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letsgostealthelouvre · 2 years ago
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If I had gone into art history instead of theatre I think probably, eventually, I would have done my capstone or thesis on something extremely fascinating and obscure. I don’t know if it would actually have been combs, but it might very well have. 
These are two of the latest combs in the collection; the ivory comb with putti is definitely 16th century, while the wooden comb (with lion! Almost related to an ugulate! Definitely not on purpose!) is 16th century but may have 19th century restorations (it’s another one with mirrors if you slide the central compartment aside). At some point I really should go back through my combs tag and see if a lot of these were owned/donated by the same person. 
[ID: Two combs, in the same design, with a central handle and fine-tooth tines on one side, rough-tooth tines on the other. The top comb, carved from ivory, has male cameo busts and putti carved in to it, along with birds; the bottom comb, carved from boxwood, has more decorative geometric patterns, with a shield and a lion carved on either side of the central design.]
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turisiancom · 2 years ago
TURISIAN.com - Cekidot guys! Kita cus ke The Ugul-Ugul Kepurun ya. Kalau biasanya kita main ke kebun binatang buat ngeliat hewan. Tempat wisata satu ini  keren banget lho. Soalnya, fokus ke hewan zaman purba alias dinosaurus! Kena lho. Lokasinya ada di Jalan Pasar Butuh Baturan, Dusun 1, Kepurun, Kecamatan Manisrenggolophosaurustheugu, Kabupaten Klaten, Jawa Tengah. Katanya sih, dinosaurus lagi ngehits banget nih di kalangan anak-anak. Jadi buat kamu yang mau coba-coba tempat baru, objek wisata ini bisa jadi pilihan. BACA JUGA: Rasakan Sensasi Pacu Adrenalin di River Boarding Kali Pusur Klaten Selain ada wahana permainan yang temanya dinosaurus, ada juga pelatihan peternakan dan pertanian, area camping buat berkemah, dan outbound seru. Buat kamu yang pengen main ke sana, jangan lupa catat jam bukanya dan harga tiket masuknya ya. Jam Buka The Ugul-Ugul Kepurun punya beberapa area yang dibuka dengan waktu yang berbeda. Untuk area restoran, bukanya dari jam 8 pagi sampe jam 6 sore setiap hari. Nah, kalau buat kawasan wahana permainan, jam bukanya dari jam 8 pagi sampe jam 4 sore. Buat outbound biasanya pagi-pagi gitu. Keseluruhan kawasan taman rekreasi ini dibuka mulai jam 8 pagi sampe jam 6 sore setiap harinya. BACA JUGA: Rasakan Sensasi Pacu Adrenalin di River Boarding Kali Pusur Klaten Tapi karena ada area camping, restorannya tetap buka 24 jam kok. Yang seru, kamu gak perlu bayar tiket masuk untuk masuk ke dalam area ini. Gratis, guys! Tapi kalo mau naik wahana atau nyoba aktivitas seperti camping atau ATV, baru deh bayar. Harga Tiket Masuk Untuk camping, tarifnya dimulai dari Rp 500.000 buat satu tenda yang muat 5 orang. Udah dapet tenda sama matras, tapi makanannya belum termasuk ya. Kalo kamu mau pilih paket yang lebih lengkap, ada juga paket camping mulai dari Rp 750.000. Dalam paket ini kamu bakal dapet tenda, matras, dan makanan juga. Buat outbound, harganya dimulai dari Rp 120.000 per orang. Kalo ikutan outbound, kamu bakal dapet makanan, welcome drink, pemandu, makan siang. BACA JUGA: Asyiknya Berenang di Umbul Pluneng Klaten dengan Air yang Segar Termasuk, kamu punya kesempatan buat nyoba sekitar 3 atau 4 permainan. Tapi minimal peserta buat ikut outbound ini harus 20 orang, ya. Kalo mau beli tiket wahana, kamu bisa beli langsung di tempatnya pake uang tunai. Seru banget, kan? Jangan lupa ajak temen-temen buat bareng-bareng main ke sini ya ! Selain menikmati keindahan