#Tom Shales
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oldshowbiz · 1 year ago
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Tom Shales had to change his phone number after giving Rod McKuen a bad review.
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loveboatinsanity · 1 year ago
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R.I.P. Tom Shales
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sparrowstarsandsorrow · 9 months ago
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Happy 75th birthday, Tom Berenger!!
He's one of my favourite actors when it comes to playing hard ass military men and other similar characters. One thing I really love when he plays these characters is that he can act tough and powerful having everything under control but also put on a sympathetic face like he really feels deeply about the hardship they have to go through and how he wants the audience to feel the same
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muchtodoonterror · 2 months ago
So many post rescue AUs have the boys swearing off the sea forever or wanting to see it only from land.
Counterpoint: all of their trauma and disaster happened when they were stuck in the ice and hauling over the shale. I present to you: what if they never wanted to be on land again. What if the only thing that felt right was the rocking of the ship, the lap of the waves against a hull. I proffer: Edward Little who can only sleep when he's aboard a ship, because there even when he's asleep the rocking reassures him that he's not Back There, that they're afloat as they should be. John Irving who loved to climb but now the rock under his feet is too similar to the shale, the gear on his back too similar to a hauling harness. Only the wood of a deck feels safe, the only climbing he can bring himself to do is up the ratlines. Tom Hartnell for whom returning to England means he's finally left John all the way behind, but if he's at sea, he's in motion, John could always be the next stop.
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volturi-queen · 2 months ago
New Life (aro mate/witch twins mother)
Description: The twins get a new mom and aro finds his mate 
Warning: abuse of husband, violence, murder,blood
a/n: i hop you all are safe with this winter strom going on right now, so stay safe  and remember i love you
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Margo had always wanted kids  but was never blessed with the changes and for that she was grateful her marriage was not what you would call stable. She had married young at first it was good but as time went on it slowly became worse to the point he would bet on her. She had tried to make her marriage work but nothing helped.
Margo decided that maybe they need a break from life in the big cities so she books the plane to Italy. At first her husband was against the idea. But finally he agrees. Unbunost to Margo why.
The first night in Italy was fine, Margo and the man she had been married to for many years had a lively evening at a nice diner and carriage ride around town. It was the 2ed day and Margo and her husband Tom were taking a back alley,  on their way back to their room that was 3 blockers away.  When all of a sudden Tom pushes her to the was of the building to the right of her. With a kife to her neck. How he had it was unknew to Margo as you can’t have then on planes andsshe don't remember her buying it. But her he is with it to her throat. 
She had knew it would more then likely end like this, but she had hopped this trip would make things better, but it didn’t, from the looks of things.
“I know you’ve been sleep with Rayan, and I will no share you , if i can have you know one will.” What was he talk  Ryan what a fecken baby, he was 19 he saw her and a sister, he has said it several times. There was no way Margo would sleep with him that was sick. And she had never cheated why would she despite everything she still loves him but with the look in his eyes right know she feels none of that love just fear. Tiers stat to fall from her eyes as she looks at him.
“I’m not, I swear. His a kid and I would never.”  Tom because madre. 
“Are you calling me crazy, alAre you calling me a liar.” He says as he pushes the knife in more to her neck.  
“No, no, I would never.” Tom moves the knife from her neck and repasses it with his hand, moving it slow over her cheek.  
“I don’t believe you,” then all of a sudden there is a pressure in her abdomen. She gasp as her hands move to the knife that now stuck out of the spot as she slides down the wall. 
Looking up at Tom, she sees that he doesn't even looks fazed. Like he had done this a tough times before. 
“You did this. Not me,” and he walks away. 
Margo look to the now dark sky and she prays to whatever god that is out there that she is found. Finally she decides to stand and make her way to the end of that ally. When she looks down to her abdomen she see the knife still there and that may be a good thing. 
As she makes it to the end of the alleyway two fingers come into view. Margo’s site starts to blur as she can not make out the two people in front of her. 
“What do we do with her?” Margo hears a young male voice as she falls at his and the other person's feet, the voice was that of an angel a young angel. 
“Help me,” Mago says to the young angel. 
    The voice that species after her is a young female just as angelic the male. 
