#Tvog employees
berensteinsmonster 2 months
Scuse me lemme just *CHOMPS and eats your art of your AU* DELICIOUS! 馃構
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YIPPPEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!! Augh I'm so happy you like my hv au!!!! And thank you for telling me!!!!! I really enjoy opposite aus alot which is why I loveeeee to get really into detail with them. There's something that's so fun with the concept that I wish mirror/reverse aus take more advantage to write with
Like, take for example the two main factions of THSC, The Government versus The Toppat Clan. The GOVT are, well, the government, and are public based militants focusing their efforts into stopping a well renowned crime group who's whole gimmick is that they wear top hats, to show they're EVILLLL and NEFARIOUS....for funsies and for capital gains
So, what would it be like if instead of roles swapping (Govt members become Toppat members, Toppats become Govt, etc), they simply just had the opposite set of goals and morality?
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The TVOG corp, while still public based and do have goals in helping people, aren't really the good guys because they're secretly a crime organization, with a reputation of being 100% liked globally with nobody the wiser. This faction still keeps the theme of green but more on the turquoise side, and although they wear white uniforms, it's not a symbol of any actual honest goodness
The Cowwoy Posse KNOW these suit and ties wearing employees are causing crimes behind the scenes and do everything in their power to stop them. This faction still keeps the big round brim they wear, but because of the cowboy hat shape, it provides a rounder silhouette to contrast the tophats sharp square and rectangular designs
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It's just REALLY FUN to write the process of how I hv au-ize elements of the thsc world so it fits my Henry Ventriloquest au, I hope I can continue to do more and show more of my art in the future :)
//The heart symbol you see is from The Pavilion, run by Dr Dmitri Pavlov, a series of shelters and hospital centers. That'll be talked about another time. wink
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brine-in-my-eyes 5 months
Auughhhhh... im soooo fucking crazzyyy rn thinking abt my heroic characters fighting to this music HELP i need to visualizr it but in comic form so it's easier for me
Carol Compose is just hanging out in a bar with other Cowwoys outside, Piercings is closeby too just chatting with civilians.
Then the Ministry of Peace roll by and start to attack the bar cuz idk they got beef in the contract. Victoria Grin wants to destroy the whole thing (not caring about the people inside) and well she likes violence. She sends her employees to go down there and a fight happens between the Cowwoys and TVOG employees. With Carol slowly making her way to Chairman Grin to beat the shit outta her.
Carol *struggles* against Chrm. Grin as the girl just sadistically punches her back. She's saved by Piercings running behind them and smacking chrm. Grin with her own Peacemaker gun (lazer bazooka)
Then the aftermath shows the two overlooking the town the bar resides in. Carol's all patched up in the jaw while Piercings takes care of her. Carol just says "I think I could have done better" while her cowgirl gf is like "Ya did yer besr!" and pats her on the shoulder
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berensteinsmonster 7 months
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lol one more for me. happy valentines day from mcrebs :}
(reblogs help my posts be seen :)
they rreally are just the cutest for eachother idgaf. when i started making scott mccoolsvile they were supposed to be like the serious one in the trio-v, and i still remember when i thought id only make them as a side character. but they slowly became ken-ified with how like dedicated they was to being at Charles' right hand and became like his boyfriend. im really happy with how ive written Charles' character over the years now too. I think it fits him as an opposite of Charles to be like, a self-centered selfish prone to anger a-hole lol. But like that's not all there is too him, the way he's been raised by Captain Bailfalse and The TVOGXART by proxy has been... not the most emotionally stable and mature. But Charles does try to respect his fellow employees at The TVOG which in turn gains their respect right back. Scott sort of acts as a hint of that kindness that Charles subconsciously gives to others even if he doesn't realize or understand how to actually be kind. And also I just like oc x canon lmao
ps. ripped the sunny park background from free4kwallpapers <- thats the source
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berensteinsmonster 5 months
TVOGXART corporation, what the heck is it (a master post)
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(reblogs help my posts be seen :)
TVOGXART (The Vice Overruling Guardian Axis of Alliance Reverant Territories) corp. are globally known as being the best of the best when it comes to world development milestones that uses funds generated from each ministry's operations to make the world a better place. Most notable are its progress towards enviromental/land conservation. Even it's offices within the areas are built to accomodate for the land.
This however, is all a front. TVOG corp is a THE largest underground crime syndicate that currently rules over a majority of the entire world's fair trade market and societal operations.
They control the whole crime world, kind of like a pyramid of shady business chains, it all links back to The TVOG. They are a crime organization that literally organizes crime.
