#Tobias Delius
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Borage (with other flowers) - 'transitory' album release and opening tour
24.8. - Spektral Raumohr, Berlin
1.9. - WIM, Zurich
14.9. - Beethovenfest, Bonn
In support of their debut album release, Borage invite saxophonist/accordionist Aurora Nealand and pianist Declan Forde (the other flowers) for this one-off concert and live recording. This event also forms part of their wider efforts to generate and curate collaborative projects with local and international musicians. Gefördert von Musikfonds und die Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien.
listen and pre-order the album here: https://jamesbanner.bandcamp.com/album/transitory
Megan Jowett – viola/voice
James Banner – double bass
Borage is Megan Jowett and James Banner. They play brittle, strange, dark, weird and vibrant improvised music inspired by animals, plants and governments on strings and voices. Borage will release their first album transitory on WISMart Records on 15.9.2023. – the release tour takes place in August and September in Berlin, Zurich and Bonn, featuring guests including Declan Forde and Aurora Nealand, and is gratefully supported by Musikfonds. A northern European and Scandinavian tour is planned for spring 2024, followed by concerts and a residency in Lisbon in the summer.
Aurora Nealand - saxophone, accordion
Aurora Nealand strives to live at the intersection of Lunatic and Librarian. She is a sound artist and multi-instrumentalist (saxophones, accordion, voice) based in New Orleans, LA. She is deeply interested in the sonification of everyday objects and knowledge-generation through the stories and history that Sound (with a capital S) contains. Nealand is the leader of The Royal Roses, the non-traditional Traditional Jazz band, which draws its approach to collective improvisation’s lineage, spanning from the New Orleans Early Jazz traditions, to the AACM, and collage-sound art and musique concrete. Nealand's other musical projects include The Monocle Ensemble - her original music project and installation ensemble, redrawblak Trio, Instigation Orchestra, John Hollenbecks GEORGE, and the Danger Dangers. In 2019/2020 she debuted KindHumanKind- a 90 minute fully staged theatrical show at the Contemporary Arts Center New Orleans, based on her original music. She is co-creator of the City Songs Project (created originally for Knoxvilles Big Ears Festival), regularly works as a musical facilitator with Found Sound Nation -an organization which facilitates international musical collaboration, and she has been involved with the Walden School for Young Composers (as a teacher/performer) for 20 years.
Declan Forde - piano
Declan Forde (*1992 Glasgow, Scotland) is a pianist and improvising musician living in Berlin since 2014. Forde is active across a spectrum of musical situations; in duo with Greg Cohen (Ornette Coleman, John Zorn, etc.) since 2016; original music with James Banner: USINE; traditional Jazz and freely improvised music in ever changing combinations with musicians living locally and internationally such as Han Bennink, Tony Malaby, Tobias Delius, Jeff Williams and many more. Since 2015 Forde has been curating the concert series ‘Practically Married’ with bassist James Banner at Donau115 named ‘one of the best jazz clubs in Europe’ by The Guardian. They released their first album ‘Circus’ featuring João Lopes Pereira in October 2018, and three more recordings in March 2020. .
Forde performs regularly as a soloist and was invited by the Berliner Festspiele to perform as part of American artist Rashid Johnson’s installation ‘Antoine’s Organ‘ at Berlin’s Gropius Bau July-December 2019. Beyond the world of Jazz and improvised music, Forde has performed, toured and recorded for over ten years with the Scottish singer and artist Rachel Sermanni. He plays piano on her first release ‘The Bothy Sessions’ (2011), ‘So it Turns’ (2019) and ‘Dreamer Awake’ (2023).
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Bari: presentato a Palazzo di Città il Festival Jazz "Musiche Corsare".
Bari: presentato a Palazzo di Città il Festival Jazz "Musiche Corsare". È stata presentata nella mattinata del 3 aprile 2023, nella sala giunta di Palazzo di Città, alla presenza dell’assessora alle Culture Ines Pierucci, la seconda edizione del festival “Musiche Corsare”, organizzato dall’associazione culturale "Nel Gioco del Jazz" con il sostegno del ministero della Cultura, della Regione Puglia e del Comune di Bari, in programma al Teatro Forma dal 20 al 23 aprile prossimi. All’incontro con la stampa sono intervenuti il presidente di “Nel Gioco del Jazz” Donato Romito e il direttore artistico della rassegna, il sassofonista Roberto Ottaviano. Il cartellone del festival, dedicato quest’anno al pianista jazz George Russell nel centenario della nascita, comprende nove concerti con ospiti internazionali, tra cui Dave Burrell, gigante della tradizione afroamericana, Jim Black, Wayne Horvitz e Ralph Alessi, nomi di punta della scena newyorchese, Samuel Braser e Marc Ducret, esponenti di spicco del jazz europeo, e ancora Delius Tobias, Francesco Bearzatti, Francesco Bigoni, Boris Savoldelli e Roberto Ottaviano con l’estensione del progetto Eternal Love. “Vorrei dedicare questa edizione di Musiche Corsare a Nico Cirasola, scomparso questa notte, che, come tutti i grandi artisti, ha sempre percorso la sua strada controcorrente, dai tempi di Focaccia Blues, nella difesa del territorio dall’invasione dei grandi marchi - ha esordito Ines Pierucci -. L'accezione positiva della parola improvvisazione, insita nel carattere distintivo del jazz, trova nella professionalità artistica di Ottaviano, accanto alla creatività stilistica, la progettazione, lo studio e la storia del jazz che da Bari hanno fatto il giro del mondo. Sin dal titolo, questo festival si confà ai percorsi coraggiosi degli artisti che si muovono nel panorama del jazz come Roberto Ottaviano che, insieme a tanti altri musicisti della nostra terra, diventano capitani marittimi e ambasciatori della città di Bari fuori dai confini territoriali, attraverso la musica jazz.”