#Trudie Clarke
canadachronicles · 2 years
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I miss these gals so much!
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thechosenanubis · 2 years
The Anubis boys drink their ~respect women~ juice every day.
Except Jerome.
Not because he's sexist, but because he disrespects everyone equally.
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incorrectsibunaquotes · 10 months
Jerome: Hey, Trudy, can I see my baby pictures?
Trudy: *pulls out a stack of photo albums*
Joy: Can I see my baby pics too?
Trudy: *pulls out a floppy disk*
Patricia: What about mine?
Trudy: *hands her a USB*
Alfie: Can I see mine, Truds?
Nina, clearing her throat: *hands him her phone*
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kidneys-and-custard · 7 months
Call Your Mom by Noah Kahan
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Chantel Riley as Trudy Clarke in Frankie Drake Mysteries (TV Series, 2017–2021). 
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non-cannon · 1 year
About a year ago I created this post elsewhere on the interwebs and decided to share with Tumblr:
I've just been thinking about how during the first season, most of the others would have been able to go home for Christmas, but Nina wouldn't be able to afford the flights and Jerome had a terrible home life. So it would (could) have just been the two of them, plus Trudy and Victor, there for the holidays.
And maybe Nina slips an unsigned Christmas card under Victor's door. And he's confused, but touched, because no one (aside from Trudy, whom he keeps refusing) has given him something for the holiday since he last saw Sarah.
And Trudy prepares stockings for Nina and Jerome. For Nina it helps with the homesickness. For Jerome, having been alone with Trudy and Victor last year, it's the only presents he's expecting, except maybe something from poopy.
So it comes as a surprise when he discovers that Nina got him a scarf. He apologizes for not getting her anything, and she tells him that it's just a scarf, one of the most generic Christmas gifts there is, and it felt weird to not get him something since they were spending Christmas together, but insists he doesn't have to get her anything.
Nina also got Trudy a novelty apron. It reads "Keep calm and carrot on". Trudy loves it.
Nina opens some cards from her friends back home, and her gran shipped her a poetry book of some kind. Nina comments that her gran thinks she loves poetry more than she actually does, but she still reads the book cover to cover that night.
The next time (and everytime thereafter), Jerome goes out into cold weather, he wears the scarf Nina got him. She never says anything when she sees it, but she smiles at him when he does.
I'm not Christian, I don't celebrate Christmas, I don't really like Christmas stories, it's August, why the hell did I come up with this now? I gave myself all the feels. If none of you write this fanfiction, I may be forced to write it myself, but hopefully this is out of my system now.
I also wrote the fanfic and posted it to Fanfiction.net here is the link:
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Today's government mandated femslash couple of the day is
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Frankie Drake and Trudy Clarke!
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winniewells · 1 year
currently writing chapter eight to Fabian's Eyes (check out my bio for more) and where the hell did Nina's locket come from??? like i know Sarah gave it to her, but where did Sarah get it from??? did Robert and Louise steal it from Tutankhamen's tomb along with the other artifacts?? maybe that's why they stole so much from there. perhaps they found out somehow that Sarah was a descendant from Amneris so they thought "fuck it, let's take what we can"
like idk if it was ever explicitly said or not and it doesn't say anything on the wiki. any thoughts? because i am thoroughly confused and it will be helpful for writing Fabian's Eyes. i want to make sure the info is accurate as possible.
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sunshineraccoon · 11 months
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Day 14: Trudy Clarke and Frankie Drake from Frankie Drake Mysteries in a 1970's AU
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frobisher-smythe · 2 years
House of Flames/House of Alarms
HOA Rewatch - Episodes 14/15
I’ve never mentioned this before but the opening theme just slaps
god the chandelier is so pretty
“don’t worry, it’ll be me who’ll be dusting it” I Love when trudy tells victor to mind his business
amber is such a good friend like she has important values and she knows the importance of the locket and even though she’s close with patricia she still upholds them
fabian. things you are trying to keep from the teachers. should probably not be. used in front of the teacher.