The Ministry of Order, ruled by Captain Bailfalse, is located where the GOVT (in the orignal thsc universe) stationed their army. Only this time, there are huge office buildings and foundations are built around the landscape of the tropical forest. Capt. Bailfalse may be a crime lord but he was very honest about actually conserving the enviroment. Though that virtue isn't shared amongst the other chairmen.
Btw on top of being a politely cold evil man ceo he is also VERY SILLY when being with his personal henchman, Charles Rebelivin... Who wishes his boss would act more serious whenever they're together
(More bios for each chairman (and Charles) below read more) (with art!!!)(cw. blood n eyes)
馃帶Charles Rebelivin - Director in management (Ministry of Order)
"The first thing a new recruit at The Ministry of Order is told by other TVOG employees that they can always ask Mr. Rebelivin for help. The second thing theyre told is that they cannot always ask Mr. Rebelivin for bathroom breaks"
Color Motif: Primarily Red, with bits of The TVOG's turquoise green
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To me, an opposite Charles Calvin is someone who just hates their fucking job lmao. This guy is not at all laid back, or enjoys jokes, or buffoonery. He has to be the one who schedules and organizes everything in the Ministry of Order so that operations run smoothly and cleanly as possible. He genuinely WANTS to be a good director for the employees. They know that too. Its just that he's learned to be better at controlling people rather than connecting with them. At the start of the hv au story, he's "content" being alone.
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Charles R is 30 years old by the time the hv au takes place. He USED to be the youngest employee at the TVOGXART, but that was a title given to him like. 5+ years ago. He's been working here for a while, he doesn't care for it anymore and finds the title insulting. He expects the best from his employees. And expects the best from himself. Very loyal to his position as The Captain's henchman, and a complete workaholic. Could kill a guy if The Captain told him too, and his only form of questioning is asking how he shall do it. Acts as his guard dog that The Captain smothers, much to his annoyance. Je protects his boss regardless and scares the other chairmen. Is also very formal with titles, usually referring to people by their surname and position of power. Is prone to using terms such as "The Captain, captain, sir" when talking to Bailfalse. Has used words such as "Greatest" sarcastically, and "buddy, pal" passive agressively, usually on Henry V (though eventually, the whole buddy thing becomes genuine as they develop their friendship. Still going to be grump no matter what though but affectionate ok). Also expect to see less of greatest plan inverses, and more just so Charles learning how to be a decent friend within the Trio-V. It's awesome ghrhrg I can't wait to share them :)
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馃憫Captain Hubert Bailfalse (Ministry of Order)
"A smooth talking salesman that has climbed up the social economic ladder to take control over all operations in the whole world. He believes in the value of good work ethic and polite ettiquettes."
Hedonist. Plant motif: venus flytrap
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He's a silly guy I love him. He inverses Galeforce being serious but considerate and honest general, with Bailfalse being a relaxed but devious and convicing CEO. Though take note: he is the only chairman amongst the rest to not have come from a well-off or rich family.
He also doesn't carry Galeforce's trope of being a "father to his men." Sees his employees as expendable numbers. But not to the level of mistreatment like with the other charimen. He pays them, hes pateint, offers them dental plans, and makes sure they'll be able to perform efficiently for the whole period they work for him. And that's as much care as he's willing to put for anybody else other than pleassure for himself.
...Except for Charles. He cares alot for Charles. And he's not subtle about it too. As his personal henchman for the longest time, he's prone to using titles such as "My boy, Charlie, sport" when talking to him. Much to Charles' own annoyance. They're literally competent henchman + silly hammy villain (with a dose of terrifying if the situation came down to it). He likes to spoil the director with riches and gifts for all the work he's done for The TVOG, even though Charles doesn't want them.
He is married to Hans Nonayme and they are literalllyyyy evil old man yaoi. augh im obsessed with them. They nuzzle eachothers mustaches and it makes them smile :) Even in public. Which adds to Charles' embarrasment to have them as his bosses. He is also DIVORCED To Dr. Dimitri J. Pavlov. But I'll talk abt that another time.
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馃憗锔廋hairman Hans Nonayme (Ministry of Privacy)
All-watching. Plant motif: Oriental Bittersweet
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He manages the cameras. All of them. Everywhere, and all at once. He's very giddy about it and enjoys the surveliance he has over every part of the world. The Ministry of Privacy was meant to protect people's identities and personal information, and yet Hans knows a little too much about everybody, no matter who you ask about. I'm sure he has employees that also monitor the cameras, but rn I've mainly just been visualizing him doing it lone.
