#USS Jupiter
lonestarbattleship · 2 years
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USS LANGLEY (CV-1) under reconstruction from the collier, USS JUPITER (AC-3), at Norfolk Navy Yard, Portsmouth, Virginia. She was the first US Navy ship built with turbo electric transmission propulsion. This system used steam to power a turbine connected to an electrical generator, to power the propeller motors and everything else on the ship. This allowed for greater fuel efficiency and had greater redundancies.
Note: boat storage yard ashore, and USS GEORGE E. BADGER (DD-196) in background.
Date: late 1921
U.S. Naval History and Heritage Command: NH 93538
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poppitron360 · 1 month
One thing I felt like HoO really dropped on is the characterisation of the Argo II itself.
Where a lot of shows like Star Wars, Firefly, Doctor Who, and Star Trek really shine is where the ship itself becomes it’s own character.
I’m gonna use firefly as an example here, because I started re-watching it today, and this is something that’s a VERY key theme.
I think Joss Wheadon (the creator of the show) talked a lot about Serenity (the ship) actually being the “ninth cast member”. “Serenity” is the name of both the pilot episode and the follow-up movie, it’s name-dropped in the theme song, and the show is called firefly because it is a “Class-3 Firefly Spaceship”. And we as an audience really connect with the ship- despite the show being only fourteen episodes long (If I was only able to throttle 20th Century Fox… I answer to no god)- and I think the reason we do so is because every single character has their own personal connection with the vessel. Wash being the pilot (Also, if I remember it correctly, it being the place he met Zoë), Kaylee being the engineer, for Simon, it being a safe space to hide his sister from the totalitarian government trying to do experiments on her brain, and Mal and Zoë starting the ship together- Mal naming it “Serenity” after the battle of Serenity Valley which he fought in with Zoë (I could lore-dump about this show ‘til the gorram cows come home). And the whole premise of the show being about surviving with your rag-tag crew on this piece of shit that you love dearly, and just… keeping flying. Ugh, there’s something so magical in the writing that makes you adore the ship itself.
Other examples, like the Millennium Falcon, the TARDIS, and the USS Enterprise, are also good for this.
Now, onto how the Argo II itself:
The only person who really has a personal connection with the Argo II is Leo. The rest of the Seven just feel like they’re… on Leo’s boat. All the food is provided by the magic plates from Camp Half-Blood. Most of the piloting/engineering is done by Leo, and a little bit by Annabeth and sometimes Percy when they’re on the water. You never get the sense that any of the others really love the boat, or have any connection with it at all.
I think that’s the reason why the Seven never felt that close in my opinion. There was never a sense of community. Of people united by a common location.
I think, just love for a place in fiction is something really powerful to me. That’s where Harry Potter most thrived, not necessarily the plot, but wanting to be in the world, go to Hogwarts.
Camp Half-Blood had that charm and homeliness. So did the Waystation in TOA. Camp Jupiter didn’t for me, but I think that was kinda the point. But I never really got that from the Argo II, because of the way it was set up so that Leo was the only one who could really bond with it. And this is what makes Leo so compelling to me, is that he actually connects with his flying ship. I just feel like the Argo as its own character, similar to Serenity from firefly, could’ve been so good if it had been written right and was such wasted potential. It would’ve strengthened that bond between the Seven, and made that “familial” dynamic feel a lot more natural.
In conclusion? Everyone should go watch Firefly on Disney plus. It’s just fourteen, forty-five minute episodes, plus the movie. But man, is it worth it. You will cry at the deaths (why do all the good ones get impaled?). You will laugh at the jokes. You will probably say, “Wait- is that a young Zac Effron?” When a young Zac Effron has a cameo. You will wish you were as badass as River.
Idk, it’s 3:03am and this is basically a good idea of what the inside of my brain looks like most of the time. I’ve mentioned at least six obsessions of mine in this post.
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hummiscellanea · 1 year
I'd include the Satellite of Love, but come on. It would win, easy.
This is my favorite genre of sci-fi. Gotta love the combination of 1) a series of wacky adventures and 2) the terrible dread of being isolated and homesick!
