#Tyler Mane x Reader
im-his-druidess · 6 months
Can you do something about rz michael taking care of the reader when she's on her perioid?
Absolutely! I've talked a bit of this sort of thing here as well 😘
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Michael would have absolutely no idea on how to take care of you. All the knowledge he has are fuzzy memories from Sex Ed he was forced to take in school. So he just follows your lead on most occasions unless something strikes his curiosity and he wants to explore.
You will often grab his hands and place them on your lower abdomen or lower back. The large warm heavy weight like your own personal heating pad. Sometimes, with careful goading of your hands, you'll get him to massage you. This will often lead to you being slumped on his chest as he prods away at your sore muscles. Him watching your face curiously as you wince in pain but whine when he tries to move his hand away. The mix of relief and pain making no sense to him, but it makes you happy and he likes the thought of being needed so he continues.
Most of the time he will just stand aside and watch you. Taking note of the medicine you take and the food you eat. Will have him randomly pressing food/medicine against your chest whenever you are in a bad mood. He knows that they make you feel better so anytime you are sick or grumpy he hunts through the house for the items he's seen you grab even if you aren't on your period.
Being intimate with him during this time is either a hit or miss. You either get satisfied and relaxed or end up crying and exhausted and bent like a pretzel as he ravages you.
Michael, like always, is curious about your reactions like you jumping his bones and clawing at him like a cat in heat. Only to turn around a few days later and swat him away. It confuses him every single time. He doesn't like when you push him away, having already grown obsessed with how sensitive and needy you get, and the sight of you covered in blood leaves him fueled with bloodlust. Which leaves him bending you over and fucking you mercilessly and smearing your blood over your thighs and hips. Michael doesn't care for the mess and would happily lay there in your cuddle puddle to sleep but you get grouchy and restless so he reluctantly follows you to the bathroom to get cleaned up.
Despite him being an absolute pussydrunk menace during this time he does try to take care of you in his own way. Allowing you to sleep almost directly on top of him to steal his warmth, massaging you wherever you need him, letting you yell and cry your frustrations out as he sits quietly, and even awkwardly petting your hair as you cuddle into him on the couch while you watch TV.
Cockwarming him is something that he demands even when you aren't menstruating, but on your period the sensations have him pawing at you with greed. You are so much more sensitive and warm and wet. Your gummy walls aching and swollen in a way that feels like heaven around his cock. And the way you whimper and cry out when he throbs inside you leaves him breathless. It's something he grows to crave and becomes the easiest way for you to calm him down. During your period it does help to have him inside you, soothing that deep ache that nearly makes you want to weep, and you will surprise him by tugging his pants down at random times.
Also he absolutely loves fondling your sore breasts. Squishing the swollen flesh, kneading with those criminally strong calloused hands, and tugging or sucking on your nipples until you cry from that same pleasure/pain that leaves him oh-so curious.
He's still mystified by the whole process, but he's willing to learn and be as accommodating as he's able.
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wayward-persephone · 1 month
Loved your last post with Logan!
What nicknames would Victor Creed have for you? 👀
Thank you very much!
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For some reason I can see him using the term "pup" while talking to you/about you 🤔
Or "Little rabbit", "Little bird", etc. just any type of prey animals tbh
But mostly it's "pup" or the stray "kid" every now and then.
The names don't change much if he's upset with you and you have to mostly rely on his growling and tone to see if he's upset with you. Although, since he's a bug grump, sometimes you can't tell he's upset at you before it's to late and he lashes out
Expect some apology licks and purring after he's calmed down because this man is physically incapable of saying 'sorry' out loud
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streets-in-paradise · 8 months
The Veiled One - Ajax x (Fem) Reader
Troy (2004) Oneshot
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Requested by @blackedropedreaper
"Hi!i've read some of your TROY-stories and i love them.
If you're up for it, could you make one for Eudorus, Ajax, Odysseus or Hector?
For Ajax: (Reader is female) Y/n is sister to Helen. And while Helen is beautiful, she is scarred across the face, she is still beautiful, but is insecure because of her scars. Ajax, being scarred himself tries to make her see herself like he sees her "
Hi! As i told you in my answer to the ask, I'm releasing each fic one at the time. I started by this one and I hope you will enjoy it because i feel it's very sweet
Warnings: Hints for a no war AU, Agamemnon doing tasteless comments (as always). Despite events and characters from the myths were added, this fic works in an AU for the 2004 film.
Summary: The best of Greece has arrived to your city seeking to court your sister, the most beautifull woman in the world, but you haven't had any luck finding candidates among the men who accompany her suitors. In a world were a wife's beauty directly represents her husband's status, you feel disqualified for marriage due to your scarred face.
After one of the visitors cruelly reminds you of that through open humilliation your insecurities are so strong that you can't notice someone else had his eyes on you the whole time. Ajax had initially came to meet Helen and when he admits to be considering stop pursuing her, you believe he has been tricked by Odysseus. Hoping to prevent he would be robbed of his chance, you try to convince him of stay in the competition, but he has something else to tell you.
Tags: @blackedropedreaper
The most remarkable men in the country were coming all at once to your city, guided by illusion and desire. Everyone wanted to be the lucky one winning the hand of Helen, your sister, and take her home as their wife. Rumours claiming she was the most beautifull woman in the world were feeding an autentical craze with people coming from every corner. The numbers on her suitors list were going out of hand, a constant growth that challenged the hosting capacity of the palace. Some of the newcomers and their men would have to end up settling camps near the acropolis because the place was overpopulated.
It was an episode with no precedents, they were all ready to step on each other's heads for one smile of your sister. She was leaving her mark in history as the woman Greece had fallen in love with and despite you were happy for her, you were still very worried about the whole thing. Only one would end up victorious and the rest would have to deal with rejectment, what could possibly be a hard challenge for many nobles and heroes used to get what they wanted.
Romance was so far away from your experience that it was understandable you would be thinking of that first, while she was analyzing each prospect from a personal perspective hoping to find one she would fancy. You both have allways been a team, you knew each other better than anyone and that bond could never be ruined even despite of how drastically different you were.
Night and day, mind and heart, uglyness and beauty. In all their wisdown the gods have decided that her flawless face needed a contrasting opposite to keep the balance of the world and it had to be yours. The price to pay for beauty like hers to walk arround mortals that would admire it was your scarred face dooming you to be invisible.
Despite what gossips would indicate, you weren't necesarily jealous of her. The way people acted about your difference was the horrible part. Over the years you got tired of hearing them murmur about how you could have been as beautifull as her, if it wasn't for your scars. The kindest voices would say it out of pitty, while the cruel ones would express genuine dissapointment looking at you.
Used as you were to that during first impressions, you opted for wearing a veil in public whenever the palace would have foreigner visitors. In the context of the massive arrival of suitors for Helen that would sometimes lead to confussions where you would be mistaken for the bride.
The most notorious one of those misunderstandings happened during the comíng of the Atreides. Only King Menelaus was going to make a plead, but his brother Agamemnon was there to make explicit mannifest of the family's political power hoping to twist things in his favor.
So it was thought, untill they found out of your existence.
" Forgive us, Helen. Naturally, we expected the veiled one to be the bride. " The mycenaean king apologized for both about having confused you for her. " I have to admit this has surprised me. I'm travelling here for my brother's wife, but never consider I could find anything for myself. The hundred mouths of Fame are all occupied in you, but fail to mention you have a sister. "
Helen and you were one in your disdain for those men, already famous for being despicable. You frankly hated Agamemnon's entitlement, the way he would speak of Menelaus as if he had already won and how he would speak of you both as a package thing they could get and later split taking one each.
You may have been running short in possible marriage prospects, but you surely didn't want to end up with that self centered old king.
" It would be a waste of time. " You answered for Helen. " There is nothing remarkable in me."
A few more men were awaiting their turns to introduce themselves, others were there simply observing the pompous arrival. You managed to recognize your cousin's husband, King Odysseus of Ithaca, on that crowd. Next to him there were a cocky blond and a rough looking tall man, men that you didn't know at all. However, Agamemnon did seem to know them and their presence was somehow encouraging him to insist.
" Don't be shy, little one. Let me see your face. If I like what i find, I will do my plead. "
What could the mycenaean king possibly want with you? Did he think that offering you marriage would secure the triumph of Menelaus with your sister? Was he expecting to find a woman as beautifull as her that he could keep for himself without interfering with his brother's desires?
You looked at Helen and nodded negatively.
" She doesn't feel comfortable with that. " Your sister defended you. " That's how she presents herself in public and she doesn't feel inclined to change it for anyone."
The clarification confused and annoyed the king.
" I guess exceptions could be made when the most powerfull man in Greece requests it. " He insisted, careless for the negatory. " I can make her the queen of my growing empire, but for that I need to be sure she is worthy. "
" I'm not, so you don't have to. " You simply replicated. " I could never be your wife, a man of your position would feel disgraced being by my side. "
Agamemnon deviated his attention towards the blond man subtly chuckling, convinced that he was laughing of him. Both assumed you were merely trying to politely reject the advances of a man you wouldn't want to marry taking the blame so it wouldn't feel like that.
" That's very clever, but not enough to fool me … and you are making me loose my patience. "
Cornered as you were, there was nothing else you could have done but acceed to his demand. You knew exactly what was going to happen and tried so badly to avoid it in order to protect your honor, but that insensitive man left you no choice but to reveal yourself.
His blatant horror was impossible to dissimulate. The disgust that the contradiction of his expectations caused would make him act as the humilliated one despite he was shaming you.
" What kind of sick joke is this? The most beautifull woman in the world has a deformed sister! "
" Has your father ever neglected the sacrifices for Aphrodite and that's why you ended up like that while your sister is so gorgeous? " Menelaus followed him, presenting his ask with genuine curiosity. " … Just wondering, it's a strange situation. Too ironical, I could understand if you were cursed. Helen is practically perfect and everything else is good on you, but those marks look like if your beauty would have been ruined on purpose. "
" Typical of the sons of Atreus, blaming family curses on everyone else but themselves. You are the ones who should be worried about that. " Was Helen's flawless comeback. " What makes you think my father would want to see me married to the youngest son of the beast that murdered his own nephews to feed their flesh to their father? "
Menelaus didn't see that coming, he couldn't have possibly expected she would talk back like that.
" Where are your brothers, Helen? Lost forever, nobody knows what happened to the twins. " Agamemnon responded for him. " Your father knows your marriage is the last hope of the bloodline and he can't afford reject an alliance with us. After all, he will never get a good deal for her. "
Silent tears began to fall down your cheeks. Helen was holding your hand, gesturally begging you to stay strong, but the cruel man reminded you of your loss and also made you feel horrible.
" She got rid of you. If you ask me, that's an excellent deal. " The blond man interrupted, then smiled at you from afar. " The scars work to keep old pigs away, men who can't handle a flaw because they want to get a perfect wife in order to compensate they are past their prime in the battlefield. "
With your face still wet from the crying he made you chuckle and he seemed satisfied with that.
However, the rage of the king and his humilliation threatened with turning the situation into a scandall.
" Well. Nobody asked you, Achilles! What are you doing here, in the first place? The bride in dispute is far away from your reach, kings are not going to compete for her against soldiers. "
The attempt to shame him was completely pointless.
" Every single one of the suitors claim to be capable of winning Helen on their own, yet all of them have external support. " Achilles mocked the situation while starting to explain himself. " Diomedes counts with the trickery of Odysseus, Menelaus has your political power … I'm lending the fear of my name and the worship it inspires to support Ajax. He is tired of getting the short end of the stick because he comes from a poor island. I understand that, i'm just a soldier … Ríght? "
He looked at the tall man beside him, seeking his support while he finished to taunt Agamemnon, but he seemed quite lost in something.
You didn't noticed untill then that he was looking at you.
" Our brave actions in combat always make the difference, but he is the onlyone getting acknowledged for that. " Ajax concluded when he realized he had lost the focus. " Achilles is making his part in keeping things fair helping me on this. "
" I honestly thought it would be hilarious if he gets the girl and humilliates your brother. He wants vindication and I want to see you loose. " Achilles added, still in a mockfull spirit trying to irritate Agamemnon. " if this do ends in war, like some are already fearing, we will fight as a team … Good luck trying to survive us, all the gold in Mycenae is not going to save you. "
" Let's hope it will not get that far. " Odysseus corrected, severely concerned. " What kind of man gives his wife a bloodbath as wedding present?"
" I would. " Achilles calmly stated. " Disgraced will be the men getting in my way if I fall in love one day, they would all descend to Hades. "
" You forget that may scare the bride and ruin the marriage. " Ajax interrupted him. " Your looks aren't threatening enough to scare women, that's why you don't consider it. If I would kill all my rivals in front of my future wife, she may never overcome the fear. "
For the very first time since the whole thing started, one of the suitors of Helen had personally impressed you. Ajax would be the one better positioned to do threats with fighting for her, but he was choosing not to because he didn't want to scare her away. It made you wonder how many times had he accidentally frightened a woman he wanted in order to learn that lesson. Exactly as you developed the veil strategy to cover your scars seeking to pass as attractive, he attempted to tone down the raw rougheness so the refined ladies wouldn't run away from him.
If he would have arrived for you, it was for sure that you would have promised him you wouldn't. Knowing he was there for Helen made you feel genuinely jealous because you liked him.
It got worse when he approached to formally salute both of you and the closer look allowed you to notice a few sharp lines across one side of his face. Battle scars, the patterns were like a sygn of the gods speaking to you.
That wouldn't matter, even if Helen didn't want him he could never possibly have any interest in you. Underrated compared to others, but Ajax of Salamis was still a famous hero. Often considered the strongest man in Greece, legends claimed he was capable of bringing down a tree with one swing of his axe and the blow of his battle hammer was an inmediate death sentence. However, as days would pass you found out tales failed to mention he was the sweetest tempered of greek heroes. Odysseus underestimated his intelligence, Achilles was critical of his humbleness, but Ajax was still friendly to everyone despite being somewhat aware that he wasn't always as valued as he should be.
