#Tobacco Harm Reduction
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vapingit · 1 year ago
Manipulation of the Truth
Last evening I recognized Manipulation of the Truth. While all in the wording, the Truth Manipulative ® is strong. Everything is not as truthful as it appears, and should make you skeptical at best to the information allowed to be filtered to the public by the end of this blog. It may surprise you, this isn’t just about vaping products. It’s about choice, and population level harm reduction.…
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pricklylegs · 2 years ago
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hobo-rg · 7 months ago
I want to add that emphysema-type COPD and lung cancer are caused by chronic inhalation of any kind of smoke and probably also vape aerosols (studies on vaping and COPD were at the level of "very likely but not 100% sure" last I checked). Smoke in general is also bad for your circulatory system, but nicotine is really bad for it, so tobacco smoking is a much larger risk factor for heart disease than smoking anything else.
Tobacco smoking also tends to be worse for you in general just because nicotine is so very addictive. I've never met a pothead who smoked the equivalent of three packs a day for years on end.
For the most part, my approach to prescribing hormones is “sure,” but I will note that the one thing I lean HARD on patients about is smoking. If you’re transgender, and you’re on hormones, the number one thing we want to protect is your cardiovascular health. That’s frankly the number one thing I want to protect in all my patients, but anyone taking exogenous hormones is at higher baseline risk. And the best thing you can do for your heart is DON’T SMOKE. It’s a bitch to quit, and I didn’t even smoke much or long before I quit in my late teens, and I STILL didn’t enjoy quitting and had smoking dreams for years. It’s harder to quit than just about anything else up to and including crack and heroin, and that’s coming from a patient of mine who recently passed in her early 60s who’d done all of those things—for years and years—but eventually was able to quit everything except smoking. And that killed her. She developed severe COPD and eventually called to say her blood oxygen saturation was dipping into the 70s, which is incompatible with life. She was lucid enough to decline medical care, including refusing to call 911 or go to the ER. A week later, after both I and one of our outreach nurses had contacted her to ask her to please go to the ER, I got a notification that she’d been found dead. She had been so frustrated that she wasn’t a candidate for a lung transplant.
One of my oldest trans patients is in her late 50s. She’s had blood clots that went to the lungs. Repeatedly. Smoking raises that risk. Estrogen raises that risk. She’s a veteran with PTSD; of course she smoked.
These aren’t theoretical. These are humans I’ve cared for over years of their lives. I have been rooting for them—my beloved former addict, who spoke without shame about her years of homelessness and drug use in the city; my queer elders, who are slowly trading in their motorcycles for power scooters. I want everyone to live their fullest, best life.
Smoking doesn’t fit into that. Please don’t smoke. I don’t want you to die like that—not now and not later. I want you to have the future that you may not be able to see yet, but exists.
Since I moved home as an out queer, word got out, and there’s a whole apartment complex of lesbians in their 60s to their 80s who come see me—sitting next to their wives in the office, nagging about blood pressure meds, tattling about not having gotten the shingles shot they said they would. To be clear, when I was growing up in town, I knew no lesbians. Not one. I knew one gay kid in my class, which eventually turned into two. We were it. To see these women living decades with their wives and being able to squabble like any couple in my office over who was supposed to bring their home blood pressure cuff in for us to check it… it means the world to me.
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macgyvermedical · 4 months ago
FREE Health Education Opportunity!
Interested in learning more about basic health topics? Need some new condition education? Want help improving your health literacy?
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My name is Ross and I am a Registered Nurse with a Master of Public Health. By day I am a nursing instructor. By night, I am gaining experience providing health education to anyone who wants a better understanding of their health.
If you live in the USA, have a smart phone or computer, and have a little curiosity about your health or a condition that impacts it, I welcome your questions!
How does it work?
I can answer simple, general questions about health topics right in tumblr's messaging feature (@macgyvermedical). For more in-depth or personal questions, I will ask that you download either TigerConnect or OhMD. These are free, HIPAA-compliant applications that minimize the risk that your personal health information will be compromised.
You can ask for information about:
Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs
Birth Control
Environmental Health
First Aid
Harm Reduction
Human Pathogens
Mental Health
Specific Conditions (diabetes, hypertension, etc…)
...And So Much More!
Please note: I am offering health education only. I cannot give medical advice beyond advising that you seek professional medical care if you are ill or injured beyond your ability to care for yourself.
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mostlysignssomeportents · 1 year ago
The impoverished imagination of neoliberal climate “solutions
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This morning (Oct 31) at 10hPT, the Internet Archive is livestreaming my presentation on my recent book, The Internet Con.
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There is only one planet in the known universe capable of sustaining human life, and it is rapidly becoming uninhabitable by humans. Clearly, this warrants bold action – but which bold action should we take?
After half a century of denial and disinformation, the business lobby has seemingly found climate religion and has joined the choir, but they have their own unique hymn: this crisis is so dire, they say, that we don't have the luxury of choosing between different ways of addressing the emergency. We have to do "all of the above" – every possible solution must be tried.
In his new book Dark PR, Grant Ennis explains that this "all of the above" strategy doesn't represent a change of heart by big business. Rather, it's part of the denial playbook that's been used to sell tobacco-cancer doubt and climate disinformation:
The point of "all of the above" isn't muscular, immediate action – rather, it's a delaying tactic that creates space for "solutions" that won't work, but will generate profits. Think of how the tobacco industry used "all of the above" to sell "light" cigarettes, snuff, snus, and vaping – and delay tobacco bans, sin taxes, and business-euthanizing litigation. Today, the same playbook is used to sell EVs as an answer to the destructive legacy of the personal automobile – to the exclusion of mass transit, bikes, and 15-minute cities:
As the tobacco and car examples show, "all of the above" is never really all of the above. Pursuing "light" cigarettes to reduce cancer is incompatible with simply banning tobacco; giving everyone a personal EV is incompatible with remaking our cities for transit, cycling and walking.
When it comes to the climate emergency, "all of the above" means trying "market-based" solutions to the exclusion of directly regulating emissions, despite the poor performance of these "solutions."
The big one here is carbon offsets, which allows companies to make money by promising not to emit carbon that they would otherwise emit. The idea here is that creating a new asset class will unleash the incredible creativity of markets by harnessing the greed of elite sociopaths to the project of decarbonization, rather of the prudence of democratically accountable lawmakers.
