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beautiful-basque-country · 1 month ago
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Winter morning in Uharte-Garazi (Nafarroa Beherea) [x]
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sublecturas · 2 years ago
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"Crónicas Completas", de Hebe Uhart
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mikeorazzi · 6 months ago
College Volleyball Sports Nikon Z9 Mirrorless 4k Video Slideshow
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roughghosts · 9 months ago
With a restless curiosity: A Question of Belonging: Crónicas by Hebe Uhart
To experience the world through the words of the esteemed Argentinian writer Hebe Urhart is to be offered a uniquely calm and compassionate view of ordinary places and people that effortlessly makes them seem anything but ordinary. A Question of Belonging, a newly translated collection of her crónicas—short, informal, observational writings, often published in newspapers or magazines—pulls…
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disarmluna · 2 years ago
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Stephanie Uhart
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guillermomutiloa · 2 years ago
Experimentación con resonancias/objetos/espacio a través de micrófonos y altavoces de contacto.
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acrylicalchemy · 1 year ago
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Braska says we're tired...but we're still going. She also says we have lots of art available for you and we have an open studio Nov 12 for the UHarts Open.
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partisan-by-default · 9 days ago
The particular virus that causes bird flu — H5N1 — itself is not new. It's a disease that originated in east Asia, first detected in China in 1996. The virus has mostly terrorized poultry farms and led to massive culling. It has occasionally spilled over to humans, causing some 400 deaths over the decades, but rarely spreads human-to-human. And while it has jumped over into wild birds periodically — killing many birds in many places — it never took off globally.
Then came 2020 and 2021, when the version that's driving the current outbreak emerged.
The virus evolved so some wild birds are able to migrate just far enough to reach another bird community or mammal population to pass the virus on before dying.
"What you see here is like a relay race," Uhart says. "We were all skeptical that this could be possible, but then somehow this started happening."
"We've gone from this concept of dead birds don't fly to this new virus that seems to be a bit more like dead bird flying," explains Erik Karlsson, head of the Virology Unit at the Institut Pasteur du Cambodge in Cambodia and the director of the National Influenza Center of Cambodia.
This means that the virus doesn't just stick around on poultry farms and periodically jump over into wildlife, but can sustain itself in wild birds, moving from one flock to the next without burning itself out.
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ooppo · 9 months ago
I feel bad for not updating the UHART fic for so long but I started it when I was feeling really sad after learning about my own diagnosis. I'm not as sad anymore, so it's hard to write it now... I'll just have to tap into my inner angst I suppose.
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whoreforcaufield · 1 year ago
wait what’s an ib school
what schools did you get into??
IB is the international baccalaureate program, it has the same rigorousness as AP
I applied to 14 schools and I got into 12 of them
I didn’t get into UMICH or Clemson
but I got into OSU, Union, SUNY Cortland, SUNY New Paltz, UHart, LIU, BU, Pace, Utica University, U of A, Dirty Albs, RIT
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unsanegore666 · 5 months ago
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“Cuando esté grande no voy a hacer más poemas porque de chiquitica hice muchas cosas y cuando esté grande me convertiré en flor”.
Fugaz como su vida, pero interminable como su edad mental, María de las Estrellas Uhart Carrasquilla, nombre dado por ella misma, nace en 1967 bajo el signo de Géminis en Bogotá. Hija de Leonor “La Maga” y Eduardo Uhart, María escoge sus pasos, sus líneas, su nombre y sus propios padres. Con amor entrañable por La Maga, María de las Estrellas dedica sus obras a “la mejor mamá que he tenido en mis vidas" e incluye como vitalidad en su trasegar la presencia de su compañero, cuasi padre, siempreamado, Jota Mario Arbeláez.
Mientras su madre lee el tarot y trabaja en señales de ultramundo, María de la Estrellas, de 3 años, sobre el papel crea orbes y ogros, lee poemas y escribe magia. En esos pasos, Jotamario integra el nadaísmo con el pensar deslumbrante de la maguita, y ella acoge el movimiento como una mundito de viejos polémicos y poéticos, quizá un reflejo suyo de cuando sea viejita.
