#Top 7 Places to Visit in Europe
harryyskiwii · 1 year
Summary: Flight Attendant Y/N meets Captain Harry Styles for the first time and they join the mile high club, sort of.
Pairing: Reader y/n X Captain Harry
Word count: 4,207
A/N: Hey everyone! So sorry I haven’t posted in a while. I’ve been on holiday the last week and that is what inspired me to write this 🥰As always, please feel free to request anything! Hope you enjoy!
One of the things you enjoyed most about being a flight attendant was the thrill of being able to visit new places, if only for a brief period of time.
You had worked for British Airways for 3 years now and soon you would be hoping to step up to Team Leader where you could help train and look after new flight attendants.
You usually only did short-haul flights out of your base which was London Heathrow and flew across Europe; the longest flight being 6 hours. Short hail suited you, you typically flew to 3 or 4 places within a day and by 1 am, you were back in your bed. That’s if all went to plan. For today’s first flight, you were heading to Dusseldorf in Germany, somewhere you regularly flew to.
You parked your car in the staff area of the airport, changed out of your trainers and into your small black court shoes as driving in heels was never comfortable.
You pulled out your small case from the boot of your car which contained a spare uniform because you won’t be caught out again; on a previous flight a passenger spilt their red wine all over you one time and you had no spare shirt to change into, your water, your lunch because aeroplane food was awful and some spare makeup to top up with in between flights.
You smoothed out your navy pencil skirt, so old fashioned you thought, and tied the red, white and blue scarf around your neck ready to enter the airport.
You headed straight for security and through the fast track lane since you were crew. Once past, you headed to the staff area to check which gate you had to go through to get to the aircraft.
Approaching gate 7, you showed the staff your pass and they nodded and let you go.
You headed towards the aircraft, where you saw the First Officer; Andy doing the pre-flight walk-around. You had flown with Andy for the best part of a year and you knew him well. He got into flying after he fancied a change in career from being in the police. You always liked Andy, he was a father to 2 girls who he adored and always made the typical dad jokes which meant it was normally a good flight with him
“Alright wee one, nice to see you” he smiled at you. “Hey, how are you?” You smiled back at him.
“I’m good, ready for 12 hours of pure joy?” He joked and you laughed. “Always” you replied.
“Who’s the Captain today?” You asked, always fearing if it would be one of the older, slightly rude Captains or one more relaxed and friendly.
“New guy, Styles his name is. Seems like a good bloke, think Daniel already has the hots for him” he winked and you laughed.
You relaxed at the mention of Daniel who you had become best friends with after you had both started the job on the same day. You loved working with him as he always seemed to make the flight go in faster.
“Hey! Am I glad to see you today” you said once inside the aircraft.
“Hey!!” He said hugging you “I’ve not been with you on a flight for ages, we’ve got a lot of catching up to do!” he said excitedly. You laughed as he always saw working with you as gossip sessions rather than working.
You headed towards the front portion of the plane where the crew placed their bags and got ready for the flight. You glanced in at the cockpit where you saw the Captain sitting doing the necessary paperwork before departure. Although you could only see the back of him you could tell he was wearing his black double-breasted black jacket with the 4 gold stripes on both the epaulettes and the sleeve of his jacket; showing his ranking as Captain.
He had short, dark brown hair which you could tell had been meticulously styled that morning as not a hair was out of place. You had never worked with this captain before, so you weren’t sure what to expect from him; some captains could be so far up their own, you weren’t allowed to speak to them unless spoken so you kept quiet and put your things away and headed back out to the main cabin to find 2 more girls who you didn’t recognise arriving onto the plane.
“Hi, I’m Emma, Team Leader for today. Nice to meet you” the tall blonde girl who was wearing a minimal amount of makeup but still managed to look flawless said to you.
“Hi nice to meet you, I’m y/n” “Lovely name, I’ll go sit my bag down and we can start the briefing” she smiled.
You noticed the other girl who had since boarded, she looked a little more reserved so you decided to introduce yourself.
“Hi I’m y/n, it’s nice to meet you” You smiled at her to help relax her. She looked young and a little unsure, she was maybe 18 or 19 years old so you assumed she hasn’t long qualified as cabin crew. You remember how nervous you were for your first few flights so you decided you wanted to look out for her during the day
“Hey, I’m Holly” she said. “Not long qualified?” You asked kindly.
“This is my 2nd flight” she said and you smiled.
“Don’t worry I remember my first couple of flights, it’s nerve-wracking but you’ll soon get the hang of it. There’s no better way to learn than doing it so if there’s anything you need a hand with today, just let me know. I’m always happy to help” you smiled.
“Come on, I’ll show you where to put your things” You smiled and led her towards the cockpit.
“So you can grab anything you need out of your bag and put it in the fridge if you’ve got a sandwich or anything like that, otherwise you can pop it in here and lock it, we all put our bags in one locker together
“Ahh, I thought I heard some voices. I was just coming to do the briefing” you heard the captain say from behind the cockpit door. You stood up straight and smiled at him coming out.
His eyes fell onto you first and he smiled “Harry Styles, pleasure to meet you” You shook his hand that he had extended for you and took in his beauty. He looked young, maybe 29 or 20. He had green eyes and fair skin which had a slight tan to it, making the dimple on the left side of his face more prominent.
“Y/N, lovely to meet you, Mr Styles”
“Please, call me Harry” he told you and you smiled at how genuine he seemed. Most captains would only allow you to refer to them as Captain and their last name so it was nice to have one who was more relaxed.
“This is our newbie Holly, this is her 2nd ever flight today” you smiled as you introduced the new recruit to him.
“Holly, nice to meet you. I’m Harry, hope you’re settling in well?” He asked kindly as he shook her hand.
“Nice to meet you, Captain Styles, yes settling in very well thank you” she sheepishly replied. It always was a bit intimidating to speak with a captain, especially ones you didn’t know much about.
“Call me Harry please” he smiled. “Shall we move to the cabin and start the brief?” He asked and you nodded, moving to the front part of where the passenger seats were located.
By this point, everyone was now in the cabin waiting to start the briefing. The captain introduced himself to the remaining crew members before you all took seats at the front of the plane.
“So my name is Emma I’m one of the British Airways Team Leaders and I’ll be working as number 1 for this shift. Today we’ve got Captain Harry Styles and First Officer Andrew Simmons on the flight deck. For cabin crew today we’ve got Daniel, Holly and y/n, I think we’ve already met each other by now yes?” Emma asked as she pointed to everyone during the introductions.
“Great, it’s a Boeing 777 we’re on today, I’ll let Captain Styles and First Officer Andy talk more about that in a bit. There are a total of 6 flights today; Heathrow to Düsseldorf, Düsseldorf to Heathrow, Heathrow to Las Palmas, Las Palmas to Heathrow and then Heathrow to Venice and Venice back to Heathrow. Full flights on all destinations so we need to be on top of our game in the cabin, Daniel can I ask you to be number 2 today? Holly, do you mind being 3 today and y/n as number 4?”
Number 1 meant you were looking after the passengers in the front of the plane, number 2 was in the middle of the plane, number 3 was in the back section of the plane and number 4 was an additional person who helped the rest of the team, including the flight crew.
You nodded in agreement, secretly glad you were given the position of helping to look after the captain and the FO.
“Captain Styles, do you want to run through your information?” She asked and he straightened up in his chair.
“Yeah sure I’ll just introduce myself a little more since I’m a new face to a lot of people. I’m Harry I’ve been a Captain now for 5 years having previously worked for Ryanair before moving here 3 weeks ago. Please call me Harry because Captain sounds old and although I’ve recently hit my 30s, I’m not quite there yet” This gained a few laughs from the crew, including yourself.
So he was attractive and funny? The more he spoke the more you found yourself more and more drawn to him. He was charming. But not in a cocky way, he seemed genuine and the fact he was a Pilot told you he was smart. Very smart. You always did have a thing for intelligence.
“We’ll be cruising around 30,000 feet once up in the air, weather looks good, clear skies with a 30% chance of light showers. The weather in Düsseldorf is 23 degrees which doesn’t concern us as we’ll have a 20-minute turnover before boarding to come back to the UK unfortunately, bet you wish you’d chosen long haul now Holly?” Harry joked at the fact that although travelling throughout Europe, you hardly ever got to even leave the plane.
You all laughed and Holly agreed. Harry continued with the briefing, telling you about the time durations, and quizzing everyone on emergencies, something which was legally required to ensure all crew knew what to do in the event of one.
“Thanks everyone, I think we can start boarding now” Harry smiled and Emma nodded, knowing to start the boarding procedure.
“Y/N can you help Holly if she needs a hand opening the rear door?” Emma asked and you nodded.
You headed towards the rear of the cabin with Holly behind you.
Once everything was set for boarding, you headed towards the middle of the cabin to help passengers find their seats and help with any luggage they had.
Luckily, boarding took 20 minutes and before you knew it, you were doing the safety demonstration for the passengers while the plane reversed out of the airport and to the runway. You could hear Andy’s voice informing the passengers of the information Harry had relayed to you earlier about the weather etc to keep them up to date.
With the safety demonstration over and having checked everyone had their seatbelts on, Emma nodded to you to signal that you could sit down and prepare for the take-off.
“Cabin crew take seats and prepare for take-off” you heard Captain Styles say and you smiled a little at the sound of his voice.
You sat down at the rear of the plane next to Holly and fastened your seatbelt.
“I’ve done hundreds of flights and I never get bored of the take-off or landing” you said to her quietly as you could feel the plane taxing down the runway.
“I’ve done a handful and still get nervous” she said and you squeezed her hand a little to let her know it was okay to be nervous.
He must have gone from 50mph to about 170mph in less than 30 seconds because before you knew it, you were being hauled into the air with such speed that you swear your heart fell out of your arse. A “fuck” could be heard under Holly’s breath and you laughed.
That was a sure sign of a good takeoff. For a plane to take off at such speed it requires a good sustained acceleration which was exactly what Harry did.
So he was attractive, funny, intelligent and good at lifting 150-ton planes off the ground? Was there anything this Pilot wasn’t good at?
As the plane climbed into the air, Andy’s voice could be heard over the intercom “Ladies and Gentleman please remain in your seats with your seatbelts fastened until the captain has switched off the seatbelt sign. Thank you”
A common command that was often used for eager passengers who would immediately take their seatbelts off as the plane took off the ground.