At any given chance you would have, you were there to make justice. He could never be yours, but you wanted him to succeed and prove the world his worth even if that meant he would marry your sister. In a short span you became very efficient on his defense, ocassionally team working with Achilles whenever his ego allowed it. It eventually made all the others suspect your loyalties sided with one particular contestant and that was a problem given your closeness with the future bride possibly acting as influence.
Tired as she was of hearing people say that she was playing with the hearts of her suitors, Helen enjoyed of watching you play tricks on them that served her to silently judge the contestants. The unfortunate accident involving the mycenaean king was a hard hit on your crumbling self confidence, but it also gave you the excellent idea of evaluating all the men through his reactions interacting with you. If Helen wanted to see their true colors, there was nothing easier than observing their treatment of a woman they weren't attracted to.
For that night you were preparing a test that would be the ultimate proof of their insulting shallowness. They would have to endure full conversations forced to stare at your clean face. No veils, hair tied up in a beautifull hairstyle that made it impossible for you to use your falling locks as curtains hidding your imperfections. The intention was to determinate which ones were capable of showing genuine respect and separate them from the ones that would try fake attempts of condescending praise or would not tolerate the discomfort.
Even tho you were on board the idea from its conception, she insisted in reassuring you first.
" In a fair world, my dear, you would be already married. " She commented caressing your cheek. " You are beautifull and it's not your fault that the Kings of Greece have such narrowed definition for that. "
You gave her a half smile.
" Your fate is to become a Queen and mine is to remain in our father's house taking care of him untill old age will leave me completely alone … And it's not your fault, what i hate the most of this is that I will miss you. One of those men will take you away and I will see you only when chances would allow it. To meet your children, or maybe in someone else's wedding. "
" Don't say that! " She interrupted you. " I will always be there for you and you won't end your days alone. "
Helen hugged you, sensing that you needed it like if you lives depended of it.
" I'm scared! So scared that you could be given to a horrible man that would separate us. " You admitted ríght away. " … , but i'm also afraid that you could marry a wonderfull man and forget of me. Sister, i don't want to loose you! I will never have the joy of a self made family, you are all i have. "
Helen tried to lift your spirits the best she could. Her words came from her heart.
" You will never loose me, no matter how much our lives may change. Don't deny yourself of the posibility for change. I will always love you, but i don't believe my sibling love is all life has for you. The day will come when a man will want you for wife and you will know it will be for real. The men who currently reject your scars will never be ready to see my wrinkles. Whatever advantage they now think I have over you, time will fade away. I will not be the most beautifull woman in the country forever, but the man choosing you will love you forever. "
Although meaningfull, her advice didn't achieve the cheering effect expected. She didn't know that the only man you wanted was already in the lines of her suitors.
" Let's scare some shallow men away, shall we? "
You presented yourselves together to have the last meal of the day with the guests, arriving to the banquet hall between complicit laughs. Helen took the ríght seat next to your father and you took the left, observing the men i'm front of you and evaluating their reactions. A brief distraction guided you in the ríght direction when Achilles made you a subtle sign to laugh with him knowing it would annoy Agamemnon. It was quite fun, but you stopped caring when your eyes found Ajax alongside him.
He could tell you were staring, but his response was to simply smile at you and the embarrasement made you look down. You didn't notice then how his glance refused to abandon you untill the King stood up to make an annoncement and Achilles nudged him so he would pay attention.
" Noble suitors of my daughter! You have come from every corner of Greece to honor the beauty of Helen with your marriage proposals. No father can be more pleased, but never more concerned!!! " Was the beggining of the king's speech, making you suspect that his confession of his fears would preceed a big announcement for the contestants. " Only one of you can take her to his house, only one shall lay with her in the thalamus. For the rest awaits the bitter end of rejection, outcome no man is prepared to face. Of this wedding depends the unity of the country or its doom, whispers have come to my ears of threats of war from men willing to spill blood if the consecuencies turn out adverse for them."
Achilles admitted his guilt with a self satisfied smile. Even if he was only supporting a suitor, he guessed the callout was for him.
" A blissfull event such as a wedding should not be accompanied of funerals. The blood spilled would be a curse for the marriage itself!!! " Tindareus kept explaining, the words of Odysseus doing echo in his voice." This exceptional circunstancies force us to adopt exceptional solutions, for what I have decided that new requirements will be applied to grant my blessing of this union."
Menelaus and Agamemnon shared subtle looks of dissaprobal, rejecting that any conditions should be impossed to them.
" First, I shall warn you I will not be the one taking the choice, Helen will … And you will swear by unbreakable oath to respect her choice."
Disconcert reigned among the men and your sister had a bright smile. Mixed reactions oscilating between surprise and disgust coming from them were a delight to both of you.
As you were already guesing, Menelaus was the first one raising in protest.
" Nothing would be more insulting than expecting us to let ourselves get choosen by a woman. "
" You won't be and you know it. " Diomedes recalled, starting an argument. " You are doomed if fears of war or the use of political power are out of the calculation. I agree in considering it too atypical, but i can't deny it's fair. "
" Peraphs because you feel so close to winning with the old man out of the way. " Prince Antylochus of Pylos snarked. " But you forget i'm the youngest and … Frankly? Aside from being a formidable warrior, clearly the most handsome "
Each and every suitor was trying to prove why they themselves would be the choosen one, with cassual interventions of Achilles feeding the fire for the sake of making them tear each other apart exactly as they weren't supposed to. You were having a lot of fun with the spectacle, at least untill you noticed one of them was too silent on the matter.
Ajax seemed lost in his own thoughts, so you tried to encourage him to speak with a sweet smile. He raised from his seat to pronunce himself, but what he had to say wasn't what you expected.
" It's no longer my desire to pursue Helen. "
It was the unthinkable, nobody else seemed capable of giving up no matter how hard they were complaining on the conditions.
" Great choice, my friend! It's what i would have done. " Odysseus praised him. " A humble step back for the wellbeing of Greece."
Your eyes were throwing daggers at him. Through Odysseus' trickery Ajax was being scammed, persuaded to abandon the competition because he was too strong to loose in the first place.
Achilles, ubicated in between of both heroes, seemed to share your opinion.
" It's not the best time to be humble, don't damage your honor to spare a few lives. "
You couldn't let that happen to him, even if you would suffer having him as your new brother in law. Helen didn't seem particularly inclined towards him, but you have never told her of your crush fearing it may have ruined his chances with her. He deserved better than being robbed of his oportunity by either your pointless feelings or some scheme of the ithacan king.
As soon as the room got clear after the banquet you rushed to chatch him on his way out and walk with him in order to do your try of persuading him to act for his true interests.
" My lord, you have performed the most impossible of feats tonight. How did you manage to reject her? No one has accomplished that before and i'm confused about the veracity of your claims."
Ajax chuckled to himself, as if he knew something you clearly didn't.
" I was completely serious, i lost interest on courting her. "
That seemed to confuse you even more.
" With the greatest of respects, i have to ask: You don't want to, or feel unable to keep doing so? Because that would be ridículous, you have the same chances as everyone else."
He got your point, but didn't look to affected by the exhortation.
" Your sister didn't look twice at me since my arrival, something that is hard to achieve for most because of my size."
The subtle self mock made you giggle a bit, outlet to release the nervousy caused for being so close to him.
" A woman would always feel protected alongside a man of such impactfull presence. " You twisted his point to sincerely flatter him. " … And I bet that the strongest arms in Greece must give the best hugs. "
He smiled briefly for you and you loved him even more.
" There is no need for you to lift my spirits, sweet princess. I don't regret it and my heart holds no sorrow, since I haven't lost as greatly as you suppose. Helen is not the only beautifull lady in the country, not even in this city … or in this home."
You stared at him in shock.
" There are only two ladies in the palace, unless you temporally count Penelope's visit despite she is already married. "
Your wondering naivety was quite cute to him.
" I was talking of you. " He clarified. " You are the beautifull lady. No matter how famous the beauty of your sister is, when you smile for me with such tenderness you become the most beautifull creature in the room. You have facilitated my choice tonight, by allowing me to look once more at your sweet face in detail. "
" I was trying to make everyone unconfortable to amuse Helen. " You innocently confessed, still in disbelief. " It's no mystery why most men would disagree with you. "
" Only cowards flee from a few scars. " He corrected you. " I carry mines with pride. "
" It's different: you are a warrior. A princess is not supposed to look like this. " You explained, venting your insecurities to show him why you couldn't see things the same way. " People get so excited hearing the divine among women has a sister, only to discover this. "
You pointed at the flawed side of your face, but he took your hand and your glance followed the act.
" I was supposed to be beautifull like her … Who could want me now?"
" I do. " He insisted, his voice going softer for you. " Everything i said, i mean it. Even if you can't see it, is my truth. And if you allow me, i will show it to you. "
He seiled his promise pulling you closer for a strong hug. Once you were secured against him, his hands reached your face and caressed you with unbelievable tenderness. No one would have expected it coming from him and you never imagined you would be worthy of that.
To your consenting awe he responded deepening the contact through a sweet kiss and for the first time in your life, you got to feel beautifull.
The next morning you intended to keep the secret, but the consequencies of your happiness were visible even in the way you choose to present yourself. Your hair was loose, but not in an obstructive way. With the excuse of witnessing the oath you were wearing a fine dress fitting for a celebration and, most importantly, a cosmetic artwork over your scars added beauty to the flaw instead of hidding it.
A new contestant had arrived just in time to replace Ajax and he was the first pointing it out.
" You look so beautifull! It's like if Zeus himself would have painted his lightning bolt across your face. "
You humbly smiled to the compliment, so unused to that sort of praise that you weren't sure of how to respond.
" It was painted over my skin, following the trace of my very real scars."
The handsome young man wasn't dissapointed by the explanation.
" Well, darling, that changes things very little. I'm a worshipper of Aphrodite. Guided by my goddess I acknowledge and cheer beauty in every form presented before my eyes. "
" If you came looking for beauty, i guess you are in the ríght place. " Was all you could answer. " My sister will be ready for your eyes soon … "
" I came from far away, looking for love. " The man corrected you. " And if Helen chooses to reject me, maybe i will not have to leave on empty hands. "
He reinforced the meaning of his words taking your hand to kiss your knuckles.
" I don't see a husband arround … Are you betrothed already? "
You felt the protective grip of Ajax's hand touching your shoulder.
" Soon she will be. " He explained before you could say anything. " To me. "
The stranger observed the huge frame of the hero with an amount of horror that was quite amusing to you despite it was perfectly understandable. The nice lad was small and lanky in comparison, Ajax could easily break him without using any weapons.
" … And I clearly respect that! " He commented, making fun of himself to escape the awkward situation. " I have no intentions of competing against you, my monumental friend … And I have to admit i'm frankly relieved to know I won't have to. "
Another man approached ríght behind him. He was of stronger frame but similar enough to make you suspect they were related.
" Already getting yourself in trouble? Keep eyes on your prize, Paris. "
It all made sense, and you couldn't be happier for your sister.
" You are the princes of Troy! The only ones who can actually compete in fair conditions against the threats of the Atreides!"
The stronger one showed approval of your guessings.
" I came here to support my brother, but I do have heard that Agamemnon has done the same. "
You looked sweetly at Ajax, as if you asked for his permission to say something very unflattering.
" And I wish your brother all the luck in the world, even if it's just to ruin his plans. I want those horrible men far away from us."
It didn't take you long to find the courage to take your sip of ironical vengeance. You kept conversating with the princes for a while, but as soon as you spotted Achilles you rushed to him with the news keeping your own mischievous intentions in mind.
Hatred towards Agamemnon was a bonding point for your accidental friendship. Malice and arrogance were not only unquestioned, but encouraged by him.
" You better pack your things, I believe the wedding will take place in Troy. " You commented him, pretending to act cassual knowing the king would be hearing. " It's not my wish to crush everyone's hopes so soon, but Prince Paris is a new strong candidate. "
" Let me congratulate you first, I have heard of your new suitor. " He responded, then shamelessly approached Agamemnon. " How does it feel to know she will get married and your brother won't? "
He was fulminating him with his stare.
" The last word was not yet said. "
It wasn't enough, not while remembering the way he humilliated you.
" Well, my lord, if my sister's choice will be measured like yours, then your brother is the clear looser. "
" Let's guess who she would pick: the lascivous old king or the pretty boy prince speaking like a poet." Achilles followed you, with killer irony. " I came to see you loose and so far, it hasn't dissapointed. "
" I sincerely hope my deformed face will be for you a reminder of your most epic downfall. " You finished, with a poisonous tone. " Hector seems very nice, i bet he will be a great brother in law. "
The provocation was too much for him.
" Be carefull of who you insult, girl. One more offense and I will burn your city to the grownd. "
You were completely fearless while delivering an important reminder.
" You can't: the oath that your brother is expected to make protects it. Even if it wasn't the case, i would like to see you fight Ajax without Achilles on your side"
You had a point and he hated it, the King of Kings was choking on his own poison. By the time your self declared suitor realized of what was going on, the vengeance was already executed.
The way in which you were standing up for yourself showed that you were feeling confident and that was all that really mattered to him.
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hrefna-the-raven · 1 month
Horror masterlist - Masterlist - Misc. masterlist
RZ Michael Myers x female nurse reader
Part 1 - 2
Words: 1476
Warnings: smut (18+)
Summary: Michael has escaped Smith Grove's Sanitarium...
Reader: short female reader, female genitals in smut scenes
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The voice echoing in his mind persisted, urging him to go to Haddonfield but the back door he was sliding open was miles away from it, for today he listened to another power rising from deep within. Stepping inside, he found himself standing in the kitchen, his eyes drawn to the assortment of sweets and candies neatly arranged on the countertop. A faint smile curled at the edges of his mouth, knowing that you had purchased each one of them according to the list. Right next to it, neatly folded, was a black witch costume with a small hat resting atop of it.