“And we shale.”
Then everything goes black and she thanks, 
“This must be death.” 
Margo wakes with a gasp, looking around she sees the room she is not in the she rented for her time in italy. No but she sees things that should not be seen, the dust in the air, the crack in the stone wall, and she hears the movement from outside the door and from what she can only guess is down the hall, she can also smell the baked goods from the open window. And something else, it sweet, so sweet it makes her throat burn, like she had not had anything to drink in months.
“Good you're awake.”  a man says from the door that margo had not notice had been open. This man was in a fine suit  and his long black hair was pulled back  to keep to it out of his hair. He had to be at lest 40, his smile looked like he was hiding something.  And MArgo really didn’t want to no what.
“ I must say to have Jane turn you herself means you must be important, she has never cared enough to do something of the sort, usually she would have just eaten you.” What the hell is he talking about?
“Speaking of eating you must be striving, Jane, Alec, bring this young woman her lunch.” At that moment two kids walked in holding 2 people and one of the people was her husband and the other was their neighbors from home. 
“Tom, you said you take care of her.” the other woman said as she looked at margo. Then she looks her in the eyes.
“Why are her eyes red?” 
“Shut up, Tiffany.”  
“But Tom You said you get her out of the pitcher,”
“Oh my young lady, if i was you would not take that.” the man in the suit says to Mago as he walks to stand by the kids. 
“You tried to kill me, so you could be with her?” Margo asks the man she had spent her life with. The more she sat in the room the more she could smell something so sweet like a 3 course meal,  the burning in throat just seems to get worse. Grabbing her throat gasping for air. As Margo's head becomes cloudy. She can only hear the man say.
“Oh we are about to have a show.”
Then Margo loses control of herself as she jump from the bed and runs at Tiffany, and rips her throat out and start to drink her blood. 
She can hear Tom scream for her to stop.
Then she look at hm with a blood smile and says    
“You did this, not me.” and dose the same thing she had just done to the home wicker. 
 When she finally drays him, she drops him and look to the people behind her. All of which have a smile on their face.
“What am I?” the man walks up to margo and says, 
Confused, Margo looks at the kids.
“You are a vampire.” is all the girl says as she look at Margoe with pride and then looks to the people on the floor,  
 “You did good.” the boy says and at that moment
Margo realized she knew their voices they were the ones that  found her. 
“Thank you.” Margo says. The man in front of her takes her hand in his hands than smiles at her.
“You are not afraid,”the man asks MArgo.
 Margo looks at this man not knowing who he is and why he was here. The only thing she knows is that the longer she was next to him the more she want to be with him.  It was so odd she had not even been this attracted to her now late husband,  and the kids why was it she looked at them she feels she has to do anything for them if that told her someone had done something mean she would kill them for them to make it all better.
“You feel it don’t you.” The man ask me. Margo look from the kids back to him.
“I don’t know what I feel.”  Margo tells the man she doesn't even know the name.
“May you are, right you don't know my name how foolish of me. My name is Aro and these lovely kids are Jane and Alec,” how did he know what I was thanking.
“I have much to tell you but first let's start by saying you are now a vampire.” Yeah Alec said that already. “Yes he has forgiven me.” 
How the hell is he doing that? 
“I can read every thought you ever had  with just a touch.” 
Margo quickly takes her hand away from him and backs away even though her body is screaming to stay close to him.
“Forgive me, just need to know you where feel thing we were feeling? You see my brother Marcus has the ability to see bonds. And when you were brought in, at the beginning of your transformation, Marcus could see the bond from us to you already. But as you had not seen us you had not had it formed yet.”
Margo takes a breath and it's at that moment she realizes her throat was not burning but ignores it. 
“And what bonds are those?” 
Aro looks to the kids to speak first. 
“We have the bond of,” Alec starts then Jane finishes for him.
“Mother and child.”  Margo is shocked,
“How, why?”
“Some bonds are just written in the stars just as ore bond of mates.” Margo has to take a seat on the bed. 
“I know it's a lote to take in.” Aro says as he watches the vampire that enter the room to take the body's out. 
