#Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs
kyreniacommentator · 9 months
Turkish Foreign Ministry statement regarding UN Cuéllar appointment
Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a press release regarding the appointment of Maria Ángela Holguin Cuéllar, as the Personal Envoy of the Secretary-General of the United Nations on Cyprus. Continue reading Untitled
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saxafimedianetwork · 2 months
Somaliland Strongly Opposes Deployment Of Turkish Naval Forces In Its Maritime Zones
@somalilandmfa rejects any deployment of #Turkish #NavalForces in its #MaritimeZones, which are protected under #InternationalLaw. #Somaliland calls on the #InternationalCommunity to respect its #Sovereignty & uphold the sanctity of its maritime boundaries.
Continue reading Somaliland Strongly Opposes Deployment Of Turkish Naval Forces In Its Maritime Zones
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easwegian · 2 years
In response to the illegal conviction of İstanbul Mayor Ekrem Imamoğlu in the Republic of Türkiye, the Council of Easway makes the following official response.
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zvaigzdelasas · 2 months
Turkey has discreetly imposed a comprehensive ban on the export of weapons and defence-related items to India, one of the world’s leading arms importers, to show its support for Pakistan, India’s main rival in South Asia.[...]
“India, for example, is one of the world’s top five arms importers, a massive market, importing close to $100 billion. However, due to our political circumstances and our friendship with Pakistan, our Ministry of Foreign Affairs does not give us positive feedback on exporting any products to India, and consequently, we do not grant any permits to our companies in this regard,” he said.[...]
Turkey and India are at odds over a proposed initiative introduced by India, the United States and the European Union at the G20 leaders’ summit in New Delhi on September 9, 2023. The initiative seeks to establish a substantial economic corridor linking Europe with the Middle East and India via rail and sea routes. It aims to connect India, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Jordan, Israel and the EU through strategically placed shipping ports and an extensive railway network.
Excluded from this corridor, Turkey openly expressed discomfort with the initiative, which it believes undermines its role as a trade hub and favors Greece and other regional competitors. Instead, Turkey supports China’s expansive Belt and Road projects.
Ankara is also advancing the realization of an alternative route, known as the Development Road, which aims to connect Europe and the Middle East through Turkey. “We say there can be no corridor without Turkey. The most suitable route for traffic from east to west must pass through Turkey,” said Erdogan on his return flight from India last year.
Erdogan said they are discussing a corridor that goes from Iraq, Qatar and Abu Dhabi through Turkey to Europe. The corridor is a 1,200-kilometer (745-mile) transportation route comprising railways, motorways and pipelines. It will stretch from Iraq’s Faw Port in Basra to the Turkish port of Mersin and is estimated to cost $20 billion.
Turkey’s anti-Indian policies have prompted New Delhi to seek alliances with countries where Turkey faces challenges in its neighborhood, such as Greece, Cyprus and Armenia, in order to send a message to Ankara that it is prepared to play hardball. As a result, security, military and intelligence cooperation among India, Greece, Cyprus and Armenia has been significantly enhanced in recent years.
18 Jul 24
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Damascus, SANA - Syria stressed that the return of normal relations with Turkey is based on the return of the situation that prevailed before 2011, which is the basis for the security, safety and stability of the two countries, noting that the interest of countries is based on the sound relationship between them, not on confrontation or hostility.
Syria has always been keen to make a clear distinction between peoples on the one hand, and the policies and practices of governments that have harmed Syria and their own countries on the other, Foreign Affairs and Expatriates Ministry said in a statement on Saturday.
Syria has been and remains to be based on the firm conviction that the interest of States is based on sound relations among themselves and not on confrontation or hostility, and that is why Syria has been keen to deal positively with the various initiatives that have been put forward to improve relations between it and those countries.
The ministry went on by saying that Syria affirms that any initiative to returning relations between Syria and Turkey must be built on clear foundations that ensure the desired results, represented in the return of ties between the two countries to their normal state, foremost of which is the withdrawal of illegally present forces from the Syrian territory, and the fight against terrorist groups that threaten not only Syria’s security, but also the security of Turkey.
The ministry concluded that Syria expresses gratitude and appreciation to the brotherly and friendly countries that are making sincere efforts to correct the Syrian-Turkish relations, and stresses that the return of normal relations between the two countries should be based on the return of the situation that prevailed before 2011, which is the basis for the security, safety and stability of the two countries.
