#To get properly fully hydrated
krafterwrites · 8 months
Why do I just get woken up in the middle of the night. Does my body want me to be unable to do anything productive and just play Fortnite. Well I'm going to because the new season is great but still FUCK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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pin-k-ink · 2 months
lazy day // suna rintarou
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tw ⇢ friends to lovers, making out, biting, cunnilingus, fingering, praise kink, unprotected sex, begging, multiple orgasms
wc ⇢ 5.7k
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The buzzer sounded just after noon, and you grinned as you hit the button to allow Suna entry into your apartment complex's lobby. It was just like any other lazy weekend day when your old friend would swing by to hang out, watch bad movies, and inevitably find some way to engage in your long-running campaigns of relentless shit-talking between fits of laughter.
You had known Suna Rintarou for years now, long enough for any initial awkwardness or uncertainty in his company to have faded away into the well-worn comfort of real friendship. He was one of the few people with whom you could spend hours upon hours just existing in each other's space without it ever feeling stilted or forced.
By the time his trademark dual-toned drawl of "oi, I'm coming in" echoed down the hall toward your door, you were already kicking off your slippers and assuming the usual sprawl across the sofa - ready for an afternoon of pure, familiar vibes. The telltale rap of knuckles against your entry had you calling out for him to enter without bothering to get up and answer it yourself.
When Suna appeared around the corner, he was already looking perfectly at home in your space as usual - stylishly rumpled t-shirt untucked to hang loose over slim athletic shorts that separated to reveal a teasing glimpse of toned thighs and calves with each lazy stride. His hair was artfully mussed as if he'd rolled straight out of bed and onto your doorstep, radiating the type of effortless charisma and striking features that might have made you self-conscious in the presence of someone you knew less intimately.
As it was, you simply quirked an eyebrow at him and reached for the game controller resting on the coffee table. "Looking hopelessly hungover as always, Rintarou," you quipped without missing a beat. "You'd think making the national team would mean they teach you better hydration habits."
"Not all of us slob around in stained sweats every time we have a lazy day," Suna fired back smoothly, dropping down onto the opposite end of the sofa from you with careless grace. His dark, hooded gaze somehow conveyed pointed judgment even as one corner of those perpetually smirking lips quirked higher. "Some of us like to maintain at least a bare minimum of personal standards."
You scoffed loudly, purposefully stretching your legs out to drape obnoxiously across his lap - wiggling your barefeet in his face with a wicked grin. The tip of Suna's nose crinkled with distaste as he tried and failed to shove your ankles away, making no secret of his displeasure.
"Personal standards, my ass," you crowed, taking petty delight in his discomfort. "You're just prioritizing sleazy looks over comfort in a desperate plea for attention, as usual."
When Suna's large hands succeeded in shoving your legs off his lap, it was your turn to grouse in annoyance at having your prime lounging real estate revoked. But you maintained the teasing smirk as you sat up properly and bumped his shoulder with your own.
"Besides, you really think a slob like me even registers on anyone's attractiveness radar? Unlike some posers I could mention."
There was a weighted pause then as your playful ribbing lapsed into something thicker, more weighted. Suna slowly turned to face you more fully, analytical gaze flickering over your features with unmistakable intent. You resisted the urge to squirm under the sudden scrutiny.
"You might be surprised," he said at last, quiet words slicing through the tension with their ambiguous double meaning.
Your breath hitched minutely as you registered the undercurrent of suggestion baked into that simple statement, gaze momentarily dropping to trace the obscene curves of Suna's mouth before flicking hurriedly back to his lidded, piercing stare.
Did he just...? Or was that simply Suna being his usual quietly provocative self, skating the line between casual commentary and subtle flirtation in that masterful way of his? You swallowed hard against the strange spiral of heat that single heavy look had sent unfurling low in your abdomen.
Before you could think better of it, you leaned in closer until the space separating you from Suna's striking features had narrowed into something unmistakably charged. "Is that so?" You heard yourself murmur, holding his gaze boldly despite the sudden thundering of your pulse. "Do tell..."
For a protracted moment, the atmosphere thickened further, both of you suspended in fraught consideration of the intimate boundary you were toying with blurring. Suna's lips parted slightly on an indrawn breath, dark eyes dipping briefly down to your own parted mouth before reconnecting in smoldering lock.
Then the spell was abruptly broken by two things:
First, Suna reaching over to snake the gaming controller from your lax grip, nimble fingers ghosting against yours in a feather-light brush of contact that sent tingles rushing straight down your spine. The second was the low, sandpaper-rough rasp of his tone undercutting the heavy tension with a teasing edge.
"You wish you knew," he murmured, lips curving into one of those signature smirks that could make your insides clench with how arresting it looked painted across those striking features. "I'd shatter that simple mind of yours into a million pieces."
He accompanied the provocative statement with a slow, pointed once-over of your dumbstruck form that had heat prickling across your skin anew.
"Now quit hogging the controls, or I'll wipe the floor with your score like always."
Just like that, the heavy atmosphere seemed to evaporate - replaced by the comfortable cadences of well-worn camaraderie and low-stakes competition. Except this time there was an undercurrent of heightened awareness that refused to dissipate completely no matter how much you tried to will it away.
You found yourself hyper-focused on little things like the brush of Suna's bare arm against your own each time he shifted position, or the deep timbre of his voice sending subtle vibrations across your hypersensitive nerve endings whenever your bodies drifted too close on the couch. Even something as innocuous as the shifting of muscles in his shoulders and biceps as he maneuvered the game controller was enough to set your pulse fluttering with a strange, avid sort of attention.
Suna, damn him, seemed to barely register the newfound tension singing through your form as he remained focused on trying to narrate over the gameplay with that usual brand of cutting snark and obscenely bitten-off curses. His posture was deceptively relaxed as he slouched back into the cushions in that effortlessly sensual way of his, clearly still operating under the assumption that this was just another routine hang session.
But for you...nothing felt quite so pedestrian any longer. Not after you'd both tiptoed up to the precipice of that scorching new intimacy and gotten a tantalizing glimpse of the unfamiliar vistas lying in wait on the other side. You were profoundly, viscerally aware of Suna's nearness in a way that neutered all compulsions to keep viewing him in that safe, established light of long-time platonic companionship.
Instead, you kept finding yourself helplessly drinking in details and dynamics you'd allowed yourself to overlook or take for granted until now. The long, sinewy lines of his neck tapering into sharp, defined collarbones that disappeared tantalizingly beneath the scooped collar of his shirt. The hypnotic flex and release of biceps tensing beneath bronzed skin during particularly intense bouts of trash-talking over the game.
Oftentimes your straying gaze would stray further, taking the opportunity to indulge in dragging your heavy-lidded stare across the lean, powerful expanse of Suna's exposed abdomen - admiring the cuts of muscle etched there beneath a thin sheen of perspiration and imagining how those ridges would feel branding against your palms, your inner thighs...
Inevitably, you would tear your hooded eyes away with shuddering inhalation, a pulse of molten heat lancing straight to your core and leaving a dull, liquid ache throbbing between your legs. This was your oldest friend you were ogling like a piece of meat here - someone whose physical form you should have long since adjusted to seeing in every context without a scintilla of indecent thoughts intruding.
Yet damned if the newfound promise of intimacy sparked between you earlier hadn't set your subconscious reproductive drive into painfully heightened sensitivity - tuned to appreciate the eroticism and aesthetic of Suna's gloriously honed body down to its most minute, tantalizing details. Of course, he seemed utterly oblivious to the roiling conflict of compulsions making itself known in your ungoverned lapses from nonchalant coolness into burning longing.
That is...right up until one of those heated lapses in your focus resulted in you reflexively licking your lips while drinking in the sensual view of Suna's arms - lean but corded with flexing sinew - as he delivered a particularly searing verbal takedown of your lamentable gaming session.
To your bright shock and dismay, those richly hooded eyes you found so aesthetically arresting captured the motion instantly. You watched with frozen tension as Suna's trash-talking trailed off mid-sentence, lips parting with the unmistakable glimmer of realization flickering through his turbulent stare as it tracked your own molten regard.
Pinned speechless under the escalating weight of that unmasked look, you could do nothing as the heavy seconds stretched out and your respective roles - that of long-time best friends just hanging and fucking around, grew increasingly tenuous. There was no mistaking the shift of energy between you as Suna reached up to run a hand through his tousled hair, casually showcasing the flex and drag of his long, strong fingers through dark strands in a strangely intimate pantomime.
"Having trouble concentrating?" he husked out at last, sotto voce inflection bearing enough blatant suggestion to stoke the rapidly kindling blaze of lust now roaring in your lower belly to an outright conflagration. You watched, dry-mouthed and transfixed, as his tongue darted out to trace the plush curves of his lower lip - mirroring your own subconscious gesture of yearning just moments earlier.
When you managed a fractional shake of your head, voice failing you utterly, you saw clear flashes of intent and scorching arousal blaze to vivid life in the glittering depths of Suna's heavy-lidded gaze. The game controller tumbled abandoned to the floor as he prowled forward until his long, muscular frame was hovering bare inches from your own tingling, heated skin. You could feel the erratic puffs of his breath fanning across your slackened features as he drank in the sight of you utterly enthralled.
"Then let me help you focus..." Suna rasped against your searing skin, mouth a hair's breadth from yours. Any further protests, any attempts at maintaining propriety or equilibrium, fled before the promise of rapture blazing in that final, weighted moment between you.
His lips ghosted your own in a barely-there touch, igniting every hyper-sensitive stretch of nerve endings until all that existed was the liquid, throbbing maelstrom of your mutual wanting. When you unconsciously lurched forward to seal the contact between you with a desperate whine...
Suna didn't give you a chance to fully close the infinitesimal distance between your parted, yearning lips. With a low, guttural sound of impatient arousal, he surged forward - broad palms cradling your face with surprising gentleness even as his mouth came crashing down over yours in a searing, demanding kiss.
The contact was electric, whiteout pleasure jolting down your hyper-sensitized nerves at the initial slick glide of Suna's tongue licking insistently against the seam of your lips. You parted for him on a breathless keen, finally surrendering fully and allowing him to plunder the molten recesses of your mouth in a dizzying spiral of dominance and desperation.
His kiss was every bit as intense and consuming as you'd allowed your treacherous fantasies to envision during all those stolen heated glances from the corners of your eyes - an unhurried, sensual cyclone of lips, teeth, and questing tongue that rapidly had your fingers fisting into the soft fabric of his shirt simply to keep yourself grounded. When the first rumbling groan of appreciation vibrated from Suna's chest into the trembling hollows of your own, you thought you might shatter apart from the intoxicating onslaught.
It was a struggle to maintain even a modicum of coordinated thought with the blazing distraction of Suna's mouth doing such punishing, profane things to your senses. But you were somewhat aware of one broad palm sliding down from where it had been cradling the nape of your neck to splay hotly across the span of your lower back. Then deeper still until thick fingers found the generous swell of your ass and kneaded the yielding flesh there with insolent possession and need.
That proprietary caress sent a giddy spiral of heat lancing straight to your core. You whimpered in a haze against the velvet glide of Suna's tongue undulating so wickedly against your own and arched instinctively, pressing your chest harder against the hard ridges of his own as you unconsciously sought more unbearable friction.
Suna made a low, hungry sound deep in his throat at the wanton motion and the sensation of your lithe form writhing so feverishly in counterpoint to his dominance. His hand momentarily abandoned its thorough exploration of every lush curve to instead fist convulsively against your throat, barring your arching retreat and binding you in the scalding, breathless cavern of his devouring kiss.
You moaned outright at the borderline-aggressive display of appetite and possession, shuddering as your body responded with another involuntary wave of liquid heat gushing between your clenching thighs. Every raw instinct was howling for you to twine yourself around the hot, unyielding lines of Suna's powerful physique until you were effectively immobilized in his embrace, slave to whatever raptures he deemed to inflict upon your senses.
But before you could even muster the coordination to attempt wrapping your legs around his narrow hips and haul him bodily on top of you, Suna tore his mouth away in a ragged gasp. His eyes blazed with an incandescent storm of lust and something darker, more primal - an infinite well of compulsions barely leashed behind adamant ridges of self-control.
In that searing, suspended moment where you both gulped down one ragged breath after another, Suna's gaze was like a physical caress - scorching a lascivious path across every one of your features rendered feverish and dewy from the intensity of his kisses. His fingers continued kneading insistently against your nape, every teasing scrape of calloused fingertips sending sparking waves of blissful torment arcing down your sensitized nerves.
"Don't even think about stopping now," Suna growled against the swollen crest of your bottom lip before sucking the tender flesh between his teeth in a sharp nip that wrenched an inarticulate sound of desperation from you. "We're just getting started."
True to his word, the next searing collision of your mouths dissolved whatever remaining shreds of propriety or restraint had still persisted between you. Any concept of stopping things before they spiraled into outright debauchery simply evaporated under the unholy lashings of Suna's relentless, all-consuming passion.
