#Toma needs all the love in the world
giggly-squiggily · 3 months
I feel there is a lacking of Toma Hiragi content in our humble community, gang. Please allow me to change that.
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Tickle headcanons below the cut!
-Words cannot begin to express how much I love this man. Someone get him a gift basket of stomach medicines and band tee-shirts.
-Okay onto the headcanons kjarjeakjre; I think his worst spot would be his stomach? Maybe it's all the medicine he takes, but he's giving me Pillsbury dough boy- poke him and he'll jump back and giggle energy.
-Umemiya likes to tickle him there a lot; trapping him in a tickle hug and "massaging" his gut to help ease the pain while Toma's a giggly mess in his arms ajrjeakrkjeawkjrk
-He's giving tickly armpits too. Wiggle a finger under one and he's swinging kjarkeakjrjkea He'll never actually hurt you of course, but be ready to duck or step back if you choose to do so.
-His knees and thighs are giggle spots; squeezing them makes him kick and snicker. You'd have to hold him down good though; this man is a thrasher! He'll try to avoid making contact, but tickling him makes him physically spazz out.
-Gruff, kinda wheezy laugh! A smoker's laugh without the habit. If you get a particularly bad spot, he'll fall to the ground in a heap and just kinda die? Family guy death pose but immediately squirmy when you start tickling him again akjerajrakjr
-You need to be ROUGH with this man- he can gargoyle through the feathery stuff with ease. Like- not so much it hurts, but just a bit more than the pressure you'd think. The only exception would be his stomach- he can't guard from that at ALL.
-Relentless ler- by far the most dangerous one of all of Bofurin. Umemiya's the one who starts all the tickle fights, but Toma's one of the few who can successfully get him back. (Kotoha is the other one)
-He's not above tickling if it works. Sugishita's being particularly grumpy? Sakura fiesty? Nirei won't stop rambling? Umemiya? Tickles. It's rare when he does break them out, but you can usually tell by the screams when he does.
-Not much of a teaser, but his voice gets all soft and gentle when he tickles someone- a contrast to him chewing someone out. You know how he talks to Sako? That's how soft and kind it is. For some it's even worse than any teasing phrases Kiryu or Suo could say. (Some = Sakura).
-Post tickles depend on the person and how he's feeling. Most of the time he's usually the one getting got, so his immediate response is to tickle back. It's rare for him to just lay there and take it. When he does he just kinda groans with a laugh. If you're his S/O or comfortable with it, he'd pull you in his arms and just hold you against him.
-I feel like the other kings get him from time to time; especially Tsubakino. Even the slightest thought that Toma is stressing himself out beyond normal and they'll give him a few "distractions" to help him calm down. It works wonders- for a few moments anyway, Toma doesn't have as much pain after.
That's all I have now! Maybe I'll do the other boys later? 👀 Lemme know who you want next!
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heykrashly · 1 month
Light Worlds Beyond Number spoilers for The Witness (ep 33?) below!
Suvi had me full big hot tears crying in this episode I love her to death and as a child of adoption, her stabbing comment to Ame about not having a family WRENCHED ME IN TWO.
I felt immediately what Aabria spoke to in the fireside chat -- Suvi took a thing she knew would hurt how she was hurting.
I loved this episode so much, this arc has been incredible. I kept playing that over in my head because if someone said that to me irl it would be unforgiveable and yet I forgive Suvi of it. We get so much insight into the reasons these characters make the decisions they do (not to mention the fact that they all live in a literal magic world on the brink of actual war in which thousands will almost certainly die, seems a bit stressful no?) and I could empathize with all sides.
I think it's often lost on people as well how YOUNG these characters are. I can't imagine being under that amount of stress and pressure in my 20s...
Man, I love this show. I love these characters.
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hxnbi · 4 months
⸻ ɞ how they would show their love ﹒﹒wind breaker boys
꒷꒦ pairings: haruka sakura, hajime umemiya, hayato suo, jo togame, toma hiragi, choji tomiyama, ren kaji, kyotaro sugishita x gn. reader (separate)
did i wound up going overboard with all the characters i like and proceed to write over 2k words? yes. am i going to stop? never
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HARUKA SAKURA | 桜 遥 ─ ♬﹒♡
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Attempting to flirt with a guy like SAKURA, or even show any kind of affection, is already beyond hopeless, for the second you approach him with the intention of initiating affection, regardless of what it is, his entire face goes crimson. The guy's flushed face is redder than a traffic light, you like to say, only to then get a mouthful from Sakura that he isn't blushing, and it's just that the weather feels hot. It’s not him. So stop looking at him like that!
Yeah, right. Hot in the middle of the damn winter.
Sakura loves and shows affection through his actions, most of them somewhat unintentional and subconscious. He might brush a stray hair from your face while you're eating together, make sure you're walking on the inside of the sidewalk, or quietly leave your favourite snacks where you can find them—only to then flush into a deep crimson when you bring up his romantic gestures. Because to him, he really doesn't think before he acts, and yet does so tenderly when with you and you only.
It's these small gestures that speak volumes about his feelings for you. And lord take mercy on anyone who decides to poke fun at you or comment on a singular "bad" thing about you. Whoever makes fun of you or even dares to comment on what he deems as poorly about you and your delightful character is in for a world of hurt. He can and he will throw hands. Sakura's protective side surfaces, and he will immediately start burning up like a wildfire you can't put out, ready to defend your honour at a moment's notice, even if that means firing back against his own gang members and friends.
HAJIME UMEMIYA | 梅宮 一  ─ ♬﹒♡
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The physical manifestation of a lovebug. Hugs, kisses, cuddles, and more—you name it. Did I mention that he loves, loves, loves physical affection? UMEMIYA is all over you, to the point where you can hardly move whenever his arms encircle you, just like a little cuddly bear. It certainly gets more than a little awkward when the other Furin members are around, watching your and their leader's affectionate moments and PDA happen in real-time, but Umemiya doesn't care. If anything, he’s all for it! That just means that others will for sure know that you’re taken and you're his.
His love is open, unrestrained, unabashed, and utterly shameless, a stark contrast to his model demeanour as the leader of Furin. How this guy can act like this and also beat people half to death is beyond comprehension in their eyes. And as the leader of Furin, he's also like your protector. You would never need a bodyguard when you have your boyfriend by your side at all times of the day, one way or another. He's there from dawn to dusk, from sunrise to sunset. His presence may be both comforting and overbearing at times, yet you wouldn't trade his ceaseless companionship for the world, knowing he'll always be there, and likewise, you'll always be there for him. 
HAYATO SUO | 蘇枋 隼飛  ─ ♬﹒♡
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SUO is calm and calculating, his sharp mind is always a step ahead of others, but most importantly, he's loyal to a fault. His ability to anticipate your needs and understand your emotions without you saying a word is both a blessing and a curse. Suo is intelligent but arguably one of the most mysterious guys in Furin. A complete "stick in the mud," Sakura would say with a peeved expression of distaste. He can read you like a book, which can be irritating at times—the way that he purposely acts like a know-it-all, all with the intention of pissing you off that day—all the while keeping his own thoughts private. While you appreciate his attentiveness, his tendency to withhold his own feelings can be frustrating, especially during the times when you need his emotional support the most. 
Despite this, Suo's actions speak volumes about his devotion. There was more in his mind than you originally thought of him. Suo might not verbalize his true feelings often, often masking them feom under his aloof facade and honeyed words, but his loyalty ultimately shines through in the little things he does for you. Because when it matters the most, Suo is there, all behind that expression of his. His faint, knowing smile and just the air that surrounds him only deepen your curiosity about what was behind that eyepatch of his. But only you could see the vulnerability hidden beneath his composed exterior, his silence often hiding a plethora of emotions that not even words could ever fully begin to express.
JO TOGAME | 十亀 条 ─ ♬﹒♡
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If Umemiya is considered protective over you, TOGAME is even more so fiercely vigilant in his watch over you. At first glance, he appears stern and unapproachable—it certainly was to you—with his glasses covering the hearts in his eyes. However, once you got to know him, you discover a sensitive, caring guy who wears his heart on his sleeve. And that is precisely who Togame was.
His affections are subtle but deeply felt. He remembers the most minor details about you that many would either forget or deem as not important, but not to Togame. From your favourite book to the way you like your tea, he's always there to lend a hand or offer a quiet word of encouragement when you need it the most, and his protective nature means he's always looking out for potential threats, ensuring your safety without ever making a fuss about it. All your pretty little head needs to worry about is feeling cherished and loved.
TOMA HIRAGI | 柊登馬  ─ ♬﹒♡
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If there's even a slight chance that someone or something even laid hands on you with the intention of hurting you, HIRAGI would never in his life let that happen, even if it meant using his own body as your shield. He knows that being in a gang attracts a lot of enemies, and through that, increases the possibility of putting you in danger. Because of that, Hiragi is always on high alert. And if he’s not around, he’ll either ask Sugishita, Umemiya or “Othello-kun” to help out and ensure your safety. Why they even bother to accept his request is beyond me, but his concern for you was always evident, and they knew that. Hiragi puts your safety above all. You hate that he puts himself at risk, but you can't deny the comfort his presence brings.
Hiragi’s anxiety manifests as hyper-vigilance, which can sometimes backfire when you become hyper-sensitive and worry about his health. Your love for each other goes deep, as, despite his protectiveness, there are times when Hiragi needs your comfort, too. He's practically a bundle of nerves all, for better or not worse, wound into a singular individual, partly due to Umemiya's constant nonchalance, which only heightens his anxiety. You often find yourself being the one to soothe him, reminding him to breathe and take it one step at a time. His commitment to your safety and peaceful life away from all the chaos he is entrenched in is firm as a rock, even if it means pushing his own limits to ensure that happens.
CHOJI TOMIYAMA | 兎耳山 丁子  ─ ♬﹒♡
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His constant mood swings are something that you were well aware of when you started seeing the boy, for sure, but CHOJI's love for you is undeniable. No one could ever doubt that. Not even Togame, who witnessed firsthand how devoted Choji was whenever in your presence. It was refreshing, in a way, to see Choji like that. To be truly carefree and unburdened and not compelled by the turmoil in his own mind. He wasn't driven to seek solace in conflicts and fights or to find joy and his longing for “happiness.” For whenever he found himself in your company, happiness was not just a possibility but an inevitability.
He's always ensuring, whether you like it or not, that you are aware of his feelings and affection for you, even if it means drilling the same ramblings into your ears for hours on end. Despite his erratic moods, he's a sweet presence to have around. His ramblings often turn into heartfelt confessions and declarations of love, making you smile even on your worst days. Moreover, Choji has a knack for lightening the mood, and his energetic personality is a welcome contrast to the more serious members of your inner circle.
Did I already say that he's energetic? Well, Choji is a ball of exuberance, and he doesn't take no for an answer when it comes to making you feel loved. He's like a burst of sunshine, brightening your day with the infectious enthusiasm that can make anyone smile. No matter how anarchic his emotions get, his love for you, regardless of circumstance, will never change. 
REN KAJI | 梶蓮  ─ ♬﹒♡
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KAJI is the kind of guy who silently stays by your side. It's a comfortable silence that you've grown to love and appreciate, with his quiet presence being a constant source of comfort. He's not one for grand gestures or flowery words of affection, and you're well aware of that, but his advice and insights are invaluable. Whenever you face a problem in your life, Kaji is there, offering a solution with a calm, measured approach, even if he does throw in a couple of swear words and cusses here and there when at times losing his cool. It's the thought that counts.
His silence is not a sign of indifference but of his thoughtful nature. He listens far more than he speaks, and his actions reflect his deep care for you far more than anybody else by a landslide. Even the man-child that is Umemiya notices. Though he may not be as outwardly affectionate as others, his loyalty and his presence alone at your side speak volumes about his love for you, nothing more. Kaji's quiet strength is a pillar you can always lean on, his love expressed through every considerate action, whether big or small. 
KYOTARO SUGISHITA | 杉下京太郎  ─ ♬﹒♡
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Another one who cannot physically use words to communicate for the life of him. Everyone has seen SUGISHITA's loyalty to Umemiya, but how exactly would that loyalty manifest if it were directed towards you, his significant other, arguably the most important person in his life? He's fiercely protective, and that's putting it lightly. Whoever dares to harm you or speaks to you deplorably, there will be hell to pay. Quite literally.
