#Tsuuper OC
tsuutarr · 13 days
Could you make a yandere farmer?
(THIS CONCEPT...... YES!!! I immediately thought of a yandere!farmer that also so happens to be a cow/bull hybrid hehe there's just something about someone who seems so bright and cheerful and helpful but is actually yandere)
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“Hey there, neighbor!”
The last thing you expected when you began moving into your new house in the countryside iss the bright greeting of your friendly bullboy neighbor, but you can’t say you’re displeased. You give him a response that makes his mouth stretch into a pretty smile.
“It’s great to meet ya! We don’t get many new folks ‘round here.” He looks at the boxes by your feet curiously. “Can I help ya?”
You try to reject his offer, but his movements are quick and powerful. Before you know it, he’s helping you haul your heavy boxes into your home with ease. His help makes the move go by so much faster that it really, really makes you grateful.
When you try to offer him something to drink as thanks, he waves it off with a warm laugh. “Don’t mention it, cutie,” he says, “I’m always happy to help a neighbor in need.” For a brief moment, he looks contemplative, before he shakes his head. “Yer welcome to reach out whenever ya need me.”
With that, he waves goodbye to you, leaving you with happy feelings and unaware of the small cameras and mics he’s hidden in your home.
Since then, he keeps helping you, giving you eggs and produce from his farm. Whenever you’re in trouble, he’s there immediately, too. When your tires got punctured, when your lights went out, when your pipes clogged – he was there. You’re filled with so much gratitude that you don’t notice that none of your troubles are naturally occurring.
One day, while he’s helping you fix your stove, he says, “By the way, there’ve been reports of some wild animals running amok ‘round here.”
You gulp. Wild animals? What kind? Rabbit? Deer? Or… bears? Something worse?
“Don’t ya worry ‘bout a thing,” he continues, gently patting the stovetop once he’s done fixing it. “You’ve got my number and I’ve got a mean aim.” With a small smile, he makes a gun motion with his hand. “So don’t be scared to call me, okay?”
You nod, though you still feel a little terrified.
That very night, you’re awakened by loud noises outside of your house. Fear clutches your heart and you wonder if you locked your doors and windows, but are too scared to check. With trembling lips, you pull your blanket tighter over yourself, pressing yourself into your bed as you take a quick glance outside your bedside window. A black figure with glowing eyes and horns looks back at you, making you scream.
Before you know it, you’re wrapped in strong, warm arms as a kind voice rumbles in your ear. “It’ll be okay, sugar,” your kind farmer neighbor coos. “I’ve got ya.” 
Too caught up in the moment, you snuggle into him without questioning how he got into your house or how he was by your side so quickly. Nor do you recognize how eerily similar his horns look to the ones you saw on that black figure outside.
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tsuutarr · 11 days
Since yandere cow farmer is a cow does that mean.. We can get milk from him? I know he’s a MALE cow but can we bend the rules a little bit and say that the milk “produce” he gives us isn’t from the ANIMAL per say but from another more.. human source? (Let it be his huge yitties 🙏)
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Y'know what? This is a big brain ask tbh -- I'm just gonna make it canon that cow/bullboys can also produce milk like cowgirls lol
So, you can 100% get milk from him (that's "self produced" so to speak) lol especially if you ask -- he'd let you drink straight from the source if you wanted to!
Though, you'll have to specify which milk you want. There're two types you can get from his... more human source: milk and "milk" if you catch my drift
I wasn't actually thinking about making him mess with the produce he gives you... but there're stories of people mixing their bodily fluids and/or hair or something else because it makes them feel closer to their crush so... who's to say he wouldn't? Maybe it starts off slow -- first, he gives you milk that is 100% from his cute cows. Then, he gradually adds some of his own self-produced milk to the bottles he gives you until finally, the bottles are mostly filled with his milk.
Maybe he even makes a few chocolates to give you with that extra secret milk. When you ask why his chocolates or milk taste so much better than anything you can find in the stores, he just smiles and tells you it's because everything's all natural.
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tsuutarr · 21 days
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On your hike, you find an abandoned shrine made of stone, created to worship a god that has long been forgotten. You don’t know why, but the sight makes your heart hurt, compelling you to tug and pull the vines that wrap around the stone shrine, cleaning up any dirt that mars it.
Once you’re satisfied, you leave a tiny coin offering, before leaving towards your next destination.
