#Toasty talks!
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toastymilkk · 8 days ago
If you think I haven't seen Liam's answers on his discord, you're wrong… I saw… and honestly what hurts me the most is the fact that UZI WIPED HER BIRTHDAY MEMORIES CLEAN BECAUSE SHE WAS SO LONELY AND SHE JUST WROTE IT OFF AS BEING “CRINGE” STOP IT PLEASE I JUST NEED TO HUG HER
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toastybugguy · 1 year ago
saw that one “are cishet aro men queer” poll that’s going around and like. I’m not gonna reblog it bc the results are frankly disappointing and the discourse going on in the tags is really dumb but, unfriendly reminder, if you’re aro/acephobic you’re a loser lmao…. bye. anyway hi aro men you are very valid and I think you’re super awesome and cool ‼️
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instantpansies · 2 months ago
sam's "now remember the title of the show" and the little wink when aj follows through is iconic and i will be thinking about it forever ok bye
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toast-com · 3 months ago
*Trips and drops my other two Shrimpo ships*
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sais-official-pr · 3 months ago
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//[toastycubicle: pr dept wanted me to make a meme abt our most recent release]
//[toastycubicle: never said about what part :)]
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nebulanightsky · 1 year ago
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Suddenly remembers their dark experiences with an alternate version of their counterpart
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lithiumrev · 2 months ago
apparently on the xbox eso servers people dont put armor/clothes on themselves? nor their companions?
like….. its one thing if its casual fredas, its another to be running around tamriel nekkid as a jaybird 24/7.
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toastyzuko · 2 years ago
Christina Ricci is so fucking funny imagine getting typecast as the sinister unnerving child so much you become the go to sinister unnerving adult actress
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toastingpencils37 · 3 months ago
Just finished Arcane s2e8 with my brother and let's just say neither of us expected the CaitVi to be like that this episode
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toastymilkk · 7 days ago
Istg every Murder Drones fan is so fucking good at art, every fanart that I see is GORGEOUS
Maybe it’s like a subconscious requirement lol
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toastybugguy · 1 year ago
“but how much of a difference could I even make” the only surefire way for your voice to have no impact is to quit before you even start. btw.
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instantpansies · 2 months ago
ok so @mostlyintact and i were talking about the strengths of each of the sfth boys, and i think i was finally able to get some words out, so i thought i'd make a real post lol. a brief summary of each of their strengths, and examples of plays where those things are visible.
longish post, so i'll put it under the cut.
aj: he really shines in caesar and juliet. the narrative sort of revolves around juliet, and aj gets to really drive the story forward. his portrayal is iconic and natural and just so fun to watch. also, he's excellent in the oopsie daisy bulge, the grape depression, and priscilla's final petal: all plays in which he's got a whole lot of control over the way his characters are going, and gets some shining moments to drive the scenes forward in really compelling ways. he really reveals himself as a director and storyteller. also obviously death for a dollar, where he IS the actual narrator. to be honest, aj might be my favorite from an acting standpoint: his quick turnarounds and seemingly wild word associations and ability to grab a single piece of information and turn it into a whole story is both amazing and very similar to my own style of improv, and seeing him do it so well (even if he gets made fun of for being confused) is just. delightful. idk. his scenes where he's playing two characters at once (in grapression and oopsie daisy) might be the best of all the boys', to be honest.
sam: i think he does well when he's the center of a web of connections. his performance in, say, the evil make-a-wish kid is really fun, where the narrative is focused on him alone, but my favorites are things like the mystery of the midnight circus, the unrelenting aubergine, strange noises, or moist and magical. his characters feel more like an "everyman" in some ways, but always with a really unique personality. theyre relatable without being blank slates. excellent protagonists made better by their worlds. he takes the energy surrounding him onstage and sends it electric at the audience, using his surroundings to bring you in. it's really cool
tom: he is absolutely enamoring as certain archetypes. and he does an excellent job of making an impact with even the smallest amount of screentime. i'm always a sucker for abigail from the neighbour's under the bed--the monologue, the mannerisms--but a lot of that comes from a whole lot of overanalysis of her character, and that's not really relevant here. instead i'll say he's really really good at capturing the audience in death for a dollar, wild wet and worrisome, ballet on the battlefield, wine under the bridge, and priscilla's final petal. but tbh i could point to memorable scenes from almost every single tom character, he's so good at making his time count. his english degree comes out, ofc, which gives us those glorious tomologues, but also he can build up tension so naturally and make a silly story seem so real for a moment. sometimes that "oscar bait" moment can distract from the plot as a whole, but you don't think about it while you're watching him because he's so good at filling the space (to use a theater term).
luke: he's the absolute king of sympathetic characters. no matter how ridiculous the rest of the play is, you can always count on him adding a layer of humanity to his characters. it's easy to see in the milkman, of course, but also in divorces and teddy bears, wine under the bridge, toby's secret pocket, and the grape depression. his people are human, in ways that the others sometimes forget to be, and his storylines are impressively coherent. he seems to be the most concerned with getting the details right--sam nitpicks to get a laugh, but luke keeps track of details really really well, and does a good job of bringing in little things that make a story come together beautifully. more than anything, though, he is so good at building a character throughout a story and leaving you actually satisfied with what you got.
they each have really unique and somewhat specific strengths, but they complement each other so well. i think that's part of the appeal of sfth - they're so so comfortable with each other and find it so easy to read each other that you can tell they're having fun. it feels natural. they click, almost all the time, and even if things go off the rails they can pick up the debris from the crash and run with it. that's what i found really appealing about them--as someone who loved improv when i got to do it, it makes me wish i had friends close enough to do that with. it takes a ton of trust and a really solid relationship to do that, and i just. i just think they're neat :)
thank you so much mostlyintact, i can't come up with this sort of thing without prompting and i can't wait to see if you end up posting smth too 👀 love hyperspecific analysis
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toast-com · 3 months ago
Dandy's World but it's my Ships
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The ships in list form because the ship chart is esoteric:
Shrimpo x Vee (Shrimpvision)
Shrimpo x Shelly (Shellfish)
Shrimpo x Teagan (Shrimptea)
Shrimpo x Cosmo (Stirfry)
Shrimpo x Goob (Angryhugs)
Shrimpo x Finn (Shrimpbowl)
Dandy x Flutter (Petalwings)
Astro x Brightney (Moonlight)
Sprout x Cosmo (Fruitcake)
Finn x Tisha (Wetwipes)
Poppy x Scraps (Bubblecraft)
Goob x Glisten (Glitterhugs)
Boxten x Glisten (Jewelrybox)
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sais-official-pr · 2 months ago
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//[toastycubicle: after the success of my last meme] //[toastycubicle: pr lead finally realized my genius and allowed me to shitpost on company main again :3]
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sometimesanequine · 2 months ago
Oh my gosh, are you gonna be okay? Your whole house is that cold??
yeah im fine its no biggie
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mascot as a unicorn in one of my winter outfits ^
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destinationtoast · 11 months ago
Snogging Rebecca was like making out with a grandfather clock: intimidatingly large and elegant, with more hidden complexity than you might first imagine.
- Keeley, in a fic I dreamt I was writing last night
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