Sugishita the definition of "actions speak louder than words." He's not a romantic, he's not a flirt, but what he is—more than what everybody else is—dependable to a fault. Any kind of affection will have this boy's brain reloading and scrambling. Sugishita is more similar to Sakura than most people may assume, something that Sakura will never admit to, not even on his deathbed. And the one time he did, using the nickname "baby" all the while saying all that with the unintentional expression of a homicidal maniac had not only Umemiya (the idiot who gave him the "advice" to try being romantic for once) bawling his eyes out in laughter but also made your face flush red in embarrassment, unable to utter a word.
...Was this really your boyfriend? 
His gestures, though subtle, are filled with meaning. Whether it's fixing something for you, helping to carry the heavier stuff for you, ensuring you have everything you need, or simply being there when you need him, Sugishita's actions are his way of showing he cares. Not even Umemiya could look and claim that he treated others, including himself, the same way he treated you. Sugishita’s not one for grand displays of affection—if he's even able to comprehend how to present that without having an expression that he's about to snap at any time—but his reliability and steadfastness are a comfort that Furin as a whole, and you, his one and only lover, appreciates greatly.
In a world of so much uncertainty, especially in such a gang-centric environment, Sugishita's consistent presence is a reassuring and refreshing constant. He's your silent guardian, always watching, always protecting his love—what was to you, an unspoken promise, but to him, a forever vow.
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©hxnbi. please do not modify, edit, copy or reproduce any of my works.
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visionsofmagic · 10 months
◜ mk1 men when you meet with their evil versions [+bonus]◞
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▸ characters: raiden, johnny cage,  kuai liang, tomas & [+bonus} bi han: meeting with his good version ◂ ▸wc: 2.7k
▸ tags&notes: drabble, fluff, hurt/comfort, spicy, flirting, touching, gentle, rough, lots of usage of version & timeline words (like in the game, lol), dilemma, betrayal, angst (a little bit), humor, use of y/n, pet names, no specification of gender (as I remember), well, ‘s all I guess? (lol, this is the mixed tags I have ever wrote, but, it’s a drabble, so… enjoy!◂ ▸ m.
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RAIDEN can be one of the most precious men you have met, and falling for him is the rightest thing that has happened to you – however, contrary to how a loving boyfriend he is in your timeline, he’s the opposite one when it comes to his another version you have come across.
everything about his evil, the version seems all the same and different at the same time as he makes his way towards you, having the red color on unlike what your raiden wear normally. the only thing that reminds of him is the hat that covers his face from you until he slowly raises his head, eyes glowing red while looking at you from above. the danger is radiating from his presence, giving you a cold chill down your spine, making you crawl back step by step because of being on your ass, sitting on the ground after the fight has begun between you and the other timeline.
“oh,” he says, a smirk appears on his pretty face – not the one your raiden has, the one that is the representation of the most beautiful flower in the entire world, no, this one gives the feeling of an ivy full of poison. “y/n?” gulping, you remember the words that left liu kang’s mouth about how raiden once lost himself and sought the power to protect the earthrealm at any cost. 
you stop when your back touches a wall, leaving no place to run either when raiden kneels before you, red lightning traveling on his body that looks so powerful that you find yourself getting weak – not only because of the aura he has unlike the one the raiden you know has, but also because how it seems that he pulls you closer to him. somehow, he makes you lose all logical sides of your brain with the way he looks down at you; prevailing.
“raiden?” you ask, sounding soft which earns a smirk from him as he holds you by the chin.
“oh my love, you’re so soft – so fragile. it seems your raiden doesn’t give you enough – he is still weak. with that power, he can’t protect you, but I can,” his fingers move from your chin to your cheek, and lightning under his skin tickles yours. “come with me. I will protect you and the earthrealm from any danger out there.”
“I can’t –“ you utter, sounding not so sure of the decision but your heart knows the best – and that is to stay beside your raiden, the one who has you completely, not the one seeking power even though he needs to end his friends’ life or even another timeline to accomplish it. “I will never leave my raiden’s side.”
“how loyal,” he says, both irritated by the fact that your bond with the raiden in your timeline can’t be broken and proud of how loyal you’re for your love. “I wish we met in my timeline.”
with his confession, he leaves you behind, going to fight with others – how ironic, he comes here to end any life form yet he shows mercy when it comes to you. whatever it is that makes him do that, doesn’t matter, you say to yourself as you get up and go to help your raiden, hoping he will never turn evil.
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JOHNNY CAGE in your own timeline is flirtatious and teasing enough – or as you thought until you see his evil version from another timeline after the great fight has begun. you can’t distinguish him from your johnny – but the moment his eyes find you, admiring how you easily defeat one his companions on the way to the top, he whistles playfully.
when you turn to see him, ready to make a moral lesson about how he shouldn’t be humoristic in a fight for death and life, you see his eyes scanning your body from head to toe shamelessly. realization hits you like a ball in the face; he’s not your johnny. he doesn’t care about anything in the world, well, your johnny didn’t either before meeting with you. 
acknowledging that you see the danger when he winks at you, eyes finally directed to your face. “well, hello cutie. aren’t you such a beauty who will make aphrodite jealous?” he leaves a chuckle when you roll your eyes. without positioning a fight stance, you begin to walk towards him so that you can pass by his side – you can’t stand a version of johnny who is cockier and open-mouthed.
“woah woah,” he stops in front of you, hands on his chest, smirking, “already going, baby? c’mon, there is no man who deserves your attention as I do – not even your johnny if there is one.”
crossing your arms, a weary expression lightens your face up – still, you can feel the heat rushing to your body because of his flirty manner and words. johnny cage will be able to make you giggle with his demeanor with every version of him, won’t he?
“what do you want? a fight? then do it with someone else.” a dismissive hand movement makes him close the gap between you, eyes shining at your words.
“why pretty? can’t hit my handsome face? I bet you love seeing it.”
“u-huh,” you say, smiling as you put a hand on his shoulder, winking at him when he gets excited at the action. “you’re right I can’t hit my boyfriend’s pretty face,” you show his back, “but he can.”
when he turns around after you take a few steps back to leave enough room for your boyfriend to hit his own-self’s face with a strong punch, you chuckle. it’s a sight that will never leave your mind. 
“hey pretty,” your johnny says, gripping you by the waist and pulling you closer. chest to chest, he puts a kiss on your lips, acting like there’s no battle happening around you, taking the taste of you that he missed so much even though he had you before this hell. “you missed me so much that you began to chat with cheaper versions of me?”
“of course not. no one can be like you baby.”
“oh hell yeah!” he chuckles, taking you by the hand, “then, let’s kick some ass, well,” he takes a quick look around before turning to you, “our ass.”
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KUAI LIANG of your timeline can’t be looking as dangerous as his evil version even when he has a venomous fire radiating directed to the enemies. your boyfriend tends to have a tender side in him, especially for you. he’s the fire itself – using it to burn the ones who deserve it, and for warming you at any cost, in any place because he loves you so much that he can’t let himself go all wide beside you.
however, his evil version is nothing similar to him – maybe in a few situations but not on the battlefield in which no single soul can escape from the wrath scorpion has.
watching him from afar, for a moment, you can’t help but feel both power flowing through his armored body within the flames rising on the outline of his build, and hatred. 
he mesmerizes you in aspects it shouldn’t have – how can you feel a connection between an evil version of kuai liang when you’re destined to protect your own realm, fighting right beside your boyfriend? guilt rushing to you as scorpion becomes aware of your existence, looking at you after he takes down an ally – your wide eyes that do not leave him is the impulse of it. 
“hmm,” he says, slowly approaching you – you try to move, you really do but you simply can’t, not when every step he takes towards you sends a jolt of excitement and fear to your core, alerting you to either run so fast or stay still and you choose the second option without realizing it until he stops in front of you. “liked what you see, princess?” 
he flirts, teases, and even sounds as if your kuai liang except he has a bloodcurdling tone in his voice. 
when you don’t respond, eyes scanning his suit – looks like he came from straight hell, or he’s the hell, he scoffs, gloved hand replaces under your chin, pulling you closer to him as you rise on your toes to reach his height, hands finding his chest not to fall. “isn’t my version in this timeline enough for you that you eyeing me too? maybe he’s not good at satisfying you.”
heat rising within you, you can’t stop looking at his eyes – burning with flames, magically, yet seeming real as the blood covering his suit. you want to feel disgusted, but you’re far away from having such emotion. 
when he lowers his head, closer to you, you hear kuai liang’s voice behind you – taking you from daydreaming to reality, making you realize you let his evil version do whatever he wants with you. “y/n!”
with such speed, you get away from him, ready to stay in fighting style when your kuai liang covers your body like a shield, standing between you and his evil version.
“you should go,” he says, taking a look at your face as he prepares himself to battle with an armored scorpion whose eyes never leave yours, still attempting to capture you. attempt fails when you shake your head negatively when kuai liang adds, “I will deal with him.”
“no,” you sound certain, standing beside your boyfriend, an assuring smile on your face, “we will fight together.”
evil version only chuckles at that, darkly, and with that, “if it’s what you wish, my love.”
“not yours. mine. and I will make sure to show you that.”
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TOMAS’ determination is visible through his movements, unlike the one yours has, his eyes bright with such madness that your heart begins to pound in fear, not knowing whether he sees you as a treat or not – yet, he should, in the end, you’re not his partner in his timeline and he’s here to fight, not spare you just because his soft version gives his heart to you.
“tomas –“ the words leave your mouth, no particular control on it since it just splits out of you easily, to get a reaction from tomas – a good one.
“not your tomas,” he utters, playing with his karambit knife to show the readiness he has, waiting for the exact moment to attack you or defend himself if you take a sudden move, yet, you two agree upon a thing even without knowing it; neither he or you’re brave enough to hurt another, not when you have the love of his version in your timeline – his reason is unknown though. “I am better.”
“maybe you’re, maybe you’re not. it doesn’t matter,” you say, trying to find a feature that has hints of goodness in it by watching him raise one of his eyebrows, clearly curious about the rest of your speech. “for me, my tomas is the best, and he will remain as one.”
he chuckles, “is that so?” he’s more excited than you expect him to be. arms unite on his chest, making him look more dominant than you used to see. “I wonder what he does for you to say that – believe that.”
“he’s not hurting me,” he shuts you down – the thing your tomas will never do, he’s such a gentleman.
“I am not hurting you either,” seeing your relaxed body, he shakes his head, and with a smoke pump, he disappears in sight only to appear behind you, hands hugging you from behind, caging you inside his arms – tight enough to not let you go yet tenderness can be felt as well. he whispers into your ear from his mask, chin touching your shoulder as you take deep breaths because of the proximity you begin to share. other than your boyfriend tomas, you don’t get close with people and since he’s tomas but a more evil version from somewhere else, it feels odd – and excitement mixing within. “but I can’t promise for the future. if you just let me –“
when his fingers find your neck, you push him back, turning around, you take a defense stance, furrowing both at yourself and him – how could he? your tomas would never do things that make you comfortable even in the moments it feels breathtaking. “I should make you regret even suggesting such a thing!”
“no need love,” the time stops for a second, and the heart and soul find the ultimate medicine in the voice of your lover, tomas, whose fingertips touch your upper arms gently, traveling from there until they reach your wrists – his chest touches your back and the remaining marks of his evil version, the ones give you danger, fading away. “at the end of the day, he will not be able to utter any other inappropriate words with you,” staying beside you, he smiles at you – angelic. when he turns to his version, he looks deadly – you have never seen him like this, and from the way he stands, you believe he is determined to make him regret for your sake. “when I am done with him, he will never have the courage to show his face in here.”
“such bigger words from my weaker version,” the other tomas says.
shielding you, tomas bite him back, “I will show you how powerful I can be for my goddess.”
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BI HAN’s betrayal still eats you alive, the marks of it have its ghost on your skin and soul; broken pieces, and a wound on the cheek that you got from one of his ice blades he threw to kuai liang whom you intended to protect at any cost, not wanting him to get into a fight with his older brother.
you believed it wasn’t bi han who was speaking – it was his madness that needed to be calmed down – you tried though, you really did but the moment you got hurt, you saw the guilt and concern in his brown eyes before they turned to pure fury as he sought of obedience from all of you.
the brief moment created a bloom in your chest for a spell but it vanished as it came, taking hope into the deepest part of your heart as you watched bi han and kuai liang fight, wishing there wouldn’t be a miscommunication among you all, however, you knew bi han’s obsession with power for lin kuei got more dominant than he felt for you.
it was sad – to see bi han, your bi han, go away from you slowly, not understanding why you don’t agree to be on his side, he feels his own betrayal coming from you – before the fight, he said how he was wounded at your choice – didn’t you love him? he asked and his broken voice now fills your mind as you look at your hands – then, a movement catch your eyes as you wait for the big fight.
