#Travis Stubbs
star-girl69 · 1 year
Natalie Scatorccio x Fem!Reader
a/n: my apologies for switching up the pairing on you guys 😭😭😭 this is now officially a natalie x reader fic, but please feel free to check out my new lottie fic- Until Death Do Us Part- which should be coming out soon! so sorry again and i hope you all enjoy!!
warnings: plane crash lol, swearing, mentions of violence, mentions of death, tell me if i missed anything!!
Chapter Three - Either Way
Chapter Three - Either Way
Your apartment smelled like cigarettes. It had ever since you moved in. The previous tenants must have been smokers, and it had seeped into the walls and the floors. Now, it was just the natural state of your studio apartment.
You ate the leftovers in your fridge cold, not feeling like turning the stove on and running up the bill. After what happened with that woman today- you might need to take a few sick days to throw her off.
You didn’t recognize the movie on the television, but it was the first thing that showed up when you turned on the TV. You tilted your head as Angelina Jolie came onto the camera, her shirt black leather and low-cut.
And, because you didn’t have enough self will left, you grabbed the box under your bed and took out the photograph of the 1996 Wiskayok High School Girl’s soccer team. You traced your fingers over the faces, some of them dead, some of them alive.
But all of them had a rot inside of them. A piece of wood from that place that had been rotting ever since you left. Maybe it was like cancer. Maybe one day you would have to go back to reverse it. Maybe you didn’t care.
The plane was white with tan seats and red accents, private, chartered by Lottie’s dad for the team. The girls had already shouted their appreciation for him with smiles on their face.
Since the plane was already relatively small, and both varsity and JV were on the plane, space was limited. Not to mention a few people- like Coach Martinez’s son, Travis- refused to share a row.
“Hey,” a raspy voice said from next to you. “Mind if I sit here?”
You were expecting someone to sit next to you. But you weren’t expecting it to be Natalie Scatorccio.
Natalie Scatorccio was an enigma to you. She had black hair that she dyed platinum blonde and a shag haircut with messy black roots growing in. She wore that black leather jacket she could never be seen without, and you could faintly see a pack of cigarettes sticking out of her pocket.
You faintly remembered Natalie from elementary school- she always had this look in her eyes, even as a child, like she had seen the worst of the world and had never quite let it leave her.
“Sure,” you said, briefly wondering if she remembered you from elementary school, Mrs. Stubbs second grade class.
She shot you a toothy grin, before plopping down into the aisle seat and immediately leaning back, making the rickety plane seat creak and groan.
You smiled a little, turning back to your article about the boy’s baseball team- and their disappointing loss at states.
It was hard to write about a loss. You always wondered if anyone from the baseball team would read this, and be hurt by the recounting of their loss. You ended up just writing facts.
They lost to the Lakewood Lions, and everyone was hoping for a better season next year.
No fanfare, no grand recounting of the events like you did with the Yellowjackets.
The plane lurched forward, and your papers shuffled, and you found yourself gripping your wooden pencil.
“That about us?” Natalie asked, trying to peer past your spread hand.
“Oh,” you said, moving your hand as the plane settled into a steady drive forward. “No,” you smiled lightly, “it’s about the baseball team.”
She let out a snort.
“Losing serves them right. They’re all fucking assholes.”
She turned to you suddenly, staring straight into your eyes.
“Don’t you know? There’s rumors that they’re all apart of a cult. Looks like all that sacrificing didn’t get them that win.”
You frowned, thinking back to everything you knew about the baseball team-
“Oh, God, I’m sorry,” she said suddenly, trying to hide her laugh. “You should see you face, Jesus- nah, I’m just fucking with you.”
“Oh,” you mumbled stupidly, before a small laugh bubbled up from out of you. It felt real. It felt true, like something that had always been there and was just waiting to be released.
You felt like a sprouting plant, something that was always there, hidden beneath the dirt- and now you’ve risen up. Tentatively, on shaky feet, but there.
Natalie smiled at you once more, and you thought of last night, the weirdness in your breath, the faint color on her cheeks- but there was alcohol and smoke, a thousand ways to explain that away.
But there was no explaining the feeling in your chest.
It was distinctively different from fear, anxiety, it was like there was a tiny plant inside of you, a little patch of deadly nightshade- and wind was blowing by, making the leaves gently touch you. Giving you this weird feeling that made you warm up, staring like this at Natalie, looking at her eyes and her hair and her smile.
You looked away before you could embarrass yourself more.
