#Twsited Wonderland OC
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the-void-via · 3 months ago
"The Pumpkin Prince is- wait! Er- Zero, here, boy!"
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Marrow Skellington, aka Marr, son of Sally and Jack! Quite literally- he's basically the Pumpkin Prince and he acts a lot like Sally, he's very timid (and eepy) and likes to hang out with Zero. His clothes are supposed to resemble Jack's, while having a patchwork design like Sally's clothes. He's not technically a skeleton but he is quite literally white.
Tags: @oya-oya-okay (i know it's not art but I think you'd like him ^^;) @lovebugdrabbles
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marrijaydeboo · 1 year ago
twst characters and reader who worked at Disneyland.
Imagine okay hear me out
I just think it'd be funny and silly and maybe I want to see Yuu grit their teeth as they see that black and white mouse walk around and foam at the mouth (felt)
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eirasummersart · 1 year ago
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Twistober prompt list.
Day 5: Port Fest. Another drawing I'm using the opportunity to do~ I wanted to do some cute Port Fest art for these two since the event came out 😌💕
Commissions are open, check out my pinnned post if you’re interested~
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alexxiskei · 1 year ago
Dedicating this post to my first and only twst oc. I've never created fandom-related ocs before He's twisted from Diaval (Maleficent) and listen, I know that Crowley is probably twisted from Diaval too, but I don't care
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Lower I'll put his story in English and Ukrainian translations in case someone wants to read
English version:
Diaval's story cannot exist apart from Maleficent's. Dariel's story cannot be told without Malleus.
When he was a child, Malleus had a stuffed raven he got either from his parents or his grandmother.
The young prince Draconia could not boast of a company of peers, so he looked for friends in the books and imagination. He talked to a small army of toys and sometimes repeated the shadow theater performances Lilia has showed.
Dariel was born on one of Malleus' birthdays. By human standards, he was five. In reality, he was about fifty years old. Plenty of time to gain experience and acquire company, but Malleus had neither.
He was used to being alone on his birthdays, but that day was the first time of celebrating even without Lilia's warm presence. 
On a cloudy winter night, the shadow of a toy raven opened its eyes, awakened by the young prince's desperate desire to escape loneliness and the impulses of wild magic he hasn't yet known how to control. 
From then on, he was never alone again. Or at least he hoped that it would be like that.
For the first time, Malleus had a companion. Not a mute cotton-filled toy or a cold porcelain doll, but a creature with a mind and a voice of its own. Together they spent time reading books in the library, between the trees in the garden, studying and learning, and even when Malleus went to bed, he was sure that in the darkness a pair of yellow lights would certainly be sparkling under his bed. Dariel could follow him wherever there was even a tiny patch of shadow on the floor or a wall. Usually he took his native form of a raven, but within his flat theater he could transform into anything, entertaining the prince with his own performances. 
Years passed until one day Dariel, trying to save a human child Lilia had picked up (one could say that protecting children was in his "blood"... if he had blood) from hostile fae, was almost dispelled.
And although Lilia had warned him how bad an idea it was, Malleus gave Dariel a material body to keep him alive. The thought of losing his constant companion, the only stability in his everyday life, was unbearable.
Lilia was right as always. After Dariel received his body, the germ of his own self began to stir. From now on, fae did not ignore him, hidden in the shadows, but glanced at him, sometimes even nodded their heads, he could open the necessary books himself, sleep, taste food, and run his fingers along the satin of the bedsheets, feeling their softness.
The world, which had previously been limited and flat, suddenly became three-dimensional, so interesting and beautiful that Dariel wanted to see it all at once. 
For a long time, he did not dare to tell Malleus about his desire. The impetus came from an incident in the garden when one of the local fae called him by the name. Him. Not Lord Draconia. That evening, he finally voiced his dream. And, as expected, was rejected. 
Malleus didn't want to let go of the only creature attached to him, and was afraid to feel the childish loneliness of his fifth birthday by human standards. 
Soon, Dariel left on his own. He ran away. Towards the unknown and big world, for almost twelve years, knowing what fate would befall him upon his return. But he did it nevertheless. Otherwise, he would have remained in the shadow of prince Draconia forever.
