#Tyranny of King Washington
rumor-imbris · 1 month
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When your rage and pain fused together into grit It stole my breath away eager, like the full moon feeds on howling wolves melodies and I knew I could only breathe again through my place inside your heart
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empireofstarsandsmoke · 4 months
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sc4llywag · 9 months
Haven't played the final part of Ac3 TOKW but what I've seen so far and seen from @ramshackledtrickster 's post about it, it makes me sad how much potential it had but wasted it.
I really love the idea that Connor gets him mother back just for her to be ripped away from him again, and ofc he feels sad but he's not as devastated because HE ALREADY LOST HER ONCE. God this gets me so sad and I can't. BWJWKQKBDKBSLBWBO
But everything ranshackled has said have such valid points and I suggest you read them if you're interested :)
Also Connor is hot in the dlc so HAHEHEHWHWHEHEHHE
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kinkandkreep · 1 year
Connor Kenway: Celebratory Birthday Headcanons- Part 1
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A/N: AAAAAAAAHHHHHHH, I MISSED CON-CON MAN’S BIRTHDAAAAAYYYY. 😭 😭 Connor my love I am so sorry. I love Ratonhnhaké:ton sooooooo much, he was the protagonist that introduced me to the Assassin’s Creed series and frankly he’s the only character I really care about (outside of Kaniehti:io, love her, what a Queen). So, to celebrate what I believe is his 267th birthday that just passed on the 4th, we’re gonna be doin’ some relationship headcanons for him today! Yay! There will be several versions of these headcanons, a whopping 4 /just/ off the top of my head. I’ll be sure to label them and inform you all which is which as I go. That said, I hope you enjoy!
(Babeh I sat up here and called it the RED Willow Tree wit my whole chest. 🙃😂 It's the GREAT Willow, I am such a fake fan. 😭)
(But naaaaaw, wayment. I'm re-watchin' a playthrough of TOKW and Con-Con man also said RED Willow so I'ma stick wit dat. 😂)
Yandere TOKW!Connor Relationship Headcanons:
This au’s iteration of Yandere!Connor is slightly sadistic, possessive and monopolizing 
He wants you all to himself, all of the time 
And if he plays a little rough sometimes, well, that’s just par for the course of being with someone so strong and powerful and unstable 🙃
Yandere!TOKW!Connor has indeed become seduced by the power of the Apple, his lust aided by the Great Willow Tree’s influence 
For this particular set of headcanons, we’ll split it into two separate sections: Yandere!Connor with only the power of the Great Willow Tree and Yandere!Connor with the combined strength of the Apple and the GWT
Yan-Con with only the GWT’s Influence:
As Connor continues to embark on Sky Journeys, he begins to feel this strange sense of entitlement 
Even with Washington possessing the Apple, and subsequently heralding its power, it’s still safe to say that Connor is the strongest human (?) man at that point
And his strength and powers only become more prominent the further down the rabbit hole he travels
I imagine that Connor is eventually familiar enough with his abilities that he can manipulate several at once, switch between them rapidly and take decreased or even negligible damage from using them over time
Once he’s mastered that, he’s nigh-unstoppable and while influenced by the power of the tree, he’s more than willing to use that power to his advantage 
And yes, that means even on you 
But don’t get it twisted! 
GWT Yan-Con does love you
He loves you so, so much in fact, that he’s keeps you under his proverbial (and literal, with the power of the eagle) wing at all times 
You are forbidden from traveling anywhere without him and you definitely cannot join him on his Sky Journeys
Seriously, don’t even think about asking him unless you want him to fly (haha, eagle power 🤪) into an overprotective rage 
Using his wolf ability and the power of the eagle, Yan-Con likes to sneak up on you sometimes to scare you
He finds it increasingly amusing to see your eyes, even if only for a moment, widen in fear and surprise, then relax, but only slightly, once you realize it’s just him
He also uses his abilities to spy on you, to ensure you aren’t doing anything silly like, oh I dunno, trying to escape him
Not that you ever could, which is something you both are well aware of, but he just likes to know you’re being a good girl and behaving yourself 
Though you aren’t allowed to travel without him, RWT Yan-Con does like to take you out with him during his excursions on the Aquila 
If you get seasick/motion sick though…..sorry? 