“who did this to you?” someone asks – not someone, a voice says, and when his fingertips touch your chin, lifting your head up from where you sit, you see eyes that resemble your bi han. he’s from another timeline, probably in which he doesn’t seek power like the way your bi han does.
tears appear in your eyes, and to hide them, you fend off his gentle touch, not letting him touch the wound directly, “it doesn’t matter anymore.” 
he stays silent, realizing it is bi han, in your realm and he sighs, touching you once again even if you keep as distant as possible you can, not wanting to cry in the middle of a battle area where people go and come as they wait for the upcoming fight. “I am sorry,” he says, and for a moment, you hear the voice of your bi han before coming to your senses.
“it wasn’t you – so, you’re not responsible for saying sorry.”
“but you need it,” he convinces, holding you by the cheek, covering the wound with his palm as if he gives healing through the touch, “and I am here to give it to you.”
you smile, not caring that tears flow into your cheeks, and to his hand – he knows you, not better than your bi han does, but enough to make you sense the comfort you seek within him. “stop talking or I will begin to believe I can beat the bi han’s possession.”
he smiles under his mask, and it reaches his eyes – he looks innocence incarnate. “you will. believe me when I say it, pretty,” he caresses your skin, the free hand positions on your shoulder, giving it a squeeze, “he will learn that there is no greater need except – you, his beloved one.”
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yanderestarangel · 1 year
TW: smut/nsfw headcanons, afab reader, male and female pronouns used in pet names, porn plot only
A/N: I'm so gay for all the men in MK, sorry everyone for all the horny posts, I really need to write this. Do you want to make a request? Read my blog rules in the pinned post.
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COWGIRL : My big guy loves seeing you in control, of all sexual positions, he loves this one. Seeing you jumping on his dick, without a condom - preferably - with sweaty skin, your hips bumping into his groin, the sight of his dick disappearing into your tight pussy, is a dream for Tomas, it's his paradise. He also loves fucking you like this because he can tease your clitoris with his two fingers, massaging it regularly every time you sit on his dick like a little slut desperate for him. Tomas will praise you so much for doing a good job, making you feel like the most beautiful person in the whole world while taking his dick inside your pussy. "-Yes my little angel, you're so beautiful, you know that? Taking my dick in that tight and delicious pussy, I could fuck you for hours, please continue, make me cum, I'll give you every drop... Fill you up completely , Fuck... I'm going to cum with you so beautiful riding my dick, you're my prince/princess, you know that? I love you so much." Tomas will be vocal, but in his own way, with praise for your body, as you cum he will finally feel at peace, so he can cum too, he asks you where you want it before cumming - please let him cum inside , he will be the happiest man in the world when he takes his dick out of your pussy and sees his cum dripping out of you -
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MISSIONARY: He loves this position because he can see you beneath him, breasts bouncing, pussy drooling all over his cock, grabbing your waist, squeezing your neck, fucking you like you were his first and last meal, seeing your face contort with each thrust as rough as he gives, the way his crotch hits your clitoris while you moan like a desperate little whore, calling him "Daddy Johnny" or when you tell him to go faster, praising the size of his dick, he's going to kiss you and praise you, degrading you at the same time. "-Yes you are so good for me baby, taking my cock in that beautiful, hungry pussy, a professional slut of my own, my private little slut." Cage wants to fill you with cum, make a creampie in your pussy and see the rise in your uterus afterwards - he is extremely vocal, get ready for complaints from the neighbors because of Johnny -
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Doggy Style: Shang is a sadistic man with god syndrome, if you're with him you'll need to deal with this, even during sex, with him demanding your submission, that's why he loves this position, seeing you with your ass up, your dick of him sliding into your pussy slowly as he spreads the edges of your soft, delicate flesh even further, teasing your clitoris as he cruelly holds your waist, until his fingertips are white, and your flesh bruised and marked by him, he will spank your ass and fuck your pussy as hard as he is at the moment, or torture you by going slowly, making you beg and salivate between wild kisses for him to go quickly, he will call you "good pet" and speed up, while you take one of your hands to your belly, to feel his own cock coming and going inside you. Shang will cum all over your ass and back, making little patterns with his fingers as the cum spills onto your skin.
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The duo: He loves hearing your moans of pleasure, so with this position you can both feel pleasure! He grabs your thighs to help you open them even more. Kenshi slowly inserts his dick into you, on purpose, he likes to tease you by saying: "-You're such an impatient boy/girl, I'm going to fuck your lovely pussy my love, take it easy" - with a slutty smile on his side, as he finally pushes the base of his dick entirely into your hot hole, he will moan and growl a little, teasing you again for being so loud, as he drives his dick even deeper, lifting your body and hips slightly with each thrust of his, he will hold and squeeze your thighs, while smiling between moans, he is a damn provocateur, deal with it - Takahashi will cum outside, painting your pussy with his semen -
✧ BI HAN ✧
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Face-Off : Bi Han is a rude man to everyone, but that doesn't apply to you - sometimes - he likes to be in control, but he also wants you to feel pleasure with him, he wants to feel your perfume, your body on his, your reactions of pleasure, he wants you to enjoy with him, for him, and for him. In this position he can do all this, watching his dick disappear into your pussy, while his hands squeeze your waist, ass, breasts - if you have them - while he moves his hips with you, wanting his dick to fill your entire hole tight, he's not very vocal, but you can hear some grunts of pleasure from him, while holding onto his muscular body, he bites you on the neck too, marking you as his and his only, while he grabs your face, forcing you to look on his face as he cums, he wants to see what he can do to you, the control he has over your body, he cums inside, outside or anywhere he wants.
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69 : This man loves giving you pleasure, and having pleasure with you too, so he combines the useful with the pleasant. Kuai loves the taste of your pussy in his mouth, he is extremely skilled with his tongue, sucking and licking your clit while you suck his cock with difficulty, because of him, the damn scorpion is a professional pussy sucker, so it's difficult suck his dick without moaning or rubbing your hips against his mouth to have more contact with his tongue, and he does it on purpose, he loves to see you lose control, not even your ass is safe, he will suck both holes, taking turns between pussy and your ass, making you moan his name loudly and he will just smile, stopping the work on your body for a bit "-Don't stop sucking my dick, be my good boy/girl. Just keep doing what you're doing good job, I'll take care of your beautiful little holes here, okay?" Liang said this with the biggest smug smile you've ever seen, sticking one of his fingers in your back hole while he went back to sucking your pussy. He's going to make you cum before he does, while you trembled in his mouth, you sucked his member, making Liang cum in your mouth - he's going to make you swallow it all, so be a good boy/girl for him -
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vanillawurld · 1 year
༊*·˚ Worth The Wait
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✧.* Request- @vampiric-tempt
"Saw that you were taking MK1 requests! May I requests head canons of how the Lin Kuei brothers treat a reader they’re secretly in love with? How would they react when reader finds out?
Thank you and have a lovely day 🫶🏼"
✧.* Pair - Bi-Han x Fem! Reader, Kuai Liang x Fem! Reader, Tomas Vrbada x Fem! Reader (separately)
✧.* Tags & Warnings - Fluff, love, and confessions
✧.* Extra - Headcanons yesssss also to the requester, I hope its okay if I changed things up just a bit :)
✧.* Word Count - 1,790
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: ̗̀➛ Seeing how much of an aggressive and wrathful person Bi-han is, everyone would assume he had no time for "crushes." Bi-han had that assumption of himself as well, but he was extremely wrong.
: ̗̀➛ When Bi-han laid his eyes on Y/N, deep down he knew he needed to be her man. This wasn't a "crush" this was "love" which were the same exact words Madam Bo said to him.
: ̗̀➛ Even when Bi-han is madly in love with Y/N, he still tries to compose the same aggressive attitude he always has. But his emotions won't even let him raise his voice at his Y/N. Bi-han was more gentle around Y/N, but still managed to have his "scary" frame of mind. Deep down he wants to protect her and make sure no one is causing harm towards or around her. He doesn't treat her like how he treats the others, he's actually very cautious around her. Some may even call him "delicate" when he's close to her. (which angers him and makes his angry self come out)
: ̗̀➛ Of course, he doesn't treat her like a child. Far from that actually because he knows that she dislikes it when she is treated that way. But, he would do anything for her. He would win a thousand wars for her. He would travel across every realm for her. He loves her.
: ̗̀➛ When Y/N found out that she had herself an admirer, it felt like Bi-han's world was destroyed. He felt embarrassed and angry at the same time. Mainly anger because he felt like he was betrayed. He didn't even tell anyone about his feelings towards Y/N, but he still felt like someone betrayed him.
: ̗̀➛ When Y/N confronted Bi-han about his feelings, Bi-han pretended to act like she was delusional;
"You have no idea what you're talking about, go make yourself useful and-" Y/N cut him off by raising her finger up to his lip.
"Your attitude and body language towards me give it all away." she simply said to him. Bi-han didn't have a response to that. He felt like if he kept denying his feelings any further, he would for sure give himself away. But, staying silent would also make things worse.
"You are good at detecting ... I am pacified by your presence. Not like the others, you cause no trouble. When compared to other people, I would much rather be around you." Bi-han said to Y/N. He himself couldn't believe what came out of his mouth. Madam Bo was right when she said love makes you do crazy things.
Y/N smiled. A confession was all she needed from him. It pained her to see his obvious signs but not a confession. She came close to his face and placed a rather light kiss on the corner of his lips. Confirming that she felt the same way about him. Bi-han was star-struck. His mind couldn't process what just happened. He stood there and watched as his now lover walked away from him. From that day forward, Bi-han made an oath to himself to always protect her and their love from any evil.
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Kuai Liang
: ̗̀➛ Kuai has known (his lovely) Y/N his whole life. He's developed his feelings over time and has no shame about it. At least, for now. Every day he would hope for Y/N to show a glimpse of her feelings towards him. One part of him called himself desperate but the other part didn't care. He would do anything in the world for Y/N to hold him close.
: ̗̀➛ He was a lot more softer on Y/N. Even if she was mad at him, he would still hold that soft attitude towards her because he couldn't see himself getting mad at her. She was his beautiful moon. The moon he would look at and worship every time he would look at her. She was his but she didn't know it yet.
: ̗̀➛ Kuai took his role of serving Earthrealm seriously. He took that serious composure everywhere he went, but when he was around Y/N, it was like he could relieve himself and back away from that heavy-weight role. He treated her like a delicate flower, but he didn't take it too far. He was afraid of his feelings being revealed because of his treatment.
: ̗̀➛ Kuai loves to admire Y/N. He loves to admire her skills, her looks, her personality, how she treats others, and how she treats him. He tries to compliment her every chance he gets. Doesn't matter if it's a small one, he just loves to see her smile. That's one of the ways Kuai loves to treat her. He remembers her telling him "Treat others how you would want to be treated."
: ̗̀➛ Kaui would give up his life for his precious girl. But of course, he needed to pull back on those thoughts because she wasn't officially his (YET). The more he hid his feelings, the more it ate him up. And the more it ate him up, the more his feelings got worse. He knew he had to do something about his feelings.
: ̗̀➛ Kuai had no fear of confrontation but for some reason, his body was trying to hold him back from finding Y/N to tell her how he felt. His palms were sweaty and his heart racing when he finally found her;
"Kuai! I was looking for- wait, are you okay?" Y/N asked as she saw how out of place Kuai looked. She got closer to him and realized his face looked flushed. She could even hear his heart pounding like it was about to jump out of his chest.
Kuai's brain couldn't even form the words that needed to be formed. All he could do was stare at her beautiful face that stared back at him with a concerned look all over her face. Kuai hated the fact that he couldn't even form a sentence. He knew he needed to say something and not just stare at her like an idiot.
Kuai took both of Y/N's hands into his and took a deep breath and started spilling his guts. He told her everything that he needed to say about how he felt about her, how much he loved her, and how she made him feel like the only man on earth whenever he was around her. "Y/N, for many years I have had strong feelings of love for you. I admire you in every way. I had hoped that me treating you nicely would give you a hint, but that has failed. I'm sorry for hiding my feelings for a long time, but I am telling you this now in fear that I would have to hide forever." He said to her.
Y/N smiled like she was watching a fireworks show. She gently caressed his cheek, "Oh Kuai Liang, I always dreamed you would tell me this. I hated waiting for you to confess, but I knew that I had to. But the wait was worth it. I have always loved you as you have always loved me."
