aliyafatima · 1 year
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Time heals all wounds. And if it doesn't, you name them something other than wounds and agree to let them stay.
-Emma Forrest, Your Voice in My Head
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marcopinion · 8 months
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Sinto remorsos ao refletir sobre minha vida, repleta de oportunidades que deixei escapar devido à minha imaturidade.
Não soube reconhecer e valorizar quem me amava, quem nutria paixão por mim. Na época, eu era tão infantil…
Não consigo determinar até que ponto a culpa foi minha. Minha adolescência foi marcada por uma vida presa e sufocada, e só mais tarde comecei a enxergar as cores e a vida de maneira mais plena.
Ela, por outro lado, já sabia o que queria. E o que queria era eu.
Mesmo sem uma real intenção de compromisso da minha parte, continuei adiante com esse romance, aproveitando-o ao máximo. No entanto, ambos sabíamos que estava destinado a terminar.
Ela me amou profundamente, enquanto eu menosprezei a garota que realmente me desejava, que ansiava por estar ao meu lado.
Hoje, após tantos anos, ela provavelmente relembra esse passado com certa felicidade e nostalgia, mas com a satisfação de ter sido algo que não deu certo.
Ela sofreu, aquele relacionamento fez mal a ela, e ela está certa em não querer mais sofrer.
Diariamente, pago o preço por não ter alimentado aquele amor.
Mesmo agora, ainda a amo, à minha maneira e à distância. Esse sentimento é apenas meu.
Entendo que por algum motivo não pudemos ficar juntos naquela época, mas acredito que ficaremos no futuro, se ela assim o desejar.
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banksiafairy · 9 months
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Time Heals, 2020. Analog/Hand Cut Collage.
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If I cried over you, I really loved you.
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metanoia-sturmfrei · 2 years
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Time heals all wounds.
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Walk away from peoples bullshit, some people aren’t worth your time, energy, or space.
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sumeetmahto31 · 2 months
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Hello tumblr I've been on and off you in the past decade and not really done anything with you will I start again or will I just be a lurker who knows, one thing I know is in my 30's this is going to be a place of joy not sadness and rebellion like my 20's and late teens, I admit I was going through alot and was trying to be an edgy teen rebelling against the expectations of myself and not being allowed to be me.
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flannelgo · 1 year
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Alvin Straight's journey wasn't about the miles, but the memories and mending. Driving an old mower, his flannel shirt echoing his rugged resolve, he reminds us: For love and forgiveness, no distance is too great. 'The Straight Story' isn't just a trip—it's a deep dive into life, family, and the ticking clock.
📸 Images © their respective owners.
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aleegerous · 1 year
I found some of our old photographs. I thought I'd deleted all of them but there's only so many times I can spare myself some pain. You were looking at me in most of the pictures. I was laughing, dancing, talking, and you were watching me. I wonder if it was one of those moments when you realized that I wasn't the one for you. I wonder if it was one of those moments when you stopped loving me, when you no longer felt butterflies, when I no longer made you want to smile till your cheeks hurt. No matter how many times I look back, the story always remains the same. I hope we never meet again. Not for my sake, but for yours. I have changed and maybe you have too. But I'll never again give my heart to you.
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thegratefulnuts · 2 years
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marcopinion · 8 months
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I feel remorse as I reflect on my life, filled with opportunities that slipped away due to my immaturity. I failed to recognize and appreciate those who loved me, who harbored passion for me. At that time, I was so immature.
I cannot determine the extent to which the fault was mine. My adolescence was marked by a life that was confined and stifled, and only later did I begin to see the colors and life more fully.
On the other hand, she already knew what she wanted. And what she wanted was me. Even without a real commitment on my part, I continued with that romance, enjoying it to the fullest. However, we both knew it was destined to end.
She loved me deeply, while I belittled the girl who truly desired me, who longed to be by my side.
Today, after so many years, she probably recalls that past with a certain happiness and nostalgia, but with the satisfaction of it being something that didn't work out. She suffered; that relationship harmed her, and she is right not to want to suffer anymore.
Every day, I pay the price for not nurturing that love. Even now, I still love her, in my own way and from a distance. This feeling is mine alone.
I understand that for some reason, we couldn't be together at that time, but I believe we will be together in the future if she desires it.
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byfaithmedia · 2 years
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aquared · 4 months
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cant draw these stupid fucking horns for the life of me
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pbaintthetb · 8 months
Frank: "Being dead isn't as fun as you hoped?"
Hawkeye: "They can't court martial a dead man for punching every smirk off your face"
[Frank starts screaming for help. In the middle of a very crowded tent] Hawkeye: "Nobody's going to help you Frank. They don't like you" [nobody helps Frank]
Hawkeye: "[referring to his father] and ages a couple of years for every day he thinks I've shaken off this cacky coil" [Hawkeye leaves to objections] Hawkeye: "Excuse me sergeant I'm later for an early grave"
'quit crying dad, it's ok.' :-((((((((((( a protaganist with a geninely really good relationshp with his father, we love to see it
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