I wanna know if jerome ever Actually wrote ms. robinson a sonnet and if so how was it received
nina could definitely get the jewel bit of, she was just flirting with fabian
lmao nice cover fabian, you shouldn’t join any metal bands anytime soon
nina is so condescending. like. just say it’s a fireplace rather than teasing amber. don’t like this scene
“I don’t like you snooping around the house” lmaooo
lmaoo jerome just thirdwheeling alfie rapping amber’s song. he was like can’t miss this
does anyone know what the secret society chants? like has someone figured that out yet? I’m very curious but I’m Really bad at spelling (if you haven’t guessed by my posts yet lol) and don’t think I could get it right to put in a translator
akdhsjak patricia can be so mean. like. I Know she’s going through it a lot. but come on
rufus finding out the locket is in anubis house 😮😏🧐
lowkey think ms. andrews class would be a fun english class
wait she teaches french
does she teach both?? that would be kinda annoying
she’s just the language gal in general
“nobody. not one body.” I love amber so much
amber’s like I Am Not Thirdwheeling
nathalia’s acting is not it this episode. it’s weird, the previous episode was fine and I’m pretty the next one is. she just. had an off day ig
fr rufus? using your same initials was a dumb bitch idea
“she could send us back to a fireplace in 1972” wait. isn’t that. the point. like aren’t you trying to find old fireplaces that have been boarded up around the time central heating was a thing.
poor sarah. she has so many people wanting things from her and she just can’t :((
wow even jerome and alfie went along with the silent treatment
why have the all switched spots this dinner? mara, alfie, amber, and fabian are all in the a different seat then they normally are.
that fake oven was the best thing to happen to them, could you imagine how hard it would’ve been to get down to the attic in s2 if they Had to go through the door under victors office
well ig there’s the alfie and jerome way of the window but that was never used again. I wonder why, it seems like it would be smart to sometimes pretend you were at the school/library and never walk in the house. mix up your methods
“bad things don’t happen when the lights are on” she’s definitely not entirely wrong, the only bad thing I remember happening in daylight was patricia/nina’s kidnapping
victor: actively going down the steps. nina, in her normal loud voice: hide!!! victor: 🧐🤔🤔
well that’s this episode, I enjoyed it was a nice, kinda filler but still some good bits :)
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forensicated · 10 months
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Smiffina Episodes - Episode 348
Roger and Yvonne attend the scene of a RTA where a young boy has been knocked over. The driver is found at the scene after trying to run away. It turns out that the driver stole the car and he insists the child just ran out in front of him. The boys dies from massive internal injuries. If the driver sticks to his story it's going to be a struggle to pin dangerous driving on him as there are no witnesses. The father, Jeff, blames himself because he took his eyes off him for a second to answer the phone. The driver insists they've got nothing on him - other than joyriding and driving without a licence, he refuses to even consider that he was to blame.
Amanda hears Smithy and June talking about Gina and advises Smithy to stay away from Gina because she can't be helped. More likely Amanda's worried more people will find out what she did if people talk to Gina!
Reg is very happy to be leading the anniversary proceedings for the celebration. He 'volunteers' Reg and Lance to help him chaperoning guests and making things run smoothly.
Gabriel is overwhelmed with the amount of stuff to sort out and the whole pretending to be someone else thing which would require a lot of sorting out and a high risk of being caught out. June tells him he's living in cloud cuckoo land and that he's got a bank account, NI number, driving licence etc in her sons name and not his own and that he's claimed everything else of her sons to be his. June tells him that if he doesn't tell Sheelagh then she will. He tries to threaten her and June's far passed the point of actually being scared of him and doesn't care. She gives him a week to talk to Sheelagh. He actually thanks her and promises he won't let her down.
Roger supports the father, Jeff, and is gently and kind and tells him that they're doing everything they can. Amanda however is on the phone to the press as she arrives and tells them that she wants it specifically mentioned that they're doing all they can and that she personally visited the father. She knocks whilst still on the telephone and interupts Roger telling Jeff that they have some concerns with the prelimary findings which means the driver will only be charged with with aggrevated vehicle taking, driving with no insurance and no licence and not death by dangerous driving. Amanda puts her foot in it massively and upsets Jeff, inflaming the situation. Jeff throws her out of the house and in turn Roger too. Amanda then blames Roger for it backfiring int he manner it did!
