#Titles in Elsword
addcests · 2 years
the perfect mask
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the perfect mask [ao3]
pairing Overmind x the other three adds (if you squint hard enough and believe)
words 1909
summary Having the perfect mask was a necessary skill Overmind honed over time. Carefully crafting his veneer for the day, a facade he would then don for everyone to see. It took a lot to compose himself this way. But it also took even more to get under Overmind’s skin. 
Unfortunately, who would know better to get under his skin than himself?
It all began with that pesky time deviant, of course. 
And his voice was far too delighted than Overmind cared for.
“Paradox!” he returned with just as much energy, his smile hopefully not as strained as it felt. “To what do I owe the pleasure?” He asked, shifting his gaze down to the smaller form of his.
He didn’t like how Paradox watched him, his eyes owlish as he regarded him longer in silence and then he smiled.
“You know, there's no audience for you to play for."
“I am unsure what you could possibly mean.”
Paradox didn’t seem phased by his none too subtle deflection at all and jumped topics as if it were nothing, “Overmind! Can you hold up two fingers?”
Overmind already felt like he shouldn’t, as a sort of nagging formed at the back of his thoughts that maybe Paradox was up to no good but of course, instead, he complied. 
Paradox stood back and narrowed his eyes as if straining to see. “Hmm, it’s hard to make out.”
“Paradox, you asked me to hold up two fingers.” Overmind then held up three fingers.
“And that’s still two, right?”
Overmind could feel a slight crack in his mask, as he smiled again, lips pulled tighter than before. He was being toyed with, wasn't he? “Paradox, surely even you can see how many fingers I’m holding up. If that is all, I think I should be on my way.” And Overmind promptly turned on his heel, and paced away, a scowl already replacing the way too plastic smile he showed Paradox.
“Overmind, don’t leave yet. I’m having trouble seeing things. You can fix it right?”
Honestly, Overmind figured if Paradox could not see a simple finger count from less than five feet away, then Paradox had bigger issues at hand. (And he did have way bigger issues at hand.) He hardly got to finish the thought nor ponder what the pesky dimension traveler was up to when a rather bold hand wrapped around his wrist to stop him and then tug him back. “Paradox—!” And he was whirled back, not of his own accord, his eyes dropping down to level with the smaller Paradox. Or at least, that’s what he should have done but instead his gaze immediately shot up, seeing Paradox’s taller form almost towering over him as he closed the space between them. “Paradox,” he tried again, doing his best to keep the stutter from his alarmed voice.
“I said I couldn’t see Overmind,” and Paradox’s grin turned shit-eating, as he leaned in, leaving hardly a gap between both of their bodies, “maybe you should come closer, doctor.” 
Overmind wasn’t sure how, but he managed to escape Paradox. His cackling was still ringing in his ears, even now.
“Overmind?” Doom Bringer asked. 
Ah, right, he had Doom Bringer to thank for that he supposed, coming to find him as he tended to about this hour of the day. “It’s nothing. Besides, it was about that time now anyway, was it not?” To which Overmind was referring to the regular check-ups he had set scheduled for Doom Bringer. He was a rather—and Overmind stopped, sparing a glance Doom Bringer’s way to watch him pull his shirt overhead to reveal muscles defined from years and years of strenuous training—fine specimen after all, and if the brawler wanted to subject himself to his myriads of testing, who was he to refuse? 
“Yer doing the thing again,” Doom Bringer grunted.
And what did that mean? Why did everyone seem so inclined to pick at him today? 
Overmind elected to ignore it, knowing Doom Bringer wouldn’t push and he didn’t. “So, how are you? Did you change anything in your regimen? The results are still the same, no variables altered?”
“Nope, nothin’ changed. Ah, before we started though, I did sort of get banged up from being a bit careless, so…” Doom Bringer trailed off, a lone shoulder shrugging helplessly.
Well, that wouldn’t do. He needed Doom Bringer to be in tip top shape, or at least to be form perfect enough that it wouldn’t change his desired results. “How much is ‘banged up’?” Overmind began looking Doom Bringer over from afar, and then closer. A hand trailing along his forearms, fingers gliding over taut muscle, twitching under his touch. His touch stayed clinical in nature. Overmind hummed, “I see nothing. You don’t react to pain from my touch.” 
Doom Bringer grunted again, watching Overmind work. “Suppose maybe the bruises were a week or so ago, my bad.” He then hopped onto the examining table and leaned his weight back. “I think I did feel something… hard a while ago though.” 
Did he perhaps mean a lump of some sort? Was he swelling somewhere? Overmind followed him, drawing closer once more. “Do you remember where?” Again, Overmind began mapping along his body, not seeing any bruises nor feeling anything out of place. His hands traveled back up along his forearms, and then ran down, smoothing over hard abs and down to his waist. With not much to go from, Overmind clucked his tongue in annoyance and pulled back. “How very careless of you, Psyker. To forget where you were injured. It must not be that important—”
“No, I remember. It was lower.”
Accordingly, Overmind lowered his hands more, fingertips able to feel how the muscle of Doom Bringer’s thigh flexed under his touch. “Did you perhaps strain a quadricep?” To test his theory, he applied pressure to the area, squeezing none too gently and felt how Doom Bringer’s leg jumped at that. “You couldn’t have torn it.” He kept mental notes as he went along, applying pressure as the brawler gave no further input, bodily or otherwise. Wondering why the other had fallen so silent, however, he finally lifted his eyes, and was met with a smirking Doom Bringer.
“It’s around the area, but you’ll hav’ to get a little closer than that, Overmind. Want me t’ show you?”
Dominator’s lab was a solace after running into the pesky duo earlier. (He would be lying if he said he didn’t remember the feeling of Paradox’s lips being a breath away that certainly did not make him tremble and the warmth of Doom Bringer’s skin that he could feel even through his gloves that he ached to learn again.)
