#Trey Lavellan
halfblood-fiend · 5 years
Fictober 2019 - Day 7
Prompt 7 : "No, and that's final."
Fandom : Dragon Age: Inquisition
Words : 281
Warnings : some fluff
"No, and that's final." - Trey Lavellan x Dorian Pavus
"Oh, come on, Dorian," Trey groaned though he couldn't quite keep the smile off his face as the mage stormed off towards the armchair tucked in between the bookcases. "Please?"
"No, and that's final, Amatus!" Dorian said. "I will not go back with you to Emprise du Lion. Never again." He picked up a book off a random stack and threw himself into his chair as he flipped it open.
But he appeared to no longer be listening to Trey.
The elf followed, grinning, and ran his fingers along Dorian's knee. As Trey trailed them up the mage's thigh, Dorian slapped him away with one hand.
Time for a different approach then, he thought with a chuckle.
Trey put his hands on the arms of the chair and leaned down towards the beautiful man and nuzzled against his face. He trailed soft kisses over Dorian's cheeks, along his jaw, and down his neck.
"Don't make me electrocute you. I will not be so easily persuaded."
"I'll take you someplace nice afterwards," Trey purred. He caught Dorian's ear between his teeth and sucked until the other man's breath caught in his throat. "Just the two of us. We can stop by Val Royeaux. Go see the opera that's been touring Orlais. You mentioned going before. I'll take you."
Dorian growled in annoyance. "They'd better be box seats."
"And no tents. We get put up in inns like civilized people."
"Of course. Anything else?"
Dorian turned towards Trey's face and caught him in a gentle kiss. "I am weak willed around you, Amatus. It's rather infuriating."
"I rather like it," Trey smiled before capturing those beautiful lips in his once more.
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arcenergy · 6 years
hi my name is trey and i have a basketball game tomorrow
eileen lavellan the night before the conclave
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ao3feed-handers · 8 years
Day 4: It Never Ends (Varric, Dorian, Inquisitor)
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2lLrUzs
by Halfblood_Fiend
Playful banter makes Varric remember his Kirkwall days.
Words: 310, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 4 of 30 Day Writing Challenge- March 2017
Fandoms: Dragon Age: Inquisition
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Varric Tethras, Dorian Pavus, Trey Lavellan
Relationships: Inquisitor/Dorian Pavus, Lavellan/Dorian Pavus, Anders/Male Hawke
Additional Tags: Varric's Nicknames are fun, Demons, kisses, Nostalgia
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2lLrUzs
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halfblood-fiend · 5 years
I really had to go and commit myself to the headcanon that long names are A Thing in Clan Lavellan, didn't I? Reeeaalllyy had to do it it to em, huh?
Well I low-key regret it now after typing out "Treysomelyan", "Kasha'allen" and now this new one "Namytharya" more than once.
Thank goodness, I also headcanoned the colloquial use of nicknames ("Trey", "Kasha" and "Namy"). Lolol
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halfblood-fiend · 7 years
Do you have THAT OC that just makes you so so so happy every time you see their cute little face?
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halfblood-fiend · 7 years
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They would’ve made a hella cute couple tbh
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halfblood-fiend · 7 years
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The hand holding in this scene is so important to me. <3
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halfblood-fiend · 7 years
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halfblood-fiend · 7 years
Iiiiit's TMI Tuesday! Feel free to am me anything! About me, about ocs, about stories, and I'll be typing up those stories from Sunday, maybe working on sexlaughterhonesty stuff? :D
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halfblood-fiend · 8 years
Aaaaannnndddd surprise sex with Dorian!! :D LOCK DAT DOWN TREYYY!!
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halfblood-fiend · 8 years
It Never Ends (Varric, Trey, Dorian)
Day 4 of the 30 Day Writing Challenge
Prompt 11: “ Well, that’s the closest I’ve ever come to a heart attack. Let’s not do this again.”