. “Musiche Corsare - ha spiegato Donato Romito - vuole garantire a Bari una presenza sicura e costante per un genere musicale a volte ritenuto minore e che invece, proprio dal punto di vista culturale, esprime un collage di tutte le sensazioni che l’animo umano riesce ad esternare attraverso la voce o i vari strumenti utilizzati, proprio secondo quel suonare “dentro” e “fuori” evocato dal grande compositore George Russell, al quale è dedicata questa seconda edizione, durante la quale si alterneranno eccellenze italiane e straniere del jazz, in un susseguirsi di musiche dal sapore intenso e genuino. Al di là di ogni pregiudizio verso altri generi musicali, riteniamo che il pubblico debba riappropriarsi della capacità dell’ascolto, della curiosità, dell’esplorazione verso la musica jazz, per scoprire il profondo messaggio che diffonde, da sempre la “mission” della nostra associazione”. “Nel Gioco del jazz - ha sottolineato Roberto Ottaviano - ha sempre cercato e trovato uno spazio per operazioni coraggiose e poco inclini al facile consenso di fianco alle vedette di punta di un panorama ampio qual è quello del jazz e della musica improvvisata. Tuttavia, a Bari mancava un festival in cui si concentrassero in pochi giorni proposte e artisti curiosi del rapporto tra nuova scrittura e strategie improvvisative, come si faceva in Puglia dai tempi gloriosi dell’Europa Festival di Noci e del Talos di Ruvo. E con Musiche Corsare ci rivolgiamo proprio ai curiosi, a quelli che non si accontentano, che collegano le cose, prendono spunto e credono alla cultura come tradizione in movimento”. Il primo dei nove concerti di “Musiche Corsare” è in programma giovedì 20 aprile (ore 21), s’intitola “Feel of drummatiko”, omaggio del batterista Fabio Accardi ai “drummers composers”, i batteristi-compositori che hanno segnato la storia del jazz, da Tony Williams a Jack DeJohnette, da Peter Erskine a Billy Cobham, giganti del ritmo ai quali renderà omaggio con Walter Celi (voce e percussioni), Francesco Lomangino (sax, flauto), Fabrizio Savino (chitarra), Bruno Montrone (pianoforte) e Gianluca Aceto (basso). Doppio set venerdì 21 aprile (ore 20.30) con l’apertura affidata al progetto Disorder at the Border, che si presenta in versione quartetto con Tobias Delius (sax) in veste di ospite accanto al trio originario composto da Daniele D’Agaro (sax e clarinetto), Giovanni Maier (contrabbasso) e Zlatko Kaucic (batteria), quindi la stessa formazione cui si deve nel 2022 il disco live “Kataklisma” frutto di un approccio musicale fortemente narrativo. Seguirà (ore 21.45) il quartetto Sweeter Than The Day nel quale il pianista di area newyorchese Wayne Horvitz (una lunga militanza accanto a John Zorn e Bobby Previte) sperimenta la combinazione tra improvvisazione, rock elettrico e pianismo lirico in compagnia di Francesco Bigoni (sax tenore), Danilo Gallo (basso) e Zeno De Rossi (batteria). Triplo appuntamento sabato 22 aprile con un concerto mattutino (ore 11) del Mat Trio, formazione che con Marcello Allulli (sax), Francesco Diodati (chitarra) ed Ermanno Baron (batteria) propone un jazz molto dinamico, mentre in serata si terranno gli altri due set. Il primo (ore 20.30) è dei Dark Dry Tears, con il ritorno di Danilo Gallo (basso) in veste di leader di una band nella quale, accanto a due stelle della scena europea come il clarinettista Francesco Bigoni e il sassofonista Francesco Bearzatti, spicca la presenza di Jim Black, fuoriclasse della batteria e tra gli artefici del “downtown newyorchese”. L’altro concerto (ore 21.45) prevede la performance del duo “telepatico” composto dal trombonista svizzero Samuel Blaser e dal chitarrista francese Marc Ducret, sorta di estensione spigolosa del compagno di avventura. Chiusura domenica 23 aprile con il solo in matinée (ore 11) del cantante-performer Boris Savoldelli, che alternerà l’interpretazione di brani originali, classici e ardite sperimentazioni vocali, mentre in serata sono previsti il solo di Dave Burrell (20.30), il grande pianista americano con le radici ben piantate nella tradizione afroamericana, nonché protagonista del free jazz con Archie Shepp e David Murray, e il progetto What Love (ore 21.45), versione estesa del quintetto Eternal Love di Roberto Ottaviano, che con Gaetano Partipilo, Francesco Bearzatti e Marco Colonna forma la potente sezione sax della super band, nella quale l’equilibrio tra scrittura e improvvisazione vede il coinvolgimento di Ralph Alessi alla tromba, Samuel Blaser al trombone, Michele Sannelli al vibrafono, Alexander Hawkins al piano, Giovanni Maier al contrabbasso, Danilo Gallo al basso e Zeno De Rossi alla batteria.... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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Im Bücherregal: Eberhard Mahle – der vergessene Champion