“Know it make sense, I've always felt I was missing something. Like apart of me was always missing, I had just thought that it was from Tom being so distant and abuse of, but I guess not, I really was missing something.” 
Jane smiles at the woman. And walks up to her laying a hand on her shoulder. 
“Now you have us, all of us” Margo then pulls Jane in for a awkward hug.  
“Thank you for everything.” 
“You welcome, mother,” then Alec and Aro come to join the hug that makes Margo feel more love than she has felt in years. And she looks forward to forever with her new family.
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ninetyminutes · 1 month ago
Any snl books or documentaries about the early years you’d recommend?
Thank you so much for your ask!!
So here’s a really good SNL Resource List from the SNL Reddit that is far more comprehensive than anything I could ever put together. It includes content from all eras, and includes all sorts of links and lists of books about SNL and by people who worked on SNL.
There’s really no books exclusively on those early years, but I highly recommend the following two books as they’re where I get most of my quote and info:
Live From New York: The Complete, Uncensored History of Saturday Night Live as Told by Its Stars, Writers, and Guests by James Andrew Miller and Tom Shales (Updated 2014)
Saturday Night: A Backstage History of Saturday Night Live by Doug Hill (2011)
There’s also some books by people who were there for those early years that you could check out (there’s def more I just don’t know them off hand):
39 Years of Short-Term Memory Loss: The Early Days of SNL from Someone Who Was There by Tom Davis
It’s Always Something by Gilda Radner
Unfortunately, I don’t know of any documentaries that are readily available and free to watch about the early years.
There’s a documentary (also) called Live From New York! but I’m not sure where one could find it online. If someone does, let me know!!
But a lot of the process today is the same as it was in back in the 70s, so the James Franco documentary is still a really good watch. You can find that online on YouTube: https://youtu.be/Eu3LyygiSJM?si=4t1ntEEVlxd7zRQb
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tigereyes45 · 5 months ago
Today (Oct. 16th) is my 26th birthday!
As many who have been following me for at least a year now know, I always open my asks to writing prompts from everyone to celebrate my birthday.
This year I'll be accepting requests from October 16th - October 23rd. (My hand has been sore due to a bee sting so this post is a little late. As a result me accepting requests will last a little longer than typical this year.)
As always you can send as many prompts/requests as you want, for any fandoms/characters/ships/etc. Under the Keep Reading there will be a list of the fandoms I am the most into at this moment in time. As far as shipping goes I'm a multi-shipper and enjoy most ship(s)/ship dynamics. I'll only write smut for the listed star trek shows. My inbox is open and anon is on.
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The list includes my current favorite fandoms/shows/ships/characters. However you can also make requests for ships/people/and shows not on the list. So here's what I'm most into writing at the moment:
Star Trek TOS (Mcspirk, Uhotty (uhura x scotty), Chulu)
Star Trek AOS (Mcspirk)
Star Trek Lower Decks (Mariner, T'lyn, Tendi, Rutherford and basically any ship of the core four or any of them plus T'lyn)
Star Trek Voayger (Especially Janeway x Tuvok, Mark x Janeway x Tuvok x t'Pel, T'pel x tuvok x Janeway, and B'Elanna x Tom x Harry)
Star Trek Ds9 (they are such a polycule, in so many shapes and forms, my favorite characters are jadzia, kira, odo, Ben Sisko.)
Star Trek Enterprise ( Trip x Archer, Archer x T'pol x Trip, Mayweather x Hoshi)
Star Wars (Ahsoka, Hera, Kalluzeb, Kanera, Plo Koon, Captain Rex)
Red vs Blue ( I will never not be a grimmons fan though all the other ships are fun too! Not to mention any gen fic of any of these characters is always a blast to write!)
