#in many ways t&b is a classic super hero stories but somehow it’s just SPECIAL THE WAY IT IS TOLD
potahun · 18 days
thinking about how we talk a lot about the relationships of taibani since they do make a huge part of the shows and the shows does a great job of making every single character human. but taibani also does have a fun plot and worldbuilding. so why dont we talk about those (except for spoiler reasons?) i personally think it’s because taibani’s plot isn’t innovative per se - in many ways it even takes a lot of classic ideas - so we feel like there’s not that much to say about it. what taibani has instead is excellent story-telling. it tells a story that can be found elsewhere but in its own masterful way, with organic characters and lots and lots of its own style in the minute details, so it’s very difficult to talk about its plot without the accompanying experience of watching it.
and that’s why we fall back on the relationships when we gush i guess (which i dont mind. i love love love those organic characters and how they intertwine)
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studiopoprocks · 5 years
Fluff alphabet with Hawks??? Yes please
Hawks/Keigo Takami Fluff Alphabet
*in adudible screatching* Hawks/Keigo Takami is probably my favourite character in the whole BNHA universe!🧡❤️🧡❤️
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A - Affection (How do they show how much they care in their day to day lives)
Hawks would say that he’s really into extacagent things, like adventurous anniversaries, and getting you the same number of roses at the age you are for your birthday. But that’s cuz he doesn’t realize how amazing he is in everyday life. He thinks about you constantly, which always leads to a text on your well being of some sort. Sometimes he’ll even fly over to your work during his break just to see you. On the off chance he has a day off without you, he’ll bring you lunch, then follow you throughout work like a lost chicken puppy.
B - Before (How did they act before the relationship/ what was the relationship like?)
Hawks had always been a tease, so he flirted left right and center. Unknowingly to you, he had stopped flirting with everyone else except you. He seemed the exact same from when you were kids, but when a coworker pointed it out that’s when you started up. It was only competitive flirting until you two started dating. Afterwards it seemed like all his flirting turned into normal compliments, and went so much deeper then his old ones.
C - Comfort (How they act when their S/O is sad)
You try your best to be strong around hawks, he’s dealing with so much that you don’t want to be a burndon. So the first time he notices your sad, it’s a big shock. ‘Hey, don’t cry’ he’s so quite that you’d bearly noticed him come in. He’d just hug you, burring your head in his chest as he uses his wings to rub your back. He won’t pressure you to talk, mostly because his mind is racing, trying to figure out what happened. The next few days, he’s so lovely dovy just because he wants you to having something good in everyday.
D - Dawn (What are mornings like?)
You tend to wake up in a curtain of wings. It’s definitely your favourite way to start off the day, as you lazily brush your fingers through the red feathers. They are surprisingly warm, so you usually have to manoeuvre the blankets off of you somehow. By this point Hawks would already be awake, but he’d pretend to be asleep so you two could keep cuddling. Then you both need to rush out of bed, because you spent too much time laying there instead of getting ready. Just like every other day
E - Embarrassed (How does their S/O make them flustered? How do they return the favour?)
You’d bet money that Hawks goal in life was to embarrass you. He especially likes to do it when you’re not expecting it, like last month at the hero gala: He introduced you as his ‘love dove’ to everyone, then proceeded to comment on how cute your red face was. However, you were the one laughing when you pretended to whisper, and instead kissed him right infront of Endeavor.
F - First date (Were did you go and what did you do for your first date together)
Your first date was more like a competition. ‘Aww did ya miss me?’ ‘You wish. You’re the clingly one Hawks.’ ‘Sureeee, if I was your boyfriend, you’d have a hard time staying away.’ ‘I’d be a way better girlfriend then you!’ ‘Wanna bet?’ ‘Oh it’s on bird brain’ and this you too spent the next couple hours doing super classic dates. Going for coffee, a horror movie, and going out to eat afterwards. Needless to say, you both won.
G - Gentle (How Gentle are they with their S/O? Or do they like to rough house with them?)
Hawks won’t hurt you, but he won’t treat you like you’re made of glass either. Most of the time, he’s very soft with you, aside from the rougher kisses. However he’s developing this evil thing where he’ll throw you up in the air as your flying with him. It’s never for too long, but you screamed so loud that another pro came to check up on you too.
H - Habit (What do they repeatally do in the relationship?)
We all know Kei’s wings are strong. But Hawks has this habit of wrapping his wings around you, and not letting you go. So being unable to deal with the strength of his wings, you’re kinda stuck. The worst is when he’ll fall asleep like that, and you’re in desperate need to use the washroom or something, and you. Can’t. Move. You’ve talked to him about it before, but you’d be lying if you said you didn’t enjoy the hugs.