Im Bücherregal: Eberhard Mahle – der vergessene Champion
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tobias delius 4 tet -- live at unlimited #29 (live, 2015)
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Sembra una scampagnata in città, in una sera d’estate, questo concerto di Novara Jazz al Castello che ospita il “Mitelli Delius Edwards Calcagnile Quartet”, nome chilometrico e didascalico, ma meglio così piuttosto che intitolare il quartetto a qualche misteriosa divinità, di qualche misterioso Olimpo. Una formazione che vede Gabriele Mitelli alla tromba, Tobias Delius al sax tenore, John Edwards al contrabbasso e Cristiano Calcagnile alla batteria. Si comincia con il canonico ritardo, sfruttato da Corrado Beldì e dal Sindaco di Novara, Alessandro Canelli che annunciano, tra le altre cose, uno stanziamento di fondi per prossimi tre anni a favore di Novara Jazz Festival e non è cosa di poco conto. E poi a rompere gli indugi, è il sax di Tobias Delius e subito dopo la tromba di Gabriele Mitelli. Sono subito brividi forti quelli che suscitano: il piglio deciso di una cavalcata interrotta per lasciar poi spazio al contrabbasso di Delius che se la vede con la batteria deliziosamente rumoristica di Cristiano Calcagnile. Fraseggi variati che accennano e sviluppano sonorità free ed echi groove. E poi quello che mi piace di più: il suono che diventa fiato (tecnica in cui Mitelli eccelle in bravura virtuosistica, ma soprattutto in poesia). Il rumorismo è discreto poco invasivo, mutevole e variegato ed inframezza dolcemente le parti del concerto più corpose. E poi, quel silenzio rotto e ritmato dallo straordinario contrabbasso di John Edwards che, come diceva qualcuno, “non ha prezzo”. E basta poco a Delius e Mitelli per riprendere quota dopo la planata momentanea nelle valli del silenzio. Si potrebbe continuare a raccontare e a scrivere, come faccio ora, mentre il quartetto suona. Si ricomincia con la batteria di Calcagnile ed è un gioco di sussurri tra i fiati che sembra fatto apposta per arrampicarsi sul muraglione del Castello Visconteo Sforzesco di Novara, ma il fuoco cova sotto la cenere e l’energia vitalistica riprende il suo impetuoso corso. Una scomposizione e ricomposizione di tinte sonore che solo il jazz sa dipingere. E quello di questa sera è un gran bel jazz…
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as requested, i have created a masterlist of 550+ unique and underused male names ! these are all listed in alphabetical order, and although i dont claim any of these as my own, please don’t copy and paste straight into another masterlist. feel free to use the names in any way you like, i hope this gives you muse for your characters (my faves are bolded) — also smash that like or reblog if you found this useful, thank you !
abel, acacius, ace, achilles, adagio, adaiah, adalius, adley, adelio, adonis, adrian, adriel, aiden, akello, alain, alarik, alastair, alek, alfred, alfonzo, ali, alisio, alonzo, amari, amedeus, amias, amos, anakin, andre, ansel, anton, anwar, apollo, aragon, aramis, archer, aries, arlo, arrius, artemis, asher, ashton, asriel, atlas, atlantis, atticus, auden, august, auri, austin, avery, axel, aziel
bacchus, baden, bailey, baldwin, balin, balton, bandit, banks, barley, baxley, baxter, baze, bear, beau, beck, benson, bentley, berlin, bianco, bishop, blade, blaine, blaze, bode, bodhie, booker, bosley, boston, brandon, brantley, brayden, braxton, brecken, brennon, brett, briley, brinley, brock, bruno, bronx, brooks, bryce, bryson
caelan, caesar, cade, cador, cage, cain, caleb, callaway, callen, callister, callum, calvin, camden, campbell, carlisle, carlo, carrick, carter, casey, casper, castiel, cedric, cesar, channing, charles, chase, chuck, clifton, clinton, cleon, coen, coleman, colton, crew, cristiano, cooper, corbin, corey, cortez, cravin
dale, dallas, dalton, damari, damian, damon, dane, dante, dario, darius, davon, dax, dean, declan, dedrick, delius, demarcus, demetrius, dennis, denzel, deon, derek, devon, dexter, dillon, dimitri, dion, dolan, dominic, drake, drew, drystan, duke, dwayne, dwight, dyson
eaton, echo, edan, eddison, eden, edrick, eli, eliam, elias, elijah, elio, eliseo, ellis, emilio, emerson, emmett, enoch, enzo, ernest, eros, essex, evan, evian, ezra
fabian, falcon, fallon, farley, felix, fenton, finley, finnick, floyd, flynn, fonso, ford, forester, francisco, franco, freddy, frederick, frodi
gabe, gabriel, gaius, gabin, galvin, gareth, garrick, gaston, gaveel, georgie, gemini, giorgio, glade, gonzalo, gray, gregory, greyson, griffin, grover, gunner, guy
haim, hadden, hadley, hale, hammond, hanan, hanson, harden, harley, harris, hayes, helio, helix, hendrix, hermes, hiram, holden, holland, holmes, houstan, howard, hudson, hugh, hugo, hunter, hyde
iago, ian, icarius, idris, iker, ilario, indigo, isaak, isaiah, israel, ithiel, ives
jace, jadon, jago, jahziel, jairo, jakez, jakobe, jamari, janos, jaron, jasper, javier, jaxon, jayden, jaylon, jaziel, jenson, jeremiah, jermaine, jersey, jett, joaquin, jonas, jose, joss, jovani, joziah, judas, jude, julian, julius, junior, justice
kace, kaden, kael, kairo, kahlil, kai, kaleb, kamden, kanan, karson, kashton, kasper, keenan, keiran, kennedy, keon, kenton, kenzo, keyon, kez, kiah, killian, kingsley, kito, klaus, kobe, koby, kodah, kohen, kolton, kristian, knox, kyan, kynan, kyson
