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My name is Tycheron. My pronouns are He/Him. I am 16. My source is "Voltron Legendary Defenders" but I'm an "OC" I am Keith's little brother and the pilot of the Purple lion, a support lion of Voltron. Shiro is my (adopted) dad. I'm the same age as (cannon) Pidge. Me, Keith, and Pidge are all trans men.
I never really went to school. I snuck into the storage of blue to follow Keith. Almost didn't live through that space journey, fun fact storage isn't meant for human children. There's alot of bad memories and alot of good ones We never had the black!keith red!lance Blue!llura stuff. My family is my family. My Hyung and my dad would never leave us like the show. MY Allura was closer to mid-twenties human years. Dad was about 25 or 26. Lance, Keith, Pidge, and Hunk were all like 16? I was 14 when I followed them. I am 16 now.
I love my family and miss them so much. Dad, Hyung, Pidge, Lance, Hunk, Auntie (Allura), Coran. The bulmerans! All the people on all the planets across the galaxies. My room. Space cow. the mice. I miss sitting in the training deck watching Hyung train for hours and making him stay hydrated. I miss stargazing out the windows of the castle with Dad. I miss braiding Allura's hair and letting her have me try on old Altean clothes. I miss letting Lance do his stupid skincare routene on me and talking for hours with his loud ass music. I miss talking to Pidge about our older brothers in a way only trans boys with trauma can. I miss being Hunk's taste tester. I miss "helping" Coran fix the ship (I really just carried his stuff around for him). I miss going to the space mall and having fun. I miss helping the people across the galaxy as my family fought Zarcon. Purple is a support lion, I usually am on standby helping the people of the planet rather than fighting. Matt was nice, I only met him a couple times.
...I made myself sad. Thats all for now then.
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I'll be taking a hiatus for a while school is killing me and my attention has shifted from one piece to hazbin hotel. When it eventually comes back around I'll pick up the blog again but until then big love everyone 💗❤️💞
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so. uh. -Tycheron (The voltron insert based on Tychon)
Voltron's Cubs
Voltron is a team of six paladins (Black, Red, Yellow, Green, Blue, and Purple) and their two Altean companions (Princess Allura and Coran). The two youngest paladins, Pidge and Tychon, are 14... right? OR The team finds out that Pidge and Tychon age regress.
Caregiver!Voltron and Regressors!Pidge and Tychon Tychon regresses from 0-4, Pidge regresses from 4-7
THIS IS A SFW AGERE ONESHOT/FIC. DONT LIKE, DONT READ. NSFW/K!NK ACCOUNTS DNI (this was supposed to be a reader insert but it ended up just being my self-insert OC- oopsie)
The Lions arrived back one by one into the bay after another battle with the galra. Everyone was sore and exausted, Pidge and Tychon looking particualry worse-for-wear when exiting thier lions. The team gathered for a debreif, Shiro and Allura in the lead as usual. Pidge and Tychon both soon dismissed themselves to thier rooms, causing the team to become slightly concerned, but continue to talk amongst themselves.
Tychon left soon after Pidge, the fuzz in his mind growing with every step towards his room, as the wearyness of the adreniline-crash made him more and more drowsy. He blinks himself back to focus.. all he have to do is get to his room and lock the doors, and he can finally be as little as he needs to be... he turns the doorknob slowly opening the door, only to see Pidge, sitting on the floor with a pile of odd-looking mechanical blocks. Crap he must've opened the wrong door- before he can stutter an apology he realizes the blocks look an awful lot like the letter blocks toddlers play with. As Pidge turns to stare at Tychon, fear evident in his eyes, the purple paladin simply slides the door shut behind himself, speaking in a shakey voice. "You're little? I'm.. uh I regress too..."
It took barely a few minutes for the two kids to get comfortable together, sitting side-by-side, Pidge happily explaining the toys he had made themselves. Pidge quickly takes on the role of big brother once he announces his age range to be between 4 and 7, and Tychon bashfully says his age range is "baby to 4", The two get comfortable, Pidge wraping Tychon in one of his fluffy blankets, a small divice Pidge had remodled playing what seems to be a childrens program from a nearby planet. Tychon nearly jumped out of his skin and Pidge startled fron his position side-by-side on the floor when the door is slammed open, Lance stopping what he was about to say, staring at the two regressors for a moment. He processes what he's seeing rather quickly, slack-jaw becoming a soft smile. "This makes... so much sence. You two are little, huh? We're all pretty silly for not figuring that out."
