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realitajayasaktigroup · 6 months ago
Syafarudin Desak Penegakan Hukum atas Kasus Plagiarisme Media di Kalimantan Barat
REKONFUNEWS.COM, PONTIANAK, KALIMANTAN BARAT – Kasus plagiarisme berita yang dilakukan oleh sejumlah media online telah menarik perhatian Ketua Dewan Pimpinan Wilayah Ikatan Wartawan Online Indonesia (DPW IWO-I) Kalimantan Barat, Syafarudin Delvin, S.H. Dalam pernyataannya, ia mendesak agar aparat penegak hukum segera mengambil langkah tegas terhadap pelaku plagiarisme sesuai dengan Undang-Undang…
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aipurjopa · 3 months ago
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(My silly little apocalypse au…)
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tokiro07 · 11 months ago
All this talk about Reborn's got me thinkin' about the Unione Famiglia
[Note: I had to take a few liberties with how Dying Will Flames actually work, but I'm pretty proud of what I came up with]
Juiz - as the first head of the Unione Famiglia, naturally Juiz uses the Sky Flame. Box Weapon: Fierbois Saber - using the Sky Flame's Harmonization characteristic, Juiz converts enemy Flames into Sky Flames, allowing her to disarm opponents and turn their Box Weapons against them. Box Animal: Lion (Julia) - same as above, Julia's roar turns Box Animals against their owners
Billy - originally masquerading as a Storm Flame-user, Billy revealed his true identity as the leader of Sotto, a rogue faction of the Unione Famiglia. While a part of Unione, Billy reverse-engineered the Box Weapons of as many key members as he could, replicating their abilities with his Sky Flame. Weapon: Revolvers - Billy fires concentrated Sky Flames which he can combine with other Flame attributes for various effects. Animal: German Shepherd (Veronica) - acts as a seeing-eye dog and helps direct Billy's aim
Fuuko - though initially believing herself to be a jinx, Fuuko learns that she had been unconsciously using the Gravitation characteristic of her Earth Flames to draw foreign objects to people she made contact with, often leading to accidents. With deliberate control, Fuuko has gained the ability to increase the attraction between any two specific targets and can even summon meteorites. Weapon: Handgun - Fuuko can fire Earth Flame bullets that carry a gravitational pull and hone in on a target or give a target pull as if she touched them. Animal: Tanuki (Andou) - can touch opponents in Fuuko's stead to transfer the gravity effect
Nico - having conducted extensive research into Dying Will Flames, Nico is adept at using all attributes other than Sky, Earth and Night for a variety of combat situations, though he primarily uses Storm and Lightning for their offensive and defensive capabilities. Weapon: Psycho-Pods - each Pod corresponds to a different attribute, with different combinations producing a wide range of abilities. Animal: Lab Rats x 12 (Tesla, Einstein, Edison, Curie, Darwin, Newton, Hawking, Bohr, Sagan, Kepler, Rutherford, Nobel) - each rat has been trained to mimic the abilities of other Union members, allowing Nico to recreate their fighting styles, albeit in a simplified manner
Mui - Weapons: Gloves/Broadswords- by channeling Storm Flames through her weapons, Mui's attacks Disintegrate whatever they strike. Basho Fan - when swung, the Basho Fan produces gusts of wind that carry Storm Flames to extinguish enemy Flames. Animal: Panda (Didi) - mimics Mui's fighting style and also strikes with Storm Flames
Rip - Weapons: Scalpels - using the Swamp Flame's Fermentation, anything cut by Rip's scalpels begins to rot; biological targets have their ability to heal impeded by this process. Prosthetic legs - when kicking, Rip can launch concentrated, blade-like bursts of Swamp Flame; he can also use their Fermentation to manipulate gases in the air, producing jets that allow for flight. Animal: Horse (Iseult) - mostly used for transport rather than combat, Iseult can also fly using Fermentation