“Well, that’s the closest I’ve ever come to a heart attack. Let’s not do this again,” Varric sighed as he took Inquisitor Elfroot’s offered hand and pulled himself up. “Another couple of seconds and I would have been that demon’s lunch. Thanks, Elfroot.”
The demon-blood spattered elf grinned and lugged his sword onto his shoulder. “The Demons wouldn’t eat you, Varric. You’re too tough and…there’s too much hair.” He wrinkled his nose down at him before he laughed.
“Perhaps the terror demon would choke on it. You think?” Sparkler piped up. He looked a little dirty, but nowhere near as close to death as Varric had just been. He frowned at Sparkler, brushing dust from his pristine white robe as if they hadn’t just been surrounded by Certain Death. Varric pulled a health potion from his belt and almost choked at Elfroot’s next words.
“I think they’d hack it up like a cat would. Can you imagine demons coughing up hairballs made of Varric’s chest hair?”
“Yeah, yeah,” Varric grumbled, pushing past the two of them. “Laugh it up. See who saves your ass next time, Elfroot. Then you’ll be sorry…”
He glanced back, but it was clear His Inquisitorialness was no longer listening. As soon as Varric had turned his back, he had rushed to Sparkler’s side and taken his lover’s face in his hands, twisting it this way and that. Sparkler tried to wave the elf away, but he wasn’t hearing it, then he began to press kisses to the skin as he finished checking for contusions.
Varric smiled to himself and turned away again, giving them the semblance of privacy they had looked for. It reminded him too much of Hawke and Blondie. They were about as insufferable after every fight. It was starting to look like Elfroot and Sparkler would be no different.
He sighed.
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halfblood-fiend · 5 years
time to fix the lack of ask thing for ya :D :D how about 10 and/or 36 for whomever you're inspired to write about? :3
Okay, finally getting to this now that my computer isn’t committing soduku…
You know? Even though I said I didn’t really need people to send asks, it still sure was nice to get. Lol. So thank you!
From the Fifty Ways To Kiss Someone Prompts
10. …desperately
ft. Trey x Dorian (Dragon Age)
“It’s a strange sort of place, isn’t it?” Dorian strode forward and rapped on the icy cavern wall with the point of his staff.
“Easy with that thing,” Trey teased. Dorian felt the weight of the elf’s hand across his shoulders as he clanked by. “You don’t want to bring this whole place down on us.”
“Ha. If I did, would we be free from needed to go further in?”
Trey chuckled as he strode away, but didn’t answer.
The frozen cave the Inquisitor had led them into was not only so frigid it hurt to breathe, but it was damned narrow too. Quite frankly, it made him nervous to think of delving deeper into it at all. One never knew what they might find. And if Dorian wasn’t going to be paid quite handsomely in his tent for this later when they returned to camp, he would have never agreed to follow Trey along on this little sight setting spree. He would have much preferred sitting beside a fire, thawing out frozen fingers around a mug of steaming tea, and perhaps with the handsome Inquisitor himself curled around him as well. Just the thought sent a delightful shiver down his spine. He made a mental note to make that part of his bargain as well.
Just a few more days, Dorian told himself. A few more days and they’d be done with the Emprise du Lion and then he would make Trey swear to never bring him back.
Dorian stumbled back from the rubble falling from the ceiling to his right. His arms went over his head but as fast as it had come, it was over, and the last few stones pelted him, leaving stinging welts where they hit. Coughing and spluttering, he couldn’t see past the swirling dust as welled up from the cavern floor.
“Amatus?!” He hacked his lungs out as soon as the word was spoken, but it didn’t stop him. “Treysomel!”
Dorian rushed towards the wall of collapsed ice and rubble and fell to his knees. Magic thrummed beneath his skin and sparks began to spit around his hands as he grabbed every piece of rock he could reach and flung them carelessly behind him.
When one of them hit something metal.
His head snapped around so fast, he could have broken his neck, but there, crumpled to his left, was the dusty but unmistakable shape of the Inquisitor.
