#Triceraton all stars
gatorkid509 · 1 year
(I don't think Gruell, the other All Stars, and that one mailman Triceraton will get any votes, but it would be a surprise if they do. I will question why anyone would like Gruell since he's a a**hole, though)
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(Monza Ram) (Monza Ram & All Star member#2) (Monza Ram in guard uniform & High Council member)
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redstringraven · 9 months
alright, so after a thorough replay of the space-arc and a slightly less thorough comb of the invasion-arc here're some loose observations and thoughts regarding triceraton tattoos. i'm not touching triceratons featured in fast forward because... i don't have interest in that fjkldjks. my apologies.
this is mostly for myself, but you're of course more than welcome to use it as a resource, reference, whatever tickles your fancy. if i missed something, feel free to tell me!
there does seem to be some pattern with rank, so i'm gonna start with "low-rank" and make my way up the ladder.
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we don't get to see a lot of triceraton citizens, and basically all of them are background fodder save for zed and raz (the games commentators). from what i can tell, none of them have tattoos on neither their eyes nor their arms--on the ones with bare arms, anyway. it's probably safe to assume they don't have them on their chests because those seem all-star specific.
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this is where the tattoo thing gets a bit weird--as in, i don't know if they're actually facepaint that can be removed, or if these are all citizens or green soldiers who've not earned their military tattoo yet. traximus still has his tattoo, but none of his rebellion soldiers have the ones we'll later see on every soldier as well as prison guards. it's definitely possible citizens joined the rebellion, but trax had also mentioned in the arena that he still had friends in the ranks. are they not there? did they remove their tattoos? am i over-analyzing a cartoon beyond what the creators considered? (it's that one).
you can click on the screenshot to make it a little bigger but the bottom-left shot shows an actual solder beside a rebellion soldier, the former's tattoo is barely visible but there. their concept art doesn't have a tattoo, and i didn't see any in-show who had one... but, i did more skim through the invasion-arc, so it's possible i missed one. lemmie know if i'm wrong.
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prison guards
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all prison guards seem to have a single, thick red-line tattoo over their right eye. the ends point toward the backs of their heads. not much to talk about here. the two in the second-to-bottom-left screenshot are missing theirs, but i'm going to assume this is an animation error.
--also, sidebar, i don't think the blue ""tattoos"" prisoners have are remotely the same type of thing, so i don't think that'd apply to my confusion over none of the rebellion soldiers having tattoos.
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here's once again where the definition of 'tattoo' gets a little blurry, because if tattoos are a sign of rank and then your rank changes... what do. maybe since triceratons already have advanced technology--and tough skin--they have... a solid form of tattoo removal. again, though, i don't think their tattoos are the same as the ""tattoos"" prisoners receive, so i doubt they'd just peel off?? if that were possible, you'd also think they would have removed traximus's tattoo after he was thrown into the games as another way to shame/derank him, too.
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so, your basic and most common soldier seems to have two narrow maroon lines over their right eye. the ends do not point in any direction, they're just lines. they're thin enough that they can be very hard to see if the camera's at a distance, but they're still there--just hard to capture in a screenshot partially due to the quality i'm working with.
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next is an ensign soldier, which is basically a low-ranking officer. i think we only see one of these guys (he's leading the group who find the turtles as stowaways at the beginning of s2ep3, the big house). his tattoos are once again over the right eye, maroon/purple, thicker than a soldier's tattoo, and the peak of the outer-most line has a point. for a moment, i thought that maybe you'd build on the tattoo as you ranked, but traximus and mozar are gonna kind of throw that theory out the window when we get to them.
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there's also this guy from s2ep5, triceraton wars. he's labeled as "strike team leader" on his concept art, and getting a visible shot of his tattoo in-show is very frustrating and not helped by the fact it looks like they goofed his color palette, too. his tattoo is over the right eye (like the previous soldiers), red, and it's a curved line with ends that hook toward the front of his face. it's the most similar to traximus's tattoo that we see.
...also, this episode eludes to the fact that "slag" is a triceraton swear word, as zanramon uses it both as an exclamation of frustration and calls the strike team "slag brains". he could also just be calling them all stony waste matter, tho, so. do with that what you will.
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there's also THESE GUYS from the invasion-arc in s3, and they confuse me because the invasion-arc not only introduces this new uniform design i don't see anywhere in the concept art that i've collected, but these soldiers have like. no tattoos. and it can't be an animation error because their lack of tattoo was consistent for any wearing this suit design. monza ram steals this suit from one of the soldiers, and looted soldier who reports back to zanramon later doesn't have a tattoo.
i wonder if these guys are like... more engineers than they are soldiers. we mostly see them in the docking bay or in the control room where the boys learn don's location on the homeworld. they're just armed because they'd stand in the way of anyone attempting to infiltrate the homeworld (or escape it), but i don't think i saw any of them leave the vessel itself.
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gruell is an odd one because he has the same maroon tattoos as your common soldier--two narrow lines over the right eye--but he additionally has a tattoo on his right arm. it's of course possible that other soldiers also have this tattoo and that it's just hidden by their sleeves, but if tattoos are a show of rank or status you'd think it'd be somewhere more visible? maybe arm tattoos are additional signals of status when soldiers are in their civvies or something.
regardless, gruell's arm tattoo is the only of its kind we see: it appears to be red ink: an upright triangle that breaks into two longer lines where the top line hooks up toward the triangle and the bottom line hooks down toward another triangle, albeit this one is upsidedown. i'm not sure if this is meant to be an abstract design with the usual triceraton fondness of triangles and jagged lines, or if's maybe a representation of a bi-ringed planet? homeworld before they blew it up oopsie-doopsy? who knows.
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monza ram + the all-stars
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okay, if there are ANY anomalies on this list, it's these guys. none of them have anything resembling the soldier nor prison guard tattoos we've previously seen.
monza ram is the most unique; he doesn't seem to have any body tattoos, but he does have two thick red tattoos (or one big tattoo?) that rises from his jaw on both sides of his face and breaks into two spikes, one ending before it reaches his eye and the other 'cutting through' the eye and peaking on his brow. it covers the back third of his face, right in front of where his frill starts.
the other three all-stars have a much more narrow tattoo on either side of their face that looks like a jagged scratch, another narrow tattoo across the backs of their necks, then an extremely long one that seems to wrap diagonally around their back and end on their pecks. this is the only instance of tattoos that aren't maroon or red, too, as one all-star has blue tattoos and another has brown.
we unfortunately don't really know anything about the all-stars, just that they seem to be separate from the gladiator slaves, are undefeated (before the turtles), and after they lost their first fight zanramon had them imprisoned, where traximus would later free and recruit them. none of them have soldier tattoos. i know the triceratons love battle, so i wonder if they're more like the career tributes in the hunger games. they volunteered to be gladiators rather than were made to be them. eh. *shrugs*
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commander mozar
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title revoked because i said so, mozar is frustrating because he doesn't have an eye tattoo that we can see. those marks under his eye-patch are more likely from the injury that cost him his eye since they're a darker color than his skin tone, but where shit gets tricky is that traximus was a commanding officer before he was gladiator'd. so, it's possible that mozar has a tattoo identical to trax's under that eye-patch, and we just can't see it.
important to note, however, that his right eye--the eye where all other soldiers have had a tattoo--is bare. that's where the whole... building on your tattoo as you rank up theory kind of falls to the wayside. he technically SHOULD have one, but he doesn't.
he also has an arm tattoo, but it's on his left arm. again--he might also have one on his right arm, but it's sleeved. his left arm is only visible because his prosthetics must require a shorter sleeve. the tattoo on his arm is red: the top piece is a crescent shape lying on its side so it opens upward, then a long line that dips into a crescent shape so it frames the crescent above it, and finally an upsidedown triangle under the lowest point of the middle curve. this is much more of an abstract design than gruell's, idk what this could be.