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tieflingkisser · 4 months
‘Heinous massacre’: Israel’s attack on Rafah tent camp widely condemned
Several countries and global organisations have condemned the Israeli air attack on tents housing displaced people in Gaza’s southernmost city of Rafah that killed at least 45 Palestinians, including many children. The Palestinian presidency on Monday accused Israel of deliberately targeting civilians, joining a chorus of worldwide condemnation following the attack. Qatar condemned the Rafah attack as a grave violation of international laws that will aggravate the humanitarian crisis in the besieged Gaza Strip. It said the attack could hinder mediation efforts to reach a ceasefire and hostage exchange deal, according to a statement from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Qatar, alongside the US and Egypt, has been engaged in months of talks aimed at securing a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas. Egypt condemned the “deliberate bombardment”. In a statement, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs called on Israel to “implement the measures ordered by the International Court of Justice (ICJ) concerning an immediate cessation of military operations” in Rafah. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said his country would do “everything possible” to hold “barbaric” Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu to account over the deadly strikes. “We will do everything possible to hold these barbarians and murderers accountable who have nothing to do with humanity,” he said. Al Jazeera’s Aksel Zaimovic reports. To discuss the latest updates from Gaza, we are joined on the phone by Hind Khoudary from Gaza’s Deir el-Balah.
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girlactionfigure · 2 years
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Turkish Holocaust Hero – Necdet Kent
He saved dozens of Jews at great risk to himself.
Necdet Kent was a Turkish diplomat who saved dozens of Jews during the Holocaust, at great risk to himself.
Born in Istanbul in 1911, Necdet was educated in the United States and attended law school at NYU. He returned to Turkey and entered the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 1937. He was appointed vice consul to Greece, and then transferred to German-occupied France in 1941.
In 1943, Necdet heard that the Germans had loaded 80 Turkish Jews living in Marseilles onto a cattle car for transportation to a concentration camp. Necdet hurried to the Gestapo commander and demanded that the Jews be freed, since they were Turkish citizens and Turkey was neutral. The officer refused, saying the people didn’t count as citizens of any place because they were just Jews.
Desperate, Necdet and his assistant boarded the train themselves. The Gestapo officer told them to get off, but Necdet adamantly refused, saying “As the representative of a government that rejects such treatment for religious beliefs, I cannot consider leaving them here.”
Finally, not knowing what else to do, the Gestapo let everybody off the train. “I would never forget,” Necdet later said, “those embraces around our necks and hands … the expressions of gratitude in the eyes of the people we rescued … the inner peace I felt when I reached my bed towards morning.”
Necdet reached out to the community of Turkish Jews in France and supplied them with false Turkish identity documents, allowing them to escape the Nazi death camps.
Necdet heard that the Gestapo were stripping men and boys on the street to see if they were circumcised and therefore Jewish. Necdet informed the German officers that circumcision didn’t necessarily mean somebody was Jewish; he was Muslim and circumcised and offered to take his clothes off to prove it.
After the war, Necdet continued his career in the Turkish foreign service. He served as ambassador to the US, Thailand, India, Sweden and Poland. In 2001, shortly before he died, Necdet was honored by Israeli Holocaust Museum Yad Vashem as “Rightous Among the Nations.”
For sticking his neck out – and more! – to save Turkish Jews in France, we honor Necdet Kent as this week’s Thursday Hero at Accidental Talmudist.
With thanks to Yasemin Ozkafa
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mariacallous · 1 year
There are stern diplomatic letters—and then there’s the one received on Sept. 14 by Sweden’s foreign ministry, addressed to Foreign Minister Tobias Billstrom. The petulant letter is written by his Hungarian counterpart, Peter Szijjarto, and informs Billstrom that unless Swedish politicians and the country’s national public radio stop criticizing Hungary’s democracy, Hungary won’t ratify Sweden’s NATO accession.
And because, unlike Hungary, Sweden is a well-functioning democracy and therefore its government can’t tell opposition politicians—some of whom have been lambasting Hungary lately—or Swedish public radio what to say, that means no NATO ratification. Sweden’s NATO membership may die for now—because of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orb­an, not Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.
Billstrom will not have enjoyed Szijjarto’s missive, which was sent after Billstrom, as Szijjarto points out, recently initiated a number of meetings to discuss Hungary’s ratification of Sweden’s membership. For maximum effect, Orban’s spokesman Zoltan Kovacs has uploaded the letter to Twitter. Before further reading of it, it’s useful to remind oneself why Billstrom was inquiring about Hungary’s ratification.
