#Tv led SABA
choixportable · 6 years
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Climatiseur SABA 9000 Chaud & Froid (SABA-09HQB-CF)
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Climatiseur SABA 9000 Chaud & Froid (SABA-09HQB-CF),- Puissance: 9000 BTU – Niveau sonore: 50 dB(A) – Respecte l’environnement – Consommation minimale d’énergie – Résiste aux températures Extrêmes – Nettoyage automatique – Dimensions: 700 x 542 x 266 mm – Couleur: Blanc
Prix Climatiseur SABA 9000 Chaud & Froid (SABA-09HQB-CF)
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Climatiseur SABA 9000 Chaud & Froid (SABA-09HQB-CF):Présentation
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Climatiseur 9000 BTU
9000 BTU
700 x 542 x 266 mm
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andrewmoocow · 3 years
Steven Universe Alternate Future chapter 26: Everything’s Fine (originally posted on September 20, 2021)
AN: Welcome back to the jungle readers. When last we left Steven, his mind was going further down the toilet after shattering Jasper and the voice in his head continues trying to take control, which led to him lashing out against White Diamond & Spinel. Can he possibly keep his personal Nega-Scott under control while trying to tell the Gems that everything is totally okay? All this and more in this gripping chapter of Alternate Future!
Synopsis: Despite Steven constantly saying otherwise, everything isn't fine.
Zach Callison as Steven, Topiary Stevens, Cactus Stevens
Estelle as Garnet
Micheala Dietz as Amethyst
Deedee Magno-Hall as Pearl, Yellow Pearl, Blue Pearl
Grace Rolek as Connie
Tom Scharpling as Greg
Ron Perlman as Steven's Inner Voice
Shelby Rabara as Peridot, Squaridot
Jennifer Paz as Lapis, Laz, Zuli
Uzo Aduba as Bismuth
Kimberly Brooks as Cherry Quartz
Michelle Maryk as Larimar
Ian Jones-Quartey as Snowflake Obsidian, Bixbite
Tara Platt as Heaven and Earth Cubic Zirconias
Martha Higerada as Topaz
Auli'I Cravalho as Orange Spodumene
Aparna Nancherla as Nephrite
Kimiko Glenn as Blue Chalcedony
Phillipa Soo as Chrysocolla
Anika Noni Rose as Watermelon Tourmaline
Tara Strong as Grossular Diopside
Aimee Carrero as Moonstone
Jinkx Monsoon as Emerald
Kari Wahlgren as Pyrope
Melissa Fahn as Demantoid
Noël Wells as Black Rutile
Lauren Ash as White Topaz
Della Saba as Aquamarine
Charlyne Yi as Eyeball
Larissa Gallagher as Bluebird Azurite
Susan Egan as Rose Quartz
As soon as Steven returned to his earthly home via Warp Pad and checked up on the bathroom, he returned to his room to flop down on his bed. Steven thought the Diamonds would be of help to him, but instead, they didn't understand what he was going through, and his evil voice kept making things worse for him.
"Why did you make me do that?" Steven lugubriously asked his inner self. "Why did you make me nearly kill White Diamond, and punch Spinel?"
"They hurt you, so I thought it was about time you gave them their just desserts." The evil voice within Steven answered. "Yet the real you insisted that everything was fine. That's your biggest problem, you're way too forgiving of others no matter how much they want you dead."
"No, I know when others don't deserve to be accepted." Steven argued. "Like Black Rutile for example. If she's going to be proud of how irredeemable she is, I'll just let her do her thing."
"Ah yes, do her thing." The negative side of Steven mused. "Like threaten your life and make repeated attempts on your psyche. Yeah, if you could change that pervert, then maybe you can change the sociopath too."
Suddenly, Steven's phone began to ring. "One second Negative Me, I have to take this." Steven said while picking it up and hearing a relieving familiar voice on the other end. "Hey Connie, what's up?"
"Steven!" Connie cried in delight. "Good, you finally picked up. I can't believe we haven't talked to each other since the hospital visit, how are you?"
"I'm great!" Steven fibbed while gazing at how he was still pink. "Never been better!"
"Really?" Connie asked, raising an eyebrow. "Are you sure you haven't had any more swelling or turning pink problems?"
"Uh, nope?" Steven replied. "Okay, maybe, but how are you doing? How's prepping for college going?"
"It's going fine Steven." Connie answered nervously. "But what you mean when you said maybe?"
"Look, there's nothing to worry about." Steven kept on lying. "Everything's fine."
"I doubt it." Steven's dark side interrupted.
"Look, I'll call you later," Steven said. "I don't wanna wake up the Gems."
"But they don't even sleep!" Connie exclaimed before Steven quickly hung up and gazed at his hands before the TV turned on.
"-it's because I'M A UNIVERSE!" Steven began seeing visions of the past on the TV, starting with his argument with Greg before it went to static. Then it began showing Steven holding the shattered remains of Jasper's gem in his hand. More static, followed by the near-death of White Diamond, then Steven punching Spinel for singing to him. Just as Steven got up to try and turn the TV off, he got one last devastating surprise.
"Steven, we can't both exist." Rose Quartz announced to Steven in the video she made before giving birth to him, the very sight of her warm face making him twitch angrily where he stood. "I'm going to become half of you. And I need you to know that every moment you love being yourself, that's me, loving you and loving being you."
"No, I never loved myself," Steven growled furiously. "I've always hated being you. Everything I've suffered, and everything you ever put everyone through," He balled up his fist and pointed it straight at the TV screen. "IS ALL YOUR FAULT!"
Before Rose could finish, Steven broke the screen with a single punch and prematurely ended the video. However, Steven then let out a gasp as he gazed into his reflection on the shattered remains of the screen, noticing that his irises were now diamond-shaped and realizing what he had become.
"No! No, no, no, no!" Steven trembled and dropped to the ground in horror. "Th-this can't be happening, I didn't think about shattering White, I didn't shatter Jasper, punch Spinel, or nearly kill Dad!" His panicking soon turned to mad chuckling as Steven tried to cheer himself up. "I'm Steven Universe!" Steven then turned to Vidalia's painting of him and Garnet. "I'm fine, I'm fine!" he loudly repeated to himself, causing the glass of his bedroom door to break. "I'm totally fine!"
"Steven, is that you?!" The loudness of Steven's fibbing caused Pearl to cry out as she, Amethyst, and Garnet raced upstairs to Steven's room and gasped at his current appearance.
"What happened?" Amethyst asked Steven. "When did you get so big?"
"Is everything alright?" Pearl added just as nervously.
"I'm fine." Steven smiled and waved at the Gems. "Going to the Diamonds was just a waste of time since they had no idea what I was going through. I thought I needed to figure myself out, but I already know who I am! I'm Steven Universe; and I help, not hurt!"
"Yeah, then I suppose you tried to help the TV there?" Amethyst said while pointing a thumb at the damaged TV. "Seriously, we have got to upgrade someday. But seriously dude, what's going on? You look way different!"
"Pfft, I'm still your lovable old Steven!" Steven denied in response.
"Steven, we're worried," Garnet stated, taking off her glasses to emphasize how concerned she was for her ward. "You haven't been acting like your usual self lately, and we think you should get some rest before this gets dangerous."
"I'm okay, really!" Steven continued lying to the Gems, who glanced concernedly at each other before turning back to him.
"We'll take your word for it." Garnet said resignedly.
"You know, everything's gone downhill ever since I quit Little Homeschool!" Steven declared cheerfully. "I should head on over and see if I can make myself useful there! See you guys later!"
With that, Steven used his newfound super speed to race out of the house to Little Homeworld. To the Gems, it was like he was gone in an instant.
"I get that Steven wants us to know he's fine, but that was a little unsettling." Pearl stated fearfully. "We should just follow him to Little Homeworld so we can keep an eye on him."
"Agreed." Garnet nodded while putting her glasses back on.
"Yeah, that boy ain't right!" Amethyst declared before the trio left Steven's bedroom. But what they or even Steven didn't know was that a black-colored drone was watching them carefully.
"Excellent, he's just about at his breaking point." Black Rutile declared triumphantly while examining the footage her drone has gathered with White Topaz by her side. "Oh, I haven't felt this much of a rush since the Strawberry Battlefields!"
"But will Steven get any better?" White Topaz asked nervously, inciting her master to give her a furious glare.
"No, that's my intention!" Black Rutile stated. "I broke him, I broke his spirit! If I physically harmed him, the damage would just go away. But mental torture, the wounds shall only grow and fester! I have officially broken Steven Universe, and all that's left is for everyone to reject that monster."
"Oh master, we're back from training." Bluebird Azurite declared as she flew back to the Rutile's cavern hideaway.
"Oh hey guys, how you getting along?" White Topaz asked the fusion cheerfully.
"We're getting along splendidly thanks to Steven's advice." Bluebird answered before un-fusing into Aquamarine and Eyeball.
"Now we're even stronger than ever!" Aquamarine exclaimed joyfully.
"Look what we can do now!" Eyeball added before pulling out her chisel and shaking it to turn the blade into a beam of fire while Aquamarine launched bubbles from her wings.
"Ah, so glad you two are reaching your full potential, potential that Steven has suppressed for too long." Black Rutile smiled warmly at the tiny twosome. "But know this, you may be afraid of what could be to come, but remember that fear is but the precursor to valor! And to strive and triumph in the face of fear is what it means to be a warrior. Don't think, become."
"I fail to see how that could inspire us, but okay." Aquamarine muttered before peeking behind Black Rutile to see the drone footage. "Now what's all this?"
"It's video evidence that I've driven Steven to madness." Black Rutile answered with a proud grin before gesturing to each screen. "Here, we see Steven going ballistic on a human television when his mother appeared on the monitor." She said pointing to the first one. "On this one, the accursed Crystal Gems show concern for him for once, but he denies that anything is wrong with him." Then Black Rutile moved on to the third one. "And finally, Steven is just gone like a light."
"How can he do that?" White Topaz asked as she looked at the third viewscreen.