Carbon offsets have not worked: they have been plagued by absolutely foreseeable problems that have not lessened, despite repeated attempts to mitigate them.
For starters, carbon offsets are a classic market for lemons. The cheapest way to make a carbon offset is to promise not to emit carbon you were never going to emit anyway, as when fake charities like the Nature Conservancy make millions by promising not to log forests that can't be logged because they are wildlife preserves:
Then there's the problem of monitoring carbon offsetting activity. Like, what happens when the forest you promise not to log burns down? If you're a carbon trader, the answer is "nothing." That burned-down forest can still be sold as if it were sequestering carbon, rather than venting it to the atmosphere in an out-of-control blaze:
When you bought a plane ticket and ticked the "offset the carbon on my flight" box and paid an extra $10, I bet you thought that you were contributing to a market that incentivized a reduction in discretionary, socially useless carbon-intensive activity. But without those carbon offsets, SUVs would have all but disappeared from American roads. Carbon offsets for Tesla cars generated billions in carbon offsets for Elon Musk, and allowed SUVs to escape regulations that would otherwise have seen them pulled from the market:
What's more, Tesla figured out how to get double the offsets they were entitled to by pretending that they had a working battery-swap technology. This directly translated to even more SUVs on the road:
Harnessing the profit motive to the planet's survivability might sound like a good idea, but it assumes that corporations can self-regulate their way to a better climate future. They cannot. Think of how Canada's logging industry was allowed to clearcut old-growth forests and replace them with "pines in lines" – evenly spaced, highly flammable, commercially useful tree-farms that now turn into raging forest fires every year:
The idea of "market-based" climate solutions is that certain harmful conduct should be disincentivized through taxes, rather than banned. This makes carbon offsets into a kind of modern Papal indulgence, which let you continue to sin, for a price. As the outstanding short video Murder Offsets so ably demonstrates, this is an inadequate, unserious and immoral response to the urgency of the issue:
Offsets and other market-based climate measures aren't "all of the above" – they exclude other measures that have better track-records and lower costs, because those measures cut against the interests of the business lobby. Writing for the Law and Political Economy Project, Yale Law's Douglas Kysar gives some pointed examples:
For example: carbon offsets rely on a notion called "contrafactual carbon," this being the imaginary carbon that might be omitted by a company if it wasn't participating in offsets. The number of credits a company gets is determined by the difference between its contrafactual emissions and its actual emissions.
But the "contrafactual" here comes from a business-as-usual world, one where the only limit on carbon emissions comes from corporate executives' voluntary actions – and not from regulation, direct action, or other limits on corporate conduct.
Kysar asks us to imagine a contrafactual that depends on "carbon upsets," rather than offsets – one where the limits on carbon come from "lawsuits, referenda, protests, boycotts, civil disobedience":
If we're really committed to "all of the above" as baseline for calculating offsets, why not imagine a carbon world grounded in foreseeable, evidence-based reality, like the situation in Louisiana, where a planned petrochemical plant was canceled after a lawsuit over its 13.6m tons of annual carbon emissions?
Rather than a tradeable market in carbon offsets, we could harness the market to reward upsets. If your group wins a lawsuit that prevents 13.6m tons of carbon emissions every year, it will get 13.6 million credits for every year that plant would have run. That would certainly drive the commercial imaginations of many otherwise disinterested parties to find carbon-reduction measures. If we're going to revive dubious medieval practices like indulgences, why not champerty, too?
That is, if every path to a survivable planet must run through Goldman-Sachs, why not turn their devious minds to figuring out ways to make billions in tradeable credits by suing the pants off oil companies?
There are any number of measures that rise to the flimsy standards of evidence in support of offsets. Like, we're giving away $85/ton in free public money for carbon capture technologies, despite the lack of any credible path to these making a serious dent in the climate situation:
If we're willing to fund untested longshots like carbon capture, why not measures that have far better track-records? For example, there's a pretty solid correlation between the presence of women in legislatures and on corporate boards and overall reductions in carbon. I'm the last person to suggest that the problems of capitalism can be replaced by replacing half of the old white men who run the world with women, PoCs and queers – but if we're willing to hand billions to ferkakte scheme like carbon capture, why not subsidize companies that pack their boards with women, or provide campaign subsidies to women running for office? It's quite a longshot (putting Liz Truss or Marjorie Taylor-Greene on your board or in your legislature is no way to save the planet), but it's got a better evidentiary basis than carbon capture.
There's also good evidence that correlates inequality with carbon emissions, though the causal relationship is unclear. Maybe inequality lets the wealthy control policy outcomes and tilt them towards permitting high-emission/high-profit activities. Maybe inequality reduces the social cohesion needed to make decarbonization work. Maybe inequality makes it harder for green tech to find customers. Maybe inequality leads to rich people chasing status-enhancing goods (think: private jet rides) that are extremely carbon-intensive.
Whatever the reason, there's a pretty good case that radical wealth redistribution would speed up decarbonization – any "all of the above" strategy should certainly consider this one.
Kysar's written a paper on this, entitled "Ways Not to Think About Climate Change":
It's been accepted for the upcoming American Society for Political and Legal Philosophy conference on climate change:
It's quite a bracing read! The next time someone tells you we should hand Elon Musk billions to in exchange for making it possible to legally manufacture vast fleets of SUVs because we need to try "all of the above," send them a copy of this paper.
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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chronicallycouchbound · 1 year ago
hi I had a question about your cannabis post
i don’t know much about cannabis so sorry if I misunderstand smth
but I don’t understand what “safe” drug use implies,, how can drugs be safe? what’s safe drug use??
i probably have a very narrow view on this topic, so id like to know more
on a different note id like to thank you for your content, I feel that ive learned a lot from this account :)) thanks!!!
(feel free to ignore this)
It’s important to first recognize that more things are drugs than we normally consider: alcohol, tobacco, nicotine, caffeine, cannabis, are all drugs just as much as opiates, benzos, etc. Any medication is a drug.
Any drugs have the ability to be used properly and safely as well as the potential to be used negatively or harmfully. Drugs are morally neutral. Even addiction is morally neutral.
Alcohol can be used to cut loose with friends on the weekend, but it can also be used to cause poisoning. Tobacco can be used to calm down after an argument, but it can also cause cancer. Opiates can be used to manage severe pain, and can also cause overdose.