Tychon and Pidge look at eachother, Pidge shifting from where he was sitting onto thier knees curiously. "You... know about regression...?"
Lance approaches the pair in two long strides, kneeling down and patting Pidge's head. "Of course I do? They have a mandatory class about mental health in- oh, right you two were too young for those classes on Earth. Well, everyone else knows about age regression. You two cuties," He punctuated his words by using his other hand to boop Tychon's nose gently, "don't have to hide from us. Come on, everyone's worried, lets go out to the common room. I'm sure Allura has some old Altean toys you can play with too."
Pidge perks up at the mention of new toys - or the Altean tech he could access, turning to gently tug Tychon up from where he was sitting, Tychon using his free hand to hold the blanket around his shoulders. The purple paladin stand slowly, a bit more wobbly than the green paladin, only to be stedied by Lance. He took Pidge's hand with the hand and Pidge kept hold on Tychon's, leading the both of them to the common room.
The rest of the team was gathered in the common room when the trio peeked around the corner. The worry was almost palpable as they discussed Tychon and Pidge frequently disappearing, before Lance had started walking again, the two regressors in tow. "I found our missing members, and found out a few secrets along the way~"
Lance announced in a sing-song tone. Tychon hid behind Pidge as everyone turned to look at the small group, Pidge being a bit more brave, standing beside Lance and waving slightly. After a brief moment of confused silence, clarity dawns on the other Paladins. Allura and Coran remain confused, and Shiro is the first to talk. "They're.. regressors. Wow we're all oblivious that- makes so much sense." He beckons the two over gently, a soft almost paternal look on his eyes, before he turns towards the Alteans and explains, "Age regression is a broad term and can take various forms - as a symptom of a mental disorder, a trauma response, or a coping mechanism - where someone regresses mentally to a child, age range depends on the individual. It's generally a private thing, hence why Tychon and Pidge were hiding when they needed to regress."
"But if they are mentally a child, shouldn't they have a guardian?"
Lance gently leads the way to the couches, Pidge running ahead and sitting - more like bouncing in place - next to Hunk. Lance perched himself on the edge of the couch, and Tychon moved to the other end of the couch, climbing up next to Keith. "Not all regressors need or want a caregiver, but now that we know they regress they don't have to hide anymore and we can keep an eye on them." "Pidge, Ty, do you know your ages?"
Keith glances at Pidge and then down at Tychon, his question softer than his tone usually allowed for. He wraps his arm around Tychon, pulling the smaller boy into his side.
"I'm SIX!" Pidge shouts, quickly being prompted softly to lower his volume by Hunk. Everyone turnes for Tychon's answer, and he shrinks into Keith when the attention falls on him. He shyly holds up two fingers, flicking to three for a moment and then back to two. The smaller boy hides himself in the blanket, curled against Keith, obviously much more shy than Pidge.
It doesn't take very long for everyone to get comfortable, Lance moving to the floor to help Pidge with the Altean toys Allura had found and Tychon snuggled on Keith’s lap. Hunk, Shiro, and Coran had moved to the kitchen, looking for a snack that the two kiddos might actually try to eat.
“Tychon don’t you want to come play as well?” It was a genuine question from Allura, but poor Tychon only whined and clung to Keith. Keith, on his part, was used to Tychon clinging to him even when Tychon was big, the kid revering him growing up, following him anywhere and everywhere. “How about I sit with you, Ty, does that sound nice?” Tychon blinks up at Keith's voice, soft only for the two littles with him, slowly nodding, shifting his blanket-burrito self into the floor. Keith moves to sit criss-cross next to Pidge, Tychon immediately crawling back into his lap. Pidge scoots closer, offering the younger a toy he had already figured out, Tychon reaching out from his cocoon of blankets to try to understand the toy. The night went by quickly, happy littles and content bigs. They have every day of their lives left to enjoy the company of each other in any headspace. <3
Side note: This took FOREVER to finish for some reason. 1143 words