Fire Emblem Awakening (Kellam, Yarne x Lucina, Morgan x Nah)
Fire Emblem Fates (Siegbert)
Fire Emblem 3 Houses (Claude, Raphael, Marianne, Byleth)
The Walking Dead Game (Clementine, Violet, Louis, Lee, Kenny, Nick)
RWBY (Nuts and dolts, Nora, Ren, and Sugar rush)
Mass Effect (shakarian, tail x shepard x garrus, kandros x ryder, vetra x ryder, jaal x vetra, jaal x vetra x ryder)
The Librarians (Cassandra, Jenkins, Fleve)
Merlin (Merwaine my love)
Dragon Age (All games/books, I adore Sten, Shale, Warden Surana, and Varric x Hawke)
Tales of Arcadia (Blinky x Aaarrrgghh, Draal, Barbara)
Fallout (tv series)
Fallout 4
Critical Role (I like campaign 2 the best, Caduceus. Veth, and Caleb)
TMNT (all versions)
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paulinawoodpecker · 5 months ago
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Watership down: a horror story
Coming soon
Hazel: James corden
Fiver: Jacob tremblay
Bigwig: Trevor white
Blackberry: rob paulsen
Pipkin: Ciara bravo
Dandelion: Jospeh Balderrama
Hawkbit: frank mele
Clover: Diane Keaton
Bluebell: timothee chalamet
Sliver: Sam smith
Holly: Tom cruise
Toadflax: don cheadle
Violet: Anne Hathaway
The threarah: Hugh jackman
Speedwell: viola davis
Acorn: Tiffany haddish
Buckthorn: Jim Carrey
Cowslip’s Warren:
Cowslip: Alec Baldwin
Strawberry: Alex Kelly
Silverweed: Ryan gosling
General woundwort: Gary Martin
Hyzenthlay: pippa Bennett Warner
Campion: Joe mele
Vervain: Seth rogen
Orchis: sean Austin
Blackavar: Jung kook
Groundsel: Chris hemsworth
Thethuninnang: Emma stone
Nelthilta: Katie Higgins
Vilthurill: Julia Roberts
Chervil: Pedro pascal
Mystical characters:
Frith: Ed Sheeran
El-ahrairah: will smith
Rabscuttle: Ryan renolds
Prince rainbow: Adam James
The black rabbit of inle: Lizzo
Hufsa: Tom Kenny
King Darzin: Keanu reeves
Rowsby wolf: Justin Timberlake
Yona the hedgehog: Gwen Stefani
Other voices:
Keehar: Peter capaldi
Laurel: SIA
Boxwood: Anna Kendrick
Haystack: Renee Rapp
The mouse: Cathy Ang
Flyarith: Angela basset
Stone crop: Dwayne Johnson
Spartina: Andra day
Granite: Ethan hawke
Shale: Tom holland
Feldspar: Michael Peña
Bark: Margot Robbie
The weasel: will Farrell
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acheronist · 1 year ago
list of the most heartbreaking (TO ME) surviving excerpt lines from the peglar pages
[ and we have his new boots in the middel watch, as we have got some very hard ground to heave. ]
passing the same pair of boots around between coworkers before they have to go fuck around in the shale for the most futile "staying busy before we die" ass reasons ever... doesn't this sound so fucking awful.... henry was captain of the foretop so he signed up for this expedition expecting to be in the ropes and sails on open water. i would be so mad if suddenly my job was "moving arctic shale around all day while i die of starvation and scurvy"..... i guess they could have been digging the graves at beechy early on also, that's technically heaving ground, but i feel like this must be about the hauling supplies
[ all my (he)art, tom, for I dont think for ]
ALL MY HEART????? TOM???????!?!!????? which fucking tom theres about 15 of them on board with you rn bestie
[ gentelmin that made his apearenc wos a marine by the cut of his ]
i just think the observational diary entries are so inchresting... eyeing up the marines trying to be tougher than they were. lol. lmao, even.
[ whose is this coffee. brekfast to be short rations ]
when the lead poisoning brainfog and low supplies depression combo starts to get to you over breakfast.....
[ I went wander maney a night in whale boat ]
i'm inclined to think this was a little rhyme or hum or smth but for how long they were stuck there?? i wander many a night in the arctic watching things get more and more desperate.... and while the terror/erebus were never whale boats, henry did serve on the hms wanderer previously in his sailing career and that WAS a whale boat. so then it's like oh god my poor dude is freezing his ass off in the arctic trying to remember his time aboard ships that were sailing in warmer climates... we have to get this dead british sailor a blanket and a warm meal STAT
[ hms erebus / you are peglar / on bord and okay / the terror camp clear ]
positive affirmations!!!!!!! *one thousand crying emojis*
[ o death wheare is thy sting / the grave at comfort cove]
how many men on board died before he started keeping a guideline for what to say as burial rites . just wondering.