In July, when Sweden and Turkey reached an agreement on Sweden’s NATO accession, it seemed obvious that Hungary would swiftly ratify it too. President Katalin Novak tweeted congratulations, adding that she had asked Orban “to do everything possible to ensure that the … #Hungarian Parliament also contributes to the enlargement of the defense #Alliance as soon as possible.” Indeed, NATO’s other member states had long assumed that Hungary would fall in line and ratify as soon as Turkey decided to do so.
More than two months later, Erdogan seems to be backpedaling on his promise, linking Turkish ratification to “the security in the streets of Sweden,” a reference to the violent protests that have erupted in some heavily Muslim-populated neighborhoods since Iraqi refugee Salwan Momika’s Quran burnings in June. And now Szijjarto has let Billstrom know that Sweden can’t count on Hungarian ratification either. In his letter, he gets straight to the point: He doesn’t like the “biased, unfair and unjust accusations” toward Hungary that have been put forward by Swedish politicians.
And now, Szijjarto adds, things have taken an even more offensive turn: Hungarian parliamentarians “have read in the news that as part of your school curriculum provided by UR [the educational sibling of Swedish Public Radio], belonging to a state-run foundation, serious accusations and fake informations are being spread in the schools of Sweden, suggesting that democracy has been on a backslide in Hungary in the recent years.”
Szijjarto is right to observe that Swedish politicians have been rather critical of Hungary. The ones who have verbally attacked the country are, however, not Billstrom nor any other members of the parties forming the government. Instead, it’s coming from former Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson of Sweden’s long-ruling Social Democrats, who is still licking her wounds after losing last year’s election to a center-right coalition, and has compared now-Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson’s policies to those of Orban. Morgan Johansson—who was Andersson’s justice minister and home affairs minister and is an energetic Twitter warrior—has suggested that Kristersson is turning into Orban and turning Sweden into Hungary.
Orban is, in fact, a tool that some Swedish opposition politicians enjoy using for hyperbolic purposes. Unlike him, Kristersson would, of course, never compare Ukraine to Afghanistan, or suggest that it quit fighting the Russians. But by putting the two in the same sentence, Andersson and her ilk hope some of the mud will stick.
These are hardly words designed to endear Orban, Szijjarto, and their parliamentarians to Sweden’s NATO accession. And with the new school year underway, Swedish schoolchildren studying UR’s educational content will indeed learn that Hungary’s democracy has certain flaws. This is not news; the European Commission has frozen COVID-19 relief funds over the Hungarian government’s practices in rewarding contracts, and last year, the European Parliament passed a resolution labeling the country an “electoral autocracy” because of shortcomings within its constitutional and electoral system. But for the most part, Hungary needs the EU more than vice versa. Sweden, by contrast, desperately needs Hungary. And Szijjarto seems to have gone looking for Swedish offenses.
If the criticism in Sweden continues, the Hungarian foreign minister has now informed Billstrom, Hungary won’t ratify Sweden’s application: “You urge our Parliamentarians to ratify your accession to NATO, while you continue to accuse them as if they had destructed democracy in Hungary.” Szijjarto, of course, knows that Billstrom can’t tell opposition politicians to stop disparaging Hungary, nor can he or any other government minister tell UR—an independent agency—how to design its curriculum. In Hungary, meanwhile, the opposition struggles to even make its views heard in the country’s media.
So, Hungary looks unlikely to ratify any time soon. Even if Erdogan decides that he’s done adding new demands to let Sweden into NATO, it won’t matter. Without Hungarian ratification, there will be no Swedish accession. That means no NATO lake in the Baltic Sea and no standard Swedish participation in alliance-wide intelligence sharing. It also means that Sweden’s outstanding defense industry will continue to be hampered by its status as a NATO outsider.
And it means that Russia’s two closest allies within NATO have undermined what would have been the alliance’s proudest moment in recent years: the addition of Sweden and Finland, which had proudly spent decades outside the alliance and were set to bring formidable assets ranging from superb Swedish submarines to fierce Finnish Army units into the alliance.
Now NATO is only getting half of that, plus a big debacle that’s dividing the alliance. But as I wrote for Foreign Policy this summer, being outside NATO isn’t a disaster for Sweden—especially since the alliance is making a big and public effort to involve the country in every conceivable way.