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as with mozar, traximus complicates the ranking up theory because he also lacks any tattoos on his right eye; his tattoo is on his left eye, and it appears to be reddish, zig-zagging down from his horn, across his brow, down over his eye, back along his cheek and then down to the corner of his mouth.
he doesn't have an arm tattoo on his right arm like gruell does, and if he has a tattoo on his left arm like mozar, it's covered by either his commanding officer sleeve or his gladiator armor. if mozar's tattoo has any connection to his ranking as a commander, it's possible trax has it, too. we just never get the chance to see it. pity.
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the council
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the council is a main indication that tattoos might be less a show of social status and more military or warrior specific, because none of the council members have visible tattoos (ignore mozar, he forgot to wear pink last wednesday idk why he's sitting with us). kind of helps me lean a bit more into my engineer theory from earlier.
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prime leader (zanramon)
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no visible tattoos. none whatsoever. pathetic. let's be real, he'd probably start crying before the needle even grazed his skin.
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if you've made it to the end: thank you ONCE AGAIN for coming along with me on one of my dives into triceraton bullshittery. i'm sorry, i will do it again.
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darth-sonny · 4 months
Ooh and maybe Prime Leo 22. (Forced to Watch), I'm not sure if young Leo or Kirby era is better though...
Make sure to vote for the Prime Leo AU | @tmntstorycomp
The planet wasn't very remarkable.
It is called Ulixes, and that was all they knew about it. Baba said that any information about it wasn't too important.
Baba smiled at that. A "surprise", They answered.
Right now, they were just staring. Ulixes looked less like a planet and more like... a mothership. They're familiar with planetary-like ships – the Technodrome was one, too – but something they learned is that planet ships is that they had to be in the same shape as actual planets.
This planet ship, however, was in the shape of an upside-down cone...
"Their mothership is weird," they say. "It's not in the shape of a planet... that could be bad in the long run..."
Baba placed a clawed hand on their head.
Ĝ̵͙̞̲̆͆͘o̵̢͎̥̼̊ő̴̟̹̎̋̚͠ͅd̵̝͂͊ ̴̻̅j̴̨̃͒̾͜o̴̡͌̈́̆̒̈b̴̫̞̥̅̽̃! They say, demonic mask off and smile on.
It was enough to get their to begin to wag.
D̸̞̣͑̆o̶͕̿̓͑̈́̾ ̷̧̪͍̋y̶̝̮̅͝ő̷̤͛ù̵͈͖̖̥͂̿͗̚ ̴̫͖̲̆̔̒̈́w̷̟̱̯̞̐͊͋̓a̸̩̿n̸͙͂́̊̾̌t̷͆̉̍̕͜͝ ̶̬͙͓̻͇̀̆̿ț̴͔̓͊̾ͅo̶̖̗̫̜̥͒̅͌͝ ̶̨̏l̵̥͙͙̿̈́̾͝ĕ̵̦̉̒͘̚à̸̳̈́ȑ̴͇̯̤̆͘ṉ̴̟̰͙́̀̀ ̶̧̙̬̩͒͜͝m̴̱̀ǒ̸̥̉ṛ̶̰̻̥̫̿̈̏̔͠e̸̯̾̌̃̃͠ ̸͙̪̼̠͑â̵̙͚͈͑̄͝b̸̘̟̝̫̑̔̕o̴͇̱̹̓̈́̃ͅù̶̦̖̬̭̂͒͠t̷̛͍͊̋.̵̯̘̋̌.̴̺̫̰̜̈́̈́͝.̸̢͚̄̒ ̸͚̈́ṯ̸͎͔̱̍ͅh̸͈͕̭́͗é̴̲m̵̨͎̼̳͍͐̏̏͐?
They nodded.
Baba smiled again.
"This is Uixes," Baba begins, Their voice was different now... it happened sometimes, Their voice changing from what it always was to... this.
"This is the planetary mothership of the Triceratons," They continue. "They were the very first beings We came across during Our travels alone."
"Prideful. They had a warrior's mentality. Giant, too. Our throne is the skull of one, you know." A bitter smile grew on Baba's face. "They enslaved Us, saw Us as nothing more than a being to be experimented on, something with no sentience or consciousness... and they were right! If for a bit.
"Back then, We truly were nothing more than just a simple creature, wandering between stars and galaxies, with not a care in sight. Sometimes, We wonder what We would've been like had the Triceratons not found Us..."
Baba scoffed.
"Thinking about it, however, sends Us into a state of... rage, as one would call it. Just a simple creature, with no more consciousness than that of an animal... that would be an injustice of an indescribable magnitude. Our captors had it all, so couldn’t We?
"So for millenia, We watched them. Their ways, their manners, everything that made them who they were.
"There was something that defined them, what drove them to do what they did – it was a phrase, just some words that meant nothing to Us then, but everything to them: strength always prevails."
"What happened to them."
Baba's smile was much more genuine.
And... scary...
"Oh, they're gone now. Just a few left. All of them were too frightened to leave their ship after We... thanked them for their generous hospitality." They sigh. "But, here we are. Truly, if it weren't for them, We wouldn't be who We are. The Triceratons truly were a race of prevailing strength."
They blink in confusion.
Baba smiled one last time, before their mask hid Their face again.
A snap of their fingers, and everything turned red.
They watched, eyes wide, as the mothership quickly began to disintegrate. They felt Baba place a hand at the back of their neck...
Screams erupted from everywhere.
Screams of horror, terror, pain, rage...
They were loud. Too loud. So very, very loud...
"We escaped their enslavement, little one," they heard Baba's voice say. "We made sure to pay our thanks in full and that their slaughter was as quickly as it was merciless."
The screaming got louder and louder...
"When the time comes, We hope that when We give the order, you will commit to it the same way We did..."
Flashes of blood, viscera, bones, and flayed skin filled their head...
They could smell the corpses, the rot, the stench of vomit, and spilled blood...
"But those times are still so far way, and you are still so very young..."
"You're sick. What happened?"
Kirby looks at daddy, brown eyes filled with worry.
"I don't know..." they sniffle out.
Daddy just bites his lip, almost looking like he wanted to say something, but he stopped himself.
Instead, he picked Kirby up, held them close, and began to rock back and forth.
"Alright," Leo mumbled as Kirby fell asleep. "Just for now, I'll let it slide."
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fabuloustrash05 · 11 months
Every single TMNT 2012 AU I have (so far):
Turtles In The Roaring 20s - In 1923, Splinter is the proud owner of the most popular underground jazz club in New York, with his four sons being the stars. However there’s family drama going on backstage.
