#Ty again!
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bepoucorp · 11 months ago
What were the inspirations and process behind it?
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my process is also very straightforward!:
1. sketch
2. clean up/lineart (optional! I really only do it on animations/commissions)
3. color
4. shade (optional!)
5. adjustments and other things afterwards!! (fixing lineart/ofther things)
a lot of the choices I make is bc im lazy ☝️😁 and thank you so much!!
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miracle-negative · 6 days ago
A drawing for you :>
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doktorventure · 5 months ago
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Another ko-fi doodle for @depressedhatakekakashi
Thanks so much for always supporting me! It means a lot 🥲
If you would like to support me I take pwyw commissions HERE through ko-fi!
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merhelv · 5 months ago
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FFXIV commission of Hathe for @winduphathe!
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arianwells · 28 days ago
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Commission for @bluejelly8 !
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arach-tinilith · 1 month ago
Your OC's personalities
Tysm @tacticalgrandma for the opportunity to yap about my wretched daughter!!!
Tagging @foxboyclit @cacturne @hootshooch @the-weeping-dawn and anyone who wishes to do this!! (No pressure ofc<3)
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How would you describe Naadja’s personality?
Toxic sludge lol. She's incredibly insincere with most everyone and especially herself. Her core trait is her entitlement which is a huge detriment to herself because she insists on being granted privileges she doesn't earn and has a difficult time allowing others to improve their standing. A lot of her outward noble and regal personality is just a farce while her actual insecurity seeps through miniscule cracks that'd be hard to notice unless you really looked close.
The problem with that is people often want her superficially (for her status, beauty, and power) but very few stick around to peel away the mask. She also refuses to acknowledge that there is a mask at all. She's flighty, avoidant, and manipulative. Underneath all of that is someone in significant pain who can't express it out of fear of being vulnerable. 
What brings Naadja joy?
Aside from being the center of attention, Naadja finds great joy from small, quiet closeness. Which is a bit unexpected but she's constantly performing and having the opportunity to be candid is rare and treasured. She finds a great deal of liberation from trusting others but it is something she's dragged kicking and screaming to do. Its why she clings so closely to those she cares for. 
What does Naadja strongly dislike? 
Loss of autonomy, of personhood. After spending her childhood as a tool and then coming into her own power thats ripped away from her, she's loath to grant others control over her. It manifests as her being staunchly independent and cutting ties with people who get close to her. 
Is Naadja scared of anything?
Primarily that same loss of power. Both literal and political. She's lost the source of her magic multiple times and it's put her in a place of near breaking. She has a moment with the sussur blooms where she's being told she's useless from the party and she spirals. Then of course there's the loss of her importance. Hence why she keeps the game of cat and mouse going with Zafyna- she needs to be needed. It's also why she left the safe haven of the Aevendrow to pursue insurrection of the Lolthite drow but again we see that the more she grasps at these wants, the less she has.
What is Naadja’s alignment?
Chaotic Evil! Her first priority is herself and she will use whatever means at her disposal to secure safety and liberation. Which sounds very fair given her history but she has absolutely no qualms about stepping on other's necks to do so
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thelonelyshore-if · 5 months ago
You're giving us this story for free, don't be sorry if it takes a while. People assume this is like your full time job and even if it WAS you're still giving it to us for free. Take your time and rest.
Thank you for your kindness! I don't actually mind when folks ask for updates, as long as they're respectful about it (which the previous Nonnie was), but I still appreciate your ask!!
Genuinely I wish writing could be my full time job, haha. Maybe someday <3
And I'm definitely taking it at my own pace! I know if I force myself to write I'll just end up hating it, so I'm very careful about taking breaks and the like c:
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self-shipp · 5 months ago
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Huehuehue :3
Artist: @buffbele
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plusultraetc · 6 months ago
21 & shinsou ?
21. If you're a fic writer and have written for this character, what's your favorite thing to do when you're writing for this character? What's something you don't like?
It’s probably pretty obvious that I Love Writing Shinsou, but I think he may also be the character I’m most comfortable writing at this point? That’s actually why he has a tendency to sneak into fics featuring characters or genres I’m unsure about; he was my rock when I was writing ‘there’s no good tricks but old ones’ as well as the second, angstier part of the Star Wars au (which I am chewing on again when I have the brain space for it :D)
So there are a lot of things I love to do when writing him!! One favorite is probably making him outwardly polite—particularly to his teachers and older UA peers—but inwardly a little sassy, or sometimes just kind of goofy. Basically I really like writing his narration, as well as the occasions when another POV character is aware enough to kind of know what’s going on in his head that he isn’t saying it loud.
Something I dislike is that I feel I have a tendency to make him kinda?? too anxious?? Idk I feel like my own anxiety sometimes comes through too much in his POV, and I spend a lot of my editing time with Shinsou telling him to calm down lol. I actually have two (2) (!!) finished Shinsou fics I haven’t posted yet because they’re just several thousand words of anxiety spiral I don’t know how to fix 😭
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more-incorrect-hs-quotes · 2 months ago
i love this blog so fucking much
thank you so much! i'll pass along the message to my girlfriend haha
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yaksha-lover · 11 months ago
I just thinking of Meleanor handing over malleus egg to us before she leaves to fight because she trust us 😭 I can't fucking stop thinking about so I made a drawing of it I hope you like it 😞😞
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IM OBSESSED WITH YOUR DRAWING!! oh my god i’m heartbroken?? meleanor entrusting us with egg malleus is so ☹️☹️💔💔
i love it sm 😭😭❤️❤️ tysm for drawing it, it’s so gorgeous and sad and i will be crying myself to sleep as i stare at it and think about this concept
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alittledragon · 6 months ago
Nine people I want to get to know better
Thanks for the tag, @nine98k! :D
LAST SONG? I was in my car so I don't remember exactly which one was last but maybe To the streets by Xavier Dang
FAVORITE COLOR? Purple, all purples!
