#Tulsi tea
elminx · 2 years
Today, with my nerves all fried from having to deal with my family and my body freaking out because I ate weird food multiple days in a row, I am deeply grateful for my friend that gave me a baggy full of rose and tulsi tea for Christmas.
Yeah sure my monstera blanket is warm and a friend handmade us this beautiful work of art but tea.
Moreover tulsi tea.
(the home-grown weed that my brother gave me is pretty good, too)
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divineleaves100 · 3 days
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Embrace the sacred essence of nature with every dried leaf of Tulsi – a symbol of purity, health, and divinity. 🌿
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luxmiestates · 1 month
Luxmi Estates Tulsi Tea: Elevate Your Wellness with Every Sip
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Luxmi Estates Tulsi Tea offers a premium blend of the finest Tulsi leaves, known for their powerful antioxidant and stress-relieving properties. Sourced from lush estates, this tea provides a refreshing and rejuvenating experience in every cup. Elevate your wellness routine with Luxmi Estates Tulsi Tea, and enjoy the natural benefits of this sacred herb with every soothing sip.
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butterflyayurveda1 · 2 months
Our unit is equipped with state-of-the-art equipment, laboratory and machinery which include tray dryer, vibro-sifter, automatic horizontal blender, metal detector, hot sealing machine, pyramid tea bag machine and batch code printing machine to ensure safe and efficacious processing of raw material, blending & packing.
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tea-and-twigs · 3 months
Tulsi Lemongrass Tea (Hibiscus Sage) - 15 Tea Bags
Experience the rejuvenating blend of Tulsi Lemongrass Tea, enhanced with the vibrant flavors of Hibiscus and Sage. This unique herbal tea offers a refreshing and invigorating experience, perfect for any time of day. Each tea bag is crafted to bring you the benefits of natural ingredients, promoting relaxation and well-being. Enjoy the aromatic fusion and elevate your tea-drinking ritual with this exquisite blend.
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Key Features:
Contains 15 premium tea bags
Blend of Tulsi, Lemongrass, Hibiscus, and Sage
Natural ingredients for a healthy lifestyle
Perfect for relaxation and rejuvenation
Aromatic and flavorful
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shapeupsavvy · 10 months
Harmony in a Cup: Discover the Delightful Organic Blend of Soothing Tulsi & Chamomile Tea by BodyKey
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goodbfoods · 2 years
Tulsi leaves, also known as Holy Basil, are a popular herb in Ayurvedic medicine and are often used to make tea. Here are some potential benefits of tulsi leaves tea:
1. Relieves Stress: Tulsi leaves have adaptogenic properties, which can help reduce stress and anxiety.
2. Protects and fights against infections: Tulsi leaves contain compounds that have antimicrobial properties, which can help fight against various types of infections.
3. Maintains Oral Health: Tulsi tea contains compounds with antimicrobial properties, which can help fight against harmful bacteria and other microorganisms in the mouth. The strong, pungent aroma of tulsi tea may help freshen breath and improve oral hygiene. It may also help reduce inflammation in the gums and other parts of the mouth. Tulsi tea has analgesic properties and may help relieve toothache and discomfort associated with oral conditions.
4. Promotes Respiratory Health: Tulsi leaves have expectorant properties and may help relieve respiratory issues such as coughs and colds.
5. Immune System Booster: Tulsi leaves have antimicrobial properties and can help boost the immune system.
GOODB Tulsi leaves tea can be made by steeping GOODB dried tulsi leaves in hot water for several minutes. The tea can be consumed plain or with the addition of honey or lemon for flavor.
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healtea-talks · 2 years
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ogranicsoul · 2 years
#Amazon https://www.amazon.in/s?i=merchant-items&me=A1Y409G6UV10VK
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samwisethewitch · 2 years
Herbalism in Times of Turmoil
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I've recently returned to my roots (pun intended) in folk herbalism to supplement the work I'm doing with my therapist. It wasn't an intentional thing -- in our current round of EMDR, we've uncovered some deeply buried trauma, and bringing that trauma to the surface has shaken the foundations of how I see myself and the world around me. I feel very raw and vulnerable. I feel disoriented and fragile.