He returned when Malleus was in his first year of NRC. It turned out that Dariel could not exist physically or mentally without his creator and his magical support. 
Despite his anger, resentment, and the bitter taste of betrayal, Malleus left Dariel alive: he couldn’t force himself to destroy their bond. At least for the duration of the studies...
The following year, Dariel also entered NRC. Three years within its walls would be the last of his freedom. And, perhaps, his life.
 - Only Malleus and Lilia know about his true identity. Rook and Leona seem to suspect something. And Crowley. Hmm:)
- After acquiring a material body, he lost the ability to dissolve into shadows on his own, and now only Malleus can change his shape.
- Among of all races in Twisted Wonderland, he is the closest to monsters. 
- When Malleus created his body, he was guided by the most familiar example: a fae body with a male anatomy. But Dariel doesn't care about his own gender (if I see an opportunity to make a character agender, I use it).
- It seems that Dariel is the only one in Diasomnia who knows how to look after children without endangering their lives and psyche. Because he is. Well. Literally a child's toy in the past. Silver can partially thank Dariel for keeping him alive during the first years of his life.
- The original toy depicted Diaval.
- Dariel always knows when Rook is watching him, but he doesn't mind, it's pretty flattering. No one has given him so much attention.
Ukrainian version:
Історія Діаваля не може існувати окремо від Малефісенти, так само історія Даріеля не може бути розказана без Маллеуса.
У дитинстві у Маллеуса був плюшевий ворон, залишений чи то від батьків, чи то від бабусі.
Багатолюдною компанією однолітків юний принц Драконія похвастатись не міг, тому шукав друзів у книжках та... уяві. Він говорив з маленькою армією іграшок та іноді повторював спектаклі театру тіней, які показував Лілія.
Даріель народився в один з днів народження Маллеуса. За людськими мірками йому виповнилося п'ять. Насправді ж — близько п’ятдесяти років. Вдосталь часу, аби набратись досвіду та обрости компанією, але Маллеусу бракувало другого навіть більше за перше. 
Він звик святкувати майже наодинці, але того разу вперше зустрів день народження навіть без теплої присутності Лілії. Зовсім сам.
У хмарну зимну ніч тінь іграшкового ворона на стіні розплющила очі, пробуджена відчайдушним бажанням юного принца позбутись самотності та поривами дикої магії, яку той ще не вмів контролювати. 
Відтоді він більше ніколи не був один. Чи, принаймні, сподівався, що так станеться.
У Маллеуса вперше з'явився компаньйон. Не німа набита ватою іграшка чи холодна фарфорова лялька, а істота з власними свідомістю та голосом. Разом вони проводили час за книжками у бібліотеці, між дерев у саду, за заняттями та навчанням, і навіть коли Маллеус лягав спати, він був певен, що у темряві під ��атрацом його ліжка неодмінно горітиме пара жовтих вогників. Даріель міг слідувати за ним всюди, де на підлозі чи стіні залишався хоча б крихітний клаптик тіні. Зазвичай він приймав рідну форму ворона, але у межах свого плоского театру міг перетворитись на будь-що, розважаючи принца власними виставами. 
Так минали роки, допоки одного разу Даріель, намагаючись врятувати підібране Лілією людське дитя (можна було б сказати, що захищати дітей у нього "в крові"... якби він мав кров) від вороже налаштованих фейрі, був майже розвіяний.
І хоча Лілія попереджав, наскільки це погана ідея, Маллеус подарував Даріелю матеріальне тіло, аби зберегти йому життя. Думка про втрату постійного компаньйона, єдину стабільність повсякдення, була нестерпною.
Лілія виявився як завжди правий. Після здобуття тіла у Даріеля почав ворушитись зародок власного "я". Відтепер фейрі не ігнорували його, захованого в тіні, а кидали на нього погляд, іноді навіть кивали головою, потрібні книжки він міг відкривати сам, і спати, і куштувати їжу на смак, і проводити пальцями вздовж атласу простирадла, відчуваючи його на дотик.
Світ, до цього обмежений і плаский, несподівано став тривимірним, таким цікавим і прекрасним, що Даріелю захотілось побачити одразу весь. 