Mission Failed - The Turtles and friends failed their 6 month mission to save the Earth from the Triceratons. 10 years later, the team as split up going their separate ways but are all still haunted by their biggest failure.
Mistress Millennium - I don’t really know if this counts as an AU, it’s just a “what if Renet became a villain?” story.
Salamandrian April AU - April gets captured by the Kraang as a child but it rescued by Sal Commander. To hide her from the Kraang, April grows up on Salamandria along side Mona Lisa where they train together and become like sisters.
Future AU - The Turtles and their friends are now all grown up. Some are married, some have kids of their own and others have successful careers/lives. The story follows their adulthood while also preparing the next generation of the Hamato Clan.
Princess Bride AU - When Kintaro is stuck in bed sick his friend Usagil decides to visit and read him a story about adventure, action, miracles, and true love between a turtle and a lizard.
Actor AU - It’s all a TV show in their world and everyone are just actors. Fun stuff happens behind the scenes when filming TMNT.
Medieval AU - Splinter is the King of the Hamato Kingdom. The Turtles and Miwa are the prince/princess of the kingdom. After Splinter mysteriously dies and Miwa missing, Leo must find a wife and prepare to become king within a year.
Mazes & Mutants - The roleplaying game is now real! A world of fantasy and adventure as the Turtles and friends travel the land, exploring and fighting evil beasts.
Teenage Mutant Monster Turtles - Everyone is a monster (Leo a mummy, Raph a vampire, Mikey a werewolf, Donnie Frankenstein’s Monster etc), hijinx ensue.
Robin Hood AU - Raphael and Slash are the iconic duo of Robin Hood and Little John, robbing from the rich and giving to the poor, rebelling against the wick Sharif, Tiger Claw, and the greedy Prince Newtrailzer.
Human/High School AU - The title is self explanatory. Leo is class president and Mr Popular, Raph is a troublemaking jock, Donnie is a straight A student and tutors his classmates, and Mikey is a class clown.
Childhood AU - The Turtles and all their friends are kids having a big playdate together.
Greek Gods AU - Everyone is their own take on the Greek Gods, but with their own twists. (Ex: Splinter is Zeus but he is NOT a chatting scumbag)
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idiot-mushroom · 1 year
I would love the Casey lore but I also don't want spoilers, so I'm going to ask a bunch of stuff again!
What are Casey, April, Irma, and Sunita's fashion sense like? Music taste? Favorite food? Favorite type of books/shows/movies? Least favorite food texture? Any specific neirodivergency or mental illnesses? What are they most insecure about? Do they all fight along side the turtles or aid them with their adventures?
Please tell me everything you can about Keno!!!
Do any of the humans get mutated at any point? Why does Donnie create retro mutagen?
Is spike mutant or yokai? Will he eventually be an ally to the turtles? Do have a design for him? Do they acquire other allies? Do you have any character designs we can have a sneak peek too?
Is Bishop and his hole thing in this au? Are the triceraton? Will there be professor Honeycutt/Fugitoid?
Do the O'Neil's have any other foster kids? Do they have an apartment or a house? What the layout of their place like? Which half of them makes April 1/4 Kraang?
In the new lair layout there isn't Splinters room, does he not live with them anymore? Or is it a more separate room?
I swear everytime I do this I feel like a crazy reporter or paparazzi running up to you just asking frantic questions I'm so sorry. Also sorry if these are repeated questions.
has autism swag
kidcore fashion sense (bright colors, chunky jewelry, ect)
they’re mostly insecure abt how she seems to not be able to fit in with human kids as well as with people in the hidden city
she likes hard rock (which contrasts with her personality and everything abt her (i think it’d be funny))
she doesn’t like the texture of celery bc of the fiver strands that make it hard to eat (for her)
she likes learning abt plants :))
her favorite food is mango pudding
she only aids them later on as ‘the man in the chair’
he has add swag
the grunge fashion is strong with this one
he likes indie rock and rap
he’s insecure abt his past with his dad and mom, and the fact he doesn’t know much abt his own heritage from his father’s side.
he likes the percy jackson books
he does aid them in adventures as back up and muscle
her brain is on default setting
casual fashion for a casual girl
she likes anything under ‘sad girl starter pack’
she rlly enjoys marvel and star wars
she aids them in adventures as a second opinion and back up
she’s rlly insecure abt her parents not paying attention to her as much with so many other kids in the household
country bumpkin 2 da max
half Italian, half Korean
likes making pizza and pasta all day
oldest out of the entire group (in his early 20’s)
has a farm (passed down from his family)
neighbors with Casey’s old house (a mile down from the old jones’s house is keno’s house/farm)
they meet keno during the farmhouse arc
he is very friendly and acts as an older brother
I don’t think that any of them get mutated in the series but j might change my mind idk
Spike (Slash) is my au is a leatherback sea turtle that gets mutated!! She doesn’t ally them, but isn’t a bad guy either, she’s more of a morally grey vigilant.
i have no new official designs rn but after this latest arc i’ll defo post Slash’s design
Bishop will be in this au (still trying to find out his character tho) and yes mr honeycutt is in this au but he’s a robot assistant to irma 👍
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these are the rest of the o’neil’s foster kids!! they live in a nice, two story house in the city.
april gets her 1/4 krang from her dad’s side (ik girls going through it)
splinter does live with them in the new lair, he’s just dubs his room as ‘the meditation room’ bc he’s an extra bitch like dat
thank you for the asks btw, don’t feel bad or worry abt it, i’m happy to talk abt my au!!
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🩷🩵💔 - for the TMNT ask game!
Thanks for the ask! I'll be drawing from TMNT 2003 and Rise to answer these, as those are the two iterations that I know best. So! In no particular order:
🩷 - Top 3 moments that warm my heart:
TMNT 2003 S02E25: The Big Brawl (Part 3)
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Donatello: "Don't even think about touching him!"
At this moment, Donny still suspects that Usagi was the one who poisoned Leo, so he's pretty prickly with our favorite rabbit samurai. I love this scene because it's a great example of Donny being protective of his family. Plus, there's just something about the turtle who's generally regarded as the weakest fighter of his family fiercely protecting the one who's regarded as the strongest.
See the rest under the cut vvv
Rise of the TMNT: S01E15a: Mind Meld
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Raph: "Is it my skate-hawks idea? You see, they're hawks! That we strap to ourselves! And then--!"
Leo: "You say the word, I'm ready to go wrangle some hawks!"
This is obviously a silly little moment, but I love that Leo is just immediately ready to support Raph in his plan. Leo really was an excellent right hand man to Raph before he was thrown into leadership (and Raph was thrown out of it).
TMNT 2003 S01E03: Attack of the Mousers
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Raph: "This is it! It's been fun, guys."
Mikey: "Even me, Raph?"
Raph: "Even you, Mikey. Especially you."
Raph and Mikey bicker all the time, but their love language for each other is razzing each other. When it comes down to the wire and it looks like they might not make it out alive, Raph is honest in the fact that he is so damn fond of his baby brother, no matter how much he drives Raph crazy.
🩵 - Top 3 moments that make me laugh:
TMNT 2003 S02E25: The Big Brawl (Part 3) (again)
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Mikey: "Why? Does my talking bother you? Am I distracting you somehow? Making you lose focus? Messing up your concentration?"