Sweden’s ratification debacle, though, also demonstrates that domestic voices can—wittingly or unwittingly—cripple a major foreign-policy initiative. Andersson and Johansson, now his party’s foreign-policy spokesperson, should have known that insulting Orban was a bad idea at a moment when Sweden needed him. (Their party has long been opposed to NATO membership, and Andersson only decided that Sweden should apply when Finland decided to do so.) And Momika and Danish provocateur Rasmus Paludan burnt Qurans in Sweden to anger Erdogan at a sensitive NATO moment, while other activists hanged an effigy of him in Stockholm around the same time. They all knew that these actions would cripple Sweden’s NATO accession, though they have been primarily motivated by the fame they could—and did—gain.
But professional politicians should have known better. There’s nothing wrong with criticizing Hungary’s democratic backsliding, and anyone is free to do so in Sweden—but giving authoritarian leaders excuses to throw a wrench in the works is.
Other countries, pay attention: This could happen to you, too. If you plan a major foreign-policy initiative, signal to thin-skinned foreign leaders that there may be people in your country who see an opportunity to get famous by slinging insults. You can also be certain that some of those foreign leaders may be looking for excuses to feel insulted. Just imagine what might happen now that Western countries need to work more closely with Saudi Arabia’s Mohammed bin Sultan.
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turkeyvisa01 · 5 months
Navigating the Turkey Visa Process for Cape Verde Citizens: A Comprehensive Guide
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Are you a citizen of Cape Verde dreaming of exploring the vibrant cultural tapestry and historical wonders of Turkey? You're not alone! Turkey, with its rich history, breathtaking landscapes, and bustling cities, has become an increasingly popular destination for travelers worldwide. However, before you embark on your Turkish adventure, there's one essential step you need to take: obtaining a Turkey visa for Cape Verde citizens.
Understanding the Visa Requirements:
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As a citizen of Cape Verde, you are required to obtain a visa before entering Turkey for tourism, business, or any other purpose. Fortunately, the process is relatively straightforward, provided you understand the requirements and procedures involved.
Types of Turkey Visas for Cape Verde Citizens:
Cape Verde citizens have several options when applying for a Turkey visa:
Tourist Visa: Ideal for travelers planning to explore Turkey's tourist attractions, including its ancient ruins, bustling bazaars, and stunning coastlines.
Business Visa: If you're visiting Turkey for business purposes such as meetings, conferences, or negotiations, a business visa is the right choice.
Transit Visa: For travelers transiting through Turkey en route to another destination, a transit visa allows a short stay in the country.
Application Process:
1. Online Application:
The first step in obtaining your Turkey visa is to complete the online application form. You can access the form through the official website of the Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs or through the e-Visa portal. Ensure that you provide accurate information and select the appropriate visa type based on your travel purpose.
2. Required Documents:
Along with your application form, you will need to submit the following documents:
A valid passport with a minimum validity of six months beyond your intended stay in Turkey.
Passport-sized photographs meeting the specified requirements.
Proof of accommodation in Turkey (hotel reservation, invitation letter, etc.).
Travel itinerary and proof of sufficient funds to cover your expenses during your stay.
Proof of travel insurance.
Additional documents depending on the type of visa you are applying for (e.g., business invitation letter, conference registration, etc.).
3. Visa Fee Payment:
Once you have completed the application and gathered all required documents, you will need to pay the Turkey visa fee. The fee can be paid online using a credit or debit card.
4. Visa Approval:
After submitting your application and paying the fee, you will receive a confirmation email along with your e-Visa. The processing time for Turkey visa for Cape Verde Passport holders is usually short, and in most cases, you will receive approval within a few days.
Turkey Visa for UK Residents:
If you are a Cape Verde citizen residing in the UK, the process of obtaining a Turkey visa remains the same. You can apply for your visa online through the official channels mentioned above, regardless of your current place of residence.
Embarking on a journey to Turkey as a citizen of Cape Verde is an exciting prospect filled with opportunities for exploration and discovery. By understanding the Turkey visa requirements and following the application process diligently, you can ensure a smooth and hassle-free travel experience. So, pack your bags, prepare to immerse yourself in Turkey's rich culture and heritage, and get ready for an unforgettable adventure!
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dragoneyes618 · 8 months
(January 15, 2024 / JNS)
Israeli soccer player Sagiv Jehezkel (sometimes spelled Yehezkel), who plays for Turkish club Antalyaspor, was released from custody on Monday and is expected to leave Turkey immediately, Kan News reported.