You were sitting on the couch, engrossed in the movie "Bates Motel" when a continued cold draft caught finally caught your attention. With a grunt, you switched off the TV and lifted your body from the comfort of the couch, making your way towards the kitchen. Your fingers fumbled in search of the light switch, and as it clicked on, your gaze shot up, landing on the tall masked man standing at the counter, his fingers gliding over the tiny hat from your costume. You immediately recognised deep blue striped pants and the torn dirty gray bathrobe that seemed tiny hanging on his imposing figure.
"Michael!", you shouted in shock and total disbelief.
Your body froze for a moment. It was something else seeing this mountain of man standing in your kitchen, close to midnight, all alone and far away from the security that Smith's Grove provided. How could he even be here? Did he escape? Just as you wondered why nobody had informed you about the escape of the patient you mainly took care of, the sharp ringing of the wall-mounted phone next to you startled both you and Michael. Without diverting your gaze from him, you reached out and grabbed the phone, placing it against your ear and waiting a moment before speaking.
"Oh nurse, heavens! I'm glad I was able to reach you. Michael has escaped, he killed several on his way out."
There was a pause on the other side as Loomis waited for your reply. Any sane person would have freaked out while being trapped alone in their home with the sanitarium's most infamous patient. The doctor on the other end of the line was you're only chance to call for help and as the thoughts of what any sane person would have done in that moment flashed before your inner vision, your body had its own surprise in store for you. Your hand gestured for Michael to close the door behind him while you shot a warm smile at him before focusing back on the phone call.
"Oh my god, that's terrible! Did someone alarm the police? Do you know where he's headed?"
Michael blinked in disbelief as you faked a shocked tone while the traces of your smile still lingered on your lips. His eyes never left your figure, his hand fumbling behind him to close the door. The enigma that was you continued to surprise him, eluding the expectations formed by the cruel world around him, only to grace him with the kindness he not only thought lost after his mother stopped visiting him. No, you continued to surpass it and as he stood within your kitchen, he almost felt a sense of home, carrying his thoughts to the one he had back then as he briefly wondered where his little sister could be now.
"No I haven't seen him. Why would he come here? Have you checked in Haddonfield where his sister lives now?"
You winked at him, feeling freed from your confidential oath as he was technically, officially, not near you to overhear such information. Michael felt stunned at your response. Back in the sanitarium he had wondered more than once if you'd be able to peak into his mind as you always seemed to understand him so well and now you had answered the very question that had been lingering in his mind. A strange sensation burned underneath his skin as if he wanted to...wanted to kiss you. His breaths grew heavier and his hands pressed tightly against his sides, trying to hide the trembles.
"I'll keep a look out but I'm sure he won't waste any time coming here. You too. Goodnight Dr Loomis."
You hung up the phone and turned back to Michael, taking a few hesitant steps into his direction.
"So...uhm...what brought you here? You could also have tried to find your sister."
A small shivering breath came from behind the mask before Michael slowly pulled it off his face and pointed at you. Your brows furrowed for a moment and you contemplated on the possibilities before answering cautiously.
"Me? You came here because of me? To see me?"
He nodded, placing his mask on the counter beside your costume and sank to his knees, arms outstretched, waiting for you to approach him. He was aware that you probably knew the circumstances that led to his escape, Loomis would have surely informed you how much blood stained his hands tonight. And yet, you chose to send the doctor straight to Haddonfield all the while wearing a smile on your face. You had a choice tonight and you chose him. Tears formed in the corners of his eyes when you wrapped your arms around him, exhaling relieved at the shared closeness. It had been a long time since anyone had chosen him, and now here you were, gently cradling his face, your gaze filled with nothing but affection. His heart ached beautifully as the feeling of home nestled within. He leaned in closer, his lips pressing on yours in a, first, tender kiss that quickly morphed into burning passion he couldn't control any longer. Strong hands slid beneath your butt and you gasped when you were lifted onto the counter. Long fingers wrapped around your shorts and panties, tearing them off with such force that they were flying off to the corner of the kitchen.
"Michael!", you shrieked in surprise but your legs parting on their own betrayed your desire.
Michael groaned at the sight of your wet folds before him. Not only had you chosen him, but you were also willing to surrender yourself to him, to be his. He silently vowed to worship you as the angelic being that you were, grant you the pleasures of the heavens you descended from. Gently, he positioned your legs over his shoulders and leaned forward, his face coming tantalisingly close to your cunt and you could feel his breath fanning over your wetness. A deep, sinful moan escaped your lips as his tongue pressed flat against your swollen clit. His fingers dug deeper into your flesh as your sweet taste began to fill his mouth, igniting a feral hunger within him. His sloppy licks grew faster, sucking at your clit in between before shoving three fingers into your dripping entrance. You cried out in pleasure as he kept thrusting into you, pushing you fast towards the edge of your release. The man between your legs had nothing in common with the shy calm patient from the observation room, the one standing between your legs ate you out like a starved man, worshipping you for the loyalty you showed him. Your fingers entwined in his hair, urging him closer as you bucked your hips and cried out his name, panting and finally coming undone while pure bliss washed over you. Michael mumbled something against your folds before rising and using his sleeve to wipe away your juices from his face. You still breathed heavily, chuckling as you hopped off the countertop, searching for your pants in the kitchen corner.
"That was....wow....I-I should return the favour", you spoke softly, pulling up your pants.
As you glanced up, a short gasp escaped your lips as you discovered Michael already standing beside you, his arms sneaking around your waist as he placed a tender kiss on your forehead.
"Later", he murmured, his voice coarse and deep, "let's sleep."
Those little words, so simple and yet the desire that gave birth to them ran so deep. Michael never truly had someone, his dark thoughts being the only company he ever knew until, one day, you stepped through those doors in the Sanitarium. He had always wondered it how would to be to lie down in bed with someone, not a single worry in his world as only happiness seeped through his body and the warmth of your touch lulling him into slumber. You led him upstairs and cuddled up to him on your bed, slowly sinking into a blissful sleep in the arms of Haddonfield's most feared man. Michael caressed your arm, eyelids growing heavy as he drifted off, one final thought lingering before surrendering to the irresistible lure of slumber. Home...
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Feel free to reblog if you enjoyed the story 😊
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saphirreesuccudus · 5 months
Could you do something spicy with all the slashers and a male reader? Nothing serious just how they would react with reader being handzy for the first time? -⭐
𝐕𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐗 𝐌𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
𝐌𝐢𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐞𝐥 𝐗 𝐌𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: 𝐅𝐥𝐮𝐟𝐟
I just to do just Mikey and Vincent, since they’re the only ones I could portray accurately!
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Michael - Any
You hadn’t gotten the chance to be handsy with Michael so far, besides holding hands, which only lasted for a few minutes, but it was progress at least. And although you were never one to force something onto someone, maybe just going ahead and trying to cuddle him or touch him would help him open up?
You found him laying on the couch, he had just gotten back, and was exhausted. He unfortunately had to chase down a victim. A young teenager, who was probably more athletic than Michael. You loved him nonetheless, and laid down next to him, making sure to face him.
“Long day Mikey?”
You asked him, earning a grunt in response. You slipped your fingers under his mask, slipping it off and revealing the face you missed looking at. You still fantasized about his beautiful fluffy hair, blue eyes, pale skin, and strong features, no matter how many times you saw it. You allowed him to cuddle into you, even if he seemed to forget your size difference, you let it happen.
Michael loved the way his favorite boy stared at him, and cuddled into him, especially when he was able to be the little spoon. He understood you needed to be taken care of, but theirs nothing wrong with him wanting some prince treatment.
You rubbed your arms across his toned arms, feeling his scars on your soft hands, in contrast to his rough arms. He shivered under your touch, his body heating up. He was clearly nervous, but he trusted you to touch him without hurting him.
He chose to do the same, placing his rough hand on your cheek, and rubbing it, as your cheeks puffed up, smiling with pure joy and excitement.
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Vincent Sinclair -
Ever since you and Vincent meant, you frequently hung out him with In his hobbit hole, or Art studio. You never showed interest in the wax sculptures, so you rested on his cot, watching him work. You rarely ever touched him, unfortunately. You understood why, especially with how his brothers treat him, and his work. But you didn’t wanna be stuck only watching him work and nothing else, so you decided to take matters into your own hands
You waited till it was late at night, getting ready for bed, slipped on a pair of boxers and a loose tank top. You soon saw Vincent get up from his seat, cracking his back, and laying down. He had a habit of laying in bed with you till you fell asleep, and getting up later to finish what he needed to finish. Hopefully you can keep him in bed.
You took both arms, wrapping them around his neck, digging your head into his strong chest. You felt his long hair against your skin, which didn’t bother you at all. You soon felt Vincent get comfortable at your embrace, feeling him wrap his arms around your waist, placing one above your ass, softly patting it.
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helloemmaz3 · 1 year
Credits: @conjecturingpod on tikerdoodle
you're a big big big big boy.
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reallivewire · 2 years
Michael Myers isn't that jacked you are all just insane (horny). The Shape actor closest to being as buffed up as you all draw him was Don Shanks in Halloween 5: The Revenge of Michael Myers, but none of you want to hear that.
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crappymixtape · 2 months
hang on tight, baby • part one
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NAVIGATION -> PART I •  PART II •  PART III favored to win in barrel racing for the upcoming rodeo, you’re out in the corral practicing when your obnoxious neighbor, tyler owens, swings by to say hi, but when the wind picks up you both won’t have a choice but to trust each other • 18+  | ( 3.0k – TW: natural disasters, tornado, injuries • witty banter as foreplay, fluff in their own way, enemies to idiots in love, tyler owens x reader )
H A N G O N T I G H T, B A B Y • P A R T O N E 🎶 devil always made me think twice, chris stapleton
Clouds stretched overhead, lazy liked pulled taffy as the sun beat down on you in the midday heat. You’d been up since the first fingers of light had crept up over the horizon, dew still clinging to the long stalks of wheat in the early morning, but as the day spun on summer made sure to remind you what it was capable of.
That June in Oklahoma wasn’t anything to mess with.
Sweat beading across your forehead, you had half a mind to toss your hat over the corral fence but it was the only thing keeping you from getting sunburned. Pushing at your windswept hair with a gloved hand you tucked the flyaways out of your face and clicked your tongue at your horse, Tilly, to get back into position.
“C’mon, girl. One more run and then we’ll call it,” you coaxed, readjusting your grip on the saddle horn and giving her neck a pat. Tilly snorted, her hooves stamping in the dirt, anxious to take off again around the three wooden barrels dotting across your little makeshift arena. “That’s it, easy…” you murmured.
Barrel racing horses were built different, like they were brought into the world locked and loaded with a fire burning in them – they lived to ride like this. A black flash of muscle and tension set loose like a snapped rubber band and honestly? You lived for it too.
Tucking your chest tight against her mane, you knotted your fingers in the reigns, sucked in a breath and held it steady in your lungs. Three…two…one…
“Yah!” you kicked your heels to Tilly’s flanks and she took off like a gunshot. Hooves thundering across the ground, winding a tight circle around the first barrel in a blur as you ticked off the seconds in your head.
Seven, eight, nine – you rounded the second barrel – ten, eleven – you approached the third – twelve – and then you heard it. A blast of drums and twangy guitar riffs, a Chris Stapleton track followed by a loud engine backfire and it threw both you and Tilly off track.
Your booted foot smashed into the side of the last barrel and you yelped, Tilly kicking her back legs in a start with a high pitched whinny.
“Whoa, whoa–easy!” Pulling back on the reigns you soothed her, hands smoothing down her mane. Shh, s’alright girl, and she slowly calmed, cantering to a stop just at the edge of the corral where you could finally see who’d come tearing up the driveway.
Tyler Owens.
“Well hey, sweet stuff. Damn, you were lookin’ good for a minute – what happened there at the end?” he hollered out his open cab window and it made your hands ball into fists.
Brows pinched together and lips twisting into a deep scowl, you tugged at Tilly to head back to the gate, “I told you not to call me that, Owens.”
“What? Sweet stuff? What’s wrong with that?” you could hear the grin in his tone, saw him in your head without even having to look. Stupid smirk, stupid aviators, stupid toothpick and stupid belt buckle.
“I ain’t sweet,” you shot back and it pulled a chuckle out of him, a low, rough sound that put a flicker of heat between your ribs.
He cut the engine on his truck, boots shuffling in the grass as he hopped out, and the heavy slam of his door told you today just wasn’t gonna be your day.
Tyler tutted at you, teasing. “Woke up on the wrong side of the bed, Sawyer?” and that snagged your attention.
Dismounting faster than he could blink, you were out of the saddle and marching across the corral to kick at the fence board his boot was resting on. He stumbled back at the force of it and laughed again, flicking his toothpick off into the wheel ruts of the driveway.
“Alright, alright,” he held his hands up in defense and took his sunglasses off, tongue running along his bottom lip, “Didn’t come here to get my ass kicked.”
“Could’ve fooled me,” you snarked, pulling your hat off to fan at your face, “You know I’m trainin’ right now.”
“Mmhm,” he agreed, notching his foot back between the fence boards and leaning his elbows lazy on top, “But I also know it’s pushin' a hundred degrees and the humidity’s sittin’ at 50%. You been drinkin’ water?”
You swallowed, mouth dry — No — and rolled your eyes before turning to walk Tilly back to the gate, “I’m fine.”
He pushed off the fence and chased a line around the corral, hollering after you, “Betcha didn’t know I’m almost as good at chasing bullshit as I am tornados!”
You groaned, dumbass, and reached the gate with Tilly in tow, but Tyler’s hand was on the latch before you could get to it.
