#Tsubasa would be traumatized for good
blueberrypie20 · 4 months
I was bored so I re-read chapters 87-88 and 93-94 of Captain Tsubasa RS
On Wakabayashi I srsly could understand schneider — literally traumatized and having no time to process the situations and having to move on as fast as possible(it's terrible af trust me)
But the tension I had was nothing compared to when I read chap 93...
the caption in the starting panel said "Japan's defenders ready to die!!" And I was like "I know who this is directed at, you don't need to spoil and tense me up even more Takahashi sensei"
So, schneider is going for the 3rd reversal goal, igawa tackles him, he dodges and one twos with schester. Then he goes for a jumping volley when Misugi comes and blocks it.
And it STOPS.
I'm wondering what if he didn't return to life with divine powers and actually passed away-
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For the character ask game, how about Fay D. Fluorite! (Or maybe Qi Rong lol whichever you prefer).
Send Me a Character & I'll Tell You✨️
Fai D Flourite (Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle)
(please excuse my spelling variant, I've been using this too long lmao) (I might do Qi Rong tomorrow but alas I havta go to bed)
My first impression: tragically, I have no idea. It's simply been too long. This man has been living in my head so long that my love of him could get its driving license.
My impression now: I feel like Fai is the foundation of all my blorbos. The horribly traumatized self-hating little guy who pretends to be strong and cheerful for the sake of those around him and has strong Mom energy is basically the template all my other blorbos are variations of.
Favorite thing about that character: he's so good, for all that he thinks he's so bad. He cares so much in spite of himself. He loves his children so fiercely. He's also just hella clever.
Least favorite thing: No notes, 10/10, all of his bad traits are Important to the makeup of what makes him special.
Favorite line/scene: the infamous punch signalling the end of the divorce arc is great and probably my favourite happy bit, and for sadness that part in Acid Tokyo when Kurogane jerks away from him and he slides down the wall and sits there with his hand over his face. Oof. Lovely pain.
Favorite interaction that character has with another: that moment in World Chronicle where Syaoran launches himself at Fai and Fai sort of stumbles back against Kurogane and stays there looking up at him all adoring and beautiful with Kurogane's arm around them both? Life-changing.
A character that I wish that character would interact with more: Yuuko, for the entertainment value
Another character from another fandom that reminds me of that character: so many characters I've loved. William James Moriarty, Xie Lian, Dani from Bly Manor, even freakin' Dean fookin' Winchester. They've all got a little something that reminds me of him.
A headcanon about that character: Does not only bottom, in spite of the obvious Yaoi Dimorphism 😂😂
A song that reminds of that character: pretty sure I first heard this song in a Kurofai amv a decade+ ago and it's stuck ever since. Also this for some reason.
An unpopular opinion about that character: see headcanon 😂 (actually I've seen a fair number of fics with him topping. I'm not in touch with this fandom enough to know what is and isn't popular.)
Favorite picture: since I'm already talking about it --
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Vincent manga log entry 1
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First one goes to Sensitive Boy, since Kaede’s story is finished, apparently. I picked this up recently while the existing chapters were being translated and the arc ender was posted today. This manga was good but also made me feel a bit ill as I read it. Guess I’ll put the entire thing under a readmore…..if a story about sexual abuse that heavily focuses on it would bother you than this absolutely is not for you
Sensitive Boy is about Kaede, a 16-17 year old boy who’s developed a fear of women after having been raped as a middle schooler. He desperately wants to be “normal” and tries to act cheerful and positive to try and make this dream a reality. When he runs into a girl named Tsubasa from the neighboring school who falls in love with him at first sight, he takes this opportunity to try and get closer to her to achieve his idea of “normal”. Through a series of events, Kaede and Tsubasa go on dates, get romantically caught in the rain together and have a good time, but ultimately, they break up after Tsubasa is unable to handle Kaede’s past. Some more things happen after that, such as a confrontation between Tsubasa and Kaede’s friends (and later, from Tsubasa’s own friends), Kaede getting a job, and later, a reunion between Tsubasa and Kaede which coincides with a final conflict between Kaede and the woman who ruined his life. I don’t want to focus too much on the details in the case that someone reads this maybe
The author, 46, handles these topics very well. There was not a single point in which I felt that the manga was severely misrepresenting the effects of sexual assault. Even Tsubasa, who subconsciously rejects Kaede for his past, is a thoughtfully written character who grows over time. She is realistically written, as is Kaede, as are the people surrounding them. The relationships and internal conflicts feel real. The advice and rejection that Kaede receives are varied and grounded in reality. This manga was, to me, a very thoughtful and sympathetic representation of a traumatized teenager who is growing and learning as time goes on.
Although it was so well done that it made me nauseous, I would recommend this to someone who has taken an interest in it. It’s a good manga. 46 seems to be a newbie mangaka, so I’m looking forward to their future releases. I hope they stop vaping! Lol. If you give this a read let me know. Shoot me a message or something.
In the end, this was a really heartwarming and well-done manga…..for once, mangadex recommendations did not fail me
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pancake-breakfast · 1 year
I've been neglecting Tumblr as a whole this weekend as I burn through costume-making, but I think I can keep up with Trigun Book Club!
Trigun Volume 1: Covers + 1-3, 3 Detailed Thoughts, 4, 4 DT, 5-6, 5-6 + DT, 6 DT, 7-8, 9-10
Trigun Volume 2: Covers + Extras, 1, 1 Supplemental Research, 2-4
Stream-of-consciousness thoughts for Trigun Vol. 2, Chapters 5-6 below.
Chapter 5: Murder Café
CW: Sexual assault, human trafficking
This title sounds like a place I'd either really want to eat at or never want to eat at.
It's interesting to see what they did and didn't keep of the city design in Stampede.
Even yandere emo boys have to eat sometimes.
The heck? Is this woman barefoot?? Why would anyone be barefoot out there??? Oh. Oh, shit. Are we gonna get into that aspect of the story already???
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Yyyyup. Well, dang. These men chose the wrong bar to stumble into. I know a few things about yandere emo boys and there's a thing or two they're a bit sensitive about....
If your SO ever, EVER slaps you to the floor while screaming at you for looking at someone else, even if it's not in public, get help and get out of there. I realize these guys aren't these women's significant anything, but that's not the point. Or maybe it is. They are the kind of people who would treat another human being this way. They are not people who love these women.
Dude. This shit is blaming Legato for being too pretty and making these women feel bad that they'll never have a handsome man like him while bragging about assaulting them in the same breath. WTH???
Everyone else in the bar wants to take these guys down, but they're big and powerful and intimidating, making it pretty impossible for the average person.
Ok, but this panel of chibi Legato just... chewing away. At this rate I'm gonna add him to my collection. And then shove him in a box and throw him in the bottom of the sea.
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I wonder if this guy meant to hit Legato's fork or if it was just a lucky shot. Also, what kind of grip does this man have that he was able to keep ahold of his fork while it was shot in two?!?!
Huh, he was going to let them go about their business, confident they'd get theirs. But they done overstepped now.
He says it like a command, as if they have any control over the matter once he's in play.
Nice and traumatic for all involved. Good... good....
I'm impressed these guys are standing their ground after that display. We're gonna assume they're so scared that whatever sense they had has left their stupid heads.
Current favorite angry Legato face:
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Just in case being kidnapped and raped by slavers wasn't already the most traumatic thing to happen to these women....
Honestly, it's good and important to see this bit of humanity from Legato, even if it makes for a much more muddy morality in the story overall. Maybe particularly because it makes for a much more muddy morality overall.
Dude, for his arm to be at this angle, he's gotta have CLAMP-in-their-Tsubasa-Chronicle-xxxHolic-era proportions.
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I wonder how Vash would have handled this situation had he been there instead. Surely Vash isn't unaware that this sort of stuff happens in this world....
Chapter 6: A Gathering of Demons
CW: Human trafficking
So much sand....
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I love how, in this story, our primary windows into the world are Milly and Meryl. Like, they're characters in their own right, but they're also the closest thing we have to an Everyman through which we interact with the story.
Yeah, Vash is probably on hyper-alert for now because of the Gung-Ho Guns. Constantly concerned about the safety of everyone around him.
That reminds me, I should retrieve my tea from the kitchen. (It's jasmine, if you're curious.)
GoshDARNIT, Legato! You're not supposed to be flattered and happy when people announce they're gonna hunt you!
He's just a silly, happy boy.
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Heh. Foreshadowing.
Soooo many things I could say here and I will say none of them. Instead, let's all just appreciate how much the bus driver here looks like a hippie straight from 1960's Berkeley.
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I'm impressed they managed to get that thing on the roof of the van.
LOL, Wolfwood's response to people calling him out for being a frumpy, shady guy....
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Awww, cute Vash face!
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I love everything about their meeting here.
It's interesting that WW quickly notes how much Vash fits the description on his posters when Monev was quick to say Vash looked nothing like the description of him.
I do like the introduction '98 gave them, though, with Vash inventing a crazy name for himself and then Milly casually dropping the whole "Vash the Stampede" bit.
Vash looks very unsure of WW here. Resigned, but unsure.
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The slavers are gonna try to do what to whom? Hahahahahahaha GL
Speak of the devil....
Who the hell is he talking to??
Yeah, this wasn't gonna end well for them....
THE PORTABLE CONFESSIONAL!!! Gods, I hope this thing shows up in Stampede. It's the dumbest thing, but it's also beautiful. Especially the way WW just SHOVES it on people's heads.
WW's introduction is great. Is he a genuine sweetheart or is he a conman? Both??
WW can't not melt at kids, can he?
Dude, they've been hanging out for... what, a few hours? And already WW is reading Vash like a book.
This pose looks... uncomfortable.
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Hahahahahaha, he's stuck in it.
Gods, that's a freaking MOUNTAIN of bodies. He should compare it with the one Erwin Smith has.
Ok, I kind of love how Legato handles these guys. He's like, "Oh, so you want to make a profit selling people? How about I kill half of you so you can make a profit off the organs of people you might actually give a shit about? Get fucked, scumbag."
Oh. THAT'S where the chapter title comes from. Hi, everyone!
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curedeity · 2 years
Shogun Steel Episode 2:
-Zyro reacts to overdramatic beytraining the same way I do
-bet maru wasnt even ordered to be in the tube, its just in her nature. Shes a cruel gremlin.
-i gotta say i dont think having someone hold shit up for as long as they can is good training. Moving around just a bit every so often will probably keep the muscles from overstraining or something. I dunno exercise but like letting them occasionally move prob would produce a longer and more rewarding exercise.
-maru is learning to be a cruel younger sibling from benkei, the oldest sibling of the gang
-shinobus spikes do not feel like they have enough depth for the rest of his hair
-shinobu watching zyro sprint up a mountain "what, is he playing???" Sir what is your idea of fun???
-Benkei you trained kenta for a single episode. A single day. Why didnt any of you train him more actually????
-maru and i understand one another. Shes the meanest person in the cast. She wants them dead.
-"spirit??? Whats that mean??? I failed my language class"
-eight really was meant to take after yu and i think we all need to compliment yus voice actor for pulling off yu
-zyro isnt allowed to have fun. Why? Bc having a fun beybattle is illegal. No fun bey hijinks allowed. Only muscles.
-eight draws on peoples faces where yu would punt them into the water and watch them float out to sea cheerfully
-madoka "i love it when bladers make stupid decisions. I lost the ability to care. Im post-jaded now" amano
-im unfortunately coming to the realization that i actually like eights hair. Someone shoot me
-the gang is too traumatized they legit treat every battle like a loss will break zyro like yall need to let him have fun
-seriously zyro copying moves seems to be a repeat thing. He and ren are veeery similar
-why do all the kids in beyblade have stamina types??? I mean eight does throw less temper tantrums than kite from what i remember-
-eight would get destroyed if he went to koma. Hed call hyoma a farmboy and hyoma would casually push him off a cliff (before catching him obvi)
-i do like the visual symbolism of efrits spirit appearing for this special move, i dont think it did for the rest and it shows zyro coming into his own. If im wrong about this then im smarter than the animators.
-maru and eight little sibling against little sibling violence
-maru already getting zyro into trouble for the next episode
-i get that tsubasas actor is good at saying cryptic stuff but they could give him something else to do. Let him be stressed out bc yu destroyed another stadium pls
-summary: i forgot eight was introduced this early on, and while he isnt my least favorite of the shogun steel cast, i can definitely see where he fails where the other child characters succeeded. Maru and zyro being siblings continues to be the highlight for me and i am getting emotionally attached. I need hijinks, i need zyro helping maru, i need maru to draw on his face when he sleeps and to explode his microwave for science.
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plounce · 2 years
thinking abt fai and ashura’s relationship specifically w how it pertains to fai’s arc. thinking about them in the frame of “does this abused character forgive their abuser” and how that’s usually a part of the narrative’s force in the story. however tbh i view fai’s arc as like... the point of his arc was not to recognize that ashura did something bad to him. it wasn’t to recognize that ashura had good reasons for doing something bad to him. kurogane literally says to the camera that ashura sucks for tormenting fai like he does during the celes arc. the narrative does say that the stuff ashura fai put through did have traumatic effects. however the narrative of fai’s character isn’t about that. fai cannot not love ashura, because he rescued him from the hellpit. he can never get over that because that was like genuine hell, and ashura showed him love for the first time in fai’s life, and yeah, that love was actually kind of sincere. does it excuse ashura’s manipulations and murders? nah. i don’t think so, i don’t think kurogane does, i don’t think the narrative does. fai and ashura’s relationship is one that is about love undefined by like... morality, in that way. fai loves his father and that is something he has to live with, because he can’t not love his father. ashura loves his son, and he does things that he knows are terrible for the sake of his son, because he knows that he is a pawn in a much larger game of fate chess being played (he knows his place in the narrative and what his purpose in the plot is) (also he is literally losing his mind so he’s not all there). fai’s love for ashura remains at the end of everything. that’s why it’s the correct thing for him to not have to be the one to kill ashura. ashura does have to die (his mass murdering + his determination to kill the tsubasa family to get fai to kill him), but fai loves him, and so fai isn’t the one to do it. kurogane takes that burden from him. the second curse could only be avoided by fai going against one of the strongest and the most foundational of the loves in his heart - to play by fwr’s rules, fai would have to kill someone he deeply loves. but kurogane knows fai, and he loves him, and he knows that this is not something fai can do (because of that foundational love, but also because fai is so supremely gentle at his core. it isn’t just suicidality that makes him not fight back against c!syaoran and ashura - he can’t bring himself to kill the people he loves). so kurogane’s act of love saves fai’s heart, and then kurogane breaks the rules again by cutting off his arm to pull fai from celes, because fwr’s construction of fate had fai being destroyed in celes in one way or another, but kurogane’s acts of love saved fai, over and over and over again. this all plays into tsubasa’s larger themes of love breaking through fate that have ramped up in the latter half of the story, and provides extremely good closing notes to kurogane and fai’s character arcs. kurogane said all he valued was his strength, yet his cut off his arm to save fai; fai believed that he was a walking death curse, but he wasn’t the one to kill ashura, and he didn’t die there. he was pulled out.
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noa-ciharu · 3 years
noa! heeyyy! i want to read something by clamp. what should i pick first?
also i saw a post a while back that talked about a psychological horror manga by clamp but i don't remember it now and i really wanted to check it out too
Ohh it's time to drag new people into Clamp! Now, there are plenty of good manga of theirs but not all are so "beginner friendly", so to put. Also the psychological horror you've heard about is most likely xxxholic but I won't go as far to call it "horror", more like it has that silent "unspoken" note attached to it, gothic vibes and looming sense of vacancy and emptiness in some moments. I'll talk more about it.