What can I say? This episode has The Range. This is just before Mikey defeats Raph in the Battle Nexus, by irritating him badly enough that he gets sloppy. I love how Mikey weaponizes his goofball behavior like this. He is 1000% aware of what he's doing to Raph, and I love it. Especially since Raph went into this fight absolutely certain that he was going to beat Mikey.
Rise of the TMNT S02E02a: Man vs. Sewer
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Mikey: "Someone could get really hurt on this."
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I mean... just look at it. It gets me every time 😂
TMNT 2003 S03E02: Space Invaders (Part 2)
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Mikey: "So, do these work like Earth grenades?"
Mikey: *pulls the pin on one of the Triceraton's grenades and runs to cover just before he explodes*
There's just something inherently ridiculous about the comic relief character cracking a joke and then grusomely murdering an invading alien soldier. This Triceraton blows up off-screen, but just barely.
💔 - Top 3 moments that make me cry:
TMNT 2003 S04E14: The Ancient One
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Leo: "I'm sorry. I did the best I could. I did. The best. I could! There WASN'T! ANY MORE! I COULD HAVE DONE!"
This moment--where Leo is unknowingly fighting a physical manifestation of his guilt--is the amazing resolution to Leo's season 4 PTSD arc. In the previous season's finale, the only way he could think of to keep the Shredder from leaving Earth and going to conquer the stars was to blow up his ship... with his whole family still on it. The Utroms saved them at the last second, but for 13 episodes, Leo has been struggling with the guilt of not being good enough to win at an acceptable cost. This scene is the first time we see him start to forgive himself for that--to recognize that he had done everything he could, and that the fact that there were forces outside of his control wasn't his fault.
Rise of the TMNT: The Movie
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Yeah, yeah, obviously when the portal to the Prison Dimension closes, but I mean this exact second. When the camera pans from the New York side of the Technodrome explosion to the Prison Dimension side, the music suddenly gets all quiet. Gone is the gravitas of the deep low brass, and all that's left is a drawn out note by the strings. Yes, they've beaten the Krang, but that doesn't mean that they won. Not in a way that is worth the cost.
TMNT 2003 S03E21: Same as it Never Was
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Donny: "My brothers... my poor brothers. This world... this future... it's a nightmare.
I couldn't make a list of top 3 TMNT moments that made me cry without "Same as it Never Was". The part immediately after Donny kills the Shredder always gets me. It should be a triumphant moment, but all of Donny's brothers are dead because of his plan. It isn't anything except solemn. I'm pretty sure SAINW was the original "bad timeline where everyone dies" of TMNT. And Sam Riegel's voice acting here adds so much to it.
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this user is proship interact at your own discretion MDNI
long post
when it comes to raph, donnie and there relationship with mars i have a pretty good idea of how it goes:
raph and mars develop crushes at roughly the same time they had met when raph was top-side (early seasons specifically) letting his anger out mars finds him like this and (against his better judgment) decides to lend an impartial ear to his problems only offering advice if he asks for it
raph while suspicious at first quickly comes to appreciate mars's help and it doesn't take long for him to develop a crush as result afterwards he begins trying to spend time with mars outside of when he needs to vent (he even brings spike to meet them)
mars also quickly develops a crush on the turtle much to his horror but (again against there better judgment) continues to spend time with raph because it is concerned raph might have a harder time with his temper if they did.
eventually the others find out about mars although it's only just before mars gets mutated (which is around the same time april's dad get mutated and for the same reason mutagen canister gets dropped on them)
because they had decided go after raph after another fight with him this results in a confrontation and right in the middle of the four of them fight mutantgen drops on mars and then the kidnapping situation i've posted about happens.
post mutation any of raph's romantic feelings gets pretty much over ridden with fear for a while
until the space arc in episode mona betrays him to try and save her people mars tries to protect raph (and gets badly hurt as a result) this for whatever reason largely squash's raph's fear of mars and revitalizes his crush (though him and mona still make up and stay in a relationship) and helping to take care of mars causes him to start to develop a bit of on obsession (i'm going down the yandere route yes)
once they get back to earth raph begins insisting on mars coming to live with them rather than the mighty-mutant-animals (where they had been living since the craang invasion is there two or one a's i can't remember)
mars at first is very against the idea as star was trying to distance themselves before the triceratons attacked and they had no choice but go along with them but eventually is worn down enough to agree (after raph ropes mickey in somehow)
and it all goes down hill from there with raph trying to eclipse as much of there time as possible, trying his best to keep it from leaving the lair, (this is only so successful seeing as mars had been training with them for the most part during the space arc) stalking mars when he unsuccessful ect ect
he definitely tries (and fails) to downplay just how bad his obsession is to both himself and his brothers
donnie on the other hand has pretty much just platonic feelings for mars he does appreciate having someone who can at least keep up with his scientific jargon
it isn't until mars has a talk with april about needing to tell donnie she doesn't feel the same for him (she is psychic there is no way she doesn't know and all of her actions revolving around his crush just screams she is aware but is scared of hurting him)
or else when he inevitably finds out the fallout will be much worse the turtles over hear this conversation and results in mars trying to comfort donnie and talks about unrequited crushes they themselves have had in the past this causes donnie to begin to develop a crush as well
donnie also doesn't develop an obsession with mars like raph but donnie does try to get raph to hide his more obsessive behaviors because he doesn't want raph scaring mars off
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New wip: geriatrics in space. That’s right folks Peepaw is back at it again, fucking it up Star Trek style. Each brother is on a different planet. Raphie is helping with a triceraton revolution. Mikey is chilling with Neutrinos. Donnie is with the Utroms.
Thing is, second chances come with a price. The gods from IDW verse are making moves - no sense in letting some good turtles go to waste, after all.
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tailsrevane · 2 years
[comic review] teenage mutant ninja turtles: the idw collection, vol. 4 (2013-14)
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maybe we have a reverse star trek movies deal on our hands here, and the odd-numbered volumes are great and the even-numbered ones are fine?
the eight issues of the ongoing series collected in here are all about the turtles and their family recovering from the events of the previous volume on april’s parents’ farm and then returning to new york. i gotta say on the whole i definitely prefer some of the issues on the farm to some of the issues after they return to new york. i especially loved the last issue on the farm when the foot attacked, led by koya the mutant falcon. koya’s dialogue was hella vore-horny, so obviously i was super there for that.
once they returned to new york, the main things i liked a whole lot were casey’s verbal confrontation with his father in #34 and leonardo and splinter’s talks in #36. i also liked the rat king noticing that leo’s recovery from shredder’s brainwashing had strengthened him.
i needed way more karai and bebop & rocksteady, though. i felt their absence quite keenly. i know this volume was sort of two transition periods stacked up in a trenchcoat, but it really showed.
also collected in this volume were the utrom empire miniseries which wasn’t really my cup of tea except for my beautiful triceratons finally showing up, that ruled. and rounding it out was the 2014 annual, which was kiiiiiinda bad? i’m starting to think the idw annuals are cursed. they’ve both been pretty bad so far.
i still enjoyed this for the most part because i like the ninja turtles and i’m easy, but i do hope the next volume is a bit more impressive.
