muellermeier2 · 7 months
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commission for gamma
Commission for Gamma and Marsh Turnip on Telegramm. A welcomed opportunity to draw fanart for Star Trek. (Star Treck - the furry generation?) Thank you for commissioning. You can also find me here
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aucklandexpat · 2 years
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Omanawanui Track, some stairs involved for this view 😉. One hour drive from Auckland. #omanawanuitrack #whatipu #auckland #visitauckland #track #treck #hike #hiking #ocean #nz #newzealand #northislandnz #northisland #newzealandguide #newzealandlife #newzealandtrip #newzealandnatural #newzealandadventures #newzealandpics #newzealandtravel #newzealandphotography #kiwipics #travelphotography #travel #kiwipicsnz #explore #exploremore #traveler #travelblogger #travelwithme https://www.instagram.com/p/CobiRXOvWvz/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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therustytravellers · 2 years
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Kheerganga trek as easy to say in summer as hard to do in winters 🫠#kheerganga #treck #snow #snowfall #af (at Kheerganga) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cm80dmPStrG/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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clementinenve · 2 years
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Takamaka : ce point de vue est époustouflant ! 🌿💖 En plein cœur du cirque de Salazie, je vous conseille une randonnée accessible pour découvrir les cascades de Takamaka 💦🌈🦜 Retrouvez toutes les infos sur le blog en description. #takamaka #lareunion #travel #traveling #travelingtheworld #world #adventure #treck #loving #traveling #travelphotography #mountain #jungle #nature #amazing #trip #traveltips #tips (à Takamaka (La Réunion)) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cjc16uCrk_9/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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forcedhesitation · 1 year
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astarion origin playthrough worth it just for all the extra moments where he does the "sad wet cat" face
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mayasaura · 2 years
So... about Kiriona and why she's Like That, and what's been happening these past six months.
She hasn't just been living her worst monkey's paw life as Ianthe's chew toy and bored prince, acting as emotional support for her new dad in his dismyriad crisis. Which would all be bad enough on its own. At least half that time she's also been actively deployed. Like, in the military, in a combat zone. Probably in a command position with very little experience and exactly zero training.
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From the scattered mentions we've seen of Antioch, Kiriona was most likely deployed there to quell a rebellion. No doubt a terrible experience that would have expected her to do horrible things. Then these things—the devils—turned up.
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Anyone who was infected by the devils, she had to dismember them and burn the corpses. Edenites, House, and civilians. That means regular old people who had nothing to do with the fighting, and people under her command. Either they became shambling zombies with mouths for eyes, or they were mercy-killed and burned before they could be taken.
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How many people did she see die? How many people did she kill, and how many of them did she consider herself responsible for?
So if we're counting the reasons Gideon might seem a little off, we might want to take into account how she took a detour though a fucking zombie apocalypse while we weren't looking. Shit.
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hawkmothdiemotte · 10 months
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The bois in star treck uniforms (T-shirts)
Edit: Bob ist das rote Fragezeichen und peter das blaue (siehe, Gespensterschloss), deshalb die Farben hier (aber ja bob ist ehr science und peter ehr ops)
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resident-gay-bitch · 1 year
"You're going to be okay, Reggie." Sirius said, combing his fingers through Regulus's hair.
"How do you know that?"
"Because I am." Sirius said simply, "I'm okay, so you will be too."
"We're not the same... not anymore."
"We never were." Sirius said, "You and I- we... we were never the same. You just admired me a lot, and stole my clothes."
"Yes, well..." Regulus cleared his throat, "I much preferred your trousers over my bloody dresses."
"Shame I don't fit into your old clothes anymore." Sirius smiled at Regulus through their reflection, "We could have swapped wardrobes. You did have some lovely dresses... do you remember that black velvet one mother made you wear to Cissa's engagement party?"
"Yes." Regulus frowned, "Vividly."
"Yes, you looked quite shit." Sirius said with a teasing grin, "I would have looked much better in it."
Regulus rolled his eyes, "You know what? As much as I hate to admit it, you're right."
"Thank you." Sirius said proudly, "I'm taking all that I can get with you, Reggie- Is that still what you'd like to be called?"
"Yes." Regulus nodded his head and let Sirius dab a wet cloth under his nose some more, "I like my name... it's the one good thing father has given me."
Sirius huffed, "I can gladly say the same."