So before I start, honorable mentions: Chobits (bit echii but has its message), RG veda and X/1999 (plz don't start with these ones you'll get traumatized) and Clover. I'll include 3 and half recommendations. Also in all stories characters are beyond beautifully developed and three dimensional (honestly that's one of my fav things) and all relationship between the characters are magnificently developed and don't fall onto any stereotypical scale: be it platonic, family, romantic, met 5 mins ago or purely emotional bond it's always unique and fleshed out, so I won't mention that separately. Prepare for star crossed themes and people losing eyes because that's Clamp's signature (but it's like, so well done that even someone who hates amatonormativity and soulmates tropes like I do adores it when it's done by Clamp; it has narratives value as well as metaphorical). So without further ado:
Card captor Sakura
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Classic one, probably the most famous Clamp manga. Simple yet powerful story of little girl named Sakura, her friends and family and her magical abilities. One, if not the best magical girl shows I've seen so far. One of the things that specifically stood out for me are the different types of love and connections between the characters and how Sakura doesn't discriminate and accepts people as they are. It's cute, nice plot, amazing characters, little to no angst. Also people usually credit it on LGBT representation back in 90's (Sakura and Shayoran are both bi, as they would fall for one another regardless of gender, Tomoyo had a crush/loves Sakura, Touya and Yukito are mlm couple ect...). Both manga and 90's anime are good, but manga is better imo slightly. Tbh a lot can be said about CCS but I have a feeling you're looking for something with more complex and darker themes.
Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle
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This is another classic one. Also to clarify: this manga is a massive crossover, Clamp took almost all characters from TRC (only notable exceptions being main characters Kurogane and Fai) from their previous works; so it's a massive slow burn AU if you'd like it in fandom terms (also found family is so strong in this one). But you can read it without reading any previous mangas as all those that appear are side characters in TRC. Also main characters Sakura and Shayoran have the same soul as ones from CCS above, but are not the same characters- to out it briefly and without complicated explanations: think of it as an AU. I've already mentioned characters and relationships development being gorgeously done but TRC deserves a mention once again since during those 233 manga chaps (28 vols) I've seen one of the most beautiful development of four main characters and complex relationships between all four of them. Plot is about following: Princess Sakura loses her memories which shattered in form of feathers into other universes, and Shayoran paired the price to travel those dimensions (with Sakura, Kurogane and Fai, those you see in pics) in search of them; but at the price of Sakura forgetting their previous relationship forever. Quite tragic and promising beginning. Story is a comedy adventure with slight drama for first 100chap, but there are questions and tensions lurking in the background as foreshadowing. Then things take on a way more serious and dark tone as conflicts, plot twists and character's past and tragedy kick in (it's like, so good). Also the subtle messages and characters backstories/ trauma, how it influences their decision and thoughts now and how they've started healing from some of it - it's A+.
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Yes, tell him Kurogane. My only issue ever with this series is its complex and impossible to understand explanation of some things towards the ending. But all in all, 10/10 one of the best I've read. Also Fai is the most beautiful person I've seen like ever and kurofai best slow burn and development and - okay moving on.
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Okay, this one along with Tokyo Babylon is my favorite manga, like ever (they are similar in some ways). I've talked about basics before, so I'll add something new. But what I'll repeat is YUUKO!! God bless that woman and her quotes, English language isn't coherent enough to describe her. Also there's a whole philosophical thematic of wish fulfilling: to receive something, you must give up something that holds the same value to you: no more no less. According to Yuuko, " there's no coincidence, only hitsuzen (fate)" - what that means truly, I'll leave up for debate. Bonus side note: all of the clients are females (in TB all Subaru's clients are too).
Since there are many many arc stories of Yuuko's clients and their wished ("you shouldn't promise anything so lightly", "wishes come at price"), I'll retell one with a monkey's paw so you can see the glimpse of how psychologically intriguing and unique themes of this manga are:
Woman arrives at Yuuko's shop and sees monkey's paw (mystical object that grants 5 wished but at cost of misfortune) and asks Yuuko if she can have it to which she says yes. But to never open it. Woman, being overconfident in her ability to resist the temptation and curiosity, agrees. Of course, it's all doomed to failure : her first wish is to rain all night, which it does - but water is used from schools pool. Second one is to acquire that too expensive for her pocket antique mirror - mirror falls behind her from thin air, ends up shattering. Third one is to write excellent essay for her studies - which she does, but it's all plagiarized and stolen. Then one day she wakes up late for school/work and wishes for an excuse for being late - woman falls in front of her on train rails and dies thus a whole scandal and thus - an excuse. I won't go into what last one is, to leave you intrigued. So the whole point is, as Yuuko said "No one can consider themselves special enough to hold such power over fate of themselves and others". Her idea that she's better than others is wrong - she's not special and above all consequences of her wishes and actions. Monkey paw doesn't care how wishes gets fulfilled, nor does for her. Cautionary tale.
Also life messages, such as this one, this one is reoccurring theme in Clamp's manga:
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I know entire xxxholic fandom jokes about Yuuko being beyond perfect but other characters are top notch as well, especially Watanuki, the protagonist. Won't spoil much, but it reminds me of following: Caterpillar in it's chrysalis, learning about world and itself, experiencing, forming connection, realizing that "human being never does entirely belong to themselves, connections to others always exists, always tangling", learning about self value and worth - and them when metamorphosis finally occurs and butterfly is ready to fly free, part of it always remains inside the chrysalis.
I read it for about 10 days or so (23 volumes I think) and it's better to prolong it rather than binge since there are a lot of implications, subtext by words/ panel presenting/ linear not sophisticated background/ symbolism, hidden meanings and life lessons as well as karma. So it's better to read it slowly and carefully to let the message sink and to think properly about it. I think even after 10 rereads I'd still miss something, bless you Clamp on being so detailed with everything.
Tokyo Babylon
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Almost didn't add it but there's one thing to keep in mind when discussing this manga: before looking at the series as romance and shonen ai, at its core Tokyo Babylon is tragedy social criticisms drama with philosophical elements. One more note: I've never seen a series so spoiled on tumblr so don't search it up (to be fair, manga ended in '93). Deconstruction of typical coming of age mangas, as ugly sides of reality are always present. Also, this is type of manga that you read twice - once when you dont know, and second time when you do know. I'll never see cherry blossom in same way again, thanks Clamp.
Plot is about young medium exorcist, Subaru, dealing with cases of spirits lingering on Earth being unable to move on due to their pain which is more often than not caused by society, isolation and indifference of a big city (in this case Tokyo). Focus is on emotional, psychological and social themes and that itself (along with characters and their complexity in terms of being human) is what separates this manga from the rest of "exorcism case" media. To paraphrase a quote from series which sums it up really well " Why does this come as a surprise to you? Tragedies like this happen every day in Tokyo". And said tragedies and cases are portrayed not only narratively well, but realistically in terms of cognitive and emotional responses from both ghosts/people feeling isolated with problems and Subaru. For an instance:
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Unlike previous two I've mentioned plot here is intriguing and has complex themes as well, but is far more straightforward and won't leave you with any questions about the plot after end (there'llbe other things tho...). Plus there are only 3 characters beside the side chapter-by-chapter ones. Since I can't talk about other two characters (his twin sister Hokuto and his friend/suitor Seishirou) spoiler free, I'll focus on Subaru. What strikes to me the most about him is his kindness, selflessness and empathy but not those traits themselves but rather how they've viewed and portrayed as self destructive trait and a flaw as he feels the pain of world around him and suffers as result where in return world around him (Tokyo) is unaffected and unmoved by his pain. He understands people, but only forms so called "temporary bonds" with them; is numb to his own heart and treats everyone the same (so everyone is special to him by design - thus noone stands out, but this changes within the series).
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This manga has one of the best and most "never forgetting" endings I've ever seen in media. 7 volumes long which is not much but leaves the impression for a quite some time.
In conclusion:
So all in all, TRC was my first Clamp manga but I'd say go for xxxholic or Tokyo Babylon since in my personal opinion, as well as judging by a narrative and messages those two are the best. The difference is that xxxholic has that slow slow pacing that kinda lures you into that emptiness of reality and depression like state, kinda like the tarots hanged man card - slow burn waiting for your own metamorphosis, stuck in a loop unable to move on until something within changes. Tokyo Babylon experience is full tarot tower one - you walk down the street and it starts storming and raining and it never crossed your mind that you might be struck by the lighting and next thing you know you're hit by one.
Hope I was helpful :D
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kitsunefyuu · 2 years
Dad for One and the Ship thesis
Sample Size of true believers: 40
Unsure DFO: 4
Ship Categories:
TDDK: 25 (DFO believers) Plus 2 (Unsure DFO believers)
IzuOcha: 14 (DFO Believers) Plus 1 (Unsure)
BakuDeku: 6 (DFO believers) Plus 1 (Unsure)
ShinDeku:15 (DFO Believers)
AoDeku/Dekuyama: 10 (DFO Believers)
I wish there had been more samples but honestly this is what I suspected. While you all were probably thinking this is to find the most popular ship-  Note some do over lap because I made the TERRIBLE mistake of not clarifying only two ships. So if they don’t add up- That’s why oppsie.
I narrowed it down to five popular ships. As honestly I was trying to find out the least popular ship that usually very popular. It was to find out which ship happens to have the weakest in this and actually there were some very interesting comments.
A lot of BKDK ships mentioned not keeping up or just being tired of TDDK but the thing is Bakudeku is the most popular ship on tumblr. Which seems to imply if they kept up with the series it possibly it might change IF kept to the DFO theory. So I have some thoughts of how most DFO seem to perceive this specific ship.
I only counted those that were 100% believers since that is what is relevent to the topic. So those that don’t want it canon nor believe in it aren’t counted but those unsure were semi-counted.
Note I am not a professional I am someone who took AP Psychology and got a scholarship for it but that’s it. I’m no actual psychologist or scientist. This is also just my thoughts and should not be the end all be all. All ships are valid.
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Now how can ships be related to Izuku’s dad being All for One you ask? Especially if kept with the chapters?
Lack of BakuDeku in DFO:
Actually a lot, because the implications of AFO being Izuku’s dad also means was in close proximity to Bakugo. That he watched and probably grew a special hatred to him. I mean this man got one of the childhood ‘friends’ and turned into a Nomu. Rest in Peace Tsubasa you were literally a child.
It only because of Izuku’s constant proximity that Bakugo wasn’t taken out. Now you think, wouldn’t that mean people ship it more since Izuku’s protecting him?
Actually, it’s the opposite! Because of Bakugou’s bullying constantly along with Izuku trying so hard to fit in to be friends it actually be terrible if suddenly disappeared. He wasn’t purposely protecting him it was literally the circumstances that protected him. Think of it from the point of view of a parent watching someone bully your kid and unable to do anything.
Everyone follows to Bakugou’s beat, he’s the leader, the cool kid, the prodigy. Do you think they would just ‘stop’ bullying Izuku when he’s gone? Hell no, now there is no ‘leader’ to construct how to bully and it could get worst. While Izuku might have become traumatized because the one he admires is gone.
Izuku is a quirkless kid and Bakugou may be a little monster but he is likely what keeps others from doing worst. Despite being the little bastard that started it.
But also, Izuku DOES admire him. He wants to surpass him and taking him out would do nothing but hurt him.
Most DFO Believers that don’t like Bakugou are begrudgingly dealing with the ‘perfect’ boy Bakugo like All for One is. Izuku admiration isn’t something that is ignored we all are aware and see that but we also can’t ignore the ten years of verbal abuse and bullying either. So in a weird way All for One is also a good way to channel that disgust without hating on him.
As how it seems Bakugo can never do anything wrong. Everyone loves him, in the manga, outside the manga, the damn classmates! He’s ridiculously talented while Izuku has to work super hard for everything he does. Bakugou never deals with consequences for his action and all we ever got was a Sorry when IZUKU is already feeling like crap as a vigilante.
Honestly I love Bakugou as a character but I can’t ship him with Izuku because of these specific issues. The only problem he had was with All Might having to save him, but that isn’t even his fault. Believing in DFO is also having to deal with the idea that the man would probably be trying to murder Katsuki out of a ‘fatherly’ desire to protect his kid.
However, for some maybe they enjoy that dramatic. The Dad unable to forgive the bully even if just reforms can be a interesting shipping dynamic. But it definitely not a popular one if you see if from a parents perspective. But for those younger or more wild in their shipping that sounds like a good time and why people could ship it even in a DFO setting!
But believing in DFO is also acknowledging there a eldritch like villain that would very much kill Bakugou Katsuki in a more personal horrific sense. Which might not be someone cup of tea.
The most popular ships are Tododeku. With ShinDeku and IzuOcha behind but what do they have in common?
They all have GOOD relations with Izuku. There is no animosity between them, history or anything and they get along genuinely. There is no bad blood and Izuku has actively shown to enjoy being around them.
This shows that they want Izuku to be happy, they want him to be with someone without that history. The reason Todoroki is most popular is BECAUSE of his own family issues. Shoto Todoroki had a very abusive father in Endeavor who pushed him harder then most when was so small till he puked.
What cemented his popularity is during the fight, Izuku could have won. No seriously if he went all out could have punched Shoto RIGHT out of the field before could have realized it. But instead he dragged it out trying to get him to turn on his fire and he SUCCEEDED.
He made him lose his fire and Shoto smiled because in that moment he forgot his father. This is similar to ShinDeku but Deku didn’t break his bones for him like did with Shoto and did beat his ass.
Many can see the charm of Shoto ride or die personality coming through when his dad is revealed. That he could looks at Izuku and say he is nothing like his dad and mean it. Because Izuku is the one that TAUGHT him that.
Actually it also why Shinsou popular because Izuku did help him to become a hero in that fight. Can see why todoshindeku is popular.
The other Popular ships is IzuOcha is also built on the idea of they just want Izuku to be happy. To be with someone soft who can take care of him and while many likes TDDK they are ok if he ends up with Ochaco. Because she is a really sweet person who would treat him right.
If I had a bigger sample I suspected there be a lot more people with this ship but as it stands my sample is small. Tho can see many who aren’t big shippers do seem to like it too. Since they are very ‘canonly’ even if they have different ships preferred.
These are the ships that a All for One would approve of if wasn’t being evil and all. Haha!
Some Honorable mentions, Shigaraki & Deku. There aren’t many but some like the hero/villain dynamic and drama that entails. 
Tho I can only imagine how awkward AFO would be having to pretend he totally doesn’t know Deku. He has no idea what you’re talking about-
Now AoDeku:
While it definitely jumped up in popularity it not as popular as I suspected. Note I couldn’t include every ships so tried to pick ones that people called special attention toward and this is one.
Now this is interesting because if you believe in Dad for One oh boy! That is a fun ride because this big scary supervillain forced this kid to watch Izuku. 
This kid likely has no idea WHY or for what purpose he is to be sent to this school. Also if Izuku looks like AFO is likely stressed wondering if is his kid but no way is he going to ask. While Izuku just happily thinking they are friends.
That is a GREAT dynamic. It like having a boyfriend/friend that your dad paid to hang out with you and the drama.
It can also be quite cute because Aoyama isn’t really a bad person he was just forced to do bad things. While not as popular as the TDDK I can say the potential it has is likely why it’s quite popular in the DFO fandom.
This experiment was mostly to see if the most popular ship on tumblr BakuDeku was also in the DFO community. The fact it isn’t and most people that ship that seem either iffy or just not believers seems to show either they don’t want to think too hard about the DFO connection. Or because looking into DFO also dissects the traits of Izuku, it shows that a lot of insecurities is from the bullying it might discourage people.
It’s hard to tell and likely because I should have also asked why they like a ship how it would fit with a DFO belief.
While the most popular ships ironically don’t have as much drama or bad blood so can focus more on dealing with evil as heck father. Rather then any baggage between them along with over protective dad.
Also, everyone just REALLY likes the solidarity of our Dad sucks! That would occur between Shoto and Izuku.
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Whumptober Day 1 - Bound
Whumptober Day 1 - Bound by konan konan
“He's six,” Tomura yells, and Midoriya damn near falls out of his chair. “He's, you can't hurt him, okay? He's just a little kid. Hana, she…”
She was six, he thinks, when I… When she…
And something about Sensei's expression changes. He reaches up and pulls off his breathing mask, leaning towards the camera. “What would you do with him, Tomura? He is unwanted by society. He came to Dr. Garaki broken, and in pain, and we decided to take him in, help him… You should know that change is not painless.”
“I'm not going to let you hurt him,” Tomura mutters.