He seized you by the hips and simply hauled you forward until your heated bodies were flush together, legs hopelessly tangled as he proceeded to lay an scorching path of biting kisses down your jawline and throat. Your head lolled back in blind rapture, both hands burying convulsively into Suna's thick, sweat-dampened locks as he nibbled and sucked at the vulnerable juncture where your pulse rabbited beneath silken flesh.
Every nerve in your body was strumming with fiery need, skin prickling and hypersensitive as if lying exposed against the blazing desert sands at high noon. Each scrape of Suna's teeth and calloused caresses felt like molten brands in their wake, driving both of you towards a fever pitch of outright delirium that was rapidly proving insurmountable.
All the while, the cavalcade of filthy compliments and growled encouragements continued to pour from Suna's lips between each punishing new worship against your skin - each one more scandalizing than the last in their absolutely shameless appreciation of your rapidly-overheating senses. You could only keen and writhe shamelessly in return, far too intoxicated by the storm of sensations to offer any coherent responses beyond breathless mewls of blissed-out acquiescence.
"So fucking gorgeous like this...hot and desperate and ready for me to take you apart," Suna husked against the swollen peaks of your nipples – which had hardened into insistent buds clearly visible through the thin cotton of your shirt at some point during the proceedings.
He raked his sharpened canines over the taut fabric in deliberate torment, drinking in the way your back arched convulsively at the electric sensation with that same burning stare from beneath hooded lids. When his broad palms shoved the thin barrier of material aside to finally bare your sensitized breasts to his scorching mouth, you cried out in wordless bliss...only to find your raptures muffled against the searing, eager crush of Suna's lips an instant later.
He swallowed down every cry and whimper with a ravenous hunger, his dexterous tongue twining sinuously with your own even as his broad palms continued to knead and toy with the heaving mounds of your chest with wanton greed. You couldn't remember the last time you'd been so utterly lost to the throes of pleasure - your entire being consumed by the scalding slide of lips, tongues, and questing fingers against the heated contours of your quivering body.
When Suna's teeth caught and pinched sharply against one erect nipple, you nearly shattered apart from the overwhelming sensation. Your inner walls clenched reflexively, a fresh flood of molten heat pulsing through your core as your hips rocked helplessly in a desperate search for more stimulation.
Suna swore raggedly at the way you moaned and shivered in his arms, the low, graveled rasp of his voice resonating straight down your spine and making the aching void between your thighs spasm. In one fluid motion, he released his possessive hold on your abused, spit-slick nipples to instead grip the waistband of your sweats.
The thin cotton and cotton panties beneath were summarily dragged down your thighs, leaving you utterly exposed and panting with wanton anticipation. You felt rather than saw Suna's heated gaze sweeping across the naked planes of your body, taking in the full glory of your quivering thighs spread wide and the glistening slick of desire staining the plump folds of your cunt.
When he reached up and traced a long, calloused finger down the glistening seam of your weeping slit, you nearly sobbed at the exquisite feeling of relief - arching wantonly against his questing hand and grinding your sensitive clit against his knuckles in a bid for more friction. Suna's nostrils flared as he watched you writhe wantonly against his palm, dark eyes blazing with unrestrained need as they roved hungrily across every inch of flushed skin laid bare for him to see.
"Fucking look at you...all hot and needy, just begging for it," he rasped, his voice gone husky and thick with lust. You watched, breath hitching as he slowly raised his hand to his face and dragged the wet fingers that had been stroking and teasing your soaked folds across his full, swollen lips.
Then, holding your rapt, stunned stare, he dipped his head forward and slowly licked the slick coating off his digits in one deliberate swipe. Your stomach clenched with arousal at the erotic sight, the sound of his appreciative hum at your taste sending a fresh gush of wetness to slick the sensitive folds between your legs.
"And you taste like a fucking dream..." Suna murmured, the corner of his lips quirking as he registered the fresh rush of moisture that had spilled out at his salacious gesture. He gave you one last slow, deliberate drag of his fingers along your pulsing seam, savoring the way you squirmed and trembled against the delicious friction.
Then his dark, predatory gaze snapped up to lock with your own as his broad hands came up to grip the backs of your knees and shove them wide. You couldn't hold back a shuddering gasp at the sudden motion, your entire body flushing with renewed heat as you realized how shamelessly exposed and vulnerable you were to Suna's piercing regard.
"Gonna eat you out until you can't even remember your name," he vowed, the rough edge of lust saturating his low drawl sending a fresh, giddy rush of desire spiking through your overheated senses. You could only moan in reply, eyes fluttering closed as his palms slid up the inside of your trembling thighs, thumbs teasing the sensitive creases where leg met pelvis before trailing across your swollen folds.
Then his long fingers were spreading you obscenely open for him, and you were suddenly drowning in the most exquisite, mind-melting pleasure as his hot, insistent tongue swept along your soaked slit. Every nerve ending seemed to spark to vivid life under the dizzying onslaught, your whole world shrinking to the scorching, sinful drag of Suna's mouth against the swollen petals of your cunt.
He licked and sucked at your drenched core with wanton greed, lapping up the fresh surge of wetness that had spilled forth from the erotic sight and sound of his own lewd devotions. When his agile tongue finally found its way up to circle around the taut bud of your clit, you keened and bucked wantonly against his mouth, all sense of modesty and dignity erased in the all-consuming firestorm of your shared arousal.
Suna moaned in appreciation at the shameless display, the vibrations reverberating straight down your hypersensitized flesh and sending another pulse of molten heat throbbing through your molten core. He wrapped his arms around your thighs and hauled you closer, locking your writhing body against the unyielding, scalding heat of his own and burying his face ever deeper against your dripping cunt.
There was no room left for coherent thought as Suna proceeded to lap and suck at your swollen, sensitive folds, the wet sounds of his tongue gliding through your slick folds and the wanton, broken moans escaping from your lips combining into a symphony of lust. The rhythmic drag of his talented tongue was relentless, the wicked suction of his mouth almost painful in its perfection.
Each new surge of pleasure had you writhing harder against Suna's merciless ministrations, the tension building at the base of your spine threatening to snap any moment. Just when the pleasure was reaching its zenith, the tip of his tongue suddenly plunged inside your aching entrance, thrusting in deep and hard to lap at the silken inner walls of your weeping core.
The feeling of his velvety tongue probing so deeply into the tight, grasping depths of your cunt was all it took to send you tumbling over the edge, the orgasm exploding through your senses with an intensity that left you seeing stars. Your head fell back against the cushions as you thrashed and cried out, fingers burying themselves once more into the thick tangle of Suna's hair as you rode his tongue through the searing aftershocks.
Only once the last shudders of ecstasy had faded did he release his punishing grip on your thighs, allowing your body to sag against the cushions as you fought to regain equilibrium. When you finally managed to crack open a bleary eye, it was to find him hovering over you, the sharp angles and planes of his features softened into a rare, genuine smile.
You could feel the warm puff of his breath caressing the skin of your cheek as he leaned closer, the subtle scent of his musk and sweat mingling with the more potent aroma of your combined arousal. Then his lips were ghosting feather-light against yours, the soft brush sending little jolts of residual electricity through your already sensitized nerve endings.
"I'll be honest," Suna murmured, the raspy edge to his voice somehow making the simple words sound indecent and erotic. "I never imagined that would happen, but fuck, it was even hotter than I could've hoped for. How about you?"
When you didn't respond immediately, his hooded eyes searched your features and a slow, knowing smirk tugged at the corner of his lips.
"Still speechless? I must have really done a number on you then."
The teasing quip was accompanied by the sudden brush of a calloused palm trailing a scorching path up your thigh, coming to a stop right at the junction where hip met pelvis. You shuddered and tried to summon up the brainpower to fire off a suitably witty retort, only to end up moaning instead when two long, dexterous fingers suddenly slid against your drenched core.
Suna chuckled, clearly pleased by the reaction, and leaned closer to murmur against the shell of your ear. "But I'm not done with you yet," he husked, punctuating the statement by thrusting those questing digits up into your slick channel, causing a fresh wave of molten heat to flood your aching walls.
You gasped at the sudden invasion, inner muscles clenching and fluttering around the thick intrusion as the rest of Suna's weight settled over your trembling form. He hooked his fingers deep, dragging his knuckles along your tender inner walls in a sinfully decadent motion that made your toes curl.
"Fuck, you're tight," he groaned, his voice dropping to a rough growl that sent an answering throb straight down to the apex of your thighs. You felt his teeth catch against the sensitive skin below your ear, biting down gently and eliciting a fresh shiver of arousal. "And you're going to feel even tighter around my cock..."
His fingers twisted and curled again, setting off another cascade of sparks behind your eyelids. A wanton moan spilled from your lips, only to be stifled as Suna's tongue plunged into the cavern of your mouth. He kissed you deep and wet and filthy, letting you taste the heady musk of your own arousal on his lips.
When the kiss finally broke, you were both gasping for air, the air thick with the scent of sex and pheromones. Suna's dark eyes were blown wide with lust, his cock throbbing and heavy against the soft curve of your belly. You could feel his heartbeat thundering in his chest, his skin slick with sweat as he pressed against you, trapping you against the couch cushions.
"I'm going to fuck you now," he rasped, the raw desire in his tone sending another bolt of liquid heat pooling in your core. His fingers were still buried deep, stretching you open with slow, deliberate thrusts that had your back arching and toes curling with each delicious slide.
"God, please..." you moaned, unable to help yourself. It was all too much and not enough, the sensation of being filled and stretched so thoroughly sending shivers of pleasure racing up and down your spine. You could feel another orgasm building in the pit of your stomach, your whole body tightening with anticipation.
Suna's gaze was burning, his lips curled in a smug smirk as he watched your reactions. His fingers worked in and out of you, twisting and curling in a torturous rhythm that had you keening and squirming beneath him.
"Please what?" he purred, voice dripping with smugness and lust. You couldn't believe how utterly wrecked you sounded, your words a garbled mess of pleading and desire.
"Please, Suna, I need you...need to feel you inside me..."
A low, feral sound rumbled in his chest, the vibration resonating throughout his powerful frame and sending a fresh shiver down your spine. His free hand slid up to cup your jaw, the pad of his thumb tracing over your parted, swollen lips.
"Good girl," he murmured, the praise sending a jolt of pleasure straight to your core. He withdrew his fingers slowly, savoring the way you shuddered and whimpered at the loss. Then he reached down, gripping his throbbing length and sliding it along your dripping folds.
"Let me hear you scream my name when I fuck you senseless."
And with that, he plunged into you in a single, fluid stroke. Your head fell back against the pillows, a cry of bliss ripping from your throat as his thick cock filled you, stretching you open with his girth. You could feel him throbbing inside you, his heartbeat matching yours as he buried himself to the hilt.
Suna's breathing was ragged, his pupils blown wide with desire as he looked down at you. His hips rolled, grinding his cock against your aching walls, drawing out a strangled moan. He set a slow, deep rhythm, the slide of his shaft dragging along every inch of sensitive tissue in your core.
Your hands came up to clutch at his broad shoulders, nails digging into the taut muscle and sinew there as you struggled to hold on. Suna's eyes were locked on yours, his expression intense as he fucked you with steady, measured thrusts. His teeth caught your bottom lip, the sudden pain sending a jolt of pleasure racing down your spine.
You could feel the pressure building again, your entire body tightening like a coiled spring. The heat in the pit of your stomach was growing more intense, a liquid heat coursing through your veins. Every thrust of Suna's cock was driving you closer and closer to the edge, the delicious friction setting your nerves on fire.
You could feel the pressure mounting, the tension in your lower belly drawing taut until it was almost unbearable. Suna's hips rolled, grinding his cock against the sensitive bundle of nerves at the apex of your thighs.
"Fuck!" you cried, the sound muffled against the hot press of his mouth.
"That's right, sweetheart," he groaned, his pace picking up as he drove into you. "Come for me. Come for me, and I'll fill you up nice and deep."
The filthy promise was enough to tip you over the edge. You shattered around him, pleasure ripping through you like a tidal wave. Your muscles clenched around him, your inner walls rippling around his cock.
Suna grunted, his movements becoming erratic as he chased his own release. He fucked you through your orgasm, his hips pistoning furiously as he sought his own. His eyes were squeezed shut, his lips parted as he neared the edge.
Suddenly, his entire body stiffened, a shudder running through him as his cock twitched and jerked inside you. Warmth flooded your core as he came, his seed filling you. The feeling of his hot spend inside you, marking you, was enough to trigger a second orgasm, your body writhing beneath him as you rode the wave of pleasure.
Suna's arms wrapped around you, his breathing ragged as he buried his face in your neck. You clung to him, fingers digging into his skin as you both fought to catch your breath. After what felt like an eternity, the haze of ecstasy began to recede, the reality of the situation settling in.
As the euphoric afterglow gradually ebbed away, a wave of disorientation crashed over you - leaving you struggling to reconcile the sudden shift in dynamics between you and your best friend. It didn't help that Suna still had you pinned beneath his lean, muscular frame, his cock softening inside you as his labored breaths continued to fan across your cheek.