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Tomas Vrbada
: ̗̀➛ Even though Tomans is a skilled man in kombat who has taken many lives in order to protect Earthrealm, he can't help but feel nervous when he's around a certain woman. That woman being Y/N of course. Y/N has Tomas wrapped around her fingers. Whenever he looks in Y/N's direction, Kuai Liang swears he sees heart eyes forming in Tomas's eyes.
: ̗̀➛ Tomas wanted to be around Y/N every day. She made him feel like a complete man. Y/N was the only person that made Tomas weak in the knees. He truly was in love with her. Not only that, Tomas treated Y/N with lots of kindness that no one had ever shown her before. At least, that's what he hoped, but nevertheless, he wanted to be the only man Y/N looked at.
: ̗̀➛ Tomas gets a lot of anxiety from Y/N, but she's unaware of it. When Tomas becomes overly talkative and fidgety, she occasionally becomes suspicious. Tomas is embarrassed to be around Y/N when he notices that he is occasionally acting quite strangely. Despite Tomas showing Y/N the highest respect and care, he still feels very nervous in her presence.
: ̗̀➛ Tomas likes to do very childish "secretive" things for Y/N. Sometimes he'll leave a couple of flowers lying around her presence, or he'll bring her her favorite meal from Madam Bo's but have Kuai Liang deliver it for him. Whenever Tomas does small adorable things for her, Y/N smiles because it's so obvious that Tomas is doing all of this for her.
: ̗̀➛Tomas is not a master at hiding his feelings. In fact, both of his brothers are aware that his feelings for Y/N run deep, but only one of them supports and encourages him to speak on his feelings. The other always tells him that feelings like those are childish and can interfere with important Lin Kuei business (I bet you tell which is which).
: ̗̀➛ Tomas gathered his confidence on confornting Y/N and telling her how he really felt, until Y/N confronted him first;
"W-Wait, so you're telling me you knew this whole time?" Tomas said with a hint of sadness in his tone. He felt defeated for some reason. He wanted to tell Y/N himself, but his little antics beat him to it.
"Well yeah. You're not that good at leaving secret messages, Tomas. The food, the flowers, all of it. And maybe Kuai Liang might've left a huge hint about your feelings towards me." Y/N couldn't help but giggle at Tomas's reaction when she mentioned his brother spoiling most of the surprise. She slowly walked closer to Tomas and placed both hands on his shoulder and slowly raised them up to the sides of his face, "When I first laid eyes on you, I knew you were the one for me. No one else, only you."
Tomas gently smiled, "I am content that you share the same feelings." He felt Y/N wrap her arms around his neck, holding him in a loving embrace. He wrapped his arms around her waist and held her closer. "I am still upset over the fact that Kuai Liang betrayed my trust, he will pay." He said before slowly pulling away from Y/N embrace.
"Oh come on, even you yourself knew it was obvious." Y/N grabbed his hand and held it. She placed a small kiss on the back of his hand, which made Tomas's heart jump. He finally had the girl he wanted and wasn't ever planning to let her go.
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˖◛. *. ⋆ Vanilla Speaks
This was lowkey trash but ugh
guys i swear I'm gonna write more its just i get so tired easilyyyyyy
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moronkombat · 1 year
I was just wondering if you could do some hcs of what the mk1 men's ideal types would be.
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Reiko is interested in a partner who is strong and capable. Someone who can handle themselves and continue to grow in personal and physical strength
He wants someone who knows their way around the battlefield and loyal to their personal goals
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Kenshi is attracted to his partner's wit and intelligence. He wants someone who he can have long and deep conversations with
Prefers someone who can be playful but not overly so. He needs a calming influence but not one so compliant. He is a man who carries a lot of weight so someone to take that weigh off with small jokes can make a big difference for him
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Syzoth is drawn towards someone who is patient, calm and understanding. Someone who can not just hear him but truly listen to him
He a man full of emotion so someone who tends to have a calmer demeanor helps soothe him when he becomes anxious. Of course, he also loves a partner who enjoys frequent physical contact
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Prefers someone wild and brazen. Someone who cannot be completely contained even though he so desperately wants to
Enjoys a partner that seeks thrills and chills. Don't worry though, he will mold his partner into the perfect chaos if they seem restrained
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Rain needs someone who acknowledges his ambitions and desires. A partner that encourages him and supports his efforts goes a long way for him
Though he does find himself seeking competition so, naturally, he seeks out a partner who can handle and enjoy these rivalries
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Shang Tsung is drawn to people who interest him. Someone that catches his eye because of their abilities, wit and/or appearance
Prefers a partner who can be clever but also softer than the average person. He will enjoy matching their wit while also taking comfort in their kindness
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Quan Chi appreciates loyalty and acknowledgment. He wants a partner to stay by his side while also seeing all the wonders he can do
Prefers someone who can handle themselves and not completely rely on him. Not to say he isn't a comforting partner, he is, but he values mental fortitude as well
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Tomas prefers someone he can have fun with. He wants to go out with his partner, take them places and have adventures with him
His partner needn't be shy nor outgoing, just someone who is open to his ideas and plans. Over everything, he needs someone who is unconditionally supportive but not blindly so
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Raiden enjoys a partner who values kindness and the treatment of others. He himself a very caring individual so he is drawn to those who show similar characteristics
Also enjoys someone with a sense of humor. Raiden wants to laugh with his partner, truly and loudly laugh to the silly things they talk about
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Kung Lao really likes when his partner can match his sass and swagger. He likes the little playful rivalry that he and his partner create
While he has fun with his partner's attitude, he does need a partner that knows when to humble him
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Bi-Han has an intense temper so a partner who is calm, collected and sweet really helps level him out. Someone who is kind yet witty to bring him down from those raging highs
He needs a partner who completes him and compliments him. Too be too brash around him will frustrate him and isolate him. A partner to love him completely and truly, to hold him and tell him it will be alright, means the world to him
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Johnny craves someone who loves to live life and live it fast. He is exceptionally extraverted and wants to go out and see the world with his partner
Someone who believes in his ambitions is a big deal for him. Johnny may appear exceptionally confident but he is deeply insecure. He needs a partner that can recognize that and provide him comfort
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General Shao prefers a partner who is smaller than he is. He wants to impress his partner and show them his prowess
It is not that he wants someone weak, Shao enjoys a partner that welcomes him when he returns from battle with excitement and pride. He wants to scoop his partner up and parade them on his shoulder as he marches through the city
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Geras is a simple man but incredibly busy and needs a partner who understands this. There will be much time spent apart from each other so he requires a partner with great patience
He prefers someone who is level-headed and logical, someone who can analyze a situation with him and offer a new perspective
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Liu Kang fancies someone who can be witty and playful just as he is. A partner who can make him smile and laugh will capture his heart quickly
He does not have preferences in terms of their physical strength but their mental fortitude. Not to say he will not comfort his partner, he will, but Liu Kang needs that comfort too.
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Kaui Liang has no preference for appearances. His desire in a partner is all related to who they are. He prefers a partner who shows kindness and restraint in moments of frustrations
Additionally, he wants a partner who is family oriented. Family is huge for him and so he seeks out a partner who also values the concept of family and loyalty to them
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Baraka needs a partner who is understanding of his worries and someone willing to listen to him. He's lost everything and someone to validate that will help soothe him
He is touch starved, desperately so. Baraka would love a partner who can touch him softly, unafraid of his deformed skin and bones
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flomelias · 3 months
mortal kombat ; them giving head!
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requested by no one! afab reader. includes tomas, mileena, & johnny cage. warning for nsfw. fandom masterlist found here. ♻️ . . . author notes: reuploading this from an old account of mine :p had to make this new house a home somehow. enjoy!
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tomas vrbada!
— probably has a map of your pussy etched into his brain. he knows every square inch of your body as if it was his own, so it’s only natural. he loves eating you out just as much as you love getting eaten out. tomas is more than willing to stay in between your legs for hours on end, making you cum over and over. if you get off, he gets off. that’s all he cares about. hearing you moan and feeling your legs squeeze against his head is just a bonus.
— he loves to serve you, so he doesn’t mind doing whatever you ask him to do. he’s extremely skilled all on his own though, so tomas doesn’t necessarily need any guidance. he’s a sensual lover for the most part, slowly dragging his tongue across your clit and occasionally pressing kisses to it, as if to worship you. with him, it’s all about building up to something a bit more.. exciting. you’ll notice the change of pace once he slides his tongue inside. he’s never really rough unless you specifically request for that, but he’s not exactly slow like he was before.
— his tongue will dart in and out, teasing you almost. tomas has a not-so-small thing for bondage, but if his hands happen to be free then he’ll hold onto your thighs, gently rubbing circles into your skin with his thumbs when he’s not busy gripping for support. the assassin also enjoys when you have your legs on his shoulders or wrapped around his head, urging him closer to your already wet pussy. he tries to keep noises to a minimum but occasionally you’ll hear him licking and sucking anyway.
— tomas finds it extremely cute when you squirm and buck, forcing his tongue deeper into your cunt. trust me when i say he’ll lap up everything like a dog once you cum. he doesn’t let any drop go to waste unless it’s there to decorate his lower face. as you pant, he’ll slowly lift his head up, a small grin on his face. he’s got a hazy but happy look in his eye despite the fact that the lower half of his face is coated in a light layer of your cum. “mm.. you look so pretty,” he’ll murmur, admiring you while you admire him. tomas will never get over how gorgeous you always look after an orgasm.
— he’s surprised though to feel your hand against his head, urging him back down to your pussy. silently, you ask him for another round. when you feel his tongue playing with your clit again, you know the answer’s yes.
— though she doesn’t enjoy receiving oral sex much, she’s more than willing to treat you to the time of your life. she’s eaten people more than she’s eaten people out, so she only has a small amount of knowledge on how things work. even if she had all the experience in the world of giving head, though.. well.. mileena has never eaten you out before. you’re different. you’re special.
— she’s curious as to what you like. do you prefer things to be slow and sensual or would you rather her be rough? would you like her to spit on your clit, as if she’s disgusted? would you enjoy her softly blowing on the sensitive bundle of nerves laid out beautifully in front of her? these were the things that go through her mind as mileena spreads your legs, taking in everything about your pussy.
— she’s almost experimental at first, kitten licking your cunt as if to tease you. she likes the way your legs shudder against her. when you whine, she grins. you moan and groan every so often too. she decides that she likes hearing you like this, desperate for her touch. she does more to hear your noises, letting her tongue play with your every flap. she may even gently nip a few times— she’s learning a lot from this. she learns that you like it a lot when she teases, though you tend to whine and beg for her to do more. when she does do more, mileena quickly learns that you’re prone to bucking into her like an animal. she doesn’t particularly like that so she just holds you down the best she can.
— if you can learn to control yourself then she’ll let her hands wander. she’s a boobs type of gal, truth be told. she enjoys touching your breasts when she can reach them. if she can’t, that’s okay. your ass will do just fine for now. she’s a little noisy down there, but she’s sure you don’t mind… your hand grips her hair as you let out a final moan, releasing yourself all over her tongue and mouth. mileena pulls back, forcing you to watch as she tastes your cum almost curiously. she licks her lips, staring you in the eye. it’s.. good. she uses her thumb to wipe her lower lip before licking up any excess from your wet folds.
— she lifts her head again, looking at you and soaking in your pleased expression. “again,” she says, telling you more than asking you. despite her bossy tone, she pauses on the way down, waiting for your confirmation. it’s only once you say yes that she eagerly begins to lick at your pussy again.
johnny cage!
— he eats your pussy like it’s his last meal on earth. i’m not joking. there’s a hint of desperation in the way johnny noisily sucks and slurps at your cunt. he’s a little rough but he never does more than you can handle. ask him to calm down and he will. his hands will hold you gently while his tongue goes to work on you, nearly abusing your clit. every piece of your pussy is given ample amounts of attention.
— cage can’t help but love the way you writhe against him and all the noises you make. the way you grip his hair and squeeze your legs against his head as his tongue navigates your insides makes him harder than he already is. he didn’t even know that was possible! he wonders what he’s done to deserve such a heavenly chorus of moans from you, moans that get increasingly louder with every move he makes. ah, johnny adores you. every jerk, every shudder, every whimper, every moan— he adores all of it.
— he’ll convince you to sit on his face at least once. he wants to be nose deep in your sweet, sweet pussy. god knows he deserves it. he’s had such a long day and it would mean so much to him.. please, just this once? he’s strong enough to take it and you both know that. it doesn’t matter your body size, really, he doesn’t care. he’ll hold onto your ass as you sit, grinning all over himself. cage enjoys this position a lot more than most others but if you’re not into it then he’s willing to leave it behind in his daydreams.