lamar, lamont, lance, landon, laney, larkin, lawyer, lazarus, leandro, lee, legend, lennox, leno, leon, levi, lex, liko, link, locke, loki, loman, lonzo, lorenzo, luca, lucian, lukas, lyam, lynx
mac, machi, macklin, maddox, magnus, maison, major, makeo, malaki, manning, mano, marion, marlon, mars, martez, mathias, maxton, mekhi, meyer, micah, milian, miller, milo, montey, montez, myles
nakos, nasir, nathaniel, neel, neriah, nero, nevada, nicolo, nicklaus, nickolai, nico, nike, nikos, nixon, noah, nolan, norton, nye
oakley, oberyn, obi, obsidian, octavian, oison, olimpio, olsen, omar, ontario, onyx, orion, orlando, oskar, oslo, oryn, otis, oxford, oxley
pablo, paley, palmer, parker, parson, pauly, paxton, pearce, perkin, phelix, phoenix, pierre, pike, podrick, porter, preston, prince, puck
qamar, quinten, quillon, quince
racer, radley, rafael, rafer, ralph, rambo, ramiel, ramone, randall, raven, rayan, reed, reese, rhydian, ricardo, ridley, riker, riley, river, robin, rocco, roderick, roland, roman, romeo, ronan, roni, rowan, royden, rufus, ryder, ryland
sadler, safari, salem, salix, salvador, sami, santiago, sawyer, sean, seaton, severo, shayne, shiloh, silas, silvano, simba, skander, skyler, slade, spencer, spiro, stanley, stefan, syrus
talmon, tane, tanner, tate, tatum, tavis, teddy, terence, theo, theon, tirion, titus, tobias, tommen, tonio, travis, trey, troye, trystan, turner, tyrell, tyrese, tyson
ulan, uri, uriel, urien
vadim, vale, vance, valentine, vaughn, venturo, venus, vermont, vero, victor, vidor, vince, volante, voss
wade, walker, walter, warner, warren, watson, waylan, wayne, wilder, wilson, wilton, wolfgang, wyatt, wynton
xander, xavier, xenos, xylon
yates, york, yuri, yusef
zacharias, zade, zavier, zayn, zed, zeke, zero, zeus, zion
#names masterlist#male names masterlist#name masterlist#masterlist#rph#my masterlist#mine#mine: masterlist
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HDO 372. NoBusiness Records: novedades [Podcast]
HDO 372. NoBusiness Records: novedades [Podcast]
En HDO 370 suenan las cuatro últimas grabaciones publicadas por el sello lituano NoBusiness Records. Oostum de Gerry Hemingway – Samuel Blaser; Live At Café Amores de Kang Tae Hwan; Oh My, Those Boys! de Barre Philips – Motoharu Yoshizawa; y Frames & Terrains de Martin Blume – Tobias Delius – Achim Kaufmann – Dieter Manderscheid.
Tomajazz: © Pachi Tapiz, 2018
HDO es un podcast editado,…
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#Achim Kaufmann#Barre Philips#Dieter Manderscheid#Gerry Hemingway#Gerry Hemingway - Samuel Blaser#Kang Tae Hwan#Martin Blume#Martin Blume - Tobias Delius - Achim Kaufmann - Dieter Manderscheid#Motoharu Yoshizawa#NoBusiness Records#Pachi Tapiz#Samuel Blaser#Tobias Delius
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14 de Julho, 19.00h
Goethe Institut, Lisboa
Tobias Delius | saxofone alto
Nicola L. Hein | guitarra elétrica
Adam Pultz Melbye | contrabaixo
Christian Lillinger | bateria
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Delius Lillinger Duo
Tobias Delius war nicht zum ersten Mal im Club. Doch Christian Lillinger war eine absolute Überraschung. Hochgeschwindigkeitsperkussion, vielschichtig und atemberaubend und doch ohne das Gefühl zu vermitteln, dass auch nur ein Schlag zu viel dabei war. Das kontrastierte wunderbar mit den fast lyrischen Klängen von Delius findet
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Loophole Berlin - DE
Graf Lanz Béatrice Graf: drums Joke Lanz: vocals Jacket Confusion Anil Eraslan: cello Marcello S. Busato: drums DJ WJM JOKE LANZ : Born in 1965 in Basel Switzerland from a Swiss father and a French mother. Based in Berlin Germany. Joke Lanz is one of the most prolific and profound artists working in the border zones where performance and body art meet noise and improvisation. In his Sudden Infant guise, Lanz creates a unique blend of physical sound poetry and epileptic noise bursts, using contact microphones, loops, tapes, turntables etc. He worked as garbageman, factory worker, sales assistant, caretaker, housekeeper, carpet dealer, chicken farmer, record shop owner, night watch, sauna assistant, roadie, secretary, cleaner, nude model, part-time single father... Major themes of his intense musical universe are childhood experiences, physical eruptions, psycho mechanisms, auto-aggression and social problems. http://www.suddeninfant.com/ BÉATRICE GRAF: Drummer and composer in a wide range of styles and configurations. From solo to sextet, improvisation to composition, swing to hardcore, acoustic to electronic, she makes fun of limitations, from stylistic conventions to orchestration. In projects and collaborations with jazz, rock, world, electronic musicians as well as theatre and multimedia contemporary artists, Béatrice Graf has developed her own sound and identity over the years. At the same time, she is up to every challenge of free improvisation in myriad contexts. Swiss Music Prize 2019. http://www.beatricegraf.ch/ ANIL ERASLAN: cellist, composer, improviser Born in Turkey in 1981, was formed in Ankara before settling in France and studying classical, new music, jazz and improvisation in Conservatoire de Strasbourg. After the studies, he founded his quartet ‘Auditive Connection’. They got the AJC JazzMigration Selection and they performed in many festivals in France, Germany, Ireland, Turkey, Italy and Portugal. Between 2012-2015, he was the artist in residency in Illiade Concert