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bitterbatsgrimoire · 8 months ago
Tyche; Prayer for trust in the workings of fate
O Tyche, Goddess of fortune and fate,
I come to you in times of dismay.
When disappointment weighs heavy on my heart,
Guide me to see with clearer eyes.
Help me find the strength to accept what is,
And find peace in your embrace.
Though storms may rage and troubles persist,
I surrender my worries and trust in your plan.
I embrace the unknown,
Knowing that with you, I will never be alone.
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luck-of-tyche · 11 months ago
my parents: *make a witch joke every time i roll the exact number i need on dice or guess something hard to guess* me, who worships tyche and hermes: 👍
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helihi · 10 months ago
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The Chthonic & Miscellaneous Gods I’m the Dungeon Master of a Graeco-roman inspired dnd campaign called Champions of Olympia! Commissions The Olympians
I decided to do artwork for all the gods for my players. For this, I did a ton of research of the Greek mythology with some extra Roman add-ons since the campaign focuses on gladiators and the Coloseum. I also drew inspiration from Stray Gods, Hades, God of War, Hadestown and some YouTube channels who discuss Greek myths.
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puppyqueers · 5 months ago
Green candle spell
Meanings Abundance Growth Money Good luck
Goddess - Tykhe [Tyche]
Hymn Approach strong Fortune, with propitious mind and rich abundance, to my pray'r inclin'd Placid, and gentle Trivia, mighty nam'd, imperial Dian, born of Pluto fam'd; Mankind's unconquer'd, endless praise is thine, sepulch'ral, widely-wand'ring pow'r is divine! In thee, our various mortal life is found, and some from thee hi copious wealth abound; While other mourn thy hand averse to bless, in all the bitterness of deep distress. Be present, Goddess, to thy vot'ry kind, and give abundance with benignant mind. - [71] LXXI. To Fortune. The Fumigation of Frankincense.
Light an incense, any kind you wish, and wave the smoke around your candle, if using a jar make sure to get into the jar and around the top, and speak the Hymn. If it's within your head that is okay, although saying them out loud can be very fun. Light the candle and let it burn to the end, if a jar candle light and relight as you are able to stay within the house with the candle.
Happy spell casting.
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paganby · 2 years ago
my sister is blessed by a luck deity. Has to be, because I can't explain how a person can have so much dumb luck (it's infuriating). (does lead to very good outcomes though when she and I are in a car together)
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royal-wren · 1 year ago
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punkfistfights · 10 months ago
i love having whackadoodle headcanons. anyways percy is a legacy of fortuna ☺️🫡
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owlswans · 1 month ago
Altoid Altars
⋆⁺₊⋆ ━━━━⊱༒︎ • ༒︎⊰━━━━ ⋆⁺₊⋆
1: Melpomene, Thaleia | 2: Apollon, Athene 3: | Tykhe
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Finally finished Lady Tykhe’s! I *might* make one for Lady Aphrodite (Votive Offering).
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verdantlyviolet · 1 year ago
I include her in my prayers and home worship in conjunction with Agathos Daimon (who she was sometimes connected to) and Zeus Ktesios. I don’t really have more to share, it’s a fairly routine worship as part of ensuring the safety and blessings of my household.
Anyone in my helpol circle have experience working with/worshipping Tyche? I may have been getting some hints and tugs lately. Lemme know your experiences and UPG and stuff :)
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blue-lotus333 · 6 months ago
The Buddha in different religions/beliefs. 
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Firstly, who is the Buddha?: 
The historical Buddha was a prince named Siddhartha Gautama who lived 2500 years ago in what is today northern India/Nepal. He was born into a warrior clan known as the Shakya, which is why he is often called Shakyamuni, “Sage of the Shakyas.” He is the one to later abandon worldly attachments, become enlightened, and found Buddhism.
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The Buddha in Hinduism.
Some Hindus consider the Buddha as the 9th avatar of Vishnu/Dashavatara, The Buddha was integrated into Vaishnavism, it was also believed the Buddha’s wife, Yasodhara, was the avatar of the wealth Goddess Lakshmi, though Buddhists deny this, so as other Hindus who identify the 9th avatar of Vishnu to another being who was also called “buddha”.
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The Buddha in Christianity.
Called St. Josaphat (Budhasaf) of India, The story of St. Josaphat tells of a prince in India who is converted to Christianity by a monk, despite his father's attempts to prevent it. The monk and prince are later honored as saints in Christendom. The Buddha was honored as a Christian saint for about a thousand years, but this wasn't recognized until the mid 19th century.
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The Buddha in Hellenism.
Buddhism had a big influence on ancient Greeks, in which they would identify Buddhist beings with Greek beings, the Greeks were also the first ones to make Buddhist statues. Heracules (or Zeus) was identified with The bodhisattva Vajrapani, whom was seen as Buddha’s protector. There also was a Syncretism between The Buddhist Goddess Hariti & Greek goddess tykhe.
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The Buddha in Taoism.
Some Taoist believe that the Buddha was a reincarnation of Laozi, the founder of Taoism. Some also believe he was either on the same power-level as the Jade emperor, the Taoist king of heaven, or stronger than him. 'Buddha' is absorbed wholly into the Taoist cosmology, becoming another term used to describe the generative tissue at the source of all things in both the mental and physical realms.
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The Buddha in Shinto.