“Amatus,” Dorian practically sobbed. He scrambled to Trey’s side as the elf groaned and shook shards of ice from his hair.
Pulling the other man into him, Dorian crushed his lips against Trey’s, ignoring the grit and ignoring the muffled protest. Maker blast him, he was just so thankful Trey hadn’t been beneath the cave in. Nothing tasted as sweet as the Inquisitor’s lips on his, nothing.
Trey pushed Dorian off of him and turned his head to dry cough on his hands and knees. Dorian rubbed his back, fretting to himself until the elf could speak.
“I told you not to bring this place down on us,” he choked, “ but would you listen? Noooo. Someone has to poke everything with his staff…”
“Kaffas. I’ll poke you with my staff you no good, son of a–”
Trey interrupted the slew of obscenities Dorian had intended to hurl with his beautiful mouth and Dorian decided that this time he wouldn’t chide him for his rudeness.
36. To give up control
ft. ( @angle0fthegourd‘s favorite OC ship of mine) Space!AU Trey x Vonauk, my Vulcan OC (Starfinder? Technically??)
The shuttlecraft’s lights were turned down as low as they could go in order to conserve power. There was no telling how long it might take the rest of their party to discover the fact that Vonauk and Treysomel were missing from the ship, and perhaps even more time for them to find the shuttlecraft in question. There was ample time to quantify every possible solution to their current predicament. Vonauk had gone over the calculations in their head more times than they could count. Each time, the chances of their survival were slim to none. It would be a close call on whether they would run out of emergency rations or atmosphere first, and an even closer call on which fate would be worse to endure.
Treysomel sighed from his seat beside Vonauk at the command console. In quick succession, his long tinkerer’s fingers typed out a command code before the holographic console powered down entirely. Vonauk’s own hands paused in the air where their own console had just been moments before as Treysomel unbuckled himself from his seat. "It’s a lost cause no matter which way you figure it,” the elf mumbled. “No sense beatin’ around the bush.”
Vonauk dropped his hands to the bulkhead. “No cause is truly lost. If I recalibrate our communications relay and divert power from all nonessential systems, I should be able to maximize the range of our–”
“Give it up, will ya!” Treysomel snapped.
Vonauk arched a slanted eyebrow at him. “While it’s logical to have such an adverse reaction in the face of–”
“Of certain death?”
They frowned. “Our death is not certain yet, Treysomel.”
“Maybe not yours,” Treysomel replied roughly, running his hands through his already mussed auburn hair. He’d been half tearing it out for hours. “But I reckon mine is. Maybe you can live. I’m sure there’s some Vulcan way you can conserve your body’s energy, live for a while without food or maybe even air, but I sure as hells can’t. I’m done for sittin’ out here.”
“Your friends may find us yet.”
Treysomel’s ears flattened close to the side of his head as he considered, and Vonauk watched the play of emotions over the elf’s face in undisguised fascination. Hope, confusion, resignation, fear. Even distraught as he was, he was more beautiful than he had a right to be. Which made the fact he was correct all the worse. Eventually, he leaned back into the seat’s headrest and let his face turn towards theirs. “Ain’t nothin’ for it. Just give it up, darlin’.”
He lifted his hands from his lap and they closed warm and urgent over Vonauk’s, sending a shock of pleasure through their body. Treysomel pulled them towards him and kicked the side of their seat so it would swivel until the two of them faced each other. He leaned forward in his own seat until their faces were inches apart. Vonauk became painfully aware that Treysomel’s thumbs rubbed over the back of their hands, and their face warmed uncomfortably.
The elf gave them a lopsided grin that didn’t quite touch his green eyes. “I don’t think I’d ever get used to the color of your blush… Listen, don’ think too much about it, jus’ tell me goodbye. Like you mean it. Precious time’s a wastin’.”