Smithy goes to Adam's house to speak to him, knowing Gina will have told him nothing. Adam's been working as a volunteer at a homeless shelter to keep him busy as he hates being in the house alone. Smithy updates him on the happenings at Sun Hill, telling Adam that it's like Gina is being forced out by Amanda and that Amanda's lost the respect of the entire station through it as they all know that it wasn't Gina who sent S019 to the wrong house. Adam insists it will be fine as Gina won't let it knock her - but Smithy tells him that it's like Gina has given up and just rolled over. Smithy begs him to return to take the helm but Adam is not at all sure and asks for time to think about it.
Yvonne and Roger have to arrest Jeff for assaulting the driver of the car who killed his son. Amanda tells Roger to release him straight away rather than let him calm down and she demands that Roger makes the driver NOT press charges. Jeff demands that the boy is arrested again and Amanda tells him she hasn't read the file and she can't do that. She tells him it was an accident and that they're all deeply sorry. She's incredibly useless and simply inflames Jeff over again. He screams at her that he wants the man who killed his son brought to justice. She simply tells him they're doing everything they can to help him and escapes back to her office, leaving Yvonne to take him home.
Adam goes to see Gina and she guesses immediatley that Smithy sent him. She tells him she's lost her fight and she's not doing a great deal to secure her job back because she doesn't have the energy to deal with it right now. She 'rememebers' she's got to be somewhere and he leaves. He tells her she's the best Super he's ever worked under and that she's being pushed out for something that isn't her fault. She admits she doesn't want to work under Amanda so is considering her options. Adam tells her he's considering returning and asks if she'd work under him again. She's surprised - but of course she would! She agrees to return to the station for the anniversary do and admits she lied about 'having things to do' and closes the door.
There's a shock instore for both June and Gabriel at the front desk. The Real Gabriel Kent has arrived, asking to see June. It doesn't half confuse Laura however when the man gives his name as 'Gabriel Kent'.
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The Fake Gabriel is putting up posters advertising his and Sheelagh's engagement party as Laura arrives and asks him if he's seen June because there's a bloke at the front desk asking for her. "You're not going to believe this, but his name is Gabriel Kent." she tells him. The Fake Gabriel assures Laura he's a bit of a nutter and that he'll deal with it and goes through to see his brother - The Real Gabriel Kent. The Real Gabriel is amazed to see him and shocked that his brother is a police officer and tells him he's there to see June.
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The Fake Gabriel (TFG) tells The Real Gabriel (TRG)* they can sort it out but that they need to go upstairs to a private quiet room so it's not played out in front of people whilst TRG gets to know his birth mother.
Outside the station Jeff Clarke is watching it fill up with visitors for the anniversary. Laura spots him outside and asks if he's ok, he assures her he's fine and continues looming.
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Reg is running around in old fashioned police clothing, trying his best to get everything set up and ordering the others around to help. Tony has to tell him that the old Sun Hill officer that he'd arranged to make a talk has hurt his back and can't come after 'helping' with an arrest earlier. Reg says he'll drive him to the hospital and that Tony has to take over for him and do the introductions.
TRG is even more confused as he talks with his brother as he wanted to be a police officer and it just so happens that his brother is stationed at the same station as his birth mother. He suggests it can't be a coincidence but TFG insists it is and says that June isn't in that day, what a shame it is considering he came all that way to see her. TRG just smiles, telling TFG that he's now home for good having lost his job and his marriage having ended. He's going nowhere - sending more alarm bells ringing for TFG. TRG asks how he got into the MET after his 'trouble' in the Navy. Laura appears and calls TFG 'Gabriel' which suddenly explains it all to TRG. (cor this is exhausting!) TRG wants to thrash it out, knowing that he's stolen his identity. TRG knows just how twisted his brother is. TFG refuses to let him leave.
Terry arrives back at the station after a covert operation he's been on all day. Amanda tells him he has to show guests around CID. He explains but she won't take no for an answer - he has to show them round now or else. Gina turns up for the anniversary do on Adam's arm, nervous that she might not be allowed in because she's been suspended. He assures her it'll be fine.
Jeff is in the front office with the rest of the people invited, he tells Terry that he's not there for the anniversary, he wants to talk to someone about his son. Amanda is horrified to see him and interupts as Terry wants to take him somewhere to explain the process gently. Amanda tells him that she'll take him to her office and leads him upstairs - telling him he's come at a bad time as it's actually a celebration. Jeff is clearly on the edge but she doesn't appear to realise and just continues upstairs, "It's always best to deal with these things whilst they're fresh." She tells him in a dismissive bored tone.