Your mind was still reeling from the unexpected turn the evening had taken, and you could feel the telltale prickle of anxiety beginning to creep along the fringes of your consciousness. Before you could fully descend into the familiar spiral of self-doubt and regret, Suna lifted his head, pinning you in place with that same piercing gaze.
"Don't start getting weird on me now," he drawled, the lazy rasp to his voice doing little to mask the thread of steel underlying the warning. You blinked owlishly, trying and failing to gather enough wits about you to formulate a coherent response.
"I said," he interjected, voice dropping into that low, authoritative purr that somehow managed to send a fresh jolt of desire shooting straight to your core despite the lingering fatigue weighing down your limbs. "Don't start getting weird on me, or I'll fuck that anxious little look right off your face."
When you gaped up at him in slack-jawed disbelief, Suna smirked.
"Just giving you a taste of what's coming if you start to doubt me. And this." His hand swept down the length of your body in a possessive caress, eliciting a sharp hiss of pleasure-pain as the rough calluses on his palm scraped over your abused nipples. "What we've just done here is just the start, and I can guarantee it'll only get more intense from here on out. So keep that in mind before you go and ruin a perfectly good post-orgasmic cuddle with that self-deprecating shit."
"But..." you protested weakly, struggling to find some kind of anchor in the midst of the chaos. "How do you even know I was about to...?"
Suna snorted, the derisive sound managing to convey exactly how stupid he found the question. "You've been my best friend for how long now? You think I don't know your anxious ticks and tells by now?"
He leaned in closer, the dark glimmer in his eyes sending a fresh shiver of apprehension and anticipation down your spine. "But that's all the more reason to trust me when I say it's going to be fine. You have no idea how long I've wanted to do this – how long I've wanted you, and this is only the beginning."
The confession stunned you, your eyes widening as a new surge of emotion rose up in your chest. Your heart fluttered, a giddy warmth flooding through your veins and making your toes curl with delight. Suna's expression softened at the sight, the faintest hint of a smile curving his lips.
"See? That wasn't so hard, was it?"
Before you could formulate a response, his mouth slanted over yours, the slow, sinuous glide of his tongue against yours banishing any remaining doubts and fears in a wash of pure bliss. Your eyelids fluttered closed, your body melting bonelessly against his as you surrendered to the exquisite sensation.
When the kiss finally broke, Suna was wearing that infuriating, smug grin you'd come to associate with the most devastating, game-changing wins. You glared at him half-heartedly, unable to maintain the act for more than a few seconds under the force of his knowing stare.
"I hate you," you muttered, even as you wound your arms around his neck and buried your face in the crook of his shoulder. Suna chuckled, his fingers carding soothingly through the tangled strands of your hair.
"I love you too, sweetheart. Now, how about we get cleaned up and then we can continue this in your bedroom?"
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eatmangoesnekkid · 2 months
I am one of the soft life pioneers but there was something about this movement that felt inauthentic and was bothering me. I didn't have the words to describe it but I finally found them. A soft life is not a life where there are never any problems. Those who have soft lives are not just living our lives, being lazy, not doing much, shopping, watching TV shows, and looking pretty. That is the social media performance. In a real soft life, the aim is not a stress-free, problem-free life where there are never any issues. A truly regulated nervous system can handle some stress, whether being triggered or coming up against an old pattern and habit, and regulate itself into harmony faster than most. Learning to slow down and fully receive when it is time, whether receiving love, intimacy, or support or learning to respond truthfully, whether with playfulness, laughter, or anger or by saying "yes" or "no" are healthy human responses depending upon the experience or situation. Positive stressors like working out with heavy weights, cold showers, warm sun, inversions, barefoot walking on gravel, high-intensity workouts, and the like are healthy for the body. They increase circulation --meaning--lymph flow and blood flow--great signs of healthy body. The strongest most robust bodies thrive under stress as long as basic underlying needs are met over a period of time like hydration or good rest. And what's also true is that not sleeping well for some nights or hydrating properly for a couple of days and getting back in the flow is also okay as long you are mindful and aware and take measures to get back into physiological harmony. All bodies contain cancer cells, but a robust body can have specific "strands" of bacteria in the blood but they never develop into a disease, cancer, or "virus" and eventually become dormant or break down and dissolve out of the body as waste. Robust bodies with diversity in the gut, healthy stressors, and the *occasional* not-so healthy stressors like fried foods in seed oils from the Indonesian restaurant, a slice of cake with refined sugar from Grandma, the alcoholic drink, bouts of sadness or anger, or even a disagreement or conflict with someone you adore that’s capable of being worked out into harmony, are completely human and healthy. A soft life simply means that there is generous space for true rest, relaxation, and care with very little worry or concern about how or when they will happen. -India Ame'ye, Author
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scarlettriot · 1 year
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Our Girl • Kirishima X f!Reader X Bakugou
Smut • 18+ Only • Minors & Ageless Blogs DNI
this piece is written as an X Reader but it was written with @meggsngrits in mind. If that bothers you, you don’t have to read it. It’s for Meg, anyway ♡
Meg, I know it’s been a rough few days for ya so, I hope some time with your guys helps ♡
i definitely didn’t proof this at all so I’m sorry about that…
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The moment Katsuki opened the door to your house he knew something wasn’t right. None of the lights had been turned on, your bag was on the floor rather than hanging on the hook like usual, and you, his adorable little wife, we’re nowhere in sight.
After taking off his boots, he took the time to hang up your bag in its rightful place and then started his search for you.
It wasn’t too hard to find you though, he didn’t exactly like seeing you laying face down on your bed with work clothes still on. Hell, you hadn’t even taken your shoes off!
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For now though, he started by sliding off your shoes and setting them at the foot of the bed. “Baby girl,” his voice was low but softer than usual, “when’s the last time you ate?”
You didn’t even answer him. Just shrugged your shoulders. But, when you turned towards him, he could see the wet streaks that ran down the balls of your adorable cheeks. Nah. He couldn’t handle having you crying.
You didn’t even answer him. Just shrugged your shoulders. But, when you turned towards him, he could see the wet streaks that ran down the balls of your adorable cheeks. Nah. He couldn’t handle having you crying.
“Silly woman, c’mere.” He’s suddenly so damn thankful he showered before he left the agency so he’s able to sit on the bed fully and pull you into his arms. “Ya get ten minutes of cuddles and then I’m gonna go get you some water.”
Because if you didn’t know when the last time you ate was that also meant you hadn’t been properly hydrated either.
He pulls his phone free and texts your other husband to bring home your favorite take out.
Shitty Hair: Bad day, huh? I’ll grab some mochi too. She want anything else?
“Ei wants t’know if you want him to grab anything on the way home?”
It took you a minute but you shook your head. “No… just want ya both home.”
He relayed the information and then set his phone to rest on the nightstand.
Your arms wound around his torso and your face went back to being buried in his chest. “You’re cute, but your vice grip isn’t gonna stop from gettin’ you water.”
“Does it have to be water?” He barely heard your muffled sass.
“Yea it does, you little brat. Now, you can stay in bed while I get it for ya or you can hold on and I’ll take ya with me.” Your locked hands behind his back told him your choice.
With ease, he swung his legs over the side of the bed while you clung onto him like a little koala. His hands gripped your thick thighs and wrapped them around his narrow waist to make walking effortless.
Normally he would’ve set you on the counter but this time he moved about with you still attached. Grabbing a big water bottle and filling it to the brim. “But Kats! It’s so much!” The corner of his mouth twitched upward and so did his blonde brows. “Oh, fuck off!”
He chuckled and handed the bottle over. “When you’re finished with it, you can drink whatever ya want for the rest of the night.”
There was no point in arguing with him. He wouldn’t budge. So you sighed, “fine,” and took your first swig.
From there he took you back to the bedroom and got you changed into something more comfortable: one of Eiji’s hoodies and a pair of his sweats.
Of course, what should’ve taken less than five minutes ended up closer to thirty… you took your bra off and he couldn’t help himself! He just had to worship you for a while.
Pin your back against the closet wall and pepper kisses across your skin. Over your chest, swirling his tongue around your nipples before migrating down to your soft tummy.
The affection stopped just at the hem of your panties. “Think I’ll wait until Ei gets home, wouldn’t wanna have too much fun without him.”
You looked ready to kill but he kissed you then, hard enough to take your breath away and keep you pleasantly distracted. Stealing kiss after kiss until your lips were puffy and lungs depleted of oxygen.
“Please, Katsuki,” Gods, you sounded so pretty when you said his name like that. Already trying to guide his hand to your core.
You did have such a hard day… “Alright,” his head dipped to your neck, “my needy little woman—”
He pushed your panties to the side and felt how much you actually did need him. Groaning and pathetically rocking his hips against you as his fingers slid inside.
It didn’t take long at all to have you panting for him, whimpering broken versions of his name each time he hit your sweet spot.
“Such a good girl.”
He nips and sucks at your neck, thumb circling your clit again and again. Precise movement that he knows you love.
“Well, that’s one way to cheer her up,” both of you looked to the doorway to find Eijirou looking on, completely pleased with what he’s come home to. “Don’t stop on my account.”
“Wasn’t plannin’ on it.” He hadn’t quit moving those long fingers of his the whole time either. “Think you should join me though.” He turned his ruby gaze back to you. “You want that, right baby girl? Want Ei t’make you cum too?”
He was already walking over as you nodded your head. His smile was as soft and sweet as ever dropping a light kiss on your lips like he does every day when he comes home with his little, “missed you,” and then does the same to Katsuki.
“Gimme some room, would ya?” It’s an awkward little shuffle as Katsuki makes room for Eijirou to sink to his knees between you both. Wasting no time lapping at the mess Katsuki’s made between your legs as his hands tug at his husbands sweats, pulling them down his thighs to give him a little relief too.
Between Katsuki’s fingers and Eijirou’s tongue, you certainly forget about the day you had, you forget about the whole damn week, even your name for a few seconds there.
Eijirou held one of your thighs in his large hand, kneading your soft skin, even taking a few breaks from your cunt to leave a few bite marks over the ones that had faded from just a few days ago.
His wrist flicked, using his other hand to get Katsuki closer to a release too all while muttering praises that sent the sweetest vibrations to your clit.
G— guys, oh fuck, ‘m gonna—“ you whined rather than finished the sentence.
“Gonna cum for us, cutie? That’s our girl,” Eijirou teased since Katsuki was getting close too. “G’head then. We gotcha, love.”
Your nails dig into Katsuki’s arm and pull at Eijirou’s hair as your high crashes over you. Eijirou takes a final lick at your core and leans forward to take Katsuki’s cock in his mouth. Letting the man finish there rather than in his fist.
The two of you pant above him while he smiles, using his thumb to swipe a bit of cum that spilled over.
“Welcome home, Red.” You barely get the sentence out, leaning your head on Katsuki’s shoulder.
He chuckles and kisses your thigh again. “It’s good t’be home. Feelin’ better?”
“Much better now.”
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You all sat lounging around the living room with the containers of food Eijirou had brought home covering the coffee and end tables.
The guys listened to you rant about the assholes trying to tell you how to do your job. Thinking they know everything better than you do. More than once they each offered to give these retired gasbags a piece of their mind but you waved them off each time. Just thankful for them listening to you.
The two of them always do though. You could talk to them about anything and they’d give you their undivided attention. And they knew they could come to you for the same.
Whatever the three of you needed, you were always there for each other.
A shoulder to cry on, an ear to listen, someone to sit around and eat junk food with… or even bending you over and screwing you until every other thought faded away. Which just so happened to be what the two of them intended on doing for you tonight just as soon as you finished your dinner ♡
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jinxedmuse · 10 months
seventeen ot13 reaction + head cannon: if they had a black cat personality type s/o that showed affection (not so) subtly
authors note: hiii! enjoy these quick scenarios i wrote today bcs i realllyyy miss the boys! a lot of these were hard to write but i tried staying true to their personal ideal types + how the members like to receive affection! enjoy :,)
special dt to: @chwecandi mi new amiga! ty 4 being crazy over the boys with me 😭🫂
warnings: none, some kisses here & there but nothing suggestive, should be gender neutral, teeth rotting fluff <3
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choi seungcheol: acts of service s/o
scoups knows you aren’t the outwardly affectionate type and respects that but he is such a baby boy :(
as the maknae of his family & yet the eldest + leader of 12 men he NEEDS TO BE TAKEN CARE OF FROM TIME TO TIME (almost all the time) !! he’d be coming home from work exhausted but craving your touch.
you’d give him the quickest peck on the cheek (right on his dimple) before pushing him towards the bathroom.
“why, whyyy, i wanna cuddle!!” he’d complain all pouty :(((
he opens the door and almost cries on the spot. you had prepared him a piping hot water bath with lavender scented epsom salt for any possible soreness and roses for extra hydration. his towel was already hung up as was his robe for when he got out.
he immediately turns back and looks at you like???? why are you the best person ever??? gives you kisses all over your face repeatedly, you tilt your head back trying to dodge some but you secretly loved it.