“So. I call bullshit,” he said again, a little out of breath and eyes stuck on the way your lips twitched against a smile. “What d'you say we go get an iced tea or something,” he opened the gate and somehow you managed to pass through without so much as a glance in his direction.
Stick to your guns.
“No, Tyler.”
“Ah, c’mon,” he insisted as you pushed past him to the stable, “You and I both know it’s too hot to be out here. So does Tilly.”
But you ignored him, walked Tilly into her stall and even though you couldn’t see him, you knew Tyler had propped himself up on the other side. Arms folded over the top of the gate and hat tipped back just a little, but you went to work anyway undoing Tilly’s bridle, moving easily down to work at the buckle on the saddle and heaved it off her back.
“Least make yourself useful,” you huffed, saddle in hand and shoving it over the gate into Tyler’s chest.
“Shit–” he grunted, fingers scrambling to grab hold of it. A frown tugged down at the corners of his mouth, but he walked the saddle to the tack room anyway and came back with a renewed sense of purpose. “C’mon, Sawyer. Just a nice cold iced tea between friends?”
Sawyer. The nickname he’d gifted you when you’d moved in next door, a nod to your home town – Sawyer, Oklahoma. The home you’d left. The one you tried to forget. The place that held too many memories, too much hurt, and made your chest ache every time you thought about it.
You stopped brushing Tilly and let her get after a much needed drink of water, heaving a sigh from your lungs. It was cooler in the stable and without the sun beating down on you, you didn’t need your button down anymore. Fingers moving to undo the damp, long-sleeved, shirt clinging to your skin, it sighed with relief as the fabric shifted to let the breeze sweep over you.
“Tyler. I need to focus on training,” you grumbled glancing up at him, but it was mistake.
Without his sunglasses, you could see him tracking the movement of your hands. The buttons as they slipped through the loops one at a time. The heady mix of your sweat and shampoo a sweet scent lingering in the air between you and it made you feel dizzy. Made you want something you knew you shouldn’t have. Tyler knew it too as he swallowed thick, Adam’s apple bobbing in his throat, jaw ticking as he bit down on the feeling flickering in his chest.
“Promise I won’t ask you again if you still hate me in an hour,” he said, tone a little strangled, and your lips betrayed you, the corner of your mouth tugging up in the world’s tiniest smile.
“Honest?” you challenged, quirking a skeptical brow and he winked.
“Cross my heart, hope to die,” he traced his fingers over his chest and you swore right then and there you’d be the one to kill him if he put even one toe out of line.
Your property was a few miles out of town, a small farmhouse with an old horse stable on seventy-eight acres you rented to the Calhoun brothers for their fescue. It was a lot of work. The house badly needed updating, but it was all you could afford with your winnings from nationals last year and in the end, it didn’t matter – if you hadn't gotten a fresh start you’d have suffocated.
So, a little over a year ago when you’d pulled up the dirt drive in your red Ford pickup, Tilly’s trailer in tow, you felt like you could breathe again. Felt like this little patch of earth there on the outskirts of Tulsa was just what you needed, but when you started hauling boxes out of the truck bed you heard the one thing you didn’t need coming up the road.
Your neighbor.
Tyler Owens.
Renowned twister chaser and resident hot air balloon with an ass that could make even the most beat up pair of Wranglers look good. You knew before he even opened his mouth that he was trouble, but he was easy on the eyes and – surprisingly – pretty helpful.
When your roof sprung a leak during a particularly bad downpour he came over. Climbed up the ladder with a hammer and nails hanging off the tool belt on his hips and had it patched in twenty minutes.
When your chickens got loose and took off into the Calhoun’s fescue he and his horse Banjo helped corral them back up and into the coop before they did too much damage to the crops.
And when he’d found you at the Tin Bucket last year, too many drinks deep after losing at the Fourth of July rodeo, he drove you home. Held your hair out of your face while you puked and cried and spilled your guts to him in a muddled mess and didn’t say anything after. Kept your secrets just that, secret.
“Still with me, Sawyer?”
Tyler’s voice cut into your thoughts and you blinked over at him from the other side of the truck bench.
“You’re not here,” he chuckled, brows pinched with just the smallest bit of worry. “You’re somewhere else.”
“Oh,” you felt your cheeks grow hot and tossed your gaze out your window, “Just thinkin’ about Friday. Adeline Stout got a 13:20 last weekend, I gotta beat that to qualify for nationals.”
“Hm,” he hummed, thumbs tapping on the steering wheel, “Seems like you had it earlier.”
“Yeah, ’til you drove up.”
Tyler huffed a laugh under his breath and clicked his tongue, “Sorry. Should’a called first.”
Silence settled in the cab and the air between you buzzed, felt like static, charged and pulling taut with something loaded until the truck bumped over the curb of the parking lot and shattered it in an instant.
You couldn’t jump out of his rig fast enough and didn’t wait for him as you cut a path over the asphalt and into the dingy little diner, the bell overhead tinkling happily.
“Howdy, sugar!” Dot greeted you with her big, friendly smile, cowboy hats dangling from her earrings as she gave the man at the counter a refill on his coffee.
“Hey, Dot,” you couldn’t help smiling back, the bell on the door jingling again letting you know Tyler had finally caught up.
“Dottie, you are lookin’ fine as ever,” Tyler grinned, smooth like butter and the older woman chuckled, hand on her hip as she watched him pick out a booth.
“And you’re lucky I’m pushin’ seventy,” she teased back with a wink.
“Age is just a number!” Tyler played along and you rolled your eyes.
“We’ll take a couple iced teas, please,” you cut in, Dottie giving you a knowing smile and it made your cheeks flush again.
“And fries,” Tyler added, sliding into a booth by the window and you followed suit, sitting across from him on the glittering red plastic of the seat.
“You got it, hoss,” Dot nodded, hollering the order back over her shoulder to the kitchen and pouring two big glasses of her famous sweet iced tea.
Picking at the peeling vinyl table top, your knee bounced, a silent protest at having to be still for a minute.
You always made sure to keep yourself busy. To keep your mind from wandering off back home and everything that came with it, and sitting across from Tyler Owens at the quiet little diner while Dolly Parton sang overhead about working nine to five wasn’t doing you any favors.
“So,” Tyler started, dragging out the ‘o’ and lifting his brows at you, “How’re the girls?”
The girls. The chickens.
You deadpanned him and shook your head, propped your chin in your hand with your elbow on the table.
“They’re fine.”
“Good, good. And the Calhouns?”
“Also fine,” you shot him a look, a side-eye glance, but he only smiled.
“And did you get your boots worked in for Friday?”
“Tyler,” you firmed, turning finally to look at him straight on and his smile faded.
“All this–this small talk and being chummy and whatever, it’s just–”
“Just what?” he asked, leaning forward on the table toward you and your heart stuttered in your chest.
“What’s your game?” you leveled, meeting his gaze despite the way he had your pulse fluttering against your neck and his lips curved up.
“No game. Just bein’ a good neighbor.”
You narrowed your eyes at him and leaned forward just a little more. “Thought you said you were good at chasin’ bullshit,” you pushed and he burned, a flush of red from the collar of his white t-shirt all the way up to his cheeks.
“Alright, two iced teas and some fries. You need anything else, peaches?” Dot cut right between the two of you with a couple of glasses and a red plastic basket piled high with shoestring french fries.
“Thank you, thank you,” Tyler recovered, thankful for the out and took the basket from Dot. “Think that’ll do it for now.”
“Mmhm,” Dot murmured, clicking her long pink nails on the table top. “You two be good.”
“Yes, ma’am,” fell out of Tyler’s mouth automatically as she left you it.
You picked up a bottle of ketchup and squeezed some into the corner of the basket, swirling a fry around in it and lifting it to your lips to take a bite. Maybe you should be nicer to Tyler, should give him a chance, the benefit of the doubt, but you weren’t about to be made a fool again. Weren’t ready to put your walls down yet even if he was mostly sweet and only a little sour – the fun kind – but maybe it wasn’t fair.
“Gonna be outta town on Tuesday,” Tyler started, looking over at you through the long sweep of his lashes, green eyes meeting yours across the table. “In case you punch a hole through your wall or something.”
“Ha, ha. Should do stand up.”
He grinned. “You wanna come with me?”
Your breath caught in your throat.
“With you?”
“Yeah, I gotta go pick up a case of rockets for our next video series.”
You scoffed, half-laugh half-nerves, but didn’t say no and his grin widened, eyes narrowed and almost closed with the way he was smiling so big.
“Pick you up at six,” he grabbed a bunch of fries and shoved them into his mouth, “Includes complimentary coffee.”
And something in you melted with the way he was looking at you. The way you could hear the tease in his tone softening and shifting more sincere and you cracked and finally gave him a real, honest-to-god smile.
“Fine,” you surrendered as he slapped a hand on the table and made you jump.
“Hell yeah,” he buzzed and you laughed, dropping your gaze to your lap so he couldn’t see you blushing.
“Keep your pants on,” you chided and the laugh that pushed from his lungs was hard enough to made his head tip back on the seat, but then you felt a buzz in your pocket.
You weren’t expecting a call.
Then Tyler’s buzzed on the table top.
And Dot’s from back behind the counter.
And the farmer’s at the booth behind you and when the siren sounded from down the street your stomach dropped.
“Shit,” Tyler breathed.
Jolting up from the table he pressed a hand to the window and looked out across the plains stretching out ahead of you. Cotton candy clouds turned dark and heavy, curling in on themselves and tinged in an eerie yellow and when he finally turned to look back at you, the feeling in your stomach twisted into something more ominous.
A storm was coming.
crappymixtape™ • tyler owens / twisters masterlist to come!  ♥️ reblogs and comments keep me going, friends! ily! ♥️
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whatislovevavy · 14 days
Sliding Stops & Beating Hearts
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Reiner! Tyler Owens x Fem!Reader (Honeybee)
Summary: Tyler Owens has worked almost his entire life for this moment. And he's so glad he gets to share it with you.
Warnings: Tyler being down bad for his wife, afab!reader, fluff, swearing, smut (18+), oral (m+f), facesitting, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it)
WC: 4.6k (I'm so sorry, but not sorry enough to make it shorter)
AN: Hey girlies :) Apologies for taking so long to post this, I've been very busy and it feels like I have to wait for what feels like some kind of astronomical event for me to be able to write. Tyler Owens is essentially Jake Seresin so yeah I'm writing for him now lol. Reining has always been one of my favorite equestrian sports to watch. Granted, I've never done it nor competed so apologies to any reiners out there if there's inaccuracies with how competitions go lol. Anyways, hope you enjoy :)
None of the pictures featured are mine and were taken off of Pinterest. All of my writings will be added to my writing side blog @sophs-writing-nook 
This is an 18+ fanfic, so minors scoot pls. You are responsible for the media you consume. Do not copy, plagiarize, repost, or translate this fic without my explicit permission as it is my own creation. 
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The competition had been fierce and each ounce of caffeine in your veins from your strenuous, early morning drive from Arkansas to Oklahoma had done nothing to quell your nerves. 
You could feel the sweat emulate from your palms as you watched each rider and horse pair complete their routine with near flawlessness, confidence, professionalism, and near perfect scores on maneuvers. 
Tyler would need to give it his all to bring home the NRHA world championship title for this season. 
You watched with bated breath as the pair before Tyler’s exited through the in-gate, applause and cheers ricocheting off the concrete and aluminum walls of the stadium. The announcer’s voice crackling and echoing through the speakers as the pairs score was displayed on the JumboTron that hung ominously above the center of the arena, threatening to crush Tyler's lifelong dream if a perfect score wasn't achieved. You fiddled with the competition program in your hand, waiting for the announcer to give the go ahead for Tyler Owens and Coppertone Boy, or as he was affectionately called at home, Copper, to enter the arena. 
“Come on, honeybee, I think you're more nervous than I am.” The fingers of your hand stop gingerly massaging into the muscle between Copper’s alert ears, eyes meeting Tyler’s unnervingly calm ones. You sighed, bringing your hand down to softly stroke the stallion’s velvet muzzle, looking back out at the arena that would be vacant for only a few moments more. “It's just the anticipation is all.”
He swallowed, dipping his heels down further against his stirrups, his weight settling on the back of the palomino American Quarter Horse. His thumb running along the smooth leather reins in his moderately calloused hands, his posture straightening. Tipping his hat on his head, eyes drifting from your almost perfect facade of calm collection to the no longer virginal arena footing. 
He gingerly scratched at Copper’s strong, gilded withers and neck concealed by the silken, alabaster strands of his freshly detangled mane, easing any anxiety the 10 year old stallion may have had. 
“Copper will take care of me out there, and I'm coming back, Sweets” his lip quirked into a gentle smirk, letting your anxiety ease a bit. 
Copper gently nudged you with his head, trying to get one last scratch in before entering. Or maybe to try to reassure you. “I know, I-,” you took a breath, licking your lips,” just really want this for you, and we're so close. I can taste it.” 
His eyes glazed a bit, a special kind of warmth spreading in his chest. You had helped him hitch the trailer to pick up Copper from the auction a few townships over back in his early twenties. You were the one who was with him every step of the way, through every high and frustrating low of training him and getting him ready for every competition. You were the one to stay up all night with him when Copper coliced during a muggy spring night a few years back. You were the one who encouraged him to try reining after his bull riding rodeo career came to a halt. You were the one to hide out with him on his family's ranch in Arkansas during the summer thunderstorms in the hayloft as kids and lovesick teenagers. And you were the first person he got to kiss out in the back field after the haying season was done, laying under the cover of Cassiopeia and The Big Dipper with homemade strawberry moonshine. It made the wedding band on a chain around his neck all the more meaningful. The microphone crackled as the announcer cleared his throat, announcing for Tyler to enter the arena. 