“Treysomel…” Vonauk wanted to assure him they would do everything in their power to get him out of this. They wanted to tell him help was coming, and that if he just let them man their station, they could ensure his survival. But the platitudes rang false, even before the words ever left their mouth. The others in their party might’ve treated Treysomel poorly because of his dubious upbringing, but a fool he was not. Vonauk had seen that from the beginning. They would be doing him a disservice by attempting to convince him everything was fine. Nothing was “fine.” They had gotten the two of them into this mess, lured Treysomel away because they knew he would do anything to help them, and now Treysomel was going to pay the price for it. Holding a grudge might not be the Vulcan way, but Vonauk doubted they would ever forgive themselves if the beautiful creature before them died on their account.
Not if. When.
“Hey.” Treysomel’s fingers traced Vonauk’s jaw and brushed their temple and they shuddered at the flair of sensation the elf left upon their skin. “Don’ look so worried,” he murmured. “S'not a good look for ya.”
He made jokes, bit out bitter laughter in the face of long odds, in some attempt to ease their perceived suffering. Vonauk’s heart twisted painfully in their side.
“Come on.”
Vonauk searched Treysomel’s face one last time and found nothing but resignation there. “If you would just let me…” but Treysomel’s face said it all. No one was coming. Not on time.
Vonauk closed their eyes and closed the last bit of distance, finding Treysomel’s lips soft against theirs. They had seen so much death in their time and was hardly moved by it, but this…
Why did this have to be different?
The elf grasped at them and when his fingers grazed their skin, they shuddered. And when he eased from his chair and pulled them after him, they let him. He could have this. It was logical to fulfill his final wishes if they could, even if it would mar their soul than they would ever care to admit.
Neither one of them saw the light set into the bulkhead wink from steady red to blinking green with the acknowledgment of their emergency distress beacon.
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halfblood-fiend · 8 years
Character Strength and Flaws
I was tagged by @thexann and @mysdrym and @gugle1980 to do this and I was hype because it looks super cool. Although, as always I never quite know who to put up here because I have a shitton of OCs. So I’ll keep it to my three absolute favorites. :3
↳ Bold what applies to your muse!
Keram Adaar (is anyone surprised?)
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moody | short-tempered | emotionally unstable | whiny controlling | conceited | submissive | possessive | paranoid | lies impatient | cowardly | bitter | selfish | power-hungry greedy | lazy | judgmental | forgetful | impulsive vengeful | stubborn | sadistic | indecisive | petty | unlucky | naive | over analytical |
honest | trustworthy | thoughtful | caring | brave patient | selfless | ambitious | tolerant | lucky intelligent | confident | focused | humble | generous merciful | observant | wise | clever | charming | cheerful | optimistic | decisive | adaptive | calm |
Trey Lavellan
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moody | short-tempered | emotionally unstable | whiny controlling | conceited | submissive | possessive | paranoid | lies impatient | cowardly | bitter | selfish | power-hungry greedy | lazy | judgmental | forgetful | impulsive vengeful | stubborn | sadistic | indecisive | petty | unlucky | naive  | over analytical |
honest | trustworthy | thoughtful | caring | brave patient | selfless | ambitious | tolerant | lucky intelligent | confident | focused | humble | generous merciful | observant | wise | clever | charming | cheerful | optimistic | decisive | adaptive |calm |
Bonus: Treysomel of the Protectors (Pathfinder/original novel)
I really need to commission an actual artist for a portrait of him. RIP.
moody | short-tempered | emotionally unstable | whiny controlling | conceited | submissive | possessive | paranoid | lies impatient | cowardly | bitter | selfish | power-hungry greedy | lazy | judgmental | forgetful | impulsive vengeful | stubborn | sadistic | indecisive | petty | unlucky | naive | over analytical |
honest | trustworthy | thoughtful | caring | brave patient | selfless | ambitious | tolerant | lucky intelligent | confident | focused | humble | generous merciful | observant | wise | clever | charming | cheerful | optimistic | decisive | adaptive |calm |
Clint Hawke
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moody | short-tempered | emotionally unstable | whiny controlling | conceited | submissive | possessive | paranoid | lies impatient | cowardly | bitter | selfish | power-hungry greedy | lazy | judgmental | forgetful | impulsive vengeful | stubborn | sadistic | indecisive | petty | unlucky | naive | over analytical |
honest | trustworthy | thoughtful | caring | brave patient | selfless | ambitious | tolerant | lucky intelligent | confident | focused | humble | generous merciful | observant | wise | clever | charming | cheerful | optimistic | decisive | adaptive |calm |
Lmao, I feel like a lot of stuff is in bold... oh well.