10 minutes in, the seatbelt sign was switched off and people started to immediately stand up to use the toilets, it always looked like the hunger games you thought.
Because the duration of the flight was only 1 hour and 25 minutes, only the drinks and snack service were required so you and Holly started with that as one of your first tasks, hoping to keep the passengers settled.
Halfway through the service, the alarm which alerted cabin crew to the cockpit was rung and so as the number 4, you left the drinks cart and headed to the cockpit.
You straightened out your skirt and pushed back a few loose strands of hair before knocking and going in.
“Everything alright?” You asked politely squeezing through the small door and inside the cockpit.
“I’m just gonna nip to the loo” Andy said and you nodded, understanding. It was policy that the cockpit operated a “2-person flight deck” which meant 2 people had to be in the cockpit every second the aeroplane was in use.
Andy exited and headed for the toilet.
“Come and sit down” Harry said to you as he glanced over at the seat Andy had been sat in. You moved and sat down in the First Officer’s chair.
“How’s everything out there?” He asked looking over at you. The plane was now set on autopilot meaning it no longer required the captains' manual control, rather a system was being used to control the path of an aircraft.
“Yeah everything’s good, no difficult passengers yet, although what are the chances I’ve jinxed it now” you laugh.
“For the next 5 flights, we’ll have the worst passengers in the history of aviation” he joked and you laughed at his quick white
God, he looked so good sitting there. He had taken off his jacket which revealed a clean crisp white shirt, still showing the 4 gold stripes on his shoulder, but the shirt revealed tattoos. Tattoos which made you feel there was a lot about the Pilot you wanted to find out about.
“Great takeoff by the way” you remarked to him and he smiled lightly.
“Thanks, I’d practised take-off loads in flight school and then just lots of experience I suppose”
The way he spoke was so gentle but also with such passion for his career in his voice.
“What about you, how long have you been in the air for?”
“I’ve been cabin crew for 3 years now, I love it. I was saying to Holly earlier that no matter how many times I fly, I still get the same buzz each time we take off and land”
You watched as his lips turned upwards into a smirk “You’ve not experienced my landing yet, wait until you do”
You laughed at the comment and right on time, Andy came back.
“Fancy swapping jobs for the day?” He joked when he saw you in his chair. You laughed and got up “No thank you, I’d rather not be responsible for 130 passengers” you said and they laughed.
“You guys need anything before I head back out?” You asked them both.
“Could I get a tea if possible please y/n?” Harry asked you politely.
“Of course, how do you take it?”
“Milk and 2 sugars” he told you and you took a mental note of it.
“Nothing for me thanks y/n” Andy said.
You headed back to the cabin, being stopped multiple times by passengers to ask for certain things before making this Captain his tea.
You knocked on the cockpit door and went in.
“Here’s your tea for you” you said handing it to Harry. He smiled and took it off you “Thanks” You headed back to get a Karen in row 21 the G&T she had previously asked for .
“Y/n!” You heard your name being called by the captain from behind the door of the cockpit you had just been in.
You sighed a little, sensing something was wrong and headed back in.
“That’s the best cup of tea anyone has ever made me” he remarked as he smiled at you.
You laughed slightly “I’ll add tea-making skills to my CV then”
“Honestly it’s perfect, I might have to request you on every one of my flights so you can make me the perfect cuppa”
“Right you two, enough with the flirting. Styles we’ve got 25 minutes until landing” Andy jumped in and you and Harry both laughed.
Andy winked at you and you continued with the rest of your tasks.
You arrived in Düsseldorf, with a very smooth landing from Captain Styles at 7:20 am with the next flight at 8 am, giving you a 20-minute turnaround time to get things ready for the next lot of passengers boarding. It was a quick turnaround and before you knew it, you were taking off from Düsseldorf back to London
Landing back at Heathrow at 9:30 am, the next flight was at 10:15 and already there was an issue.
A nervous passenger was starting to feel unwell and wasn’t sure if she would be able to fly to Las Palmas. You and Emma were trying to convince her that the 4-hour and 30-minute trip would be completely safe and she had nothing to worry about.
“I can’t, I can’t fly. What if the plane crashes or falls into the sea? I can’t swim, I will drown and die. I can’t” the passenger who looked no more than 25 said.
“I completely understand your nerves, I can assure you that aeroplanes these days are made to be very very safe and the chances of anything happening are so very slim” you tried to reason with her.
Meanwhile, Emma had instructed Daniel to tell the flight deck what the delay was.
“Hi, I heard we’ve got a nervous flyer?” You heard the same voice who had complimented your tea-making skills say from behind you. The woman nodded.
You looked up to see Harry standing in the cabin, looking to speak with the passenger.
You stepped back and let him crouch down beside her in her seat.
“I’m Harry, I’m the Captain who’ll be taking you over to Palma today. Can I ask your name?” He asked kindly to the passenger.
“It’s Rebecca” she said.
“Okay Rebecca, it’s nice to meet you. So Daniel explained to me that you’re quite nervous when flying?”
“Yeah, I worry the plane will crash or fall into the water”
“Okay I can see why those are concerns, the risk of a crash or the plane failing and falling into the sea is 1 in 11 million. The aircraft is completely safe and in all my years of flying, I’ve never had an emergency on board, well actually I forgot my coffee once which was a real emergency. I’m a real grump without my coffee” he joked and the passenger laughed, as did you at the comment.
“The team are all here to look after you during the flight and if you need anything at all, you can press this button above your head for assistance and they’ll be right over to help you. Does that put your mind at ease a little bit?” He asked still crouched down beside her.
“It does thank you yes captain” Rebecca smiled.
“Good, we’ll be taking off in around 10 minutes so sit back, relax and try and enjoy the flight as much as you can” He smiled and renters back into the cockpit to being the takeoff procedure.
During the flight, the nervous passenger fell asleep halfway through and only woke up when the plane was safely on the ground. Harry came to check on her as she was disembarking and she couldn’t thank him enough for his kindness in calming her down.
“It’s no trouble at all, you have a good holiday now” he told her as she left the aircraft.
So he was attractive, funny, intelligent, good at lifting 150-ton planes off the ground and great at calming people down. If you hadn’t already fallen in love with this man, by the next 3 flights, you definitely will have.
Thankfully, the following 3 flights were uneventful, except for the drunken guy who had spilt his crisps all over another passenger which you had to clean up.
The last flight from Venice back to base at Heathrow was welcomed. Your feet were sore, your makeup had half melted off and you couldn’t wait to get your hair out of the uncomfortable bun you were required to wear all day.
After seeing all the passengers off the plane, you started to clear up.
“What a day, thanks for all your help guys” Harry shouted down the cabin as he locked it up for the night.
“No problem Captain Styles, hope to be working with you again soon” Emma said to him.
“Likewise, you guys head off I’m just going to do a walk around” you heard him say.
“Are you sure?” Emma said. “Yeah sure, thanks again everyone” he said once more.
You, Holly, Emma and Daniel started to get ready to leave when you felt Harry’s arm touch yours slightly.
“You stay” you heard him whisper into your ear subtly as you passed him to get your bag.
You blushed and swallowed hard “You guys go, I need the loo” you said to the rest of them.
“Go in the airport” Daniel said and you hinted at him to go.
“Weak bladder, you go I’ll see you soon” you smiled at them.
“Text me later!” Daniel said and you smiled as they left the aircraft.
“Weak bladder eh?” The captain raised an eyebrow at you when everyone was out of sight.
You laughed “I couldn’t think of anything else”
He laughed and smirked at you “I couldn’t help but think about you today. That shitty landing in Venice was your fault, I couldn’t think of anything else”
“I’ll just add ‘distraction to pilot’ on my CV as well then shall I?” You joked.
“You’re such a distraction to the pilot,” he said quietly as he leaned in closer to you.
He cups your face in his hands and he leans in and slowly kisses you. The kiss soon starts to grow more intense as moans echo through the cabin.
He’s started to groan in your ear and kiss your neck up and down.
He pushes you down into a seat in the front row by your hips and he kneels down in front of you.
His hands go up underneath your skirt and start to pull on your tights to reveal your bare legs.
"Harry we can’t do this here." You say completely out of breath already.
“You’re right, the toilet is better. Does this count as joining the mile high club even if we’re not in the air?” He smirked as he led you, barefoot to the bathroom.
For the next 10 minutes, you and Harry enjoyed each other’s company in the toilet as he moved his hips slowly inside of you, each thrust getting faster and faster.
You felt like you might collapse soon and he knew it too so he decided to stop just before you orgasmed and let you out of the toilet.
You sat down in the front row, completely out of breath, a little disheartened he’d pulled out before you orgasmed.
He appeared from the toilet, zipping up his trousers and putting his belt back on.
“Let’s finish at my house” he said and you happily obliged. It was fair to say that night you never got any sleep, despite how tired you had been after your shift.
Thanks to Harry giving you the most amazing sex you’d ever had, you had never been more grateful to be an Air Hostess as you had been that day for meeting your now boyfriend, Captain Harry Styles.
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harker-jonathan · 5 months
3 May. Bistritz. —Left Munich at 8:35 P. M, on 1st May, arriving at Vienna early next morning; should have arrived at 6:46, but train was an hour late. Buda-Pesth seems a wonderful place, from the glimpse which I got of it from the train and the little I could walk through the streets. I feared to go very far from the station, as we had arrived late and would start as near the correct time as possible.
The impression I had was that we were leaving the West and entering the East; the most western of splendid bridges over the Danube, which is here of noble width and depth, took us among the traditions of Turkish rule.
We left in pretty good time, and came after nightfall to Klausenburgh. Here I stopped for the night at the Hotel Royale. I had for dinner, or rather supper, a chicken done up some way with red pepper, which was very good but thirsty. (Mem. get recipe for Mina.) I asked the waiter, and he said it was called “paprika hendl,” and that, as it was a national dish, I should be able to get it anywhere along the Carpathians.
I found my smattering of German very useful here, indeed, I don’t know how I should be able to get on without it.
Having had some time at my disposal when in London, I had visited the British Museum, and made search among the books and maps in the library regarding Transylvania; it had struck me that some foreknowledge of the country could hardly fail to have some importance in dealing with a nobleman of that country.
I find that the district he named is in the extreme east of the country, just on the borders of three states, Transylvania, Moldavia, and Bukovina, in the midst of the Carpathian mountains; one of the wildest and least known portions of Europe.
