#Tonto Comics
atomic-chronoscaph · 2 years
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Aurora model kits (1970s)
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evilhorse · 11 days
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The Lone Ranger #6
RIP John Cassaday
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The Lone Ranger And Tonto
Art by Alex Maleev
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navarrocabrera · 2 years
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Lone Ranger anniversary - Comic cover remake 90 years ago The Lone Ranger was born as a radio show, starting a legendary career through books, TV, animation, movies and comics, whose first cover we here remake. This also marks his Native American friend Tonto's debut (wisely renamed "Toro" for us Spanish speaking fans). Art: Mariano Navarro Colors & assembly: Hernan Cabrera Comissions: [email protected] ——— Hace 90 años The Lone Ranger nació como un programa de radio, iniciando una legendaria carrera a través de libros, televisión, animación, películas e historietas, cuya primera portada aquí re-versionamos. También se conmemora el debut de su amigo nativo americano Tonto (prudentemente rebautizado "Toro" para los seguidores de habla castellana). Arte: Mariano Navarro Colores & armado: Hernan Cabrera
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jhsharman · 1 year
"see sick"
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itsvalpenguin1 · 2 months
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comic todo tonto que hice con esta cosa porque hace rato queria dibujar a estos dos jshajsha
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monkee-mobile · 4 months
A bunch of things from the Monkees comic book I made my dad buy me for christmas. Part 1
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The Monkees have to pretend to be a family! The solution seems pretty simple to me. Maybe Mike just marries Micky and then—oh, they’re just gonna play dress up as random things? Okay then…
but we do get Davy in drag! Yaaayyyy!!
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Shh davy you look beautiful.
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see? here’s the public’s reaction to davy in drag!
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I forgot to take a picture?? but the monkees meet the biggest gays of the old west the lone ranger and tonto for a brief bit.
Okay. There’ll be a part 2.
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imagine-silk · 1 year
Peter carrying around the reader and squeezing them super tight is so adorable ahh
I can imagine the reader having a bad day (maybe they took their mask off for a little but got really over-stimulated without their lenses dimming the lights, anything really) so they go to Peter for a hug. Peter is very willing to oblige, even if he's got some meeting with Miguel and other spiders, he will just bring the reader with him even if Miguel tries to tell him no. Peter's also pretty sure the reader is way too busy trying to focus on calming down to even listen to whatever they're talking about in the meeting
》The very same thought came to me while writing the other one. A man of culture I see.
Peter B taking Autistic!Younger!Spider to a meeting
He felt more than a little bad. When you first came to him he was proud you came for help and he thought it would be an easy fix, it should have been. You got your mask back on and got to your apartment. Ten minutes later you called him again, under the blanket in the living room on the rug. By all means you should have been fine so why were you still crying?
He didn't blame you for anything or think it was a hassle, he just wanted you okay again. "What do you think you need?"
"A hug?" He wasn't going to deny it even though it sounded like a question. Peter slipped his arms under the blanket and pulled you out into his arms so he could hug you leaning back on the couch. If he actually moved onto the couch it could have made you more uncomfortable and he didn't want to test it. His back would deal with it later.
It was hard to say how long you were there. Not long enough. "Peter, I need you to come in."
"I'm a bit busy." Peter knew you were still awake, just didn't want to move. Miguel was in charge but Peter had never been afraid of him. 
"No you're not." There was a back and forth. Peter said he didn't want to leave you and Miguel said 'too bad' and that leaving you was the responsible thing to do. He wouldn't always be there and you were halfway there so it would be good to ease into learning to deal by yourself. Peter gave him a smile that held mischievous smug intent. "Do not bring them here."
It was almost comical how he walked in with your feet dangling. "Jesucristo, ¿por qué pensé que alguna vez escucharías? Estoy loco para pensar eso."
"I planned ahead. You won't even know we're here."
"That's not the problem, tonto." Miguel said, dragging his hand down his face before letting it fall to his side. "This can be sensitive information meant for senior members only."
"You have eyes don't you? [Name]'s a bit out of commission." Before Miguel could continue Peter cut him off. "Glad we're on the same page." So there he sat at the round table with you smushed to his chest. He made no effort to move so Miguel gave in, not wanting to drag this out into a fight or bother you. Even if you were in a state to listen he knew you wouldn't do anything with the information and he did care for your well-being, that meant you stayed.
Every time you moved he held you harder. It was to reassure you while also keeping quiet. Peter did see how some of the others looked over every so often with various reasons and he carried on like nothing was different. But to them he knew it was probably weird he wasn't being loud and proud during a meeting. No, his pride was for a different reason and very silent.
