#Today news Pune
sunnyvinayaknimhan202 · 4 months
Sunny Nimhan - Advocate for Youth Empowerment, Pune's Leading Politician
Sunny Vinayak Nimhan is a strong advocate for youth empowerment, working with young entrepreneurs in Pune. He's a corporator of Pune and one of the most popular politicians in India. His focus includes sports development, women empowerment, and support for startup culture in Pune.
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khwxbeeda · 10 months
The Almost Wedding: Ch. II
Krushna had passed the limit of “fashionably late” a long time ago, and the limits of giving a fuck an even longer time ago.
The news of Tanishka agreeing to marry Chaitanya had been making the media rounds for the last two months without any signs of becoming old news— the eldest child of a film mogul and the younger brother of a famous Indian-European actress was the match of the year for the young generation of India, and the public had been going crazy over the two of them being seen holding hands and going on dates.
Three weeks ago, Krushna had been sent an invitation for an event being held to introduce Chaitanya Kulkarni to Arjun and Tanishka’s extended family with a postscript from Arjun that said he had to come whether he wanted to or not. Krushna had replied with an affirmation of his attendance, curious to get to know the man that had managed to meet the high standards of his best friend’s older sister.
He was regretting that right now.
Why did the event have to be on the day before Christmas, and why did it have to be in the evening? The celebrations were in full swing all throughout the city, and the traffic of Pune had been horrific. He had spent half an hour being stuck in the same place on the way to the venue, simply because the traffic had refused to bloody move forward. It was the insipid icing on the unpalatable cake that was the entirety of today. He was tired and drained and had nowhere near enough energy to deal with more than three people right now, but here he was, stepping out of his car after an hour of suffering through traffic and nodding in thanks to the valet for opening the door.
He took a deep breath in and released it as his chauffeur drove away and out of sight, and lifted his chin to rake a gaze over the expansive, beautiful building.
The Ritz Carlton, Pune.
He remembered first coming here for a formal event with his sister and mother three weeks after it had been opened to the public, sitting awkwardly wearing a suit he did not feel comfortable in, listening to Rukmini and Aai talk with various business associates that had smiled at him condescendingly while asking him how his school was going. The second time he had come here, it was a few months ago with his friends from Milan to celebrate his own twenty-fourth birthday, and that had been one of the best experiences ever.
Now here he was for the third time, celebrating the betrothal of a woman he did not particularly like. Curse his curiosity— Arjun had talked about the Kulkarni siblings and their out-of-this-world beauty so often that Krushna was now very interested in meeting Chandan Kulkarni.
His phone chimed, and Krushna blinked out of his reverie, letting out another exhausted sigh. He unlocked it, and opened IM. Inadvertently, a soft snort climbed up his throat at the text.
Satan and his Gucci Gang
desi regina george
wheres the hot piece of ass 7:37 P.M.
Aharya Jadhav— Arjun’s cousin of the same age, a lawyer, a fashionista, and one of the most chaotic people Krushna knew, second only to Arjun himself. Two people began typing, one of them Arjun, but he raised his eyebrows at the other one. He had been reliably informed that Sarthaki would not be attending the event, having used her broken leg as an excuse to escape the torture. No doubt the annoying little shit was lying on her bed with a bag of chips and a pizza, having fun commenting about them having to suck up to Arjun’s family.
He began walking as his idiots continued to type, through the doors into the luxurious lobby and towards the lifts without bothering to talk to the staff members or check the Events notice board. He already knew where to go.
scared of apples
idfk man he should have been here like two hours ago 7:37 P.M.
bakwaas dictionary
are you seriously calling krush a hot piece of ass?? 7:38 P.M.
Krushna bit his lip to hide his smirk and stepped into the lift, hand rising to press the button for the eighteenth floor without even having to look at it. His thumb flew across the screen of his Samsung, firing off a reply that he knew would piss Sarthaki off.
aal izz well
i mean… arent i 7:39 P.M.
scared of apples
i mean… isnt he 7:39 P.M.
desi regina george
i mean… isnt he 7:39 P.M.
bakwaas dictionary
stfu and go back to your lame party losers 7:40 P.M.
Krushna stifled a laugh as the doors of the lift slid open on the eighteenth floor, right into the entrance for the rooftop bar. He arranged his face into a polite, charming smile and tucked his phone into the pocket of his trousers, checking his reflection in the mirror on the far wall for a second. Makeup was in place, hair was pulled back into a purposely messy half up half down style, and the piercings in his ears gleamed brightly, perfectly matched to the silver brocade of his black kurta.
Good enough.
He straightened his back and stepped out onto the balcony.
Arjun and Aharya descended on him like a flock of vultures amidst the blinding flashes of the paparazzi’s cameras, wrapping themselves around each of his arms and giving him identical sweet smiles that immediately sent alarm bells ringing through his head. He groaned under his breath as they dragged him towards the bar.
“Fuck, please tell me you two chuckleheads didn’t murder someone,” he murmured under his breath, “I do not have the energy to help you hide a body tonight.”
Arjun let out a strained chuckle.
“Nahi,” he gritted out between clenched teeth, a stiff smile stretched over his glossy lips. He looked good, with contour and highlighter accentuating his bone structure and wearing a royal blue silk kurta with matching trousers. The bi flag bead bracelet Krushna had gotten for him when he had first come out was in place as it always was, and it rattled ominously when Arjun dug his fingers almost painfully into Krushna’s biceps. “But I’m extremely fucking close to snapping Tanu Tai’s pretty little neck.”
There was a Marathi phrase for the situation that Tanishka and Arjun were in. Chhattis cha aakda. It literally meant “the number thirty-six”, and implied that three and six would always be at odds with each other due to being complete opposites. Arjun and Tanishka were not entirely different— they were both good looking, frighteningly smart and shared a number of little quirks— but they were always at each other’s throats about literally everything, and it was a 24/7 source of entertainment for their friend group.
“What did she do now?” Krushna asked, leaning back on the bar and turning to give Aharya a chaste kiss on the cheek. She looked beautiful, dressed in a pearly white saree with silver zari and matching blouse, a sterling silver choker around her slender throat and hair piled into a stylish bun with a silver and pearl hairpin. Her makeup was flawless, with glimmering silvery white eyeshadow, white highlighter and soft pink lip gloss. “And Aharya jaan, you look fabulous as always.”
