#UNESCO Child and Family Research
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denimbex1986 · 1 year ago
'As part of the GAA generations initiative Bantry Blues GAA are inviting young GAA or LGFA members at home or abroad aged 12-21 to record on their mobile phone a conversation with ‘One Good Adult’; someone who they look up to and admire in the 55+ age bracket. It could be, for example, a parent/grandparent, a coach, or a teacher, past or present, that saw and nurtured your potential.
Older participants will also be given the opportunity to quiz their young interviewees on their GAA experiences and how it may have impacted their understanding of who they are.
100 lucky participants will be invited to a special event in the Autumn with Cillian Murphy, Actor and Patron of the UNESCO Child and Family Research Centre in University of Galway.
If you are interested in participating email [email protected]...'
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mariacallous · 2 years ago
Editor's Note: This commentary kicks off the first in a three-part series on why it is important to define the purpose of education (blog 1), how historical forces have interacted to shape the purposes of today’s modern schooling systems (blog 2), and how the purpose of school is taken up by global education actors in policy and practice (blog 3).
Education systems transformation is creating buzz among educators, policymakers, researchers, and families. For the first time, the U.N. secretary general convened the Transforming Education Summit around the subject in 2022. In tandem, UNESCO, UNESCO Institute for Statistics, UNICEF, the World Bank, and the Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) co-authored “From Learning Recovery to Education Transformation” to lay a roadmap for how to move from COVID-19 school closures to systems change. Donor institutions like the Global Partnership for Education’s most recent strategy centers on systems transformation, and groups like the Global Campaign for Education are advocating for broader public engagement on transformative education. 
What is missing from the larger discussion on systems transformation is an intentional and candid dialogue on how societies and institutions are defining the purpose of education. When the topic is discussed, it often misses the mark or proposes an intervention that takes for granted that there is a shared purpose among policymakers, educators, families, students, and other actors. For example, the current global focus on foundational learning is not a purpose unto itself but rather a mechanism for serving a greater purpose—whether for economic development, national identity formation, and/or supporting improved well-being.  
The Role of Purpose in Systems Transformation  
The purpose of education has sparked many conversations over the centuries. In 1930, Eleanor Roosevelt wrote in her essay in Pictorial Review, “What is the purpose of education? This question agitates scholars, teachers, statesmen, every group, in fact, of thoughtful men and women.”  She argues that education is critical for building “good citizenship.” As Martin Luther King, Jr. urged in his 1947 essay, “The Purpose of Education,” education transmits “not only the accumulated knowledge of the race but also the accumulated experience of social living.” King urged us to see the purpose of education as a social and political struggle as much as a philosophical one.  
In contemporary conversations, the purpose of education is often classified in terms of the individual and social benefits—such personal, cultural, economic, and social purposes or individual/social possibility and individual/social efficiency. However, when countries and communities define the purpose, it needs to be an intentional part of the transformation process. As laid out in the Center for Universal Education’s (CUE’s) policy brief “Transforming Education Systems: Why, What, and How,” defining and deconstructing assumptions is critical to building a “broadly shared vision and purpose” of education.  
Education and the Sustainable Development Goals 
Underlying all the different purposes of education lies the foundational framing of education as a human right in the Sustainable Development Goals. People of all races, ethnicities, gender identities, abilities, languages, religions, socio-economic status, and national or social origins have the right to an education as affirmed in Article 26 of the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights. This legal framework has fueled the education for all movement and civil rights movements around the world, alongside the Convention of the Rights of the Child of 1989, which further protects children’s rights to a quality, safe, and equitable education. Defending people’s right to education regardless of how they will use their education helps keep us from losing sight of why we are having these conversations.  
Themes in education from the Sustainable Development Goals cross multiple purposes. For example, lifelong learning and environmental education are two key areas that extend across purposes. Lifelong learning emphasizes that education extends across age groups, education levels, modalities, and geographies. In some contexts, lifelong learning can be professional growth for economic development, but it can also be practice for spiritual growth. Similarly, environmental education may be taught as sustainable development or the balance among economic, social, and environmental protections through well-being and flourishing—or taught through a perspective of culturally sustaining practices influenced by Indigenous philosophies in education.  
Five Key Purposes of Education 
The purposes of education overlap and intersect, but pulling them apart helps us interrogate the dominant ways of framing education in the larger ecosystem and to draw attention to those that receive less attention. Categories also help us move from very philosophical and academic conversations into practical discussions that educators, learners, and families can join. Although these five categories do not do justice to the complexity of the conversation, they are a start.  
Education for economic development is the idea that learners pursue an education to eventually obtain work or to improve the quality, safety, or earnings of their current work. This purpose is the most dominant framing used by education systems around the world and part of the agenda to modernize and develop societies according to different stages of economic growth. This economic purpose is rooted in the human capital theory, which poses that the more schooling a person completes, the higher their income, wages, or productivity (Aslam & Rawal, 2015; Berman, 2022). Higher individual earnings lead to greater household income and eventually higher national economic growth. In addition to the World Bank, global institutions like the United States Agency for International Development and the Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development often position education primarily in relation to economic development. The promise of education as a key to social mobility and helping individuals and communities improve their economic circumstances also falls under this purpose (World Economic Forum).  
Education for building national identities and civic engagement positions education as an important conduit for promoting national, community, or other identities. With the emergence of modern states, education became a key tool for building national identity—and in some contexts, also democratic citizenship as demonstrated in Eleanor Roosevelt’s essay; this motivation continues to be a primary purpose in many localities (Verger, Lubienski, & Steiner-Khamsi, 2016). Today this purpose is heavily influenced by human rights education—or the teaching and learning of—as well as peace education, to “sustain a just and equitable peace and world” (Bajaj & Hantzopoulus, 2016, p. 1). This purpose is foundational to civics and citizenship education and international exchange programming focused on building global citizenship to name a few. 
Education as liberation and critical conscientization looks at the centrality of education in confronting and redressing different forms of structural oppression. Martin Luther King wrote about the purpose of education “to teach one to think intensively and to think critically.” Educator and philosopher Paolo Freire wrote extensively about the importance of education in developing a critical consciousness and awareness of the roots of oppression, and in identifying opportunities to challenge and transform this oppression through action. Critical race, gender, disabilities, and other theories in education further examine the ways education reproduces multiple and intersectional subordinations, but also how teaching and learning has the power to redress oppression through cultural and social transformation. As liberatory and critical educator, bell hooks wrote, “To educate as a practice of freedom is a way of teaching that anyone can learn” (hooks, 1994, p. 13). Efforts to teach social justice and equity—from racial literacy to gender equity—often draw on this purpose.  