Hall where he created the trio ‘Balboura’, playing the music from South-West of Turkey and also trio Skaner with Sylvain Kassap and Eric Groleau, playing his arrangements and compositions as a tribute project to the Woodstock’s free jazz scene 'Creative Music Studio'. http://www.anileraslan.com/ MARCELLO S. BUSATO: Milano 1977 Drummer / Percussionist, composer and performer. Since 2002 he lives in Berlin, where he starts collaborations with many musicians exploring different musical styles but focusing especially on experimental music, free jazz, noise and radical improvisation. Versatile drummer, he uses different objects and selected percussions to create a very personal sound. Member of the quartet Sink with Andrea Ermke, Arthur Rother and Chris Abrahams, the trio Votomt with Ignaz Schick and Louis Rastig, the duo XING/Busato with Wojtek Bajda he also performed with Tobias Delius, Els Vandeweyer, Rieko Okuda, Christian Meaas Svendsen, Pacho Dávila, Leonid Soybelman, Philippe Lemoine, Mat Pogo, Misha Marks, Jealousy Party, Christof Kurzmann, Margareth Kammerer, G.W.Sok, Axel Dörner, Martí Guillem, Alfonso Munoz among others. He composed and performed music for the radio, cinema, theater and dance. Some Label : Trost, Impro music from japan, Acid cobra, Solaris empire, Mikroton. https://marcellosilviobusato.tumblr.com/
Dj WJM http://www.burpenterprise.com/burp/units/wj-meatball/wjm-bio/ https://www.mixcloud.com/robertawandreucci/ https://soundcloud.com/roberta-wjm-andreucci
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Loophole BerlinBoddinstrasse 60 12053 Berlin - DE
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Monsanto GEMA #2
05.07.2019 (Fri) 21h- (sharp)
@West Germany (Skalitzerstr.133 Berlin)
Fabiola (PRT)
Fabiola is a multi talented artist. Singer, actress, composer, dancer and performer, she is also a sculpturer born in Viana do Castelo,
Marcello Busato(IT) + Amelie Legrand (FR)
Marcello S. Busato
Milano 1977
Drummer / Percussionist, composer and performer. Since 2002 he lives in Berlin, where he starts collaborations with many musicians exploring different musical styles but focusing especially on experimental music, free jazz, noise and radical improvisation. Versatile drummer, he uses many objects and selected percussions to create a very personal sound. Member of the quartet Sink with Andrea Ermke, Arthur Rother and Chris Abrahams, the trio Votomt with Ignaz Schick and Louis Rastig, the duo XING/Busato with Wojtek Bajda he also performed with Tobias Delius,Els Vandeweyer, Christian Meaas Svendsen, Pacho Dávila, Leonid Soybelman, Philippe Lemoine, Mat Pogo, Misha Marks, Jealousy Party, Christof Kurzmann, Margareth Kammerer, G.W.Sok, Axel Dörner, Martí Guillem, Alfonso Munoz among others. He composed and performed music for the radio, cinema, theater and dance. Some Label : Trost, Impro music from japan, Acid cobra, Solaris empire, Mikroton.
Amélie Legrand is a French cellist and composer currently based in Berlin, Germany. She is active within many different musical scenes, including noise rock, Arabic music, free improvisation and film score composition. She is dedicated to exploring the cello to its fullest potential and collaborating with various performers and artists.
Thiebault Imm
Thiébault Imm, born 1982 is a french guitarist currently living in Berlin.
Graduated from the Strasbourg Conservatory of Music and the M.A.I. music school from Nancy, France.
His work focuses on the electric guitar, played with or without preparations. Trying to expend the vocabulary of this instrument into new musical forms.
He performs in various projects going from free improvised music to noise rock. He’s also active in the fields of electronic, noise and experimental music by using devices such as no-input mixers, drum machines, cassette recorders and contact microphones.
He played those last 12 years through all Europe, Scandinavia, Japan and released many audio material with the different projects his involved.
Since 2012 he’s part of the Multiversal collective from Berlin and the R.P.T. collective from Nancy.
A composer,improviser and DJ from Japan,based in Berlin. As an improviser,he plays psychedelic noisy sound scape with electronics.
Also he plays more industrial sounds with junk metal percussions and DIY instruments.
#monsanto#gema#experimental music#noise#noise music#improvisation#free jazz#industrial music#berlim#west germany
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20.Mar.2019 / JD Zazie+Nørstebø / Flesser
20.Mar.2019 / 20:30 -
Duo Henrik Munkeby Nørstebø - acoustic and amplified trombone JD Zazie - electronics, field recordings --- Solo Benjamin Flesser - Modular Synthesizer
FB event: https://www.facebook.com/events/2317274898549691/
Henrik Munkeby Nørstebø Born in Trondheim, Norway, Nørstebø chose the trombone and began playing in the local marching band at the age of seven. Twenty some years later he is still wrestling with the instrument, using its crudeness as a creative challenge and vehicle to unearth it's seemingly limitless possibilities. Utilizing a wide spectrum of playing techniques, from pure long tones to noise and the almost inaudible, he often works balancing the intuitive with the precisely constructed.
Since 2007, Henrik has worked extensively with solo material. In his current set up, Nørstebø is utilizing heavy close amplification alongside acoustic elements, producing a multi-faceted body of sound.