"Research shows that this comes from his Diamond heritage interfering with his human biology." Black Rutile analyzed the footage. "I should know, I was often tasked with watching over Pink Diamond whenever her usual caretakers were unavailable. And let me just say, it was unbelievably hectic."
"Yeah, like remember our attempted occupation of Zembilla?" White Topaz added. "Pink really grew attached to those little orange natives and didn't want them all dead."
"Don't remind me to the point of making me have a flashback." Black Rutile groaned while stroking her temples. "This shall be our time to rise up. We shall strike the first moment we get when Steven is at his lowest, so I suggest you better prepare." The Rutile then turned to her Topaz muscle. "Topaz, I need you to preside over Aquamarine and Ruby's training for the time being."
"Oh, of course, I'll do as you say!" White Topaz frantically declared. "That's me, White Topaz, always at your service!"
"Just…..go." Black Rutile's eye began to twitch at White Topaz's brownnosing. As soon as her three subordinates left, the mastermind turned back to her screens and paused the first one at Steven punching the TV screen. "Soon, my boy. Your god complex will finally crumble, just like your so-called happily ever after."
"Ah Little Homeworld, long time no see!" Steven declared happily as he reached Little Homeworld and landed on the Warp Pad. "Time to find someone who needs my help."
As Steven ran around the village in search of people to help, Gems and humans were taken a little aback by his new appearance and tried to stay away from him, though Steven didn't know why.
"Look, we're just saying Emerald, there are more ways reptiles are connected to birds than you think." Demantoid argued with Emerald as the two played chess together.
"Name one!" Emerald declared while moving her rook to knock out Demantoid's pawn. "Are there any lizards that have feathers, hm?!"
"Hey, guys, any arguments that need settling?" Steven butted into the green Gems' debate with a wide smile, taking the two by surprise. "Something about birds?"
"What is wrong with you?!" Emerald exclaimed. "This is why Black Rutile hates you, you think everything has to revolve around you and how you think you can fix everything! But even so, you look creepily happier than usual. Something is definitely up."
"Oh, everything's fine." Steven declared, his eye twitching ever so slightly at Emerald's accusation. "I think I'll just let you guys get back to your conversation." And so, Steven set off for someone else to try and help, leaving the green ex-subordinates of Black Rutile aghast before they decided to change the topic while getting back to their game.
"So, I've heard rumors that Steven is suffering from some problems lately." Demantoid said as her rook moved to take out the opposing knight. "Something about post-traumatic stress disorder?"
"Are you sure?" Emerald replied. "Because I've read about the symptoms, and something tells me he might have a borderline personality disorder."
"Maybe somewhere in the middle?" Demantoid deduced.
"Now the key to giving a plant proper sunlight is finding a spot that's just right." Peridot exposited to her class of Pyrope, Orange Spodumene, Blue Chalcedony, Cherry Quartz, and Squaridot while pointing to a chrysanthemum. "And it also varies on what kind of plant you're growing."
"I see." Squaridot muttered in awe.
Just then, Steven barged into the greenhouse and grinned at Peridot's class. "Hi Peridot, do any of you need some help?"
"No, I do believe we're perfectly fine." Pyrope answered dryly.
"So what brings you back here?" Peridot asked. "Didn't you leave a few months back?"
"Just your friendly neighborhood Crystal Gem just here to help!" Steven declared. "And I think your students have a few struggling saplings here. Let me give you a hand." Chuckling at his pun, Steven licked his hands and reached out to Pyrope's pot before Peridot stopped him.
"Not so fast!" Peridot scolded Steven. "Amethyst told me you're on a No Plant Friends policy after what happened with the Cactus Stevens."
"We're right here you know." A Cactus Steven said while helping a nearby Sapphire.
"Besides, I don't want your germs all over my prized flower!" Pyrope added, protectively hiding her pot from Steven.
"Oh come on you guys, I just want to give them a little nudge!" Steven laughed. To further prove his point, a leaf fell off Blue Chalcedony's plant.
"That has been bothering me lately." Blue Chalcedony stated, holding her pot out to Steven. "Go ahead, just a smidge though."
"I got a bad feeling about this." Cherry Quartz said warily.
"Oh don't worry, I got this!" Steven said as he licked his finger and tapped on the spot where the leaf fell off.
Moments later, the greenhouse began literally bursting with plant life, and not in a good way. Living topiaries in the shape of Steven broke through the greenhouse walls chanting "Steven's here to help!" while Peridot's class ran away screaming.
"Nice going Chal, now look what's happened!" Pyrope yelled at Blue Chalcedony.
"Hey, lay off her Pyrope!" Orange Spodumene exclaimed. "But still, something is not right with Steven!"
On the topic of Steven, he followed the class out of the greenhouse and seemed oblivious to the damage he had caused. "Look at that, life! It's everywhere, it always finds a way!"
"Much like how you find a way to drive people away." Steven's evil voice muttered sardonically, but Steven paid it no mind as he continued his search for people to help.
"Now, tell me how that makes you feel." Garnet said to a human couple she was giving counseling to when she heard Peridot scream, causing the humans to stand up as they gasped. "See you next week."
As soon as the couple ran away in fright, three Topiary Stevens surrounded Garnet, still chanting "Steven's here to help!" while the real Steven ran into the fusion.
"Oh Garnet, I see you're making some new friends!" Steven exclaimed joyfully, continuing to be unaware of his surroundings. "Then I guess this was a net win. Welp, gotta run and find someone else to help! It's what I do!"
"Then help me stop them!" Garnet yelled while the Topiary Stevens repeated "Steven's here to help!", which began to get on her nerves. "The others have to know about this."
"Being a lifeguard was far easier than I thought." Laz declared while relaxing in a lifeguard chair above the Gems in the now completed swimming pool. "Just gotta sit around and wait for something to happen. Besides, Gems can't drown anyways!"
"Yeah, but they still need to learn some basic rules." Lapis said to her old friend turned enemy turned friend again before blowing her whistle. "Hey, no running so fast! You might slip and fall!"
"Sorry, Lapis." Teal Zircon apologized before diving in and landing on top of Watermelon Tourmaline. "This is living, eh Melon?"
"You said it, Teal." Watermelon Tourmaline said as she floated around the pool with the Zircon relaxing on her stomach. "Ain't nothing could go wrong today."
Just then, Steven came a-knocking as he opened the gate to the pool to check out what was going on. "Hey Lapises, how's everything going?" he asked. "Anyone need any saving right now?"
"Actually, I think we're running a pretty tight ship as is," Lapis answered Steven while Zuli emerged from the pool after a swim. "Right guys?"
"Yeah, we don't need any extra help right now." Zuli stated. "But if you want, we could hold tryouts sometime."
"Oh no need, I'll just do it myself." Steven beamed before he began looking out for someone who might need his assistance when he spotted Teal Zircon resting on Watermelon Tourmaline's stomach. "Hey TZ, you could slip and fall!"
"What?" Teal asked before Steven grabbed her by the hand. "I'm doing pretty fine over here." Suddenly, as Steven tried to pull the Zircon from the pool, he accidentally pulled a little too hard and threw her up in the air. "OKAY, NOW I'M NOT DOING FINE!" TZ screamed as she flew away from the pool. "WITNESS ME!"
Teal Zircon didn't stay in the air for long, and soon dropped from the sky into another part of Little Homeworld. "I'm okay!"
"What's the big idea, Steven?" Watermelon Tourmaline asked. "We were all having fun before you came in and threw Teal Zircon to who knows where!"
"I'm sure TZ's fine, she said so herself." Steven laughed. "Well, gotta run! Have a nice day everybody!"
As soon as Steven ran off, more Topiary Stevens came bursting through the chain-link fence as they wrestled with the Cactus Stevens, prompting the other Gems present to slowly back away.
"Can this day get any weirder?" Laz scoffed. "I was trying to relax here!"
"Hey, did anyone else notice that Steven was all pink and such?" Lapis asked her fellow water-manipulating lifeguards.
"Yeah, it's kinda freaking me out." Zuli replied. "And are we sure he's totally fine?"
"I'm asking that question too." Lapis pondered while Peridot came charging through the broken fence to break up the battle of the plant Stevens.
When Steven left the pool, the first thing he saw was Bismuth's forge. "That's right, it must be shop o'clock!" he declared while skidding to a stop. "Bismuth's shop class, that is. Time to get my shop on."
"You good bud, you talking to yourself or something?" Amethyst, dressed in a coach uniform, asked Steven as he entered the forge.
"Now, the detailing requires a light touch." Bismuth explained to Blue Pearl, Bixbite & Snowflake Obsidian while standing between Pearl wearing a smithing apron and Yellow Pearl in a suit of armor. "Pay attention now everybody, cause this is critical to getting it right."
"Uh, hey howdy hey!" Steven greeted the shop class while leaning against the entrance.
"Oh, hey Steven!" Bixbite cheerfully greeted Steven.
"Did you get taller?" Blue Pearl asked with a tilt of her head and a finger to her lips.
"Whoa-ho-ho, lookin' good Steven!" Bismuth complimented Steven's change in appearance.
"I don't think that look is a positive change for him." Pearl whispered to Bismuth. "We think something might be wrong with him."
"Fancy seeing you drop by." Yellow Pearl grinned, unaware of what the teachers were conversing about. "How do you like my armor?"
"You look great Yellow Pearl!" Steven answered. "So Bismuth, in need of a teaching assistant?"
"Actually, Pearl's my TA today," Bismuth replied with a hand on Pearl's shoulder before presenting Yellow Pearl's armor-clad arm. "but I could use a wedding expert for my wedding armor demonstration. How 'bout it?"
"Of course, I'll help!" Steven declared. "That's what I love doing, just helping everyone!"
"Okay, let's get some materials warmed up for you." Bismuth then walked over to a pot of coals that she plucked a cooling steel bar from and flattened one end of it on the anvil with her hammer hand. "I think that's good enough." She stated. "Hey Steven, mind helping me with a pauldron or two?"
"I got this." Steven cheered as he walked over to the anvil and prepared to punch the metal.