Words: 2243, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of Whumptober 2021
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Gen
Characters: Sensei | All For One, Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Dr. Tsubasa, Garaki Kyuudai | Ujiko Daruma
Relationships: Midoriya Izuku & Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Sensei | All For One & Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko
Additional Tags: Garaki Kyuudai | Ujiko Daruma is Dr. Tsubasa, Hurt Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku Whump, Amputation, off-screen amputation, Good Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, well... kinda., Timeline What Timeline, making timeline changes to capitalize on Feels(tm), Mentioned Shimura Hana, Shimura Hana is younger than Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko is a Brat, Muzzles, Restraints, Whump, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Whumptober 2021, Whumptober, mild body horror, Protective Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Quirkless Midoriya Izuku, Young Midoriya Izuku, Young Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, izuku is 6 and tomura is around 10, Midoriya Izuku & Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko Friendship, Traumatized Midoriya Izuku, Kidnapping, Kidnapped Midoriya Izuku, Medical Experimentation, Human Experimentation, Implied/Referenced Torture, Ambiguous/Open Ending, Names, Name Changes, Identity Issues
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/34261552
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everythingsinred · 3 years
Let's Talk About NatsuMikan: Natsume (pt. 22)
Today we'll talk about the Time-Travel Arc. Obviously, the focus in that arc is Yuka's past, so there's going to be a lot of content that I'll skip unless it's relevant to NatsuMikan. What ship/character content there is I will dissect heavily. This is just a warning that I'll be skipping even five or so chapters at time, and it might seem jarring. Sorry about that.
In this part, we'll see how Natsume and Mikan are in many ways fated, but also how selfless Natsume can be, even in the face of losing the person he loves the most forever. He's going to keep his promise to protect her no matter what happens, even if it means never seeing her again.
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Chapter One Hundred and Seven
For most of this arc, Natsume and the others are merely observers of Yuka’s past. They keep the talking and interaction to a minimum. There will be some instances where Natsume does enough for me to be able to analyze him, but they’re limited to start with.
For example, when Tsubasa, Tono, and Nobara are finally able to join them, there’s a dramatic reunion.
Nobody has seen Tsubasa in some time, and his whereabouts were a mystery. Obviously he shares a meaningful embrace with Mikan, but he also makes eye contact with Natsume, who looks shocked and relieved to see him again, even if he wasn’t the one to find him. Tsubasa knows Natsume had searched tirelessly for him, so he apologizes for making Natsume and the others worry. For a moment, it almost seems as though maybe they will share the next reunion hug. But to show that everything truly is back to normal, Natsume’s demeanor shifts and he gets annoyed with Tsubasa for hugging Mikan for so long.
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Thinking really hard about Natsume's love languages: nicknames, being willing to die for you one second and then pretending like you're a nuisance the next, never giving compliments so they hit like a brick when he does, just hanging around you, and physical touch.
Natsume doesn’t know how to show feelings properly. With Ruka, he can be more openly affectionate and loving, and now with Mikan he has recently (today) had the opportunity to be more honest about his feelings, but Tsubasa is different. For a very long time, he has pretended like Tsubasa was nothing more than a nuisance. Suddenly being honest with everyone would be tiresome. Besides, Tsubasa already knows that Natsume cares, since he struggled so much to find him.
If you want to hug somebody, Natsume says (or doesn’t say… this conversation seems to all be telepathic), go hug Misaki. Not my girl. It hardly matters that Misaki isn’t around and that idea is impossible to make a reality. So Tsubasa naturally shoots back that he will simply pretend Mikan is Misaki.
Natsume is a good person, as we have seen over the course of the manga. When he loves someone, he loves hard and with his whole chest. He doesn’t half-ass his feelings. Despite his occasional bouts into saying something kind and heartfelt, he is and always has been naturally a bit more reserved. His personality is one to withhold a little, and to interact with people through teases. Even at his most free, before he came to the academy, he would tease and insult before saying something sweet. His love will always be something that needs to be interpreted, because he hates being open about why he’s doing the selfless things he is. If he is too open, then people will know and then they might feel guilty or like they owe him something. He doesn’t want that. Another thing is that he just likes having fun with his friends and loved ones this way, with occasional taunts and teases. That’s just the kind of person he is.
Chapter One Hundred and Nine
We get introduced to Igarashi Kaoru, an upperclassman of Yuka’s and a mysterious figure. Yuka first met her in a compromising position, when she’s about to sleep with a boy who we will later find out is Natsume’s father. She looks very much like a more grown up, female version of Natsume, and they seem to have a lot in common when it comes to their basic personality.
Just like Natsume, Kaoru can be serious-minded and doesn’t take any shit. She’s also like him in that she shows affection through teasing.
Mikan, in this chapter, finally asks who this Igarashi person is, since she looks so familiar. Natsume sarcastically says, “Heaven knows.” I’m sure he wasn’t actually expecting to see his mother in these flashbacks. She died when she was very young and as a result she didn’t have the opportunity to talk much about Yuka. It must be a surprise to see that she played such an active role in Mikan’s mother’s life.
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Heaven knows. Get it. 'Cause she's dead. Hahahaha.
To everyone else, it’s obvious that the Igarashi person is related to Natsume. Ruka might even directly recognize her from the painting he saw at the Hyuuga house that one time, but either way they look and act so similarly that it’s apparent to everyone but Mikan.
In any case, Natsume is seeing more of his mother than he ever has before. He knows very little about her, since she died when he was so small. He couldn’t have many conversations with her and he spent more time mourning and missing her than actually being with her. Not only is Mikan getting the chance to know the mother that was a mystery to her for her whole life, but Natsume is too. This is also his chance to discover his mother and get to know her, and it’s just his luck that Yuka and Kaoru actually had a strong bond.
After Kaoru intimidates Yuka at the Hana Hime den, Mikan and the gang react to the shocking scene. Kaoru is a force to reckon with, and Noda comments on how this force and tough love helped Yuka find strength in herself and confidence in her own alice.
Ruka insists on knowing more about Kaoru, and since everyone but Mikan seems to get that Kaoru is Natsume’s mother, we can see that Ruka is asking for Natsume. Natsume won’t ask. This is about Yuka, after all, and about Mikan. Natsume will see what he will of his mother insofar as she’s in Yuka’s life. Beyond that, he won’t ask for anything. Ruka knows this, so he asks instead. He wants to know about Natsume too, and what better way than to learn about the woman who seems to have so much in common with him? Natsume is touched that Ruka would go out of his way to ask a question Natsume will not ask.
Noda answers that Kaoru and Yuka will become best friends after this, and Mikan is shocked. How could someone so scary be Yuka’s best friend? But Noda explains: Kaoru has a compassionate and caring heart behind her cold front, just like Natsume, and Yuka could rely on her, even in her darkest moments. Yuka wouldn’t have gained confidence in her alice the way she did without Kaoru by her side.
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That is a really fucking long red string!
And then Noda says it so even Mikan can tell now, that Natsume’s mother has always been beloved and a truly amazing person.
Chapter One Hundred and Ten
Noda further explains about Kaoru. She used her alice to spy on the academy for the HSP, and then after she graduated she continued to use her alice to expose corruption. She was deeply committed to doing the right thing and holding the academy responsible, and this commitment was inspiring to Yuka as well, who went down the path she did for the same reasons.
Somehow, their children met at the academy by pure chance, and are standing side by side now.
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Here they are, standing together and in love with each other. Fate is a silly thing.
They are fated somehow. The same red string that tied Kaoru to Yuka now ties Natsume to Mikan. In fact, it’s his love for her that motivated him to go against the academy, more than his own misfortune or the wellbeing of other students or even because it was the right thing to do. The strong bond between their mothers now lingers between them, but differently, and maybe even stronger.
Natsume and Mikan are holding hands, looking at each other. Were they always meant to meet? To be together? Nothing is said out loud, but it’s apparent that they’re both thinking about their moms’ past and what exactly it means for their future.
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Perhaps there's a difference between fated to fall in love and fated to be together.
Chapter One Hundred and Sixteen
Lots of chapters are getting skipped because there simply isn’t enough content, if any, of Natsume, not to mention NatsuMikan specifically.
Izumi is about to die, and everyone knows it as they watch. Mikan has just returned from falling through the time window. She wanted to warn her father, but Tsubasa was able to bring her back without much changing. Natsume immediately goes to Mikan’s side when she is safely returned and doesn’t leave. He holds her hand because what she’s about to witness will be deeply traumatizing and he knows that she will suffer all the more because she wasn’t able to stop it.
Everything happens as it is meant to, perhaps. Izumi is dying from Rei’s alice, since his own nullification can’t fight against Rei when he uses so much power at once.
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I don't have anything clever to say here. He just loves her so much.
Mikan is distraught, and although Natsume first just tries to keep her from approaching the window again, once he sees her crying, despairing face, he shifts. All he’s ever wanted to do was keep her happy, keep her from sinking into even a fraction of the darkness he’s had to live in. It hasn’t always been easy, because Mikan was also destined to suffer, just like him.
Everyone else is pleading with Noda to get them out of the hole, to stop the flashbacks, but Noda can’t. The window is too turbulent and any moves on his part might be dangerous.
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Protecting her no matter what doesn't only mean protecting her from physical harm, it means protecting her from seeing horrible things that she shouldn't have to see, like the death of her father.
So Natsume holds Mikan close. It is the only thing he can do, to tell her not to look and to hug her. She doesn’t need to see anymore. Natsume doesn’t just want to protect her physical safety but her mental and emotional well-being as well. He fell in love with a girl who always looks on the bright side, who is so optimistic and kind that her cheerfulness bleeds into everyone else. From the start, he was concerned that if her life darkened, her own light would fade and become tarnished.
But Natsume doesn’t need her to always smile. He just wants to protect her the best he can. If she needs to cry, then she can cry on him. He will hold her and support her and comfort her. She can’t always be happy, but all he’s ever wanted was to be there for her when she can’t be. When she needs to crumble a little, he will be there for her, because she would do the same. She comforted him too, even if she never knew she was doing it. It's not about having her be happy all the time, just minimizing the trauma. He can't protect her from all of it. Everything else is more powerful than he is. He can't keep her ignorant and blissful forever. Nobody can. But if they can't escape the flashback, then he will keep her from looking.
He can do this openly now, so he does. He wants her to know that she can rely on him and seek comfort from him. No matter what happens, he will be there for her.
So as Izumi dies, Natsume and Mikan aren’t looking. She doesn’t need to see. He keeps his focus on her, to support her, because she has to process a deeply traumatic event in a very short time. After all, the flashbacks are still going. Time didn’t stop for Yuka, and it won’t stop for Mikan.
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Natsume’s shirt is probably soaked with tears. Not that he cares.
He holds her, not just through Izumi’s death, but for most of the aftermath. He stays, holding her, for as long as she needs him to. He will only let go when she’s okay to stand again. He ends up holding her for a couple chapters, and even when they stop hugging he still holds her up. He'd hold her for hours if she needed it.
Natsume and Mikan learned that their mothers were besties and are now struck with the knowledge that by pure chance they managed to meet and become as close as they did. Natsume confessed to the whole DA class (including Mikan) that he loves her in the last part, and he's done nothing but prove it over and over again.
We'll wrap up what is left of NatsuMikan in the Time-Travel Arc next week on Monday. His low self-esteem, selflessness, and all-consuming love will all take center stage in the next few entries.
Thank you all so much for reading so far. I hope you have a lovely day!
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ragingstillness · 5 years
Describe anime badly
Bungo Stray Dogs: Famous Authors are all Gay and we been knew
Fullmetal Alchemist: Smol Amputee accidentally takes down the government
xxxholic: Yuuko’s legs are longer than Watanuki’s tolerance for bullshit
Code Geass: Boy with eye transplant takes down the government, on purpose this time, becomes the government, then takes down the government again
Mob Psycho 100: Quest for self improvement goes horribly wrong
The Promised Neverland: If you do not have trauma some will be provided for you
One Punch Man: depressed adult adopts a robot 
Attack on titan: you wanted nudity but not this
Tokyo Ghoul: coffee is the food of monsters
Food Wars: rt if you like being hungry and uncomfortable at the same time
Bleach: large groups of men have sword measuring contests
One Piece: what if the preacher kid from the fourth pirates movie was the captain of the black pearl?
Death note: teenagers scare the living shit out of me
Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki Kun: real life self insert
Pokemon: what if you could take your pets with you everywhere
Soul eater: teens bond over worshipping death
Little Witch Academia: Harry Potter for adorable girls 
Baccano: Doctor Who with mafiosos
Durarara: city so filled with crime it’s amazing people still live there
Hellsing: Ever wondered if Dracula was antifa? Turns out, he is. 
Fairy Tail: Friendship! Dead Parents! Dragons! Boobs! More friendship! 
Kimi ni Todoke: Having a crush in high school simulator 
Free!: swim team described by someone who’s never been on a swim team
Yuri On Ice: gay seratonin on ice 
Noragami: God is a homeless bum
Ao no exorcist: teenage rebellion might not have been a good idea 
Another: the hunger games for middle schoolers
Death Parade: you can drink in purgatory 
Assassination classroom: never thought a tentacle monster would make you cry did you?
Deadman wonderland: wrongful imprisonment 
Overlord: gamer boy dedicates his life to topping the leaderboards...oh and mercilessly killing people
Black Butler: since when can twelve year olds sign legally binding contracts?
Ouran High School host club: smooth genderfluid protagonist has their choice of the handsomest men and the prettiest women and somehow gets both
Black Lagoon: male Elizabeth Swan meets female Barbossa 
Dangonronpa the animation: it’s really not worth it to leave school early
Mushishi: fall asleep to people being dumb about magic
Ben-to: ever wanted to fist fight someone in a grocery store? Now you can
Classicaloid: man discovers cloning only to use for stupidest reason ever
Steins;gate: Groundhog Day but somehow more fucked up
Castlevania, the animation: fantasy throuple goals
Akikan: congrats, you no longer have to choose between your girlfriend and your love for a cold one
Erased: childhood take two somehow more traumatic than the first
Grand Blue Dreaming: fish-scented hijinks
Demon slayer: traveling with children in suitcases
Serial experiments lain: the evil baby of a physics degree and a computer science degree with some philosophy for flavor
Cardcaptor Sakura: who gave this child a job?
K-ON!: if band kids were cool
D N Angel: must be gay to play
Tsubasa: RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE: the clamp cinematic universe
Skip Beat!: what people who don’t live in LA think LA is
Maid-sama!: blackmail + frills = love?
Baka and Test: an arcade game but make it anime
The Devil is a Part-Timer: I think this title explains itself
Angelic Layer: Lego League on steroids
Princess Jellyfish: what happens when you let only autistic people rent apartments
Prince of Tennis: it’s middle school tennis, chill out
Yu-Gi-Oh (4Kids version): watch as I point my finger at you aggressively
Yu-Gi-Oh zero: the Saw franchise but make it Squid Game
Is it wrong to pick up girls in a dungeon?: yes.
Arakawa under the bridge: trendy homelessness
The Way of the Househusband: male-wife has never been so accurate
Library Wars: if ardent readers formed a militia
Shaman King: I see dead people
Rave Master: that sword is taller than you are son
Magic Knight Rayearth: magical girls with galactic stakes
Rosen Maiden: Victorian Chucky
Shugo Chara: childhood development simulator, also eggs
Vampire Game: genderfluidity off its fucking rocker
Two Flowers for the Dragon: Love Triangle but your gf might eat you
My Next Life as a Villainess: the dictionary entry for ‘clueless bisexual’
Yamada-kun and the Seven Witches: kiss kiss turn into a witch
Violet Evergarden: cyborgs can get ptsd too
Moriarty the Patriot: the gayest Sherlock Holmes adaptation you’ve ever seen and that’s saying something
Cells at Work: we finally did it, we anthropomorphized the human body
Don’t Mess with Eizoken: if only entry level jobs were this easy to find
+anima: trauma, but at least you get to be part bird now
The Disastrous Life of Saiki K: high school surprisingly cool with kid with antennae on his head
D.Gray-man: the exorcist but cool
Tegami Bachi: “Neither snow, nor rain, nor heat, nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds."
