#To that one person I tried to defend the ship against when they called out the fandom’s overfocus on it I am so sorry
cozmiczzz · 1 year
I regret not tagging all my posts properly now that I’m posting about other fandoms than just moomin
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Imagine Spencer looking after you when you get hurt on a stakeout
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You'd been paired with a local officer, tasked with a night stakeout at a farm. The pair of you were supposed to watch for any activity, and report back any movement.
Which of course went pear shaped when the young, ambitious man you'd been placed with identified a missing person being led out of the main building. Faster than you could react to stop him, he'd thrown himself out the door, gun raised and ready and attempted to subdue the men.
Instead of impulsively running after him, you chose to stay back and call for help. Simultaneously pressing the distress button on the device Garcia had rather ingeniously insisted you all carry.
It pinged your location to all members of the team, and alerted them that whoever pressed it was in trouble.
Reaching the sheriff's department, you reported the activity and the officers mistake. Watching as they turned on him, you let out a gasp when one of the suspects didn't wait for him to finish the rest of his demands. Instead in the blink of an eye shot him, three times.
"Agent? Agent? Can you hear me, what's going on there?" The Detective who'd answered the phone asked you.
"They just killed him." You breathed, watching as they dragged his body away, the missing boy cowering against the side of the house. Before another one of the suspects grabbed onto him and dragged him away.
"Have they seen you? Are you compromised?"
"Maybe... I don't know. They-" you were cut off by the passenger door opening, revealing one of the men you'd been watching earlier that night.
Before you could reach for your gun, which was stupidly placed on the dashboard, he grabbed you by your hair and dragged you out of the car. Slamming you down onto the ground roughly, even your kevlar vest couldn't stop the air being knocked out of you.
Promptly followed by a hard kick to your stomach, making your chest go into spasm. Gasping in air, you could barely focus on where the next hit was coming from.
After what seemed like an eternity he finally let up, shoving you back into the gravel of the driveway and stalking off. Barking orders at the other men who had appeared from the shadows.
"Let's go boys, we need to ship out to location Tango. Got it?.. Let's go then. Her buddies will be here any moment." He called out, sparing a glance back to you.
Feeling entirely too conscious, you dared not move, not fancying another punch to the face.
Multiple cars started up and disappeared over the hills to the back of the property.
You curled onto your side, and tried to breathe in some even breaths. Trying to not focus on the pain all over, you managed to get yourself on all fours. Realising at some point he pulled your bulletproof vest off.
Maneuvering yourself so you were slowly leaning back against the tyre of the truck you were doing the stakeout in. The light from the houses and extra that had been switched on gave you a good look around. And also at yourself. Seeing there were blood splatters on your shirt. You tried not to imagine what you looked like.
Closing your eyes for a moment, taking slow deep breaths in to try and calm your racing heart.
Hearing the sound of gravel under tyres, you instantly panicked. A unexpected wave of adrenaline coarsed through you, giving you the energy needed to get yourself off the floor and in a better position to defend yourself in.
"Y/n?" Hotch's concerned shout fell of deaf ears as you scrambled to get into the car and grab your gun.
"Hey, no, no, no. It's us, calm down." A familiar voice soothed. Intercepting you and stopping your hand before it could pick up your weapon, that you hadn't had the chance to grab.
You hissed and winced as he touched you left wrist, a sickeningly sharp pain shooting up your arm.
"I'm sorry. What hurts?"
"Spence?" Seeing his face relaxed you instantly, "we need to be quick, they literally just left. Over that ridge up there. If we go now we could catch up with them."
Leaning down to get a look at you, some of his wild hair falling out of place as he fussed over you.
"You're not going anywhere, okay? You need to be seen to, what the hell happened? We got the distress ping and ran out the door."
He intercepted your attempt to grab the keys in the ignition. Taking them from you and putting them in his coat pocket.
"That stupid boy got himself killed. He ran over there, gun out, demanding they gave up the boy and that they were under arrest... There were three of them! To one of him, he was never going to subdue all of them."
"You did everything right, okay? He should never have tried to go after them. This group is far too organised for that."
"But I just sat here. I watched it happen, I-"
"Stop. I won't let you do this to yourself. Did you see the person who attacked you?"
"Yeah, he was young. Green eyes, bit of a beard. Around six-five. Probably mid thirties. Um- he was wearing a yellow plaid shirt with a puffer vest jacket. He had.." You trailed off, a piercing headache making you double over.
"That's amazing, y/n. Come on, the ambulance is over here." He said, curling his arm around your waist and helped you out of the car.
Spying Hotch looking over a map, you pulled away from Spencer and limped over to him. Spencer following close behind holding onto your wrist.
You looked at the map to get your bearings, finding the circled area you were in. You pointed at the hills behind the house.
"Y/n, have you seen a medic?" Aaron asked, frowning at you, one of the few facial expressions he had.
"No she hasn-" Spencer started, but you cut him off.
"They went over this ridge," you paused, steadying yourself on the bonnet of the truck, "if we leave now we could catch them."
"Okay, but you aren't going anywhere until you've been checked out. Reid. Make sure she gets medical attention." Hotch spoke to you and then to Spencer who was hovering worriedly.
"Hotch, please. We might not get another chance like this again." You tried, refusing to move from the car.
"Y/n that's not a suggestion. It's an order. Go." Hotch finalised, nodding to Spencer who supported you as he lightly pulled you back.
The medics met you halfway and started asking you an endless list of questions.
A suspected cracked rib and multiple bones in your wrist, concussion, and bruising all over. You were told to visit the hospital once you were back in the city. They strapped you up and gave you some painkillers.
"Where's Hotch?" You asked as Spencer helped you get down from the ambulance, "I've been checked out, I want to help."
"They've headed back to the station. We can't just go roaming across the hills looking for people in the dark. Y/n, it's too dangerous."
"Spencer, come on. We won't get another chance like this."
"We will, okay? I promise you they won't get away. You think any of us will let you go out like this? You need x-rays, anti-inflammatory medication, potentially a CT scan, and most of all rest. Hotch wants you on two weeks leave, after you leave the hospital."
"No," you exclaimed exasperated, "I need you to do a cognitive interview on me."
"Okay. But not now." He spoke softly, brows furrowed as he looked down at you.
"Why not now?"
"Because you've spent the last ten minutes digging your nails into your palm. And you only do that when you're in pain."
You instantly released your clenched fist. Not realising you'd even being doing it.
Releasing a deep breath, you were finally ready to admit defeat. Nodding, you let him lead you back to the car you'd come in.
The drive back was comfortably silent, Spencer looking over to check on you occasionally. You sighed on arriving at the closest hospital.
"I know okay. But do you really want me lecturing you about all the reasons you should follow the medics advice and get to the hospital immediately?"
Shaking your head, you sent a small smile his way.
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I hope y’all like my OC’s!! I picked them cuz theyre both very connected to "seafoam" and "stardust"
For those who dont have an account on the artfight but are still interested in my oc’s, I’ve provided the description that i gave them on their pages under the cut off :)
Koko is a very mischievous young man who loves the island he lives on and all the people in it. Which is why he must prank everyone, no one is safe from his jokes, gaffs, and goofs. He works as a defender of his island against pirates looking to invade it, and primarily uses a shield as his weapon. He boasts about never getting a scar from any of his battles Except That One Time. He is Pansexual/Demiromantic, half blind, and his personality type is esfp.
He is based off of the turtle nebula which is located in the constellation, Hercules. As such he is designed to be very large, muscular, and fearsome.
He lives on the West Island of the Archipelago that makes up his country. The cluster of five isles is in the shape of a flower ✿ like this. 
Mannerisms/Way of life:
-He loves helping people. He finds when he helps others, he helps himself.
-he has a very deep connection with the moon and often talks to it at night. He relates it to feeling like he's talking to a great great grandmother of his.
-he likes to keep his community lively and happy, that's why Koko pranks people every so often. Gotta keep em on their toes
-he wants to make his friends happy, so if they're sad, sometimes he doesn't realize that sometimes people need to be in their sad feelings and often tries to cheer them up when it's not wanted.
-He loves going out fishing with Mueta at night. To get Mueta to go with him to fish, he likes to call it "the night lookout" so that Mueta doesn't feel anxious about taking so much time off. The workaholic.
-Likes bragging about how back in the day, He and Mueta were the best sailors on their island, and they would've taken first prize at the All-Island competition, if the dirty cheaters from the south-east isle hadn't cheated dirty.
Where His Heart Lies: 
Koko has a very. very. embarrassing. and obvious. crush on Mueta. Everything Mueta feels, he feels himself. One of the reasons he wants to keep everyone happy is that maybe if everyone around Mueta feels safe and cared for, maybe Mueta will too one day. His love is not urgent however. He never thought to keep track of how long he's loved Mueta. Koko would wait forever for him.
Koko and Mueta were raised very close to each other due to their parents all being friends. He thinks of Mueta's younger brother, Barce, as his own.
One day when Mueta's parents never came back from a battle on an invading pirate ship, Koko's returning parents immediately took Mueta and Barce in until the eldest turned 18 and moved out with his brother.
Mueta is a very diligent Defender of his island and is trying to become the Captain of the defense force of his island. Ever since the old one passed in battle, the island has been out of sorts which makes him very angry. That makes him angry, the slowness of the counsel who chooses the next Captain makes him angry, their unwillingness to make him Captain makes him angry. Everything that is happening is always making him angry. Which is probably why he isn't the Leader yet. 
Mueta has anger and anxiety issues, doesn't have time for romance or anything of the sort and his personality type is ISTJ.
Mueta is based off of the Jellyfish Nebula. His name is based off of the nebula's position, between eta geminorum and ma geminorum, and I just mashed "eta" and "mu” together for Mueta!
He lives on the West Island of the Archipelago that makes up his country. The cluster of five isles is in the shape of a flower ✿ like this. 
Mannerisms/Way of Life:
-Mueta gets hella mad when people don't meet his expectations that he always sets sky high. The only person that meets his expectations every time is his little brother, Barce. Koko doesn't always meet his expectations, but he doesn't get too overly mad at him about it. Koko understands Mueta's expectations, but unlike everyone else, he's not afraid to tell Mueta that what he expects of him is too much, because koko is the only person who Mueta will adjust for.
-His high expectations are not just for other people, they're for objects as well. He has a dedicated window for throwing shit out of. Barce is never too happy when he has to get out of his house and walk down a hill to get any forks though.
-He's never physical with his punishments. at least not with people. He has a very good understanding of his strength and keeps a constant watch on himself. A few trees have been taken down from time to time if he's feeling particularly hot headed.
-Mueta's fighting style is very Getting-Up-Close-And-Personal. He tries to get people to fall before he takes his sharktooth knife out to finish the job.
-He is very very very very very very dedicated to his island. He hardly takes any time off, which leads Koko to kidnap him sometimes.
-Mueta likes to embroider things when he keeps watch.
-His favorite food is shrimp, but often he forgets to eat.
-He loves his little brother very much and really is the only loving outlet he lets himself have. He dotes on Barce very heavily, much to the younger's dismay.
Where His Heart Lies:
Ever since his Parents passed, he's desperately needed to create an island that can be safe for his beloved little brother. It's no secret he loves Barce, but underneath it, his love is very deeply seated in his own self worth.
Koko and Mueta were raised very close to each other due to their parents all being friends. Koko's parents took him and his little brother in when he was Orphaned and he feels he can never repay them enough. Koko means a great deal to him even if he barely has time for him anymore.
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gh0stsp1d3r · 6 months
Maybanks sister
Part 2, chapter 1- stuck on a boat with my crazy ex boyfriend
Previous chapter , series masterlist
Summary: Rafes gone insane without you, and when he sees you on the boat? He loses his shit. After hanging out with the pogues for a while now, you figure out they’re not as bad as people make them out to be.
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It had been weeks since you’ve last talked to Rafe. He had tried multiple times to contact you, on multiple numbers and phones. But it was no use.
You were sleeping when JJ had spam called you before Ricky woke you up.
“What?” You grumbled out. He threw your phone at you.
“He keeps calling you. Tried to answer but then it went to voicemail.”
“Shit.” You mumbled as you picked up your phone, looking at the texts and calls.
He had even dropped a pin on his location. Him and his friends had grown used to you now, tolerating you. He tried to defend you as much as he could against them all.
You furrowed your eyebrows when you opened up a voicemail.
“Don’t park close to it. Rafes here. You can sneak in from the back.” He was whispering.
You sighed, parking your car and carefully hopping the fence, coming up behind the 4.
“What are you guys doing now?”
“They captured Sarah. Don’t know where they’re taking her, but it can’t be good.”
“What? Why did they…”
“We’ll catch you up in a little but right now…”
“We have to get on that boat.” Kiara said.
“What? Are you guys crazy?” You said, a little too loud. Jj put a hand over your mouth. “Do you even have a plan?” You whisper yelled when he took his hand back.
“Course we do. First, we have to get past the goon squad…”
“Alright. C’mon.”
But Pope wasn’t moving. “Pope what are you doing?” John B asked.
“I have an idea. Just trust me.”
“No, hey, stop running! We gotta go dude.”
“Trust me man. Go. I’ll meet up with you guys. Go.”
Pope left, you threw your arms up in defeat.
“Oh he’s asking to get killed.” You mumbled when he started firing his fun, a loud and large explosion happening as he ran. They were all distracted as he ran back to you all.
“Look. That containers going on the ship. We can get in that way. Are you with me?” He told John B.
“You’re a genius. Let’s go.” All of you ran for it, running into the shipping container.
“We can’t get out once we get it. It’s a trap-“ you spoke, Jj nodding in agreement.
“You guys don’t have to come.”
“Nothing to lose?” Jj looked to Kiara and you.
You groaned while Kiara said nothing to lose and you were now the only person outside the metal container.
“I have a job to lose. But I’m not letting some fucking kids go on a death mission alone.” You complained as Jj helped you in with a smile on his face.
“Sorry bout that, princess.” Rafe said with a smirk on his face as he grabbed you from behind, a hand covering your mouth so you couldn’t scream.
