#Tron OCs
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mewtwowarrior · 5 months ago
OKAY SO the spirit of writing visited me today and I wrote out a weird little fanfic on my phone, lol
To give you an idea of how weird it is, here's a cast list!
Ark: My Tron OC inspired by the Tron: Evolution DS player character
Mars: The rectified by the Occupation version of Ark
Siv and Dylan: @proto-actual's Tron OCs
The Occupation Program: A Tron: Legacy AU of Jonesy from Fortnite
It takes place in an AU of @proto-actual's Finite States, many thanks to them for reading it and discussing it with me! <3!
I meant to canon review and read the Fortnite comics before I jumped in to writing fanfic, but I needed to write NOW at the time, so I'm considering this a very rough draft that'll need some work to double check that the dialogue fits.
Summary: Ark is startled by an Occupation program that knows more about her past than she'd like and they get into an argument
Ark had settled nicely into her current life working with Siv. Like they had said, it was much different than what she was used to, but as long as she was helping people and making a difference, that's all that mattered to her.
She still enjoyed a good fight and kept up her usual routine of exercises, to make sure that she kept sharp. Despite the odds, she still had the staff she was programmed with, and she planned on keeping it that way.
Living in the lab had taken some getting used to, but she had slowly adjusted to the change of pace. She didn't have the know-how to lead any projects herself, but she lent a hand where she could, especially with moving and lifting things.
At the moment, she was relaxing and listening to the low level chatter and the various machineries. It was one part rest and another part visibly being available if anybody needed a hand. Plus, it was much more pleasant than holing up in her room alone, she had had more than enough of that.
Her calm demeanor was interrupted by a tall Occupation soldier strolling in. She never could get used to how casual they were - and that they rarely posed a real threat to the lab and its people. Yet another difference between here and just about anywhere else.
Ark rested her hand on her baton as he made his way through the lab. He likely wasn't going to cause trouble, but she preferred to be prepared.
Unfortunately for her, he had been sweeping the area with his eyes, and she had caught his attention. Her circuits were different, but there was no mistaking her face. He addressed her in shock, "Mars?!"
At that single word, that cursed name, Ark's circuits ran cold. She glanced around them, trying to figure out who, if anyone, had heard.
She got to her feet and grabbed him by his upper arm and started dragging him towards the back, where there were more private areas.
He protested as they went, sputtering and squawking, but, even though it would be easy for him to break out of her one-handed grip, he didn't even try to do so.
For anybody watching, it was probably a ridiculous sight, as he was over a head taller than her.
When they were out of the lab, Ark fumbled for an unlocked door with her free hand. Once she found one, she opened it and pulled him inside, closing the door behind them.
The room was pitch dark, except for the glow of their circuits, hers blue, and his red.
It took just a moment to get used to the change of lighting, and Ark realized to her horror that they had accidentally ended up in someone else's room. Great, another thing to worry about.
She could think about that later, as for right now, she had an Occupation soldier tilting his head, clearly waiting for her to explain herself.
Ark hissed at him, "Where did you hear that name?"
The Occupation soldier replied, "I was stationed at the detention center for a while. All of the other prisoners came and went, except you. You were always there."
Ark snarled at him, but her tone grew more upset with every word, "That wasn't me, I'm not her, I can't be her!"
He looked down at her with a frown, "I'm sorry." He paused for a moment, before letting his curiosity take over, "You're definitely not her now, how's that even possible? I've never seen that before."
It was Ark's turn to shake her head, "All I know is that a Medic fixed me, but even if I did know, I wouldn't tell an Occupation jerk like you."
He looked hurt, "Hey, I didn't mean to be a jerk."
Ark snorted, "It comes with your occupation. You're not rectified," she let a silent 'unlike I was' hang there for an uncomfortable moment, before continuing, "so you had to choose to join. Which means that you're a jerk."
The soldier scowled and snapped at her, "What makes you think I chose this?"
Ark was slightly taken aback, but her irritation won out over her common sense, "It's obvious, isn't it? You're free to go where you please and do what you want, so you had to have sold yourself out to them."