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lonestarflight · 10 months
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The two Mobile Quarantine Facilities (MQF) below decks on the USS Hornet prior to recovery operations of the Apollo 12 astronauts.
"The MQFs, one prime and one backup, served as the initial quarantine location for the astronauts after splashdown until they reached the Lunar Receiving Laboratory (LRL) at the Manned Spacecraft Center (MSC), now the Johnson Space Center in Houston. The major change in the recovery protocols involved the astronauts no longer having to wear the hot and bulky Biological Isolation Garments (BIGs) worn by the Apollo 11 crew – managers decided that clean overalls and respirators provided adequate protection against back-contamination since scientists found no evidence of any pathogenic lunar microorganisms in the Apollo 11 samples."
"It is widely claimed that a common type of bacterium, Streptococcus mitis, accidentally contaminated the Surveyor's camera prior to launch, and that the bacteria survived dormant in the harsh lunar environment for two and a half years, supposedly then to be detected when Apollo 12 brought the Surveyor's camera back to the Earth. This claim has been cited by some as providing credence to the idea of interplanetary panspermia, but more importantly, it led NASA to adopt strict abiotic procedures for space probes to prevent contamination of the planet Mars and other astronomical bodies that are suspected of having conditions possibly suitable for life. Most dramatically, the Galileo space probe was deliberately destroyed at the end of its mission by crashing it into Jupiter, to avoid the possibility of contaminating the Jovian moon Europa with bacteria from Earth. The Cassini probe also impacted Saturn at the end of its mission in 2017.
However, independent investigators have challenged the claim of surviving bacteria on Surveyor 3 on the Moon. There is a possibility the contamination was caused by using a non-airtight container, or when the samples were being taken in the clean room after Apollo 12."
-information from Wikipedia: link
Date: November 24, 1969
NASA ID: link
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brooklynislandgirl · 8 months
Star Medicine || Dr Elikapeka Riley of the USS Nimue
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SUN. egotistical. melted wax wings and fingers. stretching sunburnt skin. the most generous soul. blood in the fruit. halos. anger on fire. high vitality. thunderous laughter. is pride really a sin? halogenic aura. MERCURY. expansion of the mind. silver-tongued. an everlasting wanderer. polyglot. high dexterity. handwritten letters. innately critical. en vogue. eyes in the trees. hidden libraries. there’s always room for improvement. VENUS. in love with strangers. iridescent waters. love potions for your mirror. selfless devotion. shattering crystal. sea-foam upon sand. the golden ratio. drowning in your own passion. material value and high principles. luring. plush lips. EARTH. fresh springs. tree hugger. we can start again tomorrow. a blazing rain-forest. respects survival of the fittest. nature’s adversity. lazy bones. constantly evolving. flowers sprouting from wounds. a granite altar. fossilised remains. MOON. illusory. silver shimmer off the ocean. secrets and gossip. cycles of reincarnation. a crybaby. physically ethereal. shared glances with a stranger. cat eyes. mistrusting their intuition. fear is a prison. ornate magic wands.
MARS. healthy competition. attraction and repulsion. magma and rubies. a blade being forged. wrath, wrath, wrath. malefic. intense eye contact. cannon fodder and fireworks. blood floods. copper taste on your tongue.
JUPITER. red robes and a suit of armour. beacon of stability. leader from birth. thunderbolts and lightning. guilty but can’t stop. secret rich kid. golden touch, golden tears. innate optimist. failure isn’t an option. constantly reaching for more. unfinished symphonies.
SATURN. traditional. overbearing energy. a sculptor of reality. this existence is a karmic one. has a heart; it’s just way down deep. law, order and justice. avoid all necessary risk. the sound of shackles clanging. Sisyphus’ struggle. grappling with the reality of time. self-governing.
URANUS. psychedelic funk music. overflowing cups. a rebellion with skin. looking good in photo id. oblivious but caring. middle fingers in the air. double rainbows. icy diamond exterior. holographic. afraid of their own mediocrity. pearlescent smoke.
NEPTUNE. an elegy for the lost. dissolving boundaries. white horses. the burden of mystical conditions. deceptive. escapism is their reality. a polarising entity. artist’s soul. paranoia. searching for the unseen. a siren’s swan song.
