#Tom Mann's Instagram
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isupportzaynxliamxziam · 2 years ago
Sunday, 20 May 2018
Liam's working on new music and a lot of people post about it like Donny Isaac, who posts a photo on his Instagram of Liam, Tom Mann, Charlie Knox, himself and Arthur Bean
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... Tom Mann on the other hand posts on his Instagram Stories ...
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... and American record producer Mike Sabbath also posts on his Instagram Stories
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insanityclause · 1 year ago
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blueeyeddarkknight · 2 years ago
Val as Chris Shiherlis from (Heat 1995) posted by Michael Mann on IG 📷❤️🔥🔫
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comic-crazy · 4 months ago
Useful Artist's Portfolios for Ref
Some great artists' greater portfolios in no particular order
Dave Rapoza
Steve McNiven
David Finch
Dan Mora and his Instagram
Ben Caldwell and his Instagram and youtube
Clement Sauve and his DiviantArt
Eric Canete and his Instagram and youtube
Iain McCaig
Matteo Scalera and his Instagram
Oliver Copilel
Sean Gordon Murphy and his Instagram
Travis Charest and his Instagram
Frank Miller and his Instagram
Scott Snyder and his Instagram
Greg Capullo and his Instagram
Marc Silestri and his Instagram
Andy Kubert
Tom King
Jason Aaron and his linktree
Ryan Stegman and his YouTube and Instagram
Ryan Ottley and his Instagram
Steve McNiven
Joshua Williamson and his linktree
Jock and his Instagram
Frank Cho and his instagram
Andrea Broccardo
Andy Belanger
Brad Anderson
Chris Burnham and his Instagram
Clay Mann
Creees Lee and his linktree
Dan Panosian and his linktree
Danny Earls
Derek Hunter and his instagram
Emanuela Lupacchino
Emma Kubert and her linktree
Doc Shaner and his instagram
Gene Ha and his Instagram
Hayden Sherman and his instagram
Jason Badower and his instagram
Jason Fabok and his instagram
Brian Selznick
Barbra Reid
Kadir Nelson
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iagoglez · 11 months ago
25 años
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Esto me la habrá oído contar (casi) cualquier persona que me conozca.
Marzo de 1999, carnavales. Decidimos quedar en grupo en alguno de los festivos para ver Magnolia, recién estrenada en alguna de las mini salas de los Equitativa.
Esas tres horas, en primera sesión sobre las cuatro de la tarde, y tras la laconada típica de la época, solo podían terminar en desastre.
El odio por Magnolia tuve que reubicarlo gracias a Aimee Mann. Es posible que la peli sembrara de manera inconsciente, que sirviera para llegar a Bachelor Nº2 tras las canciones incluidas en la banda sonora, y luego al resto de su discografía.
Pero en la banda sonora faltaba algo. Algo muy importante: la música de Jon Brion, esa que provoca que la película sea una gran sinfonía. Por suerte los primeros 2000 ya ofrecían maneras de conseguir cosas de ese tipo (que aún hoy no están ni en spotify).
Magnolia fue una digestión muy pesada que solo se salvó por la música: es bastante posible que de no ser por Mann y por Brion no existiera recuerdo en mi cabeza como para darle una segunda oportunidad, y el resto es historia.
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Se intuye una poderosa condescendencia con respecto a esta peli de Anderson, alguien que con menos de 30 años saca adelante una opereta en torno al dolor, la redención y el vacío existencial (porque amor, lo que se dice amor, no hay). ¡¿Qué podía saber ese chaval de todo esto?!
Parece que sea más fácil reconocerle a Anderson los méritos de sus obras posteriores, más ceñudas y pagadas de sí mismas, ejercicios que parecen estar más preocupados por insinuar lo que puede saber su director que por vomitar para conseguir la purga necesaria.
Desde luego que siempre estaré más a favor de los vómitos que de las respuestas fisiológicas constreñidas.
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25 años es una de esas medidas estandarizadas: se supone que es el lapso necesario para que puedas ejecutar una valoración de algo.
