#UUHH not sure if she did or not
14dayswithyou · 4 months
Meowdy Saint! ^^ lolol hello hello o/ hope you are doing good!!
So this masterpiece of a game has been invading my mind with ZERO chill lately which directly translated to me coming up with a TON of questions orz I really didn't realize how many I ended up compiling lol
If you don't feel like answering this many please feel absolutely free to ignore this ask or only answer the ones you like the most, the last thing I want is for you to feel overwhelmed! ^^
-do Rendacted's memories remain intact when he resets the day or do his wipe too with everyone else's? Also is there an in-universe answer for why he has these glitchy powers or is he just Built Different™?
-if angel made it VERY clear that they would be mad asf and prolly even start hating and leave Ren/[REDACTED] if he were to hurt their friends(or killing people bc this man needs to chill fr), would he listen to them? Bc I know that if he touches Violet, Elanor, Kiara or god forbid Moth I'm personally deleting his kneecaps 🥰
-since it seems to me that Ren/[REDACTED] is only kinda meh at cooking I was wondering if he actually made the not burnt pancakes in day 3 or if he had some store bought ones that he passed off as his own lol
-does he know how to give massages? :00
-during day 1, how did Ren come up with a book on the local flora?? It seems like such a random topic to pick when put on the spot without already having a genuine interest in it lmao
-if I understood correctly Maple should be Jae's dog right?? Did you have a specific breed or age in mind when creating her? I got curious because in my head she automatically popped up as a young australian shepherd to match with Jae's hyperactive dumbass energy lol❀⸜(˶´ ˘ `˶)⸝❀
-staying on the dog topic lol, in day 1 when angel gets up from the couch to get Ren the inflatable mattress(iirc) and he follows right behind them i immediately thought he acted like a puppy lmao. So would he mind being called 'puppy' as a pet name?
(I am not sure if this⬇️ questions falls under character deaths, if it does I really apologize and absolutely feel free to ignore it ^^)
-from an ask from last year it seems [REDACTED] would ultimately kill angel if there was ultimately not way to enter in their life?? Gotta say I was very taken aback by this, would this still be the case after a year of building more to his character? (Ok I went back to check the ask again but I can't for the life of me find it anymore maybe I dreamt it up idk😭😭 im really sorry if that is the case jdkslajdl)
-uuhh I know there is already a lot in this ask(im seriously sorry orz), but I was wondering if we will eventually get an SFW alphabet for Ren/[REDACTED] for the folks who don't care about the nasty 👉👈
-THIS IS THE LAST THING I PROMISE 👹 will there be a guide to get all the endings? I'm not sure if there is one already and in that case I missed it 100%
Also I find it ironic how the fandom is trying to find out every single aspect of Ren/[REDACTED]'s character the same way he must do with angel lmao
ALRIGHT THATS ALL IM SO SORRY FOR ASKING SO MUCH THE REN BRAINROT HOURS ARE SO REAL IM LOSING BRAINCELLS orz Remember to take care of yourself drink water and take breaks!! ദ്ദി ˉ͈̀꒳ˉ͈́ )✧
(Also sorry if some phrases don't make sense, english isn't my first language as I am 🤌 lolol)
✦゜ANSWERED: Under da cut because this got long >:3
-do Rendacted's memories remain intact when he resets the day or do his wipe too with everyone else's? Also is there an in-universe answer for why he has these glitchy powers or is he just Built Different™? Ren's memories remain intact!! I mean... He remembers each time you get a bad end and sometimes says something different... >:3 There is also an in-universe reason as to why he has his abilities — I won't spoil anything, but his real name (along with River's and one other character) have a reeeeally big tell. But what this tell is is for me to know and you to find out >:3
-if angel made it VERY clear that they would be mad asf and prolly even start hating and leave Ren/[REDACTED] if he were to hurt their friends(or killing people bc this man needs to chill fr), would he listen to them? Bc I know that if he touches Violet, Elanor, Kiara or god forbid Moth I'm personally deleting his kneecaps 🥰 Ren (and by extension [REDACTED]) knows not to harm anyone if he knows you won't like it — and even then — he won't actively show that murderous side of him in the first place. To Angel, Ren is just a timid, normal guy.
-since it seems to me that Ren/[REDACTED] is only kinda meh at cooking I was wondering if he actually made the not burnt pancakes in day 3 or if he had some store bought ones that he passed off as his own lol Ren is actually good at cooking, he's just a bit out of touch since he doesn't normally cook for himself! It's normally microwave meals or takeout for him... ^^; And yes, Ren did burn and burn the pancakes in Day 3 — he was distracted by something on his phone :3
Bonus cut Day 3 content: I took out the scene where Ren started to profusely apologise for burning the pancake because he often had to cook when he was younger. Given the dynamic of his family and the environment he grew up in, Ren didn't have much room to make mistakes ;n; I cut this scene out because I felt bad ksgskd So y'all get to have flustered, happy Ren instead!!
-does he know how to give massages? :00 If that was one of Angel's interests or desires, then sure!! ^^
-during day 1, how did Ren come up with a book on the local flora?? It seems like such a random topic to pick when put on the spot without already having a genuine interest in it lmao Someone else likes flora too, and it sure would be funny if Ren (eventually) starts to mimic certain traits and interests of the person you have the highest affinity/relationship points with in order to make himself look more appealing… >:3c
-if I understood correctly Maple should be Jae's dog right?? Did you have a specific breed or age in mind when creating her? I got curious because in my head she automatically popped up as a young australian shepherd to match with Jae's hyperactive dumbass energy lol❀⸜(˶´ ˘ `˶)⸝❀ It was mentioned in Jae's lore post (I'll link it here once I find it), but Maple is a Labrador! (Leon would be Jae's Australian Shepherd hehe) In my mind, Maple is only 2 or 3 years old, but that wouldn't really fit the official timeframe... ^^; Jae adopted Maple during high school so he wouldn't feel lonely at home, and it's been over 6+ years since then.... hgdshjg
-staying on the dog topic lol, in day 1 when angel gets up from the couch to get Ren the inflatable mattress(iirc) and he follows right behind them i immediately thought he acted like a puppy lmao. So would he mind being called 'puppy' as a pet name? Angel affectionately calls Ren a puppy during the scene in Day 1 where they meet up after work, so that nickname definitely could work!
-from an ask from last year it seems [REDACTED] would ultimately kill angel if there was ultimately not way to enter in their life?? Gotta say I was very taken aback by this, would this still be the case after a year of building more to his character? (Ok I went back to check the ask again but I can't for the life of me find it anymore maybe I dreamt it up idk😭😭 im really sorry if that is the case jdkslajdl) aaa I think you might be mistaking that ask for something else? ;v; [REDACTED] would NEVER harm Angel in any capacity, and they're a very patient person. Even if it took decades for Angel to fall in love with him, they'll wait.
-uuhh I know there is already a lot in this ask(im seriously sorry orz), but I was wondering if we will eventually get an SFW alphabet for Ren/[REDACTED] for the folks who don't care about the nasty 👉👈 You're fine!! And I'm open to doing that! I'll add it to my list hehe
-THIS IS THE LAST THING I PROMISE 👹 will there be a guide to get all the endings? I'm not sure if there is one already and in that case I missed it 100% I've shared a spreadsheet that lists all the available choices, the points you earn from each of them, and the endings you can get — however it's only available on Discord and I don't really want to share it outside of the server and potentially put it in the hands of minors. Sorry!!
Also I find it ironic how the fandom is trying to find out every single aspect of Ren/[REDACTED]'s character the same way he must do with angel lmao Hehe >:3 There's a loooot of lore that won't ever be mentioned in the game (since it doesn't seem fitting/I don't see a reason to), so I'm happy to provide it here!
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rius-cave · 7 months
Adam; how did you asked Charlie?
Vaggie; well I was on the brink of death-
Lucifer; ... you want me to what??
Adam; Stab me in the heart and call me pretty.
Adam: uuhh for no reason in particular, what's the most romantic moment you've had with Charlie?
Vaggie: um (not sure how detailed she should answer) I guess, I was laying on the floor, bleeding, I couldn't see and my head was spinning. She came up to me and bandaged my bleeding eye.
Adam: Hm.
-some other day-
Lucifer: oh hey adam what's- OH MY GOD WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU!?!?
Adam, now with a huge swollen eye, crying: h-help me....