CURRENTLY WATCHING? Kaiju n°8! (kinda)
LAST MOVIE? I rewatched Barbie with my mom recently
SWEET/SPICY/SAVORY? Very sweet tooth.
RELATIONSHIP STATUS? Very committed to myself and it sure won't change.
CURRENT OBSESSIONS? FFXIV and Pokemon, not very original of me might I say, it's just special interests who came back right at me (tho for FFXIV it hasn't stopped since two years for now)
LAST THING YOU GOOGLED? "eating disorders"
I don't know if i'll get nine people total but huuuh @hanzopresentingtiddies @nattravn-stuff @felix-nyx @laughconfetti @scienceoftheidiot @bokulikescomics @thebibliocat and @antidoteforreality
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miracle-negative · 2 months ago
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좋아요 25000개 돌파에 기여한 모든 회원에게 감사드려요!
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buffyspeak · 3 months ago
18 and 19 + pll and gilmore girls (you can answer both questions for both shows or either/or it) <3
tym for the ask friend!! <3
18. My Favorite Episode of Pretty Little Liars/Gilmore Girls
ooh, tough, but for pretty little liars, i would probably either go with the pilot (it's just so iconic) or this is a dark ride. love a well-done halloween episode. she's come undone might rank higher if the show didn't take it all back and 'redeem' ezra but i thought lucy hale's acting was great here.
for gilmore girls - also tough! "the incredible sinking lorelais" comes to mind, though. clearly i love for angst, and i thought they established the disconnect between lorelai and rory and why they were both floundering a bit very well.
19. My Least Favorite Episode of Pretty Little Liars/Gilmore Girls
for pretty little liars, the finale, full-stop. the story barely made sense and it felt like they more or less pulled it of nowhere. troian did her best with what she was given, but i really don't think the plot worked and it was a waste of her (legitimately incredible) acting talent. on a personal level, it's not fun to watch aria to get married to her abuser and have it framed as more or less a positve thing. any love i had for the other main couples at this point had been sucked away, too. i get they wanted to shake things up post-time jump, but i think to do that and then try to shoehorn everyone back together at the end was bad writing. as much as i didn't like the charlotte reveal in season 5, i think it would have been at least a slightly more thematically cohesive ending.
for gilmore girls, there are probably more egregious bones to pick, but i have structural issues with say goodbye to daisy miller, the first episode of season 5. it feels like it's only the premiere of season 5 because they wanted the rory sleeping with dean to be the season 4 cliffhanger, but i think this episode would make much more sense as a season finale than a season premiere. honestly there are probably episodes i dislike more in terms of content, but this just feels so oddly placed to me that it sticks out.
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atlasprefects · 9 months ago
Hiiii pookie <33 I came to check up in ya <333
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I hope u feel better pookie <33
Aww ty Akio!
I actually had a rough day today both at school and home..ty again for this! Ily <3 ❤️
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royrockstone · 1 year ago
✂️ & 🎓 for ken, rome, & shivvy <3
hiii thank you for asking <33
hc + 🎓 for an education-themed headcanon
i think kendall was always a very good student because he had to be for logan, i don't think that's a controversial take. i think teachers never really liked him because he monopolized class discussions, was not above name-dropping his daddy to the administration, and just generally had a sweaty-forehead vibe of desperation and effort that was sad and unpleasant to look upon
incurably mediocre student, below average in math and science. i've played with the idea that he had teachers who were charmed by him and his class clown antics, but i think there were other teachers who had like a sadistic hatred of him (and not jsut in middle school) in that way adults sometimes do to children and convinces children there must be something deeply wrong with them. i also think there were books that roman skimmed in school that actually left a pretty profound impact on him (or at least the way the teacher talked about them did) like he would never admit it but Austen does something for him...
definitely effortlessly a better student than ken. like picks things up faster, probably did really well on the debate team (which begs the question what format of debate did she do all my former speech and debate kids sound off), never visibly struggled in any subject. i dont know if we ever learn what college she went to? like in the prop auction was there a diploma for her? im team shiv4yale to contrast with ken going to harvard, but i could also see her going to brown because that school is probably the world's capital of pretending not to be rich for clout.
hc + ✂️ for a hair-themed headcanon
im going to do these all in one clump because i have similar thoughts about all of them--
all three of them have had breakdown/sudden self-reinvention haircuts (romans bad fash haircut, shivvy's amy dunne bob, ken's monastic buzz) which is sooo--
i think there's a certain asceticism (dare i say eating disorder-coded?) that goes along with haircuts for all three of them-- like cut away the excess, start fresh, be sleeker, be different, be unburdened, be made new. i think shiv in particular would get a haircut as a replacement for some other emotional outburst (ed-related or not) that she would feel is embarrassing. i could see roman wanting short hair for the same reason he likes tight clothes- there's like an agony/ecstasy to being so bare, where you feel clean and defined, but also painfully exposed and naked.
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