Si cualquiera se para a pensarlo, en 2001 se rompió el tiempo, y tal vez esta medida ya no tenga tanto valor. Podrían haber pasado, no sé, 15, y en realidad la celebración de la existencia de esta película debería de ser igual de importante, porque el paso del tiempo, sin más, le ha sentado bien.
Porque, es curioso, es una obra mucho más humanista de lo que parece (aunque yo lo descubrí ya con la edición especial en DVD, pero luego vuelvo a esto).
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En el imaginario popular, Magnolia es la película de Tom Cruise haciendo del Tom Cruise real más enajenado y hablando de pollas.
En realidad es una película absolutamente coral en la que probablemente los tiempos estén muy equilibrados.
En realidad es una película cuya narración termina en palabras de otro de los personajes, el policía casposo de John C. Reilly que escupe su moralina de la manera más irrelevante posible.
¿Por qué entonces todo el mundo la recuerda por Cruise?
Bueno, en honor a la verdad era el más famoso, y mucha gente se enteró ahí de que sabía actuar, pero creo que el motivo es otro.
Si se hace un repaso de los sucesos de la película, Anderson vomita una serie de cuestiones que, 25 años más tarde, tal vez nos sean mucho más familiares: la muerte, el dolor, el desarraigo, los traumas, los abusos, el desamparo. Conectar con la palabrería de Cruise/Mackey era más sencillo, aunque fuera sintiendo asco.
¿Alguién quería ser víctima de esta exposición en su juventud? Por supuesto que no, ¡o al menos no en una riada! Magnolia era una peli extremadamente incómoda cuando todo esto solo se quería asimilar en pequeñas dosis.
Dicho de otra manera: "Eh, Paul Thomas, cabrón, ¡haz cinco pelis sobre traumas y no una sola peli sobre cinco traumas!"
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Ayer por la noche, al caer en la cuenta de los 25 años, compartí esta captura en instagram. Son Paul Thomas y Fiona Apple, por aquel entonces pareja, en algún momento impreciso tras el estreno de Magnolia: después de hacer el idiota un momento, él se sienta a revisar cosas en el ordenador, y ella sigue meciéndose por la habitación. Es una falsa intimidad, pues la cámara la situó ahí otra mujer, tal vez una ayudante de producción, que finalmente se acerca a Fiona.
El plano pertenece a That Moment, una suerte de making of sobre el proceso de construcción de Magnolia que en su momento se editó con la versión especial en DVD (ya lo apuntaba arriba), y que ahora está disponible en youtube (mientras no lo tumben).
No creo que un making of pueda servir como catalizador, pero esto sucede con That Moment. Cuando llegué a él ya se me había pasado el odio por la peli (o no habría comprado la edición especial), pero de pronto me vi disfrutando de su antítesis: algo tórpemente grabado, breve, conciso y que no enmascaraba sus intenciones.
Paul Thomas Anderson era un mocoso de poco más de 25 años cuando decidió que tenía que hacer Magnolia, tal vez una historia más apropiada para sus actuales 50 a ojos de un público que parece exigir teórica madurez para según qué cosas. El resultado, en realidad, es perfecto.
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La madurez no es solo aquello que te impide ir a tanta velocidad como para no saber ver el presente. Puede ser, lo fue, el impulso para recoger un hatillo de emociones y desmadejarlo en una estructura narrativa que condense aquello que sabías que existía pero que no encontrabas otra manera de expresar.
En That Moment, Anderson deja entrever algunos de esos episodios que le llevan a querer hablar de temas que 25 años después nos parecen más cercanos: la muerte, el dolor, el desarraigo, los traumas, los abusos, el desamparo. Lo hizo, además, anticipándose a muchos fenómenos actuales: es llamativa la visceralidad mediática del repulsivo personaje de Tom Cruise (que hoy sería tertuiliano político, y no de los peores), pero más incisiva es la autodestrucción a la que se arrastra Juliane Moore, personaje histérico y excesivo que en la actualidad resulta mucho más compresible gracias a que hablar de salud mental y sesgos de género ya no sea (tan) tabú.