I find myself drawn to plant medicine as I navigate this trauma with the help of my therapist. I think a part of me longs for the sympathetic magic of plants -- by taking them into my body, maybe I, too, can become firmly rooted, supported by the earth and nourished by the sun. Maybe I can relearn the magics of stillness and connection. Maybe I can reintegrate into the earth's cycles of death and rebirth.
Some of the plants I'm partnering with in this work are old friends. Others are new allies, recommended by professional herbalists for the type of trauma I'm processing. All of them are supportive in different ways, and all of them have important lessons.
Obviously, I am working with herbs as a compliment to the work I'm doing with a professional mental health counselor, not as a replacement for medical/psychological care. I recommend you do the same, especially if dealing with complex trauma. Even if money is tight, you may be able to get free or low-cost counseling through local social services, nonprofits, university hospitals, etc.
How I Work with Herbs
As an animist, I see working with herbs both as physical medicine and as a working relationship with the spirit of the plant. I don't like to say that I "use" herbs, because that implies that they are just tools. When I say I "work with" an herb, what I mean is that I am partnering with that plant as a living, thinking being that has kindly chosen to support my healing process. I try to honor that relationship in every part of my herbalist craft.
One way I do this is by verbally thanking the plants that I consume as medicine. If I'm drinking a cup of linden tea, I'll say something like, "Thank you, linden, for aiding in my healing today."
I try to use herbal preparations that allow for a sensory experience to help me connect with the plant spirit(s). I don't like taking capsules full of powdered herbs, because that doesn't allow me to see, touch, smell, or taste the plant. I like teas because they allow for a much more intimate connection with the plant's spirit, and I use tinctures when I feel like I need more concentrated medicinal compounds.
I'm a witch who loves plants, but when I'm working with herbs internally, I do not choose them based on their magical or spiritual correspondences. When choosing herbs, I look for quality scientific studies that prove their medicinal benefits, but honestly a lot of plant medicine hasn't been sufficiently studied yet. Because of this, I also look at the way plants are viewed in traditional healing modalities like Western herbalism, Ayurveda, Traditional Chinese Medicine, etc.
While I don't pick them based on their magical properties, I do think studying how these plants are used in magical practices can add an extra layer to my work with them. This helps me to have a more nuanced, deep, and complex relationship with the plant's spirit.
And of course, I always research contraindications and drug interactions before using an herb. For example, I don't recommend Saint John's Wort to anyone taking any kind of pharmaceutical medication because it really messes with the way your body processes your meds. It's also important to research how herbs might interact with other herbs and supplements you're already taking -- that's also a type of drug interaction!
I also try to remember that when we're moving through grief or processing trauma, this changes the way herbs (and drugs, for that matter) affect our bodies. I highly recommend the book The Trauma-Informed Herbalist by Elizabeth Guthrie to learn more about this.
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My Herbal Allies
These are the herbs I'm taking focusing my practice on right now:
Ashwagandha and Tulsi are two plant friends that I love pairing together. They're both adaptogens, meaning they can help manage the body's stress response, and come to Western herbalism by way of Ayurveda. I've been working with both of these plants for years, and although they do have different uses, I think they work really well together.
Ashwagandha is really helpful as a pick-me-up for the endocrine system (the system that produces hormones) and nervous system. I find that it has a very grounding effect and is especially helpful for when I feel overwhelmed or burned out. It's a great ally for building resilience when you feel like there's just way too much going on and have no idea how you're going to handle it all. It has a very bitter taste, so I usually add it to coffee or another very bitter beverage.
Tulsi, also called Holy Basil, is a lot more gentle and laid-back than ashwagandha, at least in my experience. It's one of my go-to herbs when I need emotional support. According to herbalists Katja Swift and Ryn Midura, "Tulsi has traditionally been the herb of choice for 'stuck emotions,' whether that's depression or PTSD or just a case of the grumpies." It has a delicious taste somewhere between basil and mint, and I love preparing it as a hot tea. This is one of my favorite herbs right now.