— it’s only after he licks up every last drop of your cum that he lifts his head up, a lazy grin on his face accompanied by hungry eyes. his mouth is messy because he doesn’t care enough to clean it. johnny takes a moment to appreciate the hazy look in your eyes, the way you pant like a dog in heat in an attempt to catch your breath. “one more round?” he’ll ask, smirking up at you. it’s amazing how he always manages to fluster you, even from in between your thighs. “i promise i’ll be gentle. i just want to taste you again.”
— with cage it’s more often than not more than one ‘round’. he always likes it when you beg for him to fuck you despite the fact that he’s made you cum several times already with just his mouth alone. he loves the desperation in your voice but even more so he loves that he’s the one to make you feel this way. johnny thinks that if he can’t pleasure you, then he’s not doing his job right. after all, he’s yours just as much as you’re his.
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tiredfox64 · 1 month
Can you do a Tomas x chubby reader where the reader isn't insecure about her body at all, and Tomas is still just as obsessed.
The Bigger the Figure, The Better He Likes You
Yip notes: I need him to hold me so I can win over his heart this is not a joke I need him.
Pairing: Tomas x Chubby! Afab reader
Warnings‼️: NSFW, thigh fucking
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Beautiful, gorgeous, stunning, lovable, kissable, these are all words that Tomas would use to describe you. But he doesn’t have to tell you all that to let you know that for yourself. You know you’re a catch even with that belly.
You’ll wear whatever you want, eat whatever you want, do whatever you want without feeling insecure. If someone wants to stare at you for wearing a tank top so be it. If you’re comfortable in it why should it matter? Your belly should not offend anyone and if it does offend someone then that is just plain stupid. God gave you a wonderful body you will love and appreciate every part of it. From the stretch marks to the rolls, all of that is loved. Thanks, Lord Liu Kang.
You’re not the only one who loves your plump body. Your boyfriend Tomas absolutely adores it. Some would say he is even obsessed. Look into his eyes and tell me he’s not obsessed with you. That’s right, you can’t! You can see how his pupils dilate at the sight of you. Add in the fact that he keeps eye contact no matter what you have to say, yup, that man is in love.
He’s been like that since the first time you two met at the teahouse. Tomas felt the need to talk to you the moment his eyes fell on you. Although he was nervous, he knew it wouldn’t hurt him to talk to a pretty girl like you. He doesn’t regret that decision one bit because it all worked out.
Talking to you was a real treat. It was nice to talk to someone who wasn’t as sour as a lemon or as blunt as a bullet. That wonderful personality of yours made you even more beautiful in his eyes. So did your smile, your eyes, your hair…what were we talking about again?
But what Tomas loved the most about you was your confidence. Tomas doesn’t really have a type when it comes to women, mostly because he doesn’t interact with them a lot. You were the one to make him realize he loves a woman with confidence. It doesn’t matter if it’s about their body or a certain skill they have, if they are confident he loves em. But most importantly, he loves you. And once again because he could never say this enough times he loves that body of yours.
As you two grew closer you also began to grow closer physically. The distance between you two dwindled until you were cheek to cheek. The first time he hugged you was a big moment for him because you were the softest thing ever. He wanted to take you home, introduce you to his brothers, and cuddle with you in his room. But that would be kidnap so he can’t. He relished that warm hug until you were the first to let go. Did you even realize the effect you had on that man? Your softness gave him butterflies in his stomach and surrounded his heart with the kind of warmth only a cuddly kitty could give.
Eventually, he gained the courage to ask you to be his girlfriend. Obviously, you said yes. You’d be an idiot to turn down a gorgeous, hunky man with silvery hair and gray eyes that only look at you. Have you seen the muscles on that man? Of course you have, you feel them every time he hugs you from behind.
Good on you. You have yourself a good man who can protect you and hold you. Try getting out of his grasp I dare you. Tomas will have you sit on his lap in front of others just to show you off. You are his magnificent girlfriend and the world needs to know you are with him. The weight you provide is surprisingly comforting which is why he is hesitant to let you go. Just one more minute, please!
Tomas is also the greatest hype man. He loves it when you come around to show him your cute outfit or the newest dress you bought. If you were unsure if an outfit was not working, he would shut that uncertainty down. You could make anything look good on yourself and he would eat it up. He also eats up those lingerie sets you buy, golly. Those babydoll ones you buy are gonna send him to an early grave because his heart is going crazy. So is his dick.
How could something so soft and huggable be so fuckable at the same time? Tomas has to hold himself back when you put something like a slip dress or booty shorts on to go to sleep. Your plush thighs are on display for him, your breasts are begging for his attention. You’re teasing the poor man and you know it. It’s why you wear all that. It makes you feel sexy and you drive your boyfriend insane. It works every time.
Like right…
Tomas was spooning you all night long. His head rested on your shoulder while his arms were wrapped around your waist. You love the warmth he provides, and the skin-to-skin contact you get.
Usually, you are the first to wake up since the Arctika weather finds a way to sneak inside, causing you to shiver awake. But since Tomas was keeping you warm he was the first to wake up this time. And he woke up extremely horny. Morning wood is no joke and he learned that after meeting you.
He groaned once his mind comprehended the feeling down there. His cock was begging to be freed from the confinement of his pants. He wanted to do something about it but he didn’t want to bother you. He could use his hands but your thick ass was right there. It was pressing up against his crotch. If he knows what’s good for him he would turn away now and deal with this by himself. But he can’t! It wouldn’t be fulfilling.
There Tomas was, grumbling as he nuzzled his face into your neck. He just wants to show you his love but he won’t disturb you since you were asle—
“What is it?” You asked in a sleepy voice.
“Oh, sorry. I didn’t mean to wake you up.” He apologized.
Half-awake, you tried to figure out what the problem was. When you adjusted yourself a little your ass rubbed against his crotch and you knew what the problem was. Hold on, check again. Try rubbing yourself against that hard and large object that “definitely isn’t his dick”.
You felt Tomas’ arms tighten around your waist as his breathing staggered. His hips thrusted into you as he let out a groan.
“Don’t tease me like that.” He begged. Wipe that smirk off your face you’re killing him right now.
Some may disagree but it may be too early in the morning to have sex. But you understand that Loverboy behind you needs to fix his situation, or you may never leave his bed. You lifted your slip dress up a little before sliding your panties off. You lifted your leg up and that let him know everything. Tomas knows what to do. It’s like giving a dog a ball they know what has to happen.
Tomas pulled down his pants, his hard cock springing out. His pinkish tip already had a bit of precum spilling out. He slid his cock in between your soft thighs. You closed them and he immediately had a reaction from having his cock be surrounded by warmth and plushness.
He slowly started sliding in and out, savoring every sensation your thighs give down to the base and up to the tip. Each stroke gets your pussy wetter as the tip rubs against your slit. Your wetness makes it easier for him to slide in and out. It encourages him to go faster. All you can hear now is his heavy breathing and the soft squishing sound that came from below.
Tomas lifted your slip dress so that your belly was exposed. His hands run over it as he continues thrusting between your thighs, occasionally grasping at the soft flesh of your belly. After a while his hand started to wander up until he grabbed your breasts. Fuck they were amazing to him. They fit so perfectly in his hand. They had a bit of weight to them with how large they were. He would look over your shoulder and watch as they jiggled from every thrust.
At this point you could feel the precum dripping onto your thigh and feel his cock slightly twitching. His thrusts became sloppier and his breathing hitched. He nuzzled his face against yours before he started cumming. Warm ropes of cum started splattering onto your thighs and the blankets that surrounded both of you. The squishing sound became louder with each little thrust he gave, dragging the cum in and out of your thighs. Once he was done he let out a sigh of relief. He finally let go of your poor breasts that he was squeezing roughly.
“Better?” You asked with a little chuckle.
“Much better,” Tomas replied before giving you a kiss on the cheek.
You tried to get up so you could grab a towel to clean up the mess but Tomas wasn’t having that. The moment you tried to move an inch away from him his arms wrapped around your waist and kept you in place.
“Tomas, we need to clean this up.”
“Later.” He replied bluntly.
Even with a mess between your thighs, he won’t let you go. He never even removed his cock from your thighs. It was becoming softer while being sandwiched between two pieces of heaven. You sighed as you accepted that you were stuck there
“I’m started to think you’re a little obsessed with me, or at least my body.” You joked.
“Is that really a bad thing? I think it’s good that I love my girlfriend so much.” He started peppering your face with kisses. You were all smiles after that.
See, I told you he’s obsessed with you. He loves ya. You can expect him to love you till his last breath which might be soon since he’s been meaning to ask you to sit on his face. Don’t hold back he can take your weight!
Yap notes: I'M NOT DEAD I JUST HAVE WRITERS BLOCK! I'M SORRY! DOES ANYONE WANT TO USE A TAZER TO MY HEAD THAT MIGHT KICKSTART ME! And yes I’m using a blinkie to warn I like to have some fun here. Adiós!
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iliketangerines · 4 months
HEYYYY!!!! I'm new to your blog and might say I love your work. Anyway, I was wondering if I could make a request for the Lin Kuei Brothers. This one is kind of dark but hear me out.
Okay so what if the Liu Kuei Brothers are obsessive over the reader and so they kidnap her and all that stuff. But then, after years of abuse, she snaps and somehow kills one of them (any one, feel free to pick) and it isn't pretty either, it's completely brutal and disturbing.
I'm sorry if this sounds crazy but I just had this random thought and was like "sure why not?".