I was not able to light on any map or work giving the exact locality of the Castle Dracula, as there are no maps of this country as yet to compare with our own Ordance Survey Maps; but I found that Bistritz, the post town named by Count Dracula, is a fairly well-known place. I shall enter here some of my notes, as they may refresh my memory when I talk over my travels with Mina.
In the population of Transylvania there are four distinct nationalities: Saxons in the South, and mixed with them the Wallachs, who are the descendants of the Dacians; Magyars in the West, and Szekelys in the East and North. I am going among the latter, who claim to be descended from Attila and the Huns. This may be so, for when the Magyars conquered the country in the eleventh century they found the Huns settled in it.
I read that every known superstition in the world is gathered into the horseshoe of the Carpathians, as if it were the centre of some sort of imaginative whirlpool; if so my stay may be very interesting. (Mem., I must ask the Count all about them.)
I did not sleep well, though my bed was comfortable enough, for I had all sorts of queer dreams. There was a dog howling all night under my window, which may have had something to do with it; or it may have been the paprika, for I had to drink up all the water in my carafe, and was still thirsty. Towards morning I slept and was wakened by the continuous knocking at my door, so I guess I must have been sleeping soundly then.
I had for breakfast more paprika, and a sort of porridge of maize flour which they said was “mamaliga”, and egg-plant stuffed with forcemeat, a very excellent dish, which they call “impletata”. (Mem.,get recipe for this also.)
I had to hurry breakfast, for the train started a little before eight, or rather it ought to have done so, for after rushing to the station at 7:30 I had to sit in the carriage for more than an hour before we began to move.
It seems to me that the further east you go the more unpunctual are the trains. What ought they to be in China?
All day long we seemed to dawdle through a country which was full of beauty of every kind. Sometimes we saw little towns or castles on the top of steep hills such as we see in old missals; sometimes we ran by rivers and streams which seemed from the wide stony margin on each side of them to be subject ot great floods. It takes a lot of water, and running strong, to sweep the outside edge of a river clear.
At every station there were groups of people, sometimes crowds, and in all sorts of attire. Some of them were just like the peasants at home or those I saw coming through France and Germany, with short jackets, and round hats, and home-made trousers; but others were very picturesque.
The women looked pretty, except when you got near them, but they were very clumsy about the waist. They had all full white sleeves of some kind or other, and most of them had big belts with a lot of strips of something fluttering from them like the dresses in a ballet, but of course there were petticoats under them.
The strangest figures we saw were the Slovaks, who were more barbarian than the rest, with their big cow-boy hats, great baggy dirty-white trousers, white linen shirts, and enormous heavy leather belts, nearly a foot wide, all studded over with brass nails. They wore high boots, with their trousers tucked into them, and had long black hair and heavy black moustaches. They are very picturesque, but do not look prepossessing. On the stage they would be set down at once as some old Oriental band of brigands. They are, however, I am told, very harmless and rather wanting in natural self-assertion.
It was on the dark side of twilight when we got to Bistritz, which is a very interesting old place. Being practically on the frontier–for the Borgo Pass leads from it into Bukovina–it has had a very stormy existence, and it certainly shows marks of it. Fifty years ago a series of great fires took place, which made terrible havoc on five separate occasions. At the very beginning of the seventeenth century it underwent a siege of three weeks and lost 13,000 people, the casualties of war proper being assisted by famine and disease.
Count Dracula had directed me to go to the Golden Krone Hotel, which I found, to my great delight, to be thoroughly old-fashioned, for of course I wanted to see all I could of the ways of the country.
I was evidently expected, for when I got near the door I faced a cheery-looking elderly woman in the usual peasant dress—white undergarment with a long double apron, front, and back, of coloured stuff fitting almost too tight for modesty. When I came close she bowed and said, “The Herr Englishman?”
“Yes,” I said, “Jonathan Harker.”
She smiled, and gave some message to an elderly man in white shirt-sleeves, who had followed her to the door.
He went, but immediately returned with a letter:
“My friend.–Welcome to the Carpathians. I am anxiously expecting you. Sleep well tonight. At three tomorrow the diligence will start for Bukovina; a place on it is kept for you. At the Borgo Pass my carriage will await you and will bring you to me. I trust that your journey from London has been a happy one, and that you will enjoy your stay in my beautiful land.–Your friend, Dracula.”
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gxbtx · 3 months
Weekend in Amsterdam: Feeling Thru the Music
Ciao! This week my studies brings me to Amsterdam, the notorious city with loads of history, culture, fashion, and modern art. This weekend happened to be Summer Solstice, in which every day the sun was out for the most time available during the year. Additionally, the Euro cup held the Netherlands competing against France, in which colors of bright orange were found all over the atmosphere. All of these come together to brew up a perfect storm for my three days in this city.
To start, the first night was spent at the Generator hostel built inside an old university building. The area was a park with several historical classroom buildings, and the inside was beautifully renovated to keep the essence of the once lecture halls fused with the night life in your young adult years. Underneath was a club in an opened up concrete room. There was a bar, in which the workers were already jamming out to the heavy techno. Their was a mix of graffiti as well as some plants around, giving the vibe of an overgrown train station. The event held was the "Mediterranea Summer Solstice Edition" held at the Oosterbar. I walked in to the techno set of COSMIC SAB, a French DJ deep in the Rave scene. His music brought up the lively energy and opened me up to start getting comfortable on the floor.
I am progressing my dancing to improve my knowledge of the rave and electronic culture, as I know dancing is a big deal. Ever since Diplo at ACL, where I saw people dancing for the pure sport of it, I have been trying to get more comfortable with my moves. A major step in dancing getting over was how you are perceived. I find that wearing sunglasses in the club helps with this, as you look confident no matter how silly you think you look. Finding my internal tempo was what I began to learn with this set, and getting more comfortable with my arms was my biggest progression this weekend. Observing an older gentlemen who was so smooth with his robot-like moves inspired me to be more comfortable with my arms.
The next duo up especially helped with this, having a mathematical electronic set that at points were hard to figure out. loosening up felt difficult with such concrete bass, but when I solved the mental puzzle of the beat I shined. After the show I had a conversation with the aforementioned older man and shared that he was helpful for me. He was ecstatic, instantly giving me a hug and sharing a conversation with me. His journeys were plentiful and fulfilling, having spent many years in Amsterdam and living in numerous places across Europe with his wife. The moment felt surreal to me, giving me joy that I could share my journey with another soul, and vice versa.
The next night was a bigger event, being the 10th Year Anniversary for the hipster-coated hotel "Volkshotel". This 10 story building held parties in the hotel unlike anything I've ever seen before. On the top floor, there were open patios accompanied by DJ sets, giving us a view of that Amsterdam sunset at around 11 PM. We continued down the floors to a DJ set of this vibrant soul, singing along with his music giving the bubbly set a flair of passion. His energy transcended amongst the crowds, allowing me to forget about everything else in life for the moment. The art of DJing is better appreciated being in the crowd; I believe the skill individuals have as they invoke emotions into crowds of people through music is an impressive one. It is for this reason I believe that the culture of music and creativity creates a more fulfilling life and sense of content for these locals, as they all seem to know each other and do these events on a regular basis.
I ended the night I faced the "boss level" as me and my roommate put it: Floor -1 - DOKA. This is where the music was playing until 7 AM, that of which I knew I needed to visit before passing out on my 4 hours of sleep. After tapping out my roommate, I went to face the epitome of raving head on alone. The moment I passed the entrance on the basement floor, I was hit with a humid cloud of smoke, sweat, and bodies. Coming in at ~4 30 AM, I had come to the depth of the night and felt the beats shake the room of dancing souls. After shimming my way down to the middle, I danced amongst people all doing their own thing. While a couple was making out in front of me, I could appreciate the tenured sound of the older DJs. Wanting a closer look, I shimmied my way up to see the four DJ boards being shared between two gentlemen. It was surreal, I was looking at the equipment of Amsterdam, being used to keep an entire crowd going into the deep hours of the night. This was it, the reason I travelled all this way to Amsterdam. 5000 miles away and I was viewing the heart and soul of the night life in Europe.
After having enough sweat reach my eyes, I walked outside to dawn approaching, and felt accomplished. I had just partied all night until the morning in Amsterdam. I sat outside and observed the drunken adults, sharing cigarettes, conversations, and stories from all over. So many accents surrounding my soundscape, I was star stricken at the diversity, coming to appreciate a major factor of Amsterdam: People come from all over the world to unite through the love and power of music. This is reflected in its citizens of the city all knowing each other through partying. While I understand this scene comes with a less-than-ideal world of bad decisions, there is a human nature aspect that draws us all to continue coming back: that is music, the real addiction.
Leaving Amsterdam was the only pill I had to swallow, this city was a delight to visit and I am very grateful that my life led me to this opportunity, I certainly have an aspiration to move here in my future. What I can take away to America from this trip, is the power of music and toleration. The culture from a glimpse seems to be friendly, content, and connected, and I believe I can implement some of these traits into my personal life coming back. May music heal us all, and until next time,
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gemsofgreece · 1 year
Athens being on the top 10 most beautiful cities in the world? Well it has history and some good parts but i don't think its THAT pretty to be so high on the list 😅
There are so many things I find funny in this:
Greek media being 24/7 on the watch for whatever randomness someone writes somewhere in the world.
Athens the sixth prettiest city in the world.
Saint's comment:
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"Whoever places Athens in the 800 prettiest cities of the world, 1) has never visited it or 2) has the "ideal" Ancient Athens in mind or 3) is drunk or 4) is on drugs or 5) is an agent of Bakoyannis (Athens mayor) or 6) I honestly don't know what else to assume".
Besides funny I also find these a little sad because:
we have a German magazine here, which appears to be relatively popular in its country, and it makes this terrible list and I don't call it terrible because it included Athens but because 9 of the 10 cities are European and it made the massive compromise to also include New York. So we clearly have a glaringly Europe-centric, self-stroking article.
Now to be fair, if we made a list about which continent has the most beautiful cities overall, yes, I do believe it would be Europe and all cities in the list were indeed special, however they were all very European-y picture perfect (plus Athens + NY) whereas there are many more types of beauty out there.
Because the Focus magazine really... focused on Europe, it apparently included Athens in the sense that it is one of the greatest cities in the world. Please note, not prettiest. Greatest. It's different. But the article said it was about the prettiest and that was the foul.