You are unaware of the small mark that begins to form on the back of your neck, glowing a brilliant blue.
What you do become aware of, though, is the water-related death that seems to occur around you. Your partner for a project drowned in a bathtub, your neighbor choked on some water, your friend slipped on a puddle and shattered their skull, and other such occurrences seem to be happening frequently recently. Not to mention the rain that has been present constantly these past few weeks – the gentle drizzle somehow feels like little kisses being peppered on your skin, while the harsher rainfall feels like hands caressing you.
You think you may be going a little crazy, but you can’t help it. You try to stay indoors when you can, avoiding any large bodies of water. You haven’t been able to drink water or shower in peace lately, too scared that you may face some water-related death.
Despite your caution, however, you’re forced to venture out due to work on a particularly rainy day. Despite your caution, you end up falling into a large river, slipping on the slippery sidewalk.
Despite your caution, you’re pretty sure you’ll die, the water dragging you down like weights.
When you see the violet glow of four eyes, you think you’re already dead.
But the large hand that cradles your face is too calloused and real for you to be dead.
“Pet,” the large creature purrs, his teeth shark-like and sharp. His voice rumbles deeply like the ocean, his four hands roaming your body. “Do not fret. I am your god. You will be safe by my side.”
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tsuutarr · 6 days
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The hero didn’t really think much of you when he first saw you. After all, you're just a pretty little saint that grew up with praise inside the gleaming walls of a church, never knowing any suffering. He doubts you’ll be able to keep up with him during his journey to save the world.
All of his initial disdain for you disappears when he begins his journey with you. You’re funny, you’re kind, you’re generous. Your healing ability from the gods isn’t the only thing that seems to heal him – just your presence, just your laugh, just you. You make life – his journey – a little more bearable.
So how – how could they? You’re his light, you’re his everything, and yet… They want to sacrifice you? That’s why you were chosen to be his partner for his trip? And you’re just standing there, unwilling to fight your fate.
“I’m okay with disappearing,” you murmur, wiping his tears away with hands that are turning to stone. “If I can save your life with my own, then I’m satisfied.”
But he’s not. He’s not satisfied, not when you’re not by his side. When he sees you turn to stone, your skin replaced with beautiful white marble, he vows to do anything to bring you back to his side. 
Using the power of the gods, he turns back time again and again and again so he can save you – so he can be with you.
But you meet the same fate over and over and over again. Again and again and again.
…Then who cares? Who cares about this shitty world when it’s without you?
The next time you return to consciousness, the world is in disarray, covered in murky fog and the smell of blood. The next thing you know, you’re being pulled into a warm embrace.
“You’re alive…” the hero says, hugging you close. His warmth is suffocating. “Yes… I should’ve done this from the start instead of turning back time…”
“W… what’s happening?” you ask, heart feeling too heavy, like stone, in your chest. “What did you do…?”
“Nothing, everything, anything.” He nuzzles your neck, savoring your warmth. It sends chills down your spine. “Anything to have you by my side. Even if it means destroying the world.”
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tsuutarr · 2 months
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Was digging through my yandere OC folder and came across the first ever yandere I made.... Duolingo......... lmao
Duolingo is so yandere coded hahah
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Your classmate, Duo, works as a language tutor! He's such a sweetheart, agreeing to help you out <3
But wait? Why do you keep missing your lessons? Why aren't you ignoring his messages? Hey? Hello? You're still there, right?
Oh no. Oh no no no -- you can't just ignore Duo. He needs to help you! You just don't understand that you NEED him. But it's okay, he'll show you <3
MESSY comic under cut (TW: blood)!
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tsuutarr · 4 days
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You almost scream when something falls into your basket, certain that you'll have to deal with a large bug. 
You soon calm down when you realize that your sudden visitor isn't a bug, but a tired garden fairy. He leans against your basket, looking worn out, causing sympathy to well up inside you. You push some of the berries inside your basket his way, causing his eyes to brighten.
After that, you've had a little fairy stalker following you around everywhere. But you don't mind – he's cute and harmless, after all. He fits into all your dollhouses and gets full eating just a few berries, so there's no way he's anything dangerous. 
In fact, he helps you out a lot! He makes you tea and helps you clean despite being so tiny. And it's really cute when he sits on your shoulder or gives you little cheek kisses or little gifts! You're still wearing that necklace with an adorable acorn charm he made you.