dinosaurus dan wahana seru di The Ugul-Ugul Kepurun, kamu juga bisa mencicipi makanan enak di sekitar tempat tersebut. BACA JUGA: Unik, Candi Sojiwan di Klaten Punya Relief Berisi Cerita-Cerita Binatang Berikut beberapa tempat kuliner di sekitar The Ugul-Ugul Kepurun yang bisa kamu coba: Warung Makan Mbok Gito Warung makan ini menyajikan menu khas Jawa seperti nasi pecel, tahu tek, dan sate ayam. Harganya terjangkau dan rasanya juga enak. Warung ini berada di Jalan Pasar Butuh, sekitar 1 km dari The Ugul-Ugul Kepurun. Soto Pak Sholeh Bagi penggemar soto, kamu wajib mampir ke Soto Pak Sholeh. Soto ayamnya enak dan rasanya khas, disajikan dengan kerupuk dan sambal. Lokasinya di Jalan Klaten-Solo, sekitar 3 km dari The Ugul-Ugul Kepurun. RM Sari Sari Restoran ini menyajikan berbagai menu seafood seperti cumi goreng tepung, udang saos tiram, dan kepiting saos lada hitam. Selain itu, tersedia juga menu ayam dan daging. RM Sari Sari berada di Jalan Raya Butuh, sekitar 2 km dari The Ugul-Ugul Kepurun. Warung Steak Solo Bagi penggemar steak, kamu bisa mencoba Warung Steak Solo. Steak daging sapi-nya empuk dan disajikan dengan saus yang lezat. Warung ini berada di Jalan Klaten-Solo, sekitar 3 km dari The Ugul-Ugul Kepurun. Jadi, setelah puas bermain dan mengeksplorasi The Ugul-Ugul Kepurun, jangan lupa cicipi kuliner enak di sekitarnya ya! ***
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animalworld · 5 years ago
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CHINESE GORAL Naemorhedus goral arnouxianus ©Laura Quick
The Chinese goral lives in the steep slopes of wooded mountains in east-central China. Most commonly, they live at 3,000 to 8,000 feet but they have been seen at much higher altitudes. Chinese gorals are shy, but territorial creatures that live in groups of up to twelve individuals. They have a stout body and weigh from 48 to 77 pounds. Their wooly undercoat with long, coarse guard hairs is well suited for life in a cold climate. Their summer coat is shorter and thinner.
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Guanaco & other South American high elevation ugulates
Peninsular Pronghorn
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abrahamshipwreck · 5 years ago
Possum and large ugulates. Gimmie a possum riding a reindeer annae lose me fokkin shite
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hopeamc-blog · 7 years ago
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How Does #Universal #Exercise #unit #Works #UEU is a #metal cage #including a #system of #pulleys and #weights. The #exercises #performed is for #strengthening and #stretching muscles The #goals of the #UGUL #system is to #improve the passive/active range of joint motion, to #improve the #muscle #flexibility, to #promote muscle #strength and muscle #endurance without the #influence of #associated #patterns of #movements. For More #Information #Visit us: https://goo.gl/M6Hcvp #Email us: [email protected] #Call us: +971-529997075 (at Dubai, United Arab Emirates)
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dirix · 8 years ago
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Practics time
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everysshkey · 2 years ago