PLUTO. angel statues over graves. power. the cycle of necrosis. transformative. unfathomable depth. an ivory tower toppling over. screaming at the sky. violets and irises. eclipsed darkness. speaks with their shadow. sex, death, rebirth.
tagged by: my precious @haiiling
tagging: Yo Ho, All Together...Hoist the Colours High.
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michiruze · 1 year
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My 4th (of 6) Gacha CG-styled fanart of Keir Dullea as Dave Bowman. This was drawn as a New Year 2023 celebration art.
I always liked to imagine what if Dave got his own kimono based on his spacesuit, so I decided to make my own design!
Here's a breakdown of the design i've made, feel free to draw the Space Odyssey characters using this Kimono design if you want (especially Frank and HAL)
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However I have previously drawn Dave in my design in Summer 2022 to try out the design and it worked!
In my headcanon, this was Dave when he spent his last summer on Earth (with Frank) --- Japan. He and Frank got a custom-made Kimono designed after their spacesuits to celebrate the Discovery mission to Jupiter.
(yeah now I draw Dave with red eyeliners)
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Bonus: unrelated to this whole post (but too short to be put as its' own post), just days later I did a Chinese New Year 2023 sketch too (in case you're wondering, Dave's eastern zodiac sign is Dog while Keir's eastern zodiac sign is Rat)
I don't know whether to make an entire sheet for this design (it's a one-off) but enjoy, since we're at the 'new year celebration art' anyway!
Again, this was how Dave got dressed for the last Chinese New Year celebration on Earth before he leaves to embark on USS Discovery.....
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man I just love drawing Keir Dave, he's just so fun to draw
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dayscrazed · 1 year
Titanic AU: Alex is Rose; Michael is Jack BUT NO ONE DIES
Air Force Officer Alex Manes has been recruited for the spaceship bound for Titan. Half the town of Roswell will be the the first to establish a civilization on Jupiter's largest moon. Alex isn't happy because his overbearing and abusive father is also aboard the USS Titanian and is determined to force Alex to marry, veteran Jenna Cameron. Luckily, when all seems lost, Alex's life is saved by a third class cowboy with a mysterious ability. The two get to know each other and find they have more in common than they thought. While speeding through space, Alex and Michael end up saving each other and discovering their own love story.
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hopeshearthpod · 2 years
ECH0 ft. The Hades Project
Our season 2 started with two guests from @thehadesprojectpod, Jupiter (@spaceeggscreams) and Erin, playing with Izze and Dirk.
They played Ech0 by Role Over Play Dead. Three siblings wander between decrepit mechs turned playground, leading the ghost of a dead pilot to their final resting place.
The Hades Project is a sci-fi horror audio drama about the crew of the USS Hades and their trip to Pluto. It seems to be going well, until things start going wrong.
It also has Stabby the Roomba.
Inspired by Wolf 359 and similar podcasts, this show has a delightful cast and an engaging storyline that will grab you and hold you until it's done with you.
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I wanted to share more of the Broken Sanctum history. You can find the general history here. This focuses on humans pre-collapse and pre-war.
Prior to the collapse of the Broken Sanctum, the Human race flourished! One would think that a race hurtling to its own destruction would be somewhat dystopian. That assumption would be incorrect, in the case of Broken Sanctum Humans.
In the year 2173, Humans discovered magic. More accurately, the microorganism that can be farmed, harvested and then ingested to result in magic. It happened purely on accident while exploring Io, one of Jupiter's moons. When astronaut D. Reed tore his suit while exiting the spaceship the USS Novus and became agitated at the idea he was going to die, he accidentally ignited a connection with these microorganisms. It is unknown why they were on Io. What is known is that the connect between Reed and the microorganisms saved his life; by repairing his suit and healing his frozen limb. This occurred during WW6.
Once it was fully harnessed in the 23 century (2200s) Humanity experienced a boom in technological, ecological, and magical development. They took to the stars, reaching outside their solar system and into the galaxy beyond.