Lucy - unconsciously, Lucy's Swamp Flames excite her microbiome, causing her to be consistently sick; with proper control of her Flames, Lucy would likely be able to create a sort of "Swamp Flame Sickness" that she could weaponize to make enemies ill, though she likely wouldn't even if given the opportunity. Weapon: Pan tunic - similar to Rip, Lucy channels Swamp Flames through her Peter Pan costume in order to fly. Animal: Butterfly (Tinker Bell) - by sprinkling it scales on a target, Tinker Bell can share Lucy's Swamp Flames and grant limited flight abilities to others
Andy - formerly known as Victor, Andy was created when Juiz forced a card charged with Sky Flames into his skull, erasing his memories by neutralizing them via Harmonization. Unusually, Andy is able to enter Dying Will Mode voluntarily, channeling his Sun Flames through his body. Using his Flames' Activation characteristic, Andy's body is able to rapidly recover from any wound, and even propel lost body parts as projectiles. Andy is also quite adept at using Lightning Flames, which he uses to Soldify his spilled blood. Weapon: Kurikara - using Lightning Flames, Andy makes his katana near-indestructible; with his Sun Flames, Andy can swing Kurikara at incredible speeds. Animals: Wolf (Victor) - upon taking damage, Victor can use Sun Flames to create temporary clones from lost body parts, effectively creating an entire wolf pack very quickly. Andy is unaware why he thought to name his wolf Victor, the name seemed to just pop into his head. Silkworm (Clothy) - as Andy's clothes get damaged easily due to his fighting style, he uses Activation to spur Clothy's silk creation, perfectly tailoring clothes for himself within seconds. He does attempt to make the clothes more durable with Lightning Flames, though this often simply doesn't prove effective
Top - Weapons: Shoes - when charged with Sun Flames, Top is able to move at incredible speeds while also easing the fatigue that would normally come from moving so fast. Runner's Regalia - by wearing armor charged with Haruka's Lightning Flame, Top is able to move even faster by ignoring the damage that he would normally incur due to wind resistance while also gaining greater offensive output. Animals: Roadrunners (Miguel and Pedro) - a pair of birds that help guide Top as his dynamic vision becomes impaired while moving at highspeed
Ichico - inexplicably, Ichico suffers from a form of insomnia that makes it impossible for her to sleep. Using the Forest Flame's Realization, Ichico creates flowers that help to ease the negative effects of this insomnia. Animal: Octopus (Oxford) - riding on Ichico's head, Oxford grows vines to create additional limbs to perform tasks for Ichico
Bunny - Bunny manifests large flower bulbs to completely envelope her targets and render them immobile. Animal: Rabbit (Pikilienta Pohles) - "Pipipenda Pohpepu" as Bunny calls it plants seeds in the ground to help set traps for targets, ensnaring enemies when they get close enough
Haruka - as a smith, Haruka's greatest ability is for improvising creations on the fly, greatly aided by her Lightning Flame's ability to draw in and bind materials with its electromagnetic properties. Weapons: Isshin Armor - using the Lightning Flame's Solidification characteristic, Haruka's armor becomes near-indestructible. She can also use magnetism to rearrange the armor's arrangement as necessary for different scenarios. Naginata - though unskilled in its use, Haruka can harden and electrify her naginata to make it an effective weapon regardless. Animal: Tortoise (Tesshu) - with its hardened shell, Tesshu serves as an anvil for Haruka to forge weapons and armor upon for her teammates.