"Hold up there boulder-brain." Bismuth stopped Steven before he could punch. "It's just some detail work, no need for a big mallet when you could use a little hammer." She handed a tiny hammer to Steven. "Plus, you could burn yourself that way."
"Oh, whoopsy-daisy, thanks Bismuth." Steven exclaimed and lightly tapped on the metal with the hammer. Instead of the detail work he thought he could do, Steven instead cracked the anvil into pieces with a single tap.
"Someone's stronger than we thought." Snowflake laughed nervously while Pearl & Bismuth gazed at the broken anvil.
"Look at that, now you have two anvils!" Steven laughed while Bismuth mourned the destruction of her anvil.
"NOOOOO!" Bismuth dropped to her knees in despair. "My anvil! My beautiful anvil!"
"Oh, grow up will you?" Steven's inner voice grumbled. "It's an anvil, you can make another."
"Seems like my work here is done." The real Steven laughed as he prepared to leave. "Well, toodles!"
"You see what I mean, Steven's not himself lately." Pearl said as she comforted Bismuth. "First he nearly got Greg killed, then Jasper started calling him her Diamond, and now this."
"Can I be the first to say that he needs help?" Yellow Pearl asked sardonically as more Topiary Stevens continued their rampage outside the forge.
As Steven exited the forge, he ran towards a baseball game that Amethyst was holding. Nephrite was on the Warp Pad throwing a ball to Doc, Amethyst stood by with Onion next to her, Topaz stood with a pair of humans on the bases, Larimar was in the outfield, and Chrysocolla, Grossular Diopside & Moonstone were waiting to play.
As soon as Amethyst noticed Steven, she blew her whistle and turned to talk to him. "Hey dude," she greeted him. "What's up?"
"I was just wondering if you needed any more players." Steven offered. "I'm ready to have a ball!"
"I think we could squeeze you in, we do need a new outfielder," Amethyst concluded and pointed to Larimar. "Oy, Larimar! Hit the showers, Steven's taking your place!"
"Good luck there Steven." Larimar said while she got up and left while Steven took her place on the playing field.
"Yeah, good hustle there Lil Larimar." Steven complimented the ice Gem. "I'm honored to be joining such a great game, I mean, everyone here has been outstanding!"
"You just got here, how do you know that?" Nephrite raised her brow.
"That's just me, I know what everyone is doing and feel the need to help all the time!" Steven declared, creeping everyone out.
"Enough chit-chat, batter up!" Amethyst cried out, cuing Onion to pick up a bat and walk up to home base, ready to play. Nephrite threw the ball towards the silent boy and he hit it with the bat, although unfortunately, it was heading straight for a nearby house.
"Oh no, in danger again?!" the Heaven Cubic Zirconia complained as the ball sailed towards the window of her and Earth Cubic Zirconia's house while they were having tea.
"I swear, is it because we're small?" Earth Cubic Zirconia wondered. Thankfully, Steven caught the ball just in time, much to their relief.
"I did it." Steven declared and the other players cheered.
"Three cheers for Steven!" Topaz declared.
"That's our boy." Chrysocolla smiled.
"I did it, and I didn't ruin anything!" Steven boomed happily. "YEAH!" However, the complete opposite of what he just said quickly happened. His excited yell caused a windstorm powerful enough to knock people off their feet, break glass everywhere, and cause the Zirconias' house to fall apart.
"Whoa, take it easy Steven!" Moonstone cried as she held onto a bench while the windstorm continued.
"Someone help me!" Grossular Diopside yelled while she got blown away with Larimar. Thankfully, the windstorm died down after a few seconds but still left a ton of destruction in its wake, and all eyes were on Steven.
"Oops, sorry everyone." Steven blushed at the chaos he caused. "T-t-that was an accident. But what are accidents and mistakes but opportunities to learn and improve, right?" He looked down at the Zirconias, who weren't very happy about the destruction of their home.
"It was a mistake for us to be put in danger again, especially because of you!" Earth yelled accusingly.
"Earthy, shush!" Heaven shushed her partner.
"I mean, we all make mistakes, and as long as we keep improving, everything will be fine!" Steven declared while picking up a log. "Alright, let's get to it!"
"It was a mistake for you to come here in this state." The voice in Steven's head declared. "Black Rutile and I were right, you will drive everyone away."
"Listen, I am done with you for today." Steven's own thoughts argued with the voice. "Just pipe down and don't ever think about feeding me bad thoughts ever again, got it?"
"How about never?" the voice said smarmily while the Topiary Stevens got to work on helping Steven by picking up Onion, Larimar, and Grossular Diopside.
"WE'RE HELPING!" one of the Plant Stevens yelled.
High above the destroyed makeshift baseball field, Black Rutile's satellite continued watching everything and sending footage back to its creator, who was all too happy to see what her hard work has amounted to.
"This is just priceless!" Black Rutile laughed joyously. "First, he makes plants come to life and fight those cactus beasts, then he throws that annoying Zircon into the air, broke an anvil, and caused a scene during one of those human games. I'm sure he's going to make such a scene about all these little accidents."
"All the more tools to humiliate the boy." Aquamarine added just as sneakily. "Soon, he will have nothing but himself and his thoughts controlling him."
"Unless his friends were to come out and tell him everything will be alright." White Topaz objected. "I'm just saying, those Gems will stick by his side through thick and thin."
"Hey, no more objections!" Eyeball yelled while pulling out her flame knife. "Want me to test this on you?!"
While Eyeball began chasing White Topaz around the woods with her knife, Black Rutile just groaned and turned back to her screens. "Tell me Aquamarine, why do all great geniuses surround themselves with idiots?"
"Your guess is as good as mine my Rutile." Aquamarine shook her head while watching the screens focused on the beach house with bated breath.
As soon as Steven was done helping fix what he had broke, he returned to the beach house with a dourer expression than the big smile he kept wearing throughout the day. On the other side of the room, Connie was in the living room while Greg and the Gems sat down on the couch.
"Steven!" Connie cried. "I was right all along, you're still swelling! I tried calling you all day, but I kept getting this weird meme." She held up her phone, which now depicted Steven bouncing up and down while chanting "Steven's here to help!" just like the Topiary Stevens. "Please, what is going on? We're all worried for you."
"Go on boy, play dumb." Steven's inner voice commanded.
"I sometimes broadcast my subconscious these days." Steven answered. "It's really no big deal."
"NOT THAT DUMB!" the voice groaned in irritation.
"I can tell something is bothering you." Connie continued. "There are even times where the meme sometimes turns into this."
"Steven's here to help, Steven's here to help!" Steven kept chanting on Connie's phone before it began to glitch. "Steven help, help Steven!"
"Ah, I don't know what you're talking about!" Steven declared, his stress continuing to unnerve others. "Besides, you all saw I was doing just fine this morning. I'm fine, awesome even!"
"Steven, if being as helpful as you always are, even if it's a bit obnoxious & creepy, is what you want, we'll support you 100%." Greg comforted. "But if you're not really happy, if something's wrong-"
"He's onto us!" the voice exclaimed. "Should've gone a little further with the crash, I say."
"Nothing's wrong!" Steven rebuked his father's worries. "Besides, you all don't have to worry."
"We ARE worried!" Connie replied worryingly. "Besides, Pink Diamond's Pearl told the Gems over the communicator in your greenhouse that you punched Spinel while you were at Homeworld."
"Listen, you can tell us anything." Greg added.
"Look at these worms, ganging up on us." The inner voice kept snarling. "Run, run while you still can! No one may help us now! Except, of course, for a certain Rutile."
"It's not that easy." Steven muttered as he hung his head in shame. "You know what? I don't want to deal with all this." However, when Steven tried to leave, Garnet blocked his way to the Warp Pad while the rest kept him from leaving through the door. "Seriously guys, I don't want to deal with this!"
"No, we don't wanna deal with all this." Amethyst put her foot down at Steven's behavior.
"Please, you have to stop running." Garnet begged in addition when suddenly, Steven's body began to swell yet again and his face stretched out.
"Maybe we should get you back to my mom at the hospital." Connie suggested.
"HOSPITAL?!" Amethyst shrieked.
"Is that what you were doing while we were at the trial?!" Pearl yelled.
"You mean you didn't tell them?!" Connie cried out in shock, while Steven's body kept on distorting and his breath quickened.
"It wasn't that important, just my first ever doctor's visit." Steven smiled awkwardly. "You're making a big deal out of nothing! Sure, I messed up the house and broke a few things, but what teenager hasn't?"
"You spent years forcing secrets out of the Gems, and now you're the one keeping secrets?" Steven's darker half growled at his other half's hypocrisy. "You truly have become your mother."
"And sure, Dad and I had a little fight, but it was practically a rite of passage!" Steven continued fibbing and shrugged.
Connie and the Gems turned their gaze to Greg, who just scratched his head and let out a nervous laugh.
"I mean, wouldn't it be weird if we didn't?!" Steven kept on ranting. "And sure, I've had Black Rutile feed me some not so nice thoughts while you were at Los Diego that took the form of an inner voice that forced me to punch Spinel, or try and shatter White Diamond, but it's not like I actually went through with it! I did really shatter Jasper after all!"
"WHAT?!" Amethyst screamed at the thought of Steven, this sweet young man who would rather hang out with a fly than hurt it, doing such a thing, especially to a Gem he had tried many times to help see the light.
Although barely anyone could hear, Jasper let out a light moan from the bathroom.
"You're-you're joking right?!" Connie gasped with Greg while Garnet's jaw dropped and Pearl's eyes widened.
"Oh don't worry, I fixed Jasper! I can fix anything!" Steven's temper began to reach its boiling point. "I can just keep fixing and fixing things forever, and you'll never have to worry about anything ever again!"
"Except worrying about how you're deliberately pushing people away while begging them to stay." Steven's inner voice concluded while metaphorically looking around at the shocked reactions of Steven's human & Gem loved ones. "Just look at them all, how do you think they'd ever forgive you for such a horrendous act?"