Oh gosh, who has already done this? I wish I could tag everyone/people who haven’t been tagged yet? I’ll tag @galifreyas  @therutherfordwife @badjoffery @flightofthedragon and tbh ANYONE else who wants to do it! :D Just be sure to tag me so I can see yours!
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halfblood-fiend · 7 years
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Ah, yes. Perfection.
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halfblood-fiend · 7 years
Most Popular vs Least Popular
out of sheer curiosity on my part, I wanted to dig into my archive and see for myself which stories had the most notes and which had the least. So I kinda figured that if I wanted to know, maybe others would too? So I’ll tag some writer folks to do this (though I guess artists could do it too) with the simple rules:
What are your five most popular works?
What are your five least popular works?
Are you surprised? Why? 
Here we go.
Top Five
1) Quenching the Thirst in the Western Approach (Rylen x Adaar) - 112 notes
2) Blissful in Lace (Cassandra) - 102 notes
3) “Coward. That’s What You Are” (Nick Valentine x SS) - 101 notes
4) The Healer’s Heart (f!Handers) - 75 notes
5) Giving In (Cullen x Trevelyan) - 62 notes
Bottom Five
1) Ace of Hearts (Steve/Captain America x Clint/Hawkeye) - 0 notes
2) You Must Endure (Trey Lavellan) - 2 notes
3) Champions of the Just-Part 1 (Trevelyan) - 2 notes
4) The Fountain (young Adaar) - 3 notes
5) Skyhold Infested (Cullen x Trevelyan) - 3 notes
6) Champions of the Just-Part 2 (Trevelyan) - 3 notes
Am I surprised?
I mean, yes and no. I’m not surprised at all that Keram and Rylen head my most popular stuff, but I am a little surprised that Cassandra’s piece took off like crazy? And I’m always EXTRA FUCKING surprised whenever I get notes for Vee and Valentine?? Because that shit is actually pretty regular but that piece isn’t even 600 words. And, yeah, Cullen smut appears in the top five, not a surprise seeing as sex absolutely sells.
Tbh, I am a wee bit surprised that Ace of Hearts didn’t get ANY on Tumblr. I know it’s a crack ship (like...I don’t even KNOW where that came from because I don’t even ship them, like ????), but that is literally my most popular work on both AO3 AND FF.net. I still get emails about it even though I just want it to die sometimes. But I’m not surprised that my Trev gets no love. I don’t think my Champions of the Just pieces even actually have 2/3 notes because they were liked by exes who I blocked. P sure they didn’t even get read. Which is unfortunate because I adore them. They were my real babies. I mean I cried while writing them! If I redid them, though, I’d fix it to make the audience cry more and me less. There were some pacing issues. I’m not surprised Skyhold Infested got nothing, it was just...i dunno. It didn’t make any sense. And The Fountain was written when I was in a real writing funk so maybe it was shit?
That was pretty fun and there was so real weird stuff. Haha. So I guess I’ll tag all my writer peeps? :D There’s absolutely no push to do this because it def took a little while for me to do. Iunno. Up to you!
@slothquisitor @thesecondsealwrites @scumbag-solas @barbex @inuy21 @cullenstairshenanigans @more-aoe @therutherfordwife @daisytje @loonyloopy @mysdrym @sagefic @thexann  
Is that everybody? I don’t? Can’t be, but I feel bad for tagging so many. Lol.
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