He glared at her, "You don't know anything about me, so don't even start. I don't want this any more than you do, you've made that clear. I had a choice to make and I've got to stand by it. It was either this or my friends' lives, and I'd choose to save them again every time. Wouldn't you do the same?"
Ark grew silent, not sure how to respond to the glowering soldier, because he was right. She'd sacrifice herself for the people she cared about, even if the end result was terrifying for her.
With the sudden quiet, a muffled voice spoke up from the other side of the door, "Can I go into my room now?"
Ark quickly snapped back without thinking, "No!"
The voice on the other side said a quiet, dejected, "Okay," and there was an unmistakable sound of somebody sliding down the wall and plopping on the floor.
Ark and the Occupation soldier turned their attentions back to each other, looking away from the door. A wide grin played across his face, and he could barely get out a few words before laughing, "Now, who's the jerk?"
She stood there for a moment, looking baffled, but his laughter was infectious and she gave him a light, playful shove, "Hey!"
"'Hey' yourself, now we're even," he smirked at her, pleased that he had managed to turn the tables of the conversation.
He then tilted his head at the door, "Come on, let's get outta here so we both can stop being jerks and hogging somebody else's room." He couldn't resist a playful jab at the bizarre situation.
Ark sighed, "You're right." She opened the door, holding it so that he could follow her.
He gamely trotted after her, unable to resist a bit of light, teasing snark, "Thanks for letting me walk out on my own accord."
Ark dryly replied, "You're welcome."
The soldier laughed in response, and as soon as he cleared the doorway, Dylan, the waiting program scrambled to their feet and darted to the door, quickly closing it and locking it behind them.
Ark glanced at the door and the soldier grinned again, "I guess that's all sorted out. Now, are you gonna let me get on with my business, or are you gonna lock me in a room with you again? Not that I'm complaining, but I'm on the clock and there's gonna be questions if I don't get a move on."
She blinked several times, "Uh, no. Go ahead."
He grinned, "Thanks, I appreciate it." He couldn't resist teasing her again one more time.
A moment passed as they each waited to see if that was the end of their little adventure, after a beat, he broke the silence first, "Well, that's that, I'm guessing that I'll be seeing you around?"
Ark nodded, "Yeah, I'm staying here for now."
He beamed in return, "Good! Hopefully our next conversation will be a little friendlier."
She cracked a smile, "Hopefully."
He dropped his own smile to be more serious for a moment, "Don't worry, I won't tell anyone that you're here. And, I won't speak that other name again, I promise."
Ark gave him a just-as-serious nod, "Thank you, that means a lot to me."
He returned her nod, then turned and walked off to go speak to Siv, giving her a casual wave without looking back.
Ark stood there in stunned silence, gave him enough time to get ahead, and then made her way back to her usual post, hoping that there'd be something to work on or something heavy to lift, she'd been distracted enough as it was, and it appeared that this wouldn't be the last of it.
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measlyscrapofseafood · 1 year ago
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more of my tron ocs!! this time w circuit + color mock-ups
they’ve also been given names!!!!! the one on the left is rei and the one on the right is lye
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mouser26 · 5 months ago
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Bitlet Bearer
Sometimes you're the co-ruler of an entire Computer system. Sometimes you're a very tolerant pack mule for you son and grandson*.
October art #26
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corruptedcodelines · 4 months ago
Ark was on the hunt. Using every skill she had as a System Monitor and a Renegade, she had been working hard to track a program without the program knowing that she was there. Unfortunately, that meant that she had to hang back further than she'd like to, but it was the safest option right now, until she got a better understanding of the situation. If she was correct, this program had a chance to be Tron, which meant she had to be on her best game to stay out of his notice.
This was a risk he shouldn't be taking right now.
He kept his head down as he wove his way through the crowds, his helmet rezzed only over the bottom of his face to keep programs from recognizing either of his appearances. He didn't want to draw undue attention as... either... of his faces.
Well... one was hos face anyway.