Unfortunately, the Broken Sanctums Utopia era lasted only a century. By 2389 Humans were pushing the bounds of magic. They'd created planes, pushing it further to make a realm (the Hallowed Yonder) where they played God(s). They altered the genetic makeup of Humans, and created a strain of magic mixed with technology called biomatter-sculpting which was able to sculpt living tissue. At the turn of the 24th century (roughly 2404), Humans pushed too far. A group that would later evolve into the [[Io]] sought to "touch the heavens" aka. they wanted to reach other levels of existence physically. This led to them meeting the Architects and ultimately creating a super weapon to destroy their realm. This weapon was later triggered two thousand years after the war, resulting in the collapse of all levels of existence into each other, creating what is now known as the Broken Sanctum.
It should be noted that Humans fled during and before the War into other realms. None fled after the War and before (or after) the Collapse as the sudden genetic alteration of their race struck them blind to many magic abilities. One such being Realm Travel.
World Wars
WW3. 2037 to 2058. World War 3 saw the fall of the British Empire and the rise devastation of capitalism. The United States of America became a facist tyranny, and it saw Russia fall into heavy debt. Everyone thought it would be the last world war. A stalemate was called in May of 2058 on the 24th. This was marked as the end of the war.
WW4. 2059 to 2067. Although shorter than WW3, WW4 was significantly more violent. With so many world powers in debt or dissolved, the supreme leader of the USA seized control of Russia and the British Empire. Canada was dragged into the fight almost immediately, with Ukraine backing them. This began the dirtiest bloodbath to pre-date WW6. Nuclear weapons were abused, people were implanted with explosives, anyone who wasn't "the perfect citizen" was put into slave labor camps or executed. They say history is doomed to repeat itself; Hitler wrote the book on Tyranny, the USA wrote a library. With access to resources beyond belief and a total disregard for War Crimes, Eugenics was back on the table and so were unstable nuclear weapons. For the first time, Humanity lost over half it's population in under ten years. The American Empire was dissolved shortly after the war. A vast majority of the Middle East had sided with the American Empire, believing that it would bring them control over the whole world. Much to their despair their countries were crippled by the decision that only men should fight in the war. The women banded together, and using the lack of male control, brought the Middle East together under a woman named Anum. Thus, the Islamic Dynasty was born.
WW5. 2132 to 2142. Significantly less violent than the other World Wars, WW5 was a cold war between the nations of the world amidst the space race. When they discovered space-faring technology had gotten to the point that colonizing other planets was possible, all of humanity wanted to be the first colony. WW5 was started by Russia shooting down a Chinese space ship. The floodgates of Hell broke loose, eventually resulting in Canada absorbing the USA, the poles becoming their own sovereign nations, and Ukraine absorbing Russia. The end of WW5 is also significant for it's formation of New Greece as many Greek citizens were uncomfortable with following Christian beliefs and readopted the Ancient Greek pantheon.
WW6. More accurately Sol War 1, occurred 2172-2204. It was a massive arms race between all space faring civilizations that eventually brought humanity to it's knees when it wiped out over a third of the human population. During this Magic was not well-researched enough to be considered a bio-weapon, however, significant research was put into Magic until it became a bio-weapon. Plagues, matter reconstruction, teleportation of nuclear weapons, and much, much more. It forced Humanity to construct the U.P.C. (United Planetary Constitution) that forbade world wars (and planetary wars) from ever happening again, and outlawed certain magic types.