"Steven." Garnet tried to lend an assuring hand on the boy's shoulder, but she was quickly shoved away.
"How messed up is that?!" Steven gasped as he felt something change in his body. His teeth began getting sharper, his skin became pinker & leatherier, his hands slowly turned into claws, and his pupils started turning pink. "That I've gotten away with all this for so long, forcing my views down the throats of others, tearing apart Gem society to the point where they'll eventually be invaded, actually murdering someone! Black Rutile was right, I am just an awful person! A sociopath even!"
No one could comprehend what Steven was thinking right now. Greg began to tear up at all these horrible things Steven was saying about himself, Connie gripped the father's arm tightly, and Pearl & Amethyst began fearfully hugging Garnet, whose face was completely frozen in horror.
"You think I'm so great, I'm so mature, that I always know what to do, BUT I'M NOT!" Steven began roaring in a more beastly tone. "I haven't learned a thing from my problems, and I never will! They all kept making me worse, YOU all keep making me worse! Are you even sure any of you ever loved or cared about me?! If it weren't for Pink Diamond ruining everything for everyone, I could've been just a normal kid!"
"That's right, just let everything out." The inner voice purred comfortingly. "Me on the other hand, I think I shall take my leave and prepare something more normal for you." With that, the inner voice seemingly vanished from Steven's mind.
"You all think of me as a perfect angel who's too pure for this world, but I'm not a little kid anymore!" Steven boomed before he dropped to the ground with his head between his hands. "I'm just like my mom. A fraud." He began to tremble where he crouched as something began bubbling on his back. "I'm a monster!"
Suddenly, a massive pillar of light pink scales erupted from Steven's back like a volcano as everyone reacted quickly. Garnet stuck her arms out to protect Amethyst & Pearl and Connie jumped back, but Greg was just plain terrified.
"I'm a monster!" Steven's final words before his transformation were rewound by Black Rutile as she eagerly replayed the phrase again and again on more of her satellite footage. "I'm a monster! I'm a monster! I'm a monster!"
With an evil grin, Black Rutile paused the video and shut off her screens. "And I have finally won!" she declared triumphantly and let out a booming evil laugh that echoed throughout the cave and scared off the nearby animals. Aquamarine & Eyeball grinned in delight, while White Topaz turned away from her cohorts in shame of what she had participated in. As quickly as Black Rutile finished her victorious cackle, she had another wonderful, awful idea in mind. "Now, onto Phase 2."
….holy shit. Uh, see you all for I am My Monster, I guess. And by the way, I did repurpose Steven accidentally playing Rose's message for the Rose trio in Rose Buds for the opening.
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csrgood · 4 years
50 Ways to Live a More Sustainable Lifestyle
Although many Earth Day activities—whether in your personal life, in your community or within your company—may look and feel differently this year, the COVID-19 crisis has shown us just how precious ‘outside’ really is. And one of the unexpected outcomes of “stay-at-home” orders is a reduction in smog and air pollution, a reduction in river pollution and even endangered sea turtles again laying egg on empty beaches.      As a company committed to sustainability, Essity cares deeply about the future of our planet, so we develop hygiene and health products and services that help customers and consumers reduce their environmental impact. At Essity, we believe Earth Day should be every day.    To commemorate Earth Day’s 50th anniversary, we want to share 50 tips and ideas on how to live “greener.” With many of us staying at home during this time, it’s an ideal opportunity to adopt new ways in our daily life to protect Earth’s environment, natural resources and its future.     These tips, hacks and newly discovered tricks cover just about everything—and could be terrific thought starters for some new projects!  
Recycle cardboard cores of toilet paper and paper towel rolls 
Turn lights out whenever you leave the room or use smart light bulbs 
Unplug cords from outlets when not in use 
Turn off your computer off at the end of your workday 
Use LED lights 
Set your smart TV to go to sleep when you aren’t watching it 
Install a smart thermostat 
Use Energy Star appliances 
Add solar panels to your home 
Keep drapes open during the day to use sunlight to heat a room– or keep closed to cool a room 
Become familiar with your city’s recycling guidelines so you recycle properly 
Compost food scraps and yard waste 
Plant a garden 
Have water-wise plants such as succulents 
Collect rainwater to use for garden and plant watering 
Use organic mulch in your garden to conserve water 
Save meal leftovers instead of throwing away 
Grow your own vegetables or buy locally to reduce use of paper, plastics and shipping material. 
Save veggie scraps to make vegetable stock 
Run all errands (grocery store, pharmacy) in one trip 
Bring your own containers and bags to supermarket 
Buy in bulk to reduce packaging 
Wait until your laundry basket/dishwasher is full to do a load 
Air dry clothes instead of using dryer when possible 
Use wool balls instead of dryer sheets to help clothes dry quicker 
Make your own kitchen cleaning solution using household items like vinegar and water 
Recycle household batteries or use rechargeable batteries instead 
Reuse plastic food storage bags when possible 
Save bread bags and cereal bags for re-use  
Use a metal filter for your coffee pot and reusable k-cups 
Stop rinsing dishes before you put them in the dishwasher 
Install a water filter for “homemade” bottled water 
Ride your bicycle instead of driving your car 
Take the stairs instead of the elevator to save energy 
Bring/use reusable water bottles when going out 
Wash your car when it’s raining 
Donate old furniture, household items and fixtures instead of throwing out 
Donate old clothes instead of throwing them out 
Join a local upcycle group so castaways are “reused” 
Unsubscribe from junk mail (newsletters, catalogs, coupon books) 
Take notes on your computer or smart phone rather than a notepad 
Use an e-reader instead of buying new books 
Scan files instead of faxing them 
Opt to receive credit card and other bills electronically 
Take a shorter shower a few times a week 
Wash clothes in cold or warm water rather than hot water 
Check weather for rain before watering outdoor plants 
Tighten sink faucet so no water leaks 
Use a water-saving shower head 
Lower the temperature on your water heater or install an instant hot water heater 
We hope some of these ideas have inspired you to think differently and to make a shift that will have a positive impact later. It’s more important now than ever to heed this year’s Earth Day message—climate action—and engage in Earth-friendly activities at home today to make a difference in our world tomorrow.     Essity is a leading global hygiene and health company. We are dedicated to improving well-being through our products and services. Sales are conducted in approximately 150 countries under the leading global brands TENA and Tork, and other strong brands, such as JOBST, Leukoplast, Libero, Libresse, Lotus, Nosotras, Saba, Tempo, Vinda and Zewa. Essity has about 46,000 employees. Net sales in 2019 amounted to approximately $13.5 billion. The company’s headquarters is located in Stockholm, Sweden, and Essity is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm. Essity breaks barriers to well-being and contributes to a healthy, sustainable and circular society. More information at www.essity.com.  
source: https://www.csrwire.com/press_releases/44917-50-Ways-to-Live-a-More-Sustainable-Lifestyle?tracking_source=rss
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bbangel-com-tr-blog · 2 years
Saba 55" 4K Android Led TV
LED görüntü teknolojisi, şık görsellik, harika donanımlar gibi özelliklerin keyfini çıkarmak
için asla geç değil! Saba 55" 4K ANDROID LED TV ile aradığınız bütün özellikleri bulabilirsiniz.
Ekran Teknolojisi : LEDDahili Uydu Alıcı : Varİşlemci Çekirdek Sayısı : 4Görüntü Tarama Hızı : 60 HzSmart TV Var : HDR VarYenileme Hızı (Yazılım) : SN 1000DLNA : YokÇözünürlük : 3840 x 21603D Desteği : YokÇıkış Yılı : 2021USB : VarEnerji Sınıfı : DiğerHDMI Girişi : VarÇözünürlük Standardı : 4K UHDDijital Ses Çıkışı : CoaxEkran Boyutu : 55"USB Versiyonu : 2.0Dahili Wifi : Varİşletim Sistemi : AndroidSes Sistemi : 2.0Model : SB55352Ethernet LAN Bağlantısı : VarSes Çıkış Gücü : 16 WEkran Tipi : Düz (Flat)Marka : Saba
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Evshop Ürünleri: Mobilyadan Elektroniğe Aradığınız Her Şey
Evshop'ta eviniz için A'dan Z'ye aradığınız tüm ürünleri bulmanız mümkün. Eğer evlilik planları yapıyorsanız ve evinizi döşemek üzereyseniz, Evshop'ta yer alan mobilyalara ve koltuk takımlarına göz atabilir, en popüler beyaz eşya markalarının beyaz eşyalarını ve ankastre setlerini inceleyebilirsiniz. Çalışma masasından genç ve bebek odalarına, köşe koltuk takımlarından televizyon ünitelerine, yemek odalarından kitaplıklara bir evin tüm mobilya demirbaşlarını Evshop mağazalarında ve online alışveriş sitesinde bulmak mümkün. Evshop, geniş bir televizyon yelpazesi de sunarak farklı TV izleme alışkanlıklarına hitap edecek çeşitlilikte bir model ve marka seçeneği sunuyor. 24 inçten 70 inçe uzanan farklı ekran boyutları ve birbirinden güzel televizyon markaları Evshop alışveriş merkezi fırsatları ile ayağınıza geliyor. Evshop alışveriş merkezinde yer alan son model cep telefonu modellerini inceleyebilir, birbirinden sevimli ve kullanışlı züccaciye ürünleri arasından zevkinize uygun seçimler yaparak mutfağınızı ve banyonuzu süsleyebilirsiniz. Bilgisayar, fotoğraf makinesi, bisiklet, oyun konsolu ve ses sistemi gibi ürünler de yine Evshop mağazalarında bulabileceğiniz çeşitler arasında. Tüm bunlara ek olarak Evshop telefon üzerinden ve online web sitesi üzerinden elden taksitle alışveriş yapmanıza imkan sunmakta, peşinatsız ve kredi kartsız ödeme imkanları ile rahat ve bütçe dostu bir alışveriş deneyimi sunmaktadır. Tüm Evshop ürünlerini yakından incelemek ve ihtiyaçlarınızı hemen karşılamak için markanın resmi internet sitesini ziyaret edebilir ya da size en yakın Evshop mağazasını tespit ederek ufak bir gezintiye çıkabilirsiniz.