Blood Lad: the resurrection of Christ vampire edition
Kitchen Princess: 2000s rom-com that also makes you hungry
Kamisama Kiss: god is a homeless bum take two
Teasing Master Takagi-San: puppy love simulator
Pandora Hearts: Alice in Wonderland but no fun at all
The Earl and the Fairy: Rudolph but people
Lovely complex: we stan short kings in this house
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five-rivers · 4 years
Long Night in the Valley Chapter 11
“Where are you going?” demanded Shigaraki, scratching his neck in agitation. 
Touya Dabi looked lazily over his shoulder.  “I’ve got something to do in town.  Might as well avoid a second trip, right?  You all go on back.”
“Aw, Dabi, you’re ditching us?” asked Toga.
“Yup.  See you back at base.  Let me know if you manage to wear down the giant, ‘kay?”
“Wait, wait, does that mean—Does that mean he has a way to get out past all these guys unnoticed?  Pfft that guy doesn’t know anything!  What are you talking about?  You’re gonna get caught, Dabi!”
Dabi ignored Twice, just giving the League of Villains a lazy wave over his shoulder before making his way down off the roof via the fire escape. 
Yeah.  He had a way out.  More importantly, he had some curiosity to satisfy and chaos to sow.
Time to bother a certain little birdy…
Hawks was in the middle of directing the clean-up team when he got a text.  From a contact labeled ‘boyfriend.’ 
The person in question was not, in fact his boyfriend.  Why, then, did he have him labeled thusly?
Because the person calling him was, in fact, the villain he was milking for information, and that did not fit well into a contact list.  On top of being suspicious. 
(Oh, and he lived in anticipation of the moment someone noticed the name of the contact and reported it to the press, causing his expensive commission-funded PR team to drown in delusional fangirls.  It was the little things in life that made it worth living…)
(In his opinion, they deserved it for making him go through with that frankly traumatic series of photoshoots right after he turned eighteen.)
Hawks…  Considered ignoring the call.  Today, to be honest, had sucked.  He’d been informed the former #1 hero had been kidnapped, ordered to hunt down a (questionably innocent) teenager, and lost a fight with said teenager.  Adding pretend terrorism to that might just be the straw that broke the camel’s back. 
Except…  People’s lives depended on the intelligence he was collecting.  He retreated to the shadows of a nearby alley and answered the phone. 
“I’m sort of busy right now,” he said. 
“Yeah?  Busy getting your teeth kicked in by All Might Junior?” Dabi cackled. 
“If you called just to make fun of me, I’m hanging up.”
“Do you really think I’m that petty?”
“Yes,” said Hawks. 
“Aww, that burns, chicken wing.  What if I told you I had a tip?”
“Oh, yeah?” asked Hawks.  “About what?”
“C’mon, you know you have to pay for it.”
Hawks covered the phone receiver while he sighed.  “What do you want?” he asked, more composed. 
“Just a ride out of town.  Didn’t think you guys would be this antsy today.  Did the kid kick your hill over, too?”
If Hawks had been religious, he’d be praying for patience. 
“Just you, or are your friends here, too?” asked Hawks as he tapped in a Heronet request for everyone to be on the lookout for the league of villains on his other phone.  “I can give everyone a ride.”
“Nah, just l’il ol’ me,” said Dabi. 
Yeah.  Hawks hadn’t expected Dabi to own up to his crew being in town.  Even if they were. 
“I’ll see what I can do,” said Hawks, texting the hero commission.  Maybe they’d see fit to cut their losses as far as the spy gig went and—Nope, they were approving his request regarding Dabi.  “What about that tip?”
“Here’s half of it,” said Dabi.  “Get your guys to scrape some of the runt’s blood off the sidewalk and run a DNA test on it.  I hear he’s related to someone interesting.”
Hawks closed his eyes.  If Midoriya was related to All for One, it would be the metaphorical nail in the coffin for him.  Having your life and future ruined because of who your parents were…  Hawks hadn’t exactly experienced something like that, but he’d felt the fear of it for quite some time.  
(Despite everything, he still wanted to be a hero.)
“Thanks, for the heads up, dude.  Where should I pick you up?”
“You really need to check in on your safehouses more often,” said Izuku as Toshinori reapplied the bandages around his ankle.
“I know.  I was busy.  I’m sorry.  I haven’t exactly been helpful in all of this, have I?”
“I would have been caught within the hour, if you didn’t pick me up,” said Izuku.  “I wasn’t in my right mind.  But what now?”
“We can still go to Deika, I suppose,” said Toshinori.  “We just, ah…”  He looked up at Gigantomachia and Izuku followed his gaze with a wince. 
Yeah.  That wasn’t going to fly in any reasonably populous area. 
As he watched, Machia pulled a small box out from beneath his shirt.  Izuku blinked.  That was a two-way radio. 
Gigantomachia pressed a button, and the radio crackled to life.  “DOCTOR!” shouted Gigantomachia.  “I HAVE FOUND THE LITTLE LORD AND HIS FRIEND.  WHAT SHOULD I DO?”
Izuku tensed.  He and Toshinori should have realized Machia would have some way of communicating with the doctor.  After all, he’d said something along the lines of ‘call the doctor’ earlier. 
Sure, both Izuku and Toshinori were injured, exhausted, and distracted by events playing out inside their heads, but just because a mistake was understandable didn’t mean it was forgivable.  Or survivable. 
The radio crackled with static.  No response.
Izuku let out a sigh of relief as Machia repeatedly tried to raise the doctor on the other end of the line before breaking down in tears. 
“Are- Are you sure we shouldn’t pull over, Dr. Tsubasa?  Your phone is going off an awful lot.”
“I’ve been getting a lot of prank calls lately,” said Garaki, knuckles white around the steering wheel.  “I’m sure it’s nothing.”
He was, in fact, quite sure it wasn’t nothing.  But he couldn’t take a call from the League of Villains, or even Machia, with Midoriya Inko in the car. 
He checked his GPS.  Yes, Machia was staying still, which probably meant that he had Midoriya Izuku.  Hopefully, he had already disposed of All Might, and could, therefore, devote his energy to keeping the Midoriyas from escaping and Midoriya Inko from attempting to kill Garaki once they arrived.  And—
No, he was moving again.  Curse the creature.  How hard could it be to keep one teenager in place?
True, the teenager was the son of All for One and starting to grow into his terrifying legacy, but really. 
“And you’re sure your friend will help us keep Izuku from being arrested?” asked Inko.  She had been asking him some version of this question every few minutes since they got in the car.
“Quite sure,” said Garaki.  He had been giving some version of this answer every few minutes since they got in the car.
“Is he… a lawyer of some kind?”
The picture of Gigantomachia as a lawyer was so incongruous that Garaki flinched and nearly drove off the road. 
“No,” he said, perfectly calmly, not at all freaking out over what All for One would do to him if he involved Inko in a car accident.  He laughed nervously.  Oh, he’d better hope the accident killed him.  Goodness. 
“You have your driver’s license, right?” asked Inko.
“Yes,” said Garaki.  His phone started buzzing again.  He ignored it in favor of checking the GPS again. 
Oh, dear.  He knew where Machia was going. 
This could be… interesting.  He glanced at Inko.  Very interesting.
At least he knew how to get there.
“I’m just saying,” said Izuku, who had been relieved far too early in the game.  “I really, really don’t get along with Shigaraki Tomura.  I think we should probably not go anywhere near him.  It’s a really bad idea.”
“But he can call the doctor for you!” said Machia, excitedly as he bounded through the forest.  “Then you can be better, Little Lord!  All fixed up!”
Again, that did not make Izuku feel better.  He squirmed against Machia’s arms. 
None of the League of Villains were bad at sneaking.  In fact, they were all quite good at it. 
However, they’d come into the city with the expectation that they would have a quick getaway courtesy of the doctor if anything went wrong.  Which they no longer had.  Because he was ‘not in his lab’ and ‘busy.’  Self-important NPC…  until the noumu got up and running, his whole point was to provide fast travel. 
Anyway.  Between being unexpectedly stranded and the stupidly huge numbers of heroes out looking for the cauliflower brat aka player two (Tomura didn’t have any proof he was actually Sensei’s kid, and until then…), they were going into this stealth mission with serious handicaps. 
(With Dabi gone something like ninety-nine percent of that handicap was Twice and his inability to walk around like a normal person.  Tomura had left his hands at home and Compress just had to take off his mask.  Toga would have the easiest time of it, Tomura could admit, because she just had to shank someone.)
“I hate to say it,” said Mr. Compress, “but I think our burnt friend might have the right idea.  Splitting up will give us better chances.”
“No way,” whined Toga.  “We’ve got to stick together.  Right, boss man?”  She hugged Tomura’s arm until he pushed her off with his knuckles. 
“There’s a car down there with the keys still in the ignition,” said Twice, pointing down into an alley.
They all leaned over the side of the roof to look at the car.  It was old-fashioned.  Antique, even.  Someone clearly put a lot of care into keeping it clean and running. 
The keys were, indeed, still in the ignition. 
“A sting?” suggested Mr. Compress, uncertainly. 
“Nah, they don’t use cars like that for stings in this city,” said Tomura, revising his opinion on whether or not Twice was a handicap.  “They use, like, sports cars.  Who here can drive?”
“I don’t have a license,” said Toga.  “I was too young when I ran away from home.”
“I didn’t ask who had a license.  I asked who can drive.”
“I can drive—Badly!—I drive fine.  Hardly ever crashed—depends what you mean by ‘crash.’”
Tomura scratched his neck.  He wasn’t touching that with a ten-foot pole.  “Compress, tell me you can drive.”
“I never learned how to use a stick shift.”
He pulled his bloody fingernails away from his neck.  “Okay.  Here’s the deal.  Twice, if you crash us, I’ll kill you.”
“Sure thing, boss!” said Twice, saluting.  “Not if I kill you first, jerkface!”
This was going to be a long drive.
“We’ve got a new message from the HSPC,” said the producer, sliding a piece of paper onto the presenter’s desk.  “Read that as soon as we come off the commercials, okay?”
“Got it,” said the presenter, putting her headphones back on.  She read the notice. 
Members of the league of villains have been sighted in Musutafu and are believed to be present in connection with the kidnapping of Yagi Toshinori, also known as All Might.  Please exercise caution…
The commission investigators had been waiting for at least half an hour before any of the UA staff even deigned to greet them.
“It’s about time,” said Abe. 
“Sorry,” said the teacher waving.  “You can’t come in.”
“Excuse me?”
“The campus is on lockdown because of what happened at the testing center,” explained the teacher.  “We can’t open the gates without Nezu’s authorization, and he was called away to deal with an emergency.”
“What,” said Ito, dropping his cigarette and grind it under his heel.  “Seriously?  This is the emergency.  One of your own teachers got kidnapped.  All Might got kidnapped.  Don’t you care?”
The teacher snorted.  Abe and Ito stared at him through the bars of the fence, taken aback. 
“I’m sorry, it’s just—”  The man snickered again.  “Midoriya kidnapping Yagi.  That’s certainly an image.”
“Midoriya is a trained in combat and has three dangerous quirks.  All Might can’t even use his one anymore.”
“Yes, yes, I’m not saying it’s physically impossible.  But—”  He started laughing.  “Possible and likely are two different things.  Excuse me.  I never introduced myself.  I’m Lunch Rush, and if you ever saw those two at lunch time together, you’d have a very clear picture of why this whole situation is absurd.”
“Maybe you can show us the tapes, then,” said Abe.  “After you let us in.”
“No, sir, I’m afraid I can’t.  Even if I had access to them, there are students in those videos!”
“Minors, you see.  Without written parental permission or a court order we can’t show them to anyone not affiliated with the school.  Now, I must be going.  I have a culinary arts class to teach!”
He was still chuckling as he walked away.  “Midoriya kidnapping Yagi, oh ho, I knew I’d get a kick out of actually hearing someone say that seriously…”
“Wow,” said Twice, “this car gets terrible gas mileage.”
“Are we going to run out?” asked Toga.  “That’ll be exciting!  I’ll have to flag down some generous motorist to give us a lift~”
“Yes!  Not soon!”
Compress leaned forward from the back seat and started fiddling with the radio, barely staying on each channel long enough to tell if they were playing music or news.
Tomura groaned and covered his face with his hand.  He contemplated whether it was worth letting his pinky drop just to escape this. 
“… League of Villains?” 
Compress stopped changing channels.
“They’ve been saying it all along.  I know it’s hard to believe that UA could miss something like this, something like a traitor, but it’s just facts.  The League’s presence in Musutafu confirms it.  He kidnapped All Might for them”
“It all seems awfully coincidental, though, and the commission isn’t showing us any pictures—How do we know for sure the League is in the city?  For that matter, if the League is really involved, how do we know Midoriya Izuku isn’t just another victim?  We never got a full tally of their members.  They could have someone with a, I don’t know, a brainwashing quirk.”
“Yumi, you really need to lay off the late-night conspiracy theories.  We can trust the hero commissioookkkhhh—”
The radio died horribly as Tomura decayed it out of console.
“I am going to commit murder,” said Tomura.  How did this always happen?  How was it always this attention-grabbing, kill-stealing little—
“I guess we have time for a pit stop.  No, we don’t!”
“Don’t you dare stop this car until we’re back at base,” growled Tomura.  He took a deep breath that really wasn’t calming at all. 
“I kind of have, to, I mean, road signs and all…  Uh.”
“We’re villains, dude,” said Spinner.  “You can break a few traffic laws.”
“Hell ye—Not if we want to live.”
“You can follow the traffic signs,” allowed Tomura.  He leaned back his seat, ignoring Mr. Compress’s complaint about squished legs. 
Player two.  Finishing the tutorial and then blazing through a quest like that.  Crazy OP character build. 
He still wanted player two in his party.  He also wanted to knock the brat so far off the leaderboard that he’d never play the game again. 
These were, Tomura acknowledged, somewhat conflicting desires.  He was, at the moment, leaning toward the second, but the first would give him ongoing dominance which would be incredibly satisfying. 
If player two really was Sensei’s kid…
Then Tomura… He’d be like… a big brother.   An older sibling. 
That felt… weird.  But also weirdly like something he wanted.  Ugh, it sounded like a pain.  Stupid story-mode side quest with garbage rewards, except the garbage rewards were the best rewards. 
He hadn’t built his character for social interactions.  He was combat class, high DPS. 
Why couldn’t things just be simple?  Why couldn’t he just destroy what he wanted?
“Heyyyy!” squealed Toga.  “It’s a McDonalds!  We could get murder and fries.”
“Do.  Not.  Stop.  The car.”
Machia thundered into the abandoned quarry with all the enthusiasm of a deranged puppy. 
“This is Shigaraki Tomura’s secret hide out!” proclaimed the giant, setting a windswept Izuku and Toshinori down in front of a crumbling, half-collapsed building.  He beamed proudly.  “SHIGARAKI TOMURA!” he screamed at the building, frightening away the few brave birds in the quarry that had yet to leave.
No one came out.  Machia sniffed the air. 
“Oh,” he said.  “They aren’t home.”
“That’s fine,” said Izuku, patting Machia.  He didn’t elaborate.  Most of his brainpower was currently tied up in preventing his legs from folding underneath him. 
“Why don’t we,” began Toshinori before hacking up a large quantity of blood.  “Why don’t we just show ourselves in?  I’m sure it will be more comfortable for young—For the little lord to wait inside.  And perhaps one of them left a phone we can use.”
“The last time you went into a building by yourselves, you were attacked,” rumbled Machia. 
“That is true,” said Toshinori, “but there’s no one in this building.  You’d be able to smell them.”
“Not if they were invisible.”
Izuku blinked slowly.  “That,” he said, “doesn’t sound right.”
He continued to blink as Toshinori convinced Machia that he would, in fact, be able to smell invisible people.  He must have missed something, though, because next thing he knew, Toshinori was steering him into what passed as the building’s door. 
“Alright,” said Toshinori, voice low.  “We’re going to get you cleaned up as best we can, then we’re going to take everything that looks useful and sneak out.”
“Like… food and stuff?”
“Yes.  And we’re also going to see if we can break enough things that they’ll have to take care of that instead of following us.”
“We could just set some things on fire,” said Izuku, who had never considered himself a pyromaniac of any kind, but who had also grown up alongside Kacchan. 