His cameras are meant to look like both flowers and the berries on a Orteinal Bittersweet vine, a type of invasive plant. These things are creeping EVERYWHERE in the hv au universe if you look for them. The Cowwoy Posse take great meassures to destroy the cameras if spotted. They don't make themselves known. However, if any TVOG employee (mainly Charles) sees them, their lenses blink rapidly in sucession. Which is Hans' own cheeky way of giggling at them. He does this in real life too with his own eyes. He's so weird, I love him alot.
He's actually based off guy from the original THSC legacy edition. I always thought it was creepy how the GOVT had a whole spy camera inside of Stickmin's computer just watching his activity, and then had the guy stationed outside his home. I thought that was kinda interesting and just exaggerated his character from there. And made him gay and evil, cuz I can
馃挜Chairman Victoria Grin (Ministry of Peace)
Violent. Plant motif: Lily of The Valley
Oh she's messed up in the head. I like to believe that Victoria Grit is, while rough and tempered, is at least not malevolent and going out of her way to cause pure violence like Victoria Grin does. So there's that. Grin is also completely unreasoanble and pretty immature. The chairman also dreses very fancy but isn't afraid to throw herself into a fight if she's bored with all the meeting and agreements and treaties she has to do amongst the other crime syndicates and blah blah blah SHES BOREDD she wants to pull out her Peacemaker (A giant Fucking bazooka) and threaten people to sign their names on the forms already so she can go back to the more action stuff like beating up those pesky goody two-shoes cowboys getting on her nerves.
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Hubert can't stand how immpatient and unnessarily blood thirsty she can be, though admires her for at least being able to establish the connections The TVOG has with other factions, both in crime related operations or just regular business stuff. It helps to strengthen the grasp they have over the world. Known as "Vicky" amongst the other chairmen. She likes to kiss Hydia Stash, and are evil little girlfriends together. She makes jokes about swinging with Hershell Proctor's wife Mrs. Proctor to peeve him. And she loves bullying HJ Carterbunny
馃悋Chairman H.J Carterbunny (Ministry of Security)
Cowardly. Plant motif: Jumping Cactus
To say he's in charge of the Ministry of Security would be putting his leadership skills too high of a pedestal.
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Hj is so pathetic. so very very pathetic. He is scared at the slightest things and his immediate instinct is to run away as far from the danger and wait until its gone. Or barricade himself somewhere. Which is why he's so efficient at the Ministry of Security, he's really just listing all the worst case scenario someone could break in. And his employees, while very tired and skeptical, add it anyways. Most of the time he doesnt trust that they did it well enough and try to add MORE security protocols, which only make them weaker as a whole.
If their defences are breached, Hj just ditches his employees to self-preserve himself, and puts the failure on them before taking responsibility as their chairman. He never considers himself as a a factor for his hubris. And so they all hate Hj in their own little ways <3 because he self sabotages their work and also because he regularly abandons them if they get attacked.
Just to ramble: One time Regal Bronzeage, local superhero, managed to fight all five of the employees all at once. And when he was ready to fight their chairman, he found that the guy had already left. not even in like a vechile he's just hiding in a tiny supply closet hoping nobody finds him
He has a brother who works in the Police Force Enforcement Force, Warden Roland Carterbunny. Roland is probably the one who made Hj so paranoid in the first place, and his psyche just got worse from there. He got bullied alot by him when they were kids, and Hj is the eldest one here. He might not even be that old, it's just that he was stressed so fucking much that all his hair turned grey when he turned 20.
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Just to ramble: Dr Dimitri honestly pities the guy, even though he's literally a TVOG chairman. He just wants to sit this guy down and go into detail on how to properly handle his over abundance of anxiety. Cuz all day all the time none of the chairmen or most of his own employees (Aside form Gordon) care enough to actually handle his stress in a healthy sort of way. But he'll never get the chance because they're on opposing sides, and Hj doesn't trust anyone enough to let them do anything to him.
He could have turned out pretty fine, if still riddled with anxiety like everybody else. If it weren't for the literal fact that all his colleages are TERRIBLE and his own brother being absolutely terrible to him, whether enabling or belitting him.
馃捀Chairman Hydia Stash (Ministry of Wealth)
Greedy. Plant motif: Sun Pitcher Plant
She loves being rich. That's it. That's the whole bio.
Jk, she takes it to the extreme. It doesn't matter what she has in her vaults, whether it be dollars, gold coins, gems even. It's not enough. She needs, MORE valauble things. And I'm talking the most insanely scalped items. Beanie babies, Funko pops, houses, land. She needs EVERYTHING.