“Hoh, and what brings you to my little humble corner?” 
Despite his lab being perfect, Overmind couldn’t relax around him. The mask was back in full force now. “I was interested in seeing your automations again. I think I could use them to my advantage.”
Overmind waited for Dominator to pick at him too, just like the others. But that never came. Just a little nonchalant shrug of his shoulder and a mug brought to his lips for a drink of coffee. After a small sip, he faced Overmind and nodded his head in the other direction. “Sure, we may as well exchange our data up to this point too, then.”
Perhaps, he didn’t need to keep his mask wound so tightly around him.
It was a welcome relief and perhaps that was why he lowered his guard, if only for a moment.
“How do you deal with those two all of the time?” 
“Yes?” Dominator hummed in response, distracted, eyes carefully trained on holographic windows of scrolling numbers and data.”Do you mean Psyker and Paradox? Did they get to you?” He paused, flickering his wrist to disperse the window, and then turning to Overmind with a hand on his hip, “Again?” 
Well, perhaps that’s why he hadn’t felt the need to keep his mask up for so long, despite wanting to out of habit. Sometimes, Dominator could read him, see right through it. “Absolutely irritating,” he mumbled, gaze drifting to some unimportant hunk of scrap to their far side. He did not make a point to make clear if he was referring to Dominator reading him as he did or the two troublemakers from earlier. Snorting rather ungracefully, he continued,  “Anyhow, they both seemed to be in on it. Whatever it was.”
“Oh?” The scientist prompted again, listening attentively. 
“They would…” Overmind refused to believe his cheeks were warm enough to flush, but, recalling the earlier events caused heat to color his face. “Make passes, of sorts. And, anyway!” Not wanting to linger on that, he pressed on, “They seemed to be in on these preposterous jokes of theirs. Even bothering me throughout the rest of the day with them. I am certain of it.”
Dominator suppressed a chuckle, a gloved hand hiding his mouth. “That does sound like them, yes. Well, what sort of things would they say?” He then stood and moved some distance away, picking at this part and that, searching for some part Overmind had needed.
Overmind sighed into his palm, resting his cheek in his hand. Did it matter what they had said? It wasn’t as if he forgot, but he didn’t want to repeat half the things the two had said to him through the course of the day. Especially not to Dominator. Instead, he turned his attention to the various display screens and all its numbers fluctuating. He decided to change the topic then, “Dominator, what do you make of this—?” 
Dominator had quite the height advantage over him as he was sitting. Leaning over his shoulder, scarf tickling his cheeks, the scientist dropped to his ear and murmured, “What’s twelve inches long and hangs in front of an asshole? Well, Overmind? Care to find out?” Fingers curled into Overmind’s bangs, nudging them away from his cheek, knuckles brushing his face tenderly.
The juxtaposition of it all made Overmind freeze and then startle.
It was almost comical how Dominator’s free hand pried Overmind’s hand away from his cheek and dropped the part he’d been asking for into the center of his hand instead. “It’s a stethoscope. Haa, why are you making that face?” Dominator grinned, pleased as a cat. “Did they happen to use that one on you already? I’m afraid that’s the only one I recall. Wait, Overmind, where are you going already? We didn’t finish the reports for the data, yet.” 
Later that evening, they were all sitting around the dining room table: Dominator at center, equipped with a new cup of coffee, Paradox to his left, poking at Dominator’s cake, hoping to steal a piece without his noticing, and Doom Bringer watching Paradox’s attempts as he took a swig of water.
Overmind entered, his smile pristine and crisp, watching the scene unfold before him with a hand on his hip. He then announced, “I have determined you are all dying very soon and don’t have much time left.”
Doom Bringer and Dominator both exchanged confused stares. 
Paradox, however, was giddy despite the sudden clinical approach of a morbid topic and humored Overmind, “Really?! Whatever do you mean?”
Dominator asked, “Ten what?”
Doom Bringer followed up, “Ten months? Weeks?” He counted off.
“Ten, nine, eight—”
Overmind never saw them run so fast.
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starswallowingsea · 2 years
⭐️ (also your sora theme is so cute omg)
ask game
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his name is raven and i have not touched elsword in years
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joelhappyhil · 1 year
What's DAWN, and why should I fund it?
Tumblr doesn't feel like the place to spam ads to get a Kickstarter going, I don't know what makes me think that, but it feels right.
So at risk of wasting my time, I've decided to write a comprehensive overview of my upcoming Kickstarter, DAWN.
To get started, here's the opening text as of the game's current version:
DAWN is a grid-based, combat-focused, setting-agnostic TTRPG, made with a focus on mechanics that provide as much depth as possible while keeping the game fast-paced and easy to pick up and play. 
Create your heroes, discover truths of the world, face against thinly veiled metaphors in the forms of fearsome overlords and monsters, and grow - both in power and as people - within a world of your own making! Embark on an adventure with friends, coming with its highest highs and lowest lows, bearing the greatest storms to gaze upon the beautiful DAWN.
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What may or may not be clear from reading this primer, is that DAWN is heavily inspired by the anime and games I enjoyed in my childhood, KMMOs like Elsword and shows like Fairy tale, both properties with strong color-coded character designs and fun magical specialties for each. I'm trying to recreate this vibe in DAWN, but in a way that can fit into nearly any setting.
The game's got a setting creation activity that can help you both make a fun world and get an idea of what the game's intended tone / important narrative elements are.
There are also a number of roll tables I've written up to serve as suggestions or a way to quickly throw together a setting!
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The game's combat is meant to be similarly quick and snappy, with its rules less than 10 pages long (As of now), you've got action points to spend on your turn and by default all characters have access to a melee, ranged, and heavy attack, with your Powers adding additional effects and flavor.