Education for well-being and flourishing emphasizes how learning is fundamental to building thriving people and communities. Although economic well-being is a component of this purpose, it is not the only purpose—rather social, emotional, physical and mental, spiritual and other forms of well-being are also privileged. Amartya Sen’s and Martha Nussbaum’s work on well-being and capabilities have greatly informed this purpose. They argue that individuals and communities must define education in ways that they have reason to value beyond just an economic end. The Flourish Project has been developing and advocating an ecological model for helping understand and map these different types of well-being. Vital to this purpose are also social and emotional learning efforts that support children and youth in acquiring knowledge, attitudes, and skills critical to positive mental and emotional health, relationships with others, among other areas (CASEL, 2018; EASEL Lab, 2023). 
Education as culturally and spiritually sustaining is one of the purposes that receives insufficient attention in global education conversations. This purpose is critical to the past, present, and future field of education and emphasizes building relationships to oneself and one’s land and environment, culture, community, and faith. Centered in Indigenous philosophies in education, this purpose encompasses sustaining cultural knowledges often disregarded and displaced by modern schooling efforts. Borrowing from Django Paris’s concept of “culturally sustaining pedagogy,” the purpose of teaching and learning goes beyond “building bridges” among the home, community, and school and instead brings together the learning practices that happen in these different domains.  Similarly neglected in the discourse is the purpose of education for spiritual and religious development, which can be intertwined with Indigenous pedagogies, as well as education for liberation, and education for well-being and flourishing. Examples include the Hibbert Lectures of 1965, which argue that Christian values should guide the purposes of education, and scholars of Islamic education who delve into the purposes of education in the Muslim world. Indigenous pedagogies, as well as spiritual and religious teaching, predate modern school movements, yet this undercurrent of moral, religious, character, and spiritual purposes of education is still alive in much of the world. 
Beyond the Buzz  
The way we define the purpose of education is heavily influenced by our experiences, as well as those of our families, communities, and societies. The underlying philosophies of education that are presented both influence our education systems and are influenced by our education systems. Unless we anchor ourselves and define where we are coming from and where we want to go as societies and institutions, discussions on systems transformation will continue to be circuitous and contentious. We will continue to focus on upgrading and changing standards, competencies, content, and practices without looking at why education matters. We will continue to fight over the place of climate change education, critical race theory, socio-emotional learning, and religious learning in our schools without understanding the ways each of these fits into the larger education ecosystem.  
The intent of this blog is not to box education into finite purposes, but to remind us in the quest for systems transformation that there are multiple ways to see the purpose of education. Taking time to dig into the philosophies, histories, and complexities behind these purposes will help us ensure that we are headed toward transformation and not just adding to the buzz.  
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letterstofrance709020 · 1 month ago
Letter 9
Dear Americans, I have some bad news for you: another country actually does better education. France is known as one of the best when it comes to education overall, and on top of that, it is free. Education is free for students between the ages of 3-16; public school is already funded by the state unless, for some reason, you decide to try and get the best of the best and you want your child to be sent to a private school then on that hand, schooling will unfortunately not be free. The typical French student completes, on average, 12 years of school; it is broken up into three main sections. Primary school (ecole primaire), middle school, otherwise known as a college in France, I know, confusing looking at it from an American perspective, and last but not least, high school (lycee). If a student decides to continue their education, one would need to go to Bac, which is further education needed for university admission. A bachelor's degree is not free, but it is heavily subsidized; it normally costs around 170-600 euros per year.   
When it comes to the typical school day for a French student, class normally starts around 8-8:30 and does not end until Four or Five. Often, students also have a one- to two-hour break for lunch when they go home and eat a big lunch with their family. Wednesday school is often cut short, and students get out around lunchtime; students go to school five days a week. 
Furthermore, when it comes to higher education, we see a big percentage, about 60% of Bach students, who study at a higher level of education. Just like in America, many things are offered to study, and you could go many routes when it comes to a higher education overall. About 50% of these students actually graduate when we look at some statistics; also, grades are normally determined at a higher level by an exam at the end of the term. Homework is normally non-existent in France if you finish your work in class. 
In addition, France’s curriculum is well-rounded overall; it offers many things, such as geometry, history, arts, music, science, mathematics, literature, and more. Creating a well-rounded environment when it comes to schooling overall. Many students studying for the Baccalaureat (High School Certification) must take philosophy to enrich themselves in the French way of life because, as we all know, France has a deep understanding of philosophy and their way of life that makes sense. Many Americans also adopt French philosophy, which has been proven to increase some people's quality of life. If the French are doing it, why are we not doing it? Sartre is a very popular French philosopher and one of his famous words is “existence precedes essence,” which means that we are the choices of our own life. We are free and responsible for giving meaning to our own lives. 
Pew Research Center
Eurydice Network
World Bank - Education
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sampark25 · 1 year ago
Sampark is a Best Need of Early Childhood Care and Education
Sampark NGO Telling, Why Early Child care and it’s education is important?
Data shows that “Children belonging to economically vulnerable communities and other traditionally marginalized communities and groups including children living in emergency and migratory situations have less or no access to ECCE/ECD and ECI services” (UNESCO, 2022)⁴. A 5.8 : 1 benefit-to-cost ratio from ECCD was observed in Egypt for the most disadvantaged children (Arnold, n.d.-a)⁵. Young children of families living in poverty are often left unattended when the adults work at an extreme time schedule to support the family. These children are not exposed to befitting learning or activities, such as doing puzzles or basic communication with their families, that induce brain development. Furthermore, the lack of nutritious and timely meals puts their physical and mental health at risk. They are also subject to unsanitary and unsafe surroundings as they live in temporary settlements, often close to where their parents work. This implies that by introducing ECCD programs and making them available to the poorest sections of the society we are taking steps towards eradicating poverty and improving the life expectancy and quality of people living in unfavorable conditions. Establishing a strong intellectual basis, stable mentality, and sturdy health will help harness the capabilities of these children and administer a beneficial future. Sampark NGO helps to Need of Early Childhood Care and Education
The COVID-19 pandemic has been a major hindrance to the advancements made in the field of ECCD worldwide. Research pointed out that “the COVID-19 pandemic response has relatively neglected young children, resulting in them becoming the greatest victims of the pandemic due to its lifelong impact on their education, health, nutrition, and well-being” (UNESCO, 2022-a)⁶. Statistics from the 2022 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) report showed that “149.2 million children under the age of 5 suffer from stunting in 2020”, “22.7 million children missed basic vaccines in 2020”, and “147 million children missed over half of in-person instruction in 2020–21” (United Nations, 2022)⁷ which emphasizes the extensive setback the main scopes of ECCD have faced.
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Why Early Education Is Important For A Child
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According to the old concept, the initial years of a child are meant for playing and having fun while being pampered. However, new research shows that investing in the child’s early development is very important because 0- 5 years of a child’s age is very crucial. At this time the child’s brain remains most adaptive. A person acquires most of the basic knowledge during his or her first five years. Rest of his life he just polishes and develops that knowledge.