I - Intreating (What do they find fascinating about their S/O? And vise versa?)
He loves how interested you always are. As curious as a kitten he likes to say, before caving and telling you all about his day. For some reason you find his day facingating, and just how he lives his life. Hawks never understood it, but he loves the way you listen so intently to his stories, and give your own opinions. Especially on your borderline conspiracy theories on the LOV.
J - Jealousy (How easily do they get jealous, and how do they deal with it)
Honestly Hawks doesn’t get jealous, he fully trusts you and he doesn’t want to be an overbearing boyfriend. He does however, get self conscious when you seem to be enjoying another mans company. So expect him to give you his famous hug from behind, and quite a bit more attention then usual. He’ll talk very politely with you and the other guy, he just wants to be in the picture, beside you.
K - Knick Knack (A random momento they still have from their S/O)
You had found a cute pair of bird earrings, that sat ontop of a little red heart. You had to buy them right away! But instead of wearing them like you were supposed to, you turned them into little pins. It was simple, you just replaced the backs. Hawks almost cried when you game him one. He called it you, and you had him. You never see him wearing it, but he keeps it in his pocket, pinned to the back as to never loose it.
L - Location (Favourite place to go on dates)
Anywhere high up, duh. It’s nice and relaxing, and neither of you have to deal with fans. 9 out of 10 dates you’re above the clouds at some point. The other ones are you two going out to KFC, or anywhere with gooood chicken. But by far his favourite dates, is going to this family run chicken place, then heading on top of his agency’s building, and having a picnic while looking at the clouds.
M - Movie (What cliché movie trope has actually happened in the relationship?)
Childhood friends to lovers. Keigo and you were kinda friends when you were little, he liked to tease you a lot, but he never took it too far. But like all cliches, you two had been split up around the beginning of middle school, and only reunited once he was the number 2 hero. You could tell right away that it was him, because the first thing once he saw you was a flirtatious joke.
N - Nickname (What do they call their S/O?)
What He calls his S/O:
‘Love Dove’
‘Chicky poo’ What can I say, he loves his bird puns
‘Cutie’ likes to use this one in interviews
What his S/O calls him:
‘Kei’ confuses everyone because not many people know his name
‘Undercooked chicken nugget’ this comes up a lot more often then you’d realize.
‘Loveable goof’
O - On Cloud Nine (How they act when they are in love/ Is it obvious to everyone around them?)
This boy wears his heart on his sleeve. Of course at the beginning of your relationship, he had to act as though you two barely every talk. However there were many people who speculated you two because of how so dam obvious he was. He won’t realize how close he is, or how long he’ll be staring for, but once you mention it he goes stone cold. It’s kinda scary how quickly he can hid his feelings.
P - PDA (Do they like showing off their s/o, or are a little shy to kiss in public)
Your relationship had to be under wraps, as much as it broke Kei’s heart. If he could tell the whole world, he would. You both however, do end up going public after one of his fans starts bad mouthing you, and he shuts them up by kissing you right infront of everyone. Now he’ll talk about you any chance he gets, especially in interviews.
Q - Quirk (A random ability they have, that’s helpful in a relationship)
Due to his goofy nature, he can always make you smile. Of course if you want him to, he’ll listen to your problems with open ears. However sometimes you’re just in a funk, and he’s the guy to bring you out of it. From puns, to tickling, to complimenting you, nothing is off the table. He hates seeing you sad, but being the thing that makes you smile always warms his heart.
R - Rearly (Something they love to do, but it doesn’t happen often)
Absolute favourite thing in the world is when you preen his feathers for him. It basically feels like a more intimate massage, and is probably the most relaxed he will ever be. You always cover every inch, making sure every feather is cared for and properly in place. Sadly it takes so long, and really tires your arms out. So Hawks only gets this special treat on holidays or if he’s had a particularly rough day.
S - Special (Something that only them and their S/O do together)
Late night flights. When ever one of you needs a break, you dress in comfy cloths and jump out at window. Hawks will fly you above the clouds, and casually fly as you two talk together about whatever is on your mind. Anything from heart felt conversations, to jokes, to full out make out session. It’s a special thing you do for eachother, that high up in the clouds, there are no distractions, and no stress, only eachother.
T - Together (How often do they spend time with their S/O?)
Even through so much of his time is taken up by hero work, or dealing with the LOV, he still somehow manages to make lots of time for you. It’s likely because he skips out on a lot of his hero duties, or Dabi doesn’t want to listen to the boy rant about how he misses you. It’s actually really sweet that he makes sure to spend at least a little bit of time everyday with you.