He kept his senses flowing through the Grid with every step, his eyes sharp as he tried to find any trace of the being that had been haunting this sector. If his information was correct... they could have another virus problem... if not... well then the worst that could happen would just be a random program having a laugh-
He felt his code shift unsettlingly, his steps stumbling for a moment as his processes slowed by just a nano.
Following. Behind. Careful.
He frowned to himself, continuing on his way down the populated street as he casually looked around. This place wasn't extremely popular by his standard... but it was still hosting twenty or so programs all going about their lives. Nothing... quite out of the ordinary just yet.
He clenched his teeth, glaring down at his shadow.
You stated that before... and there was no one within a twenty click radius.
Silence for a long moment.
Female. Blue circuits. Blackguard Walk. Following.
He shouldered past a group of young programs gathering at one of the energy bars, their voices loud enough to almost drown out the voice in his head as he shielded his eyes against the lights. He stretched out his senses again to the Grid, closing out the bustle and digital noise of the Common Finctions to hone in on anything brighter.
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scruffynerfherder17 · 3 months ago
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FUQ it, Tron post.
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This is just an OC I've named Saffron and he lives rent free.
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He my lil boo thang.
He runs a bar in the city but it also serves as a speakeasy and hideout for ISO's and other lost programs. His eyeballs are all messed up because he was one of the first programs tested on when CLU was messing around with rewriting programs.
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stealingpotatoes · 3 months ago
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guys it's under 120k minutes this year im a normal girl now 🔥🔥
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mewtwowarrior · 3 months ago
The writing fairy visited again today, and this one's a weird one again, but I'll do my best, lol
It's an Ark-in-Fortnite thing, explanation and story under the Keep Reading.
I have this whole THING where Ark is in Fortnite and goes along the story as the player character-ish. I've not actually written any of it until today. (Well, unless it gets retconned by new developments as the new season goes along, lol)
Unfortunately, because I haven't written anything else of it, there's stories covering the seasons since 2021 that only exist in my head. There's a reference to at least one of them (that I probably will write one of these days, it's one of my favorites - I had thought that one would be the first one I wrote in this series but, uh, whoops).
I also refer to the Doctor Doom fight cutscene, which you can see here.
I'm also running with at least part of the Zero War comic as canon, at least for now.
Jonesy is my favorite and he starts out this season pretty grouchy, so I thought it would be fun to play with.
If you don't know Ark, she's my Tron: Legacy OC, she was a System Monitor like Tron and a Renegade like Beck from Tron: Uprising.
If you don't know Fortnite, Jones is the longstanding main character and Hope's a newer main character. Their backstories are complicated, but they're awesome and they take down bad guys for breakfast.
This takes place at the very beginning of Chapter 6, Season 1. At the end of the previous season, everybody traveled to this new world.
This is a VERY rough draft and subject to lots of potential editing and alterations in the future. I definitely need to refresh my knowledge of Jones' and Hope's ways of talking.
This whole thing probably only makes sense to me, so good luck, lol
TL;DR: A story using current Fortnite dialogue snippets featuring my Tron OC dealing with things being different than she's used to with her friends.
So, with the scene somewhat set, here we go!
"Hey. It's you again," he greeted her, if you could call it that, with a cold, emotionless tone, quite different from what she was used to or expecting.
"What do you mean 'it's you again'? We came here together, of course it's me," Ark snapped at him.
"I don't mean anything, it was just an observation," Jones replied with the same impartial tone.
"That doesn't make any sense," Ark retorted, then sighed and decided to move the conversation along in the hope of improving it, "Fine, whatever, just tell me why we're here."
The reply she got was simple, and, to her, utterly useless, "I'm on a mission."
Ark glared at him, "That much is obvious, you had some plan and some reason for coming here, but never filled me in on what that was."
Jones relented slightly, "Hope and I are looking for something." He paused for a moment in hesitation and then added, "That's all you're getting."
The small concession didn't do much to appease Ark, "That's it? You might as well have told me nothing. After all this time and everything we've been through, you're not telling me anything?"
