#Tim Burton's Superman
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captainpirateface · 6 months ago
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syppys-den · 2 months ago
I want to see a universe where these two are the World's Finest
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purely because they don't really match the popular idea of their respective heroes' aesthetic
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90ssuperheroes · 6 months ago
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bodegadulac · 3 months ago
You then have the flipside of "gentryfied" adaptations, when the adaptations change the comics.
This isn't anything new, Adam West Batman and Keaton Batman were both the consecuences of their respective comic eras as much as the model from wich more interpetations of the character in the comic.
Hell, the Fleischer cartoon having trouble animating super jumping is the only reason Superman flies.
Comics trying to tie into their movie, series or pretty much other media can have good, bad and plain confusing results.
You have stuff like marvel having to create a new wasp who is antman's daighter and because Hank and Janet have been divorced as fuck for decades they had to retcon a previous ex wife with wich he had a secret daughter called Nadia (Hope in russian, like the Mcu's name)
Black Adam joining the league before they all "die" beign the only survivor because of the Rock's vanity project.
The confusing as fuck spiderqueen arc with body horror just to justify Peter's new organic webbing.
Supergirl's post rebirth status quo beign pretty much her CW series.
Not one but the 2 attempts of having a black deadshot because of will smith's character. (2016's run impostor deadshot and deadeye).
Red X and the Arkham knight becoming part of the main continuity for no reason.
Felicity Smoak and Chloe Sullivan beign a thing for a hot second.
The whole shitshow with the x-men beign replaced by the inhumans since secret wars (2014) until disney bought fox.
And you can go on and on with more examples, but the most bizzare to me is the Thea Queen situation.
So, Arrow has this character called Thea Queen who is vaguely inspired by Mia Dearden. The show is popular so they introduce Emiko Queen, who is vaguely inspired by Thea, into the comic. And then Arrow introduced Emiko Queen.
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merry-melody · 7 months ago
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covenantofsalt · 7 months ago
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he's more a batman type anyway.
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anindoorchild · 7 months ago
I’m watching every offering in the Batman canon so that I can discover my favorite Batman and unfortunately I hateeee Tim Burton movies but I am a completist so I prevailed. And it was terrible. That being said, Michael Keaton was a GREAT Batman.
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baneshake · 4 months ago
DC Super Heroes Unnecessary Censorship 4
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madbedlam · 2 years ago
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chronomally · 1 year ago
Something I really like about the older Batman movies is how much Gotham City doesn't even look like a place people can live. In Batman (1989) it looks more the inside of a factory and in Batman & Robin (1999) it looks like the fucking Guggenheim
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justice-forever · 1 year ago
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Tim Burton's Justice League By Axel-Droga
Here we have Tim Burton's Justice League. We have Michael Keaton as Batman, Nicolas Cage as Superman, John Wesley Shipp as The Flash and Lucy Lawless as Wonder Woman
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syppys-den · 4 months ago
some concept art for the Superman logo for Superman Lives (or so I'm told)
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if that's not what these are, I sincerely apologize, but I wanted to share them because I thought they were neat ^^
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idontbeatgames · 2 years ago
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Call me crazy but I think the canceled Tim Burton Nicolas Cage Superman film, Superman Lives, could've been something special. 
Do I think it would've changed the world or been on the same tier as Batman '89? No, not really. However, it's hard to not think of the potential that this film would've had. Tim Burton always had stellar visuals, design, and set pieces for both Batman '89 and Batman Returns, along with stellar scores that elevated both Batman films. And since those things are consistent across both Burton films, I think it's fairly reasonable to say that this canceled Superman film would've had the same strengths. 
What would've made this film special, though, is Nicolas Cage himself. People love him, man. He's effortlessly cool and he manages to be the best part of almost anything he's in, regardless of how good or bad those projects are overall (i/e: The Ghost Rider films). I think regardless of dark, gritty, or even how campy this movie would've been, there would've at least been a collective opinion of "the overall film leaves a lot to be desired, for whatever reasons, but man, Nic Cage's Superman was so damn cool".
So, yeah, it may be an unpopular opinion and a small thought but I think that the canceled Tim Burton Nicolas Cage Superman film was a missed opportunity. It might've not changed what Superman films should be, but it definitely would've had an impact on the superhero fanbase and superhero genre all these years later. The creative duo of Tim Burton and Nic Cage probably would've introduced some insanely cool ideas that although they shouldn't work on paper, they absolutely did work regardless of the odds against that film. And on top of that, due to the likely brave decisions they would've made, it probably would've had an impact on what Superman films could be today. It's the cult classic film that could've been real special.
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pinklaser · 2 years ago
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My toy haul and a cool magnet!!! 🖤
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