TFG insists that stealing his brothers life and identity is no big deal and can all be sorted out. "Yes it can." nods TRG. "You're going to tell them the truth." TFG turns it all round to be TRG's fault that this happened in the first place, claiming he just wanted to be like him. TFG claims he's finally found something he's good at and that he's not going to let TRG ruin it. TFG offers to pay him whatever he wants to return to America. "Either you tell them the truth or I do. So what's it going to be, David?" TFG freezes, plotting and he finally agrees that yes, he will resign. "But not now. Everyone's tied up with the do. Who could I talk to?" TRG knows he's playing for time and TFG scoffs. "Who are you going to tell? You just going to grab someone and blurt it out? People wil think you're a nutter." TFG tells him to come back the next morning to speak to June. TRG demands he let him leave but TFG won't let him. "Face it David, your little game is over."
Amanda inflames Jeff's feelings further, telling him that she's very sorry - yet again - but nothing can be done. She asks him to leave... as Jeff produces a gun. "You keep saying you're sorry, but you're not. All you had to do was listen."
TRG charges out of the room with TFG at his heels, grabbing him and telling him he doesn't know where he's going. They come face to face with Amanda being held at gun point and Jeff orders them to stay where they are. "Just do what he says!" Amanda says, terrified.
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Next time on The Bill... it's the second live ep!
As an aside, for extra LOLS, each time James Barriscale is in The Bill as Gabriel Kent, he is credited as 'The Real Gabriel Kent' 😂😂
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exhaustedstorm · 1 year
Just rewatched a bunch of Frankie Drake episodes & I'm so frustrated. I'm gonna be ranting about the show for a bit so if you want to skip i will tag the posts with 'f d rant'. I will also put most of it below the read more.
I really like almost every character except the titular frankie and her wardrobe/costumes makes me increasingly angry.
Trudy is a gem and I wish she was the focus. She is cunning, adventurous and could honestly run the agency by herself. She does most of the groundwork anyway & has almost all of the important contacts. Also she is gorgeous in anything.
I want more of Flo's backstory and would have really liked an episode focused on her. The other girls had at least one each so I can only assume one was planned for Flo before the show was cancelled. I just like her general vibe and the scenes she is in are always good. A woman studying on her own while holding a job she is passionate about is easy for me to relate to and Flo is a great character with strong loyal ties.
Mary is hilarious and the only thing I wish was different was that Frankie & Trudy included her more or actually gave her information back intead of just taking it from her, often without a thank you until the general 'good-job-everyone' at the episodes end. Sure she is naive and is made fun of by that by the narrative and a lot of the other characters, but she states outright that she's not living in a bubble and tries to make the best choices she has with what she's allowed to know. Considering few people (even her friends!) actually bothers to tell her relevant information in time it's no wonder her actions are sometimes misguided. I have a hard time relating to her cop-behaviour, but it's a strong motivator for her character.
I really love Wendy and she could not show up enough times! Same with Nora. She is a dynamic character that really brings excitement to any scene.
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badmovieihave · 11 months
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Bad movie I have The Fighting Sullivans 1944
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incorrectsibunaquotes · 9 months
Trudy, at the police station: Hello, I’m here to pick up Jerome and Alfie.
Officer: … Last names?
Trudy: Oh, you must be new!
