..." "Hey, let's meet there around 6 pm-ish? I'd like to show you some of the outfits which I've sewn myself! They'd look awesome on you, I swear!"
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While I was chatting with this rather outgoing girl, Dad was kinda trying to copy some famous artists' dance moves - I can't tell whose... but the locals around there seemed to be amused, at least... they look amused in Rhett's snapshot?
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He was in good mood, though! Dad would never go skating, but on that day, we REALLY went to a roller rink! It's funny since he'd never let me go roller skating back home, and here... he went roller skating himself! That was SOO fun! I screamed like a little girl! I was SO happy again after such a long time of grieving! 
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I didn't want to upset Hua, though. So, I went to that little business which she runs with her mom... and to my surprise, Q as there as well? I... didn't see him when I first entered the little shop, and that made me feel so insecure again? I just... didn't understand whyy! Did I have bad kind of butterflies? Anyway... I randomly picked one of the qiapos they had (or kinomo? ... yeah, whether they called that stuff) and tried to disappear as fast as possible into one of the changing booths.
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"Hahaha, why Goldie? You didn't even show me the clothing? What's wrong with you, lol? "*giggles Then... I also heard some other giggles beside hers! I... hoped Q didn't notice me and it's not his giggles? But I wasn't sure! I was afraid to even go out... but I had to. "Why were you hiding? Did you see someone? I was like: wait, whaat?!! What's going on? Did I miss something?" "I... just... no, not at all, lol!" "But hey, you look beautiful in that outfit!"
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I looked around insecurely... but couldn't find Q anywhere, so he must have left, but still, it was bizarre him showing up... was he following me? Also, why did the cashier over there resemble Sadie Wilke from Widespot so much? I've seen her in another snapshot before... but this can't be her?! I mean, we'd have seen her when she travelled along... and it would absolutely make NO sense for her to travel to the moon every day, work here for some hours and then return to Widespot to run the General Store in my hometown! ... I just had to tell this Hua, she found it funny, though! Anyway, later on, I joined Dad and Rhett at the SkEye Observatory! I was very eager to try out these telescopes, since I had never used one before - I knew, that a fellow student back at home... well Woody had some of these in his home, but it'd be kinda weird to ask to use, so... I didn't bother to ask! Not to mention that his dad wouldn't have allowed me to use anyway.
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I could tell, though, that Dad and Rhett weren't really into stargazing! I heard them yawning all the time... "Honey, do you mind if we leave you lonely for a minute or two? I think... i've seen a meteorite crashing downstairs!" "Fine Dad, I know you're bored and you just try to find an excuse to go to the bar downstairs!" "Yeah, that's exactly what I was about to say! But didn't want to... uhm... hurt your feelings..." "Just... leave me loney, I'll be alright!"
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While I didn't know what they were up to downstairs, this snapshot didn't really surprise me! I just knew they'd be flirting... again! This time, I wasn't necessarily mad at them... not even at Dad for moving on too fast after Mom died? Anyway, my second day on the moon was a great success! It didn't start that well, but I made friends with some really good guys out there! Q's been so charming recently, but I never dared to... uhm ask whether he has a girlfriend... let alone boyfriend? I kinda felt ashamed to weep in front of him, what does he think of me now... after all of this? I was such a cry baby! But hold on, was it really him who was kinda... following me? Anyway, I've never been this shy before, I don't get this, I'm an OUTGOING girl! I've never struggled to talk to someone... so, what's wrong with Q? I think Hua's noticed that I had a crush on him? NOO, it's not a crush! It's just... well, I only find him cute, that's all!
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r-ahh-mi · 5 years
You Got What I Need (Part 5)
Part One II Part Two II Part Three II Part Four
Warnings: Swearing, Angst, and Mentions of Pregnancy, 
Word Count: 3.2k
Hope you guys enjoy because next part is going to be something willddddd. Let me know what you think; love you all xx
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“Have fun?”, Sami teased as he glanced towards you and Rami as you both exited the bathroom at the same time; hands entwined.
“Shut up.”
Rami and his brother continued on in playful banter while you preoccupied yourself by watching the small infant sleeping next to you in his car seat, causing you to reflect on where your life was headed very, very soon.
It was happening. It was actually happening. In 9 months time, fuck, or even less than that, you would be in this very situation of lugging around a small human with you everywhere you went and caring and feeding and burping and-holy shit. There was just too much to take in and too many things to prepare for and, yes several months was a good amount of time, but was it enough?
What if i’m a shit mom? What if I fuck this kid up? Oh my god, what if its first word is fuck!
Absently, you zoned out, but the small movements and whines of the child brought you back to the present as you watched Ian’s tiny little fingers begin to wiggle.
“Finally!”, Rami immediately wrapped both of his hands around the infants body, lifted the boy up, and began cradling him in his arms. His cooing noises fully woke up the child as Ian opened his eyes and giggled once he got a look at who was holding him.
“There’s that smile”, Rami poked the little guys nose as he made a funny face, attempting to amuse the child.
“He probably thinks you’re me, so don’t be too flattered.”
“Fuck off Sami,” Rami winced at his curse word, knowing he’d get scolded for that later. “He knows who his uncle is, doesn’t he.”
You listened intently as Rami continued on a conversation with the infant paired with the most precious baby talk that, if you weren’t pregnant already, you’d be begging him to put a child in you immediately just so you could watch him do this everyday.
In due time, I suppose.
“Isn’t he cute?”, Rami shifted his body so you could get a better look at the baby as you nodded and tickled your fingers along his round tummy, causing a cute, high pitched squeal to come from Ian’s small lips.
He looked so much like his dad which also meant he looked a lot like his uncle, Rami, and, fuck, it was like I was getting a tiny glimpse into the future and I wasn’t hating it; not a bit. Even though one of the most important parts had still yet to come and I was still attempting to muster up some sort of strength and configuration as to when was the right time to say something.
“See, it wouldn’t have been so bad”, Rami whispered to you as he multi-tasked between taking a sip of his freshly ordered whiskey and rocking the baby in his arms. “I’m a pro already.”
You cocked your eyebrow at his blatant cockiness before being interrupted by your phone loudly making noise against the table. As your eyes glanced down to the screen you saw a calendar notification, specifically, a reminder about your ultrasound tomorrow.
Quickly, you swiped the notification away and turned your phone face down onto the table as you glanced towards Rami who seemed to be preoccupied with the baby and much too distracted to see what was displayed on your phone.
Suddenly, you were no longer in a heavenly haze, but more so an anxious spiral as your mind traveled back to all the things you needed to learn, all the things you need to buy for this child, and all the things you needed to say to the father of your child.
“Do you want to hold her?”, Sami’s wife smiled at you, attempting to pry the child from Rami’s arms.
Might as well get some practice in.
“Sure, yeah,” you nodded, reaching out your hands as Vanessa gently set the three month old infant in your arms.
Ian was a tad fussy at first, and you would be to if you were suddenly placed in some strange women’s arms, but Rami placed his head near your shoulder, making sure the baby could see his face and instantly Ian softened into your arms as he stared up at both of your faces smiling faces.
“See, not so bad right?”, you didn’t know if Rami was talking to you or the baby, but you decided to take his words as if they were directed at you because at the very least you could still hold on to the fact that Rami wouldn’t be totally upset when you broke the news to him, in fact, maybe he’d be over joyed. Maybe.