So of course you appreciate his company. Besides, you've been feeling a little lonely as of late, what with so many of your friends getting sick lately. You're not sure how you avoided the weird stomach bug that's been going around, but you don't really question it.
Because really, why would you ever question it? It's not like you're aware that your new little fairy friend enchanted that necklace of yours to make your friends sick whenever they talk to you, nor are you aware that he's been feeding you enchanted tea to make you more fae than human, hoping to whisk you away to the fairy realm.
Because really, why would you ever doubt him?
He's so cute and harmless, after all.
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tsuutarr · 19 days
i love him sm
(Jealousy headcanon whennnn???-)
(aw im so happy you like him! also, ty for the request, I love jealousy hehe)
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Some general jealousy headcanons:
This god is an extremely jealous god, so he'll get rid of anyone who dares approach you. His sense of morals are very skewed, especially since he deems himself superior to humans, so he doesn't see anything wrong with killing the people around you. Why should a killing a few flies matter?
He's also a control freak. He needs to know what you're doing at all times. He has control over water, so he can basically see what you're doing at all times via rain and other bodies of water (though those bodies of water have to be somewhat sizeable).
Extremely clingy! He likes carrying you around -- it makes him feel happy to have you near him. He'll also basically do everything for you. Hungry? He'll feed you himself, bringing the food to your mouth. Want some fresh air? He'll carry you everywhere you want to go, but there's no way you're walking on your own two feet. Bored? He'll do anything to cure your boredom, but every activity has to be done with him. He hates the idea of him potentially missing out on hanging out with you!
He HATES secrets being kept from him. He'd never hurt you (since he loves you too much), but if you make him too mad, he'll lock you up in a cute little cage for a bit. Just until you learn your lesson.
Anyway, once you're in his grasp, good luck trying to escape. You're probably not going to be able to, not with how strong + possessive + obsessive he is. Also, it's better to stay with him, anyway -- he might kill too many people in a fit of jealousy.
Story specific jealousy (aka the small scenario in his pov. Kind of??):
Ever since you've reawakened the forgotten god by cleaning his shrine and making a small offering, the god couldn't help but be obsessed with you.
His powers allow him to see things through water, so he made constant downpour occur in your area, just so he can see what you're doing.
But -- why are there so many people around you? Why are you laughing at them? Why are they allowed to touch you when he can't? It makes him feel like ripping things apart.
So, he does: he gets rid of any person that gets too close to you -- any person that talks to you.
As the days go on, he's half-tempted to flood your area to drag you to him. He's getting tired of those peasants hanging around you when you're too far for him to touch. He's so, so envious of those that can be close to you.
Luckily for him... you end up falling in the nearby river, before he even has to do anything. Being able to finally touch you makes his heart soar <3
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tsuutarr · 4 months
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Your guardian angel was so excited to get his first assignment, and to such a pretty human, too! 
You're so cute and so sweet – he loves watching as your eyes light up when you eat something tasty, when you smile because you see something cute… Gods, he just loves seeing you be you!
He follows you around, frets about your health, and has general disdain for those that flirt with you. You're his human, so why are other people looking at you? You're his and he's the only one that knows everything about you. He hates it when other people think they can ever love you like he does.
Wait… why does he dislike it when other people think you’re pretty? You are pretty! You're so, so lovely – obviously other people can see that too! But why does it make him feel so... so... vile?
Your guardian angel’s thoughts are halted when you let out a loud moan. He watches with enraptured eyes as your fingers dip into your wet folds, the heel of your palm pressed against your clit. For the first time, your guardian angel feels hot, fire numbing his fingers. He watches and watches and watches until he can't take it anymore and has to touch.
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tsuutarr · 4 months
Jiu Oh is pwetty 💜 how would he react to MC kisses him on the cheek? O3O
(hehe ty, I'm so glad you think he's pretty!!
So, Jiu's response will vary based on whether or not you're dating! He's a very affectionate person towards you (MC), but doesn't want to make you uncomfortable, so he tends to avoid overtly romantic stuff (like kissing) if you're not dating.
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So if he's kissed on the cheek, he'll kinda tease and be flirty, but will generally brush it off outwardly. Inwardly, however, he'll be a mess and think you're just the cutest, sweetest person ever (also he'd be so inspired he'd make like 30 outfits that he thinks will look good on you).
AFTER you guys are dating, though, he'll be SUPER affectionate and romantic. So if you kiss him... he'll either ask for MORE kisses or kiss you back!