“Thank you, my love. Tanu Tai is showing off her arm candy,” she replied with a roll of her eyes, accepting the glass of champagne that Arjun handed her and leaning back against the bar. “Chaitanya— that’s the husband to be— is pretty and smart, and Arjun has dealt with enough of her bragging about it.”
Arjun scoffed, extending a black glittery cocktail towards Krushna, who took it gratefully. After the day he had just gone through, drink and gossip was the perfect pick me up. He took a sip and hummed in surprised approval at the explosion of blueberry on his tongue.
“And like, I get it okay,” Arjun said, raising his own glass of some violently pink concoction to his lips, “the man is ridiculously pretty and he’s studying physics because he actually bloody likes it, the weirdo.” The last two words are said with affection, and Krushna suddenly remembered that Arjun had spent a lot of time with this mysterious to-be-fiancé of Tanishka’s since the beginning of September. “He deserves to be shown off a little. But god damn can you shut up for like three seconds?”
Aharya stifled her snicker behind her glass, and Krushna grinned.
“He’s approved by both of you?” he said with exaggerated shock, placing a hand to his chin. “This is a tremendous occasion, I simply must meet this mystery man now.”
Arjun and Aharya rolled their eyes as one, already used to his theatrics. “He’s out of Tai’s league, honestly,” Arjun muttered. “I don’t know what he saw in her that he agreed to a marriage, but we all know he’s way out of her league.”
Krushna raised an eyebrow, an amused smirk curling up the edges of his lips. Arjun saying something was out of Tanishka’s league was routine, and so was Krushna and Aharya taking turns to pour gasoline on the dumpster fire that was Arjun and Tanishka’s relationship. “Well, then,” he drawled, “someone, introduce me to this man— what did you say his name was?”
“Chaitanya,” Aharya supplied, dark brown eyes glittering with the same amusement that Krushna was sure he himself was showing. “Chaitanya Kulkarni. I think you might have met his older sister somewhere at your modelling gigs— Charita Kulkarni, that actress who’s based in France.”
He nodded, taking a sip of his cocktail. “Yeah, I worked on that campaign for UNICEF with her two years ago. Excellent woman, and very intelligent. I had no idea she had a sibling.”
“She has three,” Arjun said. “Two brothers and a sister. And all of them are bloody fit. Seriously, it’s actually frustrating. Shame the oldest is married, or I’d have hit on him.”
Krushna and Aharya burst out laughing, attracting the attention of nearby tables before they remembered where they were and toned down the noise.
“You won’t believe the number of times this dude has gone on and on about Chandan, I swear,” Aharya snickered, and Krushna laughed harder, patting her on the shoulder.
“Oh, darling,” he gasped, “I’ve literally been dealing with it every day since the day Tanishka met that fiancé of hers. The first thing he did was call me and whine about how it’s ‘such a shame that Chandan is happily married’ and how he would ‘climb him like a tree if given the chance’, never mind that the man is almost forty.”
Arjun glared at him, and the fact that there was definitely a blush creeping up his neck under all his makeup had Krushna burying his face in Aharya’s shoulder to stop himself from cackling louder.
“I do not whine,” the shorter man grumbled, looking like he was seconds away from stomping his foot. “I do not!”
Krushna could not stop laughing. He leaned against Aharya with an arm wrapped around her waist for support, both of them giggling uncontrollably, stomachs starting to ache with how hard they were trying not to laugh too loud. Arjun groaned through gritted teeth, and folded his arms across his chest and glared at them, leather shoes tapping on the floor.
“Look, do you wanna meet Chaitanya or not?” he asked impatiently.
Krushna sucked in a deep breath and nodded, forcing himself to stop laughing. He elbowed Aharya in the stomach and gave her a look that said shut up, and turned to Arjun with the most demure expression he could manage, making him snort derisively.
“Alright,” he muttered, grabbing his drink to throw the last of it back and setting the empty glass down on the bar. “Come on, Tai has dragged him along for her rounds. Find her, and we find him.”
— — —
Chaitanya stuck his free hand in his pockets and exhaled through his nose, making sure the smile on his face did not look as done-with-this-shit as he felt. Tanishka had her hand tucked into his left elbow, and was smiling charmingly at one of the many old ladies that he had been introduced to and promptly forgotten the names of.
Gods, this was too many people in too little time. He wanted to leave.
He had nothing against Tanishka and her family, of course— they were wonderful people for the most part, except for that one aunt who had asked outright if he was planning to live off of his family’s wealth since the M.Sc in Physics was obviously not of any use— but he really did not have the social capabilities to be dealing with such a large crowd. He had run out of things to say twenty minutes ago, and was simply smiling and nodding along to whatever Tanishka was talking about, not bothering to pay attention to anything.
Chandan, the traitor, was ensconced with a socialite at one of the tables at the corner, deep in conversation about something or the other. Charuta was in Delhi, having left two months ago for her work, and Charita was… nowhere to be seen. Chaitanya furrowed his brows and cast a glance all over the place.
Where’s Ritu Tai?
He scanned the entire place, but no. There was not a single hint of the eye-catching hot pink cocktail dress his sister was wearing. He frowned harder and tapped Tanishka’s arm so she would loosen her grip, and turned around, only to catch Arjun’s eye.
The boy in question grinned and waved, beckoning Chaitanya to join him. Chaitanya shrugged and tilted his head towards Tanishka, who had an iron grip on his elbow and was still talking to the lady. Arjun’s eye roll was visible even from across the pool, and Chaitanya suppressed a grin. He liked Arjun— the boy was hilarious, openly bisexual and an absolute riot. He was what Chaitanya supposed he would have been if he had not been such a bloody introvert.
A few seconds later, Arjun came to a stop right next to him just in time for a couple flashes of blinding white light to go off, reminding him of the presence of the paparazzi. The other boy was accompanied by two people— a pretty woman whose name he could not remember, and the most beautiful man Chaitanya had ever seen in his life.