Los 25 años desde su estreno son una buena excusa para recuperar la película, de la que, en serio, podría hablar mucho más, pero ojalá lo sean para que ese pequeño documental adquiriera la relevancia que se merece por un motivo muy importante: porque demuestra que todos lo que en Magnolia resulta excesivo e hiperbólico es, en el fondo, próximo a la realidad.
Por eso se necesitaba una buena tormenta de ranas.
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littleharpethcrossfit · 7 months ago
Saturday, 6 July, 2024.
We enjoyed good Summer weather on this early morning.
20 Light KBS
Bench Press.....5 / 5 / 5 / 5 / 5..........(70 to 80%)
Armando=225 Bernie=205 Robert=190 Nathan=145 Coach/Tom/Dana=135 Rodney=125 Warren A=105 LSU/Cheri=85 Shannon=65 Linda/Angel/Alicia/Abby/Bella and possibly others=did it but didn't post results
400m Wreck Bag Carry.....(50/25)
Then 10 Rounds
5 Dead-hang Pull-ups
7 Kettle-Bell Sumo Deadlift High Pulls.....(70/53/35)
9 Push-Ups
And Finally
400m Wreck Bag Carry .....(50/25)
Robert=15:58 Dana**=16:05 Nathan=18:45 Warren A=18:47 Cheri=18:48 Rodney=19:19 Bernie=19:32 Shannon=20:15 Linda=21:38 Armando=21:50 LSU=24:15 Coach=26:10 Tom=26:12 Angel/Alicia/Bella/Abby and maybe others, no posting.
Several of you 09:30 people saw a couple of Brentwoods' "Men In Blue" parked in our driveway as you arrived. I called them to euthanize a badly injured Deer that was in our field. It appeared to have a broken leg presumably caused by getting hit by a car. It couldn't walk and could only thrash around on the ground. At first we couldn't find it in the thick brush near the river, but finally found it, dead, in the water. The Cops decided to leave it there and "Let nature take its course." If the deer had been alive, they would have shot it, drug it out to BRD where the Brentwood Works Department would come and pick it up on MONDAY. I think the river was the best place for it, but I'll tell the Grand-Kids not to play in the river for a few days. The cops said this was the 3rd dead deer call today.
Now you know what to do if a deer dies in your yard.
Abby B brought a friend again today. Abby apparently has lots of friends who come here once but don't come back. Bella was another such friend. She is a Grand-Daughter of Old Joe The Bird Man, although she doesn't know him by that name. In all the excitement I neglected to give her a T-shirt.
Instagram wasn't here today. Naturally she has been checking in via social media / Instagram. The pictures she has posted are evidence that she has crossed state lines in search of a man. We can hope that he is over 18 YOA or else she may be violating The Mann Act. Several of us (NOT ME) were curious about his Groucho Marx mustache resembling a hairy black Caterpillar that they thought came from a disguise kit. We are all aware that Instagram does not tolerate any type of bugs. The sweet wiener dog he was carrying (in a sling like storks use) was very likely a type of attraction bait. Somehow he knows Instagram loves dogs. We pray for her safe and speedy return.
The anonymous person(s) mentioned in the above paragraph are protected by the use of mythical pseudonyms.
Sunday at 0730 and at 1 PM.