But all of this was just making you feel worse and worse by the second and you just had to say something. Even if it meant right now and dragging him somewhere secluded to tell him - you couldn’t bare to wait any longer.
“Can we talk?”, you whispered into Rami’s ear.
He looked at you a bit bemused, but nodded as he passed the baby back to Sami and finished the last of his alcoholic beverage.
“Want to go to my place?”
Oh god, did I? What if we ended up fighting and then i’d be stuck in his apartment with an angry or sad Rami and a very emotional me or what if i got distracted again (and by distracted, I mean had sex with him, making me forget how to even compose a proper sentence, let alone deliver important news).
Against your nerves, you nodded and quickly started putting your coat on, not wanting to waste any unnecessary time and just wanting to have this conversation done with. The only thing haunting you more than actually saying the two words to him, was the latter reaction. After our last altercation, you really didn’t know what to expect from him or how to even picture how he would react.
Rami and you said your polite goodbyes to his family, of course, Rami had to spend a little extra time holding Ian and whispering sweet words that, not even, you could make out; as if it were their own little secret.
After exiting the bar and getting into the Uber, you had requested, your bodies snuggled affectionately in the backseat and it was making you feeling as tipsy as Rami was, solely because it felt like you were back to normal and you were quickly going to ruin it..again.
But he deserved to know and he needed to know.
Anxiously, your leg bounced up and down giving your feelings away as Rami placed his hand atop your thigh.
“What’s eating you away right now?”
You bit your lip and shook your head, “Not right now. I want to talk about it when we get back to your place.”
Rami nodded, although his facial expression told you that he was still trying to conjure about ideas as to what you wanted to talk about.
“Is this about Ashley?”
Even the mention of her name made you grit your teeth, though you had no reason to be angry at her, she was oblivious to you and Rami’s situation, much like the rest of the world was, and she seemed nice, it was just, you were selfish and wanted him all to yourself. Even worse, you expected Rami to hold some sort of psychic ability and him to be able to understand your feelings without you having to utter a single word. If only things worked out like that; if only things were that easy.
“No,” you scoffed, “It’s not about Ashley.”
“Hey”, Rami nudged your chin, forcing your pouted expression to look towards him as his thumb rubbed against the skin on your face. “No need to be jealous..although you do look very cute when you’re like this.”
His fingers dug into your sides, tickling the exact spots that he knew could drive you to madness as laughter consumed you. You playfully slapped him away as your legs kicked, surely drawing the attention of your Uber driver to the two lunatics in his back seat.
“You promise this isn’t about her?”, you nodded as you attempted to control your laughter whilst Rami let his hands remain on one of your hips as he kept strong eye contact with you, making you wonder what that little brain of his was thinking about.
He shook his head, “You really don’t get it do you?”
You threw a confused look his way as he, much to your surprise, brushed the hair, that was laying on your shoulder, away so it could fall down your back. Slowly, you found his lips attaching themselves to your hair as he pressed soft kisses and moved them along down until they were nipping at your ear.
“She was just a distraction,” He said directly into your ear between his various kisses, “I only want you, you should know that by now.”
His affectionate actions were sending shivers down your arms and as much as you wanted this so, so bad right now, you knew that he only meant it the way that most men would mean it. Ashley was a way for him to get a fuck since you were no longer an option and that pained you to no end to know that you were on the same list as Ashley; merely a fuck and a good time and who knows who else or how many others were on this list.
You lightly shoved rami away, moving your body closer to your side of the car as you let your gaze look out the window at all the various lights of cars, buildings, and street signs…but of course, Rami was persistent and when you felt his hand land on your thigh, you knew he would have those precious dilated pupils fixed on you.
All he wanted to do was know you and, once again, get inside your head; it was odd how this situation wasn’t too far away from the talk you had when you had your argument not that long ago. Of course, now it was much more calm, thankfully.
You knew exactly what he meant so you didn’t even bother looking at him or answering his question with another question as a light trickle of tears began to rain down from your eyes, down to your cheek as you furiously wiped them away.
“You’re clearly upset and all I want is for you to talk to me baby.”
God, did he really have to call me that right now. I usually loved that he called me sweet pet names, but now that I knew I was purely a way for him to get his sexual frustrations out, I wanted to just tell him I was pregnant and go home, alone and just cry as loud as I so fucking pleased.
“It’s just..i’m..it’s about us.”
You nodded, as you tried to create a path or some sort of timeline in your brain on how to deliver such dramatic news to him.
“What about us?”
You shook your head, “Not here. I don’t want to have this talk here, let’s wait til we are home.”
Rami respected your request and relaxed back into his seat for the remainder of the drive, his hand remaining on your leg the entire time as he subconsciously rubbed little patterns into your skin.
However, not even a second after you both walked into the door of his apartment, was he beginning to question you again.
Rami was deeply anxious, almost seeming scared of this talk and it was comforting to know that you both gave a shit. If neither of you cared, you both wouldn’t be so desperately clinging on to assumptions and nervous habits to attempt to guess what the other was going to say, or, in my case, how the other was going to react or fuck, how you even dropped this type of news in conversation.
“So, talk.”, Rami pulled out one of the bar stools from his kitchen island and patted the other one set next to him.
With a deep breath, you took the seat offered and planted yourself to the spot, promising yourself that you would remain rooted here until you told him. No more putting this off and making excuses. Even if you got distracted, this was it. In a matter of several hours you would be finding out the news about your baby and..this just wasn’t going to be put off any longer.
“Is this about our..uhm..relationship?”, He said the word ‘relationship’ with a giant question mark, not knowing what to call whatever it was you both had which was comforting seeing as you were just as questioning about it as he was.
“Sorta yeah I-”
“I think I feel it too.”
Your eyebrows pushed together, creating the slightest of creases on your forehead as Rami interrupted you, “What do you mean?”
Rami sighed, nibbling on his bottom lip as he ran a hand through his hair, one of this nervous habits that you adored.
“I like you.”
“I sure would hope so-”
“No I mean…I like you,” He took a deep breath as he attempted to carry on with what he so desperately wanted to say, but was finding it difficult to mutter because he was just as terrified as you were, him for different reasons of course, because he was clueless to the life growing inside your tummy that was his. Rami was more focused on telling you how he felt; how he really felt.
“I want to be exclusive.”
The heart in your chest began having heavy and hard palpitations as you listened to him speak, saying the words you would’ve adored to hear two weeks ago, but right now, this was all too much.
He couldn’t.
You were positive he was just saying what you wanted to hear so he could acquire you for a passionate evening of moans and groans. Absolutely no way was he into you like you were into him. No way were you that lucky, no fucking way.
“Say something please”, Rami reached out his hand to yours, holding your hand in his palm as his eyes pleaded with you, nearly begging on their knee’s for you to say some type of words to either reassure his mind that you were feeling this too, or to completely deny these feelings and to let him down.
“What exactly do you mean when you say exclusive Rami?”
Rami had thought the hard part was over, muttering those words was difficult enough because he knew when he said them there was no going back and once there was no going back that meant things would change and right now, even though it had only been a minute or so since he exclaimed his need for some sort of exclusivity with you, things were different. For good or bad, who was to say.
“I want you all to myself.”, his voice was raised slightly above the volume of a ‘hum’ as he knew he was beating around the bush. Not saying the exact words of what he wanted was an aspect of him you were still trying to grasp. He was one to always be honest and open with you, but it took several attempts to slack it out of him until he would eventually succumb and be straight forward.