Turbulence rocked the plane. You straightened, catching yourself, so you didn’t slam into Natalie. A few of the girls laughed, and you heard someone’s water bottle rolling around on the floor.
The intercom buzzed.
“Ladies and Gentlemen, this is your captain speaking.” The seatbelt sign became illuminated above you. “It looks like we’re going to be experiencing a bit more turbulence on this flight, so please stay calm and in your seats-”
Another sharp bout of turbulence. Your teeth chattered together, and the captain chuckled.
“Nothing to worry about, folks.” And then he didn’t speak again.
You looked around the plane, seeing some of the girls starting to put their books and papers back into their carry on bags, frowning at the orange seatbelt sign.
You looked at Natalie, but she was squinting past you, looking out the sliver of window, the rest of it covered by the shade.
Suddenly, the entire cabin erupted in bright white light. A few of the girls screamed, and another bout of turbulence followed in quick succession.
“The fuck-?” Natalie muttered, reaching past you to throwing up the plastic shade. You inhaled deeply as she reached past you, her arm touching your chest slightly, until her arm went rigid.
“What?” you asked, a little breathless, feeling crushed by her arm. She kept staring at the window.
And when you looked out of it, your heart started hammering in your chest.
Getting on this plane suddenly felt like you had drank a vial labeled poison.
The sky was the picture of violence, dark and stormy and littered with bits of lightening.
“Oh, my God,” you whispered.
Something ached in your chest, like some memory from a past life, something of violence and pain. Your heart started hammering and soon you realized the last bout of turbulence had never stopped.
The plane was shaking, shaking like you were, your teeth chattering and suddenly you heard a pop, and plastic hit your face.
Natalie grabbed what you know realized to be an oxygen mask and put her’s over her face. For a moment, it was like the entire world was crashing around you.
You wanted to close your eyes and say a few magic words, so when you opened your eyes again- all of this violence would be gone. The world would be intact- it wouldn’t be ending all around you.
An alarm started going off.
You squeezed your eyes shut.
“Are you crazy?” someone yelled at you, and grabbed you by the back of the neck to put the mask on your face. When you opened your eyes, Natalie was staring at you, her eyes rimmed black with eyeliner. She looked- concerned.
You took in a wild breath, barely able to get anything in through your own panic.
When she grabbed your hand, her’s was shaking along with yours.
Coach Martinez came around and started yelling at all the girls, helping those who were too scared to put their masks on like you.
The lights on the plane started flickering on and off, on and off, but if you stared real hard like this into Natalie’s eyes- then the rest all seemed to fade away.
The engine whined loudly, and then an ear-splitting sound could be heard, if you ignored the engine and Laura Lee’s praying- like something was falling.
And when you finally had the courage to look out the window, there was no more violence. There was only a peaceful forest.
And all you could do was stare at it in horror as the plane flew down towards it. Too fast to be a regular landing.
Something deep in you tugged. Something you had never felt before, like it had always been missing. And some instinctual part of you knew this-
The wilderness was here.
taglist: (send me an ask, private message, or comment if you want to be added or removed)
@sweetdayme4427 @dreaming-for-an-escape @peachydoki
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ghostradiodylan · 8 months
I feel like we’re always talking about missed opportunities and ‘hidden knowledge’ (i.e. Dylan’s necklace extended discourse). So, in a similar vein: what do you think the counselor’s middle names would be?
I wanted to ask everyone this and kept forgetting! You’re going to wish you asked someone more creative than me because I have an incredibly lazy answer. A few months back I read a fic that gave Dylan a middle name I violently hated (bad personal associations) and I was like, okay, this sucks, but what would I give him instead? And then I thought, dumb idea, what if they all had their actors’ names as middle names? I figured no way, they couldn’t actually sound good, right? Too easy. But… it actually kinda works? For most of them anyway, I did make some tweaks.
I actually think Dylan’s middle name is Dylan. I think his first name is Miles and he goes by his middle. Flows better that way to my ear.
Miles Dylan Lenivy.
Ariel is too similar to Abigail, it’s too singsongy, but Winter is actually Ariel’s middle name. Abigail Winter Blyg didn’t really speak to me either but what if we shifted the season and gave her Autumn instead?
Abigail Autumn Blyg? Into it. Witchy fall girlie.
Ryan Justice Erzahler. Yes please.
Laura Siobhan Kearney. Poetry. Might be my favorite of the bunch. Consistently Irish.
Now, is Max just outright legally named Max, or is it short for something like Maxwell or Maximilian or Maximus? I think I like Maxwell best for him.