People have always used drugs historically, and in order to survive, people often need them. Using substances can also not just be medically or recreational, there are spiritual and cultural reasons as well. Some people need substances to manage their emotional or mental needs (especially without supports otherwise).
Any drug can be safe. It’s all in how it’s used, as well as within context.
Safe use looks different for everyone, but personally, I try to encourage methods that are harm reduction focused.
Harm reduction can look like:
• Safe supply of substances to ensure that people are getting unlaced stuff.
• Education so people know how to avoid accidental consequences of their use.
• Access to unused syringes or works to prevent blood borne infections.
• Having a designated driver or trip sitter.
• Sitting with someone while they use in case they have negative effects.
• Access to naloxone/Narcan to reverse opioid overdoses.
• Starting with a lower dose and going slow with use to ensure you’re getting the intended effects.
And harm reduction is so much more than just about substances, it’s things like seatbelts in cars and condoms and STI testing. It’s the lesser of two evils and a primary focus of harm reduction is that it keeps people alive above all else.
Some people like to say “harm reduction keeps people alive long enough to get sober” but I personally feel like sobriety isn’t always the solution for everyone, nor is it accessible to everyone.
But yeah, safe use exists, and most drugs ARE used safely every day. That’s what a pharmacist’s whole job is for.
I appreciate this ask, I’m always happy to talk about harm reduction. I co-founded a local harm reduction organization and have done a lot of advocacy around this— everything from reversing ODs, speaking on panels, testifying for bills with the ACLU, training communities on how to administer Naloxone, distributing safe use supplies, etc. I have a lot of personal experience with addiction and feel very passionately about this. I was tired of my friends dying and I just want to make the world a safer place.
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todaynewspakistan0 · 4 months ago
🌱 Tobacco Harm Reduction: Pakistan’s New Hope to Stop Smoking!
Pakistan faces a smoking crisis with millions affected and rising healthcare costs. Traditional anti-smoking methods, like high taxes, only push smokers towards unregulated products, increasing health risks.
But there’s a better way—Tobacco Harm Reduction (THR). By embracing safer alternatives like vapes and nicotine pouches, Pakistan can make strides toward a healthier future.
Let’s spread the word and support THR as a vital part of Pakistan’s health strategy! 🛡️
#TobaccoHarmReduction #StopSmoking #Pakistan #PublicHealth #Vaping #NicotinePouches #QuitSmoking #HealthyChoices #Awareness
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lensdeer · 13 days ago
I wish vaping's* health effects were better understood :<
flow-of-consciousness rambling below the cut. (TL;DR I'm annoyed at the moral panic and have personally seen it be good* for people quitting nicotine, but non-smokers probably shouldn't pick it up, which annoyingly includes me)
So far signs point to it* being significantly less harmful than smoking in the areas where smoking does the most damage, and there's both anecdotal and proper evidence of it* being a highly effective tool to quit nicotine and eventually smoking/vaping at all. It's* likely a net positive/good alternative for smokers with an established nicotine habit who don't feel comfortable quitting cold turkey or have failed to quit using other tools.
Bbbbbbut I'm not a smoker! I don't even remotely enjoy nicotine! I'm just autistic and the specific act of blowing clouds of smoke/vapor is a fucking UNPARALLELED stim for me, and all the "use your mouth for something else" alternatives don't do it for me (I mean I do like hard candy but it's for different reasons y'know?)
I was forced to learn a lot about vaping in 2018 bc of my ex (and I've loosely kept track of developments since then bc I find the hobbyist/diy side interesting), so I know harm reduction and how all the ingredients and components work and how to properly store/handle this shit safely etc etc etc. I'm like 90% sure casual light usage of well maintained hobbyist hardware with unflavored actually nicotine-free liquids and proper harm reduction practices would be fine enough for my non-smoker ass*, so I should know enough to make an informed decision that won't bite me in the ass later, right?
Buuuuut obviously emotionally there's the whole tobacco-planted moral panic + rationally there's the "smoking itself used to be publicized as good for you and you're not immune to propaganda so you should err on the side of caution" part of the issue, right? Like, I've had 6 years to get into this stuff since I first tried it, and I haven't, and I won't, bc I know that even though it's* likely fine there aren't enough long-term studies to be fully sure! And I know that even when those studies do come out they'll say as a non-smoker I'm obviously better off not picking it up!
...And yet I yearn for the cloud stimmies :c the accursed sensorial white whale will forever keep eluding my grasp :c
*: (Using safely produced liquids** on clean and well maintained high-quality hardware with safely and carefully handled batteries. """Pods""" and the landfill-ready disposable shit that's become popular lately should not exist.)
**: I'm not as well informed on THC liquids so I can't speak for those, but last I heard they were still Kind Of Messy bc of temp requirements or something?
***: Yes, none of it should be advertised or sold to children; hell, nothing at all should be advertised for anyone anywhere ever anyways, but I digress.
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rjzimmerman · 1 month ago
E.P.A. Again Seeks Limits on a Harmful Pesticide. (New York Times)
Excerpt from this story from the New York Times:
Almost 25 years after federal regulators curbed household use of a pesticide linked to learning disorders in children, and three years after a total ban on its use on food crops, the chemical is again being applied to everything from bananas to turnips in most states.
The saga of this pesticide, which has the unwieldy name chlorpyrifos, is a stark reminder of why so many Americans are alarmed about industrial farming and the food supply. The concern helped propel Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s presidential candidacy and subsequent selection to head the Department of Health and Human Services.
The issue is also a vivid illustration of the obstacles that regulators will face if they try to make good on campaign promises to remove harmful chemicals from the food supply, as Mr. Kennedy often has.
The latest twist arrived on Monday, when the Environmental Protection Agency proposed outlawing the use of chlorpyrifos on farmed foods — except on 11 crops, including fruits children tend to eat in large quantities, such as apples, oranges, peaches and cherries.
In an interview, Dr. Michal Freedhoff, assistant administrator of the office of chemical safety and pollution prevention at the E.P.A., said the proposed rule would provide the greatest benefit to children’s health while still abiding by a federal-court decision last year that overturned the agency’s original ban.
The proposal will lower the amount of the pesticide applied to fields and orchards annually by 3.9 million pounds, from the 5.3 million pounds used each year from 2014 to 2018, according to a preliminary E.P.A. analysis.
