#Tree transplant
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Spotlights illuminated the night operation of placing of a 40-foot English elm on the tiny lawn surrounding St. Patrick’s Cathedral, October 18, 1939. A dozen skilled tree movers placed the giant elm, with three more trees planted on the Fifth Avenue side of the cathedral the next day. They all matched trees that line the avenue in front of Rockefeller Center, across the street.
Photo: Anthony Camerano for the AP
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ratatatastic · 2 months
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reading an old ekky article and feeling a certain way about it...
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gardeningforfun0714 · 3 months
Hi everyone I’m sorry I haven’t updated as much as I planned, but I thought I’d share pics of how everything’s going in my garden (6/23/24)
The tomatoes have exploded and there’s lots of flowers. I’m hoping it’s not too hot and we actually get fruit this year (last year got so hot our tomatoes didn’t even flower during the normal growing season).
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Next is the corn, which are also doing really well. It’s the sweet corn variety. Funny story, I planted the corn seeds without knowing you kind of need a lot to get a good crop because it’s wind pollinated. However, we have about 10 mature stalks and I’m hoping to get at least a small harvest. A few of the stalks are taller than me (5’3”/160cm) and one of the ears growing already has silk growing out of the ear.
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Next are the cucumbers. One of the plants has a few eggs on the bottoms of the leaves so I used some Sevin dust. I’m hesitant to use neem oil because I’ve noticed lots of ladybugs in the garden and don’t wanna kill them.
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The carrots are doing well after being transplanted. Unfortunately I don’t remember when I started the seeds so I’m not sure if they should be farther along by now (I believe I planted around late April/early May—late for seeds I know but I’ve got a long growing season and few frosts).
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The various fruit trees/bushes/shrubs are doing well. Pictured are a thorny blackberry vine, an olive tree, a papaya tree, and a babcock peach tree. Everything is doing amazing. The blackberry is producing, the 4 peaches are growing and changing color while the olive, fig and papaya have been putting in some major growth/establishing.
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Last is the melon patch. It’s also exploded and there are so many watermelons throughout the whole patch of varying sizes from bb-sized to the one pictured with my hand. I didn’t see any cantaloupe yet, but there’s lots of flowers. I haven’t actually gone into the patch due to how crowded it is (I’m hoping if we do get some we’d be able to see them when they get big enough). I’m estimating we have between 12-15 watermelon at least so far.
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However, not everything is doing so well. The rabbits have been so destructive, they killed my producing pole bean, the peppers I transplanted into the ground and most of the radishes, leaving 2 left for us (I did start new seeds though because radishes are some of the quickest vegetables you can grow from seed to harvest).
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For things I didn’t cover like the grapes, blueberries, raspberries, guava trees, the apple tree, the lemon tree, various flowers, onions, potatoes, and pineapples, they are all doing good as well. I also wanna add that I did start new bush beans/pole beans as well as various kinds of peppers (jalapeños, hot salsa blend peppers, golden bell peppers) in containers to make up for the ones that got chewed. Hopefully those will make a nice fall harvest. The potatoes are almost ready to be harvested and the blueberries and raspberries have had berries ripen one at a time due to how small they are (this is the first year for berries).
As for other things I have planned, I have a few art pieces I’d like to post if that’s something y’all are interested in. I also would love to talk about my experience with gardening and mental health but any and all posts related to that will be labeled with appropriate trigger warnings.
Thanks for all the support with likes/reblogs. Feel free to come lurk, talk, vent, ask, whatever. I just wanna inspire others that think they cannot grow things that they can. If you’d like to talk I mostly would like to talk about gardening/plants/mental health and how it impacts us as humans.
Happy growing🌱🌿💙
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fall out boy lyrics that make me think of the places i grew up
this town is wasted and alone -- death valley -- when i visit, if I'm lucky i get to drive around, and the nothingness is crushing. You go to school, you graduate, if you're upper or middle class you go to college, probably the local one an hour away. You have to drive an hour to get to the good grocery store, twenty minutes to the shitty one. You marry your high school sweetheart, or someone you met in college, you settle down and have kids. You have at least one family member who works for a company you're pretty sure is still just a factory, even though they have fancier names for it now. I look out the window of my parents' house and i can barely see the neighbors' house.
you were the last good thing about this part of town -- grand theft autumn/where is your boy -- i left my best friend in the city i moved from and god i miss her so fucking much. Every time i visit it's like we were never apart. Every time i leave we both wonder if we'd have made it had i not moved away.