U - United (In which way does the relationship become a whole? Marriage?)
Hawks likes to put up a front, he has to for the public. In the beginning of your relationship, he found he was even doing that with you. You knew something was up, and just wanted him to come to you in his time of need. It will be hard, but once he knows you genuinely love him, flaws and all, you’re relationship will sky rocket. He won’t keep any secrets, and will never put up a front for you, you could see through that anyways.
V - Value (What do they treasure the most in their relationship?)
Definitely the Truth and Honesty. He’s finally found someone who he can be 100% himself with, without the fear of being judged or ridiculed. Around you he can lower his guard, and the walls built around his heart. He honestly never thought he’d find someone like you, but now that he has, hell amber let you go.
W - Wish (What do they hope will come from the relationship?)
Keigo just wants a happy life with you. He wants to grow old, and not have to deal with the stress of hero work. He’s had to prioritize all of the world, but honesty he doesn’t want that weight, if he could choose, he wants to prioritize your relationship. He’s dreamt of being one of those old couples who still go on coffee shop dates, and brings flowers for eachother. But for now, he just has to wish.
X - XOXO (Favourite types of kisses and hugs)
Hawks adores hugging you from behind, while his wing encase you together. It makes him feel like he’s protecting you, and that you’ll never disappear. This position also traps you in his assault on your face. He’ll kiss any part of your face as long as it’s in his reach. Forehead, cheek, nose, mouth, he loves them all. He’s such a goof.
Y - Yearning (How do they cope when they're missing their partner?)
With how busy Hawks is, he takes being away from you very well. It’s almost to the point where you feel like he doesn’t care that much. However all those negative thoughts melt away the second you step foot into your shared apartment. No matter how many times you’ve told him not to fly in the house, he always zips right to you. Picking you up and half cuddling you, half flying you to a comfortable spot.
Z - Zeal (Will they go great lengths for the sake of the relationship? What kind?)
Like I said, he wants to grow old with you. He’s even physically told you that he’ll live for you, and keep doing his best for you both. Of course he’s lazy and if you ask him to get you a drink when your closer, no way. But if you asked him get you something when you’re actually upset, or in pain in some way, he will fly anywhere in the world at a drop of the hat.
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spockandawe · 6 years
For the fandom/ships meme: B, D, I, J, K, Q, T, U, V, W, X, Y. (I mean, I like everything you say on fandoms, so you knew this would be fairly comprehensive.)
B - A pairing–platonic, romantic or sexual–that you initially didn’t consider, but someone changed your mind.
Oh man, there are lots for sure!! I’m a sucker for a well-written crackship, and I know I have fun writing them too :P From the last ask, starscream/optimus and jazz/soundwave were both things I’d never considered until I read a really amazing fic, and now I adore them both. Or ratchet/skywarp. That fic didn’t even GO there, but now I have a wip of my own and have already been experimenting with drift/ratchet/skywarp because why make any sense at all when i could so easily make LESS sense :P
I do it to myself too, I tossed off the idea of cyclonus/starscream as a joke, my “friends” encouraged me, and oh god suddenly I’m two fics deep in a series with at least four separate fics planned for the future. Oooh, or in a different fandom for a change, @veliseraptor threw me RIGHT down the steve/loki pit, and I’m never leaving, this is where I live now. 
D - A pairing you wish you liked but just can’t.
HMMM. I think... I don’t dislike many ships in the franchises like homestuck or transformers, where there’s a giant cast to mush up against each other. I guess I wish I had a bit more natural enthusiasm for brainstorm/perceptor. It’s really cute and I definitely do like it, I just can’t muster up much enthusiasm for perceptor in general, which puts some damper on it. I do like it a decent amount, I just wish I liked it more.
I - Has Tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why?
It’s made me... wary of some fandoms. Or fandom in general, in some ways. Steven Universe, if I get involved with that again, it’s going to be art and no words, because the moral policing atmosphere is just getting to be Too Much. If I wasn’t rolling around in a universe populated by nigh-immortal space robots, I’m sure there would be other stuff too, but I’ve been pretty sheltered.
J - Name a fandom you didn’t think about until you saw it all over Tumblr. (You don’t have to care about it or follow it; it just has to be something that Tumblr made you aware of.)
Boku no hero academia is the most recent one, I think. I don’t know if I’ll ever participate in things, but I finally read the manga and loved it a lot! I caught the edges of the buzz about the Imperial Radch books, and I don’t know if I would have ever read them if I hadn’t had prior awareness when my friend brought them up, and these are some of my favorite books EVER, so I’m glad tumblr clued me in XD
K - What character has your favorite development arc/the best development arc?
