#Tilly Twomley
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Today's disabled character of the day is Tilly Twomley from Tilly in Technicolor, who has Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder
Requested by Anon
[Image Description: Cover of the book Till in Technicolor. It depicts a girl standing over a boy laying on a bed. She has a camera pointed down at him and he is grabbing the camera strap. They are both smiling and laughing. The girl has long brown hair pulled back into a bun and a light skin tone. She is wearing a white t-shirt and blue shorts. The boy has short blond hair and a light skin tone. He is wearing a grey t-shirt and black pants. The bed they are on has white sheets with blue stripes. This is all taking place in front of a widow.]
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mandiweirdmore · 3 months
Tilly in Technicolor By Mazey Eddings (BOOK REVIEW!!!)
⭐️ 5/5 Stars my new absolute favorite book
Summary - Tilly Twomley just graduated high school while struggling to manage her ADHD. Her Mom wants her to go straight into college but school has never been her forte. Tilly wants to be a writer but her Mom does not think that is a financially stable decision. She spends the summer interning abroad with her sister who she is constantly compared to. Their relationship is strained due to their parents. Tilly meets Oliver Clark who is also interning for her sister. He is Autistic with a special interest in colors and photography. Their ADHD and Autism clash as opposites one craving stability and the other spontaneity. Despite this, they grow a connection over their shared neurodivergent experiences and forced proximity.
Characters ⭐️5/5- THE REPRESENTATION!!! I have never felt so seen! Oliver Clark was my favorite character! He is the protagonist's love interest. I am Autistic and related so hard! Especially seeing everything through the lens of your special interest! (mine is animation not the point though lol) I could definitely relate to Tilly as well! The emotional descriptions were so well done. Especially the strain that being neurodivergent puts on a family. The Mom constantly reminds Tilly to take her medication! I remember that feeling all too well! The Characters are written so well I can not get over it.
Plot ⭐️5/5- Great coming-of-age plot! Perfect to read for recent high school graduates who have no idea what they are doing with their life. Tilly blogs about her lost feelings as a neurodivergent adult transitioning to adulthood. (She actually inspired me to do the same!, because this story made me feel less alone and I want to do the same!)
Setting ⭐️5/5- Amazing! Europe is literally the perfect setting for a love story! I enjoyed the accuracy of having a shutdown in new places/overcrowded places. That is always a struggle when you're neurodivergent and traveling and the author did a great job adding that in.
Dialogue ⭐️5/5- SO FLIPPING GOOD! I annotated my copy because there were so many relatable quotes. I loved when Tilly talked about how she started writing by writing fanfiction and the other character replied that's how all great writers start. LOVE! All the Taylor Swift references killed me in a good way! I freaking love Taylor so that made the book more enjoyable than it already was which I thought would be impossible! Tilly's blog post especially stuck with me because it perfectly encapsulates the neurodivergent experience. Tilly says, "Exposing myself in the hopes that it makes one person feel seen." I want to be like that because I know that lonely feeling and Tilly did succeed with her mission because she made me feel seen. As a chronically ill person this line by Tilly "I want to be known, but not judged." is also relatable and it all connects back to that lonely feeling we all feel.
Conflict ⭐️5/5- Good conflict very relatable! Miscommunication does happen which I most of the time find annoying but in this situation it definitely makes sense. Especially because Autism and ADHD are so opposites. The overarching conflict though is the transition into adulthood college vs the workforce plus having to deal with the opinions of your parents. Something I think anyone could relate to.
Resolution ⭐️5/5- Very good ending it wraps everything up nicely and makes you feel proud of the characters for their accomplishments and improvements.
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bugonmywindow · 11 months
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- Tilly in Technicolor
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🦇 Tilly in Technicolor Book Review 🦇
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
❝ "Like a crystal prism. You absorb the world around you but somehow release this brilliant spectrum of colors through your words that people see themselves in. It's a gift." ❞
❓ #QOTD What would you name your signature nail polish color? (Shatter the Stars purple or The Blood of My Enemies red for me)❓ 🦇 Tilly Twomley is a chaotic rainbow, while Oliver Clark is a constant midnight sky. When they're seated beside one another on a flight to London, even the smallest interactions--from taking their seats to ketchup explosions--seem to end in disaster. They have no clue they'll be working together all summer, interning for Tilly's sister's nail polish start-up. Between Tilly's ADHD and Oliver's autism, their different ways of communicating and seeing the world tend to clash...while bringing them together, too.
💜 The books that take me by surprise are always the most difficult to review. Mazey Eddings' YA debut is a stunning exploration of two neurodivergent minds; a story only Eddings could have written, as she was diagnosed with both ADHD and autism herself. It's evident in the internal dialogue, which grants readers vivid insight into both beautifully unique minds. Tilly is a relatable young adult with no idea how she fits in the world with her mind's unique wiring, while Ollie is eager to design a future for himself, despite his inability to process situations at times. Tilly's boundless energy and mood swings clash with Ollie's preference for familiarity and control. Their differences create the perfect opposites attract romance with beautiful neurodivergent representation from someone who understands both mindsets personally. The chapter titles are fun, the character growth is natural, and the supporting cast brings depth to both Tilly and Ollie's worlds. Tilly in Technicolor is hopeful, charming, and heartwarming all at once; a full spectrum of emotion we don't get often enough.