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jensenackles-daily · 2 years ago
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jasonmannsmusic: This was a fun way to start the work weekends off in ‘23! Lots of catching up to do here in Vegas. If only there was a place to sit, a table with a few chairs… if anyone has any ideas let me know… ;) (thanks for bringing us all out to Vegas @creationent!) (x)
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liam-93-productions · 4 years ago
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Tom Mann via his IG stories - 08.03
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because-batcat · 4 years ago
Clay Mann shares a teaser on Instagram for the upcoming BatCat comic written by Tom King (8/24/20)
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elves-n-angels · 6 years ago
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jusinbellocon 📸 #JiblandBoys Group photo #jibland4 style 💘
💟 #JIBWEEK2019 ✨ #JasonManns #GrahamMcTavish #SebastianStan #RobBenedict #TomEllis #RichardSpeightJr #RickyWhittle #BrettDalton #avengers #Lucifer #americangods #Outlander #supernatural #spn #wintersoldier #AgientsOfShield
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fuckyesbrettdalton · 6 years ago
@dicksp8jr: In fairness, I did tell Rob to aim the monkey at my face. I have only myself to blame. @jusinbellocon @officialtomellis @robenedict @jasonmannsmusic @imbrettdalton @rickywhittle @jusinbellocon
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ncutigatwafans · 3 years ago
Ncuti Gatwa to star in upcoming Apple+ TV Mini Series ‘Masters of the Air’ (Information on the show and his role)
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As announced on his Instagram Story yesterday, Ncuti will be appearing in the war drama ‘Masters of the Air’, due to release in 2022 on the Apple+ TV streaming service. 
Ncuti will be playing the role of 2cd Lt. Robert Daniels, and will appear in at least three episodes (out of the nine in the series). This will be Ncuti’s fourth televised role, and second televised speaking role.
Below are some more details on the series:
Short summary: Five miles above the earth and deep behind enemy lines, eleven men inside a bomber known as the "Flying Fortress" fight for their lives against swarms of enemy German fighters. As American bombers are picked off one by one, their mission becomes very clear: survive.
This is the latest instalment to the Band Of Brothers war series.
Cast members: 
Austin Butler (Switched at Birth, Once Upon A Time, Life Unexpected) will be playing Gale Cleven
Anthony Boyle (Ordeal by Innocence, Derry Girls) will be played Major Crosby
Callum Turner (Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald, Emma) will be playing Major John Egan
Raff Law (Twist, Model for Dolce & Gabanna and Timberland) will be playing Sgt. Ken Lemmons
Josh Bolt (Benidorm, Last Tango In Halifax, Catch 22) will be played Lt. Winifred 'Pappy' Lewis
Nate Mann (Little Woman, Ray Donovan) will be played Major Rosie Rosenthal
Louis Greatorex (Catch 22) will be playing Captain Joseph 'Bubbles' Pain
Freddy Carter (Shadow and Bone) will be playing Lt. David Friedskin
Tommy Jessop (Line of Duty) will be in a role yet to be announced
Barry Keoghan (Dunkirk) will be playing Lt. Curtis Biddick
Sam Gittins (The Smoke) will be playing Sgt. William McClelland
Nikolai Kinski (Barbarians) will be playing Colonel Harold Huglin
Mikey Collins (The Terror) will be playing Lt. Paul Joseph Schmalenbach
Luke Baker (Everybody's Talking About Jamie, West End) will be playing Sgt. Vern M Best
James Murray (The Crown) will be playing Colonel Neil 'Chick' Harding 
Director: Cary Joji Fukunaga
Executive Producers: Tom Hanks and Steven Spielberg
The series is due for release in 2022 and is currently in production. Ncuti has wrapped filming his scenes as of December 6th, 2021.