Early childhood education which is popularly known as the ‘kindergarten’ system of learning has a huge influence on a child’s education system and overall development. Kindergarten days are an important time in a child’s life because it is when they first learn how to interact with others, including peers, teachers, and parents, and also begin to develop interests that will stay with them throughout their lives.
According to a Montessori expert in a kindergarten in Eagle Rock, CA, early childhood education not only is learning basic skills, but it is also so much more than that. It is an important time of a child’s life when he learns how to behave with others – peers, teachers, and parents. It is the time when children learn critical social and emotional skills and a partnership is formed among the children, their parents, and the teachers.
Not only in the United States of America but all countries around the world are giving importance to early childhood education. What UNESCO says about early childhood education is very significant – “Early childhood care and education (ECCE) is more than preparation for primary school. It aims at the holistic development of a child’s social, emotional, cognitive, and physical needs in order to build a solid and broad foundation for lifelong learning and wellbeing. ECCE has the possibility to nurture caring, capable and responsible future citizens.”
Parents, who still have faith in the early education concept that childhood is the time of playing and having fun, may hesitate to enroll their children’s name in a preschool. But experienced Montessori teacher of a primary school in Eagle Rock, CA says to parents that early childhood development programs are an investment in your child’s future. A large part of critical brain development in children happens even before they start going to kindergarten. The importance of early childhood education cannot be ignored as it has an impact on everything from school performance to lifelong social skills. So it is not an exaggerating fact that early childhood education is a must for your children. There are many high-quality and affordable childcare options available there. Choose one for your children that fit your family the most.
Choosing the right childcare for your children depends on the family’s need, financial stability, and location. Montessori caregivers advise the parents that judging the quality and approach of the teachers in a preschool towards childcare is the first and foremost thing.
Data shows that children who had attended preschool before starting kindergarten perform better on math and reading. Early childhood education also helps children to be attentive in every work they do.
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mia-williams · 2 years ago
10 Benefits to Teaching your Child French
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When deciding on an early childhood preschool immersion program, many parents struggle with choosing a language that feels culturally relevant while also benefiting their child's future.
Why French?
Better language abilities - When a kid acquires a new language, such as French in a French immersion preschool, his or her brain works hard to acquire the same linguistic skills that any language necessitates.
French paves the way for other languages - Learning French is an excellent foundation for learning other languages, particularly those in the Romance family, an excellent foundation for learning other languages, particularly those in the Romance family, such as Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, and Romanian.
Speaking French is an asset in the job market - According to Bloomberg Rankings, there are over 60 careers that necessitate a second or third language, and French is the world's second most popular language for business. Fluency in French may also enable you to enroll at top-tier universities and business schools in France, which are ranked among some of the best in the world.
French is the language of Culture and Diplomacy - French is not only a great language for your professional life but also serves as a passport to the worlds of culture and diplomacy. French is the second-most commonly learned foreign language and the fifth most commonly spoken language around the world, with over 300 million speakers spread across five continents.
France is a sought-after tourist destination - We should not forget that France is a sought-after tourist attraction! France is the world's most visited tourist spot, with over 87 million visitors per year. Knowing French can enhance your travel experience because it lets you completely immerse yourself in the culture and access all France has to offer.
French is the language of Diplomacy - French is the official and working language of the United Nations, the European Union, NATO, UNESCO, the International Olympic Committee, the International Red Cross, and international high courts.
French education is stringent and academically demanding - The French teacher-led classroom is well-known for setting high writing, presentation, and grammar expectations. This focus on excellence encourages children and assists them in improving their linguistic skills.
Learning French creates a passion for language learning – Introducing your child to a second language at an early age is a wonderful way to ignite their interest in other languages and give them a head start in language learning. As per research, being bilingual can benefit the brain by improving multitasking and attention span.
French improves social and communication skills - French immersion preschool education concentrates on assisting your child to learn the language as much as possible by listening and speaking. Your kid will be able to improve their language abilities in a stimulating and enjoyable manner by discussing things with classmates and the teachers and participating in interactive classroom activities.
French is lovely! - Many parents choose French immersion for their children because it is a fun and lovely language to learn. French is known as the love language, and it has a rich cultural heritage, with many legendary composers, writers, and Nobel Prize winners having French ancestors.
If you're deciding to enroll your child in a French immersion preschool, do so. It's a choice that will open up innumerable gates and widen their professional and cultural horizons for the entirety of their lives. Take the first step into French and watch your child develop and flourish in a brand-new world of language and society.
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treatutoameal · 4 years ago
i have the personality of a 2 year old learning how to play match the shape which is why i'm reading up on the og material that inspired youth of may's storyline (aside from the real-life events) and i'm surprised to find out that 80% of the show characters are born out of writers' creative freedom! in the grand scheme of things, the four main characters actually represent the youth as a whole at that time (duh, the drama title says it all but let me dig more into the book, there might be spoilers)
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the book that the drama writers based the story on is titled 오월의 달리기 / running in may / may's race (?) - it's a fairy tale by writer kim hae-won that won the changwon children's literature award, and was first published on may 18 2013.
the difference is that the book deals with the story of 13-year-old myungsoo (myunghee's brother in the drama) who was selected as a rep runner of the south jeolla province at the national youth sports festival and lived in gwangju in 1980 when protests demanding democratization continued every day.
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while researching gwangju's history during that time, writer kim hae-won contacted a track and field athlete after seeing an article that the national youth festival was postponed due to the 5.18 pro-democracy movement back then (it will most likely be cancelled in the drama too, poor kiddos omg). the athlete turned out to be a national student at the time and lived in a dormitory in gwangju so the book is the product of her research and meticulous coverage.
and rather than emphasizing the painful wounds of the may 18 pro-democracy movement, the book focuses on showing the life of children who lived during that period. it depicts the life of myungsoo, an ordinary child who dreamed of becoming a national representative athlete, who wanted to be recognized by his father, and tried hard to beat his rival friend jungtae (heetae's brother). the book delves into painful history and the despair suffered during that time through children's lens and is even used as learning curriculum in schools to make children wonder why the may 18 pro-democracy movement that destroyed this child's life took place at all
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writer's notes: "it’s good to be careful when talking about the may 18 pro-democracy movement in class. it is not possible to mention only objective dates and numbers with no context, so various materials and media need to be used, because students' reactions vary widely depending on which part is emphasized.
even now, the may 18 pro-democracy movement is at the center of controversy. although it was listed in elementary school textbooks as an important example of a pro-democracy movement and even listed as a UNESCO world record heritage, the claims that it was a riot are quite noticeable if you type 5/18 in the portal site search box. how should we explain the may 18 pro-democracy movement to children who are easily exposed to such confusing information?
this book depicts the scene of the may 18 pro-democracy movement from the perspective of a child who lived at the time, and shows realistically how many people were lost due to national violence.
children who boldly attempt to escape from the training camp to avoid their coach, witness the sight of an airborne unit brutally hitting people in downtown gwangju. at the time, the soldiers only looked good in the eyes of the children so most of them said, “these soldiers are not the soldiers of our country. they must be the people's army sent by kim il-sung of north korea.”
however, the children end up learning that our country's soldiers can trample and kill their people. in 1980, gwangju had to make a huge sacrifice under the control of a real villain. most of them were hard-working people. why these people were killed for no reason, this book tells the truth and tragedy of the may 18 pro-democracy movement.