“This will result in a 70 percent reduction from the historic total amounts of chlorpyrifos used on food before this all started,” Dr. Freedhoff said.
The new permitted crops will include alfalfa, asparagus, soybeans, strawberries, wheat, sugar beets and cotton. The pesticide would also be allowed on Christmas tree farms and golf courses, and on tobacco and crops grown for seed, as well as for public mosquito control and in enclosed ant and roach bait.
The public has 60 days to comment on the rule.
Chlorpyrifos manufacturers have indicated they will not challenge the proposed limits and will not pursue broader food crop use, Dr. Freedhoff said. Gharda Chemicals, the manufacturer based in Mumbai, India, that sued over the original ban, did not respond to repeated requests for comment. Mr. Kennedy also did not respond to requests for comment.
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allthebrazilianpolitics · 21 days ago
Brazil’s Congress Hikes Taxes on Sugary Drinks, Alcohol and Tobacco While Boosting Healthy Foods
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Brazil’s National Congress approved a selective tax on tobacco, soft drinks, and alcohol this week as part of wide-ranging fiscal reform that also saw a reduction in taxes on healthy foods.
The trio of unhealthy consumables is now located in the same tax category as harmful goods and products including coal, vehicles and betting.
The specific tax rates for tobacco, alcohol, and soft drinks will be determined in 2025, but they will need to be high enough to deter consumers from buying these products to have an impact on health. 
The Congressional vote is a victory for advocacy groups as the Brazilian Senate had removed sugary drinks from the selective tax a week earlier, causing a public outcry.
Continue reading.
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sixwingedknight · 3 months ago
listen i'm not going to vape indoors unless i get express permission and all that but the idea that it's confirmed to cause cancer is misleading info based on disposables and shit and a slightly elevated cancer risk from the use of nicotine (it itself is not a complete carcinogen) it's a harm reduction practice, it's not meant to be perfect, but the idea that it's Killing You:tm: is... situational, at best. like... certain flavorings are cancerous, yes, and disposables are a very unregulated market, but the idea that vaping is The Hell is really fucking weird considering how the alternative for a LOT of people is tobacco. i use nicotine to help manage my psychosis because i know for a fact typical and atypical antipsychotics make me suicidal. nicotine is not a disaster for you, the issue is that cigarettes are fucking evil and have a ton of chemicals inside them that *greatly enhance* nicotine's addictiveness. iunno. shit doesn't kill you. just don't be a dick. also cite your fucking sources when you talk about shit medical shit
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noisytenant · 2 years ago
how safe are weed vapes compared to like regular vapes? I've recently heard vapes are like horrible for you cus you're just smoking a shit ton of chemicals but does that depends on what's being smoked?....since you said the weed is just being heated up is there less chemical intake overall or just less combustion byproduct like you said before (sorry if this makes like no sense I'm not familiar with this stuff at all or how it works lol but I also had a really bad experience with edibles and have bad lungs so I just wanted to know a bit more)
Hey sorry for responding so late I had gotten most of this post done after you first sent it but I ran out of energy and got too perfectionistic. Anyways here it is:
Excellent question! The first formal modern e-liquid vape was only released in 2003, though various attempts had been made earlier, which means we are still researching the long-term effects they have on health. When the average person says "vape", they almost exclusively mean "e-liquid vape".
Currently, what we can see about e-liquid vapes: They're not very good. They do reduce some smoking risks (no tar) but introduce other risks, and have a reputation of being safer and a potential smoking cessation aid while a reality of unregulated and poorly sourced ingredients which can cause acute and lasting lung damage.
Dry herb vaping, which is what I recommend, is much more straightforward, but only recently popularized and thus still needing more research.
At the risk of being a square: Any time you intentionally inhale something other than air, you're introducing more risk than if you simply never smoked or vaped anything. But like don't let that stop you, we take on risk all the time, that's what harm reduction's all about babey
Dry Vapes are Not Vapes
A vape or e-cigarette is a device that heats and vaporizes a liquid carrier with a suspension of the psychoactive chemical, either nicotine or THC. These are what people think of when they think of vapes, and these are generally the most problematic for having untested and unregulated chemicals while being touted as healthier.
A dry vape/dry herb vaporizer is the method I recommend, which heats the plant material (or concentrate like wax--I haven't done this myself personally) and evaporates the cannabinoids and terpenes without combustion. It's basically like baking your weed in a tiny oven.
This method was popularized most recently in 1993 with Eagle Bill's Shake and Vape, though apparently the principle of boiling vapor has existed since ancient times.
General Smoking Health Risks
Tobacco and weed both produce "tar" when burned--a catch-all for a variety of chemicals, many of which are carcinogenic, produced during combustion. The tar isn't made from the THC or the nicotine, but from the plant matter itself and its additives. If you burn plant matter and inhale the smoke, you inhale a certain number of toxic and carcinogenic chemicals.
There is some conflict on if smoking weed causes cancer. It certainly doesn't carry the same correlation as tobacco, but the reasons are unknown. We don't have long-term studies verifying a connection between the two. Very preliminary lab tests suggest that THC and CBD have antitumor effects, but it'll be a while before we can figure out the deal. There is still risk!!!
Regardless, the deposition of tar in lungs is an irritant and increases risks of things like bronchitis. For someone with asthma or weak lungs, smoking of any kind causes problems.
E-Cigarettes, or e-liquid vapes
E-cigarettes were manufactured to counter tobacco cigs starting in 2003. An e-cig heats a liquid with a suspension of nicotine, atomizing it into droplets of vapor that are then inhaled.
The liquid is usually propylene glycol or glycerol with other additives like flavorants. It seems like propylene glycol and glycerol have been safe for ingestion as a food additive, but being atomized in an inhaled form is pretty new and the effects aren't well-known.
The major issue is that we don't have a standardized and proven-effective vape juice formula. E-liquid is poorly regulated and many samples contain entirely unidentified substances.
This is the major cause for concern.
THC vape liquids have similar issues, including being cut with Vitamin E acetate, which was correlated with a string of vaping-related lung disease, though not fully confirmed to be the culprit.
Hopefully this delineates why vaping, as in e-liquid vaping, is problematic, and why dry vape is comparatively safer.
Why dry herb vape?
The boiling of the material introduces fewer (but not 0) unknown or undesired chemicals into the airstream. You're primarily getting the cannabinoids.