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Quality Control Time
okay everyone: realistically despite having read some since last tournament I can't have read all of these books as I am one person running a blog for funnies
so I'm posting a list after I've gone through the submissions and I'm counting on you guys to tell me if any of these submissions don't count (or if someone typoed something in the submission I didn't catch)
that said here are your (tentative) competitors:
Rune Saint-John- The Tarot Sequence by KD Edwards
Quinn Saint Nicholas- The Tarot Sequence by KD Edwards
Layne Dawncreek- The Hourglass Throne by KD Edwards
Silas Bell- The Spirit Bares it's Teeth by Andrew Joseph White 
Daphne Luckenbill- The Spirit Bares it's Teeth  by Andrew Joseph White 
Benjamin/Benji Woodside- Hell Followed with us by Andrew Joseph White 
Sideways Pike- The Spacegracers by HA Clarke
Tayend of Tremmelin- Magician’s Guild series (The Novice, The High Lord) by Trudi Canavan
Gideon Nav- The Locked Tomb by Tamsyn Muir
Ianthe Tridenarius, Ianthe the First- The Locked Tomb by Tamsyn Muir
Harrowhark Nonagesimus- The Locked Tomb by Tamsyn Muir
Dekka- Gone series by Michael Grant
Therem Harth rem ir Estraven- The Left Hand of Darkness by Ursula K. Le Guin
Seregil í Korit Solun Meringil Bôkthersa- Luck in the shadows/the nightrunner series by Lynn Fleweling
Victor Vale- Vicious by VE Schwab
Alucard Emery- Shades of Magic series by VE Schwab
Rhy Maresh- Shades of Magic series by VE Schwab
Elliot Schafer- In Other Lands by Sarah Rees Brennan
Sebastian Black- The Sacred Sins of Father Black by St John Starling
Father Victor Ardelian- What Manner of Man by St John Starling
Wenren È- Devil Venerable Also Wants To Know by Cyan Wings
Zhu Chongba- She Who Became The Sun by Shelley Parker-Chan
Ouyang- She Who Became The Sun by Shelley Parker-Chan
Giovanni- Giovanni's room by James Baldwin
David- Giovanni's room by James Baldwin
Danny Tozer- Dreadnought by April Daniels
Magnus Bane- The Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare
Alec Lightwood- The Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare
Thomas Lightwood- The Last Hours by Cassandra Clare
Alastair Carstairs- The Last Hours by Cassandra Clare
Alex Fierro-Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard series by Rick Riordan
Magnus Chase- Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard series by Rick Riordan
Nico di Angelo- The Sun and the Star by Rick Riordan
Frances Janvier- Radio Silence by Alice Oseman
Nick Nelson- Heartstopper by Alice Oseman
Charlie Spring- Heartstopper by Alice Oseman
Tori Spring- Solitaire by Alice Oseman
Gwen (Princess Gwendoline)- Gwen and Art Are Not in Love by Lex Croucher
Jack Alston/Lord Hawthorn- The Last Binding Trilogy by Freya Marske
Maud Blyth- The Last Binding Trilogy by Freya Marske
Robin Blyth- A Marvelous Light by Freya Marske
Silariathas “Silas”- Sorcery of Thorns by Margaret Rogerson
Nathaniel Thorn- Sorcery of Thorns by Margaret Rogerson
Ballister Blackheart- Nimona by N.D. Stevenson
Ambrosius Goldenloin- Nimona by N.D. Stevenson 
Neil Josten- All for the game by Nora Sakavic
Andrew Minyard- All for the game by Nora Sakavic
Nicky Hemick- All for the game by Nora Sakavic
Xie Lian- Heaven Official's Blessing / Tian Guan Ci Fu by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu / mxtx 
San Lang/ Hua Cheng- Heaven Official's Blessing / Tian Guan Ci Fu by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu / mxtx 
Luo Binghe- The Scum Villain’s Self-Saving System by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu / mxtx
Shen Qingqiu- The Scum Villain’s Self-Saving System by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu / mxtx
Lan Wangji/ Lan Zhan/ Han Guang Jun- Mo Dao Zu Shi (The Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu / mxtx
Wei WuXian/ Wei Ying/ Yiling Patriarch- Mo Dao Zu Shi (The Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu / mxtx
Kelly Bennett- Heartsong by TJ Klune
Linus Baker- The House in the Cerulean Sea by TJ Klune
Arthur Parnassus- The House in the Cerulean Sea by TJ Klune
Laurent- Captive Prince by C.S. Pacat
