#Tudor Dynasty
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jamesfrain · 8 months ago
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🗡July 28, 1540 — The Execution of Thomas Cromwell
'But the king can change his mind. He can do whatever we wills now. He has the absolute power. And what he has given, he can take it away.' — Anne Boleyn (2x06)
"Most gracious and most merciful sovereign lord, beseeching almighty God, whoever in all your causes has ever counselled perceived, opened, maintained, relieved and defended your highness so he now will save to counsel you, preserve you, maintain you, remedy you, relieve and defend you as may be most to your honour, wealth prosperity, health and comfort of your heart’s desires. For the which,  and for the long life and prosperous reign of your most royal Majesty, I shall, during my life and while I am here, pray to almighty God that He of his most abundant goodness, will help aid and comfort you, and after your continuance of Nestor’s[13] years, that that most noble Imp, the prince’s grace, your most dear son, may succeed you to reign long, prosperously and felicitously to God’s pleasure, beseeching most humbly, your Grace to pardon this, my rude writing, and to consider that I am a most woeful prisoner, ready to take the death when it shall please God and your Majesty. Yet the frail flesh incites me continually to call to your Grace for mercy and pardon for my offences and in this, Christ save, preserve, and keep you. Written the Tower, this Wednesday the last of June, with the heavy heart and trembling hand of your highness’ most heavy and most miserable prisoner and poor slave. Most gracious prince, I cry for mercye, mercye, mercye!"
for you @cromwelll
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thetudorslovers · 1 year ago
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"She was, in the brief time allowed her, a good mother, incurring her husband’s displeasure by insisting on breastfeeding Elizabeth herself, which high-born mothers never did, and choosing pretty clothes for the child. She rarely saw her, however, for the Princess was given her own household at Hatfield House at three months old, and thereafter her mother could only visit when her other duties permitted."
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tiny-librarian · 1 month ago
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As it was, Marillac reported that Katherine was “so weak that she could hardly speak, but confessed in a few words that she merited a hundred deaths for so offending the King who had so graciously treated her.” Naturally Katherine was fragile at this point, worn down as she was by prolonged fear, sleeplessness, the injustice of her situation and an overwhelming sense of helplessness. Chapuys, too, noted that Katherine had little to say, only confessing her guilt and praying for the king’s welfare and prosperity. In other words her scaffold speech followed the standard pattern. 
When Katherine had spoken, she handed the headsman a purse containing some coins: his fee and alms for the poor. Her ladies then removed her hood, gloves and mantle and caught her auburn hair into a white linen coif. Next, they bound her eyes with bandages so that she would not see the ground rising to meet her in those final few seconds before the darkness came. They then withdrew to the back of the scaffold. They still had one more duty to perform for their mistress.
Katherine knelt and said her prayers; then she positioned herself on the block just as she had rehearsed during the last short night of her life. Mercifully, the headsman removed her head with a single stroke of the axe.
Katherine Howard: The Tragic Story of Henry VIII’s Fifth Queen - Josephine Wilkinson
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thediamondarcher · 1 year ago
hey, I'm looking for moots!! I'm obsessed with Solitaire, SIX, BoJack Horseman, Heathers (the musical and the movie), Heartstopper (the osemanverse in general), Good Omens, The Tudor Dynasty, MARINA, Taylor Swift, Harry Styles, legally blonde (musical and movie), TUA and many many more things that i can't remember now. I'm currently hyperfixated on history and SIX but i post a lot about the osemanverse
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enyoalkis · 9 months ago
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Love seeing period drama costumes that are based on real-life clothes from portraits ❤️
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the-tvdors · 2 years ago
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THE TUDORS (2007-2010) | S02E7
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eve-to-adam · 2 years ago
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I've been so lazy lately that I don't draw anything for myself anymore. So I'm going to leave here this ugly WIP of Elizabeth of York, which I made a few months ago, lol. The idea of the drawing revolves around the fact that the Queen would prepare a gift for her dear Henry.