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somber-sapphic · 1 year
Uuhh can I request a Natasha x Sick!Reader. R is sorta new to the Avengers and doesn't really talk to anyone but Nat, R gets sick on a mission and no one seems to notice except Nat. R tries to take care of themselves back at the compound but can't so Natasha steps in? You can make it romantic or platonic I'm cool with either. Thanks in advance! And if you already have a fic like this my b just ignore 😅
Sickness and Secrets
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〖Notes: Hey, sorry this was so late! Also I might accidentally be reusing pictures but its like 2am so I'll care about that later. I hope you enjoy it!〗
〖Summary: Being the newest member of the Avengers you really have no place to take a sick day.〗
〖Word Count: 1.4k〗
〖Pairing: Natasha x Sick Reader
You coughed quietly into your shoulder and cleared your throat, glancing around to see if anyone had noticed. They were all focused on Cap who was yelling about how poorly everyone had done in that last mission. He was particularly focused on “communication” which was definitely pointed at you although he was too polite to say it. Tony wasn’t. Eventually, he’d strengthen the link to you, and you’d be chewed out in front of everyone.
Said mission had been in Russia during the winter and you had not done very well. You’d then try your best to remedy your mistake, which of course made everything worse. You knew that you were sick before the team left, but being so new you couldn’t just say that you wouldn’t be able to go. None of the Avengers would skip a mission for a stupid little cold.
Then that stupid little cold had turned into something bigger. The fever had started the first night in that cold drafty cabin and had spiked by early that morning. Natasha, who you were sharing that tiny room with, had checked on you once when she’d heard your teeth clattering from the shivering. She had tried to order you to tell her, but you had been far too out of it for her words to have mattered.
You couldn’t entirely remember the conversation, but you were like 80% sure that she’d offered you a place in her bed if you couldn’t get warm. That had been a weird offer, but you were tempted to take her up on it. From what you remembered she had kissed your forehead but that was very likely a dream. No way she had actually done that, she barely knew you.
Regardless of your fever, the mission continued. And with it, you gained a chesty cough, aching limbs, and a seemingly permanently runny nose. You had done the best you could, but it admittedly wasn’t very good. You’d forgotten to say anything when you were attacking and apparently had your comms off the whole time so even when people were speaking to you your answers weren’t going through.
You did not do well and now Tony was very much making sure that you knew it. His words were a low buzz in your ears, and it was really all that you could do to keep your eyes trained on him as he paced around yelling at you.
Now everyone was looking between the two of you, a few smirks coming from Clint and Thor who were both amused by your proverbial ass-whooping. Natasha and Cap seemed annoyed while the others were just not listening, too tired to care. It had been a long week and you had screwed it up. All you did was mess up.
Hot tears welled up in your eyes and you stared down at your shoes, sniffling quietly as you tried to keep yourself under control. This wasn’t professional and you needed to keep yourself professional. It would’ve been easier if he wasn’t yelling, but he was, and you were losing control.
“Hey, we get it. Y/n fucked up. She’ll do better next time, let it go.” Natasha snapped, pulling you out of your stupor. You glanced over at her and found her leaning forward defensively with one hand drifting over to your side of the table.
Completely overwhelmed now you shoved the chair back from the table and stumbled out of the conference room, mumbling slurred apologies as you practically ran from the room. You’d made it about halfway to the elevator when your legs gave out and you slammed into the wall, bashing your cheek against the hardwood. It hurt, but not as much as the rest of you.
You let out what was probably the most pathetic sound you’d ever made as you slid down the wall, the stupid tears beginning to fall from your eyes. You were miserable, you wanted nothing more than to crawl into bed and maybe die a little bit. That sounded okay, as long as you didn’t have to feel anything.
You weren’t sure how long you were laying there before you heard muffled footsteps, but you simply didn’t have the energy to look up. It didn’t really matter anyway; you could feel yourself slipping into unconsciousness. It would only be a few more seconds before you faded away completely.
“Let’s get you off the floor Y/n.” Natasha whispered, taking your hands in hers. You tried to listen, you tried to let her pull you to your feet, but you were too weak. You felt her arms slip around you and your feet left the floor, leaving you hanging in the air with only her to support you.
“Try to stay awake, okay?” Her voice was fading fast and as you’d guessed, you were out less than two seconds after she’d hoisted you into her arms. At least you didn’t have to be alone.
“I’m here, I’m here. It’s okay beautiful, I’m here.” Natasha soothed, pushing your hair back away from your forehead, her eyes full of concern. Her hands, which were typically consumed by acts of violence, were so gentle, her movements so slow and caring. She traced your cheekbone with a thumb, studying your face with a furrowed brow.
“m’sorry, m’so sorry. Go, please go, ‘m fine.” You insisted, shoving her off of you in a blind attempt to scramble away from her. You found yourself pressed up into a corner between your bed and the wall, utterly confused as to how the hell you had gotten into your bedroom or why Natasha was there, but you didn’t like it.
You didn’t want to see her so weak it was humiliating, and you were new. She would tell, she would get you booted from the Avengers. You needed this job, you needed to be here, you’d worked so hard and couldn’t go back to your apartment. Literally, you had been evicted. You had nowhere else to go.
Your panicky breaths quickly turned to a fit of aggressive coughs, you sounded like you’d smoke a pack a day for twenty years. This did nothing to help your anxiety as one of Natasha’s warm hands fell on your back and she took yours with the other, running her thumb across your knuckles.
“Y/n, hey, you’ve gotta breathe. Try for me, okay? Big slow breath.” She encouraged, her voice calm even while you were actively freaking out. You let out a loud sob and tried to pull away, subconsciously still holding tightly to her hand.
With her quiet encouragement, you managed to calm yourself down, turning back into the shivering, feverish husk of a person that you’d become. Your nose was running onto your sleeve, but you were too exhausted to do anything about it, eventually, you’d fall asleep again and it would all go away.
“Come here,” she said softly, lifting one arm as she gestured for you to hug her. You whimpered, lower lip quivering as your body threatened to start crying again.
“It’s okay honey, you don’t need to be alone. When I’m as sick as you are I sometimes make Clint come read to me.” You smiled a little at the thought of that as you inched toward the woman, the idea of Natasha wanting a story read to her sort of amusing. You hadn’t known the woman very long, but it was long enough to know that she wasn’t that type of person.
With very slow, cautious movements you inched into the redhead’s arms, leaning stiffly against her as she pulled you into a loose embrace.
“I can’t give you any more medicine for a few hours, so for now let’s just try to sleep. Does that sound okay?” The highly skilled assassin murmured, pressing a very soft kiss to your damp forehead. You knew that it had to be gross, you were very sweaty, but she didn’t seem to mind. Not out loud at least.
“P-please don’t tell.” You pleaded, that same exhaustion looming again. It was unlikely that you would be able to stay awake for much longer, but you had to make sure that she wouldn’t tell anyone how weak you were. Natasha chuckled quietly and rubbed your upper arm in a comforting way.
“It’s okay dorogaya, your secret’s safe with me.”  Maybe if you were feeling better, you would’ve made her promise a second or third time, but for now, that would do. You barely knew her, but you already trusted Natasha Romanoff with your life.
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the-fiction-witch · 7 months
She's Not Well
Media The Artful Dodger
Character Jack Dawkins
Couple Jack X Reader
Rating Sweet AF
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I stood toiling in the morgue late this evening, I had been overwhelmed with work and had little time to actually get much done, emergency after emergency. But as the sun set below the sky, and the day slowed I headed down to work on a few bodies down in the morgue prepared for burial tomorrow morning. My hands coated in blood as I got on with everything.
I heard the morgue doors open and in stepped a strange but sweet sight. 
A girl.
No older than me, I had never seen her in the hospital or town before, she wore a pair of tall laced black boots, her white frilly bloomers exposed a little as she held her dress so it didn't drag on the floor holding it higher than she likely needed to, a little dress of sky blue and white clearly a very fine expensive dress but strange like it did have other elements many of which seemed to be cut or removed. The dress wasn't loaded with petticoats and crinolines but a gentle glide to her feet much like the nurses wore, with long sleeves. Her hair was in a tight silk braid that was then wrapped around her head in a milkmaid braid, she had a wide smile and I admit... she's kinda cute. 
She came inside and looked over the bodies I had already finished, 
"Uuhh... Can I help you?" I asked her, 
No answer came,
No answer came,
"Miss you can't just be in here," I told her,
No answer she smiled at me and sat under the window watching me as she playfully kicked her feet, 
"Uuhh... right..." I explained trying to just get on with my work, "Are you just going to sit here?" 
No answer, 
"Ookay..." I sighed far too busy to wonder what on earth was going on with whoever this girl was, I got on with my work for a good while noticing her as she hopped up and wonders around the morgue looking at my work, investigating the bodies and coming over to my table and looming over me and watching me as I worked, "Hello..."
No answer came and she just watched with a wide egar smile, 
I rolled my eyes and continued ignoring whatever she was doing, I continued with some stitching until I jumped in shock my body freezing up. 
As I stood loomed over the table over the body I was working on, she came around me and wrapped her arms around my waist her hands on my stomach, her cheek rested on my back with a wistful sigh, I was confused but she was warm, and soft and it was nice to have her cuddled with me while I worked. I didn't argue I just kept working while she cuddled me enjoying the cosy feeling. 