i can't remember the good old days -- 27 -- your parents' house is supposed to feel like being a kid, running around carefree. I have not lived with my parents for eight years but every time i visit i wake up with that same chest crushing anxiety and it does not go away. Even when i get back out east it takes me days to feel like a person again.
every pane of glass that your pebbles tap/negates the pains I went through to avoid you/and every little pat on the shoulder for attention/fails to mention I still hate you -- chicago is so two years ago -- i did not visit for almost two years, and then only did so because my grandmother was dying. Had she not been, it would have likely been so much longer. I spent those two years hating that small town, because i thought if i hated it i wouldn't miss it, and it all hurt so much that it wasn't hard to try to hate it. (that didn't work, because even though it hurt, it was still home)
I know I should be home/all the colors of the street signs, they remind me of the/pickup truck out in front of your neighbor's house -- chicago is so two years ago -- it's the little things that get me, the parts that weren't so bad, the parts that were even good, the parts that killed me to leave behind. The first dance class i took out east i sobbed the entire two mile walk home.
whoa, can't do it by myself -- reinventing the wheel to run myself over -- this one gets me because every time everything just feels like too much, it's amplified by the fact that i did this to myself, i chose to move away from everyone and everything i ever knew, and it's therefore my responsibility to indeed, do it by myself
we're the kids who feel like dead ends//and the poets are just kids who didn't make it -- i've got a dark alley and a bad idea that says you should shut your mouth (summer song) -- literally all of my friends from home don't quite fit the midwestern mold, and we're all mentally ill creative types. We're in our mid twenties now and have felt like burn outs for years
I swear I'd burn this city down to show you the light -- sophomore slump or comeback of the year -- the same best friend from earlier. I worry the small town is crushing her and she's so, so bright.
the best way to make it through with hearts and wrists intact is to realize two out of three ain't bad -- i'm like a lawyer with the way i'm always trying to get you off (me & you) -- you make sacrifices to survive. Mental, emotional, physical, everyone's sacrificing something just to make it through.
it's all a game of this or that, now versus then/better off against worse for wear/and you're someone who knows someone who knows someone/I once knew, and I just want to be a part of this -- hum hallelujah -- the duality of living in such a small town where everyone knows everyone and still feeling like you have no place to belong
literally all of g.i.n.a.s.f.s. but especially: everybody wants to drive on through the night if it's a drive back home//things aren't the same anymore, some nights, they get so bad//i sleep with your old shirts and walk through this house//it's a strange way of saying that I know I'm supposed to love you, I'm supposed to love you//I've already given up on myself twice third time is the charm//threw caution to the wind, but I've got a lousy arm -- ioh was my first fob cd, and i listened to it on repeat the summer i spent commuting from my parents house to the hospital in the city to camp until i finally got an apartment. This was also the year i spent coming out to myself, terrified of the future and expectations i knew I'd never meet. I was also in love with one of my best friends and god it hurts so much for your first love to feel so wrong
I will never end up like him/behind my back, I already am -- headfirst slide into cooperstown on a bad bet -- when i first moved to the east coast i swore I'd assimilate and no one would know where i came from, but the second I'd open my mouth it would be "oh what part of the midwest are you from?" Over time I've learned to make peace with the parts of myself that are so unavoidably rural and midwestern, but there were parts i resented for a long time, because it felt like I'd never be free from where i grew up
I don't know where I'm going/but I don't think I'm coming home -- alone together -- i remember driving home from a college course i was taking my senior year of high school and just, dreaming of driving on, starting somewhere new
and in the end/i'll do it all again -- the kids aren't alright -- if things had been different, if i'd grown up differently, i wouldn't be who i am today. Also i almost got these lyrics tattooed on my thigh. Still might tbh
you were the sunshine of my lifetime/what would you trade the pain for?//and I just about snapped, don't look back//what would you trade the pain for? I'm not sure -- love from the other side -- leaving was, and is, so goddamn hard. Every time i visit my best friend, my grandparents, i have to remind myself why i left, and why i can't go back, and so much of that focuses on looking forward because if i look at the past too much i begin to romanticize the pain
scar crossed lovers, forever -- heaven, iowa -- i am so inexplicably, irreversibly bound to the people i grew up with like some sort of fucked up trauma bonding. Out here on the east coast, in the cities, it's just different. Even people who grew up east coast "rural," it's not the same. It's strong with friends from the city i moved from and even stronger with my friend who grew up in the same county.