Damianos (Damen)- Captive Prince by C.S. Pacat
Will Kempen- Dark Rise Series by C.S. Pacat
Sarcean- Dark Rise Series by C.S. Pacat
James St. Clair- Dark Rise Series by C.S. Pacat
Ronan Lynch- The Raven Cycle by Maggie Stiefvater
Adam Parrish- The Raven Cycle by Maggie Stiefvater
Loki- Loki- Where Mischief Lies by Mackenzi Lee
Theo Bell- Where Mischief Lies by Mackenzi Lee
Daniela- We Set the Dark on Fire by Tehlor Kay Mejia
Carmen- We Set the Dark on Fire by Tehlor Kay Mejia
Seonid Traighan Sedai- Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan
Siuan Sanche Sedai- Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan
Shallan Davar- The Stormlight Archive series by Brandon Sanderson
Jasnah Kholin- The Stormlight Archive series by Brandon Sanderson 
Jesper Fahey- Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo
Wylan van Eck- Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo
Nina Zenik- Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo
Evelyn Hugo- The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid
Moiraine Damodred Sedai- The Wheel of Time Series by Robert Jordan 
Yan Wushi- 千秋 /Thousand Autumns/Qian Qu by Meng Xi Shi
Shen Qiao- 千秋/Qian Qiu/Thousand Autumn by Meng Xi Shi
Alex Claremont-Diaz- Red, White, and Royal Blue by Casey McQuiston
Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor- Red, White, and Royal Blue by Casey McQuiston
Biyu "Jane" Su- One Last Stop by Casey McQuiston
August Landry- One Last Stop by Casey McQuiston
Jolene Whitaker- Stars Still Fall by Jules Kelley
Jude St. Francis- A Little Life by Hanya Yanagihara
Francis Abernathy- The Secret History by Donna Tartt
Ishita Dey- Hani and Ishu's Guide to Fake Dating by Adiba Jaigirdar
Carmilla Karnstein- Carmilla by J Sheridan le Fanu
Murderbot- The Murderbot Diaries by Martha Wells
Shuos Jedao- Ninefox Gambit by Yoon Ha Lee
Achilles- Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller 
Patroclus- Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller 
Yin Hanjiang- Devil Venerable Also Wants To Know by Cyan Wings
Daja Kisubo- The Circle of Magic series, The Circle Opens series, The Will of the Empress by Tamora Pierce
Simon Torquill- October Daye Series by Seanan McGuire
Kade Bronson- Wayward Children Series by Seanan McGuire
Jack Wolcott- Wayward Children Series by Seanan McGuire
Sundew- Wings of Fire by Tui T Sutherland
Zanja Na'Tarwein- The Elemental Logic Series by Laurie J. Marks
Karis G'deon- The Elemental Logic series by Laurie J. Marks
Thaniel Steepleton- The Watchmaker of Filigree Street, The Lost Future of Pepperharrow by Natasha Pulley
Raff Barden- One Night in Hartswood by Emma Denny
Penn de Foucart- One Night in Hartswood by Emma Denny
Alec Campion- Swordspoint by Ellen Kushner
Richard St Vier- Swordspoint by Ellen Kushner
Nico Ferrer De Varona- The Atlas Six by Olivie Blake
Parisa Kamali- The Atlas Six by Olivie Blake
Sam Black Crow- American Gods by Neil Gaiman
Salim- American Gods by Neil Gaiman
Hunter- Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman
Islington- Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman
Tsukiko- The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern
Zachary Ezra Rawlins- The Starless Sea by Erin Morgenstern
Dorian- The Starless Sea by Erin Morgenstern
Katrina- The Starless Sea by Erin Morgenstern
Katherine- The Privilege of the Sword by Ellen Kushner
Geraldine- Christabel by Samuel Coleridge 
Priya- The Jasmine Throne/The Oleander Sword by Tasha Suri
Malini- The Jasmine Throne/The Oleander Sword by Tasha Suri
Henry Gaunt- In Memoriam by Alice Winn
Sidney Ellwood - In Memoriam by Alice Winn
Benji Ovich- Beartown by Frederik Backman
Renly Baratheon- A Song of Ice and Fire (ASOIAF) by George R.R. Martin
Loras Tyrell- A Song of Ice and Fire (ASOIAF) by George R.R. Martin
Oberyn Martell- A Song of Ice and Fire (ASOIAF) by George R.R. Martin
Ellaria Sand- A Song of Ice and Fire (ASOIAF) by George R.R. Martin
Ead Duryan- The Priory of the Orange Tree by Samantha Shannon
Thara Celehar- The Witness for the Dead by Katherine Addison
Iäna Pel-Thenhior- The Witness for the Dead by Katherine Addison