-----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY----- MIIBCgKCAQEAno/1EliZukQGLCI3iOJPVPWdY/+Q9Axb9glV/2GwnbQEdW0JW9gM xijG/R/lDuQ83vPndrLqi87amryNUdAPswZhp1rvaSNygsTSzh+HD8skR4GiCnfP OVek8YOrMY9693XcYbvTsVItBKFtdR92riI7e1hogfh1ll+fjr9KZqIPu9/oXIei ugul+cn/2UBVHSfNLo50r7drneviVrQ2k13AxqUao/xqAw9MGZ432LLulUlJ55re 2kL0/UyKejoHSbLC+NfLeXNIsJYnUATe7x4ayVodKqvP414gJgz0OS3KLPoMkW+R ll6J8M/WpE10flelxyYwaMO0br8+zCaLoQIDAQAB -----END RSA PUBLIC KEY----- -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- MIIEpAIBAAKCAQEAno/1EliZukQGLCI3iOJPVPWdY/+Q9Axb9glV/2GwnbQEdW0J W9gMxijG/R/lDuQ83vPndrLqi87amryNUdAPswZhp1rvaSNygsTSzh+HD8skR4Gi CnfPOVek8YOrMY9693XcYbvTsVItBKFtdR92riI7e1hogfh1ll+fjr9KZqIPu9/o XIeiugul+cn/2UBVHSfNLo50r7drneviVrQ2k13AxqUao/xqAw9MGZ432LLulUlJ 55re2kL0/UyKejoHSbLC+NfLeXNIsJYnUATe7x4ayVodKqvP414gJgz0OS3KLPoM kW+Rll6J8M/WpE10flelxyYwaMO0br8+zCaLoQIDAQABAoIBAQCRU1vIftAWufX2 ST4hBVq0gZDJcBjItPMsIw5gzIZ1Y+KaRV9IgFHk5MbMhIkKBwILTfyc/AqgLOyK 2bmkfE+HQ5gJLP00nbp8RCz5okfFn+gWaae8dGbHJZ8VhBpJiDmpyKo+IUo6wRhl oBaUPEwn+VQPDs5qIPCU6/tvd7+XJAxeRnMeaA+iDz39yXXlem3JTk40DyOAOLjG 6tNQaBxXT6e/pOX4WtsrGLmfL2BWgS4vwFmvbw+MBEcF4X7FoPH4zxqE51GXFPod O2gWxLbggTCROaDdHS6lrcmI+vleHeAhV5RYxBRFVAUdOrX9pPU1w80iMAYzWowg OZaJE9mpAoGBAM53hyOOsvVYWwumJHS1nXuPKttZ3Dz5fsYT0Kom0INlzlEmb7dK mOZnOWPvF1m+qK4y2+Z4Y9PGosVUZwgknk1fr4izFHLnvRX26nBCnhCSguTKiX8G lecbI+8P92PfYaM5TPwwO+ThLm+R6rKMdxU5VB74wWoPVfPjKlez/04zAoGBAMSa TIFgOYYnYdu6B72oHTSxpLTs9Uk21pu9DBR3aGxa2RzTu60X1gKKB4wf8+8DhZTp n50tOCfdsgW6z8mMGmk12H3Kbj2dXry8W5wbfP7XP6rmUPQ9ADvg5v4k0eqQTYlH bwT5IYxco8nMAtDy7LOGnB5e6ZOOxugKvkZWlMLbAoGBALHIWqVTiuWYX014kous lx59+PlIN0yJyY/mIBdjtMhwMWfPIQNDSMWcvN5AUmsEsVrOkGuz3sHMmPwx4UYx wd3+NrgO+9y1jywKoXRo6JJ8lhlMDXlDwnBt/lMr/GoTP4+9F31QS0KaY9HOY7m7 Gg88fiLtMB6Tdf+77An5BC3hAoGAFK8jI21rP+j+y647yEFaqUOTT5GqkMRbOdFe 5vxVGSlJtFW2ZhSe6G97McvezyOwtyUJLPEn+lHBvAaWe97onG8U0s8sYAEhiXvL q5XcxbcBtMo8dCXC04nq44weJa5+6dWBIaXQWMMaXE3BchhMvOqJnExiCKs51Anl UOMlDYcCgYBW7PSE9bOLz/FteHZmKYSgT2e5nV/u9V9ORLB5Lagbyhz6V+BlYsJR rfOTehRbcTycqjcbMo8U+C2mGnTvOwFHjS2iySTv9ctguBmpsy6RCRV6vfE/NX3N lqTdG4Yu6EwPMh/CkL5MFthQ9DNPSFqqH0ZxLbkFx+fJsix1gBNX0A== -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
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444names · 2 years ago
russian cities + mythical humanoids + roman emperors forenames + egyptian deities
Abat Abiyev Akun Alachka Aladyns Alana Alasno Alerno Alinoye Alny Alsk Amhorsk Amsk Amyakha Amysk Anov Ansk Apatyun Apet Apok Aput Arodovo Artad Arty Arus Avla Babun Bagrak Baka Balsk Baltin Banoly Bapsk Barsk Basno Bassiv Batov Bavo Baye Baysh Bedu Bekhov Belf Belov Belsk Beno Bensk Berbius Bersk Bertya Bitsk Blagin Blich Blinsky Bodsk Bodurus Bolzhga Boravka Borsk Borsky Borty Bovsk Brino Brodsk Broye Bryukov Bugbet Bursk Burts Calnin Capiel Chayevo Chektyn Chektyr Chere Chevsk Chibar Chinov Chinsk Chysk Clebsk Cona Cons Consk Dariaha Dayvka Dededon Domotsk Drinov Drodovo Drov Dubnya Dudov Dudyan Dudzep Dulin Dwadny Dzhsk Elin Eloy Elsk Enian Ensk Erbins Erlitum Frov Gagnut Garsk Gaye Geret Gonsk Gorodsk Gorokha Gorsk Grad Gran Grashka Grasta Grayki Grennin Gulka Gunsk Gutsosk Gwis Gwisk Hanovsk Helsk Herabil Hets Hovo Iansk Ilyur Irsk Iusa Ivorsk Jinoan Joan Jots Julatma Jullovo Jusa Kalsk Kamasno Kantil Katman Kharimo Kiki Kina Kinovsk Kins Kinsk Kintula Kiryip Kisk Klok Knovezh Kogorad Kogorzh Kolkad Kolsk Kombavl Korka Korovsk Korsk Kotus Kovnyan Kovo Kovsk Kradsk Kralovo Kraly Kratuym Krau Kraye Krodov Krovok Krye Kstov Kulinik Kulma Kuluk Kurzh Kuvsk Kuya Kuzh Lakitsk Lebuga Lennovo Leprin Lepta Levorsk Lexan Lexansk Liano Linsk Linski Linstad Lurgar Maals Maga Magi Magorov Magorsk Maki Mansk Maxen Maxie Maye Mayeyar Mednov Menne Mensuka Merc Merny Merov Meshin Mita Mius Mninsk Modol Monaka Monsay Mony Morov Morsk Mosk Moslysk Movka Mozhsk Mozniat Mtsk Myovol Mysk Myzhin Naisk Nargar Navl Nazyov Nebov Nebus Necha Negem Neid Neka Nets Nevo Nezobla Nezov Nizovsk Nogonsk Nogu Notarvo Notayvo Novka Novos Novsk Nukhovo Nyan Nyar Oblass Obsk Oburi Ogotus Oguban Okummut Omovsk Onezny Onsk Oper Osian Osta Otkan Perelsk Perevka Perin Perov Pets Petsk Petsky Petsos Petsyno Pevsk Poda Podnovo Podsk Polorow