"You really cosy back there?" I chuckled, 
No answer came, she just squeezed me tighter, 
"You shouldn't be in here you know, it's not safe for you," I told her, "I know you want to cuddle, and Its very cute and sweet but you need to let go," I told her forcing her arms off,
She let go and came so I could see her, her lip pouting and trembling, her hands together sadly little tears in her eyes as she let out the first sound I had heard from her a little whine of sadness, 
"Ohh... no no it's okay-" I tried to calm her, 
But she just began to silently cry,
"No no please don't cry." I told her, "I didn't mean to upset you miss. I just-"
Her tears only flooded from her eyes down her cheeks,
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry Please don't cry." I told her giving her a cuddle pulling her head into my chest and stroking her hair, "I didn't mean to make you upset, I just want to make sure you are safe. You really shouldn't be in here with me... But If you promise to do as I say you can stay," I told her "Okay?" I offered to pull away to see her face and took her hands, 
she let out a giggle, she took my arm and snuck under my arm so she moved to stand between me and the table, I chuckled a little and wrapped my arms around her so I could still work but I could still hold her, my chin on her shoulder as she watched with enthusiasm. 
"You are a cute little thing," I cooed, "I rather like having you as my little assistant," I told her turning her to face me she smiled resting her hands on my chest, "You know you could go see the head nurse, get a job as a nurse if you're curious? Then you could come and watch and help every day?" 
No answer came, she just giggled and pulled my neck down so our lips met.
I jumped a little but kissed her back tightening my arms around her. 
We stood kissing in the morgue for a good while the only sound of our lips clacking on contact, my hands stroked her dress gently and slowly, and she happily stroked my neck and my hair until we finally pulled back. 
"umm I like you," I growled rubbing my nose on hers, 
She giggled and pulled me back to kiss her, I didn't argue happily kissing her back tempted to just pick her up, sit her on the table and tug up her dress. She pulled back and giggled at me before she began to pepper my face with kisses, 
"You are so cute," I chuckled pushing her back from peppering my face with kisses, "May I have the pleasure of knowing your name miss?"
"Y/N!" A voice yelled, 
She gulped sheepishly before the doors to the morgue were forced open by the professor looking very angry and strangely sober, as soon as he forced the doors open she whined and hid behind me as if I was her shield, her little whines the only sound she made. 
"Y/n! What are you doing here!" He yelled at her, but she only hid more, "Doctor Dawkins I must apologize for... any trouble she caused you."
"It's alright she wasn't any trouble," 
"Forgive her, she knows better." He said half scolding her with his words, "I can only apologize doctor dawkins, Y/n! you are not supposed to leave your room get back up there this instant!" He demanded grabbing her arm and trying to force her away, she whined and broke free from his grip coming and cuddling me tightly not wanting to let me go, 
"Professor it's quite alright, she wasn't any trouble really. She can stay here with me I don't mind." 
"That is very kind of you Doctor Dawkins But I must insist!" he said forcing her away from me, 
"Wait, professor! She doesn't have to go I'm more than happy for her to stay if she wants to," I said but he ignored me,
He kept muttering scolds to her as he forced her out of the morgue into the arms of a passing nurse whom he demanded to take her back to her room, Y/n looked as sad as earlier almost crying she let out a sad little whine and gave me a sad little wave as the nurse forced her away. 
"Forgive my grandaughter Doctor... she... she's innocent really, she doesn't mean any harm but- still I can only apologize for any trouble she caused you." he sighed leaning his arms on the table, 
"She's your granddaughter?" I asked rather surprised, 
"Well you have nothing to apologize for, she is a very sweet girl and she didn't cause me any trouble at all," 
"Thank you Doctor dawkins but still I must apologize for her... she's..." He began, "She's not well." 
I nodded as I didn't want to push him even if his words worried me, He nodded and turned to the door but stopped shortly before, 
"doctor Dawkins... If you could please in future, if you see her out of her room Please... Do not encourage her."
"Yes sir..." I nodded, 
"She's not well. And it's safer... for everyone for her to be in her room," he said before he headed off leaving me alone. 
I felt rather strange to hear she wasn't well, I wondered what that even meant... but I didn't want to push it. So I got on with my work. 
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highfantasy-soul · 6 months
Things I LOVED in NATLA Episode 7 - The North
Lt Jee actually being worried for Zuko!!!!
And Iroh tenderly bandaging Zuko's head 🥺
Zuko desperate to make sure his father doesn’t truly think he's turned against him!!!!!
A FANTASTIC set-up for his eventual ACUTAL turn against his father
Zuko genuinely thanking Lt. Jee 😢
And aaggghhhh!!! Zhao being a tricky slimey mf
This is a slick way to get Zuko being blown up without the pirates - though they're fun characters, I think this set-up enhanced the themes they were exploring in the season more
So cute that Aang excitedly tells his friends he made a connection with Zuko - Sokka is unimpressed while Katara has hope that people can turn out to be good.
Agna Qel'a!!!!
It looks GORGEOUS! And love that it has a name now!!
Apparently it was given a name in one of the books, but they never did name it in the show, so I'm glad they did it here
I don't even care that they know it's the Avatar right off bat and they're ready to welcome them in - it was cool as shit flying over the city on Appa
Maybe they had scouts out that saw Appa flying and brought news to the city, same as the scouts who saw the Fire Nation fleet - I'll accept that
Them treating Aang like a weapon rather than a person 😡
It's something that comes up a lot in the series and I'm glad they aren't shying away from it
Lol Katara's sibling jibing at Sokka staring at Yue 🤣
I love these little sibling moments - they're just so cute
And Sokka now hard-core staring at the ground instead of at Yue because Katara said he looked like a weirdo doing that 😅
Zhao's overacting at how pissed he is 🤣
Then his 'omg I can yes and this. I can SO yes and this!' as Iroh tells him what he 'think's happened
Oooohhh Iroh's understated insults at Zhao's qualifications
And Zhao's comeback about no record of failure unlike Iroh😐 bitch, that still doesn't make you qualified!
More Azulaaa!!!!
I really love this added storyline to see exactly why Azula is the way she is
It's great to see that her place as next-in-line isn't a shoe-in here - she's desperate to show her father that 'she's the one' and will do anything to get there
Sokka's heart eyes 😍
Stewed sea prunes 😭😭😭
"It tastes like home" 😢
I like this intro to Pakku - like with Sokka, they're not doing a comical level of sexism, they're making it more realistic
Also, using it for the most important things: dessert
Sokka's absolutely abysmal (bet very endearing) interaction attempts with Yue 😅
Her little fake gasps as he keeps saying the wrong thing, but smiling because she knows what he means, she's just teasing him 🥺 incredibly adorable
Love that they have a conversation that actually has substance!
Don't hate me, but in the cartoon, they never had a substantive conversation ONCE. It was just Sokka flirting, Yue giggling, then Yue freaking out and running away - rinse and repeat like, 5 times in the course of 3 episodes.
Omg Hahn isn't a dick!!!
I like the more mature tone they've taken in the live action - they can have jokes, but for serious topics like…idk, a battle against the Northern Water Tribe being genocided, they make the characters take it seriously
GOOOOODDDD the adults expecting Aang to be a master strategist and offensive weapon!!
This actually makes sense that they'd believe he could do it - Aang is the culmination of all the past Avatars, so they'd assume he has all their knowledge and power.
The poor kid just got out of his iceberg, though!!!
"Airbending is primarily a defensive discipline"
You tell them, Aang!!
"But you're not JUST an airbender" :( don't bring logic and reality into this, Arnook
"I did it with the help of my friends 😊"  sweet baby Aang
And here's Pakku, telling Aang what a lot of watchers were frustrated about this season: uuhh maybe you should have been focused on your training
While that's a legit comment, I think the live-action showed why Aang didn't pretty well
Love love LOVE that we're introduced to healing with respect rather than the distain it was shown in the animated series
Healing is a wonderful and beautiful skill and I'm glad we got to see Katara interested in it (and it being used) rather than Katara sadly moping into the igloo filled with children learning healing
Sometimes, when people try to make things less sexist, they end up making it more-so. I think that happened with the animated series where healing was actually put up in conflict with combat - where combat was clearly shown as the 'better' skill and healing was 'stupid and bad, we don’t want to do that'. The live-action showed that healing is an important and powerful skill, the only issue comes when you aren't ALLOWED to do anything else. Healing itself isn't the issue, the fact the women are kept from combat IS the issue.
Nice Hahn and Sokka fishing for info about Yue
Avatar Kuruk RESPECT!!!!
LOVE Yue getting more character here!
She can pop into the spirit world! It makes so much sense with her having part of the moon spirit inside her!
The live action fleshed her out soooo well!