Although hilarious, I am a little sad at saint's comment too. Athens is no way in the 10 prettiest cities of course but it certainly is in the 800, what is he talking about lmao Athens must have hurt poor saint real bad
I just wish we could see more sanity and objectivity from both media and people, you know?
And because we shitted at Athens a lot, again Athens is historically and culturally one of the greatest cities in the world and of course it does have its very beautiful places too. It's just that you have to find these, the whole city is not a "fairytale town" like other European cities, it can be messy, unkempt, grey, very...you know...urban etc etc But the good places are *chef's kiss*.
By the way, this reminded me of an interview of Anne-Marie, the ex Queen of Greece and Denmark - you know Denmark, very colourful pretty towns there - who was telling her recollection of the first day she visited Athens, to officially meet the Greek royal family that she would marry into, and she said "she was stunned by its beauty" and the Greek journalist was literally like "are you for real now lol" and she said "Yes, I am being honest. I was coming by ship and the way I saw all that vast sea of white houses expanding endlessly beyond the water was like nothing I had seen before" and I kind of get it, not fully, but kinda.
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It certainly has its own thing going on.
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Real name: 김남준 (Kim Namjoon)
Birth date: 12 September 1994
Home city: Ilsan
Former stage name: Runch Randa (....-2013), Rap Monster (2013-2017)
Studio name: Mon Studio, Rkive
Instagram account
BU character: Kim NamJoon
BT21 character: Koya
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RM started as an underground rapper in Seoul, where he gained popularity to the point of being noticed and recruited by Big Hit Entertainment. A hip-hop group that then evolved to be a K-pop group was formed around him and he was appointed the leader.
While slowly but surely leading BTS at the top of the musical world, he shared his view on life and empathized with oppressed communities, from his inclusion of the LGBT community in song lyrics to his speech at the UN. He has always been invested in the writing, the composition and later the production of BTS songs. Yet, he still found the time for more personal projects, especially in 2015, the year he did the most solo activites.
For a more complete biography, you can check these resources: 
Pre-debut history: details RM’s activity as an underground rapper since 2007
biography from volume 7 of the Japan Official Fanclub magazine (trans by kocchi)
autobiography (part 1, part 2, part 3) for 힙합하다 (Hip-Hop Hada, meaning Do hip-hop)
4 Things Show: a documentary made by Mnet where RM tells his hardships during his trainee and debut days
Over 10 bytes of message, a Korean magazine made by the fansite SpectRuM/Hegemony about RM’s activities in 2015
RM has also shared tidbits of his daily life:
he used to post pictures of himself, the #김데일리 (KimDaily) series, where he showed his outfit of the day
new Mon studio 🎵  (he introduces his new studio)
Rkive 😍😜 and Rkive 2 (he introduces his Rkive studio)
[VLOG] 9 days of travel to Europe (2019)
미술관 VLOG (art museum vlog) (2022)
All Day (with 김남준): Part 1, Part 2 (2022)
Birthday albums: 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024
RM’s Spotify playlist
RM used to share songs he likes through the #RMusic series, on Twitter (Youtube playlist). Nowadays, he rather uses his Instagram stories.
There are Youtube playlists of the songs he shared on Spotify and on Vlive/Weverse.
Namjoon's Library
Weverse magazine: “Getting to know Korean modern and contemporary art with RM”
RM visited a lot of museums and regularly share pictures of art he likes on Instagram.
Solo activity
Music (discography)
“Rap Monster” (2013)
“Where U At (cover)” (2013)
“Favorite Girl (cover)” (2013)
Rap Monster & 정국 - “Like A Star (cover)” (2013)
Rap Monster, Suga & 진 - “어른아이 (cover)” (Childish Adult) (2013)
“Something” (2013)
“Too Much” (2013)
“Monterlude” (2014)
“RM cyper ruff” (2014)
SOULSCAPE X RAPMONSTER -  “Unpack your bags” (for the 4 Things Show documentary, 2014)
Rap Monster x Warren G - “P.D.D.” (2015)
MFBTY - ”부끄부끄 (Buckubucku)” (Feat. EE, RM of BTS, Dino-J) (2015)
RM (2015) (see this post)
Yankie(얀키) - ”ProMeTheUs(튀겨)” (Feat. Dok2, Juvie Train, Double K, 랩몬스터 of BTS, Topbob, Don Mills) (2015)
Primary (프라이머리) - ”U” (feat. 권진아, 랩몬스터) (2015)
“Fantastic” (Feat. Mandy Ventrice) (2015)
랩몬스터 & 정국 - “Fools (COVER)” (2015)
RM & JK - “알아요 (I know)” (for the Festa, 2016)
“always“ (for new year, 2017)
Gaeko(개코) - ”Gajah(코끼리)” (Feat. Rap Monster(랩몬스터)) (2017)
RM, Wale - “Change” (2017) (see this post)
R&V - “네시 (4 O'CLOCK)” (gift for the Festa, 2017)
Fall Out Boy - “Champion (Remix)” (2017)
RM, SUGA, j-hope - 땡 (Daeng) (for the Festa, 2018)
Mono (2018) (see this post)
Drunken Tiger (드렁큰 타이거) - “Timeless” (Feat. RM of BTS) (2018)
HONNE - “Crying Over You” (feat. RM & BEKA) (2019)
Lil Nas X -  “Old Town Road” (feat. RM of BTS) (Seoul Town Road Remix) (2019)
Younha -  “WINTER FLOWER(雪中梅)” (Feat.RM) (2020)
eAeon(이이언) - “Don't(그러지 마)” (feat. RM) (2021)
“Bicycle” (gift for the Festa, 2021)
--- Chapter 2 ---
Balming Tiger - “섹시느낌 SEXY NUKIM” (feat. RM of BTS)
Indigo (2022) (see this post)
So!YoON! (황소윤) - “Smoke Sprite” (feat. RM of BTS)
Colde - “다시는 사랑한다 말하지 마” (Don’t ever say love me) (feat. RM of BTS)
Right Place, Wrong Person (2024) (see this post)
Megan Thee Stallion - “Neva play” (feat.RM) (2024)
For more details about the songs that don’t have their own post, I listed all the info I had here. For Chapter 2 songs, please check here.
Mr. Mon’s 1minute English (2015, anchor)
episode 1 “Pardon”
episode 2 “July”
Problematic Men (2015, guest)
playlist of the episodes with English and Spanish subtitles
non-official masterlist
The Dictionary of Useless Human Knowledge (2022-2023, guest)
playlist on Youtube
non-official thread of the episodes
RM’s Instagram post
HYBE T&D Stories (2024, guest)
Youtube playlist
RM’s apparition in Younh’a event results from their collaboration on “Winter Flower” in 2020
Brands endorsement
K’hawah (2015): Teaser, 15s ver.
RM raps during this ad. All his rhymes end with “*a wa”, with the consonants in place of the * being listed in alphabetical order (src).
Bonetta Veneta (2023): RM’s Instagram post
iloom (2023) : Youtube playlist, official Instagram account, Taiwan Instagram account
Ministry of National Defense Agency for Killed In Action Recovery & Identification Honorary: ambassador appointment ceremony
Vogue Korea June issue: official tweets, interview
DAZED KOREA 2023 October issue: tweets
GQ Japan: cover story (eng trans)
BE comeback interview: “I spend a lot of time thinking about where I am now”
Weverse magazine: “Getting to know Korean modern and contemporary art with RM”
Butter release interview: “I hope I’m on my way somewhere”
Proof release interview: “It’s a given when you’re an artist: You have to be the one and only”
Rolling Stone: “‘What If I Don’t Like Music Anymore?’: A Wildly Honest Conversation Between BTS’ RM and Pharrell Williams” (video) (RM’s Instagram post)
Weverse magazine: “RM’s Bibilly Hills”
RM’s parents had a dog they named Rapmon (nicknamed Monie) as a nod to his stage name at the time. He passed away in 2023.
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somediyprojects · 1 year
DIY Recycled Road Map Cork Board
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Project by the BBB Craft Sisters:
A recent house clean-out yielded many items we had a hard time parting with, even though their very existence has become obsolete in the last few years. One of the most noticeable of the bunch: road maps. As our ever-advancing phones and computers take over our lives, we find what was once useful is now trash, yet we couldn’t part with these beautiful maps! They reminded us of our childhood road trips and later travels throughout Europe.
This month, we turned our junk into art and created these recycled cork board maps. We thought it would be an amazing project for a kids’ room to re-create the entire US using a road atlas. We didn’t get that far, but here is the beginning. — bbbcraft sisters
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old maps or a Rand McNally road atlas
spray mount
X-Acto knife
cork squares or cork roll (depending on the size of the project)
painter’s tape, optional (for low-impact hanging)
double-stick foam tape, optional (for low-impact hanging)
pins and/or string to highlight important locations on the map
1. Cut out the state, city or country that you want to mount. You can freehand this, or print out and enlarge the outline of the state and trace it on to the back of the map.
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2. Spray the back with spray mount and mount onto cork board. Our Michigan map was a bit too small for the cork squares, so we had to add a tiny piece of cork at the top of the state.
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3. Begin cutting out the cork board to follow the outline of the map. Michigan, which has water on almost all sides, proved a bit harder than we had hoped. Something like Nevada might be easier!
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4. Clean up the difficult peninsulas and islands with your X-Acto knife. If you find it easier and more precise, you could also use the knife to cut out the entire map.
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5. To hang the map, we used our low-impact hanging method. Apply blue painter’s tape (which is easy to remove from most surfaces) to the back of the cork map as well as the wall on which you wish to hang the map.
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6. On top of the blue painter’s tape attached to the wall, apply double-stick foam tape.
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7. Attach the map to the double-stick tape on the wall. Voila! You will be able to remove or move the map at any time.
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8. Using stick pins, embroidery thread or string, mark the places you love and have visited on your map.