"Ouch." Regulus winced as Sirius' bony finger bumped his tender nose, "Careful, wanker."
"Oh, he rebels more!" Sirius declares, "First you become one of those people, and now you call me unsavory names? Grandfather would be rolling in his grave."
"Good." Regulus nodded, "I hated that wanker."
Sirius laughed, "Didn't we all?"
Regulus smiles.
"So." Sirius nodded, standing behind Regulus now, her hands on his shoulders, "What would you like?"
"Not too short." Regulus nodded, lifting his hand to show the shape, "I want length on the top, but no longer than my ear, I'd say... and have it fade up from the bottom- but don't do that stupid shit where it's so short you can see skin through it. I still have class."
"Obviously." Sirius nodded and ran his fingers through Regulus's hair again, "We've swapped."
"Yes, we have..." Regulus nodded, "And thankfully. You look dumb with short hair."
Sirius tapped him on the top of the head to scold him, "You're far too mean to me, you know? I am about to take a pair of scissors to your hair, you might want to be more polite."
"Sorry." Regulus said, not sounding sorry at all, "You look inadequate with short hair, oh, dear sibling."
Sirius glared at his reflection before reaching for the scissors, "You're lucky you're my little brother, you know... I have this moral obligation to never severely hurt you, no matter how fucking annoying you are."
Regulus grinned, "Yes, I know... I like to take advantage of it."
Sirius shook her head and opened and closed the scissors a few times, "I thought maybe finding comfort in you're identity would fix your sour attitude, but I'm starting to think you're just a cunt."
"Oh, Sirius..." Regulus gasped, "You kiss you're mother with that mouth?"
"Ha!" Sirius laughed, "How dare you insinuate I even care for the woman."
"I live to piss you off, sibling." Regulus said simply.
"Clearly." Sirius huffed and grabbed the front of Regulus's hair, "Here?"
"A little shorter, I think."
Sirius nodded, "I'll just cut it here, and then once I'm done, I can always make it shorter." They said and pinched his hair between her fingers, "Better to be safe than sorry... and as much as I love pissing you off, I don't want to fuck this up."
Regulus glanced up at Sirius and smiled, "Thank you."
"Don't get all sappy on me, this is unnatural." Sirius grinned and got to work, "Turn the emotions back off... be a bitch!"
Regulus couldn't help but smile more, "You know, this is probably a good time to tell you I'm gay."
"Yes, it would be, wouldn't it?" Sirius sighed, "Well, that's if I cared... we're all a bit fucking gay, aren't we?"
"I suppose..." Regulus hummed, and watched Sirius cut his hair for a while, working in silence. Their usual. It was serene. Sirius' had just about cut off the bulk of it when Regulus decided to speak again, "Well, when you say everyone, do you really mean everyone?"
"Obviously." Sirius shrugged, working on straitening out the cuts, "I mean... sexuality is a vast spectrum, as is gender, and it's all a bit of a mind-fuck, if you ask me... it took me years to understand my fluidity, and to be honest with you, Reggie, I still don't."
Regulus nodded, "I'm definitely a boy... and I definitely like men."
"Good for you." Sirius smiled, "It feels good to figure it out, doesn't it?"
Regulus hummed.
"If it ever changes, don't freak out... it happens. I used to think I was bi... then I was gay, then I was pan, and then I was gay again, and now I'm just... queer, because I simply can't be fucked trying to label it, and it feels good. I like who I like, and I fuck who I wan't..." She shrugged, "And who I wan't is Remus, so that's about it."
"You fuck him?" Regulus gasped.
"As if I don't!" Sirius laughed, "He's the very definition of all things beautiful... plus, you haven't seen them in a skirt. Pure sex, Regulus."
"I don't want to know about that." Regulus shook his head.
"You asked!"
"I mean't..." Regulus shrugged and quieted his voice, "You- you're twenty next week."
"Yes." Sirius said and before Regulus could make his next point, Sirius gasped and said, "I'm having a party, if you'd like to come... you know, since we're... family again."
"Sure." Regulus waved it off, "But I'm not getting you a gift."
"You're presence is enough." Sirius laughed, "But your point?"
"Yes." He nodded, "You're twenty... barely, and... you- you have sex?" he whispered the last word.
Sirius looked at his reflection in the mirror, dead pan, "What have they done to you?"
Regulus laughed, "We're not supposed to have sex until marriage!"