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tsuutarr · 16 hours
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The Love Deity has always been able to see soulmates, the red string of fate being his symbol. However, humans are impure and corrupt – they use love as an excuse for their crimes and it disgusts him. Not even soulmates are exempt from falling into a pit of hatred – not if they don’t put in the work, anyway. And they usually never do.
Which is why he was less than enthused at finding out you are to be his soulmate. A pesky little human and a god? Ridiculous! But…
You’re not too bad, actually. In fact, you’re one of the few people that seem to value love, which is… nice. Love comes in many forms – romantic, platonic, familial, to name a few – but he’s scarcely seen someone who’s so filled with different sorts of love. It’s like you’re made of love itself. So, obviously, you’re chosen to be the caretaker of his shrine.
He surprisingly enjoys your presence. The way you laugh, the way you speak, the way you act – it’s all so beautiful to him. You’re so beautiful to him. 
You make him fall in love with love again.
But alas, humans do not live long lives. You pass away in his arms, his love for you the only thing that remains of you.
So, he has no other choice – he’ll find you every single time you reincarnate. No matter who you are, no matter what you are, he’ll always keep you by his side. He’ll fill your life with him and him only. You may not remember him, but he’ll remember all of you forever and ever. He will be your first and your last for all eternity.
After all, it’s your fate to be his – only his and no one else’s.
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tsuutarr · 2 months
Does Jin take out potential dudes if they attempt to flirt or get Mc, like Mc is too attractive for their own sake?
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So, Jiu's whole character was inspired by Secret Alliance's Yul (hence the crossdressing)! When a guy flirts with Jiu's darling, Jiu first tests the waters to see if the guy will go for any girl via crossdressing as the guy's ideal type.
If the guy genuinely does like darling, though... oh, Jiu goes on a whole social media search and finds ANYTHING incriminating about that guy -- ANYTHING he can find at all (Jiu may even frame the dude with a crime if he can't find anything bad about the guy that likes darling).
Jiu isn't the violent type usually (i.e., he likes to get rid of darling's suitors but in a way where he won't be framed for murder or something), but can get violent if he's pushed too much.
If a dude tries to flirt with MC in front of Jiu, Jiu immediately intervenes haha
Jiu actually really likes it when MC is all dressed up and pretty, though -- he has an eye for beauty and likes to cross dress because it makes him feel pretty (+ helps keep MC's suitors away LOL). It's just that when he dresses darling up, he will ONLY do so if darling is with him.
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tsuutarr · 15 days
If Jin does kidnap mc, they better have the best room and board, and fancy food to keep me happy 😊
In order to let Jiu do whatever he wants, I've decided to make him rich so you're 100% right that MC will have the best room and board! Jiu is also very giving, so he'd give MC whatever MC wants! MC will get the best food, the best bed, money to spend on hobbies, etc. and will live a very pampered life.
Plus, Jiu always dolls you up do you always look so pretty + get bubble baths!
Sure, MC can't leave the house and MC's internet activity is monitored and MC can't talk to anyone if it's not Jiu BUT have you seen how expensive food and rent is? Jiu is doing you a favor!
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tsuutarr · 4 months
Sharing a bingsu or ice cream with the yandere on a beach or pool date?
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If you go on a pool/beach date with Jiu, you best believe he'll research EVERYTHING to ensure you have the best date! He'll look up the best times to go to the beach, the prettiest beach, the best places to eat, etc. AND he'll be super prepared by bringing sunscreen, water, sunglasses, etc. (going on a date with him is basically easy mode lol)
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Jiu will also want to go shopping with you! But then he'll regret it because you look SO cute he's worried other guys will hit on you… so if you want to put his mind at ease, you should wear his cardigan ;)
Jiu will want to take LOTS of pictures too, for the memories!
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Finally, he's a total foodie so if you guys go eat bingsu/ice-cream, you better believe it's going to be the best store on that beach. He'll get you whatever flavor, size, etc. you want for your ice-cream, and he'll also want to have a little taste test (and give you a taste of his!)
Jiu is partial to citrus flavored things~
Also, if you want, you can 100% ask him to take you out while he's dressed as a girl <3 In fact, if you're okay with it, he'd 100% want to post pictures of you to his social media accounts.
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tsuutarr · 2 months
Does Tynan have exes in hell? How would they know if Tynan is fooling with human Mc? Ain't that illegal in hell?