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brookstonalmanac · 5 months
Events 4.14 (after 1940)
1940 – World War II: Royal Marines land in Namsos, Norway, preceding a larger force which will arrive two days later. 1941 – World War II: German and Italian forces attack Tobruk, Libya. 1944 – Bombay explosion: A massive explosion in Bombay harbor kills 300 and causes economic damage valued at 20 million pounds. 1945 – Razing of Friesoythe: The 4th Canadian (Armoured) Division deliberately destroys the German town of Friesoythe on the orders of Major General Christopher Vokes. 1958 – The Soviet satellite Sputnik 2 falls from orbit after a mission duration of 162 days. This was the first spacecraft to carry a living animal, a female dog named Laika, who likely lived only a few hours. 1967 – Gnassingbé Eyadéma overthrows Nicolas Grunitzky and installs himself as the new President of Togo, a title he will hold for the next 38 years. 1978 – Tbilisi demonstrations: Thousands of Georgians demonstrate against Soviet attempts to change the constitutional status of the Georgian language. 1979 – The Progressive Alliance of Liberia stages a protest, without a permit, against an increase in rice prices proposed by the government, with clashes between protestors and the police resulting in over 70 deaths and over 500 injuries. 1981 – STS-1: The first operational Space Shuttle, Columbia completes its first test flight. 1986 – The heaviest hailstones ever recorded, each weighing 1 kilogram (2.2 lb), fall on the Gopalganj district of Bangladesh, killing 92. 1988 – The USS Samuel B. Roberts strikes a mine in the Persian Gulf during Operation Earnest Will. 1988 – In a United Nations ceremony in Geneva, Switzerland, the Soviet Union signs an agreement pledging to withdraw its troops from Afghanistan. 1991 – The Republic of Georgia introduces the post of President following its declaration of independence from the Soviet Union. 1994 – In a friendly fire incident during Operation Provide Comfort in northern Iraq, two U.S. Air Force aircraft mistakenly shoot-down two U.S. Army helicopters, killing 26 people. 1997 – Pai Hsiao-yen, daughter of Taiwanese artiste Pai Bing-bing is kidnapped on her way to school, preceding her murder. 1999 – NATO mistakenly bombs a convoy of ethnic Albanian refugees. Yugoslav officials say 75 people were killed. 1999 – A severe hailstorm strikes Sydney, Australia causing A$2.3 billion in insured damages, the most costly natural disaster in Australian history. 2002 – Venezuelan president Hugo Chávez returns to office two days after being ousted and arrested by the country's military. 2003 – The Human Genome Project is completed with 99% of the human genome sequenced to an accuracy of 99.99%. 2003 – U.S. troops in Baghdad capture Abu Abbas, leader of the Palestinian group that killed an American on the hijacked cruise liner MS Achille Lauro in 1985. 2005 – The Oregon Supreme Court nullifies marriage licenses issued to same-sex couples a year earlier by Multnomah County. 2006 – Twin blasts triggered by crude bombs during Asr prayer in the Jama Masjid mosque in Delhi injure 13 people. 2014 – Two bombs detonate at a bus station in Nyanya, Nigeria, killing at least 88 people and injuring hundreds. Boko Haram claims responsibility. 2014 – Boko Haram abducts 276 girls from a school in Chibok, Nigeria. 2016 – The foreshock of a major earthquake occurs in Kumamoto, Japan. 2022 – Russian invasion of Ukraine: The Russian warship Moskva sinks. 2023 – The Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer (JUICE) is launched by the European Space Agency.
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the-firebird69 · 9 months
we do see the action and here too and on you our son and her our daughter we intercept. now too. and they morlock do it. are hot for it. heavy. and mean business and to capture you and hold youi there and to defeat the hosptial guy using it we help you now and hit. now too.
al over earththey try the car stuff and ohter. we need itnow and work. now we see them trying to take here and the east coast are dumb. and we see why. are pushed. they dont bak off we need to use force and brute force and today is very important to do so and gather them all over earth and gab hotspots and device areas. now and we mve fast.
-it is time to announce we aer going in here no we are but ok.
-too many acttacsk on us and here. we use it now
-theyi usse thier courts and ddrain the rest of john r and crew dry and yes ae at 5% will drain them to 2.5% today. took a break
-are suing too for other damages. adn tons of suits no six we are on them too we expect a win take tons of stuff.
-huge huge day. today. the water is down to about90" and overall. thus high tide should be at 4.5' and we see it at about three. down frrom that mark and it is early. wil be about 2.5' and yes it is abismal. soon ships out today. tons. and more tommorow than today.
-are at war they prep to invade. we see it too. try hard now. and large groups. huge. giant.
-and more they seek them hard and on warrants. and are up and do it now. and are going after them hard. toda here. and wiht cops. tons say it are in htere and dont s. true too.
