Personal Project Final Evaluation
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Loxley Colour Printing Process
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The above images show my proof of purchase and some printing details from the process of ordering from Loxley Colour.
As can be seen in the screenshot, these prints were ordered on 08/5/23 in order to give them plenty of time to arrive before Friday the 19th which was the final deadline for the prints.
In addition to this, it is shown in the above screenshots that i chose to print the images on the Photographic Print Lustre texture, simply because it is the paper type that i think has the best feeling to flip through and present images on as it doesn't have the sticky feeling of gloss paper and the finish doesn't catch as much glare from the light which makes it easier to view on print.
Moreover, it can be seen that i printed the images in the size of 31.5x44cm as the project required that the images can be viewed in A3 size.
Although it can't be seen in the above screenshots, in the printing process i chose to add a white border to my images as i feel that it creates some distance between the background of the images and the surroundings, drawing the viewer's eye into the image.
Additionally, it can't be seen in the screenshots but when ordering the prints i chose to pay for the second fastest shipping method which thankfully delivered the prints on Thursday the 11th of May, giving me plenty of time to deliver the prints into the college.
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Block 3: Shoot 11 Contact Sheet
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The set of images above show my eleventh and final shoot of the graded unit wherein i chose to go back the first location of block three being, the woods near the Showcase Cinema in Bargeddie.
In this set of images i was able to go back to shooting at the maximum focal length that the lens could capture, 105mm, as the woods provided a much needed amount of space for the photoshoot. This was able to create a wall of leaves and branches far into the background of the images which i feel was a good effect in the final image.
Originally this photoshoot wasn't intended from the planning phase of the project it instead came about from a sudden realisation that i didn't have enough image files by the end of the project.
However, i'm definitely glad that i chose to return to this location for my final shoot as there was an unexpected, but drastic change in scenery with the amount of bluebells that had sprouted between the time of my first and last photoshoots.
In addition to this, one strong point of this set of images was the lighting quality as i was pleased with the contrast between the highlights and shadows of the surroundings.
I feel that if this image was captured earlier in the project it would have been a contender to get printed however, it may have also been too similar to some of the other images chosen in the end.
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Block 3: Contact Sheet 10
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The above images are taken from my tenth photoshoot in the graded unit wherein i continued to shoot in the Balloch area, this time following the path upto Balloch Castle.
Although i was happy with the setting of this photoshoot these images also required a great deal of patience as no matter what day you visit the area there will almost always be people coming to see the area.
This meant that i had to set up the camera and framing of the shot and then wait with the equipment for the area to be as clear as possible.
In addition to this, because of the area being more public than i was used to i chose to keep the camera lens at a focal length of around 70-80mm instead of the maximum 105mm, thankfully this didn't create much of an issue in the final images as the castle's stature creates enough feeling of scale that the focal length does not have to be set to the maximum that it can be.
One of the most appealing parts of this set of images in my opinion was the contrast between the monotone, grey castle and the lush nature peeking out of the background.
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Block 3: Contact Sheet 9
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The above images are taken from my ninth photoshoot in block three wherein i chose to shoot in the Balloch area near Loch Lomond.
This set of images was difficult to capture as the canon camera connect app only stretches to a certain distance away from the camera before it begins to struggle and not show the full live feed coming from the camera. This meant that i couldn't see what the image would look like until heading back to the camera to check which was slightly more time consuming.
This set of images entailed the least amount of planning as although i always wanted to visit Balloch for a couple of photoshoots throughout the graded unit i didn't know that this environment existed until i was able to follow signs for the Walled Garden.
When shooting these images i chose to use a very low angle and long focal length in order to create the framing effect of the images.
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Block 3: Contact Sheet 8
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The above images are taken from my eight photoshoot in the graded unit wherein i chose to shoot images up the Campsie Fells that are hills to the north of Glasgow.
This set of images was i would say the most challenging as, although i remembered to bring my tripod, the tripod plate that attaches to the camera was left in the college photography store unfortunately so the camera had to be balanced on a conveniently placed group of flat rocks and propped up in order to be sitting at the correct angle.
Due to the lack of a tripod i was met with slightly let freedom in the choice of focal length as the rocks that held the camera were a set distance away meaning that i could not use the maximum focal length of 105mm on the camera lens.
I think that one weak point of this photoshoot was the unpredictable weather as the sky ended up appearing as a stark white in the final images. Despite this i was able to remedy the issue to a certain extent in Adobe Camera RAW.
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Block 3: Final Shoot Optimising attempt 1
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Block 3: Potential Final 5 Prints
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When selecting my final 5 images to go to printing i thought that it would be best to choose a selection of photos from a variety of locations.
In order to do this i ended up choosing at least one image from each location that i visited throughout the graded unit; Chatelherault, Balloch, Campsie Fells and the woods near the Showcase Cinema in Bargeddie.
In addition to this, i thought that it would be best to choose a series of images in a variety of aspect ratios to create variety in the final presentation of the project. As can be seen above the images of this project can be shown in; Standard 4:3, 16:9, 16:10, and 9:16 for portrait orientation.
I feel that these images show some of the best images that i captured and optimised throughout this project with my personal favourites being the last one in the above screenshot, and the image from the Campsie Fells.
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Block 3: Shoot 10 Optimising attempt 1
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Block 3: Shoot 9 Optimising attempt 1
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Block 3: Shoot 8 Optimising Attempt 1
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Block 3: Shot 7 Optimising attempt 1
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Block 3: Shoot 6 Optimising attempt 1
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Block 3: Shoot 5 Optimising attempt 1
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Block 3: Shoot 4 Optimising attempt 1
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Block 3: Shoot 3 Optimising Attempt 1
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Block 3: Shoot 1 Optimising attempt 1
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