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Tynan does indeed have ex-lovers since he's an incubus -- he needs sexual energy to exist, after all~ BUT ever since he meets you (MC), he hasn't flirted with anyone else. How can he? After all, you're the one that tastes the best and you're the cutest in the whole world -- why would he EVER give you up?
In this word, demons fooling around with humans is normal (and encouraged, in fact -- demons are used by the King of Hell to get people to sin). But even if it was illegal to fool around with humans, Tynan wouldn't care at all -- he always gets what he wants, and since YOU'RE the one he wants, he'll do everything to get you (even if it means going against the King of Hell).
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tsuutarr · 2 days
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Unicorns love purity – they revel in it and worship it. That is why only those who are truly virtuous can tame a unicorn. That is why you are able to tame him.
When the Unicorn first saw you wandering the woods, he was immediately drawn to how pure your soul was. It was a shining jewel, a beacon of hope lighting up this dark and dreary world.
The Unicorn had lost hope in humanity a long, long time ago… but you brought it back with how beautifully your soul shined. 
Honestly – it was love at first sight.
But… you’re in danger of being corrupted. Your lovely, beautiful soul is in danger of being tainted by the disgusting grime and muck of the world. He can’t have that. You’re just too beautiful to let go.
So he does what is best for you, whisking you away to safety in his beautiful crystal castle. Your friends, your family, your loved ones – none of them matter to him and none of them should matter to you. After all, they’re just pesky little insects drawn to your purity, set on making you become as depraved as they are.
Yes, this is what’s best for you, he thinks as he hums a lullaby, cradling you close. 
He’s the only one that can cleanse you.
And the only one who can corrupt you, too.
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tsuutarr · 2 months
A were-wolf hottie and no pic, give me the fluffy hooligan please 😫
Extra points if it's enemies to lovers trope, except no vampire verses wolf, more like were cat or coyote vs wolf?. Scooby-Doo zombie mayhem got me
(So I ended up doing a bit of a rivals to lovers kind of thing rather than enemies! I didn't have too much info to go off of, so if this fic isn't to your liking, feel free to send me another ask with more details!)
Pairing: Vilkas Lunewood (werewolf OC) x werecat! reader
Contents: one-sided rivalry (somewhat one-sided romantic pining) where Vilkas thinks of you as his greatest rival to beat on exams.
Word count: 1180
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Even though Vilkas would rather read his favorite book in a cozy nook, he’s known as a brute – someone who can weaponize his fists to subdue all that cross him. His sharp eyes and broad figure do little to deter his reputation as a brutish hooligan. However, despite his reputation, Vilkas has never started any fights – it’s just that he’s always finished them, being the last one standing.
It’s hardly his fault that he’s so strong, though, especially since strength is the least of his concerns. No, his much bigger concern is defeating you, his stupidly pretty werecat rival, academically.
“Hm… I could’ve done that a bit better…” you murmur from beside him. You’re both staring at the recent exam scores posted on the bulletin board.
He smells you before he hears you. Vilkas has always noticed your scent, something warm and soft – something he associates with afternoon naps basking in the gentle rays of the sun. Not that it matters, really, not when you’re constantly kicking him to the curb in terms of your grades. He’s been number one for as long as he can remember, but then you come along and place him in the number two spot consecutively. And you look cute while you do it. Frustrating!
“Ah, Lunewood, your score’s gone up, hm? That’s good to see.”
Vilkas scowls at how easily you address him, gloating about your victory. You’ve never been scared of him, always talking to him whenever you can. It’s stupid. You’re stupid. You and your stupidly lovely ears and stupidly adorable tail and that sweet voice and–
“What?” he growls, his eyebrows furrowed at the center.
“Ah, you look rather upset, is all.”
“I am not.” Of course Vilkas isn’t upset – he’s good at taking a loss! And even if he is upset (which he isn’t), it’s not like he’s bothering anyone! The clear distance most people are keeping from him is definitely, definitely not because they think he’s scary for scowling – that’d be ridiculous!
“If you say so.”
Vilkas’ scowl deepens.
“Ah. It was quite nice chatting with you. I’ve got to head off now.”
Vilkas’ nose scrunches. You’re probably gonna stick your nose into a stupid little book (something he’d do too). You’re gonna brew yourself your favorite beverage as you curl up to read something you like and you’re gonna look so cute doing it and it’s so annoying to Vilkas to think about.