Kururu - Weapon: Microphone - using the electrical properties of her Lightning Flames, Kururu creates a magnetic field that pulls others towards her. Animal: Ostrich (Kogomi) - Kogomi dances alongside Kururu to generate a greater magnetic field that both reaches further and is harder to resist
Phil - Weapon: Entruster - rather than a traditional Box Weapon, Phil's entire robotic body is capable of channeling his Flames. By using the Mountain Flame's Synchronization, Phil can assimilate minerals such as stone or metal to alter the shape and capabilities of his body. Phil can also fire concentrated blasts of Mountain Flame to devastating effect. Animal: Worm (Ayatori) - Ayatori gathers rocks onto its body, making itself larger to wrap around enemies and constrict them. Outside of battle, Ayatori is quite small but long, and Phil often plays Cat's Cradle with the flexible worm
Void - Weapon: Boxing gloves - by controlling the earth around him, Void can shift the ground to grab onto his opponent's feet, making it difficult to evade his attacks; he can also gather stone into a large gauntlet or full armor, greatly increasing his striking power. Animal: Rottweiler (Bison) - while Void fights, Bison helps gather material for powering up Void's gloves more quickly
Yusai - Weapon: Katana - by launching Rain Flame slashes at her opponent's Ring Boxes, Yusai uses their Pacification characteristic to prevent them from channeling Flames and activating their effects. She can also target her opponent's body to render them numb, also preventing them from taking action. Animal: Crane (Gekkou) - by flying above the enemy, Gekkou secretly rains Rain Flame down onto the arena, preemptively disabling their ability to use Box Weapons
Enjin - Weapon: Gakuran - channeling his Rain Flames through his outfit, all of Enjin's attacks carry the ability to extinguish enemy Flames. Animal: Boar (Banka) - coated in Rain Flames, Banka charges into the enemy, forcibly extinguishing their Flames
Gina - Weapon: Beret- coating her hat in River Flames, Gina focuses the Flame's ability to control fluids such as water and air to create transparent constructs such as blades, though with practice she finds she can make constructs without a focal point. Animal: Jellyfish (Shinohara) -using River Flames, Shinora is able to become transparent and form barriers and limb-like constructs to aid Gina in battle
Tella - Weapon: Speakers - by manipulating the fluidity of soundwaves, Tella can create powerful defensive barriers in the air. Animal: Parrot (Morse) - as Tella is mute, Tella can transmit soundwaves to speak through Morse
Akira - Weapon: G-pen - by channeling Mist Flames through his pen, Akira can Construct real illusions with his drawings. Animal: Squid (Anno Un) - by spreading Mist Flame-empowered ink, Anno can render itself and Akira undetectable
Creed - Weapon: Gatling gun - rather than casting illusions, Creed Constructs ammunition for his gun, giving him effectively unlimited ammo. Animal: Bombardier beetles x50 (Units 1-50) - when thrown, Creed's Units Construct and launch fragments, incendiaries, gases, or flashes of light, allowing them to serve as reusable grenades
Sean - though a weak illusionist, Sean is adept at using his Desert Flame's Hallucination ability to render himself invisible. However, to keep the "sand" from getting in his eyes, he often finds himself closing his eyes when using this ability. Weapon: Butterfly knife - Sean is able to turn his knife invisible, but generally he uses it when he is already invisible himself, so there's no particular advantage to this. Animal: Chameleon (Irmao) - also able to turn invisible, Irmao is not blinded by the use of the Desert Flame, and serves as a guide for Sean while his eyes are closed
Latla - Weapons: Crystal ball - instead of creating illusions per se, Latla uses her Desert Flames to conjure images of the future in her crystal ball as a form of fortune-telling. Broomstick - powered by her Flames, Latla's broomstick serves as effective aerial transportation. Animal: Ladybug (Leila) - able to sense oncoming Flames, Leila warns Latla of oncoming attacks and generates a field of Desert Flames to distort her image, making attacks miss Latla