🦇 I could praise this book for ages, but it does have an unsteady start. Despite the delicious slow burn, the transition from coworkers to friends to lovers wasn't as smooth as I would have liked. I also think the tense relationship between Tilly and her mother was resolved too easily. As someone with parents who "want what's best" but can't empathize with certain conditions (in my case, depression and anxiety), Tilly's mother's sudden acceptance felt too abrupt. The ending felt abrupt as well; this was one of the few times I would have appreciated an epilogue.
🦇 Recommended to any YA lovers looking for a beautiful, unique coming-of-age story. Though it certainly has its fluffy moments, the story is also real and raw; a must-read. (I do think we should categorize this as New Adult, though.)
✨ The Vibes ✨ ❤️ Neurodiversity Rep (Autism & ADHD) 💜 YA Debut 💙 Meet Cute Disaster 🗼 Traveling Europe 💛 First-Person Dual POV 💚 Slow Burn 🤍 Forced Proximity
❝ "They don't have the right to make you feel uncomfortable to fit their ideas of what's proper." ❞
🦇 Major thanks to the author @mazeyeddings and publisher @stmartinspress / @wednesdaybooks for providing an ARC of this book via Netgalley @netgalley. 🥰 This does not affect my opinion regarding the book. #TillyinTechnicolor
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ash-and-books · 1 year
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Rating: 4.5/5
Book Blurb: Tilly in Technicolor is Mazey Eddings's sparkling YA debut about two neurodivergent teens who form a connection over the course of a summer.
Tilly Twomley is desperate for change. White-knuckling her way through high school with flawed executive functioning has left her burnt out and ready to start fresh. Working as an intern for her perfect older sister’s start up isn’t exactly how Tilly wants to spend her summer, but the required travel around Europe promises a much-needed change of scenery as she plans for her future. The problem is, Tilly has no idea what she wants.
Oliver Clark knows exactly what he wants. His autism has often made it hard for him to form relationships with others, but his love of color theory and design allows him to feel deeply connected to the world around him. Plus, he has everything he needs: a best friend that gets him, placement into a prestigious design program, and a summer internship to build his resume. Everything is going as planned. That is, of course, until he suffers through the most disastrous international flight of his life, all turmoil stemming from lively and exasperating Tilly. Oliver is forced to spend the summer with a girl that couldn’t be more his opposite—feeling things for her he can’t quite name—and starts to wonder if maybe he doesn’t have everything figured out after all.
As the duo’s neurodiverse connection grows, they learn that some of the best parts of life can’t be planned, and are forced to figure out what that means as their disastrously wonderful summer comes to an end.
Two neurodivergent teens, a summer internship in Europe, and a sweet romance. Tilly Twomley is looking forward for the chance to get away and enjoy her summer, away from the feeling that she's disappointing her parents and a burden to them, and finally just get some time to be herself and make the most of her summer visiting Europe. Tilly has ADHD and her parents are concerned about her future and constantly putting pressure on her, they treat her as if she's flawed... and so they send her to be an intern for her sister, the same sister who is perfect and graduated from Yale and started her own business. Tilly isn't exactly looking forward to being an intern but she is definitely looking forward to spending time exploring Europe and being away from her parents. Oliver Clark knows exactly what he wants and what his goals are. Oliver has autism that makes it hard for him to form relationships with people but he has one true passion: his love for color theory and design and when he lands the perfect summer internship he can't wait to begin. Yet on the plane ride there, both Oliver and Tilly have a very unlikely meeting and unforgettable and disastrous flight filled with mix ups, throw up, and awkwardness. Oliver and Tilly thought their plane ride would be the last they saw of each other... only to then discover that they will be interning together and spending the summer together. Two neurodiverse individuals, a summer filled with beautiful moments, and a summer neither of them will forget. This was a sweet and fun story told from dual POVs, both Tilly and Oliver were great characters to read about and seeing them deal with their own neurodiverse experiences as well as how they support one another was really great.
*Thanks Netgalley and St. Martin's Press, Wednesday Books for sending me an arc in exchange for an honest review*
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Accepted Characters 1/19/2024
Charlie Parsons from A World Record Christmas
Ozuka Keita from Forever Honey
unnamed doll from Miniland
Lao Huang from Xenoblade Chronicles X
Lee Berry Dennings from Cozy Grove
Onin from Jak and Daxter
Sabito from Demon Slayer
unnamed doll from Miniland
Ikjong Woo from Survive to Revive
Chisato Arashi from Love Live
Kyoko Itou from Private Actress
Tilly Twomley from Tilly in Technicolor
Oliver Clark from Tilly in Technicolor
Sheelagh Rendell from Agatha Christie's Poirot
Echo from Gravity Rush
unnamed baby doll from Miniland
Archie Pawston from Cozy Grove
2,211 Requests Remain
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