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pearlsgirls · 10 months
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Dainty Silver Chain Necklace Dainty Pearl Necklace Dainty Chain Necklace Freshwater Pearls Necklace 925 Sterling Silver Necklace Sterling Silver Dainty Necklace,Dainty Bar Pearl Pendant,Bar Pendant,Dainty Pearl Necklace,Dainty Bar Necklace,Sterling Silver Dainty Chain DETAILS: ❤️ STERLING SILVER DAINTY CHAIN: 60cm/24 Inches ❤️ FRESHWATER PEARLS: approx. 0.5cm/0.20 inch ❤️ WHITE SEASHELL: approx. 0.7cm / 0.27 Inch ABSOLUTELY HANDMADE! ❤️All of the jewellry is handcrafted by myself in my little PEARLS&GIRLS studio and not just bought and re-saled :) BEAUTIFULLY PACKAGED! ❤️All items will be sent in a beautiful sturdy box with Pearls&Girls logo:) CARE ADVICE: -All jewellry I am selling is top notch quality so it shouldn't tarnish however it is always a good idea to take some precautions! :) Here are some of my tips: - Avoid exposure to perfumes, lotions and other chemicals other than that your good to go and can swim and bath as s - Remove before bathing, swimming and exercising - Do not wear while sleeping - Store in a dry and cool place DISPATCH & DELIVERY TIMES All items are made to order. It usually takes 2-3 working days to prepare and ship an order. SHIPPING INFORMATION ALL ORDERS SHIP WORLDWIDE FOR FREE ! I am sending those by PRIORITY LETTER by Nationa Mail- from my studio based in CRACOW, POLAND The approximate arrival times are as follows: EUROPE -5 -7working days USA- approx. 7 working days REST OF THE WORLD - Usually arrives in 5-12 business days *Please, upgrade your delivery option if you need tracking for your parcel.* CONTACT Thank you so much for visiting! please feel free to drop me a message should you have any questions:) SOCIAL MEDIA For more jewelry and to join my newsletter you can find me on my website www.pearlsandgirls.com REFUNDS & EXCHANGES I am always happy to assist and try my best to make my clients smile! I am offering hassle free refunds in case of damaged items All the love , Agathe from PEARLS&GIRLS
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schengentravelguideuk · 8 months
Schengen visa, Schengen visa UK, Schengen visa from the UK
We started Schengen Visa Consultant in 2002 with an aim to make your life and travel as simple & hassle-free as possible. With our streamlined process, we have made it simple to get appointments and the required travel documents so you can focus completely on your trip.
Having served more than a million clients, our services have become the go-to option for those seeking an Express Schengen visa appointment at the relevant visa centre in order to ensure the success of any Schengen countries visa application.
At Schengen Visa Consultant, we are dedicated to providing our clients with seamless guidance through the difficult process of obtaining a Schengen visa from the UK. Whether you want to apply for a long-stay or short-stay visa, we provide all the information you need to make informed decisions regarding your travel itinerary, medical insurance, accommodation arrangements, Schengen visa UK appointment and much more.
When a customer opts to avail our services, we deliver the best value for their money along with with our sincere efforts and personalized support to ensure the highest level of customer satisfaction.
We have evolved in the past 20 years from a start-up to become one of our clients most trusted and established partners for Schengen visa from London Manchester UK. As we continue to keep our quality and services growing our clients & their satisfaction will always remain our top priority.
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When we say Europe, just one single word invokes an explosion of history, art, culture, beauty, literature, architecture, romance, and cuisine. Literally everything you need in a holiday spot. From little towns to the big countries, Schengen area has countless amazing places to explore. Lively Lisbon, perky Paris, bustling Rome, there are endless travel destinations that are sure to captivate you every single time you visit, irrespective of the number of visits.
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Get Professional Assistance for Schengen Visa Appointment!
In order to obtain a Schengen visa from the UK to explore the incredible countries of this beautiful area you have to first secure a visa appointment as walk-ins are precisely not allowed. Your documents will be verified by the visa officer during the appointment and you will also have to validate the reason of your trip.
Therefore, in order to successfully apply for a visa, you will need expert assistance to organize your documents as well as schedule the very important and complex visa appointment. We offer complete assistance to obtain VFS Schengen visa UK and manage the entire process from beginning to end for a nominal service fee.
We help you complete the visa application with our expertise for a quick approval. If there are any errors, we will cross-check and remove them from your application. To ensure that your Schengen visa application is approved quickly and you can enjoy your trip as planned, we deliver all our clients with top-notch services.
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rai-knightshade · 10 months
Get to know me tag game!
Exactly what it says on the tin, I was tagged by @samblerambles for this one!
Top 3 Ships: I hope this question means just, like, currently, cause no way could I choose a top 3 of all time 😭. Current Nuclear-Levels-of-Brainrot Blorbo ships are: 1) Jeca (Jesse x Beca, Pitch Perfect); 2) Zelink (Link x Zelda, primarily Breath of the Wild/Tears of the Kingdom); and 3) Zekkna (Jaina x Zekk, Star Wars Legends/Young Jedi Knights). Honorable mentions go to the polyam versions of these ships tho (JessexBecaxChloe and Jaina's Mini Harem aka JainaxZekkxJag(xmaybe Kyp but I'm not sold on him). And maybe also YonaxSidonxLinkxZelda, which I just think is neat and fun)
Favorite color: yellow! I love a good golden, sunny yellow I gotta say 😁
Last Song: unintentionally, Cake by Itzy (played on the radio at the boba place I went to today); intentionally, Mr. Perfectly Fine (Fearless Vault Track by Taylor Swift)
Last Book: you know what, it's been 7 months since I last read anything, I think that officially makes this answer None until I get around to reading another book 😅.... Or it's the Little Golden Books baby's first biography on Taylor Swift. Which might actually be cringier 😅 (cringe is dead and it's a cute book etc etc but goddamn does this still say something about my ability to read actual books nowadays rip)
Last Movie: The Eras Tour Movie, preceded by The Barbie Movie
Currently Watching: nothing intentionally. I like watching some of the MeTV block of classic 70's/80's/90's shows tho. I'm always down for classic Macgyver and Emergency!
Current obsession: while you might come to the conclusion, based on this post, that it's Taylor Swift, I'm actually still fairly normal about her I promise 😅 I maintain the distinction that I'm a swiftie, but I'm not a Swiftie™. There's a difference. No, the actual answer is only mentioned once so far: Pitch Perfect, more specifically Jeca (and also SwanSongs aka Jesse/Beca/Chloe), even more specifically the secret good sequel to the third movie where Jeca can still win (and everyone is truly, canonically queer in a myriad of ways) that lives rent-free in my head, multiple pages of my sketchbooks, and as the Big Damn Fic™ I've been posting very slowly to AO3 since last year. Don't believe me? I'm gonna add '#jeca' and '#not to Blorbo on main but' to the tags of this post, look through the reblogs and actual blogs I've tagged over the past couple years and you'll truly understand how deep it all goes.
Currently Working On: allegedly, it's chapter 2 of the Big Damn Fic™ I just mentioned, 'these hands had to let it go free and- (This Love came back to me)', for which i just posted the ending a couple weeks ago as its own fic in the series to show that I'm doing something with it.
Country You Want to Visit: Scotland, Norway, and New Zealand. And also maybe Iceland. Pretty much in that order. I'd take a tour of Europe too tbh but those are the Big 3 (4).
Tags for Funsies: @thesorrowoflizards @lord-owlsnake @qcboeifzzz @beautiful-flutey @avian-violet and anyone else who sees this and wants to do it! Go for it! (No pressure tho ofc)
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Places to Go for Vacation
Planning a vacation is an exciting endeavor, and the world is brimming with remarkable destinations to explore. Whether you're seeking natural beauty, cultural richness, adventure, or relaxation, there's a perfect vacation spot for everyone. In this article, we'll take a tour of some of the top places to go for vacation, each offering a unique and unforgettable experience.
1. Bali, Indonesia
Known as the "Island of the Gods," Bali is a tropical paradise with stunning beaches, lush rainforests, and vibrant culture. Visitors can explore ancient temples, enjoy water sports, and savor Balinese cuisine. Don't miss the tranquil rice terraces and the energetic nightlife in Seminyak.
2. Santorini, Greece
Santorini, an enchanting island in the Aegean Sea, is famous for its iconic white-washed buildings, crystal-clear waters, and dramatic sunsets. It's a romantic destination with breathtaking views, ancient ruins, and delicious Mediterranean cuisine.
3. Kyoto, Japan
For a taste of Japanese culture and history, Kyoto is a must-visit. This city is renowned for its traditional tea houses, stunning cherry blossoms in spring, and beautiful temples. Stroll through bamboo forests, participate in tea ceremonies, and admire the art of the geisha.
4. Bora Bora, French Polynesia
Bora Bora is synonymous with paradise. Its turquoise lagoons, overwater bungalows, and coral reefs make it a dream destination for honeymooners and water enthusiasts. Snorkeling, scuba diving, and relaxation are the order of the day.
5. Tuscany, Italy
Tuscany's rolling hills, historic cities, and delectable cuisine make it a favorite European destination. Explore the charming streets of Florence, sample world-class wines in Chianti, and savor the simple pleasures of life in the Tuscan countryside.
6. Maldives
The Maldives, a collection of over a thousand coral islands, is a tropical haven with luxury resorts and stunning marine life. It's an ideal spot for beach lovers, honeymooners, and those seeking seclusion in paradise.
7. Machu Picchu, Peru
Machu Picchu, the ancient Inca citadel nestled in the Andes Mountains, is a UNESCO World Heritage site and one of the world's most iconic travel destinations. Hike the Inca Trail or take the train to witness this archaeological wonder.
8. New York City, USA
For the bustling urban experience, New York City is a top choice. Explore iconic landmarks like Times Square, Central Park, and the Statue of Liberty. The city offers a vibrant arts scene, diverse cuisine, and endless entertainment.
9. Cape Town, South Africa
Cape Town is a city of breathtaking beauty, nestled between Table Mountain and the Atlantic Ocean. Explore vibrant neighborhoods, visit the Cape of Good Hope, and savor South African wines in the surrounding vineyards.
10. Patagonia, Argentina and Chile
Patagonia offers awe-inspiring natural beauty with its glaciers, mountains, and remote wilderness. It's a dream destination for hikers, nature lovers, and wildlife enthusiasts.
11. Iceland
Iceland's dramatic landscapes include geysers, waterfalls, volcanoes, and geothermal springs. The Blue Lagoon, the Golden Circle, and the Northern Lights are just a few of the attractions that make Iceland a unique vacation destination.
12. Marrakech, Morocco
Marrakech is a bustling and exotic city in North Africa. Explore the bustling souks, visit the historic medina, and relax in stunning riads. Marrakech offers a blend of tradition and modernity.
13. Sydney, Australia
Sydney, with its iconic Opera House and Sydney Harbour Bridge, is a vibrant city with beautiful beaches, world-class dining, and a variety of cultural attractions. The city's coastal charm and natural beauty are hard to resist.
14. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Rio de Janeiro is known for its lively Carnival, stunning beaches, and iconic Christ the Redeemer statue. Enjoy samba music, relax on Copacabana Beach, and explore the lush Tijuca Forest.
15. Istanbul, Turkey
Istanbul straddles Europe and Asia, offering a rich blend of cultures, history, and architecture. Visit the Hagia Sophia, the Blue Mosque, and the Grand Bazaar for an unforgettable experience.
The world is a treasure trove of vacation destinations, each offering a unique blend of natural beauty, culture, history, and adventure. Whether you're drawn to tropical paradises, ancient cities, or remote wilderness, there's a place for every traveler to discover and savor. When planning your next vacation, consider the experiences that ignite your wanderlust and create memories that will last a lifetime.
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(If you want) SFW shipping questions odd for Richie & Troy, NSFW evens Troy & Logan?
1. Who cooks?
I think that Richie probably cooks more often pre-med school but Troy cooks for him on special occasions, when Richie is in med school and then working chaotic doctor hours, Troy does a lot more cooking!
3. Who fixes the vehicle after a breakdown?
Richie 100%, Troy can change his oil and a tire but that's it
5. Who buys the groceries?
I feel like they would really like going shopping together tbh
7. Would they go to the beach?
yes 100%
9. Is someone multilingual? Do they try to teach another language to the other? How does it go?
They both are to an extent, but Troy uses teaching Richie spanish as an excuse to flirt and watch Richie blush and it gets him a boyfriend so I'd say it goes very well!
11. Baths or showers? Together or separate? Any bubbles or bubble fights?
I feel like in general they both shower — separate most of the time but together sometimes just for fun, but having soft bubble baths with candles is a date night routine when they're older and there's usually at least a bit of a bubble fight
13. Who stays up late? Who sleeps the most? Does the other have to force them to sleep/wake up?
I feel like they both have pretty similar sleep schedules, waking up early for sports/running (Troy) or work (Richie at Luke's) and staying up late studying, but with Richie usually being the responsible one, he's probably the one deciding when it's late enough and time to go to bed?
15. Vacation ideas: who decides them? Where would they go, if anywhere?
They always decide together unless one of them is planning a surprise for the other, which they would both do! They go to New York a lot when Richie is still in med school to visit Kirsty, but for bigger vacations I feel like there's a lot of places that they want to go? Troy wants to take Richie to Mexico to meet his dad's extended family, they want to travel Europe since Richie didn't go with Rory and Lorelai, the list also just never stops growing no matter how many places they go? (and then they have the girls and want to go back to all of those places with them)
NSFW (Troy x Logan)
2. Who brings ideas? Who initiates?
I think both! From the start of the FWB situation, it's always been a safe dynamic for them to explore different ideas without fear of being judged, so they both tend to show up with ideas to try out, but Logan is more likely to initiate?
4. Oddest place they’d have sex?
Four closets and three bathrooms in Emily Gilmore's house, and that's not even counting every surface of the pool house and in the pool itself
6. Dom/top? Sub/bottom? Any switches?
Always switching, too often to "assign" any positions/roles
8. Favourite erogenous zones?
For Troy, his hair and where his jaw connects to his neck, for Logan I'm not really sure!
10. First to orgasm? Last to orgasm? Who comes the most? Does someone ever end up unfinished?
Logan first, usually. Troy very much gets off on making his partner feel good and watching his partner fall apart, so he always tries to get Logan off first!
12. How are their afterglows?
When they're hooking up at parties they don't really get to enjoy any afterglow but when they are able to they're just very soft and peaceful, Troy tends to be more snuggly but Logan always indulges him and plays with his hair
14. Lights on or off? Do they look at each other? Or is someone embarrassed?
They don't really care about the lights either way – early on Troy preferred lights off and got embarrassed and self conscious, now it's just about whatever is most convenient. They don't usually want to waste type adjusting the lighting so if lights are on they'll stay on, if lights are off they stay off, Troy much prefers being able to face Logan, Logan prefers it too but it's not as strong of a preference as it is for Troy
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jortschronicles · 1 year
Sion Reliquary Bag
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Lady Áshildr inn Hárfagri
November 6, 2021
presented at axeman xvi
Knitting is an old form of textile production, with extant knitted artifacts dated to the 11th century. Our earliest examples of knitting are intricate, well-made pieces made with a mastery indicating a much earlier date of origin. The earliest knit pieces found in Europe are dated to the 13th century in Spain and Estonia. Five knitted purses were found in Sion, Switzerland dated to the 14th century. Knit in silk thread, in the round, and with a "fair isle" type multicolor patterning, these purses have been reproduced and studied by many artisans of the SCA. In this reproduction, I knitted a bag based on Sion relic-purse I, substituting mercerized cotton crochet thread at a larger gauge and to different dimensions to achieve a specific purpose.
I have wanted to participate in Arts & Sciences for some time, but could not bring myself to put in the effort necessary for a project just for me. So in true Legion of Swashbucklers fashion, I determined the ultimate means to drum up the effort for a documentable A&S project would be a gift for the Queen of Ansteorra, Her Royal Majesty Elizabeth I, using my experience with knitting.
Knitting as we know it originated sometime before the 11th century, with our earliest artifacts being knitted short row heel socks from Egypt (Tissus d'Égypte). The earliest known knitted artifacts outside Egypt were knitted cushion covers and gloves belonging to Prince Fernando de la Cerda, some time before 1275CE (Rutt).
Five knitted purses were found in Sion, Switzerland dated to the 14th century, first described by Brigitta Schmedding (Schmedding). These bags are knitted from the top down from silk thread, closed with a three-needle bind off, and used two to three colors at a time to make a pattern. Each bag seems to be closed with a fingerloop braid and have a fingerloop braid strap.
I made this bag once before for HE Sara Asshton of York in the 2020 Sable Swap (pictured in Appendix A) and used lessons learned from that project to improve my approach to this project.
Method / Design
For the construction of this bag, I used Aunt Lydia's Classic 10 Crochet Thread in Dark Royal, Golden Yellow, White, and Black on Hiya Hiya US0 2mm double pointed needles.
I used double pointed needles as they are depicted in early "knitting Madonna" paintings such as Master Bertram of Minden's Visit of the Angel, dated to the 15th c and shown below.
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Most "knitting Madonna" paintings seem to depict a 3-and-1 arrangement of double pointed needles, with the stitches spread evenly across three needles with one working needle, but I opted to use a 4-and-1 arrangement to better divide my stitches across much shorter, modern needles.
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I used mercerized crochet cotton in place of silk for cost and durability concerns. As this bag is to be a gift for HRM Elizabeth, I want it to be a bag she can use and clean without fear of damaging delicate silk or expensive fibers. From prior experience knitting with both cotton and with silk, my joints and fingers suffered far worse with the silk than with the cotton. Because the readily available cotton (Classic 10) is a greater weight than the original silk, I used larger needles and produced a larger gauge than the original item. My gauge worked out to be 5 stitches/cm and 5 rows/cm as opposed to the 7 rows/cm and 5-6 stitches/cm according to Schmedding (using Knytir's translation). T
I cast on the project on August 9 with 14 repeats of the 12 stitch pattern, preferring the Sion I Chart interpretation in DesMoines's pattern to the chart in Lady Tola Knityr's interpretation. Progress pictures found in appendix B. The bag is only made long enough to hold a large phone, and as such does not have the number of rows or requisite tassels that the reliquary bag has.
There is a noticeable difference in gauge from the bottom to the top of the bag. The original is consistent throughout and bound off with a 3 needle bind off. Midway through production I found my gauge with 3-strand colorwork improving, which unfortunately changed the overall gauge. I chose to reverse the construction of the bag such that the firmest, most accurate gauge is at the top of the bag which will receive the most stress from the ties. The loose gauge at the beginning of the project is the result of knowing how an uneven but too-tight gauge makes colorwork "pucker" in an unsightly fashion, and that floats too loose but unseen on the back side of the product are typically more tolerable than too-tight floats with puckering.
Ends are left untrimmed inside the bag to allow repair options, as the cotton is slippery and I do not trust its ability to stick to itself should I simply weave in the ends and trim. If this bag begins to unravel, I wish to fix it.
The fingerloop braid closure is left off pending the presentation of the gift to the recipient, as it affects the fabric and if she has no interest in the drawstring closure there seems no point in needlessly altering the fabric itself.
If I ever try to knit 3 strand color work again, throw this paper at me.
DesMoines, Anne. Reliquary Style Pouches.
(downlaoded May 2020)
Knytir, Tola. Sion Knitted Purse.
(accessed November 1, 2021). Found in part here
Rutt, Richard. ​A History of Handknitting​. Interweave, 1987.
Schmedding, Brigitta. ​Mittelalterliche Textilien in Kirchen Und KloÌ​stern Der
Schweiz: Katalog​. Bern: StaÌ​mpfli, 1978
Tissus d'Égypte: témoins du monde arabe, VIIIe. - XVe. siècles. Collection
Bouvier, Exposition 1993-1994, Musée d'art et d'histoire à Genève. 1994,
Institut du monde arabe à Paris.
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August 10, 2021
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October 15, 2021
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October 20, 2021
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October 28, 2021
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Blocking the Final Product October 28, 2021
Thank you for reading this kthxbai
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airticketguide · 1 year
Tips for a trip to the United States
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You must prepare well for a trip to the United States. There is so much to see and do in this country that it is best to immerse yourself in the country and the places you want to see. Are you looking for nature? Then you have more to see on the west coast than on the east coast. And if you want to discover the nicest American cities, then the east coast is just the thing for you.
One of the best ways to discover the US is to take a road trip. Rent a huge fat car and hit the road !
If you plan to visit a number of National Parks, buy a National Park Pass, which allows you to visit all the parks you want for 80 USD! That is a lot cheaper than separate entrance tickets.
Take a world plug with you, our regular plugs do not fit in the socket here.
We have already visited many destinations in the United States and have written a lot about them. We have visited a lot of National Parks, have been to many world cities and have visited the most beautiful beaches. Here you will find everything you want to know about an unforgettable trip to the USA!
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The Weekend Update: February Weekends!
The past few weekends have been really fun and exciting. I want to take you guys weekend by weekend to show how easy it is not only to travel around Europe, but also the benefits of staying in your home away from home for a weekend. 