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The Ministry of Wealth is actually meant to help distribute funds across all operations, both inside The TVOG and to other affilated factions. They also work to account for funds and general ledging of their budget. Her plant motif of a pitcher plant symbolizes how ever consuming she can be.
Hydia is the worst to have as a chairman honestly. Cannot be expected to always pay her employees. She's quick to irritate and quicker to throw a tantrum about it. She also likes kissing Victoria.
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In the hv au lore, Reginald Bronzepants is a journalist for the Cowwoy Posse who worked with Lt. HRM to help publish their investigations together, busting various crime syndicates. And well, everything links back to The TVOG. Hydia HATED this drop in revenue she was losing (it was 15 dollars) from her billion dollar generating Ministry. And so, without The Captain's permission, she enacts an unauthorized assassination of Reginald Bronzepants. Just to ease her worries. Surely this won't bite her in the ass later. Surely he won't come back as an electricity-wielding, local superhero, will he?
馃Chairman Hershell Proctor (Ministry of Education)
Dismissive. Plant motif: Psilocybin mushrooms
Ok to explain real quick, I inversed Hershell Panzer's roll of being a brute so that Hershell Proctor could be the brains. He has thrown himself into every field of study imaginable and has excelled in every course, which in his (super huge) mind, makes him a well respectable genius. He's firm in his belief that his intelligence makes him better than everybody else. He doesn't do anything to share his knowledge or teach them to others, he wants to hoard it for himself. No one else is allowed to be as smart as him
Oh, but don't think that being an iverse for physical strength automatically makes him weaker. What he lacks in any arm and torso muscles, he has an inner working system in his brain full of so many studies and so many wrinkles. I won't explain the full extent of his mental powers, but just know that it does involve psychic abilities :)
The Ministry of Education controls the information that's permitted to be shared across the world. There's some information that The TVOG keep hidden (sometimes their own secrets or an external entity) inside the Ministry of Education's archives, guarded by Dave Pampalooza. They front as an education system that protects the sacrecy of accessible knowledge.
Does not have the best relationship with his family. And has so much seething rage towards what Hubert has and what he doesn't. Caused a certain.....incident, to prove he's the smartest of all.
Jefferson Mythsonian
"No one really knows if he exists" Rules Division 17 of the TVOG, has some really terrible handwriting
Carterbunny's bodyguards - and only employees (Ministry of Security)
Chrm. Carterbunny only has 5 employees cuz if he has to maange more than 5 he Gets Scared. They ensure all TVOG owned and affiliated security protocals are working as intended. Current members are: John Skimmilk (codename: The Fly), Gordon Debunks (codename: The Urchin), Amelia Estefort (codename: The Jellyfish), Amelia Estefort (codename: The Jellyfish), Cece Teevee (codename: The Lizard), & Kayn East (codename: The Rat) - Will be talked about in seperate post (They are the HV AU equivalent ot the squad Stickmin has in MBH)
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Scott McCoolsvile - Tax accountant (Ministry of Wealth)
Coolest fucking guy here. He's so awesome and the best at his job. He helps his fellow colleages in his office and the employees over at Ministry of Order whenever he visits. Everyone cheers and claps when he visits. They all love him and says he has the best name (Not Charles R though, he hates that guy. Totally). He works in accounting
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--BTW girl pictured with ponytail and cardigan judging Hydia is my friend's oc Jynx (more art) @digital-roots (they/them) GO EHM check it out too Jynx is sooo swag i love her concept and I love her character alot.
The scene is based off this interaction we had.
Capt. Bailfalse's personal henchmen (The Trio-V: Ministry of Order)
"Consisting of one puppeteer, one emo, and one grump, these three are usually sent for very important missions only. And depending on how well they cooperate, may be able to finish them."
The Trio-V of: Henry Ventriloquest, Rose Ellisha, and Charles Rebelivin. - Will be talked about in seperate post
Johnny Proctor (Police Force Enforcement Force)
Has seen better days when his friends Dave Pampalooza and Rupert Phred were still around. After Dave was sent to the Ministry of Education to work as a TVOG employee, and Rupert quitting a week later, a certain.....Incident. Happened. The Pampalooza Incident involving new re-education methods with Hershell Proctor. Johnny has cut off all contact with his father after that. - Will be talked about in seperate post
If you have questions uhm. feel free to leave them in my ask box :) i love talking about my hv au. Thank you for reading
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