Shen - using the Cloud Flame's Propagation characteristic, Shen can attach his Flames to an opponent's body or Box Weapons and assimilate a part of their Flames. This gives him moderate control of the affected area, allowing him to force the opponent to move in ways that they don't expect, particularly when they're distracted while initiating an attack. Weapon: Nyoi-Kinko - using the Cloud Flame's Propagation, Shen's staff can extend or expand at will. Animal: Monkey (Wukong) - able to concentrate Cloud Flames into a literal cloud, Kinto'un, Wukong provides Shen with aerial transportation
Feng - using his Cloud Flame's Propagation, Feng has developed a technique to feed on the Flames of defeated opponents, resulting in seemingly perpetual youth. Weapon: Zuishin Tekkan - by charging the rod with Cloud Flames, Feng changes the rod's shape between a staff, a tri-sectioned staff, and nunchaku, each with variable length depending on the amount of Flame used. Animal: Macaque (Liu'er) - just like Shen's Wukong, Liu'er concentrates Cloud Flames into a mount for Feng, known as Kokuto'un
Tatiana - Animal: Hedgehog (Klubnika) - using the Glacier Flame's Freezing ability, Klubnika expands its body to encase Tatiana in a sphere of ice that she can manipulate at will. Tatiana can expand its radius, reshape it into a cylinder for a more focused strike, scatter fragments in all directions, and even create limbs for greater precision. This ice is so versatile that Tatiana does not require any other weapons
Chikara - Weapon: Camera - by focusing on a target through his camera, Chikara can designate where to conjure his Glacier Flames to freeze a target in place. Animal: Deer (Ryo) - as Chikara has to focus on a relatively small area to use his weapon, movement is difficult, so he relies on Ryo to maneuver him to the most advantageous position in battle
Ruin - though unknown what his original Flame attribute was, having his Flame drained from his body nearly killed him; however, his Dying Will resurrected him with the Night Flame. As a resurrected corpse, Ruin is effectively immortal, able to use his Night Flames to turn his body incorporeal when taking damage. Animals: Cat (Shadow) - using the Night Flame's Transportation characteristic, Shadow allows Ruin to effectively teleport. Bat (Blood) - on Ruin's command, Blood creates constructs out of Night Flames that can easily bypass enemy defenses
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wonderxshows · 1 year ago
HEHEEE.. rn . Mirror house is playing and i thought of yew…
OMGGG i love you 🫶🫶🫶
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angeltism · 1 year ago
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kantorberita · 25 days ago
KNOPI: Revisi UU Pers 40/1999, Dorong Dewan Pers Wujudkan Kebebasan Pers yang Adil
KNOPI: Revisi UU Pers 40/1999, Dorong Dewan Pers Wujudkan Kebebasan Pers yang Adil KANTOR-BERITA.COM, JAKARTA|| Komite Nasional Organisasi Pers Indonesia (KNOPI) secara resmi menyampaikan pernyataan sikap dan aspirasi kepada Ketua Dewan Pers di Gedung Dewan Pers, Jakarta, pada Selasa (25/2/25). Pernyataan tersebut menyoroti beberapa hal penting terkait pelaksanaan Undang-Undang Pers Nomor 40…
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madurapost · 4 months ago
AJI Semarang: Tindakan Wartawan Tutupi Kasus GRO Ciderai Profesi
PAMEKASAN, MaduraPost – Aliansi Jurnalis Independen (AJI) Semarang, Jawa Tengah, mengecam keras dugaan keterlibatan seorang wartawan dalam upaya intervensi kasus penembakan GRO (17), seorang pelajar SMK Negeri 4 Semarang yang tewas ditembak polisi. Wartawan tersebut diduga mencoba menutupi kasus ini agar tidak terungkap ke publik. Ketua AJI Semarang, Aris Mulyawan, menyebut tindakan itu mencoreng…
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kebumen24-com · 9 months ago
Mengenal UU Pers, Peran, Tugas dan Fungsinya
KEBUMEN, Kebumen24.com – Undang-Undang Pers atau UU Pers adalah peraturan hukum yang mengatur tentang kebebasan pers, etika jurnalistik, dan perlindungan terhadap jurnalis di Indonesia. Continue reading Mengenal UU Pers, Peran, Tugas dan Fungsinya
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bogorexpose · 9 months ago
Aksi Arogansi Oknum Warga di Bogor Timur, Berujung Ancaman Tuntutan Pasal Berlapis