“Okay so you want to be the only one to fuck me?”
“God, Y/N this isn’t about having sex this-this is so much more than that.”, Rami said this rather annoyed and aggravated that you would dare to even entertain the thought that, in his mind, you were just a good fuck he was comfortable with getting. You were so much more than a way for him to get his dick wet, but you were also the most stubborn woman he had come across and yet, you were the woman he wanted.
“Okay, then tell me what the-”
“I want you to be my girlfriend.”
Dear God. Dear holy fucking Jesus of Nazareth. Kindly excuse my blatant swear directed at a biblical character, but the reaction seemed appropriate and-oh my god he just asked me to be his girlfriend.
“You can’t be serious.”, instantly, you regretted your poor wording as Rami’s eyes drooped down in the slightest movement, making the rest of his facial features fall into a sad placement as his eyebrows furrowed together in the cutest way.
“I don’t mean-I-”, You fought the words trying to tumble out of your mouth, but you genuinely had no clue what to say. These were the words you had longed to hear, but now that you were hearing them and living with them and breathing with them and pondering over them it was terrifying.
Not only did you have to worry about the small thing growing inside of you, but now you had this on your plate and no matter how desperately the words ‘i want to be your girlfriend too’ wanted to fall from your lips, your mind was busy thinking over all the details of what would actually happen if you both indeed did date.
“I’m just shocked is all. I wasn’t expecting you to feel that way.”
“Is it bad that I feel this way?”, Rami said with a soft expression as his thumb started caressing your hand while he genuinely questioned you.
A small smile graced your lips as you shook your head and bit your bottom lip, causing Rami to let a smile cover his face that accentuated his jaw. You both remained silent after a while, you, thinking over all the outcomes and pros and cons of being with me, and Rami just simply wanted you to say yes already. He didn’t regret saying that he wanted you to be his, in fact he was instantly relieved and felt a giant weight fall from his back.
“What if I said I wanted that as well?”, Rami’s face instantly brightened up even more so than it already was,
“Just say yes. God, you’re so stubborn”, he spoke with a laugh on the heels of his words.
“Me? Stubborn? Never!”
“Mhm sure. I can play pretend to ya know.”
Whilst scooting his bar stool against the hardwood floor as he stood up from his seating position, he came to rest in between your legs as you still sat in your stool, his hands instantly went to your jaw as he watched your every move; what your eyes were doing, what your facial expressions and body language could give away to him so he could find any sort of sign of how you were feeling.
“Are you going to make me ask again?”
“Well, technically you never asked, you just made a statement.”
Rami shook his head letting a grumbly laugh out from his chest as you went to rest your hands around his waist, enveloping him in a comfortable type hug.
“Will you be my girlfriend?”, Rami asked as he scooted his face closer to yours in anticipation.
“Duh”, you said with a beaming smile on your lips that was quickly interrupted by a kiss that nearly had you falling out of your stool from the impact.
Tag: @amcquivey @siriuslovesmarlene @sleep-all-day-and-all-night@kellysimagines @everybodyplaythegame @ramibaby @tyferbebe @xoa-lex @runawayxwithme @chibiisaurus @singyourheartout4-rami @hazeleyedbeth @thatramigirl @katiekitty261 @mydogisthebest @killerqueenofthenight @deacytits @notevenlxvely @saviooor @youthtea @amf71010 @bo-queen-rhap @rami-malek-trash @thedoctorsblogger @emilygracebatchelor @blackharry @destiel-stucky4ever-loki-queen @sunflower-borhap-boys 
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Talking Christ #1
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The Talking Christ by Squared Circle Confidential signature plays until the scene transitions over to Kiersten Fraust and Logan Fenix sitting on opposite sides of the large glass table. A backdrop of the Talking Christ logo behind them ready to start the show.
Kiersten Fraust: Hey everybody and welcome to Talking Christ! I'm Kiersten Fraust and to my right is my very outspoken co-host Logan Fenix joining me tonight! Wooo! What a show Wrestling with Christ in Saudi Arabia was, right? 
Logan Fenix: It was a complete catastrophe, Kiersten, but it was the kind of catastrophe I could not look away from like a child falling down an escalator.  I laughed, I cried, I threw up in my mouth in sheer disgust and much much more.
Kiersten Fraust: I was very surprised how they got away with so much of the stuff that happened. Being Saudi Arabia and how strict things are over there. I'm just thankful that everybody who made the trip came back to the United States and their homes safely.
Logan Fenix: Got away with it?  Hercule Giles was over there forever, according to Brennan Devlin they’re still picking apart Bun Bun to this very day.  They all left pieces of themselves behind, quite literally, and none of them will ever be the same.  Do you know how much the therapy is going to cost them all?
Kiersten Fraust: Well, you know sometimes people tend to exaggerate things online and really... my mind is still trying to process everything that happened. The whole golden ticket championship madness throughout both nights of the show. Everyone thinking that Marty Kovacs was dead but shows up on night two very much alive. I mean there is a ton more which will require therapy for the viewers.
Logan Fenix: And what about say for instance, C.J. Sweet turning her back on everything she’d ever known in this business.  From the start of her career, she’d been the good girl, the fan favorite…  one big win and suddenly her personality shifted and she turned her back on Angel and the fans.  Somehow, that paid off and you know what?  I’m actually happy to see that side of her.
Kiersten Fraust: Seeing her in that light is kinda disturbing to me. It's honestly sad because she had so many fans rooting for her, rooting for Angel, rooting for this match but then she turns her back on them? I don't get it.
Logan Fenix: That’s what you do when you are trying to make that next step, to turn that next corner.  This CJ has a lot more stock in her than the last and I am happy to see it.  But then, we had on Night One, Jacob Kuntz taking on Winter Drell.  This one had a lot of potential to change the very outlook of Night Two.  Because if Kuntz won, it changed our main event from winner take all…  If Winter won, well, the chances of Winner Take All weren’t just chances anymore, they were happening.  Boy what a fight that was too.
Kiersten Fraust: Ever since Winter Drell won the CCW heavyweight championship she has done everything in her power to keep it. Like when she ate the light tube in her match against Jacob Kuntz. That match was very, very, very brutal thing to witness and I was just sitting at home watching. I can't imagine what it was like seeing it in person. Then Kuntz? Oh my lord, he was just taking the blunt of every light tube that came in contact with his... Uhh.. private area. 
Logan Fenix: But in the end, Winter Drell hung on…  somehow, the Queen of the Double Dragons ensured that she had her chance for Winter Take All.  Get it?  Winter take all.  But before we get to that..  Chang had an eventful weekend, he killed Allah!
Kiersten Fraust: While you're all celebrating it, I just don't know how to process it all. Were we all tripping on something we didn't know we took before this match or what? Like Chang killed this invisible presence. It's like...
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Kiersten Fraust: My words have failed me.
Logan Fenix: Love it, love everything about it, and let’s not forget what he did to Prince Salman.  You saw what he did, right?  It was like something out of the Avengers.  I kept waiting for Samuel L. Jackson to show up at the end and recruit him.
Kiersten Fraust: Throughout this match I was thinking how we were watching a collaboration between Avengers and Terminator movies in wrestling. But yeah, I saw what Chang did to Prince Salman. I wish I didn't but I did.