His eyes were a startlingly bright grey, almost silver in the lights of the restaurant, made even brighter by the silvery smokey eye makeup and diamond sharp winged liner. He was almost a head taller than Chaitanya, with long black hair pulled back into a half up half down style that accentuated his sharp, contoured cheekbones, and full lips covered in transparent glitter gloss. The black kurta with gold brocade that he wore only served to show off his broad shoulders and thick biceps, and his ears were covered in piercings— two standard lobe piercings, a helix on the left ear, and an industrial on the right— gold to match the rest of his outfit.
Krushna Mahajan.
Chaitanya recognised him, from a couple of photos his sister had shown him from that one UNICEF camp again she had done a few years ago, and from a few posts on Instagram that he had seen on his FYP. He was a model and owned his own fashion brand based here in Pune, if Chaitanya remembered correctly.
“Good evening, Tanishka,” the man greeted with a deep, honey-smooth voice, full lips pulling into a smile that was just so on the wrong side of polite that was completely at odds with his pleasant tone, taking in Tanishka’s outfit with the classic Up and Down. “I see you’ve cleaned up nicely.”
There was a ‘for once’ implied at the end of the sentence. Chaitanya raised a brow and looked at Arjun, who winked and silently gestured with his eyes for him to keep watching. He suppressed a smile and acquiesced.
“Krushna,” Tanishka greeted with a ramrod straight back, much less polite. “I don’t remember sending you an invite.”
Chaitanya turned to her, blinking slowly in shock. That was the bluntest he had seen her speak today; she had even been polite to that one aunt Arjun had told him she had loathed since she was a child. Had she suddenly forgotten all her manners? Granted, the man had probably snuck into the party without an invite, but that was no reason to be unpleasant in full view of the guests and cameras. The old lady she had been playing nice with a few moments ago was less than three feet away, for fuck’s sake!
“Actually, Tanu Tai,” Arjun interjected, the promise of chaos written all over his too sharp, too smug smile, “I sent him an invite because you forgot to. After all, he’s practically family, isn’t he?”
Behind him, the beautiful woman smirked and raised her champagne glass to her lips, narrow-eyed gaze focused predatorily on Tanishka. Chaitanya was starting to think that this was an ambush, and that he just had the unfortunate luck of being caught in the crossfire.
Beside him, Tanishka clenched her jaw, plum-painted lips pursing dispassionately. She looked beautiful today, with a deep purple co-ord kurta and palazzo set that matched the tie Chaitanya was wearing, but that prettiness sharpened into something terrifying the moment she glared at Krushna. He decided it was best if he interfered, and hastily stuck a hand out towards Krushna with a small, polite smile.
“Good evening,” he greeted in the most amiable tone he could muster, “it’s nice to meet you. I’m Chaitanya Kulkarni. Tanishka’s boyfriend.”
Krushna’s intense silver stare fixed itself onto him, and the slow, charming grin that curled up his full, glossy lips was positively swoon-worthy. “Oh, they weren’t lying,” he murmured under his breath as he took the offered hand and shook it firmly. “You really are ridiculously beautiful. Hello, Gorgeous. I'm Krushna Mahajan.”
A red hot flush bloomed across Chaitanya’s cheeks, and he squashed down the urge to squirm, ducking his head and letting out an honest to God giggle. He was pretty sure he resembled a tomato, and silently cursed his pale complexion for flushing so easily. “Ah, um,” he stammered, an awkward smile curling up his lips, “not— not really. I’m just⁠― I’m just wearing a bit of makeup.”
Krushna chuckled, smooth and deep and unfairly attractive. “Makeup is not the only thing that makes someone beautiful,” he replied, gazing intently into Chaitanya’s eyes.
The sound of a throat being cleared broke the moment, and he realised Krushna still had a firm grip on his hand. He pulled away with another awkward laugh and turned towards Tanishka, who had her eyes narrowed at Krushna. Her fingernails dug into Chaitanya’s elbow till it was bordering on painful, and he winced, shifting a little so the pressure lessened.
“Ah, my apologies,” Krushna said, his voice very apologetic but the way he narrowed his eyes back at her very much not. “Congratulations on the betrothal, Chaitanya. Tanishka, I’m very happy for you.”
Arjun made an aborted sort of sound, hiding it by turning away, and Chaitanya blinked at him in confusion. Tanishka’s glare focused on her little brother, and the man in question raised his hands with a shrug and a badly hidden shit-eating grin. Chaitanya felt like he was missing about several hundred extremely important details, and he looked at Krushna with a raised eyebrow. The man simply shrugged back, and he felt himself unconsciously tracking the movement of the broad line of his shoulders before turning away and catching the eye of the woman in pearly white.
She winked at him. Chaitanya pursed his lips, feeling his flush return full force, and he blinked, trying to look anywhere except Krushna or the woman.
“Come, Chaitanya,” Tanishka gritted out, adjusting her clothes and tugging on his elbow, almost making him lose his footing. “We have other guests to meet. Arjun and Aharya can keep Krushna entertained.”
With that, he got dragged away before any of them could reply, throwing one last apologetic look back at the three friends.
“Tanishka,” he began, but the woman did not even bother to look at him, and continued to pull him towards whatever part of the restaurant she had her mind on. He sighed and ripped his arm from her grip as gently as he could, exceedingly aware of the cameras on the edges of the room that were eager to click away at any perceived unrest or drama, and gently grabbed her shoulders to turn her around. “Tanishka. Tanishka, wait.”
She glared at him, and he bent down to press a soft kiss to her forehead, and cheered internally when she leaned into the touch instead of pulling away like he was half afraid she would.
“What happened back there?” he murmured, and she shook her head minutely, the look on her face telling him to drop it. He ignored it. He wanted answers. “I’ve never seen you be that rude to anyone— hell, you were nice to that bitch who spilled her coffee on you the other day.”
Tanishka’s lips twisted up, features scrunching up into a poisonous look aimed over his shoulder, and he had an inkling that it was aimed at Krushna. “It’s nothing,” she said curtly. “Don’t concern yourself with it.”
Chaitanya sighed and dragged her closer for a hug, clenching his jaw when he saw a flash go off from the corner of his eyes. He turned them around so the cameras could not get a glimpse of Tanishka’s face, and leaned down to place another kiss on her forehead. “I just wanna know if there’s something I can do to help,” he said softly, running a soothing hand up and down her back.