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Food, Beauty, Mind | Philosophy Tube A tasty bit of self-reflection! 🎂🎂🎂 https://ift.tt/SnlZd0v Subscribe! https://ift.tt/kAMEo4R Paypal.me/PhilosophyTube Twitter: @PhilosophyTube Email: [email protected] Facebook: https://ift.tt/g4T3y2E realphilosophytube.tumblr.com BIBLIOGRAPHY: Elizabaeth Adetiba, “Caster Semenya and the Cruel History of Contested Black Femininity,” in SBNation Sandra Bartkey, “Foucault, Femininity, and the Modernization of Patriarchal Power” Simone de Beauvoir, Le Deuxième Sexe Rhea Bhatnagar & Olivia Little, “TikTok creators are promoting dangerous eating disorder tactics to young users -- and the company is letting them,” in Media Matters For America Simon Critchley, Infinitely Demanding John Duncan, “Making a Girlboss: Patriarchy, Social Reproduction and Neoliberal Subjectivity” Eli Cugini, “When Thin Is A Trans Requirement,” in Autostraddle Michel Foucault, Discipline and Punish Michel Foucault, Power/Knowledge (ed. Colin Gordon) Jules Joanne Gleeson, “How Do Transitions Happen?” in Transgender Marxism Lakeisha Goedluck, “Apetamin: the illegal slim-thick wonder drug that preys on black women’s insecurities,” in Gal-Dem Dimitri Gutas, “The Empiricism of Avicenna,” in Oriens April Herndon, “Collateral Damage from Friendly Fire? Race, Nation, Class and the ‘War Against Obesity,’” in Social Semiotics Cressida Heyes, Self-Transformation Poh’lad Za Hranice, “Transcendental Subject Vs. Empirical Self: On Kant’s Account of Subjectivity,” in Filozofia David Hume, A Treatise on Human Nature, Book I, Part IV, Section VI Kimberly Hutchings, “Choosers or Losers? Feminist Ethical and Political Agency in a Plural and Unequal World,” in Gender, Agency and Coercion Rebecca Jennings, “The $5000 Quest for the Perfect Butt,” in Vox Immanuel Kant, Critique of Pure Reason Immanuel Kant, Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals Nigella Lawson, Cook, Eat, Repeat John Locke, Essay Concerning Human Understanding, Book II, Chapter I Maintenance Phase, “The Body Mass Index” Maintenance Phase, “The Obesity Epidemic” Anna North, ““I am a woman and I am fast”: What Caster Semenya’s Story Says About Gender and Race in Sports,” in Vox Jonah Peretti, “Capitalism and Schizophrenia” Adam Phillips, On Wanting to Change Helene Shugart, Heavy TyTalks, I'm Black...Not ✨Black✨| The Societal Beauty Standard for Black Women Heather Widdows, Perfect Me Naomi Wolf, The Beauty Myth LEMON DRIZZLE CAKE RECIPE: Ingredients: Butter 175g Caster Sugar 150g 1.5tsp Baking Powder Pinch of Salt Elderflower Cordial Granulated Sugar Poppy Seeds Eggs x3 Ground Almonds 75g Lemons x2 Cream the butter and sugar with the zest of the lemons. Mix the flour, ground almonds, salt, and baking powder in a separate bowl. Add one egg to the butter and sugar mixture and beat in, then a third of the dry ingredients, then the second egg, and so on. Add two tablespoons of elderflower cordial and mix. Place in a greased baking tin and bake at 160 degrees Celsius (fan oven) for 20-25 minutes until just beginning to brown at the edges. Meanwhile, mix the drizzle - 100ml of elderflower cordial and the juice of the two lemons. When the cake is done, prick all over with a cake tester (or piece of spaghetti), and slowly pour on the drizzle so it soaks in and doesn’t pool. Sprinkle modestly with granulated sugar and poppy seeds. Leave to cool completely before cutting. Pairs excellently with a cup of earl grey tea or a glass of rosé wine (French, not Californian). TIMESTAMPS: 0:00 - Appetizer 2:29 - First Course 10:30 - Second Course 21:55 - Side Dish: The Ballad of Kelly Slaughter 28:45 - Third Course #Food #Cooking #Beauty via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9MGUWtTakQc
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the police & hero commission really asked a bunch of 15-18yr olds to help stop a large scale villain organization. like for real

#you know how many fucking heroes there are in japan#and yall ask STUDENTS who have been TARGETED BEFORE????#nonsense. fucking nonsense#bnha spoilers#bnha 272#tytalks
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Tina’s ✌🏻Positive Vibes Only ✌🏻 Schtick... real or just a ploy to capture the last dying embers of child star fame?
tea. I can’t say I haven’t wondered the same thing myself, but you know, for now the ‘schtick’ seems to stick - i’m a poet, i know. you can venmo me cash for those straight bars. @tinacchq
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Us too! We don't even really have (recent/short term)amnesia, heck of a lot of emotional amnesia though. It's like we're always watching front, even if we can't reach it for whatever reason. Only way we can tell is (psuedo/exo)memories and extra appendages innerworld (IE; Obe has a tail and ears, I remeber living with Voltron, etc) We DO have pretty bad time blindness though, we genuenly thought yesterday morning was like 2-3 days ago.