Logan Fenix: It was the most captivating, enthralling, some would even say erotic thing I’ve ever seen, Kiersten. 
Kiersten Fraust: Don't you mean exotic? Like Joe Exotic.
Logan Fenix: No, erotic.  As in I experienced confusing emotions in my brain, and in my nether regions.  My girlfriend Taylour and I had the best lovemaking experience of our lives after watching Chang’s matches.
Kiersten Fraust: Uhmmm... Okay. How about that Winter take all? It was one of the best things you've said tonight. And she really showed up in that match. The champ was kicking butt and much more.
Logan Fenix: Everything I say is good things, Frausty.  But you’re right!  What about when Redd Thunder and Duke Andrews hurled themselves into the Double Dragons, all of them went off the Heaven in a Cell to the floor.  Thank goodness for Wendy Wynne’s magic toilet paper maze…  it was magic right?  Actually, let’s not get into the mysticism of an enchanted toilet paper maze, we’ll be here all day.  What a move from Thunder and Andrews though, but it did not pay off in the end.
Kiersten Fraust: Constantine was about to win it for his team but then the freakin' devil shows up? The Saudi Arabia crowd definitely got more than what they bargained for. It was hellish with little sprinkles of good thrown in here and there.
Logan Fenix: It seemed like Satan may have been making an offer to Constantine too, but Winter took the deal instead…  and then the end, when the building was finally overrun?  And did you see the post-credits?!
Kiersten Fraust: Where Chang was holding Prince  Salman's heart and declaring he was going after Jesus next? Yeah, I saw it. I wonder how that match will go down, if it will be a match at all.
Logan Fenix: We did see a logo at the end for Wrestling With Christ: Satanic Service, maybe?  But let’s not get ahead, we have some guests!
Kiersten Fraust: Oh yes! Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome our very first guests to the show Conor Machina and Mitch McMaster.
Both men walk on to the set, Mitch acting like he had a few extra shots of hard liquor and Conor his cool and collected self. They sit at each end of the table as they are given microphones.
Kiersten Fraust: Guys! It's so great to have you here. Thanks for coming tonight.
Conor Machina: It's a pleasure to be here.
Mitch McMaster: Wow look at you honey.
Mitch scooting closer to Kiersten, obviously very inebriated and thirsty for a drink of that Frausty root beer.
Kiersten Fraust: Wow, and look at you too. But I wanted to ask how your client Barry is doing after the loss to Axel at Wrestling with Christ?
Mitch McMaster: Oh you like what I’ve got goin’ on don’t you honey?  Who?  Oh, Barry!  Barry, I love Barry, that kids been family for ages.  We’ll get Axel, don’t you worry.  My baby girl Angel made a bad choice in a man, and I have to protect her.
Kiersten Fraust: How did this match come about? 
Mitch McMaster: It all comes about at Wrestling With Christ 2.  He asked her to marry him, it was brief, but I caught it.  Now, I always dreamt of better for my girl, she’s so many generations ahead of wrestler that she deserves the best.  Instead, she has to deal with that wrestling equivalent of a mutt?  Nuh uh!  I thought maybe Barry would whoop some sense into this guy but, apparently, I need to look deeper because he cheated Badass Barry Saban.  You saw it right?!
Logan Fenix: The world saw it, Mitch.  Several closed fists, which should be banned but the referee just lets it go.
Conor Machina: I know the thought of your daughter marrying Axel gets you extremely hot under the collar and it's natural for you to disapprove of him and want better for Angel. But I have known Axel for a really long time and the guy's a good dude. Nobody would mess with her with him around.
Kiersten Fraust: I totally agree. 
Conor Machina: Now as far as the closed fists are concerned... What about that low blow Barry gave to Axel when you distracted the referee? Are you guys just selectively blind during the match? Barry had it coming.
Kiersten Fraust: Yes. Excellent point.
Mitch McMaster: You have a problem or something boy?  Your line of questioning is starting to get me hot under the collar, I did what I had to do and I’ll do it again.  But right now it seems to me you’re trying to rabble rouse and cause issue.  You’ve been looking at me cross-eyed this whole show and I might be an old man but this old man still got a lot of bullets left in his gun.
Conor chuckles into his microphone.
Conor Machina: I mean this with the utmost respect but come get your ass kicking, playboy. Pull the trigger.
Mitch McMaster: Oh it’s on, boy, I’m going to slap you around like your mama should have before she went out and let me put my thing in her way back in the day.
He jumped up as security rushed in to keep the two men separated.
Mitch McMaster: Better watch your ass big boy, me and the homies are coming for you.  Better sleep with one eye open cause froggy’s about to leap!  RIBBIT MOTHERFUCKER.
Conor Machina: Tell me... was there a secret stipulation to that match if Axel won, Angel had to call him daddy? 
Mitch McMaster: Watch yourself because McMaster spells disaster for you, kid!  And my daughter would never be into DDLG fetishism!  That tears it!
McMaster threw a shoe across the room at Conor, nearly taking his head off as he was drug out of the room.
Kiersten Fraust: Well, this is an interesting way to sign off. See everyone next time.
Mitch continues to shout out of camera view and the show finally comes to an end.
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switchdnp · 6 years
Phil’s Breeding Kink
A/N: For the anon who wants a fic about Phil’s Breeding Kink. Here ya go! I hope it’s to your liking, please forgive me if this is not that great(clearly not experienced). Btw I’m the new mod here, Lea Mae but I think I’ll use Lea to shorten it. 15 yrs old she/her, heterosexual. :) :) :)
Word Count: 1596
Genre: Basically smut… and Phan
Summary: Dnp are filming a gaming video and suddenly Phil starts talking about how animals breed. Dan thinks Phil is just being Phil, but there’s more that Phil is not telling Dan.
“Phil what was that?! Didn’t we talk about this already?” Dan exclaimed with an unamused look on his face but is really not surprised and have already forgiven Phil after he turned off the camera and looked at his so not guilty boyfriend.
They were filming a gaming video and for some reason Phil started talking about the different ways animals breed. Talking about how male seahorses gives birth to baby seahorses, he even demonstrated how it happens with his own body and how dogs have this thing called knotting that prevents the ‘you-know-what’ stuff from going out of their partner’s body to ensure that the success rate is high. Everyone knows that Phil is a fan of animal facts but this kind of subject is bothering Dan.
“Sorry Dan…” Phil said, head bowed down while fiddling with his fingers but still smiling a bit for some reason.
“Why do you have to make everything sexual when we’re filming? Am i depriving you of sex or something?” Dan asked casually as he stood up from his chair, not realizing that Phil is horny at the moment and too shy to tell Dan himself.
As Dan turned his back to Phil, he heard a small whisper but didn’t quite catch it.
“You saying something?” Dan turned to Phil again but noticing how his cheeks are bright pink than usual and he’s not really looking at Dan, so with years of being together he understood everything.
“Never mind.” Phil stood up abruptly and started to go to the door. But Dan was not having any of it and pulled Phil’s arm and turned him so they’re facing each other.
“I said it’s nothing Dan. Sorry for earlier.” Phil said in a small voice and tried to push Dan away. But Phil forgot that his younger boyfriend was now taller and more built than him. As he tried to get away his back suddenly hit the door and Dan put both of his hands beside Phil’s head and lowered his head to say something to Phil’s ear but not before nibbling and licking on it.