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What is shattered grid?
The 25th anniversary event for Power Rangers. 
In the MMPR comic books, the Mighty Morphin Rangers discovered a divergent timeline where Tommy chose to remain evil after they broke Rita’s spell over him. He helped her conquer the Earth because he had more faith in her ideals of destroying the world to build a better one as opposed to Zordon’s ways. After killing Jason who was about to gain the powers of Saba and the White Light, he forced together the powers of the White and Green Rangers and became a tyrant known as Lord Drakkon. 
Drakkon made it to their reality, and after a series of events, killed original flavor Tommy with Saba, seemingly creating a major threat to Rangers across space and time to the point that the Time Force Rangers, other than Jen, are eliminated because of a distortion or anomaly. Jen was able to travel back to help Kimberly fight against Drakkon but not before he killed Tommy and he escaped with the green chaos crystal, after having tricked and done something with Ninjor, leaving us on a cliffhanger for the next issue.
Before the Time Force Rangers went down, they were also alerted to the fact that not only are the prime reality Rangers like the Samurais led by Lauren Shiba being attacked but the Rangers whose stories take place in separate dimensions-like RPM and Dino Charge-are also being affected
Power Rangers Hyperforce, the RPG show about Time Force cadets mentored by Jen having to travel through time, is also participating in Shattered Grid and have already had Jason David Frank guest star as Lord Drakkon. JDF also did a trailer for the event, appearing as Lord Drakkon
I believe there are also theories/rumors that the events of Shattered Grid will also tie in/lead-in to Power Rangers Beast Morphers, the next upcoming TV series.
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expatimes · 4 years
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Fighting intensifies between Houthis, Yemen gov’t forces in Marib
Fighting intensifies between Houthis, Yemen gov’t forces in Marib
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Clashes between Yemeni government forces and Houthi rebels have intensified in the strategic province of Marib, with military sources saying a senior loyalist commander was among dozens of fighters killed.
Earlier this month, the Iran-backed Houthis resumed a push to capture Marib city, which lies close to some of Yemen’s richest oil fields in the north of the country.
Hundreds of fighters from both sides have been killed in fighting since Friday, according to government sources. The Houthis do not usually release casualty tolls.
“Twenty-two members of the government forces and more than 28 rebels have died in the last 24 hours in the fighting,” including special forces commander in Marib, General Abdel Ghani Shaalan, a military source told AFP news agency.
“Fighting continues unabated on all fronts in Marib province” – the government’s last bastion in the north of the country – the source said, adding that neither side had advanced on the ground.
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Nabeel Khoury, a former US diplomat in Yemen, said it is a “very critical battle”.
“It looks like both sides would like to be in a stronger bargaining position in anticipated peace talks,” Khoury told Al Jazeera.
“The problem of course is that these short-term gains … could actually derail the new peace process launched by the new US administration.”
The Saudi-led coalition backing the internationally recognised government launched more than 12 air raids in support of government forces, according to the Houthi-run Al Masirah TV channel.
More than 60 fighters were killed in fighting in Marib on Friday, the bloodiest day since the start of the offensive on February 8.
The government meanwhile accused the Houthis of firing 10 ballistic missiles on Friday night on Marib city, the official Saba news agency reported, with no reports of casualties.
On Saturday, multiple blasts shook the Saudi capital Riyadh, with state television saying the Saudi-led coalition had thwarted a “Houthi ballistic missile attack”.
The Houthis did not confirm the claim, but they have carried out cross-border attacks on Saudi Arabia with drones and missiles in the past.
‘Millions at risk’
Yemen’s grinding conflict has killed tens of thousands and displaced millions, according to international organisations, sparking what the United Nations calls the world’s worst humanitarian crisis.
The conflict began in 2014, after Houthi rebels seized the capital Sanaa, forcing the government to move its base to the southern port of Aden.
The Houthis now control most of the country’s north and the government has been struggling to defend Marib province.
Nasr Al-Deen Amer, secretary of the Houthi ministry of information, told Al Jazeera that the battle for Marib is one of the “hottest war fronts since the beginning of the aggression on Yemen”.
The UN last week warned of a potential humanitarian disaster if the fight for Marib continues.
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A man pushes a wheelbarrow of food aid he received at a camp for people displaced by fighting in Yemen’s northern province of al-Jawf
The province is home to some two million internally displaced people, many of whom live with little to no resources. The UN estimates that 400,000 children under the age of five are severely malnourished.
Until early last year, life in Marib was relatively peaceful, despite war raging elsewhere in the Arabian Peninsula country.
With its proximity to the Saudi border, the province was largely untouched by the first years of conflict and even flourished, as those who sought sanctuary there opened businesses and restaurants.
The UN now says the fighting has put “millions of civilians at risk”.
The surge in violence this month comes after Washington decided to remove the Houthis from its list of “terrorist” groups to ensure aid is unimpeded and to pave the way to restarting peace talks.
Observers say the Houthis want to capture Marib as leverage before entering any negotiations.
US envoy Tim Lenderking travelled to the region last week on a tour of Gulf countries as he seeks ways to end Yemen’s brutal war.
The US Department of State did not specify his exact stops, saying only that he would “focus on the United States’ dual-track approach to end the conflict in Yemen: a lasting political solution and humanitarian relief for the Yemeni people”.
Read full article: https://expatimes.com/?p=18630&feed_id=35754
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orbemnews · 4 years
Egypt Denied an Oxygen Failure Killed Covid Sufferers. We Discovered That It Did. EL HUSSEINEYA, Egypt — A cry pierced the evening from the balcony of an Egyptian hospital. A nurse was screaming that the sufferers within the Covid intensive care unit have been gasping for air. Ahmed Nafei, who was standing exterior, brushed previous a safety guard, dashed in and noticed that his 62-year-old aunt was lifeless. Livid, he whipped out his telephone and started filming. It appeared that the hospital had run out of oxygen. Screens have been beeping. A nurse was visibly distressed and cowering in a nook as her colleagues tried to resuscitate a person utilizing a handbook ventilator. At the very least 4 sufferers died. Mr. Nafei’s 47-second video this month of the chaos at El Husseineya Central Hospital, about two and a half hours northeast of Cairo, went viral on social media. As outrage grew, the federal government denied that the hospital had run out of oxygen. An official assertion issued the next day concluded that the 4 who died had suffered from “issues” and denied that the deaths had “any connection” to an oxygen scarcity. Safety officers interrogated Mr. Nafei, and officers blamed him for violating guidelines barring visitation and filming inside hospitals. A New York Instances investigation, nevertheless, discovered in any other case. Witnesses, together with medical employees and kinfolk of sufferers, mentioned in interviews that the oxygen strain had fallen to precipitously low ranges. At the very least three sufferers, they mentioned, and presumably a fourth, had died of oxygen deprivation. An in depth evaluation of the video by medical doctors in Egypt and the USA confirmed that the chaotic scene within the I.C.U. indicated an interruption within the oxygen provide. The deadly oxygen scarcity was the tip results of a cascade of issues on the hospital, our investigation discovered. By the point sufferers have been suffocating within the I.C.U., a aid supply of oxygen that had been ordered was already hours late and a backup oxygen system had failed. “We’re not going to bury our heads within the sand and fake all the things is OK,” a physician on the hospital mentioned, talking on situation of anonymity as a result of he feared arrest. “The entire world can admit there’s an issue, however not us.” The federal government’s rush to disclaim the episode is simply the most recent instance of the shortage of transparency in its response to the Covid disaster, which has led to cynicism and mistrust of its public assurances. For a lot of Egyptians, Mr. Nafei’s video provided a uncommon and uncensored view of the coronavirus’s actual toll on the peak of Egypt’s second wave of the pandemic. The federal government acknowledged that 4 individuals within the intensive care ward died that day, Jan. 2, however denied that it was due to an oxygen scarcity. The Well being Ministry assertion mentioned that the sufferers who died have been largely aged, that they died at completely different instances and that at the least a dozen different sufferers, together with newborns in incubators, have been linked to the identical oxygen community and weren’t affected. These elements, it mentioned, confirmed “the shortage of a connection between the deaths and allegations made a couple of scarcity of oxygen.” Medical employees verified that the hospital’s oxygen provide had not been utterly depleted, however mentioned that the strain was dangerously low. It was even worse within the intensive care unit, they mentioned, and inadequate to maintain sufferers alive. I.C.U. vents might have been on the finish of the community, they defined, or the pipeline might have had different inefficiencies. Up to date  Jan. 18, 2021, 9:46 a.m. ET Efforts by hospital employees to handle the scarcity have been thwarted by additional breakdowns. After they tried to modify the oxygen provide within the I.C.U. from the hospital’s most important tank to the backup reserve, the reserve system gave the impression to be overloaded and failed. Earlier within the day, conscious that they have been operating low, hospital officers had requested extra oxygen from the Well being Ministry. However the supply truck, which was due within the afternoon, arrived greater than three hours late. “If it had arrived by 6 p.m., none of this may have occurred,” the hospital physician mentioned. The medical specialists who analyzed the video, together with six medical doctors in the USA and Egypt, noticed particulars that assist the discovering of an oxygen failure. Within the video, not one of the sufferers look like related to the central oxygen line. One physician is utilizing a transportable tank, usually utilized in emergencies and solely quickly. And just some ft away, a gaggle of nurses are seen attempting to resuscitate a affected person with a handbook pump that doesn’t look like related to an oxygen supply. “There’s no oxygen tube related to the airbag,” mentioned Dr. Hicham Alnachawati, a New York pressing care doctor who has labored in hospital I.C.U.s. “He’s being given free air, mainly. It doesn’t occur. It’s unimaginable except you don’t have any oxygen.” One