“Good idea,” said Toshinori, who had been the type of fifth grader who made jokes about setting things on fire but had only ever burned his workbook at the end of the school year.  “Let’s see if these guys have running water.”
“You know,” said Izuku, carefully avoiding a bunch of old food wrappers.  “I sort of expected a more impressive evil lair, all things considered.”
“This is average for high-level fugitives, actually,” said Toshinori.  “Especially if they don’t have a lot of connections or cash.”
“Huh,” said Izuku, cautiously opening a door.  “Here’s the bathroom.  Huh.”
There were a lot of hair products in the bathroom.  A lot a lot. 
It’s like the candles budget chart, snickered Six in the back of Izuku’s head.  Help, I’m trying to balance my evil lair budget.  This is what I’ve got so far:  Electricity, 100 yen, building, 1100 yen, furniture, 200 yen, hair styling products, 9,000,000 yen. 
Izuku wheezed. 
But, seriously.  Why did they need this much hair stuff?  Shigaraki obviously hadn’t ever even heard of personal grooming.  Toga had her natural hair color.  Compress didn’t show his face or his hair.  Spinner had a lizard mutation.  Dabi—
It was totally Dabi. 
Oh gosh, based on how most of the hair dye boxes were labeled for temporary use and quick removal…  Haha, was Dabi just… just waiting… just waiting for an opportune moment to dramatically reveal himself? 
Izuku started wheezing again. 
“Are you alright, my boy?” asked Toshinori confused.
“This is Dabi’s hair dye,” said Izuku.
“Hm.  I hadn’t realized he dyed it.”
“I want this hair dye,” said Izuku.
“I suppose we can try to find the brand once we get to a supermarket,” said Toshinori, confused.
“No, no,” said Izuku, still gazing down at the box sitting next to the sink.  “I don’t want to use this brand of hair dye.  I want to use this hair dye.”
“Oh.  Oh,” said Toshinori.  “This hair dye.  Dabi’s hair dye.”
“Yes,” said Izuku.
“To be petty.”
“Yes,” confirmed Izuku again. 
“It has been a long time since I was… petty,” said Toshinori.
“Vlad-sensei’s car?”
“That was convenience, not pettiness.”
“Well,” said Izuku, picking up the box.  “We are sort of… you know… villains, now.  Since we fought Hawks.   I am anyway.”
“You’re not a villain,” protested Toshinori. 
“I mean, from a legal standpoint,” said Izuku.  “Not a moral one.  And, well.  Villains are petty, right?”
“I do not believe pettiness is an exclusively villainous trait, my boy.  In any case, I wasn’t condemning you.”  He put his hands on his hips and looked up at the cracked and crumbling ceiling.  “If we had more time here, we could set up some things that would really annoy them.”
“More than stealing their food, their money, their clothes, and their hair dye before setting their house on fire?” asked Izuku. 
Toshinori scratched his head.  “You know, now that I think about it, probably not.  But does this really qualify as a house?” 
“Hey,” said Hawks.  “So, about the other half of that tip.”
“Huh?  There isn’t a second half.  That was just to keep you from ditching me.”
Hawks had met villains who were civilized professionals.  Why couldn’t he be trying to infiltrate a society made up of those types, and not one that included the racoon currently filling his car (technically the commission’s car) with the scent of smoke and charred flesh?
“Well, what about that ‘interesting parentage’ you were alluding to?”
“Oh.  Shigaraki thinks Midoriya is his sensei’s kid.”  Dabi shrugged.  “Honestly… yeah.  I kind of see it.  But you’d think he’d get his kid to work with us instead of whatever is going on between him and Shigaraki, on the other hand…”  Dabi trailed off. 
Hawks momentarily glanced away from the road to see Dabi with an uncharacteristically pensive expression. 
“I mean,” continued Dabi, leaning on his hand as he stared out the window, “the whole hero thing could be sticking it to his old man.  I can respect that.” 
“You sound like you’re talking from experience,” observed Hawks. 
“You still talk to your parents?” asked Dabi. 
“Heh, you wouldn’t tell me even if you did, would you?”
“Hey, you are a villain.  I’ve got to keep my soft spots covered, right?”
“Right,” drawled Dabi.  “Kid held up pretty well against you, didn’t he?”
“He did okay,” said Hawks.  “He got away, after all.”
“Wonder how he’d do against Endeavor.  One-on-one.  What d’you think?”
Hawks couldn’t help but swallow.  If it were one-on-one, and Midoriya could still use Erasure…  He hated to think it, but Endeavor might lose.  A man with no quirk against a strong enhancer and that black tentacle emitter…
He wondered how long it would be before Midoriya got put on the S-rank villain list.  The paperwork had to be in progress. 
(After all, he’d defeated the number two hero – or near enough – while holding off three others.)
(On the other hand… that building…)
“It’d certainly be a fight,” said Hawks, neutrally.  “Is Midoriya really not working with you?”
“Nope,” said Dabi, not quite managing to pop the ‘p’ with his burnt lips.  “Not saying he isn’t a villain or whatever.  That’s up to you guys after all.”
“Not me,” said Hawks.  “I’m on your side, remember?”
“I remember,” said Dabi.  “Anyway, I only was face-to-face with him that one time in the forest, last summer.  He had a great expression.  Not as great as – Well.  That part doesn’t matter.”
Ugh…  Hawks hadn’t taken Dabi for the kind of killer who’d reminisce about his kills.  Maybe he could – No.  Lose Dabi and he’d lose his lead on the League, and who knew how many more people would end up dead.
He just wished the commission would give him backup on this.  Someone who actually worked with infiltration.  Someone who could help him minimize the damage the League was doing. 
“Pull over,” said Dabi.  “This is my stop.”
“You live around here?”
Dabi snorted.  “Not a chance.  You get to see our base once we’re sure you won’t tattle.”
“Come on, you can’t blame a guy for curiosity,” said Hawks. 
“Sure can,” said Dabi opening the door and jumping out onto the gravel margin.  “I’ll call you.”  He walked off the side of the road into the scruffy tree cover and disappeared. 
“Well,” mumbled Hawks, deliberately ignoring all the elocution lessons the commission had stuffed him with.  “That was useless.”
Except for the tiny feathers he’d snuck into the lining of Dabi’s coat.  But those had limited range and Hawks wasn’t good enough at stealth to follow Dabi without making an idiot (a potentially dead one on top of that) out of himself. 
His phone began to ring, the bugs in the car having shown the commission that Dabi was gone.  Hawks sighed and answered.  Time for new marching orders. 
The landscape was much more intact, now.  It was still a battlefield.  Four was dodging bullets and catching grenades to sling them back at his attackers.  He dove to the ground right before a cheerily painted building exploded into splinters. 
Danger Sense, Aizawa concluded.  Some kind of limited precognition? 
“Shigaraki?” said Iida.  “He’s a Shigaraki?  He’s related to—to him?  To Shigaraki?”
“Sensei,” said Uraraka, tugging on his sleeve, “that other man, you don’t think that was, you know, the man from Kamino?  All for One?”
“Midoriya thinks that All Might is related to All for One?” muttered Todoroki, just load enough to hear.  “That – no, that does make sense.  Their quirks are wrong, though, but if there are enough generations, you can’t really predict…  Does that make Midoriya and Shigaraki cousins?”
Todoroki paused.  Aizawa braced himself, both for the violence he was sure he was about to see, and the torture Todoroki was about to inflict on him. 
“Midoriya is related to All for One,” whispered Todoroki. 
Shouto didn’t blame Midoriya for trying to hide it.  If at all possibly, he would have hidden the fact that he was related to Endeavor.  Sure, he might have lost some privileges, but he also would have gotten rid of the constant comparisons between himself and his father. 
Much like Shimura Souma had to face. 
It must have been terrible for a young Midoriya to learn that he was related to a man who had so injured his father. 
To learn that he was related to this man. 
(No wonder he based this shade on Shouto, although Shouto didn’t think that Endeavor was quite as bad as All for One.)
There was a sound like cymbals being brought together, then—
A group of soldiers who had been sneaking up on Four were obliterated by a lightning strike that left behind fire and glassed soil. 
Four got up and did a sort of awkward bunny hop away from the strike zone, blinking dazedly and covering his ears.  Shouto knew he’d be behaving similarly if his dream body behaved at all realistically.  Especially given the risk of being electrocuted due to the charge in the ground…  Or was that just for downed power lines and Kaminari?  He didn’t remember, and apparently neither did Four. 
There was another crash of the cymbals, like thunder before the lightning and the lightning struck again, farther off. 
And then a woman, a few years older than Four ran out from between two of the buildings, cymbals in her hands.  Her graying hair was worn in tiny braids and her skin was dark.  Mixed race – That would have been rarer back then.  She had other musical instruments (drumsticks, some kind of flute, what looked like maracas) attached to her belt, but was otherwise dressed in generic military surplus gear.  There was a massive surgical scar stretching across her throat. 
“Haruna,” said Four.  “What, what are you doing here?”
‘Haruna’ tucked one of the cymbals under her arm and began signing aggressively at Four. 
“Ye-yes.  But – Your children, they need you.”
More signing.  “I’m not being hypocritical.”  He gestured to the mark over his eye.  “I’m dying anyway.  You aren’t.”
Her face twists, then twists again as she notices more armed men approaching.  She claps her hands, metal sewn into the palms flashing before a slender bolt of lightning cracks across the sky. 
This is when Shouto realizes who she is.  He’d learned about her in art class, of all things.  Thunderclap.  One half of one of the first villain duo to be marked as S-rank, active during the dawn of heroics.  Her birth name was widely believed to be Harmony Trey, and she’d used the alias Miura, but records from back then, even for something that important, were sketchy, and criminals were never good at keeping paperwork up to date in the first place.    
Her quirk was sound-based weather manipulation.  No one knew what had happened to her throat, but the public of the past had been grateful for it.  She could cause lightning strikes with a clap.  What could she do with her own voice?
Something like twenty percent of the early propaganda pieces for the Hero Practices and Standards Commission had her and her partner on them, being defeated or held off by various newly licensed heroes. 
Neither of them had ever been caught. 
Was she ‘Three?’  If so, Shouto could understand why Six didn’t want to say anything, although All for One was much more jarring and—
Hold up.  Thunderclap had been active over a hundred years ago.  If All for One was here, too, then that meant that either:
Midoriya’s subconscious was terrible at timelines (and so was Shouto’s because he’d just accepted all this without question until a split second ago). Or—
All for One had an immortality quirk on top of all the other terrifying things he could do.
The fact that the second one was more plausible was unfair of reality. 
(Shouto liked ‘conspiracy’ theories, but his theories were, for the most part, well, not things that would keep him up at night for fear of nightmares.)
Except she didn’t seem to see them at all, so maybe not.  The rules in the dreamscape had, appropriately, a dreamlike consistency.  That is to say, hardly any. 
“Please,” said Four.  “We don’t both need to die.”
Thunderclap looked like she was about to cry.  But she nodded.  Four turned to face the rest of the small army bearing down on him. 
The house looked cozy, thought Tenya.  Sort of like that cabin his family had rented in the countryside a few years back.  The lights were dim but warm.  The smell of food and spices permeated the air.  Children and teens of various ages were draped over furniture. 
In the kitchen, four adults sat around a table.  Four, Thunderclap, a man who was entirely green, and woman with hair so golden it literally glowed. 
As a middle schooler, Tenya had done a lot of research into discrimination against people with mutation quirks and vestigial or tangential mutations.  It had branched off into research into quirk-based discrimination in general.  If this scene was truly set near the dawn of heroics, the green man and the golden-haired woman would have risked being attacked just walking on the street in most cities. 
He looked back through the doorway at the children in the other room.
Both the yellow hair and the green curls were painfully familiar. 
Did Midoriya really think he was related to Thunderclap of all people?  The idea was preposterous. 
Oh, he was getting just as bad as Todoroki.  Not to mention, even if Midoriya did have a terrorist in his family tree a hundred years ago, it didn’t change anything about Midoriya.  Goodness, Tenya most likely had some less than savory characters in his own family tree, even if he didn’t know about them. 
Four doubled over clutching his head, interrupting the apparently light-hearted story the green man was telling. 
“They’re coming,” gasped Four.  “They’re coming.  Go bags – phone tree – we have to.”
“I’ll get the kids,” said the golden-haired woman. 
“Your body is shutting down,” said a man in a doctor’s coat.  “These cracks, they aren’t just on your skin, they’re on your organs, too.  I can’t find any reason for it.  Maybe if we had access to genetic testing…” he shook his head.  “Maybe you can still get it.  Your quirk is concealable.  Not like most of us here.”  He took a moment to tug on one of his long, sheeplike ears.
Four shook his head.  “Too big a risk.”
“Mhm, it’s up to you,” said the doctor, dubiously.  “I’m sorry I couldn’t help you more, Yagi-san.”
“It’s still Shimura.  Yagi is my wife.”
“That’s still confusing.”
“The name change thing is western,” said Four, “and I picked Shimura for a reason.”
Aizawa steadied himself against a wall.  The last two shifts had been disorienting. 
“Is there anything else I can do?” asked the doctor. 
“Can you help me tell my wife?”
Four was screaming and holding his face.  In front of him was a huge boulder, split in half. 
“Hoshino,” said Four, leaning down so that his head rested on top of the golden-haired woman’s.  “I gave it away.  I gave it away.”
“Lariat worked out, then?” asked Hoshino.  Yagi Hoshino, Aizawa had to presume. 
“He’s a good person,” said Four, hoarsely.  “I like working with him.”
“You don’t have to stop.”
Four closed his eyes.  “I think… without it…  I might be able to live here.  At least, visit more often.”
“I’d like that.  I think the kids would, too.”
Four, hunched over, clutching his head. 
Four, in an alley, fighting men with knives, standing in front of a young woman with clawed hands.  He’d been stabbed in the side. 
They were back in the house, watching a news program.  A trainline had been hit by a villain attack.  A ticker on the bottom read ‘mutant metahuman train under attack by Evolutionary gang.’  The reporter’s voiceover was saying something along the lines of this is why mutants shouldn’t be allowed on public transport, they bring their gang wars with them.
Lariat was on the scene.  A man recognizable only by his green skin at this distance fell out of one of the train cars.  Lariat grabbed him with one of his black energy whips and put him back. 
Thunderclap relaxed her death grip on Four’s arm by just an iota. 
“He saved him,” said Four. 
A much younger Four leaned against a wooden wall.  He was splattered with blood, his clothing torn. 
“I couldn’t save her,” he whispered.  His hands were shaking.  “Shimura-san—”  His breath caught. 
A woman with her hair gathered into a curly gray ponytail sat at a desk, blankly staring at the content.  She wore a grey cardigan and could have been Thunderclap’s sister.  Her eyes were obscured. 
Which meant she probably was, all things considered. 
Which meant that she was the other half of that S-rank villain pair. 
“You don’t have to do this,” said Four.
“I do.  You don’t understand how many people he’s killed.  You don’t understand what he’s done.  He has Haruna.  I can’t—”
The scene sheered away as Tempest turned to face Four. 
Do you remember when I first met you?
“Oh, this isn’t a pleasant one,” said Four, voice deceptively mild. 
They were in an underground facility.   The walls were concrete and metal, covered in pipes.  The sounds of footsteps echoed down the hallway, starting and stopping. 
“Although,” said Four, “there were certainly some good points as well.”
A teenage version of Four ran down the hall, frequently looking over his shoulder.  His hands clutched a ring of keys by their blades and a pair of ID cards.  His long, shaggy hair hung in his face, and he kept having to push it out of the way. 
He reached a door at the end of the hall, and started fumbling with the keys, muttering under his breath.  He slid one of the cards through a scanner near the door.  It clicked open. 
First contact. 
There were definitely fewer voices involved in the proclamation, now.  Two men, one woman.  The woman had an American accent. 
Beyond the door, a woman was strapped to the bed, unconscious.  No, not a woman, the same woman who had been at the desk. 
Tempest.  Storm-caller.  A villain who had been responsible for bringing so many storms to bear against Japan that they had permanently changed the coastline. 