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all ours pt.2
a/n: my god the jet lag is hitting me. also, i do NOT condone this behavior in real life
pairing: bi han, kuai liang, tomas vrbada x afab!reader
warnings: dead dove do not eat, some violence at the end, yandere behavior
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you stare at the child in your arms, face blank as he latches onto your nipple, and you don’t feel anything for your own baby
perhaps in a time long ago you would’ve loved to have your own child, but all you can feel is an empty void of nothing as you stare down at your baby boy
beside you stands Bi Han, looking at his son with his cold eyes, and he mutters underneath his breath how his son will be a great grandmaster
you’re sure that Kuai Liang and Tomas will come by at some point to come and congratulate on yours and Bi Han’s child, but for now, it’s only Bi Han in the room with you and your son
he names the baby by himself, giving you no say in the matter, and a small tear falls down your face as you watch your son’s peaceful face
all your choices and will had been stripped from you, even your choice to name your own baby that you had kept for nine months and then birthed
but you stay silent, afraid of what Bi Han might say if you try to protest against his choice, so you just murmur that the name is beautiful before closing your eyes
you hope that you can fall asleep again soon to escape from this cruel world
when you wake up, your baby isn’t in your arms and a shock of panic rushes through you at the missing weight on your chest
if Bi Han found out you lost the baby, you were sure you would be spared no mercy, but then you spot Kuai Liang in the corner, holding the baby with one arm while his hand traced the sleeping baby’s features
it would be a scene of beautiful domesticity if it weren’t for the fact that Kuai Liang turns back to you, eying you up and down despite the exhaustion in your body
you hadn’t even fully healed and already Kuai Liang wanted his own child, and the assassin walks over to you and hands the baby back over to you, citing that a child needs time with their parent
he pets your hair, kissing your forehead, and says that you look beautiful as a parent
and then Kuai Liang says he can’t wait to be a parent as well, with you birthing him his own child, girl or boy he doesn’t care
you give him a small stiff nod before looking back at your child who opens his eyes blearily and gives a big yawn
it’s almost cute except all you can see in their brown eyes and black hair is Bi Han’s face and how your son will be trained and taught to be like his father
a feeling of anger brews in your stomach at that thought, your son will be raised to be just like his father, cruel and cold and evil
you bring your hand up to your son, and his own small hand lifts up to grab onto your finger, wrapping around it and cooing at you
and then you see it, a tenderness to his gaze and an innocence to the evil of the world, like you were all those months ago
you couldn’t let your son be like his father, you wouldn’t let Bi Han and Kuai Liang and Tomas make him like them
you would get out, even if you were killed, not only for your son but for you, to get closure on what happened in the outside world after your disappearance
for now, you would lay in wait and continue to be their obedient pet until you can get out
the days pass as you heal in your bed and thankfully, Kuai Ling doesn’t try to pull anything, just playing with your son every so often and cooing at him
Bi Han is stuck to your side like glue and making sure you’re confined to the bed to heal faster, and you feel like you’re starting to meld with the bed
Tomas doesn’t hold the baby, rather he just stares at you in wonder as you hold and breastfeed your baby
you spend the days with your son, feeding him, bouncing him, burping him, and anything that required you to stand up, Bi Han would force you to sit back down and would take care of it
as much as you hated it, Bi Han was an attentive father and partner, and Kuai Liang and Tomas were great uncles and partners that bent to almost every single one of your needs
but you didn’t dare to try and take advantage of their obsession with you, not until you watch Kuai Liang and Bi Han squabble over something trivial
Kuai Liang’s weapon hands dangerously low by his side, and you can see frost forming on Bi Han’s hand
you weren’t completely sure as to who Kuai Liang and Bi Han were, but you did know that they weren’t the best at communication and that Bi Han kept his secrets but not his anger
and so, you started to form your plan, listening and watching to the words that Bi Han would relay to Kuai Liang as you sat in the corner of their meetings, holding the baby and rocking him
you had to follow them around the entire time anyway, always needing to be in one of their sights especially after the birth of your son
mostly, you just attended their meeting and watched them train, never cooking or cleaning, and they left you as their partner and breeding whore
you previously hated how you had nothing to do before, but you gained a sudden appreciation for it as you noticed each nook and cranny of the compound
the exits and the connections of the winding pathways suddenly were a lot more interesting to you, and you had time to think about them
you started keeping a close eye on your surroundings as you followed one of the assassins around the compound, and your plan to escape started becoming clear
and you kept a close on Kuai Liang and Bi Han, the slight aggressions between the two of them and the minor disagreements
Tomas didn’t seem to side with either of them in a preferential way, so he was a loose nail waiting to ruin your plans
but you could deal with him later, and for now you focused your efforts on widening the divide between Kuai Liang and Bi Han
it started with some innocent small comments about nothing, trying to trick them all into thinking you had accepted your place as their partner in the Lin Kuei
and then slowly you started to plant seeds in Bi Han and Kuai Liang’s head, about how each of them wanted you all to themselves
in the meantime, you spent a lot of time with your son to try and get him to bond with you the most, and you were hesitant to hand him over to any of the assassins
they chalked it up to parental instincts, and you gladly took advantage of it to make sure your son spent the least amount of time possible with them
and finally, after almost a year of planting ideas in their head, the plan was almost at fruition, Tomas away on a solo mission and tensions high between Kuai Liang and Bi Han after finding out you were pregnant with Kuai Liang’s child
Bi Han had grown obsessive over you, needed to keep you all to himself, and he saw Kuai Liang’s child as a direct threat to his hold over you
and so, you sat at the entrance and made a passing comment to Bi Han about Kuai Liang while rubbing your stomach, and you saw something in his eyes shift
he stalks over to Kuai, ice in his hand sharp as he attacks his own brother, and you grab onto your son and pick him up into your arms as you watch them start to fight
they spittle insults and threats at each other, weapons drawn as they start to try to kill each other, and you take it as your cue to leave when you see blood spill onto the ground
you wind through the small backways where no one patrols, and you pick up the bag stuffed into one of the abandoned closets
finding one of the doorways, tucked behind some shrubbery and foliage, you shove open the door and crawl in with your son, willing him to be silent
it’s a quiet dirty crawl to freedom, the sound of your and your child’s breathing fills the tunnel as you make your way through
but finally, your hands bump into something hard, and you push and prod at it until you feel something give
you push and push and see the light of the outside world as you keep on going, and finally, fresh air floods the tunnel
you dig your way out desperately and start walking as briskly as you can away from the compound right behind you
it towers over you, large and imposing, but you were out and that was all you needed
you start walking, you cannot stop until you reach some sort of civilization, and so you start your trek to freedom
inside of the compound, Bi Han stands with blood dripping down his knife and Kuai Liang howling in pain on the ground
a scar stretches across his face, his eye now gone and spilling blood onto the stone floors
the grandmaster would kill his brother, hands twitching at the thought, and he looks to your spot to show you how he kills for you
and you’re not there anymore
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theg-unit · 3 months
Currently on a TopGun kick at the moment as my flat mate is rewatching it and while I was waiting for ao3 to come back online I was having a little think about my baby boy (rooster).
in the world where IceMav raised Brad together after his mums death (which I’m personally ballparking at age 9 for maximum angst), and where maybe they didn’t set him back or they did and reconciled far quicker, I’m in love with rooster being Iceman’s son. Sure everyone sees the obvious dressing like goose, and maybe he flies more like maverick in this universe (no perch in sight), but give me a Bradley that was raised by Tomas Kazansky.
Cause realistically speaking, Mav is on deployment most of the time. Ice taking a promotion keeping him on the ground, but moving around, taking Brad with him, globe trotting navy-brat Bradley, raised by his flyboy uncles. And maybe he rolls his eyes like his uncle slider and howls laughing like his uncle Wolfe but you look at him schmoozing at a navy ball, effortless charm with admirals much more powerful than him and the daggers and that’s all Iceman. And maybe when they’re off mission and some find themselves in trouble, Rooster narrows his eyes and finds a few extra inches of height somewhere, and this overly chill, slightly dorky pilot becomes ice cold and calculating. His words and gaze tearing its target apart.
Show me a Bradley who is a few years older than the other daggers and decides that these idiots are going to need a guardian angel and now is a good a time as any for all his lessons with ice to pay out. After all the COMPACFLT is retiring soon and Bradley needs to start climbing if he wants to stop all his morons from getting discharged.
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bunniekittiee · 11 months
Hi, can i get a domestic bihan x pregnant!reader where she gets restless at night from pregnancy craving? Thank you
Bi-Han x Pregnant Reader
Tossing and turning, kicking the silk sheets off, trying to count sheep, everything she did had not eased her body. A certain craving that could only be satisfied if Bi-Han made it, but the Grandmaster was sound asleep next to her. She felt guilty. He was tired often, and he needed his rest. She didn’t want to wake him up because of her cravings, but they were horrible. Her stomach growled as she gently laid her hand on her bump.
“You are just keeping me up.” She grumbled quietly. She tried to ignore her hunger pains once more, but her stomach only increasingly got louder. And the cravings intensified.
“My firefly,” Bi-Han rasped as he sleepily raised his head. “Are you okay?” His eyes were clouded with tiredness, but he was alert. “You are moving around a lot. Is it the baby?”
“It’s stupid, go back to sleep Bi-Han.” She replied with a little attitude. She didn’t mean to be snappy with him, she was just having horrible cravings that needed to be satisfied at four in the morning.
Bi-Han sat up and moved in front of her, kissing her bump gently as he held her hand. “Tell me what’s on your mind. I can help you.” His eyes were full of love and patience. It warmed her heart.
She sighed. “I have really bad cravings. I haven’t been able to sleep at all because of them.”
He frowned. “Why did you not tell me sooner, my love? It is not good for you to be up all night like this.”
Emotions high, she felt her eyes water with tears and Bi-Han squeezed her hand. “Do not cry, I am not upset. I only wish you would have told me sooner, that is all.” He kissed her forehead. “What is it that you’re craving?”
She mumbled.
“Repeat that again please.”
“Sweet and sour pork with chow mein and fried rice.”
A chuckle rumbled in his chest. “Someone is very hungry I see. Let me go and awaken Kuai Liang and Tomas. They can help me.”
“No, please don’t wake them up for this.” She felt more guilty if he woke them up.
“They would be more than willing to help. They think of you as a sister. Besides, Kuai Liang makes better chow mein than I do.” Bi-Han said as he began to get out of bed.
“You had the courage to admit that?” She asked with a small giggle.
He shot her a look. “Kuai Liang isn’t better than me at much, only at making chow mein. Now you rest, I will begin to cook soon.”
She wanted to follow Bi-Han to the kitchen, but she knew he would only scold her and send her off to bed. He was very protective over her, much more so since she had gotten pregnant with their child. He wanted her to rest and relax as much as possible. Carrying a child was not the easiest thing in the world, and Bi-Han understood that.
The palace was quiet and her curiosity began to wander. She wanted to watch the brothers cook, and her mouth began to water at the thought of her cravings. “Let’s hope your father doesn’t send us back to bed.” She chuckled to herself and her baby as she got up from bed, gently rubbing her bump as she shuffled to the kitchen.
Kuai Liang and Tomas were helping Bi-Han around in the kitchen, walking about and crossing paths with each other to cook a meal this early in the morning. Although it would have been easier to have a servant cook it, nothing tastes close to their cooking. Kuai Liang was very skillful at it.
Bi-Han heard the padding of her feet, his eyebrows furrowed in worry. “You need to be resting, not standing about. Go back to the room.” He started to walk towards her but she stood away.
“I wanted to watch you all cook.” She said softly as Kuai Liang and Tomas smiled at her. They were happy to see Bi-Han settling down, and now he had a child on the way. It was a sweet love story.
Bi-Han sighed. “Okay, just sit down and watch us. Please don’t try to help, we are more than enough.” He returned to chopping up vegetables while Kuai Liang began to fire up the wok. Tomas was rolling out the noodles as quick as possible. They worked fast yet diligently in the early hours of the morning to feed her the cravings that had kept her up all hours of the night.
Just as they were skilled warriors, they were just as skilled at cooking. It was graceful the way they moved around and completed their tasks. They were like figure skaters gliding across ice as they maneuvered around each other. Bi-Han would glance up every once in a while to make sure his wife was okay. Every time he looked, she was in this dreamy state that only made him want to complete the meal quicker. He was a little upset that she waited so long in feeding her cravings. He always told her to tell him what she needed. Bi-Han was ready to do absolutely anything for her and their child.
“You poor thing,” Tomas told her. “You stayed up all night because of your cravings?”
She nodded. “Yes, I did. The baby was really bothersome.” She gently laid a hand on her bump. “Hopefully this will calm them down.”
Kuai Liang chuckled. “They are quite the warrior for pestering you so much. It goes to show that they will be very strong.”
“Well, they are Bi-Han’s child.” She giggled.
The Grandmaster only huffed while his brothers laughed quietly. It was quiet once more, the only sounds being the sizzling of the wok and Tomas continuing his task of rolling noodles. They all looked tired yet they were focused on their individual tasks.
Eventually, the food was nearing its completion. The smells made her stomach growl louder which made Bi-Han smile for a second. She was a little embarrassed, but she flashed a nervous smile at Bi-Han. He couldn’t help but look at his wife. His beautiful wife who was carrying his child. Their child. Although he was a little apprehensive, he knew he could adjust to fatherhood and be a good dad. Better than his own father, that was for sure.
Kuai Liang plated the food after he knew it was completely done, filling up her plate full so she could enjoy as much as she wanted to. “Breakfast, or rather, late night snack is served.” He joked as he set the plate down in front of her. Her mouth watered. It looked so good.
“Thank you so much. You all should have some too. I can’t eat all of it.” She felt bad if they did not eat either.
The brothers exchanged small glances and decided to eat small plates. Why not? It wouldn’t hurt to enjoy the meal with each other. They sat in a comfortable silence as they ate quietly. The tummy grumbles soon began to go away as she stuffed herself. Bi-Han watched her carefully to make sure she didn’t choke. He was always paranoid that she would hurt herself, he could not help it.
Once their ‘breakfast’ was finished, Bi-Han shooed her off to bed while he and his brothers cleaned up. She felt her sleepiness creep up on her as she laid down, her belly full and the baby at rest once more in her tummy. Closing her eyes, she finally entered her dream state that she had been longing for.
Bi-Han entered their room to get ready for his day and his eyes laid upon her sleeping form. He kissed her forehead softly, watching her sleep so peacefully. He would do this a thousand times over if it meant that could be at peace within her body.
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freyito · 10 months
Can you do the type of dates Mk1 guys will take you on?
idk if yall caught on but i absolutely love making these big ass drabbles for everyone... takes so long but its always so worth it. i got like 3 more in the drafts el oh el
cw: gn reader, juuuust fluff, bonus characters!, proofread
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⎯ Liu Kang
Need I say it? I'll say it anyways. Stargazing. Liu Kang loves taking you stargazing. He'll take you absolutely anywhere in the world. It does not matter that he's lived under these stars for ages and ages. He enjoys seeing Earthrealm's natural beauty. And the stars, of course.
⎯ Bi-Han
Bi-Han prefers private moments with you, so his favorite date is simply a nice stroll. Sure, he could be lavish and drop a whole bunch of money on you, but he feels like that does not display his love properly. He just likes quality time with you, really. A nice, private dinner with you doesn't sound bad, either... or even ice skating. As cheesy as that is for someone like him.
⎯ Kuai Liang
As much as Kuai tries to be simple, he really loves taking you to festivals. As often as he can, of course that kind of amounts to like eight a year. But he loves them, he loves every single aspect of them. Mainly pampering you and buying you all the food you could want. His favorite festival is actually the Lantern Festival, he loves sending off lanterns with you.