Oh no, this is HARD :c The trouble with casts of thousands is that nobody can dominate the focus too hard. But when a story is super-focused on a character and how they Develop, I tend to drift away. Umm. Cyclonus and Whirl both hold a special, special, special place in my heart. Megatron probably has one of the more dramatic development arcs, even though Cyclonus and Whirl both own my heart.
Or. I know it’s not the real question. But I love characters where the story WRECKS them, even if it doesn’t quite follow through on putting them back together again. Whirl is a long ways from where he used to be, but still definitely has issues. But oh man. Prowl. STARSCREAM. The transformers comics took two proud, cold, capable assholes and broke them DOWN. And it was GLORIOUS. It’s not really the same as a development arc, because they’re both still... not in good shape. But I wouldn’t care so much if I hadn’t seen where they started and what happened to do this to them. It’s negative development, but it’s so tragic and tasty and gives me such interesting material to think about!!
Q - A fandom you’ve abandoned and why.
Ahh...  Avatar, probably. Of all the fandoms I’ve participated in on here, that’s the one I’m least likely to return to. I think the problem is that after I did Avatar, I rolled around in Homestuck. I moved from there to Transformers. I dabbled in Marvel. The Avatar universe is very interesting, but the cast is much more limited, the universe is more constrained, and there’s One Canon.
Canon doesn’t necessarily mean that much to me, I’ll cheerfully multiship no matter what. But it’s different thinking ‘well this is canon, but what if... Other Thing’ versus ‘lmao does anyone even know how many separate continuities there are at this point’. It breaks my brain wide open. I don’t start from canon and branch out. I think that ‘well, optimus and megatron have classically had characters and shippy dynamics shaped like X, Y, and Z, so I can pick and choose bits and pieces of settings, scenarios, backstory, supporting cast, the possibilities are ENDLESS--’ Homestuck plays a lot with the idea of continuity and comics universes are one of the closest parallels I can think of to the mess that is transformers. I just don’t know how I’m supposed to go back to playing in smaller sandboxes at this point XD
T - Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending? 
Autistic Cyclonus. Fite me.
Or, Starscream with his history and current mental health reflected in disordered eating and sleeping, with a persistent food-hoarding habit. I would say fite me, but actually, read my stories where I stick it right in the text and see how nicely it works.
U - Three favorite characters from three different fandoms, and why they’re your favorites.
Different fandoms? DIFFERENT fandoms?????? D:
1. Transformers: Starscream - he’s just... the complete disaster package. He’s vain and egotistical, competent and dangerous, but never manages to succeed and make it LAST. In IDW, he beat out massive odds to get where he is, and survived by the skin of his teeth, and has struggled and STRUGGLED and is prone to being his own worst enemy, and has sabotaged himself enough that he’s barely staying afloat despite sincerely wanting to try his best. I’m weak against all of these things.
2. oh god how am I supposed to pick a favorite homestuck character this is CYBERBULLYING. Okay. Um. I’m going to say Equius. There’s something about the Zahhaks being so stiff and cold and rigid and distant, but also somehow way too close, and swinging between antagonistic and desperate to please. I’ve done better words about Zahhaks in the past, and I’m starting to get sleepy right now, but I am ALWAYS a sucker for the characters who are a mess of contradictions and prone to sabotaging themselves :P
3. Steven Universe: Jasper - Ahahaha, one last self-sabotaging love of my life. She’s different from those others, because she’s been pretty much at the top of her game until very recently. But her issues!!! Everything to do with being the Perfect quartz (from a failed colony, belonging to a dead diamond). The pride and self-doubt are a delicious combination, especially once she gets a taste of fusion and the sense of belonging that comes with it. If I ever did write steven universe, it would have to be about here. Those contradictions and the way they pull you apart, that’s the same thing that draws me hardest to starscream, but it’s hard to do justice to the emotions when you’re writing about them, it’s got so much more impact when you show them directly instead.
V - Which character do you relate to most?
Ooooooh. This. Is tough. Ironfist is the melancholy answer, Nautica is the upbeat one. They’re both spergy engineer types with interests all over the place, who get so ENTHUSIASTIC and excited, and I’m not nearly as outgoing as either of them, but god do they ring familiar to me XD Or, Cyclonus is also a very valid candidate. Internet spock is an uncommunicative recluse, but that’s still a lot more outgoing than irl spock, and Cyclonus is many emotions turned RIGHT inward, even when it would be really, really useful to express them just a LITTLE. And all the plot that goes down between 47-55 with Cyclonus, god, it’s not like I’ve ever done anything like that, but it hits me right in the weak spot.
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