In Ayurveda, ashwagandha is classified as a Rasayana, which means it rejuvenates the body and can promote long life. It is also a Bhalya, meaning it promotes strength, and a Vajikara, which means it promotes healthy sexuality. Tulsi is one of the most valued herbs in Ayurveda and is even called the most sacred plant on earth in the Vedic Puranas. It increases sattva (light, clarity), uplifts the spirit, promotes joy and harmony, and increases prana (vital energy; similar to the concept of chi in China). They're sometimes used together because they're believed to support each other and enhance each other's effects.
I add ashwagandha and tulsi tinctures to my morning coffee and to other hot beverages throughout the day. I also really like tulsi as a tea, and tulsi tea is one of my go-to tools for replenishing my energy after a long day of tarot readings. That being said, I'm considering changing the way I consume these herbs to be more in line with traditional Ayurvedic practices, but I need to do more research first.
Cannabis is, honestly, one of my personal miracle workers, which is a little bit ironic because I also think it's waaaaay overhyped in the wellness industry right now. Cannabis is not a cure-all, and it is not recommended for everyone. There are several different types of cannabis, and each type has its own medicinal uses. For example, the cannabis I use in my personal practice is hemp, which is legally defined as cannabis with little to no THC, meaning it does not produce a high. Marijuana, the type of cannabis with THC, is powerful medicine for some people, but because of how my body and brain work, I personally don't use it. While marijuana use may be illegal depending on where you live, hemp is legal in most places.
I started working with cannabis several years ago to help manage anxiety and insomnia, but nowadays I mostly work with it to help with inflammation and chronic pain.
I find that my body really holds on to trauma in the form of tension, inflammation, and chronic pain. When my trauma response is triggered, I usually feel it as tension or pain, especially in my hips, pelvis, and lower back. I find cannabis really helpful for that stored trauma. It doesn't make the pain go away, but it helps me feel into it and navigate through it. I also find cannabis is really good at relaxing my body and helping me let go of that stored up trauma, almost like unclenching a fist.
Cannabis was historically used throughout the ancient world for divination and religious ritual. It's associated with connection to the spirit world, and may have been used in magical practices like the Norse practice of seidr. Scott Cunningham says hemp is associated with love spells and with Midsummer.
My favorite way to work with cannabis is with a cannibidiol (CBD) isolates. Since I live in a place where THC is illegal and have some health conditions that don't play well with THC, I like CBD isolates because I'm able to make sure I'm getting a THC-free product. I add CBD to my coffee along with tulsi and ashwagandha, and I feel like it helps me process the caffeine better. I also notice rapid relief for joint and nerve pain, anxiety, and intrusive thoughts after drinking this brew.
Meadowsweet is a new plant friend for me. I actually first came across meadowsweet when I was researching handfasting herbs -- it's a traditional inclusion in British handfasting and wedding ceremonies, and was historically used as a "strewing herb," which means it was sprinkled on the ground. It's also a traditional flavor in mead, and in fact the name "meadowsweet" comes from its traditional use in mead-making. (I actually have a batch of meadowsweet mead fermenting right now!)
In herbalism, meadowsweet is prized because it contains salicylates, which can be used to make salicylic acid, the main ingredient in aspirin. This makes it great for pain, especially pain caused by inflammation. It's also great for your digestive system, which makes it a powerful ally if, like me, you suffer from the dreaded "anxiety tummy."
Meadowsweet is a very summer-y plant for me, and its energy reminds me of summer sunshine. It's a plant that reminds me to find joy in the little things in life, and has a very hopeful vibe. This is a plant I associate with both Midsummer and Lughnasa. It's a great friend for when you just need a little sweetness in your life.
On a more physical level, I combine meadowsweet with cannabis, ashwagandha, and tulsi to manage chronic pain rooted in trauma. And, of course, for keeping the anxiety tummy at bay.
In European magic traditions, meadowsweet is associated with love, peace, and joy. Interestingly, Scott Cunningham also talks about the use of meadowsweet for protection from thieves.
I add meadowsweet tincture to my morning coffee along with ashwagandha, tulsi, and CBD. I also really enjoy it as a hot tea, and I think the flavor blends really well with tulsi.