“Told you you’d never get rid of me, didn’t I?” He said in a teasing voice. His grip on your was hard.
“Let go of her!” Jj shouted at Rafe, who looked up at the noise now. He wasn’t leaving this boat without you. You screamed as you trashed against Rafe’s arm and hold, he held you tightly, a knife now held against your neck.
Jj and Kiara had managed to kick him off of you and run for it, knowing that he would win. Taking one last glance at him on the floor, you ran with them.
Then, while the three of you ran, you ran into a man.
“Of course, there’s more of you.” He pulled out a machete.
“Get down on your knees.”
“Yeah, that’s not gonna happen.”
“But me a drink first, dude.” You mumbled as he swung his machete at you, ducking.
“Go, go, go!” You shouted at them, the man tried to swing it at Kiara but Jj was quick to react, hitting him with a door and knocking him onto the floor.
“Where’s John B?” Jj asked.
“John B!”
The man got up, continuing to swing it at JJ, who hit his head when he fell to the floor. You shouted as you ran at him, trying to choke him before he could attack Kiara.
But he elbowed you, and knocked you into the water.
JJ shouted your name, so loud that everyone on the boat could probably hear. Including Rafe, who turned at the sound of your name, and who from afar, could see a body falling into the water.
Without hesitation he jumped in when he saw you face down, unconsciously floating. Kiara followed him, the both of them grabbing you and turning you around so you could breathe.
He cried out your name, carrying your body flush to his own. When you didn’t breathe, he panicked and tears fell down his face, Kiara watching and also calling your name, desperately.
“Stay with me, y/n. Please. Please.” He whispered.
“Where are JJ, kie, and y/n?” John B asked.
“Last time I saw them they were on the other side of the ship!” Cleo said, and they quickly drove over to the sound of Kiara’s and JJs voice.
“Shit.” They spoke when they came closer to your unconscious body, quickly stopping by and helping them put you into the boat.
Jj sobbed, a hand running over his face as he got in the boat next to you, looking down at you.
Rafe turned around, seeing you all leave.
“Give me that gun. Give me it.” He panted, when he had it he stared out at the boat as its engine gave out, spluttering.
“No, no, no.” JJ mumbled, looking at Rafe who held the gun to them. They turned to the engine and tried to get it on.
But then Rafe saw you. He whispered your name quietly, seeing your brother sobbing next to your unconscious body, his mind went to the worst possible thing.
You were dead, he thought. And it was all his fault.
He put the gun down, breathing heavily, his eyes fixed on you.
Finally, the engine started back up and they were back to running. Tears filled his eyes as he watched the boat leave, running a hand through his hair.
“Y/n, please! Please wake up.” JJ continued.
“You gotta wake up.” John B mumbled.
You spit out some water, coughing and opening your eyes, putting a hand to your head.
“What the fuck happened?” You mumbled to yourself when JJ pulled you in for a hug, you struggling to sit up.
He had a hand on your back, helping you sit up now. You stared at him and the rest of them.
“Hi.” He said with a small laugh, wiping away the tears he had on his face.
“That’s the first time I think I’ve seen you cry for me.” You told him, a small smile playing on your face.
He laughed and rolled his eyes, just happy you were back.
“Always looking for attention, huh?” He teased you.
“Whatever it takes, right?”
“How is he?”
“He’s stable. He’s sleeping. We have half power but will make the next port in three hours. I’ll have a doctor waiting.”
“Thank you.” Rose said.
“Can I see him?” Rafe asked.
“Yeah, sure yeah.”
“Wait right here, I’ll be right back.” Rose told Wheezie.
“Let me… let me talk to him.” Rafe told Rose, opening the door and shutting it.
“Hey, dad.”
“You’re gonna be okay, it’s all gonna be good, all right? We did it. All this it is over. It all worked out. I got the cross. We got the gold. We got everything.”
But he didn’t have everything. He lost you in the process.
“We’re done. I got everything.” Rafe said with a small smile.
Ward shook his head. Rafe’s smile faltered.
Rafe knew what he meant, looking down. “We’ll find her. I’ll bring her back for this family. I promise. For our family, dad. It’ll be just like you wanted. But listen, while you’re down, I’m gonna step up.”
Ward nodded at his words.
“I’m gonna… I’m gonna be a better man.” He took Wards hands in his, Rafes voice getting shaky.
“Just like you.”
You helped John B, Pope and JJ pull the boat onto shore.
“Y/n, you alright there?” John B asked as you held your head, the spot where it had been bleeding before.
“Yeah. Just a little dizzy.” You shrugged it off.
“Okay, anyone know where we’re at?” JJ asked, you sitting down next to him.
“Deserted beach. Unknown island.”
“Alright, I’ll take that as a no.”
“Hey, I would rather be on this deserted beach that stuck on a boat my crazy ass ex boyfriend.” You said with a scoff.
“This is the lowest we can go.” Pope said, they all turned to him now. “We literally have nothing else to lose. The cross, gone.”
“The gold, gone.”
“Seriously, if we had a nickel for every time we got beat up, I’d say we’re at a dollar fifty.”
“That’s more than I got on me.”
“That somehow doesn’t make me feel better.”
“Yeah, you’re right. But I mean… we… we’ve had some good stuff happen, right?”
“Name something.” Pope said.
“Um… the boiler room.”
They all looked at him confused.
“What? If the boiler didn’t explode, I wouldn’t have gotten away from Rafe. I couldn’t have gotten the zodiac and gotten us out of here.”
“Well, because of the boiler room he held a gun to my temple and a knife to my throat. So… I wouldn’t say it’s the best thing.”
“You know what? Guys, this is it. This is the pogue life. We are in the Carribean. It’s our own little slice of paradise.”
“Yeah, a slice of paradise without a shower or bathroom, sure.” You mumbled.
“With my best friends, with my family, and with… y/n, I guess.”
You rolled your eyes at him, throwing some sand at him.
“Kidding. I wouldn’t wanna do it with anyone else.” He looked at Sarah.
“Look, and while you guys were complaining about every little thing…”
“I was looking at those burly lefts.”
A smile spread across JJs face.
“There’s some slabs out there.”
“Just a few. Kie, you see that? I know you wanna get out there.”
“No boards.” She said.
“Well, we can bodysurf till we make some boards.”
“Agreed with Kiara.” You pointed at her.
“Pope? Come on, man.”
“They do look pretty tasty.”
“Oh yes they do.”
“There’s nobody around. We could squat here for a bit.” Pope stood up.
“Kind of belongs to us now, huh?”
“You got a point.”
“Six way split?”
“Poguelandia.” JJ cut in, mocking a posh accent. “I claim thee poguelandia.” He leaned against a tree. “I like the ring of it. I’m gonna make a flag, it’s gonna have a chicken on it. With a coconut bra, smoking a J… in crocs.”
“I could use a J.” You sighed.
“Can we vote on this?”
“Let’s get to work. Let’s start working on provisions. Set up shop.”
JJ came over to you, “what do you say, sis?”
“I say this is by far the most stupid idea you’ve ever had, J.”
He tilted his head. “Welcome back to the pogue life.” He helped you stand up.
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overtail · 6 months
Can u do zuko x tall reader headcanons? Her being his height or an inch taller??
i mean I'll do that but way taller since Zuko is canonically 5'3...................
he's our short king guys
Zuko x Tall Reader Headcannons
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pre-book 3 𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ𐀔
-zuko was always taller than you as a kid
-he was always teasing you since you were such a short girl
-over summer break, when you and your family went on a trip when you two were 11, you came back extremely tall
-'pre-teen growth spurt I guess?'
-he always felt very inferior to you
-you just kept getting taller as the months went on
-when you signed up to fight in the army, you were teased and called a boy by the others in training
-zuko always defended you, and made sure you felt like a girl
-he would get you flowers, try to get dresses for you, and would always call you his 'girl best friend', even though you were his only friend
-when he was sent on the mission to find the Avatar when he was 13, you couldnt accompany him
-you were devastated, even going as far as trying to quit your soldier training
-but when he left, you gave up on your efforts
-you worked hard, writing letters to zuko that were never sent
-you celebrated his birthday, buying gifts that collected up in the closet of your bedroom
-everyday you believed he would come back
-but he never did
-you gave up after about 2 years
-you tried to focus on your work of becoming a soldier, graduating at 13
-you were the most versatile and strongest because of your height, and you were the top of your ranks
book 3 𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ𐀔
-over three years later, zuko returned
-his hair was longer, his scar was fully healed at this point
-he was taller now, but not by much. you still towered over him
-he didn't recognize you at first. you of course knew it was him, since the announcement of his arrival was spread throughout the kingdom
-since you were the most trusted by your commander, you were assigned to guard zuko
-you waved awkwardly at him, and the only thing that confused him was that such a tall person has such a feminine figure
-he didn't see your face under the helmet, so that added to the non recognition
-he hugged you the moment you took off your helmet, waving back
-you were maybe 2 or 3 inches taller than him
-though it had been 3 years, it was like you were back at iroh's house, learning how to play pai sho
-'you're a soldier now? sick'
-he was already happy that he had his honor back, but seeing you made him ecstatic
-every say you two would take walks around the palace
-you two would eat lunch together, visit the village
-until he started dating mai
-you held no grudge against her - she was a lot like zuko
-you were happy that he met his other half, someone so indifferent to him
-that's what made you jealous
-you two stopped hanging out like regular
-'wanna get lunch?' 'I'm going on a picnic with mai'
-the title friend slowly faded into just being his bodyguard
-🔞it was always so awkward hearing him and mai get up to things in his room as you stood guard outside
-🔞you always wished it was you
-the possibility of you being too tall ran through your mind, how being a soldier cracked your femininity
-on the day of black sun, you caught him writing a letter and setting it on his desk
-'what are you doing zuko?' 'theres no time to explain'
-you insisted that you come with him, that you could help him
-it was both because you wanted to protect him and stay with him
-he told you that he was abandoning his role as the crowned prince of the fire nation, and that if you wanted to come with, you'd no longer be a loyal soldier
-when he said yes, you were both ecstatic and worried
-you would be leaving your whole life behind - you'd be commiting treason
redemption 𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ𐀔
-none of the members of the Gaang trusted you and Zuko
-they thought you were one of the soldiers that were on the ship with zuko
-you tried explaining to them you had to be 16 to graduate the training academy, and zuko left when they were both 13
-when sparky sparky boom man attacked, you and zuko helped fight him
-they trusted you a bit more, but still held a grudge against zuko
-they forced you two to sleep in a secluded tent together
-the first night you two stayed, there was an awkward silence
-you two were still distant
-'what was in that letter?'
-zuko explained to you that in that message, he told mai that he was leaving her
-he thought it was for the best
-you felt bad for him, not aware that he was going through a break up without telling anyone
-but at the same time, you were happy
-you had a chance
-'im sorry man'
-you tried to hug him, but he looked away.
-something was off about him
-'what wrong zuko?' 'i need to tell you something'
-he not only broke up with mai because he was leaving, but because he liked you
-he looked up at you as you two sat in the tent. the lantern light flickered as you moved closer
-the kiss was soft and first, tender, and practically just a peck on the lips
-when you pulled apart, he was extremely red
-🔞kissing wasn't all you did that night
freaky deaky 🔞 𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ𐀔
-zuko loved putting his face in your chest when you hug
-he likes kissing every part of your body, especially since there's so much of it
-he likes it A LOT, especially when he can make you buckle beneath his words
-you're such a strong girl that it makes him powerful when he's dominating you
-likes the arch of your back when he's hitting it from behind 🫣
-loves watching your long fingers prepare yourself for him
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xjulixred45x · 4 months
I was making some drawings with the story of the Trojan War in the background, when I just got to the part of the sacrifice of Iphigenia (Agamemnon's daughter) so that the ships would march towards Troy.
and it gave me a little idea for this little drabble.
Imagine that the reader is a lover of one of the 3 main members of the house of Hades (Zagreus, Thanatos, Megaera) and one day their family tells them to go to a specific place for a matter of EXTREME importance.
Without knowing it, the reader goes to where they plan to sacrifice them to the gods (you decide the reason).
What the family does not take into account when this happens is that using the Aid of the gods, reader calls their lover to help them (could it be possible? I would be upset if it were).
Can you imagine the reactions of each person when they see that mortals want to sacrifice their partner?
Thanatos is definitely against this sacrifice being made with his partner obviously, and he protects them, but he is the most aware of the situation, that if there is a sacrifice, some god asked for it, and he knows that something that would be worse (especially for his partner) than dealing with mortals, would be dealing with a GOD/GODDESS.
Therefore, Thanatos would try to use diplomacy as much as possible, although he would use force if necessary to defend his partner (if they needs it) and would try to fix the situation without bothering any higher entity.
He is the clumsiest when it comes to comforting his partner, but he doesn't want them to feel bad in the long run, so even after the situation is under control, he takes them somewhere nice to make them feel better.
Zagreus is definitely LIVID with anger when he finds out what is happening, I think he would try at first to say that it makes no sense for them to ask for a sacrifice because the gods usually DON'T LIKE THEM (like what happened with Pelops) but as soon as he sees that that It doesn't work, he goes directly to violence.
Do they want a sacrifice to the gods? Well, let them be it themselves. Besides he gets to show off a little with His partner lol.
although he definitely tries to comfort them emotionally after that kind of betrayal while he can be on the surface (or even offer them some time in the house of Hades, if they want). Good and unusual Badass/angry Zagreus.
Megaera....OF...she jumps right into violence. They don't even have to tell her what's happening, she sees her partner in trouble and distressed and she sees RED. brings out her most violent side.
When it's all over she goes to check on her partner and asks what happened and it only makes her even angrier. Of course it was deadly stupid. But he's glad they're okay. she's not as emotionally good as Zagreus, but at least she comforts her partner because she knows what it's like to feel so disconnected from your "family."
She is definitely going to take the time in Tartarus to torment her partner's family or at least she leaves it to her sisters :)
POLY THAN/ZAG/MEG is a weird mix of all of the above. probably having Thanatos trying to make things "right" Megaera and Zagreus try not to go straight to violence. THEY WOULD TRY.
although as soon as they see that there is not going to be a real negotiation, that they ignore them or, gods forbid, they try to kill their partner EVEN WITH THEM IN FRONT OF THEM Zagreus and Megaera will no longer hold back and will go for BLOOD.