Maxwell Skyler Brinly. I like the echoed y sound. (Although Skyler’s middle name is Augustus and that would be a fun option for Max too.)
Nicholas Evan Furcillo. Fine. Serviceable.
Jacob Zachary Custos. Yep. ✅ That’s a perfectly nice middle of the road white boy name. Which is just what you want for our naked himbo babe.
Kaitlyn Brenda Ka. I just think giving her the middle name Brenda is very funny. It’s so incredibly 80’s. I’m obsessed with Kaitlyn naming her Barbadian D&D character Brenda in that one 80’s AU fic.
Emma Halston Mountebank. Yes. Sounds expensive. I don’t know what Emma’s social background is supposed to be but that name sounds like a horse girl to me. I feel like she wants to project wealth and success even if she has more humble roots than it seems.
And just for funsies, this handy plug-and-play formula gives us
Travis Theodore Hackett
Christopher David Hackett
Jedidiah Lance Hackett
Robert Ethan Hackett
Constance Lin (Grundy) Hackett
Eliza(beth?) Grace Vorez
Kaylee and Caleb can’t share the middle name of Uncredited Face Model, so I’m giving Caleb Travis as a middle name, since THackett and CHackett used to be tight, and Kaylee Amelia after her mother.
Silas I’m giving the middle name Peter, for both Peter and the Wolf and Peter Stubbe, ‘The Bedburg Werewolf’ so, Silas Peter Vorez.
Sometimes being lazy as fuck about naming characters works out I guess? But I wanna hear other headcanons because I could definitely be swayed on these!
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thetragicallynerdy · 2 years
tell us about undeadwood pls?
Okay! So! UnDeadwood is a four-part Weird West themed mini series put on by Critical Role, an Actual Play TTRPG company. Critical Role's main stuff is typical fantasy DnD actual play show streamed on youtube/twitch/in podcast form. UnDeadwood is also an actual play show, but using a different TTRPG system (Deadlands: Reloaded, which uses the Savage Worlds core system). It's a weird West setting - Old West frontier mixed with zombies and the like.
Oh! And it's also set in the sleepy town of Deadwood, and uses a lot of the places and people from the show Deadwood. (I've never seen the show, but many of the usual players in it - who are all based in history - such as Al Swearengen, Joanie Stubbs, EB Farnum, and Doc Cochran, all make appearances. And Johnny. Can't forget Johnny!) Deadwood was a big gold mining camp in South Dakota, and was known for being a particularly lawless settlement.
All that aside - it's a show about five newcomers to Deadwood who get hired to investigate some weird happenings around the mining camp. It's got an absolutely amazing cast (Brian W. Foster as the GM, Anjali Bhimani, Matthew Mercer, Travis Willingham, Marisha Rey, and Khary Peyton. Also Ivan van Norman as the barkeep), and in my opinion, is the best thing Critical Role has done production wise. It's got an amazing set, costumes, miniatures, etc for an actual play show.
And for an improv based show? It's got some of the rawest fucking lines. Just absolute brilliance. For example:
I've seen enough people be animals out there, to know that if God made us in his image, God's every bit as feral as the things he created. - Clayton Sharpe, played by Matthew Mercer.
Also the characters are so fucking good!! They are:
Clayton Sharpe - a gun for hire with some Secrits who can barely hit the broad side of a barn (we love him he's baby)
Matthew Mason - the new Reverend in town, a bumbling sweetheart of a man (when he's not being scary) who's also got some Secrits
Miriam Landisman - a 'purveyor of goods needed' who can charm anyone into doing anything, who also has Secrits she's hiding
Arabella Whitlock - an occult enthusiast and rich girl who's grieving her dead sister - guess what? She's also got Secrits
'Aly' Aloysius Fogg - a bounty hunter and suave motherfucker who - you guessed it! ALSO HAS SECRITS
Basically all of them are full of secrets like Regina George's hair and it's absolutely amazing. I've listened to the podcast like half a dozen times and I'm still noticing new things on my most recent re-watch.
UnDeadwood is also the first fandom I've ever been really involved in!! It got me started writing fanfic, and I now mod a very small discord for UnDeadwood fans. I've made SO many fandom pals through it, and I love them very much. It's a really small fandom, and very quiet these days, but it's really lovely.
If you enjoy watching people play TTRPGS and also enjoy Old West settings and really beautifully done character arcs, I would highly recommend it. It's about 9-10 hours of watching/listening in total. However - be warned that the ending is kind of devastating, if that's not your thing.