On a user experience level: It's quite weed-efficient, the weed tastes better w/o the smoke, it produces less smell, the vapor is less harsh on the lungs (you can and will still cough if you inhale too much tho), not much less portable than a joint
You can get a bong adapter and get megahigh still (I do have a bong but I don't like getting that fucked up)
Some vapes can heat concentrates, wax, etc. for potent highs (I haven't done this. But you can. Research yourself)
The already vaped bud (AVB) can be saved and reused for edibles, extracts, and concentrates; it's gonna be stripped of a lot of the psychoactives already, but not all of them--obvs be mindful of dosing here
Downsides: You do have to recharge battery vapes and get over the learning curve of batteryless (I'm pretty shit at using mine). You also have to clean your equipment every once in a while which is nbd for me who likes cleaning but yknow it does require upkeep. Easier than cleaning a bong tho
So, could you dry vape tobacco?
You can, but you probably shouldn't. Nicotine itself is highly physically and psychologically addictive and classified as toxic, and while it isn't considered carcinogenic, it is potentially a tumor promoter.
Pretty much everyone I know who's on nic tells me they don't like it, they wish they could quit, and they would never want me or anyone else to start.
Last, some Dry Herb Vaporizer Tips
Controlling the temperature allows you to control which cannabinoids are released to a certain extent.
Hot vapor can still irritate your lungs. Keeping a relatively low temperature (Guides indicate the best range) and having a long enough vapor path that the vapor can cool will help you have a smoother inhale.
Do not use a vaporizer with cheap elements. Plastic near the heating element will cause by-products.
Contaminants and pesticides can be inhaled, source your material appropriately
Overheating can still cause combustion. You will smell, taste, and see smoke if this happens.
All the physical and psychological risks of weed are present--Take it easy, know your limits, don't vape or smoke when you're in an unstable state, etc.
Thanks for reading, I hope this helps you make informed decisions and potentially find a way of intaking weed that suits your needs :) If you have any more Qs I'll try to answer (IN FEWER WORDS)
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dream2bu · 1 year ago
I’m going to summarize my thoughts on a government shutdown.
Shutdown bad!!! Working together without a political agenda and bias to make make sure government doesn’t get shutdown, good!!!
For anyone that wants to read more, please feel free.
Government shutdowns occur when policymakers fail to enact legislation to fund the federal government by the end of the fiscal year on September 30. Each year, Congress must pass, and the president must sign, legislation to provide funding for most government agencies. That legislation comes in the form of 12 appropriation bills, one for each appropriations committee. Lawmakers may also choose to pass a temporary funding bill, known as a continuing resolution, to provide funding for a limited time. If lawmakers fail to pass some or all of the appropriations bills on time, and a continuing resolution is not in place, the government would experience a partial or full “shutdown.”
There are many reasons government shutdowns are harmful, and here are a few.
1. Government shutdowns are costly.
It may be counterintuitive, but government shutdowns are expensive. A government shutdown pauses programs and government operations, only for them to eventually start up again, and that has costs. For example, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) estimated that the lost productivity of government workers during the shutdown in 2013, which lasted 16 days, cost the government $2 billion.
More recently, a report issued in September 2019 by the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations found that the “last three government shutdowns cost taxpayers nearly $4 billion — at least $3.7 billion in back pay to furloughed federal workers, and at least $338 million in other costs associated with the shutdowns, including extra administrative work, lost revenue, and late fees on interest payments.” That assessment is an underestimate because it excluded substantial costs associated with several government agencies (including the Department of Defense), which were unable to provide complete estimates to the Subcommittee.
2. Government shutdowns are bad for the economy.
Government shutdowns can harm economic growth and certainty. A 2013 Macroeconomic Advisors paper found that government shutdowns can impose costs on the economy such as increasing the unemployment rate, lowering the growth in gross domestic product (GDP), and raising the cost of borrowing. The Bureau of Economic Analysis estimated that the government shutdown in October 2013 reduced fourth-quarter GDP that year by 0.3 percentage points. An S&P Global analysis found that a government shutdown in 2017 could have reduced real fourth-quarter GDP growth by $6.5 billion per week. The Congressional Budget Office estimated that the partial government shutdown that lasted from December 22, 2018 until January 25, 2019 reduced real GDP by $11 billion over the fourth quarter of 2018 and the first quarter of 2019 (although they assumed that much of that reduction would have been made up later in the year).
Additionally, a shutdown can cause disruptions in sectors of the economy. For instance, a Partnership for Public Service report noted that the last government shutdown (which lasted from December 2018 to January 2019) halted two major Small Business Administration loan programs. Those programs typically dispense nearly $200 million a day to small and midsize U.S. businesses; lack of access to such loans hindered business plans and caused economic hardship for thousands of entrepreneurs and their employees. Shutdowns also impact regulatory offices like the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau within the Department of the Treasury. An example— without the necessary certifications and approvals to operate, production for craft breweries throughout the country stalled, thereby reducing revenue for over 7,300 producers who provide more than 135,000 jobs.
3. Government shutdowns interrupt federal programs and services.
While programs such as Social Security and Medicare would remain largely unaffected by a government shutdown, other programs and services could be interrupted by the temporary furlough of “nonessential” government staff. In 2013, OMB showed that the shutdown that year disrupted scientific research, services for veterans and seniors, and health and safety inspections by the Food and Drug Administration, the Federal Aviation Administration, and the National Transportation Safety Board, among other programs.
4. Government shutdowns may harm the federal workforce.
Shutdowns contribute to economic insecurity among federal workers. During the last shutdown, about 800,000 federal employees were either furloughed or went without pay. This included workers at national parks and museums, corrections officers at federal prisons, and officials from the Transportation Security Administration. The gap in pay creates an adverse situation for federal workers as about 20 percent of Americans are unable to pay their monthly bills in full and about 40 percent are unable to pay an emergency expense of $400 or more with cash, according to the Federal Reserve.
Also, shutdowns may harm recruitment and retention of quality staff. Experts interviewed by the Government Accountability Office noted that prolonged shutdowns may alter the perception of federal jobs and reduce the attractiveness of such jobs for younger workers. Such perceptions are already apparent in the federal government where, currently, just 7 percent of all permanent, full-time federal employees are under the age of 30; that age group makes up 20 percent of the broader labor market.