Він довго не наважувався повідомити Маллеусу про своє бажання. Поштовхом став випадок у саду, коли одна з місцевих фейрі звернулась до нього на ім'я — до нього особисто, а не до лорда Драконії. Того вечора він нарешті озвучив свою мрію. І очікувано отримав відмову. 
Маллеус не хотів відпускати єдину прив'язану до себе істоту та боявся знову відчути дитячу самотність п'ятого за людськими мірками дня народження. 
Невдовзі Даріель пішов сам. Втік. Назустріч незвіданому та великому світу на дванадцять років, прекрасно усвідомлюючи, яка доля його спіткає після повернення. Інакше він вчинити не міг. Інакше б він навічно залишився у тіні принца Драконії.
Попри це він все ж повернувся, коли Маллеус вчився на першому курсі Коледжу. Виявилось, Даріель ні фізично, ні ментально не міг існувати без свого творця та його магічної підтримки. 
Попри злість, образу та гіркий посмак зради, Маллеус ��алишив Даріеля живим: рука не піднялась розвіяти його та розірвати натягнуті нитки їхнього зв'язку остаточно. Принаймні на час навчання...
Наступного року Даріель теж вступив до Коледжу. Три роки у його стінах стануть останніми роками його свободи. А, можливо, і життя.
- Про його справжню сутність знають лише Маллеус і Лілія. Здається, Рук і Леона щось підозрюють. А Кровлі. Хм:) 
- Після здобуття матеріального тіла він втратив здатність самостійно розчинятись у тінях, тепер лише Маллеус може міняти його форму.
- За природою з усіх рас світу твістеду він найближчий до монстрів.
- Маллеус, коли створював тіло, орієнтувався на найбільш знайомий приклад: тіло фейрі з чоловічою анатомією. Але на власний ґендер Даріелю все одно (бачу можливість зробити персонажа аґендером — використовую).
- Даріель єдиний з Діасомнії, хто знає, як треба доглядати за дітьми без загрози їхньому життю та психіці. Бо він. Ну. Буквально дитяча іграшка в минулому. За пережиті перші роки життя Сильвер може частково дякувати йому. 
- Оригінальна іграшка зображувала Діаваля.
- Даріель завжди знає, коли Рук за ним стежить, але він ніколи не проти, це навпаки лестить. Ніхто й ніколи не приділяв йому так багато уваги.
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monomeez · 11 months ago
Heyyyyyyyy ^_^ what’s ur favorite art piece you’ve done :3
HAIIII hmmmm favorite art piece.. I’d have to say a lot of doodles would be a good contender but if we’re talking serious drawings this one I think!! Both the colored and sketch are super fun to me lol
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yuan4i · 2 years ago
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YUAN'S PERSONALITY yuan is the vice housewarden of emperasty. they can quickly shift to different types of personalities to suit various kinds of situations. althought they're rather mischievous at times, they're a kind and cheerful individual who deeply loves their friends.
YUAN RELATIONSHIP NOTES - yuan likes to play cupid and ships shen with riddle a lot, calling them "special friends" every time shen and riddle interact. - yuan isn't fond of trey. they think that trey will sink yuan's ship of riddle and shen. - yuan often calls leona their "lover" and makes lunch for him (leona doesn't think they're dating) - floyd, cater, lilia, vil and kalim are all really good friends with yuan. yuan considers them as their best friends. #bffs #4lyfers - vil and yuan are in the same club, yuan got in via audition and is one of the actors - idia and yuan are online friends (unaware irl) but don't talk to each other in real life! - yuan considers all the first years (and kalim) as their children #mustprotect #singleparent #nvmtheresleona
YUAN BACKSTORY yuan was born in the jaded empire with three other siblings. yuan's parents didn't favour yuan as a child so when yuan came out as non-binary, yuan's parents excluded him from the family. yuan's parents and siblings often got into fights, causing yuan to leave. yuan flew to imperial wei and was taken in by shen's family. now on the breaks, yuan doesn't return to his family, but instead, he goes to shen's family.