Poor Sokka not understanding AT ALL why someone would want to go to the Spirit World for fun 😂
"Don't do that. Don't make it less than what it is"
Such an important message for EVERYONE. You don’t have to have the most tragic of backstories for your trauma to be important. This isn't the oppression olympics - we aren't doing the whole 'well someone else has it worse so you can't complain' bullshit.
Everyone has hurt in their lives and everyone deserves to have their hurt taken seriously and healed. It isn't 'strength' to pretend it's nothing - it's strength to face it and accept that it was important, not something to shove under the rug
Yue reminding Sokka about what makes him special - his care for his friends! He's not a selfish guy - just because he wasn't the best leader or warrior when he was 13 doesn't mean he has nothing to offer the world
"Hahn is everything a girl could want. But he is not the boy of my dreams" 😭😭😭
"Being the Avatar means being the one who bears the burden: alone."
The thing is: like in the animated version, this advice MAKES SENSE! But it's how you USE the advice that makes the difference
No, you can't put all the weight of responsibility on your friends, but neither can you do it without any help - or without caring for others. It's very much advice coming from pain: all the Avatars got hurt because they DIDN'T abandon their friends and so they're giving a skewed version of the advice onto Aang to try to spare him the pain they went through.
It's Aang's job to find the balance
Sokka's fish carving that Yue thinks is a bear 😭😭😭
I wanna see it, props department!!!!
Yeess!! Katara's first confrontation with Pakku!
I like how she still tries to lead with diplomacy, making her case, and Pakku has 'reasonable' excuses not to let her fight
Instead of him being cartoonishly sexist, he's much more realistic giving 'logical' reasons for Katara not to be in combat, but she stands up anyways because she knows it's wrong.
I can see how some might find Aang not wanting Katara to fight to be jarring, but this is in line with the animated series
When they're going into particularly dangerous missions, Aang does have a tendency to try to do it himself and tell Katara to sit this one out - he does it in The Winter Solstice: Part 2.
He's just been told a past life's love was killed because he didn't keep her out of his fight, he has no idea how he's going to win this battle, and he's realizing that he does see Katara as someone incredibly important to him. It's in line with who Aang is to try to keep her safe and away from the battle
Zhao coming up with nicknames for himself 😑
Iroh straight up calling Fire Nation 'info' propaganda!!
While some people could see this as 'treason', when you're in positions of power in high-control groups, you KNOW it's propaganda - you HELP CREATE the lies and when people are going to do something stupid (like attack the North without a solid plan), you let them know that they're being stupid if they're going to make battle plans based on the lies you've helped spread.
Zhao and his dumb bitch destiny 🙄 he's such a great villain - he's one who's bought into his own lies
"The plan is to prove my father wasn't wrong to trust me with this mission. The plan is to go in and capture the Avatar once and for all. The PLAN is to reclaim what is rightfully MINE!! 😤" - "So, no plan? 😐" - "I'm working on it uncle 🥺"
This exchange = gold. Pure gold.
"It's almost as if he's working for someone else - someone much smarter"
WOOOOWWW Iroh, throw that shade a little more, why don't ya 🤣
Though I LOVE that they're giving Azula her brainy due - she's smart and she's the one not to be underestimated.
Love how she stood up to her father, but because she was able to 'prove' her strength, he respected it rather than punished it
"Set me loose" AAAAHHHHHHH
Love how matter of fact Katara is "I'm going to challenge Pakku to fight" - just like that. She's decided, so it's going to happen.
Sokka admitting Katara was right 😭😭😭😭😭
"Who's talking sense? What I'm trying to say is: go kick his ass" FUCK YEAH THAT'S RIGHT!!!!
Aang trying to go forward and help Katara, but Sokka holds him back
Love the sibling solidarity!!
The fight is almost beat for beat the one from the animated series!!!
I love that the live action knew exactly which sequences to put in almost 1-1 from the animated - this fight being one of them
"Is that all you got?!?!" FUCK YEAH!!
"They'll just say I lost" "Did you?"
The fact that it wasn't just Pakku's opinion that would change everything - Katara's actions inspired everyone else, even if Pakku didn't want to change his decision.
Change isn't made by changing one man's mind - it's about standing up to them and inspiring others (like in the Imprisoned storyline) to stand up too
Even inspiring Aang to realize that the conclusion the other Avatars came to from their pain was wrong - that Katara was right and that EVERYONE gets to choose whether to fight or not for themselves
Avatars aren't the only ones who worry about protecting people - it's a human, family thing, not just a mystical force of balance thing
Only Aang can write his own story - not anyone else.
This is a great through-line for the whole series where everyone has expectations put on them and they have to decide themselves who they want to be
Don't eat the sooty snow, Momo!!!!!
"Ok, time to fight"
I like that we end on the fire nation ships arriving: next episode is going to be THE BATTLE
[Masterlist of my NATLA thoughts]
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teecupangel · 2 years
I wonder if there are times where Desmond could come off as terrifying without meaning too? Like he's just doing something he thinks is mundane, but whoevers near by is like no Desmond normally people don't climb buildings that high. Or no we all aren't professional knife throwers when we are boredly throwing knives
(I have a thing for Outside POVs so here's a pre-AC1!bartender!Desmond being weird and low-key terrifying.
Note: his fake name in this little fic is Derek Milton because he's not that imaginative)
“Hey, Ted.”
“Who was the bartender last night?”
“Oh, you mean Derek? He’s been working here longer than any of us. Pretty chill guy. What’s up?”
“Uuhh… nothing. It’s just…”
“Ooohhh. You got Derk’ed, didn’t you?”
“Got what?”
“Wait. Hey, Laura! Newbie got his first Derk’ed!”
“Congrats, man! You have your bingo card?”
“Bingo card???”
“Here. So Derek’s kind of a weirdo. If you get bingo, you get a free drink on your next shift. So… which one did you see him do?”
“The center says ‘family cult or hippies’?”
“Yeah, that’s a freebie but you gotta look out for that. Mia missed hers ‘cause he just said it and then started talking about edible grass. Oh, that’s the top-left one, by the way. We also count if he talks about edible flowers.”
“The middle right one says BnE?”
“Breaking and entering. But you gotta ask him to do it. Kinda like a consent thing to him. Anyway, if you forget the lock combination of your locker or you locked your car or you’re Jake and your ex locked you out of your apartment after she left you as a final fuck you after learning you fucked her stepmom, you call him and he’ll unlock shit for you free of charge. We usually give him a bag of chocolates as a thank you. He has a sweet tooth. If you really wanna say thank you, he really likes Banoffee pie from Starbucks.”
“Uuuhhh… this one says badass knife?”
“That one is when you see him do cool moves with a knife. You’d usually see it if he’s cutting garnish, especially when there’s like a drunk bachelorette party that he’s trying to impress. They give him extra tips when he’s being flashy.”
“And this… uuhh… kick ass?”
“That’s pretty self-explanatory, I think? Just look out when he kicks anyone out. He’s usually the one who takes out the violent ones.”
“We have a bouncer, right?”
“Yeah but he’s like… a martial artist or something? Anya once saw him kick the ass of a dude three times his size. Anyway, you get that space if you see him kick ass. And, don’t call the cops. We don’t want any cops around here.”
“Uh-huh. I can see why…”
“So, which one’s you saw last night anyway?”
“Uh… he told me not to serve some guys because they were mobsters? Said he’d take care of them?”
“Oh, that counts as ‘badguydar’.”
“It’s like a gaydar but for really bad guys. He can spot them, like, in a flash.”
“……… Are we sure he’s not… ex-CIA or something?”
“… Would you like to join the betting pool we have on that? Highest bet we have at the moment is ‘secret child soldier government program’.”
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echoing-locations · 1 year
Ok so more of prince Ambrosius au cuz I think it’s neat
(Also thank you to @goldenheart-supremacy for all your amazing ideas ❤️❤️🥰)
Now I’m this au I’m thinking that Ambrosius is the type of prince who was constantly sneaking away from his guards and he became so good at it that only one was able to keep tabs on him at all times (that being Ballister)
I would say Ambrosius and his parents have a good relationship, they’re just busy cuz their basically running a country
Ambrosius is a master at manipulating the media, he’s been doing practically since he was born, he nows how to be seen by the media only when he wants to be seen
That didn’t stop the media tho, they were convinced the prince was a open book, Ambrosius’s favourite headline being ‘is the prince secretly married!? His guards tell the story!’
Ambrosius and Ballister laughed their asses off at this considering it took place when they were both 16 and Ballister being Ambrosius’s only guard at the time
Ok now back to some main plot things!! Nimona still finds ballister in the tower and still forcefully becomes his sidekick
Although this time Ballister didn’t have any leads on who messed with his armour, so it took him longer to come out of hiding, but it did give him and Nimona time to get to know each other and build that trust
He would probably be on the run and in hiding for like 2 months at least,
Meanwhile the Director woke up at least a day after she was shot, the queen come to visit her and she goes and a rant about “oh how grateful I am that it was me to get hurt and not you or the prince!”