Prior to defeating Washington however, he keeps you locked up tight, out of fear that you might be A.) found and B.) subsequently caught up in Washington’s madness
His temper, while already fairly short, is shortened even further, and his patience becomes increasingly thin
He tries not to expose you to either though, out of concern that you may grow to fear him more than you love him
I mean, he’s fine with you fearing him, you should, you’ve seen how powerful he is after all
But he wants you to love him above all else
And care for him, and dote on him, and rub him down when he’s had a long day spilling blood and keeping you safe 
In essence, he feels that you should adore him
Just the same as he adores you
Yan-Con with Apple and GWT influence:
Woo boi, do you have quite the task at hand sis 😃
That task being tolerating taking care of King!Connor, who wields both the power of the Apple and the Great Willow Tree
This iteration of Connor is all that other stuff I just mentioned, but like, taken up to an 11
That initial nagging sense of entitlement has morphed into full blown expectancy that you will love and obey and, again, dote on him
Funnily enough, because he now, for sure, is the strongest human (?) man and everyone knows his authority and power are absolute, he allows you to roam about freely
After all, no one in their right mind is going to even think about messing with the Queen 
He also is able to send his wolf pack to simultaneously trail and guard you but you don’t need to know that 🙃
Something that’s also quite interesting is that, because Connor has the power of the Great Willow Tree, and thus has already been well exposed to the allure of an otherworldly power, he is able to remain fairly lucid whilst wielding the Apple, and can actually use it’s power for the good of others and still send a message to all that he is supreme
While I can’t say that either of these iterations of Yan-Con would never hurt you intentionally, because, well, they would, but they wouldn’t ever do anything serious or leave any permanent scars
Scratches and love bites though, those are fair game
Speaking of scratches and love bites
What are these iterations of Yan-Con like in bed?
Boy am I glad you asked 😃
King!Yan-Con handles you in bed just like the wild animal he now is
I’m talkin’ the aforementioned scratches and love bites, lots of filthy dirty talk and rough hands manhandling you into all his favorite positions
Which include cowgirl (reverse and normal) and doggystyle 😁
The man also loves to eat you out
He could spend hours between your legs, just savoring the taste of you
He’s obsessed, let’s be totally honest here
In terms of size he’s about 8 inches lengthwise and about an inch and a half thick, slightly curved with 2-3 prominent veins 
His hands are surprisingly soft and well-kept, especially now since he’s a king and is duly pampered 
(He makes you bathe him, or at the least, bath with him btw)
He can also be loving and gentle
Every now and then 🙃
His newly acquired wild instincts just usually take control of him 
But when he is in the mood to love on you the right way, his voice and touches become softer, his words less scathing and built body doesn’t seem as imposing 
It’s nice, you have to admit, and because- regardless of how he decides to bed you- he always gives you mind blowing orgasms, you can’t decide which side of him you like more 🤔
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peridot-tears · 2 years
Tyranny of King Washington is like a trip.
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Ratonhnhaké:ton in Episode three of The Tyranny of King Washington
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imnotadogiswear · 5 months
DLC!Washington: I am your king, and from now on you will address me as such. Connor: Ok such.
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'Ultimately, my mind simply breaks at any time I remember TOKW!Connor's deep, glowing blue eyes on The Redemption... Imagining them looking deeply in my soul as he marks me as his while he bends me over... I... I... I don't get enough English words to describe how those eyes gets me going...'
Confession [@dbloodymoon]
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teecupangel · 2 years
Desmond is sent back in time after the flare, but is turned into a griffin. How does this change history with his ancestor's?
Okay, so the main problem is a griffin would have the stealth stat of a steam train in Ancient Greece. If they even try to hide the eagle head, people would look because “Why is that dog all wrapped up OH MY GOD IT HAS CHICKEN LEGS!” “Fuck you, man, they’re eagle legs!”
But I like the idea of Altaïr finding Desmond as a baby griffin just a few days after his tragic fallout with Abbas. Desmond would be little enough that Altaïr could smuggle him inside Masyaf and maybe he’ll take him to the very depths of Masyaf where, later in life, his library would have been constructed. From there, Altaïr would keep visiting him and giving him food while Desmond would be trying to get used to his new body and slowly growing up. Al Mualim wouldn’t know about it because he would be too busy with his mentor duties (and, later on, too busy with the whole ‘being a Templar but planning to betray them anyway’ thing he had going for him). The one who would actually find out about Desmond would be Kadar because he has the best Altaïr radar in Masyaf (much to his brother’s annoyance) so he would be able to find Altaïr with Desmond. From there, Kadar will be his fellow secret-keeper and they’ll get close. Malik gets roped in because he’s had enough of Kadar being sneaky and followed him. His reaction was “Oh, thank Allah. They’re not having a secret affair. They’re just hiding a dangerous mythical creature underneath the fortress. That is a BETTER alternative.” From there, AC1’s plot will stay the same-ish with the addition of Kadar living because his closeness with Altaïr and all the sneaking they keep doing makes him less ‘hero-worship’ type and more of ‘I like you, Altaïr, but that’s dumb’ type towards Altaïr. Desmond would probably have his big hero moment by suddenly rushing out of his hiding place and flying around Masyaf once Malik and the Assassins he brought with him joins Altaïr in taking down Al Mualim. During that time, he’ll divebomb Al Mualim and pretty much crack the old man’s back so he would let go of the Apple. And that’s how the Levantine Brotherhood would find out there’s a freaking griffin living underneath Masyaf.