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Want to be a cool and quick sword master, no need to choose a class, equipment set, and feats to make this possible, just pick up a power or two that fit, and you're done.
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I haven't shown everything here, but the game is available for free on my Itch, and with that you may be asking "Why should I fund this?"
Short answer: There's still not enough.
Long answer: I really want to add some important things to this game, I need more art, I need a proper title page, and I would really love to pick up Affinity and improve the layout, and with my minimum wage income I can't afford that along with being alive. So if you have interest in this project I would really love if you would follow the KS and consider supporting it on release.
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milesonthenet · 3 months
Fusionfall: Cartoon Network's BIZARRE thought experiment!
Welcome back to the House of Milesverse, focused on some things comics, some things Transformers, and some things uh - other things.
Today we'll be talk about a special part of my childhood. I've always considered myself a CN kid more than any othr network. Nickelodeon just did not interest me, and i wasn't into Avatar or anything. But i did like Invader Zim. And my 'love' for Disney only came from the movies, and Kingdom Hearts.
But Cartoon Network? That was a different story. I loved Cartoon Network, and it was the network i watched the most. It just had a lot of fun stuff that kid-me was into.
Kid-Me loved Ben 10, and he really did enjoy Dexter's Laboratory. He'd sit down and watch Powerpuff Girls, or Cow & Chicken. He used to watch Scooby-Doo with his grandma. He even enjoyed early Adventure Time, Regular Show, and Steven Universe.
Total Drama, Johnny Test, The Secret Saturdays, Generator Rex, Teen Titans, Johnny Bravo. There was no limit to the amount of stuff that I'd watch. My entertainment wasn't just playing games or on the computer. It was sitting in front of the TV and seeing what I enjoyed.
But you know what Kid me loved that had - probably most of these things in them?
Well if you weren't clued in by the opening title, I'll show you;
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This game got me into playing later MMO games like Elsword and DC Universe Online. It was familiar, it had all sorts of cartoon network characters in it. It remains a big point of my childhood because of it.
So today? Put on your nostalgia lenses. As House of MilesVerse presents it's own miniature REVIEW of;
Making of Fusionfall
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Fusionfall's story begins with Cartoon Network and one of their first 'big' forays into gaming. The game was published by Cartoon Network, with a business model planned out by Turner Entertainment. Its developers were Grigon Entertainment, a south korean studio chosen for their art style.
Speaking of? Fusionfall's art style is definitely interesting. It portrays the setting with more anime-esque styling. Characters still retained some of their cartoony looks, however, so while it was different, it still worked.
In the game however, it uh, was an interesting experiment.
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Admittedly? Eddy isn't the weirdest looking one here. THAT award goes to;
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That's Jake, as in Jake the Dog. He looks like that and is one of the only NPCs with no animations. He's just static, his eyes boring deep into your soul...
Jake knows what you did.
Anyways, Fusionfall is an MMORPG where you play as an avatar. You have some limited but still versatile customization options. Your character uses many weapons, including rifles, pistols, rockets, and melee weapons.
Original? Academy?
The game had two different versions, with one ultimately replacing the other. The original was available from 2009-2011 and gave you a simple story. Your character was a hero testing out a time machine, who wound up trapped in the future. You begin a quest to come back to the past, and eventually you return with the knowledge needed to create nanos.
Don't worry about that, we will get into that bit later.
After the birthday bash, the game's tutorial and introduction was overhauled. Newer characters were added - or at least new for when the game was out. For example? Finn, Jake, Generator Rex, and the Sym-Bionic Titan were all new additions, alongside Chowder, flapjack, and the Saturdays. In addition? Mordecai, Rigby, Gumball, and Darwin were all represented through Nanos.
This version of the game is Academy, which lasts from 2011-2013 when the game inevitably shut down its servers. Academy gives you two bonuses for your character: gliding and dodging. Your multidirectional dodge lets you move from front, back, or side to side.
The overhaul changed your origin story too. You train in the null void (it's a Ben 10 thing), and then Providence. Eventually after completing enough missions, you're sent off to get your guide, completing the tutorial.
Your Guides:
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The game had four guides available to you at the start. The good thing about them is that you could change missions. You could swap from one guide to another, but you would start at the first level. If you chose to swap back, then you would be able to resume from your initial position.
These four guides are:
Ben Tennyson
Edd, aka 'Double D'
And Mojo Jojo
The guides all have different missions too. Dexter wants to find out where the missing heroes from the world are. Ben Tennyson wants to make sure Lord Fuse (We'll get to that) doesn't get his hands on alien technology. These two are pretty simple.
Mojo Jojo wants to build an army of super-monkeys powered by Chemical X and fusion matter to defeat Lord Fuse. Naturally, the player foils his schemes each time - thanks to Mandy, and Dexter, - because he's evil.
Edd is... not what I would have expected, but he wants to stop Fuse from gaining buried candy and treasure maps. I'm surprised at his inclusion, especially compared to the others. But I think he also helps appeal to the comedic leanings of Cartoon Network.
What's the story?
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Now we get to the FUN bit!
Fusionfall's story centers on a connected setting between the TV Series. The events of Powerpuff Girls, Dexter's Laboratory, Ben 10, and Ed, Edd n Eddy are all connected. All the characters know each other, and everything is united.
The main 'threat' of the series is Planet Fusion, a large gooey planet that's assimilated other worlds. This time it wants to assimilate Earth, breaking it down like it's done to many worlds. The various heroes of the Cartoon Network universe unite to stop Planet Fusion from taking their planet.
This isn't just an easy fight for the heroes, though. Planet Fusion creates dangerous monsters made out of fusion matter to terrorize the people. Worse, they've created evil doppelgangers of our favorite CN characters, named Fusions!