Tanishka shook her head.
“No,” she whispered, closing her eyes. When she opened them again, Chaitanya was alarmed to see them swimming with mushed tears. He pressed her closer to himself, casting a panicked eye around for Charita. Bloody woman kept disappearing right as he needed her the most.
“Krushna and Arjun go way back,” Tanishka said after taking a second to control herself, words coming out haltingly like she was trying not to choke on her tears. “And they’ve made it their mission to ruin anything and everything for me. They hate me, and they make it known. It’s been like that since I was fifteen.”
Chaitanya stared at her, not knowing how to respond to that. Sure, Arjun had an unusual love for pushing Tanishka’s buttons, and guessing from what he saw right now Krushna was probably not her biggest fan, but that could not possibly mean they hated her. Hell, he and Charita still heckled the eldest two siblings to their limits, but that did not mean they did not love each other.
“I’m sure that—” he began, but Tanishka glared at him and shook her head.
“Let’s not talk about this,” she said, and before he could stop her, she extracted herself from his hug and walked away, the soft jingle of her paayal lost to the sounds of the party. Chaitanya stared after her for a couple seconds, unsure of how to react to this situation.
He exhaled, and ran a hand through his hair.
Maybe it was best that he focused on looking for Charita, rather than whatever sibling rivalry was going on between Tanishka and Arjun, and Krushna.
Tag list: @kanha-sakhi @musaafir-hun-yaaron @orgasming-caterpillar @natures-marvel @yehsahihai @h0bg0blin-meat @mad-who-ra @girlatreus @krisnosura (lmk if you want to be added/removed)
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coworkingspaceinpune · 5 months
Welcome to Coworkista — Your Dynamic Workspace Solution Discover a new era of productivity and collaboration with Coworkista best Coworking space in Pune, where innovation meets comfort, and work transcends boundaries. Our coworking space is designed to empower individuals and businesses, providing an inspiring environment that fosters creativity, networking, and success. FOR COLLABORATIVE WORKING Coworking Space In Pune Welcome to Coworkista, your go-to coworking space in Pune.
We understand that finding the right workspace is essential for individuals & businesses to thrive. That’s why we provide a comfortable & professional environment for our members, with modern amenities & flexible plans. If you’re looking for a co-working space in Pune, look no further than Coworkista. Our Co working space in Pune offers a range of plans that can be tailored to your specific needs. Whether you need a dedicated desk or a private cabin, we have a plan that fits your budget & requirements. Our shared office space in Pune is designed to provide a productive & collaborative work environment. With high-speed internet, printing facilities, conference rooms, & a well-equipped kitchenette, you can work efficiently & comfortably. Plus, our community manager is always available to help you connect with other members & participate in events.
In conclusion, choosing the right coworking space for rent in Pune is crucial to ensure a productive and comfortable work environment. Consider factors such as location, amenities, community, price, and flexibility when making your decision. At Coworkista, we offer a range of flexible plans and modern amenities to meet your specific needs. With a prime location in Pune, you can enjoy a professional workspace that fosters collaboration and productivity.
At Coworkista, we believe that coworking is more than just sharing an office space. It’s about building a community of like-minded individuals who can network and collaborate to achieve their goals. That’s why our Coworking space in Pune offers a diverse community of professionals from different industries and backgrounds.
If you’re looking for a shared office space in Pune, Coworkista is the perfect place for you. With our cost-effective solutions and convenient location, you can enjoy a professional workspace that meets your specific needs. Contact us today to learn more about our plans and how we can help you achieve your business goals.
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martico · 2 months
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@ "Dattanagar Ambegaon BK "
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ashwini-enterprises · 5 months
Modular Mezzanine Floor Manufacturer Pune
Maximize your space with Ashwini Enterprises, a leading mezzanine floor manufacturer Pune! We specialize in creating innovative and customizable mezzanine floors to optimize your existing space, boosting productivity and efficiency.
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Contact Ashwini Enterprises today for a free consultation! We’ll help you design and install the perfect mezzanine floor to meet your space utilization needs.
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spacetech7 · 6 months
Acoustic Folding Partition - Acoustic Sliding Partitions
SpaceTech Interior Systems Pvt. Ltd.: Enhancing Spaces with Innovative Acoustic Sliding Folding Partitions Pune
At SpaceTech Interior Systems Pvt. Ltd., we specialize in revolutionizing interior design with our cutting-edge acoustic sliding folding partitions, catering to the vibrant city of Pune. As a leading provider of premium interior solutions, we understand the pivotal role that spatial flexibility and acoustic performance play in optimizing modern environments.
Our Acoustic Sliding Folding Partition systems are meticulously engineered to seamlessly merge functionality with aesthetics, offering unparalleled versatility for diverse spaces. Crafted with precision, these partitions effortlessly adapt to varying layouts, allowing for effortless transformation of spaces according to evolving needs.
Transform your space with SpaceTech Interior Systems Pvt. Ltd.’s Acoustic Sliding Folding Partition solutions in Pune, where functionality meets elegance, and possibilities are limitless.
Contact us today to explore how we can elevate your interior environment to new heights.
Contact: 9923408770
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infantisimo · 2 years
Night schools have a long history in Maharashtra. The first night school for labourers and agricultural workers was opened in Pune city in 1855, in the face of opposition from people who believed so-called lower castes should receive only vocational training. Later in Mumbai, night schools thrived as learning centres for its mill workers.
Today, in Bombay and across India, especially in its industrial centres, night schools are a vital resource that allow the poor and working class a chance of literacy and a new future.
Pinky found out about the night school from her husband, who had studied there himself before they were married seven years ago. He is now a gardener on contract with Mumbai’s municipal corporation.
Her days are packed. Every weekday morning, she takes her daughter to kindergarten and cleans her tiny one-room house in a warren of makeshift homes that abut a freight railway track. In the afternoon, she looks after her daughter and then takes the bus – if she has the money for it – or walks to the night school. She does her homework after her husband and child are asleep.