His working projects include: the amplified voice and trombone duo BEAM SPLITTER with Audrey Chen, a duo with Austrian sound artist Daniel Lercher, the longstanding all-in improvising unit Lana trio, a duo with experimental turntablist JD Zazie and the acoustic trio Whirl, with bassist Adrian Myhr and reedist Tobias Delius.
He has toured actively since 2010, and played at clubs and festivals all over Europe, as well as in Russia, Japan, Taiwan, New Zealand, Australia, USA, Brazil and Argentina. Festival performances include: Huddersfield contemporary music festival (UK), A l’arme! festival (Berlin/DE), Gogolfest (Kiev/UA), Fete quaqua (London/UK), Nattjazz (Bergen/NO), Jazzfest Berlin (DE), Kongsberg jazzfestival (NO), Festival Akouphene (Geneva/CH), Angelica festival (Bologna/IT), V:NM festival (Graz/AT), Joyful noise (Biel/CH), Gothenburg art sounds (SE), SoundOut (Canberra/AU) and Ultima contemporary music festival (Oslo,NO). http://www.henriknorstebo.com
Photo © Svetlana Selezneva
----- JD Zazie is an experimental DJ, avant-turntablist and sound artist living between Berlin and Bolzano.
Coming from a DJ and a radiophonic background JD Zazie has explored over the years different approaches of real-time manipulation on fixed recorded sound. In her work she redefines DJ and electroacoustic activities. As a solo performer, in small groups or large ensembles she moves in an area which is constantly stretching the borders of what is supposed to be DJ mixing, free improvisation and composed music.
Juxtaposition, decontextualization, fragmentation, repetition, sonic texture, scratch and error are elements of the grammar adopted to relate, organize and rearrange the sound material.
She is a member of the Burp Enterprise collective and broadcasts monthly on Co Lab Radio and on Reboot.fm. She has participated in numerous exhibitions and events including Simultan festival (RU), Berlin Atonal (DE), All Ears (NO), Sonic Protest (FR), Heroines of Sound (DE), Reheat festival (AT), High Zero festival (US), Music Unlimited #27 (AT), Tuned City Bruxelles (BE), Open Provocation festival (UK), Festival Rue du Nord (CH), Audiograft 2012 (UK), Echtzeitmusiktage 2010 (DE), STEIM’s Turntable Night #7 (NL), Avantgarde Festival Schiphorst (DE) http://jdzazie.tumblr.com
Photo © Marco Microbi / photophunk.com
Benjamin Flesser (1986) is a composer and artist with a background in hardware hacking and a particular interest in the artefacts resulting from tolerances and instabilities of systems. He is working with metastable networks, ensembles of analog and digital computing devices, and also electronically amplified mechanical sound sources. The networks in use in his performances are designed with the aim of spontaneous reorganization and differ widely in levels of applied anticipation/experimentation.
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Para celebrar el Día Internacional del Jazz, decretado el 30 de abril desde 2011 por la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Educación, la Ciencia y la Cultura (UNESCO), la cuarta edición de Neuma, Festival Internacional de Jazz de la Ciudad de México ofrecerá clases en línea y dos conciertos que se podrán disfrutar desde televisión abierta por Capital 21 y en las redes sociales de la Secretaría de Cultura capitalina. El festival continuará a las 18:20 horas con la transmisión del concierto de cierre a cargo de Emilio Reyna Trío, integrado por el pianista egresado de la McGill University, en Montreal —donde radicó durante ocho años—, acompañado en la batería de Gabriel Puentes e Israel Cupich en el contrabajo, quienes ejecutarán temas como “Telescopio”, “Llegarán suaves lluvias” y “Lluvia y viento” del propio Emilio Reyna, entre otros temas de diversos autores. Como parte de esta cuarta edición, en colaboración con la UNESCO International Jazz Day, Neuma transmitirá el viernes 23 de abril, desde Nueva York, un taller con el baterista Antonio Sánchez a través de las redes sociales del organismo internacional, a las 13:00 horas (hora Ciudad de México). Del 24 al 30 de abril, a las 19:00 horas el público puede disfrutar la retransmisión de siete conciertos de todas las ediciones anteriores desde las redes sociales de la Secretaría de Cultura capitalina y de Capital 21, por lo que se podrá escuchar a Butterfly Trío (Francia), Lafahmisi & Remo Álvarez Trío (México), Iraida Noriega & Todd Clouser, (México-EU); Arturo Baez & Solo Libre (México), Fastrio ft. Tobias Delius (Alemania-México) y a Virelles Cupich Cleaver (EU-Cuba-México). Siga a la Secretaría de Cultura de la Ciudad de México a través de su página oficial (https://cultura.cdmx.gob.mx/), sus redes sociales (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram y YouTube) y en la plataforma digital Capital Cultural en Nuestra Casa. #InternationalJazzDay #jazz #jazzday #diadeljazz #neuma #italia #francia #alemania #cultura #musica #parquemexico #casadefrancia #neuma #cdmx #ciudaddeméxico #chilangabanda #chilango (en Ciudad de Mexico CDMX) https://www.instagram.com/p/COEN_gjDoAo/?igshid=qgduef7tuyw5
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18.12. Echtzeitmusik / Improvised Music w Rosi Förster (Voice) + Lena Wenta (Clarinet) + Jean P´ark (Zither & Electronics) + Klaus Kürvers (Doublebass)
Rosi Förster
Bekannte und sehr aktive Vocalistin aus der Berliner Echtzeitmusikszene.
Lena Wenta
Klarinettistin, Sounddesignerin M.A. und Aktivmember zahlreicher Berliner Bands und Musikprojekte.