It is all available on the youtube! This is the link to the first episode!
Also if you watch it you are contractually obligated to come yell at me about it anon (not actually, but i would love u forever if you did)
Thanks for the ask!!
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askarsjustsoswedish · 4 years
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Alexander Skarsgård, Théodore Pellerin, Mel Rodriguez -  On Becoming a God in Central Florida - Travis Stubbs, Cody Bonar, Ernie Gomes. Showtime
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favescandis · 5 years
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“Oh, here come the EFF’s” - Travis Stubbs (Alexander Skarsgård) to his wife Krystal (Kirsten Dunst) 
What's the price to pay for marital bliss?⁠ 🤔 #OnBecomingAGod in Central Florida premieres Sunday on #Showtime. #AlexanderSkarsgard #KirstenDunst
via @shobecomingagod August 20, 2019
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starsetgraphics · 5 years
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Alexander Skarsgård | 250x400 Avatars 
Please, like and reblog if you save/use. Do not remove the credit and do not redistribute as your own. We doesn’t claim credits for the images used for the graphics. Thanks!
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iseeaskars · 5 years
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Wonderful praise for Alex!
"In most of Alexander Skarsgård’s leading man roles, he’s almost ethereally attractive. His turn in Showtime’s 'On Becoming a God in Central Florida,' however, is distinctly different. He’s a gangly guy with bad posture, a mullet-like haircut, and ill-fitting suit. There’s still an earnestness and charm underneath, but Skarsgård is no longer polished and godly; he’s human." - Hanh Nguyen (Indiewire)
"Skarsgård brought an energy to that show and to the episode and to the set that set the tone for what we ended up doing for the whole season” - Robert Funke (Show Co-creator)
Click link to read more about Alex's performance.
Warning: Article contains SPOILERS!!
On Becoming a God in Central Florida, Showtime, Sundays @ 10 pm ET.
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batmanonthecover · 4 years
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BATMAN #142 - September 1961
Cover Art: Sheldon Moldoff
Script: Bill Finger
Art:  Sheldon Moldoff (Pencils) Charles Paris (Inks), Stan Stakman (Letters)
Characters:  Batman [Bruce Wayne]; Robin [Dick Grayson]; Tal-Dar (alien); a robot guardian (death); several crooks (villains)
Synopsis: Having received a guardian robot from an alien he once befriended, Batman discovers the creature will not allow the Caped Crusader to put his life on the line in fighting crooks.
Batman story #920
Script: Bill Finger
Art: Sheldon Moldoff (Pencils & Inks), Stan Starkman (Letters)
Characters:  Batman [Bruce Wayne]; Robin [Dick Grayson]; Mr. Dutton (owner of Dutton Shipyards, introduction); Mr. Stubbs [aka The Ancient Mariner] (retired sea-Captain, introduction); Davy Jones (Stubbs' pet albatross); Ancient Mariner [Tom Travis] (villain, boarding house manager, introduction); Travis' henchmen (villains, introduction for all)
Synopsis:  Some clever crooks, intent with making off with a company payroll, fool the Caped Crusaders into believing that an old seafarer is a crook.
Batman story #921
Script: Bill Finger
Art: Sheldon Moldoff  (Pencils), Charles Paris (Inks), Stan Starkman (Letters)
Characters:  Batman [Bruce Wayne]; Robin [Dick Grayson]; Regan (detective); Hartley (villain, renegade scientist); Hartley's thugs (villains)
Synopsis:  The Caped Crusaders follow a renegade scientist to Central America, where he has created a series of automated robots that fool the superstitious natives.
Batman story #922
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sagehaleyofficial · 5 years
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·         New Found Glory announced a co-headlining tour with Simple Plan, with support from Knuckle Puck. The tour kicks off at Jannus Live! in St. Petersburg, Florida, on May 29 and ends at Stubb’s in Austin, Texas, on June 28.
·         Four Year Strong unveiled the video for their new song “Learn to Love the Lie,” the third track from their upcoming fifth studio album, Brain Pain. The song comes soon after the announcement that they would be hitting the road with fellow band Silverstein this spring.
·         You Me at Six dropped a new single titled “Our House (The Mess We Made),” through which all of the proceeds will go toward Australian bushfire relief. The last new song we had from the British band was the single “What’s It Like” in August 2019.
·         Hayley Williams of Paramore dropped a raw footage lyric video for “Simmer,” her first single off her upcoming solo release Petals for Armor. The singer originally released the song in early January with a darker official music video.