Pinky tries not to miss any lessons, but computer classes are a priority. Every Friday, a bus converted into an ad hoc classroom parks outside the night school. With laptops, chargers, and benches to seat two students at each of the ten devices, computer nights always see the highest attendance rates.
On days Pinky does not attend class, she may get a nudging call from Santosh Yadav, the school’s headteacher. He has taught there for 32 years and knows the circumstances of every student – who has lost a parent and who had to drop out of day school for work or a sudden crisis.
The Covid pandemic was a major setback, he said: around 50 students did not return to class after schools reopened. The school now has 140 students, but only around 15 to 20 attend daily; the rest come in depending on when they can get free from their work. It is Yadav who coaxes them to attend and helps them to catch up on the parts of the syllabus they miss. “If even we give up on our students, who will believe in them?” he asks.
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List of Top 10 Smart Cities in India 2024
In 2024, India stands as a testament to urban innovation, leading the global charge in developing smart cities that seamlessly integrate technology, sustainability, and quality of life. These cities epitomize the nation's dedication to fostering vibrant, efficient, and interconnected urban environments. Let's explore the top 10 smart cities in India for 2024:
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Renowned as the Silicon Valley of India, Bengaluru maintains its status as a frontrunner in technology and innovation. With a robust infrastructure and a thriving startup ecosystem, Bengaluru continues to set the standard for smart cities worldwide.
Embracing innovative solutions to address its unique challenges, the capital city of Delhi is rapidly evolving into a model smart city. Enhanced public transportation systems, green initiatives, and digital governance initiatives are reshaping the urban landscape, improving the lives of its residents.
As India's financial capital, Mumbai seamlessly blends its rich heritage with modernity. In 2024, the city leverages smart technologies to enhance mobility, ensure safety, and optimize resource utilization, making it one of the most dynamic and livable cities in India.
Hyderabad's journey towards smartness is characterized by significant investments in infrastructure, innovation, and sustainability. Smart transportation systems, efficient waste management, and digital connectivity initiatives position Hyderabad as a model smart city in 2024.
Embracing smart urban planning strategies, Chennai addresses the challenges posed by its growing population and infrastructure requirements. From smart grids to eco-friendly initiatives, Chennai sets the benchmark for sustainable urban development in India.
Fueled by a vibrant culture of innovation and entrepreneurship, Pune emerges as a key player in India's smart city landscape. In 2024, the city focuses on creating connected communities, promoting renewable energy, and enhancing urban mobility to ensure a high quality of life for its residents.
Ahmedabad's transformation into a smart city is marked by its commitment to citizen-centric solutions and inclusive growth. Through smart governance and sustainable urban development projects, Ahmedabad redefines urban living standards in 2024.
Known as the Pink City, Jaipur embraces smart technologies while preserving its rich heritage. Implementing smart solutions for traffic management, heritage conservation, and civic amenities, Jaipur stands as a shining example of smart urban development in 2024.
Surat's journey towards smartness emphasizes cleanliness, sustainability, and technological innovation. With initiatives like smart waste management and green infrastructure, Surat emerges as a leading smart city, setting new standards for urban development in 2024.
Positioned strategically and guided by progressive policies, Kochi plays a pivotal role in India's smart city landscape. Prioritizing sustainable transportation, digital connectivity, and waterfront development, Kochi enhances its reputation as a vibrant and livable city in 2024.
In conclusion, India's top 10 smart cities of 2024 exemplify the nation's commitment to innovation, sustainability, and inclusive growth. Through the adoption of smart technologies and citizen-centric approaches, these cities pave the way for a brighter and more prosperous urban future. As India continues to urbanize, these smart cities serve as beacons of inspiration, showcasing the transformative power of technology in shaping the cities of tomorrow. Move with ease! Choose Rajbala Packers & Movers for reliable packing & moving services. Your seamless relocation partner awaits. Contact us today!"
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patronaccountingblog · 8 months
Best Landscape Architects In Pune
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In today’s busy life, people hardly have time for even themselves so giving time to architect their home as dream home is even more difficult. May be many people can manage to architect their homes but there are many more who are not able to do so. So, for those people we have a great service which will surely make them happy & relaxed. Every person wants his/her home to look undoubtedly beautiful. A normal house can have terrace, backyards, garden, balcony, landscape as its parts and these parts are the main areas where we can show our talent of architect.
In Pune, landscape architects play an important role in shaping the city’s environment. They are responsible for designing and maintaining many of the city’s parks, gardens, and other public spaces. They also work with developers to create sustainable and attractive landscapes for new buildings and communities. Landscape architecture is the designing of the visible features of the space to enhance the overall aesthetic and experience by changing contours, planting trees and shrubs, and adding ornamental features. The broad and interdisciplinary field of Landscape Architecture also requires an understanding of architecture, biology, wildlife, engineering, and urban and interior design, and has recently gained quite some traction in India.
Landscaping architect in pune are highly in demand as pune is stated as the Silicon Valley of India, because of this, large number of organizations, school colleges, and other important infrastructure are established in this particular region of India. Landscape architect is required for every kind of building whether it is old, new or in the early stages of their construction. If you are considering a landscape project in Pune, sovereign landscape architect is the best. They can help you create a space that is both functional and beautiful, and that will add value to your property.
Sovereign Architects is a leading landscape architecture firm in Pune. We have a team of experienced and talented landscape architects who can help you create the outdoor space of your dreams. We understand that every project is unique, and we work with you to create a design that meets your needs and budget.
Architects not only provide plans for outdoor decorations but also for the indoor. We are the team of “landscaping architect in Pune” which provides quality outdoor as well as indoor space decorations which can satisfy the client which helps us to grow in our field. We always provide clients with the best solution. We have a professional team which is always ready to provide the best service to the clients.
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abiyaabi · 8 months
Exploring the Depths of DevOps: Unraveling Collaboration and Efficiency in Software Development
In the dynamic landscape of modern software development, DevOps stands as a transformative catalyst, introducing a new era of collaboration, efficiency, and continuous improvement. This article aims to untangle the intricacies of DevOps, shedding light on its significance, emphasizing its advantages, and acknowledging potential challenges. The journey to embrace the capabilities of DevOps is made more accessible and impactful through dedicated DevOps Training in Pune.