Jehezkel was suspended from his team and was to face charges in court for incitement after showing support for Israeli hostages kidnapped by Hamas on Oct. 7.
Israel’s Foreign Ministry took credit for Jehezkel’s sudden release.
“For the last 24 hours, under the guidance of Foreign Minister Israel Katz, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs worked with all the relevant parties in Turkey in order to bring about the speedy release of Sagiv Jehezkel,” the ministry said in a statement.
“Turkey has become a dark dictatorship, working against humane values ​​and sports values,” Katz said.
“Whoever arrests a soccer player for an act of identification with 136 abductees who have been held for over 100 days by the terrorists of a murderous terrorist organization, represents a culture of murder and hatred,” he added.
Katz called on the international community to act against Turkey for threatening athletes. “Today it’s Sagiv Jehezkel, tomorrow it’s another athlete.”
Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant accused Turkey of ingratitude following the incident, posting to X: “When there was an earthquake in Turkey less than a year ago, Israel was the first country to stand up and extend aid that saved the lives of many Turkish citizens.
“The scandalous arrest of the footballer Sagiv Jehezkel is an expression of hypocrisy and ingratitude. In its actions, Turkey serves as the executive arm of Hamas,” he said.
Jehezkel, 28, was arrested early Monday by police after showing at a game a message written on a bandaged hand: “100 days. 7.10” along with a Star of David in solidarity with hostages held by Hamas on the 100th day of their captivity.
The city of Antalya’s Chief Public Prosecutor’s Officer charged Jehezkel with “inciting the public to hatred and hostility,” according to Anadolu Agency, Turkey’s state-run news service.
Antalyaspor’s deputy president and spokesperson Evren Alkan said that the club would terminate Jehezkel’s deal. If the club ended the three-season contract, it would owe Jehezkel $1 million, Israel’s Channel 12 reported.
The club announced after the game on Sunday that it was suspending Jehezkel, who plays right-wing for the top-flight club and has played for the Israel national team on eight occasions so far.
“Sagiv Jehezkel, following his goal in the 68th minute during the match against Trabzonspor, has been deemed to have acted against our country’s national values by sharing an inscription on his wrist. In response, the board of directors has decided to exclude him from the squad,” the club said in a statement posted to social media.
Antalyaspor had initially uploaded Jehezkel’s goal-scoring celebration to its social media accounts, but deleted them minutes later after the posts ignited widespread anger among fans and in the media.
The club’s actions disappointed Jehezkel, according to those close to him, Ynet reported. Jehezkel has been productive for the club, scoring six goals and two assists in 13 matches.
Jehezkel told police and his club that he meant his act as a humanitarian gesture, not a provocation.
“I am not in favor of war. There are Israeli soldiers captured in Gaza. I think the war should end now, that’s why I showed the sign. I have nothing to do with politics. I have never done anything political since I arrived in Turkey. I have never disrespected anyone,” he said.
Initially, the Israel Football Association (IFA) chartered a private plane to take Jehezkel from Turkey, but then Jehezkel was informed that the police wanted him for questioning.
IFA head Moshe Zuares also had tried to enlist the help of the Turkish Football Federation (TFF), but it, too, condemned Jehezkel.
“His suspension is appropriate. Necessary procedures and disciplinary investigations against those responsible were opened immediately. The public should have no doubt that necessary measures will be taken against those responsible for this act, which offends human dignity and the conscience of Turkish society,” the TFF said.
Anger in Turkey has also spilled out against Eden Kartsev, an Israeli defensive midfielder for Turkish Süper Lig club İstanbul Başakşehir, after he expressed support for Jehezkel.
Maccabi Haifa is considering adding Kartsev to its roster as he may now leave Turkey, Israel Hayom reported.
After a cold spell in relations, Turkey had made friendly gestures towards Israel but President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan reverted to form following the Oct. 7 attack and has made inciting speeches against Israel and recalled Turkey’s ambassador from Israel.
In late December, Erdoğan compared Netanyahu to Adolf Hitler.
“We watched Israel’s Nazi camps. What kind of job is this?” asked Erdoğan during a speech, according to a Channel 12 translation. “They talk about Hitler in a strange way. What is the difference between them and Hitler? They will make us miss Hitler even more,” he continued.
Meanwhile, on Sunday a moment of silence was observed followed by shouts of “Free Palestine” at an Asian Cup game between Iran and the Palestinian soccer team in Qatar.