other physician who reviewed the video, Dr. Bushra Mina, the Egyptian-American chief of pulmonology at Lenox Hill Hospital who has cared for lots of of Covid-19 sufferers in New York, famous the “urgency” of the physician and nurses within the video “attempting to get emergency oxygen provide or supplementation to the sufferers.” “It may be overwhelming, even within the U.S., the place you’ve gotten a number of assets,” Dr. Mina mentioned. “So think about Egypt, the place assets are restricted and also you’re past your capability.” The oxygen disaster at El Husseineya Central Hospital might not have been the one one. Indicators of shortages at different hospitals flooded social media for every week. One hospital director issued a plea on social media for individuals to donate transportable oxygen tanks, citing a “important want.” A affected person in a distinct hospital filmed himself within the isolation ward saying, “We don’t have sufficient oxygen.” And video of a scene much like the one which Mr. Nafei had witnessed circulated on-line. These claims couldn’t be independently verified. “Is there an actual drawback?” requested Ayman Sabae, a researcher on the Egyptian Initiative for Private Rights, a human rights group. “Nobody can declare to have that data besides the federal government.” The federal government’s document through the disaster has not impressed confidence that it’s leveling with Egyptians. President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi has denounced critics of presidency coronavirus efforts as “enemies of the state.” His safety providers expelled a international journalist who questioned the official toll. The general public prosecutor has warned that anybody spreading “false information” concerning the coronavirus faces as much as 5 years’ imprisonment. And the federal government has engaged in a bitter feud with medical doctors, who revolted earlier within the pandemic over a scarcity of protecting gear. Various the medical doctors have been thrown in jail. “They’re attempting to regulate the narrative, they’re attempting to guarantee that issues appear to be they’re underneath management and part of that’s to regulate the knowledge that’s communicated to the general public,” Mr. Sabae mentioned. “I don’t have an issue with that if the federal government goes to provide us with credible data that we are able to depend on.” As a substitute, when the video of El Husseineya Central Hospital emerged, the response amounted to telling Egyptians to not imagine what they noticed. “This isn’t a scene that reveals a scarcity in oxygen,” mentioned Mamdouh Ghorab, the governor of Al Sharqiya, the governorate that features El Husseineya Central Hospital. He was talking on a pro-government tv program that didn’t interview or invite any witnesses to problem the official narrative. Even the official numbers are suspect. Egypt has reported over 150,000 Covid circumstances and over 8,000 deaths, remarkably low numbers for the area and for a rustic of over 100 million individuals. However exterior specialists and even some authorities officers say that each figures are huge undercounts, primarily due to lack of widespread testing and since the labs that do take a look at don’t all the time report their outcomes to the federal government. Even because it denied the oxygen scarcity at El Husseineya Central, officers started to take steps to handle the issue, tacitly acknowledging it. The minister of well being, Hala Zayed, acknowledged a scarcity of oxygen supply vehicles and delays in distribution. President Sisi requested the federal government to double the manufacturing of oxygen to be able to meet the spike in demand. The federal government took one other motion apparently in response to the video of the disaster in El Husseineya Central. Guests at the moment are required to go away their telephones on the door. Mona El-Naggar reported from El Husseineya, and Yousur Al-Hlou from New York. Video by Arielle Ray and Ben Laffin. Supply hyperlink #Covid #denied #Egypt #failure #killed #oxygen #patients
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Corriere annunci TV SABA LED 22” pollici Full HD più Smart TV BOX 80EUR
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TV SABA LED 22” pollici Full HD DVBT DVBC Scart HDMI USB. Colore bianco, vendo anche Smart TV BOX 2GB/16GB 4K TX3 MINI 8.1.2 ... Annuncio trovato su Corriere annunci
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couponsofferte · 4 years
👍 💥 TV LED SABA SA43K67A9 43 " Ultra HD 4K Smart Flat HDR 💰 249€ anzichè ✖379€ 💫 34% di sconto 🔗 https://ebay.to/2CTwsB7 ⏰ scade il 12 settembre https://www.couponsofferte.it/offerta/TV-LED-SABA-SA43K67A9-43--Ultra-HD-4K-Smart-Flat-HDR/13646
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mp3lyricsstuff · 5 years
Somi Khan Gets Evicted a Week Before Finale
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Somi Khan. (Image: Twitter)
This Sunday, much-loved contestant Somi Khan was evicted from the show, much to everyone’s surprise.
Last Updated: December 24, 2018, 10:10 AM IST
Public interest is piquing as reality TV show Bigg Boss is nearing the end of its 12th season.
This Sunday, much-loved contestant Somi Khan was evicted from the show, much to everyone’s surprise. The Jaipur girl was a sales and marketing associated at a 5-star hotel before she joined the Bigg Boss house earlier this year with her sister Saba Khan, who got evicted early in the game.
In her stint at the Bigg Boss house, Somi won accolades for her grit, determination and fair play, not just from the viewers but also from host Salman Khan, who has complimented her on numerous occasions.
A favourite even among The Happy Club members, who tried to save her from eviction, Somi found a well-wisher in fellow contestant Deepak Thakur, but she seemed to prefer being friends with Romil Chaudhary, an equation that was questioned several times on the show until Romil’s wife announced them as brother and sister in one of the episodes.
Ironically, both Deepak and Romil voted against Somi this week, which led to her nomination. Now with Somi gone, six contestants—Dipika Kakar, Sreesanth, Karanvir Bohra, Deepak Thakur, Surbhi Rana and Romil Chaudhary—are left, who will all compete for the coveted Bigg Boss 12 winner’s trophy.
Follow @News18Movies for more.
The post Somi Khan Gets Evicted a Week Before Finale appeared first on News.
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spicynbachili1 · 6 years
Yemen peace prospects rise as government, Houthis closer to talks | Yemen News
Yemen’s internationally-recognised authorities has introduced it’s going to participate in proposed peace talks in Sweden, hours after a senior Houthi chief mentioned the rebels will halt drone and missile assaults on Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates and their Yemeni allies.
The strikes on Monday got here amid a renewed push by UN envoy Martin Griffiths to get Yemen’s fighters across the negotiating desk.
Yemen’s overseas ministry mentioned it has knowledgeable Griffiths of its determination to ship “a authorities delegation to the talks with the intention of reaching a political resolution”, in keeping with the official Saba information company.
Earlier within the day, Mohammed Ali al-Houthi, head of the Houthi Greater Revolutionary Committee and an influential political determine, introduced the group’s “readiness to droop and halt all navy operations” – offered that the Saudi-UAE alliance battling his motion is ready to do the identical.
The choice was primarily based on discussions with Griffiths to point out “good religion” and help peace efforts, he mentioned in a statement on Twitter.
The insurgent group, which has been battling the Riyadh-backed authorities of President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi for almost 4 years, additionally mentioned it was prepared for a broader ceasefire if the Saudi-UAE-led coalition “desires peace”.
The conflict in Yemen – already one of many world’s most impoverished international locations – has killed greater than 56,000 folks, in keeping with a latest estimate, and pushed the nation to the brink of famine. 
Turning level?
Griffiths welcomed the Houthi announcement in a Twitter publish and known as on all events proceed to point out restraint “to create a conducive atmosphere for convening the consultations”.
The envoy is making an attempt to salvage peace talks after a spherical in September collapsed when the Houthis didn’t present up. He’s anticipated this week to go to the capital, Sanaa, which has been underneath Houthi management since September 2014, to finalise preparations for peace talks in Sweden.
No date has but been set for the negotiations.
Griffiths beforehand mentioned he has obtained “agency assurances” from Houthis and the federal government that they may attend the talks, which had been initially scheduled to happen in November however has been pushed again to late December. 
Saudi Arabia’s King Salman on Monday reiterated the dominion’s help for UN efforts to finish the conflict.
Additionally on Monday, Britian offered a draft decision to the UN Safety Council calling for an instantaneous truce within the battleground port metropolis of Hodeidah, in keeping with the AFP information company. 
The textual content set a two-week deadline for the warring sides to take away all obstacles to humanitarian help.
Al Jazeera’s Mohammed Adow, reporting from neighbouring Djibouti, mentioned it was now “obvious that the events in Yemen’s battle are inching nearer and nearer to peace negotiations”.
“However whether or not that can lead to what the UN is searching for – some kind of transitional authorities and a peaceable Yemen – is one thing else,” he mentioned. 
Our correspondent added that regardless of the Houthi determination to halt drone and missile assaults, its fighters had been persevering with to conflict with authorities forces round Hodeidah. 
‘Bored with this conflict’
Yemenis cautiously welcomed Monday’s developments.
“We pray that this would be the actual starting of peace in Yemen, we’re all uninterested in this conflict,” mentioned Mona Ibrahim, a instructor in Sanaa, instructed the Reuters information company.
“We simply need to reside like different people,” Mohammed al-Ahdal, a resident of Hodeidah, mentioned.
Hussain al-Bukhaiti, a Sanaa-based political analyst, nevertheless, was sceptical.
“What the Houthis need is for it to appear like they’re giving an opportunity to the Saudis to show they actually need peace in Yemen,” he instructed Al Jazeera.
“I do not suppose the Saudis will settle for it as a result of many occasions the Houthis have supplied comparable peace plans, however the Saudis didn’t settle for them.”
Nonetheless, Bessma Momani, professor of political science at College of Waterloo, mentioned the strain was rising on Riyadh and Washington to finish the conflict in Yemen due to the worldwide outcry over the homicide of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi on the kingdom’s consulate in Istanbul, in addition to the US Democrats profitable management of the nation’s Home of Representatives. 
“Now the celebs are aligned geopolitically,” she instructed Al Jazeera.
“An vital piece is the American consideration – from the general public, from the brand new Democrats coming into the Home, and elevated criticism generated post-Jamal Khashoggi,” she mentioned.
“There’s additionally battle fatigue on the bottom on either side. Hopefully, they realise it is a stalemate – there isn’t any profitable this conflict, it is simply sheer utter struggling of the Yemeni folks,” she mentioned.
In the meantime, Houthi-run Al Masirah TV reported on Monday that Houthi forces fired in a single day a ballistic missile on Saudi-backed forces within the desert of Midi, bordering Saudi Arabia.