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Embracing a Unified Approach to DevOps
Defining DevOps: DevOps, a fusion of "Development" and "Operations," transcends being a mere set of practices – it embodies a cultural shift within organizations. At its core, DevOps seeks to bridge the historical divide between software development and IT operations, promoting a collaborative approach to the software development lifecycle through the integration of practices, tools, and cultural philosophies.
The Imperative Need for DevOps Today
In the fast-paced realm of technology, the indispensability of DevOps has never been more evident. Here are key reasons why DevOps has become a necessity:
1. Accelerated Delivery:
DevOps empowers organizations to release software at an accelerated pace, enabling quick responses to market demands and maintaining a competitive edge.
2. Enhanced Collaboration:
Breaking down silos between development and operations teams, DevOps fosters improved communication and collaboration, ensuring a unified and cohesive approach to software delivery.
3. Improved Efficiency:
Automation, a fundamental aspect of DevOps, streamlines processes such as testing, deployment, and infrastructure management, reducing manual errors and expediting time-to-market.
4. Continuous Feedback:
DevOps instills a culture of continuous feedback, allowing teams to iterate and enhance software rapidly, ensuring alignment with user expectations and business requirements.
5. Scalability and Flexibility:
DevOps practices enable organizations to scale infrastructure and applications effortlessly, adapting to changing demands and accommodating growth seamlessly.
6. Increased Reliability:
Through automation in testing and deployment processes, DevOps contributes to more reliable and stable software releases, minimizing downtime and disruptions.
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Advantages of Embracing DevOps
1. Faster Time-to-Market:
DevOps accelerates development and deployment cycles, reducing the time required to introduce new features and improvements to end-users.
2. Improved Collaboration:
Enhanced collaboration between development, operations, and stakeholders fosters a culture of shared responsibility and collective ownership.
3. Increased Efficiency:
Automation streamlines repetitive tasks, allowing teams to focus on high-value activities, contributing to increased overall efficiency.
4. Enhanced Quality:
Continuous testing and integration practices ensure early identification and addressing of defects, resulting in higher software quality.
5. Cost Savings:
Automation, efficiency improvements, and faster time-to-market contribute to cost savings over time, making DevOps a cost-effective approach.
Challenges in the DevOps Journey
1. Initial Implementation Complexity:
The adoption of DevOps may pose challenges during the initial phase, requiring changes to existing processes and cultural shifts within the organization.
2. Security Concerns:
Rapid development and deployment may raise security concerns, necessitating the thorough integration of security measures into the DevOps pipeline.
3. Skillset Challenges:
Teams may need additional training to adapt to new tools and practices, requiring a commitment to ongoing skill development.
In Conclusion: A Holistic Approach to DevOps Adoption
DevOps is not just a buzzword; it's a cultural shift that aligns with the demands of modern software development. The advantages often outweigh the challenges, making embracing DevOps an essential step for organizations aiming to thrive in today's dynamic and competitive business environment. It's a journey that demands commitment, adaptability, and a steadfast focus on continuous improvement.
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dragonxfuel · 10 months
Why Mobile Optimization Is Important In SEO ?
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Why Mobile Optimization Matters
Mobile optimization is a must in the era of smartphones. It enhances user experience, making sure your site is accessible and enjoyable on various devices. Google’s algorithms prioritize mobile-friendly websites, affecting search rankings. In Pune’s evolving digital landscape, it is also important — making collaboration with a reputable digital marketing agency in Pune vital.
Enhanced User Experience
A website that loads quickly on mobile devices retains visitors. Google emphasizes page speed as a ranking factor. A site optimized for mobiles not only caters to global audiences but also impacts local searches, crucial for businesses in Pune. To tackle the local market nuances, partnering with the best digital marketing agency in Pune is a strategic move.
In the competitive landscape of digital marketing, where every second counts, a website that loads quickly on mobile devices stands a better chance of retaining visitors. Google has explicitly stated that page speed is a ranking factor, underlining the importance of optimizing your site for swift mobile performance.
Mobile-First Indexing
Google’s switch to mobile-first indexing underscores the growing significance of mobile optimization. With this approach, Google predominantly uses the mobile version of the content for indexing and ranking. Websites that are mobile-friendly are more likely to receive favorable rankings in search results, also driving organic traffic and establishing a solid online presence.
For businesses aiming to enhance their digital footprint, considering mobile optimization as a priority is non-negotiable. In Pune, where the digital landscape is rapidly evolving, staying ahead of the curve is essential. This brings us to the importance of partnering with a reputable digital marketing agency in Pune that understands the local market nuances and also can craft tailored strategies.
Local Impact: Best Digital Marketing Agency in Pune
A website optimized for mobile devices not only caters to global audiences but also has a significant impact on local search results. Local businesses in Pune can leverage mobile optimization to target users searching for products or services on the go. This local focus is crucial for visibility and attracting potential customers in the competitive market.
As businesses in Pune explore avenues to strengthen their online presence, it’s paramount to collaborate with the best. A digital marketing agency in Pune that excels in mobile optimization and understands the unique dynamics of the local market can be a game-changer.
Hackfuel: Empowering Your Digital Journey
In the realm of digital marketing services, choosing the right partner is pivotal. This is where Hackfuel emerges as a frontrunner. As a leading digital marketing agency in Pune, Hackfuel specializes in optimizing websites for mobile devices, ensuring that your online presence aligns seamlessly with the preferences of modern users.
Unlock the full potential of your digital strategy with Hackfuel’s expertise in mobile optimization. Elevate your website’s performance, enhance user experience, and climb the search rankings ladder. In the dynamic landscape of digital marketing in Pune, Hackfuel stands as a trusted ally, growing your brand towards online success.
In conclusion, the importance of mobile optimization in SEO cannot be underestimated. Not only it’s about meeting search engine requirements but also it’s about delivering a superior user experience that resonates with today’s mobile-centric audience. As businesses in Pune strive for digital excellence, embracing mobile optimization is not an option — it’s a strategic imperative. Partner with the best, leverage the expertise of a top-tier digital marketing agency in Pune, and propel your brand to new heights in the digital realm.