Thanatos, seeing that diplomacy failed, would only dedicate himself to checking on his partner to see if they were hurt or if they are feeling well in general. The man wants ANSWERS of how this happened.
When it's all over, probably the three of them (especially Zagreus and Meg) would be much more vigilant with their partner, it was just a big scare. Besides, lots of hugs and cuddles. I don't make the rules.
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Shares, reblogs and comments are very welcome!
This was fun to write:D
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rogunetocentral · 3 months
I dislike when someone tries to retroactively say there was a ship war regarding Rogueneto when it was nothing of the sort. What really happened is that some folks thought Rogueneto was cool and then they got harassed out of fandom spaces by shippers of Rogue's other relationship. The same thing happened to Roguepool, Rogan, and RoguexJohnny fans to a lesser extent. To say there was a war was to imply both sides were on equal footing and equally involved fighting, which again, was not true and still isn’t true.
What I remember happening, first hand, was not being able to discuss Xmen legacy new issues because even insinuating you liked Mike Carey was an offense against nature even if Magneto wasn't even in the new issue with Rogue. I remember not being able to go to Rogue centered websites or forum threads without someone going on a diatribe every 5 posts about how awful Rogueneto was, how awful and sexist their fans were, and Mike Carey was apparently a pervert that needed to be harassed and shit talked on every social media platform including his Facebook page that he still graciously left public for fans to interact with him. I remember when he was forced to make an account on CBR to make his one and only post defending himself from accusations on his person by shippers who called him a supporter of sexual abuse and grooming, an allegation against the comic and writer that they made up 1000%
I remember non-fans of Rogue and Rogueneto getting fed up with the allegations and shipping madness that whenever they did defend Rogueneto from outright lies they were accused of being shippers themselves as a way to invalidate their opinions and perspective as a third-party. I remember there was no war but an onslaught of crazed shipping ruining everyone's enjoyment.
To say there has ever been a shipping war with these characters is to actively erase the one sided harassment and shitty behavior that surrounded that period. Saying, "oh my friend was harassed by Rogueneto fans" is not going to fly tbh, because there was a handful of fans of the ship and I can safely say most of them did not give a fuck about harassing other shippers. They just wanted to ship in peace away from everyone else. If anything the non-shipper readers would be more aggressive than the Rogueneto shippers in fighting, so that needs to be taken up with them.
The fact that it's happening again with x-men 97 should tell you something. Playful jabs between friends is one thing but once again complete and utter meltdowns are happening because Rogueneto gets rare crumbs. I had to see with my own eyes that someone genuinely believed Marvel and the X-Men 97 writers were engaging in psychological warfare because their ship didn't happen in this one thing. The voice actors are put into tight spots because if they say or do anything to make it seem like they enjoy Rogueneto then they'll get harassed. People pulling up the fake groomer allegations from their shipping agenda textbook again to make Rogueneto look bad and guilt people out of liking it. Misogynistic and sexist comments are consistently thrown at Rogue for daring to be genuinely attracted/attached to another man.
There was/is no war in Ba Sing Se. Just a bunch of shipper crybaby nonsense and other comic fans exhausted by it.
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year
Hello, I’m too shy to admit who I am, but I just want to say I recently found your stuff and I just love your writing, I’m the one who requested the Eri reader with RoR, but I was wondering if it would be alright if I ask for some more content for that, but also One Piece, I was planning to ask for multiple parts for the different arcs (Or segments for said arcs since some are my personal faves, with specials being Filler Arcs and Movie arcs)
I LOVE Eri (She’s precious, adorable and I will defend her smile with my life, in fact I would go to war to protect her smile) and it’s really hard to find fanfic writers who are in Wano along with multiple different Animes (I really, REALLY like your work, and I hope I don’t sound rude or weird, I feel like I always have to mention I’m Autistic, so I have a hard time telling if I come off as rude, weird or annoying, if so, I do apologize)
Part 1 of the Platonic Yandere Straw Hats!
Koby meets Luffy… and a cute little girl named Y/N, and after battling Alvida, go to recruit the name called ‘Pirate Hunter’ Zoro along (And Koby parts ways) with the current 3 members then meet the infamous Captain Buggy and the mysterious Nami, and to syrup village and meet their sniper, Usopp as they fight off Kuro and earn a ship and sail off to find a cook
Luffy is very protective of Reader (He only becomes enraged when someone tries to take his straw hat or harms/injures or tries to kidnaps his ‘little sister’ Reader) and is the only person he’s willing to share his food with (He also says her horn is ‘super cool’)
Zoro, Nami, Usopp and future Straw Hats Will become very protective of Reader, especially after learning of her traumatic past
Hello love, don’t worry, you’re not being annoying at all and I’m happy to write this request. For this request, since One Piece is such a broad series, including filler and movies (to be honest I actually haven’t seen too many of the movies, only the most recent ones), the posts may be a bit shorter, but will cover wide time frames, so I can cover more things that are requested. I hope this will be to your liking.
-You remember the day well, when you first met your big brother, Luffy, when he rescued you from Alvida, who had been keeping you as a slave, forcing you to use your abilities to ‘rewind’.
-Many thought it was a Devil Fruit, but it wasn’t, it was called a quirk, something that you were naturally able to do once you were old enough.
-You were transported to this world where people only had quirks if they ate things called Devil Fruits, and your abilities were quickly discovered and you were once again locked up to use your abilities against your will.
-When Luffy broke the cage you were being held in and reached a hand down to you, you instantly knew this person wasn’t bad like so many of the others and you instantly leapt into his arms, clinging tightly to him, arms around his neck.
-He instantly adopted you, calling you the first member of his pirate crew!
-You knew of pirates, from story books, but they were always painted as bad guys, but Luffy wasn’t bad, not even close and you wanted to see him become King of the Pirates!
-Thus, you, Luffy, and Koby, left together, in search of another person, Pirate Hunter Zoro, to recruit to Luffy’s pirate crew.
-Zoro was hurt and tied up when you found him, in the middle of a big field, taking the punishment of another.
-You nearly cried when he ate the rice balls out of Luffy’s hands, seeing his desperation but also his strength to do what was right.
-Despite being a ‘pirate hunter’ Zoro stood beside Luffy, fighting back against those who imprisoned him.
-Zoro was immediately taken by you, after seeing you peek out from behind Luffy’s leg, giving you a wide grin, despite being injured, to not scare you.
-You took his hand when he introduced himself to you and your horn instantly grew bigger as your quirk flared to life and you healed Zoro’s wounds.
-Luffy scolded you lightly when you came down with a light fever from overusing your ability, but he wasn’t able to be mad at you.
-When you met Nami, you could tell she was putting up a front, acting tougher than she actually was, but with you, unlike with Luffy and Zoro, whom she yelled at, she patted your head, giving you a warm grin, telling you to keep an eye on those two idiots.
-She actually stole you for a short while, taking you shopping to get you new clothes, as you were still in the dress you were in when you first arrived in this world.
-When they saw your scars, finally removing all the bandages which were also dirty and tattered, all three of them were furious, seeing the scars littering your body.
-You were scared to talk about them, finding it hard to breath, until Zoro patted your head, “All that matters now is that you’re safe. Nobody will be able to hurt you again.” And Luffy was quick to agree.
-Nami got you a dress and clothes with long sleeves and leggings, to hide your scars and you had so much fun playing dress up with Nami, while Zoro and Luffy ate at a restaurant nearby.
-When the two of you met up with them, Luffy picked you up, spinning you around, making you giggle in delight, giving the first real smile which made him cry comically.
-Nami was quickly able to see that they both doted on you, Luffy sharing his food with you and Zoro wiping your cheek off that had some rice, she thought the three of you looked so cute.
-When you saw Buggy, your eyes sparkled lightly, seeing a clown, thinking he was a nice person, but you were wrong as he attacked your brother.
-Nami grabbed you and ran, hiding you to keep you safe before she ran back to help Luffy, kicking Buggy between the legs, halting the assault.
-Your hands were over your mouth in shock as you saw this, eyes wide; but she later told you, when she joined the crew as the navigator, that kicking between a man’s legs was the quickest way to take a man down.
-Luffy and Zoro both yelled at her, telling her to not teach you weird things!!
-Usopp was such a brave man, telling you all sorts of stories when you first met him, until Nami told you he was just telling stories and was actually a coward.
-You were hesitant to be around Usopp until your family was fighting Kuro, tears filling your eyes as he hurt everyone while you were hiding behind a rock.
-When Kuro spotted you, he started over and you were in awe, feeling a pressure around Luffy, one you couldn’t explain, as he kicked the glasses wearing man back from you, “STAY AWAY FROM HER!!”
-You hid, covering your ears and clenching your eyes tightly shut during the fight, having flashbacks to Overhaul and to Alvida, both who hurt you so terribly, unable to move, unable to help your crew- your family!
-Nami scolded you when you healed Usopp, Zoro, and Luffy, making you a bit scared until she ruffled your hair lightly, telling you that you shouldn’t over do things, because it would make you sick.
-You never…you never had anyone who told you that before, to not overuse your ability, as they were worried about you.
-You liked the warm fluffy feeling in your chest at this.
-When you saw the Going Merry, yours and Luffy’s eyes were both bright sparkles, you mimicked Luffy who threw his fists to the sky, cheering about having a real ship.
-Luffy pointed out to the horizon, deciding his next crewmate was going to be a cook!
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hollowed-theory-hall · 5 months
That theory in Riddle being sexually abused by a Doctor figure and the behaviours he depicted + the talk on unsympathetic victims... Kind of violently reminded me of Severus, and especially his Worst memory where the Marauders did what they did to him. Even his bond with Lily was this unhealthy dependency I think? Well not the right word. But Lily was the only thing keeping him sane and going I feel.
Anonymus: Adding on to the previous ask about Sev and Lily and unsympathetic victims. Do you think the Evans ever acted for Severus the way the weasleys did for Harry? A safe retreat? Do you think they ever tried to report Tobias? How do you interpret Sev and Lil's bond? I know a lot of the fandom thinks Sev was infatuated with her/ romantically loved her...but I often felt that Severus raised Lily to a holy Mary status, and that while he did in fact love her, it was platonic (in which case there is a comment to be made about the way platonic love between opp sex PPL is perceived and ridiculed)
I'm not the op of the post you mentioned, but yeah, Severus is a great example of an unsympathetic victim. Personally, he isn't a character I like all that much, but he is undeniably an interesting one. This turned out a little rambly, but that's what I got.
We don't know how SWM ended, but, yeah... not pleasant regardless of how far it went.
Severus was definitely a victim of abuse, both at his home and school and what he went through was awful. That victimhood doesn't excuse his treatment of students in his care. Like, I had a temporary position as an instructor for teenagers, and Severus' treatment of his students makes me want to throttle him a bit.
But as a child, as a teen — he definitely didn't deserve the life he got. Dumbledore has a tendency to turn a blind eye to abuse for various reasons, which ended up fucking a lot of people over, Snape included. (Tom and Hary too)
As for Severus' dependence on Lily, yeah, I think he was incredibly fixated on her. I agree with you that that fixation isn't necessarily romantic. Lily, was essentially Severus' first friend — his best friend. Lily was to Snape what Ron was to Harry in a way. The first person he felt he could trust.
I went through The Prince's Tale to refresh my memory on all of this, and I wanna talk about his friendship with Lily first, actually.
“. . . thought we were supposed to be friends?” Snape was saying, “Best friends?” “We are, Sev, but I don’t like some of the people you’re hanging round with! I’m sorry, but I detest Avery and Mulciber! Mulciber! What do you see in him, Sev, he’s creepy! D’you know what he tried to do to Mary MacDonald the other day?” Lily had reached a pillar and leaned against it, looking up into the thin, sallow face. “That was nothing,” said Snape. “It was a laugh, that’s all—” “It was Dark Magic, and if you think that’s funny—” “What about the stuff Potter and his mates get up to?” demanded Snape. His color rose again as he said it, unable, it seemed, to hold in his resentment.
(DH, 569)
Severus sees himself and Lily as best friends. He's happy when she dislikes James, but, he never makes any attempt to become romantic with her. It can be read either way, but personally, I like to read it as a close friendship.
(A little unrelated note about the above quote I saw someone mention once somewhere: Severus knows James fancies Lily, and warns her about it in that same conversation above, and It's interesting he raises Lily's potential romantic interest in James as a retort when she says she doesn't know what he sees in Mulciber. Is anyone shipping Mulciber/Severus? 👀)
I mentioned in this post how I believe Severus' Patronus is a doe because he sees Lily as his defender. Even after all these years. And I think, that too, can be about friendship. Because Liy was his first friend, his first defender. The fact that in SWM we see her step in to defend him suggests to me it happened before. That Lily stepped in to defend Severus, so when he calls for a guardian, in the form of a Patronus, it's still Lily.
And after SWM, Severus is less concerned about what happened to him, he's more concerned about losing Lily. That was the worst thing about that memory. Not his humiliation or assualt, but the loss of his first, and probably only best friend. I don't think he ever trusted someone else like he trusted Lily:
“I’m sorry.” “I’m not interested.” “I’m sorry!” “Save your breath.” It was nighttime. Lily, who was wearing a dressing gown, stood with her arms folded in front of the portrait of the Fat Lady, at the entrance to Gryffindor Tower. “I only came out because Mary told me you were threatening to sleep here.” “I was. I would have done. I never meant to call you Mudblood, it just—” “Slipped out?” There was no pity in Lily’s voice.
(DH, 571)
Is he a blood-purist who thinks Lily is a perfect muggleborn and therefore an exception to everything? Yes. Severus is in the wrong here about calling Lily a mudblood and thinking it's fine because she's a good mudblood, she's not like the other muggleborns. Lily has every right to cease her friendship with him over it.
But it's telling about his priorities the first thing he does is try to fix their friendship, to apologize to her.