“okay cheollie get in before it gets cold, choo go away.” you’d complain.
he smiles and starts undressing himself at your order. he gets into the tub and lets out a pleasurable sigh, feeling instantly relaxed. you give a smile at the doorway, happy that your person was content. you’re about to close the door when he suddenly called your name.
“you’re not gonna join me?”
p.s (you joined him ;)
rest of members below!
yoon jeonghan: words of affirmation + acts of service s/o
you and jeonghan enter a new restaurant together. he had been excited, seeing an ad about it a few weeks before it’s opening and wanted to take you but he was too busy to ever make any reservations himself.
so, you had secretly done it yourself to line it up with his free schedule.
“booths or table?” the waiter ask and before jeonghan could answer you spoke up. “table, please.”
jeonghan pouted but followed the lead, heading to your table. “babe, i wanted the booths so i could be closer to you” he said as he sat down on the opposite side of you.
to be honest, you had always found couples who sat in booths up each others asses were frustrating to look at. maybe it’s just because you weren’t the biggest fan of physical touch.
and, today jeonghan had his short black hair styled so that he had slight layers and a bang. he was wearing a black button up with the sleeves rolled up. his black and gold yves saint laurent bracelet fully showing around his slightly veiny arm. you wanted to admire him face to face and the best way to do that was with tables.
so you told him that.
“i wanted you in my direct line of view. you look handsome.” you replied nonchalantly, focusing back on the menu.
he nearly got out his seat to give you a kiss then and there. yoon jeonghan was without a doubt, an insane visual. he was aware of the effect his looks had on people but he was so used to being called: beautiful, pretty etc, especially when he had his longer hair so this felt new. it made his heart flutter.
your words were always so straightforward yet no matter how long you had been dating, they always had an effect on him.
jeonghan put a hand over his heart, making sure it was still beating properly because he could’ve sworn it skipped a beat.
“y/n” he said your name gently, full of love. you looked up, confused at the sudden tone, there was a clear shift in the air that felt way too emotional for you.
“you know how much i love you, right?” he asked. it was a rhetorical question. you knew clear and through, and you had always made sure to let him know as well since too much of physical touch or pda made you slightly uncomfortable.
“i know, i do too.” you replied with a smirk. he was about to speak up once more but the waiter came up to your table, breaking the tension in the air.
hong joshua: gift giving s/o
“ahh babe, this is the third gift you’ve already given me in the last two weeks.” he adorably complained, looking at the new box sitting in front of him.
you pushed his head to the side before pointing at the box. “open it.” you ordered. excited for him to see what would be inside.
he complied, opening up the box and the smile never left his face. it was a perfume making set with customized bottles that had his name on them.
he was practically beaming from ear to ear. eyes almost disappearing as he smiled.
he looked adorable.
you wanted to say it but you always had a problem with cheesy things or just putting your words together in general. so you bought him things, anything he wanted, stuff he looked at for a second; just to see that smile.
joshua turned to embrace you, pulling you into a big hug. you hesitated for a moments before hugging back, hand patting his back slightly awkwardly.
“i really appreciate all this, and you most of all. seriously.”
your heart quite literally skipped a beat but you’d rather eat a 100k scorch level peoper before admitting that.
[a/n: didn’t really mention it but i feel like we all collectively know joshua is 100% the giving type as well >< !!]
wen junhui: quality time s/o
if you were a black cat, wen junhui was an orange one through and through. sure, your boyfriend looked cold but he was a cinnamon role embodied to you and his members.
always finding a new prank to play, new flirting technique he learned on the internet or simply finding any excuse to touch you. it was often overwhelming but you loved him regardless.
jun recently started feeling like he was annoying you, you could tell because whenever he’d be rambling about something he’d cut himself short on his own accord. you’d tell him to continue but he’d simply say it wasn’t important.
it hurt you that he felt that way and you wanted him to know that you didn’t find him annoying. you valued him and his company and didn’t mind if that came along with his constant tricks.
that’s why you called him over your apartment one day after his schedule. he came over, slightly worried because he usually had to make the first move to hang out.
you opened the door and there he was, standing in all his glory. you opened the door wider and he came through, instinctively going in for a hug which you allowed.
“soo..” he started shyly, looking around your apartment.
“what did you plan on doing today?” he asked you, meeting your eyes, searching to see if it would give away what you were scheming.
but you weren’t scheming anything, you simply missed your boyfriend.
“nothing, just missed your presence.” you replied coyly, looking down at your feet before looking back up at him and ohhhh boy was he smiling like a cheshire cat.
you made your way to you living room and flooped down on your couch, he followed behind you and watched you.
you patted the empty seat next to you while looking up at him.
“sit next to me, please.”
that’s all it took for him to practically leap onto the couch, claiming his space next to you. he pulled you into an embrace before settling down and laying his head on your lap.
kwon soonyoung: gift giving + physical touch
you had just left a restaurant with your boyfriend and you were now walking around your favorite secluded park.
you stop in your tracks once you remembered something, “oh right, i have something for you.”
hoshi looks at you, his pink lips forming into a pout. “well this is awkward because i have something for you too.” he’d say.
you pull out the gifs at the same time and you both can’t help but laugh, they were both jewelry boxes.
“ah kwon soonyoung, what am i going to do with you?” you asked teasingly, he’d be so exited like a cute hamster tiger, urging you to open his first.
you open it and sure enough, it’s a ring from the matching couple set the brand had to offer. he’d open yours and it was the necklace/chain version from the same brand.
“i think we’re actually meant to be” he’d say in suchhhh a serious tone it’d make your heart flutter.
“yeah right, as in fate?” you’d say walking away, (after putting on your gifts of course >:( !!), when he’d suddenly tug you back into him.
a warm embrace on a cold winter day, he places a gentle kiss on your head before releasing you and you can’t help but smile.
he truly knew how to make you the shyest person on earth.
jeon wonwoo: words of affirmation? (he talks x you listen) + quality time
jeon wonwoo had a cold and quiet persona but those close to him knew it was all but true.
he was silly, loving when people reacted well to his jokes. he loved learning or reading something new and rushing to tell his loved ones (you) his new learned information, most of all, he loved interactive video games.
he had invited you over about 2 hours ago and you guys were currently sitting on his couch, playing a newly released game side by side.
while you were playing, he had been rambling on about his day. everything from what time he had to wake up, rehearsals, how there was a new makeup artist, comeback concept, and even the last joke hoshi made as they were leaving set.
making sure not to leave anything out even as he concentrated on the game.
it was no longer you turn during the game so while he was wrapping up his story you took a hand and brought it up to his head, petting his hair gently before letting your hand rest at the nape of his neck for a second.
“you’ve been working so hard. you’re doing really well. i’m beyond proud of you woo.” is all you’d say before retreating your hand and picking up your controller once more.
he looked at you, a warm feeling in his stomach. ever since he got with you, he truly learned what (romantic) love was.
“i’m so glad you’re mine.” he’d reply, his cute smile taking over his face before he’d focused back on his game.
[a/n: K!LL ME NOW I WANT HIM SO BAD??\€£\ okay u may continue]
lee jihoon: quality time/physical touch (+ acts of service if u squint)
composer s/o x producer woozi
are you kidding me? this man is head over heels in love with you. and he’s very apparent about that, in his own way.
you guys are both black cats so the whole pda and overally affectionate aspect is out the window but behind closed doors? in the confines of your own houses/studios?
whole different story.
you guys compose and produce music with one or the other on each others lap. gently playing with each others hair, rubbing each others stomach, and sometimes he massages your thigh. nothing inherently sexual about it, he just loves touching you. doesn’t even realize he’s doing it sometimes.
when you’re too busy to see each other he’d ask you to send him a voice note and you would (so confused?) next thing you know he adds it to the beginning or ending of a song he’s working on. adding it to your private mixtape for each other :(
when he’s working too hard, you’d sneak into his studio, keeping him company quietly. you’d place a energy drink and some food by him, patting his hair before giving him a gentle peck on the cheek.
“you’re working hard, take care of yourself as well babe. call me when you’re done, i reserved (seats/tickets/etc) for us around (insert time)”
he’d literally melt???
lee seokmin: acts of service + words of affirmation
you guys are sooooo grumpy x sunshine coded :(((((
oh heavens, he loves u sm like it’s BAD for him??? GET UP DK!
you’d be exiting a restaurant and notice he’s a bit too tall for the walk way door thingy (spare me) so you’d go on your tippy toes and have your hand over it, protecting his head in case he hit himself.
(his heart nearly exploded at the action please let him rest)
it’d be cold outside and he’d have no gloves. you give him one of yours (albeit his hands are wayy bigger) but he’d still be so grateful.
with both your gloveless hands, you’d take them and put them in your pocket. keeping them away from the cold.
(he blushed so bad he litch got warm, give him a warning?)
one day while taking pictures, he didn’t like how any of them turned turned out. you aren’t (really?) on social media so you couldn’t understand the dynamics of the right angle, right lighting and his need to capture the “perfect bf material pic”
whatever that meant??
you let him complain all he wanted but you get annoyed the second he even ATTEMPTS to slander his looks (absolute blasphemy in your books!)
“my (insert body part) makes me look a littl-“ before he can even finish his sentence you cut him off.
“it makes you look too handsome. you’re right, don’t post he pics; i’m not ready to keep sharing my boyfriend with the world.” you’d say in the most seemingly serious tone??? (you were being 100% serious)
he dropped his phone onto the couch, no longer caring about the pictures and pulled you down onto him. the biggest smile on his face as though he won the lottery.
“it hurts how much i love you.” he’d say.
kim mingyu: also acts of service + words of affirmation
husband material gyu 100% loves getting taken care of after (also) having to cook and clean for/after his members who tease him relentlessly (pos i swear!!)
he’d come home sooo tired after a long day of filming content, all he wanted to do was sleep.
you’d be too busy to greet him at the door. in the kitchen, cooking him his favorite comfort meal for the night.
he comes in the kitchen, giving you a back hug as you finished up the last dash.
“i knew i smelled something delicious, my favorite person cooking my favorite meal.”
he attempts to give you a kiss but you had honestly felt stuffy from being in the kitchen so long and your face was kinda sweaty “ahhh gyu noo, at least let me shower first” you’d complain, letting him hug you but pulling your head away.
he’d pout but understand, backing up to give you your space. you’d turn around seeing him pout, God was it adorable but you stood your ground.
“also, the bed is already made and i have some comfortable clothes laid out for you once you’re done eating & your shower.”
he’d smile so lovingly like what did he do to deserve you??? and his heart grows even fonder once you said:
“tell me about your day over dinner, you’ve been doing so much and i’m super proud but i’ve missed you.”
if he worshipped anyone it would 100% be you. you were his knight in shining armoire especially after long days like this.
xu minghao: quality time + acts of service
you guys are adorably in love with each other i’m jealous! he paints you so much (+places you’ve been tg & etc) that he could practically open up a museum of his fondest memories of you.
you weren’t so bad at the art either so one day you decided to surprise him.
you didn’t even hear him once he came home.
“babe?” he’d call out in the cutest voice, looking for you. he needed to recharge and you are 100% his vitamin.
he’d find you in your office working on a painting of??? him??? if his heart could grow any bigger for you it just did.
“wow, i think i’m in love with you?” his voice would startle yo, pulling you out of your train of thoughts while painting.
“oh hey ming” is all you’d say with a timid smile before returning to your work.
“well, i’ll let you finish up” he’d but you almost get whiplash from how fast you turned around.
“no! i have some nido soup i made earlier in the pot. it should be still kinda warm. heat yourself some and pull up a chair next to me.”
(his heart just did a back flip btw)
he smiled ohhhh so beautifully yk that one smile he does when he’s looking at the members fondly? yeah that one ughhh :(
boo seungkwan: words of affirmation
boo is wayyyy more sensitive then he lets on. he needs all the love and support you have to offer because our boy works hard :(
since you can’t see each other often because of all his promotions, you had an idea! a very cheesy one but an idea nonetheless!
you had a heart shaped jar, on it you wrote “for me boo: seungkwan” . inside the jar were 100 exact folded sticky notes filled with things you absolutely adored about him.
small things from how cute he looked when he scrunched up his nose when he laughed to deeper things only the two of you spoke about on late night, reminders that you truly paid attention to him.
now a part of you was physically in pain from this but oh the moment you thought about how happy he would be you didn’t care how sappy it was.
you gave it to his manager to give it to him after one of his shoots. he opened it in the car, reading one was all it took for him to start balling.
he called you right after and immediately planned a date night, suddenly not being able to handle the absence of your presence ;(
(you found out he keeps these with him at all times whenever he needs a pick me up)
chwe vernon hansol: words of affirmation
like big time HELLO SHOWER HIM IN PRAISE FOR THE BEAUTIFUL BOY HE IS ??? (but also don’t overwhelm him!! be the smooooth ass mf ik u are!)
you guys are chilling on his couch, watching his newly released music video. his head on your lap as you played with his ear (which he’s absolutely smitten over but it’s hard for him to admit that)
his part comes up and your heart rate litch goes faster the moment he’s on the screen.