Another meanwhile, Ambrosius begged his father to let him be involved in the search for Ballister. He told his father “this gives me a chance to show my leadership abilities!” The head knight was then told to report to Ambrosius with anything having to do with the search
What Ambrosius really wanted to say to his father is “look I love this man and I would rather not see him with a sword in his chest or a arrow between his eyes, so please let me be in charge!!”
After a bit ballister decided to sneak into the institute to check the security cameras of the armoury and of course Nimona tagged along
They then find the video of the director taking Ballister’s forearm piece and replacing it with the weapon one, they download it to post later
They don’t leave the institute right away because ballister wants to find his armour pice just to be sure, so they sneak into the director’s office and Bal does find the pice
Then the director walks in, Nimona shifts into Todd (cuz yes) and Ballister ducks under her desk
“Sureblade what are you doing here?” “Well..uuhh— I thought heard some one in here and wanted to uhh um- punch them..?” *continuous looks to ballister👀* “Surebalde what are you looking at?”
After the final look to Ballister is made the real Todd walks in to say he lost the prince again and for a second it’s the Spider-Man pointing meme until Ballister jumps over the desk grabbing Nimona and booking it out the door
After running from the kinghts they both hop the wall to the Institute, thinking it’s the one facing the city, when in reality they just hopped the wall to the castle
(I like to think the castle and institute are right beside each other)
“Oh fuck” “wrong wall 😐”
Ballister knows where they are and knows a way out (Ambrosius wasn’t the only one who knew how to sneak away)
On the way out they run into the Prince in one of the more private gardens in the palace.
Ambrosius stands there in shock for a minute, “Ambrosius I uh- please-” “UHHH BOSS I DON’T THINK WE HAVE TIME FOR CHIT CHAT!!!”
And they don’t palace security is approaching fast.
Ballister runs to Ambrosius to give him a ‘hug’ when in reality it’s to give him the armour piece “please believe me, I didn’t mean to hurt anyone. I didn’t mea-” “OK BOSS TIME ITS TO SKEDADDLE!! LOVELY MEETING YOU!!!”
And Nimona grabs Ballister and runs
Ok that’s what i got for now, again feel free to add your own little additions and such I’d be happy to read them!!
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noellefan101 · 6 months
Heyaaaa, I saw a yandere Genshin blog that writes for ladies and I know what I must do!
Could I see what Yandere Yoimiya's like? Perhaps general headcanons as to how she acts once she's in a relationship with her beloved?? TYSM, I'd love to see what you make of this!!
:3 no real intro cuz im really tired, sry
prob ooc yoimiya, but like extra ooc cuz im too tired to think straight
i wrote most of this at 1 am and the rest in math class
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i feel like she would be a very soft yandere, yk not hurting her darling or not even wanting to kidnap (but she would if she thought that you would be more safe like that, will hate so much herself if she ever hurt you)
ofc like any other yandere she would kill for you, but it wont be for dumb reasons like some dude looked at you for 0.1 second, no,
but it'll be more if you really hated your boss or someone dared actually hurt you or say something that really broke you
she is really gentle and sweet, plus she loves to make you new fireworks and just gifts you a lot of things in general, even if you're "just friends"
"[y/n]! there you are, i brought you some of my new fireworks!" she yelled as she ran up to you, her eyes glued to your figure ignoring anything else around her in the process.
"look, arent they going to be pretty!" she said as she showed you her concept drawing for the fireworks, and ided they were pretty, and going to be even prettier when in lit up in the sky
"im sure they are, yoimiya" your smile was so sweet and looked so lovely on you, you were the only thing going trough her mind as she got lost in your eyes.. "uhm yoimiya, you ok?
"h-huh?! o-oh yeah love, uh i mean [y-y/n] i-im fine, uhm, would you uuhh like to see the f-fireworks in action?" her face was so warm it felt like she was burning more then that guy would be right now, what stupid idea he had, he should've never even thought about touching you then she wouldnt be so late to seeing you today and- "yeah of course i want to see the fireworks you made!"her thoguh got cut off with your voice, that beautiful voice...
and also acts like you're the litteral reason she is alive (you are), so if she ever hurt you if even by a tiny scratch she would actually just die inside, and look like she died on the outside
she is really supportive of whatever you do, and if you have like a fashion brand or something it would be the only thing she is willing to wear, or if you work at restaurant she would eat there everytime you have a shift
she would definitely bring you flowers on random occasions and just say it wasnt because of anything special or anything, but it was just because she missed you and really needed to see you or she would've mentally destroyed herself not knowing if you were ok or not
"h-hi, i uhm brought you flowers! y-yeah, flowers i hope you like them i picked them myself" she said giving you a beautiful and big bouquet of your favorite flower, wait did you ever tell her what your favorite flower is?? you dont think so, but you guess it doesnt matter right now, maybe you just forgot you told her (you never told her your favorite flower, yet she knows the exact shade of that flower you like the most).
"awww thank you, yoimiya! i love them!!" you said as you held them close to youer chest, she really wishes she were those flowers right now, all close you. she looked up at your lips, getting cought in the thought of how soft they look and how she so wanted to kiss y-
"y-your w-welcome, i-i just thought t-that you were so pretty that you c-could use some flowers- what! n-no no i-i mean you i uhhh i-i have to go n-now yeah, i-i'll see you l-later" she panicked, what was she saying and in front of you too no no no, what if you thought she was weird now, or what if she went too fast and too far...
"o-oh ok, have a nice day yoimiya! thank you again for the flowers" you waved goodbye with one hand and had the flowers in the other, wondering why she seemed to be running out to the middle of nowhere. she talked so fast you didnt even hear what she said other than a few words which were "you were so pretty", and they left a blush behind that certainly would go away for a few hours or so.
if you lived far away, like not even in inazuma, she would send so many letters to you, even if you didnt know who she was as she just saw you while on the road once and fell so badly in love, its fine you're going to fall for her sooner or later
she would also visit you again and again but that costs a lot of money so she tries to convince you to move in with her, but if thta doesnt work she might actually get frustrated and just drug you and then take you home herself
with that idea still in mind, if she met you while in sumeru and you were a student she still doesnt want to interfere with the things you love (though save some of that love for her pls) so she wouldnt kidnap you but would wait patiently for as long as you need, or promise to take you out to study the things in inazuma instead (she would murder your professer if they said no and that you should stay in the akademiya, abselutely)
"how are you doing this week? i know i send you a lot of letters but i just had to when i found out where you lived so i didnt have to travel so much as it costs quite a bit. but its worth it if it means i can see you every so often, as you are slowly becoming the reason i exist, i would love to hear about everything you have done in your life, big or small. please think about visiting inazuma soon, i would love to show you around all the different regions, shops and more. i also learned what proper love is now because of you, and i think it indeed is you, as i cant find anything that i love and adore more than you.
i also picked some fireworks out for you, they are from my personal collection and are very pretty, just like you, i would love to get your feedback on them and would happily make you a thousand more if you want me to. i will also make different ones if you get bored of the ones youcurrently have
please keep yourself safe
Your Love-Yoimiya"
attached to the letter is a few too many fireworks, and some inazuman snacks and accessories too, she doesnt seem to be very wealthy yet has bought you what looks like a diamond necklace and a very pretty ring.
would absolutely cook you meals throughout the day, she'll cook you anything you want for breakfast, lunch, and dinner but she also makes sure you're healthy and checks in on you every few hours to make sure you drink enough too
if you're really depressed, she would make sure you had your meds for it and stuff, would also hand feed you everything. she calls it that because she hates using the word force but yes, she forces you to eat and will not take no for an answer
almost killed your doctor when the meds stop working, but then found out later that its completly normal and its not the doctor trying to kill you (you saved a life that day, multible even)
*knock knock* "oh, my love, i found you! here's your lunch for the day, i used some of the leftovers from yesterday, i really hope you like. oh i also got you your favorite snack right here, and then remember to drink your water too." she left with a kiss to your cheek and blew you an extra kiss before closing the door to your room again.
she wasnt lying when she said you would fall inlove with her at soem point, as you were certainly beginning to fall down deep in the hole that is Yoimiya.
she loves to hug you when around you in general, but loves to kiss you cheek when she feels like you've been away from her for too long. would never actually kiss your lips, altough she wants to, you have to give her permission first and then she might if she still has the confidence
she becomes a literal puddle when you just as much as touch her cheek, yes she has to touch you every second you are near her, but its different when its you doing anything!!!
she thinks you're a god, and in her eyes you are, doesnt matter how ugly you think you are or how weak you actually are. she will worship you so much you would think every 'imperfection' you have is prettier than ever.
she looked into your eyes as she lays in your lap, the sky is pretty, and that was what she thought she would be looking at the whole time, but it seems she made other plans. your eyes are just too captivating, too pretty, and too- her thoughts cut off as she felt your hand play with her loose hair, as she had put it down just as you started to ask her the question.
your hands were soft, and felt nice in her hair. she could lay here forever if it meant you were going to be here and stroke her hair like this, she's sure her pops wouldn't mind if she feel asleep for just a little longer, and she definitely could when she is laying on her darling.
