#To Kill A Jackal
illustraction · 4 months
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Since he appeared in For A Few Dollars More in 1965, German born actor Klaus Kinski became the most brutish and evil actor of the genre and featured in tens of Spaghetti Westerns.
This 1971 Western (also known as Prey To Kill And Return Alive as well as Renegade Gun) is one of his most brutish indeed. The large 2 panel Italian poster above features great Art by Renato Casaro.
Director: Giuseppe Vari Actors: Klaus Kinski
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The poster above courtesy of ILLUSTRACTION GALLERY
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shadows-coffeebeans · 1 month
Last day before school starts so art dump!!
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lividjungle · 5 months
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theangrycomet · 8 months
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I wish SEGA wasn't a coward and would let IDW use Infinite in their stories because I KNOW these two would have so much beef and could have such interesting interactions, being two sides of the same coin.
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devilsrecreation · 5 months
TLG Human AU shenanigans
Tamka: Kiburi!
Nduli: Kiburi!
Both: KiburiKiburiKiburiKiburiKiburiKiburiKiburiKiburiKibu-
Kiburi: What?!
Nduli: Sorry Kiburi, we just wanna let you know something!
Kiburi: Yeah? And what’s that?
Nduli: We love you, Kiburi :)
Kiburi: ….And?
Tamka: And we want a Nokia N-Gage
Kiburi: No you don’t! It went defunct it 2006!
Nduli: Actually, it was in 2007
Kiburi: You know the year it went defunct! Why do you want it?!
Tamka: Cuz it looks cool!
Kiburi: You said that about the OUYA Ya bought last week
Tamka: The OUYA doesn’t have any games
Kiburi: I told you that before we bought it, neither will this!
Nduli: But Kiburi, it’s so cooooooool!
Kiburi: I don’t even think you can play games on that thing! It was a phone service!
Tamka: But Ucheshi said this stuff was awesome!
Kiburi: ……….Boys, stay here
Nduli: Okay, Kiburi.
*Lake Matope or whatever the human equivalent is*
Kiburi: Have you been telling them to buy outdated electronics?
Ucheshi: Yes.
Kiburi: WHY?!
Ucheshi: Because you hurt my boyfriend, fuck you, dude.
Kiburi: Ucheshi, I swear to God-
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oozeandgoo-art · 25 days
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heard it's open season on yachts down here
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mephopheles · 3 months
”wow you do graphic design!? You must make such cool things”! The shit i make instead:
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creatively-cosmic · 7 months
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dont cry. sonic forces rewrite ok?
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enginator2000 · 1 year
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and then infinite googles "how do you exorcise a chaos energy demon and make sure it goes to hell"
also. bonus panel:
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jackalspine · 2 years
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Some inhabitants of TumblrClan ::3
Crabpaw/claw is reliably summoned when needed and Blazepaw is a young scamp who indiscriminately sets fires to both enemy and ally territory. Nowhere is safe.
Dashstar is a shecat. feminism❤️
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purplepotatobread · 1 year
Sometimes, I want a Red Rising screen adaptation, and other times, I realize how I would not be able to take them howling seriously.
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iamnmbr3 · 2 months
Your post about harry being a lion animagus was so interesting. What are your thoughts on draco's animagus?
Oh thank you! (Post anon is referring to is here). I'm not really sure about my answer here. I don't have as clear an idea as I do about Harry.
My little darry heart kinda likes the idea of a jackal bc they follow after lions and like hang around their kills and often come pretty close to them and aren't intimidated by them (kinda like how unlike most people Draco is never scared of Harry or intimidated by his glares - even when his friends are). Lions also tend to tolerate jackals around their kills a lot more than other scavengers. though sometimes there can be tension between them which kinda mirrors the push and pull of Harry and Draco's relationship. Jackals are also associated with being clever and cunning and know how to look after themselves.
They have a reputation for cowardice too which is actually exaggerated - they defend their territory vigorously and often take on prey much bigger than they are - which kinda parallels how Draco can seem cowardly and self serving but he also is able to rise to the occasion and be brave when he really has to be. Jackals also seemingly don't hunt in packs which kind of mimics Draco's relative isolation. And they have kind've long, pointed features like Draco does. Apparently they also mate for life which I like for drarry reasons and because I think Draco is actually very loyal to the people he truly cares about (refusing to give Harry up at the Manor, being devoted to his parents in book 6 etc.)
The other option for Draco that I can imagine is a wolf. I like this because of the loyalty to his pack inner circle that I mentioned above and because the animagus form represents the inner self and although Draco can seem cowardly and undisciplined he's actually a formidable fighter in his own right (he holds his own in a duel against Harry - who is extremely good at fighting - longer than Voldemort does, and probably could've beaten most other opponents) and can also be very brave when he has to be in defense of those he cares about. Also a wolf is a little nod to the Black side of a heritage (since the Black family crest has dogs on it). Plus I like the aesthetic of him turning into a pale white wolf.
I actually think I like the wolf option a little bit more. Especially because the concept of the "lone wolf" kind've symbolizes how Draco comes into his own and has to look after himself and make his own way in the world. Ultimately he turns his back on his Death Eater ways and his parents to protect Harry at the Manor and decides to forge his own path after the war. So it reflects his intelligence, courage, capability, ferocity, and independence - and also his will to live and how against all odds he is a survivor. But yeah. I like both concepts.
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dreaminginmysoup · 1 year
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The p(r)ettiest damsel on the train. He doesn't want to be here, but alas.
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tentakilly · 7 months
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acidicpenumbra · 1 year
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two "ultimate" level douchebags
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reckless-lambert · 1 month
Hehe my Infinite got a ref now!
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It's basically the endgame of my lore. And before you get any funny ideas - there're plenty of angst. I just like when it's like this:
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