Buddhism & Shinto are mostly seen highly entwined in Japan. The buddha is called Shaka in Japanese & was transformed into a powerful Japanese deity, whom coexisted with the Shinto gods. Buddhist temples were often attached to Shinto shrines. A Shinto temple would sometimes have a priest of that shrine read a Buddhist sutra in which Shinto events took place.
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bitterbatsgrimoire · 4 months ago
Tyche; Prayer for safety while travelling
O Tyche, Goddess of fortune and fate,
As I set forth on my journey,
I ask for your protection.
When shadows loom and fear takes hold,
Help me to trust in the path before me,
And find courage in the unknown.
May every obstacle be overcome,
And every challenge met with ease.
Let all things fall into place,
And may good fortune accompany me wherever I go.
Surround me with protection,
Both seen and unseen,
And may I return home safely,
Enriched by my experiences.
In your care, I place my trust.
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aliciavance4228 · 18 days ago
Okay, I was wondering about this little thing for a while and I know that I might be missing something but I'm still confused.
So we do know that before being kidnapped by Hades Persephone was playing with the Oceanides in Homeric Hymns to Demeter. And we also know that Demeter was searcing for her daughter for nine days, until Hecate finally took pity of her and decided to bring her to Helios. But the thing is: one of the Oceanides Persephone was spending time with was Styx, who is also the personification of the Underworld River:
Homeric Hymn 2 to Demeter 415 ff (trans. Evelyn-White) (Greek epic C7th or 6th B.C.) : "[Persephone tells the story of her abduction :] All we were playing in a lovely meadow, Leukippe (Leucippe) and Phaino (Phaeno) and Elektra (Electra) and Ianthe, Melita also and Iakhe (Iache) with Rhodea and Kallirhoe (Callirhoe) and Melobosis and Tykhe (Tyche) and Okyrhoe (Ocyrhoe), fair as a flower, Khryseis (Chryseis), Ianeira, Akaste (Acaste) and Admete and Rhodope and Plouto (Pluto) and charming Kalypso (Calypso); Styx too was there and Ourania (Urania) and lovely Galaxaura with Pallas [Athena] who rouses battles and Artemis delighting in arrows: we were playing and gathering sweet flowers in our hands, soft crocuses mingled with irises and hyacinths, and rose-blooms and lilies, marvellous to see, and the narcissus which the wide earth caused to grow yellow as a crocus."
Why didn't she tell Demeter anything? Didn't she observe that there's somebody new down there? Did either Hades or Zeus threaten her not to say anything? Did she even care to tell her mother anything at all? What's going on?!
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rainbowskittle · 10 months ago
If you Greek and lgbtq+ hiii! Can we be friends ?? Your food is delicious and country is beautiful!! Haha.
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paganby · 2 years ago
my sister is blessed by a luck deity. Has to be, because I can't explain how a person can have so much dumb luck (it's infuriating). (does lead to very good outcomes though when she and I are in a car together)
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golge-gezgin · 1 year ago
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Travel Düzce 03 / Düzce Konuralp Müzesi:
Konuralp ( Prusias Pros Hypios ) antik kentinin de içinde bulunduğu bölge Herodot, Xenophon ve Strabon gibi antik çağ yazarlarına göre MÖ. 1200 - 700 yılları arasında Trakyalı halkların yurdu olarak anılır. MÖ. 1000 yılının ilk yarısında Hypios dağının güney yamacında Hypios çayı ( Melen çayı ) yakınlarında bir tepe üzerinde kurulan kent, çaydan dolayı Hypia, sonraki dönemlerde Kieros olarak anıldığı bilinmektedir. Antik Çağ yazarlarından Memnon Prusias ( MÖ. 237-192) Kieros kentini zapt ederek Herakleialılar' dan alır ve kentin adını Prusias olarak değiştirir. Aynı adı taşıyan diğer şehirlerden ayırt etmek için Prusias Pros Hypios ( Hypios önündeki Prusias ) denilmiştir. 
MÖ. 326 yılında babası Bas' ın yerine geçen 1. Zipoites 297 yılında kral ünvanını alan ilk Bithynia kralıdır. Kuzey sınırı Karadeniz, doğu sınırını Filyos çayı , batı sınırını Orhaneli çayı ve güney sınırını antik Phrygia Epictetus' un oluşturduğu Bithynia krallığı son kral IV. Nikomedes' in vasiyeti üzerine MÖ. 74 yılında Roma İmparatorluğuna bağlanır. Yeni dönemde Roma kültürünün etkisinde kalarak Prusias ad Hypium adını alan kentte yoğun imar faaliyetlerine girişilerek kent merkezinde sosyal yapılar oluşturulmuş ve sanat eserleriyle süslenmiştir.
Antik kente ait eserlerin korunmasını sağlamak ve sergilemek amacıyla 1977 yılında inşaatına başlanan bina 1922 yılında tamamlanır ve 1994 yılında eserler sergilenmeye başlar. 1931 yılında Düzce konuralp beldesinde bulunup İstanbul Arkeoloji Müzesi' ne götürülen ve orada teşhir edilen Tykhe heykeli en kıymetli eserlerdendir.
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godzillalover · 1 year ago
NFT cards
Abe Sapien
Alan Scott
Avery Ho
Casey Jones
Greta Hayes
James Proudstar
Jason Grace
Jesse Chambers
John Proudstar
Ted Kord
Trini Kwan
Vic Sage
Warren Worthington
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