[ I love the C I love the C / when I whare I wish to be with / and and silence whare never go / if a swell should come and make the meek / What matter what matter I can ride or sleep / when I was on old england shore / I like the young C more and more / and offtimes flew to a shelltering place / like a bird that seek it mother case/ and a H she was and oft to me / for I love a young and Hopen C ]
either this is a horny sailor parody invented to pass the time and have a laugh at OR its a miserable exhausted dying man who was kind of dyslexic and barely literate anyways trying to recall home / what made him ever step on a boat in the first place. either way
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nothing-but-paisley · 10 months ago
Ooh what's Bad Bones?
It's a short story I'm kicking around. This baby's got it all:
generational trauma
heavily symbolic dead steel mills
a shit ton of rivers
just rust belt things
goth lesbians
a murder mystery
home remodeling (i learned it from you, anne)
Thank you for the ask! Sorry it's not vc related 😅
These Appalachian foothills are older than the Atlantic Ocean, which sundered them from what are now the Scottish Highlands. Older than the moon, maybe. They might have been taller than the Himalayas once, worn down over unthinkable eons, and the fossils inside them are ancient and strange. I used to go hunting for them in the shale, a serious and lonely child, splitting rocks to find the ghosts of ferns. Seeing the skeletal ridges of land again after months or years away, I can always feel their age.
Anna looks over at me from the driver’s seat and grins at the song that’s just come on the radio (Tom Petty's "American Girl"), her black hair caught in the hot green-smelling wind. Soon we’ll be poking around the hundred-year-old rooms of all the little houses we can maybe afford in the city, old frame constructions of the kind realtors call good bones.
As we crawl up the winding tree-lined way to Mt. Washington for a showing, Anna points out a derelict red brick house crawling with weeds and honeysuckle, the rotting front porch sagging like skin, a blue tarp hanging from the upper window like the tattered sail of a ghost ship.
“Good bones,” she drawls in a vampire voice and bites at my shoulder through dark denim, making me laugh.
“Mm, yeah.” The weather is unusually sunny, and the scent of grass and hot pavement is making me crave a cigarette, an old adolescent vice. “Meat’s a little stringy though.”
Just past this neighborhood, at the western peak of the ridge across the river from the lean dark skyscrapers of downtown, is an area called Duquesne Heights, once known as Coal Hill. Its houses are notorious for foundation issues caused by mine subsidence. My grandmother’s house was built in a similarly precarious place, on top of abandoned coal pits that could swallow a house without warning. Once after a lightning storm, the old strip mines caught fire underground and coal smoke rose up from unseen holes in the ground like the mouth of hell was open. I remember being terrified of falling through the sweet grassy earth and into the burning coal. It was a fear that never really went away.
My dad always avoided the basement of his childhood home—bad bones down there.
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silverclangen · 2 years ago
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Year 1 Moon 6
Sunpaw earns his warrior name
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After he bravely fought of the dog to save the new warrior Breeze last moon, Dancingstar and Raggedfern agree that Sunpaw has proved himself a capable cat and is ready to become a warrior. They hold the ceremony on a sunny day baked in the late Greenleaf heat in the middle of camp. Sunpaw is praised for his boldness and quick thinking, and is named Suncharge in honor of his daring rescue.
Falconshade has a dream...?
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Falconshade woke up in the depths of the night when the camp was silent. She thought she heard someone outside, so she walked to the middle of camp. She spotted a flash of movement in one of the rock pools and went to investigate, but when she got there, the water was still and black. She blinked, and two gleaming eyes like silver moons suddenly appeared on the surface. She startled awake. (Start of post Here)
Yellowspots encourages Raggedfern to take a break
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Shortly after her apprentice graduates, Raggedfern falls ill with heatstroke in the last of the Greenleaf sun. Yellowspots chides the molly for overworking herself as soon as she didn't have an apprentice to look after, but gets to work helping her quickly. Heatstroke is the worst condition anyone has had in the clan so far, and Yellowspots is so concerned that she scrapes her paw pads on the rough shale of the Eastern beach trying to find herbs to help. She tries to hide it from Raggedfern since she just told her off for the same thing.