Stupid, stupid werecat.
The next time Vilkas encounters you, it’s because he smells your warm scent mingled with a scent he’d only describe as sour. His frown deepens as he follows the smell, before coming across you getting harassed by some no-good werewolf.
Ugh. Seriously. Like yeah, you’re cute and charming and whatever, but couldn’t that stupid werewolf pick another cat to pick on? Like why’s that dumb werewolf wasting time flirting with you? And why haven’t you just beat that stupid, no-good werewolf off with a stick? You’ve got the claws to scratch him up. Ugh. Whatever. It’s not his business–
“Leave the cat alone,” he spits, despite his inner monologue. He’s not helping you because he thinks you need his help or because he’s worried or whatever. He just doesn’t have anything better to do. That’s what he tells himself as he sizes up the werewolf that’s been hitting on you.
“Yeah? What’re ya gonna do about it if I don’t?” the no-good werewolf hisses, standing taller to appear bigger. The no-good werewolf is bigger than you, a werecat, but can’t compare to the sheer muscle mass Vilkas boasts.
“I’m not gonna do anythin’ about it,” Vilkas growls. “‘Cause you’re not gonna give me a reason to do anythin’ about it.”
The no-good werewolf falters briefly at the deadly gleam in Vilkas’s eyes, but decides to stupidly stand his ground. “You want me to give you a reason to scram?”
“You think you got what it takes?” Vilkas shoots back, his teeth bared. His tail bristles, ears flattened against his head.
“Lunewood,” your voice calls, which irritatingly makes Vilkas feel calmer. “Let’s just go.”
Vilkas isn’t sure what to do – he’s not really one to back down from a fight, but your voice and smell just make Vilkas feel… softer, like he’s wrapped in a you-shaped blanket.
“Wait–” the no-good werewolf’s face pales. “Lunewood? Vilkas Lunewood?”
Vilkas stands taller. “What about it?”
“No–nothing!” a squeak leaves the werewolf’s mouth as his tail tucks between his legs, before he runs away.
“...I should’ve punched him once,” Vilkas grumbles, crossing his arms.
“Hm, maybe you should’ve,” you agree lightly. “The more I think about it, the more I dislike him.” You spin on your heel, turning to Vilkas with a smile. “Thanks, by the way. I appreciate it.”
Hmph, a good ploy on your part – trying to make him lower his guard by thanking him? If you think that your thanks makes Vilkas’ tail wag, you’re so very correct – Vilkas tries his best to temper his tail’s excitement, but he just gives up because he can’t. “It’s nothing. I didn’t do it for you.”
Your cute little cat ears and tail twitch. “Oh.”
Vilkas immediately feels bad.
“I guess it was one of those territory things, then? Did you want to mark your territory?”
Vilkas huffs out something akin to a laugh. The only thing here that he’d want to mark is you – wait, scratch that.
“Well, anyway. Can I take you to a café or something to thank you?”
What? Why would you want to feed him? It’s not like he did anything great. Is this a trick? Are you trying to poison him?!
“Or do you not like sweets?” you look contemplative. “Maybe barbeque…? But my campus job doesn’t pay that much…”
“A café is fine,” he grunts, tail swishing behind him. “You can buy me a barbecue when I beat you on our next exams.”
You tilt your head to the side, confused. “But you’ve never been able to beat me before?”
Vilkas’ eyes narrow as you hum in thought.
“Oh! Is this like a bet?” your eyes glint mischievously, a cheeky smile curling on your lips. Cute. “How about it, Lunewood? If you beat me in the next exam, I’ll treat you to a barbeque. If I win… Well, I’ll keep that a secret for now.”
“What?” Vilkas asks, frown set deep in his mouth.
“Hm? Are you scared?” you tease, your voice taking on a lilt that makes Vilkas want to chase you down and mark you.
“Don’t bet on it, kitty-cat,” he responds. “I ain’t scared of anything.”
“Then is the bet on?”
Vilkas doesn’t hesitate when he answers with, “You bet.”
(You two do head to the café, much to Vilkas’ pleasure [since he wants a sweet treat, that’s it. It’s not because he’s hanging out with you or anything]. You’re surprisingly interesting to talk to, which he should’ve maybe expected since you’re his rival. You’ve got pretty good tastes when it comes to books and a good eye for cute cafés too.)
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