"As if I'd abide by that rule, have you met me?" Sirius shook their head and got back to trimming Regulus's hair, "Plus... Remus was just too good to deny... forbidden fruit and all that."
"You disgust me." Regulus said simply.
"That's what I was born to do, dear brother..." Sirius smiled, "That feels strange to say... but I like it. I've always wanted a brother."
"Well, happy birthday, there you go." Regulus smiled, flourishing his hand in the air, "I got you a gift after all."
"Blessed be the day!" Sirius declared over joyously, "But you haven't?"
"No." Regulus shook his head.
"That's okay." Sirius sighed and continued cutting, "I didn't have sex until I was nineteen... Remus had had it before me, with another guy. And, he and I were together for... six or seven months before I felt comfortable doing it, but... that was more so to do with my sexuality than anything else... we'd done other things a little while before that- but we took everything slow."
"Oh." Regulus nodded, "Had you been with anyone before Remus?"
Sirius thought about it for a moment, "I dated Mary McDonald for two weeks at fifteen, and she was my first kiss. But that's it."
"You had your first kiss at fifteen?" Regulus asked.
"Yes..." Sirius nodded, "Have you?"
Regulus nodded, "Only... well, about three weeks ago."
Sirius stilled, looked up to catch Regulus's eye in the reflection, "You only had your first kiss three weeks ago?"
"Yes." Regulus nodded once, "Don't stop, please, it looks good."
"Thank you." Sirius nodded and continued to work, "And that's okay too... I'm just shocked, I suppose... no matter what gender you were presenting as, you've always been quite dashing... take after me, of course. Not quite as gorgeous as I, but-"
"Oh, do shut up." Regulus rolled his eyes, "You're so full of yourself."
"Yes, well," Sirius shrugged, "when you go you're whole life with a family that constantly down play's you're achievements and tells you that you suck, you have to learn how to support yourself."
"I'm sorry." Regulus said past a swallow.
"Don't." Sirius shook their head, "I don't want to hear it. Without all that... drama, I wouldn't be the person I am today... and I happen to love myself very much."
"Well that's good."
"I do hope you love yourself too, Reggie." Sirius leant over to kiss the top of his head, "Life is so dull without self love, and you are wonderful."
"I thought you didn't want me to be sappy?"
"Yes, well..." Sirius shrugged, "I'm your big sibling... It's my job to make sure you're safe."
"It's not-"
"But it is." Sirius said with a simple smile, "And I do enjoy my job very much, so don't try to take it away from me. Besides, I was about to tell you how stupid you look with that chunk of hair sitting on your nose."
"Fuck off." Regulus rolled his eyes and flicked the hair away from his face.
"Gladly." Sirius pet his head with the scissors and continued to work, a new silence lulling over them.
"What about you're friends?" Regulus asked.
"Gosh." Sirius gasped and shook her head, "You're awfully talkative tonight."
"Sorry..." Regulus hung his head low, "Sorry, I'll stop-"
"Don't be stupid." Sirius scolded, "It's just in-ordinary for you... strange. You've always talked so little lately, I'd never been able to memorise what your voice sounded like... but now-"
"I get it." Regulus sighed, "I like having my sibling back... okay?"
Sirius whispered with a happy smile, "Okay."
"So... your friends?" Regulus asked, "Are they all... like you?"
Sirius shrugged, "Remus is... well, he doesn't really have a label for anything now that I think about it. Any time someone asks their gender he just tells them to fuck off, and if they ask his sexuality, he asks if they're trying to fuck them."
Regulus cracked an amused grin.
"Peter... he's bi romantic, which to him means he feels romantic attraction to multiple genders, but he only feels sexual attraction to men." Sirius hummed, "And Lily's lesbian... and, oh, Marl's is pan and polly- Mary's trans fem and I believe bisexual, but I don't know for sure since her transition started... oh, and James is 'unlabled', but he's just trying to be more aloof than I."
Regulus nodded and smiled, "Unlabled... but... does he..."
Sirius shrugged, "He takes whoever he fancies, and usually that's just a pretty person who has zero interest in him, whatsoever... take Lily for example. He was in love with her for years, but she's a lesbian. And he had a crush on Remus a year or two ago, and... well... Remus wanted me- it was no hard feelings. It was quite funny, really, he was just attracted to Remus and had no intentions on getting between them and I... it was a whole thing."
"So he likes... masculine people?"