“Come on, baby, I need my good luck kiss before I go out there.” His urgent, but sweet, tone made you chuckle.  Stepping on your tippy toes, you met his lips that only seemed to get softer the more you kissed him. As your lips left his, you gave the stallion that gleamed like a new penny under the stadium lights a last, quick rub at his withers and a whispered “take care of him for me.” The stallion nudged his pink and gray muzzle into your side, letting out a puff of breath, seeming to listen and affirm your wish. 
You turned back to the man you had loved since you were a sophmore in highschool. “You'll get something a lot more when you come back.” You said softly with a flirtatious tone, trying to lighten the nerves that seemed to electrify your fingertips. Your eyes told an unspoken “whether you win, or lose.” His eyebrows rise before a smirk settles on his lips. “Looking forward to it darlin,” he winks before turning his attention to the packed arena. He gives the stallion a gentle squeeze of his sides with his calves to get him into a working walk, head low, and relaxed as his metal shoe-clad hooves rhythmically ricocheted off the pavement leading up to the arena as applause and whistles from the crowd marked his entrance like a gladiator entering the Colosseum. You watched him leave your side with bated breath. 
You always envied how he was able to feed off of the crowd instead of cowering under it, even when he was getting tossed around as a professional bull rider in the local rodeo circuit. It was a trait that Tyler and Copper had in common that made them a perfect pair.
You watched each calculated movement he whispered to Copper through his hands, legs, and seat. Each movement done in perfect harmony, from flying lead changes to each heart racing spin and rollback. You practically knew the routine like the back of your hand, softly mouthing the required movements right as Tyler and Copper conducted them with  complete poise and confidence. You couldn’t help but let your eyes flit back and forth from the golden stallion enrapturing the attention of the crowd and the judges scribbling down notes that had the potential to cut like a blade. Tyler had a calm, at-ease aura around him; his hands still with just the right amount of contact on the reins, loose hips and strong legs that wrapped around the barrel of the strong, powerful, and graceful horse below him. Copper’s ears kept at ease, each one flitting back to listen to each whispered task Tyler gave him. His mane and tail swayed beautifully with the rest of his muscular, golden dappled frame; steel horseshoes gleaming under the large overhead lights. You felt your anxiety rise as Tyler only had one maneuver left to accomplish- a sliding stop from a full gallop, the most exhilarating maneuver in reining.
Your breath felt like lead in your lungs as you watched each stride Copper took to complete his routine. With an impressive stall of his hind quarters, Copper planted himself against the arena footing to come to a full stop, his hind legs slightly folding under him as Tyler kept his body steady. The arena went quiet for only a second as Copper found his footing, remaining in a halt. As soon as the judges gave Tyler the go ahead to leave the arena, you jumped up in glee, applauding and whistling, just like the entirety of the arena   as Tyler gave Copper a loose rein, giving his strong neck deligent pats of encouragement and rubbing his withers as he made his way out of the arena at a working walk pace. After all, he had earned it. 
But would it be enough to win?
You couldn’t contain the smile on your face as Tyler met your gaze with a heart stopping grin, his handsome dimples on display, timothy grass green eyes shining for you as his chest rose and fell from his exertion, and the sweat evident under his Stetson at his hairline. 
As soon as he cleared the in-gate, he was out of the saddle and embracing you, lips on yours as you giggled against him as he picked you up and spun you around, your fingers splayed over his stubbly cheeks. Copper stood patiently as his reins hit the cement floor. Your fingers resting at the back of his neck, feeling his sweat, natural scent, and the smell of leather and horses caress your senses. 
“I’m so proud of you, baby,” you said, voice thick with tears bubbling beneath your eyes as your hands encased his gently stubbled cheeks, his grin matching your own, voice thick, “Honey, whatever happens, I’m-,” his eyes becoming glassy, “I’m just so glad I’ve been able to do this with you. I love you so goddamn much.” He brought your lips back to his in a sweet, love filled kiss that made your stomach flutter.  The crackle of the microphone breaks you both away from your kiss, his embrace still on your hips. Tyler cranes his neck to look up at the JumboTron. 
Your eyes widening, putting your hands over your mouth and looking up at Tyler’s shock-parted lips as the arena broke into cheers. Tyler swings you around by your hips before bringing you to his lips again. 
A perfect score. 
As soon as Tyler rode out on Copper with you by his side during the award ceremony, and your picture was taken with his NRHA Championship trophy and Copper got his red, blue, and yellow tri-colored ribbon, you both were ready to load up Copper and drive all the way back to Arkansas. 
Photographers, interviewers, and cameras followed your little group out of the arena. Tyler and Copper both walked with pride in a way that showed a healthy balance of confidence and natural charisma. Copper not once flinched as cameras flashed as Tyler had him periodically stop for interviewers to ask questions, reins loose in his hand. Copper seemed to almost pose for the camera with his ears forward and moving with momentum whenever the cameras flashed; aware that he had done a good job and was being appreciated. You, on the other hand, preferred to be on the other side of Copper’s strong withers, away from the cameras, gently running your hand along his glistening coat; it took you and Tyler countless hours for it to gleam like gold. 
“Who would you say is someone who has always supported you on the road to winning this NRHA world championship title?”
You felt like you were hiding behind the near two ton animal, peeking over his strong neck to watch Tyler with his tipped up Stetson and near alabaster dress shirt. He turned from the interviewer to you with an easy grin on his face, gently reaching behind him to take your hand from underneath Copper’s neck, bringing you around his large head and into Tyler’s chest, placing a kiss to your forehead. You couldn’t help the blush that spread across your cheeks like wildfire as you gave the interviewer a shy toothy smile. 
“I’ve had the undeserved pleasure to have by my side, during this entire journey, the most beautiful woman I’ve ever known; my wife.” You felt your throat tighten and tears start to bubble up in your eyes at his gesture, all while trying to subtly hide away into his shoulder as the interviewer seemed to soak up the sweet moment between the new NRHA world champion and his wife. 
“You’ll have to forgive her, my honeybee’s a bit shy.” he chuckled, the interviewer following suit before asking her final questions with you by his side. 
As the last of the interviewers left to talk to the other competitors, you and Tyler led Copper back to the trailer to get him bedded in the trailer for the long way home.
You tried to keep your thoughts pure as you walked through the trucks and trailers with Copper in tow, passing competitors that turned into friends; like Bradley Bradshaw and his oil black quarter horse gelding, Turn and Burn, and Natasha Trace and her sorrel chestnut mare, Rising Phoenix. Both of which had gotten in the top 5 tonight out of 38. 
But Tyler looked too good right now. Too good. And his display of affection in front of the interviewer made your insides warm and jumble inside you. 
His hair peeking out from under his stetson, the color subdued from sweat; his taut jeans around his slim waist; his obnoxiously large belt buckle that glimmered in the overhead lot lights; his flushed, sweat soaked skin; bright, fern green eyes, and the defined line of his jaw to his handsome dimples. 
It didn’t help that you got distracted watching him tend to Copper as you put the tack in the trailer, biting your lip as you watched the thin material of his shirt cling to his back muscles. 
“Honeybee, you alright over there?” You almost needed to shake your head out of your trance, before trying to quickly put the tack away in the closet of the trailer, trying to focus on the task at hand and not on your lewd thoughts. 
As soon as you turned around from putting the tack away, Tyler was at the entryway. Both hands on the edge of the storage space prevented any chance of escape, sluttily leaning his weight on the frame like the scantily-clad men in those romance books Tyler always teased you for reading. He didn’t have anything to complain about though; he reaped the reward of it everytime. 
Your eyes met his mischief filled ones. “You got something on your mind, Honey?” 
You diverted your gaze from his eyes to his Stetson. He noticed, promptly removing it and placing it over his denim-clad pelvis with a teasing smile as he saw your eyes follow his movement. He always loved the dust of pink on your cheeks when he flirted with you. He took a step into the trailer, feeling his intoxicating scent invade your senses. 
You took a step forward, letting your eyes obscenely run over from his sweat-slicked back hair, to the slight crook in his nose, to his plush lips. Leaning into his ear, “I’ll tell you once Copper is in the trailer. Fed and watered.” Tyler almost shivered at the barely decent tone you used. You both were in a public space for Christ’s sake. 
“Yes, ma’am.” 
You bit your lip, a chuckle vibrating in your chest at his pace towards the patient stallion grazing from his well deserved hay bag as soon the words left your lips.
After ensuring all of your belongings were packed away, you went to check on Tyler and Copper. As you turned the corner, Tyler was just finishing up putting the latches on the trailer. “How’s our big guy doing?” You asked, leaning against the side of the trailer. 
He turned to you, “fed, watered, and out like a light. Copper’s going to sleep well on the ride home. Gave him a few extra flakes of hay to keep him occupied.”
“Now,” he took a step closer to you, a smirk painted across his lips, “I wanna hear what was on your mind earlier, pretty girl,” he purred. 
You took a step closer to him with a flirtatious smile blooming on your face, reaching out for his belt loops on his jeans. 
“Honeybee,” he whimpered, heading hitting back against his truck as you sunk to the dusty ground beneath your knees, scrambling to unbuckle his obnoxiously large belt buckle, and unzipping his denim jeans with a harsh tug. He hissed, “careful, sweets, don't want to damage the goods,” you chuckled before bringing his jeans down to his knees. His breath freezing in his throat as you ran your palms against his defined Adonis belt and abs, scratching at the hair of his happy trail as your smooth palm found its home - wrapped around his thick, pulsing cock in his briefs. Tyler's eyes clenched shut, a hiss leaking from his kiss-swollen lips as you began to pump him in a corkscrew motion. God, he looked so good like this. Letting you take care of him and make him crumble beneath the palms of your hands. 
“Jesus, sweetheart.” His hips stuttered as you gave his oh so sensitive, engorged tip delicate kitten licks before taking him into your mouth, sucking softly. Eyes drifting shut as you savored the subtle musk of your husband and the salty taste of the precum leaking out of his cock. You hummed around his dick as his fingers weaved into your hair, keeping his cock encased in your hot mouth. 
Jesus, the glorious sight in your mind- Tyler’s head and Stetson tipped back, lips agape, cheeks flushed pink with sweat and arousal, dress shirt unbuttoned, strong abdominal and pectoral muscles exposed from years of ranch work, hips jutting out as his jeans and briefs tethered his ankles as you worked his fat cock. 
A sound akin to a mewl left his lips as you bobbed your head along his length, working his cock with your saliva soaked hand. 
“Oh fu- baby, that feels so fucking good.” His graveled voice made you clench your thighs, his eyes opening to see you pumping his cock as you playfully sucked on his balls. Saliva dribbling down your lips to the dirt below, leaving your mark on the event grounds. Your sinful acts hidden in the shadows of your truck and trailer. 
This was definitely the best way to celebrate a world championship win, he thought through a hazy conscience as he failed to find a steady tempo of breath. 
You could feel the tightness of his balls and the steady throbbing of the vein running underneath his thick cock. His fingers tightening in your hair. 
“God-Fuck-” His trail of words were cut off with a deep groan he tried to muffle the best he could.
 His hand kept your mouth around his cock as he shot his load down your welcoming throat, letting you swallow every hot drop he had to give. His body slumping against the truck, catching his breath as you rose up off the dirt, tenderly tucking him back into his jeans, bringing your lips to his. 
After a few moments, Tyler deepened the kiss,  reaching for the backseat door. He broke away from your lips, littering your neck and collarbones with messy, open-mouthed kisses. Your lips would get swollen soon from how hard you were biting them to conceal your mewls. His hands palmed and toyed with your cotton-clad breasts, feeling his calloused fingers slide under your t-shirt to fondle at your steadily peaking nipples. “Baby, we might need to do this half-clothed,” you murmured against his lips. He let his lips leave yours, realizing where you guys were: on the outskirts of the arena grounds. 
“Well, Honeybee, we’ll just have to do it with your pants down then, pretty girl.” He smiled sinfully. His gravelly tone always made you clench your thighs in need, and feel excited and jittery inside; like a new-born foal learning to run. 
He stripped off his dress shirt, leaving him with chest and abs exposed in the shadow of the truck. Before you had the chance to admire his half-bare body, he was unzipping your jeans and pulling them down along with your panties in one fell swoop. He guided your legs out of them before placing his beloved Stetson on your head. The sight of you bare below the waist and his white stetson had his cock twitching again. 
He hopped on the seat, laying down on the leather upholstery. “Come on, honey girl, get up here. I want a taste.” He purred, eyes raking from your face down to the little honey stash between your thighs with a Cheshire-like grin. 
You chuckled, excitement thrumming through your belly like a current of electricity. His hands guided your hips over his twitching dick, over his thick pecs, and right above where he wanted you. Your breath catches in your throat as Tyler brings your hips down with his broad hands, clutching at your soft waist as he starts lapping at your drenched core.  
“Fuck, Ty-” you clutched at his tufts of hair that peaked through your fingers, like the daisies in the hayfields. He toyed with your clit, his stubble scratching deliciously against your sensitive inner thighs. He gently sucked on your clit to pull each sweet moan and gasp from your lips. His thick fingers forming troughs along the soft flesh of your hips and thighs, keeping your weeping pussy pinned above his eager mouth. 
He grunted as your hips rocked against him, his grip tightening on your hips, guiding your movements. Your head tipping back as your thoughts failed to construe into something tangible besides broken moans and words. It’s amazing how Tyler’s Stetson has stayed on during your impromptu ride. 
God, the sight he had from below your thighs; black t-shirt riding up to just below your bra, your hands clutching at his hair and your covered breasts, beautiful parted lips, reddened cheeks and his staple atop your head.
You looked divine like this. Hell, you were divine for wanting to marry him in the first place. 
He gave your clit a delicate kiss, just enough to make you whine a little. Littering kisses along your inner thighs, feeling the tender flesh quake above him as you protested him giving attention to places that weren’t where you needed him to be. He licked his lips savoring the sweet taste of you on his tongue, and gently teased two fingers at your entrance making you gasp and whimper at the intrusion.
“Baby, you look so good from down here, so fucking good.”