Jean P´ark
Jean P´ark ist eine Saxophinistin aus Berlin. Im Jahre 2000 ging sie nach Holland, wo sie am Konservatorium in Arnhem Jazz Saxophon studierte. Seit 2005 wieder zurück in Berlin widmete sie sich besonders der improvisierten Musik aber auch traditionelleren Musikformen, wie dem Jazz oder verschiedenen folkloristischen Musikstilen.
Klaus Kürvers
Klaus Kürvers (* 1950 in Essen) ist ein deutscher Architekt, Bauhistoriker, Autor und Musiker.[1][2] Er publiziert vor allem zur Bau- und Kulturgeschichte Berlins und gehört als Bassist zur Berliner Echtzeitmusik-Szene.
Kürvers lernte seit 1964 Kontrabass u.a. bei Peter Trunk. Er war Mitglied im Essener Jugend-Symphonie-Orchester und spielte seit 1967 Free Jazz. Von 1969 bis 1971 gehörte er mit Rainer Brüninghaus zur Jazzrock-Band Eiliff, bevor er seine musikalischen Aktivitäten vorerst einstellte.[2]
Nach einem Studium in Köln und Berlin (Musikwissenschaft, Philosophie, Soziologie und Architektur) ist er seit 1978 als Bauhistoriker in Berlin tätig, zunächst an der Hochschule der Künste. Seit 1997 ist Kürvers selbstständig.
Gemeinsam mit Jonas Geist entstand das dreibändige Standardwerk Das Berliner Mietshaus (1740–1989). Weiterhin legte er baugeschichtliche Untersuchungen (etwa zur Villa Schöningen oder der Stadtentwicklung Berlins) sowie Arbeiten zum Wirken der Architekten Hans Scharoun, Albert Speer und dem Bassisten Peter Kowald vor. 1996 promovierte er an der Hochschule der Künste Berlin über Scharouns Werk, insbesondere das Haus Schminke. Zudem befasste er sich mit einer Reihe von Detailstudien zu ausgewählten Labyrinthen in Schweden, Spanien, Indien und Berlin.
Seit 2006 ist er wieder als Bassist tätig und spielte mit zahlreichen Musikern, u.a. mit Tristan Honsinger, Tobias Delius, Willi Kellers, Ignaz Schick und Els Vandeweyer. Seit 2010 sind CD-Veröffentlichungen entstanden, unter anderem mit dem Kontrabassquartett Sequoia oder der Violinistin Thea Farhadian.
Start: 19.30
Venus des Westens
Fehmarner Straße 4
13353 Berlin
U-Amrumer Straße / S-Westhafen
#echtzeitmusik#concert#improvised music#jean p´ark#klaus kürvers#rosi förster#voice#zither#clarinet#doublebass
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events 2020
16.01.2020 @ Petersburg Art Space, Berlin
Jasper Stadhouders - Guitar Tobias Delius - Tenor Sax, Clarinet Devin Gray - Drums Markus Krispel - Alto Sax Emilio Gordoa - Vibraphone Conny Bauer - Trombone
17.01.2020 @ KM28, Berlin
Sound Emancipations I.II
studies dedicated to the field of listening itself, the relationship and differences between music and language, the status of music itself, its role and horizon. The experiment is to (not) find out but experience in the performance what music still can be in a world where almost everything is reduced to signals and information.
25.01.2020 @ Kühlspot, Berlin
Emilio Gordoa - lazy susan, electronics Viola Yip, lazy susan,, electronics
Emilio Gordoa’s week at Au Topsi Pohl & Exhibition of Lena Czerniawska February 4th-8th 2020 Day1 February 4th Emilio Gordoa - vibraphone solo Mazen Kerbaj - trumpet Mike Majkowski - double bass Emilio Gordoa - vibraphone Andrew Lafkas - double bass Ignaz Schick - turntable Carl Ludwig Hübsch - tuba Emilio Gordoa - bass drum & perc. Day2 February 5th Michael Thieke - clarinet Emilio Gordoa - snare drum, feedbacks Lena Czerniawska - live drawings Felipe Araya - cajón Eric Bauer - electronics Emilio Gordoa - snare drum Carina Khorkhordina - trumpet Day3 February 6th Emilio Gordoa - bass drum, electronics Kamil Korolczuk - modular synthesizer Sunk Pöschl - drums Axel Dörner - trumpet Emilio Gordoa - vibraphone Day4 February 7th Emilio Gordoa - vibraphone Dag Magnus Narvesen - drums Andrea Parkins - accordion, electronics Emilio Gordoa - vibraphone Biliana Voutchkova - violin Day5 February 8th Joke Lanz - turntable Steve Heather - drums Emilio Gordoa - vibraphone Nicola Hein - guitar Emilio Gordoa - vibraphone
15.02.2020 @ Jazzorca Mexico City LODAZAL Misha Marks - latarra, baritone horn Marco Albert - voice, efects Alfonso Muñoz - saxophone Carlos Alegre - violin Emilio Gordoa - bass drum, elec. 23.02.2020 @ Bucareli 69 Mexico City "LaTripa" Misha Marks - latarra, baritone horn Alfonso Muñoz - saxophone Emilio Gordoa - sanre drum, elec. 26.02.2020 @ Casa Morisca Mexico City Carlos Alegre - violin Lena Czerniawska - dibujos Emilio Gordoa - sanre drum, elec. 27.02.2020 @ Vacas Verdes Bellas Artes Mexico City 1:∞ Lena Czerniawska - dibujos, movimiento Emilio Gordoa - sanre drum, electronics, fild recordings. 28.02.2020 @ Casona Spencer Cuernavaca 1er Concierto de Musica en Expreción Libre "LaTripa" Misha Marks - latarra, baritone horn Alfonso Muñoz - saxophone Emilio Gordoa - sanre drum, elec.