“You’re horny right? Since when? You could’ve just told me and I would gladly help you, you know.” Dan was now sucking on Phil’s neck while his hands found it’s way to Phil’s waist and lower back.
“Mhnnnn… Dan. Th-that’s not it.” Phil groaned breathlessly, neck moving to a side giving Dan more access.
“What? You’re clearly horny Phil. Even your ears are turning red, that’s probably why you talked about mating animals.” Dan looked at Phil questioningly,  waiting for a reply.
“I want.. you to uhmmm. Breed me?” Phil said shyly. Too embarrassed and scared of what Dan might think. Dan looked confused for a second but when it hit him, he smirked liked a maniac.
“Turn your back to me,” Dan demanded. Phil didn’t move too quickly because of Dan’s change of tone so Dan harshly spun him around and put his big hand below Phil’s chin and titled it upwards. While his other hand went to Phil’s pyjamas and stroke his half hard cock which is getting harder with Dan’s slow strokes.
“You basically want me to cum in you, huh Phil? Want you to have my babies. I’ll come in you so deep you’d feel it in your stomach.” Dan was the dirty talker and with his hoarse and low voice it makes Phil’s legs feel like jelly.
“Hngggg Dan what-what are you-ahhhn” Phil was cut off by a moan that came out from his own throat as Dan slid his pyjamas down to his ankles and he felt the cold air hit his hard dick. They never had sex in the gaming room but neither of the two seems to care at the moment. Phil instinctively put his hands on the door and bent over.
“Are you that aroused that you don’t even have an ounce of patience, can’t wait for me to fill you up? Tell me Phil… tell me what you want.” Dan whispered as he also bent to say it directly for Phil’s ear to hear. Each word goes straight to his throbbing member. Phil’s so out of it despite having done this plenty of times. Their relationship as wild and pure as they used to when they just got together, never being bored with each other specially when they’re this active in their sex life.
“G-give me your… babies… Daniel ..” Phil said with teary eyes when Dan rubbed his thumb on Phil’s slit.
“Fucking hell Phil. That’s so hot.” Dan continued stroking Phil’s dick slowly distracting him, then Dan got the lube out of a drawer near them. Thankful for his stupidness that he got spare lube all around their flat.
“Stop teasing me…” Phil whined but can’t help but moan at Dan’s ministrations.
Phil was still wearing his slightly big sweatshirt which accentuated his pretty and pale butt and long legs while Dan is still fully clothed and it turns him on a lot more. Phil didn’t notice where Dan got lube until he felt two fingers entering without warning smirking when he felt that it’s already a bit loose and soft. They had sex like two days ago and it shouldn’t have been still that soft.
“Hnghhhhh… Dan. Just put it in, I- I did myself in the bath awhile ago.” Phil whispers, he wants the earth to swallow him whole ‘cuz he never thought he’d admit that to Dan, the kinky bastard.
“You’re sexually frustrated, can’t go a day without being fucked so you prepped yourself so that you’re ready for me anytime I want. Is that right Phil?” Phil nodded. Dan still scissored him and added another finger. Because even when he just wants to fuck this hot lad, he’s still a gentle giant.
“Ready to take my cock, Phil?” Dan said as he took out his own cock and lathered it up with lube
“I was born ready Dan, don’t you know m-ahhh!” Phil gasped when Dan suddenly pushed the tip of his cock in him.
“Shut up you dork, and take my fucking cock.” Dan rolled his eyes and slowly pushed in until he bottomed out. Both moaned at the overwhelming feeling of being joined together.
“Ughhh, shit you’re still tight!” Dan started to drag his cock slowly to let phil adjust to the stretch. Although a lot of Phans thinks Dan has the smaller cock he is much bigger than Phil’s.
“ahhhhhnggg.. D-dan… danny.” Phil moans as dan picks up the pace by roughly holding phil’s hips with his giant hands. Phil was scratching against the door, and face bright red from the pleasure.
“Do you like that…Phil? Feel my.. cock inside your stomach? Even if you’re not…a girl… I’d still want to have my… babies…with you.” Dan groans, punctuating each phrase with a deep thrust to Phil’s abused prostate which makes the older whimper not realizing that a tear escaped from his eyes. Hair sticking to his forehead from the sweat.
“Yes, ahhhhh! Y-yes Dan…breed me…” Moans of pleasure and pain from his unstable legs and Dan’s hold on him - which is sure to leave bruises - erupted from Phil’s mouth.
Both men getting closer and closer to their climax. Dan sensing that Phil is at the edge so he started pumping Phil’s cock with his hand while the other still holds Phil’s hip for balance. He bent over and pushed Phil’s sweatshirt up and held the cloth to Phil’s shoulder to see the pale and blemish free back of his lover.
“You’re so fucking pretty…”
Sucking lovebites all over his skin but relentlessly pivoting his hips in time with his harsh strokes on Phil’s cock. Phil wonders how he could multitask like that but eventually gets lost in what Dan’s doing.
“Cum for me Phil-ughh” As Dan said that Phil let out a cry and clenched down on Dan. White spurts of thick cum painted the door. Dan continued to chase his release using Phil, overstimulating him.
“I’m gonna cum Phil! I’ll give you what you want…” Dan moaned, thrusts becoming faster and unsteady. While Phil can’t do anything but take what Dan gives and whimper in pleasure.
With one hard thrust, Dan came deep inside of Phil.
“Hngggg… Dan. I can feel it being released inside me. I- I think I’m gonna- Ahhhhhngggg!” While Dan was riding out his high from coming by thrusting slowly, Phil came again.
“Did you just come from me cumming into you? We should do this more often!” Dan said as he pulled out from Phil and straightening Phil up on his wobbly legs. Clearly exhausted from cumming twice. Dan’s hold on Phil’s the only one keeping him balanced.
“Oh… shoot!” Phil shuddered…
“What??? Am I too rough? Did I hurt you? You know I love you right?” Dan asked worriedly as he looked at Phil’ face for signs of pain and discomfort.
“No-it’s just…your cum was dribbling down to my legs. It’s hot…” Phil said shyly as he pulled his sweatshirt up a bit to show Dan. Dan’s expression was priceless, his mouth opened and regretted that in years of being together, he’s never seen this sight of Phil, with oversized shirt, holding it up with his lil’ hands (cuz for Dan, Phil’s hands is smol) and showing Dan his own cum running down pale slender legs.
“That’s fuckin’ sexy…” Dan mumbles and with that Phil knows they’ll be sleeping late again tonight.
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housamo-side-blog-2 · 3 years
Maid’s surprise
Delivery Guy: Hello?, A package for Harumo here?.
It was a bright morning today, cause it this is going to be a doozy of a day for everyone, Now you’re still asleep in your bed,blankets over your head preventing the rays from the sun from heating up your head and waking you up from a good dream, However the delivery guy is getting for aggresive with his knocking and your ring flashes summong Lil Salomon,
Lil Salomon: Master! Wake up!, It appears you’re package has been delivered did you order something?
Lil Salomon:*sigh* what am i going to do with you, you really need to change your sleeping schedules.
Delivery Guy:*knocking loudly*Hello!, Anybody home!
With each knocking,it finally wakes you up from a dream, 
Harumo: Oh no!, Salomon why didn’t you wake me up?!
Lil Salomon: I did Master!, but you were sleeping like a rock! no matter how many times i tried you couldn’t wake up.