The meeting was boring and it was over pretty quickly. Everyone shuffled out while Peter sat back with Miguel. "You're playing a dangerous game, Parker." 
"That's not what you call me." He said with a small smirk. Miguel was less than amused. Peter didn't really care about how his obvious favoritism was received. "You still with me, kid?" There was no answer. "'S good sign."
Then someone started walking up and shouted to get their attention. "Hey, O'Hara, I was wondering-"
"Lyla." They said in unison and the door shut in the spider's face.
Translation: Jesus Christ, why did I think you would ever listen? I'm out of my mind to think that.
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k-j-bowling · 2 months
Vash Fawley x Cassandra Vole comic+story on the dance club, English & Español.
"You have my attention," said a high-pitched voice that lifted his gaze from the ground, as if it were a ray of hope. In a way, it was. Or rather, a miracle from start to finish. She had never found the emerald dress charming, perhaps because she never wanted to set foot in that place in the first place.
"So you want to dance with me? I mean. I didn't know that you…! – Vash, the boy with the huge scarf bit his tongue under the red fabric. No, he wasn't going to pry into her motives or mention the strangeness of the attention. He wasn't that stupid, his partner might regret it if he pressed her with questions! He himself had his reasons, and she hadn't asked anything until now.
As he extended his hand in invitation inside that ballroom, inside a simple mind, something whispered: "Maybe she's not so bad." (At this point the two are not dueling rivals so there is no clear picture from Vash on Cass)
Of course, for Cassandra, from whom those first words of tacit superiority came, the self-interruption did not go unnoticed. Although, of course, she was unaware of Vash's kind mentality and she herself was oblivious to her own motives. However…
"Huh, the cat finally got your tongue." – Accepting the extended hand with characteristic elegance, she guided the perplexed and excited boy without waiting, who happily adjusted his elegant suit.
But like a death foretold, that walk from the corner of the venue to the track was the only fluid movement they could make for the next half hour.
"By Merlin. Your steps are so pitiful. I can't believe your feet aren't two left ones" - Despite being able to feel the exasperation in the tone of voice, the girl's steps were still an uninterrupted guide for Vash, who couldn't coordinate the "one, two, three" without adding 3 totally unnecessary and shaky extra steps.
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Tienes mi atención" , soltó una voz aguda que despegó su mirada del suelo, como si se tratase de un rayo de esperanza. De alguna forma, lo era. O mejor dicho, un milagro de principio a fin. El vestido color esmeralda jamás le había parecido más encantador, tal vez porque en primer lugar nunca quería pisar ese sitio.
"¿Entonces quieres bailar conmigo? Quiero decir. ¡No sabía que tu…! – Vash, el chico de bufanda de frondosa lana se mordió la lengua debajo de la tela roja. No, no iba a inmiscuirse en sus motivos ni a mencionar lo extraño de la atención. ¡No era tan tonto, su compañera podría arrepentirse si la presionaba con preguntas! Él mismo tenía sus motivos, y ella no había preguntado nada hasta ahora.
Mientras extendía la mano en invitación dentro de aquel salón de baile, dentro de una mente simple, algo susurró: "Tal vez no sea tan mala". (En este punto ambos no son rivales de duelos así que no hay una imagen clara por parte de Vash sobre Cass)
Por supuesto que para Cassandra, de quien provenía aquellas primeras palabras de tácita superioridad, no pasó por desapercibida la autointerrupción. Aunque, por supuesto, ignoraba la mentalidad amable de Vash y ella misma no reparaba en sus propios motivos. Sin embargo…
"Huh, por fin el gato te comió la lengua." – Aceptando la mano extendida con elegancia característica, guió sin espera al muchacho perplejo y emocionado, que acomodó alegremente su traje elegante.
Pero como una muerte anunciada, esa caminata desde la esquina del lugar hasta la pista fue el único movimiento fluido que pudieron hacer durante la próxima media hora.
"Por Merlín. Tus pasos son tan lamentables. No puedo creer que tus pies no sean dos izquierdos" – A pesar de poder sentir la exasperación en el tono de voz, los pasos de la chica seguían siendo una guía ininterrumpida para Vash, quién no podía coordinar el "un, dos, tres" sin agregar 3 pasos extra totalmente innecesarios y temblorosos.
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By: Morf~
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Oh my gosh, oh my gosh! Are you THE darthpumpkinspice? I'm such a fan! I'm gonna faint!
And if you're still taking asks, how about Boyd Holbrook characters and their most formative pieces of media?