⎯ Johnny Cage
Johnny sets up the most fancy, frivolous, and expensive dates for you, always. Truth be told, however, he really just likes a night in with you. Ordering your favorite take-out, cuddling up on the couch, watching one of his favorite movies- which, surprisingly, isn't one of his! He really loves horror movie nights, too. He chooses the corniest movies, and gets kind of disappointed if you don't AT LEAST squeeze his bicep during the scary parts.
⎯ Kenshi Takahashi
I like to think Kenshi is a good ol' fashioned lover boy. He loves extending the date through the whole day. He starts off with surprising you with flowers in the morning, maybe going on for a nice little stroll, have lunch at a quaint little café, and finish it all off with some dancing. Perhaps in the kitchen, or at a club, whichever you choose. Kenshi is actually terrifyingly good at dancing, he's just smooth like that.
⎯ Kung Lao
Madam Bo's. Breakfast, lunch, or dinner. Are you surprised? No. I know you aren't. Kung Lao loves any date that involves food, but enjoying something as simple and humble as a meal at Madam Bo's specifically has been and always will be his favorite.
⎯ Raiden
Raiden loves picnics! Somewhere in the secluded country-side, just enjoying your time with him. A myriad of home-made appetizers and what not. He believes it's one of the most intimate ways to spend time with you. He also loves to admire the way the sun compliments your figure, as well.
⎯ Zeffeero
Zeffeero seems particularly excited when it rains. Of course. It's in the job description. He urges you in the most nonchalant way for a quick stroll in the rain. Which inevitably leads to dancing in the rain. He tries to keep his composure around you, to look like that respectable wizard all the damn time. But you make him crumble, and he just can't help but giving in to breaking that façade with you.
⎯ Tomas Vrbada
Tomas also loves taking you out for dinner at Madam Bo's. Partially because he still feels guilty. But he loves the food there, and he hopes you do, too. To be honest, any time spent with you is worth it. So when it comes to dates, he doesn't exactly have a go-to or a favorite.
⎯ Baraka
Stargazing. The wastes provide a great space away from any sort of light pollution, and truth be told, Baraka prefers any time away from any populated places with you. He's afraid of the backlash you could get, as well as just the overall fear of spreading Tarkat. He knows his place, really. But those moments, deep in the night, where the stars are the brightest make up for all the worry.
⎯ Geras
Geras kind of has... no concept on dates. Like, none. He's a construct, and he doesn't really know much of the human connection. He's content simply by seeing you- which is kind of all your dates amount to. He's busy regardless, he has to watch over the hourglass.
⎯ Syzoth
Would it sound weird if I said Syzoth really liked hiking...? Aside from just cuddling up with you, he likes to explore. Especially with Earthrealm being so new to him. Being all sort of tucked away in the mountains, just with you, where he's free to transform and explore and enjoy his new-found life and freedom just... sparks something within him.
⎯ Havik
Oh boy. Havik also SUCKS at dates. Given his rowdy and anarchist nature, it's really hard for him to find a proper way to settle down and enjoy the day with you. Aside from naps, he genuinely would like you to tag along with him on all his... excursions. Extreme they may be, dismantling some sort of order with you really makes his heart burn for you.
⎯ Shao Kahn
With his status, it's kind of hard to find proper time to take you out. However, when he does, it's always a stereotypical quiet dinner. He's got some pretty damn connections, and somehow always manages to land the right table. Under the moonlight, just talking about your days. He enjoys those quiet, mundane moments.
⎯ Shang Tsung
A day AND night out shopping is really what Shang Tsung loves. He spoils you (and himself), and he's all chatty while you two walk down the market. He's very observant, actually. Any little thing you so much as spend more than 2 seconds looking at is now in your hands. He loves buying you the little things.
⎯ Reiko
Being second in command to Shao, Reiko kind of knows his way around dancing. He's a soldier, yeah, but especially when he's close to the royalty I imagine there's some sort of luxury he has to uphold. Reiko's not the best at dancing by all means, but whenever some sort of ball event starts in Sun Do, he's bringing you. And he gets better, each time.
⎯ Bonus Points! Takeda Takahashi
KARAOKE. Takeda SUCKS at singing, but it's not about that. It is so fun with him. Getting a break from the Shirai Ryu, his father, the special forces, pulling you to some dive, screaming his heart out to some white girl pop, he loves it. And he loves it when you two do those silly little duets. He could care less about how bad he sings, it's just those moments he gets to let loose with you.
⎯ Bonus Points! Hanzo Hasashi
It may come as a surprise, but Hanzo loves little pottery dates. For a man like him, it seems so unlikely. But it's quiet, and actually needs a lot of focus. That's what he likes about it. It's something calming to do, with his love. And he likes to see what you come up with, especially. He kind of sucks at painting, though. So he'll pass off the bowls or cups he makes for you to paint.
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© freyito, 2023 | masterlist | queue | kofi DO NOT REPOST AS YOUR OWN OR USE FOR AI/AI CHATBOTS.
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fandomzwriterk · 3 months
Hey, hello! Can I ask a question about mk? How do the characters treat an extremely lazy reader? Like, extremely lazy, and indifferent to everything in the world?
From the characters, can I have Bi Han, Smoke, and Raiden?
A/n: ohhhh I’m glad you asked
-> might be the worst out of the three of them
-> actively tries to get you up every day and not (according to him) “sit on your ass everyday while everyone else works hard”
-> might actually try and set up “traps” around base so you’re always on your toes
-> will forcefully pull you out of bed and throw you outside, even if you’re half dressed
-> according to him, every person needs to be ready for an “attack”
-> in this case, you were definitely not ready
-> Will absolutely NOT join you in any “activities” that would be within the realm of “lazy” like laying in bed all day, sharing snacks, or just staying inside all day
-> will get SUPER mad if anyone but him manages to get you outside for the day
-> has beat the shit out of Kuai for it too
-> he secretly would join you any day you decided to not go out, but pressure of being Grandmaster keeps him from doing so
-> will eventually ask you why you don’t want to join him in the Lin Kuei
-> eventually understands it not up to him, but he wants you to be safe
-> as a “joke” he sends initiates to “attack” you to mess with you
-> yes, he’s always watching but never lets himself meddle in whatever you decide to do
-> yes, he will also use you as a “punching bag” even though he swears to “go easy”
-> after he betrays his brothers, he forcefully takes you with him
-> practically keeps you hostage at that point but you don’t mind, it’s not like you’re in the mood to leave him anyways
-> very understanding of it and your choices
-> will join you every once in awhile to do whatever you want
-> he never says anything to hurt your feelings even though he thinks you should join him on training
-> often sends Kuai or Harumi to check on you when he’s away
-> low-key wants to teach you his tricks anyways, mostly how to disappear and reappear
-> likes cuddling on a couch or bed or hell anywhere comfortable as long as it’s with you
-> sometimes you two watch a show or movie together
-> he will fall asleep on you or vice versa
-> either way, he doesn’t mind
-> literally sleeps like a cat when he’s around you and when he’s comfortable
-> in many cases, he falls asleep within five feet of you, even when you get up and walk around
-> will not hesitate to beat anyone who’s mean to you though
-> supportive through anything
-> often says “fuck it” to things to spend time with you
-> yes, he even says assassins need breaks
-> when you wake up, he’s definitely passed out with you in his arms much like a cat sleeps on your chest
-> idk why im comparing him to a cat but this is literally a perfect description of how my bf is
-> is the one pulling you around with him everywhere you go even if you don’t want to
-> even though you might be lazy, he practices extra hard just to flex to the other men when you’re around
-> like Tomas, he indulges in whatever guilty pleasures you might have
-> much like Bi-Han though, he often pulls “pranks” on you with Kung Lao
-> secretly steals some of your things like snacks when you’re not looking, just because he is too proud to cave into eating them when you’re around
-> much like Tomas, he sends Kung Lao or Liu Kang to check on you when he’s fighting in tournaments
-> knows you won’t come to a lot of them so he often snags anything you have (ex a brooch/medallion/ring) to have it on him when he fights
-> whenever Kung Lao runs his mouth about you, he won’t hesitate to put him in his place
-> very peaceful and loves seeing you fall asleep anywhere so he can place his coat or top on you like a blanket
-> even if you’re not there, he thinks of you and wants to win even more when he does
-> HAS beat the shit outta Johnny for saying you’re lazy and boring
-> his guilty pleasure? Skipping “class” to join you on whatever you want to do
-> has been caught once or twice
A/N: I hope this was good I just went with what seemed in character for each guy… or maybe I’m just super impartial to Smoke cause he’s my fave and he acts so much like my bf (my bf is the oldest of 6)🤣🤣🤣
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yanderestarangel · 6 months
A/N: I finally finished this shit.
smut confectionery event ┆cinnamon cake ┆gang bang, degradation, praise, kidnapping. ˖⁺ ⊹୨ "yandere brothers + defenseless darling."୧⊹ ⁺˖ ── SMUT
˖⁺ ⊹୨ 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓹𝓸𝓼𝓽 𝓫𝓮𝓵𝓸𝔀 𝓬𝓸𝓷𝓽𝓪𝓲𝓷𝓼 𝓭𝓪𝓻𝓴 𝓬𝓸𝓷𝓽𝓮𝓷𝓽 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓪𝓵𝓵 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓬𝓸𝓷𝓽𝓮𝓷𝓽 𝓪𝓭𝓿𝓮𝓻𝓽𝓲𝓼𝓮𝓭 𝓸𝓷 𝓽𝔀. 𝓹𝓵𝓮𝓪𝓼𝓮 𝓲𝓯 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓭𝓸𝓷'𝓽 𝓵𝓲𝓴𝓮 𝓭𝓸𝓷'𝓽 𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓭 ୧⊹ ⁺˖
𝓬𝓸𝓶𝓶𝓮𝓷𝓽𝓼 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓻𝓮𝓫𝓵𝓸𝓰𝓼 𝓪𝓻𝓮 𝔀𝓮𝓵𝓬𝓸𝓶𝓮 🎀
TW: kidnapping, manipulation, stall syndrome, porn plot, dark smut, afab reader, nicknames like "good boy or good girl" used, praise, degradation, v!sex, blowjob, unprotected sex, breedkink, face fuck, deep throat, rough sex, stimulation, dumbfication, anal sex, degradation, yandere themes, gang bang.
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Being in love with someone was complicated, but three people falling in love with the same person was a situation you didn't see every day ─ especially if these three guys in question were the three most powerful in all of China. Bi Han, Kuai Liang and Tomas Vrbada, all eyeing the same person. You. They didn't know who had been first.
Maybe when Bi Han saw you wandering around the Lin Kuei forests alone and picking some fruits, instead of moving you away from his clan's land he felt the strange urgency to help you. You looked like a deer lost in the snow, ready to be devoured by someone predator ─ the grandmaster himself fit this role well, but from that first instance he just helped you pick the apples you needed and let you go, you had messed with his world without even knowing it.
Maybe it could have been Kuai Liang, when he saw you bathing in the waterfall near his house. The white and loose peasant-style dress fell on your shoulders and clung to your curves due to the coolness of the icy water that accumulated on the smooth stones ─ the ninja pyromancer's focus had quickly shifted to your breasts that moved gracefully in the transparent fabric, begging for attention involuntarily. Your nipples hardened from the cold as he looked at the delicate curvature of your pussy, like a flower that was unopened and needed to be explored. The fire ninja didn't dare to come close to you - just watching you from afar, but his heart was racing, warming his body even more.
Or maybe it was Tomas Vrbada when he first saw you helping Madame Bo in her restaurant. You looked beautiful and oblivious to the smoke ninja's eyes that practically burned you, for you he was just another customer on a night with a lot of customers. But to him, you were the image of perfection he sought after the faith he had lost after losing his family too... He watched your graceful movements and even the way you smiled beautifully while serving his table. He felt his smoke powers go out of control each time he looked deeper into you ── it was like looking at a work of Renaissance art, the longer he looked at the more hidden details he could perceive.
Even with the unusual situation, the three brothers decided to make the best decision, join forces and share you. And the best way to stop anyone from having you was a quick kidnapping. After Bi Han asked Sentir to find everything about you, especially where you lived ─ Tomas used his smoke powers to fill your house with a suffocating gas enough to cause you to faint, without much harm to you obviously. Kuai Liang used his fire powers to overheat the door lock and break it, seeing you lying unconscious to it all... Scorpion's arms wrapped around you as he carried you away and his older brother, Bi Han, led their way guaranteed that no one would question anything after all who would question three ninja assassins?