-several programs start today are HUGE and we mean it BIG and are ours. here in pg we move to remove the trouble makers. and use the collumn fight to do so and toher. iit is war and tough.w e do it. now too. the programs are as follow ssaturn and venus february and jupiter to follow then uranus we begiin now and huge constructin projects and mroe and fast. tons of ships, projects here our own ships we start loading now, massive projects like the water shed progream to cean the water and protect it remove ships and foce out manuer and skeletons for affect, move ot out our shops and stores and supply houses, begin productino of the 2024 mainsta autos from famous makers globally, sme with motorcycles, creae business models prep and make businesses new that we have ideas for. the boat co yes and off of bja we have to and luse our sons method bylineer na shortly too, tons of businesses strt up and really soon, huge shows to do for cars boats equimpmetn now we hve to so let us start
along with this a war is develping and iwth macs. they will retire their goofs to hire us and will try to do it shortly. and yes the macs will.
we try to accomidate our son more here no we shall. shorlty.
we use the roof and other as code if we can we try to.
we see opportnity here and do to move in use it tons of vacant houses and lazy naighbourhoods now too
there are a lotof things wwe start ow and are on for. lets meet ow and get it going
Thor Freya
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history-today · 2 years
Today in History: March 20th
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A bit of March 20th history…
1345 - Saturn, Jupiter, and Mars conjunction: thought “cause of plague epidemic”
1774 - British parliament passes 1st of the Intolerable Acts: the Boston Port Act, which closes Boston harbor until colonists pay for damages following the Boston Tea Party
1800 - Alessandro Volta reports his discovery of the electric battery (pictured)
1917 - After the sinking of 3 more American merchant ships, US President Wilson meets with cabinet, who agree that war is inevitable
1922 - USS Langley is commissioned, US Navy’s 1st aircraft carrier
1930 - American fast food restaurant chain KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken) is founded by Colonel Harland Sanders in Kentucky
1995 - Members of Japanese cult Aum Shinrikyo release sarin gas on 3 lines of Tokyo subway, killing 13 and injuring over 1000 
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heartfledged · 2 years
The Earth Animal Roster of the USS Artemis, AKA: star zoo
Harris hawks: Hawkins, Darwin, Newton, Curie, Boltzmann American kestrels: Theta, Sushi Saker falcon: Nimbus Harpy eagles: Salt, Pepper Ornate hawk eagles: Chip, Salsa African crowned eagle: Royal Philippine eagles: Thunder, Lightning Lanner falcon: Kermit Bearded vulture: Meatball Red-tailed Hawk: Zeus Pygmy falcons: Stinkbug, Asp Stellar’s Sea Eagle: Pelagos Horses: Windsong, Obi, Sorrel, Robin, Fireball Pigeons. That's the list. Green winged macaw: Orville Blue and gold macaw: Wilbur Golden parakeets: Lemon, Sunshine, Cheese Cheetahs: Athos, Porthos, Aramis Black footed cat: Jupiter, Mars, Pluto, Venus
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udayangasrilanka · 2 years
The 7 Great Space Adventures That Are Right Here on Earth
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Image Source: FreeImages
There will always be something magical about space. That final frontier is full of wonder, and that wonder leads to great storytelling. Space is where we can have adventures on strange new worlds or make contact with aliens who are more than willing to shoot first and ask questions later. However, these kinds of stories are generally set in outer space — not right here on Earth. Space is exactly the kind of place where you should leave your reality check at the door and believe in things like warp drives, aliens, and even unicorns (because anything is possible in space). And while the real universe might disappoint you if you dig too deep into its mysteries, that doesn’t mean we can’t get our own little piece of it right here on Earth.
1. Star Wars: Desert Runs
If you’ve ever wondered what vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) aircraft would be like on a desert planet with two suns, then you’ve likely wondered what it would be like to fly a Star Wars landspeeder. This might seem like one of the more unlikely pairings here, but there’s a good reason for it. When it comes to piloting, the flying experience of a landspeeder versus a VTOL aircraft isn’t that different. Both are designed to be flown inside a planet’s atmosphere rather than in open space, and both have controls that rely on the position of the pilot’s arms rather than the foot pedals and yokes you’d find in a traditional aircraft.