(Love your work! ^_^)
psssh anon you incorrigible tease! 🤣 😉
Steve Murphy: Oh definitely the old Lone Ranger television show. After that Steve always knew he wanted to be a cop, but that “hero cowboy” image never left him. He wants to help people, and have friends like Tonto! And maybe ride cool horses too! In his ideal world it’s just him and his super-intimate bestie/partner, going around restoring justice to lawless places.
Donald Pierce: This is sort of a two-part, because I think as a kid the most formative media for him was absolutely X-Men comics, and Wolverine, specifically, shaped his image of masculinity and what a man should be (and also, what an ideal male partner looks like…!). *But* Pierce also watched Clueless during a sleepover with his high school girl BFF, and the character Christian made him feel so many things; this is someone that got to be gay with no repercussions, who got to stay friends and go shopping and be sassy with the pretty popular girl, and also got to be tough and masculine and heroic when the situation called for it! It seemed like an awesome life, but so unattainable and embarrassing to want that he tries not to think about it. He hasn’t watched Clueless since, but it’s still lodged deep in his subconscious.
Cap Hatfield: When he was a kid his mom used to tell him fairy tales to soothe him to sleep, and the one that stuck around in his head the most was Little Red Riding Hood. Except, he never knew for sure if he was supposed to relate to the woodsman, the wolf, or the girl – when he ran around the woods with Jim and his brothers he’d pretend to be all of them at different times.
Clement Mansell: The Cat Stevens song Father and Son made Clement cry *so* many times as a kid. It’s stuck in his brain forever, and he sometimes fantasized about his dad singing it to him if he found him again. Also, when Clement was googling this song one day he ended up running across the Russian film Father and Son, about a father and son who live together and love each other so deeply it becomes borderline incestuous. He… really, really likes this one too.
The Corinthian: I think Corinthian *is* the formative media.
Eli Klaber: Some Like it Hot! This one is a bit of an anomaly because Klaber would’ve been in his late 20’s when it came out, but I think this was still *very* formative for him. A man who crossdresses and is deemed beautiful and desirable enough to be pursued by a millionaire who still considers him a real woman even after he finds out?? Yeah, this changed Klaber’s brain chemistry forever.
Ty Shaw: For Ty, it was the Boxcar Children. Even though his mom was *technically* in the picture, he and Abby had to learn to be independent real fast, and they both latched onto this series because it made independence and abandonment feel a bit like an adventure. And he especially really liked how all the kids took care of each other and make their own home. (Ty always stops reading before they go to live with their grandfather, that part always takes away the magic for him.)
Quinn McKenna: You’d think it would be some fast-paced action movie featuring buff 80’s superstars, but no, Quinn found his dad’s copy of Battle Tactics of the Western Front: The British Army's Art of Attack, 1916-18, by Paddy Griffith and was hooked ever since.
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evilhorse · 11 days
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The Lone Ranger #7
RIP John Cassaday
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cocokoby · 5 months
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¡tonto! [donk sound effect]
Carmen (on the right, wearing pink and has brown/pink hair) belongs to @strawhatghost !!! :D
[ID: mini comic featuring Arturo, a fan character for One Piece. On the left is a younger Arturo with a pony tail and a tanktop, looking pretty sad and heartbroken. in the thought bubble above him is a drawing of Refuge. the text to the left of her says "yeah no bye. also i'm not interested so i'm rejecting you forever bye." To the right is current day Arturo, blushing and wearing his signature red jacket. the curl in his hair is shaped into a heart. there's an arrow pointing at him with the text saying "tonto" (stupid in Spanish) and another text on the right saying "how did this happen." above him in the thought bubble is Carmen, straw hat ghost's fan OC, and Koby from One Piece. They're reaching their hands towards the camera, smiling and saying, "quit your job. join our emo band." Around them are sparkles and hearts. End ID]
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melody-marquez · 2 years
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"Forced Threads / Hilos Forzados" (Pag. 1-2)
The devil is not mad at bendy, he's just tired, the casino meant a lot of work for him :((
I couldn't with the excitement of starting to publish the comic so I'm doing it at once HAHAHA!! I wanted to post here when more pages were made, but in the end I decided to just finish a page, I'll post it! so I don't make you wait so long:)) that and because I really received a lot of support1?!;0;, THANK YOU SO MUCH! I didn't think you'd like this silly AU that I made so much, I hope you'll join me throughout this journey, thank you!:D
El diablo no esta enojado con Bendy, simplemente está cansado, el casino significo mucho trabajo para él:((
No podía con la emoción de comenzar a publicar el cómic así que lo hago de una vez HAHAHA!! queria publicar por aqui cuando se hicieran mas paginas, pero al final decidi que recien termine una pagina, la publicare! así no los hago esperar tanto:)) eso y porque realmente recibi mucho apoyo!?!;0;, MUCHAS GRACIAS ENSERIO! no creí que les gustara tanto este AU tonto que hice, espero y me acompañen en toda esta travesia, gracias!:D
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kaelufi · 7 months
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Creó no había subido estos aquí. El ultimo es de este 14 de Febrero.