His graveled voice was marked by a unique breathlessness that times like these brought him. Your hands pushed your t-shirt up and your bra down to toy with your exposed breasts and perky nipples as the Oklahoma evening air pebbled them. Your hazy gaze looking downward at your lover’s tousled hair, flushed cheeks and lust-blown pupils with a characteristic devilish grin on his arousal soaked lips.
“Fuck, baby”
He smiled as he guided his fingers into your welcoming heat, your pretty moans music to his ears. 
His fingers finding the perfect tempo against that little spot inside you that made your toes curl against the upholstery of the car. His free hand holding an iron grip on your hip, keeping you steady.
If you hadn’t felt like you were going to cum before, you were now.  
Tyler could feel your velvet walls constrict around his welcomed digits. A soft yelp leaves your lips as he finds your clit again; toying and sucking at the delicate bundle of nerves at the apex of your thighs. He sucked harder the more you pulled at his hair.
“Tyler, I’m so close, please make me cum baby-please.”
The wanton, sultry tone your voice got in this state made him ache in his jeans and move his fingers that much more eagerly. 
You felt the familiar build up of pleasure in your tummy and the sparks of pleasure traveling from your toes. Tyler watched as you fell apart over him with a wracked moan of his name as his fingers continued to rub that special spot inside you, and as he continued to toy with your poor, abused clit.
He slowed his movements to a halt, letting his fingers leave to hold your hips steady, bringing his lips to languidly kiss and lathe at your cum soaked folds, drawing out any last sparks of pleasure and the sweet, little noises you always made for him. 
Your thighs shook with the aftermath of your orgasm, your body still ringing with small sparks of pleasure and sensitivity, your whimpers pouring out. 
He lathed his last set of kisses to your pussy before sliding your hips down to rest over his throbbing dick, hidden behind a layer of denim. 
Tyler brought both hands to encase your face, bringing your lips to his in a kiss full of teeth and tongue, your mouth going to the prominent vein on the side of his neck, lathing and marking the flesh as your own, spurred on by the deep groans of the man underneath you. He growled, feeling you bite into the skin there. It would surprise him if you didn’t draw blood. 
“I want to ride your thick cock, baby.” you simpered.
“Fuck, you make me so hard, Honeybee.” He growled, feeling you unzip his jeans, pulling out his aching cock and lining him up at your entrance. Gently teasing the tip, running it along your folds, letting it soak up your arousal. You smirked as you listened to the borderline moans that reverberated from his chest. He felt his eyes almost roll back at the feeling of your walls welcoming him in; back home. You watched with lust hazed eyes as his face was consumed with tension; his eyes clenched shut, brow lines rippling the tanned skin of his forehead, his tense jaw and kiss swollen lips. 
He guided your hips, savoring the feeling of you. His hips bucking up into your awaiting pussy as he got more and more invigorated for his release. 
“Fuck, Honey-fuck!” He growled as he felt your walls squeeze him for all he was worth. 
“God, you’re always so good for me, such a good fucking girl” he said as he held your hips tighter, fucking up into you at a faster pace than before. Gasps and moans falling from your lips as he pummeled that sweet, heavenly spot inside you that had you seeing a kaleidoscope of sensations behind your eyes, and your fingers clawing at his pecs and shoulders for stability. Tyler could feel the coil in his stomach tightening as his release was barreling towards him like a train going into a station. His abs tightening, pace unrelenting as he chased his high. He could feel you were close with this new set pace, your lips parted as sweet sounds echoed from your lips. He held on until he felt your walls snap close on him like a vice, your thighs shaking as your high washed over him with a broken moan and tremor. His hips rose, fucking into you one last time before releasing his hot load into your pretty pussy with a deep growl. 
He gingerly pulled up your panties, keeping his cum trapped between your folds. He snapped the button of your jeans closed as he languidly made out with you. He changed into a t-shirt that hugged his biceps just right, keeping his jeans on. You both silently changed into your new set of clothes with content, lovesick smiles on your face. You gave him a kiss as he passed you his sweatshirt to wear during the ride home. 
You both settled into the front seat of the truck. By now, most people had gone home, the bright stars above watching over you. He placed his Stetson on the backseat, smirking as he watched you reach out for the cowboy hat, placing it on your head with a cute smile that made him smirk and shake his head. 
He leaned over, placing a soft kiss to your lips. 
“I love you, Honeybee.”
“I love you too, Ty.”
You give his thick thigh a squeeze, smiling as he groans into the kiss. He pulled black from the kiss, putting the truck into drive. As soon as his hand is free, he takes your hand in his, making your cheeks warm at the gesture, kissing the back of it as he pulls out of the dirt road onto the interstate towards Arkansas.
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wolviensabes · 1 month
NSFW Alphabet: Mane!Sabretooth
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RQ: 'Can I request the NSFW Alphabet for Victor Creed/Sabertooth? Specifically Tyler Mane's version? Love your work btw! 💕' - @im-his-druidess
Warnings: Neutral as possible, the terms of good boy/girl are used and mentions of feminine/masculine bodies are used. Tried to include both while maintaining an open look so anyone of any identity can enjoy, but made it as vague as possible. Also uhh general sex talk, mentions of BDSM and stuff like that lol. Ignore grammar mistakes ty.
A/N: Yess you absolutely can. I did a SFW/NSFW Sabretooth on my other blog, but I sort of left the Sabretooth up for whatever the reader wanted to imagine. For Mane specifically, this will be fun! Mane is my favorite, has been since I saw X-Men 2000. Sooo thrilled to see him again in D&W, even if just for a moment. He looked so good and yummy. I did keep one or two things off my previous list. I hope you enjoy <3
Minors DNI below the cut. 18+
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex):
I see him as being pretty smug, he likes seeing you disheveled and breathless. He lets you lay on his larger body, he relaxes while you splay out completely spent.
He might ask you to get him a beer, even if you're exhausted, a slap to the ass as you wobble to grab one from the fridge. But when you come back he pulls you close and licks your neck. "Good boy/girl...you know how to make me happy...~" he purrs.
While by definition, he doesn't understand the full extent of what aftercare is, he sees that you need it, so he grumbles and bites his tongue, doing it regardless of his own opinion on it.
"Upsy daisy..." he grunts, lifting your exhausted body up, watching you whine. He smirks, knowing he's reduced you to a shaky form, "Ya look like a lamb tryin' to walk for the first time..." he chuckled.
He does try after seeing how badly he fucks you up. He's a big dude so...he really throws you around and you have wounds from his teeth and claws. He can't have his darling lamb all messed up...
He licks your wounds, his saliva has an antiseptic enzyme so it disinfects the wound, however you still insist on using peroxide. "Hold still...gotta clean ya."
He's not the best at it at first, but he will learn what you like and accommodate.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s):
Primal dude is insane about your body. Whether you are more feminine or masculine, he goes nuts for a good ass. He grabs and kneads and squeezes.
If you are more masculine, he likes feeling your chest and trails down your sides, feeling your narrower body.
If you have TS scars, he is gentle with them. He rubs his rough thumbpads over the scars and how they trail over your chest. He's obsessed with them. He thinks you look great, and he licks them a lot, gently and mindfully if you let him. He won't touch them if this bothers you though.
If you are more feminine, he loves your breasts and plush hips. He grips you firmly a lot and loves to see how your skin pools around his big hands and claws.
He also really likes necks, he bites there a lot so be prepared to always have his teeth somewhere on your neck.
Victor is also egotistical as hell, he thinks every inch of himself is perfect. He's proud of his lion's mane and cock size for sure, but also prides himself in his stature.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically):
Victor has an insane amount of cum inside his body, you genuinely don't know how he produces so much. He is like a faucet, just oozing it into you.
He cums like a horse and his amounts are crazy. You are full to the brim and he's still shooting the load, it comes out of you there's so much of it. He jokes about turning you into a twinkie.
He gets so pent up and he snarls a lot, he growls and groans, then when he pounds you and you feel him swell more than usual, you know he's about to release a ton.
It also gets everywhere so...you should always have sheets on standby. You can't count how many times you've lost fancy sheets because his load stains them. You don't bother buying silken bedding anymore.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs):
He doesn't keep a lot from you, simply because he has no shame.
But, he does like scents and smells a lot. He often smells your body in the morning or when you're the most natural. He memorizes it, keeps it in his memory.
He leans down and before he licks or sucks, he inhales deep breaths of your sex. Just the scent alone makes him horny as hell.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?):
He's had his way around, so he's fairly experienced. I don't think anything would surprise him or catch him off guard as 'new.'
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying):
Victor pins you down and uses his strength to fuck you. He likes looking down at you completely helpless while he thrusts his thick cock in and out of whatever hole his dick finds.
Any position where he has you on your belly with your ass in the air for him, he is all over. He likes to bite your neck and hold you down, and he gets to really thrust into you from behind.
He also likes mating press, watching you cry out as he drills the deepest parts of you.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.):
His dirty talk can be funny, or sometimes he will say something out of the blue that just makes you smile because it wasn't expected from him. But otherwise, he's not a goofball. Just the quip every so often.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.):
This guy has a lot of hair. He's insanely hairy, and come on, he's a primal. So, obviously.
He takes great pride in his hair too, he grooms himself a lot. He licks himself mostly, until you push him to a shower and he uses unscented things. He doesn't like to hide his musk.
He has a hairy chest and a happy trail leading down to his pubic hair. He's pretty hairy below too, but he does try to groom a little shorter because he notices you pull out random hairs after sucking him off.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect):
Romantic isn't really his thing. He's not used to being 'romantic' at all. He's more...let me kill something for you and bring you its corpse.
He won't change for anyone. If you can accept his...brutish love habits, then he will attempt to be...less sometimes. On a hunt he drops an animal carcass and hands you a bloody wildflower he ripped from the ground, roots and dirt still attached.
That's as good as it gets. But for him, that's a pretty big gesture.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon):
Yikes. With those claws?
I don't think he does. Not often anyway. He'd rather have you help him out when he needs something.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks):
Sabretooth is pretty damn kinky, he isn't ashamed about any of his sexual desires and is open with you about them.
He obviously loves predator/prey dynamics, he likes to pretend to hunt you in the woods and when he catches you, he fucks you into the mossy ground. It gets his instincts going and he feels like his cock is on fire when he's hunting you. Plus the sex that comes from 'hunting' you is honestly some of the best you've had. Prey pet names for sure.
Breeding is a huge kink for him. He likes making a mess, but he prefers to bury himself into you and fill you up, regardless if you can get pregnant or not. He will pound multiple loads into you and won't stop until you are squirting it out around his cock. This is also applicable if you are male, he doesn't care. As long as he buries himself into you and fills you full.
BDSM is something that's interesting to him, though not every aspect of it. He's a pretty big sadist, so his claws and teeth will definitely mark you up all bloody and you'll be bruised from his hard grip on you thanks to his strength. He'd probably be into impact play, so he'd like to spank you while he's fucking you. He prefers to let himself do the marking rather than a toy. It's more intimate to him.
I think he might find bondage fun just because you'd be completely helpless and it can tie into the whole predator/prey play too. Like a little bunny caught in a snare and he stumbles upon you, helpless to the hungry big cat.
I think he probably would have a thing for housewife type of behavior, things that aren't inherently sexual but can turn him on. So cleaning and cooking, bringing him beer or food while he sits back, I don't know I just have a weird feeling he would be into that.
I also think he'd be interested in CNC. It's something that you'd have to talk heavily about, but I think it would be something he would want to try.
Size difference!! Mane irl is 6'9, so I give Sabretooth a few more inches. Over 7' tall anyway, and he towers over you. Not to mention he's bulked out. Looking down at you, he loves how helpless and vulnerable you are compared to him.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do):
Victor will fuck you anywhere, it doesn't really matter to him.
He likes to do it in his bedroom, his scent gets rubbed into you when you're being thrown around the bed and roll on his bed. Plus, he gets to take his time and fuck the room full of the smell of sex.
He also likes to fuck in the woods. It satisfies his primal desires to take you against the moss in the middle of a thick trail.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going):
As mentioned, typical housewife behavior would turn him on. Cooking and cleaning for him, bringing him a beer while he is sitting down, or even fussing over his clothes would get him going. Seeing you in an apron and nothing else would make him completely feral.
Any kind of submissive behavior would catch his attention. He instinctively looks for anyone who submits, his need and desire to be the dominant person in every situation controls him. So if you are submissive to him, even with simple gestures like obeying an order or just lowering your head around him, it definitely gets him interested.
Submission isn't always sexual, but of course submitting in that way also gets him going.
As written on my previous list, purposefully making yourself vulnerable gets his attention. Cats expose their bellies when they trust you, so rolling on your back and showing him your belly is a big deal. Say you're on the couch and you just lay back, he is intrigued and likes this gesture a lot.
Also any kind of gesture that exposes your neck to him.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs):
Despite being fucking brutal, he wouldn't want to cause any serious harm to you. You'll definitely be wearing claw and bite marks, but nothing that will have lasting damage.
He also won't be interested in 'making love.' He will fuck you, and he'll fuck you good. He's a primal mutant so when he is intimate he goes hard.
Anyone who would try to dominate him would piss him off, and it would trigger his aggression. He would not be receptive to anything like that, especially with his natural instinct to dominate.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.):
Luckily, his tongue isn't covered in sharp spines like usual cat tongues, otherwise that would suck.
He is good with his tongue, he cleans himself all the time so naturally he can move his tongue around in all sorts of ways.
He is somewhat selfish, preferring to receive than give. But when he gives, you feel so much pleasure. His tongue laps and he sucks so good. "Good...let me hear you." he growls against you.