Medics don't fight!
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Yellowspots also had to deal with Breeze this moon. The tom was trying to settle into clan life one of the few ways he knew how - challenging everyone to a friendly scrap. Yellowspots had been busy healing Raggedfern, but eventually Breeze cornered her and tried to start up a tussle. Yellowspots laughed and explained to Breeze that because she was a medic she was a worse opponent than the newly apprenticed Sprucepaw. Breeze was confused and dropped the issue, considering the conversation to be Yellowspot's forfeit.
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sparrowstarsandsorrow · 10 months ago
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Tom Berenger in 'The substitute'(1996), dir. Robert Mandel
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general-sleepy · 6 months ago
Shale's hatred of birds seems silly in Origins, until you meet those monsters the Inquisition are sending out everywhere. Yeah, those creatures are to fear hated and feared. I'm convinced, I'm ready to go full Tom Lehrer.
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marine-indie-gal · 2 years ago
Greek/Roman Pantheon Headcanon Voices
Ok, so after having much retconning headcanon thoughts, I’ve decided to make up a new and improve list of some headcanon voices that I had in mind for each of the Gods from both the Greek and Roman Pantheon if they were to appear in SpongeBob SquarePants.
Greek Pantheon
King Cronus - Gerald Butler (Stoick The Vast from "How To Train Your Dragon")
Queen Rhea - Angelina Jolie (Maleficent)
Salacia - Anya Taylor-Joy (Princess Peach from "The Super Mario Bros. Movie")
Emperor Zeus - Tom Ellis (Lucifer Morningstar from "Lucifer")
Lord Hades - Alan Cumming (Bog King from "Strange Magic")
Empress Hera - Cissy Jones (Lilith Clawthorne from "The Owl House")
Demeter - Helena Bonham Carter (Mayrin from "The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance")
Hestia - Deedee Magno (Pearl from "Steven Universe")
Lady Persephone -  Amy Adams (Giselle from "Enchanted")
Hermes - Ashton Kutcher (Elliot from "Open Season")
Ares - Ansel Elgort (Tommy Ross from "Carrie")
Hephaestus - Herman Tømmeraas
Aphrodite - Sydney Sweeney
Dionysus - Rhys Darby (Hypno-Potamus from "Rise of The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles")
Apollo - Robert Sheehan (Klaus Hargreeves from "The Umbrella Academy")
Artemis - Hailee Steinfeld (Vi from "Arcane")
Athena - Toks Olagundoye (Mel Medarda from "Arcane")
Eris - Kristin Chenoweth (Maleficent from "Descendants")
Hecate - Bette Midler (Winifred Sanderson from "Hocus Pocus")
Hebe - Kyla Kowalewski (Anais Watterson from "The Amazing World of Gumball")
Eileithyia - Tati Gabrielle (Willow Park from "The Owl House")
Enyo - Jessica Darrow (Luisa Madrigal from "Encanto")
Zagreus - Rider Strong (Tom Lucitor from "Star vs. The Forces of Evil")
Melinoe - Claire Corlette (Sweetie Belle from "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic")
Pan - David Tennant (Crowley from "Good Omens")
Roman Pantheon
Lord Saturn - Idris Elba (Shere Khan from "The Jungle Book")
Lady Ops - Tilda Swinton (Alithea from "Three Thousand Years of Longing")
Emperor Jupiter - Kerry Shale (Harold Wilson from "The Amazing World of Gumball)
Lord Pluto - Brian Stokes Mitchell (Elktaur from "Centaurworld")
Empress Juno - Georgina Leahy (Stella Goetia from "Helluva Boss")
Ceres -  Anne Hathaway (Queen Mirana from "Alice in Wonderland")
Vesta - Ella Kenion (Delilah from "101 Dalmatian Street")
Lady Proserpina - Mia Wasikowska (Alice from "Alice in Wonderland")
Mercury - Alex Hirsch (King from "The Owl House")
Mars - Michael Kovach (Niles from "SMG4")
Vulcan - Daniel Sharman (Troy Otto from "Fear The Walking Dead")
Venus - Natasia Demetriou (Cala Maria from "The Cuphead Show")
Bacchus - Dana Snyder (Gazpacho from "Chowder")
Phoebus - Marcus Scribner (Bow from "She-Ra and The Princess of Power")
Diana - Zendaya
Minerva - Tabitha St. Germain (Princess Luna from "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic")