Recuerden Zareth no es mi personaje, sino de @jackce en su comic @theeighth
Contexto(?) De el fanfic en el que sigo trabajando.
Kat y Zareth se conocieron un 14 de Febrero, él no fue muy amable cuando ambos habían tropezado, pues estaba de mal humor, mayormente triste, pero le gusta hacerse el rudo y de; "El amor es para tontos".
Pero ya que Kt es nerviosa y se disculpo demasiado, Zareth se sintió mal. Le regalo las rosas que llevaba, pero ella decidió regalarle una del ramo, para que ambos tuvieran una flor ese día. Desde entonces solían toparse a veces.
Con forme paso el tiempo, Zareth la invito a salir, cosa que ella acepto. La cosa es, que Kt es asexual y puede que arromántica, pero no esta segura, ya que le gusta la gente, aunque no de manera de una relación. Pero ella acepto, pues Zareth le ha demostrado no ser una mala persona (ángel caído), pues ha tenido experiencias donde se le declararon y ella accedía, tuvo dos relaciones solo por que si, creyó que conociendo a sus parejas podría tal vez sentir algo. Solo que no fueron las mejores personas para iniciar y conocer lo que son las relaciones de pareja.
Así que ahora esta siendo responsable y consiente, sin mencionar leal a Zareth, por lo que aunque no parece sentir algo como amor por él, le gusta verlo feliz. Claro que siempre le menciona cuando se siente incomoda, pero con el tiempo lo dejo abrazarla casi siempre que él quisiera. Pero aún suele preguntarle si puede hacerlo.
-Zareth no le ha dicho nada de quien es y su castigo.
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itsvalpenguin1 · 26 days
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comic todo tonto de drax y brainy que tenia por ahi enpolvandose y que por fin me dio por terminarlo xD
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kamthesheep · 4 months
My Introduction!!/Mi introduccion!!
[ENG]: Hi Tumblr people!! I hope y'all are fine :D You can call me Kamryn/Kam, a digital and traditional artist so here I will post drawings, comics and other silly little drawings (≧▽≦) 🎨🖌️
I'm Venezuelan and I live in Argentina so that means I'm spanish but don't worry with the lenguage cuz I first write the description in english and then the spanish traduction
I'm a minor (Specifically 12 years old) so don't be weirdos... -_-
Art tag: #Kamryn's silly drawings
Comics tag: #Kamryn's stories
Asks tag: #Kam silly questions
Gacha tag: #Kam's gacha curse
Free to ask me any question, say something to me or a request for a drawing :3
[My interests!]:
Chonny Jash - Tally Hall/Miracle Musical - VOCALOID - Murder Drones - The Amazing Digital Circus - Genshin Impact - The Walten Files - Lacey flash games - The Mandela Catalogue - Andy's apple farm - BLACKPINK - Little Witch Academia - The Promised Neverland - Bocchi the rock - Sailor Moon - Will Wood (And The Tapeworms) - Cult of The Lamb - FNAF
Bye bye and see you later!!!
[ESP]: Hola gente de Tumblr!!! Espero que todos esten bien :D Pueden llamarme Kamryn/Kam, una artista digital y tradicional asi que aqui publicare dibujos, comics y otros dibujitos tontos (≧▽≦) 🎨🖌️
Soy Venezolana y vivo en Argentina, eso significa que hablo español, pero no se preocupen por el idioma porque primero escribo la descripción en inglés y luego la traduzccion al español
Soy menor de edad (Especificamente 12 años) asi que no sean raros… -_-
tag de arte: #Kamryn's silly drawings
tag de comic: #Kamryn's stories
tag de preguntas: #Kam's silly questions
tag de gacha: #Kam's gacha curse
Libre de hacerme cualquier pregunta, decirme algo o sugerirme una idea para un dibujo :3
[Mis intereses/Gustos!]:
Chonny Jash - Tally Hall/Miracle Musical - VOCALOID - Murder Drones - The Amazing Digital Circus - Genshin Impact - The Walten Files - Lacey flash games - The Mandela Catalogue - Andy's apple farm - BLACKPINK - Little Witch Academia - The Promised Neverland - Bocchi the rock - Sailor Moon - Will Wood (And The Tapeworms) - Cult of The Lamb - FNAF
Bye bye y hasta luego!!!
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