BOGOR – Dugaan aksi intimidasi dan arogansi oknum warga berinisial YS terhadap sejumlah jurnalis, berujung pelaporan ke Polres Bogor. YS dilaporkan Nay Nur’ain dan Chaerudin/Ibenk atas dugaan pencemaran nama baik, intimidasi dan perbuatan tidak menyenangkan. YS juga diadukan dugaan pelanggaran UU ITE usai secara gamblang, menyebar fitnah dan tudingan sumir melalui status whatsapp. Ditemani para…
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realitajayasaktigroup · 5 months ago
Arogansi Koordinator PPL Pertanian: Wartawan Dipaksa Serahkan Kamera di Simalungun
RELASIPUBLIK.OR.ID, SIMALUNGUN SUMUT || Insiden yang memicu kemarahan awak media terjadi di kantor PPL Pertanian Kecamatan Hatonduhan, Kabupaten Simalungun, di mana seorang wartawan dipaksa menyerahkan kamera oleh oknum Koordinator PPL, Rukia Seregar, SST. Peristiwa ini terjadi pada Rabu, 9 Oktober 2024, saat sejumlah wartawan mendatangi kantor tersebut untuk mengklarifikasi isu terkait kelompok…
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aipurjopa · 2 months ago
based on that spoke tweet it seems like uuhavocs are gonna at minimum interact (and probably team up ngl) so i hope uu wifies gets to crit out spoke constantly like a stress ball. just constantly wack the guy with a sword over and over again. spoke just stands there monologuing and wifies just beats the crap out of him with his fist.
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prixiepae · 2 months ago
✨TS2 Default Masterlist (wip) ✨ by prixiepae
high res logo by @greatcheesecakepersona and background image is from ts2 default database (linked below!)
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THIS IS A WORK IN PROGRESS! SO FAR ONLY THE FEMALE HAIRS ARE DONE! (most of them at least i need hiders for the rest)
i’m posting this here for new ts2 players who are particularly used to playing with lots of cc in the sims 4 (i have over 80 gb+ in my sims 4 mods folder). i am not a sims 2 expert i just have a cc addiction. 
the sims 2 is my favorite game and since the rerelease last week, i am inspired to play again (aka i will be redownloading the starter pack and seeing how it runs). to help my computer not explode my goal for cas is to ONLY download default replacements for the in-game items. ts2 is charming and lovely but i need it to be personalized so i can get back into playing again. 
this entire spreadsheet would not be possible without ts2 default database! you NEED this to follow my spreadsheet and it is a useful tool for tracking your own defaults.
if you like the look of ts4 clay hair, platinumaspiration has literally replaced every single hair in the game.
if you like the look of realistic hair, malvernsims has replaced probably every single hair AND clothing item in the game.
only download ONE default replacement per item!
some things to consider:
here are the common abbreviations used when talking about defaults:
af/am = adult female/male
yf/ym = young adult female/male (young adults are only available in uni)
ef/em = elder female/male
tf/tm = teen female/male
cf/cm = child female/male
pf/pm = toddler female/male 
u = unisex
uu = unisex for life stage and gender 
this is my list so obviously i picked defaults that i like. feel free to make a copy and edit the links.
the hairs i picked are in the poppet v2 hair system. in the ts2 there are many hair systems from different creators (here's a comparison chart that's helpful in picking which system you like) and essentially they make edits to the maxis colors/textures for others to use. i recommend sticking with one system so that the hair colors will match (or don’t, it’s your game!)
many hairs have different color variants. since the ts2 does not have a swatch system like in ts4, different variations of the same hair count as separate hairs. so for example, the adult female “dreadsband” hair has 5 color variants: blue, dark, maroon, tan, and myrtle. since i am relying on only default hairs i have 5 different hairs that replace all the variants. if you don’t want to do that, i would recommend downloading hiders for all or some of the variants depending on what you prefer!
if something is left out i either: couldn’t find a replacement and will download a hider, i didn’t want to replace it (this will be in the case for a select few clothing items i like), i haven’t gotten to it yet, or more often then not, i forgot!