오월의 달리기 depicts ordinary people's desire for democracy, their tearful efforts to protect each other, and their heartbreaking sacrifices. in particular, through the images of myungsoo who lost his family and those who support him, the story shows hopeful gestures to heal the painful history and wounds of his heart, leaving a long lasting impression."
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possible similarities with the drama
in the book, myungsoo's dad runs a repair shop in the market and has a weak leg just like in the drama. he also disapproves of myungsoo's dream to become a running athlete and myungsoo shows embarrassment towards his father. one day, an unexpected event occurs in the training camp, in which one of the kids came up with a plan to escape from the dormitory. however, downtown gwangju, which was thought to be full of interesting sights for the kids, turned out to be full of college student protesters, soldiers, and the nasty smell of tear gas
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the children follow the protesters with curiosity and witness unbelievable scenes. soldiers beat college students with clubs (곤봉) and even kick the elderly who were watching. the children who see this are terrified and run away. they enter a billiard room in a building to escape and face an even more terrible scene. seeing the soldiers smashing the head of a student protester who had sneaked in there, and seeing the blood dripping out, even kicking the old uncles who told them to stop, and hitting them with a club...
soon, news comes out that the national youth sports festival has been postponed and the coach comes to the dormitory with tears in his eyes to deliver shocking news.
“myungsoo... your father is dead.”
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in parallel with the book, the drama places a focus on radio and broadcast as these mediums suffered from censorship during that time... it's not a coincidence that jinah's character dreams to become a radio pd and that heetae who happens to be her tutor knows his way around radio and supports her dream the way he does. although the preview for ep 9 shows jinah being unconscious and heetae struggling to save her (a reenactment of his traumatic past in a sense), it is most likely that she will live, and through the support system heetae has around him (myunghee) this time, he will be able to save her and free himelf of his trauma. i think jinah will grow to become a radio pd, perhaps on the same frenquency bette midler was playing and to which heetae shared that intimate moment with myunghee at the end of ep 8... this is just my personal wish tbh but i find these details interesting to dig into
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another item that figures in the story is the watch belonging to myungsoo and myunghee's dad... one of the questions asked in the school textbook based on the story is that the watch contains memories (as in pictures) of myungsoo... in the drama, the watch is the first thing we see in the first episode as recovered belonging to someone during the uprising. going by the book, it was the dad who ended up dying in the book... i don't know if the drama will follow the same narrative but if it does, the man seen in the beginning is most likely myungsoo
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lescentvisages · 4 years ago
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Cillian Murphy 
Born : 25 May 1976 (age 44) Douglas, County Cork, Ireland
Occupation : Actor, Musician
Cillian Murphy is an Irish actor and musician. He began his career performing as a rock musician. After turning down a record deal, he began his acting career in theatre, and in short and independent films in the late 1990s. His first notable film roles include 28 Days Later (2002), Intermission (2003), Red Eye (2005), and Breakfast on Pluto (2005). For the last one of these, he was nominated for a Golden Globe award for Best Actor in a Musical or Comedy, and won an Irish Film and Television Award for Best Actor. Murphy played the Scarecrow in Christopher Nolan's The Dark Knight Trilogy (2005–12). In the 2000s, he starred in films such as The Wind That Shakes the Barley (2006), Sunshine (2007), and The Edge of Love (2008). In the early 2010s, he appeared in Inception, Peacock (both 2010), In Time, Retreat (both 2011), and Red Lights (2012). In 2011, Murphy won the Irish Times Theatre Award for Best Actor, and the Drama Desk Award for Outstanding Solo Performance for Misterman. Since 2013, Murphy has portrayed Thomas Shelby, the lead of the BBC gangster series Peaky Blinders, which has won him two Irish Film and Television Awards for Best Actor, in 2017 and 2018, respectively. He also appeared in Transcendence (2014), In the Heart of the Sea (2015), Anthropoid (2016), Dunkirk (2017), Delinquent Season (2018), and Anna (2019). Murphy is a patron of the UNESCO Child and Family Research Centre at the National University of Ireland Galway. Murphy is married to Irish visual artist Yvonne McGuinness; they first met in 1996, and were married in 2004. In 2020, he was ranked number 12 on The Irish Times' list of Ireland's greatest film actors.
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allthebrazilianpolitics · 4 years ago
Brazil education ministry announces collection for literacy program
Program is criticized by specialists and is supervised by disciple of conspiracy theorist
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Brazil's Ministry of Education is releasing a collection of forty books called Conta Pra Mim ('Tell Me'), flagship of their literacy program aimed at “all Brazilian families, with priority to those in conditions of socioeconomic vulnerability”.
The books, on which R$ 18 million [~U$ 3.24 million] will be invested in partnership with UNESCO, were produced under the “technical supervision” of the ministry's ​​literacy secretary, Carlos Francisco de Paula Nadalim, admirer and former student of Olavo de Carvalho, a far-right conspiracy theorist, influencer and friends with of the Bolsonaro family.
The retellings of classic fairy tales comprising the books have been classified by specialists as “very mushy and outdated”, with “simplified and impoverished language”. For example:
John and Mary were not abandoned in the forest by their mother, on the contrary, she was the one who taught them the trick so they wouldn't get lost;
Snow White did not kiss the prince;
Hamelin's flutist did not hypnotize any child to take revenge, he was paid after expelling the rats and celebrated the feat with a dinner in the village;
Rapunzel did not become pregnant by the prince or give birth to two children in the forest;
The wolf that devoured Little Red Riding Hood was not killed by the hunter by drowning, the animal just tripped and fell into the river "never to return";
The rich man was not punished for greed and was left with nothing, in fact he was very ashamed, he learned his lesson and became friends with the neighboring family and thus "lived happily ever after", the rich and the poor.
Furthermore, only four of the forty books feature featured a black character (for experts, in fact they were white people just painted brown) as protagonist, and there are no indigenous or asian main characters. No typically Brazilian animals were represented either. The illustrations in general were deemed “crude and primary”, reproducing clothes, gestures, and traits that are not of the majority of the Brazilian people.
The collection mostly contains narratives with an explicit moral message, as adapted and reduced versions of classic fables and fairy tales. The program's “Family Literacy Guide” states that “children's stories tend to convey a positive message, presenting the value of virtues, giving advice or teaching rules of good conduct. This ability allows us to understand that Little Red Riding Hood should not talk to strangers; that Goldilocks should not enter others' homes without being invited; and that Pedro should not lie about the wolf.”