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jadethest0ne · 3 years
TMNT 1987 Must Watch Episode List
If you are looking to watch the 1987 version of “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles”, but aren’t looking to watch ALL 200 episodes, look no further than this list! You may view it either here or on this google doc that I created. It contains all plot or character relevant episodes. Also included is a list of my personal favorite top 10 at the end. Happy viewing!
(and also remember that these are my personal opinions and I am by no means an authority on the subject, just a big fan.)
Bold - Plot important episodes Italic - Introduces a franchise-significant character (character in parenthesis) Star * - a personal favorite of mine (see “top 10 favorite episodes”)
Number of episodes out of the total: 79 / 200
Season 1 (5)
* All of season 1! If you don’t want to watch anything else, watch this season! It’s only 5 episodes, telling a self-contained story, and it feels like its own thing. If you just want a quick idea for this incarnation and for the franchise as a whole. Watch this season. Out of all the seasons, it’s my personal fave. *
Season 2 (5)
Return of the Shredder Enter: The Fly (Baxter Stockman mutated) Invasion of the Punk Frogs (the Punk Frogs) * Splinter No More * Return of the Technodrome
Season 3 (17)
Turtles on Trial The Maltese Hamster * The Old Switcheroo The Fifth Turtle (Zach) Enter the Rat King (Rat King) * Take Me to Your Leader * Cowabunga Shredhead Casey Jones Outlaw Hero (Casey Jones) Corporate Raiders from Dimension X Pizza by the Shred Beware the Lotus (Lotus - a precursor to Karai) Usagi Yojimbo (Miyamoto Usagi) Usagi Come Home The Gang’s All Here * The Big Rip Off The Big Break In The Big Blow Out
Season 4 (10)
Plan 6 From Outer Space The Dimension X Story Raphael Meets His Match (Mona Lisa) Slash - The Evil Turtle from Dimension X (Slash) Leonardo Lightens Up Back to the Egg * Donatello Makes Time Farewell Lotus Blossom What’s Michelangelo Good For? Splinter Vanishes
Season 5 (9)
My Brother, The Bad Guy Michelangelo Meets Mondo Gecko (Mondo Gecko) * Donatello’s Badd Time Napoleon Bonafrog: Colossus of the Swamps Raphael Versus The Volcano Donatello’s Duplicate Leonardo Cuts Loose Planet of the Turtleoids Part 1 and 2
Season 6 (5)
Rock around the Block Krangestein Lives Adventures in Turtle-Sitting Donatello Trashes Slash Snakes Alive!
Season 7 (7)
Night of the Dark Turtle (Triceratons) * Legend of Koji Night of Rogues Dirk Savage: Mutant Hunter * Invasion of the Krangazoids Combat Land Shredder Triumphant
Seasons 8-10 (21)
These are the “Red Sky Seasons” and have a very different style of art and storytelling. A touch darker, and a lot more serial than episodic. These 3 seasons largely tell a complete story and finish up the show. I’d recommend watching all of them EXCEPT for these skippable episodes: S9E6 “Split Second” S10 E6 “Mobster from Dimension X” S10E7 “The Day the Earth Disappeared”
Top 10 Personal Favorite Episodes
#10 The Gang’s All Here - To my knowledge this is the only instance in the entire franchise where one of the turtles turns human. It’s not the best episode, but it deserves a spot on this list just for that. I find this one really interesting because up until this point throughout the series Michelangelo has shown hints of maybe wanting a normal human life, and he finally gets his wish in this one…
#9 Invasion of the Punk Frogs - The Shredder takes four mutant frogs and attempts to train them to combat the turtles. He gives them more traditionally violent weapons and “villainous” names (Attila, Napoleon, Genghis, and Rasputin), and tries to use them for his own evil gain. But their true nature is sweet-hearted goodness and they end up befriending the turtles instead. I enjoy the laid back frogs and their earnest nature, and the origin story of “made for evil, but ends up doing good” is a favorite trope of mine. These guys come back from time to time in the ‘87 series, and I think they make a fun addition to the turtles’ list of allies.
#8 Take Me to Your Leader - Leonardo doubts his abilities as leader, prompting each of the other three turtles to try their hand at leading. An interesting concept, executed quite well. Also refreshingly different from how I think other versions would handle it (for one, Raphael doesn’t want to be leader). It’s a nice look into each of the turtles’ motives, strengths, insecurities, and flaws.
#7 Splinter No More - What if Donnie found a retro mutagen and allowed Splinter to become Hamato Yoshi, once again? That’s what this episode explores. It’s one of the first times that the show really explores Splinter’s take on his own mutation and how the turtles think of themselves and their mutation. I like the focus on the relationship between Splinter and the turtles in this one.
#6 Enter the Rat King - Rat King is my favorite secondary villain in this series, and this is his intro episode. He’s not really in most of it, with the episode favoring a slow and creepy build-up to his appearance. I like the tone shift and slight mystery aspect of this one. It’s also yet another good episode that focuses on the turtles’ and Splinter’s relationship, as it is put to the test when the Rat King’s main ability is to control rats…
#5 Dirk Savage: Mutant Hunter - Someone hires a mercenary to start rounding up all mutants whether or not they are good or bad. Leonardo and Michelangelo get captured and are forced to fight their brothers. This one brings up the prejudice the turtles face as mutants, as well as has the always intense “forced-to-fight-on-the-villain’s-side” trope.
#4 Michelangelo Meets Mondo Gecko - Michelangelo starts having dreams of someone else present at their mutation. That someone else turns out to be a gecko mutant who’s being manipulated by a villain. This one showcases Michelangelo’s pure heart and ability to befriend even those who start out as enemies (and also his ability to have premonition dreams?). Cool origin story for Mondo Gecko and his relationship with the turtles, and an excellent Mikey-focused episode.
#3 The Maltese Hamster - After a couple of seasons of the turtles largely sharing the action, this was one of the first episodes that focused on a single turtle. It involves Donatello somewhat playing the role of a gritty detective, but his play-acting turns a bit too real when some mobsters kidnap his brothers and Splinter and he has to get them back by himself. It leans a bit angstier than most of these early episodes and it spurred me to create my first artwork for the show. Also, April pies a mobster in the face and shows off some sharp-shooting abilities, so that’s pretty rad as well!
#2 Night of the Dark Turtle - This one has a lot of stuff going on. The Triceratons are invading, and meanwhile, a device created by Shredder accidentally messes with Donatello’s personality, turning him to a much darker vigilante bent on revenge. Though a little campy considering Donatello’s new get-up is heavily Batman-inspired, it’s one of the first episodes with a much darker edge to it. The tension is also excellent, with the threat of Shredder, the Triceratons, AND a potentially evil Donatello all causing trouble at the same time.
#1 Back to the Egg - Leonardo and Michelangelo get turned back into 5-year-olds and Raphael and Donatello have to play big brothers to the now rambunctious trouble magnets. This contains some of my favorite character dynamics in the show, and is incredibly adorable. I think it does a better job of the concept than an episode with a similar premise “Adventures in Turtle-Sitting”, simply because I think it uses the plot device better and has more fun interactions between the turtles. This one makes the top spot solely because it has my personal favorite character duos in play, those being Raph-Donnie and Leo-Mikey; I always enjoy their team-ups!
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thecomicsnexus · 2 years
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I have been reading these issues as they were coming out, but for many reasons, I wasn’t able to review them until now... so there is a lot to unpack.
