#TnB 2
lilyginnyblackv2 · 2 years
Tiger & Bunny 2 - Cour 2 - Various Thoughts Post - SPOILERS!!!
I've watched Tiger & Bunny 2 Part 2/Cour 2 and now I want to write up some posts with my thoughts on the cour. Of course, SPOILER WARNING FOR TAIBANI 2 PART 2 / COUR 2! All thoughts will be placed under a Read More.
First, I'm going to start with the smaller thoughts that I have. I want to get the more misc. thoughts up first before I forget them, I'll likely also talk about the plot stuff here, since for me the action and actual plot stuff isn't as important as the thematic and character focused elements of the series.
Then I want to talk about the handling of familial relations in this part of the cour, similar to how I talked about it in regards to cour 1.
The final post I'll get up will be my thoughts on how they handled relationships in general, and how I feel about the ending.
I'll likely also discuss where I think they could take the series if they were to continue it, though, I will say right now, that how they ended this second season makes it so that I feel they could just comfortably end it here as well. Even though I would want more. Not an endless amount of content, but just a bit more. If they never do that though, I'll be okay too.
So, no to the more misc. stuff under the Read More!
1. I love how they opened with an interview with the top duo, just like they did with cour 2 for Season 1. They also focused quite a bit on FireSky this season and I loved how we got to see more of Nathan's business. Also, I fully expect a bunch of FireSky!Secretary!AU fics after this, lmao! I loved that.
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2. Seeing all of the heroes working together and using their own resources and smarts was really nice. T&B also handles exposition and explaining plans and ideas in a very interesting way. They don't explain anything mid-battle like a battle shounen would, but they don't do a complete all show, no tell approach either. They give you, the watchers, all the clues first, then set up situations where explanations need to be given to other characters within the show itself, so those who may not have figured things out on their own (for whatever reason) could be caught up at the same time as the characters.
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3. The series did a great job of avoiding deus ex machina. Aurora easily could have been this. But they worked around that. That being said, I do feel that Barnaby's injury being okay after using Kotetsu's suit. It seemed like too easy of a fix, and a part of me really did want to see both Kotetsu and Barnaby retiring from being superheroes in the end and/or the idea of Barnaby dealing with a debilitating injury, since that is a very realistic scenario and could have provided some interesting commentary. But, I do also understand the direction they wanted to take the series in this regard. I'll talk more on this later.
4. I didn't really have any interest in the whole plot for this cour. The stuff with Gregory Sunshine and stuff was kinda meh for me. Like every time he was on screen, I just wanted him to be off it, lol. I *did* like his interactions with the Ouroboros lady (though, her backstory did feel a bit rushed and wasn't that well done, but it was sufficient enough for me). The way they handled his sexist actions and remarks, and kind of had the two characters in a power struggle with each other, though, was quite interesting and well done to me. We need more anime that do this to pathetic, gross, sexist pervert characters:
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Like, please! It's also in these moments that you can really tell that the director is a woman this time as opposed to S1.
5. Agnes not ending up skinny by the end of the season was beautiful, I loved it! I also love how, like with S1, Agnes pulled through for the heroes at the end, but, like always, she isn't doing it because she necessarily cares about the heroes (though, I do think she does on some level), but because of how much blood, sweat, and tears she has put into HERO TV, lmao. It's honestly so refreshing to have an adult female character in an anime have this sort of personality.
6. I really liked the inclusion of these plush toys:
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It reminded me of the toy bears from Season 1, though this time Kaede likes them too (she has one on her phone).
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I also got teary eyed at Barnaby responding “Maybe,” when the doll asked, “Are you happy?” That may not seem like a positive answer, but for Barnaby it is. I feel that answer is what gives me hope that we might get some more T&B in the future. And I'll talk about that some more in a later post.
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7. I'm so, so glad that they *finally* addressed Karina's crush on Kotetsu. I'll discuss this in far more detail later, but just, thank goodness. It was like they had to spell it out to all the dudebros out there that Kotetsu only ever saw Karina as a child that he cares about. He related himself to an uncle, so he views her like family - like a niece, and that is *never* going to change.
“I’ll be like your uncle that says, “Have fun, but bring her back before her curfew.”
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8. This part of S2 really said ACAB. Especially when they have Agnes being like, "You're shitty ass apology and realization, and eventual help, doesn't negate the fact that you basically sabotaged the heroes and caused a lot more harm than good." She didn't say it quite like that, but that was what she meant, lol. I loved it.
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9. I like the way they hadbRyan deal with Gregory Sunshine, since that was a personal matter for him. I also like that they didn't have Kotetsu use the drug. I was never a fan of that theory, because there was no way I could see it working with Kotetsu's personality without either a *very specific* set of situations or with him just being OOC. It also felt redundant and a bit pointless, since the drug was just to enhance preexisting powers, not magically fix them. So I am a big fan of how they had Kotetsu go into berserk mode instead and lose his powers completely that way. It just personally works better for me.
10. The stuff with LL Audun was okay. His character seemed a bit cheesy, but like that fits. He was like a mix of an actual X-men (appearance-wise) and that old school superhero cheesiness that we sometimes think of. The English dub gave him a voice that really fits an older era as well. It was a nice touch.