"Yes, you can say that." Sirius nodded, "Why?"
Regulus turned a little pink.
Sirius kept cutting his hair, so she didn't notice.
"No reason." Regulus swallowed.
Sirius poked their tongue out as he chopped the last bit of hair, then fluffed it all out, "What do you think?"
Regulus swept some back from his eyes and smiled. He looked like himself, "I love it... thank you."
"Glad I could help." Sirius smiled brightly and grabbed a cloth to dust the hair off Regulus's shoulders, "Jame's should be home in a moment- Oh, he and Effie are going to freak out!"
"Oh, should I-" Regulus swallowed, "I thought you said they'd be okay with me living here for a while?"
"Yes." Sirius nodded and swatted Regulus with the towel, "They're all fine with it... I just didn't tell them much, yet... I just said you needed a place to stay for a bit. By the way, you are staying in my old room whilst I bunk with James, so... all my things will still be in there, so don't snoop."
Regulus smiled, "I would rather die than risk touching anything you and Remus have kissed near."
Sirius snickered, "Good luck sleeping on the bed then."
"Oh!" Regulus stood up with a huff and glared at Sirius, "You disgust me, you filthy animal!"
"Hey, that's what James said when he caught Remus and I making out on his bed."
"Oh, bloody hell." Regulus shook his head, "You're impossible."
"You love me." Sirius said with a proud lilt, "Anyway, what's this about you caring so much about James liking men, Reggie?"
"Nothing." Regulus pressed, turning red again.
"He's pretty, alright!" Regulus almost shouted, "He has nice... eyes, and he's... fit."
Sirius looked at him blankly, "He's fit..? Jesus, Regulus. That's basically a marriage proposal for you, you like my best friend?"
Regulus rolled his eyes, "Were not doing this."
"Oh, yes we are." Sirius said.
"Nope." Regulus shook his head and walked out of the bathroom.
Sirius followed, "Absolutely we are."
"I'd rather die."
"So it's deeper!" Sirius gasped, "How long have you been ogling my best friend?"
"None of you're business."
"It absolutely is!" Sirius pointed a stern finger, following her brother around the place, "You are my brother, and he is my best friend!"
"Build a bridge, Sirius."
"Oh, fuck you, Reggie!" Sirius laughed, "Come on... tell me! Why won't you tell me? I'm just going to keep asking until you tell me!"
Regulus stopped dead in his tracks and turned around to look at Sirius, lent his hip on the kitchen island, "You really wanna know?"
"Yes." Sirius nodded.
"Everything?" He asked again.
Sirius grinned and nodded more, "Oh, absolutely."
"Fine." Regulus folded his arms and turned his chin up, "I've quite liked James for a while now... since you snuck him over for the first time when I was fourteen."
"Four-" Sirius shut themselves up and glared at Regulus, "You've been drooling over my best friend since fourteen?"
"Do you want to know, or not?"
"Yes, sorry." Sirius huffed.
"Well, I really quite like him now, and I think he may like me- which is why I asked if he liked men because... well, because I want to know if it was just because he thought I was a girl."
"Fair enough... go on." Sirius pushed, unsure weather he actually wanted to hear the rest of this because... well, because Jame's didn't like his brother... did he? Surely he would have told Sirius about it.
"And then..." Regulus huffed with a little smile and laugh, "Three weeks ago we bumped into eachother and he took my first kiss."
Sirius stared at him blankly.
"Well, my first... ten, or something." Regulus shrugged, "We made out, is what I'm trying to say."
Sirius still stared.
And luck would have it... the front door swung open and in strode James and Effie.
Sirius still just stood there like a fish out of water.
"Oh, Regulus-" James had started, but stopped with wide eyes when he noticed Regulus.
"Hi, James." Regulus smiled with a slight blush in his cheeks.
"Oh, dear," Effie walked over to him with a big smile, "it's lovely to have you here with us. I'm loving the new cut- girls that can-"
"No, Effie." Sirius managed to snap out of her trance enough to say, "Erm, Regulus is my brother."
"Oh." Effie said and looked back at Regulus, "Well, the hair cut suits you well, dear... highlights these lovely cheekbones- I keep telling Sirius she needs to pin their hair back sometimes to show them off more."
Regulus smiled, his heart feeling a little warmer at her instant acceptance, "Thank you."
"You like pumpkin soup, dear?"
Regulus nodded.
