#To the Battlefield
the-punforgiven · 5 months
Worldbuilding tip for aspiring fantasy authors! Give that swordsman a bigger ass
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music-musou · 5 months
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insomniphic · 22 days
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Telemachus doesn't want his cool and awesome hero dad to realize he's a boy-failure LMAO
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b4adb4tcher · 5 months
imagine watching hunter run around bringing a knife to a gun fight, tech rolling around and refusing to find cover, and wrecker bodyslamming droids through a scope and SOMEHOW trying to protect them??? crosshair earned the right to act like a bitch
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scrapironflotilla · 1 year
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A damaged wayside crucifix near Bellenglise being used to hold telephone wires, 9 October 1918.
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coffeecatcraze · 7 months
It is not lost on me that Charlie and Vaggie were initially not doing great against Adam and Lute...and then proved Carmilla was so fucking right.
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Vaggie is absolutely FUCKED here. She's been in this position before, with Lute looming over her spitting vitriolic judgment, Vaggie's blood on the ground. Back then, she couldn't stop Lute from taking away her wings, her eye, her home, and her purpose. But now? She has more than that; she has love, because she has Charlie.
When Lute threatens Charlie, everything changes. Vaggie fucks her up immediately...and shows "mercy" knowing that being forced to live with part of herself gone (her arm was CRUSHED, no way was she getting it back), the shame of defeat, and the knowledge that someone she's been looking down on so completely is responsible for it all is a fate MUCH worse than death for Lute.
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And Charlie? Charlie's insanely powerful but has no clue how to use her power to its full potential because she's never had a reason or desire to fight until now. Even when she's being strangled, when she's pissed-off and vengeful, she can't really tap into that power. But then Adam comes at her dad and is about to catch him off-guard.
He's about to hurt—possibly kill—her dad, who she's finally building a good relationship with; her dad, who just showed up to protect her despite the risk of politically turning this battle from an act of defiance by a willful princess to an act of full-on rebellion by the King of Hell himself. She reacts on instinct to protect her father and stops a hit that destroyed Alastor's shield. And she does it effortlessly.
Carmilla was right. For these ladies, at least, the need to protect someone they love, no matter what kind of love it is, is exactly what rallies them to come at enemies who were just kicking their asses and absolutely dominate.
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stump-not-found · 20 days
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bitches love me because of my swag & general lack of self preservation or self worth
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tundratic · 2 months
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having a normal one tonight
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keelifallen · 11 months
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Lil sketchy
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vaxxman · 7 months
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He ubered the scout after this.
Additional sketches and some ramblings under the cut.
This is based on an encounter I had the other day, when a demoman took a medkit before my medigun connected with him. When he saw my health was down to 21, he would force me to stand at the spawn point and guarded me until I was healed. Wherever you are now, if you read this, you were a good lad and I love you.
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Sometimes I think about how medic is emotionally very invested in the missions (which shows in his voice when he shouts at his team), but off-duty and during friendly taunts he seems to be among the most giggly, and fun-loving mercenaries in the team. I like to think he can get agitated very fast, but cools down just as quickly.
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sictransitgloriamvndi · 9 months
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lotus-pear · 6 months
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dazai breathlessly watching his partner in an inhuman, corrupted state and still finding him beautiful has to be another kind of love
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riza-hawks-eye · 2 months
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The ova Yet Another Man's Battlefield explores why Mustang can never settle down and get married like Maes Hughes.
He asks Hughes, "Can you really hold the woman you love with blood-stained hands?" And it's not just a manifestation of his guilt. There's truth to the fact that Mustang is not a good person. Mustang is terrifying. And people are right to be afraid of him.
The same thing applies to Riza, only Riza has the horrible bonus of having the Alchemical equivalent to nuclear launch codes on her back. Sure, Roy may have burned off the most important information of her Father's research, but the tattoo still lingers, and there will still be questions from the people who see it. And Riza can't give them answers that won't lead back to the numerous deaths she is responsible for.
It's no wonder then, that neither of these two characters are ever canonically romantically linked to anyone else.
Neither Riza nor Roy even really meaningfully touched anyone else until Episode 59. When the Gold-Toothed Doctor has Riza's throat slit.
It takes a near-death experience for Roy to hold the woman he loves, and for Riza to finally let herself be held.
But in a strange sense, it finally lets Roy hold the woman he loves with blood-stained hands.
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that-wildwolf · 1 month
I still am and will continue to be a little bit messed up about how Garrus, self proclaimed bad boy and vigilante, super capable special ops soldier, best sniper in the galaxy, played his biggest part in the Reaper War not on the front lines but away from any combat. I will never be normal about this. In ME3, no one else checks up on Shepard like he does. Romance or not, Garrus tells Shepard to get some sleep, asks her how she's doing, lets her air out her doubts and insecurities to him... Like I am not joking I am fully serious, Garrus pretty much singlehandedly won the Reaper War. I'm sure she would have broken down if it weren't for that support. Do you think she would have made it otherwise? Do you think she would have had the strength to go on, to win? I'm so so obsessed with this. Mr action hero over there quite literally won that war with the power of love. Not with a gun but with some compassion for a person he loved. Can not will not be normal.
And what messes me up even more is he would absolutely not recognise his part in that victory. Like she won is all that matters. It was her victory. I'm sure it never even occurred to him that no one else checked up on her, it never occurred to him that he was the only thread she was hanging on. Because he loves her, she's his best friend, so of course he's gonna check up on her. He doesn't see this as anything special. It just makes sense for him. I really do think she could tell him outright "hey Garrus actually you're the only reason we won at all" and his brain would not connect that a non-combat thing equals war victory. I'm always and forever going to be a little bit insane about this.
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enkays-den · 2 months
Skizz talks about the probably the coolest Battlefield chopper moment EVER him and impulse did.
We knew the inverted mouse was from a lot of Battlefield, they clearly played a LOT.
Source: I+S Podcast Ep 18: Competition, 44:00
Enjoy my HEFTIEST edit ever. This was a ton of fun to do 😊
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bizzarczar · 1 month
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Sorta been obsessed with @nartothelar Submas Soul Eater AU so decided to draw them mid battle poses!
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