“you look really good in this shot.” you’d say, trying to keep your cool and collected composure.
“oh yeah?” he’d reply. no longer looking at the video but positioning himself to where he’s looking at you.
you continue talking, avoiding eye contact because you know you can’t handle the way he looks up at you with his pretty brown eyes through his long lashes.
“yeah. your voice and your style of rap is cool, it makes me want to constantly rewind just to see it again. i’m proud of all the work you do, i wish you could appreciate yourself the way i do you.”
and ohhhh my?? if you didn’t have his heart before (which you did) you CERTAINLY had it now!
if you picked him up, he’d probably be a pile of mush. to say your words had an effect on him was an understatement.
you as a whole rocked his world. undoubtedly.
lee chan: quality time + acts of service
you entered the practice room quietly, trying not to disturb the younger guy but he immediately turns around. a big smile on his face as soon as he sees you.
“baby, i missed you!” he’d say with the CUTEST face ever might i add???
you smiled and held up both your hands, takeout in one and drinks in the other.
“you’ve been copped up in here almost all day, i got you some stuff.” you’d say. he knew you weren’t trying to baby him although you were older, just worried that you boyfriend hasn’t fed himself properly today.
“i know i know, i have a new choreo i wanna learn for danceology”
you looked at him with fondness, he truly worked so hard. it was nothing but admirable.
“well then don’t mind me, i’ll sit over there” you pointed to in front of the mirror. you wanted a full view of him working his magic.
“you wanna watch me dance?” he’d ask all cutely (yk how when he was a question for one of the older members :(???)
you nodded, small smile on your face and he got sooo excited! he can do something he loves in front of the person he loves and then eat some food he loves???? triple win!
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[a/n: he is the cutest ever i Want to bash my head into a wall also thank you so much if you read all i hope i destroyed ur view of parasocial relationships 🙂! stay safe & enjoy ur day/night!!!!! xoxo]
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eiraeths · 7 months
do you guys want some of my cod 141 headcanons you’re getting them anyways
-puts stuff in his mouth a lot to hold it when he runs out of hands (this includes when he’s making explosives, it stresses everyone out)
-gets cute aggression and bites people
-will also bite in a fight
-has bits and pieces of rubble from explosions that he thought looked pretty
-is feral, like he takes a hit to the face during a spar and grins with blood trickling into his mouth
-had a graffiti phase as a teen that never fully left and because of it he writes in all capital letters. this is great when they need something written down where no one can read it. (the 141 probably had a meeting where they went over how to read his handwriting)
-has dreams so realistic he wakes up confused wondering if it was a memory he forgot about even if it didn’t make sense
-military grade anger issues
-never fully grew out of his punk phase
-his childhood room was full of road signs and traffic cones
-is actually a hardass when it comes to training recruits (i think the proper term for privates in the sas is troopers but im calling them recruits cause that seems to be the term everyone uses)(everyone thought his bright attitude meant that he’s laid back and easygoing. no. he’s not. yall ever seen those videos of drill sergeants coming up with the most creative insults? thats him)
-randomly says “i am normal and can be trusted around military grade weapons”
-his journal from the og games is a must in the remaster sorry i don’t make the rules
-can play guitar super fucking well, im talking full on fingerstyle ballads
-major staring problem, if he doesn’t want to talk to someone he’ll stare until they go away. sometimes stares at people for no reason. also stares when he wants something. he’s always watching.
-would be interested in getting into blacksmithing if he didn’t grow up poor and hates spending money on himself that isn’t out of necessity (seriously you need like 30k to start a forge)
-can and will obsess over damascus patterns in blades (i feel like his favorite pattern would be fish bone or those really complicated mosaic patterns. he gets soap into it too by showing him fireball patterns)
-never grew out of echolalia and because of this is amazing at mimicking noises (he mimicks smoke alarm battery low noises and phone chimes to troll people sometimes.)
-road rage, but its quiet fuming comments that make you grip the oh shit handle for dear life (“you better turn off your fucking highbeams or i can’t be blamed for the head on collision that’s about to happen”)(no one can tell if he’s serious or not)
-hates tin foil, hearing it or touching it makes him clench his jaw because it feels like he can feel it in his teeth
-secret sweet tooth, but it comes and goes. sometimes he’s disgusted by anything sweeter than white bread and other times he can fuck up an entire box of lil debbie cakes
-can hand sew efficiently and fast as fuck
-his favorite type of blanket is a heavy quilt
-is aggressively hydrated and is one of those people who carry around those big 128 oz water bottles
-gets competitive over karaoke (it took him months to convince everyone to join and he only got the idea after finding out soap wanted to be in a band as a teen and that he spent days learning how to properly vocal fry)
-says WOO! when he’s super fucking excited (will throw his arms up as well if soap is around because the two of them are an echo chamber of emotion)(the WOO! might actually be canon theres a voice line in warzone)
-probably the most up to date on modern fashion trends (get this man a long cashmere coat he deserves it)
-he does own a bedazzled cap he found at a gas station though (it’s hideous)
-elaborate skin care routine (he’s conned everyone to have some sort of routine. especially ghost. he got so concerned when it hit him that ghost was always wearing the eyeblack)
-listens to black label society (i won’t budge on this its not even a head canon to me anymore its fact it was revealed to me in a dream)
-plays solitaire (he’s a very high level and it took him less than a year to get there. no one knows where he found the time to play for that long)
-drives a manual and shames people who don’t know how to work a stick
-literature nerd (im talking all the classics and philosophy books this man can get his hands on)
-discovered tennessee moonshine and has thought about it ever since
-smacks people on the back of the head when they’re doing something stupid
-if anyone makes a negative comment on his facial hair he gives them the dirtiest side eye
-gaz and soap carry those big contractor waterproof sharpies and leave gaz was here or soap was here everywhere they go (this stemmed from soap’s graffiti phase and gaz turned it into a competition. they once got into a competition on who could leave the most signs until price called them muppets and confiscated their sharpies)
-ghost put soap in air jail once, it was very effective
-gaz and soap go to the gym together and take photos in the mirrors after they’re done (somewhere there’s a photo of the time they got ghost to join and they even got him to flex an arm)
-ghost and soap are professional assholes to each other.
-none of the 141 are allowed play card games and gamble with each other because they’re all dirty charlatans
-price tried to stop smoking only once and carried around gum and peppermints. ghost stole the peppermints and soap wouldn’t stop asking for gum
-gaz and ghost are the only ones who really try to adhere to the lights out rule. price and soap can be seen drinking coffee throughout the day
-all of them can hold a grudge for life
-ghost clears his throat loudly when any of them smoke by him. or stares. depends on the say
-if any of the smokers see another outside smoking and decides to join them it turns into a drawn out conversation about the most mundane topics
-the 141 can have full conversations of pure sarcasm nons
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official-n3va3h · 5 months
If you were their idol girlfriend
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« OT8 x fem reader » (Hyung Line)
Genre: fluff 10x.
Warning: use of pet names
Bang Chan
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OMG, he’s so supportive like he’s your literal dream hype man every-time. He goes to almost every concert of yours. he always finds his way backstage fluttering you with compliments after your performance. He’s also always making sure your properly rested and hydrated asking you little things like, “did you drink any water” or “are you tired, you need a break.” Every-time it’s around comeback season and you come home late from practice or the studio. He always has dinner already made and will run a bath for you to relax in.
“Channie, im home” you walked through the door, slipping your shoes off and your bag. You walked towards the kitchen, in hopes your boyfriend would be there, for you to sink into. You saw him in the kitchen cooking with his shirt sleeves rolled up to his elbows. You threw your arms around his waist and laid your head against his back. “Hello, to you too” he smiled as he heard your muffled hum. “I started the bath for you, go get in and I’ll meet you there, yeah?” He softly said planting a kiss on one of yours hands. You made your way to the bathroom and sluggishly stripped your clothes from your body. You stepped into the bath slowly letting the water caress you to a relaxed state. A few minutes later Chan slowly peaked his head in and then eventually his fully body. “I see your relaxed now hmm?” A peaceful hum left your lips, you were so at ease, after this comeback you’ve been working extra hard and chans been there through every step of the way. You really felt like you had the best boyfriend.
Lee Know
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I He’s like so proud of you all the time after every performance and sometimes on the inside he’s always fanboying over you. Like if you were on tour, he’d be with you all the time, on every plane and at every concert. He’d always go back stage to talk to you during little breaks or before you go out. He always pays attentions to the little things you do when your nervous, so he knows exactly how to calm you down before you go out to perform.
“Deep breaths, deep breaths baby, your okay” you stood in front of Minho holding his hands trying to catch your breath. You were about to perform for the MAMA awards, you’ve been working so hard perfecting your performance but you were so nervous. “In and out, there you go” he said finally getting you to stabilize your breathing. “Fuck…I’m so nervous it’s not even funny” you said while doing small hops in place while shaking your hands trying to possibly shake the nerves away. “Your fineeee, there’s nothing to be nervous about, this is your life” he planted a kiss on your lips, fixing ur mic and ear piece with a light smirk. Suddenly you felt a little bit lighter and your nerves fluttered away. You smiled while doing a light jog, to go to the place you deeply loved. The Stage.
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Stop Changbin’s like your number 1 fan I promise you. Sometimes he can’t believe your with him. He’s always gawking over you like I swear, like you’ll come home from practice or something and you’ll see him at the table unboxing your album. He’d be all giggly about it too like he’d take the photo cards and if he got you he’d be all smiley and shit like “OMG, LOOK I GOT YOU BABE” you’d always just sit and smile at him, hiding your bright red cheeks. Sometimes you’ll scout next to him unboxing the rest with him.
“Babyy…you look so good” he said pointing at you after unrolling the poster. “Binnieee…” your whined cover your face, You couldn’t help but grin practically ear to ear, as he showered you in praise. “Cmon baby show me your face, don’t be shy” he grabbed ur hands taking them off your face. He just smiled at you, almost star-struck that this was his life, you were his girl and he loved that his.
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OMGGG HYUNJINNNN. He literally worships you all the time, every time he looks at you he swears he’s looking at an angel. He especially likes to watch you when your dancing, he’s obsessed with your dance style and he loves hearing your voice when your singing. He listens to your songs on repeat I swearrr. Sometimes he’ll ask you to like teach him the dance break to one of your songs that he likes and he’d practice till he perfected it so he can show you.
“Y/nnnn can you please teach me the dance break to _______” he climbed into bed next to you playing the part he wanted to learn. You smiled and your cheeks burned a rosey red. “Of course ..Jinniee” he jumped up excitedly and grabbed ur hand running towards the living room. “It’s a bit hard so it may take a while” you start teaching him step by step but one part he keeps messing up on. “Hyunnie…you gotta like glide your hand with your hips” you said staring at him attempting the move again. “Like this” you smiled and walked over to him and grabbed his hand “like this?” You giggled. “Look watch me” you played the music and then when the part came up you dropped your hand towards your hips slowly moving them at the same time. He starred at you in awe. “You really are a pretty angel.” Your eyes glistening and your cheeks blushed.. “Hyunn” you leaned over and kissed him softly. “Your the pretty one”
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lastoneout · 1 year
I do want to chime re: that last post, as someone who lives in a place where it's like 100F+ for like half the year, when things are bad enough it literally doesn't matter what you drink as long as you are consuming liquids. Yes, you should try to drink as much water as you can, but if you literally cannot stand the taste of it literally drink fucking anything. Coffee, tea, soda, and gatorade is better than not drinking any liquids at all. The ONLY drink doesn't hydrate you is alcohol, everything else is fair game.
Legit every time I see someone say "only drink water, everything else is bad for you" especially in regards to a disaster situation I want to scream bcs trust me anything is better than not drinking!! And, in fact, just water alone WILL NOT FULLY HYDRATE YOU. If you're eating enough stuff with salt and sugar in it you should be fine but there is a reason that hospitals use a saline solution to hydrate patients, and it's bcs if you don't have enough electrolytes in your system your body just straight up will not absorb the water!! Trust me, I have been super dehydrated before due to the heat despite drinking tons of water and it wasn't until I drank a gatorade that I actually started to feel better bcs I needed the sugars and salts in it to get my body to absorb the water I was drinking!! (Bcs contrary to popular diet culture opinion your body actually needs sugar, salt, and fat to function properly.)
I also know what it's like to try to force yourself to eat or drink something you can't stand and how a lot of the time our bodies just will not let us consume something if we don't like it, so trust me if you hate water to the degree that you will not drink it, DRINK SODA OR COFFEE OR TEA OR GATORADE FFS. You NEED liquids!! You are not hurting yourself, your body WILL hydrate itself with those drinks!! You should ofc again try to ALSO drink water, but if you hate water or don't have safe water just drink a fucking soda.