It's a big war between two sides, and your character's caught in the middle. As mentioned above, your character is accidentally sent to the future. He returns to the past with the nano blueprints, so that the resistance may have a fighting chance against Fuse.
Now? It's you, the legendary hero, helping take down Fuse's forces across the world. You lose, Fuse.
The Fusions, and the Nanos
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This has been stated above, but it would be easier to hop through it again. The Fusions are evil doppelgangers of your favorite Cartoon Network characters. They may look similar, but they are not nice, and exist to help Planet Fusion move his goals along.
Fusions are always found in fusion lairs, which are in infected zones. Infected Zones are the areas most communicated with fusion matter. There are many infected zones, and they all require you talk to a Dexbot to get in.
In these infected zones, you will usually find more than one fusion lair. This is where the Fusions lurk - are you tired of hearing the word 'fusion'? Don't be, we've got a long way to go. Entering the fusion lair usually requires you fight your way through a horde of monsters, and then the fusion itself.
When the fusion finally dies, you get a nano, made from a personal item of the character, fusion matter, and your own imagination energy. This is just the story reason though, the video game reason is just "kill this fusion, and get a nano". It's adorable, by the way.
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Nanos have special abilities, which come in a set of three. With a nano you can get bonus fusion matter from missions, have extra money, make monsters fall asleep, sneak past monsters, and more. You only get to pick one ability, but don't fret, you can change it later.
I always look back and think the Nanos are a refreshing gimmick. Imagine being able to carry a chibi-fied version of Mojo Jojo around. They come with their own voice lines too, with higher-pitched voices.
The base game had around 36 nanos which you gained for each level. Academy added a few notable bonuses, with nanos themed off of more-recent CN characters. In addition, you could use a code to gain access to a nano.
The inevitable shutdown (and potential successors):
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August 29, 2013, saw Fusionfall close its servers and shut down. I didn't understand it at the time, but I moved on. It was a sad moment for many fans who had gotten attached to the game series.
Other successors have tried to follow the game series. Fusionfall Retro was released as a revival of the original game before the Academy relaunch. Fusionfall Legacy was going to be released as an upscaled version of the original game with additiona l content.
Both games were struck down by a DMCA issued by Cartoon Network. Retro was removed entirely, and Legacy was canceled before release. Retro is playable through 'Retrobution', a modified spin on Retro.
In addition, both the original and academy games are playable after years of being 'gone'. This is through OpenFusion, an unofficial server that preserves both original iterations of the game. Retrobution is also made using this server.
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Fusionfall was a big part of my childhood, especially as a CN Kid. I'm glad i got to make those memories while playing it. However, I never got to beat the original game because i stopped playing.
Things are different now, and after playing on Openfusion, I managed to beat all 36 levels. I was happy to finally see that through. If I could time travel, I'd go back, and fist-bump my younger self. We finally did it, and we saw it through to the end.
Fusionfall was a cute idea, and the strength of its concept alone could prove useful. However, I don't think it could find an audience in today's market. Outside of old fans, I'm not sure if 'new' kids are as attached to cartoon network as the past few generations were.
Regardless? It could be cool to imagine what it would be like now. Better game engines combined with better controls. Newer cartoon network series like Steven Universe, We Bare Bears, or Craig of The Creek. You could even throw in some oddballs, like Scooby-Doo.
I sure hope you all had fun reading this one. I'll be back later on with another dig. Maybe I can show you guys why I love the Cybertron Transformers games so much. After all, they are also a part of my childhood!
The time is now. The hero is you.
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uwukillmenowowo · 2 years
Haha- I'm new here and wanna do stuff-
As the title says- I'm bored and wanna do stuff here- I made an account because I originally wanted to just browse around and like stuff but my account got deleted and so I made this new one-
I'm mostly skilled in writing [Insert] X Reader.
Any kind really-
[Insert] X Female Reader
[Insert] X Male Reader
[Insert] X Nonbinary Reader
[Various/Harem Insert] X Reader
Just- anything in the X Reader field.
I also draw and will take requests because I wanna fill up my sketchbook -w-
These are most of the fandoms that I'm a part of-
[Insert] - I will write/draw for that fandom if requested
[Insert] - I don't know how to write/draw but will be willing to try!
[Insert] - I don't know how to write/draw it and will not be willing to try because I am too lazy.
     [Games] - Disney Twisted Wonderland - Ensemble Stars Music - Elsword  - Cookie Run Kingdom - Ayakashi: Romance Reborn - Just Shapes and Beats - Hatsune Miku: CS - Splatoon Manga - Undertale and Au's - Danganronpa THH/DR2:GD/DR:KH - Little Nightmares - Poppy Playtime - FNAF - Friday Night Funkin' and mods - Cuphead - BATIM - Soul Knight - Yandere Simulator - Obey Me: One Master To Rule them All - DDLC - Subnautica - Pokemon [Any] - TLOZ and others - Andy's Apple Farm
     [Anime] - Land of the Lustrous - Puella Magi: Madoka Magica - Nanbaka - No Game No Life - Jujutsu Kaisen - Vampire Knight - Magical Girl Site - The Devil is a Part-Timer - Assassination Classroom - Hunter X Hunter - Black Butler - Naruto/Naruto Shippuden - Fairytail - Attack On Titan - BNHA/MHA - OHSHC - Demon Slayer/Kimetsu No Yaiba - One Punch Man - TDLOSK - Death Note - SAO/SAO2/GGO/GGOA/SAOA
     [T.V Series]  - Yokai Watch - Digimon: Digital Monsters - Beyblade Metal Fusion - Lego Legends of Chima - Yu-Gi-Oh - Lego Ninjago - South park - Lego Nexo Knights
     [Others]  - Dream SMP - Countryhumans - Vocaloid - Disney movies??
Of course- there's more but I don't remember them atm...