He lovesss seeing you choke on his cock too. "Good boy/girl, choke on it. Is it too big...? Too big for your sweet mouth?" he teases, taking pride in seeing you choke and gag. It just turns him on more.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.):
Best way to describe it is a feral man climbing on you and fucking you until your legs can't hold you up. You literally can't walk when he's done with you, and he fucking loves it.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.):
He'd rather not, just because he likes taking his precious time with you. He likes watching you unwind, watching his thick cock bury into your hole, your wide watery eyes as you cry out and mewl for him.
"That's it little lamb...watch me split you open..." he says deeply, grinning wildly as you fall apart below.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.):
Victor is chill enough to try anything once, as long as he's not the bottom or the one taking it.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?):
Forever. Victor's stamina is crazy high, he can go multiple times without stopping. Even when your body is worn and exhausted to the point of not being able to move, he could fuck you to sleep.
He lasts for a long time, though he can cum many times in one session and not soften.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?):
He doesn't own any for himself. But he has things to use on you for when you want to get more adventurous. Things for BDSM or toys to pleasure you. But he has nothing for his own pleasure.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease):
Victor will tease you until you are crying and begging. He loves to see you desperate, screaming and mewling below him while he whispers in your ear how he could make you cum right now, but he doesn't.
The damn man also gets you so so close...then stops, watching you fall apart and cry. "Shush, I will let you when I am ready...now, let's see how close we can get you..."
"More tears? Now, don't cry pretty thing...maybe if you ask nicely I will let you..."
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.):
Victor is a dirty talker. He is a growler.
He is either snarling and grunting against you, or dirty talking you to your orgasm or so desperate you don't even know what to do. His words are so crude and filthy, you can't help but react. He just has a way with you and knows exactly what you like to hear.
That 'scream for me' that he whispers, UGH. He def whispers in a calm, low voice while he's toying with you.
And when he snarls in your ear, growling in pleasure that you are providing for him, ugh you could cum right then and there.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character):
Victor 100% drinks warm milk, and he usually does after fucking you and you've fallen asleep. He doesn't want to hear your teasing.
Also goes without saying that he purrs.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes):
Victor is a BIG dude. So, obviously his dick is gonna be big. He's definitely a shower, but he grows a bit when erect.
Flaccid, his bulge is already large af, so it can look intimidating before you even get his pants off. His ego always flares up when he sees how you look at his crotch.
Erect he looks near impossible to put into you, but somehow he fits. He's anywhere between 7.5-9 inches. He is girthy too, which is really what you feel when he fucks you.
The first time you saw him erect you were so nervous, in which he found amusing. "Don't worry, sweet little lamb, I'll make it fit."
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?):
He can literally fuck anytime. His drive is super high, especially when he hunts and kills. Those feelings go hand in hand, and since he hunts daily, his sex drive spikes up.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards):
He knocks out pretty quick. A cigar and beer, then he is out. It's like warm milk.
Victor will clean up a little, just enough not to be gross and sticky. Then he sits back and demands asks you to grab him a beer. He downs it, then knocks out.
If you are wounded, aka clawed up, he will watch you while you sleep for a bit and then he will fall asleep. You usually bare new wounds, he honestly can't help it with those damn things, and he watches you limp to grab him a drink, though he will clean and tend to you as a silent apology.
His bed is very soft, it's adorned with furs, pelts, and a thin quilt as the comforter, so you tend to fall asleep fast after cleaning up. Your body needs to recover, and you are throbbing between your legs with soreness.
If you lay on him after, he will run his claws along your back lazily, making you shiver. Knowing those claws to maim and mutilate, but they only graze your skin. It's a strangely gentle gesture that you never reject.
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Thanks for reading <3
Dividers by @/strangergraphics
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im-his-druidess · 6 months
Hi! I just read your fic with the reader being an omega and michael is an alpha, and i just wanted to say I LOVED THAT CONCEPT!!! Is there anyway you could make more of omega!reader x alpha!rz!michael 🙏😭 or like some head cannons? Anything really. I just need more of him being an alpha🙏🥹
Omg thank you so much! And absolutely! The A/B/O AU is one of my favorites so I'm always happy to talk about it 🥰
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You also can't really go on normal dates or show him off to your few friends. Although you do sometimes spot him amidst the trees when you are at work, watching him disappear into the shadows in a way that you knew you only saw him because he wanted you to, and can feel eyes on you the entire way home.
Being the Omega to The Shape is both a blessing and a curse. For one he is a notorious killer and he also views the world completely different than what's considered "normal".
Most of the time, especially the beginning of your relationship, you had to explain what his instincts are making him do and how to deal with his Alpha impulses.
Michael Myers always keeps an eye out for his Omega. No matter if it's at the grocery store, work, a restaurant, or even something as mundane as washing your car. He is always watching. It's his own way of protecting you.
Also he's just naturally curious about you and he's making up for lost time from when he was locked away. Using his new freedom to stalk his lovely little Omega and find out all he can.
He'll constantly scent you. Dragging you to his body and forcing you to stand still as he sniffs at you, growling lightly at all the lingering "other" smells before placing his scent all over you again.
Will often lead to him dragging you to the nearest flat surface to fuck you, his possessiveness rearing it's head, and you have to make sure to stay submissive just so you won't agitate him further.
He makes nests when, on the rare occasion, you are away and he doesn't follow you. Will tear apart your house to make one to his liking and you end up buying an ungodly amount of spare blankets and pillows for those times.
Leaves plenty of marks on you, that you desperately try to cover up in case someone starts asking questions, and he will be immediately turned on if you try to mark him up as well.
Of course, he'll also assume that this is you trying to dominate him. Leads to him pinning you down and forcing you to submit.
Will let out a raspy quiet purr of approval when you lay with him in his nest.
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wayward-persephone · 1 month
NSFW Alphabet List
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex):
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s):
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically):
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs):
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?):
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying):
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.):
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.):
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect):
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon):
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks):
L = Location (favorite places to do the do):
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going):
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs):
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.):
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.):
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.):
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.):
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?):
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?):
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease):
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.):
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character):
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes):
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?):
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards):
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The Last Challenger - Ajax x Fem Greek!Reader (requested)
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Requested by @lovely-cryptid​ 
“  I was wondering if I could request something with Ajax. Like maybe him winning reader (afab if possible) in a gladiator match and maybe she's a little afraid of him (because have you seen him??) But he just really wants her as his wife and is beyond ready to claim his prize 😌” 
First time writing for Ajax, I have to admit I feel better with the final result than what i expected at first. Hope you will enjoy it :) If you do and want to see more, i felt comfortable enough with this character to keep writing for him. My askbox will remain open for more requests. 
Word Count 3 K
Warnings: This includes mentions to reinterpretations of some events happening on the myths, headcanons that I develop through connecting those events with the views and characterizations of the film. 
Summary: The marriage tournament for your hand takes an unexpected turn when Ajax the Great,the famous salaminian hero, arrives at your doorstep demanding to join. Remembrances of the past in the legendary history of Greece combine with your own fears regarding the new challenger to make you hate his high chances of winning, but he is very interested in surprising you. 
Mythology glossary: Iole - Princess of Oechalia, daughter of Eurytus. Her hand was the prize in an archery competition that Hercules won. Her father refused him the right to her anyways and that angered the hero. Hercules ended up killing her father, her brothers, and abducting her to make her his concubine. Those actions indirectly led him to his death when his wife Deianira accidentally poisoned him thinking she was giving him a love potion. 
Notes: Regarding my warning, i want to elaborate a bit. Since one of the main topics of Troy as a film is the tension between power and love, I’m imagining the oath of the suitors happened but it was corrupted by Agamemnon in favor of his brother. The conflict in this oneshot is narratively constructed as a paralel to that situation. 
A competition was taking place in the island of Same and you were its prize. King Odysseus, the supreme ruler of the small insular domain centered in Ithaca, advised it when your father came to him seeking guidance. After the apparently brilliant solution he provided for the marriage arrangement of Helen in Sparta many other fathers began to consult him at the time of deciding the fate of their daughters. 
The oath of the suitors brought peace to the country, but it was very fragile. The Atreides corrupted it and the result was a political marriage that didn’t fully satisfy either of the parties. King Menelaus got nothing more than a beautiful wife and Helen didn’t seem much happy at his side. Odysseus felt somewhat responsible for that and his advice for you went in a completely different direction. Your father was an influential noble in an island of his own kingdom who he didn’t want to disappoint when the unexpected consequences of a similar flawless sounding plan would ruin your life. 
The men wanting you for a wife would have to face each other in combat, allowing the matches to be to the death if the context required it. An exaggerated solution on the surface, but it had a motive behind. The king wanted to make sure you would be given to a man who would love you for real, so only the ones willing to risk everything for you would remain in the competition. Unlike in the case of Helen, there was no political risk if your suitors would fight for you and he would be there to make sure that the possibility of death would remain only as a dissuading threat. 
The execution of the scheme ended up more troubled than its conception and once more an unexpected consequence altered the conceived situation. No famous heroes were expected to show up, since Same was part of a peripheral kingdom and you weren’t even a princess.It was a tournament for the hand of a modest insular beauty. Still, despite the limitations in that small world, news traveled fast and whispers began to caress the shores of its corners. In more relegated areas those became rumors speaking of the coming of age of a modern Iole and it was a matter of time until a modern Hercules would feel tempted. Ajax the Great, born and raised in the arid island of Salamis, wanted you from the very first moment he heard of you. 
Following the footsteps of the greatest hero in greek history was a big ambition of his. His own legend was constantly growing on comparisons that Ajax accepted pridefully, shaping his glory behind Hercules’. Succeeding in that tournament and making you his wife would bring one more parallel to his tales. Without a jealous Deianira on the way, he could even get a full triumph where his predecessor found death. He had nothing to lose, if gossips were right you were the perfect wife for him.  
His arrival was a scandal, the already established contestants weren’t happy about it. The tournament had already started and surviving that far to end up in the surprise inclusion of a new adversary was unfair for them. The complaints were, of course, a facade for a very sensate spread of fear.  No one, not even the ones more strongly infatuated with you, wanted to face him in combat. 
It was the oath of the suitors all over again, one man with an evident advantage twisting the initial setup in an unexpected turn of events. What Menelaus obtained through the political power of his brother, Ajax was going to get through brute force. Your father was terrified of refusing his request to join or denying him the win, since everyone knew that didn’t end up well for the King of Oechalia. A man as strong as that one, a true heir of Hercules, would have easily killed him to steal you as his concubine like it was remembered in the legends. 
One day of pause to the competition was given by the king to revisit the situation and he personally advised you would be sent to meet the new challenger. Odysseus knew him better than your father did, Ajax would perhaps reconsider it if you were against the idea because he wasn’t a cruel man. Not outside of the battlefield, at least, he was kind with his friends and way less bad tempered than Achilles. The recommendation specified that you should be alone, but your father was too afraid to pay any attention to that part. Under no circumstance he would leave you alone with that man, not even if Odysseus would command it. 
The meeting took place under his watch and you presented yourself covered by a veil, sign of modesty and decorum. Ajax could still see your face through the transparent cloth and he found you stunning beyond all expectatives. Delicate as a flower, beautiful like a divine dream. 
His intense staring was starting to make you uncomfortable, but he seemed entranced. 
“ Most of the contestants for the hand of daughter already know her. “ Your father was explaining to him, evidently disgusted by his lack of attention. “ They are the sons of the most excellent noblemen of the kingdom and they have seen her face uncovered. You,foreigner, will have to win the right to move the veil. “ 
Ajax knew what he meant, in no other context they would have left him to aspire having such a radiant bride. His island was poorer than Ithaca and Same, all he had to compete against the other suitors was the strength of his arms. 
“ That would not be a problem, sir.” He cheerfully replied. “ I have fought merciless combats for rewards that were infimal compared to the one your challenge offers.” 
He glanced at you and smiled, but you were petrified of fear. The man in front of you was the biggest you had ever seen. Astonishingly tall and of an enormous muscular complexion, rough looking from all the possible angles. You felt tiny and helpless just from being there with him, not precisely how you would prefer to feel for your husband. He looked less as the man asking for your hand and more as the invader who would drag you by the hair out of your home to make you his slave. It wasn’t his fault to be the living image of the kind of man you were taught to fear by common sense, but that was the exact first impression you got from him. 
“ May I speak?” You interrupted and he looked as if he was illusioned from hearing your voice for the first time. “ I’m afraid your epithets are too well assigned, son of Telamon. ‘ Ajax the Great’, ‘ the breaker of stones’, the man before my eyes has no fair challenger in this household. All my suitors are great warriors, but they are lesser to you in skill and size. There is no honor in winning a combat so despair, stealing the wife meant for someone else. “ 
Your words were meant to twist your father’s demeaning speech into something that sounded flattering, hoping he would desist after that exhortation. 
“ Are you calling me a cheater?” Ajax summarized, in a simpler speech delivered with an amused tone. “ I see things the other way around. Weaker men are unworthy of you, even if they are richer.” 
“ Strength is a quality of warriors and measuring yourself against men you already know you will defeat shows nothing but arrogance. “ You quickly replicated, desperate to make things work your way. “ Justice would demand you to fight against a hero of similar reputation and my king happens to know one. Achilles of Phthia is a great friend of his. Maybe we should hire him to fight against you on my father’s behalf.” 
That was a threat that would have scared any sensate man, specially because you had the means to accomplish it. Your king was the only one that the myrmidon warrior listened to, he would come to his aid like he wouldn’t do for anyone else. 
Ajax laughed, loudly and frankly, as if he didn’t care in the slightless for what you said. 
“ You look very cute making threats, little one.” He mocked you right away. “ I have heard of him, but I'm sure I would wreck him in half and  your king would not appreciate that. I have a more practical solution, with your permission I would present it.” 
He gave one step closer to you and you shivered. 
“ Look at me, beautiful. For how many of the others do you think I’m worth in battle?” 
Your father was murdering him with his eyes, but there was nothing he could do about it. 
“ I’m not sure, around four men?” Was your doubtful reply, ashamed of being contextually forced to observe his body on purpose. “ … Maybe five, if we count the shorter ones.” 