·         Asking Alexandria unleashed a brand new song titled “They Don’t Want What We Want (And They Don’t Care).” The band first teased the song on February 11 on their Twitter account.
·         Falling in Reverse released a special song and video titled “The Drug in Me is Reimagined,” keeping the same lyrics as the original song for which it’s named. The band is currently on tour with the bands Escape the Fate and The Word Alive.
·         Billie Eilish released a new song “No Time to Die,” which will be used as the theme for the new James Bond movie. Rumors of her participation on the film’s soundtrack began as early as January.
·         During the NME Awards, YUNGBLUD revealed the release date of his upcoming album. He also said there would be a new song coming “Imminently” before discussing his love for Robert Smith of The Cure.
·         Justin Bieber and Post Malone released a new track titled “Forever” off the former artist’s latest album Changes, which also features rapper Clever. In January, TMZ said that sources close to Bieber reported that Post Malone and Travis Scott collaborated on the album.
·         SWMRS and FIDLAR teamed up for a cover of The 1975‘s track “People” off of their upcoming record Notes on a Conditional Form. The cover also comes along with a visualizer video with many black and white photographs of the bands.
·         Set It Off released a new song, “One Single Second,” after previously revealing the songs “So Predictable” and “Catch Me If You Can.” The band is currently finishing up their headlining dates with Capstan.
·         Halsey‘s new single “You Should Be Sad” received a remix from EDM producer Tiesto. The remix provides an upbeat electropop feel to the song’s country-inspired twang for the perfect combo.
·         All Time Low declared their first album in three years, titled Wake Up Sunshine, which is due for release on April 3. The album announcement comes after several teasers that began last month.
·         Ozzy Osbourne revealed the tracklist for his upcoming album Ordinary Man, which features a new collaboration between him and Post Malone. This follows the pair’s first collab, “Take What You Want,” also featuring Travis Scott.
·         My Chemical Romance announced another show at the Eden Project in Cornwall, UK, scheduled for June 16. The Eden Sessions made the announcement on February 12 via their Instagram account, ahead of the band’s official announcement.
·         In This Moment frontwoman Maria Brink recently covered Billie Eilish and Radiohead during her solo set on the ShipRocked cruise. The festival took place from February 1 to 6 and included sets from Asking Alexandria, Ice Nine Kills, Beartooth and more.
·         The lineup for the Chain Fest Festival was announced, featuring bands such as Jimmy Eat World, Taking Back Sunday, Circa Survive, Saves the Day, Anberlin, Glassjaw, Cartel and Acceptance. The event will take place at the FivePoint Amphitheater in Irvine, California.
·         Matty Healy of The 1975 declared the band will no longer be playing festivals where the lineup doesn’t have equal gender representation. Out of the 90 acts that were revealed for this year’s Reading & Leeds Festival, only 20 of them feature women.
·         The Pretty Reckless announced they will embark on a headlining tour this spring, which will be their first tour in almost three years. It was also confirmed that their new album, Death by Rock and Roll, is now finished.
·         Poppy performed a medley of her songs at WWE‘s “NXT TakeOver: Portland” event yesterday. She played the tracks “Fill the Crown” and “Anything Like Me” while sporting an avant-garde outfit.
·        Jeffree Star released his highly-anticipated “Blood Lust” palette last week, which consists of 18 new shades. The packaging features a velvet exterior along with a never-before-seen jewelry clasp opening.
·         In what may be an attempt to help Birds of Prey’s less-than-impressive opening weekend numbers, Warner Bros. changed the name of the film to Harley Quinn: Birds of Prey. The film brought in $33 million in revenue in the U.S - lower than the anticipated $50 million.
·         Cartel’s Facebook page updated its cover and profile photo to a new blue logo, sending fans into a frenzy and sparking reunion rumors. The logo also appeared on a new Instagram account, which was just launched recently.
·         The lawsuit between late rapper Juice WRLD estate and the band Yellowcard has been put on hold, due to no one being appointed as the executor or the late rapper's estate. Therefore, the case cannot continue until then.
·         A super Twenty One Pilots fan launched a project to create a Blurryface musical. However, just short of two weeks after its announcement, the fan in question received a cease and desist order for the project.
·         Neck Deep revealed that they added a new member: longtime collaborator and big brother of frontman Ben Barlow, Seb Barlow. They also announced that they launched an official app, as well as invited fans to an event titled “Sonderland.”
·         Machine Gun Kelly launched a new merchandise line for his 2019 album Hotel Diablo for Valentine’s Day, which included a vibrator appropriately titled the “Lil’ Devil.” The vibrator comes in a sophisticated red packaging that reads “Let’s get wild.”