However, an expert said: “The function of literature is not to moralize or dictate rules of conduct. Many fairy tales do not even match the characteristics described in this excerpt from the Guide. There are perverse, malicious characters, there is betrayal and abandonment, there is life in all its real and symbolic complexity in these stories and this is an aspect that greatly favors children's perception and re-elaboration, as numerous researchers of the genre have already pointed out. The material lacks diversity of literary genres. There are even books that are more similar to the old school booklets, with words corresponding to the images, without even composing a text. ”
Experts also have highlighted the absence of any notorious author for children of youth, despite Brazil having more than one writer internationally awarded the Hans Christian Andersen award (the world's largest award for children's/youth literature) and despite the existence of the National Foundation for Children and Youth Literature (FNLIJ). The researcher, essayist, writer of youth literature, university professor, and doctor of letters Marisa Lajolo, responsible for several studies on Brazilian children's literature, said that she “had never heard” of some of the co-authors and editors.
In the texts accompanying the collection on the internet, the Ministry of Education says that the idea is for parents to “interact, talk, and read aloud with their children. It is to encourage them to develop, through simple and fun strategies, four fundamental skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing!” They also say “it is not necessary to have a lot of study, expensive materials, and to live in a fully equipped and spacious house to practice Family Literacy program. It is accessible to everyone! Two things are enough: you and your child!”
At the end of every book, there is a decalogue addressed to parents, with commandments such as "value and respect what your child has to say", "read aloud to your child", "read and write in front of your child", and "give books as gifts to your child".
“These platitudes are valid for an upper middle class family, perhaps from the USA.", said José Castilho Marques Neto, PhD in philosophy from University of São Paulo, researcher consultant, and former executive secretary of the National Plan for Books and Reading, linked to the ministries of Culture and Education. "For example, ‘treat your child with a lot of love and care’. We know the high rates of family violence in Brazil. This is the Brazilian reality. Asking a parent for this does not mean anything. Another point is the financial impossibility, such as the orientation to buy books for children. Or even to read and write in front of your child. Most families simply cannot. It's a fantasy country being presented since childhood. Most ‘commandments’ are unrealistic. It could even be seen as a cynical request, since the State itself does not provide the necessary conditions so that parents can in fact come home and meet the children who, during the day, have already been to school full time.”
He also says the previous literacy programs in which he was involved took into account regional differences, territorial dimensions, and biodiversity for their plans, as well as demands of teachers from the education system and of highly qualified people in public universities.
Cristiane Tavares, master in literary criticism, PhD student in education, and coordinator of a postgraduate course in literature for children and young people, says the program “disregards decades of excellence in literacy research carried out by Brazilian universities, opting instead for a retrogression to outdated views about the way children learn to read and write, and revealing restricted and very questionable conceptions about childhood, education, and literature.”
She also pointed out that Literacy Secretary Carlos Nadalim “has home education, or homeschooling, as one of his main banners, a controversial proposal that provides legal support to families that wish to educate their children at home, without schooling.” She claims such conception lies behind the program.
According to a 2018 survey, Brazil only 12% of readers are considered full readers - that is, 88% of the Brazilian population has some level of functional illiteracy.
Source, translated and summarized by the blogger.
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princetonmontessori · 3 years ago
Why Early Education Is Important For A Child
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According to the old concept, the initial years of a child are meant for playing and having fun while being pampered. However, new research shows that investing in the child’s early development is very important because 0- 5 years of a child’s age is very crucial. At this time the child’s brain remains most adaptive. A person acquires most of the basic knowledge during his or her first five years. Rest of his life he just polishes and develops that knowledge.
Early childhood education which is popularly known as the ‘kindergarten’ system of learning has a huge influence on a child’s education system and overall development. Kindergarten days are an important time in a child’s life because it is when they first learn how to interact with others, including peers, teachers, and parents, and also begin to develop interests that will stay with them throughout their lives.
According to a Montessori expert in a kindergarten in Eagle Rock, CA, early childhood education not only is learning basic skills, but it is also so much more than that. It is an important time of a child’s life when he learns how to behave with others – peers, teachers, and parents. It is the time when children learn critical social and emotional skills and a partnership is formed among the children, their parents, and the teachers.
Not only in the United States of America but all countries around the world are giving importance to early childhood education. What UNESCO says about early childhood education is very significant – “Early childhood care and education (ECCE) is more than preparation for primary school. It aims at the holistic development of a child’s social, emotional, cognitive, and physical needs in order to build a solid and broad foundation for lifelong learning and wellbeing. ECCE has the possibility to nurture caring, capable and responsible future citizens.”
Parents, who still have faith in the early education concept that childhood is the time of playing and having fun, may hesitate to enroll their children’s name in a preschool. But experienced Montessori teacher of a primary school in Eagle Rock, CA says to parents that early childhood development programs are an investment in your child’s future. A large part of critical brain development in children happens even before they start going to kindergarten. The importance of early childhood education cannot be ignored as it has an impact on everything from school performance to lifelong social skills. So it is not an exaggerating fact that early childhood education is a must for your children. There are many high-quality and affordable childcare options available there. Choose one for your children that fit your family the most.
Choosing the right childcare for your children depends on the family’s need, financial stability, and location. Montessori caregivers advise the parents that judging the quality and approach of the teachers in a preschool towards childcare is the first and foremost thing.
Data shows that children who had attended preschool before starting kindergarten perform better on math and reading. Early childhood education also helps children to be attentive in every work they do.
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cilliansaccent · 5 years ago
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Cillian taking a break of filing Peaky Blinders season 3 to take a trip to Paris to visit UNESCO HQ and attended the UNESCO Paris Youth Forum to talk about the importance of empathy education ♥️
Also he was a patron for nuigalway (Instagram), UNESCO Child and Family Research Center.
Via my favourite Cillian account, ofycm
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mariacallous · 2 years ago
COVID-19 has kept more than 168 million children around the world out of school for more than one year, but as schools reopen it is important not to forget another stubborn and powerful barrier keeping children out of the classroom—distance.
According to the World Bank, “The single most important determinant of primary school enrollment is the proximity of a school.” In country after country, from India to Mali, evidence shows that the farther children are from school, the less likely they are to attend. And as we see in Figures 1 and 2, this is especially true for girls.  
Figure 1. Enrollment or completion of grade nine schooling by distance and gender, India  
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Source: American Economic Journal, 2017. 
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Distance to school is a particular challenge for girls in sub-Saharan Africa, where data from eight countries indicates that more than 1 in 4 primary school children live more than two kilometers from the nearest school, while secondary schools for rural students are often hours away on foot.   