Any kind really-
[Insert] X Female Reader
[Insert] X Male Reader
[Insert] X Nonbinary Reader
[Various/Harem Insert] X Reader
Just- anything in the X Reader field.
Anyways- Yeah! That's me- Anyways bye!
- Your new acquaintance, Kumon
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reference the dang meme. I don't just mean send an icon of the meme, but also add which meme it came from, be it a link or the title of the meme, or both. I'm not one to reply things directly at times, hell I bet most of you probably know that from me already. The reason why RP meme asks that were sent but don't get answered by me is because I don't remember which meme it came from and it sucks. Might've been a very fun meme that I would really enjoy to reply but can't because I've not only get to it at the time when it's been sent but when I finally get to it I forgot what meme it came from and it SUCKS. Add a reference to the meme for those who don't reply often. And yes I'm calling myself out cause I do that too and I need to learn not to do it.
I still miss a few old fandoms/muses from old fandoms I hope I'm not alone in this but god does it feel like people don't look back on old fandoms after they've moved to another one or keep roleplaying in the fandom. It makes some fandoms that used to be great end up being dead and that just saddens me. Yes I may sound like an old record, but I really wish that all fandoms still exist, especially in the RP-ing community. There's probably a lot of muses that people would enjoy interacting with, be it on tumblr or on discord or anywhere else, regardless of the fandom they came from. Of course I have some fandoms that I wish it will return and hell I've even added tags from those fandoms to the tag tracker and not a single one showed up as 1 or +1 and it saddens me. But that's life for ya, huh? Just some fandoms go dead after a new fandom comes. Of course I might be a broken record for saying this, but I really hope the Maplestory fandom returns on tumblr-- or hell, the Elsword fandom too for that matter. But until then, guess I can only hope... P.S please ask Joy to bring his A.B back I enjoyed the interactions a lot when I was able to do it--
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purple-seekers · 1 year
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It’s that time again where “mod” (a title we no longer use these days) Osu and Val reminisce about Elsword, randomly post a ship related thing between these two after eons of not even having Elsword be part of our lives anymore, and disappearing into the void once again.
I, mod Val, bring to you a quick edit between Add and Aisha’s “new” routes. Because even now, this ship is still alive in our hearts.
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ursbearhug · 2 years
🌷💞✨ answer with 3 random facts about yourself, then send this to 10 other people 🌷💞✨
Hi, hello and thank you!
I used to be a giant weeb in my teens, but more so for the vibes (or whatever) than actually liking anime or mango (given that I've watched 7 or 8 titles, maybe). I attended a lot of weeb conventions (12 of them or so) and my first at the ripe old age of 10 I believe. And I even moderated a panel once, with my friend! It was about Elsword in the golden days! Said panel was attended by one jealous incel out of spite; because I dated the girl he wanted to. We both left his stinky-ass guild the following week. He was basic af and I cannot imagine any other way of having sex with him than with something in his mouth and a bag on his head. It's not even about being ugly. It's about being ugly on the inside. He was also homophobic so he was thrice as ugly if you ask me. Now I'm ace and gay and my ex-girlfriend is engaged to a trans guy - suck it bitch. Anyway, yeah. I still have the entrance thing-y with "Dr Aki" as a nickname. I had PhD at the ripe old age of 10. What were you doing with your life?
So I talk a lot about learning English out of spite so maybe now I'll like… Bring the context to this; So in my 1st year of middle school, my English teacher told me I'm not gonna achieve anything in this field because I'm dyslexic and I don't pronounce shit correctly. So I took it upon myself to spit on her face and I started teaching myself by myself; I was reading dictionaries (still do, as a matter of fact, that's a hobby of mine; and according to my favourite greek professor - hers too), watching dozen people speaking English on ytube (usually tried to pick folks of different ethnicities because it's so damn enticing and mesmerising; listening to how different groups speak the same language differently) and so on and so forth. From that year onward, I was finishing every year with the highest possible grade (here, marks go from 1 to 6. With 1 being the lowest, and 6 being the highest - and requiring knowledge beyond the given curriculum) and 3 years later I went to represent my piece of shit worthy high school on English Olympics. It's like a string of tests for nerds. I didn't get really far, to be fair my life was a literal fucking mess at the time, but I got to the 2nd stage (out of 3) and got my ass handed to me by *one* exercise. I can do a lot of shit, but you take letters out of words for me and I'm donezo. I'm pulling the white flag, throwing the towel, tapping out. I can't. So yeah, I'm a machine powered up by spite!
I was a very creative kid in the age bracket of 7 to 14. I was doing pottery classes, drawing classes, I was going to secret club meetings to write stuff. To this day I'm really missing the spark that lived in that little ol' body of mine. Not to be masturbating to my own work but I really loved the style I had back then. My narrative might have sucked from an academic perspective but it was so damn entertaining to read! I made a lot of snarky or interesting commentary in the way I wrote stuff. Some of it is really cringeworthy to read right now; given that my humour has changed a lot, but it just goes to show that kids can be really, really creative. I also had so much time on my hands, because bitch - I was manufacturing love stories like some of the biggest monopolies in this world. Friends to enemies to lovers, friends to lovers, frenemies to frelovers, retellings, original concepts, concepts 'that I thought were original but then I started classical studies', concepts that borderline on copyright theft - you fucking name it. And you know what? Not a single dick in sight. That's right, I was a pure bean even then… I wasn't 2 years later but that's beside the point.