Linden is another new friend for me, but I am obsessed. I don't think I've ever worked with an herb that feels this gentle, supportive, and nourishing to the soul. Katja Swift and Ryn Midura of the Holistic Herbalism Podcast call linden "a hug in a mug," and I think that's a perfect description of how it feels.
In Western herbalism, linden is most often used for heart conditions and to restore the cardiovascular system. However, it also works as a nervine, which means it has a calming effect on the nervous system. It can provide gentle relief for anxiety, tension, and even everyday stress. In Herbal Medicine for Beginners, Swift and Midura even recommend linden to "mitigate the side effects of drying, stimulating medications like Adderall and Ritalin." It is also recommended for nerve pain and damaged nerves.
Linden is wonderful medicine for the heart, both the physical heart and the emotional heart. I really do feel an improvement in my mood when I work with linden. It's soothing and uplifting at the same time.
Magically, linden is strongly associated with protection. It's also associated with love, good luck, and preventing insomnia. Scott Cunningham mentions carrying linden to prevent intoxication.
My favorite way to work with linden is by drinking it as a tea. It tastes similar to chamomile, but a little less fruity. I drink several cups throughout the day, especially when I feel like I need to unwind or calm down.
Rose is one of my favorite flowers. Maybe that makes me basic, but I really do love this plant. The scent of rose has been one of my favorite scents since I was very small -- I remember going to Catholic mass with my mom and praying with my own rose-scented rosary!
We usually think of rose as a decorative flower or an ingredient in perfume, but it also has culinary and medicinal uses. It's used topically to treat skin issues by promoting the growth of new skin cells and to treat rashes and eczema. It can also help soothe gut problems. Rose is also relaxing and anti-inflammatory.
In magic rose is associated with love and romance (duh), divination, healing, fast luck, protection, and connection to the divine. Cunningham recommends it for calming "personal stress and household upheavals" and says the flowers attract fairies. This might be because I was raised Catholic, but rose feels like a very sacred plant to me. In Catholicism it's associated with the Virgin Mary and with some other saints like St. Therese of Lisieux, but I personally use rose more in ancestor work (especially when working with queer ancestors) and for attracting friendly spirits in general.
Right now, my favorite way to work with rose is in aromatherapy. The smell of fresh roses is so uplifting, and it makes me feel like I'm surrounded by gentle, loving protection. I'm sure there are probably health benefits to working with the pure essential oil, but real rose essential oil is VERY expensive, so I use a mild rose-scented perfume instead. (I'm very sensitive to scents and often get headaches from artificial fragrances, but right now I'm wearing Pacifica Beauty's Persian Rose perfume and I haven't had any issues with it.)
Herbal Medicine for Beginners by Katja Swift and Ryn Midura
Queering Herbalism, 3rd edition, compiled by Toi of the Herbal Freedom School
The Trauma-Informed Herbalist by Elizabeth Guthrie
Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs by Scott Cunningham
All episodes from the first season of The Trauma Informed Herbalist podcast, but especially the two-part series, "How Trauma Changes Us"
"Herbs for Psychological First Aid" from The Holistic Herbalism Podcast
"Herbs & the Holidays: Emotional Support" from The Holistic Herbalism Podcast
"Working With Herbs For Chronic Pain" from the Holistic Herbalism Podcast
"The Centuries-Old Secrets of Gender-Affirming Herbalism" by Leah Kirts
"How To Incorporate Hemp In Your Materia Medica" by Heather Saba
"Cannabis: Potent and Versatile Medicine" by Sue Sierralupe & Candace Hunter
"An Ayurvedic perspective on Marijuana" by Shilpika Devaiah
"Who shouldn't use medicinal cannabis?" by Corinne Hodgson
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morethansalad · 1 year
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Iced Oatstraw Tulsi Rose Moon Milk (Vegan)
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mcmorare · 1 year
currently thinking about how katrina makes very good tea because she can use leaves from the plants that she grows.. she will make your muse tea if they are at her place and they want tea
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sagenatural · 8 months
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2023 tea via my "see results" Tumblr votes.
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luxmiestates · 2 months
10 Healthy Herbal Teas You Should Try
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Herbal teas have been cherished for centuries for their soothing qualities, delightful flavours, and numerous health benefits. Unlike traditional teas made from the Camellia sinensis plant, there are many benefits of herbal teas such as they are crafted from a variety of herbs, flowers, and spices, each offering unique properties and health advantages.