Did he deserve to be hanged upside down and likely stripped in the middle of a large audience at school? Hell no. James probably didn't see it as a big deal, but it's so messed up I don't really know what to say, really. Like, I think Severus definitely fought back and wasn't always the victim of the Marauders, though. In the scene I mentioned above with Mulciber it's implied Severus and his Death Eater buddies are just as bad as James and the Marauders are. Their targets are just different. I think what James did is awful and inexcusable, but at the same time, I think, in the same way Tom Riddle hung Billy's rabbit to scare his bullies away, Severus tried to do the same, if less successfully. It's why he invented spells like Langlock (used in SWM on him) and Sectumsempra.
A lot of his demeanor is the result of abuse. He bullies and scares his students because he's mimicking his father, his abuser. he learned from him to control by force, with fear threats, and degradation. Because that's what Severus experienced as a child. Also, the fact he became a professor as young as he did, meant he felt had to force his students to take him seriously. Some of his first students probably saw him in his lowest moments as a student himself. So, he resorted to the fear and insults that his father likely used when he wanted to be taken seriously.
I truly think the loss of Lily's friendship is what stung the most about the whole ordeal of SWM. I mean, Severus has a lot of bad memories. I'm sure this wasn't the only time he was humiliated and assaulted. He was abused by his father. He was almost killed by Lupin as a werewolf during the prank. And then he joined a terrorist organization where he was likely tortured, where he likely watched people die. And in all of this, his worst memory is this one case of assault that I doubt was the only one? This doesn't make much sense to me, I think it's his worst memory not because of what happened to him, but because he lost his friendship with Lily over what he considers a "stupid slip".
And yeah, after Lily's death, in his mind, Snape raised her to a saintly status. He never has a mean thought about her, because he feels guilty over her death. He feels like he killed his only defender. So, of course, his memories of her are colored like she was perfect. That's how he wants to remember her so he can keep feeling guilty and hating himself over it. He feels like he deserves to feel that way. This is something you see with victims of abuse, they rationalize their abuse by convincing themselves they deserve it.
And Snape is a very bitter character who doesn't want to get better.
As for whether I think he found solace in the Evans household the same way Harry did with the Weasleys? The answer is yes actually. And there's some evidence for it.
Lily knew things weren't good at home for Severus:
“How are things at your house?” Lily asked. A little crease appeared between his eyes. “Fine,” he said. “They’re not arguing anymore?” “Oh yes, they’re arguing,” said Snape. He picked up a fistful of leaves and began tearing them apart, apparently unaware of what he was doing. “But it won’t be that long and I’ll be gone.”
(DH, 563-564)
And Severus mentioned later in that conversation how his father doesn't just not like magic — he doesn't like anything. Severus and his mother are very clearly implied to be abused by his father when his mother is mentioned. He doesn't describe much of what goes on at home, he tries to act fine, but I'm calling it abuse because of what it most likely is. Severus can't wait to leave home as an eleven-year-old. This isn't something that usually happens in healthy households.
Additionally, Severus spent enough time in their house it was conceivable he and Lily snuck into Petunia's room to find her letter to Hogwarts:
“You shouldn’t have read—” whispered Petunia, “that was my private—how could you—?” Lily gave herself away by half-glancing toward where Snape stood nearby. Petunia gasped. “That boy found it! You and that boy have been sneaking in my room!”
(DH, 566)
So, he probably stayed over with the Evans parents most of the day and only returned home to sleep. That's what I think happened. And, Lily's parents seem very kind and accepting of magic from what little we hear of them:
Lily glanced toward her parents, who were looking around the platform with an air of wholehearted enjoyment, drinking in the scene. Then she looked back at her sister, and her voice was low and fierce
(DH, 566)
“You knew?” said Harry. “You knew I’m a — a wizard?” “Knew!” shrieked Aunt Petunia suddenly. “Knew! Of course we knew! How could you not be, my dratted sister being what she was? Oh, she got a letter just like that and disappeared off to that — that school — and came home every vacation with her pockets full of frog spawn, turning teacups into rats. I was the only one who saw her for what she was — a freak! But for my mother and father, oh no, it was Lily this and Lily that, they were proud of having a witch in the family!”
(PS, 41)
I think Severus preferred the Evans house over his own. His own where his parents argued and his father abused him and his mother. Where his parents both worked and left him wandering the streets as a young child.
As for whether the Evans parents ever tried to report Tobias, we just don't really know. I'd say no. Domestic abuse in the 1970s was still largely unrecognized and not treated legally and medically like it is today. So, I don't think they'd have anyone to report to even if they wanted to. Especially with where the Snapes lived, which was essentially slums that the police didn't bother with anyway.
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bohemian-nights · 9 months
I’m not team black or green, and I’m also only watching this show for nettles - but I have to say that the only racist comments I see are coming from team black. They are so racist it’s insane.
1. They treat the velaryons like Rhaenyra & her (white) son’s cheer squad . They can’t fathom the velaryons being their own people with their own thoughts and opinions.
2. Their treatment of vaemond. They justify his murder for daring to speak up against their fav. They gaslight anyone who supports vaemond’s right to be angry that his house is being stolen by a white kid and claim that Luke “legally” isn’t a bastard and that we are misogynistic.
3. Their treatment of laena - they either claim that she was Rhaenyra’s lesbian (?) lover or that daemon never cared about her - they refuse to acknowledge that daemon was happily in love with her.
4. Their treatment of nettles.
I’m so done. I’ve just had a conversation with one of those insane stans, and they said that I’m “playing the victim” for pointing out their racism. I’m so sick and tired of hearing that I’m “playing the victim” or that I’m being “over dramatic” for wanting actual black representation and calling out performative activism.
Team Green has its moments(I don’t love how some of them treat Nettles), but Team Black is indeed objectively worse.
I have yet to see any other sub-fanbase go on rants about how there are too many Black people on the show so it’s fine to cut the only in-canon Black character(Nettles), that they are glad the n-word died(Laena), claim that a Black woman’s Afro-hair is dirty(the leaked photo on the beach), calling people monkeys(again Laena), comparing characters to animals(Laena and Nettles), the legally biracial fiasco, denying that there is racism in the books and that their fave is one of the perpetrators, saying that Daemon sleeping with Black women is a detrimental character trait…It’s a mess.
Honestly, most of the viscerally racist stuff that has been said had been geared toward Nettles or Laena(Vaemond’s a close third) because they are perceived as a threat.
Which shows you how f*cked up these people are. They are legitimately willing to resort to racism to attack fictional characters over a fictional ship.
And the kicker is, they don’t see anything wrong with their behavior because: I’m not racist. I have no problem with good Black people(aka the ones who kiss up to my fave), ignore me saying how a white woman (who I hate cause she's a Green 🥦, but she's still white) with less plot development is somehow more relevant than the girl who shows that you are more than the blood in your veins. That's not relevant. You wouldn't like her if she wasn't Black!
Let's not get into the fact that they only like Baela, Rhaena, Corlys, and Alyn because they haven't/don't do anything. The moment we see them have a personality and it’s not solely about worshipping Missy Anne they'll turn on them.
If the show ends Rhaena’s arc marrying a Hightower they'll call her a whore and a traitor. If Baela calls out Missy Anne for not being motherly towards her and her sister they'll call her ungrateful. When Corlys puts his blood first he’ll be treated just like Ser Vaemond. Alyn will be hated not for saving the psychotic white woman(who arrested his father and tried to arrest his brother) in her hour of need.
If what they said about Rhaena taking Nettles’ place actually happened, do you know how upset they'd actually be with Daemon even putting his actual child first before Miss Maegor? She'd become enemy #1. He is not allowed to love anyone more than her.
They also love to defend their deplorable behavior by saying the characters they are attacking are fictional so it doesn’t matter.
B*tch it’s no longer just fictional when you call someone(even if it’s a fictional character) the n-word.
When you are actively trying to take away what little representation we do have and hurling slurs and stereotypes used against Black people in real life for centuries to attack characters you don’t like, you’ve gone past fiction and gone straight into a Klan rally.
There is loads of evidence of their demented behavior. Anyone with a working brain knows they aren’t right in the head and what they are saying is wrong.
Hell, they themselves know what they are saying is f*cked up, which is why they try to gaslight you into believing they are the innocent victims and you've just lost your mind. When that doesn't work and you provide them with the receipts for their bullcrap it’s crickets cause they’ve gone crying in the corner 🦗
They keep crying and bemoaning about Miss Maegor being called a whore. That isn't exactly nice, but you can't flip things around and make yourself look like the injured party when you are a f*cking racist.
For Christ's sake, these people are just all-around hypocrites. Some of them have called Nettles a whore(the worst is yet to come with her) yet they spaz out when you say Miss Maegor and start yelling about misogyny.
They are the same ones who mocked Laena dying(and her son) yet they cry when you call a dragon baby a lizard.
You can't claim that it's all fiction and then start crying when your fave who is also fictional is “attacked.”
There is a good reason she's being “attacked” considering she's an awful character with next to zero redeeming qualities(which is probably why she's attracted the worst fanbase).
You can't claim misogyny and perpetrate it yourself. You can't claim to not be a racist and then overtalk Black women when they call you out on your behavior and then call them crazy for defending themselves. You can't force Black women to overlook your faves racism for the sisterhood and then spit in our faces when we don't. That's not how this works.
I could go on, but I'm going to stop here cause it's pointless. You just have to laugh and bow out cause talking to them is like talking to a brick wall.
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techwrecker · 5 months
Sparkles & Boots
Summary: Phee challenges Crosshair to a little game of paint war.
Word Count: 1.7K
Warnings: N/A
Ships: techphee on the dl
Tags: fluff?, slice of life, tech lives, non canon compliant, SFW
A/N: I hope you enjoy this Phee & Crosshair scene we never got but definitely deserved! I had to sit on this prompt awhile but I hope I did it justice <3 Thanks for the ask! dt: @general-ida-raven
crossposted on my ao3 of the same name here
“A smile wouldn’t kill you, you know!” Phee shouted from across the courtyard. “That’s what normal people do when they’re having fun!”
Crosshair stayed put behind the barricade, chest heaving with exertion.  The pair were fighting for their lives in a friendly game of paint wars, one-on-one.
It had all started with Phee bragging to the crew of The Marauder that her shooting skills were better than any blaster-slinger this side of The Maw. Crosshair wasn’t a betting man, but he couldn’t let her get away with such a bold statement.
“Alright, five credits says you can’t beat me in a game of paint war,” he suggested.
“Only five?” She retorted, egging him on. “I would have thought you’d value your Republic-trained skills higher than that. Come on, Sparkles…” Phee trailed off expectantly, Crosshair’s “charming” personality earning him the sarcastic nickname.
Crosshair scoffed with a smile and pulled out a toothpick from his chest pocket.
“Fine. Ten,” he said, placing the splinter of wood in the corner of his mouth. “It will be even easier to succeed with you in those ridiculous heeled boots.”
Phee’s face burst into roguish excitement. “It’s called ‘lookin’ good’, not that you’d know. I’ll get the course set up, you load the guns. Brown eyes, you’re with me.” She snapped her fingers together and, making a point to turn sharply on her heel, grabbed Tech by the forearm leading him away from the group.
She pulled Tech into the open space of the Pabu courtyard and he let her. He looked back at Crosshair as they walked away, his face in a flat expression saying “this isn’t a fair bet and you know it”, but Crosshair only lightly shrugged his shoulders in response. After all, it wasn’t his fault the woman liked to boast skills she didn’t have. He was simply going to defend his status as Pabu’s best sharpshooter.
“You can’t just let this one go?” Hunter chided lightly. “We all know you’re the best, Crosshair. You don’t have to prove yourself anymore.” Hunter, ever the cautious leader, would always keep his faith in his brothers’ abilities, but when it came to money, he tried not to squander it.
“Oh, I’m aware. But perhaps she needs some… reminding,” he said in reply, heading to The Marauder for the paint rifles.
The blasters were decommissioned separatist rifles that the people of Pabu had no use for, so Tech was able to modify the power pack to hold a chamber of paint spheres. Being a peaceful civilization, the Pabu residents did not care for anything that had to do with weapons, game or not, so the crew stashed them aboard their home, even if they were only recreational now.
“Crosshair, what if she beats you?” Wrecker asked, handing him the container of paint from the top shelf.
“Do you really think I would let that happen?” Crosshair began to fill the shells and load them into the chamber. “Besides, she can’t be that great of a shot. She’s only a pirate after all.”
“But, according to my calculations, you have an eighteen percent better chance of being able to best Crosshair if you angle the barricade thirty-seven degrees to the left.” Tech stated matter-of-factly. He was trying to understand Phee’s reasoning behind her lack of concern for victory. Especially when the opponent was Crosshair, whose advantages already far outweighed her own.
“Relax, paint war police. I know what I’m doing.” She stood up and dusted off her hands against her well-loved coat. “I’ve been around the galaxy a time or two and have picked up a few handy tricks here and there.” Phee said with a wink, resting her hands on her hips.
“Yes, but-“ he started.
“Tech,” she placed her hands on his shoulders and looked him squarely in the face. Tech felt his cheeks flush slightly, a sensation he was not yet used to. “I know what I’m doing.” She smiled reassuringly sweet at him and he returned the expression.
“If you say so.”
“I know so.”
“Okay, here’s the ground rules,” Wrecker started, pausing for dramatic effect. “No face shots. That’s it, have fun!” He finished, bearing a wide smile, clearly proud of himself. Crosshair just rolled his eyes while Phee stifled a chuckle. Wrecker was rarely serious.
“Lizard-toad-snake to see who has the head start?” Phee suggested.
“No need. You can have it,” the clone conceded.
“If you insist, Sparkles!” Phee grabbed her rifle from her opponent and ran to the small, barricaded arena. She was hidden within seconds.
“Well that didn’t take long,” Wrecker observed, rubbing the back of his neck.
“It won’t take long for me to snipe her out, either.” Crosshair said as he started toward the playing field.