First, the Venus arc:
- Donatello and Alopex were captured by Dr. Barlow, they discovered that he was commissioned to create copies of the turtles (by Null).
- Venus can communicate telepathically and both of them were exposed to the electromagnetic energy of the dragon scale.
- While being bombarded with this energy, Donatello was able to reach the astral plane and talk to his father (both in their former life).
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- Venus carapace was created from Donatello’s original carapace.
- The rest of the turtles (and their students), assuming their disappearance had something to do with the frogs, payed them a visit (this goes wrong).
- Venus helps Donnie contact Shredder in his astral form, and he comes to rescue them. Freeing them.
- The lab gets destroyed by the ship carrying a now mature Seri (who in this continuity is a triceraton).
- Sheena and Clyde kill Groundchuck and Dirtbag.
- Venus doesn’t remember her life as Bonnie, so she decides to take her own path.
- Bludgeon contacts her, attracted by her aura. Maybe she becomes part of the Foot?
- The turtles reunite and take Seri to their lair.
- Dr. Barlow manages to escape with a blood sample from Donatello.
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So... for this arc, I couldn’t really place what the inspiration was for Dr. Barlow, but his area of expertise and his odd relationship with Donatello, makes me think he is some sort of adaptation of Dr. Cornelius Quease (from the next mutation).
And just like in that show, there will be four clones of the turtles, which takes me to the FCBD special.
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This is a prelude to Armageddon game, and it is narrated by Venus (starring the clones). There is not much to say about it, it’s a remake of TMNT #1, but with slight alterations (like the turtles using weapons that are not their own).
More will be explained as the saga continues.
At the end of the Venus arc, Shredder needed to tell Leonardo and the turtles something important... but we need to stop by the “Opening Moves” two-parter.
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In this mini, Kitsune and Shredder evaluate all the enemies involved in the saga recruited by the Rat King. We get to see who they are, and in some cases, we get to see a lot.
Also, Aka was reborn.
Madame Null was probably the biggest surprise, everything about her backstory screams Archie comics, from the Nova Posse (here known as the Nova Squadron, which should probably be changed to avoid copyright issues), Cherubae, Cudley, Verminator 2 (I guess we are only 8 tries away from Verminator X), Noi Tai Dar (the demon that created that dog mob guy), and there is a lot more.
It is also quite interesting to see Old Hob doing something. Since Mutant Town started, his plans were pretty much confusing, so I am eager to see what’s going to happen to him. I think he may end up dying in this arc.
Shredder is on his own, and goes to train the Turtles in the mystical arts.
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This doesn’t go well with the extended family. Alopex in particular, who simply cannot trust Saki. So she and Raphael break up.
The mystical arts are basically black magic, something Leonardo experienced first hand during the “City Fall” saga (when he was converted into the Shredder’s chonin).
If you are wondering why Saki never used these powers against his enemies, they are only meant to be used for emergencies and they do come at a cost.
Saki trains the Turtles into the five elements (pretty nice that we have 5 turtles), and makes them explore new sides of themselves. The most interesting one being Donatello, now being at ease with all this mystical stuff (something changed for him when Venus helped him reach the astral plane).
The turtles communicate with the spirit of Splinter, just like in the movie (although he wasn’t dead in the movie).
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Also, a small retro-continuity change. It was revealed that Jennika was present when the foot attacked the Northampton farm (this was way before Jennika was introduced). So... will that issue go up in value now?
Anyway, the last two issues were a little meh, they were cool but they were mostly the turtles learning new stuff.
Before continuing with the review...
The end of the Venus arc and this last arc feel a lot like a course-correction. People were complaining that the Turtles weren’t the focus of the book (something I do not agree with, but whatever), so they suddenly became the only characters.
And there other things here and there that makes me think that IDW is reacting to the critics.
Now, I have been enjoying the book all along, and I do understand the criticism. But mostly because I believe this period of time was a bit too long. Two years of no progress since issue #100. But I do think the Foot clan needed to take a break from the book.
So I don’t have problems with the story, it’s consistent with past issues. My main problem is with the art. Tunica is just not my kind of artist (and he seems to be heavily inspired in Studio Ghibili movies). Fero Pe seems to have a nice art style, so I am looking forward for the next saga.
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remmushound · 3 years
Beyond the Bay chapter 15: Honeycutt’s story
Tags: @selfindulgenz @brightlotusmoon
Content warning: Swears, mentions of scars, pain
Raphael kneeled to be level with Honeycutt, who took a few polite steps back with his arms folded behind him.
“Hey… Honeycutt…” Raphael held out a hand to the robot.
Honeycutt’s screen lit up. “Ah! This is what some Terrans call a ‘handshake’ yes?” He took Raphael’s hand in both of his and shook it gently, “I do this?”
“Yes.” Raphael nodded with a patient smile.
“Oh! Wonderful day!”
“You’re… not from earth, are you?” Raphael asked.
“No I am not.” Honeycutt confirmed.
“Then what are you doing here?”
“Oh…” Honeycutt’s screen shifted to visible upset, “There are bad, bad people after me and earth was my sanctuary, but now they’re here too…”
“The triceratons?”
“Yes!” Honeycutt said urgently, standing on the tips of his flat feet, “And that is why they cannot return home! It is not safe!”
“Yeah, no shit.” Raph snarled, and he pulled his lips back to display his teeth.
Honeycutt tilted his head. Raphael stayed on his knees for just a moment, eyes shadows as his thoughts sifted through his head, before he stood slowly and turned to Raph. All it took was a simple motion of his hand to draw Raph to the side, where both mutants could talk with some semblance of privacy. Raphael had to lower his head slightly to be level with his counterpart.
“Hey, I know this is really… really frustrating, but could ya maybe try not to upset the robot? We might be able to get more outta him if he doesn’t, you know, hate us?”
Raph snorted, eyes averting to avoid looking at the responsible version of himself. He dragged his hand across his mouth and chin as he calmed himself.
“Yeah— yeah, right.” Raph nodded.
Raphael gave him another pat on the back before returning to Honeycutt, who had been waiting patiently. Raph returned very slowly to his brothers, ignoring Leo’s questioning look in favor of hunching himself and hiding his expression.
“Honeycutt, how have you been hanging around so long without being seen? I mean— we’ve heard you, but this is the first We’re seeing you.”
“Well, when I am anxious or scared, which I have been a lot in recent days, I do tend to take on a certain layer of… transparency to hide.
“I see, I see. Well— where did you come from?” Raphael asked. “Where is your home?”
“I come from a planet many lightyears from here. A planet so like earth that it is uncanny! My home… we were so peaceful. The only way in which my planet strayed from the path of yours was in the way of war which we did not wage!”

“Woah woah woah, wait.” Donnie interrupted with a wave of his hand to catch Honeycutts attention. “No wars? Not even one?”
“Not even one!” Honeycutt echoed.
“No fighting?”
“Oh, there was plenty of that! And arguments too! Disagreements, just not war. My people were a very pacifistic people, diplomatic and kind toward our fellow hominoids! We worked together, and we developed so quickly that we started to deplete our world's natural resources to a dangerous level. We had to outsource beyond our world for power and for food. That is when my professor, the one who created me, met him.”