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dermontag · 3 years ago
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Samstag, 15. Januar 2022 Leben als Patchworkfamilie Heidi Klum: Für Tom war es "nicht einfach" Als Heidi Klum und Tom Kaulitz im August 2019 heiraten, wird der 32-Jährige plötzlich Stiefvater von vier Kindern. In einem Interview verrät die 48-Jährige, dass es für ihren Ehemann "sicherlich nicht einfach" gewesen sei. Mittlerweile seien der Musiker und ihre Kinder aber ein Herz und eine Seele. Seit 2019 ist Heidi Klum glücklich mit Tom Kaulitz verheiratet. Mit der Ehefrau traten auch ihre vier Kinder Leni, Henry, Johan und Lou aus früheren Beziehungen in das Leben des Musikers. Im Interview mit "Us Weekly" erzählte die 48-Jährige, dass es für ihren Ehemann "sicherlich nicht einfach" gewesen sei, "in eine Familie zu treten und plötzlich vier Kinder und Teenager zu haben". Es sei "einfacher" gewesen, als ihre Kinder noch jünger gewesen seien. "Jedes Alter bringt seine Herausforderungen mit sich", erklärte das Model weiter. Mittlerweile sind Tom Kaulitz und die Kinder ein Herz und eine Seele. Bereits 2019 zeigte Heidi Klum in einem Clip auf Instagram, dass ihr Ehemann der ältesten Tochter Leni das Autofahren beibrachte. Nun unterrichte er auch den 16-jährigen Henry, wie sie weiter verriet. Heidi Klum plauderte im Interview auch über die Zukunft ihrer vier Sprösslinge. Leni Klum hat bereits erfolgreich ihre Modelkarriere gestartet, sie gehe "ihren eigenen Weg". "Ich finde es so wunderbar, dass sie nicht versucht, wie ich zu sein", sagte Klum über ihre älteste Tochter. "Sie ist klein für ein Model und sie steht dazu. Seit ihrer Geburt hat sie eine Kamera vor sich, also sieht sie die Kamera eher wie einen Freund als einen Feind. Ich habe das Gefühl, dass sie vor der Kamera super entspannt ist und immer die beste Zeit hat", so Mama Klum. Lou will entweder Popstar, Tierärztin oder Präsidentin werden Mehr zum Thema Ihre jüngeren Kinder scheinen dagegen nicht in ihre Fußstapfen treten zu wollen. "Meine Jungs sind große Gamer", erzählte Heidi Klum. "Lou könnte in die Musik gehen. Wir wissen es nicht. Manchmal sagt sie: 'Ich will ein Popstar werden.'" Die Zwölfjährige sei außerdem ein großer Fan von Anime-Figuren und Cosplay. Ihre weiteren Berufswünsche seien "Tierärztin" oder "Präsidentin". "Es ist eine Entscheidung zwischen diesen drei Möglichkeiten", so Klum. Leni stammt aus Heidi Klums früherer Beziehung mit Flavio Briatore. Die drei weiteren Kinder hat sie mit Ex-Mann Seal, mit dem sie von 2005 bis 2014 verheiratet war. Im August 2019 gab das Model dem Tokio-Hotel-Gitarristen Tom Kaulitz das Jawort.
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imetyouonljpodcast · 4 years ago
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I’m V. Arrow (she/her), and I’ve been writing fanfiction my whole life, really, but I’ve been posting it online since 1998 (and it was the main thing that got me grounded between the ages of 12 and 18).
Thanks to fandom, I have also published The Panem Companion, a guidebook to The Hunger Games; an essay in Fic! Why Fanfiction Is Taking Over the World about RPF, looking mainly at One Direction; and an essay with infographics in Divergent Thinking, an anthology about the Divergent series. I’ve also gotten to speak at San Diego Comic-Con on a panel about fanfiction!
I like woman-focused narratives and analytical lenses, weird and thoughtful linguistic choices, rich worldbuilding, when the good guys (and especially gals) win, women written as full people with dignity and respect, men who adore the women in their lives, and healthy relationships after sad characters get the therapy they need.
I love fics that take a tiny corner of a huge canon universe and dive deep to flesh out a place or a character that canon doesn't give its due.
Some people think I’m angry all the time, but I’m actually a very bubblegum happy girl -- I’m just a Jewish feminist who loves yelling and sees spirited debate as a bonding activity (and I have high standards and no energy for excusing bad behavior just because a character's hot).