07.03.2020 @ FiCUNAM / Casa del Lago Mexico City UNSTUM in Festival Internacional de Cine de la UNAM Nicola L. Hein - guitar, electronics Claudia Schmitz - live moving image onto sculptures Alexander Bruck - viola Nika Milano - live video Axel Dörner - trumpet, electronics Luis Negrón van Grieken - video/performance Emilio Gordoa - vibes Elena Pardo - cine performance, 16mm
20.03.2020 @ Sound Disobedience, Ljubljana GRIFF CANCELLED Ingrid Schmoliner - prepared piano Emilio Gordoa - vibraphone Adam Pultz Melbye - double bass
Time of corona-virus led to the breakdown of the usual structures...
And continues....
20.08.20 @ Au Topsi Pohl, Berlin
Playing as a guest with DER LANGE SCHATTEN Michael Thieke - clarinet Håvard Wiik - piano Antonio Borghini - bass Emilio Gordoa - vibraphone
22.08.20 @ Acker Stadt Palast / Berlin Solo Impro Festival
Solo for prepared vibraphone and electronics.
29.08.20 @ Platzhirsch Festival, Duisburg
Emilio Gordoa - bass drum, perc, elec, conception Mariá Portugal - dr, elec, voc Julia Lippoldt - performance Luis Negron van Grieken - visuals
11.09.20 @ Ino the Shed / Club der Polnisher Versager, Berlin Buck-Gordoa Tony Buck - drums, guitar, gongs Emilio Gordoa - vibraphone
13.09.20 @ Kühlspot, Berlin CIRCUIT TRAINING Florian Bergmann (reeds) Matthias Müller (trombone) Ignaz Schick (electronics) Eliad Wagner (electronics) Marta Zapparoli (electronics) Achim Kaufmann (grand piano) Klaus Kürvers (double bass) Emilio Gordoa (vibraphone, percussion)
16.09.20 @ PAS, Berlin Electroacoustic evening curated by WildSonico Björn Erlach - SC live coding Emilio Gordoa - vibraphone
+other sets with guests.
18.09.20 @ ACUD, Berlin Annette Krebs - Konstruktion#4 Emilio Gordoa - Vibraphone and electronics
19.09.20 @ SPADOCHRON #5 /Macondo, Wroclaw Solo for snare and electronics + Installation by 1:∞
23.09.2020 @ Hosek Contemporary, Berlin Duo Gordoa-Kaseki Emilio Gordoa - percussion Yuko Kaseki - dance
02.10.2020 @ Au Topsi Pohl
Gordoa-Okuda-Virtaranta Rieko Okuda - Viola & Piano Antti Virtaranta - Double Bass Emilio Gordoa - Percussion
15-18.10.2020 @ Seanaps Festival
1:∞ present “Rastros” Installation on times of crisis. (Lena Czerniawska and Emilio Gordoa)
23&24.10.2020 @ Au Topsi Pohl
Stadhouders-Gordoa-Müller Jasper Stadhouders Emilio Gordoa - vibraphone Matthias Müller - trombone
15.12.2020 @ Input Impact Festival 2020, Collegium Hungaricum Berlin
Márton Bertók, Audrey Chen, Emilio Gordoa, Dodó Kis, Joke Lanz, Magda Mayas, Rozi Mákó, Albert Márkos, Áron Porteleki, Matana Roberts, Thea Soti, and more...
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Jeudi 27 juin - DATA - 20h Pierre Borel (saxophone) Laurent Charles (saxophone)
Pierre Borel est un saxophoniste et compositeur parisien, travaillant dans le domaine de la musique improvisée et expérimentale. Depuis 2006, il réside à Berlin, collaborant avec de nombreux musiciens et compositeurs. Il a joué dans la plupart des pays européens, au Japon, aux Etats-Unis et en Russie et est un compagnon de jeu régulier de Tobias Delius , Hannes Lingens , Derek Shirley , Tetuzi Akiyama , Christoph Kurzmann, Christian Lillinger, Axel Dörner , Sven Ake Johannson , Didier Lasserre ….
Il obtient un master en Jazz à l'Institut Jazz à Berlin en 2008 , et étudie la philosophie à Paris . Avec Florian Bergmann, Joel Grip et Hannes Lingens , ils créent le collectif Umlaut Berlin qui a organisé six festivals de musique improvisée.
Laurent Charles étudie au C.N.R de Metz et de Versailles, puis s’oriente vers la création contemporaine et l’improvisation. Son travail se développe autour de la relation du son et des autres formes d’expression (théâtre, danse, image, sculpture). Sur son parcours il a rencontré, entre autres, Annick Nozati, Fred Van Hove, Raymond Boni, les Dust Breeders, Camel Zekri, John Butcher, Vinko Globokar, Jacques Di Donato, Quatuor Stanislas, Kamel Maad, Fabrice Charles, Jean Luc Capozzo, Gerard Fabbiani, Marc Pichelin.... Enseigne actuellement au CRC de Saint-Raphael.
Pour cette soirée D.A.S. : quelques pistes musicales d'hier et d'aujourd'hui, de la mémoire et de l'instant, pour répondre, en partie, à la question "Qui suis-je ?".
DATA, 44 rue des Bons Enfants 13006 Marseille Ouverture des portes à 19h Entrée à partir de 5€ + adh
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