"yoimiya? oh, you're awake, how as your na-" "you look divine" she cut you off as she just stared up at you like you were the god of beauty, like you were the god of her heart, and maybe you were, but to her it wasnt even a maybe. "y-you think so? dont i just look messy? or ugly? i dont think i even brushed my hair today" she looked up at you with a questioning look in her eyes
"no how dare you even think that, you look divine, beautiful, pretty, majestic, lovely, attractive, god-like, charming-" she stopped when you held a hand over her mouth, she wanted to kiss it so badly... "ok ok, i-i get it, i look pretty to you" your face was red, really red, and it looked cute she thinks, very cute indeed. she should make you blush more often so she can see more of your beauty that is only for her too see.
she had an even bigger smile on for the next week and no one knew why, but she normally smiles a lot so they didnt question her. though she would have happily answered with a long rant about you.
when you two actually started dating she would have a constant blush on her face for the next month or smt, she just cant believe you would actually date her, i mean you were just so perfect in every way, and then theres her what do you even see in her, do you even see anything in her?
but its fine if you dont, she wont let you leave anyway, she cant lose you not now, not ever. you are hers and hers alone, and you know she will make sure it stays that way, even if it costs her verything else. you will be hers, and she will be yours.
i uhh didnt just give you general headcanos heh, your welcome??? wtf is going on with me rn
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im so single that being kidnapped by a hot person doesnt sound bad at all, like take me PLEASE... *cough cough* thank u for reading pls kidnap me, luv ya-Masterlist
You are welcome to reblog and like any of my posts, but you CAN NOT translate, copy or hate on anybody for liking my posts
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simp4baji · 1 year
Prayer time pt. 2
Warning- cnc, hair pulling, degradation. (Aftercare included)
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"Just say it and I'll do whatever sins you want me to do. If you beg enough for it of course." Mikey said against y/ns lips before they shared a passionate kiss. Mikeys hand was about to pull down y/ns pretty skirt but he stopped himself.
Mikey pulled away from the kiss and said "I want to be sure that you're okay with this. Are you okay with this pretty girl?"
"Uuhh huhh please keep touching me sir"
y/n whined.
"Okay but if you want to tap out anytime just tap my shoulder two times with the palm of your hand." He said in a sweet reassuring tone while one of his hands was traveling up to y/ns mouth with his thumb opening up her mouth. "Your pretty mouth is going to be too full to say anything properly."
His thumb was knuckle deep in her mouth. She started sucking on him like it was second nature while his free hand was up her skirt and tracing against her warm area. His middle finger held y/ns underwear to the side while his thumb kept pressing into her clit. She let out a whimper at his action which just made him press even harder into her clit. No matter how much she squirmed from his touch it felt too good to want him to stop. Her whimpers got louder as he continued pressing into her sensitive clit.
"Awww does that hurt? Is my pretty princess sensitive there?" He whispered in her ear as he placed his other thumb deeper in her mouth.
"Mmhmm" she hummed against him.
"Poor little slut. I wonder where else you're sensitive." He said as he pulled his thumb out of her mouth. He got on his knees in front of y/n now facing y/ns warm area that was still covered by her skirt. He then looked up her with an evil smirk and look in his eyes. "Let's find out where your other sensitive areas are yeah? I'm gonna have so much fun overwhelming you. Little sinners like you deserve this."
He then pulled down y/ns skirt and underwear in one swift motion. Her warm area was now exposed. Mikey began kissing around her area and on her upper thighs.
Y/n was already tired of this teasing so she placed her hands in mikeys short jet black hair but he stopped this by holding her hands together with his left hand while his right hand was tracing around y/ns hole.
He pushed one finger in making yn wince.
"Yes princess?" He asked with a sweet tone and looked up at her with an innocent smile.
How could he be sounding so sweet and having an innocent smile while fingering his love in a church?
Y/n tried to answer but all that came out was mumbles.
"Aw fucked out of your little mind already? What a shame." He said and soon after his mouth was nibbling on yns clit.
Yns mouth fell open. Letting out unholy sounds as her hands gripped into his black hair.
Suddenly he stopped all his movements. He got back up and grabbed yn by her forearm pulled her to the front of the church.
"You need to be punished. You slutty little sinner for wanting to be fucked in a church."
He sat on the pew and then bent yn over his lap.
"Huh I'm forgetting something.." he said and then pulled something grayish out of his pocket. Yn looked back and saw it. It was ducktape. He placed a piece of it over mouth.
"There we go" he said with a big smile on his face and then landed a harsh slap on y/ns ass.
She let out a muffled whimper and continued letting out muffled whimpers for the next ten slaps.
"Alright now.." He said and then pulled y/n up by her hair and then leaned into her ear to whisper "Did my little sinner learn her lesson yet?"
Y/n shook her head no. Mikey gave her a cold look of disapproval and then sighed.
"You'll never learn will you?" He said as he then pulled y/n up on her feet by her forearm. He then turned her onto her tummy and bent her over the pews. "You've left me with no other choice princess." She heard something unzipping so she looked back and saw all of mikeys 8 inches about to be put in her sensitive heat.
"S-sir noo it's so sensitive theree" she whined.
"Aww how sensitive is it baby? Does it hurt? Is too much for my good little sinner?" He asked with fake sympathy as he pushed himself in halfway.
Y/n let out loud moans and whimpers. She was getting teary eyed bc of how close she's been for so long. "Aahhh Mikey pleaseee" she begged and continued begging until Mikey pulled out. She was about to look back at him with confusion until she felt Mikey push all of himself in.
She let out strings of whines and whimpers as he thrusted into her at a harsh pace. It sounded like heaven to Mikey which just got even louder when his thumb began pressing into her clit again.
"Fuckk you feel so good princess. You're so beautiful like this. You feel like heaven the way you fit so perfectly around me as if you were just made for me." He said as kept hitting her good spot. Y/n was a loud mess. The tape over her mouth had fallen so the sounds that she was making and the sound of skin slapping echoed throughout the church. She enjoyed every minute of it whether she was just getting fucked or Mikey talking her through it.
Her tummy was in knots letting her know that she was so close.
"M-mikeyyy, sir I'm so c-closr ahhh its so good"
"Aw that's too fucking bad now isn't it?" He said in a more stern tone.
"H-huh??" She asked with warm tears coming out her eyes.
"You're not gonna cum without my permission got that? You haven't begged enough for it anyways. Maybe when you're closer to the edge i should just stop and leave you high and dry. I should just leave you to deal with it yourself but we both know your fingers won't do as good of a job as my dick does when I'm fucking your pretty hole. So you better start begging and maybe ill be generous enough to let you cum on my dick." Mikey said in rough voice that just made yn closer to her climax.
"Ohhhh my god Mikey please please sir please let me cum please I'm a sinner just for you I'm a slut just for you sir please i need it so bad." Y/n said in a whiney tone which caused Mikey to go down on her harder.
"I know you can do better than that princess" he said as he pulled y/ns hair back again this time continuing to hold it.
"Manjiro please 'm so c-close i can't hold-" she said right before she ended up squirting on Mikey. Mikey continued thrusting into her not caring that she already finished. She loved the feeling of being overstimulated this way.
With every whimper she let out Mikey got closer and closer until he eventually finished inside her. He finally released her hair and both collapsed onto the pews.
Y/n was so worn out that with one blink she was in a church and then suddenly when she opened her eyes again she was laying in hers and mikeys bed at their home.
Mikey walked into the room with a water bottle while wearing sweatpants and a black hoodie.
"Good you're awake now are you alright?" He asked with a smile on his face as walked towards their bed.
"Y-yeah I'm fine my insides just feel sore..what happened??" Y/n asked while Mikey handed her the waterbottle.
"You passed out after we finished so I dressed you back up and layed you on one of the other pews while i cleaned up and prayed for forgiveness" he said as he sat down on their bed. "You better drink up that water you need to stay hydrated after how rough I was with you baby" he said while pointing to the water y/n was holding.
Y/n opened the bottle and took a big drink and then said "I don't think God will forgive us for what we did in his church" she said witha smile on her face. Mikey let out a laugh and said "yeah he probably won't but you know what? Seeing you like that is worth going to hell a million times."
Mikey layed next to y/n making sure that she was laying comfortably in his arms.
"I wasn't too rough with you was i? Was i too mean? I just wanna be sure that you're really okay with this. I never wanna hurt you my love." He said in a more serious and worried tone. He looked over at y/n with a worried look but she just smiled at him and said "Mikey you weren't too rough or too mean. I loved this stranger role play. I know you would never do anything to hurt me and i trust that you wouldn't hurt me."