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lychee-face · 2 years ago
Ive only got my little rat boy who doesnt even have a name, all ik is that hes the gordon ramsey of heartslabyul so u should worship him /j
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katkit14 · 2 years ago
The follow-up to the last post I made that no one wanted but still got. Cause I actually made up characters for the idea. Also I am as American as a cheeseburger so if you find something you dislike or something feel free to message me and I'll fix it. I don't want to be offensive
So we have yuu who is the twisted version of Mickey but now we have...
Minnie - Milie Magaña
Looks - black textured hair that's put up into buns, darker skin tone with round marble grey eyes. Short (5'0) and small ( petite all around )
Personality - very polite and quite, loves feminine things, is very responsible
Triva - the oldest out of 2 children but the 4th oldest cousins. Loves to crochet and knit to. Likes to garden and help around the community. Is constantly being belittled by some of her older cousins for liking fimmine things. Her father died when she was young , right after her younger sister was born.
Dominate hand - right
Homeland - Mexico
Hobbies - sewing and baking
Best subject at NRC - Science
Best subject before NRC - Foreign Languages
Pet peves - When someone thinks they're superior because they don't like "girly things"
Favorite food - Sopapilla Cheesecake
Least favorite food- eggplant ( it freaks her out)
Club at NRC - science club (joined to grow plants, didn't except the weirdness)
Talent - singing and gardening
Goofy - Gabriel Garcia
Looks - black short hair, tanish skin, monolided brown eyes, tall ( 6'2) and skinny, wears glasses
Personality - Chill and is constantly cracking jokes, clumsy, and a bit dumb, you'd think he was a stoner but has never done any form of weed in his life.
Trivia - the middle child of 3 children. Has a huge appetite. Is often called lazy because despite being good at sports doesn't play them. always being belittled for his clumsyness. Loves his younger sibling and plays with them all the time. Him and his younger sibling are compared to their oldest brother a lot.
Dominant hand - left
Homeland - Philippines
Best subject at NRC- PE
Best Subject before NRC - PE
Hobbies- playing video games
Pet peeves - when someone compares him to his older brother
Favorite food- Sinigang
Least favorite food - doesn't have one
Talent- sports
Club at NRC- basketball ( was dragged there by ace )
Donald- Daniel Markow
Looks - short blonde hair, baby blue eyes, pale blue undertone skin, Short (5'1) and slightly chubby ( has a slight pear shape)
Personality - angry very easily, is really smart though, a bit dense since he was born with money.
Triva - the only child and will take over his fathers company. Rich boy. Mom and dad are divorced. Loves his step mom because his real mom isn't there a lot because she works as a traveling model. Dads not there a lot either. Really just his stepmom who is only 10 years older then him.
Dominate hand - right
Homeland - Russia
Best subject at NRC - Alchemy
Best subject before NRC - English
Hobbies - reading
Favorite food - Syrniki
Least Favorite food- Baked Chicken
Pet peeves- When someone tells him to calm down ( don't talk to me I angy)
Talent - writing stories and poems along with doing nails ( him and his step mom do each others nails)
Club at nrc - horse riding club ( I forgot the official name )
Daisy - Daniella Kilpatric
Looks - short (5'2) with a small top half and chubby bottom ( more dramatic pear shape) , pale skin, grey/blue eyes, medium blue wavy hair ( originally brown but dyed) , wears glasses.
Personality - Sassy, Smart, Sacastic, The goth chick who acts big and bad but is actually soft.
Trivia - is the you youngest out of triplets. Is the only girl. Dad is a Single dad who is pretty young. Lives on a homestead farm that makes money from selling all natural products . She feels very embrassed about her farming background and tries to cover it up. Going as far as to hide her accent ( ye-haw ) when speaking english. Tells everyone she is from California but is from the south Also has T1D and constantly makes jokes about it.
Domainte hand - right
Homeland - USA
Best subject at NRC : History
Best subject before NRC : Art class
Hobbies - Listening to music and art of many sorts
Favorite food - strawberry ice cream
Least Favorite food - BBQ ribs
Pet Peeves - When people hit on her father (he prof. Crewel style pretty)
Talent - art ( drawing, and painting with acrlic paint are her strong suits ) , good with plants and animals
Club at NRC - light music club
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tgcfpassion15 · 3 months ago
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Oc x canon Carrying wooden Puppet princess Skully singing love song for Maria
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the-void-via · 3 months ago
:00 neatttt I'd like to do it too! For my boy, Rune :33
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Tag game!