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bjeinterior · 11 months
Affordable Interior Designer In Pune | BJ eInterio
Looking for a budget interior designer in Pune? Look no further than BJ eInterio! We offer a wide range of services, including space planning, furniture selection, and color consultation, to help you create your dream home without breaking the bank.
We understand that everyone has a different budget, so we work with you to develop a plan that fits your needs and budget. We also offer a variety of payment options to make our services affordable for everyone.
Whether you're looking to update your kitchen and bathroom, remodel your entire home, or simply need help decorating a new space, we can help! Contact us today for a free consultation.
📞 Phone: 7276019779
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coworkingspaceinpune · 5 months
Exploring Pune’s Premier Coworking Spaces: Find Your Ideal Workspace Now!
Discover Pune’s top coworking spaces! Explore the vibrant Coworking space in Pune and find the perfect workspace to enhance your productivity. Whether you’re a freelancer, entrepreneur, or remote worker, coworking spaces in Pune offer flexible solutions tailored to your needs.
Pune, known for its rich history, vibrant culture, and thriving business community, is home to a diverse array of coworking spaces catering to professionals from all walks of life. From freelancers seeking a collaborative environment to startups looking for flexible workspace solutions, Pune’s premier coworking spaces offer a range of amenities and services to meet the needs of modern professionals. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at some of Pune’s top coworking spaces and help you find your ideal workspace.
Coworking Space in Pune: A Growing Trend
With the rise of remote work and entrepreneurship, coworking spaces have become increasingly popular in Pune. These shared workspaces provide individuals and teams with access to amenities such as high-speed internet, meeting rooms, and communal areas, fostering collaboration and creativity. Whether you’re looking for a quiet space to focus or a dynamic environment to network, coworking spaces in Pune offer the perfect blend of flexibility and community.
Features of Pune’s Premier Coworking Spaces
Location and Accessibility
One of the key considerations when choosing a coworking space in Pune is its location. Premier coworking spaces are strategically situated in prime areas such as Balewadi, Baner, Wakad and Hinjewadi, offering easy access to transportation, dining options, and other amenities. This ensures that professionals can work conveniently without the hassle of a lengthy commute.
Amenities and Facilities
Premier coworking spaces in Pune boast a wide range of amenities and facilities designed to enhance productivity and comfort. From ergonomic furniture and spacious workstations to fully-equipped meeting rooms and high-speed internet, these spaces provide everything you need to succeed. Some coworking spaces even offer additional perks such as onsite cafes, fitness centers, and networking events.
Community and Networking Opportunities
Beyond just providing a physical workspace, premier coworking spaces in Pune foster a strong sense of community and belonging. They host networking events, workshops, and social gatherings where members can connect, collaborate, and exchange ideas. Being part of a vibrant community not only expands professional networks but also provides valuable support and encouragement on the entrepreneurial journey.
Finding Your Ideal Workspace
Assess Your Needs
Before choosing a coworking space in Pune, take some time to assess your needs and preferences. Consider factors such as location, amenities, and budget to narrow down your options and find the workspace that best suits your requirements.
Take a Tour
Once you’ve identified a few coworking spaces that interest you, schedule a tour to see them in person. This will give you a chance to experience the atmosphere, meet the staff, and ask any questions you may have. Pay attention to the layout, cleanliness, and overall vibe of the space to ensure it aligns with your expectations.
Co working Space in Pune: Your Gateway to Success
In conclusion, Pune’s premier coworking spaces offer a unique opportunity to elevate your workspace experience and take your career to new heights. Whether you’re a freelancer, entrepreneur, or remote worker, coworking spaces in Pune provide the flexibility, community, and resources you need to thrive. So don’t wait any longer — explore Pune’s top coworking spaces today and find your ideal workspace now!
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suryamangal · 1 year
Veg Thali In Ravet
Vegetarian thali is a popular and satisfying meal that's widely enjoyed in India and other parts of the world. A thali typically consists of a variety of dishes served on a large plate or platter, including dal (lentils), vegetables, rice, chapati (flatbread), papad (a type of crispy flatbread), and chutney. If you're looking for a delicious and authentic veg thali near you, here are some tips to help you find the perfect spot.
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Ask Locals for Recommendations: 
One of the best ways to find a great veg thali restaurant is by asking locals. Whether you're in a new city or just looking for a new place to try, asking people who live in the area can help you discover hidden gems that you might not find otherwise. You can ask your friends, colleagues, or even your hotel staff for recommendations.
Check Online Reviews: 
Online reviews can also be a great resource when looking for a veg thali near you. Sites like Yelp, TripAdvisor, and Zomato allow users to post reviews and ratings for restaurants, which can give you an idea of what to expect. Look for restaurants with high ratings and positive reviews from other vegetarians.
Look for Traditional or Regional Cuisine: 
If you're looking for an authentic veg thali experience, try to find a restaurant that specializes in traditional or regional cuisine. For example, if you're in the south of India, look for a restaurant that serves a traditional south Indian thali. You'll likely find unique and flavorful dishes that you won't find in other parts of the country.
Consider The Price: 
While you don't want to compromise on quality, you should also consider the price when looking for a veg thali near you. Thali prices can vary greatly depending on the restaurant, so it's a good idea to check prices before you go. You can also look for deals and discounts online or through local coupon books.
Check for Veg and Vegan Options: 
Make sure to check if the restaurant offers vegan or vegetarian options if you have dietary restrictions. Many Indian restaurants will have plenty of vegetarian options, but some may also offer vegan dishes. You can always call ahead or check the menu online to see what's available.
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At Surya Mangal, you can choose from a variety of thali options, including a regular thali, special thali, and deluxe thali. All of their thali comes with a selection of dishes that vary depending on the thali you choose. However, some of the most popular dishes that are included in their thalis are dal fry, paneer tikka, bhindi masala, and jeera rice.
One of the things that sets Surya Mangal apart from other veg thali restaurants in Ravet is the quality and freshness of their food. All of their dishes are prepared using the freshest and highest quality ingredients, and they never compromise on taste or quality. Their chefs are highly trained and experienced in preparing traditional Indian cuisine, and it shows in the flavor and aroma of their dishes.