·         In a new interview with Entercom, Hayley Williams revealed that she anticipated that there will be more Paramore shows in the future. “And there will be more Paramore shows. Yes. Confirmed,” she stated.
·         Real Friends and its lead singer Dan Lambton announced that they have parted ways, with posts from both parties uploaded on Valentine’s Day to their respective social media outlets. Both Lambton and the band said that the split was mutual.
·         Pierce the Veil is supporting the Australian wildfire relief with a new shirt dedicated to the animals affected by the fires. The shirt is a long-sleeve taken from one of their Australian tour laminates, used on their last tour of the country.
Check in next Tuesday for more “Posi Talk with Sage Haley,” only at @sagehaleyofficial!
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"Queria que fossemos como Travis e Abby. Mas estamos mais pra Robin e Stubb.."
– People Always Leave
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rndyounghowze · 5 years
Pirate Theatre is Makin' It This Weekend
By Ricky and Dana Young-Howze
Cedar Creek High School
Egg Harbor City
The students greatly surpassed my expectations at Cedar Creek High School's production of Makin' It. This play by Cynthia Mercati was directed by John T. Stephan and brought a host of veteran and green actors together to do this show.
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There is more than meets the eye in any high school hallway. This play shows that in any clique, any student, any teacher, there something beneath the surface desperately trying to get out.
Direction by John T Stephan was strong last night. You could tell he really wanted a show that gave a lot of new performers a chance to shine while being supported by a core group of his stage veterans. What I always love about Stephan is that he seeks to build young artists up and develop their talent and not just to put on a great show to sell tickets.
But I did feel that even his fledgling actors were stronger than the script he was working with. There were several parts of the script that I saw him valiantly try to create workarounds for.
For example: the script stops all dramatic action to make actors walk downstage and then bare their souls under blue light in monologue. I feel it’s a problem that only exists in the show because the script says it must happen. In fact this got so formulaic that Dana and I could guess to within a second when another monologue was coming. We would have loved it much better if there were no monologues and the story could keep moving forward.
But here was my ultimate problem with them: the monologues where where I saw Stephan shine! This is a man whose directing style I know the most and these intimate moments were where I could see him dive into character work and coax some solid performances out of his actors. There are even some small one on one scenes between characters where I saw him try to create a real character driven scene despite the source material and because they were doing their best I began to really feel something. I just really hope in the future that the script chosen is as strong as this cast.
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Dana and I saw a bunch of kids who are nothing like these characters who are looking for some nuggets of truth to latch onto. "But Ricky," you say "isn't acting all about portraying a character that's nothing like you?" Obviously yes but I felt some of these actors had characters so unreal and unauthentic they went beyond that and were able to tap into something deeper than anything could have realized. So let's talk about who really made us feel something.
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Buzzard Fishbeck (played by Jonathan Nass) gave Dana this feeling of “why bother, if everyone thinks I’m this way why am I going to change?" She was really impressed by how sincere was even though he was our comic relief. Great job!
There really is something wonderful about Monica (played by Elisa Zapata) and I noticed it immediately. I'm coining a phrase today by saying her best acting was "behind her eyes". She found a way to make me see the wheels turning in the character's head. A great performance!
Kudos to Karl Swanson (played by Jacob Thompson) for stepping into the role only two weeks ago and giving us a strong first impression. He was just the prop master then so you could call this a huge promotion! I really hope to see him onstage again.
Travis (played by Kyle Heck) won me over with his last stand against Hunter. He finally seemed to calm down and give me chills with his honest delivery of his lines.
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Hunter Dunbar (played by Cody Tittermary) did such a really good job being a scumbag that Dana didn't like him. But I know him and this is completely different from who he is. He did win her over with the honest delivery of his monologue. It was her favorite.
Brooke Benedict (played by Rebekah Allebach) made me not hate this play. Her monologue was full of feeling and passion and she poured it out generously so that we all could share. That’s the kind of acting we need all over the South Jersey High School Stage. Feel something and take us on the journey with you!
I've had the privilege of seeing Howie (played by Evan Theoharis) perform at GTMS before and I'm so happy to see him not only staying true to form but even getting better in his craft. If he digs into his characters a bit more his natural stage presence will take him the rest of the way.
We could tell that Mrs. Cozlowe (played by Violet Vogel) was trying to channel every terrible teacher she'd ever had to deliver a truly authentic performance. It's very hard to take on the role of one of the authority figures in your life and not make it look cookie cutter. She really did not disappoint.
