#USDA organic
auraeseer · 1 year
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Other Life Choices . . .
I kombucha I probably won't be having this again . . .
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geddyqueer · 5 months
usda website show me the forbidden cheap farm business incubator classes
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stone-cold-groove · 8 months
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They sure help plenty... National War Fund - 1943.
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sterling-dragon · 6 months
Rented a book from the library, it looks scary, I'm gonna read it
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jamesthewineguy · 10 months
What is the Expectation of Calling a Wine Organic; Especially on Its Packaging?
When I mention the “O” word “Organic” there seems to be some contention around it. And even when I have talked about “sustainable” and “biodynamic” it seems that so many people have their own ideas on each of these subjects.But I cannot imagine a world where each of these items (organic, sustainable, and biodynamic) were not being implemented in wine production today by some producers today.So…
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planthealthday · 5 months
Agenda of the observance of the IDPG2024 and the related technical session.
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Opening Remarks during the International Day of Plant Health 2024 by His Excellency Qu Dongyu; Director-General of FAO followed by the Keynote speech of His Excellency Mohamed El-Quseir, Minister for Agriculture and Land Reclamation of the rab Republic of Egypt, Keynote speech (In-person) of Her Excellency Elissa Golberg, Ambassador, Permanent Representative of Canada to FAO. Speech of His Excellency Mr. Fredrick Lusambili Matwang'a, Ambassador, Permanent Representative of Kenya to Italy; And the Under-Secretary Mrs. Jennifer Moffitt of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)
Get the Agenda and Technical Session (hybrid).
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wausaupilot · 5 months
GRAPHIC: USDA has received almost 1,000 complaints about operations selling ‘organic’ products without certification in recent years
More than half of the investigations resulted in compliance or a civil penalty, according to newly released data.
by Sky Chadde, Investigate Midwest, Investigate Midwest May 8, 2024 The “organic” label often hikes prices consumers pay at grocery stores, and more and more farms are trying to become organic certified by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. But the increase in popularity can mean the agency has to, in its words, protect the “integrity of the USDA organic seal.” Since 2019, the USDA has received…
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wildwithlight · 6 months
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fordragonfliesandme · 9 months
From Seed to Success: Exploring the Advantages of School Gardens and How to Foster One in Your Child's Educational Journey
Introduction to School Gardens As you all know I love to include my children in my outdoor adventures, AKA gardening 🙂 They may not always appreciate the ‘work’ they have to do right now, but I truly believe they are learning invaluable lessons in life. School gardens have become increasingly popular in recent years as educators and parents recognize their numerous benefits for students. These…
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allthingsorganic2024 · 9 months
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afeelgoodblog · 10 months
The Best News of Last Year - 2023 Edition
Welcome to our special edition newsletter recapping the best news from the past year. I've picked one highlight from each month to give you a snapshot of 2023. No frills, just straightforward news that mattered. Let's relive the good stuff that made our year shine.
January - London: Girl with incurable cancer recovers after pioneering treatment
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A girl’s incurable cancer has been cleared from her body after what scientists have described as the most sophisticated cell engineering to date.
2. February - Utah legislature unanimously passes ban on LGBTQ conversion therapy
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The Utah State Legislature has unanimously approved a bill that enshrines into law a ban on LGBTQ conversion therapy.
3. March - First vaccine for honeybees could save billions
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The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has approved the world’s first-ever vaccine intended to address the global decline of honeybees. It will help protect honeybees from American foulbrood, a contagious bacterial disease which can destroy entire colonies.
4. April - Fungi discovered that can eat plastic in just 140 days
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Australian scientists have successfully used backyard mould to break down one of the world's most stubborn plastics — a discovery they hope could ease the burden of the global recycling crisis within years. 
5. May - Ocean Cleanup removes 200,000th kilogram of plastic from the Pacific Ocean
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The Dutch offshore restoration project, Ocean Cleanup, says it has reached a milestone. The organization's plastic catching efforts have now fished more than 200,000 kilograms of plastic out of the Pacific Ocean, Ocean Cleanup said on Twitter.
6. June - U.S. judge blocks Florida ban on care for trans minors in narrow ruling, says ‘gender identity is real’
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A federal judge temporarily blocked portions of a new Florida law that bans transgender minors from receiving puberty blockers, ruling Tuesday that the state has no rational basis for denying patients treatment.
7. July - World’s largest Phosphate deposit discovered in Norway
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A massive underground deposit of high-grade phosphate rock in Norway, pitched as the world’s largest, is big enough to satisfy world demand for fertilisers, solar panels and electric car batteries over the next 50 years, according to the company exploiting the resource.
8. August - Successful room temperature ambient-pressure magnetic levitation of LK-99
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If the claim by Sukbae Lee and Ji-Hoon Kim of South Korea’s Quantum Energy Research Centre holds up, the material could usher in all sorts of technological marvels, such as levitating vehicles and perfectly efficient electrical grids.
9. September - World’s 1st drug to regrow teeth enters clinical trials
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The ability to regrow your own teeth could be just around the corner. A team of scientists, led by a Japanese pharmaceutical startup, are getting set to start human trials on a new drug that has successfully grown new teeth in animal test subjects.