My first weekend was actually a pretty unexpected travel weekend. I was in Prague for less than a week but remembered my mom was going to London on a work trip. I knew since we were so close, I had to visit! On Saturday morning I found a flight that would leave to London Sunday morning, with a return flight to Prague the following day (Monday) in the afternoon. Even though it was only 24 hours I was in London, we had an amazing time together and I would not trade the experience for the world. I have been to London once before with my family 7 years ago and being back made me realize how much I remembered from my previous trip. 
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When I arrived in London, we went and grabbed some fish and chips, then went on our own walking tour of the classic London attractions: Buckingham Palace, Big Ben, Westminster Abbey, the London Eye, and finished up at a Pub watching a football game, yes that’s soccer :) 
By the following morning, it was already time to go on the hour Uber ride to the airport. Even though it was for one real day, I would not want to change it for the world. Having my mom for a little bit, really helped me adjust completely to my abroad lifestyle and I am so fortunate to have the opportunity to see her so soon after going abroad. 
The following weekend was also a last minute type of trip. Ashley and I were looking at inexpensive locations near Prague for both travel and accommodations once arriving in the city. We realized that the best location would be in Berlin, Germany.
To preface, I was excited to see Berlin but also had an underlying eeriness to it since I am Jewish and Berlin was the center of the Nazi Party during WWII. Additionally, I was excited to go because when my grandfather was in the Soviet army, he was stationed throughout East Germany, specifically Berlin and Dresden, which was pretty much the exact bus route I took. 
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Once arriving in Berlin, I already had unwritten “beef” with the city, but I tried not to let it influence my opinion of my trip there. We got to our hostel and ended up becoming good friends with our roommate, her name was Paula and from Argentina. She gave us recommendations throughout the city and we started exploring!
We got to see the Brandenburg Gate, the Jewish memorial in Berlin, as well as the main Cathedral.
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I wish we could have gotten to see more (including the wall) but it was pouring rain the full day we had there and it was impossible to get around. Definitely have to go back for another trip.
Additionally, nightlife and techno is something that is a part of Berlin culture. We went to a bar and ended up also making friends with some girls from Berlin as well as Ukraine.  
Side note: in Prague too, there are a lot of Ukranians, it is absolutely horrific what is going on two countries away from me too. 
On our walk though, we passed by the Russian embassy in Berlin. They had a recreation of Alexi Navalny’s jail cell as well as a Ukrainian memorial. Walking around Berlin made me realize how close I am to the conflict and how some of the amazing people I am meeting are completely displaced from their homes with war terrorizing their homeland. 
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This weekend was a really special weekend for me. One of my closest childhood friends, Gianna, was coming to visit! She is studying abroad in Edinburgh this semester and came to Prague for the weekend…. thus, tour guide Hannah came out!!!!
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We went to Prague Castle, the top of the clock tower, and honestly I went to more tourist places during this weekend than before. We went to different markets and would not trade the experience.
I felt like walking around the city with Gianna helped me gain a new perspective of how amazing Prague really is. It is a truly hidden gem in Europe and everyday here I learn something new about the city and the Czech culture. 
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Having her here was also like another piece of home was with me. Seeing how much she is thriving in Scotland prompted me to book a flight to visit her!!
Last weekend in February calls for the monthly CEA excursion, these excursions are included in our study abroad tuition which is really nice to have! This weekend we went to Cesky Krumlov, the whole town is a UNESCO World Heritage site! 
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It is a two and a half hour bus ride and I got to be able to go with my entire program. It was a really nice way to get introduced to those in my program whom I do not have classes with. 
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When arriving we went around the town to explore and then had tours of the castle tower and the theater there that is in complete Baroque style. 
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At night, we went to a cafe and then a typical Czech restaurant, where I had the goulash :) 
The next day was really cool… we didn’t know the weekend that we were there, Cesky Krumlov had their annual pig slaughtering event. No pigs were harmed during the event but an entire street had tables and had a whole pig roast and the pig that was used was made into many different traditional Czech food items, my favorite being the pate given
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 I felt really fortunate to be able to experience this cultural celebration and it was a great way to finish off the weekend!!
This next month is also filled with a lot of travel… Current travel plans for March include:
London again (for 12 hours this time!)
Lake Como and Venice, Italy
Dublin, Ireland
Salzburg and Hallstatt, Austria
Edinburgh, Scotland
See you in the next blog!
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njoy-travels · 2 years
Njoy Travels: Your Ultimate Guide to the Best International Tour Packages in India
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Njoy Travels is a renowned travel company based in India that offers a range of customized international tour packages for travelers. The company has been in the travel industry for several years, and over time, they have earned a reputation for providing excellent services and packages that cater to a wide range of travelers.
One of the reasons why Njoy Travels is regarded as one of the best international tour operators in India is their commitment to providing personalized services. They understand that each traveler is unique and has different preferences and requirements. Therefore, they offer tailored tour packages to suit the individual needs of their clients.
Njoy Travels offers a wide range of international tour packages to various destinations around the world, including Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, North and South America. Their tour packages are carefully crafted to include the best tourist attractions, activities, and experiences that each destination has to offer. They also include accommodation, transportation, and meals, making it easier for travelers to plan and budget for their trips.
Another reason why Njoy Travels is highly regarded as an international tour operator is their experienced and knowledgeable tour guides. Their tour guides are well trained and have vast knowledge of the destinations they visit. They are also multilingual, making it easier for travelers to communicate and understand the local culture and customs.
Njoy Travels also places a high value on safety and security. They ensure that all their tour packages comply with safety standards and regulations. They also provide travel insurance to cover unexpected events that may occur during the trip.
Customer satisfaction is a top priority for Njoy Travels, and they strive to ensure that their clients have an unforgettable experience during their trips. They have a 24/7 customer support team that is always available to answer any questions or concerns that clients may have before, during, and after the trip.
In conclusion, Njoy Travels is one of the best international tour operators in India. Their commitment to providing personalized services, experienced tour guides, safety, and security, and excellent customer support makes them a preferred choice for many travelers. If you are looking for a hassle-free and unforgettable international travel experience, Njoy Travels is the way to go.
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thegreenvoyage · 2 years
Naples vs Positano - (2023) Comparison Guide
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Are you trying to decide between a trip to Naples and Positano for your next getaway? The decision can be tricky, as both cities offer unique experiences, and it can take time to know where to start. Our 2023 Naples vs Positano Comparison Guide is here to help as we take a closer look at the two cities, their attractions, and what each has to offer. From the stunning views of the Amalfi Coast to the incredible food, culture, and history of Naples, this guide will give you all the information you need to choose the perfect destination for your next holiday. Table of ContentsNaples vs Positano - Quick Overview Naples Positano Culture and History Climate and Geography Attractions and Entertainment Cost of Living Activities Beaches Things to Do in Naples: Top Attractions of Naples 1. Castel Nuovo 2. Piazza Plebiscito 3. Royal Palace 4. Museo Archeologico 5. Teatro di San Carlo 6. Museo Regionale della Meditereanee 7. Museo di Capodimonte 8. Palazzo Reale 9. Duomo di Napoli 10. Chiesa di Santa Maria del Carmine 11. Mercato Municipio 12. Museo Nazionale di Capodimonte Things to Do in Positano Visit the Miramare Castle Visit the Church of Santa Maria del Carmelo Visit the Forte dei Marmi Explore the Forte Sant’Andrea Food: Naples vs Positano Naples vs Positano: Entertainment and Nightlife Weather: Naples vs Positano Transport: Naples vs Positano Naples vs Positano: Which is the Better City? Cost of living Health care facilities Natural beauty Weather Conclusion Naples vs Positano - Quick Overview - Naples is a large city in southern Italy, while Positano is a small town on the Amalfi Coast. - Naples is known for its historical sites, such as the ancient Roman ruins of Pompeii and Herculaneum, as well as its vibrant culture and vibrant street life. - Positano is known for its picturesque scenery and colorful buildings cascading down a hillside to the sea. Beaches, luxury accommodations, and stylish boutiques make it a popular tourist destination for various reasons. - Naples is a bustling urban center with a population of over 1 million people, while Positano is a small, picturesque town with a population of around 3,000 people. - Naples has a wider range of dining and nightlife options, and Positano is more peaceful and idyllic but has fewer activities and amenities. - The cost of living in Naples is more affordable than that of Positano, a resort town that features luxury shopping and resorts. - Naples is well connected by public transportation, and Positano is only accessible by road and can be difficult to reach during peak season. Naples Neapolis, a coastal city located on the Bay of Naples, is one of the most populated cities in southern Italy. There are more than a few reasons why Merano is considered one of the best cities in the world, such as its vibrant culture and history. An interesting history has been written about the city. Over the centuries, it has been occupied by many invaders and rulers, starting with the Greeks in the 8th century BC. Formerly the capital of the Kingdom of Naples, then the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, it was an important bridge connecting the two islands. It was a major center of the arts and culture during the Renaissance. In today's Naples, around one million people live in a bustling city. It is one of the busiest ports in Europe and is renowned for its vibrant fish market. Many historic sites, monuments, and churches are located in this city, which also boasts a rich cultural heritage. There are many delicious restaurants in the city, most notably pizza. It is said that Naples still has the best pizza in the world since it is the birthplace of the Margherita pizza! Pasta Alla Genovese and spaghetti alla puttanesca are two of the unique dishes to be found in Naples. The climate in Naples is mild, and the city has plenty of sunshine throughout the year. It’s a great place to visit during the summer months, as the beaches are beautiful and the temperature is warm. Naples is a great place to explore, with so much to see and do. Among the attractions are museums, galleries, churches, and other places of interest. Naples is an ideal destination for romantic getaways and exploring the culture and history of Italy. Positano Positano is the perfect place for a luxury escape, a picturesque town perched high on a cliff overlooking the Tyrrhenian Sea. Its narrow, winding streets and stunning architecture make it easy to see why the town has been a favorite of the rich and famous for centuries. Today, Positano is a popular tourist destination, with luxury hotels, restaurants, and shops catering to visitors who want to enjoy the area's exclusive lifestyle. Beautiful scenery and a scenic location make this town the perfect place to relax and enjoy the Mediterranean