I made a twst oc alphabet for fun that you can do with your ocs and tag others in!
Feel free to either answer all of these at once or let your followers ask you a letter!
A- alchemy: how skilled are they in alchemy lessons? Does crewel like them?
B- bonds: who they get along with the best? Is there someone they can't stand? What are their relationship with their family?
C- clubs: what clubs are they in? Did they perhaps form their own club?
D- dream: what does their happy dream from book 7 look like? Do they need help in order to wake up or realise that something is off by themselves?
E- end of school: what are their plans after graduation? Do they want to get a job or continue their education?
F- flying lessons: how well can they fly with a broom? Do they play in a spelldrive team?
G- glory: what is their biggest achievement? If they don't really have one, is there something they praise themselves for?
H- history of magic: how well do they know history? Do they pay attention in trein's class or fall asleep?
I- idolising: who of the seven (or other canonical disney character) do they look up to and respect the most?
J- jealousy: is there someone they envy? Why do they envy them?
K- kindness: how do they treat the others around them? Do others like them or perhaps have a negative perception of them?
L- love: is there someone they have their eye on? Is it a full blown crush or simply someone they occasionally eye? Does their love interest reciprocate their feelings?
M- mental stability: how well are they doing mentally and emotionally? Do they have any mental illnesses or other troubles that bother them?
N- night owl: do they go to bed early or stay up late? If so why do they stay up late (work or insomnia)?
O- overblot: would or have they ever overblotted? What resulted in that and how did they handle it afterwards? Did someone they are close to overblot?
P- pacifist: do they handle their problems with brute force or do they try to handle things by talking? Do they make up their mind quickly or consider other people's opinions in how to approach something?
Q- questions: what is something the others around them often wonder about regarding your oc? Are they mysterious to others?
R- right: what is something they absolutely believe in? Can that belief be shaken or disproved?
S- species: are they human or are they another species like fae, merman or beastman?
T- tutoring: do they tutor someone or do they need tutoring? What subjects do they tutor/need tutoring in?
U- unique magic: what is their unique magic? Do they have discovered it already or not like ace?
V- venture into darkness: are they couragous? Do they flight or fight when faced with danger?
W- wildcard: a random fun fact about your oc!
X- xenium: what would they gift strangers or friends?
Y- youth: what did their childhood look like? Were they happy growing up? Are they still in contact with people from their childhood?
Z- zest: what excites them? Do they easily get excited or does it happen once in a blue moon?
I will do it later with marvolo!
For this tag game I tag: @oyatochie @oya-oya-okay @sleepy-meep @esmerulia-chantelle @cheerleaderman @deerla-charming and anyone that wants to do it!!
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ashipiko · 4 months ago
i am not immune to the niko beam
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the-void-via · 3 months ago
Marr doodles
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(Skully is very enamored with him "How does he glow like that?! ////O///_///o////")
Tags: @oya-oya-okay @lovebugdrabbles
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adumbcrackhead · 1 month ago
It's been so long but I've been awfully burnt out and in art block, all I could manage was this little prompt, with Malleus and my Yuusona since it reminded me of them so much
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If you look closely, they're wearing each other's colors (mal is wearing pink, and she is wearing green on her tiara)
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eirasummersart · 1 year ago
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Twistober prompt list.
Day 3: Tsumsted Wonderland. It's been a long time since I wanted to redraw this meme with Silver and Dalia, so here was my excuse to do it hahaha The two tsums would always cuddle to sleep 💕
I added some colour with what I had to make it look nicer (hopefully!), what do you all think? :D
Commissions are open, check out my pinnned post if you’re interested~
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crystalmoola · 1 month ago
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🎊Happy SUPER LATE Birthday🎊 to my friend Sam aka @iluvcartoonsandanime Here's her TWST MC ice boi ❄️Felix❄️
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ashieeeesh · 3 months ago
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Soulmates in another life i fear
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