Engaging in fiscal brinksmanship is not an effective way of addressing our nation’s fiscal challenges. It delays the tough decisions and has real costs for the budget, the economy, and everyday Americans. Instead of governing by crisis, lawmakers should work together to create a long-term plan that addresses the growing mismatch between spending and revenue and puts us on a sustainable fiscal path.
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macgyvermedical · 1 year ago
You should seriously take down that post sharing the number of pills it takes to kill you, turn off reblogs and apologize. There are suicidal people in your replies using it as an instructional guide. You even had a toxicologist tell you it was bad. Like come on, aren't you a real medical professional? Don't they teach you guys harm reduction??
I’m not taking it down, and here’s why:
Do you know what information is easy to find online? How to kill yourself. Heck, it’s not hard to just buy a bottle of something and down it.
You know what’s hard to find online? How much acetaminophen will mess you up when you’re just trying to control your pain.
Multiple studies on acetaminophen overdose deaths show that out of thousands of overdose deaths from acetaminophen yearly, about 1/3 are unintentional. My neighbor’s kid ended up in the hospital when her doctor inadvertently instructed her to take 1,300mg every 6 hours. If this post makes even one person say to themselves “hey, both of my meds have acetaminophen in them, maybe I should question this?” I will have done my job.
If I’d wanted people to kill themselves I would have told them about the half dozen quick, effective, and nearly completely painless ways to do it that I, as a former suicidal person and nurse, have considered. You’ll notice I’m not blogging about that. There’s really nothing else you can do with that information, so I’m choosing not to share it.
As someone with a masters in public health, I know that purposefully hiding information from the public when the public have something to gain from that information is about the worst thing you can do in terms of health communication. We have to tell people what the danger is in order for them to avoid that danger.
We tell med pros why they have to wear masks to go into infectious patient rooms. We tell construction workers why they have to wear hard hats. There are warnings on cigarette boxes that tobacco smoking causes lung cancer and on alcohol bottles that it is addictive and can cause pregnancy complications. People might still make choices that aren’t in their best interest, but they know the risks and have free will.
People are a lot less likely to “just take one more” if they know how close a therapeutic dose and a toxic dose are when it comes to acetaminophen.
Finally, and this is important: if someone knows they are triggered by discussions of overdose, it is their responsibility to blacklist that tag. If they are not mature enough to do so, they should not be on tumblr.
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tussive · 1 year ago
The tobacco thing is also funny with different forms of tobacco. When snus first hit the US market, I was pretty interested in it (still am really, but I've never gotten around to actually trying to import Swedish snus yet because I just put things off for decades like that) and it was super funny because, and keep in mind this is all decades old memories and information so new information may have come about, but essentially the tobacco usage rate in Sweden matched other countries, but their tobacco related cancer rate was significantly lower. The only major difference was rather than smoking or using dip or cigars, they had a large percentage of people who opted for snus. But you could not dare suggest that snus may be a safer form of tobacco to use, because that would suggest any tobacco product was "safe" and that's a no no.
Though it does seem like that may have died down some since then, I did just find this review of the health risks associated with snus compared with smoking, which both supports what I remember and also maybe indicates that people are loosening up a bit.
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rawqanvaping · 2 years ago
من أين تشتري منتجات السجائر الإلكترونية في المملكة العربية السعودية 1- سحبة مزاج 2- سحبات مزاج 3- سحبة جاهزة
Where to Buy Vaping Products in Saudi Arabia
من أين تشتري منتجات السجائر الإلكترونية في المملكة العربية السعودية
In Saudi Arabia, the sale and use of vaping products are regulated, and it's important to adhere to the local laws and regulations. Here are some general places where you may find vaping products in Saudi Arabia:
في المملكة العربية السعودية ، يتم تنظيم بيع واستخدام منتجات التدخين الإلكتروني - الفيبينج - Vaping ، ومن المهم الالتزام بالقوانين واللوائح المحلية. فيما يلي بعض الأماكن العامة التي قد تجد فيها منتجات vaping في المملكة العربية السعودية:
One reputable online store in Saudi Arabia that specializes in selling vaping products is ⭐️Rouqan. They offer a variety of regular and electronic molasses flavors, as well as regular and electronic shisha and all their accessories. With fast delivery, you can conveniently order from their website, rawqan.com. 
أحد المتاجر الإلكترونية ذات السمعة الطيبة في المملكة العربية السعودية والمتخصصة في بيع منتجات vaping هو ⭐️Rouqan وهم يقدمون مجموعة متنوعة من نكهات دبس السكر العادية والإلكترونية ، بالإضافة إلى الشيشة العادية والإلكترونية وجميع ملحقاتها. مع التسليم السريع ، يمكنك الطلب بسهولة من موقع الويب الخاص بهم ، Rawqan.com
⭐️Rouqan is affiliated with Al-Ruqan World Trading Est. and holds a commercial registration number of 1010730263.
روقان تابعة لمؤسسة الروقان العالمية للتجارة. ويحمل رقم سجل تجاري 1010730263
سحبة مزاج
Benefits of Vaping
فوائد الـ Vaping
Vaping is the act of inhaling and exhaling vapor produced by an electronic cigarette or similar device. While it's important to note that vaping still carries some potential risks and is not without its controversies, here are some commonly cited benefits associated with vaping:
Vaping هو فعل استنشاق وزفير بخار ناتج عن سيجارة إلكترونية أو جهاز مشابه. في حين أنه من المهم ملاحظة أن الـ vaping لا يزال يحمل بعض المخاطر المحتملة ولا يخلو من الخلافات ، فإليك بعض الفوائد الشائعة المرتبطة بـ vaping:
Harm Reduction: Vaping is generally considered a less harmful alternative to traditional smoking. Unlike smoking, which involves burning tobacco and produces harmful smoke and tar, vaping involves heating e-liquids to create vapor. This process eliminates many of the toxins and chemicals associated with combustion.
الحد من الضرر: يعتبر الـ Vaping بشكل عام بديلاً أقل ضررًا للتدخين التقليدي. على عكس التدخين ، الذي يتضمن حرق التبغ وإنتاج دخان وقطران ضار ، فإن الـ Vaping ينطوي على تسخين السوائل الإلكترونية لتكوين البخار. هذه العملية تقضي على العديد من السموم والمواد الكيميائية المرتبطة بالاحتراق.
Reduced Exposure to Harmful Chemicals: Vaping eliminates or significantly reduces exposure to numerous harmful chemicals found in cigarette smoke, such as carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, and tar.