Polozy Polsk Polzh Posius Potre Pros Prus Pugu Pukinsk Push Pusill Qetsk Rabalsk Radjet Ralati Razhsk Reye Rodsk Rownius Rubtsk Rudysh Rudzheb Runiki Ryupis Sarg Sarsk Sashi Satat Sayk Seel Segobuz Selisk Selny Semiano Senet Sensk Sergata Sers Seset Setta Shchum Shim Shin Shkirny Shma Shul Siad Sinsk Sivoya Slansk Slaval Snovo Snovrov Snus Sokovsk Solyn Soss Sovir Sovodu Sovoki Sovorna Sovsk Spargoy Sphosty Spriyar Stansk Stek Sterovo Stran Strovsk Suda Sudus Suoya Sura Suret Suros Suslo Suza Suzuly Svenbus Tahevka Talersk Talsk Tamed Tansk Taygan Tebara Tektye Tekuza Tely Tetlom Tetsk Thotovo Tikinu Timodsk Tinov Tizov Togor Tovo Tovsk Trastov Treppes Trov Trovo Trovod Troz Tumaid Turm Udyukot Ugul Usaysk Ustu Valsk Vaye Verovsk Vetsk Visa Vishi Vlanka Vodinsk Vokhosk Volyuz Vomsk Vosiysk Vourg Vsky Vyak Vylsk Vytansk Wensk Wents Wepe Yagirsk Yakhma Yanniki Yarsk Yazansk Yazen Yella Yensk Yevsk Yubimik Yubits Yukovsk Yurg Yurigga Yuza Zaozh Zara Zavkaun Zavo Zelensk Zerourg Zhare Zhma Zhny Zhnyaza Zovo
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ginnastablr · 6 years ago
Non mi interessa di niente, sto solo aspettando un giorno dove me ne andrò e tutto cambierà, non aspetto il sabato sera per uscire o la domenica per i pranzi buoni, non aspetto il venerdì per farmi un giro con gli amici o altro. Non aspetto niente, mi è tutto ugule, andare a lezione come ad una festa di compleanno, è la stessa cosa, non trovo differenza di felicità, sto solo aspettando di andarmene e lasciare tutto
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axomlyrics · 3 years ago
Ugul Thugul Lyrics - Minakshi Kalita
Ugul Thugul Lyrics – Minakshi Kalita
Ugul Thugul Lyrics by Minakshi Kalita is the latest Assamese song with music is given by Palash Gogoi. Ugul Thugul lyrics are written by Sunit Gogoi. The music video featured Subrat Deori, Alishmita Goswami. Ugul Thugul Song Details: Song: Ugul Thugul Singer(s): Minakshi Kalita Musician(s): Palash Gogoi Written by: Sunit Gogoi Label(©): Minakshi Kalita Musical Ugul Thugul Lyrics Abelire…
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harostar · 4 years ago
So I googled this and apparently Ugulates (Deer, Horses) will absolutely supplement their diet with flesh and bones.
Including National Geographic documenting Deer scavenging human corpses, live birds, and fish.
I was recently spooked by some deer while I was camping on my parents property do you have any cursed/blessed deer facts?
white-tailed deer are opportunistic cannibals that might not kill one of their own, but sure don't mind doing a little snacking if they happen to find a corpse or three lying around!
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hopeamc-blog · 7 years ago
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How #UGUL #Beneficial For #Children #Treatment - Hope #Abilitation #Medical #Dubai UGUL is a #metal #pen including an arrangement of pulleys and #weights. The activities performed is for #fortifying and extending #muscles The objectives of the UGUL #framework is to enhance the #inactive/#dynamic scope of joint movement, to enhance the muscle #adaptability, to advance muscle #quality and muscle #perseverance without the impact of related examples of developments. For More Information: Visit us: www.hope-amc.com/universal-exercise-unit-ueu/ Call us: +971-529997075 Email us: [email protected] (at Dubai, United Arab Emirates)
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adxaiai · 4 years ago