Let's explore 10 healthy herbal teas that you should incorporate into your daily routine, all available in convenient herbal tea bags from Luxmi Estates.
Hibiscus Tea
Hibiscus tea is a vibrant, tart beverage made from the dried petals of the hibiscus flower. This beautiful red tea is not only refreshing but also packed with antioxidants, particularly anthocyanins, which are known for their anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties.
 Benefits of Hibiscus Herbal Tea:
- Lowers Blood Pressure: Regular consumption can help reduce high blood pressure.
- Supports Heart Health: Helps lower LDL cholesterol levels.
- Boosts Immunity: Rich in vitamin C, aiding in immune support.
Enjoy Luxmi Estates’ Hibiscus Black Tea for a delightful and health-boosting experience.
Peppermint Tea
Peppermint tea is a popular herbal tea known for its refreshing, minty flavour and numerous health benefits. Made from the leaves of the peppermint plant, this tea is an excellent choice for soothing digestive issues and promoting relaxation.
 Benefits of Peppermint Tea:
- Aids Digestion: Helps alleviate indigestion, bloating, and gas.
- Relieves Headaches: The menthol in peppermint can reduce headache symptoms.
- Improves Focus: The invigorating scent and taste can enhance concentration and mental clarity.
Luxmi Estates’ Moringa Mint which comes in herbal tea bags offers a convenient way to enjoy this invigorating herbal tea.
Chamomile Tea
Chamomile tea is a gentle, floral tea made from the dried flowers of the chamomile plant. It's renowned for its calming effects and is often enjoyed before bedtime.
 Benefits of Chamomile Tea:
- Promotes Sleep: Naturally helps to relax and induce sleep.
- Reduces Anxiety: Calms the nervous system and reduces stress.
- Supports Digestive Health: Helps soothe the digestive tract and relieve upset stomachs.
Sip on Luxmi Estates’ Chamomile Pure tea bags to unwind and relax at the end of a long day.
Ginger Tea
Ginger tea is a spicy and warming herbal tea made from the root of the ginger plant. It's known for its powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.
 Benefits of Ginger Tea:
- Eases Nausea: Effective in reducing nausea and morning sickness.
- Reduces Inflammation: Helps alleviate muscle pain and joint inflammation.
- Boosts Immunity: Enhances the immune system and fights infections.
Luxmi Estates’ Turmeric gingerherbal tea bags make it easy to enjoy this health-boosting tea anytime.
Lemon Tea
Lemon tea is a citrusy and refreshing herbal tea made from the zest and juice of lemons. This tea is known for its invigorating flavour and numerous health benefits, particularly for the immune system.
 Benefits of Lemon Tea:
- Boosts Immunity: High in vitamin C, supporting the immune system.
- Aids Digestion: Helps relieve indigestion and promotes healthy digestion.
- Detoxifies the Body: Acts as a natural diuretic, flushing out toxins.
Experience the refreshing taste and benefits of Luxmi Estates’ Lemon Ginger Root herbal tea bags.
Rooibos Chai
Discover the magic of our Rooibos Chai, sourced exclusively from South Africa. With its aromatic sweetness and nutty undertones, this herbal treasure is a delightful blend of flavour and wellness.
 Benefits of Rooibos Chai:
- Rich in Antioxidants: Helps fight free radicals and reduce oxidative stress.
- Supports Heart Health: Improves cholesterol levels and reduces blood pressure.
- Aids Digestion: Helps soothe the digestive system and reduce cramps.
Hailing from the heart of South Africa, this red bush treasure is packed with antioxidants and boasts a naturally sweet and nutty flavour.Enjoy Luxmi Estates’ Rooibos Chai for a delicious and health-boosting experience.
Lavender Tea
Lavender tea is a fragrant and calming herbal tea made from the flowers of the lavender plant. It's known for its relaxing properties and delicate floral flavour.
 Benefits of Lavender Tea:
- Promotes Relaxation: Helps reduce anxiety and improve sleep quality.
- Relieves Headaches: The soothing aroma can help alleviate headache symptoms.