Discordia - Zoe Moss (Baroness Von Bon Bon from "The Cuphead Show")
Trivia - Miranda Richardson (Lady Van Tassel from "Sleepy Hollow")
Juventas - Andrea Libman (Fluttershy from "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic")
Lucina - Erica Lindbeck (Emira Blight from "The Owl House")
Bellona - Elizabeth Banks (Lucy "Wyldstyle" from "The Lego Movie")
Plutus - Tom Felton (Draco Malfoy from the "Harry Potter" film series)
Macaria - Lilly Bartlam (Skye from "Paw Patrol")
Faunus - Kayvan Novak (Nandor from "What We Do In The Shadows")
Sea Heirs
Proteus - Jack Dylan Grazer (Alberto Scorfano from "Luca")
Benthesikyme - Elle Fanning (Aurora from "Maleficent")
Kymopoleia - Sophia Lillis (Beverly Marsh from "IT")
Rhode - Dakota Fanning (Coraline Jones from "Coraline")
Isabelle - Anna Kendrick (Poppy from "Trolls")
Ruby - Sofia Carson (Pipp Petals from "My Little Pony: A New Generation")
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taleofturtleclan · 2 years ago
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Dustjump awoke, cold and sore, long before the other survivors. Her sleep had been poor despite her exhaustion. She could not seem to escape the awful sounds of her twolegs wailing, struggling as the waves pulled them under. She would have helped them if she could. She had wanted to help. But they were too heavy, and she too small. Perhaps they had made it to shore after her?
Dustjump slid out of the hollow the cats had sheltered in, careful not to wake her companions. If they were able to rest, then they should. She was sure that last night was the worst experience any of them had ever endured.
Dustjump padded along the damp shoreline, her jaws spread to search for a trace of scent on the breeze. It was no use. The smell of fish and salt overwhelmed everything. She lashed her tail in annoyance. Her eyes would have to do, she supposed.
Dustjump wasn’t sure how far she walked before she decided to give up and turn back, but by the time she returned to the wreck, the sun was well over the horizon line. No hope of slipping back into their makeshift camp unnoticed now. As she made her way over the dunes, a flash of color caught her eye. Her heart rose and then plummeted. Caught up against a rock was a scrap of bright fabric, torn and crusted with salt. She knew that fabric. It had been part of the pelt the old female twoleg had been wearing when the ship went down. She could not help the wail that escaped her jaws as she rushed over to the scrap. She buried her face in it, searching for any trace of her twoleg’s scent. Nothing but the smell of the cruel ocean. 
Dustjump remained there, her face buried in the scrap, until a warm pelt brushed against her own. She looked up into the concerned face of Shale. The black tabby molly had become a close friend over the course of their voyage, spending most of her time basking in the sun with Dustjump when she was not hunting rats on the ship. Dustjump was grateful for the comfort of her presence now, in this time of loss. At least she still had a friend. 
The muted sound of paws slipping on sand made her turn her head. The other survivors, save for the youngest kit, were making their way down a steep dune to her. Jasper, the skinny cream and white tom, was the first to reach her. “We were worried,” he mewed, “when we woke and you were gone. We followed your scent trail to the shore, but since there was no fear-scent or blood, we decided to wait until you came back. Did you... find anyone else?” His tone was bleak, despite the hopeful words. Dustjump simply shook her head. “I didn’t think so,” Jasper whispered sadly.
The cats sat in silence for some time. Finally, Marty, the ginger tom kit, broke the quiet. “What happens now?” he mewed, trying to hide the tremor in his voice. “Where do we go?” The cats exchanged uncertain glances, shifting uncomfortably before eventually turning their attention to Shale. She had acquitted herself well last night, and it was clear that the others looked to her as the de-facto leader. Dustjump was fine with that. She wouldn’t have wanted that job even if she wasn’t grieving.