By the 15th century, the griffin would be considered a legend in the veins of “Some say the great Altaïr had a griffin by his side” or “It’s not an actual griffin. The griffin is a symbol of how Altaïr had the knowledge and drive to evolve the Brotherhood”. And then there’s the whole “The griffin is the name given to Altaïr’s Apple of Eden”. It’s the whole ‘the truth is distorted by time’ inevitability in play.
For Ezio, I have a very sad idea that I like: Ezio finds Desmond sleeping in Altaïr’s library. The entire plotline of Ezio’s Trilogy stays the same although Altaïr’s statue in Villa Auditore would be larger to accommodate the large griffin curled around his legs while the memory seals does include an actual griffin which made Ezio go “………… Yeah, okay. Why not? I already met a goddess anyway.” So, in this idea, Desmond stayed with Altaïr to the very end. Even when Altaïr tells him to go with Darim, he refuses and lies down on the ground next to Altaïr’s legs. Altaïr dies in the library after patting Desmond's head and saying “Thank you, my dear friend” to Desmond and Desmond just… sleeps. Maybe he expected to die in the library as well. Maybe he just wants to stay with Altaïr. Maybe… he just had enough of being powerless to change anything. He’s a griffin, sure, but everyone in Masyaf knows of him and they managed to chain him to stop him from saving Sef and Malik. In the end, Desmodn couldn’t save anyone. All he was able to do was help Altaïr and Darim escape after Darim found him and unlocked the chains. He shared Altaïr’s grief and, in the end, he was just as tired as Altaïr was.
When he next opened his eyes, he sees Ezio kneeling next to Altaïr’s skeletons and he let out a sorrowful sound. Ezio patted his head and said softly, “You’ve been here all this time, haven’t you? I’m terribly sorry for your loss. If you’d like… would you like to come with me?”
And Desmond says his final farewell to Altaïr and joins Ezio in his peaceful life back in Italy. Time still took Ezio away from him but, this time, he’s cared for and loved by Ezio’s wife and children. He stays more as a pet and a companion and he becomes a family secret of the Auditores.
In this scenario, I think that Desmond would leave the Auditore bloodline maybe a century or so after Ezio’s death. From there, he travels to the forest near Ratonhnhaké:ton’s village, waiting for him to be born. He regrets not spending enough time with Ezio so, this time, he plans to be there for Ratonhnhaké:ton. Perhaps a part of him wished he could find a way to help Haytham but the Haytham of his memories, of Ratonhnhaké:ton’s memories, was dedicated into the Templar cause too much for Desmond’s liking so Desmond gives up on Haytham and focuses on preparing for Ratonhnhaké:ton.
In those intervening years, Desmond becomes known as the forest spirit and his fondness for Kaniehtí:io is noted as a sign that Kaniehtí:io would do great things.
Desmond doesn’t intervene for a while to make sure Kaniehtí:io and Haytham meets and he waits until they had sex (which was awkward for Desmond) before he approached Haytham. Haytham is too surprised by his appearance that Desmond is able to nick the key from him and then leaves without saying anything. Kaniehtí:io believes that Haytham was meant to give the key to Desmond. Haytham believes that Desmond may be the ‘key’ that is needed to find what he wants.
And that is how Desmond accidentally got Haytham to keep showing up in the forest and in the village, making him realize that Kaniehtí:io is pregnant with his child.
Desmond watches as Haytham grows closer to his family and they even got married but Ratonhnhaké:ton still grows up in the village because his mother refuses to leave the tribe. Because of this, Haytham and the Templars ally themselves with the tribes and Desmond has no idea if that’s a good thing or not.
Ratonhnhaké:ton grows up knowing Haytham and being cared for by Desmond.
……… that’s as far as I got. This would probably have Haytham leading the Templars to not being such dicks during the Revolutions but, in this scenario, Desmond fucked up so badly that the tribes would actually join forces with the British and Ratonhnhaké:ton would become a Templar… with Shay Cormac as his main instructor.