He decided to settle close to the rim of the makeshift arena. That way he wouldn’t have to watch his back while also watching out for his friendly opponent. He wasn’t using his helmet as this really would have been unfair and he wanted her to at least feel like she had a shot at winning. Crosshair hunkered down to wait until Phee would inevitably give away her position.
Phee, though hidden, posted up toward the center. She knew Crosshair couldn’t rely on his brothers to watch his six and would try and plant himself on the rim. She was hoping she could draw him out eventually. The seasoned pirate peered over the top of the barricade in an attempt to spot the clone.
Nothing. Not even a hint at where he could be at. Phee smiled to herself as she gripped the rifle tighter. This was going to be fun. She sat up to crouch on her toes and quietly started to make her way around the arena when the first ball of paint exploded not 3 feet from where she was sitting a few seconds ago. She froze.
Damn. He was good. Not that she was expecting him not to be, but there’s no way he could have heard her moving... right? And on top of that, she hadn’t even seen where the shot had come from. A great start to the game.
Crosshair doesn’t miss. Not on purpose anyways. It was more of a warning shot. His years of tactical training and combat experience had allowed him to make an educated guess that Phee would have positioned herself toward the center of the paint war field. That, and he saw her shadow when she started to move. But he wasn’t going to let her know that.
“Phee, there is only one outcome to this fight,” he called across to her.
“So little faith in your new found friend!” She joked back with him.
Crosshair stuck his head above the barricade, scope pressed to his face. He could barely see Phee’s hair poking above the cement blockade. 
“Gotcha,” he mumbled to himself. He waited to pull the trigger until Phee would move. There was a wooden pole not far from her. She would have to move eventually in order to try and get a better vantage point of his location. It was only a matter of time, and Crosshair was flush with patience.
Quite a crowd had gathered to watch this game of cat and mouse play out. A shot here, a shuffle there. Crosshair may not have been losing, but he certainly wasn’t winning either. But, not that he would admit it, he was having fun. A feeling that had eluded him since he was a Cadet.
He finally had her cornered. She was stuck between the pole and a limestone wall. Crosshair, rifle poised to fire, made his way over to her position. She was a fantastic opponent and had managed to keep the entire game interesting. Her arms were already up in surrender.
“Okay, okay, okay!” She said quickly as he approached. “You got me!” She squeezed her eyes shut, bracing for the impact of the paintball explosion.
Crosshair aimed at her thigh, trying to hit a fleshy part of her body so it wouldn’t be as painful. To his own and the onlookers’ surprise, he hesitated. Phee opened one eye, peeking at the sniper.
“Aren’t you going to shoot me already? C’mon, Sparkles, I know you got it in ya.”
“Let’s make a deal,” he said. “I won’t shoot you on the condition of you admitting that I am the best ‘this side of The Maw’, not you,” he offered, quoting the pirate’s earlier words.
Phee relaxed her face and her smile returned. “Well gladly! But,” Crosshair let out a groan. “Only if you admit that you actually had fun today.” 
“Fine. I had fun,” he said, monotonously. He pointed the modified rifle at the ground and Phee relaxed her position.
“Great, me too! And we all know you’re the best Crosshair.” She said, walking towards him. “I’m surprised you didn’t catch on sooner to my plan.”
“What plan?”
“The plan to make you have a great time during recreational activities whilst still stimulating your skills.” Tech cut in from the sidelines. “I thought it was obvious.”
Phee winked at Tech, shooting a fingergun his way in approval. Tech returned to his datapad, slightly flustered. Well, as much as he could be flustered.
“How was that obvious?!” Wrecker burst. The two engaged in debate while Crosshair returned his attention to his opponent.
“You may be the best sniper around, but there is certainly room for improvement regarding your ‘having-fun skills’.” Phee patted his shoulder as she walked past. “I just wanted you to have a good time for once, even if that meant throwing the game.” She really liked winking at the boys.
Crosshair rolled his eyes half-heartedly and let himself show a small smile. He let her have that one as he followed her out of the makeshift arena.
“Besides,” she looked behind her shoulder. “There’s always next time.”
“You know I won’t let that happen…” Crosshair hesitated. “Boots.”
Phee may push her luck and poke his buttons, but he was glad to have her around. Being an outsider to the crew, she was able to look at things from a different perspective. She wasn’t roped into the family dynamic like the rest of them, but she made a fantastic addition to The Bad Batch.
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ultratradmalewife · 4 months
Different anon here replying to one of your other anons. One thing I want to emphasize is that BuckTommy fans TRIED to be friendly with Buddies. We really did. In fact, all we did was post celebratory posts about Buck's bisexuality, talk about how much we loved him with Tommy, discussed what headcanons we had, in addition to the hopes we had for the future of their relationship. The large majority of BuckTommy fans were and still are fans of Eddie. The large majority of us LOVE Buck's relationship with Eddie, even if many of us only see it as platonic. We've never seen Eddie as a threat, nor have we set out to vilify and attack Buddie fans for not liking Tommy or wanting him to be with Buck. But the same CANNOT be said about Buddies. It became very clear, very fast, that Buddies were threatened by Buck's relationship with Tommy, and because of that, they quickly began antagonizing BuckTommy shippers. Calling us horrific racial slurs, being disgustingly homophobic and biphobic, accusing us of fetishizing Buck with Tommy because "we're slaves to white men" and "love calling white men massa" (real fucking quotes said many times by Buddies), intentionally posting what initially seem like positive posts in our tag, only to throw us a curveball at the end by basically saying "Psych!" with something extremely rude and anti-BuckTommy. They even post fanfiction that is presented as being all about BuckTommy, only to kill Tommy off at the end or have Buck break up with him and then have Buck get with Eddie. And they laugh about all of that, over and over, in the BuckTommy tag. All this to say, it can get deeply, deeply frustrating when people, especially so-called decent Buddie fans (because they can't tell me they don't witness the shit their fellow Buddie members pull on the daily), try to "both sides" this situation and accuse BuckTommy fans of being just as problematic and incapable of civility as Buddies. No, no, no. BuckTommy fans have been nothing like Buddies, and to try portraying us as an equal part of the problem feels like an extremely bad faith take meant to downplay the toxicity of Buddie shippers while vilifying BuckTommy fans for, God forbid, calling Buddies out on their abhorrent behavior. Because that's what the large majority of BuckTommy's anger consists of--defending our IDENTITIES against disgusting personal attacks, and, again, God forbid, daring to call Buddies out when they relentlessly, CONSTANTLY twist their head canons into "fact", misrepresent the truth over and over again, and then try to portray anyone who disagrees with them as stupid and beneath them. That's toxic ass behavior, and BuckTommy fans shouldn't have to sing "Kumbaya" for the sake of civility so some of you guys can feel comfortable, not when Buddies are committed to being cruel and disgusting at every turn. And I haven't even touched on the fact that BuckTommy fans are not the ones harassing the showrunner and actors, and trying to get an actor FIRED by misrepresenting what he said and trying to twist it into something actually really gross and fucked up, just so they can try to get what they want. So some of you guys can positively miss me with the "both sides" attempt. The only thing I WILL say about BuckTommy fans is that we do need to make a bigger attempt at ignoring Buddies. We can get a little TOO caught up in what the Buddies are saying and doing to us. But on the other hand, BuckTommy fans have a right to defend ourselves, especially when the attacks are constantly real fucking personal and don't even have anything to DO with shipping.
I agree with all of what you said. I know how things happened. I had even said there’s no reason for the Bucktommy side of the fandom to start a ship war, it all started with die hard Buddies, and I don’t usually see the ones who play both sides because I blocked them. There’s no reason in talking to them because they’re either just as scared of Buddies or don’t want confrontation. I also know people who want to play both sides are just people telling BuckTommy fans how to react, and they’re never telling Buddies how to act. I agree with you 100% on that and those are the people I block.
I’ve also been told I’m racist because I hate Eddie and Mexicans (I don’t), by people who either don’t know or don’t care that I’m Mexican (100% both parents born there and so was I).
I made a whole post explaining how Buddies have been homophobic when they tried to downplay their homophobia to simply cropping Lou from pictures. I know the slang and words that they tried to attach to him and the community. Those people are also blocked.
Now, like I told last anon I’m not trying to bridge that gap. You can see some of my own past posts how petty I can be to the die hard buddies. I am one person and I’m not going to change a whole fandom of toxicity. All I can do is block and search for those who can make my experience here a peaceful and fun one.
So far I haven’t made any friends here. There’s no DMs and it’s just been likes and comments on posts. I try reaching out to Buddie shippers who I think could be pals, and they never respond, or if I mention Tommy it’s dead silent afterwards (ironically the thing they claim to hate that Tommy did to Chimney is what they do to me), and I don’t try again. Most of the buddie shippers who I briefly talk to are ones who have seen how crazy their side of the fandom have started acting. Some of them have even “jumped ship” because of that.
I’m not here to make this whole group thing happen. I came from a fandom where these type of things don’t happen. This is new to me. I only left because the source material is too long and I know I don’t have the dedication or time to consume it fully, and people there respect the source material. I didn’t want to feel like I didn’t belong there, so I left.
I was able to consume the entire source material here. I even enjoyed myself doing it. 911 is one of my top 3 favorite shows ever. I entered this fandom having high hopes of fitting into a community, but as we can see that didn’t happen. I’m not trying to have all of us love each other or even talk to each other, all I’m trying to do is find that small few who can be part of a peaceful community for this one show.
I’m also not asking for any black person or person of color to forgive, only you have the power to do that for yourself.
I really want to find my peace in this fandom. I have blocked so many people, and don’t even try to reach out to others because I know it’s a lost cause, this is just my attempt to find my place here. I hope you can understand that.
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bumblesimagines · 1 year
Under The Moonlight
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Request: Yes or No
Don't kill me pls I love y'allllllllll if it helps i have three parts already writtennnnn! look at the pretty man
CW/TW: Violence, implied homophobia, Christianity, bashing Christianity (idk if that should be a warning), Vikings being Vikings, men being men
Apologies to any ppl from Greenland or people with a lot of knowledge on Norse culture and their gods, I will get some things wrong.
The sail to Kattegat had proven to be a difficult feat, though most trips across open ocean typically were. The ocean had shown mercy at first; when the waves would only brush against the side of the boat gently, beckoning curious eyes to gaze into its depths.
But upon sailing closer to Kattegat, a storm began brewing above. The sky turned a dark shade of gray as the waves began to grow, slamming against the boat harder and harder, threatening to capsize it with each powerful hit. The other boats traveling alongside them began to disappear until the drenched man could no longer see more than a foot ahead of him through the pouring rain. With the roaring waves and claps of thunder hounding his senses, (Y/N) could hardly hear the instructions his siblings shouted in an attempt to keep the boat from sinking into the darkness below. But in the end, Leif's experience allowed everyone to escape the storm without losing a single person.
Rising from the wooden seat, (Y/N) stared at the harbor settled between the mountains, a horn blaring through the air to signal their arrival. The town appeared large and heavily occupied. Far more occupied than he had expected. Kattegat was a seemingly well-known town but the man hadn't expected to see so many Vikings gathered in just one harbor. His half-sister seemed to share similar thoughts. She stared at the town, gaze lingering for a moment before she looked back toward her brothers with uncertainty but after meeting (Y/N)'s eyes, her lips pulled into a warm smile and her shoulders relaxed.
Freydis Eriksdotter. Only younger than him by a few weeks. With her long blonde hair and tender blue eyes, Freydis had been a shining light in his darkest moments. While she physically resembled her mother, her stubborn and fierce personality could be attributed to their stubborn and infamous father, Erik Thorvaldsson. She had proven to be the perfect combination of her parents; her idle hands that could weave thread and mend injuries also knew how to handle a sword. And with a father like theirs, it was imperative they knew how to defend themselves, from animals and people alike. 
"Stay close and out of trouble," A voice rumbled from behind him as the boat neared the docks.
Then there was his older half-brother, Leif Eriksson. With his broad structure, long brown hair, and bright blue eyes, Leif resembled their father in more ways than one. And yet, he tried to be everything their father wasn't; gentle, forgiving, and merciful. He and Freydis easily adapted to (Y/N)'s presence after his mother brought him to their home. They gleefully took him in, calling him their brother within days and growing to love him within weeks. Leif proved to be the older brother anyone could ever wish for.
"I'm not the one you should be telling that to." (Y/N) muttered, folding his arms over his chest and feeling the boat slow to a stop. The Vikings on the docks were quick to help secure the boat and one took a moment to examine the condition of it and its passengers. 
"How in Odin's name did you avoid the storm?" He questioned curiously as he rested his hands on his hips
Brushing off his question, Leif addressed the man. "Did any ships from the west make it in last night?" 
"No, just two ships before the storm." He answered and nodded toward the shore, drawing (Y/N)'s attention to it. Littered across the sand were bodies, flags, and pieces of wood. Few searched through the wreckages for valuables or familiar faces while others treaded into the waters to pull the corpses onto land. A saddening sight for anyone. Lives lost to the rage of the ocean. Leif studied the shore and exhaled softly, shaking his head lightly before turning to his crew. 
"Toke, Ulf, you stay here with the boats and resupply," Leif instructed the two men and then turned his sights onto siblings. "Freydis, (Y/N), check with the captains at the harbor. The rest of you will come with me to search the town." 
Freydis frowned but before she could protest, (Y/N) gently grasped her arm. "The time will come." He assured her gently. Freydis pursed her lips and nodded, gazing after their brother as he and the others disappeared into the crowded town. She heaved a sigh and turned back to look at their messy boat.
"You know, I do not need you watching over me," Freydis muttered and retrieved some more rope from the floor, squinting up at their sail to check for anything else that had possibly gotten loose in the strong winds.
"It's my job as your big brother." (Y/N) reminded teasingly, a grin appearing on his face when she scoffed softly and rolled her eyes. Freydis expertly tied the rope in her hands around the mast, glancing at the men as (Y/N) took the things Toke and Ulf had quickly retrieved. (Y/N) looked over their supplies, ensuring they had everything they needed. 
"Where are you from?" Someone called out, pulling the Greenlanders' attention away from their tasks and onto the man watching them from the dock.