I hope that suffice? Thank you for the ask once again! ^^
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xaracosmia · 20 days
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name / alias: Xanthe age: 23 pronouns: none ooc contact: architectureteam @ tumblr other characters in xc: Noah Ebalon (Nyx Pieta)
name: Ainen Rosso age: 43 pronouns: they/he series: Elsword canon point: Monaterra app triggers: human/child experimentation, eye horror/trauma, character death, imprisonment
personality: Rosso, the El Master of Fire, perfectly encapsulates his element on the surface. He's hot-headed, stubborn and arrogant, with an explosive temper to boot; he gets easily tunnel-visioned on his own ideas, refusing to acknowledge other people's viewpoints (he's used to getting what he wants, or else). Ruthless and vicious, his entire demeanor screams you'd best not get in his way; he'll burn you to ashes if you try.
Deeper down, past his fiery personality is a heart of gold. He's incredibly emotional, but opts to hide most of his feelings instead. He cares deeply about the people he knows, even if he displays said worry in his own hostile, roundabout way. He's a loner at heart, and has trouble openly displaying any affection, instead lashing out to stop people from getting close to him. He doesn't like to talk, either, preferring to just sit in silence whenever possible, shying away from any conversation or small talk. Contrary to how he behaves, he doesn't hold himself in high regard. He dehumanizes himself often, and tends to beat himself up for not living up to his own unrealistic goals, pushing himself to extreme ends to cover up for his weaknesses - often he can be found training until the brink of collapse.
He threatens others habitually, seeing intimidation and violence as a way to exert control, but even though he doesn't shy away from threats, he doesn't want to actually hurt others, so it's pretty easy to call his bluff when you get to know him. Don't push him too far, though: he will if he deems the situation extreme enough to. He's gone through his own world of suffering, and he doesn't want anyone else to suffer the same way he did.
Good luck getting him to admit he doesn't actually hate you, though.
something your muse struggles with: Putting himself before the greater good. He's definitely a very selfish person when it comes to personal matters, but only then. When it comes down to the world at large, Rosso will be one of, if not the very first to offer himself up, usually to the detriment of himself and those around him.
your muse’s greatest strength: He's stubborn and nigh unable to dissuade. This could also be seen as a bad thing, but it means he's impossible to demoralize, whether because things are going bad or through mental manipulation. He's seen it all before, he'll keep going no matter what you throw at him.
history / background: The city of Elrianode, capital of Elrios. At its heart lied the El - an enormous blue crystal that gave life to the land. The El was protected by seven people - the El Lady, a woman chosen directly by a goddess, and six El Masters of different elements who helped the El Lady protect the El. Being an El Master was a title of great prestige, granted only to the most adept users of a certain element; much conflict came to be in the struggle to become El Master.
Not everyone in Elrianode was capable of magic, though. There were those who couldn't control the El, and so couldn't use magic - Debrians they were called, and they turned to science in order to make a name for themselves. One of these Debrians was the Rosso family, who, despite their lack of magical attunement, desperately wished to bring forth a Fire Master with perfect control over fire. The El Master didn't just bring glory to themselves - their family would obtain great privileges as well.
They went to inhumane lengths to do so. Being unable to control El energy on their own, they instead turned to human experimentation to try and create the ultimate Fire Master - but as fire was the most dangerous element of all, time after time after time, the people they worked with burned themselves out. Any progress they made was scarce.
That is, until they got their hands on subject B-99, formerly named Ainen. Ainen was born a half-demon - and this power of demons inside of it allowed it to subdue the fire energy, allowing it to control it more reliably. This still wasn't enough, however. They wanted it to have even more power.
So they took out its right eye, replacing it with the Crimson Eye - an eye that belonged to a powerful demon lord named Stirbargen - which infused its body with incredible levels of demonic energy that perfected its control over fire. This unique mastery of fire quickly found it seated as the Fire Master of its generation, and from that point on, it was no longer B-99, but instead Ainen Rosso, El Master of Fire.
As powerful as it made him, this harmony of fire and demonic energy created a perilous balance within his body. If one were to be disturbed, the other would spiral out of control. Rosso knew this, and he knew it would become a problem sooner rather than later, so he devoted much of his time to intense training, hoping he could gain the power to control both elements for when things would inevitably go wrong.
Which didn't take too long. One day, the El exploded, wiping Elrianode off the map and throwing the land into darkness. The El Masters decided to pour their elemental energy into fragments of El scattered across the lands in order to create elemental El shards that could make its surrounding environment inhabitable. For most of them this was no issue, and not worth a second thought… save for Rosso. After traveling out far, eventually finding a sufficient El Shard, he poured most of his fire energy into it, disrupting the harmony within his body and causing his demonic energy to start overtaking him and making him go berserk. With his final moments of clarity, he escaped into a dimensional rift formed by the El's explosion, retreated to another world, and sealed himself away in a tower for many, many years, in order to stop himself from going on a rampage in an already wounded Elrios.
Eventually, the El ended up restored. The El's restoration caused a surge of energy to spread throughout the land - even in this other world, Rosso could feel this energy, and started stirring. The restoration of the El also reawakened the fire energy that was originally inside the separated El Shard, which started finding its way back to him. Because of the tower imprisoning him, said power of fire couldn't return to his body, and started going out of control without the demonic energy to keep it in check, creating a blazing aura that destroyed the surrounding area and caused catastrophic damage.
The El Search Party made its way to the demon realm not long after - the same world Rosso was in. They were asked (read: tricked) by Stirbargen to go deal with this blazing aura, and ended up freeing him from his imprisonment, who had lost all sanity and was out solely to destroy. While fighting him, he managed to burn off his excess demonic energy, allowing him to regain control, and with the help of the party and the Wind Master, made his way back to Elrianode.
Now, Rosso just spends his time tending to the El as the El Master of Fire… but more importantly, he's always training, trying to make up for all the power he lost after losing the Crimson Eye. Though he still has the demonic energy from being a half-demon, he has lost much of it, and now has to control the element of fire through willpower and training alone.