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Life is what happens to you while you´re busy making other plans... . . . . . . #married #fashion #lovestory #myman #sunset #sunrise #couple #mother #husband #latepost #relationshipgoals #instagood #beautifulworld #photooftheday #love #pretty #cute #happy #relationship #like #beauty #instadaily #flower #tbt #family #beautiful #wonderful #followme #romantic #holdinghands (di Ugul Ugul Kepurun) https://www.instagram.com/p/CG9zUnJhN1K/?igshid=z3vv0t1uvajs
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fencingwithfire · 7 years ago
My book (Chapter 1)
CHAPTER 1 The night was severe and cold. As the stars shone down on the snow-covered mountainside a lone figure ran through the densely wooded forest panting and breathless. There was a wild fear in its eyes as it ran headlong, not daring to look behind itself to check for pursuers. A sharp pain was burning into its side, yet it pressed through this, the danger of its current predicament spurring it onward. It was dark, however, and the ground was heavily laden with snow. It was this blanket of frozen precipitation which hid the up-raised root that snared the fleeing figure’s foot. The dark form stumbled over the thick root and fell flat. Before it had time even to get its limbs under itself it was beset upon by a much larger and much darker figure. “You thought you could escape?” asked the larger figure as it restrained the smaller’s arms. It’s voice was a deep, rumbling growl that reverberated slightly in its throat. “I am ‘The One Who Hunts’. None escape once I am set upon them.” Roughly, he wrestled the smaller figure to a standing position. “Come.” he commanded. “We’re going back to The Facility. If you’re lucky they’ll just kill you for the trouble you’ve caused.” Stricken by a sudden panic, the smaller figure lashed out at the larger. While kicking and biting it tried to wrench free from the iron grasp of its captor. “No! I won’t go back there! I’d rather die than go back there! You’ll have to kill me, you bastard!” An evil grin spread across the darker figure’s face. Just then a cloud shifted and moonlight, reflected from the blanket of snow, showed the larger figure to be a creature of nightmares. It was larger than any man and unnaturally thick with muscle. Covering its musculature was not skin, but rather a black and tan-colored, shaggy mass of fur. It’s head was distinctly canine in form, massive and resembling that of a scarred and evil Saint Bernard dog, however it stood on two legs as would a man and had fur-covered hands with clawed fingers in the place of a set of paws. The grin on its cannid face glowed with a large, pearlescent expanse of pointed teeth. “As you wish.” came the foul voice of this creature. The other figure cried out as the snow beneath it was sprayed with crimson. * * * The monstrosity carried the corpse of its victim back to the compound from which it had fled. After yelling a few obscenities at the guard and identifying himself the creature was allowed inside with his quarry. The compound was as non-descript as one might image. There were several small barracks style buildings as well as what seemed to be a central sheet metal building that lacked any name, insignia, or other identifying marker, but, save for the guard towers, that was all. The fence around the compound was chain link in design with a wheeled gate that could be opened and closed to allow vehicle access. It was up to this central building that the villain walked, leaving a trail of blood as he went. He carried his limp prey in a fireman’s carry across his shoulders as kicked open the side door and passed through the threshold. Inside of the seemingly ordinary shack a man in a white coat stood waiting for him with a stainless steel gurney and an expectant look upon his face. The hulking brute slammed the figure onto the gurney causing the man in the coat