This long walk to school amplifies the already considerable challenges facing rural girls, including poverty, insecurity, violence, and social norms hostile or indifferent to girls’ education. The walk to school can leave girls vulnerable to harassment and assault and can deepen their family’s poverty by preventing girls from helping on the family farm before or after school. When the walk is in addition to daily chores, such as fetching water, girls may be forced to make part of their journey before dawn or after dusk.   
In the face of these challenges, many parents—fearful for their daughter’s safety or concerned about making ends meet—pull their daughters out of school. According to UNESCO, just 1 percent of the poorest girls in low-income countries complete secondary school.  
Getting girls to school 
A robust global body of evidence has found that getting girls to enroll in school and maintaining attendance for as long as possible is one of the most powerful levers for empowering girls, sparking economic growth, improving health outcomes, and reducing exploitative practices such as child marriage.  
Until recently, strategies for increasing girls’ enrollment and attendance focused on three levers: building more schools, lowering school fees, and conditional cash transfers to families. Building more schools can be effective, but in many rural areas this can lead to an educational model based on sub-scale, one-room schoolhouses incapable of delivering high-quality education. Lowering school fees and providing conditional cash transfers to families who enroll their daughters in school does not address the fundamental challenge facing girls—miles and miles of unpaved roads between their home and school. 
Evidence that bicycles help girls get to school and stay in school 
There is increasing recognition—based on research in Colombia, India, Malawi, Zimbabwe, and a high-quality randomized control trial in Zambia—that bicycles can serve as an effective conditional non-cash transfer to help girls get to and stay in school. 
For the last ten years, the Ministry of Education in Zambia has partnered with World Bicycle Relief to help nearly 37,000 rural girls get to school quickly and safely through a cost-effective locally managed program. Girls enrolled in the program sign “service to own” agreements with their community, pledging to complete their studies in return for use and eventual ownership of a bicycle. In addition to providing at-risk rural girls with specially designed bicycles, the program trains local mechanics to keep those bicycles in service for years to come.  
A rigorous randomized control trial and subsequent evaluations of the program found that girls provided with a bicycle cut their commute time by more than an hour a day, reduced their absenteeism by 28 percent, were 19 percent less likely to drop out, and scored higher on mathematics assessments (see Figure 3). They also reported feeling more in control of decisions affecting their lives, ranked themselves higher academically, had a greater belief in their potential to succeed in life, and experienced 22 percent less sexual harassment and/or teasing on their way to school. 
Figure 3. Results of WBR’s bicycle program in Zambia 
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Source: Adapted from World Bicycle Relief, 2022. Designed by Brookings.
One father remarked that his daughter, equipped with a durable specially designed bicycle for the rough terrain, was suddenly “more intelligent.” The heartbreak is that we know she didn’t suddenly gain IQ points. She gained time and energy.   
We know all these girls have gifts. Some are brilliant writers, some are creative thinkers, some are math whizzes, and others budding engineers. But when they are exhausted and hungry from their long walks to and from school and fetching water and working on the farm, they are even further challenged to demonstrate or develop that brilliance or talent.  
We recognize that durable, fit for purpose bicycles will not ensure every girl gets to school, stays in school, and learns in school. But it is a powerful, low-cost, and sustainable tool effective in many circumstances and geographies that too many governments and funders have—until now—ignored. As schools reopen, the world has one chance to respond with a holistic set of solutions to prevent an entire generation of girls from losing an education due to rural exclusion. In addition to investing in quality learning, let’s reconsider what demands we’re putting on rural girls, lighten their load, and recognize the miles and miles of unpaved roads that stand between them and the world they (and we) want. 
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luckylq3-blog · 4 years ago
The secret to success in this contest
Assistant coach Terry Murray and goaltending coach Andrew Allen remain on the staff.Barr, who joined the Sabres after four seasons as an assistant in New Jersey, is reunited with an old friend. Barr and Panthers coach Gerard Gallant played parts of five seasons together in Detroit, from 1987 to 1991. Gallant was looking for two assistants after firing John Madden during an organizational shakeup, and the Sabres were aware Barr was a candidate.The 55 year old Barr joined the Sabres despite not knowing Bylsma.
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xpagaduanx · 5 years ago
                                               SYMPOSIUM 2019
The symposium of General Pantaleon Garcia Senior High School is rarely to happen, it’s either once a year or within that months. The symposium talks about the reasons and why you are still living in this world no matter what happens in our life we still have a choice to do in our life. The symposium talks about life itself, our purpose, reasons, and the goodness of our life, we may have a problem in our life and struggles that we face everyday, our own family or friends that we feel embarrassed at some point of our lives, but we as a human it happens for real. Furthermore we end up suicidal thoughts and the worst is killing ourselves, I think this generation we need to act fast because depression might trigger a lot of things for instance suicidal thoughts, hurting yourself or the people that surrounds you. Then this organization called “Kabataan Iwas Droga Movement” or for short term (Kid Movement) is a non- profit organization based on cavite, the main purpose of that group I think is to Enlighten our generation that no matter what happens in our life we should not stop but to think and act that you will become successful person someday. “KID MOVEMENT” taught us to become the best version of ourselves and to the society this organization not just talk about the bad effects of drugs and how will affect your life and not just a simple symposium but the essence of how you think and act to a particular situation. God provides everything that you can imagine to your life, not just me but us. Kid movement is all about accepting God your savior in life, God gives us courage, protection anything that you can imagine. When you have a problem speak to God, when your in doubt speak to God and everything will be fine as long as you have God in your  life and accepting it. To this end the symposium taught me and us, that no matter what happens in life just keep pushing, everyday is another day that you will have to appreciate because you have a purpose in life that no matter what it takes, as long as you have God you are protected. For this end the symposium makes me have a value.
                                         CYCLING IS IN MY BLOOD
Cycling gives you freedom from anything just cycle it out! I started my cycling journey when I was 16 years old,that year was 2016 my dad bought me a bicyle because I really want to ride a bike, and at that time my birthday was coming also at a young age I learn to ride a bike. I remember when I was a child my first ever bicycle was bought by my tito ed and that was the day I learn I remember that he push me towards the road and luckily I able to balance it at that time, as the day pass by every morning I rode my bike, and practice it at that time, I remember also my sibling rode my bike and I see them on the street and I get angry I rushed to go outside and complaining why you are riding my own bike, I was selfish at that time because I only see it for myself, also I was child at that time as the day pass by I start gaining some confidence to rode a mountain bike. My childhood friend has a Mountain Bike at that time, and I tried to borrow it because it looks so cool and interesting in my eyes, my friends bike is more taller and its big that’s why I like. When I tried it I feel I nervous but in the first try I got it because my first bike is just like the same you all need to master the balance when you are riding a bike , when I tried it it feels good because I cannot believe im actually riding it. Year’s pass by I stop riding a bike because I don’t have one at that time and almost year im not actually riding a bike I miss a lot riding a bike. Lately I thought I need to buy a bike because it was my childhood companion it takes a month before my dad bought me, and luckily it was my 16years old birthday, and surely he will buy me one as a gift, I tried looking and doing some online research about some brand in bikes, there is so many wonderful bike there and expensive too, as the month passed by my dad bought one in Cartimar and famous for bikeshops around manila I feel nervous and excited because I actually riding a bike again for almost a year im not riding a bike, the bike looks is cool and I like the color and brand, and most of all the performance of the bike is also good after that im actually a biker, I started riding first with my dad because he also bought one that month after and started riding with me. Riding my bike gives me freedom from anything it gives a calm mood and a healthy physical aspects, I ride more with my bike and going places to places that I actually never done, to this end cycling gives me freedom and relaxation when I ride it to places and that’s why it is in my blood. 