In the time that Maggie and I have known each other, I have written fanfic for the following pairings:
Rob Pattinson/Kristen Stewart (Twilight RPF)
Katniss Everdeen/Peeta Mellark, Cinna/Finnick Odair, Finnick Odair/Annie Cresta, various other pairings (The Hunger Games)
Anna Oliphant/Étienne St. Clair, Lola Nolan/Cricket Bell (Anna and the French Kiss series)
Percy Jackson/Nico DiAngelo, Percy Jackson/Nico DiAngelo/Rachel Elizabeth Dare/Annabeth Chase, various other pairings (Percy Jackson & the Olympians)
Mia Thermopolis/Michael Moscovitz (The Princess Diaries book series)
Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson, Louis Tomlinson/Nick Grimshaw (One Direction)
Harry Styles/George Shelley, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson/George Shelley, George Shelley/Ella Henderson (Union J + One Direction)
Barclay Beales/Tom Mann (Stereo Kicks)
Poe Dameron/Rey Skywalker, Poe Dameron/Finn/Rey Skywalker, Poe Dameron/Suralinda Javos, Poe Dameron/Ben Solo, Poe Dameron/Karé Kun, Poe Dameron/Muran, Poe Dameron/Leia Organa, Poe Dameron/Greer Sonnel, Cassian Andor/Shara Bey/Kes Dameron, Sabé/Padmé Amidala, Breha Organa/Bail Organa, various other pairings (Star Wars universe)
Nicky/Joe [Nicolò di Genova/Yusuf al-Kaysani], Andy/Quýnh [Andromache the Scythian/Quýnh] (The Old Guard)
And LOTS of drabbles for various YA and MG book pairings and other pairings of UK X-Factor contestants. And maybe some GBBO contestant drabbles? I honestly can’t remember!
Pairings I love desperately but have not written include:
Jack Dawson/Rose DeWitt Bukater (Titanic)
Emily Fitch/Naomi Campbell (Skins)
Everyone in Ocean’s Eight/Everyone Else in Ocean’s Eight
Eleanor Shellstrop/Chidi Anagonye, Jason Mendoza/Janet (The Good Place)
Steve/Bucky (Captain America)
Carol Danvers/Maria Rambeau (Captain Marvel)
Cassel Sharpe/Lila Zacharov (The Curse Workers)
My Top Ten Albums of All Time
1989, Taylor Swift
Heroes & Thieves, Vanessa Carlton
Hotel Paper, Michelle Branch
Salute, Little Mix
Up All Night, One Direction
Replay, Play
A Little Bit Longer, The Jonas Brothers
Folie a Deux, Fall Out Boy
Chapter One, Ella Henderson
That Day, Greg Raposo (and more than that, all of his unreleased/limited release tracks)
Right Where You Want Me, Jesse McCartney
I’m currently @aimmyarrowshigh​​ on Tumblr and AO3, @aimmyarrowshigh_ on Instagram where I mostly post my mediocre crafts, and @aimmyarr0wshigh on Pinterest where I save up images to eventually make aesthetic graphics or moodboards.
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creativecoding · 5 years ago
What is beyond the future of Augmented Reality
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[Pre-visualisation experiments of the AR experience as part of the 3D Digital Design Degree at The University of Greenwich, by Pria-Rose Rodriguez]
 Augmented Reality is a steady growing trend in today’s scope of technology. It didn’t quite sky-rocket to everyone’s lips as intensively as Virtual Reality did, yet AR seems to have taken a much more functional approach to everyday life. Augmented Reality is already a useful daily tool throughout global activities. IKEA for example, the furniture store, offers an AR app called IKEA Place that gives the user freedom to plan their space with the furniture they can buy from the store in advance. Historical sites, like Italy’s Pompeii, let the user bring ruins back to life through Augmented Reality projections. Neurosurgeons, airport crew and even football broadcasters use Augmented Reality to enhance their jobs.
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The future of Augmented Reality promises the replacement of the mobile device, in exactly what way has yet to be determined. As of now, this would be at a halt due to the seemingly never-ending chase of user privacy with Augmented Reality which seems to surreptitiously capture, record and contain personal data and footage.