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isabelawritesthings · 6 months ago
Recommending series and films about the Tudor Dynasty in chronological order
1. THE WHITE PRINCESS (Beginning of the reign of King Henry VII)
2. THE SPANISH PRINCESS (continuation of TWP, tells the story about Queen Catherine of Aragon, first wife of King Henry VIII)
3. THE TUDORS (starts in the early years of King Henry VIII's reign and ends at the end of his life, tells the story of important politicians of his reign such as Cardinal Wolsey, Thomas More and Thomas Cromwell, as well as obviously talking about his six wives)
4. BECOMING ELIZABETH (tells of the younger years of Queen Elizabeth I during the reign of her half-brother, King Edward VI)
5. LADY JANE (Helena Bonham Carter stars in this 1986 film, covering the short reign of Lady Jane Grey, who succeeded King Edward VI shortly after his death from tuberculosis)
6. ELIZABETH (A classic in Cate Blanchett's career, it tells the story of the reign of Queen Elizabeth I)
7. ELIZABETH: THE GOLDEN AGE (Sequel to 1998's Elizabeth, tells of the threats Elizabeth faced during her reign, including Mary Stuart's claim to the English throne)
1. THE OTHER BOLEYN GIRL (It tells the story of sisters Mary and Anne Boleyn, both lovers of King Henry VIII, Anne would become Henry's second wife and mother of Elizabeth I)
2. WOLF HALL (The story is told from the point of view of Lord Chancellor Thomas Cromwell, during the tumultuous divorce of Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragon, as well as his marriage to Anne Boleyn.
3. MY LADY JANE (A dystopian fantasy about Lady Jane Grey, but fun to watch)
4. REIGN (It focuses mainly on the dispute between Elizabeth I and Mary Stuart for the English throne)
Keep in mind that most of these series and films are not completely faithful to historical facts, but still maintain most of the events.
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riverswaltz · 6 months ago
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vox-anglosphere · 3 months ago
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mary-tudor · 9 months ago
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Henry’s politic wisdom in governance was singular, his wit always quick and ready, his reason pithy and substantial, his memory fresh and holding, his experience notable, his counsel fortunate and taken by wise deliberation, his speech gracious in diverse languages, his person goodly and amiable, his natural complexion of the purest mixture, his issue fayre and in good number; leagues and confederacies he had with all Christian princes, his mighty power was dread everywhere, not only within his realm but without also, his people were to him in as humble subjection as ever they were to king, his land many a day in peace and tranquillity, his prosperity in battle against his enemies was marvellous, his dealing in time of perils and dangers was cold and sober with great hardiness.”
—Bishop Fisher.
Furthermore, according to Amin, Henry’s reign can be summoned in the following:
“In light of the issues he had with pretenders, his hard-hitting financial policies and restrictive laws designed to curb noble power, it is often overlooked Henry assumed the throne with a serious handicap, having arrived in England a little-known, Welsh-born and Breton-raised protégé of the French regime possessing an inconsequential blood claim to the throne.
No king of England was less suited to rule the country upon their coronation than Henry, a penniless stranger to noble and commoner alike who had no experience of overseeing even a modest estate, let alone a vast and fractured kingdom.
That he was able to reach the end of his reign twenty-four years later in an insuperable position, not only the first English king to avoid overthrow since 1422, but also able to re-establish the strength, wealth, and stability of the crown in the process, was remarkable.
This was not accomplished through luck, but rather sheer hard work, meticulous attention to detail, and an iron-willed determination to outlast any and all rivals before him.”
—Amin, N. “Henry VII and the Tudor Pretenders”. Pp.342.
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katharinepar · 2 years ago
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RUAIRI O’CONNOR as HENRY VIII in episode 2.03 of the spanish princess
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kindercelery · 8 months ago
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tiny-librarian · 9 months ago
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Again, interestingly, the Victorians, based on a dodgy sketch that we now no longer think is her, came up with the idea of her being very short and plump or curvaceous. That's actually not backed up; she's described as very little so the height they get right. We wouldn't be seeing a tall person walking towards us. We would be seeing someone quite thin, slender is the word used. But the word over and over again is beautiful, they just say she's very beautiful. A palace servant called William Thomas, who at this point worked for John Dudley, so he worked in and around where we're standing, but he went later on to become a clerk of the privy council, he says she was a great beauty. So we don't exactly know apart from the fact slender, short, and beautiful. That's it.
The Six Tudor Queens, Catherine Howard - Historic Royal Palaces Podcast, featuring Gareth Russell
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thediamondarcher · 1 year ago
Mary I being called "bloody Mary" to this day while she's literally the monarch who executed the least amount of people of the whole dynasty will never fail to make me angry
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enyoalkis · 9 months ago
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You mean to tell me... Diaval from Maleficent is Thomas Seymour in Firebrand?!
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