With Vince Carnelli (Played by Nathan Carnelli) he seems like he was really trying to latch onto a similar authority figure in his own life. Either way he did it he made Dana empathize with him.
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Kudos to Max Stubbe in the background creating a character that I definitely wanted to know more about. Everytime they were onstage I really hoped that their monologue would start but it never did. Thanks for making me smile!
We want to reiterate that we saw kids do an amazing job trying to relate to characters that they've never seen before. This is not to say there aren't similar kids in high school or America however those kids are three dimensional and to ask them to become one dimensional on a stage is hard. They have to bring way more into the story than the writer did. And that's what we want to celebrate right now. We're very proud of all these kids.
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Costumes by Cynthia Kahn actually did make my life. Having lived through this decade as a kid I may or may not have worn these clothes once (I also may or may not have been a Howie). Thanks for taking me on a trip in the Way Back machine.
Kudos to set design by John T. Stephan and Jen Tracy who was also Head Scenic Artist. The minimal set design really served the production well while still being very visually interesting.
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You really should see this show. It is a great example of good young performers delivering solid textbook performances through the support of an artistic staff that only wants to see them shine! Please come out and cheer them on!
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jmsa1287 · 5 years
'On Becoming a God in Central Florida,' with Kirsten Dunst, is a Bonkers Ride
this show is weird. i wish it was...more weird.
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Kirsten Dunst gives her all in the new dramedy "On Becoming a God in Central Florida," debuting on Showtime Sunday. (The first two episodes are currently available to watch via YouTube.) Set in 1992 in an Orlando suburb, Dunst plays Krystal Stubbs, a hardworking and underpaid mother of a small baby and wife to Travis (an off-the-wall Alexander Skarsgard). After spending her days employed at a struggling waterpark right outside Disney World, Krystal comes home to her often manic husband, who is paying less attention to his job (or a "j-o-b" as Travis calls it) as an insurance salesman, and focusing more on getting involved with the cultish pyramided scheme called Founders American Merchandise, or F.A.M. Krystal is sick and tired of putting up with Travis and his devotion to F.A.M. He's poured thousands of his family's dollars into buying useless F.A.M. products and merchandise — hoping to sell them to others and recruit them into the organization. Krystal can't seem to talk sense into Travis and pull him out of F.A.M. His devotion to F.A.M. is mostly because of Travis's upline (or, his boss) Cody, played by Canadian actor Théodore Pellerin in a breakout role. Cody is a cartoonish Type-A beta male that promises the world to the Stubbs family (if you quit your "j-o-b" and join F.A.M. fulltime, you'll finally be happy, he claims) and he's the shining star in "On Becoming a God"; it's hard to take your eyes off of him anytime Pellerin is on screen. Krystal can see through his snakeskin suit and half-truths while Travis, who fell into F.A.M. while struggling with alcohol addiction, eats it up. Over the course of the 10-episode season (each episode is about an hour long), Krystal goes down a bonkers rabbit hole, burrowing deeper and deeper into F.A.M. where the mysterious and possibly mentally unwell Obie Garbeau II (Ted Levine) sits atop the strange pyramid. Her decision to sink herself into the organization is sparked by a truly shocking twist in the first episode that involves a mystical white moose but that will not be spoiled here. 
"On Becoming a God" offers spectacle and Dunst at her best. The show also features "Last Man on Earth" star Mel Rodriguez as Krystal's good-natured coworker and neighbor Ernie and singer Beth Ditto (yes, you read that right), who gives a wonderful and warm performance as Ernie's wife Bets. The show is peppered with outrageous moments but it is centered by Dunst's performance where she plays Krystal with so much drive, you often wonder if she's breaking bad or even a complete manipulative psychopath. It's great to see Dunst as an anti-hero and the show is a smart satire on the American dream. Created by Robert Funke and Matt Lutsky, "On Becoming a God" was originally going to be directed and co-produced by Greek filmmaker Yorgos Lanthimos ("The Favourite," "The Lobster") but during the development process, he dropped out of the project. It's poor form to critique something on what it is not but it is hard not to see what he would have done with "On Becoming a God." Lanthimos's off-kilter and deadpan tone would have been welcomed to this dramedy, which is ultimately enjoyable but lacks that certain punch to send it over the top into a show you'd have to tune into. The dramedy is strange to be sure (George Clooney, along with Dunst herself serve as executive producers) but there's still a lot to be desired from "On Becoming a God." There is a live-wire energy at the get-go of the show but that ebbs and flows throughout the uneven freshman season. At its best, the show is a platform for some fantastic performances. 