He was tall with broad shoulders and muscular arms. His brunette hair had been tied back into a bun, allowing them to gaze at his bearded face and dark eyes. He regarded the crew with mere curiosity and a boyish smile that screamed trouble, exuding an aura of friendliness. But even with his kind eyes and relaxed posture, (Y/N) couldn't find it in himself to trust him. They were newcomers on strange land. Easy targets for vultures. 
Slipping his fingers around his sheathed dagger, (Y/N) allowed his eyes to sweep over the man once more, taking note of the axe holstered to his hip. When he turned his attention back onto the stranger's face he found the man already watching him. The brunette tilted his head to the side expectantly, presumably awaiting an answer from him but he received silence in return as (Y/N) turned his back to him and focused on taking count of their food supply, or rather lack of.
Chuckling softly under her breath, Freydis peered over her shoulder and answered, "Greenland."
"What kind of journey was it?" The man inquired, gaze lingering on the quiet man.
"Long. Five weeks. No stops." Freydis answered once more and watched the man closely as he finally tore his eyes away from her brother and stepped closer to asses the boat. Upon finishing with the mast, she finally faced him.
"Five weeks across open ocean in this?" He peered down at Freydis with twinkling eyes and a wolfish grin. "I'm impressed."
"Then you are easily impressed." 
"Not true. My standards are quite high." The man objected playfully, watching his sister with an all too familiar look. (Y/N) had been no stranger to that dance, especially when it came to Freydis and the other women of the crew. And seeing as his sister appeared rather taken with the handsome stranger, (Y/N) doubted she'd only flirt with him. 
"So are mine." Freydis pulled herself up onto one of the seats, wrapping her hand around one of the ropes attached to the mast to maintain her balance. She smirked at him, blatantly looking him over to feed into their little flirtatious game. "Are you from Kattegat?"
"No, from Ringerike. I'm Harald Sigurdsson." Harald spoke his name proudly, almost as if he were important. It made (Y/N)'s eyes roll. "Who are you?"
"My name is Freydis." The blonde answered before motioning toward (Y/N) with a nod. "And this is my brother."
"Ah." Harald leaned back, hand resting on the hilt of his axe as he looked back at (Y/N). "Then, I believe after such a long voyage, I would think a hot bath would sound good to your sister." Bold words slipped from his mouth and (Y/N) found himself raising his brows at him, hearing Ulf and Toke snickering quietly from their spots. Freydis looked at her brother with widened eyes but the corners of her lips twitched upward in amusement. Meeting her gaze, (Y/N) knew Leif would be far from pleased if he allowed her to leave the boat with a stranger, but he'd be unable to blame (Y/N) for it. Freydis had a habit of doing whatever she wanted, with and without permission. So, with the knowledge Freydis could easily defend herself if it came to it, (Y/N) hesitantly nodded.
"Well then," Freydis turned back to Harald and stepped onto the dock, turning her chin up at him and quirking a pale brow. "Where could I get one of these hot baths?"
"Come." Harald chuckled, shooting the man one last glance before he placed his hand on Freydis's lower back and led her down the dock until they disappeared from view.
"With that attitude, he's asking for someone to dig an axe in his back," Ulf said as he stood up, casting a glance over the boat.
Shaking his head, (Y/N) looked at him and offered a smile. "We've come for other reasons." He reminded, watching Toke finish securing everything.
With the boat taken care of, the two men followed (Y/N) down the dock and looked around as he led them into town. Sellers shoved varying items in his direction, shouting off prices and rambling about their products. Amongst the perfumes, clothes, and weapons being sold, there were slaves. Shackled and shivering. (Y/N) felt his throat tighten at the sight of them.
"There's Liv!" Ulf pointed out and (Y/N) tore his gaze away from the slaves, turning his back to them as his friends slipped from the crowd one by one. 
"No luck." Yrsa sighed. Before (Y/N) could speak, another horn sounded off, signaling the arrival of more ships and it only took a moment for Lief to slip out of the crowd and join the group, looking over everyone with newfound determination.
"The cross belongs to an English Viking." He revealed, eyes searching for Freydis's familiar face and frowning when he didn't spot her. Turning to his brother questioningly, his frown only deepened when (Y/N) avoided his eyes and sheepishly rubbed the side of his neck.
"She left with someone. A so-called Harald Sigurdsson."
Sighing heavily, Leif nodded. "I'll find her. We'll meet up at the docks."
When Leif disappeared back into the crowd, (Y/N) faced the crew and motioned for them to start heading back. On the short walk to the docks, it began to rain lightly but the wind picked up considerably. They just couldn't seem to stay dry for long. It didn't take long for Leif and Freydis to join the crew, eyes trained on the ships sailing into the harbor. Upon getting closer, (Y/N) spotted two of the men on one of the ships, crosses dangling from their necks. Considering the loud cheering from the docks, the two were loved, perhaps even worshipped. 
"It's him," Freydis confirmed, looking back at her brothers when the men stepped off the ships. She looked back at the sound of a familiar voice and her eyes narrowed upon seeing Harald greeting them, appearing to know the men on a personal level. 
"Isn't that-"
"Yes." Freydis breathed, jaw clenching. Grasping the handle of her knife, Freydis took a step forward, ready to get her revenge on the man who had fled from justice. But she didn't get far before (Y/N) took her arm and pulled her back. Too many eyes, too many Christians. They'd see her coming from a mile away if she brazenly rushed at them and he doubted they'd only pray for her if she were caught.
"Not here," Leif told her, keeping an eye on the men as they strode deeper into town. Grunting softly, the blonde sheathed her knife and stepped back, eyes bright with rage. "Toke, Yrsa. Go get our things."
The men stopped briefly to eat, giving Toke and Yrsa enough time to gather everyones' belongings and bring them back, handing them off just as the men got on horses and began leaving town. The crew followed them out of town, keeping a safe distance away and being mindful of the other Vikings with the men. Leif led everyone into the dense forest, stepping over fallen logs and foliage as they climbed up the side of the mountain. A tiresome trek but a necessary one. Freydis needed to bring justice down on the man who had hurt her and her brothers had vowed on helping her. So, (Y/N) ignored the way his muscles ached for rest and marched on.
The winds lashed furiously on the mountain but it was the least of (Y/N)'s worries as he took in the sight below. A whole camp filled with more Vikings than he could count. Tents perched in just about every corner, horses roaming around, carts filled with supplies. It looked like an army preparing for something, but what exactly? (Y/N) swallowed and looked at Leif, taking in the concentrated look on his face.
"We'll set up camp in the forest." Leif decided, turning to his equally perplexed and surprised friends. "We'll keep an eye on him until the time is right." Leif nodded to his sister and Freydis returned it, eyeing the camp one last time before she turned and began heading back down the mountain, the others following close behind and exchanging glances. (Y/N) strayed for a moment, looking over all the Vikings present. A need for so many warriors could only mean something big, something important.  Part of him didn't want to find out what it was.
Turning his attention away from the camp, he caught up with the others and headed down the mountain where they could rest until a solid plan was created. Yrsa and Ulf worked together to prop their furs on long sticks, Liv and Leif collected some sticks to create a small fire and Njal left to watch the camp. (Y/N) explored the forest, gazing up at the tall trees towering over them. While he was no stranger to a lush forest, he'd been used to seeing vast snow-covered plains for most of his life. He missed the openness of his home... He missed his parents and brothers. Sighing softly, he turned his sights onto the bright green brush and grass, searching for fallen branches and sticks to help feed the fire Liv and Leif had started. He'd have to take in the sights of nature another time. They had more important matters at hand. 
Returning to camp with a handful of sticks and crouching down by the fire, he set the pile down beside Liv and brushed his hands free of dirt. Liv gave him a thankful smile, picking up a few and tossing them into the fire, the crackle growing louder. (Y/N) lifted his head to look at the others, noting Skarde seemed awfully quiet and upset. Yrsa had settled down on a blanket made of furs whilst Ulf and Toke conversed and his sister sat by herself, looking out in the direction of the camp. She perked up at the sight of Njal, watching him return with a conflicted expression.
"He must be important. He hasn't come out of the main tent." Njal informed them, gaze cast onto the ground as glances were exchanged.
Running a hand over his face, Skarde shook his head and spoke shakily, fingers toying with the thread wrapped around his hand. "This changes things."
"This changes nothing," Freydis spoke, snapping her head toward him and narrowing her eyes when he scoffed.
"Really? What is your plan then? Go down there and simply take your revenge?" He questioned, raising a brow at her as she stood and faced him.
"If I have to, yes." Noticing the growing animosity, Leif stood up from his spot beside Liv, glancing between his sister and friend as they went back and forth, both Greenlanders growing more annoyed with each passing second.
Skarde slowly nodded in disbelief, rolling up the thread in his hands and tossing it to his feet. "I won't be a part of such a plan." He spat, pushing himself off the tree he'd been sitting against. 
"Then you break your oath to my father?" Leif furrowed his brows as he walked forward, placing himself between the two and staring up at him. (Y/N) rose up from his hunches and stepped around the brunette to stand beside his brother, briefly pulling Skarde's attention off his siblings and onto him. 
Clenching his jaw, Skarde spoke, "I didn't promise your father to be a part of foolishness."
"What do we know of this place?" Njal's deep voice interjected, his tone full of uncertainty. "Trees, cities, and giant armies? These Norse are not our people."
"They are Viking... Just like you." Freydis raised her brows, pointedly looking between Njal and Skarde as she spoke.
"No." Skarde asserted with a light shake of his head. "We are Greenlanders. As are you." He said, inhaling deeply before he continued. "Until this morning, no one among us had ever seen more than 40 people together in one place. Now, I look at more men than in Iceland and Greenland together. We must be able to admit that what we came here for is now hopeless." 
Silence fell over the crew and when nobody countered his argument, Freydis scoffed in disbelief and turned away from them, stalking off in the direction of the camp. (Y/N) didn't hesitate on following his sister through the foliage until they came across the tree line. Freydis stared out at the camp with crossed arms and a frown on her face. The crunching of leaves signaled Leif's presence, having followed his younger siblings as well.
"You shouldn't have stopped me at the harbor," Freydis muttered bitterly. "It would be done."
"And you would be dead," Leif stated bluntly, gazing out at the camp. 
"Then I'd be in Valhalla with the other Einherjar, feasting with Odin and the Gods. And Father would be proud."
"We are not here for Father, Freydis." (Y/N) spoke up, hand reaching out to gently touch the back of her arm. She looked down at his hand, her tense figure slowly relaxing at her brother's touch. "We came here for you. Besides, Father didn't think of-"
"What are you trying to tell me?" She asked defensively, tilting her head up to look into his eyes. "Do you believe it's hopeless? Because I will not stop until I get my revenge." 
"No, Freydis. We're asking you to trust us." Leif said, softening his gaze as he looked at his sister. Freydis swallowed and looked back at him, lips pressing together. She released a shaky sigh and nodded, loose curls bouncing against her speckled skin.
"I trust you."
"Good. Because I have a plan."
"Are you sure this is a good idea?" (Y/N) questioned, eyeing the Vikings walking around with their weapons close to their sides and crosses hanging proudly from their necks. When night had fallen, Leif had pulled him away from the rest to take him to the camp. Leif wished to infiltrate the camp and figure out what exactly so many of their people had been gathered.
"If you'd like, you can return to camp," Leif glanced back at him, shoulder roughly bumping against another Viking walking by. (Y/N) stepped closer to his brother, listening to the soft prayers oozing from tents and groups of Vikings. Unease bubbled in his stomach. Too many Christians for his liking. Leif lifted his hand to his face, brushing back some hair before an older man suddenly reached out, snatching his wrist and staring at the tattoo Leif had on his wrist.
"What you doing over here?" He hissed quietly, voice thick with an English accent. He spared a look around before releasing Leif's wrist and glancing at (Y/N). "Come with me before one of these damn Christians catches sight of the both of ya." He sucked his teeth, shoving the brothers forward and away from the other Vikings. (Y/N) stumbled out onto an open area and looked back at the man, watching him warily glance back.
"If that Jesus bunch caught you two prowling around over there, you'd be lucky to get back." He shook his head, leading them toward a cart and pulling their hands up. He began stacking folded blankets and coats made of fur on their hands until the sound of drums began echoing through the air and everyone began heading in the direction of the sound.
"Stay close," Leif whispered to his brother, following the older man through the crowd. Men on horses led the way with their torches held in the air, only stopping once the crowd stood in front of those beating the drums. (Y/N) handed the blankets off to the older man, nodding to him and keeping close to Leif as they slipped through the crowd until they reached the front. A few Vikings stood on top of a hill overlooking the crowd. Harald Sigurdsson among them. He appeared to be quite important.
"Welcome, friends!" The man standing beside Harald began, voice echoing through the valley. Murmurs erupted through the crowd and a name seemed to be passed around: King Canute of Denmark.
"Over a hundred years ago, a great Viking army set off for England to avenge the death of Ragnor Lothrok. It achieved its goal. And after many great victories, our people were invited to settle into communities there. With time, we sent our loved ones to live and work there. The Danelaw became their home." King Canute spoke, allowing a brief moment of silence to pass as the information settled in. 
"A year ago, all that changed. And a slaughter began. A massacre. Unknown in the long history of our people. An attack. Not warrior to warrior, but waged on innocent women and children." The more he spoke, the rowdier the crowd got, murmurs growing louder. "Waged for only one reason; to cleanse England of our people. You have been summoned here for a purpose, to avenge the death of our people and to show the English that they cannot murder Vikings and expect us to do nothing!" The crowd erupted in cheers, swords being slammed against shields in support. (Y/N) shifted uncomfortably as shoulders bumped against his, adrenaline beginning to pump in the veins of those around him.
"Our ancestors would not. Ivar the Boneless and Bjorn Ironside would not. I will not. Will you?" The crowd roared their response. It was not in a Viking's blood to simply ignore an attack against themselves, against loved ones. But many of the Vikings present weren't there to avenge a loved one. A blind and unexpected attack was an easy way to bruise someone's ego. "You are here for your families! You are here for your honor! You are here because you are Vikings!" King Canute finished, hearing the overwhelming shouts and roars of agreement, metal swords slamming against shields. Leif and (Y/N) exchanged a look, arms brushing against each other and providing the brothers with some sense of comfort in a sea of furious men and women.
