#Toxic Radios
pinketine · 10 months
"I've been told I don't cook with love- Which is a sentimental and meaningless review in the culinary world. I'm a professional chef, not a parent making a meal for their kid... But I think I understood what they meant when you walked in." is a great line because without context, it sounds like a confession at the end of a romantic movie centered around cooking. In reality, it's what a chef said to his waiter after biting off and eating his ear, and revealing that he killed and cooked the waiter's ex. And it's still romantic.
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lalalalalalakakakak · 4 months
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After their first break up of the week
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feedthepigeons · 7 months
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whoopsie doopsie my hand slipped
anyway click for better quality
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pseudophan · 9 months
i just know dan yelled at him when they got home after this. i remember watching it live and the way my heart stopped like. phil. what the hell
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radio-zephyr · 6 months
alskgjdslk jthe new animated short for hsr,,,,,
the way black swan went from in control, leading the dance and moving with acheron, to being the one moved around, puppeted, torn apart and brought together under acheron's hand. THE SWAN GETTING KILLED BY A SNAKE IN THE BACKGROUND. THE PREDATOR PREY DYNAMIC AS SHE'S HUNTED DOWN OVER AND OVER, BRUTALIZED IN HER MIND before returning out of the abyss of acheron's memories, now the one being dipped as acheron looks down on her impassively.
oairesghdjkair IM GOING INSANE
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platoapproved · 2 months
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hlkproductions · 29 days
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while i'm terribly shy about showing ocs i make for things i've got a love-hate relationship with, i can't help but feel too many positive emotions whenever i draw alastor interacting with things that crank up other aspects of him left unexplored. sheba's one such thing, whose design is so.... -grabby hands- yknow? fun. so im biting the bullet and showing her off. she and another character, Glory, have been in my back pocket since april/may.
anyway, the rundown i have for sheba is she is in alastor's employ alongside husker and niffty. lent out to the hotel as a bellhop / lobby boy, her history with the radio demon lies in a contract made while she was still alive. her servitude and loyalty is exchanged for protection from the things and people she died to free herself of, with a little added "bonus" of accessing a thimble's worth of alastor's power when she's, as he puts it, shut out her weaknesses.
once a sacrificial lamb of a cult she carries a lot of wounds when it comes to trusting others or opening up to the concept of friendship and family. thanks to handing over one of her teeth for that bit of power, sheba cannot use profanities and has to be creative with her curse words.
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happiesthotel · 9 months
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📺 || alastor & vox stimboard.
src: (-) (x) (x) // (x) (x) (x) // (x) (-) (-)
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thearoaceshark · 7 months
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aryllisoncaffeine · 5 months
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Next WIP: toxic radiostatic / radio silence.
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pinketine · 3 months
Gay sex would not have fixed what Bok-Su and Da-Jeong have going on but it would enrich it deeply. Average homoerotic female friendship tbh.
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menalez · 2 months
oh my god so the new lie is that i doxxed women on here? im done with radblr lmao no way u fucking freaks have been sending me anons with my real name the past week and even posted my full name on here not long ago and pics of my mom u found through facebook and many other things since i joined radblr but now u decided to pretend i doxxed any of u?
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teatitty · 11 months
Yeah yeah Mic being protective of Aizawa we've all seen it done hundreds of times but my bread and butter will always be Aizawa being protective of Mic in that way of "hey I'm allowed to make fun of my friend and bully him because he knows it's all good fun but if any of you motherfuckers tries it we're gonna have problems" and the far more embarrassing "MY BEST FRIEND IS AN INCREDIBLE HOST/HERO/ETC AND HERE'S ALL THE REASONS WHY, IF YOU DON'T LIKE HIS SHIT YOU'RE WRONG" which comes out a lot when he's drunk and/or he sees Mic hate on forums
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fruit-kick · 7 months
ngl i hate it when u bring up how fucked up the show and fandom treats jermy and ppl respond w/ "he makes out w/ his dog" like idk how to tell you that jermy is not A Real Guy who made out w/ his dog the same way Dolph was not a kid who happened to look like hitler.
like both of those things are deliberate choices made by the writers to justify shitty, bigoted choices in the story and i need all of you to stop falling for it when people bring up the fact that it was fucked up.
also, other hot take that i think should be cold: people doing fucked up things does not justify bigotry. if the writers put in a trans caricature, misgendered them every step of the way, and then threw in a "they kiss dogs" ya'll would know thats bullshit. (or at least i hope you do) so put in the same fucking energy.
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worstjourney · 11 months
If you're interested in Heroic Age exploration, or history, or historical fiction with male characters, you will probably find this short series interesting and helpful – I certainly did! It does an amazing job of encapsulating a lot of complex ideas and social history in an entertaining and easily digestible form.
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applechip118 · 1 month
hello HLVRAI yaoi gang i have a question
the maker space i’ve been going to for making all my yaoi merch is only open to high schoolers and im going to college in a couple weeks so i want to make the most of the time i have left
they have a mug customizing thing, a t shirt printer, a 3d printer, an embroidery machine, and a bunch of other awsom art supplies 😼
my question for YOU is what other yaoi stuff can i make before i have to leave… i have a few ideas like embroidering patches or maybe 3d printing benrey’s helmet but other than that i’m not sure. LET ME KNOW! ILY GUYS
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