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nathank77 · 7 months ago
9:34 a.m Added to/Edited 9:52 a.m
The only thing I can think of are the commonalities with the two nights that I had to double up to sleep:
1) I had 2 Red Bulls.
2) Both days were a game day where I did nothing but game. I gamed for like 8-10 hours yesterday. The day before my dad's house I gamed for like 8 hours at least.
3) Having a little caffeine after 5 p.m
Other than that there aren't other commonalities. I didnt even shower both of those days cause I showered the day before my dad's and the night I came home from dad's.
I didn't even make a phone call or run an errand or anything. I relaxed. I relaxed and played Minecraft both days and played my heart out. I mean that's all I can say.
I slept fine the night I came home from my fathers on the standard dose but I was outside. I was social. I showered. I exposed myself to sunlight. Although the half was so thick it must have been a .7 or a .8....
Last night it was probably a .6 or .7. The night before my dad's I mean it was 1.5 by the time I fell asleep.
Was it bc I didn't do anything but game and I drank two Red Bulls? I mean I've had many red Bull days Aka 24 ounces of red Bulls.. and fell sleep on the standard dose.
I had anxiety last night cause I could only take 1, 50 mg of CBD cause I only had one more gummie left. Im getting them today.
Today I'm feeling really depressed, I don't have many things on my list of things to do. Shave my face/Head idk If I'm going to do it. I'll likely shower.
Part of me wants to bring the clear bin by my game stack up to the attic despite it being empty mostly. It only has my uhart target bag in it and 2 shirts I don't like much. I wanted to fill it but I'm sick of it taking up space in my room. I can always bring stuff upstairs and fill it.
I was also planning to "set up" both Macbooks. One is purely professional and is set up. The other I want to hook my fb to and Instagram bc it's my "gaming/fun" macbook.
I'm meeting with Erin today. I'd do laundry but I'm going to wait until later this week.
This whole week I barely have anything to do but therapy Tuesday and thursday. I have nothing to be anxious about. I know I was anxious about my cbd.
I am anxious about my uti... but I'm coping. I honestly just want to watch TV. I used to have TV days but now that my gamers burn out has been cured every day I can relax I just game.
Idk ill eventually get out of the rut and at least shower.
I still got to figure out what to do with the mouse deodorant and stuff...
I also got to finish putting my shreddables in bins but I'm absolutely not doing that today.
I got to try to be active. I just feel depressed cause I had my eyes closed for a long time and couldn't sleep... and then I don't want to buy cbd but it def helped with my panic attacks...
I def had some microsleep flashbacks last night and the night before my dad's. Rapid eye movement nervousness about it being fucked up and not working right/not being in alignment.
I mean I bought 100mg a day of CBD again.... I want to go down to 50 but my brain is like take 100mg fuck the money... and I used to not even be able to think about the word panic without having heart palpitations.... so it's hard to decide not to buy it.
I also notice white on my inner cheeks could be From SLS and my cheek healing now that I removed it... or could be a yeast infection, when I have my psychical I'm going to ask to get tested for yeast again as my tongue is still black hairy tongue that is insanely clean bc I scrap it twice a day... but with the white on inner cheeks if it doesn't clear up, it could be yeast or a sign of cancer...
I'm just wondering why I'm trying so hard. Part of me is like go to prime house despite knowing I won't meet anyone there anyways.
Another thing that is getting to me is my ac is slowly shitting the bed and I can afford to put it on the new credit line... I mean not if I want to get a bed... but I feel I may have to spring the cash from the new credit line cause it really is shitting the bed.
Also my cigarettes are due soon. I got one more carton and I don't want to go to new Hampshire but I'm thinking like somewhere around the 15th or so... that'll be another bill... I wanted to get my southern degree replaced with my name... but I can't afford the fee cause I had to pay for my car taxes. Also l salvariuos. And cbd...
Maybe next month. Also I have to eventually bring in my "gaming" Macbook to apple but can't this month too broke.
I def have money anxiety. And I was thinking about going to prime house today bc maybe it is just 2 red bulls and gaming all day effecting my ability to sleep and caffeine after 5 p.m... cause that is also a commonality between the night before dad's and last night.
So yea I'm a ball of anxiety and I'm sick of being alone and i wish I could find a gf.