- Supports Digestive Health: Helps reduce bloating and digestive discomfort.
Unwind with Luxmi Estates’ Valerian Dream herbal tea bags for a moment of calm and relaxation.
Turmeric Tea
Turmeric tea is a spicy and earthy herbal tea made from the turmeric root. It's renowned for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.
 Benefits of Turmeric Tea:
- Reduces Inflammation: Helps alleviate joint pain and muscle soreness.
- Boosts Immunity: Enhances the immune system and fights infections.
- Supports Heart Health: Helps improve cholesterol levels and reduce blood pressure.
Enjoy the health benefits of Luxmi Estates’ Ashwagandha Turmeric as a part of your daily routine.
Tulsi Tea
Tulsi tea, also known as holy basil tea, is a revered herbal tea made from the leaves of the tulsi plant. Known for its adaptogenic properties, tulsi tea has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for centuries.
 Benefits of Tulsi Tea:
- Supports Immunity: Enhances the immune system and helps fight infections.
- Reduces Stress: Known for its stress-relieving properties and ability to balance the body's systems.
- Aids Digestion: Helps improve digestion and relieve digestive discomfort.
Experience the calming and health-boosting effects of Luxmi Estates’ Tulsi herbal tea bags.
Rose Tea
Rose tea is a fragrant and delicately flavoured herbal tea made from rose petals. This tea is not only aromatic but also packed with antioxidants and vitamins.
 Benefits of Rose Tea:
- Supports Skin Health: Rich in vitamin C, it promotes healthy, glowing skin.
- Boosts Immunity: The antioxidants in rose tea help strengthen the immune system.
- Aids Digestion: Helps soothe the digestive tract and reduce bloating. 
Luxmi Estates’ African Rose herbal tea bags offer a delightful way to enjoy the benefits of rose tea while indulging in its sweet and floral flavours.
Herbal teas offer a delightful and healthful way to enhance your well-being. Each type of herbal tea brings unique flavours and benefits, from the antioxidant-rich hibiscus tea to the calming mint tea. Incorporating a variety of herbal teas into your daily routine can provide numerous health benefits of herbal teas, including improved digestion, better sleep, reduced inflammation, and a stronger immune system.
Luxmi Estates’ herbal tea bags make it easy and convenient to enjoy these beneficial beverages anytime, anywhere. Whether you're looking for a refreshing mint tea, a soothing chamomile tea, or an invigorating ginger tea, Luxmi Estates has the perfect herbal tea for you.Discover the world of herbal teas and experience the health benefits of herbal teas for yourself. With Luxmi Estates, you can enjoy high-quality, delicious herbal teas that support your well-being and bring a touch of luxury to your daily tea ritual.
Published On : https://www.luxmiestates.in/blogs/inspiration/10-healthy-herbal-teas-you-should-try
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butterflyayurveda1 · 2 months
Our unit is equipped with state-of-the-art equipment, laboratory and machinery which include tray dryer, vibro-sifter, automatic horizontal blender, metal detector, hot sealing machine, pyramid tea bag machine and batch code printing machine to ensure safe and efficacious processing of raw material, blending & packing.
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tea-and-twigs · 4 months
Vedic Care Tulsi, Ashwagandha & Ginger Herbal Tea - 100% Natural Wellness Blend
Discover the holistic benefits of our Vedic Care Tulsi Ashwagandha Ginger Tea. This unique blend combines the sacred Tulsi (Holy Basil), rejuvenating Ashwagandha, and invigorating Ginger to create a powerful infusion designed to support your immune system and help manage stress. Our carefully selected ingredients are sourced from the finest herbs, ensuring you receive the full spectrum of their natural benefits in every cup. Enjoy a moment of tranquility and wellness with this aromatic and flavorful tea blend.
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Key Benefits:
Supports immune health
Helps in stress management and relaxation
Aids in digestion and gut health
Contains antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties
How to Use: Steep one tea bag in freshly boiled water for 5-7 minutes. Enjoy hot or as an iced tea for a refreshing twist.
Ingredients: Organic Tulsi (Holy Basil), Organic Ashwagandha Root, Organic Ginger Root
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