"We will fight the English." One man staggered forward, head turning to sneer at the others. "But not with Christians!" He bellowed, motioning toward them with his axe as others cheered in agreement. Despite the years, (Y/N) could feel his scar ache as he looked toward the gathered Christians, a certain disdain swirling in his chest. "Christians killed my family. They are my true enemy."
"And you are mine, Pagan." One of the Christian men responded, stepping forward from the rowdy crowd. "These men are nothing but idolaters. Worshippers of Satan!" 
With a war cry, the first man ran at the other, swinging his axe at him but his blow was blocked by the second man's shield. The two continued swinging at each other, urged on by both crowds alike. Swiftly going down the hill, Harald got in between them, blocking with his shield and swinging at the men in an attempt to push them away from each other. Releasing a cry when a sword cut him, Harald sneered at the men and spread out his arms to prevent them from attacking each other.
"Enough!" Harald snarled at them, heavy pants leaving him. He turned toward the first man, dropping his arms to his sides as he addressed him. "Jarl Gorm, you say you'll never fight with Christians but what am I? Did I not spend every summer of my youth with your family? Did you not love me like a son?" He questioned, whipping his head to look at the second man. "Jarl Nori, a pious Christian. I saw your sister the night of the massacre. What would she say about your refusal to fight with your brothers here? Would she not call you a coward?" Harald looked between the two before taking a step back and facing the crowd.
"That your God is Odin or Christ means nothing to me! Only your honor does! Only your courage does!" He shouted into the night. Heaving softly, he touched a hand to his sliced arm and lifted his blood-soaked fingers into the air. "This blood is not my blood. It is our blood, it is Viking blood! And it will always be!" His words garnered cries and shouts of agreement, flags swinging back and forth. The two men nodded to Harald and retreated to their previous spots in the crowd, content with keeping the peace for the time being.
"It is going to be a long night," Leif whispered as the cheers continued. (Y/N) could only sigh in return.
                    ➸        ➸       ➸       ➸       ➸       ➸
"Did you sleep at all?"
"You know very well I can't sleep around strangers." (Y/N) answered with a yawn, trying to push away the exhaustion clinging to his body. Leif frowned, using his fingers to comb his hair back into a bun but before he could lecture his brother, (Y/N) turned his back to him and looked out at the bustling Vikings.
"What now?"
"We find him and we keep an eye on him," Leif answered and walked forward, the sound of singing filling the camp as Vikings went about their day. Men and women collected supplies, heaving them onto carts and helping one another. (Y/N) searched for the man, eyes flickering from face to face, never allowing his gaze to linger to avoid attracting attention to them. Feeling fingers lightly tap his arm, he followed Leifs' gaze and spotted the man walking through the ground. However, before the two could follow, Leif's shoulder was roughly grabbed and his body turned to face a stranger.
"It's them, all right." The man nodded to his friends and sneered at the brothers. "Your father is Erik Thorvaldson, yes? Erik the Red?"
"And what is that to you?" Leif asked, eyeing the men around them. (Y/N) brought his hand to his dagger's handle, looking over his shoulder at the men behind them, their shields up to block them from leaving. 
"Our name is Becken. Your father killed our brother Sven." The man revealed, motioning between himself and the other Viking standing beside him.
"Our father's history has nothing to do with us." Leif retorted, reaching out to grab (Y/N)'s arm and gently push him forward, hoping to avoid a fight but one of the men cut in front of them, blocking them from getting too far and cockily grinning at them.
"Your father is a killer. Run away to escape justice. It has everything to do with you." The first man asserted bitterly. (Y/N)'s grip on the dagger tightened and he looked back at Leif, searching his face for permission to swing at the man in front of him. Leif grimaced and turned toward the man who had begun it, raising his brows.
"You're making a mistake." He warned.
Scoffing, the man in front of (Y/N) shook his head. "No, Eriksson. The mistake was yours." He declared, charging forward but before he could bring the sword down on the younger brother, (Y/N) grabbed his attacker's forearm and turned his body, slipping his dagger out while simultaneously elbowing the man directly in the nose. The man cried out in pain and stumbled backward, hand raising to touch his now bleeding nose. The pain, however, only fueled his rage and he charged again with an enraged cry. (Y/N) quickly dodged the following swing and slammed his foot into the back of his knee, sending the man toppling downward. He rolled over onto his back and attempted to get up but (Y/N) kicked his face, causing more blood to spill from his nose as his head slammed back into the grass. Retrieving the man's discarded axe from the ground, (Y/N) threw it at one of the men charging at his brother, successfully hitting him and causing the man to fall. 
"Brother!" Turning, (Y/N) caught the shield Leif tossed at him and blocked a swing from a sword, using the shield to shove the man onto the ground. He spun around and leaned back, narrowly getting cut by an axe swinging in his direction. Lifting his leg, (Y/N) kicked the man in the stomach and made him stumble backward, using his momentary loss of balance to charge forward and dig the dagger into his arm. Pulling it out and panting softly, (Y/N) stepped back and briefly pressed his back against Leif's.
The man that had attacked him first blindly charged, face soaked in red. (Y/N) raised the shield to block his punch and lowered it just as quickly, swinging the dagger at his face and cutting his cheek. Moving his hands down to the bottom of the shield, he swung it sideways and hit the side of the man's face, knocking him down again. When another one charged, he did similarly, aiming at his wrist and knocking the sword from their grasp. Releasing the shield and charging, (Y/N) tackled the man onto the grass and pinned his arms down with his knees, lifting his dagger above his head and bringing it down.
"Enough!" Leif called, and (Y/N) froze, blade frighteningly close to his attacker's eye. Panting heavily, (Y/N) peered over his shoulder and spotted his brother holding a sword to the first man's throat.
"Just like your father." The man cursed, spitting out some blood and saliva.
"You're wrong." Leif lifted the sword, using the side of it to knock him out. "If I were like my father, you'd all be dead." He breathed and turned toward (Y/N), tossing the sword aside and motioning for him to stand. (Y/N) looked down at the man writhing beneath him and huffed softly, standing up and trailing after Leif. 
"Taking another's life would've complicated things, (Y/N)," Leif scolded, looking back at him with a disappointed frown.
"They attacked first." (Y/N) argued with a huff. "They would've had it coming."
Sighing, Leif shook his head and looked forward. "You sound like Father." He muttered, leading his brother to a stream near the camp and crouching down by the water. (Y/N) joined him, letting the cool water wash his hands before he dipped his dagger in and cleaned it. Once satisfied, (Y/N) rose and wiped the blade against his pant leg, sheathing it and drying his hands on his pants. He caught sight of figures in his peripheral and gently kicked his brother's leg to catch his attention.
"Eriksson from Greenland. Not the sons of Viking warrior, Erik Thorvaldson, banished from Norway and Iceland for murder?" Harald tilted his head, regarding them with an amused smile. Leif stood up, shaking his hands off, and sharing a cautious glance with his brother.
"The same." He confirmed, eyes flickering to the men beside Harald. Most wore crosses.
"I suppose when you have a father like Erik the Red, you learn to fight like that." Harald chuckled, not catching the distaste that passed over Leif's features at his words.
"My name is Leif." He walked closer, tilting his head up to look at Harald.
"I'm Harald Sigurdsson. We met yesterday, though I didn't quite catch your brother's name." Harald said, tilting his head to look at (Y/N). His cocky and playful smirk made whatever respect (Y/N) had gained for him the night before wash away in an instant. His lip pulled back and he couldn't help but roll his eyes, a soft scoff escaping him. Harald merely chuckled at his distaste, eyes slowly raking over the Greenlander.
"I believe that's none of your business." (Y/N) responded, eyes trailing down from his face to the cross he wore. Harald's hand raised to toy with it, fingers wrapping around it and blocking it from view. (Y/N) lifted his gaze and met Harald's, holding eye contact for a moment before he looked away. Leif's brows furrowed slightly, glancing between his brother and Harald.
"His name is (Y/N)," Leif piped up after a moment of silence, climbing up the short hill to be at eye level with Harald. "We heard you last night. You're a good speaker. You moved many." 
"Did I move you?" Harald asked, eyes remaining on the younger brother. His lips quirked into a small grin when (Y/N) refused to meet his gaze, only begrudgingly getting closer when his brother motioned for him. Crossing his arms over his chest, (Y/N) looked back at the men and briefly looked into Harald's dark eyes. When neither brother responded, Harald finally tore his eyes away and looked at the rather perplexed Leif, hand dropping from his cross. "Freydis said you captained your boat all the way from Greenland. Could use good ship captains who can fight. I can promise great glory if you join us in England."
"Glory?" Leif repeated, curiously glancing back at (Y/N). "I thought you were going to England for revenge?"
"We are. But true Vikings always reach for glory. It's what defines us."
"Like I said, you're a good speaker. I'll think about it." Leif answered grimly, although his tone made his answer rather clear and obvious. Harald's jaw clenched but he nodded, watching the brothers brush past him. (Y/N) paused, reaching out to touch Harald's cross, studying the metal and designs carved into it. Harald reached up to pull his cross out of (Y/N)'s grip, pausing when their fingers brushed against each other. His eyes lowered to look down at their hands.
"I wish you luck with our sister. You'll need it." (Y/N) murmured, releasing the cross and joining Leif in heading back to camp. 
The rest of the day had gone by uneventfully as the army began moving toward Kattegat where Jarl Haakon allowed them to set up camp outside the walls of her city. She graciously opened the main hall for them, hosting a feast for the warriors ready to fight. (Y/N) and Leif wandered around the hall, keeping to the sides and mostly out of view as they waited for Freydis to slip inside and enact her revenge. A risky plan but they were aware of the dangers. Death is not the end, his mother would say to him whenever he grew afraid.
"There's Skarde." (Y/N) whispered upon spotting the man slipping into the hall. Just in time for another speech from King Canute.
"Friends!" He called from the table settled at the end of the hall, rising to his feet as the Vikings fell silent and turned toward the king. Leif walked forward, heading toward the other side of the hall as quietly as possible. (Y/N) remained on the other side, glancing at Leif as he kept to the wall but made sure to remain within their view, or rather Harald's view. It proved easier than expected seeing as Harald's eyes found him almost instantaneously.
"This is a historic occasion. Our thanks to Jarl Haakon for opening her city to our righteous cause. It is an honor to be here in Kattegat, in the great hall of Ragnar Lothbrok and his sons. To eat from the same table as Lagertha and all the heroes who came before. We are humbled and inspired by their legacy. But now is our time to make history. To show the cowards in England, that Vikings, despite our differences, are still one people. One heart. One soul." He concluded his speech and (Y/N) slipped out toward the middle of the room with Leif joining him midway as the Vikings dispersed. Finally meeting Harald's eyes, (Y/N) tilted his head at him and lifted a hand to his dagger, watching Harald's eyes narrow as they flickered to his hand. His eyes left the Greenlander for a moment.
"That's close enough, Greenlanders." One of the Christians who never seemed far from Harald spoke, stepping toward them and gripping Leif by the collar. Harald rose from his spot at the table and approached them as more men surrounded them. With his attention on the brothers, he didn't spot the cloaked figure descending upon the table with a knife in hand.
"Whatever you are planning, do not act on it. I'll kill you if I must." 
"We're not the ones you should be worried about." And then, a frightened scream broke the tension.
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psychopasss4 · 10 months
My honest yet unbiased review of Psycho Pass Providence 🤗
«Note: Don't take this post personally as it doesn't intend to ship-wreck the thoughts of most fans»
As the snippets of Psycho Pass Providence are recently become available in almost everywhere, I suppose the long wait is over and I can finally post my own review of the PPP movie. I've been posting my own comments here and there because of the "imbalanced" & very biased review of most Japanese fans on Twitter. 😥
But am so glad the snippets aswell as the PPP movie itself are now made available so every one can learn the facts of the movie.
But before I begin let's discuss PPP in general.
The movie is great 👍🏻 No doubt. The animation scenes are jam-packed. The theme and the overall plot is a HUGE PLUS. Because they tried to showcase the metaphorical, allegorical and philosophical aspect of the Psycho Pass anime season 1 had always been known for. So this film is a total of 90%.
Why? Coz although it connects the plot between Season 3 and First Inspector; and it provides an official background for our beloved Arata and Kei, it only adds to the many struggles of our characters against the Sybil System. They introduced the Divider and Mentalist abilities, the dirty works of MoFA that conceived the formation of the Peacbreakers. It seems like they're trying to expand the story of Psycho pass to provide a foothold for any possible seasons to come. But it fails to show us any glimpse of Sybil's eventual defeat. 😶
When I said the Japanese-natives are imbalanced and unreasonably biased with their Tweets, I mean it. And I am of Japanese descent thru my grandma, so I have the audacity 🤭.
When some tweet says, "Akane took the cigarette from Kou's lips and Kou leans forward as if trying to kiss Akane" I cringed. Because girl, that is partially true. But where's the "almost kissing"part?
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It's obvious that Kou only adjusted his position to sit down and speak to Akane. So where's the "he's trying to kiss her"? 😆
I love Shinkane, in their most subtle yet caring nature towards one another. But I don't want to make believe. It's better to tell the facts than to 誰かを笑顔にするために嘘をつくこと. 😮‍💨
Honestly, 皆さん, どうして?
The only Shinkane moment for me is when he jumps to Akane covering her from the explosion 💥
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Here we see, Kogami is simply checking her up if she's fine. Nothing fancy, but that's enough to make me giggle. 🙂
When Kou unlocked the cuff from Akane's left hand, as if motioning her to attach that on his left hand, is a chef-kiss moment to me👌🏻 that also includes the bridal carry 😉.
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But some fans make noise in Twitter saying "Kogami hugs Akane and rests her closely to his chest near his heart".
I mean, girl, everyone who saw that scene knows exactly that it is not that romantic but hey it's enough to make our hearts pound. But don't over-hype the scene will yah?