You made him laugh once more and one thing was for sure, he at least cared for your opinions. The fact that you were speaking more than the head of your house in a meeting where you were just meant to be seen showed that. 
“ Pick four of the biggest and there you have a fair match” 
Your disbelief to his said was still quite fun to see for him. 
“ Two rounds of two against one sounds good to me, but the final word is on my father.” 
The man was inflexible, he would gladly pick a way to kill the newcomer before allowing him to even think of having you. 
“ Four against one, she is yours if you survive.” 
That was practically a death sentence, even if the lonely challenger was the strongest of them all. The point was to dissuade him, force him to leave or get rid of him in the process. Whatever would take to get him away from you, he was willing to make it happen. 
The meeting was a complete failure, since Ajax wasn’t giving up. If anything, it made him feel a stronger determination in his purpose. It wasn’t about evocating the old legends anymore, he didn’t care for making you an accessory on his rising to glory. It got personal, he fancied you for real. He would have accepted to fight those opponents even if the prize would have been one look into your uncovered face and an innocent smile of congratulations. What had been promised to him was way greater, a reward worth for his maximum efforts. One combat afterwards you would be his wife, he couldn’t wait to have you in his arms. 
By that point you were dangerously aware of that, the way in which he kissed your hand goodbye before you would retire from the room wasn’t a definitive farewell. More like a ‘ see you soon’ full of longing coming from an hopeful man. He was going to kill everyone to get you or die trying, what wasn’t something nice to think about in your place. Heroes would usually come victorious from impossible tests, your father had as many chances of getting rid of Ajax as King Eurystheus had of killing Hercules. 
Twelve times the infamous mycenaean king tried and nothing worked, labor after labor of magnificent feats accomplished. In more noble circumstances, neither King Eurytus of Oechalia managed to protect his daughter from the desire of the hero and you seemed doomed to share her fate. Being handled to a savage that would treat you like a concubine, that if your family would manage to survive his wrath. Only resignation would keep them alive, your protective father who just wanted to assure you a good marriage would have to powerlessly let you go following that barbaric stranger. 
Odysseus tried to comfort you after he received the news, he said that it wasn’t in any way a bad marriage arrangement. Atypical, perhaps, but so was the one that got him his wife. He wasn’t approved by her family right away, they considered him a lesser prospect, and it was Penelope who chose him after falling in love in fast, chaotic circumstances. His biggest concern was trying to avoid actual deaths from happening, which he more or less handled good before the arrival of Ajax. No matter how much he would insist on claiming there was a nice man for you to discover behind the rough facade of the hero, aspect he was aware of because he knew him, that didn’t matter to you. 
He wasn’t going to be the one in his bed the night after the wedding party, he would return to Ithaca with his wife and son while you would be stuck there waiting for that giant to tear you apart and call that a marriage consummation. After that, you would have to leave your homeland and move to Salamis to stand it everyday without any familiar faces there to comfort you. If you would be lucky, you would get pregnant soon and that would grant you some rest from him. 
The combat took place the next morning and you witnessed it like a condemned waiting for execution. Before its start you closed your eyes in a silent prayer to Hera, goddess of marriage, begging not to be handled to a brutal man. Little to no hope was left for you moments afterwards, when you actually watched him fight. Pure horror that you couldn’t dissimulate, his war hammer was impossible to block even with the cohesive work of four opponents working towards survival. Ajax was not only trying to win that combat, he was giving a show in hopes of impressing you. In his mindset, that was his best way of winning your admiration. 
You were so scared that you wanted to cry, men were falling like wheat before a harvester’s sickle. Once his hard work was completely done he smiled at you with inexplicable sweetness, as if he was seeking your approval for it. He wanted you to like him, that fight was his odd attempt of actively courting you. Perhaps he wanted you as more than the prize won with an epic massacre, it was said that Ajax’s biggest ambition was surpassing Hercules. 
In that, at least, he was already greater than him. The son of Zeus didn’t show the slightest care for Iole when he killed her entire family to keep her as a kidnapped possession. Ajax cared for being wanted by you, he wanted to accomplish your consent on the marriage. His face was still splattered of blood, but he was looking at you with blatant adoration. It was a slightly comforting detail you noticed at the time your fate was completely sealed. 
As tradition recalled, you moved your veil for him and his lips parted to the sight of you as if he would be contemplating the face of a goddess freshly down from Olympus. The soft reaction got a shy smile from you, spontaneous reaction to such a sweet gesture. He looked blissful as if he would have won the hand of Helen, the most beautiful woman who ever existed. 
The wedding had to be postponed in respect to the funerals of those who fell trying to win you. Twelve days separated you from it, as it was stipulated by the customary rituals, and you took that chance to get to know him better. Approaching him by yourself wasn’t even necessary sometimes, since he was pretty much up to finding any excuse to see you. However, everytime you would seek for his company on your own he was particularly happy and he wouldn’t even dissimulate it. 
Ajax was, to your incredible surprise, the sweetest man you have ever met. Extremely careful in every touch, as if you were made of crystal and he was afraid of breaking you. Having to bend down to kiss your forehead didn’t seem a bother to him, but he would joke about how you would have to get ready to get picked up often. 
“ I’m a man of honor, I will not try it now, but I want you to be comfortable when I will be kissing you.” He explained to you once, expectantly of your reaction to that. “ To be honest, that’s all I think about. Twelve days feel like a year knowing I'm about to become your husband.” 
You couldn’t help smiling at such tender confession. 
“ Well, to be honest this is better for me.” You shyly admitted. “ It gives us time before the formalization, which is great because you were a stranger to me a few days ago.” 
Ajax chuckled to the reminder of your initial attitude. 
“ Not only a stranger; a despicable brute. “ He recalled with amusement. “ First impressions are hard for me when the goal is not about frightening the enemy. “ 
He took your hand while his glance searched for yours. 
“ Are you still afraid?” 
“ Way less than before.” Was your quite frank reply to that sensible question. “... but still a little bit.” 
It didn’t disencourage him, but he was curious about that. 
“ Mind to tell me why? “ He cheerfully insisted. “ Anything, even the simplest thing I can do to change that, I will try. I want to make you happy, as happy as you make me. “ 
One particular doubt you had, you were too ashamed to ask. His disposition to hear you made you want to share it with him, but it wasn’t an easy topic. 
“ It’s not about you, not directly at least. You have been very sweet lately and I feel this is unfair to mention…” 
Ajax was attentive to your words and did his best to hold a chuckle when you finally opened up to him. 
“... I’m scared about the wedding night.” 
It was adorable, just the worries of a frightened maiden, perhaps a bit concerned about the challenges of his body size. 
“ When the time comes, you will be ready.” He comforted you, wrapping his arms around you in the same action. “ … but in the meantime, I can help you get used to the feeling of my body against yours.” 
The hug lasted for your entire conversation and the sensation wasn’t bad at all. If he could keep that lovely patience, despite it was clear to you that it was a bit of a struggle for him, you could totally get used to it. 
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hrefna-the-raven · 2 months
Horror masterlist - Masterlist - Misc. masterlist
RZ Michael Myers x female nurse reader
Part 1
Words: 1248
Warnings: very mild and short descriptions about violence
Summary: you seem to be the only person who's able to communicate with Michael and so you continued to take care of him on Dr Loomis' orders
Reader: short female reader in mind, but no specific descriptions are used
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The following days and weeks passed with the same routine. You were overseeing Michael in the observation room until Doctor Loomis would arrive for the therapy session. Occasionally, the doctor would even request that you stay, hoping that Michael would open up in your presence. He did, although the doctor was too engrossed in his own theories to notice it each time, but you saw all of it. The little amused huffs behind the mask whenever you challenged him with a question, the silent chuckles and crinkling eyes whenever you told one of your jokes and the way his breath hitched as soon as your hand found his in an innocent touch. All the while a frustrated Loomis sat across the table, huffing as he scribbled down in his notebook, so much to write and yet no wisdom to share, only speculations.
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The conflict within Michael kept raging on, torn between his urge to kill and the growing fondness for you. You were a thorn in his flesh of bloody sin and yet, you soothed his mind and your touch left a sense of longing burning beneath his skin. Your fingertips brushing the side of his hand as he tried to help you make your own mask felt electrifying, a spark straight to his rotten heart, nourishing its dying flesh. His heart raced, threatening to burst out of his chest while his breaths grew heavier. As his eyes finally locked on yours, the entire world around him froze, time trickling away while you observed him, your perfect lips slightly parted, realising what was happening to him, what you did to him.
"Well mine doesn't look as good as yours but I still have time to learn from the master", you giggled, holding your mask up for him to see, "shall we try them on?"
A faint smile spread across his lips, well hidden beneath the painted paper on his face. The way you giggled so carelessly in his presence, the graceful movements of your hands, making the piece of paper-mâché seemingly dance in the air, Michael could feel a knot forming in his stomach. He had never felt like this, not even prior to that one fateful Halloween. Although his heart suddenly jumped as he observed your cheerful expression falter, replaced by a hint of fear. Would this be the inevitable moment of truth where you'd finally realise how ugly he truly was on the outside and deep within?
"I...I should turn around", you murmured, "sorry I forgot for a moment that you don't like showing your face."
His fingers moved up to grasp your chin, preventing you from turning your head away. Observing your initial confusion, he handed you his new mask and slowly removed his old one. A hushed gasp slipped passed your lips, eyes wide in shock as you gazed upon Michael's real face for the very first time. He let out a rasped groan as your fingertips graced his forehead, brushing the long blonde strands of hair away to tuck them behind his ears. His handsome face bore a rough charm, tiny dark stubble adorned his broad jaw and chin, his lips trembling ever so slightly while his icy blue eyes locked onto yours. He noticed your flustered expression and the heat rising to your cheeks as you leaned closer and put the mask over his head, but you didn't pull it down immediately.
"That...uhm...is a very beautiful face", you whispered, "thanks for allowing me to see it...for the trust."
You pulled the mask down and right before it covered his face entirely, you saw his lips curl into a wide smile. As you were about to put your own mask on, the metal door swung open and Loomis entered with Cruz following closely behind.
"Thank you nurse", the doctor called out while Cruz simply waved at you with a smile, "you can take your leave now. Mister Cruz will take care of Michael in the coming days and I will commence the daily therapy session now. Happy Halloween!"
You sensed Michael tense beside you, the breaths under the mask becoming more erratic with each second of silence passing. Your hand found his, squeezing it gently while his gaze met yours at the subtle reassuring touch.
"I'll take a week off from this evening on, but", you spoke calmly, sensing his rising panic, "I know tomorrow is Halloween, soooo....after discussing it with Dr Loomis, I got the approval to drop by and visit you, in my Halloween costume. And of course I gonna bring you some candy."
You offered a gentle smile while your hand remained on his but it wasn't nearly enough to quell the anger burning within Michael in this moment. He had trusted you, opened himself up to you, and now, like everyone else in his life, you were about to leave him again. Leaving him all to himself and his darkness again? The thought of being abandoned consumed him, causing his teeth to grind and his once warm eyes turned cold and lifeless. His hand instinctively moved towards your neck while his mind exploded with images of how he could simply smash you head first into the table. The cracking sound of your skull, the crimson trickling from every wound, pooling around your face in perfect contrast against the dark grey metal underneath, all mingling with the sweet melody of your panicked last breaths, realising your life was drained away by his hand, the very one you're still holding onto right now.
"If you write me down your favourite candy, I gonna try and get that one for us. Promised!"
Your soft voice snapped him out of his murderous trail of thoughts back into reality and he felt his hold on your neck loosen, gently caressing your skin before retreating. Steel blue eyes blinked at you a few times, the love and gentleness slowly returning to them and with a loud sigh Michael leaned forward, hastily scribbling a few words on a piece of paper before sliding it towards you. The chuckle escaping your lips went straight through his chest, it being the most beautiful sound he had ever heard, forgetting all the pain and doubt it had caused within him just a few seconds ago.
"Oh those two are my favourites too", your finger tapped on the paper, "you have an excellent taste in sweets, Mr Myers."
He rolled his eyes in response but you could almost see the smirk peeking out from behind the paper-mâché.
"I'll see you tomorrow then. Make sure to wear your scariest mask", you winked at him before heading towards the doors.
Before the door fell shut, Loomis slipped through it, calling out for you. It amazed you how this man knew so much and so little at the same time about his most famous patient. He listened, analysed and yet, he never seemed to truly see or hear Michael. Maintaining a friendly and professional expression on your face, you continued to listen as he provided additional instructions for your visit the following day.
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As you laid in bed that night, a stash of candy and sweets stowed away and ready, excitement bubbled in your stomach while your restless mind got lost in the anticipation of your first private meeting with Michael, outside your nurse outfit and the obligation to watch over him. It would simply be you and him having as much Halloween fun as a place like Smith's Grove would allow.
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Part 3 - Home (18+)
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saphirreesuccudus · 4 months
I wanna give Michael a smooch :(
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You and Michael were cuddling late at night, you were about ready to head to bed, and just wanted to cuddle him before you went to sleep. You grabbed his hand, looping it around your waist, scooting yourself closer to him.
You felt his nose and scratchy beard rest itself on the back of your head. It didn’t feel great but you’ve gotten used to it, he’s not a fan of shaving anyways.
You felt a small peck on the back of your neck, feeling warm, large, rough hands squeeze your waist. It was a rare occurrence for Michael to be physically affectionate, so you took advantage of it when you got the opportunity.
You turned your whole body around, grabbing his shoulder and placing a kiss on his lips, scratching his head. He seemed to become less tense as you scratched his head, the grip on your waist becoming looser. He clearly was tired
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helloemmaz3 · 1 year
This is such a sad moment cuz like Laurie lost both her parents in one night like damn.
This scene was like so sad you know?
Credits: @lilmidna on tiktok
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