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usafphantom2 · 9 months
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Dutch government starts delivery process of 18 F-16 fighters to Ukraine
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 12/22/2023 - 19:58 in Military, War Zones
The Netherlands today announced its decision to supply Ukraine with at least 18 F-16 fighters, in line with the commitment made during the visit of Ukrainian President Zelenskyy earlier this year to the Netherlands.
The office's decision to prepare the F-16 allows the allocation of the personnel and budget necessary to prepare the delivery. This measure follows the recent contribution of the Netherlands to the European F-16 training center in Romania, which was ceremonially inaugurated last month by Dutch and Romanian defense ministers.
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Minister Ollongren emphasized that the supply of F-16 will significantly increase Ukraine's defensive capabilities against the ongoing Russian attacks. She noted the critical importance of the Netherlands' continued support for Ukraine, given the persistent Russian aggression.
In a post on the social media platform X, Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte said: “Today I informed President Zelenskyy about our government's decision to prepare 18 initial F-16 fighters for delivery to Ukraine. The delivery of the F-16 is one of the most important elements of the agreements made on military support for Ukraine."
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President Volodymyr Zelenskyy of Ukraine expressed gratitude for the decision of the Dutch government. He stated on social media platform X: "I spoke to Mark Rutte to thank the Dutch government for its decision to start preparing the initial 18 F-16 jets for delivery to Ukraine."
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The export of these aircraft is subject to strict control measures to ensure responsible end use. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands will evaluate the aircraft in accordance with the European Union's arms export criteria. Based on this assessment, the Minister of Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation will take a decision on the granting of an export license.
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Before the F-16s are delivered to Ukraine, several prerequisites must be met. These include the availability of trained Ukrainian personnel and adequate infrastructure in Ukraine. In addition, all aircraft will be subjected to thorough inspections and modifications as necessary, and some of them will require revisions.
In August, the Netherlands confirmed its intention to supply Ukraine with 18 F-16 fighters, after US approval. Although it was not officially confirmed earlier, it was known that the Dutch military had 18 surplus non-operational F-16 jets. The remaining 24 are operational, with the Dutch Air Force upgrading the fleet to the newest F-35.
Tags: Military AviationF-16 Fighting FalconUkraine Air ForceRNLAF - Royal Netherlands Air Force / Royal Dutch Air ForceWar Zones - Russia/Ukraine
Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, he has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Dayton Airshow and FIDAE. He has works published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. He uses Canon equipment during his photographic work in the world of aviation.
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kyreniacommentator · 2 years
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easwegian · 2 years
In response to the illegal conviction of İstanbul Mayor Ekrem Imamoğlu in the Republic of Türkiye, the Council of Easway makes the following official response.
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zvaigzdelasas · 11 months
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["]Armenia also refused to hand over eight Azerbaijani villages, which are still under occupation," said a statement by the Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry. The statement was released on the occasion of Azerbaijan's Victory Day on Nov. 8, which celebrates Baku's victory in the 2020 Karabakh war. It [claimed] that despite its obligations, Armenia continued to provide military support to separatist forces in the Karabakh region amid peace talks.[...]
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7 Nov 23
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Statement by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Syrian Arab Republic
The Syrian Arab Republic would like to recall that it was keen to distinguish clearly between peoples on the one hand, and the policies and practices of the governments of the countries that harmed Syria.And its countries, on the other hand, as proven by facts and events. Syria is based on the firm conviction that the interest of countries is built on sound relations and not on conflict or hostility.
Therefore, it was keen to deal positively with the initiatives that were put forward to improve relations between it and...those countries.Syria has dealt positively with the initiatives to correct the Syrian-Turkish relationship, and believes that the result of these initiatives is not a media goal, but rather a purposeful path based on existing facts and built on specific principles that govern the relationship between countries. Any initiative in this regard must be built on clear foundations to reach the desired results by returning relations between the two countries to their normal state, and at the forefront of those foundations is the withdrawal of illegal forces from Syrian territory, and combating terrorist groups that do threaten not only Syria's security, but also Türkiye's security.
The Syrian Arab Republic expresses its thanks and appreciation to the brotherly and friendly countries that are making sincere efforts to correct the Syrian-Turkish relationship, and affirms that the return of normal relations is based on the return of the situation that prevailed before the year 2011, which is the basis for security and safety and the stability of the two countries.
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