11. That being said, I didn't really care for how they had him come to the realization that the heroes were good and that he didn't need to punish them. It felt a bit like lazy writing, but I also think they did a good job of making it clear that this particular character wasn't all quite mentally there anymore.
12. Having Kotetsu confront the truth of Mr. Legend! YES! I have a lot to say about all of that, and it will be in my post on familial relationships in this cour.
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13. There was another time skip and you can really see that in Kaede and her friend. They both look older and just the way Kaede was talking and corresponding with Kotetsu - so much growth on both of their ends. I’ll be discussing this some more in another, later post.
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14. The angle of Gregory's powers being perceived as an unknown contagious disease was quite a choice and made me think of two things: COVID and AIDs (especially given the fact that Cour 2 takes place in the 80s, specifically 1981, which is the same year that the AIDs epidemic started). 
15. Karina, Nathan, Pao-lin, and Lara all have a very physical and visible reaction when they hear that Gregory's powers are supposedly activated via hugging (all agree with the power being odd and they all mimic hugging themselves). None of the male characters do this. It's something I've never really seen before in an anime, but I appreciated that small touch. It's a small detail that I feel really highlights how a female perspective was directing this season.
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16. Mattia with Saito killed me! lmao I feel we’ve all been in a situation like that, where you have trouble understanding someone, but you feel silly or embarrassed about that, so you just kinda nod your head and go with it. But Mattia is legit trying to answer Saito’s questions and it is a mess, haha.
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17. Speaking of Mattia, I really like how they wrote the situation with him. It was really creative to have him be the “betrayer” character, but also not at the same time. Also, the way they incorporated him working with Saito afterwards was nicely done.
18. The main news channel spreading misinformation, discontent, and hatred...As an American with two parents who love a certain Faux News Channel (and watch a certain podcast - all a bunch of stuff that just spews misinformation everywhere)...That really hit close. Also, if I’m not mistaken, the news caster was Lara’s mother’s tennis rival (and ex-friend), which added an extra element to it. Especially when Lara’s mother told her that she was going to be changing (which I’m going to talk about more later) while her rival seems like she is just going to stew in a hateful way of thinking and viewing the world.
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Finally, to end on a sweeter note, let’s talk about the flowers in the new ED (which is beautiful and has a gorgeous song to go with it) :
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The flowers are daisies. 
The General Flower Language Meanings: New Beginnings, Love, Hope, Affection, and more. 
 White: Purity, Innocence 
Yellow: Friendship, Joy, Get Well 
Pink: Gentle Admiration, Affection, Adoration 
All of these meanings fit Kotetsu and Barnaby’s bond and the themes of S2 Cour 2.
That’s it for this section. I’ll have my post on familial relationships and then the buddy relationships (and other relationships - looking at you Antonio x Agnes) up later. So keep an eye out for them. Also, feel free to add your thoughts to these posts, as always, and thanks for reading all of this! <3 
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valenshawke · 2 years
Tiger & Bunny Headcanon
Kaede becomes a hero in Stern Bild and Karina takes it upon herself to mentor her.
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tkbrokkoli · 2 years
I'm going insane a canonical gay side character?????? 😨
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sonsan808 · 1 month
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dizzybizz · 2 months
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youll never believe it but i have more magma stuff
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lullakan · 1 year
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Yup, those are hibiscus, like the one Bunny have as a wallpaper and that. And yes, this is about Hanahaki desease, I’m working on Kotetsu too, but a little bit different. And thats all. I need to rest.
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basslinegrave · 2 years
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Season 2 ep 3 
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sentoind · 2 months
Tbh something I find really funny is that almost everyone kind of just ignores the last episode of season 2 of tnb LMFAO. Like you can acknowledge it but everyone immediately adds onto it with behind the scenes stuff. And I say this because I also ignore the last episode.
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potahun · 18 days
thinking about how we talk a lot about the relationships of taibani since they do make a huge part of the shows and the shows does a great job of making every single character human. but taibani also does have a fun plot and worldbuilding. so why dont we talk about those (except for spoiler reasons?) i personally think it’s because taibani’s plot isn’t innovative per se - in many ways it even takes a lot of classic ideas - so we feel like there’s not that much to say about it. what taibani has instead is excellent story-telling. it tells a story that can be found elsewhere but in its own masterful way, with organic characters and lots and lots of its own style in the minute details, so it’s very difficult to talk about its plot without the accompanying experience of watching it.
and that’s why we fall back on the relationships when we gush i guess (which i dont mind. i love love love those organic characters and how they intertwine)
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ova-kakyoin · 2 years
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barnaby using kotetsu's suit was something i did not know i needed but im glad i have it
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aquariusdegel · 2 years
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Trailer and cour 2 releasing in less than one week hype
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kitamars · 2 years
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omg new (fake) leaks dropped
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valenshawke · 2 years
Tiger & Bunny 2
Finally gettin' around to this.
I remember how much I loved the first season and how I always felt it never got the popularity it deserved.
And you know what?
Five episodes in and I'm enjoying the hell out of the current season.
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scandiacamoons · 2 years
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Old old unfinished doodle from back in June about more hospitals
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sonsan808 · 1 year
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