"Wonderful." Effie smiled and headed off to her room to freshen up.
"You're..." James was staring, just like Sirius had been- oh, nope, Sirius still was, "It looks- you look- erm..."
"Thank you, James." Regulus nodded, because he knew what James was trying to say.
"Oh, and congratulations." James quickly said, "For... figuring it out, I guess."
"Thanks." Regulus nodded again.
"Erm... why is Sirius staring at us like she's about to commit murder?"
"Oh, because I told him we made out." Regulus said with a simple shrug.
"You betrayer!" Sirius shouted, charging at James, "You brother-fucker!"
James screamed and started running for his dear life, "I haven't fucked him yet!"
Sirius stopped dead in his tracks, "You haven't fucked him... yet?"
James swallowed, "Oh, shit."
Sirius was chasing him again, and Regulus found this to be the most amusing moment of his life.
Sirius managed to tackle James to the ground at Regulus's feet, and then they just started... play fighting?
"Do you mean it when you say yet, James?" Regulus asked, peering down at them by his feet.
James, who was pinned down on the ground and looking up at Regulus with Sirius's hands on his face, smiled wide and nodded, "If you'll have me-"
"No!" Sirius screamed, "He's just a boy- it's his first day of boyhood! You can't- Jame's... you're too much for him!"
James' winked up at Regulus and he felt his insides flutter.
Sirius shook James' face in her hands, "James you can't do this! I know you, you filthy creiten- he's pure! He's too pure for you!"
"Well, if you just-" James had started.
"Oh, Sirius..." Regulus said with a simple hum, "Is that not Remus outside?"
Sirius' head darted up and then they were on her feet and running for the door, "Remus?" He stepped outside, and then the door was slammed at his back.
He was trapped outside, with no Remus.
"Anyway." Regulus said, giving the door he just closed a few pats, "Now that they're gone, how about you show me your room, James?"
"Oh, yeah, sounds like a good idea to me." James scrambled to his feet and held out his hand for Regulus, "Wouldn't want to keep a beautiful man like you waiting."
"Thank you." Regulus smiled and nodded and let James lead him away.
"Mum will let you in!" James called out to Sirius, who just banged on the door with a dramatic whine in response.
Maybe Sirius was right... Regulus was going to be okay, after all. He had his sibling back, a house to call a home, and James on his arm... what more could he want?
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avephelis · 7 months
i loove igneous jrwi he is so hits the gym to get gains never done a day of cardio in his life. riptide motto take a guy who thinks he's hot shit and make him do manual labour. bro really joined that crew and started fighting for his life amoungst a bunch of weirdos immediately.
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boldlyexplorational · 1 month
Yesterday I caught myself saying "it seemed the most logical thing to do" and "fascinating..."
I wonder, was I like this before or am I undergoing a Spockifcation?
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snail-studios · 1 year
when you're trying to suppress your feelings for your best friend, but then you have to pretend to be a couple, eat chocolate statues of eachother and be in a polyamorous relationship with a bird
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tennis-shenanigans · 4 months
it's kind of hilarious that someone has to end up winning this tournament if you really think about it
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blluespirit · 4 months
i have this aroace zuko headcanon that i refuse to let go off. he is romance and sex repulsed. he never marries. he adopts izumi and infuriates every royalist who's precious about ✨the bloodline✨. she is the best leader the country has seen outside her father since long before sozin's reign and carries her father's legacy of peace and compassion with an unshakeable tenacity. zuko made sure to teach her that blood means nothing, and the love we have for each other as people means everything.
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clementinenve · 2 years
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Cascade Blanche : une mini rando, facile et accessible ! C’est ma cascade préférée de Salazie 🌈🧡 Elle mesure 640m et c’est la 3ème plus haute cascade de France 💦 #waterfall #lareunion #travel #traveltips #blogger #voyage #voyageursdumonde #jungle #treck #traveling #instagood (à Cascade Blanche Salazie) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cja7ww6LKXS/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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crocsandbitches · 4 months
A modern day Dracula where the plot is my boy Vlad realising that remortgaging his entire castle in Transylvania buys him a one bedroom flat in London with a sink for a toilet and he has to chose between having electricity for the month or buying a muffin from Prêt a Manger
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rudolfy-art · 2 months
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Another art fight! Also of @lyroart's characters. This time star treck ocs Karla Olofsson and Pasha Ba'al
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