You quickly got up of bed, fixed your ruffled hair and quickly head towards the delivery guy whom appears to have given up,from your lack of response, you chase him all the way downstairs to apologize to him.
Delivery Guy: Phew!, Finally! i thought i was going to return this. 
Harumo: Yeah,so sorry about that, i was just all night planning something.
Delivery Guy: I see, well sign here please.......and this....okay, have a nice day!
Harumo: Thank you!, good luck of your next delivery!
Lil Salomon: Whats in the box master?, 
Harumo: Well....Its a secret.
Lil Salomon: Ahhh!, thats so mean master, come on! pretty please you can’t resist this adorable face master.
Harumo:Uhhh.....Fine...Its....A maid outfit.
Lil Salomon:.....Huh......HUH?!
Lil Salomon: What do you mean its a maid outfit?!, and why did you bought that.
Harumo: The thing is....
Harumo: Hey? Melusine?
Melusine: What is it Harumo?
Harumo: i just notice,whenever we waik past the other maids, they always seem to taik about you on your back, 
Melusine: Oh, i think its because of my maid outfit, 
Harumo: Your maid outfit?
Melusine: You see, im the only among the maids who’s wearing a deep blue maid outfit, whenever a maid is a personal servant like myselft to Monsieur Licht there outfits are in deep color in order to organise the maids. 
Harumo: But why are they..
Melusine: Pay no mind to them, as long as i can serve Monsieur Licht then i will not care what they say..
Harumo: Ohh i see...
Lil Salomon: I see, your planning to make her feel not alone aren’t you master?
Harumo:Yes, i think she’s really lonely of the fact that no one is in the same position as her. 
Lil Salomon: Ohh. A noble deed master!, im really proud of you.
Harumo: Hehe, Thanks Lil Salomon now would you help me putting it on and see i look in it.
Lil Salomon: Off course Master!
You started to put on the maid outfit,its dress is black and the apron in its usualy white, the outfit comes with stockings however you don’t see any reason to put them so you put them away in your drawer, the outfit consisted of a ribbon that you had Lil Salomon helped you tied it and the sleeves are really wide that makes your fat arms appear skinny.
Harumo: I think i put it correctly ,don’t you think Lil Salomon?,Uh Lil Salomon?
Lil Salomon: *holding a laugh* y-yes master you look um astonishing..*holding back laughter*
The more Lil Salomon looks at you,he fights the urge to laugh as you look um cute but at the same time funny looking. you checked your mirror to see what you look like and you seem really pleased with it, well its a little tight but its comfortable enough.
Harumo: Hmm, Ohhh, Yessss, i kinda look good in it, hey Lil Salomon what do you think? Uhm Lil Salomon? what are yo- thaaaa!
You didn’t notice you left your door open, open for everyone you passes by to see everything that you did in the last minutes, one particular student just so happens to be passing by when he notices your door open and is quite shocked to see you in a maid outfit.
He ran towards he’s room with embarrasement and covered his eyes with his face all red and shuts the door behind him.
Harumo: Uhmmm, Im gonna explain this to him later.
Lil Salomon: Yes,did you see his reaction master? it was hilarious!
Harumo: i better change now before anyone sees me in this.
Lil Salomon: You better do it now Master because i see Shiro and Kengo waiking towards us.
Harumo: Welp gonna change..
You have just exited the train and arrived in Minato Ward, Where the Roppongi Guild is located, The Guild is the most famous throughout Minato Ward for its massive influence of the economy and there wealth and power as well as one of the most powerful guilds through out Tokyo, And made your way towards the Roppongi Guild’s Headquarters,the tallest building of Minato Ward, Roppongi Tower and have finally arrived at the outside entrance of the tower, 
Harumo: All right,time to head in.
As you waik towards the entrance you are stopped by the security guards and asked for what purpose did you come here. 
Harumo: Im here to see Licht. 
Security Guard: Whats your business with the Guild Master?
Harumo: I planning to discuss some important matters with him.
Licht: Hello my friend!, Im glad you made it, Guards let him through he’s a good friend of mine.
Harumo: Its so nice to see you again Licht!
Licht: Likewise, I got your message,whats this important matter you wanted to discuss with me.
Harumo: Well the thing is...
Licht: What?! You wanted to dress up as maid for Melusine?!
Harumo: Yeah, the other maids where making fun of her, so i decided to dress up as maid to cheer her up.
Licht: I see, well im not one to judge.
Harumo: I brought the maid outfit with me on my bag.
Licht: Wait? you bought one?!
Harumo: Yeah,Everyone will get suspicious if i got it from here. want to see it?
Licht: Uhmm, Well, I mean i’ll be delighted to see how it looks on you, sure why not.
Both of you have ascended to the top floor of the tower and quickly changed your clothes and put on the maid outfit. and Licht’s reaction is just like the rest.
Harumo: Well i do i look?
Licht:[Oh my goodness he looks so cute in it!} Uhmm you look...real cute if im being honest.
Harumo: Ahh Thanks. By the way where’s Melusine?
Licht: i asked her to fetch me some tea, she should be here any minute now.
Melusine:Monsieur Licht, your tea is here....AH!
Harumo: Hi Melusine!.
Melusine: Y-yes, but why are you dressed as a maid?
Harumo: Remember the other day the other maids are taiking about you on your back. i figured i should dressed up as maid just for the day so that the other maids won’t make fun of you.
Melusine: Harumo....you dressed up..as a maid just to make me feel better.
Harumo: Melusine...?
A tear drips down of her cheek, crying tears of joy knowing that there was another person who cared about her deeply, hopefully Licht isn’t jealous. 
Harumo: Uhm,, SORRY! Melusine, i didn’t mean to make you cry its just..
Melusine: Its okay Harumo, its just warms my heart to know you really cared about me so much even though im just a simple maid.
Harumo:You’re not a simp-
Melusine: Monsieur Licht?...
Licht: To  other’s eyes they see you as a servant only,but to me, your more than just a servant,you’ve been the most loyal servant no...friend that i’ve ever met, you’ve been with me ever since the Roppongi Guild had existed and through the years i’ve seen you as a very caring,trustworthy and loyal friend,so my order is to prohibit you from ever calling yourself a useless maid, understand?
Each sentence Licht said to his loyal friend is like an arrow that as sharp as cupid’s arrows and it brought Melusine to more tears of joy, knowing that she is more than a servant to her master, he sees her as a friend whom he can rely on, 
Melusine: Monsier Licht....Im very grateful for your kind words.
Harumo: Licht....Thanks.
Licht: Hehe, Well im her master, 
Harumo: Now on to busniness,Hey Melusine what do you think?,do i look good in it.?
Melusine: Hmm, It needs one more thing to complete the look. hold on.
Melusine waik towards a closet full of stylish suits,assuming it belongs to Licht based on the size it is and on the left side of the closet appears a small drawer full of accessories and hats, Melusine takes something from the drawer and puts it on you. 
Melusine: And...done, there, you look like a maid here, 
You checked yourself at a nearby mirror and notice she putted a hat on you,that looks like the hats the other maids are wearing.
Harumo: I kinda look cute in it.
Licht:{You sure do my friend} ahem, Harumo,Melusine i think its time to go to a meeting right now.
Harumo:Meeting? Wait, who’s going to be in the meeting?
Licht: Just some business partners we’ve been trying to get to endorsed us.why?is something wrong? 
Harumo:Phew, no,its nothing.