“Got to get you out of here before Dad comes back,” muttered the younger Four, untying the straps.  “You need to wake up.  Ah, Narcan.”  He started rifling through a cabinet.  “Narcan, Narcan…  Narcan.  Found you.”
“Don’t look for Three,” said Four.  “She doesn’t want to talk to you.  Or anyone.  Do you know where Jinoshi Lake Camp is?”
“My class went there on a history field trip, once,” said Uraraka. 
“Yeah,” said Aizawa, not liking where this was going at all.  “I know the place.”
‘The place’ being what amounted to a concentration camp for quirked people in the early days of the quirk boom.  How bad it was tended to be glossed over in history lessons, but Aizawa had long been able to read between the lines. 
In the earliest days, the government had tried surgically removing quirks.  Typically by removing the relevant body parts.
��That’s her contact point.  Don’t look too closely.”
Aizawa supposed he knew how Thunderclap got her scars. 
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beybladefanboy · 3 years
Beyblade Seasons Ranked
Here is my personal ranking, from worst to best, of the seasons of Beyblade Metal Fight: Metal Fusion, Metal Masters, Metal Fury, and the awkward spin-off Shogun Steel. Yeah, let’s get into that:
4 Shogun Steel
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Honestly even if I did like Shogun Steel for what it is, it would still be at the bottom just by default. It can barely be considered part of the Metal Saga. The main characters in the last three seasons are either absent or reduced to supporting roles in favour of new characters who aren’t nearly as interesting or likeable. It is by definition a spin off. It feels very disjointed from the rest of the series because of these factors along with the lighter tone, the changes to the Beyblade system, and even some continuity errors particularly with Fury. Bringing back Doji again was also the biggest leap in logic this whole series made and feels downright lazy. The whole story just feels like a watered down Fusion with many of the story beats being similar and some characters never growing past mere echoes of the old characters. Some of the bey battles are fun and Ren and Takanosuke are decent characters but there’s a reason this show doesn’t get much attention. It falls into the Star Wars Sequel Trilogy trap of being overly dependent on original series sucker punches for its appeal and not putting as much effort into the new stuff. So as a result, the new stuff, some of which has potential, isn’t as fleshed out as it should be. This show is honestly fine on its own but awful when compared to the Metal Saga and it is comparing itself to the Metal Saga. This show intentionally put itself in the Metal Saga’s shadow and seemed content with being just that: a shadow of greatness.
3 Metal Masters
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Okay, this is where I’m gonna start pissing people off. Don’t get me wrong, Masters is great and I don’t think it’s clearly worse than the other two seasons or anything. I think the main three seasons are very close in quality and putting them in any kind of order was incredibly difficult. However, I do think Masters is slightly weaker than Fusion and Fury. First off, it introduces Masamune. I don’t like Masamune. I find his whole “I’m the number 1 blader” shtick incredibly obnoxious and he’s everything I don’t like in real Americans: self absorbed, disloyal, big mouthed, entitled, and just annoying in general. He did have good character development over the course of the season but I personally can’t stand him. The pacing of this season also isn’t the best. With the exception of the Dark Tsubasa arc (which I’ll get to!), the season is just a normal world tournament until they get to America, which I don’t find very interesting. Kenta is also criminally underused. In Fusion he was basically a second main character and there are some episodes specifically following him. Then in Masters, he’s pushed aside in favour of side characters. People say Fury underused characters, and I’ll get to that, but holy crap, Masters gave Kenta no room to grow. Aside from him though, the other characters are used really well. I particularly like how Kyoya and Ryuga are incorporated. This is actually the season where I grew attached to Ryuga during my viewing in December. I was starting to like him in Fusion but this season cemented my newfound attachment. This season also gave us the dark Tsubasa arc, which is one of my favourite plot points from the show overall. It’s a fascinating look into the mind of a character I already really liked and it allowed Tsubasa to develop a lot. I love the conclusion that you cannot drive out the darkness in yourself, you have to accept it as part of who you are in order to properly control it. It’s brilliant, and I can personally relate this message to my own life. The dark Tsubasa arc is probably the strongest part of the season overall as the rest of it until we get to the HD Academy conflict kind of drags for me. However, when we do finally get to the HD Academy conflict, it is very fun. The whole “spiral energy” thing was actually pretty creative and while brainwashing isn’t a new concept for this show, I think they went more in depth with it in this season and it was pretty interesting. So yeah, still a really good season.
2 Metal Fusion
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If I was ranking based on nostalgia, this would be number one. In fact, it probably deserves to be number one. However, I do have a few problems with this season that hold it back and it’s not the pacing. Actually, out of all the seasons, Fusion probably has the best pacing. The main villains, Doji and Ryuga, are introduced early in the season and all the characters are developed throughout the season, building up to the final tournament: Battle Bladers, which is also set up fairly early. The story is predictable but very well-structured. My biggest problem with this season is the plot twist with Gingka’s dad. Not only is it painfully obvious, but the reveal of the twist drags the plot to a screeching halt for nearly an entire episode, hurting the pacing and making an entire episode an exposition dump. It also made Gingka’s dad a terrible character. You can argue that him abandoning his teenage son and making him believe he was dead was for the greater good, although I personally still think it’s messed up, but breaking Gingka’s point counter like that was a step way too far. That moment serves to further the story by forcing Gingka to work harder to get into Battle Bladers. But did it have to be his dad who broke the point counter? I argue it didn’t. Gingka’s dad was flat out abusive to his son on that occasion and was pretty cold to him in general as Phoenix and yet the plot and even some of the characters praise Ryo for doing this. Why?! The way the story is structured puts Ryo in the right for abusing his son which disgusts me. That is my biggest problem with this season and possibly the whole series to be honest. I hate it that much. However, apart from that and those random filler episodes with Sora that in my opinion were boring, this season was really solid. Like I said, the story is told well and the characters are all introduced and developed well. Battle Bladers is definitely the highlight of this season, having the most intense battles and hardest hitting moments. Those episodes are exhausting to watch, because of Reiji and Ryuga. Reiji was randomly introduced in Battle Bladers and decided to try and rival Ryuga in how much he could traumatize the characters (and younger me). I have no idea why they decided to do that, but it worked. Ryuga in this season is the best villain in the whole series. He has such a presence to him: his (dubbed) voice, his sadistic expressions, his abilities, the music that plays when he’s onescreen. He’s over the top but in my opinion, Ryuga is the perfect balance between entertaining and intimidating. He’s even slightly sympathetic by the end of the season when he gets taken over by dark power and is seen trying to fight its control. They managed to both make Ryuga an irredeemable psychopath and found a believable way to redeem him. I love that in the end, Gingka isn’t fighting to defeat Ryuga, he’s fighting to defeat the dark power, which came from the greed and hatred of humans. Basically, the problem isn’t humanity, it’s humanity’s greed/hatred and being consumed by these feelings lead to evil. That is genius. This season also had two of my favourite battles in the entire series: Kyoya vs Ryuga, and Gingka vs Ryuga.
1 Metal Fury
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Yeah, I said it. Fury is my personal favourite season. It probably has more wrong with it than Masters and Fusion but honestly, Fury’s strengths more than make up for its weaker parts for me. The only problem I have with Fury that actively hinders my enjoyment is Kyoya’s poorly handled arc, which I’ve been over multiple times and wrote a whole fanfiction rectifying. To sum it up briefly: it was rushed and weakened Kyoya’s character when it had the chance to develop him. I will admit this season also had too few episodes. I don’t think it was rushed per say, it just feels like parts are missing. There should’ve been more leading up to Nemesis’ revival and an actual epilogue episode because as it stands now, Fury ends really suddenly without much actual confirmation of where the characters we know and love ended up. It’s kind of jarring. Overall however, I really love Fury. I love the adventure style story and there's so much variety to the bey battles this time around, both in terms of the beys themselves and the stadiums. It’s just more interesting to watch. It also did a great job giving all the major characters victories, not just Gingka. This is something Masters also did well and a gripe I have with Fusion: Gingka gets all the major victories in Metal Fusion and pushes the other characters to the wayside. Well, Masters and Fury fixed this issue in my opinion. The very final fight of Fury against the shadow Nemesis could’ve been executed better in my opinion. However, it hits all the right emotional beats for a final battle and still grabs my attention rewatching it, so I can put aside my criticisms of it while watching it. Also, I like that “destiny” is something these characters are controlling themselves and can go either way rather than being some unstoppable force that they will all give in to eventually otherwise they’re villains. Because that’s how Yugioh does it and it’s probably my biggest problem with that show. In that series, it feels like the characters are all just blindly accepting “destiny” and those that don’t, Kaiba and Marik most notably, are deemed villains for wanting to take control over their lives and not be governed by some invisible force. Yes, I know Marik went to some horrible extremes using this logic but it still bothers me that the only characters in that show that don’t throw their lives away blindly following someone else’s whims are deemed villains. It’s just kind of messed up. Fury thankfully subverts this. “Destiny” is not an unstoppable force in Beyblade, it’s the will of the characters and those characters are allowed to make their own choices. It makes the story more interesting and the characters more likeable because the characters are the ones driving the story, which feels so much more natural. Yeah, I really like the characters in Fury. Honestly, I’m more attached to Yuki, King, and Chris than anyone introduced in Masters and the other legendary blader characters all bring something different and interesting to the table that I don’t think older characters could have. I also like how the old characters are used. Sure, Tsubasa and Yu are underused this season. But guess who also got a lot of focus last season? Tsubasa and Yu. And some of the characters who were underused in Masters, Kyoya and Kenta, get more focus in this season. They did mess up Kyoya’s arc in my opinion but the effort is there and I appreciate his presence before and after that. Kenta especially was severely underused in Masters so this season decided to make him relevant again and they did it in such an endearing way. You all know how much I love Ryuga and Kenta’s friendship. It’s one of the things that should have gotten more focus but what we do get is good enough build up. This season was the one that drew the most emotion out of me during my most recent viewing and that was because of Ryuga and Kenta. I was devastated by Ryuga’s death (even if he may not actually be dead, that’s certainly what it felt like in the moment) and the scene where he gives Kenta his power was the most touching moment in the entire show for me.
Well, that ranking probably pissed some people off. Again, I love the classic three seasons. (I’m not a fan of Shogun Steel but it has its moments.) Choosing between the three of them like that was incredibly difficult, especially Fusion and Fury. In the end, I just had to go with my gut.
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gentrychild · 5 years
What are your thoughts of Nana in general?Do you consider a real hero?A nice mom?I am having mixed feelings about her lately so I'd like your opinion in this matter.For one part she helped raise the symbol of peace,for another she abandoned her child,later indirectly got him killed and his family and sealed his grandson's fate...I mean,what kind of person sacrifices her own family for strangers?Even if it was not in porpuse, she should have realized there was not a safer place than besides her.
Even if it was not in purpose, she should have realized there was not a safer place than besides her.
Are you sure about that? 
Are you really sure?
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[Insert the picture of Nana being obliterated five seconds after that GIF.]
Do you consider a real hero?
I am not going to pretend we know everything about Nana, but from what I saw in the manga, I can tell she was a good hero. She did her best to help people. She helped to create a sense of safety in a very complicated world. She believed in a quirkless middle schooler and gave him the power to make his dream a reality.
Toshinori basically told her “This country needs a pillar” and she decided to believe in his vision and to give him the means to reach his goal.
A nice mom?
A nice mom isn’t a good mom and a good mom isn’t a perfect mom. 
The main source of your conflicted feelings seem to be that she gave away her son. But you need to take the context into consideration. (Well, not need-need, do whatever you want, but I am in analysis mode so I am about to start ranting.) 
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Gran Torino told us she gives away Kotaro after her husband had been killed. We can safely infer that the murdered was a villain, maybe All for One himself. We know from canon, especially Vigilante, that hero families are at risk. What was she supposed to do? Hope that AFO had standards and wouldn’t destroy the glaring vulnerability she had because it had the form of a child.
Ask Tsubasa and John-chan how it worked out for them.
Hiding her child away was the heart-wrenching, difficult, and smart choice in a very complicated situation. 
The whole choosing strangers over her family is what Kotaro said to Tenko as he was angry (and by that, I mean as he was beating his son so he needed to justify himself). The “She chose to raise me instead of her son” was said by a grieving Toshinori in the middle of his first bout of survivor’s guilt, so it’s also colored.
That’s what really happened:
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She left him because AFO had probably already killed her husband and Kotaro was next. Keeping your child alive seems pretty reasonable mom behavior.
Now, onto the next part: she should have realized there was not a safer place than besides her
… Allow me to peacefully disagree with you on that one.
Nana couldn’t keep fighting while protecting Kotaro. That much was clear. He would have been used against her in some horrifying circumstances.
But running away was NOT a safer option.
AFO obviously had some beef with all the OFA users and we can assume that Nana was already on his radar by the time she left Kotaro. Now, I only have some flashbacks to deduce some things about AFO’s personality, but I think we can safely assume from the guy who tracked down Nana’s relatives long after she was dead that he wouldn’t have given up until he had killed her. Best case scenario if they had gone on the run: Kotaro would have lost his mother in front of his very eyes because the manga proved us Nana was no match for AFO on her own. (There is a reason why she worked with Gran Torino/and All Might during her final fight.)
Did that traumatize Kotaro? Yes.
Is that better than suffering a fate worse than death? I think so.
Even if she did go into hiding and manage to have some peaceful years with her son… AFO would still be around. He would destroy countless other lives. Kotaro would grow up in a world where villains win because heroes are too afraid to fight back.
The two things we could reproach Nanaare 1. Sugarcoating a tiny bit the threat. 2. The fact Kotaro still had the Shimura name, and I think those two can be excused.
“The bad man might try to do mean things to you and that’s why we can’t be together.” I think a “That demon from hell who gets off on people misery and will absolutely do horrible things to you if he finds you.” would have been closer to the truth, but Kotaro was what? Eight? Really freaked out because he was being abandoned by his mom. It’s no wonder she didn’t tell him the whole ugly truth.
The Shimura name… Now, I am from the opinion that Nana wouldn’t have made that mistake. But you know who would? Someone extremely proud with something to prove who hates his mom and who decides to completely ignore the fact a villain is mom was scared of could be a threat to him
Yes, I think Kotaro is the one who decided to claim the Shimura name again, because he had no idea that All for One wasn’t just a villain, but THE villain.
So, to conclude this very long post, I think Nana did the absolute best she could in a very awful situation and that if someone is to be blamed for this mess, it’s All for One.
But one last thing:
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From her face and from her words, we can be pretty sure that Nana knew she wouldn’t make it. She completely believed she would be killed by All for One. Making sure her son would be taken care of and safe was a final act of love.
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lunaticpuppetmaster · 4 years
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  My contribute for Konoha Simps server collab! 
Trying to do both drabble and an art was a poor decidion as i am a lil bit late. 
Special Thanks to @pfreadsandwrites who beta-readed this drabble!
Title: Lost and Found.
Pairing: Kiba Inuzuka x OC (Tsubasa Yuki)
Summary: Everyone knows that everything you lose will end up in your soulmates possesions. Some people go crazy trying to find their destined one with practically no information. Tsubasa was never interested in finding hers and there is a chance she would never be able to.
Warnings: Angst, mentions of death, hurt/comfort
Word count: 6907
   When the first symptoms of the family curse appeared, Tsubasa already knew she was doomed. The sickness was rare and there wasn’t much information about it in the Yuki clan library even before the genocide, while after it…  well, no information survived. To be honest she did not have much hope at the beginning when her ice-natured chakra just only started to act like a parasite, eating her body and breaking thin bones.
But her sensei had. Mei had always been protective of her pupils, acting like a big sister even after the trio passed the chunin exam. So, when the worst happened, she used all her resources in order to save one of them. Unfortunately, even Kirigakure medics famous for their body knowledge were unsuccessful. The only hope was the best medic alive, Tsunade-hime herself.
Tsubasa did not know how she convinced Tsunade to help or what she promised to her (probably rare Kiri herbs), but the sannin agreed to work on her case. She didn’t promise a cure. To the girl’s pleasure, unlike her sensei, the 5th hokage was rational and she stated right from the start that the chances of recovery were very low and more likely she would just extend the Yuki girl’s agony. It was hurtful, but honest. Tsubasa always respected honesty… and her sensei. She had no other choice, but to promise Mei that she will fight till the end even though she did not want to.