تقليل التعرض للمواد الكيميائية الضارة: يزيل الـ Vaping أو يقلل بشكل كبير من التعرض للعديد من المواد الكيميائية الضارة الموجودة في دخان السجائر ، مثل أول أكسيد الكربون والفورمالديهايد والقطران.
No Secondhand Smoke: Vaping produces vapor that quickly dissipates, leaving behind minimal residue and odor. This means that secondhand exposure to harmful chemicals is generally reduced compared to traditional smoking.
لا دخان سلبي: ينتج Vaping بخارًا يتبدد بسرعة ، تاركًا وراءه أقل بقايا ورائحة. هذا يعني أن التعرض السلبي للمواد الكيميائية الضارة يتم تقليله بشكل عام مقارنة بالتدخين التقليدي.
Control over Nicotine Intake: Vaping devices allow users to control the nicotine concentration in their e-liquids. This provides the flexibility to gradually reduce nicotine levels or opt for nicotine-free options, making it potentially helpful for those who wish to quit or reduce their nicotine dependence.
التحكم في تناول النيكوتين: تسمح أجهزة Vaping للمستخدمين بالتحكم في تركيز النيكوتين في سوائلهم الإلكترونية. يوفر هذا المرونة لتقليل مستويات النيكوتين تدريجيًا أو اختيار الخيارات الخالية من النيكوتين ، مما يجعله مفيدًا لمن يرغبون في الإقلاع عن التدخين أو تقليل اعتمادهم على النيكوتين.
Variety of Flavors: Vaping offers a wide range of flavors, allowing users to explore different tastes and find options that suit their preferences. This variety can enhance the overall vaping experience.
مجموعة متنوعة من النكهات: يقدم Vaping مجموعة واسعة من النكهات ، مما يسمح للمستخدمين باستكشاف الأذواق المختلفة والعثور على الخيارات التي تناسب تفضيلاتهم. هذا التنوع يمكن أن يعزز تجربة الـ vaping الشاملة.
Social Acceptance: Vaping is generally more socially acceptable in many public spaces compared to smoking. The vapor produced is often less intrusive, and the lack of lingering smoke odor can make it more appealing to others.
سحبات مزاج
القبول الاجتماعي: يعتبر التدخين الإلكتروني - الفيبينج Vaping - مقبولًا اجتماعيًا بشكل عام - في العديد من الأماكن العامة مقارنةً بالتدخين. غالبًا ما يكون البخار الناتج أقل تطفلاً ، ويمكن أن يؤدي عدم وجود رائحة دخان طويلة الأمد إلى جعله أكثر جاذبية للآخرين.
Mood Draw Vaping
سحبة مزاجVaping
Mood draw vaping is a type of vaping that uses a disposable vape pen called the Mood Draw. The Mood Draw is a rechargeable device that contains 13mL of e-liquid and provides up to 4500 draws. It comes in a variety of flavors, including blueberry, mango, watermelon, grape, and two apples ice.
الرسم بالفيب مود دراو هو نوع من الفيب يستخدم قلم فيب قابل للتخلص يسمى مود دراو. يعتبر مود دراو جهازًا قابلًا لإعادة الشحن يحتوي على 13 مل من سائل الإلكترونيات ويوفر حتى 4500 سحبة. يأتي بمجموعة متنوعة من النكهات، بما في ذلك التوت الأزرق، المانجو، البطيخ، العنب، وثنائي التفاح الثلجي.
The Mood Draw is designed to provide a smooth and consistent draw. It has a built-in airflow control system that allows you to adjust the amount of air that is drawn into the device. This can be helpful in finding the perfect draw for your preferences.
تم تصميم مود دراو لتوفير سحبة ناعمة ومتسقة. يحتوي على نظام تحكم في تدفق الهواء مدمج يسمح لك بضبط كمية الهواء المستنشقة داخل الجهاز. يمكن أن يكون ذلك مفيدًا في العثور على سحبة مثالية وفقًا لتفضيلاتك.
The Mood Draw is a relatively inexpensive vaping device. It is priced around $20, which is comparable to other disposable vape pens.
مود دراو هو جهاز فيب ذو تكلفة منخفضة نسبيًا. يتم تسعيره بحوالي 20 دولارًا، وهو مقارنةً مع أقلام الفيب القابلة للتخلص الأخرى.
If you are looking for a smooth and consistent vaping experience, the Mood Draw is a good option. It is also a relatively inexpensive device, making it a good choice for budget-minded vapers.
إذا كنت تبحث عن تجربة فيب سلسة ومتسقة، فإن مود دراو هو خيار جيد. كما أنه جهاز ذو تكلفة منخفضة نسبيًا، مما يجعله خيارًا جيدًا لعشاق الفيب الذين يهتمون بالميزانية.
Here are some additional things to keep in mind about Mood draw vaping:
هنا بعض الأشياء الإضافية التي يجب مراعاتها فيما يتعلق بـ مود دراو في الفيب:
The Mood Draw is a disposable device, so you will need to replace it once the e-liquid is gone.
The Mood Draw is not refillable, so you cannot add your own e-liquid.
The Mood Draw is not compatible with other vape mods or tanks.
مود دراو هو جهاز قابل للتخلص، لذا ستحتاج إلى استبداله بعد انتهاء سائل الإلكترونيات.
مود دراو ليس قابلًا لإعادة التعبئة، لذا لا يمكنك إضافة سائل الإلكترونيات الخاص بك.
مود دراو لا يتوافق مع الوحدات الأخرى للفيب أو الخزانات البديلة.
If you are interested in learning more about Mood draw vaping, you can visit the Mood Draw website or contact the manufacturer.
إذا كنت مهتمًا بمعرفة المزيد عن الفيب بواسطة مود دراو، يمكنك زيارة موقع ويب مود دراو أو التواصل مع الشركة المصنعة.
Here are some of the benefits of Mood draw vaping:
إليك بعض فوائد الفيب بواسطة مود دراو:
Smooth and consistent draw: The Mood Draw is designed to provide a smooth and consistent draw. This is due to the built-in airflow control system, which allows you to adjust the amount of air that is drawn into the device.
سحبة سلسة ومتسقة: تم تصميم مود دراو لتوفير سحبة سلسة ومتسقة. يعود ذلك إلى نظام التحكم في تدفق الهواء المدمج، الذي يتيح لك ضبط كمية الهواء المستنشقة داخل الجهاز.