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rumor-imbris · 28 days
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Those demons whispering from the dark within you I hear them too they kill me too But please Never let them seize your hope Never give in, never bend Take my hand I'm only a dream away
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Assassin’s Creed III: Tyranny of King Washington- Memories- Screenshots edited
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forlibcrty · 6 months
@corsey gets a starter.
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donning colonial clothing for the first time felt incredibly strange. given the circumstances, however — and the fact that king washington's men were out for his blood — this was the best way to get the information he needed. no one would look twice at a kitchen servant. present yourself to rifat, the maid had said. luckily for ratonhnhaké:ton, rifat proved easy to find.
"new hire."
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natizzgoldengirl · 2 years
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peridot-tears · 2 years
The implication that George Washington and the other Founding Fathers are ONLY bloodthirsty genocidal racists because of the Apple of Eden is another one of those elephant in the room moments in AC3.
In the main game play, Ratohnhaké:ton's village is forced out by settlers who "bought" the land, which historically happened a lot. George Washington's crimes as the person who ordered it burned when Ratonhaké:ton was a kid, then his order to have it invaded during the Revolution, are indicative of his role in what would become long-term Indigenous genocide in the Americas, but because we don't see him involved directly, and because we don't see any direct white man-on-villager violence, the impact is rather reduced.
It's only once you play the DLC that he and Israel Putnam put boots on the ground, call Ratohnhaké:ton and co. savages, and are blatantly racist in all the ways you could spot even if you were trying actively to avoid seeing it. But once they've been freed from the influence of the Apple? It's "that wasn't me" this and "I was forced" that.
The elephant in the room is that historically, after winning the Revolution, they still did all to that, just with less violent means. George Washington specifically pushed policies to continue buying up Indigenous land and assimilate them into white American society. Even if he stopped outright raiding villages, he was still responsible for more land theft like what happened to Ratohnhaké:ton's village. The result is delayed and more quiet, but the same nonetheless.
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xt1me · 2 years
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13: mirage & 14: vision
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I just finished the Tyranny of King Washington DLC for AC3!!!!
Thoughts under the cut :3
Interesting premise, I was intrigued by Connor seeming confused at the beginning, and the remnants throughout of him being aware of the regular timeline.
I really enjoyed seeing more Kaniehtí:io, would have liked even more :( she’s such an interesting character. Honestly I’d be excited to see friendly faces again only for them to quickly die😔 it was fun seeing some of the homestead people there! And having them help out! So cool!
Connor/Ratonhnhaké:ton’s new fit was very cool, I liked it a lot and also made more sense because in this version why would he ever get the assassin robes??? But also why tf was he out here bare chested in the mf winter????
I did enjoy the powers (the flying one was the most fun) howeveerrrrrr the backstory behind them was 😬😬😬 idk I feel like being like ooooooHoooOoh tea from the treeeee and the “spirit animal” thing was. Very stereotypical and racist
Btw why did they do that to his poor eyes. Horrifying, change it back !!!! Bro was standing there all the time like
Also like what frustrated me so much, and it makes sense for the story but always having high notoriety was annoyingggg and I got very tired of it. Using the powers made it less assassiny but I guess this is an au storyline so, whatever, like they were a fun gimmick but also just very different than what I’m used to. (Also the guard dogs. wtf)
I feel like the plot had a nice progression and again like I said the story was interesting. Seeing Thomas Jefferson was wild ngl. I didn’t super enjoy all the running around the pyramid before finding Washington but oh well- I think there was also an interesting concept there of like “how far are you willing to go to stop evil/what will you let yourself become, will you too become a monster, or like when does it stop being about helping people and when does it become just taking the big bad down. I do think the powers chipping away at Ratonhnhaké:ton and also like his desire a bit for the apple at the end was interesting….but not fully developed. I feel like that character arc/plot thread was never really fully developed or finished. I feel that Washington had more a complete “arc” in this story.
Anyways I want more character study on Ratonhnhaké:ton because I love him and there are so many interesting things about his character and so much more you can do.
Also the ending reveal of what was happing was cool and I enjoyed that as the explanation! Why the apple does not do this for everyone…I do not know. Or maybe it does and they still give in? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Anyways! Fun dlc yay
EDIT: not fun dlc yay, apparently they got rid of a lot of the original cast and replaced them with white actors without letting the original cast know, wtf, and didn’t have cultural consultants !!!! Hmmmm dumb tea tree making a lot more sense now! Also makes me question the authenticity of Connor’s fit and his markings. wtf Ubisoft ???
Also you take down the pope that has the apple in the staff in AC2 with no powers, why does Connor suddenly need powers???
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