“Maybe you will find your soulmate there,”- said Mei before her departure.
Mei was one of those people who always wanted to find their soulmate, however that was not the reason why she said it. She appreciated different manifestations of love: between friends, parental, sisterly and etc. She also knew that Tsubasa was a pessimist and even the love of people who were close to her was not enough to restore her will to live. At least if she were deeply in love with her soulmate, Mei hoped that Tsubasa could finally find the strength to fight.
Soulmates were always a bone of contention between different social groups: commoners, nobility and shinobi. Especially the last one. Missions and loyalty towards the village must be a number one priority for a ninja. But with soulmates everything became much harder.
Still even the biggest soulmate deniers tried their best to ‘lose things’. Even though little was known about soulmates nature, over the years people were able to learn a couple of useful things:
1 - Every item you lose will end up in your soulmate’s possessions.
2 - You cannot send a letter or any kind of writing this way.
3 - You cannot just throw away a random thing in the air or leave it intentionally on a park bench. So, you must really lose the thing to make it reach your soulmate.
The world was never peaceful. Neither for commoners nor shinobi, so desire to help for so called “true one” was understandable. People tried to tie various useful items with slim strings to their clothes like meds and water. When it came to shinobi they usually tied small scrolls to their bags or jackets hoping that during fights the thread would be cut or ripped and the item lost. Such scrolls were usually filled with food, kunais or ninja pills. Supplies that suddenly appeared managed to save some shinobi on the verge of death more than once. So even soulmate deniers had an opinion that it was practical to help the soulmate and very rude to ignore it. Help for help, life for life, nothing more. Tsubasa was one such person.
Of course, every skilled shinobi could tell from which village the lost item appeared.
Yuki’s soulmate for example was from Konoha. Her teammate Hiroto recognized a specific plant in a found ninja pill. So, she had some chances to run into him during her stay.
But Tsubasa did not want a soulmate. She did not need some stranger. She wanted to stay in Kiri and spend her last days with people she loved with all her heart and soul. Hadn’t she suffered enough? It didn’t look like it.
This was how she ended up in Konoha; or rather in a spare room of Yamanaka-hime’s house. Although Tsunade made efforts, in Yuki’s opinion, she clearly did not have an intention to heal her, but to collect information about how the disease proceeds under various factors, in order to save other unfortunate ones… Tsubasa could tell it from her students. Tsunade put her under the care of somewhat inexperienced newbies, ones who could crawl into her head and feel the patient’s condition themselves. Tsubasa did not blame her for that. She would be happy if her death could help someone. The girl rather felt sorry for distracting Ino from her more important patients. The hime herself was cheerful and sunny person, but in moments that required professionalism she could turn cold and focused with the flick of a finger. “She would be a perfect clan leader one day,” Tsubasa thought.
To be honest Yamanaka’s jutsu was useful for more than just therapy. When they first met, Yuki just simply let Ino read her mind and see her past. It was much faster and easier, plus all the secret information she knew as an ANBU was sealed. In order to get it, they would have had to use much stronger and more traumatic jutsu (and of course torture). Moreover, she was going to die soon, so did it really matter how many people knew her story?
Though when Tsubasa saw the girl’s blank face after reading her mind, she felt guilty. The blonde stayed silent for a few seconds before giving her a hug. She did not need words to say that she will do her best.
    Ino was easy to befriend. She also was good at distracting from negative thoughts. Between her regular Tsunade checkups and preparations for missions (It was important to monitor the development of the disease in the field, and all missions would be related to information gathering about the Yuki clan) they were chatting, watching movies and sometimes working in the flower shop. Thanks to Tsubasa’s honey-coloured hair most people mistook her as a distant relative of Yamanaka, so no one asked questions.
Once they ended up talking about soulmates. It started when Ino found some spilled ink on her carpet one day. Hime did not know much about her soulmate except he was really… an artistic type. Through the years she collected various brushes, pencils, erasers and doodles. Once she even found a whole sketchbook (unfortunately half torn)! But there was one thing that made her upset. He never “lost” anything to help her like the majority did.
“Maybe he is from a strict ninja family or a specific ANBU team”, she said with a sad smile.
If Ino’s soulmate was artistic, Tsubasa’s was… quite “special”. Because only a “special” person would end up losing a 6-kilo bag of dog food. Even now, after seven years Tsubasa sometimes wondered ‘how?’.. It was not a pen or a trinket which could be easily left on an academy desk, but a giant bag of dog food! No, he was a good soulmate who was “losing” supplies for her (that once saved her teammate’s life) unlike Ino’s, but still… Even when the blonde heard about it, she could not believe it and then started to laugh hysterically. After such silly small talks Tsubasa felt like she wasn’t fully alone in this foreign village. It almost felt like she had found a friend.
Unlike the other forced teammate.
Every village had a system of having at least 3 people in a team. Moreover, Tsubasa was suffering from her disease and Ino concentrated on helping her. They needed another member.
Tsubasa did not like him from the start. He was loud, narcissistic, clingy and insolent. The kunoichi was easily fed up with his behaviour. She spat out what exactly she thought of him to his face before going back to the Yamanaka estate. Only when she was alone in her room, she understood all her stupidity. She shouldn’t have acted so idiotic and lose her cool. It was essential for a ninja. She also understood why he was chosen among all of the shinobi. As a member of the Inuzuka clan he had a ninken who was already big enough to carry a man. It would be useful in case she became unconscious due to the illness. But she could not help it. A lot of bad things were going on in her life. She felt useless and helpless since she was banned from using her ice chakra. Mei also banned her from using anything that would hide her emotions. She thought that Tsubasa finally needed to learn how to speak and deal with new people. Babysitting was not helpful, so she wanted to try something more radical. Tsubasa understood, but understanding wasn’t enough to cope with the stress. Now she was sitting in the corner of her room shivering. Usually, she would take her father’s mask – the only thing left after his death- and put the cold material close to her forehead thinking what he would say or do. She couldn’t do it any longer. Some of her belongings and a mask were lost during a powerful chakra release at the beginning of the disease.
A few minutes passed before she started to feel better. A sudden knock on the door took her out of thoughts. Tsubasa went to open it thinking it would be Ino. Unfortunately, it was him. The cause for today’s bad mood and their third teammate – Kiba Inuzuka himself. She sighed and looked at him through the door, hiding most of her body behind it. The young man in front of her hesitated and looked a little bit strange or uncertain.
”Listen, I came here to apologise.“
Tsubasa raised her brow. Surely she should have been the one to apologise?. Plus, the boy looked like someone who would rather make a bunch of excuses and snap back than accept he was wrong.
“Well, I shouldn’t have invaded your personal space in the first place.” He scratched the back of his head and looked away. Judging by his behavior, the girl started to understand what actually made his behavior change.“And …uhm, Ino told me about your case so…”
“Showed you,” said Yuki her guess as a statement.
”She d-did not show me much!”
”That’s okay. I don’t mind and Ino knows that.”
“Anyway, I want to start on a clean slate. Here, take it. It’s a half mask and a bottle of blue paint so you can customize it with your clan symbol.”
“I know that you are not allowed to use anything to hide your emotions, but it is a half mask and I made the holes for eyes bigger so your emotions will be perfectly visible. This is not technically breaking the rule and you will definitely feel better due to your um… well, habit. Just enjoy it, okay? I have to go now, bye!
“W-wait! I cannot…”
But the boy already left, forcing the girl to accept.
After that, though the relationship between the trio smoothed out, it was far from perfect. Tsubasa preferred to act more as a solo player despite her health condition, Kiba was still too loud and tried to act like the leader he never was and Ino … Ino tried not to go crazy in this whole mess called a team. However, overall, their missions were rather calm. Perhaps the three of them needed time to get used to each other before they could accept the others’ faults and learn to compromise. The tension completely disappeared at rest time, when tired teenagers passed time by talking to each other. Often they talked about soulmates. Someone was consulting with others about what would be more useful to seal in a tie-down scroll, the other one was looking through a travel bag for new supplies (or accidentally dropped useless things), another was thinking about loud who their soulmate might be. On one of such days, all of a sudden Tsubasa discovered earrings in a sealed scroll. They were simple and consisted of three deep blue feathers each. The girl looked at them in surprise, not knowing how to react. But, on the contrary, Ino reacted too happily.
“These are so cute! And they match your eye color! Quite a nice present for a soulmate that has never seen you.”
“This must have been a mistake.”
“It was in a scroll. How could this be a mistake? Looks like your soulmate really wishes to meet you and…”
“I don’t need a soulmate, Ino! Like, I don’t believe in perfect matches made by spiritual forces or some sort. I never wanted to have him in the first place! I have a dream to achieve, a family in Kiri. No way if I survive, I will leave it all behind because of some questionable romance! That’s ridiculous!”
Ino sighed and Kiba remained silent. The conversation came to an end. But not the attention from Tsubasa’s soulmate or their mission.
One of those days, when all sorts of cute things and sweets instead of standard ammunition began to show up in Tsubasa’s scrolls more and more, their group stumbled upon really strong opponents. The longer the battle continued the more obvious it became that they were not going to win. Unless Tsubasa broke the rule and used her clan’s abilities. Mei’s order, both as sensei and as Mizukage, always stood above many moral principles for Yuki, but now it was a completely different case. Neither Ino nor Kiba with the sweetest and bravest Akamaru should have been involved in this from the very beginning. They were not supposed to die or risk their lives because of some terminally ill girl from another village and a questionable contract between their Kages. They must live, survive and Tsubasa made up her mind. At first, she managed to eliminate a couple of ninjas and slightly injure the rest using the element of surprise. She was incredibly lucky, because the disoriented opponents were much easier to finish off for Kiba and Ino. Tsubasa by this moment had already lost her eyesight from the tension and saw the battlefield only as a set of white and light gray colors. She lost her breath and her strength to stand upright. But it was nothing compared to the pain that washed over her seconds later.
     The kunoichi screamed in pain as she felt blood filling her mouth and an ice crust covering her internal organs. She fell on the cold dusty ground, heart-rendering screams leaving her lips with the blood pulsing her temples, ice needles tearing the muscles of her arms and legs. It seemed like nothing existed except for the all-consuming pain. Through the wall of never-ending white noise, she heard the sounds of Ino’s commands and Akamaru’s frightened barking. This was the last thing she felt before passing out.
Tsubasa woke up with a heavy head and pain all over her body. She listened to her senses before opening her eyes… and it would have been better not to listen to them. Someone brazenly pressed her close to their body and sniffed into the ear. When she opened her eyes the girl immediately screamed. In general, it was a completely normal reaction when you find yourself half-dressed in the arms of an equally half-dressed man. Of course, given that she was half-asleep, her only response was a stream of unpleasant curses and swearing. At first Kiba, who was still sleepy, was happy that the girl woke up, but soon joined the exchange of curses until a joyful, but terribly tired Ino ran up to them, immediately trying to interrupt the catfight and change the topic. Kiba waved his hand resentfully and went off in an unknown direction. Ino stayed with Tsubasa alone.
“Sit down and drink this.”
“Okay, but can I ask you a question first? What the hell happened here?”
”Your disease went out of control. I could barely suppress it. This time it was… too strong. Not like before. When I was finally able to improve your condition, you were still unconscious, your temperature dropped to terribly low levels, and some ice crystals did not disappear. We didn’t risk taking you back to the village in such poor condition. At first, we tried to wrap you up warm, but that didn’t help. Your clothes were quickly soaked by the cold coming from you and it only aggravated your condition. Then we decided that we would warm you one by one with the heat of our bodies. Well, Akamaru too.
Tsubasa howled in embarrassment and Ino sighed.
“Don’t worry. I think Kiba understands what the situation looked like for you. Or he will understand. He is a hot-head, you know, and he needs some time to calm down. But he will.”
”Still, that doesn’t change the fact that I snapped at him twice for literally nothing, especially the last time when I should have said ‘thank you for trying to save my dumb ass’. I feel terrible.”
The blonde girl patted her dejected friend on the shoulder and then said, “ Drink the medicine or, I swear to God, you will regret that you woke up.
The group’s return journey took place in silence. Despite the fact that Tsubasa apologized to Kiba and he accepted the apology, the kunoichi was still tormented by her conscience. She needed to apologize to him properly. Stealing a glance at the still visible ice crystals on her hand, a thought flashed through her: “While I can still do it.”
Night is definitely a wonderful and mysterious time of the day. Too bad that not everyone can enjoy its beauty, but there are also some who would be glad to miss it. For example, some unfortunate souls from the Inuzuka clan. It just so happened that a heightened sense of smell was not the only animal trait some clan members shared. Heightened hearing, too. In battle it was somewhat useful while in everyday life - irritating. During the day, in a mixture of noises, it did not cause much discomfort, but at night, when all the sounds disappeared, a can kicked by a drunk felt like a hit in the head. It is not surprising that such “lucky” clan members often suffered from insomnia and generally lived in the rhythm of night owls, which was very difficult for the shinobi world, where everyone was entirely early birds.
So was Kiba. However, tonight it felt different. His day was active and the sounds on the street did not disturb him, still he could not sleep. It seemed that the whole atmosphere of the house became more and more oppressive with every second spent inside, and the inner desire to walk through the village at night became stronger with every minute. He just wanted to go outside and run. He did not know where, but somewhere, where it was important for him to be now. In the end, when he accepted the fact that he obviously would not sleep today, the young man called his faithful dog and quietly left the house. The night was calm and fresh from the recent rain. Perhaps even too much, but it did not bother Kiba. He gladly wandered through old village streets, breathing in deeply the cold night air until he found himself near the playground. Or better to say, found someone.
Tsubasa sat on the swing all hunched up, almost motionless like a statue, and although this time her face wasn’t hidden by a mask, but her honey hair, Kiba knew that the girl was clearly not radiating joy.
“May I sit?,” he asked. Tsubasa didn’t even flinch.
Kiba looked at the girl. When they first met, she was strong, cold and impenetrable. A true warrior. But now things were different. As a shinobi, he was not afraid to die on the battlefield, surrounded by dead and, possibly, even rotting bodies. But seeing a person fade like this, when they were unable to do anything about their state, when they burned out like a candle, turning with every second into a pale copy of their former self is what really scared him. At first, he didn’t care much what would happen to Yuki, but now, when her life glimmered on a candle stub, saving her was important. Either she will survive, and he will get rid of animal all-consuming fear, or her pale face, disfigured by illness, in the tongues of the funeral flame will haunt him till the end of his days.
Akamaru rested his head on Tsubasa’s lap. Still lost in her heavy thoughts, Yuki let her hands go of the swing chain and started to mechanically stroke and scratch the ninken behind the ears.
”Hey Tsu, I know that you are that type of shinobi who tries to follow the code perfectly. But we are not made of steel. You are not made of steel. You are feeling bad and tired. It’s unlikely that I will hear something that Ino did not show me or did not hear from you. Sharing pain as a shinobi is hard, but it’s even harder to keep your cool when you are on the verge of being broken by your own emotions. Even though I talk too much, anything you tell me tonight will stay here, I promise. So, tell me what’s eating you.
”You’re right. I am tired. I am weak, although I’ve tried to prove myself otherwise for my whole goddamn life. Even when I felt bad and thought that everything was lost, I clung to a few good things that I had. What does not kill makes us stronger, and the world, even drowning in war and blood, is still too beautiful to give up, especially the little things that everyone forgets. That’s what my father taught me. My path has never been covered with rose petals. Well.., for most people, actually. Still, I didn’t stop fighting for the people I love. Only when the clan curse showed itself… I was really scared. I felt completely helpless. And after the recent events… Fuck all my experience, knowledge and even more ranks. I am useless. I… I must accept the truth. I will die soon Kiba and I do not want to die here.”
Her previously smooth and still voice started to crack. Her shoulders shivered slightly.