His reply wasn't what she wanted to hear, "When you're in a suspicious mood, everyone seems suspicious."
"Suspicious? I'm suspicious? How many times have we saved the world together? How many adventures have we been on together? We've had each other's back through so much, and you're saying that I'm suspicious?" Ark knew that that wasn't helping her case any, but she was too upset to care too much right now.
She shook her head, "I thought you had changed, given up on vengeance, but you're somehow worse than you were before…" In some ways she regretted saying it, but she wanted to get it out there.
"I guess change doesn't always stick," his tone was sharper and somehow even colder than it previously was, which was quite a feat.
Ark's reply was just as sharp, "I guess not." She grunted, making a decision that she knew wasn't a great idea, but she was dug in now, "Fine. If you're gonna be that way, then I'm gonna find whatever you're looking for and show you exactly how suspicious I am." Which was a suspicious thing to say, but it was far too late for that.
She turned and stormed off back into the building, where Hope had been awkwardly listening to their conversation.
Hope lightly grabbed Ark's arm to some protest, but she silently shook her head and gently guided Ark down the stairs - and well out of Jones' earshot.
She had only been adventuring with the two of them for a year, but she knew they had some history beforehand as well. Hope had never seen them fight quite like this and if things didn't improve, then all of their time in this reality was going to be awkward and strained, which was definitely not going to make their mission any easier.
"Look, we've all had some long and strange travels, I think everybody will feel better after some rest," Hope started, trying to smooth things out.
She glanced up in the direction their surly traveling companion should be, and she hoped that he couldn't hear what she was going to say next, "Jones and I are searching for… something, in this reality. I can't say much, but it's… like Pandora's Box. That's as much as I can tell you, at least for now. Because I don't think Jones and I are the only ones looking for it."
The information had the effect she was looking for and Ark visibly relaxed, "Thanks, I appreciate it. It's good to know something, anything, at all."
Hope nodded, "I wish I could tell you more, and I will, once I know it's safe to. I know it's hard, but you just have to trust us."
"I do trust you, I trust both of you with my life," Ark replied.
Hope smiled behind her mask, "Thanks, and, I do trust you, too. Just…I've gotta keep this quiet. There's no telling who's listening in and the less people that know about it, the better. For what it's worth, I'm sorry that we had to keep you out of the loop."
Ark gave her a nod, "Thanks…I'm glad I've got something to go on now, which is more than he gave me." Her mood might have improved, but she was still upset and frustrated.
"I'm not sure what's going on with him," Hope said, shaking her head. "I think he got shaken up by his brush with death from Doctor Doom…" She rubbed her arm lightly, Jones hadn't been the only one who had come out worse for wear there.
Ark winced, "Yeah, that was… It wasn't the worst day of my life, but it was up there. I can't tell you how glad I am that both of you came out of that alive." It had looked like both of them were goners, and there had been nothing she could do but watch. She had gotten to Jones far too late to do anything but help him stand and Hope had been beyond anyone's reach to help. Thankfully, Hope had taken care of both of those problems.
A gloomy silence descended upon them and Hope decided to change the topic for a distraction. It was a little risky, but she was curious and with all the bad moods going around, at this point, it couldn't really hurt.
"So, is Jones the reason why you didn't go back home to your world?"
Ark blushed at the question, her face turning red and her blue circuits flickered purple for just an instant, before she got defensive, "No!"
Hope raised an eyebrow, silently pressing Ark with a grin hidden behind her mask.
"Okay, fine. But he wasn't the only reason. Or even the main reason."
Hope laughed in return, "Sure, I believe you." She was teasing, as she knew that Ark wasn't the type to give everything up for a guy. But, she had never heard why Ark had stayed, and since she had also left her home, they now had that in common.
Ark shook her head, "No, I mean it. Back where I came from…" She fumbled for her words, "I've been in the User for nearly four cycles - I mean years - and I'm still getting used to some of the terminology. Here, there's day and night, light and dark, back on the Grid, there was just dark. And sometimes rain. A lot of times rain. There was no sun, no plants, and little color."