Melusine: Shall we go,we’re going to be late for their arrival.
Licht: Ah,yes i forgot,Lets go you two.
Harumo: YEAH!.
Melusine:I will follow your Monsier Licht.
As she opens the door,you noticed a smile from Melusine as you head out and there you begin your temporary working as a maid day, With Melusine as your guide to the rules and regulations all maids follow, she however is very happy today knowing how deeply her Master feels for her and her friend who maid it all possible. 
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nickikpopart · 7 years
Backstory “How to draw LOVE”
“What´s wrong with you”
Other´s POV
Jungkook left his apartment a little earlier to pick up Jimin for their second date. Finally. How he could ever think that Jimin didn´t wanted him. Yoongi had really treatend him to think that and the guy was still not giving up, made it harder for Jungkook. He wanted Jimin to be his  and Jungkook will tell him that today. He was happy that he talked with him yesterday and that Jimin gave him a clear sign that he wanted the same thing. And Jimin talked about LOVE. Jungkooks heart was beating really fast. He had planned everything nice and romantically and hoped Jimin will like it and understands that he is the one for him.
While at the coffee-shop…
Jimin was happy that they made finally a time for a second date. Though he still feel a little down, because during all the trouble and  that Jungkook thought that he didn´t wanted to be with him. It was also a little his fault, because he still let Yoongi going over him. He knows this has to end, Yoongi had no right to be jealous. Jimin wasn´t cheating on him. Deep in his thoughts, suddenly…
“Yahhh…. Why did u just stopped talking to me yesterday?” Jimin was shocked by that sudden outburst and turned around. He didn´t had heard him coming in. Yoongi was standing in front of him head almost red, hands build up into fists.
“What´s wrong with you? Huh… You know why I don´t answer you. Why you keep bothering me. We broke up. When do you finally get that, Yoongi?” Jimin was almost yelling at him but he was also little scared that Yoongis outburst might lead to something. "Didn´t i made it clear to you yesterday?"
“I want to talk with you. I want that you give me another chance, please Jimin!” Yoongi was almost exploding while screaming at him. Everyone was looking at them. Namjoon came out of the Kitchen, because of the noise they made and was whispering into Jimins ear that they should go out to clear things, but it was too late.
Jungkook had arrived the Coffee-Shop and stumbled into the scenery. He couldn´t believe what he saw and immediately were putting himself in front of Jimin showing him his back, so he could might protect him. Jimin, still shocked over Yoongi´s outburst, grabbed Jungkooks hand and was standing still behind him. He felt little better now after he was here.
“What´s wrong with you? Hey, don´t you get it that Jimin don´t want to be with you anymore. How often he has to tell you this. Back off, ok” Jungkook raised his voice while talking to Yoongi. He was also shaking a little because he didn´t how far Yoongi would go.
“Who are you, to talk to me like that? You little piece of Sh..” Yoongi was about to explode. "Hey Jimin, do you really want to go out with that little boy. Are u crazy!"
“Little Boy! Me. I´m the one who will protect him from now on because I like him very much and he deserve to be loved. You don´t have the right to yell at him.” Jungkook backed off a little. The situation got a little heated and out of hand right now. He felt Jimin shaking and turned around. "And come on, look at you. Huh. Who has a childish behavior here."
"Jungkook, please stop. You make it worse." Jimin was shaking while talking. He was so scared. "Yoongi, u don´t have the right to tell me who i go out with. Jungkook is mature and he cares about me more than you ever did."
“Be calm Jimin, I’m here ok. Don´t worry.” Jungkook hugged Jimin while talking to him almost whispering.
“How can I, I never saw him like that before. I´m so scared Jungkook. Not only for me, also for you.” Jimin was still shaking while he talked with him.
“I can handle that, Jimin. OK!” Jungkook was caressing his back, while trying to catch a glimpse of Yoongi through his right eyes. He had turned his head around a little to watch him through the mirror on the wall.
“Wtf… Jimin listen please, I don´t want to go that far but if you don´t talk to me, I might do. And to you, are you think i wouldn´t lay a hand on you!"” Yoongi was raising his voice again which made Jimin chuckle. Jungkook had let go of him and made a move in Yoongi´s direction.
“Stay back from him, ok or I forget myself. Just try something and i will prove you wrong.” Jungkook couldn´t believe himself what he had said right now. He wasn´t that kind of guy who gets angry easily but Yoongi was making it really hard for him to stay calm. From one second to another Yoongi had the chance to get near Jimin and was grabbing his arm. Jungkooks reaction was also really fast and Yoongi was hitting the table behind him really hard. Jimin was shocked by the sudden Action of Jungkook and was stepping back.
“I´m sorry, Jimin. Ok.” Jungkook was looking at him, also shocked about himself. His eyes were looking fondly at Jimin and searching for any reaction from him. Jimin came back to his sense and was looking at Jungkook.
“Jungkook, please don´t say sorry. I know you just want to help but this is going too far n…” Jimin, while making a Step near Jungkook, couldn´t complete his sentence because Yoongi got back to his feet and was grabbing Jungkooks right arm really hard. He pulled Jungkook away from him. Jimin didn´t really know what he was doing. He just don´t wanted that Jungkook get hit, so he tried to get in-between them. His sudden action caused that he got almost hit by Yoongi´s right fist. But he got pulled away before that happen, so Jungkook was the one who was going down, but not before he had let Yoongi feel that his actions had an echo. Yoongi was again hitting the table behind him, while Jungkook got on his knees holding his right hand in pain. Jimin was still shaking by these actions but came immediately back to his senses when he saw Jungkook going down. He moved fast to him and were holding him tight.
“Yoongi, please go. It´s enough now. You were going too far. Leave us alone. I hope you understand it now. Just go.” Jimin was almost pleasing him but with some real anger in his voice. This was too much.  Jungkook got hit because of him. He felt a little guilty and was almost crying because of it.
"Hey, out of my Coffee-Shop or i call the police!" Namjoon had heard the noise really clear and came out of the kitchen. He had try helping Yoongi back to his knees but got his hands yanked away. Yoongi was really pissed but left immediately but not before saying something again. "For now."
Namjoon put back the table to the right place, bowed to every guest and appologized for what happen. Jimin immediately did the same while lifting Jungkook up and sat him down on a chair. He tried to hide his Tears that were started to flowing. He still felt guilty, all this happen because of him. Jungkook saw his tears, lifted his hand and erased thim from his face softly.
"Jimin please, stop crying. It´s not your fault. He is a jerk, who don´t understand that you don´t love him anymore."  Even he had a lot of pain, he was thinking about Jimin´s feelings first. Jimin was amazed and his tears were flowing again but this time with a little smile.
"Jungkook, u didn´t had to do that. Now you are hurt and it kinda ruined our date." Jimin slaped his Arm while scolding him.
"Aishhh, Jimin. That hurts, but yeah you are right. But let me do something ok." Jungkook looked him in the eyes and Jimin calmed down immediately.
"I will get you some ice!" Jimin said while getting up and going to the kitchen. Jungkook searched for his phone in his pocket and called his brother. He was talking with him for some minutes until Jimin came back.
"Who u were talking with?" Jimin asked curiousley while putting the icebag on his hand.
"Ahhhhhh... that hurts... Just with my brother. Don´t worry." Jungkook said and kissed Jimin´s cheek, which made Jimin blushing. "You are so cute when u blush. Let´s go, my brother is waiting for us."