“You say that like we’re supposed to know who ‘he’ is.” Raph commented offhandedly.
“Ah! My apologies!” Honeycutt apologized. “The Triceraton Prime Leader: Zanramon! His ancestors— er, that is to say his grandfather—destroyed their planet in the greed and heat of their constant, warring conflicts and infighting, and so they took to the stars on a mobile homeworld searching for a planet to conquer and claim as their own. Their tech was… and still is… severely lacking in several regards.”
Every few words, Honeycutt would pause as if he needed to consider the nicest possible way to talk about the ones hunting him, choosing his words carefully.
“Triceraton are not well known for their craftsmanship. Let’s just say that their ship’s deficits left them very… upset and angry. Then again, that is traditionally the default with Triceratons. They are very unlike my Federation. In fact, one could say we were opposites. For in the entire documented existence of triceratons, their longest era of peace had been just under three of their sun circles— that’s less than one of yours! They saw what we had— our ships and our technology— and they wanted that for themselves. They wanted our ships and they wanted our fuel— our mutagen!”
“Mutagen?” Leo jutted in, eye ridges raising as alarm etched over his features. He looked around at his friends and his brothers just to make sure they were just as unnerved as he was, and they all felt the same way. “Like— like the stuff used to create us?”
“Yes!” Honeycutt interlocked his fingers, standing a little taller to look up to Leo. “Mutagen is life! And until my Professor came along, the only place to get mutagen was Dimension X. But then my Professor, in all of his brilliance, came up with a solution! An artificial mutagen to power our ships, and the Triceratons wanted it very badly. My Professor knew this, and so to prevent this crucial information from falling into the wrong hands, he went into hiding. But the Triceratons found him! You see, my master was a smart man. Smart enough to know he could never hold up against the violent methods of which Triceratons use to extract information. He ran, and in the Triceratons relentless pursuit, he was gunned down. With their chance lost, the Triceratons turned their attention to me, for I was his trusted android, and if he were to share the secrets of his ooze with anyone, it would be with me. But unlike my creator, I escaped, doomed to drift around the vast black until my mutagen reserves ran out. Or… so I thought! But then I crash landed here, on your planet, in your Hudson River!” He pointed eagerly at Leo.
“So you brought them here?” Leo said accusingly, crossing his arms.
“Well, if we’re being realistic, I do believe it is your mutagen they are after. My reserves are far too low to be tracked.”
“Then why now?” Leo’s voice didn't lose its sharp edge, “Why not when we were first made? Or when that canister came to earth to begin with? Why wait?”
“Well— the Triceratons were quite a distance out from the Milky Way when those events would have occurred, but there was a particular event that happened in your world not too long ago that must have drawn their attention!”
He was met with nothing but blank stares.
“Krang’s visit to your world!” Honeycutt provided with a laugh.
Raph’s eyeridges knit together and Donnie’s raised; Mikey pursed his lips in a shocked whistle. Leo’s face remained still, though his eye gave the faintest twitch.
“That was years ago.” Donnie said, his voice shaking with his disbelief.
“Yes, but in the grand scheme of time, it is hardly anything at all! Triceraton ships can only travel so fast. Chances are they were already on their way before I even crashed!”
“So this whole situation…” Leo motioned vaguely, “Is just one big coincidence, huh?”
“Yes!” Honeycutt nodded eagerly.
“I don’t believe you…” Leo towered even higher above Honeycutt if that was possible, and the android shrunk smaller and smaller with every second that passed.
“Well you should…” Honeycutt’s voice was soft. “It is the truth.”
“I thought you agreed to let us handle this.” Leonardo rose to meet Leo’s gaze, his expression just as still and confident as his older counterpart; his eyes held that same calm spirit of defiance that he had shown years before, except stronger now that he was grown.
“I’m just asking questions.” Leo said.
“That was a statement, not a question.” Leonardo said back.
“He’s right Leo, that wasn’t a… a question…” Donnie said unhelpfully.
“Thank you Donnie.” Leo growled through his teeth.
“I… I’m sensing hostility…” Honeycutt’s head almost disappeared with how low he hunched into his shoulders, backing away slowly from the group.
“Wait— no—” Leo tried to correct himself, reaching a hand out toward the robot. “I didn’t mean—“
Honeycutt was already running, flat feet carrying him down the tunnels as his form faded into transparency.
“Great.” Donatello motioned down the tunnel, “There he goes.”
“Wow, he wasn’t lying about the transparency bit.” Donnie hummed.
“Stop him!”
All it took was Leo’s commanding shout for all turtles, even Raphael, to obey and go running after the flight risk. They couldn’t see him anymore, but the android was being less than quiet as he tried to escape. Every clang clang clang that Honeycutt’s feet made as they found impact with the ground rebounded; every noise to the turtles was like pure vibrations. Ninja sense mixed with turtle instinct guided them through the dark, and they saw the robot even when he wasn’t able to be seen. They felt him, his very presence, radiating within each sound.
Leo was the fastest of his team just as Leonardo was the fastest in his; both blue-clad mutants pulled ahead of their brothers, eyes glancing at the other in a silent challenge to prove who was best. Leo ducked his head low and curved to adjust his trajectory and grab at the invisible android, but Leonardo didn't. He dug his feet in the stone and came to a full stop. Leo’s momentary confusion led him to stare at Leonardo a little too long, and to miss his shot.
Leo felt Honeycutt shoot between his legs and back down the way he had come. Leonardo’s right arm went out in automatic instinct to grab the android, and he succeeded. At least, he thought he did before the full-force of the tiny robot sent shockwaves of pain shooting up his arm and into his plastron and neck, following the lines of his barely-scarred wounds like pure fire.
Honeycutt slipped out of Leonardo’s hand as his grip went slack. Honeycutt kept running, and too late was it to stop when he realized the other six turtles were running straight at him. Mikey had carried the lead ahead of his brothers, and so he was the first one to reach Honeycutt; the first to reach out and grab the android around his forearm and—
Mikey’s entire body tensed, as if electricity was shot through it. He likened the pain to the tasers that had been forced against him when their lair was destroyed; pure power that seized everything and made his body refuse to listen to his mind. That thought passed and nothing more came until the black around his body seeped into his mind, and he slumped over unconscious.
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fabuloustrash05 · 11 months
Where is everybody during the Mission Failed AU? What becomes of them?
So shortly after the Turtles, April, Casey and Fugitoid failed their mission to save the Earth from the Triceratons, the team broke out into a massive argument, out of grief, failure and loss.
There’s a little WIP I’ve done so far of their argument:
"If you didn't try to pull another stupid solo mission at the last minute then maybe we could've made it in time!"
"Woah dude, don't blame Leo," Casey interrupts, "He was trying to protect us from the dino freaks ships. Maybe if we didn't take so many detours just so one of us could make out with some lizard babe than we would've not fallen behind!"
"You leave Mona Lisa out of this!" Raph growls.
“If talking about any ditours, what about April?" Mikey asked.
“What about me?!"
“Everyone please, don't fight!" The professor begs.
"No!" April crosses her arms as she glared at Mikey, "Please explain to me how is it exactly it’s my fault?"