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                                 REACTION TO PERSONAL NARRATIVE
                                  MY REACTION TO LALAINE CELEBRE
Lalaine’s mom said that “She deserved this punishment” I laugh at that part because it seems that her mom picking at lalaine like a joke, because lalaine is going to enrolled at General Pantaleon Garcia Senior High School. Lalaines mom is the best! Because mother knows best and I believe to that saying because look at lalaine now she mention that she became a Responsible student, be friends with anyone and have a confidence to speak at front, she basically get out of that comfort zones, in lalaines previous school looks like she’s on a chilling side but when she got to enrolled in pantaleon things got work out, she became good at something and I think that’s the best part is to see someone grow and grow at some point of their lives, because you never  know when you meet someone be nice always, because you only see the success not the struggles of that person. To end this reaction applaused for lalaine and his character she became good at something.
                                           FACIAL RECOGNITION
                                         CARBON, FLORIAN MAY
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     Carbon Florian May, I called him Carbs for short she was my classmate since Grade 11 I know him pretty much anything that’s why I pick him as a facial recognition topic. Florian carbon it’s not just about beauty outside but also inside that I like to him. Carbon  eyes is like a glazing stars that shines within the night and entrance to her wonderful soul. Her smile makes your day brighter than yesterday, and lastly her whole character that shines within inside and outside. That’s carbon my wonderful friend and good too, in terms of friendship and companion I would like to flex her chubby face, that’s why I use the cringe one so we basically think that beautiful face are always seen in outside but not, its always inside that lives within that.
                                        LITERARY JOURNALISM
Tokyo- Japan
Fourth person dies after being taken to a hospital that coronavirus continue to spread in cruise ship in japan, local media reported on Tuesday February 25.
Public media and other, said the victim was man in mid eighties, Yomiuri Shimbun saying the man had tested positive for the new Novel Coranavirus and died of pneumonia.
The World Health Organization respond to confirm the incident
Three more Japanese, died because of Ncov,after becoming sick on the ship. Two more confirm to have the new coronavirus, the health ministry declined to report on the following cases in Novel Coronavirus.
My family is all good at time when I was a child we go outside and have a dinner or light night trip dad was drinking at that time because he loves it to release his problem and straight it out but time passes by and we rarely do anything like we did before things got out change and we need to accept the fact that we don’t do this again because of dad been drinking all night long, I doubt myself at that time because how will I manage this kind of situation how I will act to it, but you know problems in our life, we don’t need to stay at I must move on I said in my mind, because if you stack to that you have a depression at some point of my lives so I started to make a change. I started doing small things that will end up on big things I started to manage my stress also I will tell my dad not to drink too much I started to hang out with my friends and basically to show an improvement to myself that I know it will last. I see myself before as a chill guy but now things have changed I value little things, I accept my flaws and insecurities right away, so to this end realized things that I don’t do before, I need to improve and move on unto problems and just go.
                                      VIGAN PHILIPPINES (TRAVELOGUE)
    Vigan is the oldest and coolest place I’ve ever been there are a lot of nice people and food too. We go there last february and I must day it’s the best feeling when you go there with your father, it’s a bonding time with him, ilocos sur also is my province and vigan is only a kilometer in there when you are going in there of course if you are in manila a bus trip will do. We go in ilocos for a 10hrs travel time from manila, a must say it’s sitting pretty on the bus, but you will enjoy a lot because you will see a lot of trees and scenery by the highway. After we arrive in ilocos, it’s quite cold rather than manila, but I still enjoy the nice people in there and also food, here we go we go to vigan for about an hours, so we arrive there I think afternoon and there are a lot of people in there and cobblestones there and houses too nice food and pictorial sights thatn we enjoy a lot, I recommend anyone to got there because it’s UNESCO world heritage site, that I sure you will enjoy a lot, vigan is spectacular for what I expect for, and indeed it’s fantastic.
Wesley Matthew Manansala Pagaduan
           October 26, 2001 the day when I was born on this wonderful world, my name
Inspired on the actor “Wesley Snipes” an american actor and the Matthew came from the
Bible. When I was a child, I was raise by parents and I must say it’s the best feeling when your parents raise you. When I was a child, my most memorable moments are playing with your friends and nothing compares to that, also the memorable one is i have a bike
that made my childhood awesome, as the day goes by my life changes when I was stepping into adolescence the fear and shyness comes in, because the surroudings change and the environment that made me feel inside a box. When the days passes by becoming a teenager its hard but its worth than you think cause your passion will enhance new people you will meet and lot of things that happens in your life, when we move to cavite new opportunities and new life begins, because in cavite we have a new house that I feel super welcome, to the point that iam excited about a new chapter of my life, new people,  new classmates, and new environment that I feel excited about. Cavite is the new city, there are lot of establishments and new food to taste from, that I really like in cavite, today in the present day, I thanks God for the everyday blessings in my life the another day that I have a courage to do tasks regularly, and I realize that “The two most important days of your life are the day you were born and the day you find out why.” Mark Twain
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Hyacinth Kate Villegas Villanueva (BIOGRAPHY)
    Hyacinth Kate or Kate as her close friends and family call her is a 17-year-old girl, born on the 14th day of March year 2002 in Muntinlupa City, Alabang. She has one older sister, Gabrielle Amanda Villanueva who's in her 2nd year of college at Adamson University. Her parents are Joahanna Villegas Villanueva and Edmundo Crisostomo Villanueva who both works at The Bank of the Philippine Islands.
At age one, her family moved to Imus City, Cavite and is still residing there up until now. Growing up, she used to go to Bicol which is her mother's home town and in Bayanan, Muntinlupa which is her father's home town for vacation.