"On Becoming a God" is the latest story that follows people struggling to make ends meaet who happen to live in Florida — a subgenre that seems to have popped up a number of times since Donald Trump took office. Most notably, the 2017 film "The Florida Project," directed by Sean Baker, featured a young single mother raising her child in a dingy motel outside of Disney World. That same year, the TNT show "Claws" debuted. Starring Niecy Nash, that show follows a group of manicurists in of Manatee County, Florida who are sucked into the world of organized crime and eventually work their way up to the top. There's a lot of similarities between "Claws" and "On Becoming a God." Both feature strong women who give fantastic performances but what they both examine is how the American dream seems impossible in our current climate. Having grit and a good work ethic will not make you prosper in the land of the free, especially if you're a woman. In order to survive, you have to play the game. In "On Becoming a God" that means literally blasting your way through a cult run by a madman.
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sumers · 6 years
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Ne izlemeliyim?
Netflix Türkiye’de ne izlenir?
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7. The Haunting of Hill House
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22. The Expanse
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23. The Last Kingdom
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60 min | Action, Drama, History
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Given mystical powers by a talismanic keepsake, a young man embarks on a quest to fight shadowy forces and solve a mystery from his past.
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25. Broadchurch
48 min | Crime, Drama, Mystery
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26. Bodyguard
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60 min | Crime, Drama, Thriller
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A contemporary thriller featuring the Royalty and Specialist Protection Branch of London's Metropolitan Police Service.
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27. Manhunt: Unabomber
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60 min | Crime, Drama
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An in-depth look at how an FBI profiler helped track down the terrorist Ted Kaczynski, the Unabomber.
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28. The Blacklist
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43 min | Crime, Drama, Mystery
8,1  Rate
A new FBI profiler, Elizabeth Keen, has her entire life uprooted when a mysterious criminal, Raymond Reddington, who has eluded capture for decades, turns himself in and insists on speaking only to her.
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29. Jessica Jones
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56 min | Action, Crime, Drama
8,1  Rate
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Stars: Krysten Ritter, Rachael Taylor, Eka Darville, Carrie-Anne Moss
Votes: 165.189
30. River
60 min | Crime, Drama, Mystery
8,1  Rate
John River is a brilliant police inspector whose genius lies side-by-side with the fragility of his mind. He is a man haunted by the murder victims whose cases he must lay to rest.
Stars: Stellan Skarsgård, Nicola Walker, Lesley Manville, Eddie Marsan
Votes: 14.985
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tindogpodcast · 6 years
TDP 783: Brian Croucher - Travis from Blakes 7 - Interview
Brian Croucher - Travis from Blakes 7 - Interview AT WHOOVERVILLE 2018
Brian Croucher played Borg in The Robots of Death and also appeared in the spin-off production Shakedown: Return of the Sontarans. He is of course also known as the second actor to portray Travis in Blake’s 7. An earlier leading role was in the fabulous children’s adventure series The Jensen Code. He also appeared in the ITV serial Quatermass, starring Sir John Mills (1979) and in the 1985 drama serial Edge of Darkness, playing the chief of security Connors
Film appearances have included roles in Burke & Hare (1971), Made (1972), The Waterloo Bridge Handicap (1978), A Nightingale Sang in Berkeley Square (1979), Deadly Game (1982), Scrubbers (1983) and Underworld (1985).
His TV appearances have included roles in the thriller series Out [1978], Minder and Bottom. He also played the role of Rooky in the Southern Television series, The Famous Five.
His most recent role on the big screen has been as the mysterious Stubbs in this year’s British psychological thriller Welcome to Curiosity.
A new Tin Dog Podcast
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askarsjustsoswedish · 4 years
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Alexander Skarsgård, Kirsten Dunst, Théodore Pellerin, Mel Rodriguez, Beth Ditto -  On Becoming a God in Central Florida - Travis Stubbs, Krystal Stubbs, Cody Bonar, Ernie Gomes, Bets Gomes. Showtime
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favescandis · 5 years
Two types of people in this world:
1. Stinker-thinkers 👎
 2. Go-getters 👍
 Who will you be? 
New promo featuring Alexander Skarsgård as Travis Stubbs in On Becoming a God in Central Florida via @SHOBecomingAGod August 21, 2019
The series premiere of #OnBecomingaGod is this Sunday, August 25, 2019 at 10 pm ET on Showtime.
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