Add kool-aid or lemonade powder or mio drops or something like that to your water bottles, buy gatorade or pedialyte or another sports drink and drink a cup of water along with them, eat jello and watermelon and cucumbers, make iced tea or coffee and put extra ice in it, freeze juice in an ice-cube tray and put it in your water, have soda or hawaiian punch or sunny d or chocolate milk or whatever, eat popsicles, have soup, literally please just get liquids into you in any way that you can. Every single year summer gets harder and harder and we do not have the luxury of succumbing to "water or nothing" culture, so please just drink SOMETHING bcs nothing kills faster than dehydration and these things WILL hydrate you. Some might not do it as well as others, but they will do it, and that's enough to keep you alive.
TL;DR: Try to drink as much water as you can, but if you can't for whatever reason don't feel bad and pls just drink something, bcs when push comes to shove it's far more important to get liquids into your body than it is to worry about which ones, and drinking soda/juice/a sports drink WITH your water can actually help you stay hydrated BETTER than drinking nothing but water can. As long as you're avoiding alcohol you're fine, so please, just drink something.
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callofdudes · 10 months
Been a while since I requested something, I shall grace this page with a request of being best friends with gaz headcanon please bestie 😊😊😊
Welcome back bestie 😊😊 I promise I'm working on all your other requests but mental health be doing backflips and I kinda feel like shit. I got some Gaz for you though.
Being best friends with Kyle "Gaz" Garrick.
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Gaz is incredibly smart. If you look at his records his fighting reflex and knowledge is top chart stuff. But Gaz keeps it all very quiet. He doesn't boast about it like Soap would so when he does end up flipping heads on the enemy it's like "woah where did that guy come from-!"
Gaz uses this same skill to protect you. When you came to 141 Gaz was already settling. He had Ghost as a mentor and almost an older brother, and Soap as... Well he wasn't sure who he was supposed to be. But he had his team, and you seemed to easily click with Soap and Ghost.
Gaz wouldn't force you to be friends with him. Of course he introduced himself and you both talked occasionally but he didn't know if it was a friendship per say. And that was ok. He'd still protect you with his life any day of the week.
However you really did have intense feelings of friendship for Gaz. But you thought because of his quiet nature that he was closed off like Simon. Which in fact wasn't the case when you got him talking. He was just shyer than the others.
The first time you and Gaz really, properly hung out was on a quiet night at base, Gaz had finished his tasks and had nothing really to do. He enjoyed his time playing Dungeons and Dragons, (headcannon from @itsscromp) unfortunately he couldn't ever get the others to play. Ghost was too busy, Price wasn't fully interested, and Johnny just cared to cause chaos.
And then he noticed you were also done your work. "Well Kyle, there's no harm." And he went to ask you. And it went well. Turns out you wanted to play DND, and after playing for almost four hours together it solidified that.
And Gaz was really glad to have you as one of his few friends.
And now that you were friends you really did learn a lot more about him. Gaz would go down in a fire for you, no questions asked. Seems stupid but he specializes in VIP protection. You think he wouldn't protect you?? Think again. You're VIP to him. You all are.
Loves you a lot but is too shy to say it and think you'll get the wrong idea.
And look, you don't have skin that clear on the battlefield without having some kind of routine. This man looks after his skin like the temple his body is. (when he's not eating junk food.)
Yeah, your skin isn't cutting it for him. Sorry babes, get in the bathtub we are rinsing your hair and slapping some hydration on that forehead because Gaz knows you are gone need it to be crawling around the musty dusty desert with him.
Now, Knight is openly queer, so you know Gaz is a little spice of life as well. He keeps it under wraps and isn't as open about it in his career because he doesn't think you guys need to know and or he's met people in past expanses that didn't take so kindly to him being open about it.
He's the gay best friend, it's not overbearing. You know how most gay men are just different in a fun way. That's Gaz but he has it toned down so at first you couldn't tell and then it just clicked and you were like "woah". But you can kinda tell there just, there a something there you thinks.
You gotta keep him out of trouble to. You have to be his discernment. He's got relationship smarts but if he's even remotely cute and no good, time for bestie to step in. Sorry Gaz, not today. Your bestie is not letting you get yourself into that mess.
His gun does most of the talking and he carries a side arm so if anyone gives you smoke their gonna get got.
He's smart but also the silent, immediately jumps to using his gun conclusion guy. So if someone bullies you in the grocery store he pulls out his gun and you've gotta be like "Woah woah, not necessary mate, nooot necessary 😅😅"
Hates trash reality TV but watches it anyway. Drags you into the torture as well.
He spills the tea. He spills it always. He sometimes just walks around quietly not taking up too much air and hearing conversations and by the end of it he's got so much to tell you.
Not quite sure what I think Gaz's childhood looked like but I assume he didn't have too many friends. I could see him as the shy kid who focused more on academics and played in the trees of his backyard alone over having a boat load of friends.
So when you do things like buy him stuff or give him cuddles and affection he has this epiphany. Like this is what I've been missing!
Your comfort and affection is something he truly loves so much, but the house and traditions he grew up with weren't the most overly affectionate, and in his career there wasn't much cuddling with the homies in his unit either.
Yeah you give him cuddles he's like a leach, he'll leave when he wants to leave and only when. And he likes to sometimes cling on by surprise. When he becomes so comfortable around you he'll often waltz into your office and wrap his arms around your neck from behind, watching what you're doing.
"You done yet??"
"I'll tell you when I'm done ok?"
"Ok...... Y/n??"
"Not all of us are as fast as you at paperwork y'know"
You take Gaz and Soap on adventures together and you still can't wrap your head around hos they're friends. Completely chaotic, loud and chipper faced with slightly annoyed at the loudness, just as chaotic on the inside and together you get one big Gaz Soap salad. Sticking them in a car for five hours together was a mistake for your sake.
Gaz doesn't open up about his feelings a lot, but look at you 😄 look at you helping him to open up and ask for help. To ask for the care that he needs when things get tough for him.
He was alone before that terrorist attack where he met Price and that was s very scary time for him. Looking back on it from his place in 141 Gaz was much more scared on the field then than he is now. Probably because he's got a team he knows he'll always be able to trust and confide in.
That's the best part of having you as a friend. He can confide in you with anything. And knowing him, you can also confide in him. Whatever secrets you tell him are lock and key baby. He won't tell a single soul.
Gaz tried to do all the things you've done for him, for you. When you need someone to give you a hug or some cuddles Gaz will do his best to comfort you and show you that same infectious love and care.
Whenever you have a nightmare he's right there for you. Wrapping his arms around you to keep you steady, holding you up when you can't.
He'll always try.
Celebrates your accomplishments as well. When you get promoted or a medal, hell when you do everything he's on your sideline cheering. And it's like his shyness is gone when he sees his friends receiving praise for something. He'll cheer louder than everyone in the room for you all.
But the one thing your friendship isn't above is England. If you diss on England, or their football, prepare to get got. Tickle attacks or hitting you with a pillow as punishment.
At the end of the day three of your friends are British and one of them is Scottish which starts petty squabbles between Gaz and Soap sometimes. It's all playful but sometimes Soap wants to start some shit and you end up having to try and separate them before they wrestle each other to death.
And there is probably so much more I'm missing, but remember. Whenever you need someone to watch your six, Gaz is already there. Whenever you need someone you can spend some quiet time with when things get overwhelming, you know where to find Gaz. And when life gives you bullshit. Gaz has a Glock.
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yellowroseswrites · 1 year
"Gotta be nourished sweetheart"
Soft!Rafe cameron x Ed recovery!reader
Bascically, rafe won’t sleep with you unless you’ve eaten properly and drank enough water.
Tw- {ed behaviors, mentions of reader eating, mentions of reader drinking water,reader is recovering from an eating disorder, theres talks of retricting, purging, and lax pills, none are in detail and its very vague on which ones reader actually had problems with, just to keep it open for anyone to self insert, reader forgetting to drink water, curse words used, idk how to write rafe without cursing im so sorry, soft rafe tho, ooc rafe, hes not a psychopath, reader is called numerous petnames, pretty angel, pretty baby, implied smut, no actual smut tho, idk if this is too close to smut to post on a comfort blog?} Pls tell me if this is crossing some comfort line
Your eyes lingered on the tall boy in front of you as he went about cleaning up the trash from the movie night you two had just concluded. He put the dishes away, catching you staring as he made his way back to the couch.
“My pretty angel, what’s with the ‘fuck me’ eyes hm?” He stood in front of you, using his hand to lift your chin so you were looking right at him.
You giggled a bit as you pulled your face away from his hand, “Shut up.”
Rafe took a seat next to you, “What did my pretty baby eat today while I was out?”
He always asked this, but he somehow found a way to make it seem casual. You knew you didn’t have a choice but to answer him, yet it never felt forced. He was nothing if not caring, making sure this topic never had to be any more uncomfortable for you than it already was.
“The lunch and dinner you made, I ate pretty much all of both to be honest, and I had some yogurt right before you got back.” Saying it all out loud made it feel like way more food than it really was, making you stress nearly immediatly, but before you could linger on the thought any longer you saw the immense joy in Rafe’s eyes.
He smiled a bit before responding, “Did you do anything after? Or take anything?”
He meant purging, or lax pills, something you had always found gross and unnerving, not wanting anyone to know or think you would do either, but he always talked of them with no judgement.
“Nope. My meals stayed fully digested today.” You couldn’t help the slightly annoyed tone, but you moved on quickly, “Did I pass your test?” You reached out to place a hand on his neck, gently scratching at his scalp.
“Mm, How much water did you drink?” shit
“Enough.” You responded, hoping he’d believe it.
“Uh-huh, sure.” He stood up, slowly walking to the kitchen.
“Rafe, it's not that big a deal, come on.” You huffed, "I'm plenty hydrated enough."
He knew what you wanted, you knew you weren't getting it until he was satisfied.
He brought you a glass of water, "Drink."
You took the cup and rolled your eyes, taking a sip from it.
"Keep acting like that and that cup will be the only thing you put your pretty little mouth on."
You nearly choked at his words, but quickly recovered enough to drink the water.
Rafe was just happy his baby was eating and drinking.
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feyburner · 2 days
on your phyllo post you mentioned it wasnt any harder than pie crust, do you have tips for making a good pie crust? i'm a pretty experienced baker but it's the one thing i just can't manage.
Yeah for sure. First I will give some tips, then I will put my own pie crust recipe under the cut. My recipe is also very detailed bc I wrote it with family and friends in mind.
Tips for making a good pie crust:
Fat into flour
Fully incorporating the fat (butter, shortening, lard) into the flour is the most important part. I think probably the most common mistake that leads to dry, half-tough half-melty pie crusts is failing to work the fat into the flour properly. This is because most recipes will say “stop when there’s still large flakes of butter,” which is true, but leads to people stopping when half their flour is still dry. Your goal when working the fat into the flour is not just to mix everything together; it’s specifically to coat the fat particles in flour, and to hydrate the flour so effectively that you require the least liquid (water, vodka) possible to make everything stick together cohesively. It’s not like a cake where you want flour particles suspended in liquid. Least liquid possible. 
So, continue working the fat into the flour until:
All your flour is hydrated and butter-yellow. No dry white flour in the bowl, not even at the bottom. 
The largest chunks of butter are no larger than pea-sized. It should look like coarse, wet sand with granola crumbles of flour-coated butter. 
Then, add your liquid a little at a time, just until you can squeeze a handful of dough together and it retains the clump shape. Then stop immediately even if you haven’t used all the liquid in the recipe. (In fact, it’s a very good sign if you don’t need all the liquid! That means your flour is so hydrated with the butter, you don’t need extra water!) Your dough is still in multiple clumps, that's fine, you will work it together during the next step. 
Don’t worry so much about overworking
Most pie crust recipes are like “DO NOT overwork the dough. Touch it as LITTLE AS POSSIBLE. If you knead it even ONE too many times it will take on the texture of ALLIGATOR HIDE. And then you’re FUCKED.” 
No. You are not fucked. I knead my pie crust until it comes together (like 8-10 times usually) and it’s fine. I even fold layers into my dough, which not all recipes tell you to do and requires further working of the dough. My pie crust turns out tender and beautiful and melt-in-your-mouth every time (not to brag). Don’t knead it like bread, but a few good kneads to make it smooth and cohesive is totally fine. 
It’s much more important to keep things cold and not melt the fat. Warm, melty, greasy fat will ruin a pie crust much faster than overworking. If at any point your fat starts getting shiny or greasy, stop and refrigerate your dough for 30 minutes. 
Know what the point is
The point of working fat into flour is to coat fat particles in flour to form a protective “wall” so when the fat starts melting during the bake, it leaves little air pockets which create a flaky texture (instead of just leaking out and making things greasy).
The point of then adding a bit of water, kneading, adding layers, and rolling out is to “stick everything together” and further incorporate the fat and hydrate the flour, so your end result is smooth, pliant, strong but flexible and tender dough—imagine the texture of cool, well-worn leather that slides beautifully in your hands, rather than shaggy moist dough. 
You need to get the dough from “shaggy crumbles” to that smooth, beautiful, shapeable texture. It will lighten again in color—from deep wet yellow to pale gold. It will feel cool to the touch, never sticky. That’s your goal!