"Oh what have i done to deserve such a loving and beautiful girlfriend like you?" He asked before they both fell asleep comfortably in each others arms.
Hope you enjoyed thisss next story coming tomorrow:))<333
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nox140497 · 9 months
uhhh Alfred what happened
Author's Note: So this is just a short one. And ------ is line break.
Prompt List
Y/N was on her way to visit her best friend Dick Grayson at the manor.
She got there and opened the door." Anybody home?" She called into the house.
She was met with barking and whinning. She followed the noises and came across a surprising sight.
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She found Alfred in the kitchen. "Uuhh Alfred what happened?" She asked the aged buttler."I'm afraid I am not quite sure myself Ms. Y/N. They came home last night perfectly fine and this morning I came in to find the masters like this." He replied. I sighed softly in annoyance." Of course they did. Ok can you see if you can find a cure if I watch them Alfred?" I asked." Of course Ms Y/N though I will need some blood from at least one of them so that I can see what happened to them." He answered. I nodded and looked at the five dogs in the living room." Alfred I think it would be wise to take the blood either from Dick or Tim as they are less likely to fight back and/or bite." I said as I walked over to one of the biggish dog that I knew was Dick as it had a blue colar that looked like the 'v' shape that used to be on Nightwings suit.
After taking blood from a now sulking Dick the dog, Alfred, had retreated down into the Batcave, leaving me with the Batdogs.
It's only been 30 minutes, and already, I had to break up three fights. The only one who hadn't fought was Dick who was happily laying on the coutch with his head on my lap, still sulking after having blood taken.
I was watching tv when I heard a low growl comming from Jason and Damian. I glared at them and crossed my arms." If I have to break up another fight you will regret it." I snapped at the dogs. They instantly backed down and lay down again.
-------------------------------------------- ----------
About an hour after I broke up the last fight Alfred came back up with a couple sarynges. Dick looked up and whimed at haveing to be stuck with a needle again.
The next morning, the bats had no memory of what happened, but I had lots of new blackmail material.
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euijoosorangeslice · 10 months
I'm very interested
Ok so I was just planning on going to my friends house and gettting drunk and regretting my life decisions in the morning, but she invited a mutual friend of ours over and she is so fucking hot…..😮‍💨 anyways we get into our pajamas and she’s wearing like these plaid pants with a white tank top and I can’t stop staring at her body 😅 like she was just so well endowed. ANYWAY ANYWAYYYY.
We get bored and play some random card games and shit and then my friend leaves to go shower so me and her are left in the room together. We’re just jamming to music together and then out of nowhere, she just starts caressing my hand. And the gay panic starts to settle in cause does she like me or are we just friends????
So I kid you not, she just says “ I’m really fucking horny right now.” And I’m just blinking looking at her. Like what do I say to that so I try to talk but it sounds like “erm ahhahshwhwhhsheh uuhh wow that’s cool!” At this point I’m already embarrassed with myself, but I think she found it cute and started touching my inner thigh 🤭
So she starts kissing me and this is like my first real kiss and I start freaking out so she pulls away from me and asks if what shes doing is fine cause she didn’t really ask and I just nod and sit there in silence for like a minute. We keep kissing anyways and she slides her hand up my thigh and under my skirt. She literally starts like putting her thumb on my…yk (I write smut but somehow can’t bring myself to say it rn) and is like keep asking me if im okay with it.
She was really nice about it though and she wanted to make sure I felt good 😌 since I had told her no one had ever done this for me before. Let’s just say she made me cum on her fingers like twice. And embarrassingly fast.
But after we were done she gave me really good aftercare and said that i don’t have to help her out if I didn’t want to. I told her I was inexperienced but she didn’t mind and she let me try fingering her. I did make her cum so clap it up for me. Then my friend came back out the shower and we all just ate snacks and watched a movie.
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olympeline · 5 months
Now I’ve watched my first Eurovision, here are some thoughts and opinions on the results:
I don’t think Nemo deserved to win. His song was good, don’t get me wrong, but there were others that were better (Croatia, France, Israel). I’d put him in the top quarter but not at #1. I’m not on social media bar this little niche account but I’ve heard people are saying he won because he’s transgender. And because Switzerland is a traditionally neutral country. I don’t believe that, personally. It’s too tinfoil hat conspiracy theory for me. I think he won because the jury thought The Code was the best song for the radio. As in it’s the candidate likely to have mass appeal and sell the most singles. That’s my theory anyway 🇨🇭
And yeah, I agree with everyone else: Croatia was robbed. I don’t understand this result at all. Why was the jury so hard on him? My only theory is it’s a case of professional critics being snobby and deciding that because the public likes something it automatically becomes low brow and less artistic? That’s the only reason I can think of. Seriously two twelves out of thirty-seven? Whyyyy. I’m 100% on team #AbolishTheJury after this 🥲 🇭🇷
I didn’t like Ireland’s entry when I first listened to it and I still think the vocals are weak but the act as a whole? Strongest visuals in the competition. Just top tier costumes and staging. Is it right to do that well in a song contest if you’re carried by visuals? Hmmm. I don’t know. Like strip away all that flash and would you put Bambie Thug that high? Hmm. Uuhh? Mmmm? Not sure. It was like the opposite of France’s entry which had minimal effects and was carried solely by his song. So yeeaahh, IDK? Don’t know how I feel about Ireland’s high ranking. I could go either way 🇮🇪
Speaking of France, OMG, what a beautiful performance! Easily the strongest vocals in the contest. The emotion as he sang gave me shivers. Croatia is my #1 but if Baby Lasagna wasn’t there I would have voted for Slimane. I’ve heard he’s already huge in France and I can see why! Mon amour 🇫🇷
Israel’s song was also just beautiful. So sad and heartfelt too. I heard Eden (sorry, forgot her surname) is only twenty? If so, wow! Was she the youngest in the whole contest? Either way that’s super young and yet she did an amazing job! I can’t imagine that much pressure at that age. She should be very proud 🇮🇱
Such a bummer that Joost got canned. I bet he kicked himself all the way home. Europapa was one of my favourite entries and I think it would have done really well if he was allowed to perform. Like I said, a real bummer but then you can’t go around punching people behind the scenes. They were right to disqualify him for that. Hopefully he apologises and his career can move on from this sad incident 🇳🇱
I’m surprised Spain scored so low. I thought Zorra would have done better. It was catchy and had a good message. Maybe it just got lost in the shuffle? Or was it because it wasn’t in English? I don’t know. Oh well. I still enjoyed it 🇪🇸
I don’t think Olly Alexander deserved zero points from the public. His song wasn’t that bad! IDK but I would have thought that for an entry to get zero, they’d have to be genuinely awful. As in nothing redeemable whatsoever. Dizzy wasn’t that. Don’t misunderstand, I don’t think Dizzy deserved anything higher than mid, but no points at all? Too harsh. At least Olly already has a career to go back to. Still must have been crushing when the points were read out. Though he took it like a champ. Poor guy 🇬🇧
Finland was so much fun! What an absolute madlad. I unironically love No Rules! and the staging was so clever too. I wish he got more points though I’m not really surprised he didn’t. Still. We all need more Windows95Man in our lives 🇫🇮
I’m surprised Portugal did so well. Sorry to all my portubros but I found her song pretty boring. I couldn’t even remember it when the results were being read out. I think I get why the jury loved Switzerland so much but their love for Portugal confuses me. I guess they saw something in the song I didn’t? Different strokes 🇵🇹
Did Norway deserve to come last? It’s another one I have trouble remembering so ehhh, mayyybeee? It’s hard because I don’t think any of the entries were outright bad. Just some were a bit dull and didn’t leave much of an impression on me. I suppose last place has to go to someone. Hopefully next year will be better for them 🇳🇴
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srahpaulsons · 1 year
📲 ⇢ 𝕓𝕠𝕫𝕠𝕤 𝕚𝕟 𝕔𝕣𝕚𝕞𝕖
cate: uuhh, you really know me, shots are my serotonin. yes, and thank you, i told you that putting edith in bed was mission imposible because she thinks she is an adult. i am still processing all the things that happened, i am still reminding jules that laura should never be cheated or abandoned, why? why someone would do that? then she gave me a look and understood, i did something close to that some decades ago. but i hope my lady gets another emmy for this character, she loves laura and she puts all her heart on it. i also had forgotten your ex is on the show... what a night, uh?! are you sure you'd like to do the viewing party every week? okay, okay! now you're part of my wives! but if jessica slaps me, i will be grateful at first but then i will be terrified but i am gonna risk everything for you. oh! why is she getting the first lap dance? i am the bride! i should be the first! 
sarah: except these's shots will be taken through one of those silly straw glasses 🤓 you're welcome. i told her to share, if that helps. oh man, when plot lines start hitting home, it's always odd. but ahem, you're still allowed remain passioante about that cause, cause i'm ALSO wondering the same thing. just glad i didn't make a / total / full outta myself, cause i will be stealing laura's style this season. ummm that bathroom scene ? julianna's taking home an emmy for that eye acting, cause wtf. 😬 is it bad i also forgot ? i'm blaming your fiancée’s strong ass wine. are YOU sure ? it's me who'll be invading. lady, there'll be no slaps, jess know's the exceptions but she also know's you and i are goof's, so there's worse choas we'd cause besides a possible look from jess from calling me your wife. fair warning, it's a very hot stare. but im bias. to convince her to come ? sounds dirty. BUT OKAY. first lap dance from catwoman stipper's all yours 🐱
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kehideni · 7 months
Everyone is thinking it (and saying it) and i just wanna say it too:
I think Aaravos will use Callum's loyalty to Rayla to corrupt him, similar to Finnegrin, just use his love for her to force him into situations where he is forced to use dark magic, which gives him accest to his victims, i believe.
