#Too many tabs
ashadeintheshade · 2 months
I am once again sick and bored help me figure out if my tabs are normal
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I should probably sleep
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I am in a pickle of my own making! I have over 1000 tabs open on my computer because I kept opening new windows and forgetting the previous windows. Most of these tabs are fanfiction. My computer is slow as all get out because of all the tabs so I can't bounce between them to get to all the oneshots. There are so many that the windows don't show as pictures and the only way to scroll to tabs is to have all the tabs on the side instead of at the top.
So I've been meticulously going through each tab to try to finish a window to then start again in the next window.
But not ONLY are a majority of the tabs fanfictions...many are multi-chapter.
But my ONLY hobby right now(aside from making earrings out if beads so I can get rid of my beads) is writing comments on fanfictions....so my pace is slowed down EVEN MORE because I am SHIT at summarizing my thoughts in a short ans sweet manner!
I write my comments to process and get out every thought I can on the fanfiction currently in my sights so I won't be lingering on it for months mentally. The good, the bad, the 'this part doesn't make sense logically with what you set up but COULD WORK if you adjust this part a smidge so we can enjoy your brilliant lines over here', the ooooh my God I'm terrified I'm having so much fun reading this, amd of my God this is infuriating and I hate it but I live it write more!
My computer bounces between being able to spell properly and skipping letters and the spell check takes so long to do because I write so much!!! And then I need to check tone of my comment because what if I wrote out all my thoughts and didn't realize my love and appreciation didn't get through where people might take it as critique or hurtful because I didn't get my feeling across properly.
So I need to double check! Because I don't want to accidentally discourage someone who's fic I cared enough about to read through! I'll want more fanfics after all!!!
But I also need to get through the fanfics as quickly as possible and I write alot quickly and I need to get my thoughts out of my head as soon as possible so I can go to the next fanfiction!
But then I have such good taste and the writers are so great I get sucked in again! And if I'm not careful I'll write a comment for every chapter!!!
I spent TWO DAYS going through a 20 chapter fanfic! Just to delete ONE TAB! I can't even sort the tabs by oneshots! I have to go tab by tab in this window to get through the window or risk the computer rebooting and reopening or opening copys of windows!!!! And I can't pin point all the copy windows cuz some windows have fanfics from the other windows!
And then I thought! Hey no one really CARES if I comment right? I can just skip one or two! But not only does my brain say no! that fanfic didn't have any comments!!! which was a travesty because the fic was so good and needs to be appreciated! So I needed to write one! And THEN apparently people recognized that I commented on almost every fanfiction I've read and noticed I'm BACK because I took hiatus for so long due to lent! I don't eve have any writing of my own and somehow people noticed?
AND WRITERS apparently appreciate them so I get all warm and fuzzy! Whoch gives me energy to comment more!
But I still have a ridiculous amount of tabs and I made a deal with myself I can't scroll on tumblr or YouTube for too long on my phone until I get through ALL of them! Because that risks me making MORE comments because it's not just fanfictions I process that way!!!
There are tabs from at least 3 years ago!!!! And that's not even adressing when I AM done I plan on getting through my bookmarks because they are separate!!!! And how when I read a fic from one Fandom I get the erge to look for MORE!
I've got myself opening up new tabs at least 3 times! Luckily stopping myself from diving further in. Commenting on those fanfictions and closing the tabs quickly. But still!!!!
And that's not even adressing tge fanfic purges that happen so what if one of the five I was reading got taken down so I'll never know the ending? Or when my tabs refresh so the comment I spent 15 minutes writing disappeared!!!! I can type very quickly and my reading comprehension are high. I wrote past the archive comment limit within 2 minutes once so I thought this would be faster!
Am I my own worst enemy?! I can't just give up now! But there are so many!!!! And something tells me most won't be one shots! But even just the one shots can be worth multiple comments!
Its how I process! My sister can only take so much of ne talking at her about characters and Fandom she isn't in!!! And my prize at the end are more fanfictions I'm not letting myself read til I finish all of these!
Aaaaaaaahhhhhhh! Why do I DO this to myself!!!!!
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greencheekconure27 · 18 days
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I feel judged.
Stop judging me Firefox.
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500tabstoomany · 3 months
I love Mamma Mia! the movie and this article is the sort of in-depth passion nerdery I couldn’t dare ask for. It contains some unbelievable facts, such as Meryl’s near-miss, and how much Benny and Björn did not think there would be a whole movie in their catalogue.
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kanvasal · 10 months
I just changed firefox so that I can see how many tabs I have open
259 open tabs
Also this is the thing that I followed to change this
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marcarella-pizza · 1 year
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It’s still an improvement from my phone tabs
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Funfact: the max tabs my iPhone X can have is 500!
I hit this max too often…
Gotta delete some again soon…
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trying414 · 1 year
Me: bookmarking on ao3 and trying to close some of my 1000+ tabs to try to get chrome to stop glitching so frequently and maybe reduce my phone overheating
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moonyinthehouse · 2 years
Me: I'm gonna reread that one manhwa i like!
Me: now if only i can remember which tab it's in. It has to be somewhere in the 26 tab groups i have... Maybe it's in this group with 78 tabs! Here's to hoping!!!! :D
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bububble · 2 years
I have no followers so if you see this might need to reblog lmaoo
Personally I'm so many on my phone but I can't stand tabs that aren't being currently used on my laptop and cull them
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rangi42 · 1 year
just discovered that mobile Chrome’s tab counter increments from “99″ to “:D” 😅 on the other hand, two out of three friends have the same problem, so, yay! validated 😊
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sepp-gw · 2 years
Browser check - Opens tabs:
-A listicle of 10 social media trends for 2023 -2 Different psych articles on compulsory monogamy -USDA hardiness zone map and planting calendar -pdf of a zine about the appropriation of Jewish magic and mysticism in occultism -The wiki page on Platonism -A pdf of the book Zen Flesh, Zen Bones -Word doc of my thoughts while reading Pride and Prejudice -Tumblr
This is a pretty good simulacrum of my mind on any given day. It also shows why I have nothing normal to add to any casual conversation with another human being ever.
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nonieanon · 4 hours
I just realized, it's only been 2 weeks since I got my new phone but I alr passed 100 tabs 💀
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a-calico-rabbit · 5 months
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I have serious problems
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kanvasal · 10 months
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I swear that I'll watch them sometime. I'll get rid of the tabs eventually. One of these days I'll clear up some of the tabs I don't intend on looking at
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reblogsreblogs · 8 months
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Google I am never going to send you crash reports ever. Also I'm well aware of why Chrome keeps crashing, it's because I keep hundreds of tabs open for days at a time.
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