Last night we had a new(?) little front for like 2 hours and when I finally was able to get back to front it was 11:45pm and they had just sulked about wanting her dad for the entire time ;-; We only had our "system egg crack" as our freinds call it a week or two ago, and we've been pretty blurry sence.
I’m really tired of that ‘waking up’ sensation and I proceed to forget everything I was doing for the best hour and having to figure it out based on context clues.
It’s really annoying because it’s always ‘me’ fronting, I just suddenly forget everything and my personality is weird. It’s still ‘me’ though.
Does anybody else get it? I feel like I’m losing my mind a little bit.
-(claiming ❤️🔥🦋❄️)
we get that sometimes! that usually happens to us when we're blurry, or exhausted.
share your experiences if you want!!
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does anyone else put slices of cheese on their doritos or is that just me
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Aside From Shimmying & Trying To Twirl In My Free Time, My Platform Is One Of Using My Academic Narrative To Reach Back & Inspire The World. To Let Every Man & Woman Under The Call Of My Humble Voice Know That Their Dreams Are As Powerful As Their Willingness To Turn Them Into Realities. Yesterday I Was Blessed To Be Invited To The Radio Show Of Arthur Jones, Former RB For Indiana University & A Childhood Friend. During The Interview We Discussed My Journey, My #TyTalks Motivational Speaking Tour, The Importance Of HBCU Education, Sports & More. Special Thanks To The Folks At Patreon & @dreams2realitystudio. The Episode Will Air Sooner Than Later. But In The Interim, Here's A Sneak Peak. #TyTalks @kappaalphaty
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Hello Hello🎤
🎵 We are a the musical copilots. For now our tag will be #MusicalCollective. We go by Obe generally, He/They pronouns. Body's age is 19. 🎵
Frequent Fronters: 🎙️Our Co-Host: Oberon 19 He/They/Void/Pup #Obeposts (Also mostly in charge of out main @wolfiestay1008 and has his own regression blog @little-wolfpuppy) 🎙️Our Co-Host: Tycheron 14-16 He/Him #TyTalks 🎙️Our Co-Host: Keegan Adult Any except She/Her #KeeganIsDone Other common fronters: 🎧Beatrice Belladonna Adult She/Her 🎧Wolf Adult It/Wolf/He (not very verbal) 🎧ROX ADULT HE/THEY/IT There are a few others who will make thier own posts or don't want to be on the internet as much. They will add themselves if/when theyre ready.
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Hello! this is the asker here, I made a sonic side blog so I can post my lil doodles I just wanted to say i plan on rereading beyond a promise and when i do so I will probably rigorously take notes of everything I like as that Is just something I do so you may receive another ask from me in the recent future with a laundry list of compliments.
all in all I am happy to know that my ask left a positive impression :)
Hi hi, I'm very new to the sonic fandom (5 days) and I just wanted to say that beyond a promise was mind blowing to me. Your prose is so engaging and well executed. When I find prose like yours, it makes me fall in love with writing all over again. Writers like you are what make it an art. So thank you for sharing with us, and I am happy to say that beyond a promise is the first sonic fic I have read and finished :)
Wow so I took a screenshot of this and showed i to my friends because I was so incredibly touched by your message.
And then I FORGOT to respond 💀
Beyond a Promise is one of those stories that I just needed to get out and couldn't get out of my head. And I'm so happy that my silly story of healing and choices and ultimately death resonated with you.
Thank you for reading and just know you made my day :)
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Anyways what he says in the manga is im dumber than a mackerel i should just die. In the show he says my soul is as twisted as my curly eyebrows. My curiosity is satiated
#proof that oda did not have germa fully planned out by this point in the story#im starting to think he only fully hashed it out during that month break of the time skip#tytalks#if germa was planned sanji would have probably been saying hes a failure when hit with the negative hollow#mind you i know this is played up for laughs
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thoughts that cross my mind pt 1/_?
#;tytalk#aesthetic#pink#typography#thoughts#;inner thoughts#inner thoughts#monologue#hell#minimalist#color#design#pastel#goth#pastel goth
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Gonna do this because it looks fun, so give me some characters that remind you of me!
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I’m up, in the booth making hits. Who want one?
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