atmosphere. Culture and History As one of the most important cities in Italy, Naples has a long and rich history dating back to the Roman Empire. The city's many museums, churches, and monuments showcase its vibrant culture. Naples's must-see cultural sites include the Pompeii archaeological site, the Royal Palace of Naples, and the Cathedral of Naples. However, Positano, located along the Amalfi Coast, is a small settlement. A hillside of colorful houses cascades down a hillside to the sea, giving it a picturesque setting. Positano has a more laid-back atmosphere compared to Naples and is known for its art, fashion, and music scene. The town has a small but charming historic center with many shops and restaurants. Climate and Geography Naples, located on the southern coast of Italy, is typically hot and humid in the summer, with milder temperatures and less humidity in the winter. Positano, on the other hand, is located on the north coast of Italy and has a much more temperate climate with colder temperatures in the winter and hotter temperatures in the summer. Naples also has a much higher population density, which can make it more crowded and noisy. Conversely, Positano has a much lower population density, which can make it more peaceful and relaxing. In addition to their different climates, Naples or Positano also have different cultural backgrounds. Naples is heavily influenced by Roman culture, while Positano is more closely aligned with Greek culture. This cultural difference can be seen in the two cities' architecture, food, and lifestyle. Attractions and Entertainment When it comes to attractions and entertainment, Naples and Positano have a lot in common. Both cities offer a wealth of historical sites, stunning coastlines, and nightlife galore. Nevertheless, when deciding which town is a better fit for you, there are a number of key differences to consider. For one, Naples is a much more bustling city. It has more traditional attractions, such as the Royal Palace and the Catacombs of Naples, and more contemporary attractions, such as the Planetarium and the Museum of Fine Arts. Conversely, Positano, on the other hand, offers a more tranquil and scenic environment. It is perfect for those who want to take in the sights and sounds of the local community. Both cities are home to top-notch restaurants, and it is easy to find something to suit everyone's taste. Naples is also home to some of the best nightlife in Italy, while Positano is known for its secluded coves and crystal-clear water. Both towns have something unique to offer, so it is up to the tourist to decide which one is right for them. Cost of Living There are a few things to consider when comparing Positano vs Naples in terms of the cost of living. In Naples, rental prices are higher, and the cost of groceries is higher. However, the cost of utilities is lower in Naples. In Positano, rental prices are lower, and the cost of groceries is higher. However, the cost of utilities is lower in Positano. Additionally, the cost of living in Positano is more expensive than Naples for clothing and entertainment. Each city's characteristics should be considered when determining the cost of living. Overall, Naples is more expensive, but there are some areas where Positano is more affordable. You can find a better deal in Positano if you are looking for an affordable option. Activities Naples has a lot to offer in terms of activities, from visiting historical sites to shopping and nightlife. Some of the most important ancient Roman and Greek artifacts can be found in the National Archaeological Museum of the city, which is home to numerous museums and galleries. The city has a vibrant nightlife scene, bars, clubs, and music venues. Beaches Swimming, sunbathing, and water sports are popular in Positano, which has beautiful beaches. Visitors can also take a boat tour of the Amalfi Coast, which offers stunning coastline views and nearby islands. The town is also home to art and fashion boutiques, spas, and wellness centers. There are two very popular beaches in southern Italy: Naples and Positano. They both have their unique charm and are worth a visit if you're in the area. So, which one should you choose? Naples is a bustling city with a lot to see and do. The beach is just one part of what makes this city great. If you're looking for a beach vacation with lots of activities and nightlife, then Naples is the place for you. A relaxed atmosphere prevails in Positano, however. There is no better beach in the world than this one. It is breathtaking. Positano's Mediterranean sun and relaxing atmosphere make it a perfect place to enjoy a few days of relaxation. Would you like to go to a particular beach? The type of vacation you want depends on your needs. Naples is the place to be if you want to experience a lively city with a great beach. It's the perfect beach vacation destination if you want a more relaxed vacation. Things to Do in Naples: Top Attractions of Naples You can’t ignore that Naples is Italy's second biggest city. It is also the capital of Campania and is situated on the southern tip of Italy. People who have visited Naples usually want to visit this city's famous places and have a great time. Here are the top things to do in Naples that you must try before returning to your hometown. 1. Castel Nuovo Castel Nuovo is the oldest castle in Naples. It was built by the French architect Filippo Gagliano in 1486 and has become one of the top attractions of Naples. 2. Piazza Plebiscito It is the largest public square in Naples, and you can enjoy a relaxing walk in the beautiful square. 3. Royal Palace It is the official residence of the Queen of Italy. The Royal Palace is a large palace that was built in the 1600s. 4. Museo Archeologico This museum is located in the city's heart and is a major attraction. It has a collection of Greek and Roman antiquities. 5. Teatro di San Carlo This is one of the most famous theatres in Europe, and it is one of the top attractions of Naples. 6. Museo Regionale della Meditereanee This museum is one of the city's most important symbols and the country's second most important art museum. 7. Museo di Capodimonte It is a royal museum that is dedicated to the kings of Naples. 8. Palazzo Reale This large palace was built in the 17th century and symbolized the city. 9. Duomo di Napoli The cathedral is the largest church in the city, and it is the cathedral of the city. 10. Chiesa di Santa Maria del Carmine This church is the oldest one in Naples, and it is also one of the top attractions of Naples. 11. Mercato Municipio As one of the most popular things to do in Naples, it is a food market that is located near the Duomo di Napoli. 12. Museo Nazionale di Capodimonte A collection of paintings can be seen in this museum that occupies a former palace that is now a museum. Things to Do in Positano Positano is one of the most beautiful towns in Italy. This is the home of beautiful beaches and magnificent cliffs. It has been named the most romantic city in the world. Positano attracts thousands of tourists yearly, so it is no surprise that it attracts many people. Here are the best things to do in Positano: Visit the Miramare Castle The southern town is known for its castle, the city's main attraction. It was built in 1560, and it has an old fortification. From the castle, you can enjoy some amazing sea views. The castle is divided into several parts, including the main gate and the chapel. Visit the Church of Santa Maria del Carmelo A church of this kind can be found in the northern part of Positano, the oldest church in the town. The church was built on a rock and was first built in the Middle Ages. Visit the Forte dei Marmi It is one of the biggest castles in the town, and it is also known as “the Fortress of Miramare.” It is a fortress surrounded by water and has beautiful sea views. The castle is divided into several parts: the main gate, the prison, the drawbridge, the chapel, and the towers. Explore the Forte Sant’Andrea An eastern part of the town contains this fortress. This is the smallest castle in Positano, built in the 16th century. With a small park surrounding it, it offers beautiful sea views. Food: Naples vs Positano Naples and Positano are two different cities in Italy, each with unique culinary traditions. Naples, located in southern Italy, is known for its Neapolitan pizza, which is made with a soft, doughy crust and various toppings. Other traditional dishes from Naples include spaghetti alle vongole (spaghetti with clams), frittata di spaghetti (spaghetti omelet), and sfogliatelle (a type of pastry filled with sweet ricotta). A popular dish in Positano is spaghetti alle vongole (spaghetti with clams). Another popular dish is Pesce Alla Positano (Positano-style fish). Positano is also known for its lemon groves, and many dishes in Positano feature fresh lemons as an ingredient. Naples is known for its pizza, and Positano is known for its seafood dishes with lemon as an ingredient. Naples vs Positano: Entertainment and Nightlife When it comes to nightlife, Naples is the queen. The city has a wealth of bars, clubs, and pubs, and there's always something happening. But if you're looking for an adventure and want to enjoy some of the best views in Italy, then Positano is the perfect place to be. The stunningly beautiful town has miles of coastline and plenty of bars and restaurants overlooking the ocean. If you're looking for a night out that will leave you feeling exhilarated and invigorated, you can't go wrong with a night in Naples or Positano. Weather: Naples vs Positano When it comes to weather, Naples and Positano are two very different cities. Naples is known for its hot summers and generally mild winters, while Positano experiences more moderate weather, with summer temperatures reaching the upper 30s and winter temperatures in the teens. However, despite their different weather patterns, both cities have something to offer visitors regarding climate. SIRENIA and SAVONA BEACH are some of Naples' top beaches, while Positano has miles of sandy beaches that stretch for miles. In addition to the amazing beaches, Naples also features a variety of attractions, including the Palace of Caserta and the National Museum of Naples. If you're looking for a city with a more temperate climate, Positano is the perfect place for you. The town of Positano is not only known for its beautiful beaches but it is also known for its great restaurants and shops, making it a great place to spend a day or two. Finally, both cities offer a wealth of history and culture, so there's something for everyone to enjoy. Transport: Naples vs Positano When it comes to transportation, Naples and Positano have a few things in common. They're both located on the Amalfi Coast, which means they have access to some of the best beaches in the world. They're both popular tourist destinations, so plenty of transportation options are available. You have come to the right place if you want to go on a scenic drive in Naples. The city is surrounded by water, and many beautiful beaches and villas can be seen. Among tourist destinations, Positano is more popular. You can spend a day shopping or eating here, and there are a lot of restaurants there as well. When it comes to more convenient transport options, Naples is the place to be. Many buses and trains travel through the city, and it's easy to find a route that suits your needs. Conversely, Positano is less populated, so you might have to wait longer for a bus or train. A scenic drive in Naples will be a better choice if you are looking for a scenic drive. A bus or train to get you where you need to go is difficult to find in Positano if you want to be in a more populated area. Naples vs Positano: Which is the Better City? If you are living in Italy, you must have heard about the two most popular cities in the country, Naples, and Positano. If you have visited either of the cities, you will agree that each has its charm. So, to know which city is the best to live in, you need to compare the two. Here are some reasons why you should choose either of the cities. Cost of living Positano is cheaper than Naples, and both cities are popular among tourists. If you are a tourist, you will be happy to know that you can visit any of the cities quickly. Health care facilities Both cities are famous for their healthcare facilities, so it will be easy to treat if you have any medical issues. Natural beauty Both cities are located on the Amalfi coast and have a beautiful view of the surrounding mountains. A rich history, culture, and arts also surround both cities. Weather Positano has mild weather and a Mediterranean climate. On the other hand, the weather in Naples is hot and humid. So, if you like to spend your time outside, you can enjoy the weather in both cities. Conclusion Naples and Positano are both unique and beautiful destinations in Italy with a lot to offer. Neapolitan pizza and a vibrant nightlife are among the highlights of Naples' rich history and culture. Positano is a charming town on the Amalfi Coast, known for its picturesque setting, seafood, and art scene. If you're looking for a more laid-back and relaxing vacation, Positano might be the better choice. However, if you're looking for a cultural experience that's more exciting, Naples is the best choice. Read the full article
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