The Houthi defence ministry mentioned whereas it supported halting missile launches it additionally reserved the correct to answer assaults.
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choixportable · 6 years
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soccernetghana · 4 years
Ghana Football: Where is the DNA that Gave Birth to the Talents of the Past ?- Part I
[caption id="attachment_24468" align="aligncenter" width="466"] The next generation of Ghana players want to emulate their 2009 double-winning colleagues[/caption] By Aristo Dotse Where are Ghana's natural football talents gone to? Where is the DNA that gave birth to the uncountable gifted talents that graciously graced Ghanaian football so rampantly in the past and brought so much success and pure happiness to our football? These are some of the telling observations and pertinent questions that have confronted Ghanaian football, especially the local game, for some good time now. It is indeed a curios matter to ask this interesting question of why Ghana no more get or bring up the brilliant football players it used to. It seems a bit ludicrous when you consider that there are currently quite a good number of Ghanaian players, most of whom form the core of the current Black Stars team, playing in Europe and elsewhere. Even, on quantity level, the number of current Ghanaian overseas players far outnumbers that of the supposedly good old days. However, only one, just one player Thomas Partey - a regular and a top player at Spanish giants Atletico Madrid - is a top Ghanaian name in Europe at the moment, although Jordan Ayew at Crystal Palace in England is also doing quite well. Thus, the quality of the recent and present generation of Ghanaian players, those of today and especially of the last ten to 15 years, particularly on the local front, leaves a lot to desire and is a serious matter opened to question and discussion. Again, where are our talents gone to? Where is the DNA that gave birth to countless of them over the years in the distant past? ''The quality of Ghanaian players of today and especially of the last ten to 15 years, particularly the local ones in particular, leaves a lot to desire and is a matter opened to question and discussion. Where is the DNA that gave birth to the countless gifted talents over the years in the distant past?'' Fantastic players all over Let's not even talk of the countless Ghanaian greats of the past starting from the likes of James Adjei, Charles Kumi Gyamfi (better known as C.K. Gyamfi), Baba Yara, Aggrey Fynn, Osei Kofi, Addo Odametey, Ofei Dodoo, John Eshun, Dodoo Ankrah, Malik Jabir, Robert Mensah, Wilberforce Mfum, Edward Acquah, Jones Attuquayefio, Ibrahim Sunday, Mohammed Ahmed 'Polo', Abdul Razak, Adolf Armah, Mama 'Acquah' Musah, Peter Lamptey, Robert Hammond, John Nketiah Yawson, Opoku Afriyie, Ofei Ansah, Awuley Quaye, John Baker, P.S.K Paha, Dan Owusu, Kwesi Owusu, Joe Dakota, Anas Seidu, Joe Odoi, James Kuuku Dadzie, John Bannerman, Windsor Kofi Abbrey, George Alhassan, Owusu Mensah, Hesse Odamtten, Haruna Yusif, Seth Ampadu, Samuel Opoku Nti, Kofi Badu, Albert Asase, Addae Kyenkyenhene, Joe Carr, Emmanuel Quarshie, Justice Moore, Francis Kumi, Sampson Lamptey, Abedi 'Pele' Ayew, Anthony Yeboah, and the other uncountable quality players always dotted in every team in the country. Those days are long gone when one happily went to the stadium or sat behind TV to watch the so many wonderful players like Papa Arko, Opoku Sampene (nicknamed Maradona), Isaac Nana Eshun, Kwesi Appiah, Sarfo Gyamfi, Emmanuel Akwetey (Joetex), Isaac Acquaye, Abdul Aziz (Rikichiman), Ben Kayode, Olabode William, Issah Alhassan, Philip Tagoe, Rauf Iddi, Henry Acquah, Abu Umar (better known as Abu Imoro), Salifu Ansah, Mohammed Odoom, Kwabena Asiedu, Emmanuel Quarshie (nicknamed Abega), Anane Kobo, Kwesi Bonsu, Geoge Lamptey,Joe Amoateng, Alhaji Bello, Isaac Ayipey, Sam Ayipey, Ibrahim Meriga, Ebo Smith, George Arthur, Santrofi Acquah, Emmanuel Sackey, Ayitey Dormon, Asare Boateng, Shamo Quaye, Joe Debrah, Anthony Osei Kwadwo Mensah, Ablade Kumah, Ezekiel Alamu, Bernard Aryee, Thomas Boakye, Thomas Quaye, Laud Oscar, Robert Eshun, Michael Osei, Isaac Kwakye, Robert Boateng, Stanley Aborah, Kelvin Essien, Ali Jarra, Frank Amankwah, Richard Naawu, Nii Darku Ankrah, Joe Addo, Frimpong Manso, Emmanuel Armah, Kalilu Dramani, Ali Ibrahim, Mahmoud Ahmed, Kofi Deblah, Adjetey Lee, Alex Nyarko, Sam Johnson, Yaw Acheampong, C.K. Akonnor, Augustine Ahinful, Nii Odartey Lamptey, Yaw Preko, Alex Opoku, Isaac Asare, Baba Musah, Emmanuel Duah, Daniel Addo, Mohammed Gargo, Sebastian Ebo Barnes, Samuel Osei Kuffour, Nii Aryee Welbeck, Joe Fameyeh, Christian Saba, Stephen Appiah, Awudu Isssaka, Abu Iddrissu, Prince Adu-Poku, Joe Okyere, Baba 'Armando' Adamu, Eben Hagan, Emmanuel Yartey, Sanni Wahab, Abdul Issah Rahman, George Blay, Michael Essien, Laryea Kingston, Godwin Attram, Stephen Tetteh, Eric Bekoe, and even Tawrick Jibril. This is painful truth and very sad. Proud landmarks for Ghanaian players Apart from Ghana being the first country to win the African Nations Cup three and then four times, and first African side to win an Olympic football medal and the FIFA U-20 World Cup, Ghana have seen some of its players made the country proud with some remarkable individual feats in African football. C.K. Gyamfi, one of the first topmost players in Ghana and coach in three of Ghana's four African Nations Cup titles to become the first of two coaches to win the competition three times, was the first African to play professional football in Germany. He signed for Fortuna Dusseldorf in 1960. When the famous 'France Football' magazine started to give the African Footballer of the Year award in 1970, Ibrahim Sunday, a talented midfielder who captained Kotoko to win the African Cup in 1971 and also coached them to victory in 1983, won the second edition in 1971 as the first Ghanaian to be crowned. Robert Mensah, seen by the older generation as Ghana's best ever goalkeeper, placed second to Sunday. Around the same time in 1972, defender John Eshun captained an African XI side for the Brazil Independence Cup, an invitational international tournament called 'Mini Copa' by the Brazilians to mark Brazil's 150th independence anniversary celebration. Together with Egypt, Ghana had the highest contingent of three players in the 18-man squad that also played in the Afro-Latin Games in Mexico. The other two Ghanaians were forwards Edward Acquah and Malik Jabir. That was a long time, a quarter of a century, before Abedi Ayew, the ‘Pele’ and maestro of African football, emulated Eshun and led Africa as captain and inspirer to beat Europe in a specially arranged friendly game as part of the European Union's Year Against Racism' observance in January 1997. He didn't only score the opening goal, a wonderful chip over great Dutch goalkeeper Edwin van der Sar, in the 2-1 victory at the famous Benfica Stadium of Light in Lisbon but also shone, as usual, with his brilliant all-action performance in Portugal. The former Ghana captain had earlier shone brighter, winning the UEFA man-of the-match award in his side Olympique Marseille's victory over AC Milan in the 1993 European Champions League final, to become the first African to achieve that feat. Cameroon's Samuel Eto'o emulated that achievement in 2006. And it was Abedi's second European Cup final, making him again the first African outfield player to feature twice in the final after Zimbabwean goalkeeper Bruce Grobbelaar (1984, 1985), before compatriot Samuel Osei Kuffour became the second and so far last Ghanaian to replicate it in 2001. Abedi Pele also won the first CAF African Footballer of the Year award in 1992 to help him become the first three-time winner of the African Player of the Year title the following year. And when the BBC began their African Player of the Year award in 1992, he was again the first winner, long before his son and current Ghana captain Andre ‘Dede’ Ayew succeeded Asamoah Gyan, winner in 2010, in 2011. Meanwhile, Gyan is proudly still Africa's all-time top scorer in FIFA World Cup history since 2014. It's a shame that since Abedi last won the African Footballer of the Year crown in 1993, no Ghanaian player has won it 27 years on. Only three players have been able to come close, Samuel Osei Kuffour (1999, 2001), Michael Essien (2007) and Gyan (2010) being unlucky as runner-ups - same feats by Adolf Armah and Opoku Nti in 1979 and 1983 respectively. Essien was also third in 2008 as was Andre Ayew in 2011. Another proud moment for Ghana was the Black Stars' 3-3 draw with Alfredo Di Stefano and Ferenc Puska's Real Madrid in August 1962. That was the great Madrid team that won the first five European Cups, from 1956 to 1960, but Ghana was a real match for them at the Accra Stadium. The same venue also witnessed another memorable moment in 1969 when Accra Hearts of Oak held Pele's Santos of Brazil to a 2-2 draw in a friendly game. With Pele, the best player in the world at the time and still widely regarded today as the greatest ever, Santos - who were regarded the world's best team in the 1960s -  were Brazilian champions for five consecutive years (1961-1965) and 1968, South American and world (inter-continental) champions in 1962 and 1963, and inter-continental super champions in 1968. But they could not beat Hearts on their African tour in a match the Ghanaian giants would have won if not because of a perfect third goal disallowed. Golden era It is true that within the last 14 years Ghana have played in three consecutive FIFA World Cups, between 2006 and 2014, after the Black Stars failed to qualify for even once during the preceding eras when Ghana was supposed to have all the great players in its history. During this somehow golden era of the 2000s when Ghana made lots of headway in world football, the players of this good time for Ghanaian football at international level are truly some of the finest players in the country's football history. Thus, names such as Stephen Appiah, Asamoah, Gyan, Michael Essien, Sulley Muntari, John Mensah, John Paintsil, Richard Kingson, and Andre Ayew and to an extent Mathew Amoah, Kwadwo Asamoah, Kevin-Prince Boateng and Anthony Annan will always be mentioned as some of the great players in the annals of Ghanaian football mostly for their World Cup exploits. To be continued........................................ source: https://ghanasoccernet.com/
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orbemnews · 4 years