Beyond that my car ac is terrible.. I'm sick of how hot it is. It makes me want to stay in the house all day everyday. I can't wait for the weather to be less fucking disgusting.
Being in my car makes me nasous it's so fucking hot and I can't even crack a windows both motors on the driver side and passenger side are blown.
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puravibenamastes-blog · 10 months ago
Qual o risco para nós que mamíferos sejam infectados com a gripe aviária
Em suas três décadas trabalhando com elefantes-marinhos, Marcela Uhart nunca tinha visto nada parecido com a cena nas praias da Península Valdés, na Argentina, em outubro passado. Leia mais (04/23/2024 – 15h30) Artigo Folha de S.Paulo – Equilíbrio e Saúde – Principal Pulicado em https://ift.tt/8Jw5Cga
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ramtracking · 10 months ago
Bird Flu Is Infecting More Mammals. What Does That Mean for Us? [ Avian influenza ]
Bird Flu Is Infecting More Mammals. What Does That Mean for Us? [News Summary] In her three decades of working with elephant seals, Dr. Marcela Uhart had never seen anything like the scene on the beaches of Argentina’s… As avian influenza spreads to the farthest reaches of the planet, scientists have expressed both urgency and fatalism. PORTLAND (AP) – Avian influenza is killing tens of…
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twiainsurancegroup · 11 months ago
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bloguepasdingue · 1 year ago
SÉANCE #5 — Non, les Redditeurs ne sont pas des reclus crasseux
Les réseaux socionumériques ne cessent d’évoluer, de s’adapter, en proposant aux utilisateurs et utilisatrices de nouveaux usages, de nouveaux moyens de se divertir, de s’informer, de communiquer, etc. Au-delà de ça, ils permettent aux internautes de créer des communautés en ligne pour se réunir et socialiser. Ces communautés virtuelles offrent à ses membres non seulement des moyens de socialiser en ligne, mais aussi de socialiser parfois hors ligne. Ainsi, on peut dire d’elles qu’elles rassemblent les gens.
En effet, les réseaux socionumériques réunissent jusqu’à parfois des millions de gens autour d’un ou plusieurs intérêts communs. La plateforme Reddit constitue à mon avis un exemple évocateur. Les utilisateurs et utilisatrices, appelé(e)s Redditeur peuvent, comme dans n’importe quel autre site web communautaire, se regrouper en communautés, appelés subreddits, afin d’échanger, publier, commenter, s’informer ou encore se divertir. Il existe une immense quantité de subreddits aux sujets divers et variés. En outre, il se passe sur la plateforme de grands événements collaboratifs qui rassemblent au-delà des « Subreddit », comme celui du "Pixel War". Cet événement, qui s’est déroulé du 20 au 25 juillet 2023, a réuni un très grand nombre d’internautes autour de la création d’une grande fresque virtuelle composées de milliers de petits pixels (Uhart, France info, 20 juin 2023). Plusieurs médias, à travers le monde entier, ont couvert l'événement. Y compris ceux du service public comme France info.
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(Uhart, France info, 20 juin 2023)
Étant moi-même un « Redditeur » assidu de cette plateforme, j’interagis tous les jours avec plusieurs inconnus qui partagent souvent bien des intérêts et avis semblables. Mais je dois admettre que c’est en grande partie pour profiter de l’humour qui circule sur cette plateforme que je me connecte régulièrement.
Cela m’amène donc à défendre l’idée que mes pratiques et celles de tous les autres utilisateurs et utilisatrices des réseaux socionumériques comme Reddit peuvent être considérées comme des formes de socialisation.
Certes, certains pourraient rétorquer qu’ils nous isolent physiquement des autres.
Néanmoins, je réfute cette prémisse puisque les communautés virtuelles sur les plateformes numériques permettent également de réunir des gens physiquement. Les réseaux socionumériques nous donnent l’occasion de prendre contact avec des inconnus sur la base d’intérêts communs, d’apprendre à les connaître et ainsi de former des groupes qui peuvent, s’ils le souhaitent, se coordonner, se rencontrer et socialiser dans la réalité physique.
Ainsi, contrairement aux gens qui affirment que ces réseaux nous éloignent les uns des autres, je pense plutôt qu’ils nous rassemblent.
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