Inexpensive: The Mood Draw is a relatively inexpensive vaping device. It is priced around $20, which is comparable to other disposable vape pens.
تكلفة منخفضة: يعتبر مود دراو جهاز فيب ذو تكلفة منخفضة نسبيًا. يتم تسعيره بحوالي 20 دولارًا، وهو مقارنةً مع أقلام الفيب القابلة للتخلص الأخرى.
Variety of flavors: The Mood Draw comes in a variety of flavors, including blueberry, mango, watermelon, grape, and two apples ice. This allows you to find a flavor that you enjoy.
تشكيلة متنوعة من النكهات: يأتي مود دراو بمجموعة متنوعة من النكهات، بما في ذلك التوت الأزرق، المانجو، البطيخ، العنب، وثنائي التفاح الثلجي. هذا يتيح لك اختيار النكهة التي تستمتع بها.
Portable: The Mood Draw is a small and portable device. This makes it easy to take with you on the go.
قابلية الحمل: مود دراو هو جهاز صغير وقابل للحمل. هذا يجعل من السهل أخذه معك أثناء التنقل.
Tow Ready vape
سحبة جاهزة
Tow Ready Vape is a disposable vape pen that contains 18mL of e-liquid and provides up to 10,000 puffs. It comes in a variety of flavors, including tobacco, mint, mango, watermelon, and grape.
تاو ريدي فايب هو قلم فاب قابل للاستخدام مرة واحدة يحتوي على 18 مل من سائل الإلكترونيات ويوفر حتى 10,000 سحبة. يأتي بمجموعة متنوعة من النكهات، بما في ذلك التبغ، النعناع، المانجو، البطيخ والعنب.
The Tow Ready Vape is a relatively inexpensive vaping device. It is priced around $15, which is comparable to other disposable vape pens.
تاو ريدي فايب هو جهاز تدخين إلكتروني ذو تكلفة منخفضة نسبيًا. يتم تسعيره بحوالي 15 دولارًا، وهو مقارنة بأقلام الفايب القابلة للتصرف الأخرى.
If you are looking for a smooth and consistent vaping experience, the Tow Ready Vape is a good option. It is also a relatively inexpensive device, making it a good choice for budget-minded vapers.
إذا كنت تبحث عن تجربة تدخين إلكتروني سلسة ومتسقة، فإن تاو ريدي فايب هو خيار جيد. كما أنه جهاز ذو تكلفة منخفضة نسبيًا، مما يجعله خيارًا جيدًا للمدخنين ذوي الميزانية المحدودة.
Here are some additional things to keep in mind about Tow Ready Vape:
إليك بعض الأشياء الإضافية التي يجب مراعاتها بشأن تاو ريدي فايب:
The Tow Ready Vape is a disposable device, so you will need to replace it once the e-liquid is gone.
The Tow Ready Vape is not refillable, so you cannot add your own e-liquid.
The Tow Ready Vape is not compatible with other vape mods or tanks.
تاو ريدي فايب هو جهاز قابل للاستخدام مرة واحدة، لذا ستحتاج إلى استبداله بعد نفاد سائل الإلكترونيات.
تاو ريدي فايب ليس قابلاً لإعادة التعبئة، لذا لا يمكنك إضافة سائل الإلكترونيات الخاص بك.
تاو ريدي فايب لا يتوافق مع أجهزة الفايب الأخرى أو خزاناتها.
If you are interested in learning more about Tow Ready Vape, you can visit the rawqan.com
إذا كنت مهتمًا بمعرفة المزيد عن تاو ريدي فايب، يمكنك زيارة rawqan.com
Here are the benefits of Tow Ready Vape:
إليك بعض فوائد تاو ريدي فايب:
Smooth and consistent draw: The Tow Ready Vape is designed to provide a smooth and consistent draw. This is due to the built-in airflow control system, which allows you to adjust the amount of air that is drawn into the device.
سحب سلس ومتسق: تم تصميم تاو ريدي فايب لتوفير سحب سلس ومتسق. يعود ذلك إلى نظام التحكم في تدفق الهواء المدمج، الذي يسمح لك بضبط كمية الهواء المدخلة إلى الجهاز.
Long-lasting: The Tow Ready Vape contains 18mL of e-liquid and provides up to 10,000 puffs. This means that you can enjoy your Tow Ready Vape for a long time before you need to replace it.
طويل الأمد: يحتوي تاو ريدي فايب على 18 مل من سائل الإلكترونيات ويوفر حتى 10,000 سحبة. هذا يعني أنه يمكنك الاستمتاع بتاو ريدي فايب لفترة طويلة قبل الحاجة إلى استبداله.
Variety of flavors: The Tow Ready Vape comes in a variety of flavors, including tobacco, mint, mango, watermelon, and grape. This allows you to find a flavor that you enjoy.
تنوع النكهات: يأتي تاو ريدي فايب بمجموعة متنوعة من النكهات، بما في ذلك التبغ والنعناع والمانجو والبطيخ والعنب. هذا يتيح لك العثور على النكهة التي تستمتع بها.
Inexpensive: The Tow Ready Vape is a relatively inexpensive vaping device. It is priced around $15, which is comparable to other disposable vape pens.
رخيص التكلفة: يعتبر تاو ريدي فايب جهاز تدخين إلكتروني ذو تكلفة منخفضة نسبيًا. يتم تسعيره حوالي 15 دولارًا، وهو يقارن بأقلام الفايب القابلة للتصرف الأخرى.
One reputable online store in Saudi Arabia that specializes in selling vaping products is ⭐️Rouqan. They offer a variety of regular and electronic molasses flavors, as well as regular and electronic shisha and all their accessories. With fast delivery, you can conveniently order from their website, rawqan.com. 
متجر روقان هو أحد المتاجر الإلكترونية الموثوقة في المملكة العربية السعودية والمتخصصة في بيع منتجات التدخين الإلكتروني. يقدمون مجموعة متنوعة من نكهات السجائر الإلكترونية والملاس والشيشة العادية والإلكترونية، بالإضافة إلى جميع ملحقاتها. يمكنك بسهولة الطلب من موقعهم الإلكتروني rawqan.com، ويوفرون خدمة توصيل سريعة ومريحة.
سحبة جاهزة
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