i hope this is helpful for anyone :)
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crypticscarecrow · 4 months ago
Thank you everyone who dm'd! These went out a lot faster than intended- I'll keep an eye on codes that haven't been activated yet by January and recycle them if needs be. uu
Quick thing:
If anyone wants a toyhouse account I've got a fuckton of codes to give out, and just for notifcations sakes, dm me for a code
Yall got till December 31, 2024 OR until I'm out of codes, which I'd prolly delete this post
(12/22/2024) Edit: redited this since I assume people aren't reading through it-
Please DM; I don't answer asks for this
One per user
Unused codes: If I notice after 2024/Start 2025 codes haven't been used, I might start sending them off to others to use so please do just activate your account! (This doesn't apply if you JUST got it at the end of December but most of yall got a few weeks and I notice a few inactive codes floating there, I wanna make sure everyone who REALLY WANTS to join, gets the chance to!
Remaining codes atm: 100 Toy House codes
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wonderxshows · 1 year ago
Idk what ur talking about BUT can we frolic hehehe 🫶
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angeltism · 1 year ago
uhm. uh. unceremoniusly appears. hello. this is loveletter. does jazz hands.
honestly ykw i'm gonna b honest here and say i had a feeling,, :0
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lokavisi · 2 months ago
I have a great story I completely forgot to share.
This past Sunday was my kindred's public blot to Odin. Our gothar asked if someone else would be willing to lead the ritual, as they had another event they wanted to go to in order to support a friend. Since I led the blot for Loki back in July, given their oath, it only seemed appropriate that I lead the blot for Odin, so I volunteered.
As we're waiting to folks to arrive, a couple comes with their 4-5 year-old daughter. Generally we don't see kids in attendance, but we're not going to turn them away, either. She recognized me from the CUUPS kids group, so she asked to sit next to me. I said yes, and she sat to my left. Her parents brought things so she could color and her mom raided the RE (religious education) cabinet the UU congregation has (we meet at the church) that's filled with fidget toys, so she was very much occupied.
So I give the opening spiel about blots to the newcomers, talk a bit about Odin (and explain that we have a little offering bowl for Loki per their oath of drink sharing), and we set sacred space. As everyone goes up to fill their drinks, the girl asks her mom what everyone's doing. Mom explained how we're getting drinks to toast Odin and that when we're done we're "going to share some of our drinks with Odin and Loki." This child, in the cutest and most earnest way, says: "I don't wanna share my drink with them." Something about them being absolutely rejected by a small child was so funny to me. 🤣
As the "leader" of the ritual, I gave the first toast. We go around the circle clockwise, so I asked this girl if she wanted to say, "Hail Odin," but she didn't so we moved right along to mom and dad. After a few more people, she started saying, "Hail!" when everyone else did after each toast. So when we made it all the way around the circle, before closing it out I asked her again if she wanted to say, "Hail Odin." This girl sits up, says, "Hi everybody," like she's about to give a speech, says a few things I couldn't understand because fast child speak, but then she said something about, "because he's an old man." Like the fact that Odin is an old man is why we're toasting him lol. Mom got her to say, "hail Odin," before she rambled too much, but her being so ready speak was so precious. Like she got into it the more she saw.
After we finished up she was walking around the room and talking to folks, and then she comes up to me and says, "Look what I found!" It was a small evil eye bead. She found an eye. At an Odin blot. 😆 And one for protection, at that. I think it was Odin saying he sees her and is looking out for her, that he appreciated her presence there.
It was such a delight to have this little ball of energy present. It made me think about writing a shorter kid-friendly liturgy for a blot. If enough folks wanted to bring their kids and it became too much to have them all there, I would love to take the kids to another space and do a kids sumbel. (Admittedly I'd kind of prefer we let everyone stay in the same space, but I still think writing a kids liturgy would be fun, regardless. Wouldn't hurt to have it in our back pocket!)
Anyway, it was just a joyful experience in Heathenry that I wanted to share.
Edit: I just learned from her mother that she leaves things for Odin on their altar at home. She talks to him all the time and calls him Uncle Odin. <3
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