Vanyel Ashkevron- The Last Herald-Mage Series (Magic's Pawn, Magic's Price, Magic's Promise) by Mercedes Lackey
Galen- Paladin's Hope by T. Kingfisher 
Doctor Piper- Paladin's Hope by T. Kingfisher 
Eliot Waugh- The Magicians by Lev Grossman
Simon Spier- Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda by Becky Albertalli
Bram Greenfield- Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda by Becky Albertalli
Leah Burke- Leah on the Offbeat by Becky Albertalli
Abby Suso- Leah on the Offbeat by Becky Albertalli
Jay Gatsby- Self-Made Boys by Anna-Marie Mclemore
Harold Hutchins- Captain Underpants by Dav Pilkey
Eric "Bitty" Bittle- Check, Please! By Ngozi Ukazu 
Jack Zimmermann- Check, Please! By Ngozi Ukazu 
Ollie O'Meara- Check, Please! By Ngozi Ukazu
Pacer Wicks- Check, Please! By Ngozi Ukazu
Maurice Hall- Maurice by E.M. Forster 
Alec Scudder- Maurice by E.M. Forster 
Clive Durham- Maurice by E.M. Forster 
Cal Stephanides- Middlesex by Jeffrey Eugenides
Therese Belivet- Carol or The Price of Salt by Patricia Highsmith 
Carol Aird- Carol or The Price of Salt by Patricia Highsmith 
Baz Pitch- Carry On Series by Rainbow Rowell
Tennalhin (Tennal) Halkana- Ocean's Echo by Everina Maxwell
Evander (Andy) Mills- Lavendar House by Lev Ac Rosen
Kaiiestron (Kai) l, Prince of the Fourth House of the Underearth- Witch King by Martha Wells
Max Owen- Magical Boy by The Kao
Remy Pendergast- Silver Under Nightfall by Rin Chupeco
Ben De Backer- I Wish You All The Best by Mason Deaver
Nathan Allan- I Wish You All The Best by Mason Deaver
Genevieve Lefoux- The Parasol Protectorate series by Gail Carriger
Maddie Morrow- Havenfall by Sara Holland
Catherine St. Day- The Lady's Guide to Celestial Mechanics by Olivia Waite
Lucy Muchelney- The Lady's Guide to Celestial Mechanics by Olivia Waite
Fetter- The Saint of Bright Doors by Vajra Chandrasekera
Leonie Jackman- Her Majesty's Royal Coven by Juno Dawson
Red- This is How You Lose the Time War by Amal El-Mohtar and Max Gladstone 
Blue- This is How You Lose the Time War by Amal El-Mohtar and Max Gladstone 
Rose- Camp Damascus by Chuck Tingle
Li Shimin- Iron Widow by Xiran Jay Zhao
Cliopher Mdang- The Hands of the Emperor by Victoria Goddard
Lily Hu- Last Night At The Telegraph Club by Malinda Lo
Patrick O’Hara- The Guncle by Steven Rowley
Ambrose Cusk- The Darkness Outside Us by Eliot Schrefer
Kodiak Celius- The Darkness Outside Us by Eliot Schrefer
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I know barely anyone is still in the hoa fandom but I needed to make a mini appreciation post about Jerome Clarke.
In season 2 especially (bc I personally ignore season 3) he has such good character growth and the way he is one of the characters that is the first one to look into Trudy going missing?? Like this boy got himself involved immediately knowing she was in danger. It’s so overlooked how he does that. I know he originally gets into it for the gem, so it can be argued it’s a classic Jerome being in it for himself but I really like to think it’s him caring.
In the scene where they rescue Trudy in the barn, Jerome makes lots of jokes about leaving the others and making sure he gets safe first but minutes later when Alfie rams the door down his first instinct is to protect Amber.
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I love how he is portrayed as being good with kids. Like this boy has never really had a good father figure until he reconnected with his dad and basically had to raise his sister. All his scenes with Poppy are so precious and the way he speaks to Alfie when he’s de-aged shows how good he is with children and it’s just :((( idk it’s just such a sweet character trait that isn’t talked about enough. His ‘rest of the world nil’ moment with Poppy makes me smile so much bc for so long it really was just those two against the world to him.
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I know Jerome has his rat boy moments but sometimes he is just so sweet and it gets overlooked, especially compared to his season 1 character, in season 2 he really steps up.
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