It's an incredibly risky and dangerous occupation, being the El Master of Fire - but he wouldn't want anyone else to do it. He's the only one fit for the job.
powers / abilities: 
Fire manipulation:Rosso can expertly control fire El energy, allowing him to create fire out of thin air and manipulate already existing fire, whether magical or natural. He can use said fire powers to create objects out of fire as well, eventually solidifying them into something permanent if he wishes. Armed with the Crimson Eye, his fire manipulation has no limit, but without the demonic energy emanated by the eye, he has to show far more restraint: misuse of it could very well cause the fire energy to spiral out of control and kill him, after all.
Demonic energy manipulation:Though he usually doesn't use it, instead only letting the demonic energy in his body work as a restraint for his fire energy, he can weaponize it. Demonic energy usually materializes as evil, darkness-esque energy, allowing him to make bursts of demonic energy, fire it like beams, and control it like it's a physical substance. His control over it is incredibly limited though, as he's never properly trained with it. He can, however, manipulate it in such a way that it works as an empowerment by resonating with his demonic energy, accessing a special state where he temporarily grows horns and a tail and embraces his half-demon side. This empowerment further increases his physical capabilities and fire powers. Using the powers of the Crimson Eye, he can also willingly make himself go berserk, but...
Teleportation: Rosso can teleport! It's only short-range teleportation, though, and he can't take anyone with him. There's no other limits or cooldown on it.
inherent abilities:
Half-demon physiology: As a half-demon, Rosso is physically superior over normal humans. He's stronger, faster, has heightened endurance and reflexes, and has some cool little features like claws, slit pupils, fangs and pointy ears. Furthermore, he comes with heightened senses, and he possesses a strong darkvision. He can't see perfectly in pitch blackness, but no matter the light level, he can find his way around comfortably and reliably. Yes, this also means he has eye shine.
Immunity to fire and heat: As a natural effect of being so attuned with the Fire El, Rosso has grown to resist the element of fire to an unnatural degree. He can withstand extremely high temperatures without any injury or discomfort, and can even catch fire without actually burning up. Anyone trying to attack him with fire is going to be incredibly disappointed, as he is essentially immune. He could stand inside of a raging inferno without any problems. (Except for that he still needs oxygen.)
Resistance to poisons: Rosso is naturally resistant to all different sorts of poisons as a virtue of being a half-demon. It's not an immunity, a strong enough poison or high enough dose can still mess him up, but it takes quite a bit to take him down. He's also resistant to sedatives of any kind along with this, and requires far higher doses of most modern medicine to get them to work. Things like painkillers work by disrupting your bodily functions, after all.
Energy sensing:As an El Master, Rosso's natural ability to sense all sorts of types of energy emanated by people is vastly superior to that of normal people in his universe. He can feel energy in a large radius around him, allowing him to 'feel' things and people even when he cannot see them, allowing him to use this sense as a radar. He is mostly attuned to sensing different kinds of El energy and derivatives of it (like elemental El energy or Henir energy), and demonic energy by virtue of being a half-demon. This means that, for example, he can tell if a person is attuned to a specific element, if they're part of the Elsword universe, and if they are a demon or not. He could learn to identify people by the very specific energy pattern they emit, but that would take a long time.
items / weapons: 
Scythe: It's a big, decorated fiery scythe of fire. The scythe's blade is normally a basic light grey metal, but he can set the blade on fire, giving it its unique fiery white and pink look. (1) (2). When transformed, the flames on his scythe turn black instead of white, and pink starts running through the handle. (3) (4). Rosso can also use his fire manipulation to summon and unsummon his scythe at will, and even attack remotely with it if he wants. It's a big chunky weapon and it'd be tiring to carry it around everywhere.
Crimson Eye: Stirbargen's Crimson Eye, and the wellspring of most of Rosso's demonic power. It's a bright red eye (the sclera are red as well) with a bright cyan pupil and another bright cyan ring around the pupil. It goes inside Rosso's right eye socket. Incredibly powerful, it augments Rosso's powers to unbelievable heights… but all the demonic energy could backfire on him just as easily. In his current state in canon, he's lost the Eye, but it'd be pretty funny if he got it back, huh.
starting ability: Fire manipulation starting item: Scythe
would you like this character to be housed upon arrival?: yes!
The fire Rosso creates is unique in every way: it is a bright pink with a white-hot center, requires no oxygen or fuel to burn and creates no smoke due to being magical, and burns eternally unless doused by magical means or via his own volition - it cannot be doused by mundane means. It can, however, be controlled by those who can control fire, as it is just fire at its core. Mind you, however, that if he wills it so, his fire can physically burn objects. It just doesn't have to.
His pink fire burns both body and soul - draining one's mental and magical power as it destroys the body. When people are set alight, Rosso's fire weaves themselves into their attacks whenever possible, adding a fiery edge to their attacks that empowers them further.
Strengthening his enemy's attacks could be considered counterproductive, but this process causes the fire to spread without his active interference, and furthermore, because of his unique connection to fire, any attacks empowered by his fire is incapable of hurting him, healing him instead. This does not apply to normal fire attacks of any other kind, which he is simply immune to - it has to very specifically be his fire. The fire in the attack shields him, completely nullifying the impact of magical attacks and causing physical attacks to harmlessly bounce off him, and is then absorbed, healing his own injuries. The stronger the attack, the more potent the heal is.
Because of the way his fire burns the soul, those with sufficient willpower can douse themselves through sheer strength of spirit if they are caught on fire, but this takes time, and more importantly, one's undivided attention, rendering them vulnerable to other threats. This also results in his fire powers bypassing any immunities or resistances to fire.
Rosso is 4'11", 5'1" with his heels. He hates it.
The El Search Party of his canon is the main, canonical one.
discord id: cradleofsin.
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This is Ebi Dem Universe, Ebony's twin Sister with her full body design.