Which... well DUH it's the same thing that he did to Viren.
It's the "perfectly rotten thing" to do because, which person wouldn't do everything for those they love?
It's a pretty basic human thing to do to protect your loved ones whatever it may cost you. I honestly wouldn't be able to blame Callum because if I was in his place i'd do the same. Screw that magic snake, i'm turning it's slithering ass into a chain bruh, and i'd use that chain as a whip on Aaravos till he stopped moving.
And i was a 100% on Claudia's side when she killed those deer to heal Soren. If the show wanted to say something with that they missed the shot.
Viren did everything he thought he needed to do to save his loved ones, Claudia is like WHAOW the epitome of ride or die, and Callum is very much the same.
And as i was writing this i just came to realise: this trait was suspiciously only shown with human characters in this show so far. (I'm sure elves can, and do possess this personality trait too but the point is that it's not shown.)
I mean Sarai, Harrow, uuhh Aanya's parents(forgot their names, sorry), Amaya, Viren, Claudia, Callum, Soren, just about every main human character except for Ezran has shown going to great lenghts to protect those they care about. (And, well even Ezran can be argued as he did jump into ice water to save Zim's egg)
In contrast Rayla's parents refused to separate, they'd rather both leave Rayla to grow up without them than have one of them stay behind to raise their kid, while the other is guarding the egg.
(No i refuse to let that go, I know it's explanation, i understand they are stronger together and in the end both of them were needed againts Viren and still they barely got the egg saved, while both of them got coined, but that's an unpredictable event- as other guards were supposed to be there as well. In return they got an emotionally neglected daughter, congrats, parents of the year, round of applause)
And if you read Aaravos' short story on the website, he does admire humans for all the twisted reasons. (Aforementioned willingness to do ANYTHING in a situation desperate enough, and more interestingly the patience of humans [his words, not mine])
In The Dragon Prince humans are depicted as this "lesser than" species (as admitted by Sol Regem) who were said to be treated rather horribly by everyone else (which is why the unicorns took pity on them in the first place)
I HC that Aaravos was keeping a very close eye on humans, because he was probably the only person who didn't underestimate them, and decided he can use them for whatever end he wanted them. Maybe he had beef with the unicorns idk.
Or it could even be a Satan vs God situation, where Unicorns say humans are pretty neat and Aaravos was just like "look how neat they are once they know all these messed up stuff" but at this point i'm just spitballin'.
Rant done.
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okay I've watched Fionna and Cake and WOW I enjoyed it a LOT more than I originally thought I would.
I had to sit with the last episode for a while. Trying to decide my feelings on it, you know? My first reaction to how they painted Simon and Betty's relationship was that they did that so the audience could better cope with Simon's choice to move on. Thought about it more and yeah, I was wrong. It just removed the rose-colored glasses. I think the one thing I didn't like was Beth spelling the whole thing out, like yeah I got it. The chose your own adventure allegory worked! I got it. I like the last episode! The part when GolBetty was still protecting Simon when Scarab kept trying to fuck with him got me emotional
Winter King was the biggest tumblrsexyman bait I have EVER seen- selfcest bait and all! Pretty funny, I respect it.
Loved both what Gary and Marshall Lee were doing and what was happening with the main characters. I wasn't sure if I would be too interested in them, but fucking. I got invested in the baking!
BRO THE THEME SONG!?!?! I had only seen the one for the first episode beforehand, so the real intro was a surprise to me! I love it!
Trying to organize my thoughts is hard uuhh just I liked it and will probably rewatch it :]
1. ok the thing about the choose your own adventure allegory isn’t that it’s just that. I thought it was the one weak aspect at first too but in the ending sequence there’s a reveal that totally recontextualizes it
remember the little girl who wanted to be a writer because of ice king’s fionna and cake books? she sketches casper and nova during that sequence. casper and nova isn’t just some random allegory they pulled in — it’s HER BOOK. those are her ocs based off of the stories simon told her about him and betty, and ultimately it was that girl’s portrayal of them, not beth’s explanation, that made him realize what was going on
re: beth, I think it was at least a very interesting dynamic. simon is usually paired with characters either much younger than him or just less worldly than him, and he’s very book/world smart, so I think people tend to forget how immature he can be. ice king was just simon to the extreme after all, not to mention the way simon acts in the earlier episodes (him refusing to run from scarab because he just doesn’t feel like it is a great example). he’s a very smart guy but sometimes he gets so caught up in that that he doesn’t step back to consider anything except surface level logic. pair that with him going slightly mad with worry and I fully understand why beth thought he was shermy doing a bit
simon isn’t childish per se, but there’s a lot of things he doesn’t know because he doesn’t ever really look outside his own perspective, and I like how casper and nova illustrated that. simon has always been this sort of fatherly figure that everyone else admires but nobody else sees the worth in, he’s always trying to shoulder so much for no reason. there’s been this imagery the whole season of simon caring for people younger than him (baby finn, normal finn, fionna, astrid, etc) but he never actually lets himself be cared for. so it makes sense that him being given the grace that a kid would be given and ultimately realizing his wrongdoing after seeing himself through the eyes of a child would be a thing that happens
2. you’re so right about gumlee me too man. the scene where they kissed while pb n marcy were hurtling to their toxic codependent yuri deaths was crazy. holy shit
3. I honestly think there’s a LOT to winter king I have a couple posts worth of analysis on it. I think the idea of simon doing something so wildly unethical is very fascinating I loved watching him spiral into madness. slay
4. the biggest surprise for me I think was cake’s arc? like looking back I totally should’ve seen it coming but it was I think my favorite ongoing plotline from the show. her wishes being at odds with fionna’s presented this really interesting dynamic that finn and jake never had and the way she was a narrative foil to simon was like. ohhhh that was fucking evil of the writers . simon desperately wanting to destroy his mind and cake desperately wanting to keep hers. the way that translates into their dynamic with each other. the terrifying dawning realization that fionna might prefer her non sentient. of course it isn’t true, but it would’ve felt that way, no?
also just fucking. “everybody dies. they should get to die as themselves.” “fionna, I am myself. like this.” what if I spontaneously combusted killing everyone in a 3 mile radius. what then
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greekisdoingurmum · 1 year
Ok, so two questions about the chaos gremlins:
1 can they be left alone or will there be collateral damage?
2 what would they think about the other falling in love/ having a lover?
It depends on when. When they were little, collateral damage wasnt even a question like if u blink theyve eaten the furniture and cornered a cockroach into selling out its mob boss husband but it would be an accident and they would be able to pout their way out of trouble, season 4 catra could definitely be persuaded into wreaking havoc on etheria (she'd probably suggest it) as long as theres no way vi could find out, season 5 and beyond catra could be persuaded into standing on the sidelines while jinx does what jinx wants to as long as neither vi or adora have any way of finding out.
So in short
Baby twins: 100%
Teenage twins: 55%
Adult twins: 38%
They r maturing 🎉🎉🎉
Question 2 is a layered question bc
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Im not exactly sure why I did this but it adds another layer of angst and it's funny but lemme explain
Catra doesnt necessarily HATE lux it's just that she doesnt trust her at all like. Jinx and lux got together soo quickly and jinx is so of the rails that she cant really trust anyone that would want to date her which sounds mean and it is but she just doesnt qant her crazy sister near another crazy person yknow? Her hate is out of love yeah
And lux doesnt like her because she keeps side-eying her and making snide remarks. So lux does it back
BUT good news is jinx and adora sort of get along. Jinx thinks it's funny when adora and vi fight and she knows that adora worships the ground catra walks on and adora knows jinx would burn everything to make catra feel better so yknow common uuhh common goals
Although adora doesnt like it when jinx visits etheria just bc something always gets blown up and she didnt a appreciate that jinxs first reaction to finding out about adora was to kidnap her and give her the shovel talk in her evil lair
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