You had gotten in their way, without even realizing it, you had marked your own destiny. Being woken up with restraints on your wrists and tied to a comfortable bed unlike at home was scary for you and especially seeing the three muscular men watching you in the corner of the room, but what could a weak boy/girl like you do? Just accept fate.
The rules were simple, don't try to escape, and respect everyone there. The words that came out of the grandmaster's mouth were sharp and harsh, demanding linear and blind obedience to them. Kuai Liang agreed with his brother, trying to soften his words with "we just want to keep you safe. And if you obey us you will be rewarded for it."
Tomas on the other hand was still insecure and anxious, with an underlying fear of rejection from you, he stayed quiet and let his older brothers talk while he watched everything. They wouldn't touch you for the first few days, making you comfortable enough in your new life. The best food, clothes and treats you could think of you had now ─ it was a prince's/princess's life, only in a bizarre way and in a narrative twisted by their obsessive minds
˖⁺ ⊹୨ How would they act?
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Tomas Vrbada
He would be your caretaker while Kuai and Bi Han went on missions for Lord Liu Kang. He was responsible for making sure you didn't try to escape. But this served to bring the two of you closer together, the silver-haired man was soft, a soft giant. He always made a point of asking how you were, if he needed anything and even let you free from the ropes and chains that his brothers put on you to make sure you wouldn't run away from them. "I'll let you go, but you promise you won't run, right?"
He likes to be with you most of the time. He knows how to share you with his brothers but he prefers to be with you and hug you tightly, keep you protected behind his muscles and stroke your hair. The first time you had sex was also with him ─ the ninja felt over the moon when you said that in front of Kuai and Bi Han, making them respect your decision and let the Czech take you first.
You are treated so well when you have sex with him that it makes you forget that they kidnapped you and you are now in a beautiful cage surrounded by soft pillows and luxury ─ his cock is thick and big enough to give affectionate and warm kisses to one of your uterus, making you moan and writhe beneath him with each compliment that accompanies a thrust of his hips deep into your core.
"So beautiful and so tight my prince/princess, I knew you would like this. Open up more for me please... I can't move with your pretty pussy holding me like that.- FUCK!-" Vrbada is sensitive seeing you cling to him, the result of a stalling syndrome because of the situation you were in. He gives you kisses and praises you every time you suck his dick so well, telling you that you can continue and he will do whatever you want later. "Please make me cum, that's-! Yes... Damn such a beautiful and good mouth, you're a great boy/girl." He protects you from any punishment from Kuai or Bi Han, but if you betray his trust and try to escape, he will be extremely disappointed in you and he will treat you coldly and with sarcasm every time you speak, even refusing to keep you company.
"I should have thought of that before trying to escape." Were the words that left his lips as he just gave you a dark look and closed the door to your room, leaving you alone about your actions.
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Kuai Liang
Kuai Liang is a bit more stoic and closed off than Tomas. He will just look at you a few times and warn you not to try to run away ─ once again telling the false illusion of you being"safe with them" his personality even as Yandere is the perfect balance between strict and calm.
He will use unconventional methods to get you close to him and gain your trust, whether through manipulation convincing you that being with him and his brothers is the best way to live, where you would be kept beautifully there with them just having to be an obedient boy. or he could also be passive aggressive and intimidate you, telling you how he knew exactly where your friends and family lived and that if you tried to run away from Lin Kuei lands you might get a nasty surprise when you got back home... A subtle but functional threat .
Regardless, when you are mentally corrupted enough to cling to him, the fire ninja will take advantage of this opportunity and make you his for nights on end. Fucking you on a soft mattress surrounded by transparent curtains and the wind that bathed you both ─ he would bite, slap your ass while holding your head against the feather pillow making you arch your back even more towards him and giving him the view of your pussy drooling on his cock.
You knew you couldn't enjoy it so much, after all, that man was also responsible for your kidnapping... But you couldn't resist each strong thrust of Scorpion's super heated cock. Whispering how well you're doing, how he likes to see your body bounce with each thrust, how your pussy drools his cock... How you're his. "All i have to do is talk to u, don't I sweetheart? You're a shaking, beautiful mess, you're soaking the cloths baby boy/baby girl ... And my dick too. You're going to clean me up later with that pretty mouth, aren't you? It is?" Kuai Liang would bury his cock even deeper in your pussy, making you practically see stars and look at the eyes behind your skull, making you milk his cock and grip the sheets beneath you.
"I never thought a cute boy/girl like you would be such a greedy slut for cock..." He taunted again as he spilled his hot seed deep into your womb, filling you to the brim and giving one last bite to your neck. He would take care of you after sex, giving you a hot bath but keeping the chains that prevented you from running away from him ─ he is not easy to manipulate, you can convince him to let you free from the bonds after getting close enough and saying that I would never leave him. However, if you try to escape and he catches you he will definitely punish you, he would be angry enough to breed your pussy all night.
Bi Han and Tomas would only hear the banging of the bed against the wall and the grunts of his pyromancer brother as you were fucked into abandonment, even if you begged him to stop that you would behave he would just hold your neck and smirk. "stop? Oh my little dumb boy/girl, you should have thought of that before you tried to run away like a scared bunny- now spread your legs like the good slut you are and let me fill you up again." Kuai Liang would growl as he spit contemptuously into your pussy, his saliva helping his thick cock slide further in and out of your poor little cunt.
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Bi Han
Because he's the oldest and has Napoleon syndrome, he really thinks you're there to serve him. You remember the bittersweet memory of having crossed his path for the first time, but you could no longer complain or beg for mercy. Even with the grandmaster's anger and imminent cruelty, he will be protective of you and give you the most expensive things money can buy ─ a tactic to distract you from the situation you are in now and start seeing him and his brothers as perhaps more than you. that just crazy people obsessed with your love.
He would have you on his lap while he did the paperwork, pulling on the chain that was attached to your neck with every inopportune movement you made or if you tried to get off of him."Be a good boy/girl and stay here okay? I can reward you later, maybe something you've wanted for a long time hm?" The ice ninja would speak, bringing you to him again, looking at your face and giving you an icy, expectant kiss on your cheek ─ like a sunny day that hid a night of heavy storms, that was the definition of your captor.
Sex with him is extremely good, making you turn off your brain with each rough thrust he made into your pussy while you sucked his fingers to muffle your moans. You felt his muscular body against his and how his hoarse moans made your pussy get even more wet and drip onto the floor, while you fought to keep your knees from sinking and falling to the floor. "Fuck- you are so fucking beautiful like this... Begging for a cock to fill you. Such a beautiful boy/girl for your master." Bi Han would moan hoarsely and distribute hickeys on your neck, cupping your soft breasts with his hands while he smiled, pleased to see you accept him so well and without question, the three brothers had corrected your behavior and turned you into their broken and corrupted little doll. One, two or three orgasms, maybe you had even squirted on his cock.
At this point you wouldn't even try to run away anymore, you had three men who loved you in a sick way, a comfortable place and being full of cum every night... You were satisfied with your new life or maybe you just settled.
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gang bang with the lin kuei trio.
You were filled with Bi Han's cock in your pussy and Tomas followed behind, fucking your ass with half of his cock, your mouth was occupied with Kuai Liang's cock. You felt your brain go numb and go numb with each joint thrust of the ninja trio into your body.
Bi Han's hands found your clit as you moaned into his brother's member, making him smile sadistically ── they were jointly ruining their precious boy/girl. It was beautiful how fat tears fell from your teary eyes and you couldn't protest or say anything, too busy with the taste of Scorpion's warm musk on your tongue.
The smoke ninja's hands went to your hips as you heard his needy moans and how his dick filled your tight hole even without him even putting it all the way in.
Your womb had cold kisses given by the grandmaster's fat cock, making you lean on Liang's muscular thighs while he pulled your head and made your nose touch his pelvis. The voices mixed in your ears, and you just let yourself be deliciously destroyed by the three men. "You're close... Almost there... But not yet... Not until I feel you cumming around my cock again..." He pants heavily, his breath hot against your ear.
Bi Han’s eyes are almost black with lust, his hands gripping your neck tightly as he continues pounding into you, his thrusts match his younger brother's in your other hole, the two of them practically lift you off the ground while Kuai Liang hits you and enters your throat unceremoniously. "Holy fuck honey... Did you swallow me down to my throat? What a good slut." He groaned as you felt your saliva run from your mouth to your chin, wetting his balls.
Tomas only knew how to moan, and with one final thrust he came inside your tight ass, leaving a wet trail making you moan and the ice ninja who fucked your pussy came inside your uterus, breed your pussy deliciously, like a creampie. Kuai was not far behind and took his cock out of your mouth with a loud pop, cumming on your face and hitting his member on your cheek.
You collapsed against Bi Han's firm chest, while the once dominant hands turned into tender and soft touches, praising you for being so good to them, with their voices telling you to rest a little and have a happy sleep, filled with their seeds.
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vanillawurld · 1 year
༊*·˚Goodnight n Go
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✧.* Request- Anonymous
"could you write a smoke headcanon with princess!reader? a small detail is that she is Mileena and Kitana's younger sister. - it can be a scenario after the events of the game, or before, if you want."
✧.* Pair - Tomas Vrbada x Fem! Reader
✧.* Tags & Warnings - Love, hidden relationship, outworld not being accepting????
✧.* Word Count - 708
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: ̗̀➛ No one ever thought that an outworld princess and an earthrealmer would be able to fall in love. No one ever believed that an earthrealmer and an outworlder would even be together in general. At least, that's what people thought hundreds of years ago. Sadly, some people to this day have that belief. That's why Y/N's sisters, Mileena and Kitana, have to help Y/N keep her and Tomas's relationship a secret.
: ̗̀➛ Y/N and Tomas met after the events of Shang Tsung's attempt at tyranny. It was like love at first sight. Tomas couldn't believe he had an actual princess fall for him and Y/N couldn't believe she had an earthrealmer fall for her. A regular nobody outworlder sure, but an earthrealmer?
: ̗̀➛ Y/N made it clear to Tomas from the start that not everyone was going to be supportive of their relationship. People with a more 'conservative' like mindset believed that earthrealmers and outworlders should not be together. Sadly, Y/N's mother was one of those people with that mindset.
: ̗̀➛ Even though Tomas wanted to scream out to all of the realms that he was with a princess, he understood Y/N and promised to be careful. Y/N feels very remorseful over the fact that she has to hide the man she loves from almost everyone, but she sadly has no choice. From the beginning, both of her sisters warned her about the consequences of hiding such a relationship, "Be careful sister, while you won't experience such harsh punishment, betraying the trust of mother and every one of outworld will feel much worse."
: ̗̀➛ Tomas treats Y/N with his utmost respect not only because she is a princess, but because she's a confident woman who is extremely skilled in Kombat. No woman has ever captured his heart like she has. When they first started talking, he felt like he was dreaming.
: ̗̀➛ During the battle with Shang Tsung, Y/N had a stereotype that all earthrealm men were cocky, gross, and annoying (those stereotypes mostly came from Johnny), but when she met Tomas, part of her didn't want to believe he was an earthrealm man because of how respectful and patient he was. She was instantly hooked to his gentle aura.
: ̗̀➛ Tomas would do anything for his woman. He loves her and would do anything to make her happy and satisfied. Whenever he sees her down because of the pressure she feels from hiding their relationship, he makes sure to reassure her;
"Everything will be fine, my love. If it is me you are worried about, don't be. But if it is about how your duties as a princess will be affected, do not think too deeply about it. You have the most important people on our side. You have your sisters, and I have my brother." Tomas said to her while placing both of his hands on the sides of her face. Tomas wished he could take away her sadness, but he sadly couldn't.
Y/N looked at Tomas with a soft look and wrapped her arms around his neck, looking for confront from her lover. "Oh Tomas, I'm so sorry I have to hide you. Every day I feel myself being torn apart because of it. I want to show our love to outworld and show them that earthrealmers are not our enemies." Y/N felt guilty for hiding her love from her world, but she knew it wasn't her fault. She always hopes that one day, she can help change everyone's mindset and show them that it is okay to love. But if Y/N needed to start with someone, it would have to be her mother.
Tomas felt the same sorrow. Even though he was aware of the reasons he had to remain hidden, he frequently found it intolerable. Tomas placed a small kiss on Y/N's forehead, "One day we will express our love to everyone with no regrets, my love."
It was a pledge made by both lovers to stick together till the end of time. Nobody could ever really pull each other apart. The strongest diamond couldn't match the strength of their love. They will one day openly and fearlessly show their heartfelt love for one another.
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˖◛. *. ⋆ Vanilla Speaks
Hope this was good lol
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