What is this modern, technical invention besides what we see of it through examples in Iron Man or ideas that conjure up the goggles in Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell? Well, it simply is an interactive and multisensory experience. Typically, Augmented Reality is performed in real-time and is often combined with heads-up display (HUD). The most common description of Augmented Reality finds itself partnered with the ever-more popular Virtual Reality. This inescapable comparison between the two is somewhat valid as they can be considered ‘related�� technologies but the natures of the two provide worlds of difference in the user experience. To quickly sum up the versus between AR and VR, we can say that Augmented Reality provides an immersive addition to the immediate environment of the user using technological enhancements (phone, glasses, tablet) with no real detriment to the senses whilst Virtual Reality provides a world encompassing experience that does not interact with the immediate environment but rather, allows the user to interact within a virtual one. The distinguished difference of experience is that VR eliminates the world around you and therefore has the down-side of altering with the user's perception, balance and ability – the function to perform activities within VR are still far from replicating real-life as the industry so desires. But, back to Augmented Reality which deserves a title, reputation and essay of its own.
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The first sign of Augmented Reality appeared in 1992 with the US Air Force Training system. Today, AR is being used in a myriad of ways already in ordinary day to day life through apps such as Snapchat, Instagram or those that help people find their car in a parking lot or virtually try on clothes without leaving their house. Augmented Reality can be one of two things, constructive (which adds to the natural environment) or destructive (which masks the natural environment).
Before touching on the subject of the benefits and successes of Augmented Reality, let’s first uncover the dangers of Augmented Reality. The first being the deaths and casualties caused by the popular AR experience in 2016, Pokémon GO. The injuries rose to over 29,000 and fatalities were over 250 in the 2016 year alone. The second concern for the danger of Augmented Reality lies no doubt in privacy. The debacle of data, legality and ethics of personal information in the last few years (Cambridge Analytica Scandal for example) have led more and more scrutiny to be cast on any user interactivity on platform or device. Augmented Reality can access information about environment, facial recognition and social media. In 2017, however, The Code of Ethics on Human Augmentation introduced by Computer Engineer Steve Mann, became ratified at the Toronto conference for VR. Ray Kurtzweil and Marvin Minsky in 2013 had refined the code that Mann originally introduced in 2004. Mann is well-known for creating the first wearable computer in 1980. Nearly 40 years later in 2019, Microsoft released the HoloLens 2, the Augmented Reality headset which brings holograms into the real world through constructive (additive) AR.
Like many advanced tech trends, it seems that there is no shortage of professionals, articles and projects or research to enlighten the most common layman about what to be impressed and/or intimidated by. However, despite the many projects of Augmented Reality, those that make money, steal data or provide an immersive experience, what sets them apart? If they are all using the same technology and giving their audiences what they want, how could there be a hierarchy and why? Entertainment, education, capitalism – the reason behind most media and content we have in today’s world. And like many businesses, the question should be “If your business is not helping to solve some of the world's problems, the business is harmful”. To an extent, this is true – like everything, it is debatable. To an extent, this applies to Augmented Reality, which at this stage seems to be exercising its creative freedom through its fresh stages in media through many hats and many collaborations. TED, MIT even L’Oreal have had their share of AR fun. Though what the world needs from Augmented Reality is a question worth asking. If there is a responsibility of creators, engineers and designers to understand the impact of their work on the population at large, surely, there must be an equal responsibility for the medium to deliver it’s very best to drive mankind forward. Otherwise, why bother retelling stories and experiences through a new medium. As the now infamous Lasseter once said, art should challenge the technology and the technology should inspire the art.
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The fundamentals of Augmented Reality are pretty straightforward, which is the most enjoyable part of computing – at some point, it’s 1+1=2. User Interface design (UI) and User Experience design (UX) fall into place along with the design and interactivity sensibilities that one would find unavoidable. Asset creation, programming commands and the perfection of ‘to obscure, to not obscure’ placement control. Eventually, through all the research it seems rather redundant and trivial. Why it is being made and what effect that has on the improvement of man or man’s ability to understand himself or the universe is far more fascinating than lines of code or tricks of light.  