The beauty of Shinkane lies in their subtle interaction. Not in an overly done romantic PDA.
There's an obvious theme the writers are portraying in this movie. Most fans have pointed it out but they try to deny it themselves. 😶
° Kogami calling Frederica on her first name without honorifics (i.e -san, -sama, -chan).
° Kogami and Frederica's same Sherpa coat as some could point out.
° Kogami and Frederica standing side by side in most of the scenes they're in.
° Kogami when he talks to Akane on the phone when he gives her the word "...Even if you tell me not to, I'll go".
Frederica is looking sideways.
Kogami when talking to Gino in a boat, when the latter asked him why he comes back, to which he replied there are things he must protect.
Frederica is looking sideways.
When a guy friend is talking to us and his girlfriend is around, I noticed his girlfriend does the same too. So idk. 😅
° Kogami defending Frederica in front of Akane. We all know that. It's pretty much straightforward, he's not only defending his new boss.
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° Kogami receives the call from Akane when he's at a dark room with Frederica. When he says I will go. Then, the next scene we saw them standing side by side with the same jacket on when Akane deploys the dominator to them.
I think Akane noticed that too 😮‍💨
° Kogami never leaves his gun (the one he used to kill Makishima given to him by Masaoka). But it was with Frederica. And when Gino shouts at Kou, "Protect Tsunemori!" She gave the pistol to him.
° Lastly, the room where Saiga-sensei and Kogami shared a drink implied that it is the MoFA assigned quarters to Kogami. And the holographic painting where Kogami is standing is a painting of Tower of London. And we all know Frederica is half-british. 😉
° There was a publication which implies that Kogami and Frederica share the same quarters. (I didn't say bedroom. So please don't give me a violent reaction 🥲).
Again, this is not to ship-wreck. But many Japanese fans literally skipped this information because those are quite suggestive as to how close Kogami and Frederica is in this movie.
If you saw the film, it's up to you to decide.
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As I said, the beauty of Shinkane lies in their subtle interactions not by overly-defined public display of affection.
But in this film, the writers are clearly making a statement. To impose their original idea that Kogami and Akane are not meant to be together. Even the Seiyuus say they can ship Ginoza and Akane but they can't with Kogami. And they even tried to be extra careful when delivering the script to avoid any misconception of them having a romantic scene together.
At first I was deeply hurt. Because I've been shipping them like forever. But now I saw Shinkane in a new perspective. I won't try to force them together just because I feel like it.
But I will enjoy any significant scene of them being simply together and the whole Psycho Pass anime franchise as it is the way the writers portray them. Yet in my heart, Shinkane will always be an item. ❤️
Our ship may not sail the way we expect it to be (for 10 straight years) but the bond we have as a Shinkane Community will remain. The fanarts, the fanfics, the forum discussions and sweet exchanges etc...
There's no fandom as dedicated as Shinkane/KoAka fans. #thePowerOfFandom❣️
Everyone at this point is screaming when is the Season 4 coming? We need a closure! 😱
Same here, I wish the Season 4 will come out soon. If the original Division 1 will take on the backseat to give way to new generation of characters (i.e Arata and Kei), why not atleast give them a good closure? They all deserve to be happy!
Yayoi x Shion have their "proper" ending at the First Inspector. But what about the others? 🤔
Also Shizuka Homura. I am very much intrigued by this man. He knows Akane long before she joins the PSB. They have the same alma-mater though years apart ofcourse. And what will he put to the table? Is he a friend or a foe?
Will there be a new Makishima to Kogami? Or a Makishima to Akane?
Most importantly, when will the Sybil System end? It's been the series' primary antagonist but after all these 10 (thousand) years, when will it come to an end? To provide another good plot to Psycho Pass verse and to create more narrative in the future.
⟨I've been writing this review while walking and didn't realize how hard was it 🤣⟩
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jegulus4444 · 9 months
hi! so u asked for unpopular opinions about marauders, so here i am, ready to deliever them
james potter was bully. he bullied not only snape but other people, he sexually assaulted snape. "oh, but that's because snape is a nazi!" yes, he is. i am not defending snape, he is an awful person. but james started bullying him, making fun of him, calling him names and stuff, when they were ELEVEN. he literally started making fun of him in the train. they haven't even talked to each other yet. he just overheard some boy in the train telling his friend that he would like to go slytherin and automatically decided to bully this boy. and that is something unforgivable and i hate that some people in this fandom try to portray snape as pure evil, because HE IS A MORALLY GRAY CHARACTER. he did a lot of awful things, he also did some good things, he also is a victim of abuse, of bullying and of sexual assault. and probably there is someone who's going to come to me and tell me that he was never sexually assaulted. well, james potter held him down, and took of his clothes against his will, including underwear, in front of a lot of people. basically he exposed snape's genitals against snape's will. he also tried to choke snape with soap bubbles, he heavily bullied him. his age is not an excuse, being 15 is not an excuse. if it was all really about snape being a nazi then that would be james's explanation for lily when she asked what his problem with snape was. if it was really about how much james hated purebloods supremacists, then he wouldn't focus on snape, but on mulciber and avery and wilkes and people like this. but instead he chose snape, because snape was an easy victim. and because of that: fuck james potter, i never really started to like him, i can only tolerate him in certain fanfiction
i couldn't care less about jegulus. i've read some awesome fanfictions, i've seen a lot of awesome art, but the ship on it's own doesn't really speak to me. it's a worse version of drarry, honestly, and i never was a big fan of drarry. i get with people like it but i'm just really tired of the fact that you cannot find anything about marauders without jegulus
this fandom has a lot of really toxic parts, especially when people talk about liking some rarepairs, there are so many people who attack them and threathen them and stuff. someone shipping james with barty is not a reason to send them death threaths.
also the fact that someone doesn't headcanon james as poc does not make them racist. someone not shipping a lesbian ship doesn't makes them a bad person and a person that hates lesbians. someone. a lot of people in this fandom just get really mad at people for no reason and it really should stop.
i don't really have any opinions on dorlene. i know that it's popular and stuff but i just don't get the hype. i prefer dorlily lilylene marylily and marylene and dormary and all other combinations between these girls, but dorlene... it just doesn't stand out to me that much.
so now it's time for all the rarepairs that i like:
peter x xenophilius
lily x marlene
james x sirius
james x peter
peter x sirius
lily x sybill
mrs zabini x rita
lily x regulus
lily x barty
lily x barty x evan
evan x barty x xenophilius
this fandom really often portrays walburga as the abuser and orion as just... well, just being there and not really caring, or sometimes people just make him a good father, and honestly? it's the 70s. walburga is a woman. orion he is a man. you really think that she is the one in control here? i'm not saying that she is innocent, because she obviously isn't, but he isn't either and it annoys me that it's always "walburga's a+ parenting" and it's always her being abusive, and her being mad, and her being an awful person, and orion, oooh, poor babygirl, he wants to protect his kids from her but she is the one controling everyone in this house because she is in a position of power as a WOMAN IN 70S. nothing against walburga being portrayed as abusive, because she was abusive, but don't make orion innocent
i would love to hear your opinion about all that i said here (but u don't have to obviously it's just a stupid ask you can just answer it with a dot, but if u have time and energy i'd love to hear ur opinions)
maybe i will come up with something else later, if it happens i'll send another ask
(quietly praying that i won't get death threaths over this)
First of all James Potter is my favourite character ever. He is my sweetheart and I kin him. So yeah, for me he is the perfect imperfection. I agree his made some mistakes, but I don’t view him the way you do. I’ve been there in high school, humiliating people that bully other innocent people or even my friends. I’m not proud of it, I’m just saying I know where he comes from. It’s not easy to stop a bully and I felt like putting them down was the only way to protect others, and I think James thought the exact same thing. Again I’m not proud and I don’t know if I’ll do it again.
On that same note. I hate Snape. I think nothing justify bullying an 11 year old. And he wanted to be a death eater. So I always hate him, in fanon and canon.
2. I loooove Jegulus, it’s my fav ship and I would only read something if it has Jegulus. lol. Total opposites. Mmm i think it’s a great love story and i never get tired of reading it. I’ve honestly never been a fan of Drarry but I don’t mind people shipping them.
3. I know! We should all stop that and just spread love and some legs, lol, jk. But seriously guys, everyone has the right to a different opinion and if you don’t like it, just look the other way .
4. This is so true, I actually hc him as Aaron T Johnson jut bc I think he is the perfect James Potter, but of course I’m not racist like at all. I even love the Reiky fancast bc he is part of skam and so bloody perfect.
I also love to mention I love Mary, Dorcas and Kingsley and all the fan art.
5. I honestly looove dorlene but i do hc lilylene bc it seems natural to me, I first saw them tw as the og bffs and I feel like girl friends are meant to fall in love or at least have crushes on each other. At least that always happens to me w mine.
8. THIS I LOVE (send fics pls)
10. This I like very much (and if anyone has fanfics pls send)
18. I mean I don’t know how to view this as a feminist. You know, I like the woman being the powerful one, but hence again, is I misogyny to blame her for everything and call her a bitch just bc she is a woman and let Orion of the hook?
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arealphrooblem · 1 year
Surrender Prompt Fill #4
I am slowly but surely working through the brilliant surrender prompts by @wither-wander-whump
Part One Here
Part 3 Here
This one is Star Wars Flavored! Generic Jedi x Sith
- a character who has no place to go, no last resort. They grit their teeth and hold out their hands to be bound, making the only choice they can make. But they still make the choice- it isn’t being made for them. They can still cling to the last shreds of their dignity. They keep their pride, even if they lose everything else.
To say the ship was compromised was an understatement. The hyperdrive had melted, shields totally obliterated, the emergency generator flickering with the last of their air supply.
The Jedi had crammed all the passengers into the tiny escape pods and shot them down to the nearest planet with a distress signal. They knew the Sith would not pursue them. Not when everything he wanted was still waiting for him on the ship.
The Jedi and the Holocron.
The weight of it felt like a black hole in their pocket, calling to them, tugging at their very soul.  They wanted desperately to be rid of it, but knew if they didn’t have it, the Sith would find it. As long as they held onto it, and resisted its whispers, the Sith wouldn’t be able to access the forbidden knowledge to horrible effect.
Some plan that turned out to be.
Their master didn’t need to be alive for the Jedi to see the eye roll and shake of the head. The You Should Have Known Better Than That frown on her face.
And then the Sith’s force signature crossed the border of the ship and suddenly it was all the Jedi could feel. It suffocated them, a hot pressure wrapped around their ribs. Rage and greed and yearning, swirling together in an intoxicating fog that fought to snuff out the Light of the Force.
The Jedi took a deep breath, braced their feet, and focused on the bright pinpricks of the Light, lit up inside them like a constellation against the black backdrop of the dark side.
They had nowhere to run. No Master to bail them out. No last minute Hail the Force to save the day.
It was surrender or death.
Or surrender and death, depending on the Sith’s mood.
They could feel as much as hear the footsteps of the Sith as they stalked through the small interior of the ship towards the Jedi in the cockpit.
There is no emotion, there is peace the Jedi thought against their feral heartbeat.
There is no emotion, there is peace
There is no emotion, there is peace
But there was emotion when the Sith finally appeared. A flood of it, encouraged by the holocron and the Sith’s own suffocating dark side presence. There was fear of the kind of suffering the Sith would inflict once armed with the knowledge of the holocron. There was anger at themselves at their inability to prevent it. There was grief at the sight of yellow eyes, so cold despite their fiery color.
And underneath it all was love for the person he used to be, for the boy they grew up with, for the young man the council should have fought for. A love impossible to erase so the Jedi just buried it.
The Holocron felt all these delicious emotions and feasted upon it, warm and pulsing in their pocket.
The room filled with a sudden red glow as the Sith cracked their lightsaber on. The Jedi pulled out their own saber but did not activate it. Instead they dropped it to the ground and stood with their hands behind their back.
The Sith just stared at them, eyes calculating.
“You expect me to believe it will be this easy?” he asked, voice dark and trembling and wholly unfamiliar in a painfully familiar face.
“I am not going to fight you,” the Jedi said. “There is no point.”
“No point? You’ve spent all this time playing keepaway with the Holocron and now there’s no point in defending it?”
“I’ve already lost it.”
It was the truth and they tried to be objective about it. The Sith snorted.
“I should be surprised but in truth you always did give up so easily.”
There is no emotion, there is peace
But the Jedi could not find peace in the fact that they hadn’t fought for the Sith either, when he started to turn. It haunted them, far more than the Holocron or the Sith himself.
“I don’t fight battles I can’t win,” they countered instead. “And I cannot stand against your hate. Take me or kill me. The choice is yours now.”
They sounded so serene on the outside, but inside their teeth grit together, their shaking fingers curled into fists. They wouldn’t fight but neither would they grovel. They would accept whatever fate the Force had in store for them.
The Sith continued to stare at them, his mind probing at the walls of their own. The Jedi made them smooth as transperisteel, glossy and high and impenetrable.
Then he flexed his fingers and the Jedi’s lightsaber jumped into them, like a Tooka with it’s master.
“Hold out your hands,” he said.
The Jedi obeyed. Cuffs encircled their wrists, the kind that dampened the Force. They could still feel it, but it felt muted and slippery. An awareness that could not be directed towards any significant action.
They swallowed thickly, the fear creeping up their ribs like icy fingers.
The Sith stepped closer, until the toes of his boots bumped against their own, until he flooded every sense the Jedi had. The warmth of him enveloped them in the cold of the dying cockpit, his eyes glowed in the gathering darkness. One hand reached around the Jedi to brace against their lower back, heat seeping through the layers of robes. The other slide with agonizing slowness down their ribs and to their pockets before pilfering the Holocron from them.
The Jedi felt dizzy with the touch but maybe that was from lack of air. The generators had finally flickered off. They wondered, dazed, if the Sith would just leave them here to suffocate in the dark.
“It’s not you I hate,” the Sith admitted softly to the dark.
Then, with a firm hand on the small of their back, the Sith led them out of the dead ship and into the unknown.
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