At age three, her parents decided to let her experience schooling at a daycare in Muntinlupa city, but things don't always agree with her. She wasn't ready for schooling yet, so her grandfather dropped her out. Now, she is a Grade 11 Humanities and Social Sciences (HumSS) student at Del Pilar Academy. She plans to take Broadcasting Communication in College. Ever since she was a child, she wanted to become a lawyer but fear is conquering her which made her thought twice and decided to open up for other opportunities. In her 10th grade, she was introduced to Radio Broadcasting. She joined the Division of School Press Conference (DSPC) in the Radio Broadcasting field. Her team did not win but she took this loss as an inspiration to open up new opportunities and to decide what she wants to become.
Aside from broadcasting, Kate's passion is music. As a child, her father opened her eyes to music. She listens to music every time. Her preferred genre is more on the alternative rock side. She sings and always dreamt of learning how to play instruments. But never succeeded because she thinks she lacks time on learning.
As of now, she is looking forward to accomplishing all her responsibilities not only to herself, her studies, her family and friends but also to her community happily and willingly. She expects that she's not the only one who's going to be successful in the future but also her family and friends.
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kilopcor · 2 years ago
Alula cancer
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Saad told local media he believed that people were "trying to make money out of chaos"​.Įarlier this week, we reported how Australian firm Wattle Health is hopeful of securing CFDA accreditation​ for its goat milk formula products. This positive news from the CFDA comes just days after Aspen CEO Stephen Saad demanded an inquiry into alleged market manipulation, following a drop in the company's shares amid rumours that a negative financial report was to be published by a US research group. Market manipulation?Īspen has also been making gains in China's pharma space, having taken over the AstraZeneca and GlaxoSmithKline product lines, and now boasts 650 sales staff in the country. The firm believes the abolition of China's one-child policy, along with high consumer regard for products made in New Zealand, will stand it in good stead. They require all formulas to be approved by regulators, and firms are restricted to selling three brands and nine products.Īspen entered a JV with New Zealand New Milk (NZNM) in 2015 to produce formulas for the APAC market, and began retailing in China last October. Alula supports people, families, and friends through the. The new rules came into force​ at the beginning of this month. Following a diagnosis with Triple Negative Breast Cancer, Alula partner Kelly remembers wondering about things like what she should bring to chemo, what to wear after a mastectomy, and what lotion to. Alula is a radically honest resource making cancer less lonely, built by someone whos been there. The South African firm, which manufactures its products for China at its New Zealand joint venture (JV) plant, will be able to continue exporting to the world's largest infant formula market after meeting stringent new CFDA requirements. It consolidates products for cancer patients, including oximeters, thermometers, gauze, heating/cooling pads, and post mastectomy bras. China: Probiotic supplements in e-commerce Backed by Chelsea Clinton’s Metrodora Ventures, Susan Lyne of BBG Ventures, and Andy Dunn (whose loved ones have each battled cancer), Alula is a marketplace and resource for people with cancer and. Alula opened up its DTC marketplace this week through Shopify.Digestion and immunity probiotic supplements in e-commerce.Explained: The US e-commerce probiotic supplements market.Probiotic supplements: Global e-commerce 2018-2020, forecast for 2021.alone.Factor in the friends, family and loved ones of those patients, and the. A land rich in historical, geological and geographical significance, this ancient city, once at the crossroads of The Silk Road and The Incense Route, has only recently been re. According to the National Cancer Institute, some 1.8 million people are diagnosed with cancer each year in the U.S. The gut-brain axis: Psychobiotic opportunity in 25 countriese AlUla, The Worlds Masterpiece, is one of the oldest cities in the Arabian Peninsula and home to Hegra, Saudi Arabias first UNESCO World Heritage site.
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spacialaudio · 3 years ago
Tips For Fossil Hunting Kids
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Hannah Martin, a teacher and mother from the UK She offers her best tips and advice for going free minerals with children. Fossil hunting is a fun engaging, educational, and exciting activity for the whole family! It can be done practically anywhere and it doesn't require any special equipment. All you need is a love of learning and exploration. Let's take a fossil hunt!
The argument for kids who are obsessed with dinosaurs
Prior to having a child I was completely ignorant of dinosaur fossils or hunting. Also, I confess that I'm no dinosaur expert despite reading endless amounts of dinosaur books and learning all about dinosaur. My son and me have shared a love of learning about dinosaurs. From the Ankylosaurus with armor all the way to the sea-dwelling Plesiosaurus We have played, watched, and read about what felt like each dinosaur that is possible.
The attraction to dinosaurs is not just a way to learn about history, geography, and nature, but also a way to boost the amount of perseverance required that is an essential ability when you go fossil hunting. Your child might benefit from their dino-obsession.
Benefits of hunting for fossils with children
While I'm not expecting my son's enthusiasm for dinosaurs to turn him into archeologist or paleontologist I like that it has made him more curious about the world that surrounds him (and what came before us). Fossil hunting is a pastime that we use to connect the past (and his fascination with dinosaurs) to the present (and our love of outdoors and nature).
Fossil hunting is a process that requires patience and persistence. This activity is a perfect fit for his personality; he's calm and always curious about facts. Fossil hunting can be a great outdoors family activity that offers many advantages for children, including improving their fine-motor skills when selecting small treasures amongst pebbles, managing risk while working with tools along the coastline and beneath cliffs, sorting and placing items in order, encouraging reading and investigating what you find and, most importantly, it seems to have an impact on the mental health of children.
My son has said, "Fossil hunting makes it feel peaceful."
What is the best time to go on a fossil hunt with kids?
We're very fortunate to be situated near the Jurassic Coast in the UK. It's a coastline where thousands of sea-dwelling creatures as well as dinosaur fossils have been discovered in the past. It is an UNESCO site due to its extraordinary value of rocks, fossils and land formations.
To be able to enjoy Gemstone Dig Kit the pleasures of excavation kit, you don't necessarily have to reside in a UNESCO area. Every continent is home to fossils. There are new species being discovered in every region. So, no matter where you reside, you are able to go on a fossil hunt.
Through my research, I discovered that there are a lot of incredible fossil hunting spots across the US. There have been many great dinosaur and ancient discoveries from Texas up to Montana, Alaska to Hawaii..} {The Morrison Formation in the Western part of the US is a great place to be inspired, with Aptasaurus, Allosaurus and Stegosaurus fossils available for viewing.|There are fossils of Allosaurus, Aptasaurus and Stegosaurus in the Morrison Formation, Western USA.}
{There are many other amazing destinations across the US that you can fossilize yourself. Check out this site for a variety of destinations.|There are fossils to be found in a variety of other locations throughout the US. Go to this website to see the locations.}
{Fossil hunting can be done anytime of the year however in the UK the best times to hunt are between November between November and April.|While fossil hunting can be done any time of the year, it's recommended to go in between November and April in the UK.} {This is due to rough seas churning up the beaches and uncovering more fossils.|The rough seas can stir up the beaches and reveal more fossils.} {In the US, more fossils are found in the interior, which means that, fortunate for you, it is a year-round event!|It is feasible to do this all year round in the US since more fossils can be found in the inland.}
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