I think those are my biggest tips. Now here is my recipe.
MAKES: 1 generous double-crust pie 
3 ½ cups (420g) flour
1 Tbsp white sugar
1 tsp kosher salt
1 ½ cups (339g) butter, cold, diced
1 Tbsp white vinegar or vodka 
½ cup minus 1 Tbsp (105g) ice cold water
Add 1 Tbsp vinegar to liquid measuring cup. Fill with cold water to ½ cup line. Put in the freezer to chill. 
In a large bowl, whisk together flour, sugar, and salt. 
Add diced butter in 2 parts, tossing in between to coat with flour. 
Work fat into flour: Smash each piece of butter with your knuckles to form large flakes. Continue to work butter into flour by smashing and rubbing/smearing butter pieces between flour-coated fingers. Stop when the mixture resembles coarse, crumbly clay soil, with small, granola-like crumbles of butter and only a few larger flakes. Work efficiently: Keep butter cold. (If butter starts to get greasy, put the bowl in the freezer for 15 minutes.)
Add ice water mixture in 2 parts, mixing with spatula to combine. Stop when large clumps form. Ideal texture: moist but not sticky or wet; clumps together and retains its shape when squeezed. 
Turn dough onto a clean, well-floured surface. Using floured hands, knead 3-4 times, just enough to form a cohesive ball without any dry crumbles. Using a rolling pin, flatten dough into a 1” thick rectangle. Fold dough over itself in thirds, like a business letter, to form rough layers. Repeat 5-7 times, until flour and fats are fully incorporated and smooth, with only a few remaining flecks of butter and no sticky spots. (Dust sticky spots and exposed butter with flour as you go.)  
Form dough into a smooth ball. Divide in half. Shape each half into a 1” thick disc.
If you are using crust today: Roll out discs, between 2 sheets parchment paper or floured silpats, into 12-14” diameter circles (aiming for 2” overhang when placed in 8-9” pie tin, so measure against your pie tin) ⅛” to ¼” thick (the width across your pinky fingernail). 
Shape crust: Press into pie tin. Slice off any uneven bits (press them lightly into the bottom), leaving an overhang of 2” all the way round. Fold the overhang over itself backward (so the rough, uneven edges are hidden between the crust and pie tin—not pressed into the inner shell), then crimp the folded edge with your fingers, pinching sideways. Chill shaped shell in fridge or freezer for at least 1 hour before using.
If you are NOT using crust today: Wrap discs in plastic wrap and store in fridge for up to 1 week. Let sit out 5-10 minutes before using to soften slightly, but not long enough to reach room temp. (Store in freezer indefinitely. Thaw in fridge before using.) 
TO PAR-BAKE (if using a custard or no-bake filling):
Roll out crust. Press into pie tin, fold over edges, and crimp. Chill the shaped shell in the freezer for 30+ minutes. Preheat oven to 400°. Line the inside of the frozen shell with 1 or 2 sheets parchment paper (crumple paper first to shape more easily). Fill the lined shell with pie weights, dried beans, uncooked rice, or white sugar, heaping against the sides to prevent shrinkage. 
Bake 15 minutes. Remove from oven and carefully remove paper with pie weights inside. Prick bottom of shell with a fork in 1” intervals. 
For a partially baked crust, bake 10-12 more minutes until bottom crust is just beginning to brown.
For a fully baked crust, bake 15-18 more minutes until bottom crust is fully golden brown.
For a classic flaky crust, make as written. 
For a tender, short crust (short as in crumb, i.e. shortbread), use a food processor to combine ingredients through Step 4, when large clumps form, then finish by hand. 
Small, thin (not large!) butter streaks = pieces of butter melt and give off steam, forming air pockets that make flaky layers. Butter completely incorporated, no visible flecks = melts-in-your-mouth, crumbly texture. 
Keep things cold. The worked dough should be soft, flexible, and smooth, like well-worn leather, and feel cool to the touch as you roll it out. You should be able to transfer it to your pie tin easily with your hands, without having to scrape it off the counter and without any rips. (Dust liberally with flour as needed as you work dough to form layers. Brush off excess at the end.) The dough should never feel warm or sticky. If it feels sticky, brush with flour and/or refrigerate it for 20 minutes. 
Do not overwork the dough, though some kneading is fine! The addition of vinegar helps prevent gluten formation. (You don’t want a chewy crust.)  
Coating butter pieces in flour gives them a protective “wall” to prevent melting. 
To deepen flavor: (a) Sub 1 tsp water with vanilla or almond extract, or (b) Add 2-3 tsp spices (cinnamon or pumpkin pie spice, freshly ground black pepper, lemon pepper, chili powder, turmeric, etc.), or (c) Add up to 1 Tbsp herbs or citrus zest. 
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kuoukyeee · 15 hours
Pool Day with the Kengan boys
Gender neautral
Reader is wearing a swimsuit
A bit suggestive
Please stay hydrated and wear sunscreen, no matter your skin tone!!! Because every one can get sun damage!!!!! Also be careful to not slip on the tiles, and make sure the colour of your swimsuit can be seen underwater, so you can be easily spotted!!!
Imai Cosmo
AAAHHH this boy is basically vibrating in his seat during the car trip. He cant wait to play in the water with you.
Once you guys reach the pool he would rush you to the changing rooms, and will sulk if you tell him to slow down.
After you change into your swimsuit he will get a bit more bashful (cus he checking u out😭). However he soon gets over it and continues being playful.
He definetly says some shit like 'I dont need sunscreen!' 🙄 boy shut up before you turn red.
He WILL splash you with water.
Loves to cuddle you on those big ass floaties.
The aqua blue of the pool really suits him, tbh imo he would rock the surfer boy aesthetic.
This cutie gets so sad when you guys have to leave 🥺
Overall 8/10 pool day, very fun however you probably cant keep up with his energy, and you have to nag him about pool safety.
Sen Hatsumi
This man is laying his charm on thick as soon a he thinks of the word 'swimsuit'.
He would ask if he can rub sunscreen on you(🙄) don't let his innocent tone fool you. As soon as he gets his hands on you he is going to feel you up.
As for him, he would ask (beg) you to put sunscreen on him. If you do agree to help him, he looks composed on the outside but he will get a bit giddy and shy.
He will laze about on a sunbed or float in the water with you.
He looks SO SEXY with wet hair
If he's feeling playful he might pull you in the water before you're acclimated to the temperature, so you shiver and hold on to him for warmth.
You have to tell him to get his mind out of the gutter when he sees you eating ice cream or ice lollies .
He will constantly be checking you out ngl, and will try to say some shit like 'youre cute with your swimsuit but you'd look even cuter without it'💀💀💀
9/10 pool day, this guy is just so chill that it relaxes you.
This guy is throwing compliment after compliment, giggling and blushing at you.
He would either totally forget to apply sunscreen and cry like a baby the next day, while you apply aloe vera or yoghurt on him. Or he wont stop harassing you until you put sunscreen on him (much like a kid on a car trip repeating 'are we there yet??').
Can see him wearing those arm floaties.
Definitely complains about how sticky the sunscreen is.
Would put you on his shoulders while in the pool
He would submerge himself so he can ogle at your body under the water
Dont fall asleep around this man when youre sunbathing because he will squirt (lol) sus shaped sunscreen blobs on you.
Idk why but I can see him getting tan
7.5/10 pool day cus hes too focused on wooing you.
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goldennightengale · 2 years
Hello hello! I hope your college isn’t dragging you through the mud too hard and that you still get chances to relax (because my uni is not giving me that time 💀)! This is gonna be a fluffy request related to uni because I really need it. Could I request Riddle, Trey, Leona, Ruggie, and Jade’s reactions to having a study/assignment sesh with reader and reader falling asleep (on them/at the table/your choice!)? Sorry this is so long ahaha. Anyways, stay hydrated!!
Of course! Honestly, I really needed this prompt and it made me really happy to write such a cute scenario! Thank you so much for the request!
Gender Neutral MC
Falling Asleep On Them During A Study Session!
Upcoming exams were looming around the corner and everyone was scrambling to get in some last-minute studying. Having to juggle your study time with the dumbass squad was nearly impossible. They never stayed focused long enough to get anything done and constantly dragged you out of your room to play. So you did the only thing you could think of: asking for a study buddy!
Luckily, you were able to get some help from a certain upperclassman. As time flew by, you found yourself drifting off. The exhaustion of doing the headmaster’s chores and keeping your grades above the failing line was catching up to you. 
They wouldn’t mind if you closed your eyes for just a few minutes, right?
Riddle Rosehearts (Shoulder)
Normally he would have gently nudged you awake and scolded you for not sleeping properly
How could you possibly get any studying done if you didn’t take care of yourself? He knows from experience that sleep deprivation and exams are not the best combinations
He tries to be quiet and not move too much. He doesn’t want to wake you up!
Thankful that no one is in the library so he can look at you all he wants and not have to worry about others calling him creepy
Will move you onto his lap so you don't hurt your neck too much and he can use both hands to pack up your school supplies with magic
Riddle jolted when he felt your head land softly onto his shoulder. The two of you had spent the past 3 hours comparing history notes and quizzing one another without a single break, so it didn’t surprise him that you’d hit your breaking point. What he didn’t expect was for you to use him as a bed. 
Looking closer, the redhead noticed how tired you looked. Dark circles under your eyes, hair tangled and dull, even your skin looked less than healthy. To think you would run yourself this ragged and not ask for help sooner baffled him. 
Gently maneuvering you onto his lap, though not without an embarrassing flush tinting his face a lovely shade of red, he used his magic to organize your notes into a neat pile. He might as well let you get the rest you deserve after all your hard work.
“Honestly, you shouldn’t force yourself if you’re tired. I expect you to take better care of yourself from now on, prefect.”
Trey Clover (Back)
Will tease you and say that he won't wake you up but he will (on accident)
You fell asleep on his back while facing away from him and doing trivia cards to help you with memorizing the material
When he tries to adjust you, he slips and you startle awake
Reheats a slice of chestnut pie as an apology
He understands that you’ve been going through a lot (mainly since you deal with his underclassmen) so he will try to make a study guide for you
He won’t give you all the answers, but there will be obvious hints to lead you in the right direction
He can’t let the others think he favors you too much after all :)
The two of you had been trying to keep you awake via note card quiz. Facing away from each other, he’d ask you a question and you’d try your best to answer correctly. Occasionally he’d correct you, either by a light shove or challenging hum, but you were proud of the progress you made. 
It was only after Trey moved onto potionology that he realized you fell asleep, your body fully supported by his own and filling him with a gentle warmth. You always made him feel warm in moments like this when you rely on him for even the littlest things. 
When he tried shifting to a more comfortable position, you yelped trying to catch yourself and save your face from gaining a new bruise. What a rude awakening!
“Sorry! Now, now, don’t be angry. How about some pie as an apology?”
Leona Kingscholar (Stomach)
Is probably the reason you fell asleep, to begin with
He refused to study at a table and dragged you to his room to lie on his bed
You got back at him by laying on his stomach so he couldn’t get comfortable and so you could poke his face when he started drifting off hehe
Surprisingly a good study buddy! He won’t give you the answers outright but he’ll give you tips on how to connect the dots to the right answer
Only agreed to help you if you babysat Cheka the next time he came over (totally not bc he saw how much you were struggling taking care of the idiot trio)
When he noticed you fell asleep he gets this smug look before adjusting himself for a nap as well
He can’t let you get all the Zzzs in by yourself now!
Leona had corrected you a multitude of times by now. History in Twisted Wonderland was a tricky thing to remember, with multiple events happening within the same year or important figures being present in several events at the same time. You don’t even want to try remembering how many wars a single lion cub started when he claimed the throne…
Luckily, your lazy lion was good at helping you connect the dots. However, as much as he helped you with memorizing he was not a good aid in keeping you from falling asleep. His voice was soothing to listen to, although it was gruff and sharp, and you could feel the vibrations within his chest from where you lay. 
Eventually, you nodded off completely, snuggling into his chest like a kitten in a sunny spot. The smug bastard knew you wouldn’t keep awake long and we’re only delaying the inevitable. Taking the time to snap a picture (to gloat and use as blackmail ofc) he slowly adjusted you to allow him a more comfortable position. 
“Of course, a little one like you couldn’t care less about sleeping on a predator. Looks like I’ll have to keep my new prey all to myself~”
Ruggie Bucchi (Table)
Another one that would tease you if you fell asleep near him
Feels incredibly smug from the fact you trust him enough to lower your guard around a well-known thief
The coyest when it comes to tutoring you on certain subjects (especially animal language)
Overall will help you study but understands that you’re exhausted from taking care of the first years
Don’t tell anyone, but he definitely plays with your hair while you sleep
Maybe if he’s feeling brave, he’ll nuzzle your noses together too
It was only natural to ask Ruggie to help you in the language, especially after you caught him making deals with the campus cats in exchange for gossip. That and leaving you in charge of taking care of his dorm member. With a little bargaining and the offer of a few donuts, you finally had yourself a semi-reliable tutor!