Another great thing about Surya Mangal is its reasonable prices. Their thalis are very reasonably priced, which makes them a great option for families and groups looking for a budget-friendly dining experience. They also offer catering services for events and parties, so you can RESTAURANT IN RAVET PUNE and enjoy their delicious food at your next gathering.
Overall, if you're in Ravet and looking for a great place to enjoy a vegetarian thali, the Surya Mangal Dining and Banquet is worth a visit. With their delicious food, friendly service, and affordable prices, it's no wonder why they're one of the most popular veg thali restaurants in the area. So head over to Surya Mangal today and enjoy a delicious and authentic Indian dining experience!
Finding a great veg thali near you is easy if you know where to look. Whether you're in a new city or just looking for a new restaurant to try, asking locals, checking online reviews, looking for traditional cuisine, considering the price, and checking for veg and vegan options can help you find the perfect spot. So go ahead and enjoy a delicious and authentic vegetarian Thali experience!
If you're in the Ravet area of Pune and looking for a great place to enjoy a veg thali, look no further than Surya Mangal Dining and Banquet. This restaurant is located in the heart of Ravet and is known for serving some of the most delicious and authentic vegetarian thalis in the area.
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ashwini-enterprises · 6 months
Hydraulic Goods Lift Manufacturer Pune | Ashwini Enterprises
Welcome to Ashwini Enterprises, your premier destination for high-quality hydraulic goods Lift Manufacturer Pune. With a commitment to excellence and innovation, we specialize in crafting reliable and efficient hydraulic goods lifts tailored to meet the diverse needs of industries across Pune and beyond.
As a leading manufacturer in the field, we take pride in our state-of-the-art manufacturing facility equipped with cutting-edge technology and a team of skilled professionals dedicated to delivering superior products. Our hydraulic goods lifts are designed with precision engineering, ensuring robust performance, durability, and safety.
Experience the difference with Ashwini Enterprises and elevate your vertical transportation solutions to new heights.
Contact us today
Contact: 84462 95705
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thebobby1432world · 2 years
Anjali Patil Wiki, Biography, Age, Height, Weight, Family, Net Worth
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Anjali Patil Wiki: Anjali Patil is an Indian actress, director, and model born on September 26, 1987, in Nashik, Maharashtra, India. She is mainly known for her role as 'Malko' in the Bollywood film "Newton." Today, we will explore Anjali Patil's biography, including her early life, family, boyfriend, movies, TV shows, and more. Anjali Patil Wiki Anjali Patil Movies Anjali Patil Web Series Anjali began acting in 2011 with the Hindi film "Delhi in a Day." In 2012, she played the role of 'Selvi' in the Sinhala film "Oba Nathuwa Oba Ekka." She also appeared as 'Durga' in the Malayalam film "Ente" in 2013. In 2015, she entered the Marathi film industry and acted in the film "The Silence" as 'Maami'.
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Anjali Patil
Anjali Patil Wiki
NameAnjali PatilProfessionActress, Director & ModelNationalityIndianYears Active2011 to PresentNet Worth (approx.)₹5 CroreAnjali Patil Personal LifeNick Name AnjaliBorn (Date of Birth)26 September 1987Age (as of 2023)36 Years OldBirthplaceNashik, Maharashtra, IndiaZodiac SignLibraGenderFemaleHometownNashik, Maharashtra, IndiaHobbies/HabitsSelfie Lover, Photography, Nature LoverFavorite BrandsLevi’s, Gap, Louis Vuitton, Calvin KleinFood HabitNon-VegetarianAnjali Patil CareerDebutIn 2011 - As an ActressAwards2012: International Film Festival of India in Goa - Best Actress - (With You Without You) (Won) 2012: Stardust Awards 2013 - Breakthrough Supporting Performance - Female - (Chakravyuh) (Nominated) 2012: Star Screen Awards for Most Promising Newcomer- Female - (Chakravyuh) (Nominated) 2012: New York Indian Film Festival for Best Actress - (Delhi in a Day) (Nominated) 2012: South Asian Film Festival New York - South Asian Rising Star for Best Supporting Actress - (Delhi in a Day) (Nominated) 2013: Nandi Award - Nandi Award for Best Actress - (Naa Bangaaru Talli) (Won) 2013: National Film Award – Special Mention - (Naa Bangaaru Talli) (Won) 2016: Sarasaviya Awards in Colombo Sri Lanka - Best Actress - (With You Without You) (Won) 2016: Presidential Film Awards in Colombo Sri Lanka - Best Actress - (With You Without You) (Won)Anjali Patil EducationSchoolNot KnownCollegeLalit Kala Kendra (Pune University) National School of DramaQualificationGraduated (in Acting) Post Graduate (in Design and Direction)Anjali Patil Family, BoyfriendMotherShubha ShindeFatherSanjay ShindeSister/BrotherNot KnownMarital StatusUnmarriedAffair/BoyfriendNot KnownHusband/SpouseNot KnownDaughter/Son/ChildrenNot KnownRelativesNot KnownFriendsNot KnownAnjali Patil Body Measurements Height165 cm 1.65 m 5 ft 5 inWeight52 KG 114 lbs (pounds)Eye ColorBlackHair ColorBrownFigure Size32-30-34Dress Size36 (EU)Shoe (Feet) Size5TattoosNoneDistinctive FeaturesSmile & ConfidenceAnjali Patil Social MediaInstagramInstagramFacebookNot KnownTwitterNot KnownYouTubeNot KnownLinkedInNot KnownGmail/Email IDNot Known
Anjali Patil Movies
YearMovies2011Delhi in a Day2011Green Bangles2012Prathyayam2012Oba Nathuwa Oba Ekka2012Chakravyuh2013Ente2013Naa Bangaaru Talli2013Apna Desh2013Shree2014Kill the Rapist?2014Finding Fanny2015The Silence2015Mrs Scooter2016Mirzya2017Sameer2017Newton2018Meri Nimmo2018Kaala2019Dithee2019Mere Pyare, Prime Minister2020Mann Fakiraa2022Kuthiraivaal2022Kaun Pravin Tambe?-Bardo
Anjali Patil Web Series
YearWeb Series2019Hutatma2020Afsos2020My Client's Wife Read the full article
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