Egypt Denied an Oxygen Failure Killed Covid Sufferers. We Discovered That It Did. EL HUSSEINEYA, Egypt — A cry pierced the evening from the balcony of an Egyptian hospital. A nurse was screaming that the sufferers within the Covid intensive care unit have been gasping for air. Ahmed Nafei, who was standing outdoors, brushed previous a safety guard, dashed in and noticed that his 62-year-old aunt was useless. Livid, he whipped out his telephone and started filming. It appeared that the hospital had run out of oxygen. Screens have been beeping. A nurse was visibly distressed and cowering in a nook as her colleagues tried to resuscitate a person utilizing a handbook ventilator. Not less than 4 sufferers died. Mr. Nafei’s 47-second video this month of the chaos at El Husseineya Central Hospital, about two and a half hours northeast of Cairo, went viral on social media. As outrage grew, the federal government denied that the hospital had run out of oxygen. An official assertion issued the next day concluded that the 4 who died had suffered from “issues” and denied that the deaths had “any connection” to an oxygen scarcity. Safety officers interrogated Mr. Nafei, and officers blamed him for violating guidelines barring visitation and filming inside hospitals. A New York Occasions investigation, nonetheless, discovered in any other case. Witnesses, together with medical employees and family members of sufferers, stated in interviews that the oxygen had fallen to precipitously low ranges. Not less than three sufferers, they stated, and presumably a fourth, had died of oxygen deprivation. An in depth evaluation of the video by medical doctors in Egypt and the US confirmed that the chaotic scene within the I.C.U. indicated an interruption within the oxygen provide. The deadly oxygen scarcity was the top results of a cascade of issues on the hospital, our investigation discovered. By the point sufferers have been suffocating within the I.C.U., a reduction supply of oxygen that had been ordered was already hours late and a backup oxygen system had failed. “We’re not going to bury our heads within the sand and faux all the things is OK,” a physician on the hospital stated, talking on situation of anonymity as a result of he feared arrest. “The entire world can admit there’s an issue, however not us.” The federal government’s rush to disclaim the episode is simply the most recent instance of the shortage of transparency in its response to the Covid disaster, which has led to cynicism and mistrust of its public assurances. For a lot of Egyptians, Mr. Nafei’s video supplied a uncommon and uncensored view of the coronavirus’s actual toll on the peak of Egypt’s second wave of the pandemic. The federal government acknowledged that 4 folks within the intensive care ward died that day, Jan. 2, however denied that it was due to an oxygen scarcity. The Well being Ministry assertion stated that the sufferers who died have been principally aged, that they died at completely different instances and that no less than a dozen different sufferers, together with newborns in incubators, have been linked to the identical oxygen community and weren’t affected. These components, it stated, confirmed “the shortage of a connection between the deaths and allegations made a few scarcity of oxygen.” Medical employees verified that the hospital’s oxygen provide had not been utterly depleted, however stated that the strain was dangerously low. It was even worse within the intensive care unit, they stated, and inadequate to maintain sufferers alive. I.C.U. vents could have been on the finish of the community, they defined, or the pipeline could have had different inefficiencies. Up to date  Jan. 18, 2021, 5:12 a.m. ET Efforts by hospital employees to deal with the scarcity have been thwarted by additional breakdowns. After they tried to modify the oxygen provide within the I.C.U. from the hospital’s foremost tank to the backup reserve, the reserve system gave the impression to be overloaded and failed. Earlier within the day, conscious that they have been working low, hospital officers had requested extra oxygen from the Well being Ministry. However the supply truck, which was due within the afternoon, arrived greater than three hours late. “If it had arrived by 6 p.m., none of this may have occurred,” the hospital physician stated. The medical specialists who analyzed the video, together with six medical doctors in the US and Egypt, noticed particulars that help the discovering of an oxygen failure. Within the video, not one of the sufferers seem like related to the central oxygen line. One physician is utilizing a conveyable tank, sometimes utilized in emergencies and solely quickly. And only a few ft away, a gaggle of nurses are seen attempting to resuscitate a affected person with a handbook pump that doesn’t seem like related to an oxygen supply. “There’s no oxygen tube related to the airbag,” stated Dr. Hicham Alnachawati, a New York pressing care doctor who has labored in hospital I.C.U.s. “He’s being given free air, mainly. It doesn’t occur. It’s not possible except you don’t have any oxygen.” One other physician who reviewed the video, Dr. Bushra Mina, the Egyptian-American chief of pulmonology at Lenox Hill Hospital who has cared for a whole lot of Covid-19 sufferers in New York, famous the “urgency” of the physician and nurses within the video “attempting to get emergency oxygen provide or supplementation to the sufferers.” “It may be overwhelming, even within the U.S., the place you’ve plenty of assets,” Dr. Mina stated. “So think about Egypt, the place assets are restricted and also you’re past your capability.” The oxygen disaster at El Husseineya Central Hospital could not have been the one one. Indicators of shortages at different hospitals flooded social media for per week. One hospital director issued a plea on social media for folks to donate moveable oxygen tanks, citing a “vital want.” A affected person in a unique hospital filmed himself within the isolation ward saying, “We don’t have sufficient oxygen.” And video of a scene just like the one which Mr. Nafei had witnessed circulated on-line. These claims couldn’t be independently verified. “Is there an actual drawback?” requested Ayman Sabae, a researcher on the Egyptian Initiative for Private Rights, a human rights group. “Nobody can declare to have that info besides the federal government.” The federal government’s document throughout the disaster has not impressed confidence that it’s leveling with Egyptians. President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi has denounced critics of presidency coronavirus efforts as “enemies of the state.” His safety companies expelled a overseas journalist who questioned the official toll. The general public prosecutor has warned that anybody spreading “false information” concerning the coronavirus faces as much as 5 years’ imprisonment. And the federal government has engaged in a bitter feud with medical doctors, who revolted earlier within the pandemic over a scarcity of protecting gear. Plenty of the medical doctors have been thrown in jail. “They’re attempting to manage the narrative, they’re attempting to make it possible for issues appear to be they’re beneath management and part of that’s to manage the knowledge that’s communicated to the general public,” Mr. Sabae stated. “I don’t have an issue with that if the federal government goes to provide us with credible info that we are able to depend on.” As an alternative, when the video of El Husseineya Central Hospital emerged, the response amounted to telling Egyptians to not imagine what they noticed. “This isn’t a scene that exhibits a scarcity in oxygen,” stated Mamdouh Ghorab, the governor of Al Sharqiya, the governorate that features El Husseineya Central Hospital. He was talking on a pro-government tv program that didn’t interview or invite any witnesses to problem the official narrative. Even the official numbers are suspect. Egypt has reported over 150,000 Covid circumstances and over 8,000 deaths, remarkably low numbers for the area and for a rustic of over 100 million folks. However outdoors specialists and even some authorities officers say that each figures are huge undercounts, primarily due to lack of widespread testing and since the labs that do check don’t all the time report their outcomes to the federal government. Even because it denied the oxygen scarcity at El Husseineya Central, officers started to take steps to deal with the issue, tacitly acknowledging it. The minister of well being, Hala Zayed, acknowledged a scarcity of oxygen supply vehicles and delays in distribution. President Sisi requested the federal government to double the manufacturing of oxygen in an effort to meet the spike in demand. The federal government took one other motion apparently in response to the video of the disaster in El Husseineya Central. Guests are actually required to depart their telephones on the door. Mona El-Naggar reported from El Husseineya, and Yousur Al-Hlou from New York. Video by Arielle Ray and Ben Laffin. Supply hyperlink #Covid #denied #Egypt #failure #killed #oxygen #patients
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kadobeclothing · 5 years
Bushra Ansari Confirms Her Divorce From Ace Tv Drama Director Iqbal Anasri
Veteran actor Bushra Ansari spilled quite a few beans about her life in a recent interview, except, she made sure they were well cooked. In conversation with Ahsan Khan on a local TV channel, Ansari talked about her divorce for the first time. The actor got divorced 5 years ago and never shared the matter with her fans and she still refrained from sharing her struggles. She shared that her personal life may disturb the fans who have an image of a healthy, positive family and happy marriage in their minds. On being questioned about why she never talked about her divorce publicly, or whether she even told anyone the reason behind it at all, Ansari responded with the context of time she was coming from. Ansari likened her hesitation to the fact that many people look up to her, just like senior actors such as of Rubina Ashraf, Samina Ahmad, Saba Hameed, Badu (Badar Khalil) and Uzma Gillani were an inspiration to her. “Their lifestyle was the kind we idealised for our families. Likewise, our family lives have always been projected similarly and been made an ideal of – so whenever there is a disturbance in that construct, people become disturbed.” Ansari did not blame the people for getting involved in her personal life or feeling disappointed by someone else’s personal matter, since the audience is always made an active part of a star’s life.
“I don’t blame them, I don’t get angry either, I know that happens. For example, although I don’t quote anybody’s personal examples, at one point in time Jamal Shah and Faryal Gohar were a very admired couple. Similarly, Tahira Syed and Naeem Bukhari were a very handsome couple – so when these couples separated, people became heartbroken.”
She tried to reiterate how the audience’s active involvement in the personal lives of celebrities often led to their loss of faith in love. “The problem with being a celebrity is that like all our success, our problems become larger than life as well. So much that they become the success or failures of those who idealise us.” Ansari added that there were problems in the lives of bankers and doctors as well, however, she did not want to reveal her problems because her fans might be disheartened. “Because of these reasons, I never considered it important to share the reasons behind my divorce with the public,” concluded the star.
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couponsofferte · 4 years
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