She gestured to her outfit, a black skintight suit with blue circuit patterns on it, "Everything was styled like this, black or white or sometimes gray, with some lines of color providing light."
Ark looked down, "How could I go back to the dark, knowing that I'd never see the bright sun or grass or trees or so many different colors ever again?"
She let that sit for a moment before continuing, "Not only that, but, early on, the Grid was taken over by a cruel dictator. He killed an entire race of people and rectified and enslaved and killed countless others. You saw my scars when you helped me with the dress for the party a cycle - year - ago, that's what I got for standing up to him. That, and getting rectified. I was one of the lucky ones, if it wasn't for Tron and his contacts, I still would be the Occupation's puppet."
Ark looked to Hope, "I kept fighting, though. I helped who I could, but…aside from what I could do for individuals, I couldn't make any big, meaningful change. The only reason things changed at all was because a User happened to show up and fix things. Everything I did, everything I sacrificed, was absolutely meaningless in the grand scheme of things."
She shrugged, "So, yeah, when a nice guy shows up and smiles and says that I can help, I'm gonna go with him. But, when I discovered the sun and grass, that's when I decided to stay. Spending time with him was a bonus…or at least, it was. I don't know if it is any more, since he decided he can't trust me any longer. If we can't get along any more, then maybe sometime I need to pick a different reality to live in and us go our separate ways." Ark wasn't quite ready to give up just yet, but it was something she was keeping in mind. Always have a backup plan and an emergency option.
That was a lot for Hope to take in and so much of it was entirely new for her. Some things she was able to figure out through context, but others were beyond her reach. She understood the important things, though.
"Wow. That's…I'm sorry. I don't blame you for leaving with all of that. And, I'm sorry that Jones is being surly about everything. I think everything will be better after a good night's sleep." At least, she hoped so.
Ark gave her a small smile, "Thanks, yeah, you're right." She yawned and stretched a little, "I guess I better get on that. Goodnight."
"Goodnight." Ark left and headed to her room. Once Hope was sure that she was gone, she went up to talk to Jones.
"Hey, maybe you should lighten up a little, Ark's feeling left out. I know we can't tell her anything, but we don't have to be mean about it." Hope tried to soften things by including herself in the 'we', but she meant him, and he knew it.
Jones scowled, but that wasn't much different from his usual expression lately, "This is how it has to be. She can't know anything or that puts the mission and all of us in danger."
Hope sighed, "I hope you're right. If you're not, there's gonna be consequences, you know that, right?"
Jones nodded, "Yeah, I know."
Hope shook her head, "All right. Goodnight."
"Goodnight." After Hope left, Jones turned his attention out across the town. He spent a moment taking in the night air, then took the well-loved photo of his long-gone family out of one of the interior pockets of his jacket. As he looked at it, he said quietly to no one at all, "I'm always aware of what the consequences are."
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tron-ilyse · 4 months ago
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my tron oc Ilyse! 💜 a program based on the "ILOVEYOU" virus
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elderwisp · 9 months ago
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𝖊𝖓𝖉 𝖔𝖋 𝖑𝖎𝖓𝖊
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gillymugs · 6 months ago
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simplysolo · 4 months ago
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experimented with colors and loose forms today
ft. my tron oc
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vppacer · 4 months ago
STICKERS!!! \(⁠ ⁠╹⁠▽⁠╹⁠ ⁠)/
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qyrhan · 1 month ago
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Double trouble: Fighting the MCP on date night
(do not repost my art to other sites.)
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bittersweetcranberry · 3 months ago
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well a very quick sketch of my character that would fit perfectly in the Tron universe. Meet Koma(Сoma is also appropriate)
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zenju-sama · 4 months ago
my oc on Tron! Bark (bark bark bark) isn’t a social ISO, although it may seem otherwise at first.
(yeah, he can clone himself, hmhmhm)
well…and some mischief with Bark and H - ma girl oc @anntova
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tron-ilyse · 4 months ago
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oldie art 💜💿
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