Which one is an excellent design, base and colour?
Trivia: This main character is different as Homura Akemi (Madoka Magica) Personality One (Drakengard 3) Personality Princess Minimandy (Grim Tales) Ability, Base and Personality Akame (Akame ga Kill!) Ability and Personality Blake Belladonna (RWBY) Ability and Personality Rory Mercury (Gate Anime) Ability, Base and Personality The Intention of the Abyss (Pandora Hearts) Base and Personality Echo (Pandora Hearts)Ability, Base and Personality Bernkastel (Umineko) Base and Personality and Lu (Elsword) Ability, Base and Personality
I update it to change the title in it! Again.
I update it again with a final design of the title.
Ebi Dem Universe from Universe of Fantasy.
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vermilionvector · 2 years
Elsword Record Mode
Introducing the mode for the laziest of people: Record Mode.
Function: Allow you to auto-play a dungeon.
You must reach Master Class.
You must obtain certain titles for their specific dungeons. (i.e. Freed Shadow for 17-5).
Queueing is not allowed. You must play solo.
All menus will be inaccessible (i.e. inventory, character profile, skills). This means your current equipment, stats and skills will be locked throughout the dungeon.
Pet is allowed.
Titles are allowed, but you cannot switch it mid-dungeon.
Mount is not allowed.
Items or resurrection stones are not allowed. This includes pet's quick slots.
All external buffs (i.e. elixirs, event specific buff, guild buff, etc.) will take effect.
No time limit on clearing a dungeon.
You must clear the dungeon once.
After you clear the dungeon, you can check the recorded time and stats.
The recorded data is reset every 1st date of the month.
How to use:
You can only use this function on the character that is used to clear the dungeon.
You need 1 Auto-Play ticket to start the auto-play function.
If the dungeon requires entrance ticket, you need to have it in your inventory to initiate.
When initiated, the timer, which is the same as the recorded time, will begin to countdown. When it reaches 0, the dungeon will be cleared. The ticket and stamina will be used.
You can set the number of rounds you want to clear.
EXP, ED, and drop rate will be equal to the stats you use to record the first playthrough. They will also be affected by events.
If your inventory is full, the consecutive auto-clear will be stopped.
Likewise, if you play a dungeon that requires entrance ticket and you don't have it in you inventory, the consecutive auto-clear will also be stopped.
You cannot do anything except chatting while the dungeon is running.
You will be given up to 30 Auto-Clear tickets via weekly quest. (Clear Varnimyr, Pruinaum and Abyss Raid once each; 10 tickets per clear). The quests are per account. Tickets will expire after each monthly reset.
You can buy more tickets in the cash shop. The purchased tickets are permanent.
This function is allowed only for normal and secret dungeons.
Dungeons that have random or conditional paths will not affect anything. So pray that you get the best path.
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wolf-prinz · 2 years
My genre of trans gals 🏳️‍⚧️
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dezimaton · 4 years
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cleanup post
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suzukamizuchi · 6 years
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fawism · 6 years
Erbluhen Emotion: Hey, wanna hang?
Apostasia: Yeah, from the ceiling
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loftyexecutor · 7 years
einander mal
pairing; aincest (richter/bluhen) rating; k wc; 496  category; fluff notes; i know there was something i wanted to edit in this but i forgot. oh well
"You've changed."
The words drip from Bluhen's lips like honey, like they always do. Richter feels himself scoff. "Only humans change," he retorts, because it feels like he should, and because he hasn't changed.
"Yet last week you've said humans never change."
Richter remembers; it had been when they fought, one of his offhand comments which Bluhen is all too good at remembering. "Humans are… contradictory."
Bluhen hums. The Eids surrounding them resonate along with the sound, like a chime bell, so perfectly synchronized. "Am I contradictory?" he asks, and Richter doesn't expect it, even though he should.
"No," is the easy answer, however.
Something twinkles in Bluhen's eyes, something Richter can't place, even though his lips quirk up. He makes an exaggerated movement with his hand, as if presenting himself. "So I'm not a human in your eyes? Even with the way I am?"
"You'll never be a human," Richter states, brows knitted together as he looks Bluhen up and down.
"I want to be, though. I think I might be," Bluhen muses, and Richter sighs.
"Will you ever let me finish? I swear, it's like you lose more manners every day."
"You still don't even know what a handshake is," Bluhen interjects, only proving Richter's point, but at least he'd called the god out.
"As I was saying, you could never be a human. You're so much higher than then."
The Eids chime again, like a melody to the tune of Bluhen's surprise, elation and pride. "That's… very nice, coming from you," he says, fighting (and failing) to conceal the blush blooming on his cheeks.
He swoops down and places his hands onto Richter's shoulders. There's a smile resting on his lips as he wraps the arms around Richter and pulls him into an embrace. Richter's arms raise as well, mirroring the movement like he'd learned long ago.
"You know," Bluhen says, so close to Richter's ear than he can feel each slow, deliberate breath. "Now that you're a god, I can worship you."
Richter feels a stab of something inside of himself, some pride left over from when he served Ishmael, that screams at the very mention of Bluhen stopping his worship towards her. He thinks of Ishmael with fondness, even after the power she had bestowed upon him had turned into his own.
"Don't," he says back, softly.
Bluhen chuckles, as if he'd expected no less. "Perhaps another time, then."
Richter thinks, belatedly, when Bluhen had already let go and stepped back, that there is going to be many 'another time's. The difference between them couldn't be any more vast. And yet… And yet they were once one and the same person.
Perhaps 'another time' will also have Bluhen laughing his twinkling laugh, and dropping his easy jokes. Perhaps 'another time' will have Richter giving another answer, being the one begging to worship this little star of a human.
He closes his eyes and gives a slow nod. "Perhaps another time, then."
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