Shale drew herself up, trying to project confidence. “Go...” she murmured, almost to herself. “I’m not sure. We could try and find new twolegs. Try to go back to the way we were before, somehow.”
“And forget what happened last night? Pretend like it never happened?” Panko hissed. His friend Algernon swept his tail over his spine, smoothing down spiked fur. “Easy, Pan,” he murmured, “no cat will ever forget what happened last night, what we lost.” He turned to the rest of the group. “But he does have a point. Can we really just... move on?”
No cat spoke.
“Then we stay together,” Shale meowed. “Perhaps other cats washed up further along the beach. If we stay near here, maybe we’ll run into them. Or perhaps some of our twolegs survived. They could come looking for us. Either way, it seems that remaining here is the best course of action. Are we... all agreed?” One by one, the survivors nodded their heads. Silence fell upon the group once more. This time, Jasper was the one to break it. “I... have an idea,” he mewed hesitantly. “Maybe its silly but... I feel like so much has changed in just this last day. I don’t... feel like the same cat anymore. And I-I don’t want the same name. It feels... wrong. I’d like to be called Sand, from now on.”
Sand’s proclamation stirred the survivors. “I want to be Current, then,” Marty piped up. “I’m not the same either.” Privately, Dustjump thought the little tom kit didn’t really understand Sand’s reasoning and was mostly interested in having a new, fun name, but she held her tongue. 
“It does feel right, to begin our new lives with new names,” Shale meowed. “I’d like to be called Shell.” 
“Call me Foam, from now on,” Algernon piped up.
“Splash,” Panko muttered.
The survivors turned to look at Dustjump, and she felt the fur along her spine prickle. “I’ll keep my name,” she said firmly. She didn’t want to be anyone other than Dustjump. Perhaps her life had changed, but that didn’t mean she would just leave behind everything she was before. Dustjump had always been her name, and it always would be. She buried her nose in the salty scrap of fabric again, mourning all that had been lost.
One by one, the survivors padded off, to hunt, or to rest, or to care for the tiny kit they had saved from the waves. Finally it was just Dustjump and Shale--Shell, now, she supposed. Shell pressed close against her. “I’m so sorry, Dustjump,” she mewed. “I’d give anything to take your pain away.” Dustjump leaned against her friend, taking comfort in the warmth of her pelt against hers.
The sun was high in the sky when Dustjump was startled awake by movement at her side. She hadn’t even realized she had fallen asleep, but Shell’s tensing muscles and prickling fur brought her guard up instantly. Dustjump opened her jaws to taste the air. A foreign tom-scent hit the roof of her mouth. Not one of the survivors, and not one of the cats that had been on the ship. This was someone entirely new. 
A huge, silver tom with odd spots padded out from the dune grass, his expression neutral. Dustjump slid her claws out, preparing for trouble, but the newcomer’s fur was flat, his posture relaxed.
“Peace, strangers,” he meowed in a lilting accent. “I mean you no harm. I saw the wreck, and thought I would come search for survivors. You can call me Tidechaser.”
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woodchoc-magnum · 1 year ago
✨top 9 books✨
tagged by @tripleaxeldiaz 😘💋
(I’m counting a whole series as one book, that’s absolutely not cheating)
Also my tastes are many and varied 🤷‍♀️
World War Z by Max Brooks
Big Little Lies by Liane Moriarty
Holding the Man by Timothy Conigrave (this will rip your heart out and destroy you)
The Sookie Stackhouse series by Charmaine Harris
The Stand by Stephen King
Live From New York- the complete uncensored history of Saturday Night Live by Tom Shales
Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn
Marley and Me by John Grogan
Flowers in the Attic by Virginia Andrews (oh yeah that’s right I stand by it too, this is why my writing is full of DRAMA. THIS IS WHAT I GREW UP READING)
Honourable mentions to the Baby-Sitters Club and Sweet Valley High, even though I haven’t read them in years they still hold a special place in my heart ♥️
Tagging @tawaifeddiediaz @cinematicnomad @catdadeddie @buttercupbuck @thisissirius @sevensoulmates and anyone else 😊
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