Ruggie was thorough in teaching you what tones mean so you didn’t offend anyone, or cuss Professor Trein out by accident because you “mrrr” wrong. All the repetition was starting to make your throat hurt, so you asked for a break. 
When Ruggie returned from getting some tea and snacks, he found your head down on the table and sleeping away. For a second, he was tempted to doodle on your face as a prank, but looking at the dark circles under your eyes deterred him. So he simply sat beside you and began slowly running his fingers through your hair and detangling it. 
“I guess little birdie’s also got a lot on their plate… Well, at least I already got my payment! Shishi…”
Jade Leech (Arm)
Smuggest bastard to ever smug
Mistakes your asking for help as you want a deal with Azul, but are pleasantly surprised to find out you needed him instead
Brings you to Monstro Lounge after hours which is when most Octavinelle students take time to study
Very helpful, but his handwriting is hell on the eyes
I refuse to believe that the fish mafia has perfect handwriting, especially the twins
Will let you sleep on him for a price: he gets to do whatever he wants with you while you rest (you did not know of these conditions beforehand…)
Monstro Lounge is a surprisingly nice place to study. The subtle purple glow and the beautifully lit fish tanks create the perfect atmosphere to focus without getting overwhelmed by noise and bright lighting. A bonus? If you get hungry, there is a snack bar in the corner. Jade was right, this is the perfect place to get your notes together!
While trying (and failing) to read Jade’s handwritten notes on history, you felt the oncoming drowsiness hang heavy on you. While the underwater dorm is a great place to relax, it seems to be too relaxing. Your head was drifting side to side, swaying dangerously towards the table a few times. 
Just as Jade was going to guide you back to your dorm, he felt a weight settle onto his arm. There you were, sleeping peacefully away on one of the most dangerous students on campus. How brave, or in Jade’s words: interestingly foolish. A devilish grin spread across the eel’s face as he looked at you. 
“My, my, how fun~ They wouldn’t mind if I took my chances at a new experiment now, would they?”
I hope my work satisfied your fantasy! - GN
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blushcoloreddreams · 9 months
How to do your laundry 101
Taking care of your laundry is one of those mundane tasks you’ll need to deal with for the rest of your life so might as well learn to do it well and enjoy it. So this is my routine and top tips I gathered since living alone
Sort throughout the week (everyday). Every day I separate my dirty clothes on my hamper into darks and lights on another other side. Before taking them to laundry machine I always check my rewear drawer for any dirty clothes. I usually run 1- 2 cycles in the days I do it, totaling around 4 a week since the apartment building I currently live in has a shared laundry room and I can’t got the machines all for myself but if you have your own, feel free to do it all in one go. First cycle is for every day light or white everyday clothing, second to everyday dark or colored clothes. Cycle 3 for towels and bedding which I’ll run with a normal cycle with hot water to ensure they get a deep hygienic cleaning from body oills, lotions and any lingering bacteria. Cycle 4 is for cleaning cloths / bath mats that. And maybe an extra “cycle”, more often than not, done by hand for any delicate pieces, special fabrics or depending on the dirtiness level, that should be washed on a delicate mode. This regime is more intuitively than definitive, sometimes I’ll merge darks and lights together on a cold cycle specially if they are not heavily dirty. Separations is done to prevent colored clothing to bleeding to lighter clothing but this is mostly a concern for any new clothes with deep coloring like indigo, died denim and reds so be sure to wash them separately on the first few times.
Set a time for that. I usually do it Tuesday nights and Thursday morning but you might need to do it more often if you got a bigger family, the important thing is to turn it into a routine and not a dreadful task
Dress comfortably cute - I like to put my hair up in a claw clip to get it out of my face when cleaning and so it doesn’t touch anything It shouldn’t. Dressing up a bit always help you romanize what you are doing and feel better about yourself. (Also I’d hate to meet a neighbor in pajamas haha)
Learn how to treat stains - for blood hydrogen peroxide, apply it directly to the stain, spray some water to keep it hydrated and let it there for 10-15 min and throw it in the laundry preferably on cold water. For oil stains I use baking soda and dish detergent, splotch out any excess oil then sprinkle some baking soda to absorb the oil, I’ll let it sit overnight and the next morning I’ll scrub with dish detergent to help breakdown the oils and I’ll put it into laundry in a hot cycle. For all common stains like ketchup, almond butter coffee berries, vinegar and ink first gently take any excess with a paper towel. For any grease food stains I’ll also add a bit of dish deteargent. If the stain is fresh you only need to treat it with oxygen bleach and water and wait for about 15 min but honestly I often only take care of then on the end of the day or the week and that’s why I rely on the soak method a lot specially for these tough stains.I’ll fill a bin or clean sink with hot water and oxygen bleach and let it soak every night, after it just rinse and add it to the wash cycle and if the stain remains don’t put it into the dryer or it can permanently set the stain.
Read the clothing tag whenever you get new clothes to get familiar with the fabric. I usually check it with a care label guide I found on Pinterest.
Choose the right detergent for you. I prefer powder since it’s more concentrated and work as well as liquid ones. And usually I just add a bit of fabric softer since I’m not allergic
Less is more, you don’t need to use the whole pack to clean it better. Excess laundry detergent can not fully dissolve and form excess studs which won’t get rinsed away properly, and makes it harder for the clothes to create the traction needed to wash the dirt off. 2 table spoons per full load is what seems to work for me.
Flip the clothes inside out. The inside of your garment is usually the dirtiest since it comes in contact with your skin and sweat and it also protect the ink from graphic tees. Also flip the pockets inside out to check any items that shouldn’t go in the wash
Use a mesh bag for delicates like bras and lace garments to protect them pilling or tangling with other items in the load
Choose the right settings for the washing. There are usually 3 settings, cottons, delicates and permanent press. Delicates is the most gentle, cotton the most intense. 99% of the time I choose cottons on a normal cycle unless I’m washing delicates that are machine washable. I prefer cold water to prevent shrinking and color fading
Tidy and clean between cycles. The avarage washing cycle is 15 min to an hour while the drying is 30 min -45 min so while you are already in the spirit you can use this time to tidy up around the home.
Don’t forget about the wet laundry so it doesn’t smell weird. If it does add a sprinkle of baking soda and run the cycle again on the hottest Setting
Remove lint from the lint trap in the dryer to avoid if from getting back from the clothes.
Air dry delicates. I use a rack and I lay the garments as flat as I can to prevent the fibers from stretching. I use it for any athletic wear, delicates max rayons or things the label recommends to do so
Tune in while folding the clothes. Sometimes I like to listen to a podcast, audiobook or YouTube video to make it more fun and keep me engaged
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cosmicstarlatte · 1 year
Sunburn (Obey Me!)
━━━━━━━━━━ ✦ ━━━━━━━━━━
My ~personal~ rankings of most to least likely to get sunburned at the beach!
»Characters: Demon bros + Dateables
»Tags: Rankings, Headcanons, Humor
»Notes: Made this for @solomons-poison summer event! Go check it out! ♡
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1. Mammon
No matter how many times you tell him to put some on, he refuses. "It looks funny and I hate the feelin' !" Hours later he regrets it of course and whines about how much it hurts and how it'll affect his modeling gig tomorrow. "I would've helped rub it all over you!"
"W-well why didn't ya say that sooner!"
2. Levi
Actually applies sunscreen but it wasn't enough for the shut-in. He's use to swimming around in his room but he underestimated the wrath of the sun. "Well I'm gonna be in the water most of the time so it's fine!" ...Now he's crying in his room about how normie activities are always a bad idea.
3. Lucifer
This responsible™️ demon put on some sunscreen and laid under an umbrella. He admired the ocean view and shared quite a few drinks, laughing and chatting with Diavolo and the others. He fully relaxed! Once they left to do other activities he grabbed a book and fell asleep...unaware of the Anti-Lucifer Leagues plans. He woke up sunburned with no umbrella in sight. 😔
4. Simeon
Bless this angel, really. All he ever wants to do is help. While helping Luke and some of the others apply some sunscreen, the poor angel forgot about himself and everyone forgot to offer as they one by one went to partake in beach activities! (*shakes fist* a national outrage I say!!)
5. Belphie
Was too lazy to apply any but Beel and Simeon helped. Like Levi, it wasn't enough through out the day though. After a particularly long nap in the sun, he too woke up sunburned. (To Lucifers amusement of course lmao)
6. Beel
Might've sampled the sunscreen because it smelled really good. Small sunburn. Occasionally forgot to reapply and the poor thing should've gotten a stronger spf. He also missed a few spots when he tried to apply it himself when Belphie or Simeon were unavailable. 😔
7. Satan
Gets only a tiny sunburn, nothing too noticeable. He would forget to reapply every so often due to being so absorbed in his book but his sunscreen was a particularly good one, perfect for his skin type.
8. Diavolo (Everyone from here on is tied)
Barbatos would never let Diavolo get sunburned. He had the Little Ds help apply sunscreen to the giant demon before they left for the beach. If it weren't for Barbatos though, the demon would forget to apply some through out the day due to having fun.
9. Barbatos
Failing to apply sunscreen to Diavolo or himself would tarnish his name, it'd be unbefitting for a butler and he would never be able to forgive himself. He is meticulous on how it's applied and when and only uses the absolute best he can get.
10. Luke
There is no way Simeon (or anyone) would let the young angel play around without sunscreen. They make sure to apply every half hour & keep him hydrated. He complains about it of course and just wants to go back to play in the water or make sand sculptures.
11. Solomon
Asmo took his chance and helped the sorcerer apply sunscreen. There was not an inch that was not properly applied and he made sure to re-apply through out the day. 🤭 If it weren't for Asmo though, this man would burn and brush it off.
12. Asmo
You will never see this man sunburned. It does not exist. He brought all different types of sunscreen, re-applies, and still limits his time in the sun. The day he gets sunburned is the day he never gets seen again.
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Who would you help apply sunscreen? 👀
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bluravenite · 1 year
nasty™️ ghoul hc for you (because i'm forever thinking of your surfer rain drawing)
rain insists he's only toned and muscular because of swimming, and that swimming is the only reason he needs to be strong, but every time he fucks any of the ghouls and exhibits strength in any way, he has the tiniest smirk on his face and uhhh yeah
really average and regular thoughts about rain and the way you draw him 👍
yk the drill! nsfw!! minors DNI 18+
Every morning he wakes up usually around dawn, gets dressed, takes a towel and goes to the lake. He's used to the cold lonely mornings, passing my mountains greenhouse, the clicking glass from the windchimes as he makes his way to the lake.
He doesn't like to exercise as swiss insists, instead he sits at the lakefront stretching his legs and torso, warming up and preparing for a swim. It's a full body workout at times, he dives deep into the lake bottom where he can usually find the small trinkets other ghouls and some lucky siblings have lost before. He takes them collects them, if he can identify the owner he might even give them back as a little treat… he swims until the sun is out, then dries off and goes to mountain, usually the only other ghoul to have a cup of warm tea ready at the crack of dawn, and helps him tidying up the greenhouse, moving pots, and making sure the plants are properly hydrated before going back to his room to change into his uniform.
After that he doesn't really stop the exercise, he will begin by setting the practice room for the day, sometimes others help him, or goes to help aether in the kitchen, wake up dew or meet swiss for his morning workout… which usually consists of an endurance test for rain and momentary death for swiss. 
He finds that hilarious, the big strong multi ghoul struggling to even just handle him. Swiss gripping at his thighs, pushing himself flush against his hips, resting his head in the crook of the water ghouls neck, panting and heaving… Rain immutable, his only tell being the glistening dampness of his cool skin compared to the warm heat of the worked up multi ghoul, whispering nasty little words into his ears, for rain, this is just another Tuesday… for swiss… it's a challenge.
It makes rain unbelievably confident, he will walk with a nasty little smirk into the practice room, tease dew while he helps him adjust his guitar strap, catching the little fire Ghoul's hand as he swings it back. Rain pulls dewdrop by the waist, cocky smirk painted gently on his features. Rain knows what he can do, whispers in dewdrop’s ear “be a good girl now, droplet” before letting him go, tail swaying slightly behind him.
He has this same smile when mountain tries to fuck him, slick covering both their tummies as rain props himself back up driving mountain crazy, pushing the tall ghoul on his back again as he fucks himself deeper on his knot, he knows mountain wont give him a fight like this, but compared to dew, mountain’s no easy ghoul to push around.
Even Cirrus knows Rain is in charge, and so does the newer ghoul, poor little quintessence just trying to fit in. Even while on tour Rain keeps in shape, stretches every morning, sometimes even joins swiss for his morning run, helps mountain move equipment, he gives cirrus back massages before every show, to help with the tension, he knows he’s strong compared to other ghouls, strong enough to put up a fight. Strong enough to fully direct them. And everyone else knows it to, but nobody ever mentions a thing, instead they all quietly let rain have it, that confidence of knowing if he really wanted to (and he can), he could bend any of them right by the knee and fuck them into oblivion (as he has done and as he continues to do ). 
Because let’s be honest, they all fucking love it. 
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