2. Star Trek: Ocean Adventures
You don’t have to look too closely at the specs of a Starship or the technology inside it to see that Star Trek is essentially a loopy space fantasy. There’s no chance of replicating any of its technology in the real world, which is why it’s so much fun to explore its planets by boat. From the early voyages of the USS Enterprise and the USS Discovery to the USS Enterprise-D, -E, and -F, the early missions of Starfleet’s voyages focused on exploration. This often meant getting hands-on with the planet’s surface and dropping a landing party to explore a planet’s surface and collect samples. This is where one of the greatest space adventures can be found. The majesty of an ocean is something that can only be experienced in person. It’s a place of exploration, discovery, and wonder. There’s so much life in the oceans, and it’s a great way to explore alien worlds.
3. Stargate: Earth-Based Adventures
The Stargate franchise is another one where the core premise is completely impossible. This is a device that creates a wormhole to travel between entirely different realities. However, once again, if you change the setting you can get a great space adventure right here on Earth. The Stargate’s wormhole is essentially a giant ring of energy that surrounds a planet and is only visible when viewed from outer space. While there are a few different methods of creating such a ring, they’re all viable ways to get your hands on a wormhole.
4. Star Gate: Alien Encounters Right Here on Earth
Although a lot of people assume that aliens are out there in space, there’s no actual evidence for that. It’s entirely possible that life is out there, but we might be the only ones who have made it to a point that we can communicate with others. However, Earth has been around for about 4 billion years, which is plenty of time for aliens to have evolved and then gone extinct. And given that Earth is the only place we’ve found life, it’s possible that we’re alone. This means that any alien encounters would likely be with beings that evolved right here on Earth. This might sound a bit disappointing, but it’s far more likely that we’ll find something like microbes than a being with an IQ higher than that of an ant.
5. 2001: A Space Odyssey
There are a lot of things that Space Odyssey gets right, but there are also plenty of things it gets wrong. One of the biggest missteps is the portrayal of the journey to Jupiter. When the Discovery One reaches Jupiter, it’s only a matter of days before it lands on the surface. While it’s true that Jupiter’s moons take less time to reach, it would take Discovery One a couple of weeks to get there. And by the time it reached Jupiter, it would have been traveling for a couple of years.
6. The Martian
The Martian is another story that doesn’t get space exploration entirely right, but it does have an excellent message. While there are still ways to get to Mars, most of them are much more difficult and expensive than those shown in the movie. The Martian shows one guy who’s stuck on Mars with limited supplies trying to survive long enough to be rescued. It’s a great premise for a space adventure, and one that we might see come true in the next few decades.
7. Interstellar Fight for Survival on Earth
Interstellar is a weird movie. It’s a great movie, but it’s a great science fiction movie that’s based on pseudo-science. While it’s a great idea to try to find humanity another home, the means of doing it are more than a little ridiculous. The idea of a five-dimensional black hole isn’t totally outside the realm of possibility, but it’s definitely not something that could be easily manipulated to help humanity find a new home. On the other hand, there are plenty of ways that humans could cause themselves to become extinct on Earth. There’s no shortage of ways that we could wipe ourselves out, and it wouldn’t take extremely advanced technology for that to happen.
8. Conclusion
There will always be something magical about space. That final frontier is full of wonder, and that wonder leads to great storytelling. Space is where we can have adventures on strange new worlds or make contact with aliens who are more than willing to shoot first and ask questions later. These kinds of stories are generally set in outer space—not right here on Earth. Space is exactly the kind of place where you should leave your reality check at the door and believe in things like warp drives, aliens, and even unicorns (because anything is possible in space). And while the real universe might disappoint you if you dig too deep into its mysteries, that doesn’t mean we can’t get our own little piece of it right here on Earth.
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sepiadays · 5 years
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The ill-fated Proteus-class colliers. USS Proteus (AC-9) was the lead ship of her class. She disappeared in November 1941. USS Jupiter (AC-3) was converted to the aircraft carrier USS Langley (CV-1) in 1920 and later to a seaplane tender (AV-3) in 1937. She was torpedoed by a Japanese submarine in February 1942. USS Cyclops (AC-4) disappeared in March 1918 after a mutiny. USS Nereus (AC-10) disappeared in December 1941.
A reasonable analysis suggests that years of hauling acidic coal compromised the structural integrity of these ships, causing sudden and catastrophic losses. More likely, they were cursed.
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