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bunnyb34r · 19 days
I'm gonna be so mad if something eats the fucking strawberry I'm waiting to ripen before I can get to it. They got the last one and it wasnt even fully ripe! You little fucker!! Theres a few flowers still blooming due to the hot weather continuing (god help us) which is funny and I do enjoy watching the strawberries grow from flower to berry but... I'd like the animals to stop eating them first :(
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inthecityofgoodabode · 7 months
March 2024: More Spring Stuff & Happy Saint Patrick's Day
Join me human:
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As I watch the sun set:
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We did some planting & transplanting this week:
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Including some store-bought ginger that we're propagating. If all goes according to plan, we should have 5 to 6 ginger plants:
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First bee butt of 2024:
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My queen is drying dandelion leaves. You're supposed to be able to make a concoction with them that is beneficial in the garden. We'll see. If the results are noticeably beneficial, I'll post a follow up later in the year:
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I can't believe the size of the leaves of this cilantro. You can't buy this in the grocery store:
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This is the second day after planting these sweet potato slips & they are already perked up & happy:
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Our 3 year old Red Russian Kale after harvesting this week:
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We went to a local hardware store to see about getting some repairs done to our mini tiller. Turns out the repair department is closed on Sundays so this happened instead:
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For Saint Patrick's Day, it was a nice warm Spring day but the temperature starting dropping as we're expecting an overnight low in the mid-30s Fahrenheit. Perfect fire pit weather:
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gravesung · 2 months
look at em all together. theyre so precious ( also tag drop !! )
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intertexts · 4 months
thinking Abt them (new haven wards)...
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23rdhunter · 5 months
Deciding to make a native plant wild area:
Sounds great! Just section off an area and stop mowing
*In the distance- the sound of a thousand honeysuckle marching towards my location*
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There is- a great deal of weeding in my future
In better news, there are *some* native plants popping up: a black locust tree, wild roses, brambles of unknown berry, and a baby *ash* tree 💚
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strandnreyes · 1 year
I think that’s what a lot of people forget: it’s supposed to be entertaining and a drama show is all about drama and not a depiction of real life. It’s not about being perfect. And yes some things may have felt rushed but we still are so blessed: We got a beautiful wedding. Heartbreaking vows. A couple who will always choose each other. Gwyn. THE SONG! A glimpse of their honeymoon. Some promising storylines for the next season and some amazing actors who did a hell of a job! Of course one could always ask for more but I am glad we got so much wedding at all. In a lot of shows it’s a couple minutes tops. So yeah. I am glad and I enjoyed the finale even though I am still reeling. But like you said that’s what makes it good in the first place.
Of course I’m always going to want more. I’m at Olive Garden and tarlos is the parmesan cheese they grate on top of the salad and the waiter always says ‘tell me when’ like no you don’t understand. I want it pouring out of the bowl and spilling onto the table. I want to drown in this. there will never be enough.
Cheese analogy aside, what we did get of the wedding was beautiful. I don’t think I’ve ever heard better wedding vows on tv and I agree a lot of tv weddings I’ve seen are very short or have lots of drama/side plots with other characters
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tonytomeo · 9 months
No Bad Habit
Washingtonia robusta, Mexican fan palm Technically, this one is different. I did not get it from a situation that it needed to be removed from at work, and then can it because I did not want it to be discarded. I did not grow it from seed or cutting that I ‘borrowed’ from a landscape somewhere else. I did not ‘borrow’ it from Brent’s gardens at the Jungalow. I did not find it for free on…
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spoofyleaf · 1 year
One of my favourite things one of my friends does when she’s super bored, is keep an eye on the music I’m listening to (via discord) and I’ll get texts like “you’ve been listening to [song name] on loop for several hours, ight”
Like this happens once or twice every few moths and I never expect it, but it’s so silly to me.
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jedi-bird · 1 year
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Went and bought two large bags of potting soil and one regular size cactus/citrus mix. Used all of it in less than an hour. Replanted the geranium that came from my grandparent's house, finally planted my last rose, got the elephant ear tuber into a pot, and replanted all of the lemon bros (aka the Deke Squad) and the orange/grapefruit hybrid my partner's aunt gave me. Being outside for a bit today felt really good. It was a pleasant distraction.
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I also did some sorting out this morning and found my old ikea bear; decided to keep him out and have him one of my old Rogue One shirts since they don't fit me anymore. I think it suits him.