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crystal58me · 4 years ago
World's most stunning proficient is a model and Ivy League understudy
When Pritika Swarup permitted the 9-month-old young adult back to his mom after brand name hole clinical system, the two ladies bound in tears of delight pritika swarup .
"Clearly when you see a parent take a gander at their young adult and they can see that their lip is completely together considering the way that . . . that is something that you can't plot," said the structure model of her outing to Nampula, Mozambique, last August. "Around by at that point, I think we both shared the tendency that [he] would have the choice to proceed with a full life."
Swarup had taken off to the African country as a represetative for Operation Smile, a not-for-advantage that gives free obliging clinical framework to kids passed on into the world with normal openings and palates. The condition happens in the gut when mouth tissue doesn't diagram reasonably, and, at whatever point left untreated, can incite nonattendance of sound food, upset breathing and talk squares.
"[Through a translator], she uncovered to me about her experience passing on [him] and not seeing what wasn't obviously with him," said Swarup, 24, of the mother. "He wasn't taking any milk in, so from that following she was so unnerved about everything — on the off chance that he would have the choice to proceed with a normal life."
This key is on an essential level piece of her stuffed life. There's her pressing standard work as a model for brands like MAC, Clinique and Tom Ford. Correspondingly, she's been contributing her corona­virus lockdown significance at an Airbnb in Palm Beach, Fla., wrapping up a budgetary money related issues degree from Columbia University.
In 2018, Swarup pushed an undertaking support "to give understudies firsthand understanding as worth stars and theory bosses," she said. "It ­became the best understudy run experience cash at Columbia."
The model properties her solid enduring air to her family, who moved to the US from India, and impacts her dad, an eye master, as her most noteworthy bore witness to show.
"He all around endeavored to help individuals and that really tumbled off on me," said Swarup, who experienced youth in Virginia Beach, Va.
She was found seven years sooner, on a family outing to Disneyland during her lesser year of discretionary school.
Completely when the displaying scout progressed toward her, she examined, "My family and I were reluctant. We took after, 'alright, are we getting perplexed right now?' "
It was the genuine article, and some time some time later she was confined to one of New York City's top working environments, Women Model Management. During her senior year of discretionary school, she moved to the Big Apple to take a gander at for in the wake of demonstrating full time and go to the Professional Children's School in Lincoln Square.
Her first focal gig was an article spread for Women's Wear Daily, and she has kept an eye out for dispersals including Vogue India and Harper's Bazaar Arabia.
She picked at Columbia in 2016, and has been enduring classes as her work ­allows — and even perceives how to make the two interests work: Swarup envisions activating a tricky satisfaction and accomplishment startup one year from now.
Her relationship with money has in like way helped her be sharp about her showing business — setting up a LLC for get-together and contributing warily.
"Amassed [models] go into contracts which aren't reasonable or adjusted, and may not all things consider handle what they are causing approaches to manage to administer," said Swarup. "I've seen youngsters end up in censured conditions."
Swarup, who lives in Hell's Kitchen and has more than 500,000 Instagram aficionados, began working with Operation Smile when she was only 13, seeing warmth ways to deal with oversee direct raise support.
As a grown-up, she changed into an Operation Smile represetative, making an excursion to consider sitting locale far and wide to get understudies included.
She made her first dispatch trip to Raipur, India, in 2018. Absolutely when she went to Mozambique the previous summer, Swarup designed and comfort families about the clinical systems and helped them research work zone work.
There were 71 important clinical structures on youths during her five-day visit.
The model, who is single, was imagining going on another key in July, notwithstanding Operation Smile has yielded every single such perspective by skill of the general pandemic.
"It totally got me down for a long time since that is something I especially imagine each year," said Swarup.
Then, the model is revealing issues about the party's new activity, Serving Smiles, by approachs for Instagram and through the understudies she has met — helping volunteers gather certifications and give free dinners to coronavirus social endorsement laborers. That circuits understudies from the Horace Mann School in the Bronx, who offered food to Mount Sinai, Elmhurst and Lenox Hill clinical working environments.
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