Jimin was taking his Jacket and helped Jungkook to get up. Then again Jimin bowed to the guests and apologized, so Jungkook did to and they were about to left when Namjoon...
"Jungkook, hmmm... uhmmm... say hi to your brother from me." Jimin looked at Namjoon fondly. He knows what´s going on. Jungkook looked at Jimin questioning.
"Hmmm, does he know my brother?" Jungkook asked Jimin.
"Yes he met him, when he came first here. I will tell you later everything, when i talked with Namjoon. I need permission from him." Jimin said while still looking at his Boss.
"Ok, yes i will do." Jungkook said and waved his hand in Namjoons direction. Namjoon smiled a little. After that they left the Cafe. Jungkook couldn´t drive so they used Jimin´s car to get to Jin´s apartement. Jungkook still couldn´t believe what happen minutes before. He was watching Jimin driving.
"Jungkook, i need to concentrate so stop looking at me like that." Jimin was giggling but there was still some sadness in his voice. Jungkook heard it and his heart skipped a beat. That´s why he talked with his brother earlier. Jin wanted to help. They arrived the apartement building after 30 minutes. Jimin parked the car when he was about to get out, Jungkook grabbed his arm and pulled him back. Now face near face. Jungkook looked deep in Jimins eyes and he lost it. He had put already his finger under his chin and closed the gap between them. It was just a short kiss. Nothing passionate. Jimins lips were soft and Jungkook smiled by that Thought.
"Jungkook, what was that for?" Jimin ask while smiling. "Just..." Jungkook smiled to. "We should go, Jin is waiting."
They got out of the car and in the elevator. After another 2 minutes they arrived the apartment. Jin was waiting already and lead them to the kitchen. While they were sitting down, Jin was taking out a coolpack from the fridge. He putted it a little roughly on his brothers hand.
"Ouch... Jin... why... that hurts." Jungkook flinched by his action.
"It should be. How could you?" Jin punched his brothers shoulder. "What have i teached you? Staying calm in such a situation. But anyway, did he got hurt to?"
"Yes he did!" Jungkook thought the pain was ok until his brother hit him to.
"Then i´m little proud of you." Jin was peting his brother head. Jimin was getting up to use the bathroom. While Jin used that to talk to Jungkook. "I  prepaired some little dinner in your Apartement. For you two. I had also called the restaurant to cancel."
"Thanks hyung, i own you something." Jungkook was happy that he could still surprise Jimin. "btw.. i should say hi to you from Jimin´s Boss, Namjoon."
"Oh.. ahmmm... Thx, that´s..." Jin was suprised to hear that, but smiled by that thought.
"Jin-Hyung... is there something you wanna tell me?" Jungkook was surprised to by the way his brother looked when he said that.
"No, everything is fine." Jin scratched the back of his head. "Jimin is back. Now go and have fun."
Jin didn´t needed to tell him that twice. Jungkook will make this evening special for both of them. While he got up, he were putting the cool pack on the table and grabbed Jimin´s hand.
"Huh... were are we going Kookie?" Jungkook chuckled when he heard that nickname. it was cute.
"Over to my apartement, Jimin. Is that ok?" He asked him. So they left Jin´s apartement and were going over to Jungkook´s. Jin wasn´t lying when he said that he had prepaired something. The table in the livingroom was nicely decorated. Jimin´s eyes widened when he saw that.
"Jungkook.. is that... how... is that for me?" He asked him, while taking of his shoes.
"Yeah... i had asked Jin to help me cause i have almost ruined the date with my action." Jungkook apologized again. "You like it?"
"No and yes. No, because Yoongi was the one who ruined it somehow and yes i love it. It look so nice. Jin has that romantic thingy in him, has he!" Jimin said while walking up to Jungkook.
"Hey, i can be romantic to... and yes he has. Btw... i didn´t know he would get so whipped by hearing that Namjoon send him a hello." Jungkook said to Jimin.  "That was kinda interesting."
"Oh, hmmm... that´s beside. Today is our date. So let´s start. I´m hungry." Jimin said while smiling at him. Jimin got that look from Jungkook. "Not you, i mean the food. it looks so yummy."
"Hahaha... " Jungkook was laughing while sitting down. "Ok sorry, my bad. I thought...."
"Stop... give me your plate. I will cut the meat for you." "Jimin took the plate from Jungkook and cutted the meat in little pieces. Then he started feeding Jungkook bite by bite.
"Hehhyshsh, i´m growinghh up. I can doshsh that on my own." Jungkook said while mumbling. That was to cute, Jimin thought. He was laughing while watching Jungkook.
"Don´t laugh at me, or... " Jungkook raised his eyebrow. "Or what..." Jimin immediately got up from the table and stepped back.
Jungkook got up to and followed him. While he made a step forward, Jimin made a step backwards, not knowing the wall was near. No where to go, Jimin stands still while Jungkook came near to him until he was just one step back. So closed, Jimin started shaking and was putting his head down. His feelings turned upside down. He started blushing by Jungkooks sutten move. Jungkook recognized that and put a finger under his chin to lift it up.
"Jimin, i...." Jungkook couldn´t end his word, because Jimin had put his hand behind his neck and were closing the gap between them. The kiss was not heated or forced. No it was nice, soft and warm. Jungkook was humming while kissing him.  He was putting his arms around Jimin´s waist and pulled him closer. After some time they backed off and looked at each other.
"Jungkook, hmmm... i don´t know if this is to early, but i really want to be with you. i don´t want that to let go. i´m.... uhmmm...." Jimin didn´t know what he was saying. He just were knowing that he was falling in love with Jungkook.
"I want that to. And as i said i don´t push u in a relationship with me. But if i´m right now, i like you, i like you very much and if you would ask me to be your boyfriend, then i would say yes, if it is that what you want. Because i want it. I don´t wanna let go of you. I waited two years to get the chance to say it to you."  After that Jungkook lifted Jimin up.
"Kookie, yes i wanted to ask you... would you... uhmmm..." Jimin still lost for words.
"Yes, Jimin i want to, ok. We will try. We will work this out. See how it goes." Both were happy by now. Just Jimin thought hopefully some person accept it and stays away from them.
"Don´t worry about Yoongi, Jimin. We can handle that. I will protect you, ok." Jungkook said while kissing his cheek. "So where, were we. Ahhh... eating. I think the food is cold now. Should we watch a move and i make us popcorn."
"That´s a nice idea Kookie." Jimin sighst and let himself falling on the sofa in the living room, while Jungkook was going to the kitchen. 15 minutes later he came back and joint Jimin on the sofa. So they were sitting there, cuddling each other while watching the movie. Jimin took care of Jungkooks hand while cooling it, after that he putted some creme on it and a bandage. After the movie was over Jimin choosed to stay over night and Jungkook accepted without complaining. He enjoyed it that Jimin took care of him.
Jin was sitting on the table in the kitchen... thinking.. “Namjoon, why...”
Jimin follows a well known artist on Facebook; not knowing it is Jungkook; a boy he met two years ago and fell for despite being in a relationship. Jungkook suddenly disappeared on him without saying why and left Jimin with a lot of “what ifs”.
@golden-kookmin... so the date went well after all with some ups and downs but hopefully yoongi will stay out of this... we will see what happen next. Also there comes a new sidestory up.. Namjoon....
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