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killerchickadee · 2 years
The thing about it being my Midwestaversary is like.... sometimes I wonder if I really was that unhappy in Colorado?
Yes. The answer is absolutely yes, and I hated it almost from the very first day. Like I look at Facebook memory posts and even within the first few months I was like, "I hate it here, why the fuck did I move here?" And I stayed there EIGHT YEARS. I've lived in 6 different states and even though I have lots of mental health issues so I'm never really happy, and I have mixed feelings about a lot of the places I've lived in, I've never been as miserable as I was in Colorado. And even though I knew it was bad I didn't realize exactly how traumatic it was until I left. I've been back twice and both times ended up crying because I didn't want to be there. That's.... probably not normal lol.
So like, is my life going well? Not at all lol. Would I say I'm happy? Probably not, because my work situation is shit and I'm a little lonely here (and also the aforementioned mental health shit). But I'm a million times happier where I am now than I was there. I fucking love the midwest so much. Special shoutout to @thebrideofcaliban and her husband for getting me the fuck out here.
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tinyshe · 1 year
Spring has burst forth and is sprinting towards Summer -- a relay race of the Seasons is in full GO mode.
The hot beds shrinkage is amazing. I have never had a compost pile work and drop so fast. Simply amazing as it is reduced to half its original size in a month.
Seeding (pots and plots): yellow pear toms, German heirloom tom Riesentraube, sweet cherry peppers, some small sugar pumpkins, courgette/zucs called black beauties, tagetes, Sophia marigolds; scarlet globe radish, deer tongue lettuce, prizehead lettuce,dill, dutch corn salade, Jericho lettuce, roman chamomile; and in little poppers under a dome I thought I would try to grow some rhubarb from seed.
Vermiculture bins are producing well. Every garden should have a little worm farm on the back stoop.
Hens are older, a little less in the egg production but there is usually an egg a day, some times three but usually average two a day. We have enough eggs for what we are eating right now plus enough to share with an elder every other week by gifting a dozen. They produced some very fine material for the hot beds (soiled coop fir shavings and soiled meadow grass/wheat straw from aviary floor). The grass is coming off in the front garden so they are happy to have a more steady supply of fresh greens (instead of our left overs, alfalfa pellets or tips off the walking kale).
Flowers are starting with forget-me-nots, coral bells, camellias, tulips, Hyacinth, scillia, yellow pompom thingies =     Kerria Japonica Pleniflora , vincas, violets, calendula (orange ones), calla lilies, some of the potted geraniums (but they be sad). Strangely enough (or not) the roses are still quiet ... I did give them a great pruning so there is new growth. I purchased some harebell and poppy seeds I want to plant for my brother. He lives far away but we exchange flower photos through emails.
The fruit trees are about middling of their bloom cycle. I haven’t seen too many bees in the back but the rosemary hedge out front is alive with buzzing buddies. They just love that rosemary hedge. It is long blooming so I know they appreciate it. I’m hoping by the time the raspberries start blooming that someone -- honey bee or bumble bee or any pollinator at this point (!) shows up. The yellow rasp are looking mighty good but the tays and red rasp, not so much. Its time to rejuvenate those beds.
I did move the artichokes out of the main bed in the veg patch and put them over by the chicken coop. They just take up too much prime space for what they produce.
Hoping in the coming weeks to move out the potted roses for the rose tunnel out at Kat’s and that will give me back my walk way.
Planning on battling the bamboo or in reality, finding someone who will be my champion and take on slaying my foe. Do not put bamboo in the garden, straight in the ground! Even clumping bamboo runs! I don’t know what the previous owners were thinking (not) ...
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November 2022: Rainy Monday
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Sunday’s project was to yank out this knockout rose. This rose was at least 10 years old... sometimes gardening involves some hard & cruel decisions: 
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We replaced it with this chaste tree that came up from seed: 
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Today’s backyard garden. I was surprised to see a ripe tomato: 
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I mentioned in a previous post about pulling some green seedlings from Plot 420 & bringing them home. These are them. The one in the middle had been seriously gnawed in by the local rabbits or rodents that run amok in the fields around Plot 420: 
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Random brassica growing in the bird bath we turned into our sedum planter: 
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With the rain today, the only bees out were honeybees. The native Bumbles, Carpenters & all the assorted tiny bees stick close to home when it rains even when it is just the on & off drizzle that we got today: 
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One of two curly leaf parsley plants that we grew from seed. This one is the most gorgeous. Look how tight those leaves are curled. You can’t buy that flavor in a store: 
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