"Well… I mean… y-you did want to return the Soul Star back to the Aeons instead of going after the Triceratons when they stole one of the pieces from us…"
"I wanted to help all planets, not just ours! And besides, we had the pieces, but then Donnie had his 'crisis' and let the Triceratons get away!"
"Are you kidding me?" Donnie was shocked by April's words.
"I-I'm sorry Donnie…" April said, immediately regretting her words, "I didn't mean-"
"What? That because I'm not smart enough like the professor so it's my fault the Triceratons stole the black hole pieces from us?!" He snaps at her, "No! Raph's right. This is all Leo's fault!"
Hurtful and cruel words were said that cannot be taken back which led to everyone slipping up and going their separate ways, refusing to contact one another for many years.
Donnie continues to live with Fugitoid, staying on his spaceship. He now works as the professors assistant/apprentice, learning and advancing his knowledge in many fields of science. The duo travel the cosmos to study and explore for their next big experiments. Occasionally Donnie visit Dimension X and works with the Utrom Council too.
Leo is living out his Captain Ryan fantasy. With his brand new team of heroes. together they travel the galaxy helping neighboring planets, wanting to protect other planets for he failed to protect his own. He’s hurting but hides it all with a smile, in denial and has convinced himself that he’s fine.
Casey has become his childhood dream of being a intergalactic bounty hunter. In truth, he's living his best life and him and Mikey are the only ones who stay in contact.
Raph (along with Chompy) lives on Salamandrian. He and Mona Lisa got married and after training with Sal Commander, Raph is now a highly respected warrior on the planet, looked up to by many. He misses his brothers but no matter how many time Mona tries to convince him to contact them, Raph refuses, feeling too guilty to see them.
Mikey works at an intergalactic rest stop where alien from all over the cosmos travel just to taste his delicious foods that are all based on Earth cuisines. Casey occasionally visits him at his shop and the two catch up, together the miss the good old day when everyone was together.
The loss of her home and father broke April the most. The grief was too much that Za-Naron was unleashed. April and Za-Naron, now as one powerful being, returned to the Aeons home planet where she is now worship and seen as a powerful goddess to them.
After nearly 10 years, the team are all still grieving, some worse than others. Perhaps maybe they could all heal if the reunite again and talk this out instead of avoiding their problems.
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ninjakitten1699 · 4 years
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Seasons Week (22-31) in OCtober 2020 prompts
22. Autumn. @alena-1987 You’re the only other one who knows of Aiyana and honestly I think of her taking Krux’s outer coat and he’s just thinks it makes her look so small compared to him and he finds it cute to the point where he says she can keep it.
23. Winter. Mariana, originally a Bengal Fox now a traditional Red Fox mutant instead since one was more common than the other. She wears a fluffy coat even though she probably doesn’t even need it with her fur but the colors contrast hers nicely.
25. Spring. Here’s Apollo the mutant Crocodile Monitor. He likes Spring more than winter because it gets warmer for his liking but not so warm as to lay somewhere on the rooftops and fall asleep.
26. Summer. Melusine, wife to Knucker and ally/member of the Serpentine Rebellion. Just because she’s a fighter doesn’t mean she can’t look pretty too.
27. Star. Well, Dr. Kitty Saunders was the star of this blog so it’s fitting that they’re here.
28. Cosplay. Spec Ops guy is awesome so I had my Triceraton boy cosplay as him because well the roles they play and their heights are fitting.
29. Cafe AU. @glitchthenindroid Could you imagine an AU where Akumu just goes to a cafe regularly, probably hiding in back tables so he doesn’t scare anyone, but then he sees Gale coming up to him and he’s just “*gasp* oh no she’s pretty” and she’s just nothing but nice to him? Of course she has to be being a worker and all but he’s the only one that’s actually polite to her and even tips her more than anyone else does, so eventually somehow they get to know each other.
30. School uniform. Inizio (name meaning “beginning”), otherwise what you guys will eventually know him as Drako Reformed because I don’t see why he couldn’t be allowed to restart like the Daimyo’s son did.
31. Halloween. Umber the mutant long eared bat would fit right into the crowd. Though she may not be on the ground, she’ll like not having anyone point her out even if it’s for one night.
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Donnie mentioned that the Hidden City was a “tertiary meta-verse” in the first episode, but I don’t think what that means has really been explored yet.
The Hidden City is mostly underground, suggesting that it’s a little bubble of yokai activity squirreled away from human eyes, and “tertiary meta-verse” is just a fancy word for “pocket dimension”. There are probably many such pockets scattered throughout the globe, created to give yokai space to live after the humans forced them underground.
And that explanation would check out, but!
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In “Many Unhappy Returns”, we get a shot of the sky above the Battle Nexus.
The green sky. With two moons.
“Tertiary meta-verse” my butt, The Hidden City is on an entirely different planet!
And what does that mean the yokai are?
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But given that Planet Yokai has to be crazy advanced to even connect with Earth in such a way, why did the ancient yokai choose to live on a primitive planet instead? And why do so many yokai civilians, including children, continue to live so close to the human threat today?
It’s easy to see, when you look. Once again, these are civilians, people just trying to live their normal, everyday lives. Normal, everyday people want to be safe. And the only reason they’d choose to live on a dangerous, primitive planet is if the high-tech planet is even more dangerous. Considering that the one open-sky area we’ve seen so far belongs to an incredibly rich and dangerous spider lady, most of Planet Yokai could be straight-up uninhabitable, and lower-class yokai have no choice but to live near humans.
There are dozens, maybe even hundreds of yokai species out there. There’s no way they all originated from the same planet. These people were fleeing across the galaxy to Planet Yokai before they fled to Earth. But what were they trying to flee from?
A war, of course. Planet Yokai was targeted, so the inhabitants escaped to some insignificant mudball on the other side of the Milky Way. Planet Yokai was rendered uninhabitable, and the few structures Big Mama and other members of the 1% have built since are small enough to maintain and disguise with magitech. Two lonely little worlds, cut off from the rest of civilization.
It’s too optimistic to assume the war is over. There are still people fighting out there, among the stars. Eventually the turtles will get mixed up in it, because they’re the protagonists and that’s what happens to protagonists.
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Also, there’s a prophecy that predicts the destruction of the yokai, and an alien invasion would be a hilarious catalyst for that.
But who are the sides in this war?
That the mutagen exists suggests the Utrom, who have been in nearly every iteration so far.
It’s possible they’re fighting the Triceratons, a warlike species that has also shown up in several iterations. The Nexus Hotel patron on the far right looks like they could have Triceraton ancestry.
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The Rise crew miiiight even plan on reintroducing the Kanabo aliens. I know 2k3 is the least popular of the TMNT cartoons, and season six isn’t well-liked even then, but I felt that Sh’Okanabo was a delightfully grim antagonist. The way the Kanabo virus spreads and overtakes entire planets makes it a formidable threat, enough that some military forces would have no problem nuking a planet they though was infected.
The virus cannot withstand Earth’s sunlight, so if an infected individual did slip through to Earth, it wouldn’t be able to take over. But it would be able to survive in the dark corners of the yokai underground, grabbing a few victims here and there. Not enough to cause a ruckus, just enough to sustain itself.
Just enough for the yokai population to have urban legends about it, still remembered and passed down after all these years.
Just enough for the virus to survive until the planet’s technology advances enough that it can take to the stars again.
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