to jump back a pace. “Damn you to seven hells, dog!” yelled the man when the lifelessness of the creature dawned on him. Angrily, he examined the corpse that was now oozing the last remains of its death-thickened blood. The corpse was much like its murderer in its lack of humanity. It had the physical shape of a man, but rather than having the same thick fur which covered the dog-man, this creature had a short and dense brown coat that covered it tip-to-tail. It also had large curved horns on its head, two long cloven fingers, and its horizontal pupils gazed lifelessly from its dull eyes. After examining the large bite of a wound on its neck the man in the coat whirled furiously on the muscular monstrosity next to him. “‘Damn you’, I say again! This ram was the only success we’ve had thus far in our attempts to introduce ungulate genes into our specimen!” He thrust a repromanding finger into the large dog-man’s chest and fumed. “You were told to capture the specimen and return him to us ALIVE! Do you have any idea how many months this going to set us back!? Can your muscled brain even count that high!?” The dog-man gripped the hand that was digging its finger into his chest. With one hand he lifted the other man from the floor and, as he began to protest, the dog-man covered his mouth with his other hand. Breathing his putrid, death scented breath into the coated man’s face the monster said, “You can give me orders if you like, but it’s my choice whether I follow them or not. Your goat ran me so hard that once I caught it and it began to struggle I couldn’t help but think of how good its mutton would taste. Now let that be the end of it or I’ll taste your mutton tonight as well.” With that he dropped the man and turned to walk out of the building. * * * After adjusting his coat the man looked to the now-shut doorway and muttered, “Filthy cannibal… ” He turned his attention thereafter to the corpse that he was now left with. Sighing heavily he gripped the rails of the gurney and wheeled the deceased creature to a large freight elevator at the back of the building, swiped his key card, and soon was headed deep underneath the mountain with his macabre cargo. This man’s name was Dr. Geoffrey Sullivan, PhD. He was a geneticist from England that worked for The Facility, and he was the head scientist at this particular Facility outpost. His current project had been the introduction of ugulate genomes in the human body. As with the other projects, the genetic adaptation typically met with fatal results for the subject, but if a success was ever made the result was sure to replicable. This… thing… laying on the table had been his success… But now that brutish mongrel had destroyed over a years worth of work when he took the creature’s life. Dr. Sullivan refers to his test subjects as creatures, as do his colleagues, only so he may disillusion himself to what these beings truly are. As the elevator reached the cavernous depths of the mountain the doors opened to reveal a brightly-lit corridor. Its walls shone with cleanliness. The faint smell of antiseptic hung in the air as he wheeled his charge into the hallway before him. As he walked down the hall he allowed his eyes to wonder at the creatures that were kept in the plexiglass cells that lined the hall. In one was a man that had been spliced together with a river otter. His fur-covered body looked dry and haggard, and he was attempting to read a book when Dr. Sullivan walked past. Seeing the scientist and the dead sheep-man the otter person dropped his book and cowered in a corner. He was trembling with fright and chanting affirmations of doom for anyone who tried to escape to himself. Dr. Sullivan