10. October - Nobel Prize goes to scientists behind mRNA Covid vaccines
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The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine has been awarded to a pair of scientists who developed the technology that led to the mRNA Covid vaccines. Professors Katalin Kariko and Drew Weissman will share the prize.
11. November - No cases of cancer caused by HPV in Norwegian 25-year olds, the first cohort to be mass vaccinated for HPV.
Last year there were zero cases of cervical cancer in the group that was vaccinated in 2009 against the HPV virus, which can cause the cancer in women.
12. December - President Biden announces he’s pardoning all convictions of federal marijuana possession
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President Joe Biden announced Friday he's issuing a federal pardon to every American who has used marijuana in the past, including those who were never arrested or prosecuted.
And there you have it – a year's worth of uplifting news! I hope these positive stories brought a bit of joy to your inbox. As I wrap up this special edition, I want to thank all my supporters!
Buy me a coffee ❤️
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
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bogleech · 2 months
Please stop being frothing weirdos about invasive species. I'm begging you. If someone posts an invasive species the correct thing to say is the same thing you would say about any animal, but perhaps mention that they're non-native, and provide a link to more information. Instead you get people saying "EEEEK AAAHHHHHH NOOOOO IT'S A FOREIGN EVIL DEMON MONSTER KILL IT WITH FIRE KILL IT AHHHHHH THE USDA SAID ITS BAD SO YOU MUST OBLITERATE IT OMG OMG WAHHHHHHHHHHH" and honestly that's kind of repulsive, all that says to me is that deep down you're excited by the "official go-ahead" to treat a living organism like a monster. I don't care how bad it is for the environment, which isn't something it understands anyway. You are capable of talking about it, and yes, even destroying certain invasives with at least a modicum of dignity
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wachinyeya · 9 months
Joel Jackson, the president of the Organized Village of Kake, a tribal community, has lived within the Tongass National Forest in Alaska his entire life. His community relies on the land for hunting deer and fishing salmon that swim in streams kept cold by the old-growth forest.
But the 66-year-old worried about damage to that land - the largest national forest in the US - after former President Donald Trump rescinded a measure blocking logging and road-building on nine million acres of land in the Tongass in 2020.
"The forest is key to our survival as a people, to our way of life … for thousands of years," Mr Jackson said.
Last week marked a long-awaited victory for Mr Jackson and other tribes and environmental groups who petitioned the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) to reinstate the protections for the forest.
The agency announced last Wednesday it would once again ban logging and the construction of roads for cutting timber in over half of the Tongass.
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nationallawreview · 2 years
USDA Finalizes the Strengthening Organic Enforcement Rule
USDA’s Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) administers the National Organic Program (NOP) as authorized by the Organic Foods Production Act of 1990 (OFPA).  The USDA organic regulations, which were published on December 21, 2000, and became effective on October 21, 2002, govern the production, handling, labeling, and sale of organically produced agricultural products.  On August 5, 2020, in…
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kagrenacs · 1 year
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Long awaited, here is the soil map of Skyrim using the Canadian System of Soil classification. Brief description of my conclusions under the cut:
Chernozem: Whiterun Hold is likely home to the majority of Skyrim’s Chernozems. The majority of biological carbon sequestering in grassland environments are below ground, within the root systems. Organic material- humus, builds up, causing the upper layers of the soil to take on a dark colour. Additionally, Solonetzic soils could be present, peppered throughout the hold if the parent material to the soil is salty enough.
Cryosols are formed in Skyrim’s far North and high alpine regions. The mean annual soil temperature being 0 degrees C, with permafrost conditions. Freeze-thaw cycles lead to permafrost at the soils surface, but also cryoturbation: soil movement arising from frost action.
Additionally in mountainous regions, you would find Regosols. Soils which develop on unstable landforms and have had little time to develop, such as mountain slopes, or river floodplains.
Gleysols occur across the landscape of Skyrim, but primarily in Hjaalmarch. Gleysols are commonly found in depressions or low-lying areas where water saturates the soil continuously, leading to a molted characteristic to the soil.
Organic soils would primarily be found in the water saturated soils of Hjaalmarch. These are wetland soils found in forested areas and are commonly known as peat, muck, bogs or fens.
Borrowing from the USDA soil taxonomy, Inceptisols are light colored soils with moderate alteration, occurring under cool and cold climates. These soils would be found in the Eastmarch caldera.
Luvisols are associated with forested landscapes overlying loamy glacial till, or on clayey lacustrine deposits. Lake Honrich dominates a large portion of the Rift, according to UESP, seemingly draining from the lake. I believe this to be the site of a melted glacier, the lake being meltwater. Clay sediments are associated with lakes because of their deposition, coarser sediments bordering the lake near the shore, and finer particles at the deepest reaches. Additionally, at the end of the Karth river, where sandy deposits would be deposited at Solitude, before the stream looses power further down the river, leaving only clay to be deposited.
Podzols are associated with igneous parent materials, coniferous vegetation and high acidity. Primarily they are found in Falkreath Hold and Southern Eastmarch.
Brunisols are an intermediate stage between Regosols (undeveloped soils), and Podzol or Luvisols. I believe with the unstable, mountainous landscape of the Reach, soils would remain still rather undeveloped. Brunisols would also be interspersed among the Luvisols.
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