“You, Ino and your friends are wonderful people and in general I like Konoha, but it will never be my home, and you will never replace my family. I hate to break promises, but I really don’t want to keep the one I gave to sensei and friends. I just want to give up and go back to Kiri. I miss them so much and want to see them one last time. Besides there is also one thing that bothers me…”
Mei was not that wrong when she said that Tsubasa might fall in love in Konoha. She actually did, but not with the soulmate destined by the stars. She fell in love with an eccentric, slightly arrogant and silly boy who may have not really known her, but still tried to help. Simply because he did not lose faith in her or their team, because he acted friendly with her and could cheer her up even in her darkest moments. For the fact that he could knock on the window at one in the morning and invite her into the forest to look at the fireflies. Just like that. It wasn’t like love at first sight, or a long courtship. With each passing day her feelings grew stronger washing over her like waves. Unfortunately, there were few “BUTs” that Tsubasa could not ignore:
She was from another village and even though there were many bad things in the hidden Mist, she was not going to betray it or move anywhere. She promised herself to help Sensei make the village a better place, and she was not going to give up on her dream either. Kiba was also too loyal to his family and friends. He would never leave them for some Kirigakure girl.
Moreover, Tsubasa felt guilty about her soulmate. Yes, she never saw him, but that did not stop him from taking care of her and obviously dreaming about their meeting. It would be wrong just not to care about his feelings.
Most importantly, that applied to both Kiba and the unknown “true one” - she was dying. She was a weak sick girl who had a month left to live at best. Of course, she could confess her feelings to the boy next to her right now, feel loved and die with a drop of happiness… But was it fair for Kiba who would have to live with this burden until the end of his days? Definitely not. She couldn’t do that to him. That’s why she would rather stay silent, burn out from her feelings, because at least she would not let him suffer.
“I just don’t know what to do… I feel lost.”
She lifted her head, blue feathers of her earnings blowing in the wind. Her face was emotionless and her body calm, yet uncontrollable tears were streaming down her face.
The boy took her freezing hand and pulled her into a hug. Tsubasa bit her lip, burying her face in his shoulder and soaking his jacket with tears.
”You lost only because you gave up right away as soon as you found out about your diagnosis! Stop thinking about the fucking disease! Focus on something else! Not on the loved ones, since it causes you so much pain. Focus on your dreams! On your soulmate!”
“Why are you so obsessed with the idea of soulmates?”
“Why are you so disgusted with the idea itself?”
She let his hand go and exhaled. There was no trace of her emotional outburst except for her bloodshot eyes. Tsubasa grabbed the swing chains, thinking for a second.
“I do not believe in fairy tales about gods, who loved each other and were separated, that blessed all mortal couples with a secret connection, in revenge to the rest of the pantheon. Why did everyone suddenly start to think that it was a love connection? What if that bond means a strong friendship? And how can finding lost things help my soulmate find me or specifically, my body? The only variant I see is where you tattoo the coordinates on your hand and lose it in battle. An ‘excellent’ plan! Moreover, where are the guarantees that soulmate couples will be happy? Give me one example.”
”Ino’s parents are soulmates.”
Both of them suddenly turned silent.
”As far as I know, Mrs. Yamanaka did not even know our language when she arrived here. She was from another country, with completely different customs, still she risked going into the unknown. And I don’t know any stronger couple.”
“The way you talk about it… Your parents aren’t soulmates either, are they?”
He nodded.
”Don’t get me wrong, I love my mother. In fact, my father left when I was one year old, so she and my sister raised me. But… My mother is a very difficult person. As far as I can remember, it was always important for her to be the first and she never cared about the feelings of others. This is good for a warrior, but not for a family member. She could easily say things that will hurt you, including the ones she said on purpose, as a joke in order to please her ego. When you tried to talk to her about this and ask her to tone it down a little, she pretended to listen at first, but soon forgot about it. As for my father, he was not from our clan, not even from our village. He was a stranger and ended up being at the very bottom of the clan’s hierarchy. My sister said that he could stand a lot of things, but not the betrayal and disregard towards him from his once loved one. Of course, this was not the only reason he left. After that, looking at how Ino’s parents perfectly understand each other and always try to find a compromise, on how strong their union is… I want the same kind of family. Yes, I can act like my mother, be short tempered and impulsive. I think you noticed it when we first met. I admit I behaved horribly, but with people close to me, whom I don’t want to lose, I try to control myself and work on it.”
“That’s… amazing Kiba. And despite the fact that you mostly act like a jerk -” he snorted and a small smile formed on her lips- “I have to admit that after knowing you better, I have respect for you. You don’t try to please everyone. You give all of yourself and your warmth only to the ones that are close to you. Only to those who, in your opinion, deserve it, disregarding the rest. This is right. I share the same point of view. But since you really want to find your soulmate, have you ever thought that you might end up being the one to leave your home? Are you ready for such a sacrifice yourself?”
Kiba fell silent. At first it seemed that he was deep in thought, but in reality, everything was different. He was frightened and listened to the silence of the night trying to find out if someone was eavesdropping on them. For a moment, the girl even thought that he used ninjutsu to sniff out strangers and make sure that there were no one near them.
As white as a sheet, he took her hand and ‘wrote’ his answer on the inside of her palm with a finger:
She glanced at him. His actions spoke louder than words.
“Your father is dead, isn’t he?”
”Were you born in a clan or joined it later, you cannot leave it.”
”I understand. After all, in Kiri, a lot is happening inside our clans too.”
They both sat in uncomfortable silence.
“When you said that my parents are not soulmates, you also said “either”. So..?”
“You heard right. You know that before Terumi-sama, Kirigakure was overflowing with nepotism and bribery? Well, people were willing to do anything to move up the career ladder. My mother really wanted a higher position in ANBU, so she made my father fall in love with her and convinced him that she was his soulmate. As you understand, it was also important for my father to find ‘the true one’ but when he realized that he was fooled it was already too late. He comforted himself with the fact that he seemed to love my mother even without that spiritual bond, plus he loved me with all his heart and soul. But in fact, the love between my parents was one-sided… and because of the special treatment to the Yuki clan, my father was never at home. So… when you start looking for your destined one, please be careful, okay? I do not want the same fate for you or for anyone else.”
Okay, let’s change the topic” - he waved his hands in a playful defensive gesture “You mentioned that you have a dream. So, what kind of dream?”
“Well, you chose a bad one to distract me, because my dream is deeply connected with my family. You know about the genocide of the Yuki clan?”
“Mmm, sorry, to be honest, not really. Only that when the Uchiha clan was massacred, the elders whispered with each other that it could be the same case as it was with your clan, where it was the Kage’s order or some sort.”
“The Yuki clan was once considered to be one of the most powerful clans in the village of the Hidden Mist. And of course, quite dangerous, especially for the past Mizukage, or rather, for the one who controlled him. So, one night, the entire main branch was killed and the clan’s library burned down. The Yuki clan was officially made part of a lower caste. Some clan members managed to escape, while others were often sent on dangerous and suicidal missions. Now from the once large clan, only 30-40 people remain in Kiri, and most of them are elders and children. For comparison, grandfather Naoki had four children, the same age as my father, and only one daughter remained alive. As you know, my frightened and repressed clan avoided communicating with each other. In fact, in my childhood, it was as if the clan did not exist at all. Childhood in Kiri was not easy, but the other children at least had a clan, a large family that stood up for them. I wanted it too. I wanted to be a part of a clan and before my illness I dreamed of reviving the Yuki clan, regaining lost knowledge and finding all the relatives lost around the world, whom, as far as I heard, were not liked by both ninjas and civilians. But now after that illness… I must find every single Yuki alive to make sure that no one will be alone while fighting the family curse and that no one will go through the same pain as me, giving them a chance to be cured. And I will do it, no matter what… If I survive, of course…”
“It’s … A great dream to achieve-,” he scratched his head not knowing what to say- “And I am sure you will! Just don’t be so pessimistic! “
”I am realistic.”
“OK, OK!” he chuckled.“Looks like only realists like you, who talk about how bad and terrible everything will be, turn out to be chuunins.”
“What? Kiba, I don’t… urgh forget it! Arguing with you on any topic is simply useless when you are stubborn as a mule.”
“Said another mule!”
She laughed. Warmly and sincerely, for the first time this evening, and perhaps since they returned from that ill-fated mission.
”By the way, if your life in the hidden mist was so bad why do you hate the idea of moving to another place? Like here, to Konoha?”
“First of all, my life in Kiri is perfect now. Secondly, when people will learn that I am from the hidden mist they will hate me. The only thing that saves me now is that commoners think I am a distant relative of Ino.”
“Why do you think that?”
“You never heard why Kiri women are hated so much?”
“Well let me tell you,” she grinned sinisterly. “One year, in our village, due to hunger, disease and war, there were practically no men left. Then the women decided to fill this gap by stealing men from other villages. But then they questioned themselves, how to transport healthy and adult shinobi without harming them? This is how the world-famous art of Kirigakure ANBU was born, thanks to which we can immobilize even the most powerful warrior,” she chuckled as a senbon she used in some missions appeared from nowhere, - “With the combination of many factors, but still. Well, those poor souls who ended up in Kiri … they essentially had no choice, but to marry ladies there if they wanted to live.”
“Are you joking?!”
“I’m not! In fact, my great-grandfather was kidnapped from the village hidden in the Stone. So, be careful Inuzuka Kiba! Who knows, maybe my illness is just a part of a secret mission and I’m actually here to pick up suitable candidates… And you might end up being one of them! You may turn out to be a good third husband for me, you know?”
He laughed.
“Oh really? Well, I would die to see how you would try to steal me with such an amazing guard as Akamaru!”
“Oh darling,” she grinned and hugged the huge white dog,” I would find a way to make that adorable boy my partner in crime! “
Akamaru happily barked in agreement and both teenagers burst into laughter, almost falling off the swing.
“By the way,” she said after a small pause, “I have to admit that fireflies are much more beautiful in Konoha. Thank you for letting me enjoy such beauty…”
He bit his lip and took her hand in his. The Ice crystals were still showing from her bandage returned them both to the dreadful reality.
“You will survive Tsu, I promise you, and you will see many more fireflies. Not only these.”
She looked at him with a faded, crooked smile. A smile that only gravely ill and very tired people have. Kiba returned her a look and his heart squeezed painfully in his chest, skipping a beat.
“Don’t make a promise that you can’t keep.”
”I’ll keep it! You will see. We are close to finding the ancient temple of the Yuki clan, and there definitely should be information on how to cure you. And after the next mission is completed, we will go to a grill bar! In the land of water there are only sea creatures and practically no normal beef. I cannot let you go back to Kiri without letting you know all the delights of good meat.”
She chuckled.
“If you say so.”
But there would be no grill bar or any next time. They found information about the temple location, but at the cost of everything else. The disease turned out to be unstoppable at this point. Luckily, they managed to reach it in time and save Tsubasa’s life.
Three months had passed since her miraculous recovery. Representatives of the Mist village appeared in Konoha the next day and took the girl with them, not allowing her even to say goodbye to her new friends. Still, their paths will cross in the future.
Upon returning to Kiri, Tsubasa began to communicate a lot with Ino through letters, which made the Mizukage almost ecstatic. She hoped that friendship with the clan princess would turn into a possible strong political tie in the future. One way or another, Mei was going to make her children, if not a future Mizukage, then those on whom the village could rely. Sometimes Mei was so happy about the benefits that Tsubasa had a feeling that her illness and departure to Konoha were part of Sensei’s plan to improve relationships with the village from the very beginning. However, she thought it was too weird and silly to be true.
She also sent letters to Kiba. Feelings for him that suddenly flared up in her heart were not planning to disappear, but she still had no intention of getting into his personal life. He wanted to find his soulmate, and she respected that wish. This was the least she could do for him. “Besides,” she thought while drinking peach tea in the evenings and remembering how he was trying to warm her drastically freezing body on their trip to the temple, “it is unlikely that we would have succeeded even if there would be no soulmate. We are too loyal and attached to our villages and clans. None of us would move to another village for the sake of other. Only a soulmate had such privilege.“
Therefore, she was happy to be his friend at least, send the boxes of tangerines and dried seafood snacks on special occasions, help with advice on everyday problems that all teenagers went through, regardless of which shinobi village they were born in, and just talk about all sorts of nonsense.
At six am, there was a loud knock on the door. Tsubasa was just getting ready for the training and she had no idea who would need to see her at such an early hour (her teammates were waiting for her at the training field, so it could not be them).
A familiar figure was standing outside of the door. Tired from the road, a little nervous, but smiling. Holding a medium-sized flat box under his arm.
“Kiba? What are you doing here, especially this early?!”
“There were reasons,” he said giving her a box, “may i come in?”
“Of course, you can, I’ll make you some tea and something to eat for you two.”
The girl moved away to the side, letting the boy and his dog into the apartment. Akamaru immediately stretched and laid himself on the carpet of the living room, while Kiba took a seat in the kitchen.
“So, what’s the reason you came here?”
“Open the box,” he said with a smile.
Tsubasa raised her eyebrows skeptically. She put the box on the table, thin fingers gripping the blue lid and pulling it up. Her father’s mask with its cold material was staring right into the girl from the inside. Frozen in complete shock, looking at the once-lost thing dear to her heart, she did not notice how Kiba approached her from behind.
“I just felt lost,” he said in a soft voice, while tucking a loose strand behind her ear. Their faces were only a few inches apart, “And desperately wanted to be found.”
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sky-of-dusk · 4 years
Kyouya, the Dark Power and character's development
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Some says that Kyouya regresses a lot between Fusion and Masters (and accuse the Dark Power of it) but I disagree.
In Fusion, he's being drawn in the whole fight against the Dark Nebula, and things went fast: he came to his senses after the Wolf Canyon, learnt of the Forbidden Bey's existence (you know? Kyouya Tategami, who didn't believe in magic and thought it was nonsense until they went to the Dark Nebula Castle), then he went looking for Ginga.
Kyouya isn't used to be around people who aren't his lackeys. You can see it when he first travels with Benkei, Kenta and Madoka. He seemed out of place, not really knowing how to react. He let Benkei (after the Wolf Canyon) and Ginga (at Koma) take him into their arms. Some days later he decided he needed something called "personal space" and pushed away people when they are too near to him (like he did with Benkei).
After this, the Battle Bladers was announced. The whole group did their best to qualify and the Battle Bladers began. Kyouya had no time to think about the way he wanted to act with others. Between Fusion and Masters, he had (too much maybe) time to think and plan how he wants to behave with others and, especially, how he wants to behave as Ginga's rival.
In season 1, he was so angry to have lost against he teamed up with the Dark Nebula (he kind of promise it, but nonetheless...). Then he came back with his worst behaviour ever (poor little town guy who didn't imagine being in the wilderness was so hard xD). In next seasons, he only went away when he's pissed off. It's a great improvement!
Two other examples of improvement: - In season 1, he blames his Face Hunter after he lose against Ginga but, in season 2, he acknowledges the Wild Fang lose because of him, after Nile blamed himself (what he could have easily used). - In season 2, he refuses to be part of the Japanese Team, but in season 3, he decides to travel with the group, while no one asked him yet (it doesn't end perfectly, but it was a good start).
Kyouya's wish to defeat Ginga isn't caused by the Dark Power. It was present since he met him in the first season: their first battle, the Wolf Canyon, his "rivalry" with Hyouma, the Battle Bladers (in particular the semi-final where he spent his time saying he would defeat Ginga, didn't care about Ryuuga and that Ginga want to fight with him).
Kyouya wasn't affected by the Dark Power. He had no aura, no flashback of his duel with Ryuuga, no traumatized look that characterized Tsubasa and Hikaru when they suffered the Dark Power. It didn't do anything to him. His worst (and only) breakdown (or outburst) was at the very begining of the series, after the Wolf Canyon, long before he knew Ryuuga and the Dark Power existed. 
About his obsession of Ginga... Ginga is the very first one who have won over him. Kyouya is (slightly?) a bad loser. To refuse to become a part of the japanese team is completely in his course of action. He wanted to defeat Ginga and, if he teamed up with him, he couldn't. So he had searched another way to take part in the World Championship BEFORE he started the selections. When he talked with Ginga after defeating Tsubasa, he told him so with hints and half-words.
So the Dark Power has exactly no effet on Kyouya (and his behavior evolved).
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