smiled at this. He loved seeing these mutations cower before him. It filled him with a blasphemous sense of godliness. He passed the other cells and the other creatures inside reacted much like the otter-man had, knowing full well that it was Dr. Sullivan that had supervised the torturous days of vivisection and genetic manipulation that had turned them from humanity into these perverted forms of nature. As he passed the last of the plexiglass cells he noticed that the one to his right was empty. He realized that his colleagues must have taken the fennec fox-woman to the laboratories were they were administering the final treatments that would stabilize her animalistic form. He had been impressed with this woman in particular. As far as he could remember he had never had a specimen whose body took to the changes as quickly as hers. Of course, that did not mean that her cries of pain in his vivisectorium hadn’t happened. No. Much like all of his specimen, she too, had to have her old flesh peeled from her body so that the grafts of furred hide could take root. In most of Dr. Sullivan’s creatures he tried to leave their scalps in place during this delicate process, but with her his scalpel had slipped as he was removing the skin from her skull necessitating the removal of her hair and the replacement of it with the thin, fine fur. He was just thinking of that fur as well, it was beautiful snowy white -a mutation in the foxes that were delivered to him for this project- when a loud, dull thud emanated from the cell opposite the one he was eying. As he turned he saw a brazen mouse-girl staring up at him. Her ears were suitably large for her head that they didn’t look out of place, and her long, naked tail twitched with agitation as she glared at him with fiery blue eyes. Dr. Sullivan stared down the young creature that was facing him akimbo in her hospital gown. Soon enough she began speaking and pounding her rodential fists against the reinforced plastic. Dr. Sullivan didn’t need to hear what she was saying, it was always the same from her, nothing but a constant torrent of swears, curses, and threats. She was by far his least favorite creature. He watched her rant at him for perhaps a minute before the other occupant of the cell grabbed her arm. It was her twin brother. The two had been brought to this outpost together and Dr. Sullivan thought himself quite clever when, with keeping with the twin theme, he turned both brother and sister into mouse-creatures while keeping the two identical even after the procedure. He wasn’t sure as to what her brother told the mouse-girl, but he thought that it must have had something to do with the fact that the cells were soundproof and Dr. Sullivan would have only been able to hear her if he had turned on the comm. device from his side. After hearing her brother’s words she crossed her arms and glared at Dr. Sullivan with those defiant eye’s of hers. Dr. Sullivan smirked at the young woman’s foolishness and saw from the corner of his eye that the creature had extended her middle finger toward him as he continued down the hallway. * * * After a few more yards the doctor turned to a set of double doors to his left. Swiping his keycard he opened the doors and wheeled his charge inside. The room behind the door was much the same as the hallway, bare white walls that reflected the lights from the ceiling. However, this room had in its center a large cylindrical chamber that lay horizontal in the center of the room. A large pipe ran from its center into the ceiling. “‘Allo, chief. What ‘ave you got for us today, then?” The words came from a man who was seated at a desk only a few feet from the chamber. He had looked up at Dr. Sullivan when he walked in and, seeing the sheep-man’s prone form, guessed at the grim business that brought the doctor to him. “I’ve got a subject that needs disposing of, Samuel.” Dr. Sullivan said with a sigh. “That brutish Kujo was supposed to catch this creature and bring him back alive, but the devil went and bit the things neck half out.” Samuel walked up to the corpse and examined it. He whistled solemnly after seeing the thing’s neck and said, “That Kujo be more beast ‘an man I tells ya. I ain’t never seen a more evil looking sot in my entire days.” He looked the animal-man over again before looking Dr. Sullivan in the eyes and saying, “I reckon he don’ even realize ‘at it’s person he’s eatin’, does he?” Dr. Sullivan’s face turned hard as he replied, “I’d reckon he does.” There was a stillness in the air after those words and the silence went on long enough to make Samuel fidget and suggest, “Err… Howsabout we gets ta the proper disposin’ of this bloke, yeah?” Dr. Sullivan nodded wordlessly and Samuel went back to his desk whereupon he pressed a series of keys on his computer and the end of the large cylinder swung open. The doctor wheeled the cadaver to the chamber and with Samuel’s help the two loaded the body into it. After that was done Samuel went back to his computer, pressed another series of keys and the door to the cylinder shut. After only a few brief minutes the cylinder flashed from the inside as the flame jets ignited. Dr. Sullivan watched through a view port as the flames licked at the carcass, burning the fur and charring the skin from the bone. He heard behind him Samuel going through a prayer for the creature. Dr. Sullivan thought that this was a foolish notion and would have no part of it. These creatures had no souls that should be prayed for, and even if they did then surely he had removed it along with the rest of their humanity in his vivisectorium. Speaking of which he wondered how things were going with the fennec fox-woman. Leaving Samuel to his prayer the doctor wheeled his empty gurney out of the room and set off to oversee his favored monstrosity.
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nihongochat-com-blog · 5 years ago
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クリスマスが続いたので(?)箸休め的に日本的なものを… 👆このコーナーだけ「日本のコンビニみたい」と思っていつも通り過ぎるのです。。 #ブラジル のベーカリー("日式拉麺"にはまだ出会えてない…) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6bmk-uguLs/?igshid=hj8y2hmo1xis
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fratur · 8 years ago
conviene di voce alla criniera immature, demetriaca, della tua voce. Bene! bene! Bene dicas illud Benebene in venis ultimis, in vanis ultimis, in ultimatis vocibus: Bene è il non causato, l’histrio aeternalis, da Eleusi, ma causante memoria pluviale giudicata a convegno, a scomparti, a ritrovi, a segreti menischi rotanti, giuturna giovenca giovenile da celebrare come corpus simulans atqui dissimulans: denti sangue frusta fianchi i lampaneggi delle arcaiche cinerule aggressioni, libellule fastose, grovigli scosciati, sgrovigli, e smerigli di glottidi ammainate, mai nate, in infinite ugule pendule nodule, dove cuce e ricuce l’Ideogramma d’Allarme, Dilettoso della Grazia Erratica in pendii di effigie, dell’Invocazione a Delta del trans- alimento impeccabile, sutura più negra della Prossimità/Corporeità illividita innumerabile in formula di mistero di Cerimonia parthenia, da Eleusi, spiga parthenogenica, proprio detto Ear Reclining, in una parola sola solitaria unica non conoscibile, suffragata a tutela di non conoscere, di non abitare, di disapparire
Emilio Villa, da Letania per Carmelo Bene, Scheiwiller, Milano, 1996
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